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Causes of Scaly Skin and its Homeopathic Remedies

Scaly/scaling skin, also known as flaky skin, refers to the shedding of the outer layer of skin in the form of scales or flakes. It is also called desquamation. This may happen from certain medical conditions, allergies or an infection.  Scaling on the skin can be attended with other signs and symptoms. These include dry, cracked skin, itching, burning, bleeding, pain, redness, inflammation, eruptions, and skin thickening in the affected area.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a natural and very effective treatment for treating scaling skin. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances, so they do not have any side effects. They help in reducing scaling on the skin magnificently by treating the root cause behind it. Besides, they heal associated eruptions and discharges, if present. They also help to reduce associated dryness, roughness and cracks on the skin, itching, burning sensation, and pain if present. Homeopathic medicines for treating scaling skin are selected based on the individual symptoms in each and every case. Though it is safe to use homeopathic medicines, it is recommended to consult a homeopathic physician prior to taking any homeopathic medicine for treating scaling skin.

Causes of Scaly Skin

1. Psoriasis: One of the most important and common causes of scaly skin is psoriasis. It refers to an autoimmune skin disease characterized by the presence of red, inflamed spots on the skin covered with silvery-white scales/ flakes. Besides, cracks may appear on the skin. Itching and burning may be felt in the skin lesions. Bleeding can also occur sometimes.

2. Seborrheic Dermatitis: It is a skin condition with red, inflamed skin covered with flakes, that can be dry or greasy, forming prominently on the scalp. It can also affect other areas like the face, eyelashes, eyebrows, behind the ears, mustache area and the chest. The flakes may be white, yellow or grey colored. Crust formation is seen in some cases. The affected area is red and can be attended with itching and burning. Lastly, hair loss from the scalp may occur.

3. Ichthyosis (fish skin disease): It is an inherited skin disorder characterized by dry, scaly thick skin and the affected area looks like the skin of fish. The scales are brown, white or grey. Deep cracks are formed that may be painful.

4. Ringworm: It is a fungal infection that leads to the formation of ring-shaped lesions on the skin that may be covered with scales. Itching and burning are felt in the affected area. Fluid–filled (vesicles) or pus-filled bumps (pustules) may form on the skin.

5. Eczema: It refers to inflamed skin with red, rough itchy rash. The rash may be dry or may ooze fluid. Eruptions may form on the affected area of the skin that may be filled with watery fluid or pus. The eruptions may get covered with scales. Skin thickening may be visible in some cases.

6. Xerosis (Dry skin syndrome): It is a condition resulting when skin fails to retain moisture causing rough flaky skin.

7. Lichen Planus: It is an autoimmune skin condition affecting skin, mouth, nails and genitals. In case of skin lesions, itchy purple topped flat bumps tend to develop. They may be covered with scales.

8. Other causes include allergic skin reaction to soaps, detergents, etc. and application of certain medicines like retinoids for acne treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Scaly Skin

1. Arsenic Album – Topmost Medicine

Among different homeopathic medicines for scaling skin, Arsenic Album is the most recommended medicine. It can be used when there is dryness on the skin along with scaling. The skin may start peeling off. It is accompanied by itching and burning. It gets worse from scratching. Bleeding may follow the scratching. This medicine is also indicated for scaly eruptions with discharge of pus. Arsenic Album can be used in many skin conditions with scales like psoriasis, eczema and ringworm. This medicine can also be considered when scaly eruptions occur on the scalp accompanied by hair fall.

2. Arsenic Iodatum – For Scaling In Psoriasis

Arsenic Iodatum works magnificently in cases of scaling from psoriasis. It is best suited if the scales of dead skin that fall off are quite large and raw surface is left behind after the scales are shed. The skin is dry where this medicine is required. There is itching in the affected skin area. This medicine is prominently indicated for skin conditions including psoriasis and ichthyosis.

3. Kali Sulph – For Yellow Scales Especially In Seborrheic Dermatitis

It is a leading medicine to treat cases where the scales are yellow in color. Skin is dry along with itching. Itching gets worse from heat. It is the most helpful for treating cases of Seborrheic Dermatitis. Here yellow flakes are seen on the scalp. The scales are greasy and sticky. It can be attended by itching on the scalp. Hair fall may occur. Kali Sulph may also be considered in cases of multiple red eruptions on the skin that ooze excessive fluid followed by peeling of fine scales from them. It may cause itching and stinging sensation.

4. Graphites – For Scaling On Scalp

This medicine is effective when flaking is present on the scalp. The scales are most prominent on the top of the head. The scales may also form behind the ears and on the margin of the eyelids. Washing clears the scales but these tend to form again. Hair fall may occur. It is also used when there are crusty eruptions along with oozing of sticky fluid.

5. Sepia – When Red Spots Are Covered With Shiny White Scales

Sepia is very beneficial for cases where red spots appear on the skin covered with shiny white scales. The spots are quite large and mostly oval-shaped. The spots may appear on the face, chest, back, arms and legs. Besides, it is indicated for scaling on eyelid margins in blepharitis (swollen eyelids).

6. Clematis – For Oozing Eruptions Followed By Scaling

This medicine can be used in cases in which eruptions are present initially that ooze fluid. They may discharge clear watery fluid or pus. Following the discharge, scaling appears on the eruptions. Scabs are also formed. Intense itching is felt in the skin eruptions. This medicine is also indicated in particular for moist eruptions on the back of the head that dry up with scale formation. They become itchy in a warm environment in the bed. Stinging and crawling is also felt in these eruptions.

7. Petroleum – For Thick Scales With Cuts On Palms Of Hands

Petroleum is a very important medicine to manage thick scales along with cuts on palms of hands. Bleeding may occur from cuts. The skin on palms is very rough and dry. Itching and burning are felt on the palms. It is highly suitable for psoriasis of hands.

8. Psorinum – For Scaling With Small Vesicles (Fluid-Filled Eruptions)

Psorinum is well indicated when there is scaling on skin with small fluid-filled eruptions (vesicles). They appear mainly in cold weather and get better during summer. This medicine is of help when there is scaling on the skin in the entire body. Skin looks dirty. There is excessive itching along with scaling with an urge to scratch frequently. Pain may attend scaly eruptions.




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  1. Kyri Elizabeth says:

    Hello; Thank you sooo much for your time! What a blessing you are.
    I am 63, in good shape, Yogi, no body pain. But after I did some bioidentical hormones for 2 years I had signs of scleroderma, an auto immune disease, and very tight skin on my calves. That is now gone, but I have extremely dry and scaly looking skin on front shins of lower legs. What are the best remedies???

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