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Hair falling and Homeopathy

Actually, it’s totally normal to lose some hair each day. Most people lose about 50 to 100 hairs every day – and it’s a good thing, because we’d all look like huge hairballs if we didn’t! Normally, when hair falls out, new hairs start forming in the same place as the old ones. But when someone really has hair loss, the hairs don’t grow back. Or they do grow, but there aren’t enough of them to take the place of what’s already fallen out.

Hair loss, as the name itself implies, refers to the falling of hair from scalp / head; another term used to describe this is alopecia. It is a broad term that also includes thinning of hair. While genetics plays a vital role in this condition that afflicts both men and women, there are several other factors that are involved in bringing on this problem in people. In order to understand the reasons for hair fall better, it is essential that you learn about the various growth stages of hair. The hair growth cycle consists of three phases:

  • The first phase is the anagen phase, which is an active phase in which the hair grows. This phase lasts for around 2-7 yrs.
  • The second phase is the catagen phase. The catagen phase immediately follows the anagen phase and lasts for around 10- 14 days during which the hair stops getting blood supply and becomes dead.
  • The third and the last phase is telogen phase, which is a resting phase. In this phase, the dead hair falls out and the hair follicles remain in rest or inactive stage for about 2-3 months.

After completion of last stage, the entire cycle is repeated. Each single hair undergoes these three phases of growth independent of the other hair on the scalp. Normally, at a given point of time about 90% of hair is in the anagen phase and only 10% is in the telogen phase. When this ratio is altered, it leads to increased rate of hair loss. Hair loss can occur at any age, and can be prevalent in both males and females. Hair loss in itself is not a disease, but a sign that often indicates various other diseases. Hair loss occurs as a result of various diseases or factors and in different patterns.

The various causes / factors leading to hair loss include:

1) Skin diseases affecting the scalp like fungal infection of scalp known as tinea capitis, seborrhoea (dandruff), eczema of scalp, or lichen planus.

2) Genetic factors.

3) Hormonal changes including those that occur after childbirth and during menopause.

4) Nutritional deficiencies due to a diet that lacks iron (leading to anemia), and also lack of protein intake.

5) Recovery from acute fever like typhoid and erysipelas leads to diffuse hair loss.

6) Drug use like the ones that are used in treating high blood pressure, joint pains, cancer, or depression. Anagen effluvium refers to the condition of hair loss due to chemotherapy in a cancer patient.

7) Physical trauma / injury to head.

8) Emotional trauma like constant stress or grief due to loss of a family member / close friend.

9) General diseases like diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, Hypothyroidism, or AIDS.

10) Auto-immune related hair loss in which the hair cells are mistaken for a foreign body and are destroyed by the immune cells of the body.

11) Hairstyles like tight braids or ponytails where the hair is tightly pulled backwards leading to traction alopecia; indiscriminate use of hair colors and hair straighteners.

12) Trichotillomania, which is a mental disorder in which the affected person voluntarily pulls out his / her scalp hair.

Various Patterns of hair loss:

Hair loss can be present in various forms like:

1) Alopecia Areata: This type of hair loss is the auto immune related form. In this form, the immune cells of the body mistake the hair cells as a foreign body and start destroying them. In this pattern, the hair loss occurs in patches / spots. It is common in people below 20 years of age.

2) Baldness / Alopecia Totalis: In this pattern, the entire scalp loses hair.

3) Telogen Effluvium: In this pattern, the hair goes on thinning and diffuse hair loss occurs due to early entry of hair in telogen phase.

4) Androgenetic Alopecia (includes Male pattern baldness and Female pattern baldness): This type of baldness is caused by genetic and hormonal factors. Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss in men in which the hairline gets receded backwards. This is in turn followed by thinning and loss of hair on the top (vertex) and sides (temple) of the scalp. In Female pattern baldness, there is thinning of hair on top of the scalp, and is less severe than in males.

Homeopathy for Hair Growth

Although hair loss is not a life threatening condition but it can be a source of constant stress and worry in the persons affected by it. A person suffering from hair loss possesses lower self esteem and self confidence levels, and also feels embarrassed when in company of other people. Homeopathy can very efficiently deal with cases of hair loss, and produce excellent results. In Homeopathy, a huge number of wonderful medicines are present that are used to tackle hair loss cases. Every kind of hair loss (ranging from hair loss due to anemia / nutritional deficiencies, due to skin disorders, due to mental / physical trauma, due to childbirth or menopause, after acute diseases, to alopecia areata, alopecia totalis or androgenetic alopecia) can be treated with the help of well selected homeopathic medicines. To treat hair loss through homeopathy detail case history of the patient needs to be studied. The cause and site of hair loss are to be noted down along with the constitutional symptoms of the patient which are given prime importance in any kind of case of hair loss. The constitutional symptoms include the eating habits, level of thirst, thermals, mental symptom etc. and these are to be given top position in forming the totality of symptoms while case taking. After the case has been properly evaluated, the case homeopathic medicine is administered to the patient. Following is the list of homeopathic medicines for hair loss treatment that can be used.

Homeopathic Remedies for Hair Loss

1)    Homeopathic medicines for hair loss due to skin diseases affecting the scalp like seborrhoea (dandruff), tinea capitis(fungus infection), eczema etc:

The skin diseases of scalp can lead to hair loss due to excessive itching or excessive acrid discharges from the lesions. Various homeopathic medicines can be used to treat such cases. Homeopathic medicine Psorinum is highly useful in treating the hair loss that has occurred due to eczematous skin lesions on scalp that discharge sticky and very offensive fluid. These kinds of discharges make the hair to stick together, which further leads to the hair getting tangled and ultimately destroyed. The patient requiring Psorinum feels excessive chill and desires to be warmly covered even in summers. Another medicine, Mezereum, is equally good for treating hair loss in cases where the hair is destroyed due to eczematous skin lesions of scalp. The patients requiring Mezereum will complain of thick crusty eruptions on scalp, along with a discharge of thick offensive pus resulting in matting of hair, breeding of vermin in them and eventually the eating away of the hair by discharges leading to hair loss. Mercurius Solubilis is yet another homeopathic medicine which plays a wonderful role in treating the hair loss due to eruptions on scalp where the discharge from eruptions is fetid and accompanied by burning type of pains in scalp. This medicine can be employed in those patients in whom profuse perspiration is present along with excessive salivation from mouth and an increased thirst for water. If the hair loss is due to dandruff, two medicines – Thuja occidentalis and Kali sulphuricum can be used. These medicines promise great results. The point that helps understand which out of the two would be a preferred medicine is that the former medicine is used where the dandruff is white in color and the latter one is used in cases where the dandruff is yellow in color.

2)    Homeopathic medicines for treating hair loss in a women after child birth and during menopause:

Homeopathic medicines Natrum muriaticum and Pulsatilla pratensis are both excellent medicines that are being employed to treat the cases of hair fall in women after child birth. Natrum muriaticum can be given to those women who suffer from anemia and hair loss on even a slight touch of the hair, along with severe headache after the delivery of a child. The women requiring this medicine complain that the headache is worse in the heat of sun. The patient may show an inordinate craving for salty things. Pulsatilla pratensis can be used by those women who suffer from excessive hair fall after delivery. The guiding factor for recommending this medicine is a complete absence of thirst for water and desire for fresh open air. The mental symptoms that are to be considered for its use are weeping tendencies on the slightest cause, and relief when someone gives consolation. Another marked symptom that guides its use in women suffering from hair loss is that such women cannot digest fatty foods. In order to tackle the hair loss in women in the menopausal age group, homeopathic medicine Sepia officinalis can be used as it promises wonderful results. The women requiring this medicine for hair fall have a history of long standing headaches. The women complaining of hot flushes followed by chills and perspiration and bearing down pains in the uterus at menopause along with hair loss can be given this medicine. The mental symptoms that significantly indicate the usage of this medicine by women suffering from hair loss at menopause are irritability of the utmost degree and indifferent behavior towards family members.

 3) Homeopathic Remedies for Hair loss in Anaemic patients:

Homeopathic medicines Borax, Cinchona officinalis and Calcarea phosphorica are all equally good medicines that can be used to treat the cases of hair loss in anemic patients. The medicine Borax can be given to those patients who complain of hair loss and are anemic. A frequent complain in such cases is that the hair is very thin and gets stuck together and form bunches, thereby making it difficult for them to be untangled and combed smooth  and they are to be cut off. But as soon as these bunches are cut another group of bunches form. The medicine Cinchona officinalis can be given to those patients in whom hair loss is accompanied with anemia. People who suffer from hair loss due to Loss of blood in any form like bleeding from nose or excessive bleeding during menstruation or loss of blood after an injury due to accident leading to anemia can be given this medicine. The patients requiring this medicine usually complain of a weak digestion along with excessive flatulence. Clacarea phosphorica is another useful homeopathic medicine that can be used to treat hair loss in anemic patients – usually in anemic girls who grow too rapidly at puberty and suffer from hair loss and extreme headache along with acidity in stomach.

 4)    Homeopathic medicines to deal with cases of alopecia areata:

Alopecia areata is a condition in which hair loss occurs in well defined patches / spots. To deal with such cases Homeopathic medicines Fluoricum acidum, Phosphorus, Calcarea carbonica and Vinca minor are frequently used based on the constitution of the patient. Fluoricum acidum is mainly used for hair loss in spots in a person of hot temperament, who is worse in any warm environment and constantly desires cold environment. The cases of alopecia areata occurring during typhoid fever can be treated with this medicine. The medicine Phosphorus is also used in alopecia areata cases with excellent results. The symptoms that guides towards its usage in the cases of alopecia areata are patches of hair loss on scalp along with unusual craving for salty things, chicken, cold drinks and ice creams. The patients requiring Phosphorus are tall, thin and slender in physical appearance. Calcrea carbonica is a great homeopathic remedy for alopecia .It can be prescribed to patients in whom the hair is lost in well defined patches, and constitutionally who are fair, fat and flabby in built. The other symptoms that stand out dominant to use this medicine in an alopecia areata patient are excessive chilliness with intolerance to slight draft of air, excessive perspiration on the scalp and unusual craving for boiled eggs. Vinca minor can be used for the hair loss in spots whereby the white coloured hair grows back in the spots of hair loss.

 5)    Homeopathic Medicines for Baldness / Alopecia totalis where the entire scalp loses its hair:

Homeopathic medicines that can be used to deal with cases of baldness of this type are Silicea, Baryta carbonica, Sulphur, or Lycopodium clavatum. The first medicine, Silicea, is mainly given to those patients who suffer from baldness and complain of pain in head usually at the right side along with hair loss. The patients requiring this medicine are very sensitive to cold air and usually have very offensive sweat on the feet. Mentally the patients requiring this medicine are very headstrong and obstinate in nature. Baryta carbonica is another medicine in the list that is used to treat the cases of baldness homeopathically in young people. The patients requiring this medicine are very timid and dull in nature and have very poor memory. The patients of baldness who have a history of throat complaints like tonsilitis (from suppression of foot sweat or from exposure to cold air) can be given this medicine. Sulphur is yet another wonderful homeopathic medicine that can be prescribed to those patients suffering from baldness who are extremely hot blooded and complain of excessive heat in body especially in the head, palms and soles. Another symptom that guides towards the use of sulphur in baldness cases is that the patient requiring this medicine have an aversion to bathing and are generally filthy – thus inviting plenty of long standing skin diseases. The patients requiring Sulphur show extra craving for sweets in food. Last medicine, Lycopodium clavatum, is also an excellent medicine used to treat baldness cases occurring prematurely and can be given to those patients who complain of some sort of gastric trouble like flatulence, constipation or liver problems along with baldness. The patients requiring Lycopodium clavatum usually crave hot drinks, hot food and sweet things.

Homeopathy Treatment for Hair Loss

Homeopathy is gaining worldwide acceptance today as a natural cure for hair loss . Homeopathic treatment for hair loss is not only natural but also free from any side effects. It can be easily administered, and is suitable for men as well as women from all age groups. Homeopathic hair growth remedies are should be used after consulting a professional Homeopath

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Natural Homeopathic Solutions for Flatulence

Flatulence is a term used for excessive accumulation of gas in the abdomen. Flatulence is mainly caused due to the breakdown of digested food and its malabsorption in the intestine. Flatulence can be passed from the mouth in the form of belching or from the anus in the form of flatus (gas). Flatus may be noisy and may or may not have an odor. A bloated abdomen often accompanies flatulence. Obstructed flatulence may lead to a colicky pain in the abdomen. A headache often accompanies flatulence. It affects people of all age groups but is more prominent in older adults. It can develop as a result of consuming farinaceous (starchy) food like beans, cabbage, etc. The various gastric disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, and food allergies can lead to excessive flatulence, and post-operative flatulence is also a common condition. Homeopathic medicines for flatulence are made of natural substances and help inhibit the recurring tendency of this condition.  homeopathic medicines for flatulence

Homeopathic Medicines for Flatulence

Homeopathy offers an excellent alternative treatment for Flatulence. These medicines for flatulence are made of natural substances, and therefore do not cause any side effects. Homeopathic medicine provides symptomatic relief from the condition and helps treat the root cause of the disease.

1. For Flatulence with Belching

Asafoetida – For Flatulence with Vomiting.

Asafoetida is a medicine used to treat flatulence with regurgitations of liquids. Explosive belching that smells of garlic and has a rancid taste and forcible belching of gas are also indicative of this medicine.

Carbo Vegetabilis – For Flatulence with Putrid Belching.

Carbo Vegatabilis is a medicine used to treat flatulence coupled with sour and putrid belching that occur after eating or drinking. Belching provides temporary relief.

2. For Flatulence with Bloated Abdomen

Magnesia Phosphorica – For Flatulence with Bloating.

Magnesia Phosporica is a medicine used to treat flatulence coupled with a bloated abdomen and a sensation of fullness. Flatulent colic that forces the patient to bend double, loosen clothing, walk, and constantly pass flatus are indicative of this medicine.

Raphanus – For Flatulence with Distended Abdomen.

Raphanus is a medicine used to treat flatulence with a distended abdomen. Flatulence may be retained and not get passed up or down. This medicine also works well for post-operative gas.

3. For Flatulence after Eating

Argentum Nitricum – For Flatulence after Eating.

Argentum Nitricum is a medicine used to treat flatulence that causes distention of the abdomen after eating. There also may be a desire to consume sweets, which worsen the problem.

China – For Flatulence by Liquids.

China is a medicine used to treat flatulence caused by consuming tea, beer, wine, impure water, fruits or milk. Flatulence in the stomach that stays for a long time after a meal is indicative of this medicine.

Lycopodium – For Flatulence with Bloating.

Lycopodium is a medicine used to treat flatulence that is noisy and is accompanied by a bloated abdomen. The affected person may experience a feeling of fullness immediately after a light meal. A constant sense of fermentation in the gut, like yeast working continuously, is present.

4. For Flatulence that is Offensive

Aloes – For Accumulated Flatus.

Aloes is a medicine used to treat flatulence with abdominal pains that get better after passing burning, offensive-smelling flatus. The flatus gets accumulated and causes twisting pains in the abdomen.

Carbo Vegetabilis – For Flatus with Excretion.

Carbo Vegetabilis is a medicine used to treat the condition where the flatus is hot, moist and offensive, and it is released with the feces. Heaviness and fullness in the abdomen along with sour, putrid belching are also indicative of this medicine.

5. For Flatulence with Abdominal Pain

Lycopodium – For Flatulence with Shooting Pain.

Lycopodium is a medicine used to treat flatulence that is accompanied by shooting pains across the lower abdomen from right to left side. The pain gets better by rubbing the belly and drinking hot water.

Colocynthis – For Flatulent Colic.

Colocynthis is a medicine used to treat flatulent colic (pain in the abdomen due to flatus) that comes in waves and gets better upon doubling up and applying hard pressure. A sensation of cutting, twisting, contracting and bruised pains in the gut is also present.

6. For Flatulence with Headache

Robinia – For Flatulence with Dull Headache.

Robinia is a medicine used to treat flatulent colic accompanied by dull, frontal headache. A sour-feeling stomach as a result of consuming foods like pastry, ice-cream, warm bread, cabbage or other flatulence-causing foods may be present.

Nux Vomica – For Flatulence with Throbbing Headache.

Nux Vomica is a medicine used to treat flatulent distention with a severe, throbbing headache. Incarcerated flatus with loud rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, especially in morning is present.

7. For Flatulence in Seniors

Lycopodium – For Noisy Flatulence.

Lycopodium is a medicine used to treat noisy flatulence that develops immediately after eating in elderly people.

Natrum Carbonicum – For Flatulence with Bloating.

Natrum Carbonicum is a medicine used to treat flatulence along with indigestion, gas and bloating of the abdomen in older adults. The flatus may move within the stomach.

8. For Flatulence (Post Operative)

Arnica – For Flatulent Colic.

Arnica is a medicine used to treat flatulent colic that may occur after surgery or trauma. The stomach is distended with flatus passing upwards and downwards.

China – For Post Operative Flatus Pain.

China is a medicine used to treat postoperative gas pains. The affected person gets no relief by passing gas. Weak digestion, fermentation and bloating of the stomach are also present.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

5 Best Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD

Homeopathic medicines for ADHD  can be effective in treating it . Homeopathic medicines can help in controlling hyperactivity and improving concentration (results can vary). Factors that affect the treatment of ADHD with homeopathic medicines include the age at which the treatment is started, the intensity (mild, moderate or severe) of the symptoms and individual response of the child towards the medicines. Homeopathic treatment for ADHD thereby depends on a number of factors.

Five Top Reasons to use Homeopathic Medicines for ADHD

Traditionally, medical practitioners rely on stimulant drugs, oral anti-hypertensive medications, and antidepressants to cure ADHD. But many times, parents who have already tried the drugs on their children turn to alternative cures to avoid any side-effects and ensure a safer treatment. Homeopathic medicines for ADHD  offer several advantages over other drugs and systems of medicine.

Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD are Natural remedies

Being an ancient, 200-year-old medical art and science that was founded by German physician Samuel Hahnemann way back in the 1700s, the cures used in this line of treatment are derived from nature and thus devoid of toxins. Substances that occur naturally go into the making of homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic cure for ADHD is Safe and Side Effect Free

Stimulant drugs like Ritalin may be effective for ADHD but their flip side is that they can trigger side-effects like sleeplessness, anxiety, loss of appetite, slow growth, tics, etc.In fact, most of the stimulant drugs should not be given to children under age six because of the risk of toxicity or inadequate dosage awareness due to inadequate testing for negative reactions. Twenty percent of ADHD kids have been seen not to show any response to the first stimulant drug tried, or even display a negative response to it.

Homeopathy as Holistic Medicine or An Alternative medicine for ADHD

Another advantage is that homeopathy aims to cure the whole child. It strives to improve the child’s overall attention and behavior, as also any other physical afflictions like allergies, asthma, headaches and stomach aches that the child may have.

Homeopathic Treatment for ADHD  as an Individualised Cure

Individualisation is the key in homeopathic treatment. Every child is treated as a unique individual instead of being clubbed or classified into a type. This is a crucial requirement in treating ADHD. For, how can an introverted and shy ADHD child, with predominantly inattentive symptoms like forgetting homework, losing toys and tools or inability to focus on any task, be given the same treatment as a child who is predominantly the hyperactivity type and given to temper tantrums and creating scenes socially?

Simple and Effective

A homeopath usually takes a lot of time in going into the eccentricities of an individual case. It is for this reason that homeopathy does not follow a blanket approach like prescribing the same medicine for every patient clubbed under an ADHD subtype. A single dose of the correct homeopathic medicine can have a lasting effect for months, or even a year.

Four factors in ADHD diagnosis

The crucial concern for parents of children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) symptoms is to get a correct diagnosis. The big challenge in such a situation is that a child should not be under-diagnosed or even over-diagnosed for the disorder. Since there is no single exclusive test for the diagnosis of ADHD, a multi-pronged approach is called for, that also entails the involvement of the parent, teachers and other caregivers. The symptoms of hyperactivity or poor attention may be mistaken for other disorders, which is why an in-depth assessment is of paramount importance. The key factors that go into the making of an accurate ADHD diagnosis are as follows:

The intensity of the symptoms:

While the primary symptoms of ADHD that drive a parent into seeking an ADHD diagnosis in their child are hyperactivity, impulsivity, and lack of attention, the severity of the symptoms is of crucial significance in assessing the disorder. Generally, for an accurate diagnosis, the child should exhibit a minimum of six out of 18 or more signs of inattention or hyperactivity.

To be diagnosed for the disorder, the child must not simply exhibit these symptoms but they should have a discernible negative impact on the child’s life i.e on his home life, school life and on his relationships with his peers. For instance, inattention should have caused a considerable fall in the child’s overall grades in school, the child must display serious difficulty in completing homework or classwork over prolonged periods, etc.

To ascertain this, an ADHD specialist needs to take the big picture into account by scrutinizing the child’s conduct in a vast spectrum of situations. Doctors who conduct only a superficial probe, by making only shallow inquiries about the child’s case history, are not likely arrive at an accurate diagnosis.

The onset of the signs

The mental health professionals take into consideration factors like how early the symptoms surfaced in a child’s formative years. One criterion is to examine if any of the symptoms appeared before the age of 7. This can be quite a challenge for the parents as well as the doctors since in kids below the age of four or five the diagnosis is made difficult by the highly variable nature of their behavior compared to children in an older age group.

Another challenge is that the symptoms of inattention in toddlers or preschoolers are not easily discernible since these kids face a few situations that call for constant or prolonged attention.

Duration of symptoms

One major criterion that specialists bear in mind while diagnosing ADHD is that the symptoms should have persisted for at least six months prior to the diagnosis. The symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and lack of attention must have been present for at least six months or more in more than one setting, like the home, school, playgroup etc.

The factors that a specialist will look at are whether these symptoms are long-term, are they of an excess degree, do they occur more often than they do in other children of that age, are they the result of an ad hoc adverse situation or they are born of a more permanent problem and so on.

Settings in which symptoms surface

For an ADHD diagnosis, it is significant that the symptoms should manifest themselves in more than one setting, like a classroom, play school, home, social occasions etc.The mental health specialist has to take into consideration factors like the child’s conduct in class, interaction with other schoolmates, reaction to figures of authority or discipline enforcement. If the symptoms surface only in one setting, an ADHD diagnosis is generally not given.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)?

ADHD is a brain-based disorder that affects millions of children. It is related to functioning and behavioral skills. A combination of symptoms like difficulty in concentrating, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior are often indicative of ADHD.
Diagnosing ADHD is a complex process because the classic behavioral symptoms of the same are often part of a child’s normal development. In many children (who are not severely affected or only partially fit the evaluation for ADHD) the symptoms may overlap with natural personality traits. Homeopathic treatment for ADHD has shown a certain amount of success rate, but the results vary from case to case.

What are the sub-types of ADHD?

There are three sub-types of ADHD – ‘predominantly hyperactive-impulsive,’ ‘predominantly inattentive,’ and a combination of these two.
Children with a ‘predominantly hyperactive-impulsive’ type of ADHD display symptoms of hyperactivity and feel the need to move constantly. They may also have difficulty controlling their impulses. They usually do not have much trouble paying attention.

Children with a ‘predominantly inattentive’ type of ADHD have difficulty paying attention and are easily distracted, but do not have much trouble with hyperactivity.

Children with a combination of the types of ADHD mentioned above tend to have a lot of problem with both hyperactivity and inattention.

What are the causes of ADHD?

As a parent, the foremost concern on finding your child with ADHD symptoms is to go on a guilt trip. “Where did I go wrong?”
But take heart. The genesis of ADHD in your child is hardly a comment on your parenting skills or child-rearing ability. Parenting may not be the real culprit in causing such disorders, as there are several factors that trigger ADHD, though it is difficult to pinpoint any one specific reason.
Apart from genetic factors, environmental and dietary causes could be responsible for the disorder. The primary triggers for ADHD can be broadly classified into the following categories:

It’s in the genes

Like several other behavioral disorders, the genes can also be blamed for the development of ADHD in the child.
If there is a family history of ADHD, say a grandparent, parent, sibling, uncle or aunt has been afflicted by the disorder, there is a four to five times greater chance for a child to contract it.
Another genetic factor that can be responsible for ADHD is a thinner brain tissue in the brain part linked to attention faculties. This cause can, however, disappear over the years if the brain tissues grow to have a normal thickness.
Research shows that the growth of brain tissues in children with ADHD is around three years behind that of non-ADHD kids, but they can outgrow this handicap over the years.

Diet does it

There are as many theories about the role of food in such behavioral disorders as there are kinds of symptoms. Some specialists hold food additives responsible for triggering ADHD, some blame it on the lack of omega-3 fatty acids, while others feel that this condition is caused by refined sugar.
While the link between ADHD and refined sugar has not been strongly substantiated, the role of omega 3 fatty acids has a more solid backing as these are considered important for the growth of the brain. That is the reason that fish oil supplements are sometimes prescribed to cure ADHD symptoms and boost brain power.

Environment explains it

Children whose mothers consume cigarettes, alcohol or consume various drugs during pregnancy have a higher susceptibility to developing ADHD. Nicotine contained in cigarettes is said to cause a deficiency of oxygen in the womb.
Even exposure to lead is considered to heighten the risk of acquiring the disorder. Environmental toxins like lead, usually contained in building paints, are believed to be a trigger. People who reside in old construction that has used old lead-based paint may thus be at a higher risk of contracting symptoms of ADHD.

Blame it on the brain

Certain malfunctions or malformations of the brain are believed to trigger symptoms of ADHD. For instance, an abnormality in the prefrontal cortex that plays a role in controlling executive functions can lead to this disorder. The executive functions enable a person to exercise self-restraint. If the executive functions of the brain are affected, it is likely to manifest itself in the symptoms of ADHD like hyperactivity, impulsiveness and inattention.
Studies have also indicated a connection between dopamine levels in the brain and the development of ADHD, with its incidence being found to be higher in people with smaller levels of dopamine.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

The symptoms of ADHD are divided into two categories. The first one is related to inattention and the second one is related to hyperactivity.
The symptoms of ADHD also vary in terms of intensity, ranging from mild-to-moderate to severe. The symptoms shown by a child with inattention include difficulty in focusing attention, easy distraction, avoidance of tasks needing attention, frequently losing things like pencils and toys, misplacing their belongings, daydreaming, and a problem with following instructions.
The symptoms shown by a child with hyperactivity include difficulty with sitting still in school or while doing homework, running around, talking non-stop, interrupting others mid-conversation, constant movement, displaying impatience while waiting for a turn, tapping of hands or feet, and difficulty in doing tasks quietly and calmly.

What are the best homeopathic medicines to treat difficulty with ‘concentration issues’ in ADHD?

Homeopathic medicines that can help treat difficulties with concentration include Baryta Carb and Lycopodium Clavatum. A physician should be consulted before starting any homeopathic treatment for ADHD.

Which homeopathic medicines can help control impulsive behavior in my child who has ADHD?

Hyoscyamus Niger and Veratrum Album are the two homeopathic medicines that are recommended for controlling impulsive behavior in a child with ADHD. However, a physician should be consulted before starting any homeopathic treatment for ADHD.

My child has ADHD with marked hyperactivity; which homeopathic medicines can be used to treat this?

Hyperactivity in a child with ADHD can be treated with medicines like Tarentula Hispanica and Tuberculinum Bovinum. A physician should be consulted before starting any homeopathic treatment for ADHD.

What are the most suitable homeopathic medicines for treating anger outbursts in a child with ADHD?

Anger outbursts in a child with ADHD can be treated with homeopathic medicines Chamomilla and Tuberculinum Bovinum. A physician should be consulted before starting any homeopathic treatment for ADHD.

Details of Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD

Baryta Carb and Lycopodium Clavatum are the homeopathic medicines that are used for treating concentration difficulties in a child having ADHD.
Baryta Carb works wonders in treating concentration difficulties in children having ADHD. Children who need Baryta Carb cannot concentrate or pay attention to any work. Difficulty in concentrating during studies is also pronounced in such cases. The affected children cannot fix their attention while reading, thereby forgetting the lesson.

Lycopodium Clavatum is a homeopathic medicine considered in cases where children show difficulty with concentration during reading and conversation. They also tend to be confused and display traits of low self-confidence.

Hyoscyamus Niger and Veratrum Album are the homeopathic medicines that are used to control impulsive behavior in children with ADHD.

Hyoscyamus Niger is suitable in cases when there is impulsiveness with the desire to strike and bite in high degrees.

Veratrum Album is a homeopathic treatment for  ADHD used to control impulsive behavior along with a desire to cut and tear things and excessive shrieking.

Tarentula Hispanica and Tuberculinum Bovinum are the homeopathic medicines that can be effectively used to control hyperactivity in children with ADHD.

Tarentula Hispanica is used when a child is hyperactive with marked restlessness and impatience.

Tuberculinum Bovinum is indicated when a child displays hyperactivity along with an impulse to run away.Use of the medicine Tuberculinum Bovinum is suggested when there are fits of angry outbursts coupled with screaming, and a tendency to use abusive language. These may be further combined with destructive behavior and throwing things at others. Chamomilla and Tuberculinum Bovinum are the homeopathic medicines that are used to treat anger outbursts in children with ADHD. Symptoms of anger coupled with irritable and cross behavior indicate the need for the medicine Chamomilla. The child may also be spiteful and snappish.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Silicea – Homeopathic Medicine its Uses, Indications and Dosage

The remedy Silicea is derived from Silica or Silicic oxide from the Mineral Kingdom. The mineral silica in its crude state is inert and insoluble. When potentized according to the formula of Homeopathy, that is a process where the latent medicinal powers of a drug are aroused, it becomes one of the most valuable drugs of Homeopathic materia medica. It is also known very commonly as Quartz.
Silica is present naturally in our body as well; in the bones, nerve sheaths, skin, nails, etc. It has the capability to replace a surgeon’s knife by its remarkable action.

The ‘Silicea’ Constitution

This remedy suits people who are nervous and irritable, usually break into sweats, with dry skin and a lean, thin body. The musculature is weak and lax. Such patients usually cannot bear cold at all. If the individual receives a slight injury it suppurates and the formation is hard and nodular.

Drug Action

It is one of the polychrest remedies, that is it has an effect on all the spheres of the body. It acts on the bones, mucous membranes, cartilages, skin, cellular tissues, nerves, glands, lachrymal duct, Eustachian tube, etc.
It is known to be a very helpful remedy in treating bad effects of vaccination and complaints arising from the suppression of foot sweat.

Clinical Indications

Abscesses, boils, bone affections, carbuncle, constipation, cough, dentition problems, diabetes, enuresis, epilepsy, fistula, headache, hernia, rheumatism, rickets, skin troubles, sexual disturbances, bad effects of vaccination, Bartholin’s cyst, pilonidal sinus, haemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal abscess and fistulas, Meniere’s Disease, sinusitis and anxiety.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints of the Mind

This remedy settles many disorders of the mind, the marked symptoms being lack of confidence, stamina, and concentration. This remedy is well-suited professional and well-doing people. They claim to have everything in order and they seem to know what they are doing. But after a while, they start feeling a lack of confidence and firmness, they now have difficulty in processing thoughts and speech before giving a presentation. As a result of which, they start to dread to appear in public. They dread failure and the consequences of it; they feel their mind will not work when they want it to. This is nothing but an outcome of the prolonged mental exhaustion they have always been prone to. So a lawyer might end up saying, ‘I have never been well since so and so case.’ He overworks on it and many sleepless nights follow. And he ends up so mentally exhausted, yet everything is in vain. The most important thing to note here is, that when such patients go hard on themselves and force themselves to perform, they do so with flying colors. So, even though there is a fear of failure, yet when they perform, they do it well.
Another case is illustrated in a young man who has studied for years and is now nearing the end of this course. He dreads the final examinations but he goes through them all right, then fatigue comes upon him and for years he’s unable to enter his profession. He has this dread of undertaking anything. This remedy restores such affections of the brain.
Patients who need this remedy also dread loneliness. They always want someone to be around them. When they are amongst people, even though they are not talking or interacting with them, they are happy.

2. Nasal Problems

When it comes to the nasal passages, this medicine can be given for conditions like sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, ulcerations of the nasal cavities, epistaxis, etc. It can resolve the blockage of nasal passages due to any condition. The nose feels painfully dry and obstructed in the morning. As the day progresses, coryza (nasal discharges) can develop. The patient starts to lose his sense of taste and smell. It can be given for recurrent epistaxis as well. There is violent sneezing with tickling in the throat and nasal discharges.

3. Throat Concerns

It is one of the best remedies given for tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils). It can be given for both follicular tonsillitis and quinsy (abscess in the region of tonsils). There is a sensation of a lump in the throat and there is a great difficulty in swallowing. There is a pain in the throat, which is sharp as from needles and pins, more on the left side, generating cough in some cases. The attacks of tonsillitis and quinsy are periodical, they get better for a while but come back again. It can very effectively deal with the acute and chronic stages of these conditions. The medicine is also helpful in chronic pharyngitis. Tickling in the throat causes bouts of cough. There is hoarseness of voice. The thyroid gland is enlarged and, there is swelling in front of the throat. The right side of the gland is swollen, which commences from the left, the patient cannot move his neck and holds it stiffly.

4. Ears

This medicine has its action on almost all the parts. It can be given for multiple ear conditions. It very effectively manages Otorrhea (ear discharge), Meniere’s Disease, perforated eardrums, tinnitus, Eustachian tube blockage, and hearing loss. There is over sensitiveness towards all noises The ears seem blocked, which open with a pop. In cases of otorrhea, the discharge could be curdy and pasty or thin and watery, with caries of the bone. There is a high degree of tinnitus(noises in the ear), all kinds of noises; hissing, roaring, like many cars passing by. It can be really helpful in cases of Eustachian tube blockage where the ears are blocked, a certain amount of hearing loss is present, but it returns with a snap. It takes care of the ruptured tympanic membrane (eardrum) with a discharge from the ear.

5. Eyes

With its effect on the eyes, it has treated a great number of complaints. It can be helpful in defects of vision; where the eyes are weak, the patient can neither write nor read, the sight is indistinct.
It proves to be infallible in cases of Blepharitis ( inflammatory condition of the eyes), like styes (red tender bump at the edge of the eyelids), Uveitis (inflammation of the Uvea), swelling in the eyes due to traumatic causes, abscess & boils around the eyes and lips, keratitis (inflammation of the cornea). There is intense photophobia accompanying the eye complaints. The eyes are red, they burn and there is intense tingling. Not only this, it can be given for chronic conditions like Cataract, especially of the right eye, where there is greyish cloudiness in the eye. In conditions like ulcerations of the cornea, with a discharge of thick and yellow pus, attended with pain, this medicine can do wonders.

6. Chest

This medicine can be given for cases of bouts of breathlessness, where the patient loses his breath on slight exertion, be it running, stooping, followed by a cough. There is deep sighing breathing.
In conditions like Asthma, where the cough is in spasms and comes on as soon as the patient lies down.
The cough can have many presentations. It can be dry or loose. In cases of dry cough, excited by tickling in the throat, with hoarseness of voice. When the cough is loose, there is profuse expectoration of phlegm, the patient awakens at night, worsens from slightest motion, and especially after lying at night.
In children, who have a suffocative cough, obstructed and difficult respiration and the expectoration of the phlegm just doesn’t seem to end.
With its action on the heart, it checks the palpitations, with an irregular and hard pulse.

7. Teeth and Gums

This medicine can be given to kids that have a difficult dentition or if the teething is delayed. It acts on the gums and strengthens them, thereby checking the loose teeth. It can be given for caries of teeth where the pain worsens on even inhaling air and at night. There is a very severe toothache, with stinging pain and the patient tosses and turns during his sleep. If after extraction of teeth, there is a swelling in the gums and roof of the mouth, Silicea is the remedy. It has proven to be beneficial in cases of gum boils as well, where the gums are very sore and painful. Also, in such patients, there is a bad odour from the mouth.

8. Bones

It has since long proven be to very beneficial in cases of Caries of bones, bony fistulas, rickets and AVN (Avascular Necrosis of bone). Caries of the bone of any part of the body, but especially the small bones of the ears, nose and mastoid process and the shaft of the long bones, the head of the bones and the cartilaginous portions. The necrosis of the jaw, wrist bones, hand bones, feet bones, ankle, knees and in addition long bones —including humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of the leg) — are all the site of action for using this medicine. In kids, who have open fontanelles and sutures, it has played an amazing role in the fusion of the bone. It can be given in cases of Rickets, where there is a deformity in the structure of the bone due to deficiency of essential Vitamins. It can be given for defects in the spinal curvature as well, such as Kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis.

9. Skin Afflictions

The action of this remedy on skin cures many conditions where the skin is unhealthy and very problematic. It is one of the best anti-suppurative remedies available in homeopathy. It very effectively aborts pus formation, thereby dealing with many skin conditions like acne, boils, abscesses, eczema, impetigo, carbuncles, felons, ingrown nails, ulcers, Bartholin’s cyst, herpes, and cellulitis. The eruptions on the skin are itchy and burn. It can take care of eczematous, impetiginous and herpetic eruptions. There is eczema of the scalp, hands, and forearms. Every little injury on the skin has a tendency to suppurate. In many cases, where there is a foreign body lodged in the skin, like splinters, fish bones and needles, this medicine helps in the dislodgement of such substances and helps in healing the skin after. There is a tendency to form boils, and the boils come in crops, which do not heal readily. It can be of great help in cases of felons (inflammation of the tip of the finger), where the pain is deep-seated, with intense burning and stinging in the fingertips which are felt up to the shoulder. Not to forget, the action of this medicine is remarkable in cases where there are recurrent ingrown nails. The patient has a tendency for ingrown nails, and it can literally replace a surgeon’s knife in such cases.

10. Rectum

It can prove to be a brilliant remedy in cases of constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, pilonidal sinuses, anal abscesses, fissures, and fistulas. While its action on the patients with chronic constipation, this homeopathic remedy can help in managing symptoms like a very hard stool, which is highly unsatisfactory, has to be expelled with great effort; sometimes a part of the stool protrudes out but again recedes back and this happens again and again. There is pain and burning in anus after struggling to expel out the stool. At times, the stool is so hard and it remains for a really long time in the rectum due to deficient power to expel it.
The hemorrhoids are intensely painful, there is a discharge of bloody mucus from the rectum. In cases of fissure and fistula in the anus, accompanied by a history of constipation, there is pain that lasts even after passing the stool and lasts several hours. It can be given to people who tend to have summer diarrhea, that is diarrhea comes on during the weather change; wherein the stool is watery and highly offensive.

11. Male Problems

This remedy has shown great clinical improvements in cases of disorders of the male sexual system. It can also be given for clinical conditions like prostatitis, prostatomegaly, nightfalls, hydrocele, Syphilitic eruptions on the penis. The erections are painful, especially before rising in the morning. The erections are very frequent and come on anytime even without any stimulus. The sexual desire has compromised and is not as strong as before. The prostate gland is enlarged but without any pain. In cases of Prostatitis, there is a pus discharge from the urethra. It can be very effective in cases of hydrocele of men and children. The eruptions on the genitals can be very itchy, red and painful, with sweating on the scrotum. Men suffering from nightfalls, usually have a history of excessive masturbation.

12. Female Problems

In females, this remedy can be helpful in conditions like prolapse of the uterus, cysts in the vagina, metrorrhagia, leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea, pruritus vulva. Menses; if too early are scanty and profuse when late. Menstrual cycles are irregular, come every two-three months. Before menses, usually, there is a headache or leucorrhoea which burns; pains as if the parts were sore. During menses, there is a pain in the abdomen, toothache during menses with anxiety and weariness of life. Usually, women have constipation before and after menses, which can be managed with this medicine.
It can also be given in affections of the breast, where there is inflammation, induration, and suppuration of the breasts. Inflammation of the nipples, they crack and ulcerate.

13. Sleep Disorders

Patients who might need this medicine have a very restless and disturbed sleep. They feel highly drowsy after eating or in the evenings. But when they try to doze off, they are highly restless, frequently keeps on waking up due to the overcrowded thoughts and cannot sleep again. There could be Somnambulism (night walking); the patient gets up while asleep, walks about and lies down after. The dreams are pleasant, could be lascivious; anxious while dreaming; dreams of murders, horrid things, of past events, of someone choking him/her. The patient breaks into a sweat and wakes up in the morning with a headache due to the dreams he had at night. He feels so tired and unrefreshed that he wishes to remain in bed.

14. Perspiration

There are cases where the complaints surprisingly appear after the suppression of sweat. For instance, after playing or exercising, we usually rush to take a bath even when the body is still sweating. This medicine is helpful in such cases, where the complaints have begun after such an incidence and lasted ever since. It can be of help in complaints arising from suppression of other discharges as well. There is usually a cold and clammy sweat on the forehead. One striking feature about a patient’s perspiration is that the sweating is more on the head and upper limb and the patient is generally dry on the lower body parts.


The dosage depends on many factors, especially on the stage of a given condition.
It can be given in different potencies where it can be frequently repeated as well. Generally, in lower potencies, it helps in building pus in raw eruptions and when given in high potencies, it helps to abort the process of inflammation.
Hence, in high potencies, it should not be frequently repeated.
Its action lasts for about 4- to 60 days.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Hepar Sulph, Acid Fluor.
It antidotes: Mer Cor, Sulphur
Follows well: Belladonna, Bryonia, Cina, Graphites, Ignatia, Nitric acid.
Followed well by Lachesis, Lycopodium, Sepia

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Homeopathic Treatment for Nausea

Nausea is a sensation of uneasiness where a person feels the urge to vomit. Nausea can appear with or without vomiting. Nausea is not a disease, but a symptom arising due to a number of causes. Primary causes of nausea are stomach infection, indigestion, food poisoning, morning sickness during pregnancy, migraine headaches and travel sickness which includes car sickness, air sickness, and sea sickness. Homeopathic treatment for nausea is safe, natural and effective. Natural medicines for nausea are capable of dealing with nausea arising from various causes. Nausea from a stomach infection, indigestion, or a migraine can be managed easily with remedies. Motion sickness is also very well treated with these remedies. This mode of treatment is a safe option for dealing with morning sickness during pregnancy.

Homeopathic Treatment for Nausea

Recommended remedies for nausea are Ipecac, Arsenic Album, Cocculus Indicus, and Sepia. Ipecac is a good medicine for nausea that is constant. Arsenic Album is used for nausea caused by a stomach infection or by food poisoning. Cocculus Indicus works well for treating car or air sickness. Sepia is a recommended treatment for nausea during pregnancy.

1. For Nausea from Stomach Infection or Food Poisoning

Top medicines for effective treatment for nausea arising from a stomach infection are Arsenic Album and Nux Vomica. These two remedies give excellent results when nausea appears due to food poisoning. Arsenic Album is used for nausea accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. Nux Vomica is useful when nausea with ineffectual urging for ?? and abdomen pain are present.

2. For Nausea During Pregnancy or Morning Sickness

Natural remedies effectively manage nausea during pregnancy. Good remedies for morning sickness are Sepia and Symphoricarpus Racemosa. Sepia works well for nausea in the morning, or when nausea is aggravated by the smell or sight of food. Vomiting after eating may also occur. Symphoricarpus Racemosa is a good choice when nausea occurs along with an aversion to all kinds of food. In such cases, persistent vomiting is also a feature.

3. For Nausea During a Migraine

Remedies for nausea accompanied by a migraine are Iris Versicolor and Cocculus Indicus. Iris Versicolor is an excellent choice for treating a headache accompanied by nausea. A headache is felt in the frontal and temporal region. In such cases, acidity may also appear. Cocculus Indicus is useful when vertigo and headache accompany nausea. The headache is mainly centered in the back of the head. Loss of appetite, vomiting, and fainting may also occur.

4. For Nausea during Travelling or Motion Sickness

Motion sickness includes sickness caused while traveling by car, air or sea. Remedies for car sickness and air sickness are Petroleum and Cocculus Indicus. Tabacum is used to deal with sea sickness.

5. For Nausea with Indigestion

Remedies for nausea with indigestion are Nux Vomica and Pulsatilla. Nux Vomica works well when nausea and retching appear with indigestion. Pressure is felt in the abdomen after eating. The person considers vomiting to feel better. In such cases, constipation may also occur. Pulsatilla works well for nausea and indigestion arising from eating heavy food like fats, pastries, and cake. In such situations, there is an aversion to all food. Dyspepsia and flatulence may also appear along with nausea.

6. For Nausea Caused by the Smell or Sight of Food

Colchicum is a good homeopathic medicine for nausea caused by the smell or sight of food. Nausea in such cases is very intense and may lead the person to faint. Vomiting may also appear. Colchicum is very helpful when the very thought of food nauseates a person.

7. For Nausea Caused by Eating or Drinking

Effective medicine for nausea caused by eating or drinking are Cocculus Indicus and Pulsatilla. Along with nausea, vomiting may also occur. In such cases, acidity along with distress may be felt in the abdomen.

8. For Constant Nausea

Ipecac is a beneficial medicine for nausea that is constant. Nausea in such cases is very intense. Ipecac is the most frequently used remedy for persistent nausea, irrespective of the cause. Vomiting may also appear along with persistent nausea. The vomit is bilious or consisting of white, glairy, mucus. The patient does not feel any relief after vomiting. Profuse salivation may also accompany nausea.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Leaky gut syndrome making life miserable ? Homeopathic treatment is the best bet

What is leaky gut syndrome and the reason behind it?

Leaky gut syndrome is also known by the name of increased intestinal permeability. It refers to a condition that arises as a result of improper functioning of intestinal tight junctions in the small intestines. The tight junctions in the small intestine refer to a protein that lies in between the epithelial cell linings that makes the gut barrier. Over the cells, a layer of mucus is also present. The tight junction allows only selective transport of the nutrients, and electrolytes into the bloodstream. Alongside it acts as a barrier that protects the toxins, microbes and undigested food particles present in the lumen of intestine from entering the bloodstream. Any damage to these tight junctions leads the substances (toxins, microbes, and undigested food particles) to get into the bloodstream. As a result, an inflammatory and an autoimmune activity start in the body precipitated by reaction with these substances, leading to many disease conditions. These activities are started by our own immune system to counter these substances considering them to be as a foreign, harmful matter . Few conditions and medicines may lead to leaky gut is widely accepted, but the evidence to support that leaky gut may lead to a significant disease condition,s is very little.

 What are the causes and factors linked with triggering leaky gut syndrome?

There is no specific single cause that can damage the gut barrier thus causing leaky gut syndrome. However, there are many conditions that damage the gut barrier. These majorly include intake of NSAIDS/ antibiotics in excess, high alcohol consumption, radiotherapy, type 1 diabetes, infections (viral, fungal and bacterial), celiac disease, stress and food sensitivities. Other factors include a compromised immunity, chemotherapy medicines and overgrowth of yeast/bacteria in the bowel.


What are the symptoms and conditions that may arise from leaky gut syndrome?

 Leaky gut syndrome majorly leads to gastric symptoms like bloated abdomen, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, constipation, increased flatulence, skin allergies, joint pains, fatigue, migraine and food allergies.  Various medical conditions may arise in a person with leaky gut syndrome.  Few of them are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, eczema, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue syndrome. But whether leaky gut syndrome causes these conditions or just triggers them is still a question to be answered. Apart from above it is also seen that many individuals having autism have leaky gut syndrome. However it is yet very unclear whether leaky gut syndrome is the cause or an effect of autism.


Homeopathic treatment of leaky gut syndrome

There is a great scope of treating leaky gut syndrome in homeopathy. The homeopathic system treats leaky gut syndrome effectively and in a very safe manner with natural medicines without any side effects. Homeopathic medicines aim to prevent further damage arising from the leaky gut as well as managing the symptoms of the leaky gut in an excellent manner. The homeopathic medicine selection for treating leaky gut syndrome entirely depends on the body system affected and the characteristic symptoms arising therefrom in every individual case. Few homeopathic medicines are given below that though not specific for leaky gut but indicated majorly as per the symptoms and the various conditions arising from leaky gut syndrome. The use of these medicines should be done under the consultation of homeopathic physician and self-medication should be avoided.


Homeopathic medicines for leaky gut treatment


1. Colocynthis – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with marked abdominal cramps

Colocynthis is a highly effective homeopathic medicine for treating abdominal cramps in cases of leaky gut syndrome. Slight eating or drinking worsens the abdominal cramps. The cramps may be better by bending double in most cases. In some cases, hard pressure on the abdomen makes the person better. Apart from cramping, this medicine is also helpful for cutting, gripping pains felt in the abdomen.


2. China Officinalis – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with abdominal bloating

China Officinalis is a wonderful homeopathic medicine for abdominal bloating arising in leaky gut syndrome. It is indicated when the whole abdomen is bloated. Rumbling or moving of flatus is felt in the abdomen. Motion tends to relieve the bloating. Along with bloatedness, there is heaviness and sensation of weight in the stomach after eating. There may be belching of bitter taste or tasting like that of food. China is also indicated when taking tea and fruits worsens the complaints.


3. Lycopodium Clavatum – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with increase of gas/flatulence

Lycopodium Clavatum is a significant homeopathic medicine for cases of leaky gut syndrome when increase of gas/flatulence is a marked symptom.  Lycopodium is indicated when – flatulence is felt soon after eating even a small quantity of food. Also when there is a sensation of something moving up and down in the abdomen. The flatus remains incarcerated i.e. obstructed most of the times. A bursting pain in the abdomen may arise from flatus. There are few food substances that tend to worsen the condition including cabbage, beans, and farinaceous substances.


 4. Nux Vomica – Homeopathic medicine for constipation is leaky gut syndrome     

Nux Vomica is a homeopathic medicine for treating constipation in person with leaky gut syndrome. The characteristic symptom for using Nux Vomica is constipation with constant ineffectual urging for stool. The person needing Nux Vomica tends to go for stool several times a day. Every time he passes a small quantity of stool. The urge to stool renews soon after the last evacuation. An uneasy sensation in the rectum always persists. The stool is always insufficient, unsatisfactory and always a never get done feeling is present. Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen may assist above features.


5. Aloe Socotrina – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with prominent diarrhea

Aloe Socotrina is a major homeopathic medicine for treating diarrhea arising from leaky gut syndrome. For Aloes to be used these symptoms may be present – sudden urging for stool after eating. The stool is thin and undigested in most cases. Before and during stool ,cramping in the abdomen may be present. Sometimes much flatus passes with stool. The flatus tends to be offensive in nature. In few cases, mucus may pass in the stool. Aloe Socotrina is one of the high ranking homeopathic medicines for irritable bowel syndrome with predominating diarrhea.


6. Graphites Naturalis – Homeopathic medicine for skin complaints in leaky gut syndrome  

Graphites Naturalis is a helpful homeopathic medicine for treating skin complaints in leaky gut syndrome. It is indicated in both dry eruptions as well as discharging eruptions. The discharge from the eruptions is mostly sticky and glutinous in nature. It is also indicated for dry rash with itching. Rawness in the bends like the elbow, knee, groins, and behind ears are also indicating points to use Graphites Naturalis. The skin complaints like eczema and psoriasis are treated well with homeopathic medicine Graphites Naturalis.


7. Rhus Tox – Homeopathic medicine for joint pains in leaky gut syndrome  

Rhus Tox is an important homeopathic medicine for treating joint pains in leaky gut syndrome. Rhus Tox can be very beneficial in cases of rheumatoid arthritis is linked to leaky gut.for  Rhus tox to be used any of the body joints may be involved.  Person needing Rhus Tox may get relief in joint pains by warm applications. Massage over the affected joint may also relieve. Another characteristic feature for Rhus tox to be used is that there is marked worsening of the joint pains at rest and relief from motion.


8. Belladonna – Homeopathic medicine for headache/migraine in leaky gut syndrome 

Belladonna is a valuable homeopathic medicine for headache/migraine in persons with leaky gut syndrome. For Belladonna to be used the nature of a headache is most times throbbing in nature. Congestion and fullness sensation in the head is also noted. There are few worsening factors for headache when Belladonna is indicated. These include noise, cold air exposure, light and jarring. Pressure and tight binding are the major relieving factors for the headache.


9. Kali Phos – Homeopathic medicine for dealing with tiredness in leaky gut syndrome  

Kali Phos offers much help in treating tiredness in leaky gut syndrome, hence of great use in chronic fatigue syndrome. The individuals needing Kali Phos feel very weak, tired and prostrated. The prostration may be present on both mental and physical levels. There may be weight loss and emaciation along with the fatigue. Kali Phos is also very helpful in individuals where extreme stress and worries have been linked with leaky gut syndrome.  Such persons may also have some sort of depression with sadness and gloominess.


10. Arsenic Album – Homeopathic medicine for Asthmatic condition from leaky gut syndrome  

Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is a well indicated for persons having asthma in leaky gut syndrome. For Arsenic Album to be used the symptoms are episodes of difficulty in breathing, constriction in air passages, wheezing, and suffocation. A cough attends above features. There may be expectoration – mainly frothy, yellow or green. Mostly expectoration is scanty and thick. The asthmatic attacks mainly are worse after midnight. The asthmatic spells are attended with fear of lying down due to suffocation. With respiratory troubles, a marked anxiety and restlessness may be present in a high degree.


11. Merc Sol – Homeopathic medicine for watery stool with blood and mucus in leaky gut syndrome  

Merc Sol is a top-level homeopathic medicine for a watery stool with blood and mucus. Hence its use can be made in ulcerative colitis in persons having leaky gut syndrome. For Merc sol to be used these symptoms may be present-  Along with watery stool containing blood and mucus, there is marked tenesmus of the rectum. The person always has a constant urge for stool. The stool is scanty, watery, and may have undigested food particles. While passing stool a cutting colicky pain may be felt in the abdomen.  The stool may also smell sour. Weakness may appear after passing stool. A never get done sensation for stool always remain.  A marked chilliness may assist the above-said symptoms.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Sunstroke

Sunstroke, commonly known as heat stroke, refers to an acute illness in which the body temperature of a person rises above 104 degrees Fahrenheit or 40 degrees Celsius. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause Sunstroke. High body temperature, along with dehydration, Homeopathic Treatment for Sunstrokelead to various signs and symptoms. Sunstroke is a severe heat injury which needs urgent medical care. If not given proper care, it can result in serious complications. Homeopathic treatment for sunstroke helps in managing its acute symptoms as well as the after effects. For severe instances of sunstroke, these medicines help in managing the condition in conjunction with the conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathy for sunstroke is helpful for people who tend to get frequent episodes. In such cases, a detailed case taking and case analysis helps in the selection of the most suitable medicine. These medicines reduce the intensity as well as the frequency of episodes. They are safe for all the age groups, have no side-effects, and are prepared using natural substances.

What Puts You at Risk?

Sunstroke can affect anyone. The following factors may put a person at risk:

1. Being exposed to a hot and humid climate for a long time.
2. Sudden exposure to hot weather.
3. Exertion in high temperatures.
4. Persons having a sedentary lifestyle are more at risk.
5. Less intake of water and too much clothing in a warm climate.
6. Lack of sleep and medical conditions like obesity, lung disorders, kidney diseases, heart disorders, diabetes mellitus, gastroenteritis, and mental illness.
7. Persons with a history of sunstroke are likely to suffer from it again.
8. Using medication like anti depressants, anti psychotics, drugs for lowering blood pressure, and diuretics.
9. Alcohol intake.

Causes of Sunstroke

In healthy individuals, the body temperature remains at 98.6 degrees F or 37 degrees C in all conditions. The heat loss by the body is equal to the heat produced by the body. Thermal regulatory mechanisms help in maintaining the body temperature within normal limits. But in sunstroke, this balance gets disturbed. The body’s ability to cool down by losing heat gets affected, leading to high body temperature. It is also related to the loss of fluid and minerals from the body. If the person’s fluid intake is not sufficient, it leads to dehydration, which further aggravates the condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Sunstroke

Signs and symptoms may vary from mild to severe, depending on the duration of exposure. In mild cases, there may be heat cramps, fainting, or heat exhaustion. If not given proper care at the right time, the condition may progress and cause an acute sunstroke. The signs and symptoms in sunstroke are more severe and need immediate medical attention. There may be a rise in body temperature above 104 degrees F or 40 degrees C, along with a throbbing headache. Nausea and vomiting may also occur. Initially, there is sweating, which is followed by hot and dry skin with redness on it. The patient suffers from dehydration, increased thirst, and a drop in blood pressure. Breathing may be shallow and quick, and there may be an increase in heart rate. The patient may look disoriented, irritable, and confused, and complain of dizziness, be light headed, and experience difficulty in speaking. In children, fits may also appear. If not given timely medical care, the person may lose consciousness or go into a coma.

Homeopathic Treatment for Sunstroke

Sunstroke is a serious condition needing immediate medical intervention. The following medicines are the best treatment for sunstroke. Glonoinum, Amyl Nitrosum, Belladonna, Gelsemium, Lachesis  and Natrum Carb

1. Glonoinum: Top-ranked Treatment for Sunstroke

Glonoinum is the most indicated remedy where the patient has a severe, sudden headache with a throbbing sensation. The patient complains of heaviness in the head, and a feeling that the head is about to burst. In most cases, the pain in the head may get better after sleeping.

2. Amyl Nitrosum: For Sunstroke with redness in the Face

Amyl Nitrosum is mostly prescribed for Sunstroke in patients who develop redness in the face. The key feature of this medicine is a sensation of blood rushing to the head and face. The patient may complain of palpitations of the heart as well.

3. Belladonna: For Sunstroke with Congestion of the Head and Face

The patient requiring medicine Belladonna will experience burning sensation on the face, a severe congestive headache, and redness in the eyes. The patient may faint due to weakness. The skin feels hot, red, and dry, and the complaints may aggravate with the least movement.

4. Gelsemium: For Sunstroke with Dullness and Drowsiness

Gelsemiun is indicated for Sunstroke, when patient feels dull and drowsy. In such cases, there is weakness along with trembling. The patient may feel dizzy and confused. Gelsemium works well when there is vertigo with a blurring of vision. In most cases, the patient may feel better on lying down.

5. Lachesis: For Sunstroke in Patients who get a Pale Face

Lachesis is an important remedy for a patient who gets a pale face and may even faint during a Sunstroke. Nausea and vomiting, along with a cutting and pressing headache, may also occur. The head is very sensitive to touch, and the headache may get worse with a change in weather.

6. Natrum Carb: Important Remedy for Sunstroke

Natrum Carb is extremely beneficial for Sunstroke when patient is susceptible to a change in temperature. He may complain of tiredness and extreme weakness due to hot weather. It is a well-indicated medicine for the chronic effects of sunstroke. In most cases, the complaints may get worse with a little exertion.

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Best Homeopathic Treatment for Epistaxis

Bleeding from the inside of the nose is called epistaxis. There is a rich supply of blood to the nasal mucosa by the arteries. Rupture of blood vessels of the nasal mucosa leads to nose bleeding. There are various causes of epistaxis. Amongst the major causes are trauma, nose picking, dryness of nasal membranes, inflammation resulting from chronic sinusitis or chronic rhinitis, and hypertension. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, hemophilia, leukemia, and use of anticoagulant medicines are some other causes of epistaxis. Homeopathic treatment for epistaxis is very effective. Homeopathic Treatment for Epistaxis

Homeopathic Treatment for Epistaxis

Homeopathy is highly beneficial in removing the constant tendency of epistaxis in a person. For a complete cure, medicines aim at correcting the underlying cause that is leading to the nose bleed. Top grade medicines for the treatment for epistaxis are Hamamelis, Phosphorus, Arnica, Millifolium, and Carbo Veg.

1. Hamamelis – Top Medicine for Epistaxis

Hamamelis is a very good anti hemorrhagic medicine for epistaxis. It works well for bleeding from various orifices of the body, including nasal bleeding. Hamamelis offers a lot of help in epistaxis when the blood is dark and incoagulable. Along with nasal bleeding, there is a soreness in the nose. There is a feeling of pressure and tightness at the root of the nose. Patients in need of Hamamelis also show extreme exhaustion and weakness along with nasal bleeding.

2. Phosphorus – For Epistaxis with Bright Red Blood

Phosphorus is among the best medicines to control bleeding from various body parts. It is an equally effective anti hemorrhagic remedy as Hamamelis. Phosphorus is prescribed for bright red nasal bleeding. Phosphorus helps in reducing the tendency towards recurrent epistaxis episodes. In cases of bleeding from nasal polyps, Phosphorus is often used because of its ability to help the patient recover completely. Phosphorus works well in cases of nasal bleeding from chronic nasal catarrh.

3. Crocus Sativus – For Dark or Black, Stringy Blood

Crocus Sativus is another very effective medicine for epistaxis with dark or black, stringy nasal bleeding. Crocus Sativus works well in epistaxis where the nasal blood is dark or black with viscid strings that hang down the nose in the form of thread or rope. Along with nasal bleeding, there is extreme physical weakness and weariness. Patients requiring Crocus Sativus may also faint. Epistaxis episodes appearing in summer or hot weather are treated successfully with Crocus Sativus. It helps to control acute nasal bleeding as well a person’s tendency to have recurrent epistaxis spells experienced in hot weather.

4. Arnica – For Epistaxis Following an Injury or Blow to the Nose

Arnica is a highly reliable and efficient treatment for epistaxis caused by an injury. Arnica, also known as Leopard’s Bane, is a natural medicine for cases of injury. It is an anti-trauma remedy found in the first-aid kits of all homeopaths. In epistaxis from injury, a fall or a blow to the nose, Arnica must be given without hesitation as it is a highly competent hemorrhage controlling medicine. It can be repeated frequently at short intervals. Arnica works well when there is a sore and bruised feeling in the nose. Apart from epistaxis due to injury, Arnica is also recommended for nasal bleeding during typhoid fever.

5. Carbo Veg – For Epistaxis that Appears on a Regular Basis

Carbo Veg is an ideal treatment for epistaxis for patients suffering from frequent episodes of nasal bleeding. Due to blood loss, the face of the patient appears pale. The body is cold and sweaty. Other symptoms include low vitality and exhaustion, and sometimes the patient may even collapse due to excessive blood loss. The patient feels better when in cold air. Carbo Veg helps put a check on frequent epistaxis attacks and also contributes to regaining vitality and energy levels lost due to daily nasal bleeding.

6. Meliliotus – For Congestive Headaches Relieved by Nasal Bleeding

Whenever nasal bleeding brings relief from congestive headaches, Melilotus is the most appropriate homeopathic prescription. Individuals requiring Melilotus suffer from violent, throbbing, congestive headaches. Along with a headache, there is a redness and flushing of the face. When nasal bleeding appears, the headache and flushing of the face vanish. In such cases, there is a lot of bright red blood.

7. Lachesis – For Epistaxis with Black and Thick Blood

Lachesis is a significant anti hemorrhagic remedy used for treating various bleeding tendencies. Lachesis works well for epistaxis in cases where there is a discharge of black, thick blood from the nose. The blood may also be offensive. Some patients may also complain of acridity in the blood which irritates and corrodes the lips and nostrils.

Other Important Medicines

1. For Epistaxis with Bright, Red Blood

Among the most suitable treatment for epistaxis of bright red blood are Phosphorus, Ipecac, and Millifolium. Phosphorus works well for bright red nasal bleeding either from nasal polyps, chronic nasal catarrh or otherwise. Ipecac is useful for profuse, bright red nasal bleeding when accompanied by nausea. Millifolium is excellent for painless, profuse bright red nasal bleeding.

2. For Epistaxis with Dark Blood

Lachesis and Hamamelis are the most prominent remedies for epistaxis with dark blood. Lachesis works well in cases of dark, black and thick nasal bleeding. The blood may also be acrid and offensive. Hamamelis is selected when nasal blood is dark, accompanied by tightness on the bridge of the nose. In such cases, there may also be extreme exhaustion from nasal bleeding.

3. For Epistaxis with Clotted Blood

For dealing with epistaxis with clotted blood, medicines Crocus Sativus and China are the best choices. Crocus Sativus works well when nasal bleeding is tenacious, clotted and stringy. It may hang down from the nose in the form of threads. China works well when the person loses vitality due to excessive nasal bleeding. The person seems completely exhausted, debilitated, and may even faint with epistaxis.

4. For Epistaxis from Trauma

Homeopathic medicines Arnica and Hamamelis are the best homeopathic remedies to deal with epistaxis caused by trauma. These medicines give great results when controlling nasal bleeding from injury, trauma or a blow to the nose. They can be used alternatively for best results.

5. For Epistaxis with Anemia

Ferrum Met and China are the most appropriate medicines for epistaxis with anemia. Ferrum Met is a highly suitable medicine for controlling hemorrhages in anemic patients. Ferrum Met works well when nasal blood is bright red. In such cases, along with epistaxis, symptoms of anemia are also present. Homeopathic medicine China is equally effective as Ferrum Met and is prescribed when epistaxis appears with anemia and a noticeable loss of body strength. Extreme exhaustion, weakness, and debility are also present.

6. For Epistaxis from Dry Nasal Crusts

Ammonium Carb and Kali Bichrome are useful medicines for epistaxis from nasal crusts. Patients requiring these medicines have nasal bleeding because of the peeling of nasal crusts that get formed due to dry nasal catarrh. These medicines have to be used for some time for complete recovery.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Snoring

Harsh sounds produced due to obstructed air movements while breathing during sleep are known as Snoring. homeopathic medicines for snoring Vibration of respiratory structures produce these sounds. Various factors play a significant role in snoring. One of the main factors among these is the obstruction of the nasal passageway. Nose blockage occurs because of many reasons. Some of these are a deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps, sleep deprivation and lying on the back. Alcohol intake, certain drugs, sleeping pills, obesity leading to bulky throat tissue, enlarged adenoids or tonsils, elongated uvula, thick or soft palate, and highly relaxed throat or tongue muscles can also be possible causes of snoring. Snoring often leads to drowsiness, headaches, and lack of concentration in daytime. Homeopathic medicines for snoring yield excellent results by correcting the cause behind it. These medicines for snoring is natural, safe and treats the condition without any side effects.

Homeopathic Medicines for Snoring

Opium, Lemna Minor, China, Kali Sulph, Nux Vomica, Dulcamara, and Laurocerasus are the top remedies.

1. Opium – For Snoring with Deep Sleep

Opium is a top grade medicine for snoring in persons having a deep and heavy sleep. In such cases, there is loud snoring with rattling. A sensation of suffocation and momentary stoppage of breath during sleep may also be present.

2. Lemna Minor – For Snoring in Persons with Nasal Polyps

Lemna Minor is very suitable medicine for snoring in persons with nasal polyps. Along with snoring, other symptoms are a blockage of the nose, a foul smell from the nose, and post nasal dripping. Use of Lemna Minor should also be considered in cases of snoring from swollen nasal turbinates. Lemna Minor is also used in patients whose condition gets worse in damp and rainy weather. Lemna Minor helps in dissolving the polyps as well the complaints arising from them.

3. China – For Snoring in Children

China is an excellent medicine for snoring. It works well for snoring in children. A child with this problem has loud, heavy snoring during sleep. Moaning may also be present along with snoring during sleep. In the morning, the child feels weary and confused. The patient is drowsy and sleepy throughout the day.

4. Kali Sulph, Nux Vomica, Dulcamara, and Laurocerasus – Other Well Indicated Medicines

Some other very important medicines that can be used as a treatment for snoring are Kali Sulph, Nux Vomica, Dulcamara, and Laurocerasus. Among them, Kali Sulph is helpful when snoring persists even after the removal of the adenoids. Nux Vomica works well in cases of loud snoring with shallow, oppressed breathing during sleep. The main symptoms that point to the use of Dulcamara are nose blockage, open mouth and snoring during sleep. Laurocerasus is used for snoring when there is a suffocated feeling and gasping for breath present. Anxiety and restlessness while going to sleep may also be present.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Grief

Grief is an emotional response. It is mental suffering that follows the loss of someone or something. The loss can be anything from the death of a loved one to the losing of a job, the parting of a relationship, or even ill health. The period of grief varies from person to person. Everyone reacts differently to grief. Some people go into a phase of deep sorrow but as time passes they accept the loss and move on with their lives. Other people are unable to move forward and accept reality. When grief lasts too long, and symptoms do not fade with time, it is known as complicated grief. Homeopathic treatment for grief and sadness works very efficiently to help recover from such cases of depression.

Homeopathy is a highly successful mode of treating psychological issues including grief and depression. They are highly suitable and give excellent results in treating both acute and chronic grief. These medicines are non-habit forming and do not have any side effects.

Symptoms of Grief

A person in grief displays many symptoms. Symptoms include crying, a feeling of sadness and bitterness towards life. Patients also feel detachment from others, a desire for loneliness, numbness and suicidal thoughts. Other symptoms are a loss of appetite, sleeping problems, nightmares, weakness, headaches, and body aches.

Homeopathic Medicines for Grief and Sadness

1. Ignatia – A Top-Listed Homeopathic Medicine for Grief and Sadness

Ignatia lists amongst top grade homeopathic cure for treating grief and sadness. It offers a lot of help in handling grief and is usually the first choice in cases where the patient is in sorrow. Grief arising from the death of loved ones and disappointments in love is dealt with very well with the use of Ignatia. Noticeable symptoms of a person needing Ignatia are crying, sighing, sobbing, sleeplessness and a desire to stay by themselves. The patient is in a constant state of deep thought. Thoughts of the past incident dominate the mind.

2. Natrum Mur – Another Very Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Grief and Sadness

Natrum Mur is another very suitable homeopathic treatment for grief and sadness. This medicine works well in cases that turn chronic or complicated. A patient requiring Natrum Mur will usually be inconsolable and have prolonged weeping spells. Sympathy from others only worsens the symptoms. The patient seeks solitude and weeps in loneliness. Anxiety and an indifference to life accompany these symptoms. The mind is occupied by thoughts of the unpleasant episode that triggered the grief.

3. Aurum Met – Homeopathic Medicine for Grief and Sadness when accompanied by Suicidal Thoughts

Aurum Met is a very effective homeopathic treatment for grief and sadness accompanied by suicidal thoughts. It works for patients so consumed with grief that they want to end their life. A person in need of this treatment suffers from complete hopelessness and lacks the ability to face up to the unpleasant circumstances. He feels that suicide is the only way out.

4. Phosphoric Acid – Excellent Homeopathic Medicine for Grief and Sadness Accompanied by Weakness

In cases of grief which are accompanied by weakness, homeopathic medicine Phosphoric Acid works wonders. Phosphoric acid is a well indicated homeopathic treatment for grief and sadness when attended with tiredness. Extreme loss of weight is another symptom, as well as complete indifference to everything. There is no interest in life or the outside world. The patient does not wish to go out, remains inside the house, and does not feel like speaking with others.

5. Ambra Grisea and Kali Bromatum – Homeopathic Medicines for Grief and Sadness After Business Failure

Ambra Grisea and Kali Bromatum are useful homeopathic remedies for treating depression that arises from failure in business. These medicines should be in cases where the patient cries a lot and is unable to sleep as a result.

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