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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines to Treat BPPV – Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, commonly called BPPV, refers to a disorder that causes mild to severe attacks of vertigo resulting from a problem within the inner ear. BPPV gets triggered by changes in the head position leading to spinning sensation of oneself or inside the head. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common causes of vertigo.

A homeopathic mode of treatment can help treat BPPV efficiently and gently. Homeopathic medicines address the core problem to bring excellent results and prevent movement of calcium carbonate crystals from the utricle to the inner ear. Homeopathic medicines help reduce the frequency and intensity of the associated vertigo spells. These medicines also help relieve the associated nausea and vomiting. They prove equally effective in managing acute as well as chronic cases of BPPV. After treating BPPV in its acute stage, homeopathic medicines aim to prevent frequent recurrence of vertigo episodes. In mainstream medicine motion sickness medicines are prescribed to relieve symptoms that may cause side effects with long-term use. Homeopathy stimulates the body’s healing mechanism to overcome health issues including BPPV naturally with zero side effects.

Prescribing a suitable homeopathic medicine for a particular case of BPPV requires detailed case analysis. The homeopathic medicines to treat BPPV are selected individually for every case. Homeopathy works wonders when the medicine is prescribed following this individualized approach. It is advised that one should consider the use of homeopathic medicine for BPPV under the supervision of a homeopathic physician, and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathic medicines for BPPV being sourced from natural substances are very safe to use.

homeopathy BPPV

Homeopathic medicines for BPPV.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for BPPV

The top listed homeopathic remedies for treating BPPV are Conium Maculatum, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Belladonna, Cocculus Indicus, Phosphorus, Bryonia Alba and Calcarea Carb.

1. Conium Maculatum – For Vertigo Felt On Turning Head Sideways

Conium Maculatum is a well-indicated medicine for BPPV when vertigo appears upon turning the head sideways. A whirling sensation is felt in the head, and the person wishes to keep the head entirely still. Vertigo from shaking the head also indicates the need for this medicine. Vertigo may worsen from turning over in the bed or from stooping. A person may feel as if the bed is floating.

When to use Conium Maculatum?
It is the best choice of medicine for BPPV when vertigo worsens from turning head to sides, shaking head, stooping or turning in bed.

How to use Conium Maculatum?
Though it can be used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M, but the most frequently recommended potency is 30C that can be used twice or thrice a day.

2. Gelsemium Sempervirens –For Vertigo from Sudden Head Movement with Loss of Balance

Gelsemium works well in cases of BPPV when dizziness arises from sudden head movement with loss of balance. The person staggers while walking as if intoxicated. Head feels light, sometimes attended with dimness of vision. A feeling of a band tied tightly around the head above the ears is another prominent symptom.

When to use Gelsemium Sempervirens?
This medicine can be used in BPPV cases when vertigo happens from sudden movement of head along with loss of balance, dimness of vision and tight band sensation around head.

How to use Gelsemium Sempervirens?

One may take it in 30C potency two to three times a day as per severity of complaint.

3. Belladonna – For Vertigo on Turning in Bed

Belladonna is beneficial for cases of BPPV with vertigo spells appearing on turning in bed. There is a sensation as if everything is turning around in a circle. There appears a rush of blood to the head, and it may be attended with noises in the ear. Vertigo may be followed by a headache of throbbing nature. Belladonna is also useful for vertigo that appears when getting up in the morning.

When to use Belladonna?
This medicine can be considered in BPPV when vertigo occurs when taking turn in bed with sensation of things turning in a circle.

How to use Belladonna?
It is available in different potencies from low to high potency, initially, it is advised to take Belladonna in 30C potency one to three times a day.

4. Cocculus Indicus – When Nausea and Vomiting Attend Vertigo

Cocculus Indicus is useful in cases of BPPV when nausea and vomiting are present along with episodes of vertigo. For using Cocculus, the vertigo attacks appear mostly when rising from the lying position. Things appear to be whirling around, and there is marked nausea and vomiting. A headache and ringing in the ears may also be present. A person may fall due to vertigo in some cases.
When to use Cocculus Indicus?
This medicine is the topmost medicine for BPPV when vertigo is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
How to use Cocculus Indicus?
It is recommended to use this medicine in 30C potency once or twice a day.

5. Phosphorus – For Vertigo While Moving The Head Up Or Down

Phosphorus offers a natural treatment in cases of BPPV when vertigo appears from moving the head up or down. Other symptoms that indicate the need for this remedy include vertigo that arises upon rising from a seat. A sensation of floating may be felt. A sensation of emptiness may be felt in the head along with vertigo. Fainting and exhaustion may be the other guiding symptoms.

When to use Phosphorus?
This medicine is advised in cases of BPPV chiefly when vertigo occurs from upward or downward movement of head or when rising from sitting position.

How to use Phosphorus?
One may consider its use in 30C power once a day.

6. Bryonia Alba – BPPV when Dizziness Arises from Least Motion

Bryonia is another effective medicine for BPPV. The main symptom to use Bryonia Alba in BPPV is dizziness arising from the least motion. Vertigo on stooping is also indicative of using Bryonia. There appears a feeling of looseness of the brain in the skull. A feeling that the head is turning in a circle is also present. Along with vertigo, there is pain in the back of the head (occipital region).

When to use Bryonia Alba?
This medicine is mainly prescribed when dizziness/vertigo happens from the slightest movement attended with pain in the rear part of the head.
How to use Bryonia Alba?
This medicine can be taken one to two times in a day in 30C potency.

7. Calcarea Carb – Vertigo upon Turning Head Suddenly

Calcarea Carb is helpful for BPPV with vertigo appearing on turning the head suddenly. In cases needing Calcarea Carb, a sudden head movement (even at rest) triggers a vertigo spell. There may be nausea and vomiting, and one may fall backward or sideways.

When to use Calcarea Carb?
This medicine is effective for BPPV when vertigo is triggered from sudden head movement.

How to use Calcarea Carb?
It is recommended to use it in 30C power one or two times a day.

Symptoms of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo – BPPV

The primary symptom of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo – BPPV is dizziness/vertigo with a sensation as if you are spinning or the surroundings are spinning. The vertigo episode lasts from a few seconds to a minute or two. The attacks of vertigo vary from mild to intense in nature. Severe vertigo attacks may lead to falling. Vertigo triggered by different kinds of head movements like turning the head up or down, tilting the head, sudden head movements, turning in the bed or getting out of the bed are other indications. Keeping the head still brings relief in vertigo cases. There may be nausea or vomiting. The patient may also experience difficulty in standing and walking, along with a loss of balance and unsteadiness.

Causes behind BPPV

Our inner ear has a labyrinth and semicircular canals that contain fluid and delicate hair sensors. The movement of the fluid inside the ear moves the hair that lines the labyrinth. The hair movement helps send nerve messages to the brain via the vestibular nerve about the position of the head, thereby helping maintain a proper balance. BPPV is thought to arise when a calcified stone otolith (that is usually present in the utricle) gets dislodged and enters the semicircular canal. When the head moves, these calcified stones in the semicircular canal also move. The movement of these stones brushes the hair cells in semicircular canals and sends messages to the brain via the vestibular nerve. As a result, upon moving the head, the brain gets confused with the signals from the (affected) ear and (the unaffected) ear, resulting in a spell of vertigo. The reason for dislodging the otolith is not clear. A person above 50 yrs of age is at greater risk of developing BPPV. An injury to the head is another contributing factor. The chances of getting BPPV are more in females as compared to males.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For GERD, Acidity, Reflux and Heartburn

homeopathic medicines for GERDGastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) refers to a condition in which there is a back flow of the stomach acid into the esophagus (food pipe) resulting in heartburn (burning sensation felt behind the sternum also called retrosternal burning).

Homeopathy is a renowned system of healing that offers a very magnificent and gentle treatment for cases of GERD and acid reflux. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that aid safe and quick relief in GERD symptoms. These helps in GERD by correcting the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) dysfunction and restoring acid balance in the stomach thereby bringing substantial relief in the symptoms like heartburn, burping, nausea, and difficult swallowing. The reliance on antacids and PPI (Proton pump inhibitors) that can cause side effects if used for an extended duration can be brought down to minimum with the use of these natural remedies without any adverse effects.

Homeopathy can treat GERD from its root

Homeopathy acts deeply, and not superficially, to treat health issues. It is much more than simply offering symptomatic relief. It goes to the root cause of a problem and treats it from its origin. Likewise, homeopathic treatment can treat GERD from its core. Its recurrences can also be prevented if certain dietary and lifestyle precautions are taken simultaneously.

Effective for both acute and chronic cases

Homeopathy brings great results in both acute and chronic cases of GERD. Though the time to show improvement varies as per chronicity, in acute cases, it assures to bring prompt symptom relief and resolve the condition quickly. In chronic cases, it works to reduce the intensity and frequency of GERD symptoms gradually along with targeting the root cause for a permanent cure.

Homeopathy can prevent GERD complications

Long-term GERD may also lead to several complications. But, with the help of a timely course of natural homeopathic remedies for the prescribed duration, one can also avoid its complications like esophagitis, and ulcers in the esophagus.

Zero side effects

Homeopathy treats GERD without any risk of any side effects. Even with long term use of homeopathic remedies no harmful effects follow. This is due to the fact that homeopathic remedies are natural and do not contain any toxins or chemicals.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and GERD

The top medicines that are used to treat GERD are Iris Versicolor, Robinia, Natrum Phos, Carbo Veg, Nux Vomica, Arsenic Album, and Pulsatilla.

1. Iris Versicolor – For Sour, Bitter Belching and Heartburn

Iris Versicolor is a natural medicine for treating GERD. It is prepared from a plant commonly named ‘blue flag.’ The natural order of this plant is Iridaceae. Sour, bitter belching is the key feature to use this medicine. Vomiting of sour bitter fluid that burns the throat, vomiting with weakness, a smarting, burning sensation in the throat, and heartburn are the key symptoms. There may be burning distress and pains in the epigastric region (the part above the stomach) at frequent intervals. Constant nausea may be present with these symptoms.
There is excessive indigestion, and the food is vomited after an hour or so of eating a meal. Iris Versicolor is also a well-indicated medicine for a headache arising with acidity.

When to use Iris Versicolor?

This medicine is recommended for GERD with sour, bitter belchings (burps), heartburn and sour vomiting.

How to use Iris Versicolor?

This medicine can be taken in 30C power once or twice a day.

2. Robinia – When Acidity Symptoms Worsen At Night

Robinia is a top listed medicine for treating GERD. Robinia is prepared from a plant named ‘yellow locust.’ The natural order of this plant is Leguminosae. The key indication to use this medicine in GERD is the worsening of acidity symptoms at night time. There is intense heartburn, constant sour belching, and sour vomiting due to the regurgitation of acid from the stomach. As the symptoms tend to get worse at night time these can cause sleeplessness.

When to use Robinia?

This medicine is well indicated when acidity symptoms like heartburn, sour burps get worse at night time.

How to use Robinia?

It is advised to use Robinia 30 C twice or thrice a day

3. Natrum Phos – For Heartburn and Difficult Swallowing

Natrum Phos is another prominently indicated medicine for GERD treatment. It is useful when heartburn is attended with difficulty swallowing. Other symptoms include sour belching, waterbrash, and vomiting of sour fluid or cheesy, curdled masses. A lump sensation in the throat may also be present, along with a loss of appetite.

When to use Natrum Phos?

Natrum Phos can be opted for managing GERD with heartburn along with difficulty in swallowing.

How to use Natrum Phos?

Natrum Phos can be administered in 6X potency three to four times a day.

4. Carbo Veg – For Bloating and Heartburn

Carbo Veg is an excellent medicine for GERD treatment. It is useful when there is bloating along with heartburn. Sour, offensive belching that gets worse after drinking or eating, a burning sensation in the throat, and difficulty in swallowing are other symptoms. Even the simplest of foods tend to trigger the condition.

When to use Carbo Veg?

This medicine is suitable when abdominal bloating attends complaint of heartburn even from eating the simplest kind of food.

How to use Carbo Veg?

Carbo Veg 30C can be taken twice or thrice a day as per symptom intensity.

5. Nux Vomica – For Acidity from spicy food, coffee, alcohol

Nux Vomica is a highly effective medicine in general for managing several gastric issues including acidity from spicy food, coffee, and alcohol. In cases needing it burning in the throat, heartburn and sour belching occurs. It may be accompanied by a cough. Nux Vomica is one of the best-indicated medicines for a gastric cough that gets worse at night time and prevents sleep. Vomiting usually appears from coughing. The throat is sore and raw, and swallowing may be painful.

When to use Nux Vomica?

Nux Vomica can be considered when acidity is worse from the intake of spicy food, coffee, or alcohol.

How to use Nux Vomica?

It is recommended to take Nux Vomica at 30 C power once or twice a day

6. Arsenic Album – For Burning Pain in Throat

Arsenic Album is a medicine for GERD that is accompanied by a burning pain in the throat. The burning gets worse upon swallowing. Swallowing is difficult and painful. Other symptoms include regurgitation of acrid matter, water brash, heartburn, intense nausea, and weakness. Arsenic Album is also a well indicated medicine for inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis).

When to use Arsenic Album?

This medicine can be selected to manage burning pain in the throat along with painful and difficult swallowing.

How to use Arsenic Album?

Though it can be used in both low to high potencies, in the beginning, it is advised to take it in 30C potency once or twice a day.

7. Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Acid Reflux from Fatty Food

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named ‘windflower.’ The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. It is used in cases of GERD where consumption of fatty food worsens the complaint. Greasy, fatty foods like creams, pastries, and ice creams trigger acid reflux. The symptoms include heartburn and water brash. Belching of food, bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, and a sensation of lumping in the throat may be present.

When to use Pulsatilla Nigricans?

It is an ideal medicine for cases of acidity that worsens from eating fatty food like creams, pastries, ice creams.

How to use Pulsatilla Nigricans?

In the beginning, one may start with its 30C potency once a day. After close observation of symptoms, higher potencies can be considered if need arises, under a homeopathic physician’s supervision.

Main Cause of Heartburn

To understand GERD, one will have to first understand how our esophagus (food pipe) and stomach handle food and acid. As the food reaches the lower end of the food pipe, a circular muscle (the LES or lower esophageal sphincter) present around the food pipe opens up and allows the food to enter the stomach. Once it enters the stomach, this muscle closes the lower end of the food pipe. This behaves like a one-way valve stopping the food and the acid in the stomach from moving back into the esophagus. In Gerd, this valve relaxes abnormally or weakens, so the stomach acid flows back up into your esophagus very frequently, causing repeated attacks of heartburn.

GERD: Symptoms

– Heartburn, which is a burning sensation in the chest behind the breastbone. It gets worse after eating, lying down, and bending.
– Burning in the throat
– Chest pain
– Sour, bitter belching or water brash (sudden flow of saliva due to indigestion) from regurgitation of food or sour liquid
– Sour taste in the mouth
– Difficulty in swallowing
– Sensation of a lump in the throat
– Bad breath
– Feeling of Abdominal bloating
– Cough
– Laryngitis
– Worsening of asthmatic complaint

Risk Factors: GERD

The risk factors for GERD include obesity, hiatus hernia (bulging of the upper part of the stomach through the hiatus opening in the diaphragm), smoking, pregnancy, strenuous exercise right after eating a meal, heavy exercise with a focus on the core muscles of the abdomen, exercises that involve hanging upside down or bending, and weightlifting.

Factors that can Trigger or Worsen GERD Symptoms

It firstly includes certain food and drinks such as fatty foods, fried food, chocolates, spicy food, tomatoes, garlic, onions, and citrus fruits, carbonated drinks, caffeinated drinks, and alcohol which are known to worsen GERD symptoms. The other reason could be taking medications such as NSAIDs, antibiotics (such as tetracycline), pain relievers (such as ibuprofen and aspirin), birth control pills, and iron supplements. Other factors may include stress, late-night eating, eating food in large quantities, and immediately lying down after eating food.

Complications/ Long-term Effects of GERD

Long-standing uncontrolled or untreated GERD carries a risk of developing certain complications. These include inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis), ulcers/erosions in the esophagus, and stricture of the esophagus from a scar that causes narrowing of the esophagus. A serious complication of GERD is Barrett’s esophagus in which the squamous type of cells present in the lining of the esophagus change from squamous type to columnar epithelial type which is considered a precancerous condition.

Managing Acid Reflux and GERD

Some tips that can help minimize acid reflux and manage GERD include:

1. Drinking More Water

2. Avoiding Smoking and Alcohol

3. Eating Small, Regular Meals

4. Regular Exercising

5. Minimizing use of certain medications like NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and hormone replacement drugs

6. Taking dinner early

7. Avoiding Overeating

8. Maintaining a Healthy Weight

9. Keeping head slightly elevated while sleeping

10. Stress Management

11. Foods to Avoid: These include animal products and dairy products, caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks. allergy-causing foods like gluten, certain nuts, or synthetic ingredients, fatty foods, overly spicy foods, tomatoes, and chocolates.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 3 Homeopathic Medicines for Treating Stress

homeopathy for stress Stress is a regular part of life, and everyone experiences it from time to time. In some cases, stress can help a person work better under difficult conditions to achieve goals. It can be essential too, for survival in certain circumstances (to trigger the fight-or-flight response in case of danger). However, severe chronic stress that continues for a long time and is not managed can manifest itself in the form of physical problems. Homeopathy for stress works at a psychological level to help the body cope with the stressful conditions, and also minimize the physiological effects of stress.

Stress is a body’s natural way of responding to any danger or threat. When a person senses a threat, certain hormones come into action that either help fight the situation or run away from it. The hormones released in stressful conditions include cortisol and adrenaline. These lead to increased heart rate, alertness, accelerated breathing, high blood pressure, and tightening of muscles. Frequent arousal of this stress mechanism has harmful physical and psychological effects.

Causes of Stress

Different people react to the same kind of stress in different ways. One person may find a given situation stressful while for another person, a similar situation causes no stress. Stress to a large extent depends on a person’s perception of a given situation. Various factors can trigger stress, and these are known as stressors. Some of the major stressors include:

– problems at the workplace

– financial crisis

– disharmony in relationships, marriage

– major life changes

– negative thinking (pessimism)

– demanding perfectionism in everything

– job loss, unemployment

– moving to a new home

– an illness

– death of a family member or someone loved

– stress after a traumatic incidence like abuse, violence, natural disaster or an accident (a condition known as PTSD – post-traumatic stress disorder)

Symptoms of Stress

The symptoms of stress are seen on different levels. Some important symptoms include:

Symptoms of stress on a physical level include:

  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Stomach problems
  • Seeping troubles
  • Muscle aches/
  • Changes in sex drive
  • Chest pain

Symptoms of stress on the emotional level include:

  • Anger
  • Irritability
  • Mood changes
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Feeling of isolation

Symptoms of stress on the behavioral aspect include:

  • Withdrawal from others
  • Using drugs
  • Abuse of alcohol or tobacco
  • Eating excessively
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Changed sleeping patterns where a person sleeps too much or too little

Symptoms of stress on the cognitive level include:

  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Weak memory
  • Difficulty in making judgments

Homeopathy for Stress

The homeopathic system of medicine carries an excellent scope to help a person manage stress. Homeopathic medicines are constitutional remedies that work on a deep psychological level to give the best results in stress management. They help in building stamina to cope with day-to-day stresses of life. They also help overcome chronic grief that is causing stress. Conditions like depression and anxiety arising from long-standing stress are also treated well with homeopathic medicines.
The top listed homeopathic medicines for stress include Kali Phos, Ignatia Amara, and Natrum Mur.

1. Kali Phos – Top Medicine to Manage Stress

Kali Phos for stress is a top listed remedy used to manage stress that arises from overstraining of mind at the workplace or home.
A constant state of cares and worries leading to stress is a guiding feature to use this medicine. It helps to relax the overstrained mind. People needing Kali Phos tend to remain sad, irritable and restless and may be over-sensitive to noise and light. The person also tends to feel weak, fatigued and exhausted from minimal exertion. Indifference to life, a weak memory, and stress headaches are treated well with Kali Phos. Sleeplessness from stress is also treated with this homeopathic remedy.

Key indications for using Kali Phos for Stress:

– Overstrained mind
– Fatigue
– Headache and Sleeplessness

2. Ignatia Amara – For Managing Stress due to Grief

Ignatia Amara is a well indicated medicine for managing stress that stems from some grief. For example, the grief over the death of a near or dear one or disappointment in love that leads to stress is treated well with Ignatia. The person needing this medicine has consistently sad thoughts, weeps bitterly and has a desire to be left alone. He/She may also sob and sigh frequently. A changeable mood where the person laughs and weeps in quick succession, an indifference to things the person loved in the past, discouragement, mental and physical exhaustion, and dullness of mind and difficulty in comprehension are some other symptoms that may be noted. Such people may also get frightened easily and tend to have restless sleep. Other related symptoms include head heaviness, loss of appetite, constipation and muscle twitches.

Key indications for using Ignatia Amara for Stress

– Stress from grief
– Continuous sadness and weeping
– Mental and physical exhaustion

3. Natrum Mur – For Stress that results in Depression

Natrum Mur as a remedy for stress works well in cases where the stress leads to depression. The guiding features to use Natrum Mur are a desire to be alone, aversion to talking and weeping in loneliness. Consolation tends to worsen the condition, and the person develops an aversion to doing any work (whether physical or mental). They are hurried, anxious and hopeless about the future. They also become absent-minded and suffer from weakness of memory. Dullness of mind and difficulty thinking, fluttering of heart and palpitations are other features. Natrum Mur is also useful for treating hair loss resulting from stress and depression.

Key indications for using Natrum Mur for Stress

– A desire for loneliness
– Aversion to work
– Hair loss from stress

Other Important Medicines

4. Arsenic Album – For Stress that Leads to Anxiety

Arsenic Album is a medicine for stress that leads to anxiety. Anxiety with extreme restlessness, overthinking with several thoughts crowding the mind, a fear of death, trembling, cold sweat, and facial flushing are the typical symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine. Constriction of chest and difficulty in breathing may also be present. The anxiety attacks are more prevalent after midnight. Utmost exhaustion is present in a majority of the cases.

5. Aconitum Napellus – For Managing Acute Stress with Panic Attacks

Aconitum Napellus is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named ‘monkshood.’ As a remedy for stress, Aconitum Napellus is used to manage acute stress (of great intensity) with panic attacks. Extreme anxiety with restlessness and hurriedness along with intense palpitations are the main symptoms. A fear of death may also be present.

6. Coffea Cruda – For Managing Sleeplessness from Stress

Coffea Cruda is a medicine used to treat sleeplessness that develops due to stress. Excessive thoughts flow through the mind constantly and lead to sleeplessness. Palpitations may be present, and the person tosses about in the bed from side to side. Nervousness, restlessness, excessive weeping and lamenting over trifles, oversensitivity, and irritability are the main symptoms that indicate the need for Coffea Cruda.

7. Nux Vomica – For Stress with Irritability and Anger Outbursts

Nux Vomica is a prominent medicine indicated for stress accompanied by irritability and anger outbursts. Nux Vomica is suitable when the person is stressed and tends to get easily angered or irritable, get offended easily, and are quarrelsome. Oversensitivity to light, noise, smell, and anxiety about small things, sleeplessness, and gastric troubles may also be present. An inclination to take drugs or excessive alcohol may be seen among individuals requiring homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica.

8. Aurum Met – For Stress causing Pessimism

Aurum Met is indicated medicine for stress in people who have pessimistic thinking about life.
The person needing Aurum Met is always unhappy and thinks life is a burden. He/She develops a weariness towards life and feels hopeless. Suicidal thoughts, a longing for death, anger from contradictions, palpitations with sleepiness, and fatigue of the limbs are other symptoms.

Health Issues Triggered by Stress

Stress can contribute to many health problems. When left untreated or unmanaged, chronic stress can lead to hair fall, digestive issues, skin problems, weight gain and other serious problems like heart diseases, hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and reproductive issues.

1. Stress and Heart Disease

The link between heart disease and stress is not yet clearly understood. However, it is known that stress contributes to many changes in the body that collectively work and increase the risk for heart disease. These changes resulting from stress include an increase in blood pressure, worsening of high cholesterol, thickening of the blood, damage to the lining of blood vessels, and atherosclerosis. Other contributing factors include alcohol, smoking, overeating, and doing less exercise due to stress.

2. Stress and High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Stress does tend to cause an increase in the blood pressure due to the rise of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. However, this increase in blood pressure is temporary, and it drops down to normal levels once the stressful condition is over. The exact link between stress and long-term hypertension is not known, but it is possible that frequent rising and falling of blood pressure due to stress may add up over time, and lead to chronic hypertension. Along with this, if a person consumes alcohol, tobacco, or starts overeating, these factors can contribute to chronic hypertension.

3. Stress and Diabetes

Chronic stress carries a risk of contributing to the development of type 2 diabetes. Stress may lead to unhealthy lifestyle habits like lack of exercise, smoking, changing eating habits, alcohol intake, etc. All these factors put a person at risk for developing diabetes. Stress causes long-term activation of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (a complex set of interactions between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and the adrenal glands) and the sympathetic nervous system. These lead to the development of abdominal obesity and further increase the risk of diabetes.

4. Stress and Obesity

During a stressful situation, the hormone cortisol is released. This hormone is known to increase the appetite, and increase the cravings for sugary and fatty foods. This can increase the belly fat and cause obesity over time.

5. Stress and Digestive Complaints

Stress can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract ( GIT ). The process of digestion slows down during stress. Stress can also cause inflammation in the GIT, acid reflux, diarrhea, constipation and bloating. It is also a leading predisposing factor for IBS – irritable bowel syndrome and tends to worsen peptic ulcers.

6. Stress and Reproductive Problems

In males, stress can lead to weak erections or impotence. In females, stress can lead to low libido, severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and intense symptoms during menopause. In pregnant women, the chances of a premature birth increase if the woman is stressed.

7. Stress and Hair Fall

Stress can lead to hair fall by triggering conditions like telogen effluvium, alopecia areata, and trichotillomania. In the case of telogen effluvium, stress makes hair follicles to go into a resting phase. The affected hair falls out in bunches upon combing or washing.
Stress can also cause hair loss in spots (alopecia areata) by triggering an autoimmune response.
Trichotillomania is a condition where a person has an irresistible desire to pull out hair from eyebrows, scalp, and other areas of the body as a result of stress.

8. Stress and Skin Complaints

Stress can trigger many skin complaints and cause flare-ups. Acne is one of the most common skin conditions triggered by stress. Stress boosts the levels of the hormone cortisol. This leads to an increase in the production of oil, making the skin more prone towards acne. Stress can also trigger or flare up an autoimmune response linked to skin complaints like vitiligo and psoriasis. Apart from these, eczema and acne rosacea also tend to flare up due to stress.

Classification of Stress

Stress can be divided into three types – acute stress, episodic acute stress, and chronic stress.

Acute stress
It is short-term stress and is also the most common type of stress. In acute stress, the body immediately reacts to a new challenge or an event. For example, giving a speech to a group of people, an argument with someone, or being stuck in a traffic jam can trigger acute stress. The symptoms of acute stress include increased heart rate, anxiety, shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart, increased sweat, tension headache and tensed muscles in the neck and back.

Episodic Acute Stress
Episodic acute stress is the condition where acute stress occurs on a very frequent basis. Anxious personalities and people who tend to think negatively most of the time are at an increased risk to suffer from episodic acute stress. The symptoms of episodic acute stress include tension headaches, migraines, depression, chronic fatigue, hypertension, and irritability.

Chronic Stress
The stress that is persistent and lasts for a long time is known as chronic stress. Chronic stress occurs due to a variety of reasons, like unhealthy relationships, poverty, unsatisfactory job/career. Persons with chronic stress are at a high risk to develop conditions like heart disease, stroke, cancer or to commit suicide.

Stress Management

Apart from homeopathy, the following tips can help manage stress:

– Adopting relaxing techniques like yoga, meditation

– Taking a healthy diet including fresh fruits, vegetables, and omega three fatty acids

– Doing regular exercise

– Getting enough sleep

– Avoiding taking alcohol, drugs, and tobacco

– Cutting down the amount of sugar and caffeine intake

– Deep breathing exercises

– Maintaining a positive attitude towards life

– Taking time to cultivate some relaxing hobbies

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 3 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Treating Head Injuries

Head injury broadly includes any injury that occurs on the scalp, skull or the brain. A head injury can vary from a mild bump on the scalp to a severe brain injury. A minor head injury may lead to confusion or a headache. On the other hand, a significant head injury may lead to memory loss, coma or death. Head injuries are broadly categorized into two types – closed head injury and open/penetrating head injury. In case of closed head injury, the skull does not break. Breaking of the skull by an object, and its entry into or on the brain is referred to as an open or penetrating head injury. Homeopathic medicine for head injury helps relieve pain and treats the associated problems following a head injury. Arnica, for example, is an excellent homeopathic first-aid remedy for head injuries.

Causes of Head Injuries

There are several causes of a head injury, which include: – accidents (on a roadside, at home, or at the workplace) – falling and hurting the head – physical assault (getting into a fight, domestic violence, childhood abuse, etc.) – sports injuries (as in skateboarding, soccer, football, hockey, etc. ) – Gunshot wounds

Types of Head Injuries

The different types of head injuries are: Intracranial Bleeding – It refers to bleeding in the skull. Lacerations to the scalp – Tearing of skin that results in an irregular wound. Subdural hematoma, epidural hematoma – Collection of blood outside the blood vessels is referred to as a hematoma. Bleeding below the dura mater (one of the three layers that cover the brain and spinal cord) is known as subdural hematoma while bleeding between dura mater and skull is known as an epidural hematoma. Concussions -Concussions arise from a blow to the head in which the brain gets shaken and hits against the wall of the skull. Cerebral contusions – Bruising of the brain tissue is known as a cerebral contusion. Skull fracture – A break in the skull bone is known as a skull fracture. It is further divided into four types – linear, depressed, diastatic and basilar skull fracture.

Symptoms of a Head Injury

The symptoms of a head injury can be felt immediately or develop slowly over a couple of hours or days. The intensity of symptoms depends upon the severity of the head injury. The signs of a minor head injury and a major head injury are different.

Symptoms: Minor Head Injury

The symptoms of a minor head injury include dizziness, feeling foggy in the brain, confusion, headache, nausea, ringing in the ears, sensitivity to light/noise, a bump or swollen area on the scalp ( a bruise) or a small superficial cut in the scalp.

Symptoms: Major Head Injury

The symptoms of major or serious head injury include:

  • loss of consciousness
  • vomiting
  • change in the size of pupils of eyes
  • leaking of clear fluid or blood from the nose, ears or mouth
  • problems in balance/ coordination
  • inability to move any of the limbs
  • slurred speech
  • stiff neck
  • blurred vision
  • impaired hearing/smell/taste
  • abnormal eye movements
  • loss of memory (amnesia)
  • difficulty walking
  • a severe headache
  • serious disorientation
  • low breathing rate
  • weakness in one side of the body
  • a deep cut in the scalp
  • behavioral changes (including irritability)

Homeopathy for Head Injury

Any head injury needs urgent medical attention. Homeopathic medicines can effectively treat acute head injuries as well as the long-term effects that develop due to an injury. However, it should be noted that in case of head injuries, conventional treatment should be taken along with homeopathic treatment. This is because the head injury can be severe and conventional medicines may be required for emergency care. Among the various homeopathic medicines for a head injury, the top ones include Arnica Montana, Natrum Sulph, and Cicuta Virosa. These are homeopathic medicines prepared from naturally occurring substances and treat head injuries in a very safe, gentle manner without any side effects.

Top three Homeopathic Medicines for Head Injury

Arnica Montana – Homeopathic Medicine for Head Injury

Arnica Montana is a top homeopathic medicine for a head injury. It has a high healing capacity and works in a very effective manner in case of a head injury from falls, blows, or those arising from blunt instruments. Hematomas, concussions, contusions are all treated well with Arnica Montana. It is also indicated for skull fractures. Arnica Montana should be used as a first aid homeopathic medicine in case of head injury. Soon after a head injury, a state of shock, confusion, drowsiness, stupor that appears can be dealt well with this homeopathic medicine. The extreme pain, soreness, tenderness of head following an injury, a burning / heated sensation in the head, meningitis following head injury can be treated with Arnica. In case of meningitis, a great stupor and an excessive inclination to vomit are indications to use this medicine.

Natrum Sulph – Homeopathic Medicine for Head Injury – Chronic Effects

Homeopathic medicine Natrum Sulph an effective treatment for the chronic effects of a head injury. It helps treat mental troubles arising from a head injury. Depression following head injury is a prominent feature to use this medicine. Here, the important indicating features to use this medicine are sadness, tearfulness, aversion to living and suicidal thoughts. In addition to that, a dislike to speak or be spoken to is present. Other symptoms include a low spirit, ill humor, irritability, and anxiety. It also helps treat epilepsy that may develop after a head injury. Natrum Sulph also works well to treat headaches that follow a head injury, along with pain at the back of the neck.

Cicuta Virosa – Homeopathic Medicine for Head Injury followed by Epilepsy

Cicuta Virosa is a homeopathic medicine for a head injury that is followed by epilepsy (seizures). Violent convulsions with distortions of limb, bending of the head, neck, and spine backward are the most prominent feature to use this medicine. Other significant symptoms include froth from the mouth, rolling of eyes up, and dilated pupils. Most of the times, a spasm begins in the head and travels down. Prolonged unconsciousness follows an episode of convulsions. Extreme weakness following the convulsions, convulsions triggered by noise, and visual disturbances as a result of head injuries are indicative of this medicine.

Other Important Homeopathic Medicines for Head Injury 

Apart from these medicines, some other significant homeopathic medicines are used for treating a head injury and its effects. These include Helleborus Niger, Conium Maculatum, Hypericum Perforatum, Belladonna and Calendula Officinalis. The key indications for using these homeopathic medicines are as follows:

Helleborus Niger – Homeopathic medicine for Head Injury – Altered Mental Functioning

Helleborus Niger is a homeopathic medicine for a head injury that leads to altered mental functioning, with symptoms like confusion, slowness of perception, inattention, drowsiness, dullness and weakness/loss of memory. Unintelligible muttering, constant thoughtless staring at one spot, slowness in responding, indifferent behavior, anxiety, boring head in a pillow, rolling head from side to side, beating head with hands, picking of lips/clothes, and fixed dilated pupils are other symptoms that indicate the need for Helleborus Niger.

Conium Maculatum – Homeopathic Medicine for Head Injury – Vertigo

Conium Maculatum is a homeopathic medicine for head injury followed by vertigo. In such cases, vertigo gets worse when turning the head sideways. Lying down and turning in bed may worsen vertigo. In some cases, worsening of vertigo due to a noise or an eye movement is also noted. Vertigo with an inclination to fall sideways is also treated well with Conium.

Hypericum Perforatum – Homeopathic Medicine for Head Injury – Headaches

Hypericum Perforatum is a homeopathic medicine for a head injury that is followed by headaches. Soreness of eyes with a headache, a sensation of being lifted up high in the air are the main symptoms. Hypericum is also indicated for treating a fracture of the skull, and for open wounds with weakness due to blood loss.

Belladonna – Homeopathic Medicine for Head Injury followed by Brain Inflammation

Belladonna is a prominent homeopathic medicine for brain inflammation following a head injury. The symptoms to use this medicine include fever, severe headache, heat in the head, flushed face, frequent full pulse, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, boring head in a pillow, and convulsions.

Calendula Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Lacerated Wounds of Scalp

Calendula Officinalis is a natural homeopathic medicine used to treat lacerated wounds of the scalp. It helps heal an injury that is attended by features like wounds on the scalp that are raw, inflamed and are highly painful, along with an occurrence of fever. This medicine helps in reducing pain, inflammation, promoting healthy granulation and preventing suppuration. Calendula Officinalis is also indicated for compound fractures of the skull.

Head Injury: Complications

The major complications of head injury are: Meningitis Inflammation of the protective membranes (meninges) of the brain and spinal cord is known as meningitis. If not treated immediately it can cause permanent damage to the brain and may also prove to be fatal life-threatening. The symptoms of meningitis include a very high fever, headache, stiff neck, nausea/vomiting, skin rash, and seizures. Hydrocephalus An abnormal fluid buildup in the ventricles of the brain is referred to as hydrocephalus. Excess fluid puts pressure on the brain and damages it. To prevent permanent brain damage, quick treatment is required. The symptoms include a headache, neck pain, sleepiness, vomiting, blurred vision/double vision, confusion, eyes fixing downward, poor coordination, and seizures. Coma Coma is a state of an extended period of unconsciousness. The person in a coma doesn’t respond to the environment and cannot be awakened by any stimulation. Coma in head injury may arise from swelling in the brain or a brain hemorrhage. Seizures Seizures arise from abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The symptoms of seizures include uncontrollable shaking of the body, temporary confusion, unconsciousness and a staring spell. The symptoms tend to last for 30 seconds to 2 – 3 minutes. When a tendency of seizures develops, the condition is known as epilepsy.

Important Preventive Measures

Head injuries, whether minor or major, can lead to long-term problems. It is important to get timely treatment in case a head injury has occurred. Preventing head injuries is important, and the following measures can be taken to avoid traumatic brain injuries :

  • Always Wear helmets while driving bikes, bicycle, or while participating in sports activities like skating.
  • Do not drive after consuming alcohol.
  • Make it a habit of wearing a seat belt when sitting in a car.n

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicine for Elbow Pain

Homeopathic Medicine for Elbow PainElbow pain is a surprisingly common problem that affects the elbow joint. The elbow joint is a hinge joint formed by three bones (humerus, radius, and ulna) and the various muscles, ligaments, and tendons that support the joint. Pain in the elbow joint or any structures surrounding is called elbow pain. Pain in the elbow can be one-sided (unilateral) or may occur on both sides (bilateral). The nature of elbow pain varies from person to person and majorly depends on the cause; it can be sharp, dull, burning, tearing or shooting in nature.

Homeopathy offers wonderful treatment for cases of elbow pain. Homeopathic medicines for elbow pain work by stimulating the body’s natural restorative processes for a speedy recovery. These medicines along with elbow pain also help to manage attending symptoms like stiffness, swelling, and tenderness of elbow joint. In the conventional system of medicine, elbow pain is usually treated with the use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), corticosteroids, antirheumatic drugs (for example, methotrexate, cytokine blockers, JAK inhibitors), or even surgery. These drugs help in reducing the inflammation by decreasing the production of prostaglandins (chemicals that are responsible for causing pain, fever, and inflammation). But these drugs can also cause some serious side effects like stomach pain, heartburn, stomach ulcers, headache, dizziness, ringing in the ears, an allergic reaction such as wheezing, rashes, liver and kidney problems. Homeopathy for elbow pain, on the other hand, shows no side effects and promotes natural healing by stimulating the body’s self-healing mechanism.

Homeopathy focuses to treat underlying cause

As there are several causes behind elbow pain like arthritis, gout, injury, overstrained elbow joint, inflamed tendons, and trapped nerves, so for long-term relief, this cause needs to be addressed. Homeopathy focuses on treating these causes as may be the case. It leads to long term relief and effective cures.

Safe, natural medicines

Homeopathic medicines are made of natural substances so do not cause any sort of side effects. It can only help, never harm. Homeopathic medicines are suitable for treating elbow pain in persons of all age groups for acute as well as chronic pain relief.

Individualized treatment

In homeopathic treatment of elbow pain, the prescription, its dosage, potency, repetition are decided individually in every case. Hence, guidance from a homeopathic doctor is required and self-medication might not help. Homeopathic treatment if taken as per guidelines and recommended time period suggested by a homeopathic physician leads to great cures in elbow pain cases.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicine for Elbow Pain

The well indicated homeopathic medicines for treating elbow pain includes medicines Rhus Tox, Ruta Graveolens, Bryonia Alba, Colchicum Autumnale and Argentum Met.

1. Rhus Tox – For Elbow Pain from arthritis, Over-Straining of Elbow Joint

Rhus Tox is the top most medicine indicated for the treatment of elbow joint pain from arthritis, over-straining/overuse of elbow joint accompanied with a stiffness of joint. The elbow joint feels hot, painful, and swollen and one feels better by warmth, motion and massage. Rhus Tox is usually indicated for tearing pain in the elbow joint.

When to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine is suggested to help cases of elbow pain from arthritis, overstraining or overuse of elbow joint with marked stiffness of elbow joint. There is relief in pain by warmth, motion and massage.

How to use Rhus Tox?

It can be used in different potencies from low to high like 30C, 200C, 1M. Most commonly it is used in 30C potency two to three times a day. To use high potencies, kindly consult a homeopathic physician

2. Ruta Graveolens – Elbow Pain due to Tendinitis and Bursitis

Ruta Graveolens is the foremost medicine for managing pain that occurs due to inflamed tendons and bursae. When elbow pains are sore, aching and accompanied with restlessness, and weariness, Ruta Graveolens works well. It is the best medicine to treat cases of tennis elbow.

When to use Ruta Graveolens?

It is the most suitable medicine for managing sore, aching pains from inflammation of tendons and bursa. It is the best choice of medicine for tennis elbow cases.

How to use Ruta Graveolens?

It can be taken in 30 C potency once or twice a day. For using its high potencies like 200C one needs to consult a homeopathic physician.

3. Bryonia Alba – Elbow Pain that Worsens with Movement

Bryonia Alba is a wonderful medicine for elbow pain that worsens with movement and is tender to touch. Elbow joints are usually red, swollen and hot. The pain of elbow joints is generally sharp and tearing.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

This medicine should be considered when there is pain in the elbow along with redness, swelling, tenderness and heat with pain worsening from movement.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

It is advised to take Bryonia Alba 30C twice or thrice a day as per severity of complaint.

4. Colchicum Autumnale – Elbow Pain due to Gout

Colchicum Autumnale is an excellent medicine indicated for elbow pain that arises due to the condition of gout. Colchicum Autumnale is best suited when the elbow joint is stiff and hot. The pain worsens at night, from touch, and warm weather. This medicine is used for elbow pain treatment when the pain is tearing, with a piercing pin and needle sensation in the hand and wrist. A sharp pain in the elbow may also be felt.

When to use Colchicum Autumnale?

This medicine is highly recommended for managing elbow pain resulting from gout (high uric acid) with worsening of pain from touching the elbow and at night time.

How to use Colchicum Autumnale?

Colchicum Autumnale can be used in 30C power once or twice a day.

5. Argentum Met – For Rheumatic Elbow Pain with tenderness

Argentum Met is the medicine indicated for the treatment of rheumatic  (related to inflamed joint) elbow pain accompanied by tenderness. Weakness in the arm also occurs. The elbow pain gradually increases, suddenly becomes severe, and then ceases. The pain feels like an electric shock.

When to use Argentum Met?

This medicine is indicated when elbow pain from joint inflammation is attended with tenderness in elbow and weakness in arm.

How to use Argentum Met?

This medicine can be taken one or two times a day in 30C potency.

Causes of Elbow Pain

The causes of elbow pain are usually overuse or strain due to work, sports, hobbies, or accidents. Elbow pain happens to be the most common symptom of elbow-related disorders.
Some reasons for elbow pain are as follows –

Sprains and Strains: Sprains are the stretching or tearing of ligaments that connect two bones. A strain on the other hand is a stretching or tearing of the tendon or muscle.

Tendinitis: Fibrous tissues that attach muscles to bones in the elbow when overused, may cause inflammation and irritation of the tendons. This condition is known as Tendinitis.

Bursitis: Bursae are fluid-filled sacs that act as cushions to the bones in the elbow. Any inflammation or injury caused to the part can lead to Bursitis.

Tennis Elbow: Tennis elbow develops as a result of inflammation of the tendons in the muscles of the forearm, at the point where they attach to the outer elbow joint. This is also known as Lateral Epicondylitis.

Golfer’s Elbow: Golfer’s elbow refers to an inflammation in the tendons at the point where the tendons attach the muscles of the forearm to the bony part on the inner elbow. Medically this condition is known as epicondylitis.

Throwing Injuries: Also called “baseball pitcher’s elbow,” these injuries occur due to overuse of the elbow when a ball is thrown. Other sports involving similar mechanisms tend to produce similar injuries. These involve elbow structures like tendon detachments.

Radial Nerve Compression: This is a condition in which the radial nerve that passes through the elbow joint gets compressed or pinched.

Ulnar Nerve Compression (or entrapment): Pinching or compression of the nerve by swelling or displacement.

Ligament Tears: Elbow ligaments torn due to excessive force on the elbow joint can cause elbow pain.

Injuries to any Elbow Component: Trauma and pain to any component of the elbow joint or adjacent structures that work with the elbow joint (forearm structures like the upper arm and shoulders) can cause elbow pain.

Broken Arm: Fracture in the parts of the arm bones (including the humerus, radius, and ulna) cause extreme elbow pain.

Stress Fractures: Any non-displaced fracture of the bones that form the elbow joint can cause elbow pain.

Dislocation of an Elbow Component: Dislocation of any bones or other structures such as tendons or nerves that form or pass through the elbow joint can lead to elbow pain.

Carpal tunnel Syndrome: Carpal tunnel is a condition that causes numbness, pain and tingling in the arm and hand. It happens when one of the major nerves of the hand (known as the median nerve) gets squeezed or compressed as it goes through the wrist.

Elbow Fractures: Any fracture of the bones that form the elbow joint (humerus, radius, ulna) cause extreme pain.

Osteoarthritis: It is a condition wherein there is a loss of cartilage at the end of the bones in the elbow. This can lead to elbow pain.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: It is an autoimmune disease that causes joint inflammation. When this condition develops in the elbow, it can cause chronic pain.

Osteochondritis Dissecans: This is a condition wherein the blood supply is cut or decreased in the elbow.

Olecranon Bursitis: Inflammation of the bursa (present on the tip of the elbow) is known as olecranon bursitis. The inflammation causes pain.

Infections of the elbow joint: Infections in the elbow joint can include cellulitis, abscess formation, septic arthritis, or infections in the other structures that can cause elbow pain.

Tumors: Any cancers or masses that develop in the joint structures in the elbow, such as bone tumors, can cause pain.

Gout: Gout is a very common but complex form of arthritis that can affect anyone. It is characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness in the joints.

Sometimes, a pain in the elbow may occur due to an injury to the vertebra. This injury may irritate the nerves that service the upper arm. Such pain, the source of which is not at the elbow, is known as referred pain.

Contributing Factors For Elbow Pain

Some of the main risk factors that can cause elbow pain include:

1. Trauma to the arm and elbow may result in vascular compromise (inflammation of the blood vessels due to an injury). Trauma and repetitive stress may also result in swelling and nerve compression or entrapment. Even sleeping on one’s side with the elbow bearing chest weight may result in daytime elbow pains.

2. Overuse of the joint and too much stress at a given point on the elbow joint. Overuse is noted in people who have an excessive amount of elbow movements during work, sports, or other similar activities. For example, individuals who work with repetitive motions of the elbow during, say, a product assembly line may develop some types of elbow pain (bursitis, tendinitis).

3. Not warming up before strenuous activity may cause pain in the elbow joint. Muscles and tendons are more flexible and therefore less prone to tearing when athletes warm up before engaging in an intense sports activity. Not doing so can increase the risk of tissue damage. Such damage often leads to a painful condition known as tennis elbow.
Sports like tennis and gym exercises (like weight-lifting) that require repetitive actions can also cause elbow pain.

4. A ligament or tendon tear or even dislocation or fracture of one of the bones in the elbow joint, work accidents, contact sports such as football, and auto accidents can lead to irritation, and occasionally to a severe elbow injury.

5. Improper use of sports equipment, such as a tennis racket that is too small or too large for the athlete, or a racket that is not appropriately strung (for example, the head surface is too tight or too loose, or the racket is too heavy for the user).

6. Inflammatory and autoimmune diseases can cause joint pain, putting people with problems like rheumatoid arthritis at risk.

7. Working in physically repetitive occupations, such as carpentry, bricklaying, instrumental music, clothing construction, plumbing, assembly-line production, or intensive computer work.

8. Infections of the elbow structures increase the risk of elbow pain. Also, direct trauma to the elbow, such as colliding with another player or falling onto the elbow can cause pain.

Symptoms accompanying Elbow Pain

1. Stiffness, swelling, and soreness of elbow joint

2. Tenderness of the elbow joint

3. Difficulty in grasping and lifting objects

4. Pain that radiates either upwards or downwards from the elbow

5. Impeded movement of the elbow joint i.e. inability to straighten or bend the elbow

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Flu

homeopathic medicines for fluDoes influenza or the so-called viral fever (flu) need to be taken seriously? Can it be fatal? Is homeopathy treatment effective in preventing and controlling these viral onslaughts? The answers to all these questions is “yes”.  Because influenza virus constantly changes itself, and because only a few changes can make a non-harmful virus highly lethal, Influenzas should be taken seriously

Homeopathy taken well within time can effectively control and even abort the onslaught by these viruses at the initial stages. It can provide a broad spectrum preventive cover for the not-affected ones. A recently introduced medicine, ANAS BARBARIAE, has shown extremely good results in treating influenza. Because of its effectiveness, in Europe and United States, it has become an over-the-counter drug. These medicines have an edge over treating viral infections. They charge up our immune system to fight these viruses. Prevention of viral infection is possible to a great extent through the cover may not be 100 percent, as viruses have this strange ability to auto-mutate (change their structures). Influenzinum (natural medicine ) is an effective prophylactic (preventive) medicine for influenza. The flu (influenza) differs in several ways from the common cold (a respiratory infection also caused by viruses). For example, people with cold rarely get a fever or a headache or suffer from the extreme exhaustion that flu viruses cause. If you have flu, you will have a sudden headache, dry cough, a runny nose, and a sore throat. Your muscles will ache and you will feel very tired. You can have a fever up to 104°F. Most people feel better in a couple of days, but the tiredness and cough can last two weeks or longer. Flu is an important disease because it can cause serious complications. Most people who get the flu get better within a week (although they may have a lingering cough and tire easily, for a while longer). For elderly people, newborn babies, and people with certain chronic illnesses, the flu, and its complications can at times  be life-threatening

The flu is spread or transmitted, when a person who has a flu cough, sneezes, or speaks and sends flu virus into the air, and other people inhale the virus. Influenza may, less often, be spread when a person touches a surface that has flu viruses on it — a door handle, for instance — and then touches his or her nose or mouth.

Homeopathic Medicines for Flu

Homeopathy offers a natural treatment for the flu. They show no side effects or toxic effects on the system since they are made of natural substances. They work by stimulating the body’s restorative and healing processes.

1. For Flu with Fever

Rhus Toxicodendron – For Flu with Chills

Rhus Toxicodendron is a medicine that is used to treat cases of flu where the infected person feels chills as if cold water was being poured over. Sudden flushes of heat alternating with chills are present.

Nux Vomica – For Flu with Anxiety

Nux Vomica is a medicine used to treat the flu along with symptoms of anxiety, fever, chills with thirst, and heat without thirst. The body, especially the face, feels burning hot and the person feels chilly with every movement.

2. For Flu with Sneezing

Allium Cepa – For Flu with Constant Sneezing.

Allium Cepa is a medicine used to treat flu infection where there is constant sneezing. Sneezing occurs more in a warm room, and there is copious watery, acrid discharge from the nose. Bland watering of eyes and red eyes is also a common symptom.

Sabadilla – For Flu with Spasmodic Sneezing.

Sabadilla is a medicine used to treat flu with spasmodic sneezing. Oversensitivity to odors and lack of tolerance to smells, like those of flowers and garlic is a common symptom.

3. For Flu with Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Album – For Flu with Nasal Discharge.

Arsenic Album is a medicine used to treat flu with a thin, watery, excoriating discharge from the nose. Burning and itching in the nose are other symptoms.

Pulsatilla – For Flu with Discharge.

Pulsatilla is a medicine used to treat flu symptoms where there is a yellowish-green discharge that is worse indoors and better in the open air.

4. For Flu with Stuffy Nose

Ammonium Carbonicum – For Flu with Coryza.

Ammonium Cabonicum is a medicine used to treat flu with a stuffy nose where there is a continued condition of coryza (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose). The person is unable to breathe through the nose.

Sambucus – For Flu with Numbness in Nose.

Sambucus is a medicine used to treat the flu where there is numbness and itching in the nose. The nose is blocked, and there is an accumulation of thick mucus in the nostrils.

5. For Flu with Muscle Aches

Eupatorium Perfoliatum – For Flu with Severe Muscle Ache.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is a medicine used to treat flu with severe muscle ache, chills preceded by thirst, extreme soreness, and aching of the bones. Pain all over the body, weak pulse, and prostration (physical weakness) are some other symptoms indicative of this medicine.

Bryonia – For Flu with Tearing Pains.

Bryonia is a medicine used to treat flu where the muscle aches worsen from the slightest motion or movement. Other symptoms include aching in the joints and muscles with bursting, tearing pains that get better by rest.

6. For Flu with Cough

Rumex -For Flu with a Dry Cough.

Rumex is a medicine used to treat the flu with a dry, tickling cough that prevents sleep. A cough occurs while uncovering clothing or covers from the body, and on exposure to drafts of air. Continuous coughing worsened by pressure on the throat or talk is indicative of this medicine.

Drosera – For Flu with Incessant Coughing.

Drosera is a medicine used to treat flu with prolonged and incessant coughing and periodical fits of rapid coughing where the cough attacks are recurrent.

7. For Flu with Sore Throat

Mercurius Solublis – For Flu with Sore Throat.

Mercuris Solublis is a medicine used to treat flu with a sore and burning throat. Painful dryness of the throat, with a mouth full of saliva are other symptoms.

Ferrum Metallicum – For Flu with Hoarseness.

Ferrum Metallicum is a medicine for flu coupled with a sore throat and hoarseness. There is a sensation of having something in the larynx that can be removed by hawking or coughing.

8. For Flu with Weakness

Gelsemium – For Flu with Weakness.

Gelsemium is a medicine used to treat the flu where there is an extreme weakness, and the person wishes to lie still and rest. Symptoms of the flu coupled with a stupor, dizziness, faintness, and weakness are indicative of this medicine.

Arsenic Album – For Flu with Restlessness.

Arsenic Album is a medicine used to treat the flu where there is restlessness, exhaustion, and anxiety. It is also used as a prophylactic (preventative measure) for the flu.

9. For Flu with a Severe Headache

Belladonna – For Flu with Headache.

Belladonna is a medicine used to treat the flu where there is a congestive headache and a red face. Throbbing pain and fullness in the forehead and temples (sides of the head) are other symptoms indicative of this medicine.

Natrum Muriaticum – For Flu with Light Sensitivity.

Natrum Muriaticum is a medicine for flu coupled with light sensitivity, where a bursting headache lasts from sunrise to sunset.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 5 Homeopathic medicines for Tourette Syndrome

homeopathic remedies for tourette's syndromeTourette’s Syndrome is a condition which causes involuntary motor tics and vocal tics. Tics, the primary symptom of this syndrome, are quick, habitual, non-rhythmic, spasmodic contractions/movements of muscles or vocalization that occur repeatedly and are not caused by any other disease or drug abuse. Motor tics observed as a part of the syndrome include nose twitching, eye blinking, head shaking, shrugging of shoulders, and touching/ smelling objects. Homeopathy remedies for motor tics include medicines like Agaricus Muscaris. Vocal tics, on the other hand, include actions like throat clearing, grunting, sniffing, saying obscene words and repeating a word or phrase. Homeopathy remedies for vocal tics include medicines like Stramonium. Some tics are preceded by an uncomfortable sensation known as a premonitory urge. These sensations include itching, tingling, a build-up of tension, etc. that gets released once a particular movement or sound has been actively made. Homeopathic Remedies for Tourette’s Syndrome help reduce the severity and occurrence of the symptoms while treating the condition on a long-term basis.
Tics can be suppressed for a while but cannot be contained; the patient needs to express them eventually. The intensity of these tics varies from mild to severe and may become worse with factors like stress, anxiety, and fatigue. In some cases, headache and muscle strain or soreness may also occur along with the tics. Their occurrence follows a waning and waxing pattern and the type, frequency and severity tend to vary from person to person. The tics tend to be worse during the early teens and improve towards late teens.

Homeopathic Remedies for Tourette’s Syndrome

1. Agaricus Muscaris – For Tourette’s Syndrome with Motor Tics

Twitching and trembling are the main indicative features that indicate the use of Agaricus, a top remedy for motor tics. It is used in cases where there are marked motor tics like eye twitching, facial twitching, shaking of legs, jerking of the head, etc. The twitching typically stops during sleep. There is a trembling sensation in the lips and the lower jaw area. Twitching of hands gets better while doing manual work. The child tends to have quick and hurried movements of the upper limbs. There may be jerking motions of legs. It is a homeopathic treatment for twitching and is recommended to cure tics in kids who are hyperactive and clumsy without any fear of danger.

Key indications for using Agaricus Muscaris in Tourette’s Syndrome

  • Twitching and hurried movement
  • Trembling of the lower jaw area
  • Hyperactivity and clumsiness

2. Stramonium – For Tourette’s Syndrome with Vocal Tics

Stramonium is a medicine used to treat frequent vocal tics where the child tends to babble all the time. Irrelevant and endless talking, stammering, and spasmodic dysphonia (hoarseness of voice) are some symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine. Along with vocal tics, this medicine also works on muscles used for locomotion. Motor tics like twitching of hands, clapping hands overhead, shutting and an opening of hands also indicate the need for this medicine.

Key indications for using Stramonium

  • Frequent vocal tics (like babbling)
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Use of hands indicating motor tics

3. Hyoscyamus Niger – For Tourette’s Syndrome – Tics

Hyoscyamus Nigera is a medicine used in cases where the tics are in the form of facial grimaces, touching things, rubbing genitalia, and making obscene gestures. The child can think but is not able to answer questions appropriately. Muttering of absurd things to and a constant unintelligible chattering along with a desire to be naked are the main symptoms indicating the need for this medicine. The child may also show irrelevant and frequent outbursts of laughter.

Key indications for using Hyoscyamus Niger in Tourette’s Syndrome

  • Grimacing
  • Unintelligible Chattering
  • Nakedness

4. Zincum Metallicum – For Tourette’s Syndrome with Fidgeting

Zincum Metallicum is a medicine that plays an essential role in muscle control and coordination. Fidgeting of lower extremities, a restlessness of legs, keeping feet in constant motion, jerking of the body, and trembling of hands while writing are the symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine. Zincum is also used to treat Echolalia, where the child repeats everything said to him. It is also used to treat spasmodic twitching of the face, rolling of the head, and grinding of teeth.

Key indications to use Zincum Metallicum in Tourette’s Syndrome

  • Fidgeting
  • Grinding Teeth
  • Echolalia

5. Argentum Nitricum – For Tics due to Anxiety

Argentum is a medicine used to treat cases where the tics are typically worse when a person experiences anxiety. The medicine eases anxiousness and nervousness in kids and is helpful in cases where there is a loss of voluntary control of muscles, and trembling of body parts. Trembling of hands that makes writing difficult, trembling of legs and balance issues, unsteady walking when unobserved and impulsiveness in children are some symptoms. An extreme desire for sweets may also be present.

Key indications for using Argentum Nitricum in Tourette’s Syndrome

  • Tics worse during anxiety
  • Trembling of hands and legs
  • Desire for sweets

Management of Tourette’s Syndrome

Therapies to Manage Uncontrollable Tics

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: This can help an individual identify the factors that trigger the tics. This can also be helpful for individuals who have difficulty with learning and socializing.

2. Habit Reversal Training: This therapy includes activities which help an individual reverse the action of the tics. For example, a person may choose to smile when a tic to frown is triggered.

Supplements to use for Tourette’s Syndrome 

Magnesium: Magnesium as an element works well for the central nervous system and improves the function of the muscular system. Low levels of magnesium also make an individual vulnerable to anxiety and depression (both are common triggering factors for tics). Therefore, a diet rich in magnesium can help manage Tourette’s syndrome.

A diet rich in omega fatty acids and vitamin B12 can also help control both motor and vocal tics in children.

Foods to Avoid in Tourette’s Syndrome

Avoiding food items one is allergic to can be of great help. Avoiding dairy products, especially if there is a sensitivity towards milk and dairy products can help reduce the recurrence of tics. The protein ‘casein’ found in milk and dairy products is found to be the main culprit for an increase in the occurrence of these tics. A casein-free diet can help control the tics.

Similarly, a gluten-free diet has also shown to reduce the motor tics and behavior issues associated with Tourette’s syndrome.

Lifestyle Management for Tourette’s Syndrome 

Exercise or indulging in relaxing activities (Yoga, meditation, etc.) can help soothe the child and reduce the intensity and frequency of tics. Environment and allergens play an important role in triggering tics. These should be identified and avoided as far as possible.

Types of TICS Disorders

As per the DSM – 5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) classification of the tics disorders is as follows:

  • Tourette Syndrome
  • Persistent motor or vocal disorder
  • Provisional tics disorder
  • Other specified or unspecified tics disorder

Diagnostic Criteria for Tourette Syndrome

Tourette’s syndrome is diagnosed on the basis of three factors:

  • Presence of motor or vocal tics
  • Duration of tics
  • Age of onset
  • An absence of any other cause which can cause tics (any drug/substance/medical condition)

Tourette’s Syndrome is diagnosed through specific criteria.
There should be multiple motor tics (two or more than two motor tics) and at least one vocal tic. These both may happen at the same time or occur individually. The intensity and frequency of these tics can vary. But for a diagnosis, they should be present for at least one year. Another important factor for diagnosis is the age. The tics must be onset before the age of 18 years, and they most commonly occur between the age group of 4-6 years.

In a persistent motor or vocal disorder, or chronic tics disorder, there is a presence of either motor tics or vocal tics (single or multiple, there can be a presence of one or more than one motor or vocal tics). But unlike Tourette’s, there will be either of the tics present, not both vocal or motor tics. Again, the duration of symptoms has to be at least one year, and the age of onset should be before 18 years.

Under provisional tics disorder, there can be single or multiple, vocal or motor tics, or both. But, here the duration of tics lasts less than one year. The age of onset has to be less than 18 years.

Causes of Tourette’s Syndrome

The underlying causes of Tourette syndrome are still unknown. However, it is believed that a combination of genetic and environmental factors tend to play a role here. A child with a family history of Tourette syndrome or any other tic-related disorder is at an increased risk of developing the syndrome. In general, it affects more males than females.

Conditions associated with Tourette’s Syndrome:

  • ADHD
  • OCD
  • Depression
  • Sleep disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Learning disabilities

Tourette’s Syndrome: Symptoms

Tics are the most common symptoms observed in Tourette’s. There can be motor tics, vocal tics or both. The tics are usually worse during the period of anxiety, excitement, sleeplessness or exhaustion. There can be a feeling specific feeling preceding the actual tic like the sensation of itching.
There are major two types of tics – simple or complex.

Simple tics are shorter in duration and may last for milliseconds.

Examples of simple motor tics include:

  • Eye Blinking
  • Eye darting
  • Head jerking
  • Twitching of lips
  • Facial Grimacing
  • Shoulder shrugging
  • Neck jerking

Examples of simple vocal tics:

  • Coughing
  • Sniffing
  • Throat Clearing
  • Grunting
  • Spitting
  • Whistling
  • Shouting

Complex tics usually last longer in duration, generally for more than a second. These can be a combination of two or more simple tics.

Examples of complex motor tics include:

  • Touching the nose
  • Touching people
  • Jumping
  • Head shaking
  • Echopraxia (Involuntary repetition of another person’s action)

Examples of complex vocal tics include:

  • Stuttering
  • Involuntary Swearing
  • Palilalia(Repeating own words/phrases
  • Echolalia (Repeating others sentences)
  • Speaking obscene words or phrases

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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes, as the name suggests, is a medical condition due to the lack of lubrication of eyes by tears. Dry eyes may be a result of a decrease in the quantity or quality of tears. The tear film is made of three layers i.e. fatty oils, aqueous fluid, and mucus that keep the eyes lubricated and smooth from this combination. Issues in any of these layers could result in dry eyes.

Homeopathy has a very effective cure for dry eyes. The homeopathic medicines for dry eyes are sourced out of natural substances and are completely safe with zero side effects. It provides relief from dry eyes and attending symptoms like pain in eyes, itchy, red eyes, burning in eyes and sand-like sensation in eyes. The first aim of homeopathic medicines is to provide relief from acute symptoms followed by working to root out the chronic problem.  In conventional mode, certain antibiotics, eye drops, tear stimulating medicines are recommended as per the case. These give temporary relief as they do not treat the root cause. Additionally, they tend to cause side effects from prolonged use. While homeopathic medicines have no side effects, they aim to give permanent results depending on the intensity of the problem.

Dry eyes arise from several reasons varying from case to case. Homeopathic medicines strike at the root cause of dry eyes like allergic conditions, autoimmune conditions, hormonal issues, inflamed glands of eyes, etc. Once the root cause is addressed magnificent results are obtained. The results are long-lasting and even permanent in many cases.

Homeopathic medicine selection for dry eyes is done as per the law of individualization. It means not all cases of dry eyes are provided with the same homeopathic medicine. Rather the medicine is decided for every single case as per the unique, peculiar, characteristic symptoms in the individual. So it is advised to consult a homeopathic doctor for individualized prescription and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathic medicines for dry eyes are natural, gentle, 100% safe to use with zero side effects. This is because homeopathic medicines are sourced from natural substances. These medicines are used in highly diluted doses that can never cause any toxic effects. Even with long-term use of these medicines, no side effects follow..  homeopathic medicines for dry eyes

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Dry Eyes

The main medicines to treat dry eyes are Aconite, Belladonna, Sulphur, Euphrasia, Natrum Mur and Lycopodium.

1. Aconite – For Dry Eyes With Intense Redness

Aconite is the top natural medicine for dry eyes with marked redness. Along with redness, the eyes appear hot as well. Aconite is also a natural medicine of great help in providing relief from pain in eyes which gets worse with the motion of eyes. A sand-like gritty feeling in the eyes may appear too.

When to use Aconite?

This medicine is well indicated to manage dry eyes attended with redness, gritty sensation, and eye pain on eye movement.

How to use Aconite?

Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, it is most frequently recommended in 30C power that can be taken once or twice a day.

2. Belladonna – For Painful Dry Eyes

To relieve pain due to dry eyes, Belladonna is a very beneficial natural remedy. The pain in the eyes may be throbbing or shooting in nature. Belladonna is also the best remedy when the eyes feel heavy with pain and some people complain of pain extending from the eyes to the head. Along with pain in the eyes, redness, heat, and itching in the eyes may be felt. There is an aversion to light along with these symptoms.

When to use Belladonna?

This medicine is recommended to manage cases of dry eyes accompanied by eye pain of throbbing, shooting type along with redness, heat and heaviness of eyes.

How to use Belladonna?

It can be used in 30C potency twice or thrice a day. It can also be used in 200C potency but only under the supervision of a homeopathic physician.

3. Sulphur – For Dry Eyes With Itching And Burning

Sulphur is the best natural prescription to control itching and burning in eyes with dryness. Along with a burning tickling, a gritty sensation is felt in the eyes. Sulphur is also considered as a severe dry eyes remedy when the dryness of eyes gets a little better in the open air while being in a room worsens dryness. Sulphur is of great help when there is an acute aversion to light, especially sunlight. Blurring of vision while reading also calls for the use of Sulphur.

When to use Sulphur?

Opt its use in cases of dryness of eyes along with itching and burning in eyes when dryness is worse in a room and better in open air.

How to use Sulphur?

Sulphur can be used in 30C power once a day.

4. Euphrasia – For Dryness And Sand/Dust Sensation In Eyes

Euphrasia is an effective medicine for managing dryness in eyes attended by a sensation of sand/dust in the eyes. Pressure is felt in the eyes. Burning and stitching type of pain occurs in the eyes along with the above symptoms. The eyelids are also dry with redness, burning and swelling of edges of eyelids.

When to use Euphrasia?

Euphrasia is a great eye remedy that can be prescribed to manage dryness in eyes along with sand/ dust sensation in the eyes.

How to use Euphrasia?

It is advised to take Euphrasia 30C one to three times a day.

5Natrum Mur: For Dry Eyes That Get Worse While Reading

Natural medicine Natrum Mur is considered to be the best treatment for dry eyes when the condition worsens while reading. Natrum Mur can help in relieving burning and smarting pain in eyes with dryness in eyes on reading. Natrum Mur is also the best remedy for sand-like sensation in the eyes and blurring or dimness of vision with dry eyes while reading. Again, Natrum Mur is the top medicine for treating pain in the eyes and head that gets excited on reading.

When to use Natrum Mur?

Its use is highly suggested to manage dry eyes that gets worse when reading along with burning, sand-like sensation in eyes, blurred vision and headache.

How to use Natrum Mur?

Among its various available potenices, it is mostly recommended in 6X potency that can be taken twice or thrice daily

6. Lycopodium – For Eye Dryness Worse In Evening And Night

Lycopodium is a prominently indicated medicine for managing dryness of eyes that gets worse in the evening and at night. A person always desires to keep eyes closed. Along with this, the eyes are red and burning; itching and pressure is felt in the eyes. Pressive, stitching or sore pain in the eyes is also present.

When to use Lycopodium?

Its use can be considered for cases of dry eyes that gets worse in the evening and night along with a desire to keep the eyes closed.

How to use Lycopodium?

This medicine can be used once a day in 30C potency.

What causes Dry Eyes?

Dry Eyes are commonly seen in aged people and persons with Vitamin A deficiency. Exposure to dry air, use of contact lenses, blinking eyes less often, or excessive computer work also seems to be a reason behind dry eyes. Further causes include hormonal changes, menopausal time, certain autoimmune disorders for example Sjogren’s syndrome (marked by dry eyes and dry mouth), allergic eye conditions, and inflamed glands of eyelids.

3 Types of Dry eyes

1. Aqueous deficient dry eyes – In this enough tears are not produced by eyes

2. Evaporative dry eyes – It occurs when tears evaporate too quickly

3. Mixed dry eyes – It results from aqueous tear deficiency along with instability of tear film

Symptoms attending dry eyes

The symptoms that may attend dry eyes include pain in the eyes, itching, redness, and a sand-like sensation in the eyes. Sensitivity to light, burning in eyes, stinging in eyes, and blurring of vision is also experienced by a few.

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Top Homeopathic Treatment for Sunburn

Sunburn refers to redness, irritation, and burning of the skin caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight. It is commonly known as radiation burns. Ultraviolet light from the sun is responsible for sunburn. Sunburns are the first degree or superficial burns that people get on exposed areas like the face, limbs, and back. Natural medicines are excellent for treating sunburn. Homeopathic treatment for sunburn helps by managing its acute symptoms as well as chronic effects. Homeopathic Treatment for Sunburn

Top Homeopathic Treatment for Sunburn

Homeopathy offers relief to the patient by reducing the intensity of severe symptoms like itching, redness, and burning. Homeopathy medicines also decrease the risk of blister formation. If blister formation occurs, they help in the gentle healing of blisters. It also lowers the risk of pus formation in the blisters. Following the management of the acute phase, homeopathic medicines also help in the treatment of chronic complaints arising due to prolonged sun exposure. Homeopathy medicines give relief naturally and gently. Homeopathy treatment for sunburn is safe with zero side-effects and can be used for all age groups. Sol, Belladonna, Cantharis, Apis Mellifica, Sulphur are the top remedies.

1. Sol – Top Medicine for Sunburn

Sol is a very beneficial treatment for sunburn. It works well for sunburn of varying intensities, from mild to severe. It is specifically used for sunburn with red, itchy skin. The skin, in such cases, is sensitive to sunlight and burns easily from the least exposure to sunlight. Rashes usually appear on the areas exposed to the sun; like the face, back, and back of the hands. There may be peeling of skin along with the sensation of heat. In some cases, the itching may get worse in the evening. Such patients usually complain of chronic sunburns.

2. Belladonna – Suitable Medicine for Sunburn with Redness

Belladonna is a beneficial treatment for sunburn in cases with redness and burning. The affected area appears swollen, smooth, and red. The skin may get dry, hot, and sensitive to touch. The key feature in such cases is that on touching the skin, it seems to be extremely hot.

3. Cantharis – Wonderful Medicine for Sunburn with Blisters

Cantharis is a very effective medicine for blisters formed due to sunburn. Patients may complain of vesicular eruptions on the face which may be highly sensitive to touch. These eruptions may turn black later. There may also be sharp pain and burning. Patients get relief by cold application to the affected area.

4. Apis Mellifica – An Excellent Medicine for Sunburn with Stinging

Apis Mellifica is a valuable treatment for sunburn which causes stinging and burning. The patient may complain of sensitivity to heat, and dry and sensitive skin. Sudden puffiness may appear in the whole body, and the swollen areas may become sensitive to touch. Apis Mellifica is an important homeopathic medicine for sunburn with water-filled blisters and stinging pain.

5. Sulphur – For Itching Due to Sunburn

Sulphur is a useful medicine for sunburn with lots of itching. The skin looks unhealthy and dry, and small pimples may develop. The patient has the urge to scratch, which may cause burning. In some cases, the itching may get worse at night or after washing. It works well in cases where there has been excessive use of local ointments for sunburn in the past.

What are the Causes of Sunburn?

Most people have experienced sunburn at some point. Sunlight radiates ultraviolet rays of different wavelengths like UVA, UVB, and UVC. Out of the three, UVA and UVB penetrate the skin and cause sunburn. Sunburn is the body’s reaction to the disturbance and damage done by ultraviolet rays to the DNA of the skin cells.

Risk Factors for Sunburn

Developing sunburn depends on various factors like skin type, duration of UV exposure, and the intensity of sunlight. Melanin gives your skin a dark color. It is a pigment that reduces the harmful effects caused by UV rays by blocking it. Hence people with lighter skin are more prone to developing sunburn. People exposed to sunlight for an extended duration of time, like farmers or visitors to the beach, develop sunburn very easily. Sunburn may appear in any season, but it is more common in summers. The chances of developing sunburn are higher if the exposure to sunlight is between 10 AM and 4 PM during the day, since the intensity of sunlight is more during that period. Persons living in tropical areas, high altitudes, or ozone layer depleted areas, are more at risk. Medications like some oral contraceptives and certain antibiotics may put you at risk as well. Sunburn most commonly appears in young children and elderly persons. Males are more at risk of developing sunburn. Other people at risk are those who sunbathe to get a tan.

Signs and Symptoms of Sunburn

Mild exposure to sunlight is beneficial. It helps in providing natural warmth. Secondly, it leads to the synthesis of Vitamin D which is essential for healthy bones. Various signs and symptoms may develop if the exposure to sunlight is for a long duration. Mild exposure leads to minor sunburns with redness and pain in the affected area. There may be redness for several hours following the exposure. The redness may be most prominent after 12 to 24 hours of exposure. The patient may complain of irritation and a burning sensation. Skin is also hot to touch. But in severe cases of sunburn, there may be swelling along with blister formation. Apart from these local symptoms, the patient may complain of a fever with a chill, headache, nausea, itching, and extreme weakness. After a few days, the skin begins to peel off. If exposure to the sun persists for a prolonged time, it may lead to the development of skin cancers.

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Top Rated Homeopathic Medicines for Strep Throat Infection  

Strep throat is a disease caused by streptococcal bacterial infection. This infection leads to soreness and inflammation in the throat and tonsils. Strep throat is most common among school children and teens. Strep throat is caused by infection with bacteria known as Streptococcus Pyogenes. Strep throat is highly contagious and passes from one infected person to another through touch, cough, sneezes that contain droplets of Homeopathic Treatment for Strep Throatstreptococcus pyogenes bacteria. Homeopathic treatment for strep throat helps provide long term relief from the condition.

Homeopathic Treatment for Strep Throat

Homeopathy medicines can very effectively manage strep throat infection. Homeopathy medicines for strep throat are selected based on individual symptoms. Some top-rated medicines for strep throat in the Homeopathy mode of treatment are Belladonna, Streptococcinum, Merc Sol, Hepar Sulph and Phytolacca. These medicines boost the immune system of the body to fight the bacterial infection and effect complete recovery. Homeopathy is a wonderful science that treats diseases with natural and safe medicines. In case of strep throat, Homeopathy medicines are very competent in treating this kind of infection. They set of the body’s own restorative processes. As the healing system of the body is strengthened, the disease is completely eradicated. Belladonna, Streptococcinum, Merc Sol, Hepar Sulph, and Phytolacca are the top remedies.

1. Belladonna – For Strep Throat with Acute Inflammation of Throat

Belladonna is placed among the top-rated medicines for strep throat. It is mainly prescribed in very advanced stages of strep throat infection. The symptoms indicating the use of Belladonna are highly inflamed swollen, enlarged tonsils. The throat is also very dry in such cases. Swallowing food and drinks is also very painful. High fever with intense body heat may be present along with the inflamed throat. Headache may accompany the above-said symptoms in cases where Belladonna will prove the most effective among Homeopathic medicines for strep throat.

2. Streptococcinum – Effective Medicine for Strep Throat

Streptococcinum is one of the most reliable and effective medicines for a strep throat infection. It is recommended in acute as well as chronic strep throat infections. This medicine is capable of breaking the chain of recurrent strep throat infection by strengthening the immune system of persons who are susceptible. The classic symptoms calling for use of Streptococcinum in strep throat are red, swollen throat with painful, inflamed tonsils and swollen, enlarged nodes in the neck. It is also suitable for enlarged tonsils, peritonsillar abscess, and weakness after a streptococcal infection.

3. Merc Sol – Where Pain from Throat extends to Ears

In cases where the throat is very sore and raw, and pain from the throat extends to the ear, Merc Sol is the most useful among medicines for strep throat. Along with the throat related symptoms, the patient may experience excessive saliva as well. The cervical glands may also be swollen in such cases. Bad breath is another noticeable symptom for prescription of Merc Sol as the best among medicines for strep throat.

4. Hepar Sulph – For Pus Points on Tonsils

Where tonsils have pus points in strep throat infection cases, Hepar Sulph is the most appropriate choice among Homeopathy medicines for strep throat. A plug-like or splinter-like sensation is felt in the throat. Along with this,a loose, rattling cough may arise. Yellow coloured expectoration may attend the cough, another symptom hinting at Hepar Sulph as one of the most reliable Homeopathy medicines for strep throat. Hepar Sulph is also a effective in treating a peritonsilar abscess.

5. Phytolacca – For Burning Pain in Throat

Phytolacca is very well indicated among medicines for strep throat where the characteristic symptom is an inflamed throat with heat and intense burning. The throat, tonsils and fauces are swollen and take on a dark, red/bluish appearance. The pain from the throat may extend to the ears. This pain may be specifically shooting in nature. Lump in the throat is also felt and may be accompanied by a constant desire to swallow.

Symptoms of Strep Throat

The symptoms of strep throat include pain in the throat, difficulty in swallowing, headache, fever, red and inflamed throat, and tonsils. Pus points are noted on the tonsils in some cases. Tender lymph nodes in the neck are another sign of this infection. Peritonsillar abscess, kidney inflammation, rheumatic fever, joint pains, and heart valve damage are some complications related with strep throat.

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