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Epstein-Barr Virus – Homeopathic Medicines for EBV

Epstein – Barr virus (EBV) is counted among the members of the herpes virus family that are known to cause infections in human beings. It is one of the common human viruses in the world. It is mostly well known to cause infectious mononucleosis (also known as mono), though it can cause many other illnesses. Homeopathic medicines for EBV can effectively help in symptomatic management of the infection. Research to find the connection between EBV and other health conditions like autoimmune diseases (eg lupus, multiple sclerosis) and certain cancers (eg. Burkitt’s lymphoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, gastric cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer).

Homeopathic medicines for EBV

Homeopathic Medicines for EBV

Homeopathic medicines boost the immunity of body to fight with the infection and manage symptoms naturally. The symptoms of EBV infection that can be managed well with homeopathic medicines are feeling tired, sore throat, swollen tonsils, swollen lymph nodes in neck or armpit, headache, skin rash, muscle pain /soreness. 

1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Tiredness 

Arsenic Album is a leading medicine to manage complaint of tiredness in these cases. It is helpful where person feels tired even from slightest exertion. Tiredness is most felt by them when moving around. The tired feeling compels a person to lie down. The complaint is worse mostly at the night time. Restlessness attends to it in most of the cases.

2. Kali Phos – For Weak, Tired Feeling

Kali Phos is next medicine for managing weakness and tiredness. Persons needing it have weakness on both mental and physical spheres. They are extremely exhausted and lack strength to do any thing. In all such persons it proves highly effective to boost body energy levels and regain strength.

3. Gelsemium – For Weakness, Dullness, Drowsiness

Gelsemium can be highly beneficial for people who feel weak, dull and drowsy all the time. Along with this they also feel pain and soreness in the muscles. Sometimes they experience dull headache. The pain is mostly felt in back of the head. A sensation of band around the head is also felt. With this heaviness of eyelids is also present.

4. Carcinosin – For Chronic Fatigue in Mononucleosis

Carcinosin is also indicated for managing chronic fatigue in mononucleosis. Persons requiring it feel weary and fatigued always. This may be attended with trembling especially in the morning time. It works both in recent and long standing cases of mononucleosis.

5. Belladonna – For Sore Throat and Tonsillitis

Belladonna is highly recommended to manage sore throat and tonsillitis. The throat is red, the tonsils are swollen, red, enlarged, inflamed and painful where it is needed. Along with this the swallowing is difficult even for liquids. Throat feels dry and can be attended with a sensation of lump in it. Fever may also be present. 

6. Hepar Sulph – For Tonsillitis with Pus Points

Hepar Sulph is well indicated to manage tonsillitis with pus points on it. With this there is intense pain in the tonsils. Pain is mainly stitching type in most of the cases. The pain gets worse while eating food. The pain tend to radiate to ears from the throat. A feeling of a plug of mucus in throat is frequently felt. There may be hawking of thick, yellow mucus from the throat. 

7. Merc Sol – For White Patches of Pus on Tonsils

Merc Sol is another significant medicine for cases of inflamed tonsils covered with white pus patches. Persons needing it feel soreness, pain, burning and smarting sensation in the throat. The swallowing is also difficult in them. The pharynx is also bluish red usually with presence of ulcers. Along with this saliva is increased and offensive odour from mouth is usually present.

8. Phytolacca – For Sore Throat and Tonsillitis with Marked Burning Pains

Use of Phytolacca is mainly considered for sore throat and tonsillitis with marked burning pains. In cases needing it the throat is inflamed and appears dark red or bluish red.  The tonsils are also swollen with dark – red appearance. With this intense burning pain as from hot coals is experienced in throat and tonsils. The pain from throat may shoot to ears while swallowing.

9. For Reducing Lymph Node Swelling

Many homeopathic medicines can be helpful alleviating lymph node swelling in EBV. The most prominently indicated ones  include Calcarea Carb, Conium, Merc Sol and Phytolacca. These medicines helps to reduce swelling of lymph nodes.

10. Belladonna – To Relieve Headache

Belladonna is a wonderful medicine to relieve headache. The headache is mainly throbbing type for using it. It is most worse in the sides of head ie. The temporal region. Head feels congested along with heated sensation. In many cases pain may get worse from slightest light and noise. Pressure can give relief in the headache. 

11. Glonoine – For Marked Congestive Headache

Glonoine is beneficial to manage marked congestive headache. Persons needing it have throbbing, pulsating pain in head with a sensation as if it would burst. The pain may be felt in the forehead, sides of head or top of the head. Head also feels heavy especially in the forehead region. The pain may worsen from movement. Sleep may relieve the headache for a while.  

12. Rhus Tox – For Managing Muscle pains / Soreness

Rhus Tox is top listed medicine for managing muscle pains / soreness. For using it the pain and soreness may be present in any of the body muscle. Persons who require it mostly feels worsening of pain from rest. They get better by motion and exercise. Along with pain they may also feel stiffness in the body. 

13. Sulphur – To Manage Skin Rash

Sulphur can be given to manage skin rash. The rash is most times itchy where it is needed. The itching tends to get worse at night time. The skin is usually dry with rash in cases needing it. Along with this there may be heat / burning sensation on the skin.  

14. Ailanthus – For Skin Rash in Patches

Ailanthus is considered when the skin rash appear in patches. There may be purplish spots on the skin, blisters on skin or sometimes small bumps on skin. With this low fever may be present. Excessive weakness also appears with this. The tonsils are inflamed with above symptoms. Sometimes the tonsils are studded with multiple ulcers. The throat is also dark, red and swollen.

Transmission of EBV

EBV is contagious and spreads from person to person through bodily fluids 

(mainly saliva.) So one can get the virus by kissing someone who’s infected with EBV. It can also be transmitted through sharing toothbrushes, utensils or any other item contaminated with the virus from recent use by someone having active EBV infection. Apart from saliva, it can also spread through blood carrying this virus, like during blood transfusion. It can also be transmitted through organ transplant from someone having EBV infection. Lastly it can spread via infected semen during sexual contact. An infected person can pass the virus to others soon after contracting it even before experiencing any of its symptoms. As long as the virus remain in active phase (for weeks or months) in someone’s body he / she can spread it to others. But when the virus gets inactive (goes in dormant/ latent state) it can’t be passed to others. If it re – activates again even then it can again be spread to others. 


On exposure to the EBV the virus multiplies in the epithelial cells of pharynx.  After that it multiplies in the B lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell).  Following this abnormal, enlarged (atypical) lymphocytes develop when CD8 postive T cells respond to the infection. After primary infection, EBV remains in B lymphocytes for lifetime.

Symptoms of EBV 

EBV infection is mostly asymptomatic. In children, usually there are little to no symptoms present. The symptoms mainly appears in teens and adults. After contracting the virus, it can take around 4 – 7 weeks for the symptoms to appear. The symptoms includes feeling tired, fever, sore throat, swollen tonsils, swollen lymph nodes in neck or armpit, headache, skin rash, loss of appetite, muscle pain /soreness, enlarged spleen and liver swelling. These symptoms usually remain for around 2 – 4 weeks except for tired feeling which can continue for longer for few more weeks or months. After active phase of infection the virus goes in an inactive phase (latency) in body and remain in body throughout life. Sometimes it can reactivate but most times don’t lead to symptoms. But in some cases upon reactivation initial symptoms of EBV appears again usually in people having a weak immune system.

Most common disease that EBV can cause is mononucleosis but not everyone having EBV develops it. Its not a serious disease but symptoms of it can be intense to prevent a person from doing normal activities for several weeks and months. Mononucleosis is also known as the kissing disease because it can spread by kissing someone having EBV in the saliva. Another name for it is  infectious mononucleosis and glandular fever. The most common symptoms of mononucleosis are fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes in neck or armpits and feeling tired.


The complications include extremely swollen tonsils that can block breathing, rupture of spleen, myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle), anaemia, decrease in platelet count, liver inflammation (hepatitis), meningitis (inflammation of meninges – the protective membranes that cover brain and spinal cord), Guillain-Barre syndrome (an autoimmune disorder that affects the peripheral nervous system).


Most of the EBV infections can be diagnosed just by the presenting symptoms. But sometimes tests are recommended where symptom picture is not clear. First test done where it is suspected is monospot test. But the Center for Disease Control doesn’t recommend the Monospot test for general use because of false-positive and false-negative results and it is not specific for EBV infection. Some other blood tests that are more specific to detect antibodies to EBV are done. These include Viral capsid antigen , Early antigen and EBV nuclear antigen tests. People who do not have antibodies to viral capsid antigen are susceptible to infection. Presence of antibodies anti -VCA  IgM to  Viral capsid antigen  and no antibody to EBV nuclear antigen points to a new or recent infection. Detection of antibodies to both VCA and EBV nuclear antigen represents past infection 

Apart from this white blood cell count to check for increased number of white blood cells (lymphocytes) or abnormal – looking lymphocytes  may be checked. Lastly  platelets count may be checked  (that can be decreased) and liver function tests may be done to check any abnormality. Homeopathic Medicines for EBV help treat the condition in a safe, natural manner.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Alumina – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Alumina is prepared from Oxide of Aluminium, pure clay by trituration process. This is a process by which homeopathic medicines are prepared. By trituration the medicinal properties of pure clay are extracted leaving behind any of its poisonous, toxic effect. As a result we get the medicine Alumina, which used in treating a number of disease conditions. It is mainly used to treat constipation, weakness of memory, vaginal discharges, and dry eczema.   alumina - homeopathic medicine

The ‘Alumina’ Constitution

It is mainly suited to people who are thin and have sedentary ( means spend much time seated) lifestyle. In addition to this they feel chilly most of the time. Next, it suits elderly people who suffer from chronic cold, constipation and weakness. Apart from the above, it is very useful for children with big bellies who have tendency to suffer from constipation.

Drug Action

This remedy acts on the mind and mainly helps to treat weakness of memory. Next, it has marked action on intestines where it improve its sluggish motility and helps to relieve constipation. Other than this, it acts on the nasal mucous membrane and help to reduce its inflammation and offers relief in cases of cold. Apart from the above, it shows action on  the nervous system and gives most help in cases of ataxia. Lastly, it has marked action on skin where it heals eczema and aid relief in skin itching.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Memory Weakness

This is one of the very effective medicines to improve memory weakness. Persons needing it faces complaint of weak memory with forgetfulness. They make frequent mistakes while speaking and writing. They are unable to follow a chain of thought. Along with this they do everything hurriedly. They also feel sad and depressed along with memory weakness. Elderly people having weak memory can be highly benefited from this medicine. It is also a top listed medicine to treat Alzheimer’s disease (progressive brain disorder presenting with memory loss).

2. Chronic Cold

This medicine is well-indicated to treat cases of chronic cold. Here it is given when there is scanty thick, yellow discharge from the nose. Nasal blockage is felt by the person along with above. It also offers help to treat chronic inflammation in the nose with crust formation in the nose. These crusts have offensive smell. Along with above person also complains of diminished sense of smell. Pain at the root of the nose is other symptom that attend above.

3. Throat Complaints

If we talk about throat complaints, this remedy is given for complaint of sore throat. Persons needing it here mainly complain of dryness of throat or thick mucus dropping from back of nose into the throat (post nasal discharge). it is attended with frequent clearing of the throat.

In throat issues, it is also useful for treating difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). In such cases it is used when swallowing of solids is difficult and painful. Here the food passes with difficulty from constricted sensation in the food pipe. Person has to eat food by breaking it into very small pieces.

4. Rectal Complaints

This is a very beneficial remedy to treat constipation. It helps in cases of constipation by improving the motility of intestines. Persons who need it have to strain a lot to pass stool. The stool may either be hard or soft but it passes with much difficulty and straining efforts. They feel constriction in the rectum while passing stool. They also experience cutting pains in anus during passing stool. Sometimes blood passes with stool. They doesn’t pass stool daily. They doesn’t have desire to pass stool until there is large accumulation in the intestines. Children (especially nursing children and bottle fed babies) and elderly people having constipation can be highly benefited from this medicine.

Next, it is also useful to treat complaint of piles. In such cases itching, burning at the anus and also sensitivity to touch anus are the key symptoms to use it.

5. Skin Complaints

This is an excellent medicine to treat skin itching. It is given in persons who complain of intolerable itching over whole body. They scratch the skin harshly until it bleeds. The skin becomes painful after scratching. They mainly complain of increase in itching on getting warm. Sometimes they also feel formication (sensation of insects crawling on the skin). It is also indicated for treating itchy eruptions that are worse in the winter season.

Other than this, it is very beneficial to treat eczema. Eczema is a skin condition where skin become inflamed, itchy, red, cracked. Sometimes it is dry with rough skin while at other times there appear eruptions on inflamed skin that discharges fluid. Use of Alumina is mainly considered in eczema which is dry in nature. Persons needing it for eczema usually complains of dry, rough skin sometimes with cracks.

6. Female disorders

When it comes to female disorders, it is mainly used to treat vaginal discharges (leucorrhea). To use it in such cases the main features are profuse, acrid, transparent discharges from vagina. Sometimes the discharges are ropy. This cause burning in the genitals. Most females needing it complain of worsening of discharge during daytime. Washing with cold water often decrease the discharge. They also feel weakness due to discharges. Vaginal discharge before and after periods is also treated wonderfully with this medicine.

In addition to this it, this medicine is of great service to females who suffer from excessive weakness after periods. The periods in them may either be scanty or profuse but always followed by intense weakness. They may have complaint of headache and colic before and during menses.

 7. Ataxia

Ataxia refers to lack of muscle coordination that helps in voluntary movements. It results in gait (manner of walking) problem like inability to maintain balance while walking, tendency to stumble and falling while walking. In addition to it there may be difficulty with speech (like slow speech, slurred speech, tremor while speaking), involuntary eye movement in back and forth direction and problem with swallowing.

It is a very suitable medicine to treat cases of ataxia. Among the various symptoms of ataxia it offers help in improving gait problems like difficulty to maintain balance in walking, uncoordinated walking, clumsy walking. The person needing it may also have heaviness of the lower limbs along with staggering gait. Their legs also feels bandaged. At night they have complete inability to walk.


Alumina can be used from 30 C to 1M potency. It can be taken once or twice when used in 30C potency. The higher potencies including 200 C and 1M should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicines are Bryonia and Ferrum Met. These medicines can be used after Alumina to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Antidotes are Camphor, Chamomilla, and Ipecac which neutralise the action of this medicine. 

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Graphites – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Graphites is prepared from black lead by trituration (process of making a homeopathic remedy). By trituration process the medicinal properties of black lead are extracted. Graphites is highly recommended to treat skin complaints (mainly eczema, psoriasis), constipation, piles, anal fissures and suppressed / late periods in females.   Graphites - homeopathic medicine

The ‘Graphites’ Constitution

This remedy is suited to people who have tendency of weight gain. Next, it is suitable to people who have tendency to skin complaints and also constipation. Other than this it is indicated for females who have are obese and have tendency of late, suppressed periods.

Drug Action

It has a marked action on skin where it helps to treat a number of complaints including eczema, psoriasis, skin rash, fungal infection, cracked skin. Next, its action is prominent on rectum where it offers help in cases of constipation, fissures and piles. Other than this it acts on the female genitalia and offers benefit to treat vaginal discharges and suppressed / late periods.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Eye Complaints

It offers a great help in treating many eye complaints.

Among them, it is a highly effective medicine to treat eczema of eyelids. The persons needing it have inflamed eyelid with moist eruptions on it. Sometimes cracks and bleeding is present on eyelids.

Secondly, it is very beneficial to treat blepharitis ( inflammation of the eyelid margins where eyelashes grow). The key feature to use it in blepharitis is inflamed, red eyelid margins with presence of crust or flakes. The margins of eyelid are also dry along with above feature. Sometimes patient also get profuse watering from eyes. The eyelid may stick together. They may also have burning and biting sensation in eyelids. Intense itching in eyelid margin is also complained of.

Next, it is well indicated to treat photophobia ( light sensitivity – discomfort or pain in the eyes upon exposure to bright light). it may be used in this complaint when there is sensitivity of eyes to light especially sun light. It is attended with profuse watering from the eyes. Along with this redness of eye is marked. Persons also experience pain, burning and itching in eyes with above symptoms.

Other than this, it is a major medicine to treat styes (red, swollen lump on the on eyelid margin due to bacterial infection). It mainly helps to treat styes present on the lower lids. It works well in treating recent styes in any of the stages as well as also aids in removing the tendency of recurrent styes.

2. Ear Complaints

When it comes to ear complaints, this medicine is mainly used to treat complaint of tinnitus i.e hearing noises in the ear without the presence of any external sound. It is helpful to people who hear humming, roaring, ringing or hissing noises in ears. They may also feel cracking sounds in ear while eating or on moving jaw. In addition to it they may also have complaint of deafness. A unique feature that they may have is hearing getting better in noisy atmosphere.

Next, it is of great service to treat ear discharges (otorrhea). It is given in cases when there is thin, watery, and sticky discharge from the ears. In some cases the discharge may be blood stained. It also have an offensive smell.

It is also a highly recommended medicine to treat eczema behind the ears. Persons requiring it have crusty eruptions behind ears that ooze a sticky fluid. The eruptions may spread from behind ears to the cheeks and neck also. Severe itching is present in the eruptions. It is also given to heal cracks on skin behind ears. 

Lastly, it is a very useful medicine to treat dryness of ears.

3. Skin Issues

It is a top-listed medicine to treat a number of skin complaints. Among them its use is majorly noted in cases of eczema (inflamed, red, itchy skin with or without eruptions). It works well in both cases of dry eczema without any discharge as well as wet eczema with discharge. In cases needing it for dry eczema the skin is rough, dry and is inclined to crack. While in wet eczema eruptions on the skin with discharge of transparent, sticky fluid is the characteristic feature calling its use. 

Graphites works well in eczema appearing on any body part but especially behind the ears, on the eyelids, between fingers and toes, scalp. In cases of eczema on scalp there is presence of eruptions with thick crusts on it. There is oozing of sticky fluid from the eruptions. There is matting of hair from sticky, gluey discharges. The scalp is also sore and painful to touch.

Next, it is a renowned medicine to treat psoriasis (red, inflamed patches on the skin that are covered with silvery white scales). It is indicated when there are inflamed dry, rough areas on skin with excessive scales or flakes, along with much itching. It is also beneficial to heal cracks appearing on skin in psoriasis cases. It can be taken for psoriasis on any of the body part, particularly psoriasis of the scalp. In these cases the scalp is dry covered with copious scales sometimes extending behind the ears. Itching and burning appears on the scalp. It is also helpful for cases of nail psoriasis. Here thick, rough, discoloured and deformed nails is indicative of its use.

In addition to the above, it can take care of cracked skin very well. It helps to heal cracked skin at the ends of finger, between fingers or toes and cracked nipples. It also is indicated to treat cracks in fold of skin and bends of joints.

Lastly, it is an excellent medicine to treat fungal infection on scalp (tinea capitis) and fungal infection of nails (onychomycosis). In Tinea capitis scabby eruption are present on scalp. In many cases hair loss may be there in cases of ringworm of scalp.

In cases of nail fungus, it is recommended when the nails are brittle, discoloured, deformed and may break easily. The nails are also sore and painful.

4. Rectal Complaints

If we talk about about the rectum, then this remedy is first indicated to treat constipation. One can use it in constipation when the stool is hard, large and passed with much difficulty. Sometimes the stool may be covered with mucus. It helps to improve bowel motility to relief constipation.

Next, its use is considered in cases of anal fissures (a small tear in the mucosa that lines the anus mainly from passing hard stool). It aids to heal the tear in mucosa of anus and also helps to ease the pain attending it. It helps to improve pain in anus that may be sharp, cutting, stitching in nature. Burning in the anus also improve with its use. It also helps to stop bleeding that comes during stool in anal fissure cases.

Other than this, this medicine is used in cases of piles (swollen veins in the anus or lower part of rectum). In such cases it is given when piles are large with much bleeding. Cutting, stitching, smarting and pain is present in piles. The piles are also sore to touch. Along with it burning also appears in piles. Sometimes itching is also felt at the anus.

5. Female Complaints

In females, it is useful to treat complaint of suppressed or late periods. The females who need it also have scanty periods and that last for a short time. When menses appear they get violent abdominal pain,  headache and nausea.

Next, it offers help in cases of vaginal discharge. Females requiring it have vaginal discharge that occurs in gushes day and night. It is mostly yellowish or white in colour. The discharge is copious. It causes biting, smarting sensation in vagina. Along with it, weakness in the back is felt.

It is also used to treat sore, cracked, and painful nipples.


Graphites can be used from low to high potencies. In low potencies it can be taken once or twice a day. Higher potencies should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicines to are Argentum Nitricum, Causticum, Hepar Sulph, and Lycopodium. These medicines can be used after Graphites as per symptom similarity to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Antidotes are Nux Vomica, Aconite and Arsenic Album. 

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Hepar Sulph – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Hepar Sulph is prepared by trituration of sulphide of calcium obtained by burning the white interior of oyster shells with pure flowers of sulphur. As a homeopathic medicine, it is majorly used to treat cold, ear infections, sore throat, tonsillitis, cough, asthma and skin complaints with pus discharges.     Hepar Sulph Homeopathic Medicine

The ‘Hepar Sulph’ Constitution

It is suited to people who have low immunity with tendency to recurrent cold and throat infections. It is also suitable for people having unhealthy, sensitive skin prone to skin infections with pus discharges.

Drug Action

It has a marked action on eyes and nasal membranes where it helps to reduce its inflammation. Next, it has great action on throat where it helps to reduce its inflammation and relieve pain associated with it. When it comes to the respiratory system, it has strong affinity to treat cough, asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia. Lastly, it has deep effect on skin where it aids in healing eruptions and lumps with pus discharges.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Eye Complaints

It is a very beneficial medicine to treat many of the eye complaints. Firstly, it is indicated to treat blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid margins where eyelashes grow.) The persons needing it for blepharitis have red, inflamed, and swollen eyelids. The eyelids are also painful to touch. Throbbing and stinging pain is felt in the eyes. Along with this , the eyelids stick together especially during the morning. Photophobia (sensitivity to light), gritty sensation as from sand and burning in eyes are some other symptoms that can be experienced by them.

Secondly, its use is indicated for conjunctivitis (an inflammation of the conjunctiva i.e. the membrane lining the inner surface of the eyelid and covering the white of eye). Red, inflamed eyes along with purulent (pus) discharge are the classic symptoms that indicates its use here.

Lastly, it is a well indicated medicine to manage cases of corneal ulcer (ulcer on cornea I.e the transparent layer in front of the eye that covers the pupil and iris). Person needing it usually have red elevated ulcer at the margin of the cornea. Along with this, there is peculiar discharge of purulent (pus) matter from the ulcer. Few other symptoms that may be experienced by them includes pain in eyes, burning in the eyes and sensitivity to bright light. Here the pain is severe of a throbbing or stinging nature.

2. Nasal Complaints

When it comes to treating nasal complaints, Hepar Sulph is mainly used in cases of cold. It can be given in cold when there is thick yellow mucus discharge from the nose. Its use is also considered here when the nasal discharge is pus like sometimes tinged with blood. This discharge may also have a bad smell. Next, it works well to treat crusts and scabs in the nose. Pain in  the nostrils is also there along with the discharge or crust formation. At the same time blockage is felt in nose on going in the cold air. Sneezing is also present along with above symptoms. It is also given to treat loss of smell from chronic coryza.

Other than this, it is a top-listed medicine to treat sinusitis (inflammation of the lining membrane of any of the hollow areas I.e. sinuses present in the skull). In such cases, it helps reduce the inflammation in the sinus as well as the symptoms of it felt by the patient. Here it aids relief in the thick nasal discharge, nasal blockage and post nasal drip (i.e. dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat). Additionally, it also gives relief in the headache arising from sinusitis.

3. Ear Complaints

If we talk about ear complaints then this is an effective medicine to treat ear infections, ear discharges, noises in ears, eruptions in ear and itching in the ears.

For using it in cases of ear infection and discharges, the main features is discharge of blood-stained pus from the ears. The pus has a very offensive smell. The discharge is most times green coloured here. Along with this pain is felt in the ears.

Next, it can be of much help in cases of noises in ears (tinnitus). It mainly helps to manage cases where roaring noises are experienced by the person. Along with this, hardness of hearing may be complained of by the patient. 

Apart from the above, it can take care of pus filled eruptions (pustules) in the ears and itching in the ears.

4. Throat Complaints

This is a renowned medicine to treat a number of throat complaints. Here it is given for treating sore throat, throat infections and tonsillitis. In these cases it helps to reduce the inflammation of throat and tonsils. Persons who need it experience pain in throat especially on swallowing. The pain may extend to ears from throat in many cases. Most of the times the pain is stitching in nature. Another peculiar symptom felt by them is a sensation of plug of mucus in the throat.  Throat also feels rough and dry along with above symptoms. If we look at the throat then throat and tonsils appear red, swollen plus the tonsils are enlarged sometimes with pus points.

It works wonderfully in case of acute throat infection and tonsillitis as well as treating once tendency to have recurrent throat infections and tonsillitis. It is also one of the most effective medicines to treat cases of quinsy (collection of pus behind the tonsil).

5. Respiratory Problems

This medicine shows remarkable results in cases of respiratory troubles.

In respiratory troubles it is very valuable medicine to treat loose rattling cough. Along with cough, abundant yellow thick sputum is expectorated. Sometimes pus like blood stained bad smelling phlegm is expectorated. Person mainly feels that the cough gets worse from cold air exposure or from taking cold water.

It is also a very significant medicine to treat bronchitis especially in elderly people. Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial tubes i.e. the passage through which the air is carried to the lungs from trachea.

Other than this, this medicine is also highly recommended to treat asthma. One can take it in asthma when cough with thick expectoration and wheezing in the chest is present. Apart from this person who require it also complain of difficulty in breathing, tightness and pain in chest.

Another indication to use it is pneumonia i.e. inflammation of the alveoli (air sacs) of the lungs due to infection. One can be benefited from it when cough with purulent (pus) expectoration is present along with cough. Fever is present with these symptoms.

6. Skin Issues

This medicine effectively manages a number of skin complaints. Among them it is very effective to treat pimples. It mainly helps in pimples that have pus in it that may be sometime blood tinged. It also helps to ease pain in the pimples.

Next, it is a significant medicine to treat boils, abscess and carbuncles (skin infections with pus filled lumps on skin. A person needing it complain of pus discharge from these lumps. The pus may also have a bad smell. In these conditions it helps to clear the pus discharges, heal the lumps and bring excellent recovery. It also help to treat one’s tendency to get pus filled lumps on body frequently.

Further, it can be used in case of skin ulcers. In these cases it is a choice of medicine when there is stinging pain in the ulcers. Burning sensation also accompany. Additionally, there are pus discharge from the ulcers. The ulcers are also sensitive to touch.

it also gives excellent results in cases of fever blisters  (tiny  blisters that appear on the lips or around the mouth due to a viral infection). It is given in fever blisters when fever blisters around corners of mouth appear that are highly painful and sensitive to touch.

Lastly, it is very beneficial to treat cases of excessive sweating on skin. People who need it have sour fetid smelling sweat on body. It is attended with much weakness.


Hepar Sulph can be used from 30 to 1M. In low potencies it can be taken one to three times a day depending upon the severity of the condition. Higher potencies should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicine is Calendula. This medicine can be used after Hepar Sulph to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Antidotes are Acetic Acid, Arsenic Album and Chamomilla. These antidotes medicine can be used to neutralize its action.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Kali Bichrome – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Kali Bichrome is prepared from Bichromate of Potash by the potentization process. Through potentization, the medicinal properties of Bichromate of Potash are extracted, leaving behind any of its poisonous, toxic effect. As a result we get homeopathic medicine Kali Bichrome which is used in treating a number of health complaints. It is majorly used to treat cold, sinusitis, post nasal drip (PND), ear discharge, sore throat and gastric ulcers.   Kali Bichrome - homeopathic medicine

The ‘Kali Bichrome’ Constitution

This medicine is suited to fat people with a fair complexion. It is suitable to people who have tendency to have inflammation of various body parts that mainly includes nasal mucus membrane, paranasal sinus,  ear, throat, joints and erosions in stomach.

Drug Action

Firstly, it has a marked action on nasal mucus membrane and paranasal sinuses where it helps to reduce its inflammation and give relief in many symptoms including cold, nasal congestion and PND (post nasal dripping of mucus). 

Secondly, it has marked action on ears where it helps to fight with ear infections and relieve ear discharges and ear pain. Next, it has great ability to treat sinus headache and migraine headache. Other than this it is used to reduce inflammation  of the throat, respiratory tract and joints. 

Lastly, it show its action on gastrointestinal tract and helps to heal gastric ulcers and give relief in its related symptoms.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Nasal Complaints

It is a very effective medicine to treat a number of nasal complaints. Firstly, it works wonderfully to treat complaint of cold. It is mainly given when there is discharge of thick, ropy, yellow or greenish mucus from nose. The discharge also has an offensive smell.  It is also used in cases where loss of smell and taste is present from long standing coryza. It is also well-indicated in cases where crusts are formed in the nose. The crust if detached leads to bleeding. Along with this, there is soreness and pain in the nostrils.

Next, it is a top listed medicine to treat cases of PND (post nasal drip). Post nasal drip refers to dripping of mucus from back of nostrils into the throat. Here ropy, thick mucus dripping from back of nostrils into throat is indicative to use it. The mucus is hawked up with difficulty.

Other than this it is a renowned medicine to treat sinusitis (inflammation of the membrane that lines any of the hollow areas i.e. sinuses present in the skull). Person needing it in sinusitis mainly complain of thick, ropy, yellow, greenish mucus discharge either from nose or dripping from back of nose in the throat (Post nasal drip). They also have complain of nasal stuffiness. Along with this they have violent pain in head and root of the nose.

Apart from the above, it is helpful to treat nasal polyps. These are soft, painless and non cancerous growths arising from the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinuses.

2. Ear Complaints

If we talk about ear complaints then this is a very beneficial medicine to treat ear infections. In such cases it is indicated when there is a thick, yellow pus discharge from the ears. The discharge has an offensive smell. Along with this there is complaint of pain in ear especially at night time. Itching in the ears is also felt.

3. Headache

It is an excellent medicine to treat headache.

Firstly, it is indicated for treatment of migraine. In case of migraine it can be of help when there is one sided headache in small spots attended with nausea and vomiting. Sometimes vertigo also appears with it. In addition to this it is useful when blurred vision attends headache. Along with this there is aversion to light and noise.

Next, it can take care of sinus headache very well. Here one can take it when there is pain in forehead along with thick nasal discharge. They also have stuffiness in nose.

4. Sore Throat

In case of throat problems,  it is given when there is a violent pain in the throat upon swallowing. The pain is sharp and shooting in nature. Many times the pain radiates from throat to ear. Their throat and tonsils are dark, red, inflamed, swollen. Sometimes there are ulcers in throat and tonsils. They also have dryness and burning sensation in throat.  Along with this there is thick, stringy mucus in throat. It is so viscid that it can be drawn in long threads. There is also intense offensive odour from mouth.

5. Gastrointestinal (GIT) Problems

When it comes to GIT, it has given remarkable results in case of gastric ulcers. It helps to heal the ulcers and also helps to relieve its symptoms. Persons requiring it have complaint of burning in the stomach. They also suffer from pain in the stomach after eating. Fullness and heaviness in stomach is also felt by them soon after eating. They have excessive nausea with above symptoms. They may get vomiting after eating. Along with this they have loss of appetite. Other complaint they may have is excessive gas in abdomen.

6. Joint Pains

It effectively manages joint pains where there are wandering pains that shift from one joint to another. The nature of pain is shooting and pricking in nature. The pain is mostly seen to get worse in the morning time. Along with this persons needing it have stiffness in joints. They also have cracking in the joints on movement.

7. Respiratory Complaints

It is highly recommended for treating respiratory complaints. Here, its use is suggested to treat cough, asthma and bronchitis. Asthma refers to a condition characterised by narrowing with swelling of airways and extra production of mucus. It results in cough, wheezing and difficulty in breathing. Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial tubes that refers to passage through which the air is carried to the lungs from trachea. In above cases it is of great service when there is cough which is loud, harsh with rattling in the chest. Along with this there is thick, sticky, yellowish, greenish mucus expectoration. The mucus is so viscid and stringy that it can be drawn into long threads.  In addition to above there is heaviness in chest as from a heavy load. Sometimes there is stitching pain in the chest. Wheezing or whistling sounds are also present in the chest with above symptoms. Another accompanying symptom is excessive difficulty in taking breath.


Kali Bichrome can be used in 30 C and 200 C potency. 30 C potency can be taken once or twice a day, while 200 C potency should not be repeated frequently. It is to be used under the guidance of a homeopathic physician. 

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicine is Arsenic Album. It can be used after Kali Bichrome to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Inimical medicine is Calcarea Carb.

Antidotes are Lachesis and Pulsatilla. These work to neutralize the action of Kali Bichrome.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Allergic cough

What is an allergic cough and the reason behind it?

Allergic cough is the one caused by the hypersensitive reaction of the immune system to an allergen. Allergen is a substance that tends to trigger an allergic response specifically in those persons who are sensitive to it and doesn’t have any effect on any other person. In the case of allergies, the body reacts to the allergens by activating mast cells. These cells release histamine, which causes allergy symptoms, including cough. A cough caused by an allergy usually lasts from days to months. It begins as soon as the person gets exposed to allergens and remain till exposure to allergens continue. It can be attended with a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, itchy throat, and sore throat. Fever doesn’t appear in an allergic cough. The appearance of fever is indicative that cough is due to some infection and not allergies.

What are the trigger factors?

It can be triggered by many allergens, out of which main are dust, pollens, pet danders, and mold. Apart from this cigarette smoke, air pollution and chemical fumes also can trigger it. These allergens tend to cause irritation and swelling of the airways resulting in cough. People have suffered from this complaint during some specific seasons or in some environments. It tends to run in families.

Homeopathic Treatment for Allergic cough

Homeopathic medicines offer very safe and effective treatment for the cases of allergic cough. They treat it by moderating the overactive immune system and gives excellent results. Homeopathic medicines for this are of natural origin, thus treat it in a very safe manner without any side effects. Among various medicines to treat allergic cough, the top grade medicines are Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Natrum Mur, Drosera, Bryonia, Spongia, Rumex, and Ipecac.

Homeopathic Medicines for Allergic cough

1. Arsenic Album – Leading medicine

Arsenic Album is very beneficial for treating an allergic cough with runny nose and sneezing. The cough for using this medicine is usually deep, dry in nature. This is attended with difficulty in breathing. In many cases whistling sound from the chest is present. Sometimes expectoration of frothy mucus or yellow mucus is present. The symptoms most times get worse at night time. Along with the above symptoms, great anxiety and restlessness also appear.

2. Belladonna – When sore throat attends

Homeopathic medicine Belladonna is prepared from a plant named deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to natural order Solanaceae.
Belladonna is a well indicated when sore throat attends cough. A person needing it has pain, soreness, and rawness in the throat. Irritation, dryness, roughness, and scratching in the throat is also marked in them. They have a short, dry cough that continues day and night. There is sensation as if something is stuck inside the throat. A tickling and burning sensation is also felt in the throat. Along with the above headache also appears in them.

3. Natrum Mur – For nasal allergy with it

Natrum Mur is a very effective medicine when nasal allergy appears with the cough. Persons needing it have a watery discharge from nose that alternate with dryness. Along with this, they have intense sneezing. Watering from eyes is also present among them. With this, they have a cough arising from tickling in throat. They have white mucus expectoration. They may have pain in the throat and head while coughing.

4. Drosera – For dry, irritative cough

Homeopathic medicine Drosera is prepared from a plant named Drosera rotundifolia, commonly known as round-leaved sundew. This plant belongs to family Droseraceae. It is very useful when the cough is dry, irritative in nature. Along with this tickling, roughness and scraping sensation in the fauces is felt. The person also has difficulty in breathing with coughing. Most people needing Drosera has worsening of condition from warmth, lying down, and drinking.

5. Bryonia – for managing pain in chest and head

Homeopathic medicine Bryonia is prepared from the root of plant Bryonia Alba, commonly known as wild hops. This plant belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is very beneficial to relieve pain in chest and head appearing while coughing. The cough is dry and gets worse after eating and drinking. Sometimes vomiting appears with it. Scratching in the throat and difficulty in breathing is also present. While in some cases bloody, brick dust coloured expectoration arises.

6. Spongia – For absolutely dry cough

Spongia gives excellent results when the cough is absolutely dry. With this tickling in the throat is there. There is no expectoration at all. The whole of the respiratory tract feels dry. Warm drinks may offer relief. Along with this, wheezing in the chest is present. Chest feels heavy sometimes with pain. Burning sensation in the chest is also felt. Other than this, suffocation is experienced by the person.

7. Rumex – For cough arising from tickling in throat pit

Homeopathic medicine Rumex is prepared from the fresh root of a plant named Rumex Crispus, commonly known as yellow dock. This plant belongs to the family Polygonaceae. Rumex is given when cough arises from tickling sensation in the throat pit. It is severe and almost constant. It tends to worsen from talking and inhaling cold air. There appears a sensation of the feather in the throat. Along with this, scanty expectoration arises with difficulty.

8. Ipecac – When cough ends in vomiting

Ipecac is prepared from the dried root of a plant Ipecacuanha. This plant belongs to family Rubiaceae. A person needing it has a spasmodic cough that ends in vomiting. It mostly worsens from eating. Along with this, mucus rattling in the chest is there. The chest feels tight, along with suffocation.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Ozaena

What is Ozaena, and the reasons behind it?

Ozaena, also known as atrophic rhinitis, refers to the chronic inflammatory disease of the nasal cavity in which the nasal mucosa and the underlying bone gets atrophied i.e., waste away and shrinks. The exact reason behind ozaena is not apparent yet. But few risk factors predispose a person to develop ozaena. These risk factors include a family history of ozaena indicating a genetic basis, infections (mainly Klebsiella ozaena, proteus, and E.coli), nutritional deficiencies, endocrine conditions, and autoimmune conditions. In many cases, it can also occur after sinus surgery, nasal trauma, deviated nasal septum, and diseases, including T.B. (tuberculosis) and syphilis.

What are the Symptoms?

The main symptoms include nasal blockage, crusts inside the nose that are mostly green in color, bleeding on detaching these crusts, foul smell from these crusts, and also foul smell from the mouth. Apart from these, other symptoms are nasal discharge, loss of smell, or decrease of smell, headache, and sore throat.

Homeopathic Treatment for Ozaena

Homeopathic medicines offer great help to manage the symptoms of ozaena. Although the destruction that has already taken place in the nasal mucosa and underlying bone in these cases can’t be reversed with homeopathic medicines. But they definitely are very useful in managing the symptoms. The symptoms of this condition that are effectively managed with homeopathic medicines are nasal blockage, crusts inside the nose, bleeding from coats, foul smell from nose and mouth loss/decrease of smell, or decreased smell, headache, and sore throat. The top-grade homeopathic medicines for symptomatic treatment of ozaena are Kali Bichrome, Merc Sol, Pulsatilla, Lemna Minor, and Calcarea Carb.

Homeopathic Medicines for Ozaena

1. Kali Bichrome – Top grade medicine

Kali Bichrome is an effective medicine when there is chronic inflammation of nasal mucosa along with its destruction. Persons needing it have dry, hard crusts in the nostrils. These crusts are often green in color. They discharge blood when detached. The coatings have an offensive smell. A person also feels the stoppage of the nose from the crusts. Itching in nostrils is also contacted by them. Another attending complaint is swelling and burning sensation in the nostrils. Pain at the root of the nose, loss of smell, and headache are other symptoms that are often complained by the person with the above indications.

2. Merc Sol – To manage to bleed from nasal crusts

Merc Sol is a very beneficial medicine to control bleeding from nasal crusts. A person who requires it has coated in the nose. When these crusts are detached, there appears bleeding. Their nostrils are red, raw, and they feel pain in the nose on touching it. Itching in the nostrils is also felt by them. They also have a complaint of fetid smell in the nose. Offensive odor from the mouth and sore throat are also frequently present among them.

3. Pulsatilla – To manage the loss of smell

Homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla is prepared from a plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans, which is commonly known as windflower. This plant belongs to family Ranunculaceae. It is very helpful for cases where the loss of smell is a prominent symptom. People needed it present with a history of long-standing chronic nasal infections with thick, lumpy yellowish or greenish discharges. Presently they have a loss of smell. Another complaint they have is impressive pain at the root of the nose. They also feel swelling and soreness in the nostrils. Sometimes they have itching in the nose.

4. Lemna Minor – For extremely offensive discharge

Lemna Minor is prepared from a plant named as duckweed. This plant belongs to family Lemnaceae. It is given in cases where crusts and pus-like discharge from the nose with intensely offensive odor is present. Along with this is nose is blocked. Pain is also felt in the nose. Other than this, the nose feels dry, and in many cases, loss of smell is noted.

5. Calcarea Carb – To relieve stoppage of nostrils

Calcarea Carb is the next very useful medicine for cases with intense stoppage of the nose is present. Due to this, there appears difficulty in breathing. Along with this, there is thick yellow crusts in the nostrils. An offensive smell in the nose is also there. The nose is very sensitive to touch. Along with this, dryness is felt in the nose mostly at night time. In some cases, a headache is present. Swelling, prickling sensation and itching in the nose are other accompanying symptoms.

6. Hepar Sulph – For relieving pain in the nose on touching

Hepar Sulph is an excellent medicine relieve pain in the nose that appears on touching it. The nostrils are inflamed, swollen along with offensive scabs in the nose in such cases. Thick pus-like discharge from the nose, which is blood-tinged, appears in few cases. Another attending symptom is heat and burning sensation in the nostrils. Loss of smell is also present.

7. Silicea – For offensive nasal discharge

Silicea is also indicated for managing offensive nasal discharge. The discharge is like thick, tough mucus, or like pus. Persons who need it have also stoppage in nose and decrease of smell. Pain in nose most times extending to head is also prominent among them.

8. Aurum Met – For managing pain in nostrils

Aurum Met is yet another medicine to manage pain in nostrils. Fetid discharge from the nose, bleeding from the nose, and putrid smell in the nose are also there in cases needing it. Obstruction of the nose is also present. In addition to this, there is burning, smarting, and intense soreness in the nostrils.

9. Asafoetida – For halt further destruction of nasal bones

Asafoetida is well indicated for preventing further destruction of nasal bones. In cases needing it, there is offensive discharge from the nose. Pressure sensation in the nose is also there. Lastly, fullness in the head is felt with the above features.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Vestibular Migraine

What is vestibular migraine and the reason behind it?

A vestibular migraine refers to vertigo episodes in persons having a history of migraine ( one-sided headache most times attended with nausea, vomiting). A person having it feels as if he is revolving or the surrounding objects are revolving. Head movement worsens vertigo. It is different from migraines because it doesn’t involve a headache. The exact cause behind vestibular migraine is not known yet. But it is thought to arise when a vestibular system in the ear (that controls the body’s balance) is affected in a person having a history of migraine. It is thought to run in families. There are certain risk factors that can trigger it. These factors include sleep loss, food like MSG (monosodium glutamate), coffee, chocolate, caffeine, stress, anxiety, and weather changes.

What are its symptoms?

Spontaneous episodes of vertigo, dizziness is the major symptom of it. Other symptoms that may attend include the feeling of imbalance, motion sickness, nausea, and vomiting. In some cases, pressure feeling in head, noises in the ear (tinnitus), neck pain, and visual complaints (likes blurred vision, spots or flashes of light before eyes ), sensitivity to light and noise are present. The duration of an episode of vestibular migraines varies from few seconds to minutes and rarely for a day or two.

Homeopathic treatment for Vestibular Migraine

Vestibular migraine can be treated in an effective and natural way with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines are highly useful to manage its symptoms, including vertigo, dizziness, visual complaints, noises in the ear (tinnitus), sensitivity to light and noise, nausea, vomiting, and fullness sensation in the head. The top-grade homeopathic medicine to treat this condition are Gelsemium, Conium, Belladonna, Natrum Mur, Cocculus Indicus, Bryonia, Cyclamen and Phosphorus

Homeopathic Medicines for Vestibular Migraine

1. Gelsemium – Top grade medicine

Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium is prepared from bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens, commonly known as yellow jasmine. It belongs to family Loganiaceae.Persons needing this medicine complain of episodes of vertigo and dizziness. This complaint is worse by a sudden movement of the head. They also have a feeling of imbalance while walking. Another symptom frequently experienced by them is dimness or blurring of vision along with vertigo episodes.

2. Conium – For managing vertigo

Conium is effective in managing vertigo episodes. A person who needs it has vertigo with a feeling as if they are revolving in a circle. Their vertigo appears especially on turning the head, so they desire to keep their heads still. They also tend to fall sideways from vertigo. Along with vertigo, they feel black spots before eyes.

3. Belladonna – For cases with sensitivity to light and noise

Belladonna is prepared from a deadly plant nightshade. This plant belongs to family Solanaceae. Its use is indicated in cases that present with sensitivity to light and noise. Along with this vertigo, episodes are there with feeling as if all the surrounding objects are turning in a circle. A person requiring it also has pressure and heaviness sensation in the head. Noises in ear and dimness of vision are other symptoms frequently felt by them.

4. Natrum Mur – To manage vertigo and visual disturbance

Natrum Mur is considered in cases when a person has visual disturbance along with vertigo. Among the visual disturbance, the main is blurred vision. Next are black spots, streaks of light, or flickering before eyes. Vertigo appears among them with sensation as if they will fall down or faint.

5. Cocculus Indicus – To relieve nausea and vomiting.

Cocculus Indicus is prepared from powdered seeds of a plant named as Indian Cockle. This plant belongs to family Menispermaceae. It is useful to relieve nausea and vomiting in these cases. In such cases, vertigo is also there with sensation as if objects are moving up and down. It is mostly felt when rising from lying position. This is attended by a tendency to fall down. Along with this pressure is felt in the forehead. Sometimes ringing in ears is also felt. It is also considered in cases of vestibular migraine in persons who have a complaint of motion sickness (complaint of nausea, vomiting, and dizziness while travelling by car, train, boat, or airplane).

6. Bryonia – For relieving dizziness, vertigo

Homeopathic medicine Bryonia is prepared from the root of the plant named wild hops. This plant belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. Persons needing Bryonia mainly have dizziness in the morning on rising from bed. They also complain of dizziness when rising from a seat and on stooping. The slightest motion also brings on vertigo attacks in them. Along with vertigo, they have heaviness in the head.

7. Cyclamen – To treat vertigo and dimness of vision

Homeopathic medicine Cyclamen is prepared from the root of a plant Cyclamen Europaeum, commonly named as Sow – bread. The family of this plant is Primulaceae. Like Natrum Mur, Cyclamen is also a valuable medicine to treat vertigo attacks that are attended with dimness of vision or impaired sight. Most people needing it have vertigo while walking and better by sitting. They feel objects are turning in the circle during vertigo episodes. Along with this, they feel fullness, congestion, and heated sensation in the head.

8. Phosphorus – For flashes of light before eyes

Phosphorus is a significant medicine for managing flashes of light before eyes. Along with this vertigo, episodes arise many times a day. Most of the time, vertigo attacks are triggered by looking up or down, on moving head, and from drinking coffee in cases requiring Phosphorus. Imbalance while walking is also present. Roaring noises in the ear is another accompanying complaint with above.

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Lachesis – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Lachesis was introduced in homeopathy by Dr. Hering. It is a leading medicine to treat schizophrenia, depression, sore throat, menopausal complaints, ovarian pain and haemorrhages (i.e bleeding).   Lachesis Homeopathic Medicine

The ‘Lachesis’ Constitution

It is suited to weak, thin people who have a melancholic (sadness) disposition. It is suitable for women during the menopause period. Other than this, it is suited to alcoholics.

Drug Action

This remedy has a prominent action on the mind where it acts oat a deep psychological level to manage the complaint of depression and schizophrenia. It also works on blood vessels where it helps control bleeding. Next, it helps to improve blood circulation and offers help in treating varicose veins and varicose ulcers.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Mental Complaints 

Among the various issues of the mind, this is a top listed medicine to treat schizophrenia (mental health illness that affects how a person thinks, feels and interpret reality). It mainly result in hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that don’t exist), delusions (false beliefs that are not based in reality), and disordered thinking. It is mainly indicated for persons having delusions of being poisoned or being followed by enemies who are trying to harm him. Another delusion they may have is being under the control of superhuman power. Along with delusions they may be excessively talkative, constantly jumping from one subject to another.

Next, it is a beneficial medicine to treat cases of depression. Persons who need it remain sad, unhappy, anxious. They feel forsaken. They become weary of life and doesn’t wish to do any work. They doesn’t wish to talk and want to remain alone. They loathe life and long for death.

2. Left-sided Headaches

This is a prominently indicated medicine for treating left sided headache. Persons who need it mainly have throbbing, tearing or drawing pain in left side of the head. They feel congestion and heat in head along with pain. Sometimes they also get nausea and vomiting during headache. Other people needing it may have dimness of vision or flickering before the eyes. People requiring it experience worsening of pain at night. They may also get headache from heat of sun. Apart from above its use is highly recommended in females who suffer from headache at or after menopause.

3. Inflamed throat and Tonsillitis

This medicine works effectively to reduce inflammation of the throat and tonsils. People needing it have pain in throat and tonsils. Most times the pain from throat extends to ears in them. They feel increase in pain from swallowing liquids. Pressure and touch on throat also worsens the pain. Other symptoms include dryness, constriction and a burning sensation in the throat. Sometimes a lump in throat is also experienced. In some cases stinging sensation is felt in the throat. If we look at the throat it is red, swollen with dark red/purplish colour of tonsils. In many cases ulcers may be seen on throat. Apart from the above, Lachesis is also indicated to treat quinsy (pus collection behind the tonsils).

4. Rectal Complaints

This is a prominent remedy to treat constipation and piles.

It helps to improve the sluggish bowel movements and gives relief in constipation. It is helpful when the stool is hard and passed with difficulty. The stool is scanty and insufficient. It also has an offensive odour. The persons needing it have ineffectual urge to evacuate stool. Along with it they feel pressure in bowels with gas. They also feels as if the anus is constricted.

Next, it is a very useful medicine to treat the complaint of piles. Protruding piles with stitching pain is a key feature to use it. Here piles protrude after each stool. After passing stool soreness and burning is felt at the anus. In addition to above throbbing, shooting pain and itching at the anus are also experienced by the person. It is also very beneficial for women having piles during their menopausal period.

5. Female Complaints

This is a highly suitable medicine to treat many female complaints.

First, its use is highly suggested to relieve troubles during menopause. Here the complaints like hot flashes, palpitations, headaches, heat in the head, inter menstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia) and fainting spells during menopause period are well managed with this medicine. Apart from this females suffering from depression during menopause are also benefited with this medicine.

Second, it is indicated in females having pain in the ovaries. Mostly they complain of pain in left side of the ovary. Nature of pain as narrated by them may be sharp, shooting, stitching, drawing or burning type. Pressure tend to worsen this pain. They also feel that the pain increase from exertion and walking. Menses may also be profuse and prolonged in them. It works good in ovarian pain from various reasons like ovarian cyst (fluid filled sac forming within the ovaries), ovarian tumour, ovarian inflammation (ovaritis).

Next, it is given to females to manage painful periods. Females requiring it have pain during periods especially during first day. They have labour like pains in pelvis. Ovarian pain on left side is also experienced.

Other than this, it is given for improving menstrual flow. Females who have scanty periods of short duration are greatly helped by this medicine. The menstrual flow is dark in colour and may have offensive odour.

6. Complaints of the Lower Limbs

If we talk about lower limbs, then firstly it is well-indicated to treat sciatica (pain that radiates from lower back through the hips down the leg along the path of the sciatic nerve). It is considered when the pain is violent, intolerable and shooting type. Person feels the pain worsen after sleeping. The pains come suddenly and disappear gradually.
Secondly, it is helpful to treat varicose veins on legs  (enlarged, twisted or engorged veins due to improper functioning of valves in the veins of the legs)

Lastly, it is recommended to manage cases of varicose ulcers (sore developing on the leg mostly on the inner side of leg just above the ankle due to poor blood circulation).

 7. To Control Bleeding

This is a great anti-hemorrhagic (that helps to stop bleeding) medicine. It is indicated to control bleeding from nose, blood in urine, blood in stool, blood in vomiting. Here dark, blackish bleeding is the characteristic feature to use Lachesis.

8. Skin Complaints

For matters of the skin, this medicine gives excellent results in case of carbuncles and boils (skin infections with pus filled lumps on skin). In these conditions bluish purple surroundings to the lumps is key feature to use it.

Next, it is useful to treat purpura that refers to purple coloured blood spots under skin that arise from bursting of small blood vessels.

Apart from the above, it is recommended in case of bed sores when they have black edges. 


Lachesis is recommended from 30 to 200 potency. It is a strong medicine so its frequent repetition should be avoided. 

Always use this medicine under a physicians recommendation.

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicines are Lycopodium and Hepar Sulph. These medicines can be used after Lachesis to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Inimical medicines are Acetic Acid, Nitric Acid and Carbolic Acid. 

Antidote medicines are Arseniuc Album, Nux Vomica and Opium, which neutralise the effect of Lachesis.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Gelsemium – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Gelsemium as a remedy is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens, commonly known as Yellow Jasmine. It belongs to family of flowering plants known as Loganiaceae. To prepare homeopathic medicine Gelsemium, the bark of the root of this plant is potentized (a process by which homeopathic remedies are prepared). This process extractS the medicinal properties of the plant. Gelsemium is mostly used to treat complaints of anxiety, headache, vertigo, cold, nasal allergies and weakness.     homeopathic medicine Gelsemium

The ‘Gelsemium’ Constitution

It is mainly suited to people who are irritable, sensitive, anxious and nervous type and those who suffer from weakness. Apart from above it is also suitable for people having dullness, drowsiness and dizziness along with other health conditions.

Drug Action

This remedy has a major action on the mind where it helps to treat anxieties and fears. Next, it acts on the muscles and offers relief in the muscle pain and muscle weakness. Other than this, it has marked action on the nose where it helps to manage cases of nasal allergies, cold and sneezing.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Mind Complaints

It is one of the most effective medicines used to treat complaints of the mind. 

Firstly, it is indicated for treating anxiety issues. Among anxieties, it stands prominent to treat cases of anticipatory anxiety (i.e. anxiety about something that is going to happen in near future like an examination, a meeting, travelling etc). In cases needing Gelsemium, such anticipatory anxiety is attended with loose motion. Apart from above the anxieties including anxiety about health and about future are also treated well with this medicine.

Secondly, people having fear of appearing in public are well-treated with this medicine. It is also very useful for people to overcome complaint of stage fright. Other than these, it is a top grade medicine to overcome bad effects of fright, some exciting news, bad news, emotional shock, grief.

2. Vertigo

This remedy can be of great help in vertigo (a sense of spinning) cases. It mostly helps people who complain of vertigo from sudden movement of head. Next, it is indicated for vertigo that arise when walking. Along with vertigo blurred vision is usually present. Other symptoms that a person may experience with above are heaviness of head and fullness feeling in head.

3. Headache

This is a renowned medicine to treat headache. Persons who need it usually have  headache located in back part of the head (occiput). The pain from back of head may also extend to forehead  and eye. The patient feels as if a band is tied around the head. The headache further worsens with mental exertion. The patient feels relief from headache when the pressure is applied over it. The patients who complain of dimness of vision and double vision can also benefit from this medicine as it had produced excellent results in treatment of both these ailments. One may also use this medicine to get relief from headache arising due to cold.

4. Eye Complaints

This remedy has shown remarkable results in various eye complaints. Here it is majorly used to treat ptosis that refers to drooping of the upper eyelid. Here person feels the upper eyelid is heavy, he can hardly open the affected eye.

Its another indication is blurred vision and double vision (diplopia). People needing it for blurred vision also have attending pain above eyes. Double vision when looking specifically sideways is the characteristic that calls for this remedy in cases of diplopia. In such cases headache also accompany double vision.

5. Cold and Sneezing

It is a natural medicine to treat cases of cold and sneezing. Most people needing it complain of sneezing early in the morning time. They also have tingling and fullness in the nose with sneezing. Along with it they have cold with watery running discharge from nose. The nasal discharge is excoriating that makes the nostrils red, sore and raw. Dull headache, weakness, fever and muscle ache along with cold is frequently experienced. It is a top listed medicine to treat tendency to take cold on every change of weather. Other than above it is one of the best medicine to treat cases of allergic rhinitis / hay fever.

6. Diarrhea

Stress and anxiety can effect the gastric system. When we are distressed, signals are carried from brain to the gut via chemical messengers. As a result, some people may suffer from diarrhea due to anxiety. In such cases, this medicine offers excellent results. 

Anticipatory anxiety is the anxiety about something that is going to happen in near future. For example, some people experience diarrhoea before important meetings, events, or when going for an examination etc. The diarrhea that results majorly from such anticipatory anxiety is very effectively managed with this remedy.  Apart from the above, diarrhea that arises from as grief, fright, or after listening to a bad news is also suggestive of this medicine.

7. Neck Pain

This medicine is of a great service in treating neck pain. Person who require this medicine suffer from severe pain in neck. They may complain that the pain extends from the neck to head and shoulder. Stiffness in the neck and dizziness along with neck pain may be present. This is a top listed medicine used to manage neck pain and stiffness in case of cervical spondylosis (degenerative changes in the spine of neck region).

8. Weakness

This is a very helpful medicine to manage cases of weakness. Along with weakness, pain and soreness in the muscle is present in people needing it. Other than this dizziness and drowsiness are marked with weakness and muscle ache. It is also highly recommended for cases of chronic fatigue syndrome.

9. Complaints of Upper Limbs

When it comes to upper limbs, this medicine is well-indicated to treat trembling of hands, muscular pain in arms and writer’s cramp (involuntary muscle contraction in fingers / hand while writing).

10. Fever

It is very beneficial for cases of fever. Here it is used when there is fever with chilly sensation, body aches and weakness. Great drowsiness appears with above symptoms. Drowsiness and restlessness are some other symptoms a person may have along with above during fever.


Gelsemium can be taken in 30 potency two to three times a day, varying from case to case.

Relationship to Other Remedies

The medicines that follow well are Baptisia, Cactus and Ipecac.

Antidotes to  Gelsemium are China, Coffea and Digitalis. 


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