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Best Homeopathic Medicines For Fighting Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity, also known as dentinal hypersensitivity or dentine hypersensitivity, refers to discomfort /shooting pain in the teeth on consuming hot or cold food or drinks. It may also happen from inhaling cold air. Pain may occur from intake of sweet, sour or acidic food/drinks, while brushing teeth or using mouthwash containing alcohol. The pain may be mild or severe; may be felt in one tooth or many teeth and may be temporary or persistent.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful in managing tooth sensitivity. Persons having tooth sensitivity to hot or cold food or drinks, cold air, sweet or sour food/drinks, etc can benefit tremendously from homeopathic medicines. By taking these medicines, the intensity and frequency of the complaint gradually reduce based on individual set of symptoms. So one should consult a homeopathic doctor who can prescribe the right medicine after detailed case analysis.

Homeopathic Medicines For Tooth Sensitivity 

1. Merc Sol – For Painful Sensitive Teeth To Cold And Hot Things

It is a very useful medicine for treating painful sensitive teeth to cold and hot drinks or eatables. The pain for using it can be tearing, or jerking type. In some cases needing it, tooth decay may be the reason for stinging pain. Sometimes inflammation in gums is also marked. In such cases, ,the gums are swollen, red and painful to touch. The gums may be receding from the teeth and may bleed too. An offensive mouth odour and increased salivation may attend it.

2. Chamomilla – For Sensitivity In Case Of Hollow Teeth

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Matricaria chamomilla. This medicine is helpful when a person experiences sensitivity due to hollow tooth. There is pain on consuming cold or hot drinks/food. The pain can be shooting or pulsating type.

3. Plantago – When Teeth Are Sensitive, Sore, Decayed

It is prepared from plant Plantago major, also known as ‘plantain’ and ‘ribwort’. It is the best medicine for managing sensitive, sore teeth when there is pain in decaying teeth. The pain where it is needed can be boring, digging or sharp in nature. Persons needing it may also complain of teeth grinding (medically called bruxism, it is a medical condition in which a person grinds, gnashes or clenches his teeth.)

4. Hypericum – For Tooth Sensitivity After Dental Surgery

This medicine is prepared from plant Hypericum Perforatum, commonly known as ‘St. John’s Wort’. This medicine is well indicated for managing sensitivity of tooth that follows any dental surgery. Pain attends sensitivity. This medicine is effective in managing nerve pain after any dental repair procedure, like root canal treatment.

 5. Magnesia Phos – For Sensitivity Of Teeth To Cold Air

This medicine works well in cases having tooth sensitivity to cold air. Other than this, tooth sensitivity to cold food and drinks can also be treated with this medicine. There may be shooting or stabbing pain. Lastly, it is also indicated for managing pain in decayed or teeth with filling.

6. Silicea – For Sensitive Teeth With Pain While Eating

Use of this medicine is considered when pain is felt while eating in sensitive teeth. The pain may be tearing, drawing or jerking type. Sometimes pain is felt in the teeth specifically when eating hot food. In some cases that need it, there is inflammation, swelling, pain in gums along with bleeding.

7. Lachesis – For Teeth Sensitive To Hot Drinks

This medicine is prominently indicated for cases of tooth sensitivity in which there is pain on consuming hot drinks. Pain may also be felt while brushing teeth. The nature of pain varies –it can be a tearing/ pulsating/ boring/ drawing type of pain. Sometimes, spongy, swollen gums along with bleeding are the accompanying symptoms.

 8. Nux Vomica – For Tooth Sensitivity To Cold Drinks

This medicine is used for tooth sensitivity to cold drinks. There may be tearing type of pain in teeth from cold air. There may also be painful swelling of gums. It is attended with pulsating pain, burning sensation and bleeding. Besides, Nux Vomica is indicated when there is stinging pain in decayed teeth.

9. Natrum Mur – For Tooth Sensitivity To Hot Food

It is an important medicine for treating sensitivity of teeth to hot food. The pain may be dull, boring or beating type. Gums may also be swollen, and may bleed, along with smarting pain while eating. Other than this, pulsating pain in decayed teeth also indicates the use of Natrum Mur.

10. Carbo Veg – For Tooth Sensitivity To Cold Food

This medicine is valuable for managing cases having tooth sensitivity to cold food. Tearing type of pain is felt in teeth on eating cold food. Salty food may also cause pain in some cases needing it. Gums are painfully sensitive while chewing. Gum sensitivity may be accompanied by bleeding of gums.

11. Natrum Carb – For Tooth Sensitivity To Sweets

Natrum Carb offers help to persons having tooth sensitivity to sweets, especially teeth in lower jaw. There is boring/digging pain while eating, especially fruits.

12. Argentum Nitricum – For Sensitive Tooth To Sour Things

This medicine is considered in cases of sensitivity of teeth to sour things. Digging pain is mostly felt in the teeth. It is also effective in dealing with tooth pain on drinking cold water or consuming anything cold. Long-term gum irritation may be there. In some cases, the gums are receding, tender and bleed easily.

13. Bryonia – When Pain Is Felt From Brushing Teeth

This medicine is prepared from root of a plant named Bryonia Alba or ‘wild hops’. It is beneficial when there is pain while brushing teeth. Pain is mostly shooting type.  Bryonia is also helpful for pain in hollow teeth or tooth sensitivity on coming in contact with cold air. Another indication for using it is stinging pain in teeth while eating. Sore swollen gums may also be present along with the above symptoms.

What Are The Causes Behind Teeth Sensitivity?

A. Wearing down of tooth enamel: It is the main reason for teeth sensitivity. Tooth enamel is the hardest and strongest tissue in the human body which forms the outer layer of the tooth to protect it. Worn-out enamel exposes the middle layer of teeth that contains tubes leading to nerves making one prone to sensitive teeth. It can happen from many reasons as follows:

1. Brushing teeth very hard with excessive force or using a toothbrush with hard bristles can result in wearing down the protective enamel of the tooth and lead to tooth sensitivity.

2. Consuming acidic food or drink frequently. Some examples of acidic food are kiwi, lemon, pickles, soda and grapefruit.

3. Teeth grinding

4. Enamel may be worn out due to medical conditions like GERD, bulimia, and gastroparesis. GERD is a gastroesophageal reflux disease. The stomach acid flows back from the stomach into the throat due to relaxed lower esophageal sphincter. Frequent rising of stomach acid over a period of time may cause wearing of the enamel of teeth. Bulimia is a disorder in which a person eats excess food in one sitting and then expels it by self-induced vomiting or purging to get rid of the consumed food and shed the extra calories to prevent weight gain. Due to frequent vomiting, the tooth enamel may get damaged. Gastroparesis refers to a disorder in which the stomach takes very long to digest food. It can cause many symptoms including fullness feeling, nausea and vomiting. Frequent vomiting in this condition may wear down the tooth enamel resulting in tooth sensitivity.

B. Second reason for tooth sensitivity can be a toothpaste containing tooth whitening chemicals or a mouthwash containing alcohol and certain chemicals.

C. Tooth decay, cracked, chipped or broken teeth, worn-out fillings may be the other causes.

D. It may also arise in case of receding gums that may be a part of ageing or due to a gum disease or gingivitis (gum inflammation).

E. Teeth may also become sensitive temporarily after a dental procedure, like tooth filling, root canal, crown placement, teeth bleaching, etc.

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  1. Deepak Chauhan says:

    Sir mere Dat ghis rehe h or m dinbher unko ghista rehta hu or muze khatti dhakar or pet m jelen hoti h muh m chale or dad khokli ho rehi h or thdnda gram pani bhi lagta h please upchar batayo

  2. Hi Dr Sharma,

    I had a deep cleaning process to the gums & teeth a month ago; however, my teeth still collect layers & pockets between gums and teeth are not healed (despite flossing & teeth brushing with a homeopathic tooth paste).
    I also feel senstivities to cold drinks & air.

    What remedies can work to strengthen gums & heal both gums & teeth.

    Thank you

  3. Hello Dr. Sharma,
    What remedy is indicated when there is striping across the teeth?
    Thank you.

  4. छोटू says:

    Dr शर्मा sir, मेरे दांतो के पीछे पीला पीला टार्टरिक जमा है।जिसके कारण एक दांत के मसूढे नीचे चले गए है।कृपया इसके लिए होम्योपैथिक दवा बताए।

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