Cystitis refers to an inflammation of the urinary bladder that causes difficulty in passing urine owing to which it can completely throw life out of gear for an affected person. The common symptoms of cystitis are painful urination, burning during urination, a constant urge to pass urine due to an inability to control the bladder, increased frequency of urination, and foul smelling urine. In some cases, the condition manifests itself in the form of fever accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Some patients complain of pain in the lower back.
Homeopathy can help wonderfully in cases of cystitis. Homeopathic medicines can successfully reduce the inflammation of bladder and alleviate the associated signs and symptoms. It manages complaint of painful urination, burning with urination, and frequent urination very effectively. Mainstream medicine usually treats cystitis with antibiotics that may have some side effects. On the other hand, homeopathic treatment is natural and side effect- free compared to other cures as its medicines are sourced from naturally occurring products. Additionally, the results are long term as these medicines work on a deep level to treat the associated root cause rather than just working at a superficial level.
Homeopathy treats root cause in cystitis
Homeopathic medicines help to treat cystitis from its root naturally by fighting with its cause. Homeopathy uses the body’s own defense to combat the infection in cystitis cases and eliminate it from the body. Initially it provides symptomatic relief and gradually with complete course of homeopathic treatment, its symptoms resolves completely. Besides treating acute cases, homeopathic medicines also play a great role in preventing recurrent episodes of cystitis.
Homeopathic treatment for cystitis is individualized
Homeopathy follows the law of individualization to prescribe medicines to treat cases of cystitis and provide magnificent results. According to this law, the homeopathic medicine for every case of cystitis is selected individually as per the peculiar characteristic symptoms presented by the sufferer. After noting down all the symptoms, the case evaluation is done by a homeopathic doctor. After this, the medicines are prescribed in required potency in specific dosage for every case. This well selected medication brings about wonderful results.
Homeopathic medicines are totally safe
The best part of using homeopathic medicines for cystitis is that these are safe remedies with no side effects at all. These medicines are derived from naturally occurring substances which makes them totally harmless and treat this condition in a very safe manner.
Top 5 Homoeopathic Medicines for Cystitis
The topmost homeopathic medicine to treat cystitis are Cantharis, Apis Mellifica, Equisetum, Sarsaparilla and Staphysagria.
1.Cantharis – For Managing Pain / Burning In Cystitis
Cantharis is a well-known homoeopathic remedy for its marvellous effects on inflammations and infections of urinary tract. It is ideal for cases of cystitis with pain and a lot of burning during urination. The urine is passed drop by drop due to the excessive burning while passing urine. Pain and burning may be present before and after passing urine as well. There is also an urge to pass urine frequently. The reason for this is the incomplete clearance of the bladder.
When to use Cantharis?
Cantharis can be used as a first line of treatment to treat pain or burning while urination, before urination or after urination in cases of cystitis.
How to use Cantharis?
This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. However it is suggested to start with low potency like 30C that can be taken two to three times a day.
2. Apis Mellifica – For Burning While Passing Last Drops Of Urine
Apis Mellifica is an excellent remedy used in homoeopathy for inflammation of the bladder with marked burning while passing the last drops of urine. The urine is hot and passed drop by drop owing to the burning. The incomplete urination gives rise to a constant urge to urinate. This medicine is also indicated to manage stinging pains when passing urine.
When to use Apis Mellifica?
Apis Mellifica should be preferred for cystitis treatment when the main complaint is burning sensation while urinating specifically when passing the last drops of urine.
How to use Apis Mellifica?
It is advised to take this medicine in 30C potency once or twice a day.
3. Equisetum – To Manage Frequent And Urgent Urination In Cystitis
This medicine is very beneficial for cystitis cases with a frequent and urgent desire to pass urine. The urine passes in large quantity along with burning in urethra. There is dull pain in the bladder. This pain is not relieved even after passing urine. There is a sensation of fullness in the bladder as well. Next, a prickling pain and itching at the urethral opening is felt.
When to use Equisetum?
Equisetum is a very important medicine suggested to manage complaint of increased frequency and urgency to pass urine in cases of cystitis.
How to use Equisetum?
Among its various available potencies, it is best to start with 30C potency one to two times a day.
4. Sarsaparilla – For Pain After Urination
This medicine is well indicated to manage pain in the bladder after urination. A thin stream of urine is passed. Urine is scanty and may contain flakes. The urge to pass urine is frequent with scanty urination.
When to use Sarsaparilla?
Sarsaparilla is a prominent medicine to treat cystitis with marked bladder pain felt after passing urine.
How to use Sarsaparilla?
It is recommended to use Sarsaparilla 30C once or twice a day.
5. Staphysagria – For Burning Pain During And After Urination
Staphysagria is a wonderful homoeopathic medicine to treat cystitis and other urinary tract infections. The patients who require this medicine complain of burning pain when urinating and also after urinating. The urine either passes in thin stream or drop by drop. A pressure is felt over the urinary bladder and there is a sensation as if the bladder is not emptied properly. Staphisagria is also a highly recommended medicine to treat cystitis in case of newly married women who come with the complaint of UTI.
When to use Staphysagria?
This medicine should be selected to deal with cases of cystitis when there is burning pain during and after passing urine.
How to use Staphysagria?
This medicine can be used once a day in 30C power.
Causes and Risk Factors
Cystitis mostly occurs from bacterial infection that tends to gain entry from the urethra. The most important bacteria that results in cystitis is E Coli (Escherichia Coli). The incidence of cystitis is higher in females owing to their smaller urethra which makes it easy for the bacteria to enter the bladder. Other sources of infection could be through sexual transmission, and use of contraceptives. Long-term catheter use, chronic dehydration, chemicals in certain personal hygiene products, bubble bath, diabetes, enlarged prostate, kidney stones chemotherapy and radiation therapy to pelvic area are some of risk factors for cystitis.
I have cystitis just now. I have tried Apis mel, Cantharis, and homeopathic penicillin. It goes away for a few days. But comes back. What doseage would you suggest. 4/ 5 hourly I have various potencies. I admit I need to drink more water. I Normally drink about 2 litres a day, or more.
I am 83 yrs and weigh around 6.10 I do not want to take traditional penicillin, as it doesn’t agree with me
have used homoeopathy for over 50 yrs.
if you think Staphisagria. Might help.
Am in touch with my GP when really necessary.
I may have some, and will try it.
Hello Dr. sharma. Woke up with pain in right lower SIDE pélvis. Urgência to pee and uncomfortableness, but no Paint, burning when peeling. Diarhea, 4 Times. Went to hospital, was diagnosed w pyelitis. What homeopathic remedies do you recommend? Thank you
Peth Kay nicheye dard Sujan jalan, bladder mai Sujan,bar bar peshab jaan aur thali Bhatia rhana,piles mai kanji khun Ana dark kanji red aur jaan chubhan rahana4aur 5 din ,2 ya 3 mahinaua mai bukhar sang dard Hons,sinus mai sir 2 corner aur circular Bharat hana ,joint pain+Haddi pain aur gathiya pain bhi hota hai please homeopathey medicine for describe bimariyo,
सर मुझे पेसब में जलन होती है और पेसाब करने में भी जलन होती है बार बार पेसाब होता है।
My 11 year old granddaughter has cystitis and comes on at night.
Dr amar urine bladar konick cist taiais urethar infection
Sir, meri maa ki umar 90saal.maa ka USG karaya tha report me cystitis bludder inflammation likha hai.maa ka aage bhi bahut baar urine infection hua hai.Is ke liye beech beech me stomach ke nichehisses me dard hota hai saath me ulti lagta hai.sir koun sa homeopathy medecine dena chahiye.
I am patient of urine bladder wall thickening. It’s 1.4 mm thick. I have bern taking homeopathy for one year. Presently I am taking chimophilla Q 20 drops thrice a day aloso using CIC SELF CATHETERIZATION. I havr to squeek a lot and stain as hell to get the urine out. It becomes easy to urinate if o remain in the continuous state of diahorrea. The doctors have diagnosed me with weak bladder muscles that occured due to my diabetic neuropathy and taking of steroids for four months. Can you help me
I am patient of urine bladder wall thickening. It’s 1.4 mm thick as per ultrasound report. I am getting treatment from a homeopathic doctor for one year. Presently I am taking chimophilla Q 20 drops thrice a day also using CIC SELF CATHETERIZATION. I havr to squeek a lot and stain as hell to get the urine out. It becomes easy to urinate if o remain in the continuous state of diahorrea. The doctors have diagnosed me with weak bladder muscles that occured due to my diabetic neuropathy and taking of steroids for four months. Can you help me
Contact me for cystitis problem, tuberculated wall in bladder, prostatitis, blockage bladder in homoeopathy treatment. I m senior physician Dr Jamshed khan MD homiopath from allahabad. Call me at 9839715758
Hi Dr.l Sharma, I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis and Apis Mellifica seem to match my symptoms most. There are times when passing urine more difficult if I ate something I’m sensitive/allergic to. I have a long list of food sensitivities/allergies. I have a history of holding urine for a long time (from long car trips without close restrm and holding urine for 2 pregnancy ultrasounds, both extremely painful)
Through ultrasound they told me I have a distended bladder and with biofeedback I was told I have a prolapsed uterus. I have constant urge, initial about 75% would come out easily, the remaining would trickle out and not come out completely. It takes between half hr to an hr every night before bed trying to empty bladder so I am comfortable to go to bed… very exhausting. Do you think above remedy is best one for me? If so, how often do I dose and at what potency?
Thank you very much, Laura Q
I have bnn suffering from chorinc cystitis in urinary bladder nd mildly thickness 3.7 mm.nd also remain 2.2mm tiny calculus in left kidney in middle calux from 2014 .,10 august to 2021 till sir kindly give me homeopathic that totally hbe been cleard from dis dresses.i do,nt capturing the urine fr a long time.pls give me medicine.i m unmarried.i m 29 yrs old.i m student
I have irregular thickening of bladder for last 18 years have back ache and feel uncomfortable cannot stand for long.what can be done as a remedy. Please help
Dear Dr. Sharma
I am patient of urine bladder wall thickening. It’s 6mm thick as per ultrasound report. I am getting treatment from a homeopathic doctor from one year. But not feeling any difference. Please suggest.
R. N. Rai