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Vertigo and Dizziness making Life Unlivable ? Homeopathy has a treatment for it !

Homeopathic Remedies for Vertigo

Vertigo is a sensation in which a person feels that he or she is moving or the things in the surrounding are in motion which is not so in reality. The person with vertigo may have difficulty maintaining balance while walking and standing. Improper imbalance can also result in falling. Nausea and vomiting may also accompany vertigo.

Homeopathy offers excellent treatment in cases of vertigo. With zero side effects and  a natural composition, homeopathic remedies for vertigo give wonderful results. Homeopathic medicines provide cure in vertigo cases by working at a deep level to root out the cause. Besides relieving vertigo, these medicines also help to manage attending symptoms like nausea, vomiting, headache, noises in ears (tinnitus), a sensation of fullness in the ears that may occur in some cases depending on the cause behind it. Unlike medicines used in the conventional mode that work temporarily and can have side effects, homeopathic medicines give long term relief with zero side effects.

Initially, homeopathy aims to give relief in acute vertigo episodes. Afterwards, it works to reduce the intensity and frequency of vertigo attacks in future. Its main motive is to help to cure it entirely with proper treatment. As vertigo can arise from varying causes, homeopathy focuses to fight back this cause to give excellent cures.

Homeopathy is a highly reliable healing science based on fixed principles to prescribe medicines. It does not follow a hit and trial approach to address health issues. Rather the medicine prescription, potency selection, dosage and repetition — all are done according to fixed laws of homeopathy. It makes it a very safe and reliable treatment option for vertigo cases. Homeopathic treatment as guided by a homeopathic physician results in cure in most of the vertigo cases having mild to moderate intensity.

Every person has an inbuilt self-healing mechanism in the body that can help to overcome health issues naturally. Some type of stimulus is needed for this mechanism to self-heal. Homeopathy uses medicines for vertigo in a highly diluted form that works to stimulate this self-healing mechanism for natural recovery.

7 Best Homeopathic Remedies For Vertigo

Homeopathy provides several remedies to treat Vertigo. The topmost among these are Conium, Gelsemium, Cocculus Indicus, Chininum Sulph, Belladonna, Bryonia and China.

1. Conium – Top-Grade Medicine

Conium leads the chart of homeopathic medicines for managing vertigo. The persons needing it feels as if he/she is moving around in a circle. Worsening of vertigo from head movement is the key indication to use this medicine. It is one of the best medicines to deal with cases of BPPV (a condition in which vertigo occurs from head movement). It is also well indicated when vertigo worsens from turning in bed. It works well when vertigo gets worse while rising from a seat or bed. Besides, its use is suggested when vertigo occurs while walking. There may be a tendency to fall sideways. Lastly, for elderly people who experience vertigo, Conium is very beneficial.

When to use Conium?

This medicine should be used as a first remedy in cases of vertigo especially one that worsens from head movement, walking and turning in bed.

How to use Conium?

It can be used in varying potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M. Most commonly it is used in 30C potency once or twice a day. To use high potencies, kindly consult a homeopathic physician.

2. Gelsemium – For Vertigo With Loss Of Balance

Gelsemium is a natural medicine prepared from the plant ‘yellow jasmine’. It is a very effective medicine when vertigo is accompanied by loss of balance. It poses difficulty in walking which causes a staggering gait (unsteady walk as if drunk). Other than this, it is indicated when vertigo is attended with dim vision, double vision and heaviness of eyelids. In cases needing gelsenium, vertigo gets worse from walking mostly.

When to use Gelsemium?

Consider its use in cases where vertigo is accompanied by loss of balance while walking or dim vision / double vision or heaviness of eyelids.

How to use Gelsemium?

It is usually given in 30C potency two to three times a day. Its higher potencies can be used only on the advice of a homeopathic doctor.

3. Cocculus Indicus – For Vertigo With Nausea, Vomiting

Cocculus Indicus is a highly suitable medicine for vertigo accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In cases needing it, vertigo worsens while sitting up or standing. It is also a top-listed medicine for vertigo with nausea and vomiting during travelling. Besides, cocculus is an important medicine to manage vertigo worsening from loss of sleep. Besides, there is a feeling as if one will faint.

When to use Cocculus Indicus?

This medicine should be preferred in all cases where nausea and vomiting occurs along with vertigo.

How to use Cocculus Indicus?

It is mainly recommended in 30C potency. It can be taken once or twice a day as per the severity of the complaint.

4. Chininum Sulph – For Vertigo In Cases Of Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s Disease refers to a condition in which hearing loss, noises in ear (tinnitus) and vertigo occur. Chininum Sulph is of great help when there is vertigo with noises in the ear. The noises can be buzzing, ringing or roaring in nature varying from case to case. The person needing it has difficulty in standing and frequently falls down. Vertigo mainly worsens on stooping. In some cases, vertigo is accompanied by headache.

When to use Chininum Sulph?

This medicine should be the first choice to manage vertigo in case of Meniere’s disease with buzzing, ringing or roaring noises in ears and hearing difficulty.

How to use Chininum Sulph?

From low to high potency it works well in all potencies. Initially, it is best to use 30C potency once a day or twice a day. In case no changes occur, one may use high potencies under the supervision of a homeopathic expert.

5. Belladonna – For Vertigo During Headache

Belladonna is a leading medicine for treating vertigo that occurs along with headache due to cervical spondylosis. In cases needing it, vertigo worsens from movement, when turning in bed. It may also increase while stooping and from rising from stooped position. A tendency to fall to the left side or backward may be present. Headache attends vertigo. Headache gets better by applying pressure or binding the head.

When to use Belladonna?

This medicine is best for vertigo that gets worse while stooping or when rising from stooping attended by headache.

How to use Belladonna?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency twice or thrice a day as per the intensity of complaint.

6. Bryonia – For Vertigo In Case Of BPPV

BPVV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) refers to a condition in which vertigo appears on the head’s movement or changing the head’s position. Bryonia is an excellent medicine for BPVV other than Conium. It works well when vertigo appears from sudden motion of the head in any direction. It seems as if all objects are moving in a circle. The condition improves when the head is in an absolute rest position without even the slightest motion.

When to use Bryonia?

Bryonia can be used in cases in which vertigo triggers from the sudden movement of head and gets better with complete rest with no head movement.

How to use Bryonia?

Bryonia is mostly used in 30C potency. One may take it twice or thrice a day depending on the severity of the problem.

7. China Officinalis – For Vertigo Worse On Movement And Walking

China is an important medicine when vertigo worsens with movement and walking. The person is unable to walk straight and staggers while walking. The problem gets relieved by lying down. With vertigo, fainting spells may occur. A tendency to fall backward is mainly present.

When to use China Officinalis?

The use of this medicine is highly applicable for cases of vertigo which worsens on movement and while walking and relief is noted by lying down.

How to use China Officinalis?

China Officinalis 30C twice a day is an ideal dose to start with.

Causes Behind Vertigo

1. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV): It is the most common cause behind vertigo. In this case, vertigo occurs from a sudden change in head position. For example, it may trigger from moving head up or down or turning in bed.  BPPV happens when calcium particles that are present in utricle move into semi-circular canal of inner ear that control balance. On head movement, these particles touch and stimulate the cilia (sensory hair cells via which the body’s balance and position information is signalled to brain) of these canals. Due to this, wrong information is processed about body’s position resulting in vertigo.

2. Labyrinthitis: Inflammation or infection of labyrinth which is part of inner ear

3. Vestibular neuritis: Inflammation of vestibular nerve that processes signal to brain about balance

4. Meniere’s disease: An inner ear disorder that causes triad of complaints including vertigo, tinnitus (noises in ear) and hearing loss.

5. Cholesteatoma: A cyst growing in middle ear behind the eardrum

6. Migraine headache: One-sided severe throbbing headache attended with nausea vomiting. Sensitivity to noise, light, odors can be there. Vertigo can also attend these symptoms.

7. Otosclerosis: Condition arising from abnormal bone growth in the middle ear

8. Ear surgery, head/neck injury, low blood pressure, certain medicines which damage ear for example diuretics, salicylates, aminoglycoside antibiotics and stroke (damage to brain from interrupted blood supply to brain)

What are the symptoms of  Vertigo?

Persons who have vertigo feel as if they are spinning or objects around them are moving or they are swaying or feeling unbalanced. They may have some other symptoms as well depending on the cause behind vertigo. These include nausea, vomiting, balance issues, headache, noises in ears (tinnitus), fullness sensation in ears, sweating and nystagmus (rapid, repetitive, involuntary eye movement).



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  1. Vishal Gupta says:

    Can I take byronia 30 c for dizziness and acute cervical

  2. Ashok bhardwaj says:

    Vertigo on turning head in bed.


    I have feeling of mild sicness but no vomitting, long term gastritis andconstipation, recent pain in the neck and left shoulder/arm, and mild dizziness, instability in walking, but no spinning. My age is 80 plus. What remedy would help me Gelsimium or Belladona or Bryonia? Thanks.

  4. Saikumar. P says:

    Namaskar, spinning head, eyes, headache vomiting sensation, left hand pulling, and neck pain.please suggest the medicine.

    • Saikumar. P says:

      Namaskar, spinning head, eyes, headache vomiting sensation, left hand pulling, and neck pain.please suggest the medicine.

  5. Emily nye says:

    I fell ill with flulike symptoms second week of November and nearly two months later I’m still very unwell.I am very weak and feel quite dizzy most of the time. Brain fog is also very bad and severe fatigue. I’ve only been out 3 for short periods and that exhausts me. I’m not sleeping well . Pains in body are much better. I would love to get back to normal again. Many thanks. I am 75 years.

  6. I J L A L. HUSSAIN says:

    What is best homeopathic remedy for vertigo along with nervousness during Air Travel during taking of and landing of plane ?

  7. Khana khate waqt chakar aana …ya sar me dard hona

  8. Saima Murtaza says:

    Good morning, my 15 year is feeling nauseous for almost 2 months at this point. She gets better and then starts having it again. She does not feel much hungry at times but then after sometime she is super hungry. Normal bowl movement. It’s occasional not a frequent things. At least 3-4 times a day she goes through this nausea thing. Can you please prescribe any homeopathic medicine.? I will be so grateful. She is not pregnant

  9. I am having dizziness for almost an year . It gets worse while moving the head up down left or right or with slight position change. I get dizziness while waking up from bed all of a sudden. It’s not exactly spinnin but rather floating sensation. While walking I feel unsteadiness , loss of balance as if I am inclining towards either right or left side although I am walking straight . Sometimes the head feels heavy and there is a pain starting from the back of head and radiating throughout the head. I was given an X ray where it is told that I have reduced cervical lordosis. I feel dizzy all throughout the day . The sensation of floating sometimes come with a jerk in the head. If I stay in a sitting posture then the things around me feel like sliding up down . Why am I having all these ?

    • Have your symptoms resolved ?

    • Hy i m puja i have vertigo from last 2 years i do multiple test all normal now i thought about homopathic shoulf i try bcz i try bethaserc and everything i have dizzy and its worst with head movement ent doctor neuro doctor can’t find any clue what exactly happened with my dizziness pls help no any prblm only i have dizziness spining and prblm with head movement vominting nausea i don’t have this symptoms online vertigo when i close my eyes its worst i can’t work fast bcz i fell low balance can’t do fast work

  10. Hi-
    I have had vertigo often on for several years. I had an adjustment with a vestibular specialist that made it disappear until yesterday. The odd thing is sometimes if I’ve had too much sugar or gluten it worsens, but this time it was worse than I’ve ever experienced. My balance is way off and I’m having a hard time walking straight. I also have tinnitus.
    Would you recommend Gelsemium or something that would work better?
    Thank you-

  11. Sarwar Bhuiyan says:

    I had vertigo attacks twice that lasted for several hours also around 10 years before that I had ringing (tinnitus) which lasted for a few months and went itself.
    I feel awful when traveling on an airplane. It feels like my ear will be busted and it takes a few days to go away. Also constantly bubbling from the ear. I have high blood pressure and recently started to taking Kent 32 blood pressure drops.
    Could you please suggest to me any Homeopathic medication for that?
    I am 56 years 56-year-old South East Asian background male.
    Thank you and best regards.

  12. Ramesh Challakonda says:

    GD mng Dr.
    I am a vertigo patient. ENT physician diagnosed as Meneir’s. When I get reeling sensation even on bed I get sense of vomitting. At times, I get sleepy sensation. Sometimes if I sleep for a few hours I get relief to a great extent from dizziness. Most of the time feeling heavy head. Not observed much sounds in ears. Earlier I was suffering from sinus. I used to have writer’s cramps as well as spondylosis.
    Please suggest remedy for my symptoms

  13. Girish Gopal Mulchandani says:

    Hello Doctor

    My father age is 80 years old and in his medical report few blood clot have present in brain thats why he is suffering from vertigo

    Please recommend any medicine

    Thanks and Regards

    Girish Gopal Mulchandani

  14. Achaleswar Dutta Shrestha says:

    I have been suffering from meniers disease (mainly vertigo problem while walking ) for 27 years. I was treated with medicines like cinnarizin ,diazepam, betahistine, etc. They worked well. I had to repeat the medication when needed. Now the medicines are not working well enough to do my normal activity. I am 71. Please advise me.
    Thanking you.

  15. Mahua Ray says:

    Hello doctor

    I have been diagnosed with bppv one month ago. I took allopathic medicines but no relief. Still I feel dizzy sometimes and when I lie down I feel like I am floating. I cannot bow my head as well. Can homeopathy cure me permanently? What medicines to take?

  16. Prafulla kumar panda says:

    I take cocculus 30& belladonna 30 for vertigo since last 6month. Can I continue the medicine? If yes then for how long. Symptoms warm head&face.but temperature is normal. Pl suggest.

  17. Great article! I wonder if you guys have heard of Mal De Debarqument Syndrome too (it’s a fairly ‘newly named’) type of vertigo – and what you would use to treat it? More doctors & neurologists need to know about it and what it’s called. The sensation/symptoms have been around since the invention of boats, planes, buses etc.

    Thank you so much for this really good article and the information too 👏 🙂

  18. Bashir Ahmad says:

    Hi Dr Sharma,

    My wife is diagnosed with “Spinocerebellar Ataxia” she inherited it from her father. We live in Australia. Can you please advise any treatment? We are willing to book a consultation with you.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.


  19. RABB DAV says:


  20. seema upadhyay says:

    hi my daughter taarini upadhyay who lives in goa is suffering from vertigo. 1st episode occured in nov 2022 and last week she had another episode of vertigo. She is suffering from migrane fro many years . she is 27 yrs of age. I would really appreciate your assistance in this regard

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