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Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies for Frequent Urination

Homeopathic Remedies for Frequent UrinationFrequent urination is a medical condition in which a person has the urge to pass urine after very small intervals. The urine passed may be normal, scanty or large in quantity; may happen in the day or at night. Frequent urination may be accompanied by pain or burning while urinating, an urgent need to urinate, smell in urine, pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, or pelvic region and fever depending on the cause behind it.

The problem of frequent urination can be effectively treated with the use of natural homeopathic remedies. Banking on homeopathic remedies for frequent urination can really pay off. By addressing the underlying cause, it brings great relief in frequent urination as well as any attending symptoms like pain, burning when urination, urgency to pass urine. It works great in both acute as well as chronic cases of frequent urination. Homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the increased frequency to pass urine without any adverse effects.

Homeopathic prescription for frequent urination is done after a detailed case analysis by a homeopathic doctor. The natural remedies for frequent passing of urine are selected based upon the particular symptoms of each individual. While recommending the best medicine, the quantity of urine, its color, any associated offensiveness and the time of aggravation are noted down. The absence or presence of pain or burning sensation while passing urine or afterwards is also considered. It is after the complete evaluation of the symptoms that the most suitable remedy is administered to the patient to get rid of frequent urination.

Homeopathy goes to the core of the problem of frequent urination and aims to cure rather than just provide temporary relief. It focuses on treating the root cause (like urinary infection, prostate enlargement) which is leading to frequent urine.

As homeopathic medicines are made of natural substances, they effectively treat frequent urination in a safe, gentle manner.

Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies for Frequent Urination

The top-ranked homeopathic medicines to treat frequent urination are Cantharis, Lycopodium, Merc Sol, Sabal Serrulata, Equisetum Hyemale and Thuja.

1. Cantharis For Frequent Urination With Pain, Burning And In UTI Cases

Cantharis is one of the best remedies when there is a frequent need to urinate with pain, and burning in urethra especially in UTI cases. The urge to pass urine is almost ineffectual as it is renewed soon after urinating and the person is not satisfied. For using Cantharis, the pain/burning is present before, during, and after urination. The urine may feel very hot and at times blood in urine may appear. The urine is also scanty or it is passed drop by drop.

When to use Cantharis?

It is primarily indicated for managing frequent urination accompanied with pain and burning and offers best help in UTI cases.

How to use Cantharis?

It is available in different potenices from low to high potency, however initially it is advised to take it in 30C potency two to three times a day.

2. Lycopodium — For Frequent Urination At Night

Lycopodium stands out as the leading natural treatment for frequent urination at night. The person needing Lycopodium frequently wakes up at night to pass urine. The urine passed may be scanty or large in quantity, but night aggravation is marked. Lycopodium is also the ideal remedy in cases of cystitis, bladder calculi or enlarged prostate leading to frequent urination at night. For using Lycopodium in case of frequent urination at night, the urine may be of varying characters, including pale, dark, clear, foamy, red or milky. One characteristic feature that accompanies frequent urination is backache that gets worse before urinating.

When to use Lycopodium?

This medicine is highly recommended to manage frequent urine at night either scanty or large in quantity.

How to use Lycopodium?

The potency of this medicine differs from case to case from low to high. But usually its use is done in 30C potency that can be taken once or twice a day.

3. Merc Sol — For Frequent Urination Both In Day and Night

Merc Sol is an excellent medicine for frequent urination occurring during day and at night time. There may be an urge to pass almost every hour. The urine stream is weak and little urine passes at a time. Burning in urethra may be felt when beginning to pass urine.

When to use Merc Sol?

Merc Sol is a highly suitable medicine for managing cases of frequent urine present both in day and night with scanty urination.

How to use Merc Sol?

One may take it in 30C potency once or twice a day as per severity of complaint.

4. Sabal Serrulata—For Frequent Urination In Enlarged Prostate Cases

Sabal Serrulata is the most frequently used medicine to treat cases of frequent urination in prostate cases. It can be used when a person has a frequent urge to pass urine, which may or may not be painful. Night aggravation of frequent urination in enlarged prostate cases also calls for the use of Sabal Serrulata. There is a feeling of fullness in the bladder. There is pain when initiating urination.

When to use Sabal Serrulata?

It is the best choice of medicine to deal with frequent urination in cases of enlarged prostate.

How to use Sabal Serrulata?

Its use is usually considered in Q (i.e. mother tincture) form that can be used twice or thrice a day.

5. Equisetum Hyemale —For Frequent Urination With Large Quantity Of Urine

Equisetum Hyemale is wonderful medicine when there is a frequent urge to pass urine and the urine is very large. This symptom may be most often disturbing at night. The urine passed is mostly clear. In some persons, the desire to urinate can be almost constant. Along with frequent urination, the person may experience a sharp pain while passing urine or after urinating. Pain and distension of the bladder with urine that does not disappear even after urinating are the associated symptoms.

When to use Equisetum Hyemale?

This medicine can be considered for cases where frequent urination is attended with passage of large quantities of urine.

How to use Equisetum Hyemale?

It can be used in both low and high potencies among which the most commonly used is 30C potency once to thrice a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

6. Thuja — For Frequent Urine Attended With Urgency To Urinate

Thuja is a well-indicated medicine when frequent urine is accompanied with urgency to urinate. Those requiring this medicine have to immediately hurry to pass urine as soon as one feels the urge to urinate. Frequent urge to pass urine occurs especially at night time. The urinary stream is thin. Cutting sensation in the bladder and urethra are felt.

When to use Thuja?

One may opt its use when along with increased frequency of urine there is a need to immediately pass urine when one feels the urge.

How to use Thuja?

To begin with, one may use its 30C potency once a day.

Causes of Frequent Urination

It may occur just from too much fluid intake in a day, drinking caffeine or alcohol in some persons. While in others there might be some medical reason behind it as discussed further. These include diabetes mellitus, Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), prostate enlargement in males, overactive bladder (a condition leading to frequent and a sudden urge to pass urine), stones in urinary bladder, pregnancy and inflamed urinary bladder (Cystitis).

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  1. Hello my mother age 72 suffering from diabetes since last 10 year weight 100 kg have problem of frequently urination not able to hold please guide

  2. I am suffering for frequent urine calls at day & night time within hour since a month .whenever I use homeopathic remedy this occurs . I continuously use some remedy especially for cough after exertion but no benefit.Frequent micturation cause desire for water & chain starts. Urine is white without pain or burning. I have taken sulfur & arg.nit but no age is 50+ & this problem is recurring since boy hood

  3. Sharat Kumar Goel says:

    I have problem of uration in night time.
    frequency is almost every hour or 45 min. interval.
    Disturbs sleep.
    Quantity is sufficient every time.
    I m Diabatic and high BP. both r under control.
    Age is76 yrs.
    No prostate problem.
    Request Suggest Some medicine.

    • M.A. Rahman says:

      my wife age is 50+ and she is normal and now in menopaused and she is suffering with frequent urination in day and night having back pain after urination please suggest good homeo remedy for her

    • monowar hossain says:

      I have problem of urination at night time.
      frequency is almost every hour or 45 min. interval.
      Disturbs sleep.
      Quantity is insufficient every time.
      I have high BP but under control.
      Age is 46 yrs.
      No prostate problem.
      Request Suggest Some medicine.

  4. Dr. HabibKhan EdD Harvard says:

    Hi Doc
    I’m suffering from polyuria. Every two hrs.
    Its bothersome at night
    I’m 70+ and had never had this condition
    My Fasting Sugar is 111 (24/9/20)
    DrHabibKhan, EdD Harvard 20:11
    How can you help me ? I’m a Pakistani in Islamabad.
    DrHabibKhan, EdD Harvard 20:18
    Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

    • Hakam Ali khan says:

      Frequent urination specially during cloudy weather,night sleep is always disturbed,please advise me homeopathic treatment

  5. Pl. suggest any Homeo medicine for Frequent nocturnal urination of my mother, 84 years old.

  6. Irfan Burney says:

    Dear Doctor,

    I am 65+ yrs male, hypertensive with BPH. Prostrate enlarge slightly Problem of Nocturia 4 to 5 times at night. Slight burning sensation during urination. Flow is little slow but non-problematic.
    Kindly suggest remedy.

    Irfan Burney

    • ksethuramalingam says:

      I am 64 years old diabetic having frequent and profuse urination colour white, albumin present in urine
      Having this problem for about one year. Not having burning sensation.
      Kindly suggest me homeo remedy.

  7. Hello doctor. My 8 year child is urinating frequently every 5 mins from last week and drinks water. We have performed all urine and blood test but reports are normal. But problem still exists what type of medicine should be given? What is the problem?

  8. kamal bhattacharyya says:

    Sir, I have sugar but range ramains maximum 250 sometimes I take Glaclazide 30 and Vildagliptin 50/500 mg, I feel urinating especially during work place and travel–please share some remedy. Sir, I am 50. male.

  9. Ange Ulrichsen says:

    Hi, my polyuria issue has been chronic for about 25 years.
    Night frequency; sometimes up to 8 times. I do not have any pain or burning sensation.
    I have pressure in my lower abdomen. Regular ueine xhecks by doctor show no symptom of UTI. Over years Gynacologist visits reported no prolapse. I have tried homeopathic remedies such as Lycopodium, Sepia and Pulsutilla. These were prescribed some months ago by a Homeopath in 200 tincturses. None made any difference. More recently I sm aware of more pressure like my gut wants to hang out. I am 72 and wuite desperate for to hear your help me. Thank you and I look forward to your wisdom.

  10. sudhansu chakrabarti says:

    Dear Doctor,
    I am 65+ yrs male, hypertensive with BPH. Prostrate size 35 gm with insignificant residual post void urine (<30 ml). Problem of Nocturia 4/5 times at night. No pain/burning sensation during urination. Flow is little slow but non-problematic. Kindly suggest remedy.
    sudhansu chakrabarti

  11. Narendra Roy says:

    Respected doctor, Myself is 56 yrs old having high blood pressure observing night time urination almost every 1,30 hrs since last one month back. Would you please advice accordingly. Waiting your advice.

  12. Radhika devi says:

    Dear sir,
    My mother Radhika devi is 80-85 years old, non diabetic. She can not hear also. Over all good healh.
    She is suffering from frequent unination but no UTI. No burning in UT.
    Kidly suggest a suitable homeo medicin as allopathic medicines do not suit.
    Thank you.
    Umesh prasad Jaiswal.
    Narkatiaganj, Bihar

  13. Qamar Iqbal says:

    Hello sir , my name is Dr.Qamar Iqbal , now a days I feel urine just after drinking water, please suggest any medicine for me.My weight is 90 to 91 kg. Sir please..

  14. Manish Mahajan says:

    sir, from dec-19 suddenly frequent urination started and it was large in quantity. Also backache and pain in upper backache. Sometime urine is fomay and clear. Done ultrasound two times all appears normal . Iam 48 year male person.

  15. Joanna Michailidou says:

    Good morning.
    I have been facing a problem for one year. I have frequent urination without symptoms UTI (all cultures are negative). I have done MRI on lower abdomen area without any finding. In March I visited an homoepathic doctor and he prescribed me many and different drugs (Phosphorus, Ignatia, Arsenicum, Gelsemium, Nux vomica, Sepia) . They helped but they didn’t erase the problem. Could you tell me if there is any other drug that could help me? I do not want to use antidepresant drugs because I consider they have many other side effects.
    Thank you in advance.

    Joanna Michailidou

    • Rajiva Sahay says:

      I need to go for urination at every 1-1.5 hrs especially during night. There is no other problem while passing the urine. I am a senior citizen.

  16. Aditya Ranjan says:

    My daughter is 5year old. She has been going washroom frequently say every 30 minutes interval since last night.

    Please advise homeopathic medicine.

  17. My 24 yr old son frequently urinateS tiny amounts all through the day and night . It seems his bladder doesn’t empty all the way. What can he take

  18. Professor Khalid says:

    Excessive urination at night , dribbling after urination , fullness of blader even after urination, no thirst , disturb slerp

  19. Mrs Raza says:

    Hi dr iam 47 years old lady with this bladder issie.
    .all night urged to urimate evem after few secomds…it comes with any pain or any other feeling. After urination even only after few seconds i do it sometimes in droos but most of the time large urine i do it like 5 times in few minutes. Sleepless…bladder feels full most of the time. Need help to select medicine

  20. L N Singhal says:

    Dear Dr
    I m 73 year and taking urinalysis d since last 15 yeas after doctor diagnose me with prostate. I go to toilet may be every hour immediately after going to bed two three times and there after every two hours till morning.however during day time may be three or four times in full day.
    Urination pressure some time normal and some time very low like dripping.
    I feel Licopodium may serve my purpose and I can stop Urimaax D to avoid it’s side effects on erection etc. I tried once stopping the Urimax d them I was finding difficulty in urination. There is no burning etc.
    Best regards

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