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Top 7 Homeopathic Remedies for Skin Rashes

A skin rash can be described as any change in the skin that can impact its color, texture, or look. A rash can result in itching, chapping, blistering, and swelling, apart from color change, which may or may not be accompanied by pain. A skin rash may either be localized or it may spread to the entire body. Not only discomfort or pain, but a skin rash may also lower your self-esteem if it affects your looks. Some skin rashes disappear on their own, like the heat rash and swimmer’s itch, while there are others, such as rosacea and shingles, that call for medical intervention.

homeopathic remedies for skin rashes

Homeopathy provides a very safe and reliable treatment in cases of skin rashes. Homeopathic medicines work most naturally to heal the skin rash and associated eruptions present with it. Besides, it brings magnificent relief in its attending symptoms like itching, burning, stinging, pain, and tenderness felt in the eruptions. In conventional mode, usually ointments, creams, anti-inflammatory and steroidal medications are being used for skin rashes cases. They give temporary relief by suppressing the condition and have side effects from prolonged use.  On the other hand, homeopathic remedies for skin rashes are comparatively safe since they have practically no side effects and carry no chance of suppressing something which is very crucial for patients suffering from rashes.

Effective for acute and chronic skin rash

Homeopathy works equally well in acute as well as chronic skin rashes. In acute cases, it aids prompt relief and cure. In chronic cases, initially, it relieves the rash and its symptoms. Once this gets controlled, it starts working towards reducing the frequency and intensity of future outbreaks of the rash gradually till the chronicity of the condition is eradicated from its root.

Homeopathy treats root cause

As the skin rash can stem from various causes, so homeopathy aims to target that root cause in every case to achieve complete recovery and cure. Just providing relief in signs and symptoms of skin rash can never be sufficient for cure. To obtain a cure, treating the root cause is the only way out because till the time the root cause is lurking behind, the skin rash always has a high chance to relapse again and again. Here, homeopathy is the best treatment option to get to the root cause of skin rash and get a cure.

Natural Medicines

Due to the use of natural medicines in homeopathy, there are no side effects of these medicines. Such medicines are free from all kinds of harsh chemicals and toxins. This makes them act very mildly and gently to treat skin rash most harmlessly and naturally.

No-ointment use prevents suppression

Homeopathy is against the use of ointments and other topical applications. This is because it leads to suppression of the skin complaint. As a result, this skin issue may appear again and there are also chances that the problem manifests itself in some other important internal body organs like lungs, heart, and kidneys as its expression on the skin is hindered. To prevent this critical condition, homeopathy never uses topical applications for skin problems. It heals with internal medicines taken orally through the mouth. These medicines focus on correcting the internal disturbance in the human body which is predisposing it to a skin problem. Additionally, it boosts the body’s self-healing mechanism to overcome skin complaints naturally on its own.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Skin Rashes

Some of the leading remedies to treat skin rashes are Sulphur, Apis Mellifica, Belladonna, Graphites, Petroleum, Natrum Mur and Arsenic Album.

1. Sulphur – For Itchy Skin Rash

Sulphur is the best medicine to treat skin rash attended with itching. There may or may not be any eruptions on the skin. The itching may get worse at night, disturbing sleep. On scratching, a burning sensation is felt in the affected area which later starts paining. Bleeding may start from the areas scratched. In some cases, the sensation of an insect crawling (formication) may be felt. Stitching or prickling sensation may occur too.

When to use Sulphur?

This medicine is highly recommended for cases of skin rash that are very itchy. It helps to control itching and heal the skin rash.

How to use Sulphur?

It works well in both low and high potencies. Initially, it is advised to take it in 30 C potency. In mild cases, Sulphur 30C can be taken once or twice a week but when the severity of the complaint is high, Sulphur 30C can be taken once a day. Do not self-medicate with higher potencies.

2. Apis Mellifica – For Rash With Stinging Burning Pains

This medicine is very effective for rash accompanied with stinging burning pain. The rash is red, itchy, and sore (sensitive to touch). Itchiness may get better in the open air. It is a leading medicine for rash in case of hives (raised bumps in the affected area). It is also prominently indicated for a rash in case of a bee sting, insect bites, heat rash or allergic dermatitis. 

When to use Apis Mellifica?

Apis Mellifica is the best medicine for rash attended with stinging burning pain.

How to use Apis Mellifica?

The recommended dose of this medicine is Apis Mellifica 30 C once or twice a day depending on the intensity of the pain.

3. Belladonna – For Red Rash With Marked Heat

It is a natural medicine highly recommended for cases of red-colored rash attended with intense heat. The affected area is sensitive to touch. The rash may be localized or spread across the body in cases needing this medicine. It is well-indicated for cases of acne rosacea, dermatitis, and measles.

When to use Belladonna?

This medicine can be used in cases of red rash with marked heat and sensitivity to touch.

How to use Belladonna?

This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. In the beginning of the treatment, it is best to use its 30C potency two to three times a day. To switch to high potencies, consider a homeopathic doctor’s advice.

4. Graphites – For Skin Rash With Blisters Oozing Sticky Fluid

Graphites is very helpful for skin rash when attended with the formation of blisters (fluid-filled bumps). Itching and burning may occur in blisters that discharge sticky fluid. Heat increases the eruptions. In most cases needing it the rash is present in skin folds like the bend of elbow, back of the knee, behind ears, groin, and neck. It is the best choice of medicine for cases of eczema.

When to use Graphites?

This medicine is apt for skin rash with blister formation and oozing of sticky fluid.

How to use Graphites?

This medicine is usually recommended in 3X potency. Graphites 3X (1 or 2 tablets) can be taken once or twice a day depending on the intensity of the complaint.

5. Petroleum – For Rough, Dry Skin Rash With Cracks On Skin

It is highly recommended for skin rash which is rough and dry. It may be attended with deep cracks that may bleed. The skin rash gets worse in winter in most cases needing it. It is highly preferred when there is an extremely dry skin rash in people suffering from eczema and psoriasis.

When to use Petroleum?

This medicine is used to treat dry rough skin often with cracks that bleed. Winter aggravation of complaint is frequently noted where this medicine is required.

How to use Petroleum?

It can be used in 30 C potency once or twice a day.

6. Natrum Mur – For Rash With Fluid-Filled Eruptions

It is an important medicine when there are fluid-filled eruptions (vesicles / blisters) along with skin rash. Its use can be considered in different kind of skin rashes. Firstly, it can be used in cases of herpes zoster (skin rash with painful blisters caused by varicella zoster virus) and fever blisters (fluid-filled sores around the mouth and lips caused by herpes simplex virus). In these conditions rash occurs with bumps that contain watery fluid. Though given mainly for rash with fluid filled bumps, it is also suggested for cases of eczema with red, raw inflamed skin especially on edges of hair. Besides it can be used for sunburn, and  hives with large red rash with marked itching which gets worse by exertion.

When to use Natrum Mur?

Natrum Mur is the most suitable medicine for skin rash with fluid-filled bumps.

How to use Natrum Mur?

Natrum Mur works most effectively in 6X potency. Natrum Mur 6X can be taken two to three times a day at a minimum three-hour gap.

7. Arsenic Album – For Rash Covered With Scales/Flakes

Its use is suggested for cases of skin rash covered with scales/flakes. In cases needing it, there occurs a dry, rough skin rash with scaling. Itching and burning are marked on the rash. Its use can be done in scaly skin conditions like psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, etc.

When to use Arsenic Album?

Its use can be considered in cases of skin rash covered with scales or flakes.

How to use Arsenic Album?

Most commonly it is used in 30 C potency that can be administered once a day initially. If there is no improvement, consult a homeopath to increase the dose or potency.

Causes of Skin Rashes

The factors for skin rashes are as wide-ranging as the kinds of rashes themselves. Some of the common causes are as follows:

1. Dermatitis (skin inflammation): It is further of two types –contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis.

Contact dermatitis –  It is a common cause of skin rash that refers to an allergic reaction on the skin when it comes in contact with an allergen, like chemicals in cosmetics, soaps, detergents or dyes in clothing, alcohol-based lotions and elastic rubber products.

Atopic dermatitis – Commonly seen in persons having other allergies and asthma, a skin rash appears which is red, dry, and itchy.

2. Use of certain medicines: A skin rash may appear either as a side effect or an allergic reaction to medicines. Some examples include antibiotics, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflamatory drugs), anti-seizure drugs.

3. Infections

Fungal infections:  ringworm, candida infection

Viral infections: Herpes Zoster/shingles which is a painful blistered skin condition caused by varicella zoster virus

4.  Hives: Itchy, raised bumps (wheals) on skin usually caused by an allergic reaction

5. Seborrheic dermatitis: Red, inflamed skin covered by flakes or scales majorly on the scalp but may also involve areas like eyelashes, eyebrows, area behind ears

6. Scabies: Highly contagious skin condition caused by mite Sarcoptes Scabiei

7. Psoriasis: An autoimmune skin disorder in which red inflamed patches appear on the skin covered with silvery-white scales

8. Acne rosacea: Skin condition characterized by redness, flushing of the face and small pus-filled bumps

9. Food allergy: Eating certain specific foods like eggs, peanuts, milk, fish may trigger a skin rash.

10. SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus): An autoimmune disease that causes joint pain, rash, fever, severe fatigue and organ damage

11. Heat rash (prickly heat): It causes tiny bumps on the skin caused from trapped sweat on the skin

12. Stings and insect bites

13. Cellulitis: Serious bacterial infection in the deep layers of the skin

14. Certain kinds of fever: typhoid fever, dengue fever

In children, some reasons for skin rashes are as follows:

1. Diaper rash: A skin rash on the baby’s bottom in the diaper area

2. Chickenpox: A viral infection caused by Varicella Zoster virus that leads to a rash with fluid-filled blisters on the skin

3. Measles: A viral infection caused by a virus of Paramyxovirus family leading to widespread skin rashes

4. Hand foot and mouth disease: It is a viral infection occurring in young children resulting in rashes on hands and feet along with sores in the mouth.

5. Impetigo: A superficial skin infection caused by Staphylococcus bacteria.

What Other Signs And Symptoms Attend Skin Rash?

A rash may be attended with itching and burning. It may be painful and sensitive to touch. Sometimes a stinging, prickling sensation is felt in the rash. The skin can be dry, rough and cracked. Sometimes blisters are present on the rash that ooze fluid. At times, bleeding may occur from the rash upon scratching. In some of the rashes, scales/flakes are present on the surface.



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  1. I have a flaky irritated skin rash, that my skin flaky, !looks like skin peeling. above my ankle.Feel sore and itches at time,a little redness, bleed at time. I have problems with fluid and wear compressor socks everyday. My leg ooze fluid at times. Its very annoying. What can I use to heal this problem to good..

  2. Aniruddha Gupta says:

    Facing rashes allergy in using colouring moustache

  3. Nwabueze Stephen Ugochukwu says:

    I have bumps on my dick cap for 2 weeks now, it itches me most times.. I’m 27 years old.
    Please help me doctor


    I am facing extreme itching all over the body from yesterday night and due to that I could not sleep whole night and this is still continuing and I am afraid that tonight also I have to suffer like that. Pl. help. Pl. advise to stop itching immediately. I am suffering like anything.
    Pl. Help
    Tarashankar Mallick
    Senior citizen

    • I have tiny little bumps under my sign in a circle, very itching, I’ve tried e everything on it, it’s very itchy, what can I possibly use on it to stop the itch

  5. Archana Dass says:

    Hello Doctor ,
    I am Archana Dass, Age 44, Single, and I am physically handicapped since birth. I have problem in walking. I am a content writer and work online .
    Doctor since last couple of week I have this itching problem on hips and including thighs. I also have small rashes and a black layer has developed on the area. The skin has become dry. They are more irritable at night.
    Doctor if you can please help me. I have tried all lotions like Vaseline, cleaning with dettol . It becomes better then after a couple of days again it starts .
    Kindly suggest a medicine . I have never had this kind of problem before. I have great trust on homeopathy and hope for a favorable response from you. Thank you .

  6. Annabell Burns says:

    My name is Annabell. I am 63 and in fairly good health. I keep digestive issues at bay with food combining. Am on no meds. I take supplements of Acidophilus.
    I have noticed this year that random small circles of a pale or red individual spot/rash with a rougher surface are appearing on my legs and
    One on chest area.

    Can you advise please. Earlier on this year I took Arsen Alb to help avoid Corona virus
    Thank you


  7. My skin is very dry in winters and itchy and redness red rashes on my face suggests me homeopathy medicine to curent dryness in winters

  8. I want to remove my acne from cheeks

  9. Mujhay ak haftay say halka sa chest pain ho raha bp zayada hota hay urin bhi kum horaha hay back may pain what is homeopathic medicine

  10. Dr. Sanjukta Mohapatra says:

    I developed a small circle Like eruptions looked reddish on top of both hands, after few days it appeared on my right hand like mosquito bites in clusters, then it is found in the right neck. There was no itching in the beginning but after 15-20 days it is itching slightly. This condition has started since two months. Kindly advise.

  11. I have been experiencing itching for the past one month. Pls any medicine

  12. I m from Pakistan
    How can I have skookum chuck 3x by lords in Pakistan karachi

  13. Sufiyan Shafqat says:

    Muje Groin Area min Msla h Wahn halka sa b pasena aa jay to Fori rashes ho jata h Or Bewja wahn Mail b jama ho jati hy jo utarny ka nam b nai leti to iska Hall bta dein plZ

  14. Geogy Andrew says:

    I am 49 yrs old, residing in UAE. Every year during the summer season i get skin rashes. I am a type 2 diabetic and BP patient. Is there any cure for this.

  15. Prithvi Sharma says:

    My daughter aged 24 has white skin,specially of hands, after bathing with any soap,bodywash or anything. The hands look as if kept in water for long. irritation is also there. Feels better ofapplying a moisturiser.
    Please help her.

    • Thorat Shubhangi Ashok says:

      My aged 21 I have white skin,specially of hands, after bathing with any soap,bodywash or anything. The hands look as if kept in water for long. irritation is also there. Feels better ofapplying a moisturiser.
      Please help me

  16. How can i get skookum chuk 3x in it only found in india

  17. Ravinder Singh says:

    Hello Doctor,
    When ever I eat something to make my body warm I got red bumps on all over my body look like thousands ants bite me and it also start itching in cold temperature it go inside body and in warm it again come out. I want to know how I can cure my self with this disease or infection.

    • Fatima Ruhi says:

      Hello doctor
      Since a week I have rashes and bumps on my right hand and sometimes very itchy a very little on left hand .my nose and cheeks become red itchy and dry.sometimes I feel itchyness in the palm under the thumps mostly in right hand . kindly prescribe me some medicines for such conditions to take for immediate relief.

  18. Rahul Dey says:

    Sir I am suffering from skin irritations and itching sensation after bath or sweating in open air and in room from 2 years.redness and dark skin colour pesist for that. Please help me.

  19. R. K. Dey says:

    Sir, my grandson aged 20 years got round patches on his scalp from which white coloured dead skins come. But no irritation. Please suggest homoeopathic medicine and oblige. Thank you.

  20. Mohammed Adil says:

    Dear Sir
    I am Muhammad Adil from Hyderabad Pakistan. Iam 39 years old and suffering Diabetes type I for the last 20 years. But currently I have been suffering from severe itching without acne on my back for the last two months. I have been scratching with something else for a long time and now started bleeding from somewhere in my back. I have also consulted with many dermatologists in my town but they couldn’t diagnosed any desease and they all says that actually you have diabetes then it is because of this your skin is very dry and prescribed several topical moisturizing lotions & cortisone creams/lotions (Betamethisone, Fluticasone Propionate, Mometasone Furoate with combination of menthol extract) and also oral medicines (Ebastine 20mg, Fexofenadine 180mg, Loratidine 10mg, Cetrazine 10mg and also take Pheniramine Maleate injection) to cure itching problem, but I am not getting any relief from said medications. Now I am even more worried and disturbed because my back is itchy all day and I itch all the time and I don’t even sit in the office.

    Therefore, you are requested to please diagnose this problem of mine and advice me something so that I can get rid of this problem as soon as possible.

    Thanks & Regards

    Muhammad Adil
    Hyderabad Pakistan

    • Mr S.K.Bag says:

      Sir.for almost 15 years the skin on the fingers and toes has been rising dry rough skin

      • Vignan Gupta says:

        My wife is suffering from Psoriasis like skin rash on her palms and anklets with itching sensation. She has tried Allopathy, Ayurvedic and Homeopathy. But they all gave her temporary relief. The rash is limited to palms, and between fingers and ankles but no where else. The rash appears as patchy white scales with itching but no oozing. This condition is persisting for more than 25 years. Can you please suggest some effective homeo medicine.

        Thanking you,

        Vignan Gupta
        13 Oct., 20

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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