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Homeopathic Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea refers to momentary pauses in the breathing (varying from seconds to minutes) during sleep. There are three types of sleep apnea: obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, and mixed sleep apnea. Homeopathic medicines for sleep apnea help alleviate the symptoms as well as the body’s tendency to slow or pause breathing due to the condition. The top homeopathic medicines for sleep apnea include Lachesis, Ammonium Carb, and Lemna Minor.

homeopathy sleep apnea

Homeopathic medicines for Obstructed Sleep Apnea.

Obstructive sleep apnea – OSA means interrupted breathing episodes arising from obstructed airways that hinder the flow of air into the lungs mainly due to relaxation of throat muscles during sleep. In central sleep apnea, there is no blockage of the airways, and it arises from a failure of the brain to signal the airway muscles. In mixed sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea, as well as central sleep apnea both, appear together. Among these, the obstructive sleep apnea accounts for the majority of sleep apnea cases. Obstructive sleep apnea makes around 80% to 85% of diagnosed cases of sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is a very common but severe sleep disorder.

Homeopathic Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Some of the well indicated homeopathic medicines to treat obstructive sleep apnea are Lachesis, Ammonium Carb, Agraphis Nutans, Lemna Minor, Sanguinaria Nitricum, Grindelia Robusta, Opium, and Sambucus. The selection of medicines for OSA is made individually for every case keeping in view the symptom presentation as well as the reason behind it. Homeopathic medicines help in OSA by aiming to treat the cause behind it. The homeopathic medicines for OSA are very safe to use among people of all the age group and manage it in a highly safe, natural and efficient manner. The homeopathic medicines for obstructive sleep apnea should be taken only after evaluation by a homeopathic physician.

Homeopathic Medicines for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Lachesis – Top Homeopathic Medicines for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Lachesis is a natural medicine for obstructive sleep apnea where a person wakes up frequently due to obstructed breathing. The person may need to sit up and needs to take a deep breath. Fear of going to sleep may also prevail among them. Such subjects also cannot tolerate anything tight around their neck like collars.

Ammonium Carb and Agraphis Nutans – To Manage OSA with Enlarged Adenoids or Tonsils

Both Ammonium Carb and Agraphis Nutans works well in cases of OSA that links with enlarged adenoids or enlarged tonsils. The indicating features to use Ammonium Carb are blocked nose at night, inability to breathe through the nose, waking with starting from sleep. Excessive sleepiness during the daytime is also well noted. The symptoms for using Agraphis Nutans are enlarged tonsils or enlarged adenoids with obstructive sleep apnea, obstruction of nose, tendency to take cold frequently. In addition to these symptoms, deafness or ear discharge may be present.

Lemna Minor and Sanguinaria Nitricum – For OSA with Nasal Polyps Complaint

For managing OSA, homeopathic medicines Lemna Minor and Sanguinaria Nitricum are highly suitable. Lemna Minor offers help in cases when the symptoms are OSA with stuffed nostrils from polyps, foul smell from the nose, thick yellow-white discharge from the nose and snoring.
Sanguinaria Nitricum is useful when symptoms include OSA with the dryness of nostrils, yellow-bloody mucus discharge from the nose, sneezing, burning in nostrils, desire for fresh air, and poor/restless sleep. Nasal turbinate hypertrophy may be present along with nasal polyps for using both these medicines.

Grindelia Robusta – For OSA in Asthmatic Individuals

Grindelia Robusta is a natural medicine for OSA in asthmatic patients where the person stops breathing while sleep and wakes with a start suddenly. There is a need to sit up to breathe as well as oppression felt in the chest with tough, tenacious white expectoration and wheezing.

Opium: For Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Snoring

Opium offers a natural treatment for obstructive sleep apnea when a person tends to snore deeply. The person faces spells of stopped breathing upon going to sleep and may also feel suffocated. Excessive drowsiness and sluggishness during the day may be there.

Sambucus – For Obstructive Sleep Apnea Management in Children

Sambucus is an effective medicine for obstructive sleep apnea in children. The child needing Sambucus wakes up suddenly during sleep feeling suffocated. He sits up and gasps for breath. The episodes of pauses of breathing are repeated several times during sleep. Increased sweating also attends. Nose is dry and obstructed.

Managing Sleep Apnea

The key actions that can help manage obstructive sleep apnea include weight management, avoiding alcohol, quitting smoking, sleeping on sides instead of back, avoiding the use of sleeping pills or tranquilizers.

Causes and Risk Factors of Sleep Apnea

The primary reason for obstructive sleep apnea is an extreme relaxation of the nose or throat muscles during sleep. Obesity, thick/large neck are the major risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea. Enlarged adenoids and tonsils are yet another prominent factors linked with obstructive sleep apnea. Structural deformities of the nose like DNS – deviated nasal septum may also result in OSA. The rest important risk factors include smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, asthma, nose blockage from nasal polyps, nasal allergies, and sinus complaints. The chances of OSA are found to be higher in males as compared to females. A family history of OSA also predisposes a person to get the same condition. A person with age 40 yrs and older are more prone to develop OSA.

Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

The symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea include loud snoring, sudden waking from sleep with gasping/choking, restless sleep, intense sleepiness/drowsiness during the daytime, problems with concentration during the day. Other symptoms include high irritability, mood changes, morning headaches, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, decreased sex drive, excessive sweating, poor performance in daily activities like at workplace or school.

Complications of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea may lead to various complications like sleepiness during the daytime, weakness/fatigue, many mental symptoms (like irritability, depression, mood changes), hypertension, arrhythmias, cardiac complaints, stroke, type 2 diabetes and more.

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Lycopodium – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Lycopodium Clavatum is a homeopathic remedy derived from the spores of the plant known as Clubmoss or Wolf’s Foot. It belongs to the Lycopodiaceae family and is commonly found in the hilly pastures and heaths of Central and Northern Europe, Russian Asia and North America.
Lycopodium is a low creeping perennial plant. It is a spore-bearing, flowerless, vascular, terrestrial, widely branched plant. Its stems are erect and have small, simple needle-like leaves that cover the stem and branches thickly. The leaves contain a single un-branched vascular strand called microphylls. Kidney shaped cases include spores of one kind only and are borne on the upper surface of the leaf blade of specialized leaves. These are arranged in a cone-like strobilus at the end of the upright stems. The club-shaped appearance of these flowering stems gives clubmosses their common name.
The homeopathic remedy is prepared from the freshly crushed spores of the plant. The medicinal properties come into play after a series of trituration and succession of the spores. The remedy is prescribed in both high and low potencies, as the case may be.

The Lycopodium Constitution

In homeopathy, it is believed that every person has a particular constitution. This is the composition, structure, physical makeup and nature of a person.
Lycopodium is best suited to the carbo-nitrogenoid constitution; those who are intellectually keen but physically weak. The upper part of the body is emaciated whereas the lower part of the body is characterized by the collection of an excess of watery fluid. Such people usually have a dry temperament and dark complexion.

It is mostly adopted in cases where ailments develop gradually; functional power weakens, failure of digestive powers occurs, or the function of the liver is seriously disturbed. It works wonderfully in cases of malnutrition. The Lycopodium personality lacks vital heat and has poor circulation and cold extremities. Pain comes and goes suddenly. There is extreme sensitivity to noise and odors.

Lycopodium and its Drug Action

Lycopodium is highly effective on the nervous system, by also has other centers of action.

Mucous Membrane: Lycopodium acts powerfully upon the mucous membranes producing atonic (lack of muscular tone) state, congestion, catarrhal inflammation and copious mucous discharge.

Kidney: Acts upon kidneys and bladder, Lycopodium produces frequent painful micturition with cloudy, sedimentous urine, like brick dust and sometimes mucus and blood in urine.

Digestive Organs: Lycopodium produces slow, irregular digestion, flatulence, and constipation, also congestion of the liver with all of its concomitants, constipation, and flatulence.

Side of the Body: Lycopodium especially acts on the right side of the body. Symptoms run characteristically from right to left side of the body.

Clinical uses of Lycopodium

Lycopodium has proven its efficacy in the treatment of the following disorders:

– acidity
– bloating
– colitis
– corns
– emaciation
– flatulence
– food allergies
– hair loss
– hemorrhoids
– indigestion
– liver-derangements
– malnutrition
– kidney colic
– kidney disorders
– sciatica

Lycopodium and its Action on the Mind

Lycopodium works well in the cases where the mental symptoms are clearly present with the physical ones. The person requiring lycopodium is generally fearful. He has a fear of public speaking, failure, success, new situations, commitments, and responsibility. He has a fear of being alone, and of his shadows.
Such people are usually hypochondriacs which means that they have abnormal anxiety about their health. They typically suffer from panic attacks, have poor confidence and low self-esteem. Forgetfulness is marked with peevishness. With their dictatorial tendencies, they have a love for power and control over others.
Lycopodium works well in cases where one is experiencing failing brain power and confused thoughts. A weakness of memory, inability to remember names and letters, spelling or writing words or syllables incorrectly and experiencing difficulty in speaking during conversations are classic signs. It is also useful for ailments that stem from domineering parents or siblings.

Lycopodium for Ailments of the Head

Lycopodium covers the symptoms of external and internal head issues. Right-sided headaches, pain that begins on one side and goes to the other where it is worse, pain in the head with ravenous hunger which gets better after eating are the classic symptoms indicating towards Lycopodium. If food is not eaten regularly, the headache becomes worse. Premature greying of hair and severe hair fall that leads to premature balding is also noted. The hair fall usually follows abdominal diseases, or after parturition (childbirth). There is burning, scalding, itching of the scalp, especially when the body is warm after exercise. Lycopodium acts very well in cases of hair loss by preventing further loss of hair and initiating hair growth.

Lycopodium for Facial Concerns

The person needing Lycopodium may have freckles that are yellowish, pale, and gray, with blue circles around the eyes. There are herpetic eruptions on the face and corner of the mouth. Small, white, pedunculated warts on the chin may also be present.

The action of Lycopodium on the Kidneys

Lycopodium has a specific action on the kidneys. There are deposits of lithic acid in small quantities in the kidneys which can result in the formation of stones. Kidney stones cause pain in the kidneys as well as the bladder. Conditions associated with Lycopodium are Calculus with hematuria ( blood in urine) from gravel or chronic catarrh and urination of clotted blood with renal colic during the passage of small calculi. The pain is of burning, cutting character. Urine appears dark and fetid. There is a pain in the back before urination, and it ceases after urine is passed. Urine is slow in coming, and the person must strain to pass it. Heavy red sediment may be present in the urine, and the urine has a nauseating smell. Kidney colic with stinging, tearing, digging pain in the right ureter that travels to the bladder as if some small calculus was tearing its way to the bladder is present. An affected child may cry before urinating, and red sand-like substance may be present on the diaper.

Lycopodium for Gastric Disorders

Lycopodium covers many symptoms of the complaints which are gastric in origin. There is constriction of the throat that is always induced by regurgitation of food. An excessive appetite that gets satiated easily, eating a small amount of food that creates fullness are characteristic features. The person suffers from chronic constipation and hard stools. There is flatulent colic present in children and young girls. Emaciation and debility occur from loss of fluids in the morning.
It works wonderfully in cases of gastralgia (neuralgic pain in the stomach) and gastritis (inflammation of stomach lining). Derangement of stomach occurs from consumption of sweets and pastries. Belchings tend to rise only up to pharynx. The patient feels hungry immediately after eating, though the stomach and abdomen are full and tense. Cramps in the stomach, which is distended, digestion that proceeds very slowly, with flatulence and acidity and rumbling of flatulence particularly in the left upper part of the stomach are some other symptoms. Enteritis (inflammation of the intestine) occurs in infants, which is caused by indigestion. There is excessive flatulence before and after passing of stool. Tympanitic distension of abdomen is present. Flatulence presses outwardly on the rectum and bladder, and there is a sensation as if something is moving up and down in the bowels.

Lycopodium and Relation to Food

People who need Lycopodium have a strong desire for sweets. Different food allergies are present, and complaints arise after intake of wheat, bread, and fermented foods. Complaints usually aggravate after consumption of flatulent foods like cabbage, beans, and onions.

Lycopodium and Rectal Disorders

Lycopodium is indicated in cases where there are sharp, aching pains and pressure in the rectum which gets worse at night. Burning in the rectum is present during and after passing stool. Rawness and skin abrasions around the anus that bleed easily and feels itchy and moist is a common symptom. Aching and painful hemorrhoids, which are sore to touch, marked inactivity of bowels, cramps in the rectum and small of the back, unsatisfactory stools, alternating diarrhea, and constipation are other symptoms. Diarrhea occurs after the suppression of skin diseases.
Marked constipation may be present since puberty, when away from home, in infants, with ineffectual urging. Rectum contracts and protrudes during stool and can lead to the development of piles.

The stools are hard, small and are not expelled completely. The first part of the stool is difficult to expel, while the last part is thin and gushing. Stools are pale, putrid, thin and brown, usually mixed with hard lumps. Spasmodic constriction of the anus prevents stool to be expelled. There is aching and pressure in the rectum which is worse during the nights with bleeding piles.

Lycopodium for the Liver

Lycopodium is of great value in chronic hepatic congestions, where the liver is very tender on pressure. The person cannot eat to satiety as it produces a distressing feeling in the hepatic (liver) region. There may be violent gallstone colic, pain in the back and right hypochondria due to congestion of the liver.

The action of Lycopodium on the Limbs

Lycopodium has always proven its efficacy in treating the cases of sciatica. There is numbness, drawing and tearing pain in limbs, along with stiffness of joints. There may be a tendency for chronic gout and chalk deposits in the joints. Right-sided sciatica, painful corns, and callosities on soles, toes, and fingers, a feeling where one foot feels hot and one foot feels cold are other symptoms. The sciatica is so severe that the person cannot bear to lie on the painful side. Heaviness in the arm, contraction of tendons, especially hamstrings is also treated with Lycopodium.

Lycopodium for Women

Lycopodium shows good action in cases of female problems. It works well in cases where the menses are delayed, with undeveloped breasts at puberty. Extreme sadness and irritability, depressed mood and indigestion before menses is noted. The menses may be suppressed for months. Dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain) is so violent that it leads to fainting. Pains in the right ovary traveling to the left, ovarian tumors and vaginitis are treated well with this remedy. It is also used to treat a dry, burning sensation in the vagina which gets worse during and after sexual intercourse. Intercourse is extremely painful, and there may be profuse leucorrhoea (white discharge) with cutting pains across the right side to left with flatulence. Discharge of wind from the vagina may also be present.

Lycopodium for Males

Lycopodium acts wonderfully in cases of male impotence. It is used in instances where there is a discharge of prostatic fluid without an erection. Other symptoms include enlargement of the prostate, marked performance anxiety during intercourse, premature seminal emissions and sexual exhaustion and weakness. Impotence from masturbation, sexual excess or advancing age may occur. Lack of erectile power, a small, cold and relaxed penis, marked loss of sexual desire after gonorrhea or cystitis and premature ejaculation may also be present.

Lycopodium and Other Homeopathic Remedies

Lycopodium is antidoted by homeopathic remedies Camphor, Pulsatilla, Causticum, Aconite, Coffea, and Graphites.

It antidotes the action of homeopathic remedy Cinchona Officinalis.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Suffering From Indigestion? Treat it Naturally with Homeopathy

Indigestion is a term used for a group of symptoms like abdominal fullness after eating, abdominal discomfort/pain, excessive gas, and belching. Also known as dyspepsia, this is a condition is very familiar. Everybody experiences indigestion at some point, and this is usually related to bad eating habits. Homeopathic medicines for indigestion work very effectively to relieve the symptoms of both acute and chronic indigestion. Carbo Veg, China, and Lycopodium are the top indicated homeopathic remedies that treat indigestion naturally.

homeopathy indigestion

Homeopathic medicines for indigestion.

Overeating is one of the most common causes of indigestion. Consuming highly spiced or fatty food, smoking, and excessive alcohol intake are other factors that can lead to indigestion. People experiencing chronic indigestion may have an underlying gastric disease. These gastric issues tend to include gastritis, pancreatitis, celiac disease, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), gallstones, peptic ulcers, and H.pylori infection. Sometimes indigestion can arise from side effects of certain medicines like NSAID’s (e.g., aspirin, ibuprofen) and antibiotics. Anxiety and stress can also lead to indigestion. In some cases, there is no reason behind indigestion, which is known as functional dyspepsia.

Homeopathic Treatment of Indigestion

Homeopathy offers a natural and highly effective solution for the complaint of indigestion. Homeopathic medicines are beneficial for both acute as well as chronic cases of indigestion. These medicines aim at treating the underlying cause of indigestion to bring about thorough recovery. Homeopathic medicines for indigestion are selected on the basis of unique, individual symptoms in every given case. Symptoms of indigestion including abdominal fullness, upper abdominal pain/discomfort, burning in the abdomen, bloating, excessive gas, belching, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting. Natural homeopathic remedies treat all these symptoms without any side effects.

Homeopathic Medicines for Indigestion

Carbo Veg – For Indigestion with Marked Upper Abdominal Discomfort

Carbo Veg is an effective homeopathic medicine for indigestion with marked upper abdominal discomfort and fullness. There is an accumulation of excessive gas in the upper abdomen along with distension. An aching and cramping pain is felt in the upper abdomen. Burning in the upper abdomen may also be present. Abdominal discomfort, pain, and burning tend to worsen from eating. Belching that is empty, of gas, bitter, sour or offensive smelling substances are also present. Belching helps relieve the gastric complaint. Nausea and aversion to food and complaints that get worse from eating the simplest of food are treated well with Carbo Veg.

China – For Indigestion with Gas and Highly Distended Abdomen

China is a natural homeopathic remedy prepared from the dried bark of a plant named Cinchona Officinalis. This plant belongs to natural order Rubiaceae. China is well indicated for cases of indigestion with gas and highly distended abdomen. The entire abdomen feels distended and tight due to obstructed flatus. The distension arises after intake of food or drink. Motion brings relief in the abdominal bloating, and there may be excessive rumbling in the abdomen due to gas. There may be a sensation of heat in the abdomen. The appetite goes down due to abdominal fullness and distension. China is suitable in cases where consumption of excessive tea, fruits, and milk causes indigestion.

Lycopodium – For Indigestion with Abdominal Fullness After Eating

Lycopodium is prepared from spores of a plant Lycopodium Clavatum (also known as Clubmoss.) This plant has natural order Lycopodiaceae. Lycopodium is an effective homeopathic remedy for cases of indigestion where there is abdominal fullness soon after eating. There is the formation of gas with bloating of the abdomen immediately after eating (even a small quantity of food.) The abdomen feels tense, and there may be rumbling, croaking and gurgling felt in the abdomen. Abdominal colic may appear from gas. Rubbing the abdomen may relieve the pain. Burning in the stomach that extends to the throat may appear. Vomiting of food, bile or sour substances may be present. Food that triggers the complaint mainly includes beans, onions, cabbage, wheat, and farinaceous food.

Ipecac – For Indigestion and Nausea

Ipecac is prepared from the dried root of a plant Cephaelis Ipecacuanha belonging to natural order Rubiaceae. Ipecac is an excellent homeopathic medicine for indigestion attended with marked nausea. The nausea is almost constant. Vomiting of watery fluid, white mucus or ingesta may be present. Weakness and fainting may appear with nausea and vomiting. There is an excessive accumulation of saliva along with empty belching. Distress or cutting pain in the stomach may be present, and the tongue looks clean.

Iris Versicolor – For Indigestion with Burning in Stomach

Iris Versicolor is prepared from the root of a plant named blue flag. This plant belongs to natural order Iridaceae. Iris Versicolor offers a natural cure for indigestion with a marked burning in the stomach. The burning may extend to the food pipe and the throat. This is attended with vomiting (especially after taking meals.) Vomiting may be sour or of food that has just been eaten. Iris is also a top-listed medicine for migraine/headache with gastric issues, indigestion, acidity, nausea, sour vomiting.

Robinia – For Indigestion with Heartburn and Sour Vomiting

Homeopathic medicine Robinia is prepared from the fresh bark or root and young twigs of Robinia Pseud-Acacia plant. This plant belongs to natural order Leguminosae. Robinia is a natural treatment for indigestion. The key indication to use Robinia in indigestion includes heartburn and intensely sour vomiting. It is a high-grade homeopathic remedy for GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Heartburn and vomiting tend to get worse during the night hours upon lying down. It is accompanied with marked nausea. A constant sensation of weight and fullness in the stomach is present with the above symptoms. Dull pain in the stomach after meals is frequently present.

Nux Vomica – For Indigestion from Taking Spicy Food, or Excessive Alcohol Intake

Nux Vomica is a natural homeopathic medicine for treating indigestion that appears from taking spicy food or excessive alcohol. The symptoms to look for to use Nux Vomica are heartburn, sour/bitter belching, and nausea after eating. Vomiting of ingesta, bile, oily matter, or sour mucus is present, along with marked retching. The epigastric region is also distended, full after meals with a sensation of pressure. Cramping, clawing pain in the stomach may also be present. The stomach region is sensitive to pressure, and there is a loss of appetite. Nux Vomica is also indicated for dyspepsia arising from mental worries and belching of gas.

Antimonium Crudum – For Indigestion with Belching Tasting like Food

Antimonium Crudum is an effective homeopathic medicine for indigestion with belching that tastes like food. Along with this, burning at the pit of the stomach is present. Nausea and vomiting, a sensation of the stomach being overloaded, pain in the stomach, with distension and burning are some features. The tongue is coated thickly with white gastric derangements.

Asafoetida – For Indigestion with Abdominal Distension and Loud Belching

Asafoetida is a natural homeopathic medicine for indigestion with abdominal distension and loud belching. A person requiring Asafoetida complains of excessive gas in the abdomen with distension and pain. The gas tends to pass upward and comes through the mouth as belching. The belchings are loud and usually have an offensive or putrid smell.
Gas rolls in the stomach with a gurgling sound and escapes in the form of loud belching. Pressing or cutting pains in the stomach appear, and pulsation in the pit of the stomach may be present. Heat in the abdomen is also present, and the person feels disgusted towards of all kind of food.

Arsenic Album – For Indigestion with Burning in Stomach and Vomiting in Gastritis

Arsenic Album is a natural medicine for indigestion with burning in the stomach and vomiting in cases of gastritis. The burning is intense, and the stomach feels tender and sensitive to the slightest touch. The stomach region is also distended, and there is a sensation of weight in the stomach. Vomiting arises along with burning in the stomach. The vomiting tends to come from taking slightest amount of food or drink. Anxiety and restlessness are some other general symptoms that may appear. Arsenic Album also works in cases of indigestion with stomach ulcers.

Symptoms of Indigestion

The symptoms of indigestion include abdominal fullness soon after eating, upper abdominal pain/discomfort/burning, bloating in the upper abdomen, excessive gas/flatulence, belching, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Natural Treatment of Chickenpox with Homeopathy

Chickenpox is a viral infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It is a highly contagious disease presented with mild fever and skin rash with blister formation followed by scabbing. It spreads easily through droplets of a sneeze or cough of an infected person. A person may also contract the infection by touching the fluid of the blisters of chicken pox. Although chickenpox most commonly appears in children, it may also arise in adults. Homeopathic medicines for chicken pox help boost the immune system to fight the viral infection and treat the condition in a natural manner. Aconite, Belladonna, and Rhus Tox are the top grade homeopathic remedies for chicken pox.

homeopathy chicken pox

Homeopathic medicines for chicken pox.

Homeopathic Treatment of Chicken Pox

Homeopathy carries a scope to treat viral infections and their associated symptoms like chicken pox. The suitable homeopathic medicines for chicken pox are selected individually for each case. Consultation from a homeopathic physician should be taken prior taking homeopathic medicines for chickenpox and self-medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines for Chicken Pox

Aconite – For Initial Inflammation of Chicken Pox

Aconite is a natural medicine for the first inflammatory period of chicken pox. Aconite is prepared from a plant named Aconitum Napellus or Monkshood. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. The key features to use it are red skin rash with hot skin. High fever is present with the rash. The person is highly anxious and restless along with the above features. An increased thirst for water is usually present.

Belladonna – For Inflammatory Stage of Chicken Pox

Belladonna is a natural remedy for chicken pox prepared from a plant named Deadly Nightshade. The natural order of this plant is Solanaceae. Belladonna also works well in first inflammatory stage of chicken pox. The key indications for using Belladonna include a skin rash with a bright red, dry, hot, burning, smooth and sensitive skin. High fever, rapid pulse, and a severe headache are present in most of the cases.

Rhus Tox – For Chicken Pox with Itchy Eruptions

Rhus Tox offers a natural cure for chicken pox with itchy eruptions. The eruptions may be vesicular or pustular and are attended with intense itching. Sweating worsens the itching. A burning sensation along with itching is present. The burning mostly arises after scratching the eruptions. The person may be highly restless and experience prominent body aches.

Antimonium Tart – For Chicken Pox with Rash and Vesicles/Pustules

Antimonium Tart is a natural remedy for chickenpox where there is rash accompanied by pustules and vesicles. The eruptions are painful, dry up, and get crusted afterward. They also tend to leave marks on the skin. The pustules tend to leave bluish-red marks. This medicine is also indicated for the slow development of eruption in chicken pox.

Thuja and Merc Sol – For Chicken Pox with Large Pustules

Thuja and Merc sol are useful homeopathic medicines for chickenpox with large pustules. There is profuse suppuration (pus discharge.) These medicines are used during the stage of maturation in cases of chickenpox. Among them, use of Thuja is known to prevent scar formation in chicken pox.

Antimonium Crudum – For Chicken Pox with Pustules with Yellow-brown Scurfs

Antimonium Crudum is indicated for chickenpox with pustules with yellowish or brown scurfs. These eruptions are itchy and get sore upon scratching. These eruptions are painful to pressure. The character of pain may be shooting in nature. Diarrhea may be present along with the above symptoms.

Bryonia – For Slow Development of Eruptions in Chicken Pox

Homeopathic medicine Bryonia is prepared from the root of plant Bryonia Alba. It is commonly known by the name of White Bryony or Wild Hops. This plant belongs to the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is useful in cases of chicken pox where there is a slow development of eruptions. It is also indicated for a suddenly receding rash in chicken pox. Dryness on the skin may be marked, and there may be prominent body aches. A Suddenly receding rash may be attended with difficult respiration in cases where Bryonia is required.

Symptoms of Chicken Pox

The symptoms of a chickenpox infection appear around 7 to 21 days after exposure to the varicella-zoster virus. The early symptoms of chickenpox are vague and include a headache, tiredness, fever, appetite loss, nausea and body aches. Following these symptoms, rash and eruptions appear on the skin. The eruptions are fluid-filled vesicles/blisters or pustules (pus-filled eruptions). The eruptions break open and ooze the liquid. Afterward, crusts form over the eruptions. At a given time the blistered eruptions, as well as crusted eruptions both, may be present simultaneously. The eruptions firstly develop on the face, torso followed by their spread to other body parts. The eruptions can be severely itchy. But scratching the eruptions should be avoided as it increases the chances of severe skin infection. In severe cases, the eruptions can spread to the eyes, throat and the mucous membranes of anal area and urethra. It usually takes around 7 to 10 days for all the eruptions to heal and get covered with scabs. A person with chickenpox is contagious from one to two days before the eruptions appear and continue being so until all the eruptions get scabbed over.

Complications of Chicken Pox

Chickenpox can lead to complications including pneumonia, dehydration, toxic shock syndrome, encephalitis, bacterial skin infection. If a pregnant woman gets chickenpox, then certain complications may arise in the baby including low birth weight, brain damage, shortened limbs, vision problems like cataract or a life-threatening chickenpox infection.

Chicken Pox and Herpes Zoster

Following a chicken pox infection, varicella-zoster virus remains dormant in the nerve cells. This virus can reactivate any time during lifetime and cause herpes zoster/shingles. A lowered immune system usually reactivates the virus. Another complication known as post-herpetic neuralgia may follow herpes zoster infection.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Vomiting: Homeopathic Remedies That Work

Vomiting (medically known as emesis) refers to a forceful ejection of stomach contents through the mouth. Vomiting is a symptom rather than a disease and can arise from a wide range of causes. Some of the reasons for vomiting include overeating, indigestion, food poisoning, and gastrointestinal infections. Homeopathy can be used to manage episodes of vomiting along with other symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. The top homeopathic medicines for vomiting include Ipecac, Arsenic Album, and Veratrum Album.

homeopathy vomiting

Homeopathic medicines for vomiting.

Some other medical conditions that can cause vomiting include disorders of the gastrointestinal tract like Crohn’s disease, gastritis, pancreatitis, celiac disease, gastroparesis, peptic ulcer, GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease), milk allergy, liver disease, intestinal obstruction, inflammed gallbladder (cholecystitis), morning sickness of pregnancy, inner ear disorders including Meniere’s disease, migraines, BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), motion/travelling illness, certain medications, chemotherapy, anaesthesia, brain injury/tumor and excessive intake of alcohol.

Homeopathic Treatment of Vomiting

Homeopathic remedies offer a natural and safe treatment for vomiting. Numerous homeopathic medicines are used to treat vomiting. The most suitable among them is selected for every individual case depending upon the characteristic symptoms.

Homeopathic Medicines for Vomiting

Ipecac – For Vomiting with Intense Nausea

Ipecac is a natural medicine for vomiting prepared from the dried root of a plant named ipecacuanha. The natural order of this plant is Rubiaceae. Ipecac is very useful in cases of vomiting attended with intense nausea. The nausea is almost constant. The vomiting may be of white glairy mucus, watery fluid, yellowish/greenish colored matter or undigested food. It is usually in copious quantities and may be attended with cutting or colicky abdominal pains and a loss of appetite. A characteristic feature is a clean tongue with the above symptoms. Apart from these, there may be a cough attended with vomiting (a spasmodic cough).

Arsenic Album – For Vomiting Due to Food Poisoning and GIT Infections

Arsenic Album is a natural remedy for vomiting in cases of food poisoning and GIT infections. In cases where Arsenic Album is indicated, the vomiting may be green, yellow, bitter, sour, or clear. It may also contain blood in some cases. Vomiting appears soon after eating or drinking. Diarrhea with loose, watery, copious, offensive stool also arises. There is a complete loss of appetite with vomiting. Burning in the stomach is present in most cases, and abdominal colic and shivering may be present. There may be marked fatigue and anxiety. Arsenic Album is also indicated in cases where of food poisoning, stomach infections, cholera, and gastritis.

Veratrum Album – For Vomiting With Diarrhea

Veratrum  Album is an effective natural medicine for vomiting prepared from the rootstocks of a plant called White Hellebore. The natural order of this plant is Melanthaceae. Veratrum Album is very beneficial in cases of vomiting attended with diarrhea. Vomiting is accompanied with continued nausea, retching, and weakness. The vomiting is copious and forcible, of bile or food and drink. Vomiting and diarrhea are usually attended with cold sweat especially on the forehead. Ther stool is frequent, watery, gushing with abdominal cramps or severe pinching colic. Pains may also appear in calves and feet. During stool, the person feels chilly and may shiver. Episodes of fainting may appear with the above features. Veratrum Album is also a top listed homeopathic medicine for treating cholera infection.

Colocynthis – For Vomiting With Abdominal Pain

Colocynthis offers a natural cure for vomiting accompanied by abdominal pain. It is prepared from the pulp of a fruit of a plant called Cucumis Colocynthis, also known as Bitter Apple. The natural order of this plant is Cucurbitaceae. The vomiting may be of food or yellow-green substances. The abdominal pain tends to get relieved by bending over double or applying pressure. This pain may be crampy, colicky, cutting, or griping in nature, and is most marked around the navel region. Obstructed flatus is present with the above symptoms. Watery stool appears in some cases.

Ferrum Met – For Vomiting While Eating or Soon After Eating

Ferrum Met offers natural relief from vomiting that occurs soon after eating, or in some cases, even while eating. The vomiting is sour and acidic, and there is pain or pressure in the pit of the stomach. The pain tends to get better after vomiting. Eructations of sour, foul taste appear in most cases. Ferrum Met is also helpful in cases of a cough that worsens upon eating and is followed by vomiting.

Sepia – For Morning Sickness and Vomiting

Sepia is an excellent homeopathic medicine for vomiting related to morning sickness in pregnancy. Vomiting of food and bile is marked during the morning. In some cases, milky fluid is vomited. Even the simplest food leads to vomiting. There is marked nausea present in the morning as well as after eating. Even the smell of food or cooking can bring on nausea. In severe cases, even the thought of the food causes sickness.

Iris Versicolor – For Headache/Migraine With Vomiting

Iris Versicolor is a homeopathic remedy for vomiting prepared from the fresh root of a plant named Blue Flag. This plant belongs to the family Iridaceae. Iris Versicolor is a wonderful homeopathic remedy for headache/migraine attended with vomiting. There is marked nausea and pain in the forehead. The pain feels like a constricted band on the forehead. The vomiting is bilious, acidic of intensely sour nature, and burns the throat. Heartburn may also be present. A headache may begin with a blur before eyes and cause disturbances in sleep.

Cocculus Indicus – For Motion Sickness causing Vomiting

Cocculus is a homeopathic remedy prepared from the seeds of a plant called Cocculus Indicus. This plant belongs to the natural order Menispermaceae. Cocculus is a very valuable homeopathic medicine for vomiting in cases of motion sickness or vomiting that occurs while traveling. There appear nausea and vomiting from moving in a car, a train, boat. Vomiting may be bitter or sour and foul. It may be accompanied by bitter, putrid belchings. There is also profuse salivation with above.

Robinia – For Sour Vomiting and GERD

Homeopathic medicine Robinia is prepared from the fresh bark of root and young twigs of a plant called Robinia Pseud-acacia of the natural order Leguminosae. Robinia offers a natural homeopathic treatment for intensely sour vomiting. Along with vomiting, there may be acidity and heartburn. Oppression in the pit of the stomach is also present. Taste of mouth may be foul and bitter. Robinia is a top-grade medicine for GERD (gastro-esophagal reflux disease) with intense heartburn and sour vomiting. It is also used to treat a migraine coupled with intense sour, acid vomiting and nausea.

Nux Vomica – For Vomiting with Marked Retching

Nux Vomica is a significant homeopathic medicine for vomiting coupled with marked retching. The vomiting may be greenish, oily/greasy or of undigested food. Stomach pains are present that tend to get better after vomiting. Along with this constipation may be present with a constant ineffectual desire to pass stool (but passing a little at a time.) Nux Vomica is also used in cases of vomiting arising from the intake of alcohol.

Aethusa – For Vomiting Due to Intake of Milk

Aethusa is prepared from a plant Aethusa Cynapium commonly known by the name of Fool’s Parsley. This plant belongs to natural order Umbelliferae. Aethusa is a top grade homeopathic remedy for vomiting that occurs due to the intake of milk. Aethusa works well in people, especially children and infants who cannot tolerate milk. The milk is vomited soon after consumption in the form of large curds or cheesy matter. The child feels weak and tends to fall asleep after vomiting. In some cases, loose stool with greenish mucus may also be present.

Pulsatilla – For Vomiting After Eating Fatty Food

Pulsatilla is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from a plant called Pulsatilla Nigricans (commonly known as windflower.) This plant belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is helpful for cases of vomiting with stomach derangement from taking fatty food like creams, pastries, ice creams. Abdominal colic, loose stool, and nausea appear with vomiting. Chilliness and pale face are attending features.

Phosphorus – For Vomiting With Blood (Hematemesis)

Homeopathic remedy Phosphorus is used in cases of vomiting where there is blood (hematemesis). Vomiting may contain pure bright/brown blood-like matter. The blood may be mixed with bile and mucus.

Chelidonium – For Vomiting in Liver and Gall Bladder Diseases

Chelidonium is a natural remedy for vomiting in cases of liver and gallbladder diseases. There appears vomiting of bilious, sour, greenish matter. The person needing Chelidonium is unable to retain anything. This is most times attended with giddiness and nausea. Pain in the region of liver and gallbladder are also prominent.

Symptoms Attending Vomiting

Nausea is a common attending symptom of vomiting. Other symptoms that may attend with vomiting include dizziness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever. A common complication of vomiting is dehydration and loss of body electrolytes. Some features of dehydration include a dry mouth, decreased/dark urine, headache, and confusion.
It should be noted that vomiting for more than 12 hours that contains blood and when attended with a stiff neck is an emergency and needs immediate medical treatment.

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Cervical Dystonia – Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Neck Stiffness

Cervical dystonia is a form of focal dystonia. Cervical dystonia refers to a painful condition of the neck arising from involuntary contraction of the neck muscles. The pain is attended with a tilting of the neck and head. In some cases, the head and neck can tilt in a forward or backward position. Cervical dystonia is also known as spasmodic torticollis. Homeopathy carries an excellent scope to treat cervical dystonia. With the use of homeopathic medicines, the episodes of neck muscle contraction, as well as the intensity, are seen to reduce with time. Lachanathes, Lycopodium, and Rhus Tox are the top homeopathic medicines for cervical dystonia.

homeopathy cervical dystonia

Homeopathic medicines for cervical dystonia.

Homeopathic Treatment of Cervical Dystonia

Homeopathic medicines help in relaxing the contracted neck muscles and reduce the pain associated with it in a very effective manner. There are numerous homeopathic medicines for cervical dystonia. These homeopathic medicines treat cervical dystonia in a very gentle and natural way. They are made from naturally occurring substances and hence are very safe to use in all age groups and are free from any side effects. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for cervical dystonia among them is selected after a detailed analysis in every individual case.

Homeopathic Medicines for Cervical Dystonia

Lachnanthes – For Cervical Dystonia with Stiff Neck and Head Drawn to the Right Side

Lachnanthes is a natural medicine for cervical dystonia prepared from plant Lachnanthes Tinctoria (also known as Red Root.) The natural order of this plant is Haemodoraceae. Lachnanthes is a top listed homeopathic medicine to treat cervical dystonia (torticollis). Lachnanthes is indicated when the neck muscles are contracted with the head drawn to the right side. There is a pain in the neck. The pain and stiffness extend from neck to the head. Pain in neck worsens from neck movement or bending the head backward.

Lycopodium – For Cervical Dystonia with Neck Stiffness Causing Drawing of Head to Left Side

Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium is prepared from the spores of a plant Lycopodium Clavatum, commonly known as Club Moss. It belongs to the natural order Lycopodiaceae. Lycopodium is well indicated for cases of cervical dystonia causing drawing of the head to the left side. The neck is very stiff and towards the left side. There is a darting pain in the neck. The pain and stiffness of neck radiate to the shoulders too.

Rhus Tox – For Cervical Dystonia with Stiff Neck

Rhus Tox is a natural homeopathic medicine for cervical dystonia with a markedly stiff neck. The neck muscles are contracted, tense and painful. Movement of neck worsens the complaint. A person needing Rhus Tox may feel relief from heat application on the neck. Stiff neck due to exposure to a draft of air is treated well with Rhus Tox. Cases of cervical dystonia with a history of injury to the neck or shoulder also respond well to homeopathic remedy Rhus Tox.

Cimicifuga – For Cervical Dystonia with Stiff Neck from Cold Air Exposure

Cimicifuga offers a natural treatment for cervical dystonia that is prepared from the root of a plant Cimicifuga Racemosa, commonly known by the name of Black Cohosh. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. Cimicifuga is well indicated for cervical dystonia with a stiff neck arising from exposure to cold air. The neck muscles are highly painful and contracted, and also sensitive to touch. Pain worsens upon moving the hands.

Causticum – For Cervical Dystonia with Stiff Neck and Pain in Back of Head

Causticum is an effective medicine for cervical dystonia with a stiff neck attended with pain in the back of the head. Neck muscles are contracted, tightly bound and the person may find it very difficult to move the neck and head. Along with the above symptoms, there may be a tearing pain in the neck muscles.

Cicuta – For Cervical Dystonia with Head Drawn Backwards

Cicuta is a natural remedy for cervical problems prepared from the root of a plant Cicuta Virosa or Water Hemlock. The natural order of this plant is Umbelliferae. Use of Cicuta is considered in cases of cervical dystonia where there is a tendency to draw the head backward. The neck muscles contract intensely and become hard. The person is unable to move the head due to tensed muscles. There may be a dull pain in the back of the head.

Medorrhinum – For Cervical Dystonia with Head Drawn Forwards

Homeopathic medicine Medorrhinum is useful for treating cervical dystonia where the head is drawn forwards. There appears spasm of the neck muscles and chin is drawn down to the sternum. There is an intense drawing pain in the neck. Pain at the base of the brain may be present. A sensation of burning heat may be present in the neck along with the above symptoms.

Zincum Met – For Cervical Dystonia with Stiffness and Tearing Pain in Neck

Zincum Met is a natural homeopathic remedy for cervical dystonia with stiffness and tearing pain in the neck. Pain from the side of the neck may extend to the shoulder. The tearing pain is most felt on the right side of the neck. Pain may also be felt just below the jaw and behind the ear in some cases. The stiffness of the neck is most marked during the morning.

Causes of Cervical Dystonia

Cervical dystonia is an idiopathic condition i.e. the reason behind the cervical dystonia is not known. Sometimes cervical dystonia is seen to run in families, so a genetic link is seen in this condition. Sometimes a history of injury to the neck or shoulders may be present. Cervical dystonia can develop at any age but is mostly seen to appear after the age of 30 years. The condition of cervical dystonia is more commonly seen in females as compared to the males. Sternocleidomastoid, trapezius and other neck muscles are involved in this condition.

Symptoms of Cervical Dystonia

The main feature of cervical dystonia is a tilting of the head and neck to either side of the body. In some cases pulling of head and neck forward (anterocollis) or backward (retrocollis) may also be present. The intensity of the muscle contraction varies from mild to severe form. Along with the above features, there is neck pain and discomfort. Sometimes the neck pain may also radiate to the shoulders. In some cases, jerking or tremors of the head may also be noted. Cervical dystonia may also be seen to spread to other areas like the face and the jaw. Headaches may also arise in such conditions. The symptoms of cervical dystonia seem to worsen from stress and motion while rest seems to bring relief.

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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Supportive Homeopathic Treatment

SLE or systemic lupus erythematosus is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can affect many different parts of the body like the lungs, heart, joints, kidneys, skin and the brain. SLE is an autoimmune disease that can affect many systems of the body, and so the signs and symptoms that appear depend upon the body system that is affected. No two people with SLE will present the same symptom picture. Homeopathic medicines for SLE play a supportive role in the treatment of the condition and should be taken along with conventional medicines for best results. Rhus Tox, Arsenic, and Natrum Mur are the top homeopathic remedies used as supportive remedies for SLE.

homeopathy SLE

Homeopathic treatment of SLE.

Although the signs and symptoms of SLE are highly variable, the most common ones include a butterfly shape rash/malar rash on the face covering the cheeks and bridge of the nose, joints pains, fever, and fatigue.

Role of Homeopathy in Treating Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

It is advisable to take homeopathic medicines for SLE in conjunction with the conventional means of treatment to manage the disease in the best way possible. Homeopathic medicines help in managing SLE symptomatically. Homeopathic medicines for SLE are safe to use among people of all age groups. A person should consider the use of homeopathic medicine for SLE strictly under the supervision of a homeopathic physician, and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathic Medicines for Symptomatic Management of SLE

Rhus Tox – Natural Medicine for Joint Pains in SLE

Rhus Tox is an effective homeopathic medicine for treating joint pains in SLE. Along with pain, Rhus Tox also helps reduce stiffness and swelling of the joints. The joint pains worsen during rest and get better by motion. Warm applications over the joint and massaging the joints tend to make the joint pains and stiffness better.

Arsenic Album – Natural Remedy for Fatigue in SLE

Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album helps manage fatigue that arises in cases of SLE. People needing this medicine feel exhausted, and the slightest bit of exertion causes fatigue. A desire to lie down all the time is present. Anxiety and restlessness are the major features that are present with fatigue.

Natrum Mur – Homeopathic Medicine for Skin Lesion from Sun Exposure in SLE

Natrum Mur is a natural medicine that is used to treat a skin lesion that develops or worsens due to exposure to the sun. The person needing Natrum Mur suffers from skin lesions like skin rash or vesicular eruption from sun exposure. The skin rash is attended with an itching and stinging sensation. In some cases, a crawling sensation on the skin arises from sun exposure.

Belladonna – Homeopathic Remedy for Headache in SLE

Belladonna is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named Deadly Nightshade. It belongs to the natural order Solanaceae. Belladonna is an effective homeopathic medicine used to manage headaches that arise as a result of SLE. Most people needing Belladonna experience a congestive and throbbing type of headache. Extreme fullness is felt in the head, and the headache gets worse by noise and light. Applying pressure on the head helps ease the headache.

Aconite – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Dry Eyes in SLE

Aconite is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known by the name of Monkshood. It belongs to the natural order Ranunculaceae. Aconite as a natural treatment for SLE helps manage dry eyes. Along with dryness, heat is felt in the eyes, along with a sensation of sand. Sensitivity to light (especially of the sun) is present in most cases.
Some other accompanying symptoms that may be present include itching, lachrymation and burning in the eyes.

Ignatia – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Depression in SLE

Ignatia is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for treating depression in SLE. The key features to use Ignatia here is extreme sadness with excessive weeping. A desire to be alone is present with the above features. People needing Ignatia may also experience sudden mood swings. Other symptoms include dullness of mind, indifferent behavior, and intense mental and physical fatigue.

Colocynthis – Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Abdominal Pain in SLE

Colocynthis is a prepared from the pulp of the fruit of plant named Citrullus Colocynthis or Bitter Apple. It belongs to the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Colocynthis helps treat abdominal pain in people suffering from SLE. Colocynthis is indicated in cases where the abdominal pain is strong, colicky, cramping or cutting in nature. The pains tend to get worse on consumption of the slightest food or drinks. Bending over double or pressing the abdomen helps relieve the abdominal pain.

Phosphorus – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Hair Loss in SLE

Phosphorus is an effective natural remedy used to manage hair loss in cases of SLE. People who need Phosphorus experience excessive hair fall where the hair comes out in bunches. In some cases, hair fall occurs in circumscribed spots. In addition to hair fall, copious dandruff may be present.

Symptoms of SLE

The most common symptoms of SLE include chest pain, skin lesion worsening from sun exposure, shortness of breath, pain in the head, dry eyes, abdomen pain, hair loss, depression, confusion, loss of memory, and swollen lymph glands. Swelling in the legs, seizures and Raynaud’s phenomenon (blueness/whitening of fingers and toes on exposure to cold or from stressful conditions) are other symptoms of SLE. The intensity of symptoms also varies from mild to a severe degree. The disease also shows a relapsing and remitting course. Even if mild, SLE needs to be taken seriously; it needs to be regularly monitored and treated appropriately because it carries a risk of various complications that at times can be life-threatening.

Complications of SLE

SLE can lead to various complications that sometimes can be profoundly serious and life-threatening. The complications in SLE include kidney damage, cardiovascular disease, vasculitis, pleurisy, avascular necrosis, stroke, brain and CNS disorders.

Diagnosing Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Diagnosing SLE can be a difficult task. It may take months to even years to diagnose a case of SLE, the reason being that SLE presents signs and symptoms that mimic many other ailments. To reach a diagnosis, the clinical picture and various investigations need to be done. The investigations include ESR, ANA test (antinuclear antibody test), and Anti-DNA test. Further to these tests, in order to check the damage to internal organs, other tests are X-ray, USG, MRI, CT scan, ECG, LFT, and RFT.

Our body has an immune system that comes into play whenever any virus, bacteria or other microorganism invades our body. Here, the immune system fights the infection and exudes it out of the body. Autoimmune diseases are those diseases that arise when the immune system out of a misdirected response starts to destroy healthy body tissues in the absence of any actual infection in the body. So in autoimmune diseases, our immune system in spite of serving protective purpose starts an inimical destructive process. In SLE, the same autoimmunity process is present. The risk factors for SLE include a genetic predisposition towards SLE, being a woman (chances of SLE in women are ten times higher than in males) and certain environmental factors. Certain factors that are thought to trigger SLE include infections like Epstein-Barr virus, excessive sunlight exposure, smoking, medications like anti-seizure medications, blood pressure medicines and hormonal changes in women during puberty or pregnancy. The diagnosis of SLE majorly appears in the age group of 15 to 40 years.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Eye Floaters – A Homeopathic Treatment for Black Spots Before Eyes

Eye floaters are something everyone is familiar with – they are little black spots in the vision that move or float when a person moves their eyes. When you try to focus on the spots, they seem to move quickly out of the visual field. The medical term for eye floaters is muscae volitantes. Eye floaters are mostly harmless and do not affect the vision significantly, but it is recommended to get the eyes examined by an ophthalmologist on a regular basis if eye floaters are a frequent occurrence. The top homeopathic remedies to treat eye floaters are Phosphorous, Natrum Mur, and Argentum Nitricum.

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Homeopathic medicines for eye floaters.

Homeopathic Treatment of Eye Floaters

The homeopathic mode of treatment can help in effectively treating eye floaters. Before beginning a course of homeopathy to fix eye floaters, it is recommended that you visit an ophthalmologist to rule out the cause of eye floaters and any other critical conditions. There is an enormous therapeutic list for eye floaters in homeopathy. Among them, the most suitable homeopathic medicine for eye floaters is selected individually after a detailed analysis of the case. The homeopathic medicines for eye floaters should be taken under the consultation of a homeopathic physician, and self-medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines for Eye Floaters

Phosphorus – Homeopathic Medicine for Eye Floaters with Black Spots

Phosphorus is a natural medicine for eye floaters when a person complains of black spots floating before eyes. Apart from this, it also works in cases where a person sees spots like flashes of light or red dots. This may be attended with diminishing sight. Looking at any bright, shining object also worsens the complaint. There may be short-sightedness. Colored spots before the eyes before a migraine attack also indicate the need for Phosphorus.

Natrum Mur – Homeopathic Remedy for Eye Floaters with Zig-Zag Lines Before Eyes

Natrum Mur is a natural remedy for eye floaters where a person sees zigzag lines before the eyes. This may be attended with dimness of vision. Some people may also experience double vision. Natrum Mur also helps treat glimmering before the eyes with a headache. Zig-zag dazzling lines in the eyes, like lightning, followed by a headache (migraine) also indicates the need for this remedy.

Argentum Nitricum – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Brown Colored Eye Floaters

Argentum Nitricum is a homeopathic medicine for eye floaters that seem like brown – colored spots. Intolerance to light in the eyes may be present. Weakness of sight along with grey spots in the eyes also indicate the need for Argentum Nitricum.

Cyclamen – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Eye Floaters with Changing Spots Before Eyes

Cyclamen is a natural remedy prepared from the root of a plant named Cyclamen Europaeum, commonly known as Sow-bread. The natural order of this plant is Primulaceae. Use of Cyclamen is considered in cases of eye floaters where a person sees various changeable spots before eyes. The changeable spots include yellow spots, green spots, and glittering needle-like spots. Other types of spots include flickering of light and fiery specks. Dimness of sight may also start developing.

Physostigma – Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Eye Floaters with Myopia

Physostigma is a natural medicine prepared from the bean of a plant named Physostigma Venenosum (also known by the name of Calabar bean.) It belongs to the natural order Leguminosae. Physostigma is a useful remedy for treating eye floaters in cases of myopia (short-sightedness). The person sees flashes of light before the eyes. Pain after using eyes is a prominent feature with floaters.

Arnica – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Eye Floaters with History of Eye Injury

Arnica is prepared from a plant called Arnica Montana, commonly known by the name of Leopard’s-Bane or Fallkraut. This plant belongs to the natural order Compositae. Arnica is useful for treating cases of eye floaters where a history of an eye injury is present. Flickering before the eyes, diplopia (double vision), a heaviness of the eyes along with a headache may be present.

Belladonna – Effective Natural Medicine for Eye Floaters with Eye Inflammation

Belladonna is prepared from the plant named Deadly Nightshade. This plant is of the natural order Solanaceae. Belladonna is beneficial for eye floaters in cases of eye inflammation. The person needing Belladonna may have flickering before eyes or bright sparks before eyes. Flashes of light may also be seen before eyes. Burning in eyes and lachrymation may be present. Photophobia or dimness of vision is another accompanying feature.

Kali Carb – Natural Treatment for Eye Floaters that gets Worse While Reading

Homeopathic medicine Kali Carb proves to be useful for eye floaters that get worse while reading. The indicating factors for Kali Carb are floaters that may be black, blue, or green in color or bright specks. Sharp, stitching pain in eyes may also be present.

Causes of Eye Floaters

In a majority of cases, eye floaters arise due to age-related changes that appear in vitreous inside the eyes. Vitreous humor is a liquid that occupies back two third of the eyes. Vitreous humor is jelly-like, clear and transparent matter. It consists majorly of water with a minor content of collagen, salt, and sugar. In aged people, the vitreous begins to liquefy, and the collagen fibers clump together. These strands cast a shadow on the retinal surface that a person perceives as eye floaters. Other causes behind eye floaters include hemorrhage in the vitreous, posterior uveitis and tearing of retina. Tearing of retina may lead to the retinal detachment that needs prompt treatment to prevent permanent vision loss. Some factors including diabetes mellitus, injury to the eye and nearsightedness raise the risk of eye floaters. Eye floaters may also be a part of aura in cases of migraine.
A person may see the floaters as black/gray dots, cobwebs, cloud-like spots, curved lines, rings, fine strands/strings. A person may see a single floater or the number may be up to hundreds varying from case to case. Floaters appear more prominent when a person looks on light colored backgrounds like the sky or a white wall. However, in the event of a sudden increase in eye floaters (especially if a person see flashes of light or there is a loss of vision), an eye specialist should be consulted on an emergency basis as it may be a signal of some critical condition like retinal detachment.

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Natural Treatment of Scanty Periods with Homeopathy

Scanty or light periods is a condition medically known as hypomenorrhea. While scanty periods occurring once in a while should not be a cause of concern, any changes in the menstrual flow accompanied with pelvic pain for several months should be brought to a doctor’s notice. Homeopathic medicines for scanty periods offer a natural solution to the problem. Pulsatilla, Sepia, and Graphites are the top homeopathic remedies that are used to treat scanty periods. Homeopathy can help improve the menstrual flow by addressing the underlying cause that is contributing to scanty periods.

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Homeopathic medicines for scanty periods.

The leading causes of scanty periods include emotional stress, excessive exercise, being underweight, an eating disorder where a person has intense calorie restriction, hormonal imbalance, using oral contraceptive pills (OCP’s), using intrauterine devices (IUD’s), polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), anovulatory menstrual cycles, and hyperthyroidism. In some cases, a woman may experience scanty periods during the perimenopausal period (transition into menopause). A rare but possible cause of scanty periods is Asherman’s Syndrome (formation of scar tissue in the uterus cavity.)

Homeopathic Treatment of Scanty Periods

Homeopathy offers natural treatment for scanty periods. Since homeopathic medicines are very mild and made of natural substances, they treat scanty periods without any side effects. Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for every case after a detailed case analysis, thereby offering a highly individualized treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines for Scanty Periods

Pulsatilla – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Scanty Periods

Pulsatilla is prepared from the fresh plant of Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known by the name of Windflower. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is natural medicine to help improve the menstrual flow in cases of scanty periods. Female needing Pulsatilla generally tends to have scanty and late periods. The menstrual flow is mostly present in the daytime and may change appearance. Pulsatilla also works well in cases of suppressed periods.
Along with scanty flow, menstrual colic with restlessness and chilliness may be present. The colic may lead to vomiting. The woman may be sad and want to weep during the periods. There may be an attending complaint of leucorrhoea before or after menses. Pulsatilla is also highly useful for treating scanty periods in cases of PCOS.

Sepia – Homeopathic Medicine for Scanty Periods with Irregular Menstrual Cycle

Sepia is a natural cure for irregular menses causing scanty periods. In cases needing Sepia, the menses may be too early or too late, but the menstrual flow is always scanty. A bearing down pain in the pelvis may be marked. Abdominal distress, pain in the back and constipation may precede the menses. Acne on the face before menses may also be present. A feeling of sadness along with a persistent headache may appear during menses. It is well indicated for cases of infertility in women who have scanty and irregular periods.

Graphites – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Scanty and Painful Periods

Graphites offers a natural cure for scanty periods that are also painful. The key feature to use Graphites in cases of scanty periods includes bad colic during the menses. There is griping, abdominal spasms, colicky or labor – like pains in the uterus with hip pain and backache. Tearing pains in the ovaries may also be felt. There may be a sensation of heat in the abdomen. The menstrual flow may be thick or thin, pale or dark in color. The periods also last for a shorter duration. Other accompanying symptoms include pain in the vagina along with dryness.

Lachesis – Natural Treatment for Scanty Periods with Blackish Flow

Lachesis is indicated for scanty periods with a blackish flow. The flow may be offensive, and the periods become shorter in duration (sometimes for as less as an hour.) Marked ovarian pains may appear during menses. The pain may be pressing or sharp, shooting or stitching in nature. Labor-like pains in the uterus and pain in small of the back may also appear during menses.

Conium – Homeopathic Medicine for Scanty Periods of Shorter Duration

Conium is an effective homeopathic medicine for scanty periods that are brief. A person needing Conium may tend to get late periods that are delayed by two to three months. Pain in the hypogastric region (central part of the lower abdomen) extending down the thigh and legs. A marked attending feature is a pain and soreness in the breast before periods. The breast pain worsens while walking and leucorrhoea may follow menses.

Kali Carb – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Scanty Menses with Pungent Odor

Kali Carb is a homeopathic remedy indicated for scanty menses with a pungent odor. Menstrual flow in such cases may also be acrid. Before the menses begin, there may be hot flashes, shooting / violent colicky pains over the abdomen and a feeling of chilliness. During the menses, there may be a headache, aching pains in small of back, lethargy, and sleepiness.

Viburnum Opulus – For Scanty Periods that Last Few Hours

Viburnum Opulus is prepared from the fresh bark of a plant named High Cranberry. The natural order of this plant is Caprifoliaceae. Viburnum Opulus is helpful when the menses are scanty and last only for a few hours. Blood is thin, light-colored and may have an offensive odor. Periods are attended with cramping uterine pains. The pain from uterus tends to radiate down the thighs. Nausea and nervous restlessness may be present with the pain. Before the menses begin, there may be bearing down or excruciating pain in the uterus, aching in the sacral region and sharp, shooting pain in the ovaries.

Manganum Aceticum – Natural Treatment for Scanty, Early Periods

Manganum Aceticum is a natural homeopathic medicine for scanty and early periods. Females needing Manganum Aceticum start their periods too early and have a scanty flow. Menstrual flow is pale colored and lasts only for two days. This medicine is also indicated for scanty and early periods due to anemia.

Natrum Mur – Homeopathic Cure for Scanty Menses Followed by Profuse Flow

Natrum Mur is an excellent homeopathic medicine for menses that are scanty for a day or two followed by a profuse flow. The flow is more during the night. Uterine cramps appear with cutting pain in the groins. Anxiety, sadness, irritability, pressing headache arise before menses. Natrum Mur also works well in cases of scanty and delayed periods in anemic women. Natrum Mur is also thought of in cases of sterility in females with late and scanty periods.

Ignatia – For Scanty, Stringy Periods with Dark Clots

Use of homeopathic medicine Ignatia is considered in cases where the menses are scanty and stringy with dark clots. During periods, griping, cutting uterine colic may appear. Uterine spasms seem to get better by pressure. Burning heat in the vagina before the menses may be felt. Other symptoms include heaviness in the head, sensitivity to light, anxiety, palpitation, extreme prostration before and during menses is present.

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Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Keratitis

Inflammation of the cornea is known as Keratitis. The cornea is a transparent layer in front of the eye that covers the pupil and iris. Keratitis can be infectious or non-infectious. Homeopathic medicines help reduce the inflammation of the cornea and offer symptomatic relief. Belladonna, Apis Mellifica, and Arsenic Album are the top homeopathic medicines used to treat keratitis.

keratitis homeopathy

Homeopathic medicines for Keratitis.

The primary cause of infectious keratitis is a bacterial infection (mostly that causes gonorrhea), a viral infection (mainly herpes simplex and herpes zoster) or a parasitic infection. Non – infectious keratitis can result from a foreign body in the eye or some scratch or injury to the cornea. Wearing contact lenses for very long hours (especially wearing them overnight), use of corticosteroid eye drops, a compromised immune system, exposure to intense sunlight, and exposure to bacteria, fungi and parasites found in rivers, lakes while swimming can put a person at risk to develop keratitis.

Homeopathic Treatment of Keratitis

Homeopathic medicines play a supportive role in keratitis and can be used along with conventional treatment for effective relief from symptoms like pain, burning, and discharge. Homeopathic medicines for keratitis are prescribed on the basis of individual symptom set in every case. Symptoms that can be managed with homeopathic medicines include redness of the eye, pain in the eye, blurred or dim vision, photophobia (sensitivity to light), lachrymation or discharge from eyes and the sensation of a foreign particle in the eye.

Homeopathic Medicines for Keratitis

Belladonna – Natural Medicine for Red, Congested Eyes in Keratitis

Belladonna is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from the whole plant named ‘Deadly Nightshade.’ This plant belongs to the natural order Solanaceae. Use of Belladonna is recommended in cases where the eyes are red and congested. A pressing or sharp pain may be felt in the eyes. Pain may radiate from eyes to the back of the head. Eye pain worsens from movement, and there may be an intolerance to light. The person feels heat in the eyes. Dimness of sight and obscured vision may be present, and a gritty sensation, as of sand particles are present in the in eyes may also occur.

Apis Mellifica – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Pain in Eyes in Keratitis

Apis Mellifica is a natural remedy for treating pain in eyes due to keratitis. The key features for using Apis Mellifica include pain in the eye that may be stinging, tearing, lancinating or shooting in nature. Sometimes the eye pain is sore, pressing, tensive or boring. Burning and smarting sensation in the eyes is also felt. The cornea becomes thick and may have dark, smoky, greyish spots on it. Sensitivity to light with a headache, eye pain that gets worse from exposure to light, eyes that look bright red, weakness of vision, a sensation of fullness in eyes, and hot, scalding discharge from the eyes are other significant symptoms.

Arsenic Album – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Burning Pain in Eyes

Arsenic Album is a well-indicated remedy for keratitis when there is a specific burning pain in eyes. The pains appear suddenly and get worse during the night. There is a copious discharge of an acrid, hot nature. There may be pulsations and throbbing in the eyes, along with weakness and dimness of sight. Sensitivity to light (mainly to sunlight) is present along with the above symptoms. This medicine is also indicted for ulcers on the outer side of the cornea. In such cases, a prickling needle-like pain is felt in the eyes.

Euphrasia – Natural Treatment for Profuse Watering from the Eyes

Euphrasia is a homeopathic medicine for keratitis prepared from the plant Euphrasia Officinalis, also known as Eye-Bright. The natural order of this plant is Scrophulariaceae. Euphrasia is very useful in cases of keratitis where there is profuse lachrymation, i.e. watering from the eyes. Secretion of tears is significantly increased, and the lachrymation is burning, smarting and excoriating in nature. The vision gets dimmed, and there is a peculiar sensation of having dust, hair or sand in the eyes. Euphrasia is also indicated for kerato-iritis that develops after injuries and surgical operations upon the eye. In such cases, there are stitching pains in eyes, acrid lachrymation, and intense photophobia. This medicine is also indicated where the cornea is ulcerated with large quantities of thick, clear mucus. The border of the cornea is surrounded by a small superficial ulcer. Eye pain that is worse in the daylight is usually present.

Phosphorus – Effective Medicine for Blurred Vision due to Keratitis

Phosphorus is a natural medicine for blurred, dim vision due to keratitis. There is a dull pain in the eyes along with dim vision. There is a sensation as if everything is covered with a mist. The person requiring Phosphorus also suffers from sensitivity to light. In some cases, there is a pressing or burning pain in the eyes. There may be a feeling of sand in the eye that gets better by rubbing.

Calcarea Carb – Natural Treatment for Keratitis with Photophobia (light sensitivity)

Calcarea Carb is a homeopathic remedy for photophobia (light sensitivity) in cases of keratitis. Photophobia is mostly worse in the morning upon rising and in the evening. Along with this, there may be a stinging pain in the eyes. Other symptoms include sticking of the eyelids together in the morning, dimness of vision, pressure and tearing or stitching pain in the eyes, and pain that worsens in the evening. Excessive lachrymation in the morning is present. It may get worse in the open air. Pustules on the cornea with lachrymation and excessive photophobia are also indicative of Calcarea Carb.

Pulsatilla – Natural Cure for Keratitis with Eye Discharge

Pulsatilla is a homeopathic cure for eye discharges in keratitis prepared from the fresh plant Pulsatilla Nigricans. This plant belongs to the natural order Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla offers help in cases of keratitis with prominent eye discharges. Burning and itching in the eyes, a need to rub the eyes, marked sticking of eyelids in the morning, oversensitivity to light with stitching pain in the eyes are some symptoms indicating the need for Pulsatilla. It is also considered in cases of pustule formation on the cornea with excessive photophobia, pain in the eyes, and watering of eyes.

Merc Sol – Effective Medicine for Pain in the Eyes due to Keratitis

Homeopathic medicine Merc Sol helps treat congestion and pain in the eyes in cases of keratitis. There is pain present both during the day as well as night. There may be a sensation of heat in the in eyes with watering. The vision may become weak and dim. The cornea becomes red and is surrounded by a puffy swelling. There is usually a burning sensation present in the open air.

Arnica and Calendula – Natural Treatment for Keratitis due to Cornea Injury

Arnica and Calendula both are natural homeopathic remedies made from plants.
Arnica is prepared from the root of a plant Arnica Montana, which is commonly known as Leopard’s Bane.
Calendula is prepared from leaves and flowers of the plant Calendula Officinalis, more commonly known as Marigold. Both these plants belong to the natural order Compositae. These are prominently indicated for keratitis that follows a scratch or abrasion of the cornea. They help reduce inflammation of the eye and heal the injury quickly.

Hepar Sulph – Homeopathic Remedy for Advanced Keratitis with Corneal Ulcer

Hepar Sulph is a natural remedy that plays a supportive role in the symptomatic management of cases of advanced keratitis with corneal ulceration. The key indication to use this remedy is a red, vascular, elevated ulcer at the margin of the cornea. There is a discharge of purulent mucus from the ulcer. Photophobia, redness, and pain in the eyes that extends to the side of the head, a burning, pressing pain that is worse from exposure to a draught of air may also be present.

Symptoms of Keratitis

The symptoms of keratitis include redness of the eye, pain in the eye, blurred or dim vision, photophobia (sensitivity to light), excessive tears, discharge from eyes, a sensation of a foreign particle in the eye (gritty sensation). If left untreated, keratitis can cause complications like a corneal ulcer, corneal scarring, vision reduction and permanent vision loss (blindness).

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