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Homeopathic Treatment for Mumps

Mumps is a viral disease affecting the parotid gland caused by the mumps virus. The parotid gland is a saliva producing gland which is located below and in front of the ears. When a person gets infected with the mumps virus, it affects the parotid glands where either one or both the parotid glands may get swollen. Homeopathic treatment for mumps is very useful in viral infections like these. homeopathic treatment for mumps

Homeopathic Medicines for Mumps

Homeopathy for mumps works by boosting the body’s disease-fighting mechanism and encourage it to combat the mumps infection. Effective medicines for mumps are Belladonna, Merc Sol, Lachesis, Chamomilla, Apis Mellifica and Pulsatilla. Another medicine called Trifolium Repens is a prophylactic against mumps.

1. Belladonna – For Mumps Accompanied by Fever

Belladonna is one of the best medicine for mumps when accompanied by fever. In these cases, there is swelling of the parotid glands and marked pain. The pain is usually shooting or stitching in nature. Sometimes, the pain from the parotid gland extends to the throat. The patient’s face appears red and flushed with heat and the body temperature also rises. Other symptoms include a throbbing headache and dryness of the throat.

2. Merc Sol – When the Parotid Gland on the Right is Inflamed

Merc Sol is a highly effective medicine for mumps. It is used for mumps when the parotid gland on the right side is inflamed. Symptoms include an inflamed, swollen and highly painful parotid gland. There can also be swelling and a rise in temperature on the right side of the patient’s face. The pain in the parotid gland gets worse on swallowing. The patient can also experience a shooting pain in the right ear along with these symptoms. An increase in saliva and an offensive odour from the mouth are other symptoms.

3. Lachesis – When the Parotid Gland on the left is Inflamed

Lachesis is another very effective medicine for mumps. It works very well in treating left sided parotid gland inflammation in mumps. In such cases, the left side of the face is highly sensitive to touch which worsens the pain. The area around the left ear and cheek is red and hot to touch. The pain gets worse on swallowing, especially warm liquids.

Lachesis is also one of the top listed remedy for Septic Parotiditis.

4. Chamomilla, Apis Mellifica and Pulsatilla – Other Useful Remedies

Other beneficial medicines for mumps are Chamomilla, Apis Mellifica and Pulsatilla. Chamomilla is used for inflammatory swelling of the parotid gland when accompanied by intense unendurable pain, irritability, and restlessness. Apis Mellifica is useful in cases where metastasis of mumps infection to the brain appear. Another medicine for mumps, Pulsatilla, is used when metastasis of mumps infection to mammae, ovaries or testes has occurred.

Causes of Mumps

The mumps virus causes mumps. It is a highly contagious disease and spreads rapidly from the infected person to others. A person may get infected with the mumps virus by coming in direct contact with an infected person, through infected saliva, or by inhaling respiratory droplets infected with the mumps virus.

Symptoms of Mumps

A patient with the mumps virus will complain of not feeling well and develop a fever. These symptoms will be followed by the swelling of the parotid glands accompanied by pain. The pain will get worse while eating. Other symptoms may include a headache, earache, muscle aches and poor appetite.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Treat Your Nasal Polyps with Homeopathic Medicines

Nasal polyps are soft, painless, non-cancerous growths that move freely and arise from the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinuses. They are caused due to allergies and recurrent nasal infections.

Homeopathy has an applaudable natural treatment for nasal polyps with zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines treat nasal polyps to achieve two outcomes. First, they provide symptomatic relief for complaints like nasal blockage, nasal discharge, loss of smell, etc. Second, the use of homeopathic medicines stops the increase in the size of nasal polyps, followed by the gradual shrinking of their size. The latter is accomplished by uprooting the underlying root cause that predisposes a person to nasal polyps. Homeopathic medicines strengthen the immune system which keeps recurrent nasal infections at bay. In some cases, they moderate the overactive immune system to prevent frequent allergy episodes.

Non-habit forming medicines

The use of nasal spray, antihistamines and antibiotics is very commonly recommended for symptom management under the conventional mode of treatment. However, these offer only temporary relief and also carry the risk of possible side effects and can also be habit forming. Homeopathic medicines, on the other hand, offer long term relief in nasal polyps symptoms without any worry of dependency. If homeopathic treatment is followed regularly as guided by a homeopathic physician, it can be discontinued once the desired results have been obtained.

Alternative to surgical procedure 

Homeopathy is a very safe and highly effective alternative option to surgery to treat nasal polyps.  Generally, one would  want to avoid surgery; even if one opts for it, it does not guarantee a permanent cure. In many cases, nasal polyps tend to regrow as the root cause remains untreated. Here, homeopathy is a great alternative which shrinks nasal polyps gently, safely and naturally.  Surgery should only be considered as an option in complicated cases that fail to respond to non-surgical medical treatments.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Nasal Polyps

Some top-rated medicines for treating nasal polyps are Lemna Minor, Teucrium Marum,  Sanguinaria Nitricum, Calcarea Carb, Allium Cepa, Kali Bichromicum and Phosphorus.

1. Lemna Minor – Best Homeopathic treatment for Nasal Polyps

Lemna Minor is one of the top grade medicines for nasal polyps. Lemna Minor works well where there is obstruction of nose and loss of smell from nasal polyps. A putrid smell in the nose may also be felt in some cases. Thick, yellow-white discharge from the nose is another attending feature. In some cases, mucopurulent nasal discharge is observed. In cases where nasal polyps worsen in wet weather too, Lemna Minor is the medicine to prescribe. It also treats swollen nasal turbinates very well.

In the list of all major homeopathic medicines for nasal polyps, Lemna Minor occupies the top rank. In my clinical practice, I have found Lemna Minor very effective in curing nasal polyps. Lemna Minor is indicated when nasal blockage is very intense from nasal polyps. Loss of smell (anosmia) may also be present. The nasal turbinate may also show marked swelling. A person may complain of thick, profuse, yellow-white nasal discharge. A foul smell from the nose may also accompany it. Polyps that typically worsen in wet weather, indicate the use of Lemna Minor.

When to use Lemna Minor?

Lemna Minor is highly recommended for managing nasal blockage and loss of smell from nasal polyps.

How to use Lemna Minor?

It is used in mother tincture (Q) form generally. Lemna Minor Q can be taken once or twice a day.

2. Teucrium – Homeopathic Medicine for Post-Nasal Polyps

Teucrium is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for post-nasal polyps. I usually prescribe this medicine when nasal polyps lead to the obstruction of the nose on the side a person lies down on. Other symptoms that indicate its use are – There is much sneezing and blockage of nostrils. A crawling sensation in the nose may also be felt. Sense of smell is lost. Large offensive crusts may pass from the nose. The person may also complain of a bad taste in the throat.  Hawking of mucus from the throat also appears.

When to use Teucrium Marum?

The key feature of using this medicine is the blockage of the nose on the same side on which a person lies down.

How to use Teucrium Marum?

It can be used in different potencies from low to high as per the severity of the complaint. Initially, it is advised to use Teucrium in 30 C potency two times a day for good results.

3. Sanguinaria Can – For Right-sided Nasal Polyps

Sanguinaria Can is the next best homeopathic medicine of great help in treating nasal polyps. It shows great affinity to treat nasal polyps on the right side. A person who needs a prescription for Sanguinaria Nitricum shows watery, nasal discharge or burning nature. Other features are pressure over the root of the nose, plugged sensation in nostrils, enlarged nasal turbinates, sneezing, and yellow, bloody mucus discharge from the nose.

When to use Sanguinaria Nitricum?

Sanguinaria Nitricum is an ideal medicine for cases of right-sided polyps along with watery nasal discharge and blocked nose.

How to use Sanguinaria Nitricum?

This medicine can be used in 30 C power one or two times a day.

4. Calcarea Carb – For Left-sided Nasal Polyps

Calcarea Carb is an extremely suitable medicine for left-sided nasal polyps. This prescription is given to persons who complain of a blocked nose on the left side. Other attending features are fetid smell and yellow discharge from the nose. In the morning, dryness in the nose may be felt. Sneezing, markedly in the morning time, may also attend. Persons given Calcarea Carb tend to catch a cold easily, with the slightest change in weather.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

It is particularly indicated for left-sided nasal polyps with nasal blockage and yellow, smelly nasal discharge.

How to use Calcarea Carb?

Both low and high potencies of this medicine work well, however, it is advised to begin with 30 C potency once a day initially.  To use high potencies like 200C, 1M consultation from a homeopathic doctor is required.

5. Allium Cepa – For Constant Sneezing in Nasal Polyps

In the case of nasal polyps with constant sneezing, Allium Cepa offers the perfect treatment. An attending feature is the watery discharge of burning, acrid nature from the nose. The nasal discharge corrodes the upper lips. Headache may also persist along with fluent coryza. Some feel there’s a lump at the root of the nose. Nose stoppage may also be observed.

When to use Allium Cepa?

This medicine can be selected to manage nasal allergy symptoms like intense sneezing and burning watery nasal discharge present in nasal polyps cases.

How to use Allium Cepa?

It is recommended to take Allium Cepa 30 C twice or thrice a day depending on symptom severity.

6. Kali Bichromicum – For Post-Nasal Discharge

For postnasal discharge in nasal polyps cases,  Kali Bichromicum is selected. The post-nasal discharge is thick, lumpy, and ropy. It is attended with much hawking. Marked pressure at the root of the nose is a common complaint. A fetid smell from the nose is another concern. Violent sneezing in the morning may accompany the above features. Kali Bichromicum is also a prominent medicine for treating nasal polyps from chronic sinusitis.

When to use Kali Bichromicum?

The characteristic feature indicating the use of this medicine is thick, lumpy, ropy nasal discharge in nasal polyps cases. One may also opt for use when nasal polyps are linked with long-term sinusitis.

How to use Kali Bichromicum?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency one or two times in a day.

7. Phosphorus – For Bleeding Nasal Polyps

Phosphorus is a very effective medicine for nasal polyps that bleed easily. Apart from the bleeding, the condition is accompanied by coryza with dull headache and sneezing which worsens with strong odors.  A blocked nose early in the morning is a sure sign that Phosphorus will work. Also, in cases where coryza and dryness of the nose alternate, Phosphorus is the best medicine.

When to use Phosphorus?

This medicine is prescribed usually in cases of nasal polyps that bleed often.

How to use Phosphorus?

It is suggested to take this medicine in 30C power. The dosage should not exceed one dose a day. Do not use its high potencies without a physician’s consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any risk factors that predispose one to nasal polyps?

Risk factors like chronic nasal infection or inflammation, sinusitis, and nasal allergies play an important role in making one prone to nasal polyps. It needs mention here that not everyone with the above risk factors will develop nasal polyps even though they would be likely to develop the condition. Various other diseases that are associated with nasal polyps are asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic rhinosinusitis, allergic fungal sinusitis, and aspirin sensitivity.

2. How do I know I have nasal polyps?

There are several symptoms unique to nasal polyps, the most prominent among these being a stuffy nose. Other signs accompanying the nasal blockage include breathing through the mouth, loss or decrease of the sense of smell, snoring, post nasal drip, sneezing, runny nose, headache, and feeling of pressure in the forehead. Polyps that are small in size show no symptoms at all.

3. What medical investigations do doctors propose for nasal polyps?

Investigations for nasal polyps include nasal endoscopy, CT scan or MRI. In addition to this, skin prick tests to detect allergic factors are also done.

4. Are nasal polyps of different types?

There are two types of nasal polyps. These are antrochoanal polyps and ethmoidal polyps. The antrochoanal polyp arises from the maxillary sinus and is single and unilateral (one-sided). The ethmoidal polyps are usually multiple, bilateral, and arise from the ethmoidal sinus, the middle turbinate lateral wall of the nose, mainly from the middle meatus.

5. Can sinusitis cause nasal polyps?

Yes, sinusitis i.e. inflamed mucous membrane of the paranasal sinus can lead to nasal polyps. Sinusitis is one of the major risk factors behind nasal polyps. However, all cases of sinusitis do not lead to nasal polyps. Why only a few having sinusitis develop nasal polyps is still a matter of study.

6. Is turbinate hypertrophy another name for nasal polyps?

No, nasal polyps and turbinate hypertrophy are not the same thing. Turbinates are the normal structures i.e. curled bones located bilaterally inside the nose. They play an important role in heating and filtering the inhaled air. While nasal polyps are soft, painless growths arising from the mucous lining of the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinus. However, the major risk factors for both turbinate hypertrophy and nasal polyps are recurrent nasal infections and nasal allergies.

7. I snore at night, could it be from nasal polyps?

Snoring is a symptom of nasal polyps. But, snoring in isolation can be attributed to other causes as well. Few other causes of snoring include enlarged adenoids, deviated nasal septum, obesity leading to bulky throat tissue and elongated uvula. A CT scan or MRI will confirm whether the nasal polyps are causing snoring or other factors are in play.

8. Do nasal polyps bleed?

Yes, nasal polyps can bleed, but not in every case.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is the most common symptom among women during pregnancy, in fact usually the first symptom indicating pregnancy. Most pregnant women experience morning sickness in their first trimester though for some it persists throughout their pregnancy. Morning sickness is also known as nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP), nausea gravidarum or emesis gravidarum. The increase in circulating levels of estrogen hormone and excess salivation during the first trimester is considered the main cause of morning sickness. Morning sickness is mainly characterized as nausea, with or without vomiting. Homeopathic medicines for morning sickness are not habit forming but should always be taken under the supervision of a homeopath. homeopathic medicines for morning sickness

Homeopathic Medicines for Morning Sickness

Natural and safe, these medicines are deep acting and have no side effects on the body. Unlike the conventional mode of medicine, Homeopathic medicines do not suppress the disease and its symptoms. In fact, they attack the disorder at the root and set off the body’s own restorative processes, making it strong enough to completely eradicate the disease. Suppressing the disease process makes it stubborn. Also, unlike conventional medicine, Homeopathic medicines are not habit forming. They must, however, be taken only under the guidance of an experienced practitioner.

1. Symphoricarpus Racemosus – Top Grade Remedy for Morning Sickness

One of the most effective medicines for morning sickness with persistent vomiting during pregnancy is Symphoricarpus Racemosa. The smell and thought of food seems repugnant in such cases. Nausea with an aversion to any kind of food and bitter taste is well attended by Homeopathic medicine Symphoricarpus Racemosus. The person feels better when lying on the back.

2. Sepia

Sepia is one of the most prescribed medicines for morning sickness where women experience nausea and have a great aversion to bread and milk during pregnancy. Nausea at the thought or smell of food, especially food while it is cooking, is a common symptom to look out for prescription of Sepia. In cases where everything tastes too salty along with water brash after eating or drinking, Sepia is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for morning sickness.

3. Gossypium Herbaceum

Another of the most effective medicines for morning sickness is Gossypium Herbaceum. Symptoms of nausea, along with flow of saliva and inclination to vomit in the morning are treated well with Gossypium Herbaceum. The person experiences nausea and vomits on waking, usually before breakfast. Gossypium Herbaceum has shown remarkable results in morning sickness, especially during the early months of pregnancy, placing it among the top rated Homeopathic medicines for morning sickness.

4. Ipecac

Ipecac is highly recommended for morning sickness with a constant desire to vomit. The person experiences headache with nausea and vomiting in such cases. Nausea that rises with the smell of food is best treated with Ipecac, making it an outstanding option among Homeopathic medicines for morning sickness.

5. Amygdalus Persica

Natural and safe, Amygdalus Persica is one of the most valuable medicines for morning sickness. Constant nausea and vomiting, along with gastric irritation is also treated well with Amygdalus Persica. The person complains of being intolerant to food and experiences persistent nausea.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Myopia

Myopia is a common condition of the eye where the person can see things near him clearly while those at a distance seem blurry. Myopia is also known as nearsightedness or shortsightedness. It is most commonly seen in children and during adolescence. It may develop slowly or gradually and it mostly tends to run in families. Myopia mainly occurs when the light entering the eye does not directly focus on the retina, but rather in front of it. A person suffering from myopia tends to partially close his eyes to see clearly. People who are myopic often complain of headaches due to eye strain and blink excessively. Day-to-day activities are hindered and the person has difficulty driving at night (night myopia).   Homeopathic medicines for myopia help prevent further progression of the condition. homeopathic medicines for myopia

Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is a wonderful science of treatment with medicines made from natural substances. These medicines are safe from toxic side-effects and make a dynamic impact at the root level to heal the condition and restore good health. A major advantage of homeopathy in myopia is that it stops further progression of the condition. Natural medicines can thus provide supportive treatment in myopia. They are equally effective in persons of all age groups.

Homeopathic Medicines for Myopia

Top grade medicines for myopia are Pysostigma, Ruta, Viola Odorata, Oleum Animale and Phosphorus.

1. Pysostigma – One of the most Effective Medicines for Myopia

Pysostigma is one of the most remarkable and often prescribed medicines for myopia. Pysostigma is well indicated for nearsightedness which is progressing rapidly, accompanied by pain in the orbits. The person experiences photophobia along with blurred vision. Spasm of the ciliary muscle, irritability of the eyes and dim vision are treated best with Pysostigma.

2. Ruta – For Myopia with Severe Headache

Ruta is one the most suitable medicines for myopia with a severe headache. The person experiences pain while reading, sewing and performing other near-sighted activities. Weakness of the ciliary muscles and blurred vision are the signs to look out for prescription of Ruta, rated among the best medicines for myopia. Ruta acts very well for eyestrain occurring from overuse of eyes.

3. Viola Odorata – For Myopia with Pain in Eyes

Another of the useful medicine for myopia is Viola Odorata. Myopia, where it is accompanied by severe pain in the eyes, is treated most effectively with Viola Odorata. In such cases, the person complains of severe pain in the eyes which radiates to the top of the head (vertex).  Heaviness of the eyelids, flames before the eyes and nearsightedness are other symptoms that merit use of Viola Odorata as the ideal prescription among medicines for myopia.

4. Oleum Animale – Leading Medicine for Myopia

Oleum Animale is one of the most wonderful medicines for myopia where the symptoms include blurred vision with smarting in the eyes. The person often sees glistening bodies before his eyes and complains of dim vision. Nearsightedness accompanied by twitching of the eyelids is also treated well with Oleum Animale.

5. Phosphorus – Effective Medicine for Myopia

Phosphorus is one of the most highly recommended medicines for myopia. Fatigue of the eyes and head even when the eyes are not being overused is a key symptom for prescription of Phosphorus. It is one of the best-indicated medicines for myopia with weak eyesight and an aversion to light. A feeling of having sand in the eyes which gets better by rubbing may also be present. Frequent itching in the eyes with profuse lachrymation is also present. Nearsightedness with atrophy of optic nerve is treated well with medicine Phosphorus as well.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

12 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Typhoid

Typhoid, also known as enteric fever, is an acute symptomatic infection caused by the Salmonella typhi bacteria. It is commonly associated with high-grade fever, headache, delirium, and abdominal ailments. Symptoms appear between six to 30 days after exposure. Typhoid spreads through contaminated water or food and sometimes through close contact with the infected. Persons suffering from typhoid experience continuous low-grade fever that increases daily, going as high as 104.9 F. They may develop skin rash with homeopathic medicines for typhoid  rose colored spots. Typhoid fever, if not treated well in time, can lead to life-threatening complications such as intestinal bleeding and perforations. Top grade Homeopathic medicines for typhoid are Baptisia, Arnica, Muriaticum Acidum and Arsenic Album.   

Homeopathic Medicines for Typhoid

Homeopathy offers proven medicine for typhoid. These medicines for typhoid are safe and effective. They act at the root to stop recurrence of the disease process. They stimulate the disease fighting mechanism of the body. As the immune system of the body is strengthened, its resistance to Salmonella typhi bacteria increases. Therefore, aside from being natural, Homeopathic medicines for typhoid have the added advantage of using the body’s own restorative processes to make it disease-free.

Baptisia is rated among the best Homeopathic medicines for typhoid fever with delirium. It also helps offensive discharge during typhoid fever. Typhoid fever with a sore, bruised feeling all over the body is treated most effectively with Homeopathic medicine Arnica. Muriaticum Acidum is the best medicine for typhoid with involuntary stool and deep sleep while Arsenic Album is recommended as one of the best Homeopathic medicines for typhoid with marked exhaustion, anxiety and restlessness.

1. Eucalyptus and Terebinthina — Best Medicines for Typhoid

Eucalyptus and Terebinthina are among the top grade medicines for typhoid with general symptoms such as continuously rising fever and foul discharges. Eucalyptus is the medicine to prescribe for typhoid patients that do not show a strong pulse. Terebinthina is most useful for treating typhoid with tympanites, accompanied by stupor, delirium and great prostration.

2. Arsenic Album and Carbo Vegetabilis – For Typhoid with great Prostration

In cases where typhoid is accompanied by great prostration, Arsenic Album and Carbo Vegetabilis offer the best results. Arsenic Album is one of the most reliable medicines for typhoid with great prostration and anxiety, especially about health. Where a person with typhoid fever feels very exhausted and low, Carbo Vegetabilis will work best. In fact, Carbo Vegetabilis shows remarkable results in persons who have never fully recovered from the effects of some previous illness.

3. Arnica and Rhus Tox – For Typhoid with Severe Body Ache

Arnica and Rhus Tox are the most well-indicated medicines for typhoid with severe body ache. Typhoid fever with sore, lame and bruised feeling is treated well with Arnica. Persons suffering this condition experience severe limb and body pain similar to someone who was severely beaten up. Rhus Tox is another of the wonderful medicines for typhoid where it is accompanied by relentless shooting, stitching and tearing pains in the entire body.

4. Baptisia and Lachesis – For Typhoid with Marked Delirium

Top grade medicines for typhoid with marked delirium are Baptisia and Lachesis. Baptisia is the best among medicines for typhoid with muttering and wandering delirium. A person requiring Baptisia falls asleep while answering or does not complete his sentence. Lachesis is another of the marked medicines for typhoid with delirium where the person experiences delusions and hallucinations, feels full of poison and has great loquacity.

5. Muriaticum Acidum and Bryonia Alba – For Typhoid with Abdominal Symptoms

Natural medicines Muriaticum Acidum and Bryonia Alba are known to effectively treat typhoid where it is accompanied by abdominal symptoms. Muriaticum Acidum is one of the best medicines for typhoid with involuntary stools and flatus. Where the typhoid is accompanied by constipation, Bryonia Alba shows remarkable results.  Bryonia Alba is also one of the best medicines for typhoid fever with a desire to uncover.

6. Lachesis and Arsenic Album – For Typhoid with Bed Sores

In cases where a typhoid patient develops bed sores, Lachesis and Arsenic Album are prescribed. Typhoid fever with bed sores with dark edges is treated well with Lachesis, which is also one of the top ranked medicines for typhoid fever with violent headache and great loquacity. Arsenic Album is another great medicine for typhoid with great restlessness and bed sores. In such cases, the person keeps changing sides and place continuously due to pain and anxiety.

Typhoid Management

–        Do not eat or drink contaminated food or water

–        Wash your hands as often as possible, especially before meals

–        Avoid food from street vendors as it is more likely to be contaminated

–        Practice good sanitation habits

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Nasal Polyps – Causes, Symptoms and Homeopathy

Nasal polyps are soft, painless, non-cancerous growths that move freely and arise from the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinuses. They are caused due to allergies and recurrent nasal infections.

Homeopathy has an applaudable natural treatment for nasal polyps with zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines treat nasal polyps to achieve two outcomes. First, they provide symptomatic relief for complaints like nasal blockage, nasal discharge, loss of smell, etc. Second, the use of homeopathic medicines stops the increase in the size of nasal polyps, followed by the gradual shrinking of their size. The latter is accomplished by uprooting the underlying root cause that predisposes a person to nasal polyps. Homeopathic medicines strengthen the immune system which keeps recurrent nasal infections at bay. In some cases, they moderate the overactive immune system to prevent frequent allergy episodes.

Use of anti-allergens

Use of nasal spray, antihistamines and antibiotics is very commonly recommended for symptom management under the conventional mode of treatment. However, these offer only temporary relief and also carry the risk of possible side effects and can also be habit forming. Homeopathic medicines, on the other hand, offer long term relief in nasal polyps symptoms without any worry of dependency. If homeopathic treatment is followed regularly as guided by a homeopathic physician, it can be discontinued once the desired results have been obtained.

Alternative to surgical procedure 

Homeopathy is a very safe and highly effective alternative option to surgery to treat nasal polyps.  Generally, one would  want to avoid surgery; even if one opts for it, it does not guarantee a permanent cure. In many cases, nasal polyps tend to regrow as the root cause remains untreated. Here, homeopathy is a great alternative which shrinks nasal polyps gently, safely and naturally.  Surgery should only be considered as an option in complicated cases that fail to respond to non-surgical medical treatments.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Nasal Polyps

Some top-rated medicines for treating nasal polyps are Lemna Minor, Teucrium Marum,  Sanguinaria Nitricum, Calcarea Carb,  Allium Cepa, Kali Bichromicum and Phosphorus.

1. Lemna Minor – Best Homeopathic treatment for Nasal Polyps

In the list of all major homeopathic medicines for nasal polyps, Lemna Minor occupies the top rank. In my clinical practice, I have found Lemna Minor very effective in curing nasal polyps. Lemna Minor is indicated when nasal blockage is very intense from nasal polyps. Loss of smell (anosmia) may also be present. The nasal turbinate may also show marked swelling. Person may complain of thick, profuse, yellow-white nasal discharge. Foul smell from nose may also accompany. Polyps that typically worsen in wet weather, indicate the use of Lemna Minor.

When to use Lemna Minor?

Lemna Minor is highly recommended for managing nasal blockage and loss of smell from nasal polyps.

How to use Lemna Minor?

It is used in mother tincture (Q) form generally. Lemna Minor Q can be taken once or twice a day.

2. Teucrium – Homeopathic Medicine for Post-Nasal Polyps

Teucrium is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for post-nasal polyps. I usually prescribe this medicine when nasal polyps lead to the obstruction of nose on the side a person lies down on. Other symptoms that indicate its use are – There is much sneezing and blockage of nostrils. Crawling sensation in nose may also be felt. Sense of smell is lost. Large offensive crusts may pass from nose. Person may also complain of abad taste inthe  throat.  Hawking of mucus from the throat also appears.

When to use Teucrium Marum?

The key feature of using this medicine is the blockage of nose on the same side on which a person lies down.

How to use Teucrium Marum?

It can be used in different potencies from low to high as per severity of the complaint. Initially it is advised to use Teucrium in 30 C potency two times a day for good results.

3. Sanguinaria Can – For Right-sided Nasal Polyps

Sanguinaria Can is the next best homeopathic medicine of great help in treating nasal polyps. It shows great affinity to treat nasal polyps on the right side. A person who needs a prescription for Sanguinaria Nitricum shows watery, nasal discharge ora  burning nature. Other features are pressure over the root of the nose, plugged sensation in nostrils, enlarged nasal turbinates, sneezing and yellow, bloody mucus discharge from the nose.  

When to use Sanguinaria Nitricum?

Sanguinaria Nitricum is an ideal medicine for cases of right-sided polyps along with watery nasal discharge and blocked nose.

How to use Sanguinaria Nitricum?

This medicine can be used in 30 C power one or two times a day.

4. Calcarea Carb – For Left-sided Nasal Polyps

Calcarea Carb is an extremely suitable medicine for left-sided nasal polyps. This prescription is given to persons who complain of a blocked nose on the left side. Other attending features are fetid smell and yellow discharge from the nose. In the morning, dryness in the nose may be felt. Sneezing, markedly in the morning time, may also attend. Persons given Calcarea Carb tend to catch a cold easily, with the slightest change in weather.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

It is particularly indicated for left-sided nasal polyps with nasal blockage and yellow, smelly nasal discharge.

How to use Calcarea Carb?

Both low and high potencies of this medicine work well, however, it is advised to begin with 30 C potency once a day initially.  To use high potencies like 200C, 1M consultation from a homeopathic doctor is required.

5. Allium Cepa – For Constant Sneezing in Nasal Polyps

In the case of nasal polyps with constant sneezing, Allium Cepa offers the perfect treatment. An attending feature is the watery discharge of burning, acrid nature from the nose. The nasal discharge corrodes the upper lips. Headache may also persist along with fluent coryza. Some feel there’s a lump at the root of the nose. Nose stoppage may also be observed.

When to use Allium Cepa?

This medicine can be selected to manage nasal allergy symptoms like intense sneezing and burning watery nasal discharge present in nasal polyps cases.

How to use Allium Cepa?

It is recommended to take Allium Cepa 30 C twice or thrice a day depending on symptom severity.

6. Kali Bichromicum – For Post-Nasal Discharge

For postnasal discharge in nasal polyps cases,  Kali Bichromicum is selected. The post-nasal discharge is thick, lumpy, and ropy . It is attended with much hawking. Marked pressure at the root of the nose is a common complaint. A fetid smell from the nose is another concern. Violent sneezing in the morning may accompany the above features. Kali Bichromicum is also a prominent medicine for treating nasal polyps from chronic sinusitis.

When to use Kali Bichromicum?

The characteristic feature indicating the use of this medicine is thick, lumpy, ropy nasal discharge in nasal polyps cases. One may also opt for use when nasal polyps are linked with long-term sinusitis.

How to use Kali Bichromicum?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency one or two times in a day.

7. Phosphorus – For Bleeding Nasal Polyps

Phosphorus is a very effective medicine for nasal polyps that bleed easily. Apart from the bleeding, the condition is accompanied by coryza with dull headache and sneezing which worsens with strong odors.  A blocked nose early in the morning is a sure sign that Phosphorus will work. Also, in cases where coryza and dryness of the nose alternate, Phosphorus is the best medicine.

When to use Phosphorus?

This medicine is prescribed usually in cases of nasal polyps that bleed often.

How to use Phosphorus?

It is suggested to take this medicine in 30C power. The dosage should not exceed one dose a day. Do not use its high potencies without a physician’s consultation.

Managing Nasal Polyps

As much as finding the allergens that cause nasal polyps, avoiding these allergens that one is susceptible to is important. Staying away from irritants like dust, strong odors, cigarette smoking, and pollution will also help.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any risk factors that predispose one to nasal polyps?

Risk factors like chronic nasal infection or inflammation, sinusitis, and nasal allergies play an important role in making one prone to nasal polyps. It needs mention here that not everyone with the above risk factors will develop nasal polyps even though they would be likely to develop the condition. Various other diseases that are associated with nasal polyps are asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic rhinosinusitis, allergic fungal sinusitis, and aspirin sensitivity.

2. How do I know I have nasal polyps?

There are several symptoms unique to nasal polyps, the most prominent among these being a stuffy nose. Other signs accompanying the nasal blockage include breathing through the mouth, loss or decrease of the sense of smell, snoring, post nasal drip, sneezing, runny nose, headache, feeling of pressure in the forehead. Polyps that are small in size show no symptoms at all.

3. What medical investigations do doctors propose for nasal polyps?

Investigations for nasal polyps include nasal endoscopy, CT scan or MRI. In addition to this, skin prick tests to detect allergic factors are also done.

4. Are nasal polyps of different types?

There are two types of nasal polyps. These are antrochoanal polyps and ethmoidal polyps. The antrochoanal polyp arises from maxillary sinus and is single and unilateral (one-sided). The ethmoidal polyps are usually multiple, bilateral and arise from ethmoidal sinus, the middle turbinate lateral wall of the nose, mainly from the middle meatus.

5. Can sinusitis cause nasal polyps?

Yes, sinusitis i.e. inflamed mucous membrane of paranasal sinus can lead to nasal polyps. Sinusitis is one of the major risk factors behind nasal polyps. However, all cases of sinusitis do not lead to nasal polyps. Why only a few having sinusitis develop nasal polyps is still a matter of study.

6. Is turbinate hypertrophy another name for nasal polyps?

No, nasal polyps and turbinate hypertrophy are not the same thing. Turbinates are the normal structures i.e. curled bones located bilaterally inside the nose. They play an important role in heating and filtering the inhaled air. While nasal polyps are soft, painless growths arising from the mucous lining of the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinus. However, the major risk factors for both turbinate hypertrophy and nasal polyps are recurrent nasal infections and nasal allergies.

7. I snore at night, could it be from nasal polyps?

Snoring is a symptom of nasal polyps. But, snoring in isolation can be attributed to other causes as well. Few other causes of snoring include enlarged adenoids, deviated nasal septum, obesity leading to bulky throat tissue and elongated uvula. A CT scan or MRI will confirm whether the nasal polyps are causing snoring or other factors are in play.

8. Do nasal polyps bleed?

Yes, nasal polyps can bleed, but not in every case.


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Five Best Homeopathic Medicines for Low Blood Pressure

Homeopathic Medicines for low Blood Pressure
If you experience a persistent drowsiness and a feeling of fatigue throughout the day and you need cups of cappuccino to get yourself going, chances are you suffer from a chronic condition of low blood pressure, for which natural medicines offer a suitable treatment. In numerical terms, if the figure drops to 90 mmHg/60 mmHg or less it is counted as low blood pressure. Medically talking, low blood pressure is termed as hypotension. The various causes of low blood pressure include dehydration, blood loss, anaemia, folate deficiency, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, and heart disease (including valve problems, heart failure). Certain medicines like anti-depressants, diuretics and alpha and beta blockers also lead to low blood pressure.  The symptoms of low blood pressure are dizziness, vertigo, nausea, cold skin, fatigue and fainting spells. Homeopathic medicines for low blood pressure offer ideal treatment as they are devoid of any side-effects and are the most natural method for treating this problem and how.

Homeopathic Medicines for Low Blood Pressure

Homeopathy is helpful in both cases of a sudden, acute drop in blood pressure as well as in persons with persistently low blood pressure. The first aim of these medicines in treating low blood pressure is to provide symptomatic relief to persons in acute cases.  And the next aim is to strengthen the heart muscles and boost the blood circulation to maintain normal blood pressure. While making a prescription for low blood pressure, the cause behind the condition is always taken into consideration. Another advantage of medicines for treating low blood pressure is that they can be used among all age groups with significant success.

The most effective medicines for low blood pressure are Gelsemium, China, Naja and Viscum Album. Gelsemium is opted when vertigo, dizziness and lightheadedness is marked on account of low blood pressure. China is highly beneficial for low blood pressure from dehydration after diarrhea and from blood loss. And last two medicines Naja and Viscum Album are an excellent choice when valvular heart lesions lead to low blood pressure.

1. For Low Blood Pressure with marked dizziness and Vertigo

The top-grade medicines for low blood pressure with marked dizziness and vertigo are Gelsemium and Viscum Album. Gelsemium is an excellent choice when dizziness, vertigo and dullness are marked. Drowsiness and a feeling of tiredness accompany the condition. Heaviness of head and eyelids is also present. Pulse is also slow. Gelsemium is also effective when blood pressure drops suddenly from emotional excitement. The emotional excitement may be triggered by any bad news, fright, sudden grief and other causes. Next medicine Viscum Album is an appropriate choice when persistent vertigo from low blood pressure is present. Pulse is small and weak. Aching and dull pain in the head also appears. These medicines improve the sluggish circulation and ensure complete recovery.

2. For Low Blood pressure after Sun Exposure

Highly effective medicines for low blood pressure following sun exposure are Glonoine and Natrum Mur. Glonoine is one of the best medicines for low blood pressure after sun exposure. It is indicated when head heaviness, vertigo and fainting spells appear after sun exposure. Vertigo is marked in an upright position. Next medicine Natrum Mur is selected when headache, exhaustion with nausea and vomiting appear after being exposed to the sun for long hours. Blood pressure is lowered with a slow, weak pulse. These medicines can be repeated frequently in an emergency condition to recover from low blood pressure.

3. For Low Blood pressure from Dehydration

Two of the most suitable medicines for low blood pressure after dehydration are Carbo Veg and China. Both these medicines help in improving blood pressure. These medicines for low blood pressure are effective when severe diarrhea with dehydration is the cause. There is marked exhaustion with episodes of fainting. Blood pressure is low. The pulse is slow, weak and often imperceptible. The body is cold to touch with sweating. The person presents a picture of collapse. These medicines help to restore normal blood pressure when started well in time.

4. For Low Blood Pressure from Blood Loss (Hemorrhage):

The predominant medicines for low blood pressure following blood loss are China and Ferrum Met. These are natural medicines that help in complete recovery from low blood pressure resulting from blood loss. The persons needing these medicines have low blood pressure with marked debility and exhaustion. Dizziness and vertigo are also complained of. Pulse is feeble, soft, weak, small and irregular. Marked anaemia is present in such persons. These medicines are like a tonic to improve low blood pressure resulting from haemorrhages.

5. For Low Blood Pressure when Diastolic Pressure is Low

Baryta Mur is one of the best medicines for low blood pressure when specifically diastolic pressure is lowered. Head heaviness and lassitude in the morning time are marked. Baryta Mur is of profound help in elderly people suffering from low blood pressure. Along with head heaviness, weakness in the legs is also complained of. Pulse is also slow and in a few persons is imperceptible when Baryta Mur is indicated.

6. For Low Blood Pressure with Valve Problems in Heart

The significant medicines for low blood pressure from valvular heart complaints include Naja and Viscum Album. Naja and Viscum Album are highly useful medicines for low blood pressure with valve problems in the heart. They are indicated for low blood pressure when the pulse is small, weak, irregular. Weight and oppression in the heart region is also complained of. Palpitations may also accompany.

Management of Low Blood Pressure:

Some quick fixes for avoiding this condition are:

  •  Increase fluid intake.
  • Increase salt intake.
  • Drink coffee in an emergency.

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Homeopathic Remedies for Epilepsy

Homeopathic Remedies for Seizures Epilepsy is a disorder of the nervous system which is characterized by the tendency of a person to have seizures. Seizure refers to the appearance of symptoms (depending upon the type of seizure) in a person due to abnormal and excessive nerve cell activity in the brain. The result is abnormal behavior and sensations, including loss of consciousness. There are a variety of seizures with different symptoms depending on the part of the brain involved. Homeopathy provides treatment for Seizures in the natural way. The completely natural homeopathic remedies for epilepsy are completely safe and have no side effects. These remedies are of great help in the treatment of Epilepsy.

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Epilepsy

Epilepsy can be treated with homeopathy which helps treat acute fits as well as eliminates the tendency to have seizures. An inquiry is to be made regarding the type of seizure, aura, triggering factors, finding other causes and individual dominant symptoms in each and every case. The results of the Homeopathy vary in every case depending upon the duration and type of seizure.

1. Cicuta: Where there are Distortions of Body

Cicuta is one of the best medicines for Epilepsy where the attacks of convulsion are marked by violent, distorted body shape. The distortions are most frightful. There is present a marked Opisthotonus — which refers to the condition where the spine bends backward with the head and heels touching the ground. The person is totally unconscious. The face may be blue and the jaw appears locked. Cicuta is also one of the best herbal remedies for epilepsy following head injury. Cicuta can be used for convulsions occurring in children during dentition (development of teeth and their arrangement in the mouth), in women during and after delivery and also for convulsions due to worms. But the condition to be fulfilled for using this remedy in these situations is the presence of violent body distortions. The triggering factors for using Cicuta are touch and noise. An auditory aura may show its presence.

2. Artemisia Vulgaris: For Epilepsy with Petit Mal Seizure

Artemisia Vulgaris is the best natural medicine to tackle cases of Petit Mal Epilepsy. This remedy is of great help for children with Petit Mal seizures. The main symptom is frequent brief episodes of seizures in a short time period. The triggering factor for the seizure is strong emotions, including fear. Any subjective feeling predictive of the onset of a seizure prior to an attack is absent (absence of aura).

3. Stramonium: For Epileptic Convulsions Triggered by Bright Light

Stramonium is the most suitable natural medicine where the convulsion arises after exposure to bright light or shining objects. The consciousness is preserved and jerking of muscles of the upper body part is experienced by the patient.

4. Cuprum Met: When Aura for Seizure Attack is felt in Knees

Cuprum Met is the top medicine when the seizure attack is preceded by an aura in the knee.  The symptoms marked during the attack are clonic spasm that usually begins in finger or toes and soon covers the entire body. Jerking of muscles is also noticed. The triggering factors for the attack include fright and anger. In females, Cuprum Met is used for the treatment of convulsion during pregnancy, after delivery and around the menstrual period.

5. Bufo Rana: For Epileptic Fit during Sleep

Bufo Rana is a natural medicine of great help in providing a cure for Epilepsy seizures where the attacks are present during sleep. The aura is felt in the genital area. It also works well for females who have attacks of seizures during menses.

6. Hyoscyamus: For Deep Sleep following Epileptic Attack

The best natural medicine when deep sleep follows an epileptic fit is Hyoscyamus. The other symptoms include picking at bedclothes and playing with hands and muscular twitching.

Other Important Medicines

1. For epileptic fits during fever (Febrile seizures)

Belladonna and Nux Vomica are natural medicines that are very beneficial in cases of Febrile seizures. Belladonna is the ideal mode of treatment when there is fever with marked heat. The head is extremely hot with jerking of muscles. Nux Vomica is of great help when extreme chilliness is present with seizures.

2. For Epileptic fits as per the Triggering Factor

Chamomilla and Nux Vomica are the natural medicines that are of great help for the treatment of epileptic fits triggered due to anger outbursts. For fits after a fright, Opium, Aconite are ideal remedies. In cases where alcoholic drinks trigger the attack, the most appropriate medicines are Ran Bulb and Nux Vomica.

3. For Epileptic fit arising from Head Injury

For Epilepsy cases that mark their origin to head injury, Hypericum, Nat Sulph and Cicuta are the natural medicines that offer the best mode of treatment.

4. For Epileptic fit arising from Brain Tumours

Medicines that are of help in the treatment of fits due to tumors in the brain are Plumbum, Cicuta and Conium.

5. For Epilepsy during Dentition

Chamomilla, Kali Bromatum and Aethusa have proved their worth in treatment of epileptic fits during dentition (development of teeth and their arrangement in the mouth). Chamomilla is best suited when anger triggers a fit during dentition. Kali Bromatum is the ideal remedy when there is a jerking of muscles. Aethusa is selected when the symptoms are clenched thumbs, fixed pupils and a locked jaw. Eyes are turned downwards.

6. For Epileptic fits due to Suppressed Eruptions

Zincum, Agaricus and Cicuta are natural remedies that work well when the history of suppressing eruptions is ruled out prior to the onset of convulsion history.

7. Medicines as per type of Seizure in Epilepsy

The selection of natural medicines can be ruled out only after taking a complete case history of the patient.

Petit Mal Seizures: The natural medicines for treating Petit Mal Seizures are Artemisia, Belladonna, Zincum, and Hyoscyamus.

Clonic Seizures: Agaricus and Cuprum are the best natural medicines for Clonic Seizures. Agaricus is a great nervous remedy. It is a beneficial remedy when there is a jerking of a single muscle group or the whole body. Cuprum is ideal when the problem starts in toes or fingers and spreads to the entire body.

Tonic Seizures: Cicuta and Plumbum are the best medicines for Tonic Seizures. Cicuta and Plumbum bring about a marked rigidity in the body during tonic convulsions.

Types of Seizures with Symptoms

Focal (Partial Seizure): When the seizures occur due to the involvement of one area of the brain, they are known as Focal Seizures. These are of two types: Simple Partial and Complex Partial. In Simple Partial cases, the person remains conscious, has a sudden emotional experience (feeling of joy, sadness, fear, sexual arousal), has hallucinations of hearing, taste, smell or vision, and there may also be an involuntary jerking of body parts. In Complex Partial Seizure, the person’s consciousness is altered or lost. The symptoms include staring, automatism (repeated rhythmic, purposeless movements) like eye blinking, hand rubbing, walking in a circle, mouth movements, smacking movement of lips, picking at bedclothes. After a few minutes, consciousness is regained and the drowsy feeling may remain.[toc]

Generalized Seizure: When all areas of the brain are involved, then generalized seizures occur. These are of the following types:

Tonic-Clonic (Grand Mal Seizures): The symptoms are a loss of consciousness and stiffness or rigidity of body with falling down. Respiration arrest and blueness of body also occur. This is followed by relaxation resulting in jerking of the body. The jerking is followed by regaining of consciousness but confusion, impaired memory, headache, and sleepiness. Loss of bladder control and tongue biting are common in these types of seizures. Aura precedes the attack. Aura is a subjective feeling experienced by a patient whereby he or she becomes aware that an attack is about to begin.

Tonic seizures: In these seizures, muscle stiffness mainly of back, arms and legs occur.

Clonic seizures: These seizures cause muscle jerking.

Absence (Petit Mal/Minor Seizure): The symptoms are minor like mainly staring or just a slight tilt in the head, and brief alteration of consciousness usually for seconds. There is no fall or muscle contraction. A person may have more than 20 episodes per day. It is common in childhood. The person gets normal without any confusion when the seizure is over.

Causes And Triggering Factors Of Epilepsy Seizures

The main causes of Epilepsy and resultant seizures include Meningitis, head injury or trauma, stroke, brain tumor, high fever (Febrile Seizure), and parasite infection Neuro-cysticercosis. The main triggering factors include light, noise, sleep loss, alcohol intake, and cigarette smoking.

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Low on Hemoglobin ? Homeopathic Medicines For Anemia can work wonders

Homeopathic Remedies For Anemia

Anemia is not in itself a disease, it just gives an indication towards various medical conditions associated with diseases. Anemia refers to a reduction of red blood cell count or decreased haemoglobin level. Since the red cell production is reduced or the red blood cells are destroyed at a high rate, the end result is weakness, fatigue and various other symptoms. Homeopathic remedies  provides a complete cure for anemia . The natural Homeopathic medicines are free from any side effects and are very effective in the treatment of Anemia.

Various Causes And Types of Anemia

Haemorrhage: After accidental trauma, heavy bleeding during periods in women or bleeding during childbirth, bleeding in medical conditions like gastric ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer of gut, parasitic manifestation in gut-like hook worm, Schistosomiasis.

Iron deficiency: Iron Deficiency Anemia is common during pregnancy and lactation and from acute haemorrhage or chronic blood loss. The cause is either a decreased intake of iron rich diet or impaired absorption of iron in the gut.

Deficiency of Vitamin B12 or Folic Acid: It leads to Megaloblastic Anemia.

Pernicious Anemia: This type of Anemia arises from an autoimmune disorder where there is atrophy of gastric mucosa with the resultant decrease in parietal cells and intrinsic factor produced by these cells. Intrinsic factor is required to absorb Vitamin B12. So, in Pernicious Anemia, defective absorption of Vitamin B12 is the cause and not its nutritional deficiency.

Haemolytic Anemia: It is a result of destruction of red blood cells as in malaria, and abnormal red blood cells prone to breakage as in Sickle Cell Anemia.

Thallasemia: An inherited disorder in which the haemoglobin production is impaired.

Symptoms of Anemia

Pallor; weakness or fatigue; vertigo; mouth soreness; difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath; palpitation; jaundice in Haemolytic Anemia; Koilonychia (spoon-shaped nails) in Iron Deficiency Anemia; pica (desire to eat strange indigestible things including chalk, clay, lime, dry rice, etc) in Iron Deficiency Anemia; gastric symptoms (like diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting); tingling and numbness of limbs in Pernicious Anemia.[toc]

Natural Homeopathic Treatment For Anemia

The Homeopathic mode of treatment, with the use of medicines made of natural substances, is very effective in treating Anemia. There is no specific Homeopathic remedies for Anemia. The medicines are solely selected on the basis of individual symptoms.

 Top Homeopathic Medicines For Anemia

Ferrum Metallicum: Best Homeopathic medicine for Anemia

There are several natural Homeopathic medicines that are of great help in the treatment of Anemia, but Ferrum Metallicum or Ferrum Met as it is known tops the list. The persons needing Ferrum Met are weak with paleness, and have frequent false flushings appearing at the slightest excitement. Vertigo, pulsating headaches and ringing in ears are also experienced by patients. Difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath with palpitations in heart are dominantly present in such patients, as is coldness of body. Homeopathic remedy Ferrum Met needs a special reference for its use in females who are anemic due to excessive bleeding during periods. The blood flows abundantly and the periods last much longer than normal.

Aletris Farinosa: Homeopathic medicine for Anemia in women with extreme fatigue

Aletris Farinosa is the best natural Homeopathic medicine for women suffering from Anemia with extreme weakness and fatigue. There is a marked weariness and tiredness all day in such patients. The energy level seems to be markedly reduced and the body feels powerless. Frequent episodes of faintness and vertigo are common and even the face appears very pale. Anemia in women due to repeated abortions is best treated with Homeopathic remedy Aletris Farinosa. Vaginal discharge due to Anemia can also be corrected with this Homeopathic medicine. Aletris Farinosa is also the ideal Homeopathic mode of treatment for women with Anemia due to abundant bleeding during periods.

China: one of the Best Homeopathic medicines for Anemia following excessive bleeding

Anemia due to extreme blood loss is best treated with natural Homeopathic medicine China. The bleeding can be the result of a traumatic injury, excessive bleeding in periods or bleeding from any part of body like throat, bowels, nose, etc. The person is exhausted and even fainting spells occur due to extreme anemic conditions consequent to blood loss. Episodes of vertigo with marked weakness are also experienced. The body feels cold and pallor is marked. The face especially appears pale with sunken features. Homeopathic medicine China acts both as a haemorrhage controller as well as enhances the amount of blood after the bleeding episodes.

Natrum Mur: One of the best  Homeopathic medicines for Anemia with weight loss

Natural Homeopathic medicine Natrum Mur acts very efficiently to control weight loss as a result of Anemia. The person appears very lean and emaciated with loss of flesh. The headache due to Anemia is also best treated with Natrum Mur. The headache is mainly bursting in character. Nausea and vomiting may accompany the pain in head. Natrum Mur is also the Homeopathic cure when anemic patients experience palpitations. Natrum Mur has a great ability to control palpitations due to decreased blood. Anemia due to longstanding grief is also best treated with Homeopathic remedy Natrum Mur. There is also a marked desire for extra salt in persons needing Natrum Mur to cure Anemia.

Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Phos a haemoglobin enhancer

Ferrum Phos is the most frequently used natural Homeopathic medicine to increase the haemoglobin level. It can be safely used among people of all age groups. Even during Anemia in pregnancy, Ferrum Phos is a safe Homeopathic remedy though the dosage is to be properly handled by the physician during pregnancy. The skin appears pale in persons needing Ferrum Phos and they also experience palpitation of heart and weakness. The pulse rate is quickened. Vertigo and headache also appear as symptoms. Ferrum Phos is also the best Homeopathic remedy for controlling sweat in anemic patients especially at night.

Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Anemia after haemorrhage

The best Homeopathic medicines for replenishing the blood lost due to haemorrhage are Ferrum Met and China. Ferrum Met is used when palpitations, weakness and coldness are marked. China is an ideal Homeopathic medicine when faintness and vertigo with complete exhaustion from bleeding is the symptom picture.

Homeopathic medicines for treatment of Pernicious Anemia

The top natural Homeopathic medicines for Pernicious Anemia are Picric Acid and Phosphorus. The symptoms that help in selection of Picric Acid are extreme weakness and prostration. Very marked weakness is present with a tired feeling all day. Tingling in limbs with needle-like sensation is often present. There is also an aversion to do any kind of work. Phosphorus is a Homeopathic remedy of great help when there is a numbness of hands and arms. Longstanding diarrhoea with weakness is also experienced. An increased desire for cold drinks and ice creams is often noticed in persons who can benefit with Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus.

Homeopathic medicines for Anemia following malaria

Arsenic Album, Natrum Mur and Alstonia Scholaris are efficient natural Homeopathic remedies for Anemia due to malaria. Natrum Mur can help all those patients who are emaciated with weakness. Usually a history of chronic malaria is found among such patients. Natrum Mur is also known to cut the bad effects of taking excessive quinine used as an anti-malarial drug. The persons needing Natrum Mur have a weakness that shows its presence markedly in morning. Headache and palpitations may also be experienced. Excessive craving for salts is an important symptom guiding towards the use of Homeopathic remedy Natrum Mur. On the other hand, Arsenic Album is the Homeopathic choice when there is a marked weakness that gets worse at night.  The person seems exhausted with much weakness. Even a slight exertion seems to worsen the weakness. Other important symptoms include anxiety and restlessness. Homeopathic medicine Alstonia Scholaris is considered a complete tonic for patients who have Anemia and other complaints following malarial fever. The complaints apart from Anemia are weak digestion. The patients needing Alstonia Scholaris list a history of diarrhoea during malarial fever.

Homeopathic treatment for Anemia due to nutritional disturbances

Alumina, Nux Vomica and Calcarea Phos are wonderful natural Homeopathic medicines  for Anemia due to nutritional disturbances. Alumina is the best Homeopathic remedy when there is sluggishness of the gastric system and the person remains very constipated. The intestines are so sluggish that the stool is retained for many days together.  The urge to pass stool is absent. Along with constipation, pica is dominant and there is a desire for chalk, coffee grounds and other indigestible things. The person also has sensitivity to cold air.  The main symptom for using Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica is also constipation and senstivity to cold air. But the character of constipation is exactly opposed to Alumina. For using Nux Vomica, the constipation symptom is scanty stool with frequent ineffectual desire to pass stool. Acidity and heaviness in abdomen after eating is also marked. Calcarea Phos is the Homeopathic remedy for children with Anemia and a weak digestive power. The abdomen is full of gas. Desire for salt or meat (especially smoked meat) is often noted. The child is also usually irritable and also has weak bones.

Homeopathic medicines for Anemia during pregnancy

Ferrum Phos and Aletris Farinosa are very efficient natural Homeopathic medicines for Anemia during pregnancy. Ferrum Phos is of great help for all women during pregnancy suffering from anemia. The symptoms that may be found are paleness, weakness and palpitations with a fast pulse. Aletris Farinosa is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when extreme weariness and tiredness are the symptoms. Fainting and vertigo are also experienced. Although these are safe remedies, the Homeopathic physician’s advice should always be taken before using these medicines as the dose and potency varies in every case.

Homeopathic medicines for Anemia where pica is predominantly present

Alumina and Calcarea Carb are the natural Homeopathic medicines for anemia that work well to control pica . Alumina is used when a person desires chalk or coffee/tea grounds or dry rice. Constipation is marked along with pica. Calcarea Carb is the Homeopathic medicine recommended when there is a desire for lime, chalk and pencils. Craving for boiled eggs and increased sweat on head are important symptoms that if present add more weightage in selecting Calcarea Carb over Alumina.

Homeopathic medicines to control palpitations in anaemic persons

Ferrum Met and Natrum Mur are the best natural Homeopathic  medicines to treat palpitations in anemic patients. Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Met is used when palpitations get worse with motion. Chest oppression with difficulty in breathing are accompanying symptoms. Homeopathic medicine Natrum Mur works well when palpitations with fluttering sensations are marked. The palpitations are violent, shaking the whole body.

Natural Homeopathic medicines for Anemia with Weakness

Ferrum Met, China and Natrum Mur are the Homeopathic medicines that are very beneficial in treating weakness in Anemic patients. Ferrum Met is most suited when there is a marked weakness when walking and speaking. China is the best Homeopathic remedy when vertigo and weakness in addition to weakness are present. And for weakness that is worse in morning, Natrum Mur is the most suitable Homeopathic remedy.




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11 Homeopathic Remedies to Ease that PMS

Homeopathic Remedies for Premenstrual SyndromeMost of the times, a woman’s body and mind undergo noticeable changes before the onset of periods. Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS refers to the symptoms experienced by women a few days prior to the appearance of their monthly periods. The symptoms are both mental and physical. The mental symptoms include irritability, mood swings and a feeling of depression. The physical symptoms include breast tenderness or swelling, headache, abdominal bloating, constipation, diarrhea and acne (pimples). The symptoms vary from one woman to another and not every woman experiences all these symptoms. In every woman, though, any two or three of these symptoms stand out. The mental symptoms may appear in isolation or in combination with the physical symptoms. The symptoms usually disappear following the start of menstrual flow. Homeopathy offers an effective treatment for PMS with no side effects. Homeopathic remedies for premenstrual syndrome, which are sourced from natural substances, ensure that women get relief from the symptoms of PMS and that women do not have to endure a premenstrual phase that upsets their whole mental and physical makeup.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Premenstrual Syndrome

Sepia, Ignatia, Pulsatilla, Lachesis, Conium, Melilotus are the top remedies for PMS.

1. Sepia: Best Remedy for PMS with Extreme Irritability

Sepia is the top natural treatment for premenstrual syndrome. The main aspect which is covered by Sepia is the treatment of irritability in women with PMS. This medicine is of great help for women who suffer from extreme irritability a few days before periods. Irritability is mostly accompanied by an aversion to indulge in any kind of physical or mental labor. Here, Sepia acts as a remedy to calm the minds of women suffering from irritable conditions. A special symptom that needs mention is bearing down pains in uterus accompanying mental irritability. In most of the women requiring Sepia, some sort of irregularity in their menstrual cycle or periods is often found.

2. Ignatia: Homeopathic medicine for depression, mood swings in PMS

Ignatia is a natural medicine that is very beneficial for the treatment of PMS and is the best remedy for depression and mood swings in women with PMS. Ignatia can be taken by all women suffering from a sad and depressed emotional state before periods. Along with sadness, there is an aversion to company. Such women desire to be left alone and keep on weeping for long. Women who experience sudden mood swings prior to their menstrual cycle can also benefit by the use of Ignatia. The mood suddenly changes from joy to sadness and Ignatia is the best natural remedy.

3. Pulsatilla: For PMS with Increased Sensitivity

Pulsatilla is of great help for women with increased sensitivity towards every little thing during PMS. The smallest of things tend to affect women deeply and they also start to weep over little, insignificant issues. They start to cry in public and usually feel better when offered sympathy. Open air makes them feel good. The women who can benefit from medicine Pulsatilla may also have the problem of suppressed or delayed menses frequently. In most cases, there is also a total absence of thirst for water.

4. Lachesis: For PMS with Symptoms of Body Pain

Lachesis is the top natural prescription for women suffering from pain in various parts of body as part of PMS. Such women experience pains a few days before the expected date of periods. Excessive headache stands out and as the periods begin to flow, all the pains vanish. The most prominent mental state is of talking to an extreme extent and there may also be an extreme heated up sensation in the body. The heated feeling is accompanied by an aversion to wearing tight clothing.

4. Conium: For Breast Tenderness in PMS

Conium is the best natural remedy for treating breast tenderness in women as part of Premenstrual Syndrome. Conium is very beneficial for women who undergo swelling, enlargement, and pain in the breast before their periods. The pain gets worse by touching. Along with pain, the breast also becomes hard.

5. Sepia and Chamomilla: For PMS with Irritability

Sepia is a highly ranked medicine to deal with irritability before menses. This natural remedy works well for women who have an extremely irritable mood before menses. The women get irritated by the smallest of things of no significance. The irritability may be accompanied by an aversion to do any physical or mental work. Chamomilla is another natural medicine of great help in treating irritability before periods. Chamomilla can be used when irritability is accompanied by an aversion to talking. If forced to speak, such women communicate in a very irritable manner. They may even snap and use abusive language, with an aversion to the company of people.

4. Ignatia and Pulsatilla: Homeopathic medicines for depression or sadness in PMS

Both Ignatia and Pulsatilla are wonderful natural medicines to deal with sadness before menses. The main symptom for using Ignatia is extreme sadness with weeping spells. The woman needing Ignatia cuts herself off from her social circle. She sits alone and weeps without any cause. She may also show sudden mood changes. Pulsatilla, on the other hand, is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when the women experience an extremely sensitive mood with crying over every little thing before periods. Women needing Pulsatilla start to weep over small issues and even in front of anyone but can be comforted with consolation. Most women requiring Pulsatilla feel better when they move to open air.

5. Ignatia: For Mood Swings during Premenstrual Syndrome

Ignatia is the best natural medicine to deal with sudden mood changes troubling a woman before periods. The woman complains that her mood changes in a very short time from happiness to sadness. At one moment she feels joyful and the very next moment she weeps. She also sits alone and starts to weep. This is followed by excessive exhaustion.

6. Conium and Bryonia: For PMS with Breast Tenderness

Conium and Bryonia are the most frequently used natural remedies for PMS with breasttenderness.. The women needing Conium complain of excessive pain inthe breast with hardness before menses. The hardness may be severe like a stone. The breast may also feel enlarged and swollen. Pain is worsened by touch. Bryonia is the remedy for excessive heaviness and pain in breasts before menses. The pain is accompanied by the need to hold the breast to get some relief.

7. Lachesis and Melilotus: For PMS with Headaches

Lachesis is the ideal natural prescription for a headache before menses. The headache may be accompanied by vertigo and dim vision. The headache gets worse a few days before the onset of periods. The pain is relieved as soon as the periods begin. Melilotus is another medicine of great help in relieving headache occurring as a part of Premenstrual Syndrome. Melilotus can be used when the headache occurs with vomiting some days before periods. The head feels extremely heavy and full. As the menstrual flow begins, the head pain and heaviness vanish.

8. Carbo Veg and China: For PMS with Bloating

Both these remedies for pms with symptoms of bloating are very effective in giving immediate relief and are best suited for women who have a distended abdomen before menses. Eating is followed by extreme heaviness and distension in abdomen. This is accompanied by excessive gas in the abdomen. The accumulation of wind in the abdomen may also lead to pain. The women may also experience vomiting, which usually contains undigested food.

9. Silicea, Nux Vomica and Bryonia: For PMS with Constipation

These three are the most effective remedies for PMS when constipation accompanies . Silicea is the remedy for extreme constipation before menses. Silicea is very beneficial for women who have great difficulty in passing stool or poop. A lot of straining is required in order to pass stool. The stool even slips back after being partially expelled. Natural medicine Silicea helps in easy expulsion of stool without putting in much effort. Nux Vomica is the medicine that is prescribed when the urge to pass stool is very frequent. But the stool passed is very scanty and unsatisfactory. This can be accompanied by pain in the abdomen. Bryonia is the prescription when the stool is extremely hard and dry.

10. Bovista: For Diarrhoea as Part of PMS

Bovista is the best natural remedy for diarrhoea before menses. Bovista is of great help for all those women who pass loose stool before periods. The women may also experience heavy bleeding and Inter Menstrual Bleeding episodes.

11. Sepia and Natrum Mur: For PMS with Acne Breakout

Both Sepia and Natrum Mur are effective natural remedies for PMS when acne breakout is associated with it . For prescribing Sepia, the irregularity of periods is mostly noted along with pimples. The women needing Sepia are mostly of an irritable kind. Bearing down pains in the uterus may also be a part of the symptoms during periods in women needing Sepia. Natrum Mur is beneficial for women with pimples who are mainly reserved in nature. They may have weeping episodes while alone. Craving for salt may be found in women requiring Natrum Mur.

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