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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for treating Tremors

Essential tremors is a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary movement or shaking of a part of the body that gets worse while using the affected muscle of that part. Essential tremors mainly affect the hands but the head and tongue may also be affected in some cases. Essential tremors are, most of the time, inherited. The person suffering from essential tremors of the hand feels a shaking of hands when using them like while eating, dressing, writing or doing any other work with the hand. In the case of essential tremors of the head, involuntary motions of the head are present like side-to-side motion or forward and backward motion. The essential tremors affecting the tongue result in trembling of the tongue and shaking of voice while speaking.

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for multiple neurological problems including essential tremors. Initially it works to reduce the severity of the tremors, reduces the progression of tremors and further aims to eradicate it from its roots. Homeopathic medicines for essential tremors are highly safe due to its natural origin and lack of any chemicals in it. In conventional mode of treatment, tranquilizers, anti-seizure medicines and beta blockers are usually used to manage this condition. Though, they offer relief in tremors but may cause dependency and side effects from prolonged usage. While homeopathic medicines treat this condition with zero side effects, these also have no risk of dependency even after long-term use.

Homeopathy fixes the root cause

Homeopathic medicines after decreasing the intensity of the tremors in the initial phase work to treat the root cause behind tremors to give long term results and cure. With proper homeopathic treatment under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor for the prescribed time duration, many cases recover completely. The results vary as per the chronicity and severity of the complaints.

Highly reliable treatment option

Homeopathy is a highly reliable 200-year-old healing science based on fixed laws. This makes it a very reliable and safe treatment option in essential tremors cases. Homeopathy works at a very deep level in a natural way to boost the self-healing mechanism to overcome this issue naturally.

Prescription as per individual symptoms

Every case of essential tremors is treated as per the individual characteristic symptoms. There are numerous medicines to treat essential tremors in homeopathy. The unique symptoms in every individual serve as the key indicators for selecting the most appropriate medicines among these. So a detailed case-taking followed by its analysis is done in every case to conclude the best homeopathic prescription. So one should consult a homeopathic physician for homeopathic treatment and avoid self-medication.
Homeopathic Medicines for Essential Tremors

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Essential Tremors

The top recommended homeopathic medicines for essential tremors are Zincum Metallicum, Agaricus Muscarius, Lolium Temulentum, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Silicea, Phosphorus, Lycopodium and Merc Sol.

1. Zincum Metallicum – Top Grade Medicine For Essential Tremors

Zincum Metallicum is a highly recommended medicine for managing cases of essential tremors. It is effective for tremors of hands, feet and head. The patients requiring this medicine with essential tremors of hand may have constant shaking of hands. The complaint of jerking of hands worsens especially while writing with excessive weakness in the hands. In the case of head tremors, the head is in involuntary motion from side to side. When trembling in feet occurs, there is frequent stumbling while walking. When complaints of tremors worsen from emotional excitement (like anger, joy, sadness), Zincum Metallicum is a very useful medicine. It can also be used when trembling occurs in all the limbs or sometimes the entire body.

When to use Zincum Metallicum?

Zincum Metallicum is the best choice of medicine for essential tremors of hands, feet and head, which gets worse from emotional excitement like anger, joy, or sadness. In cases needing it, the worsening of hand tremors is seen while writing and head tremors usually occur in a motion from side to side.

How to use Zincum Metallicum?

This medicine is usually used in 30C potency just once in a day.

2. Agaricus Muscarius – For Tremors Of Hands, Legs, Head, Tongue

Agaricus Muscarius is well indicated to manage essential tremors of hands, legs, head, and tongue. This medicine is mainly prescribed to those patients who complain of excessive trembling of hands on moving them. This medicine also proves very useful when shaking of hands occurs while holding objects, often resulting in the dropping of objects from the hands. It is also an important medicine for head tremors that can be constant. It is accompanied by an excessively cool feeling in the head. Further, its use is suggested for the trembling of the tongue resulting in unclear speech. Next, it can be used to manage the trembling of legs. Trembling may be attended with weakness and anxiety in general. Besides, jerking of eyelids also indicates the use of this medicine.

When to use Agaricus Muscarius?

It is a highly suitable medicine for treating essential tremors of hands, legs, head, and tongue. It is indicated to manage the trembling of hands during their movement or while holding objects and head tremors attended with an excessive cool feeling in the head. The trembling of the tongue occurs along with unclear speech which is another important indication.

How to use Agaricus Muscarius?

One may take this medicine in 30C potency one to two times a day as per the intensity of symptoms.

3. Lolium Temulentum – For Shaking Of All The Limbs        

This medicine is of great service in helping cases in which there is shaking of all the limbs. Persons needing it have difficulty holding objects like a glass or a cup due to shaky hands. There may be trembling in the hands while writing. Limbs also appear cold to touch, gait becomes unsteady.

When to use Lolium Temulentum?

Use of this medicine is highly suggested for managing cases where shaking of all limbs is experienced.

How to use Lolium Temulentum?

It gives remarkable results in 30C potency that can be taken once a day.

4. Gelsemium Sempervirens – For Tremors With Weakness

This natural medicine is used for essential tremors when trembling of the affected part is accompanied by excessive muscle weakness. The patient requiring this medicine always complains of profound dullness and drowsiness. This medicine works well in those cases where the tremors are intensified by emotional excitement or fear. Its use is mainly recommended for essential tremors of limbs and tongue.

When to use Gelsemium Sempervirens?

One may opt its use for managing tremors attended by weakness, dullness and drowsiness.

How to use Gelsemium Sempervirens?

This medicine in 30C potency can be used twice a day for good results.

5. Silicea – For Hand Tremors When Using Hands

Silicea is yet another remedy for treating essential tremors of hands while using them. For example, trembling of hands may occur while eating, writing or holding anything. Such patients can also face difficulty in doing fine work due to excessive shaking of hands; for instance threading a needle appears to be a very cumbersome task for them. In general, people needing this medicine are the nervous, anxious type.

When to use Silicea?

The key indicating feature for use of this medicine is trembling of hands while eating, writing or holding any object.

How to use Silicea?

Consider its use in 30C potency once or twice a day.

6. Phosphorus – For Tremors Of Limbs Worse From Exertion

Phosphorus is the next wonderful medicine for essential tremors that worsen from exertion. It is of great help when hand tremors worsen after exertion. The excessive shaking of hands poses great difficulty in holding anything. Numbness or crawling sensation in hands is another complaint along with trembling of hands in such patients.

When to use Phosphorus?

It is highly recommended to use this medicine for tremors of limbs that get worse from exertion.

How to use Phosphorus?

It is available in different potencies like 30C, 200C and 1M. Among these, usually 30C potency is used once a day in the beginning of treatment.

7. Lycopodium – For Essential Tremors Of Head

Lycopodium is used where the involuntary, causeless shaking of the head is accompanied by dizziness. The motion of the head in patients requiring Lycopodium can either be from side to side (no-no movement) or backward and forward (yes-yes movement).

When to use Lycopodium?

Lycopodium is prominently indicated for managing tremors of head with side to side movement or backward and forward movement.

How to use Lycopodium?

Though this medicine can be used in both low and high potency, initially 30C potency is good to start with to be taken once or twice daily.

8. Merc Sol – For Tremors Of Hands, Neck, Legs And Tongue

Merc Sol is suitable for the trembling of hands, neck, and tongue. In cases needing it, tremors mostly begin in the fingers. Due to shaky hands, there is inability to lift or carry anything with hands. There is difficulty in eating with hands and drinking water without spilling. Hand trembling is attended with marked weakness. Its use is also considered for tremors of neck and legs. In cases requiring it, tremors get worse from exertion. Merc Sol also works well where there is excessive trembling of the tongue and voice is shaky accompanied by profuse saliva in the mouth.

When to use Merc Sol?

This medicine works well in cases of tremors of hands, neck, legs and tongue especially when exertion makes it worse.

How to use Merc Sol?

Merc Sol 30C can be taken one or two times in a day.

Cause Behind Essential Tremors

 The exact cause behind essential tremors is not known. However, following observations are important:

1. Some sort of changes in some part of the brain are found to be present in those who present such symptoms as per recent researches.

2. Essential tremor is believed to run in families, and over 50 per cent people afflicted by it have it in their family. Here it arises from altered gene. This inherited form of essential tremor is known as familial tremor. If even one parent carries altered gene then there are 50 per cent chances that their child will present the symptoms of essential tremors.

3. It can affect people irrespective of age, although the odds of its occurrence go up with advancing age. Essential tremors are usually seen in people aged 40 years or more.

4. Stress, anxiety, smoking, caffeine, fatigue, extreme cold, and hot temperature, thyroid problems, low blood sugar, strong emotions. Taking lithium salts or antidepressants can make the tremors worse.

Signs And Symptoms

 Shaking is the main symptom of essential tremors. Among those who have it, there occur brief and rapid movements constantly. In some people, tremors occur only on certain occasions. The intensity varies from mild to severe. In most of the cases, it is seen in hands mainly while using the hands. It may cause difficulty in eating, drinking from glass, writing and even while one is getting dressed up in severe cases. In majority of the cases, both sides are affected but one side is more prominently affected as compared to the other. Though commonly hands are affected but other body parts like face, head, tongue, voice box and trunk can be affected as well.

These tremors are termed as action or postural tremors depending on whether these occur while one is in motion or at rest

Action tremors: These tremors occur when one is performing a physical action or doing something like drinking from a glass, eating from a plate, or tying a shoelace.

Tremors at rest: When tremors occur when one is at rest.

Postural tremor: When tremors appear on holding a body part in a specific position against gravity like keeping arm outstretched, etc.

1. In case of hand tremors, one may feel shakiness in hands, especially while using them.

2. Head, and neck tremors cause shaking of head. The movement of head here can be up, and down (a motion as when one nods a yes) or side to side (a motion when one nods a no).

3. When tongue or voice box is affected there is shaky voice.

4. Tremors of legs, and feet cause balance and gait issues.

5. When tremors affect the face, twitching occurs in the affected parts of the face such as twitching of the eyelids.

Essential tremors vs Parkinson’s disease – Are they the same?

These are not the same conditions but many a time there could be confusion regarding the two.

The key differences are as follows:

1. Essential tremors mainly occur while using hands while in Parkinson’s disease the tremors occur when hands are at rest.

2. In essential tremors no other problem occurs besides shaking. In Parkinson’s disease movement becomes slow, posture is stooped, gait issues are seen though in essential tremors sometimes there could be difficulty in walking.


Though tremors are not a critical issue it has a tendency to gradually get worse over the years. Eventually, the tremors may become so severe that accomplishing regular, everyday activities can prove to be difficult for the patient. For example, it may result in difficulty in holding a glass, drinking from a glass of water, eating with a spoon/fork, shaving, combing, cooking, tying shoelaces, and getting dressed. One may witness difficulty in talking and may as well make one’s voice shaky. Writing clearly/neatly may also be affected.

Diagnosis And Investigations

There is no lab test to diagnose the essential tremors and it is diagnosed based on the clinical symptoms. A physician will take note of the symptoms, and medical and family history, and do a physical examination of the sufferer having tremors. Essential tremors are diagnosed by ruling out other medical conditions that could cause similar symptoms. If there is doubt between essential tremors and Parkinson’s disease then dopamine transporter test is advised (this test confirms Parkinson’s disease).


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  1. Mandie Miller says:

    I have severe hand, feet, and voice tremors from taking another medication. I’ve taken propranolol, that made me very Ill, cogentin that caused tooth decay, and artane that just did not work. I am on day four of amantadine and the shaking is horrible. which would you recommend I try? I’m only 39 and am a nurse

    • Rajat Johari says:

      Hello \doctor,
      My right hand experience tremor when it was in rest and also in night hours.
      My left hand is also tremor lightly.
      please suggest the medicine.

  2. Dr P Singh says:

    Hi Dr Sharma
    I have tremor in mainly Right hand. it gets intensive while praying

  3. Hello Dr. Sharma,
    I was diagnosed with essential tremors about 6 years ago. My hands shake occasionally but my main concern is the no no head shaking. When concentrating on something or stressing, it seems to happen more. I’m very self conscious when people will be talking to me and ask me if I have parkinson’s. Can you suggest anything to help?
    Thank you,

  4. Hello Dr.

    I am Dr. Arvinder Singh and teaching in a private university. For the last 10 years I m taking inderal 10 and Escitaloparm s10 for controlling my anxiety and social phobia.

    Somebody suggested me to take Agerantum nitricum as a substitute for this. Is it ok or some other will u suggest.

    Please respond

  5. Eng. Mohammed Ayub says:

    Honourable Dr Sharma,
    Very good day to you all .
    Myself Eng Mohammed Ayub, (70), Male, has been suffering from neurological Hand & leg tremor disorder since last three years. Allopathic Dr has prescribed Levodopa 110 x3 tmes. I am very much beneficial with
    Homeopathy & taking Gelsemium Sempervirens-200 as per online prescriptions and Symptoms from you & other Homeo doctors for last two days.But its very difficult to decide the Doses. I am a patient of Piles (silent) and use Spectacles for near vision. Tremor not so serious. But increases by excitement & tense situation. Body becomes normal during work with little tremor.
    As such may I be privileged with valued Prescriptions & oblige thereby.
    Thanking you ,

  6. Head shaking problem

  7. Heather Noland says:

    Good Morning Dr. Sharma,
    My son was just diagnosed with Physiological Tremors (in his hands). He is 16, 17 next month. As much as we were hoping for a solution, there is not one apparently. Dr. suggested occupational therapy, which we are looking into. But I have to believe there is some relief out there for him. If you have any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time.

    Heather Noland

  8. Maryann Lahner says:

    Hello, Doc
    My mom has COPD and severe action tremors that affect her hands, legs and head. It has got to the point where my mom has been unable to feed herself. I was wondering if homeopathic meds can treat my mom?
    Beta blockers were used for a short period but causes breathing problems for my mom.
    Please can you help.
    Kindest Regards

  9. Omprakash Sharma says:

    Hello Doctor! We wanted to meet you for our son’s condition. Please share your address and help set up an appointment. Thanks.

  10. Irfan Mirza says:

    Hello Dr.My wife both hands shake,left is more than right,for last 2 years.Which homeopathis medicine we can start to see if it will work:

  11. Hello Dr.Sharma. I have head shakes. My mum and grandma had the same like no-no and yes yes shakes…tremors. what could i use for it?
    Thank you.♥️

  12. Jatin arora says:

    Hi doctor my name is jatin and I have essential tremor of the head where my head nods like a no no motion
    This was diagnosed only about a year back as I am in sales job it so making me Concious and effecting my work would you be able to help me my history is also I have been treated for ependics and ulcer in stomach which was 20 years back I have anxiety and sleep disorder also

    • bimal agarwala says:

      Hi doctor, i have been a patient of mild tremors in hand since long back (mainly felt in writing).
      But slowly it has been inreasing now tremor has inreased in other works also mainly doint work with fingures.

      I stay at guwahati, assam; IF I KNOW YOUR ADDRESS I can come to your address also if required

  13. I have brain infection – pls recommend best homeopathics – lots of noise and pulsing in head for many years – nervous system not good – pulling in face. Thanks for your suggestions

  14. Rajesh Manchanda says:

    I experience excessive shaking of hand while writing. My writing has deteriorated in years due to shaking of hand. Further the shaking is high in left hand and because of which I cannot hold glass of liquid from it. It tends to shake extensively resulting in spilling of liquid.

    • Tracy Barno says:

      Hello my name is Tracy Barno. I have very Shakey hands, it’s at the point where I am very embarrass to go out in public. I. tried everything the Doctor given me, but nothing seems to work, could you PLEASE help me. It’s in my left hand that shakes the most when I am doing anything going to grocery store holding a bag or cup it shakes basket.

  15. Heather says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma,

    I am 47 years old and have had ET of the head ( back and forth) since the age of 19. The tremor is getting worse and seems to be moving into my hands. Please let me know if you can help me.

  16. Sarah Holding says:

    Good morning Dr Sharma. my 83 yr old mother suffers from Orthostatic Tremor. This affects her balance and has a lot of tremor in the legs when standing. she fell last year and fractured her femur. Since then she can only just get from A to B on a walking frame and she has no confidence at all…… i read that Causticum helps treat neurological muscle tremor ….what dosage would you recommend? she isnt currently taking medication for this, as she cannot tolerate it.

  17. Hi,dr i am suffering from anxiety syptom like tremor, while walking ,i feel tremor n tingle ,raisefrom inside,,i take bp medicine daily. Reports are normal help

  18. Himanshu Engineer says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma,
    I have a horse voice.
    Dr. Says it is due to essential tremors ( Hereditary) .
    Lake of sleep, alcohol makes it worst.
    Please suggest Homeopathy medicine.

  19. Shahid Ahmed says:

    Sir I am 50 plus. I am suffering cervical spondylitis. My left hand vibrate when I start write.luses medicine kalmia 30 but no any relief. Please help me.

  20. Sir I have essential tremor for 10 year I can not write from 2 year it has been increasing day by day my age 34 and I have no other problems same this condition family sir please do something for me

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