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11 Natural Homeopathic Medicines For Eye Pain 

Eye pain which is medically known as Ophthalmalgia, is very common and can occur either on the eye’s surface or deep within the eye. In case of pain on the surface of the eye, burning, shooting pain, scratching and itching are felt.  The pain deep in the eyes is felt as aching, throbbing or stabbing pain. Homeopathic medicines for eye pain target and treat the root cause behind it to relieve the pain.

Most of the time eye pain is not a symptom of a serious condition. But it can be indicative of a serious issue when there is severe eye pain accompanied by vision loss that requires immediate medical attention. Homeopathic Medicines For Eye Pain


It can arise from various reasons. Firstly it can arise from allergies, some foreign object in the eye (like a bit of dirt, an eyelash), an injury to the eye and dry eyes. Secondly , it can occur from conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva means the membrane covering the white of the eye). It is also known as pink eye that can be caused from an infection or allergies. Third reason for it is blepharitis (inflammation of the margins of the eyelid where eyelashes grow). It arises from clogging, infection or inflammation of oil glands at the edge of eyelashes. Fourthly it can occur in case of scleritis (inflammation of the white part of the eye), iritis (inflammation of iris which is the coloured ring that surrounds the pupil of eye and controls the amount of light that enters into the eye) and  keratitis (inflammation of cornea I.e. the clear, dome shaped tissue in front of the eye covering the pupil and iris).

Its causes also include irritation from contact lens (as from using lenses without proper disinfection), corneal abrasion (scratch on the cornea) and infection of the cornea (as from herpes).

Another reason is uveitis (inflammation of the middle layer of tissue in the eye wall). Apart from above it can appear in case of styes ( a red lump near the eyelid edge arising from bacterial infection and attended with pain) and chalazion (cyst in the eyelid arising due to blocked meibomian gland that produces an oily substance to help lubrication of the eye).

There are other reasons such as entropian (inward turning of eyelid), ectropian (outward turning of eyelid), glaucoma (eye condition that damage the optic nerve from abnormally high intraocular pressure in the eye), some complication of eye surgery and inflammation of the optic nerve which connects the back of the eyeball to the brain (optic neuritis).

Lastly, it can arise in case of sinusitis (that cause pressure behind eyes that lead to pain in eyes), migraine and cluster headache.


Depending upon the cause of the eye pain some other symptoms can attend it. These include irritation, itching and redness of the eyes. Next symptoms that can accompany are watery eyes, discharge from the eye, light sensitivity, blurred vision and dark, floating spots before the eyes (floaters).

Homeopathic Medicines For Eye Pain 

Homeopathic medicines are very effective for cases of eye pain. The homeopathic medicines target to treat the root cause behind it and bring great relief in the eye pain. Along with managing the eye pain these also help to relieve any attending symptoms like itching, redness of eyes, watery eyes, discharge from the eye and light sensitivity. Use of homeopathic medicines is recommended for cases of mild to moderate eye pain where no serious cause is associated with it. In cases the eye pain is severe, or attended with blurred vision / loss of vision, nausea, vomiting or when incurred from trauma, or exposure to chemicals then urgent help from conventional mode of treatment needs to be taken as it may be arising from some serious medical reason that needs emergency treatment. Homeopathy has a limitation in treating such cases.

  1. Belladonna – For Painful, Red Eyes

This medicine is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is very effective medicine to manage eye pain. For using this medicine the pain can be shooting, aching, pressing, stinging or burning in nature. The pain can worsen from movement or exposure to light. Along with pain, eyes are very red and congested. Dryness and a sensation of sand may also be felt in the eyes. It is one of the well indicated medicines for pain in inflammatory eye conditions. It works well in early stages of conjunctivitis when eyes are red along with dryness and burning pains. Next it is prominent medicine for keratitis with eye congestion, sharp shooting eye pain, heat in the eyes and sensitivity to light.

  1. Spigelia – When Eye Pain Worsens From Eye Movement

This medicine is prepared from plant Spigelia anthelmia commonly known as Pink – root. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is a well indicated medicine for managing eye pain that worsens from eye movement. It is indicated when there is pressive, tensive, stitching, stabbing or shooting type of pain. The pain may pass through the eyeball back into the head. Along with pain there may be sensation of sand in the eyes, dry heat and burning in the eyes. Next this medicine is well indicated when eye pain gets worse at night or in open air.

  1. Ruta – For Eye Pain That Worsen From Reading

This medicine is prepared from plant Ruta Graveolens commonly known as Garden Rue. This plant belongs to family rutaceae. This medicine is highly beneficial for persons who complain of eye pain from reading. This is mainly worse from reading fine print. They also have redness and heat in the eyes. They may have eye strain as well as headache too. Other than above this medicine is also helpful when eye pain occurs from sewing.

  1. Natrum Mur – For Eye Pain With Watering From Eyes

It is a suitable medicine for managing cases of eye pain attended with watering from eyes. Conjunctiva is also red with this. Eyes are also  congested and sore along with sensitivity to light. Smarting and itching also appear along with above symptoms. In some cases needing it black spots or streaks of light appear before the eyes. It is also of great help in case of blepharitis with smarting, burning pain and sensation of sand in the eyes and excoriating watering from the eyes.

  1. Euphrasia – For Painful, Itchy, Watery Eyes

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Euphrasia Officinalis having the common name Eye – bright. This plant belongs to family scrophulariaceae. It is a prominent medicine for painful, itchy, watery eyes. The pain can be sharp, pressive or cutting in nature where this medicine is required. With this burning, biting, stitching, smarting sensation in the eyes attends. Next accompanying symptom is a sensation of dust or sand in the eyes. The conjunctiva is red along with the above symptoms.

  1. Phosphorus – For Sensitivity To Light (Photophobia) With Eye Pain

This medicine is significant for treating cases in which there is sensitivity to light (photophobia) with eye pain. It’s also indicated for pressing burning pains in case of inflammation of eyes. Another key symptom to use is deep, dull eye pain after reading. Apart from above it is useful to manage eye pain in case of glaucoma. In such cases shooting pain is there in the eyes. Sparks before eyes, violent burning sensation in eye and sensitivity to light are some attending symptoms in these cases.

  1. Aconite – For Red, Inflamed, Painful Eyes

This medicine is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus having a common name monkshood. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. Its use is considered when the eyes are red, inflamed and painful. The pain can be burning, pressive or shooting type. This is mainly felt on moving the eyeballs. Profuse watering from eyes may also be there. Its use is also indicated in case of scleritis with tearing pains and sensitivity to light.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Burning, Stinging Eye Pain

Apis Mellifica is very useful when there is burning stinging eye pain. Along with this conjunctiva is bright red. Itching and watering from eyes which are hot attends above features. Next symptoms that are present include light sensitivity and puffy, swollen eyelids.

  1. Pulsatilla – For Stitching Eye Pain With Sensitivity To Light

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly named as wind flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is great medicine for stitching pain in eyes with sensitivity to light. Other than this it is useful for pressing, tearing and stinging pain in eyes. There may be relief in eye pain by cold applications where this medicine is needed. Burning, itching in eyes with desire to rub and scratch may be present. In some cases eye discharge mainly yellow coloured is also there. Sometimes there is gluing up of lids in the morning.

  1. Merc Sol – When Eye Pain Arise From Exerting The Eyes

It is well indicated when there is pain in eyes that appear from exerting the eyes. This pain may be an aching, cutting or stinging type. Other than this it is a prominent medicine for iritis with throbbing shooting pains in the eye. Next it is indicated for conjunctivitis with burning pains and watering from eyes. Its last indication is blepharitis with  red, thick and swollen eyelids with soreness, pain, burning and profuse watering from the eyes.

  1. Allium Cepa – For Red, Itchy Eyes With Burning, Biting Sensation

This medicine is valuable to treat cases of red, itchy eyes along with burning, biting and smarting in the eyes. Watery discharge from eyes is also there. It is also indicated medicine for nasal allergies (hay fever). Frequent sneezing and watery discharge nose accompany the above symptoms in these cases.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Post Covid Syndrome – Homeopathy for Support & Symptom Management 

Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by the new coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2). This virus strain was identified in December 2019. This disease has been declared as a pandemic in March 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO). Homeopathy for post Covid syndrome can be of great help in managing the lingering symptoms of the infection. Homeopathy for Post Covid Syndrome

It spreads from person to person directly by inhaling the respiratory droplets released from an infected person via coughs, sneezes or talks.  It can also spread indirectly if a person touches any surface that has been contaminated by this virus and then touches his or her mouth, nose or eyes without first washing and disinfecting the hands properly. 

The symptoms of Covid -19 vary from mild to severe in intensity. The symptoms tend to appear between 2 – 14 days after the virus exposure. The most common symptoms of Covid – 19 includes fever, cough and fatigue (tiredness). Loss of smell and taste may be the early symptoms in many cases. Its other symptoms include difficulty in breathing, body aches, fatigue, headache, sore throat, runny nose or congested nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. The elderly people and those already having certain health conditions (like diabetes, serious heart disease, lung disease, cancer, asthma and chronic kidney disease) are at high risk of developing severe symptoms and serious complications. 

Post Covid Syndrome and Its Symptoms

There is evidence that few people who suffered from Covid -19 may experience some long-term, debilitating symptoms that occur after having recovered from the acute infection. Though recovered from the initial stage, they struggle to overcome the lingering health issues that follow it.

These include chronic fatigue (weakness), loose stool (diarrhoea), nausea, loss of appetite, abnormal heart rate, recurring shortness of breath, disturbed sleep, muscle weakness, muscle pain, joint pain, weight loss, loss taste and smell, depression, anxiety, brain fog, difficulty in concentrating, memory issues, dizziness and confusion. They may linger on for weeks to months. These symptom sets are together referred to as post covid syndrome.  Some of the symptoms that linger on are quite similar to the ones that occur in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). As per a study it is estimated that around 87 % of patients after initial recovery from COVID still have one persistent symptom. Further among the various symptoms it is seen that about 60% of people after recovering from acute infection of Covid-19 still face complaints of persistent fatigue. Though this syndrome can affect people of any age, but in elderly and those having health issues (like diabetes, hypertension and weak immune system) the effects persist for long.

Other than above symptoms it may also cause inflammation in the brain, heart damage, lung damage and stroke. 

It has been suggested that inflammatory cytokines accumulation in the CNS (central nervous system) might be the reason for symptoms occurring after recovery from viral infection.

Homeopathy for Post Covid Syndrome & Symptom Management 

Homeopathy can be of great help in managing the lingering symptoms of Post Covid syndrome. Though in homeopathy there are no specific medicine, but the medicines can be selected and used based on the symptom picture in every case which is the basic mode applied for selecting homeopathic medicines for treating /managing any of the medical conditions. One can consider use of these medicines for supportive help along with conventional mode of treatment for symptom management. The homeopathic medicines can be used to manage its symptoms including chronic fatigue (weakness), loose stool (diarrhoea), nausea, disturbed sleep, sleeplessness, muscle pain, joint pain, depression, anxiety, brain fog, difficulty in concentrating and dizziness. Following are some of the medicines that can be helpful for it as per the symptom indication. It is strictly advised to consult a homeopathic physician before considering use of any of the following medicines and self prescription should not be done at all. Only a homeopathic physician can judge and guide about the appropriate medicine, its dosage and repetition that is needed for a given case after complete case analysis.

  1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Fatigue, Anxiety Issues

This medicine can be used for managing fatigue, weakness. Its use is indicated where a person feels weak, tired from doing even a slight exertion. There is a desire to lie down with this. They feel exhausted that most times worsens at night time. This is also an important medicine to manage anxiety issues. With anxiety restlessness is marked. Apart from  above it is a good remedy for managing diarrhoea (loose stool) and vomiting.

  1. Gelsemium – For Managing Dizziness, Weakness, Brain Fog

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of a plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. This medicine is useful to manage complaints of dizziness and weakness. It is one of the well indicated medicines to manage fatigue after viral infections. Persons who need it have marked drowsiness and dullness along with weakness and dizziness. Muscle ache and muscle weakness are present too. It also helps to manage brain fog and concentration issues, problems with fixing attention present along with dullness of mind. 

  1. Kali Phos – For Marked Weakness on Mental and Physical Sphere

It is the next important medicine that can be considered where a person complains of marked weakness on both mental and physical spheres. Other than this it may be used in cases of sleep disturbances (sleeplessness and restlessness during sleep). Next, it is indicated for managing brain fog, depression and anxiety issues.

  1. Phosphoric Acid – For Managing Fatigue, Brain Fog 

It is also a significant medicine which is used in convalescence period when recovering from an illness. It helps to manage fatigue felt since a debilitating acute illness. This medicine also helps in cases of brain fog and concentration problems. Memory weakness and dullness of mind is present with this.

  1. Rhus Tox – To Manage Muscle Pain, Joint Pain

In homeopathy Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for managing muscle pain and joint pains. This medicine helps in relieving the pain as well as stiffness in the joints and muscles. Most persons who need it feel that their pain worsens from rest and gets better by movement. They may also have redness and swelling in the joints. 

  1. Conium – To Manage Complaint of Dizziness

It is a very effective medicine for managing complaints of dizziness. For using this medicine the dizziness may be worse by lying down, turning in bed,  or from moving the head or eyes even slightly. Other than this it is also indicated for managing weakness and concentration difficulty. In most cases needing it great weakness is felt in the morning in bed.

  1. China – For Loose Stool, Weakness

It is a natural medicine prepared from dried bark of plant Cinchona Officinalis also known as Peruvian bark. This plant belongs to family rubiaceae. In homeopathy it is a very beneficial medicine for managing complaints of diarrhoea and the attending weakness. The main indications for using it are brownish loose stool passed with excessive gas.  It is usually painless. The stool may have undigested food particles in it. It may have a foul odour. The stool is very weakening. Abdominal bloating may be present along with above symptoms.

  1. Ipecac – To Manage Complaint of Nausea

This medicine is prepared from the dried root of plant Cephaelis ipecacuanha that belongs to the family rubiaceae. It is indicated when there is distressing nausea. With this there is excessive accumulation of saliva in the mouth. The nausea may be constant. Weakness can attend the complaint of nausea. Empty burping may occur with this. Abdominal distension may also be present. Sometimes vomiting of white, glairy mucus arises.

  1. Ignatia – To Manage Depression Symptoms 

It is a top grade medicine in homeopathy when it comes to manage depression symptoms. This medicine is prepared from plant Ignatia Amara commonly known as St. Ignatius Bean. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. People who require it remain sad, melancholic and weep frequently with this. They remain irritable and desire loneliness. They also have mental dullness. Sometimes they have mood swings from sadness to happiness and crying to laughing. They feel worse from consolation. 

  1. Aconite – To Manage Anxiety Issues

Aconite is another well indicated medicine for managing anxiety issues like medicine Arsenic Album. Aconite is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as monkshood. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. Aconite is of great help when it comes to managing anxiety issues. Persons needing it feel restless with internal anxiety. They have a desire to move or  change their position frequently. They do everything in great haste. They may have panic attacks with anxiety, palpitations and trembling of body.

  1. Coffea Cruda – For Managing Sleeplessness 

Just like medicine Kali Phos, Coffea Cruda offers great help in cases of sleeplessness. Persons needing it remain restless in bed and tosses from side to side. They have  constant thoughts in mind and many ideas crowding the mind. It is well indicated for managing complaints of sleeplessness after acute diseases.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Natural Homeopathic Treatment Of Navel Pain

Navel (known as umbilicus and belly button) pain can be felt behind the navel or around the navel. Depending on the reason the pain may be felt in this area or may radiate to the other body areas like chest and legs. The pain can be constant, mild or dull. It may be intermittent or severe. Navel pain can arise from various reasons. The reasons vary  from common/minor (like gas, constipation, indigestion) to rare and serious ones (like appendicitis). Homeopathic treatment of navel pain helps to treat the underlying cause behind it and bring great relief in the pain.

CausesHomeopathic treatment of navel pain

It can arise from indigestion also called Dyspepsia. Indigestion is a term to describe fullness or discomfort in the upper abdomen. In this case discomfort, pain or burning from the upper abdomen can radiate to the region of navel. Other symptoms that can attend from indigestion include gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting, fullness after eating even a small quantity of food,  heartburn, excessive belching (burp).  

Another reason behind discomfort or pain around the belly button is constipation. It is described as an infrequent bowel movement means less than three bowel movements per week or difficulty in passing stool. Person having constipation may pass hard or lumpy stool, has to strain to pass stool, may have unsatisfactory stool or feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation.

It can result from gastroenteritis also called stomach flu. It can arise from infection by virus, bacteria or parasite that causes inflammation in the digestive tract. It is caused by ingesting contaminated food or drink or via direct contact with an infected person. In this case navel pain, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, nausea,  vomiting, low-grade fever, headache, muscle aches occur.  It is usually not serious and gets better within a few days without problems. But it can have complications of dehydration (which is serious) due to loss of water in loose stool and vomiting. The cases having dehydration need urgent medical help  mainly in children, older adults and people having weak immune systems.

It can also be caused by umbilical hernia (it refers to a bulge through the abdominal wall around the belly button. The bulge may contain tissue from the abdomen, a part of intestine or fluid). It is common in infants but can also occur in adults. It can cause discomfort, pressure or pain at hernia site. The pain worsens from coughs or anything that puts strain on the abdomen. 

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can also be a reason. It is a disorder  affecting the large intestine. In this syndrome there occurs diarrhoea or constipation, or both, cramping / pain in abdomen ( including pain around belly button), gas, bloating.

Peptic ulcers can also result in navel pain. They are the painful sores that can form in the stomach or duodenum (first part of the small intestine). It can arise from various reasons but the main reasons are  infection with H.pylori (Helicobacter pylori bacteria) and prolonged use of certain medicines like Aspirin, Ibuprofen. In this case pain of burning nature is felt around the navel or between the belly button and chest. Other attending symptoms are nausea, vomiting, bloating, heartburn, belching, loss of appetite.

Acute pancreatitis is another one of the reasons that can cause pain around the umbilicus. It is the inflammation of the pancreas.  It can arise from excessive alcohol intake, gallstones, infection. The symptoms in addition to belly button pain in this case includes nausea, vomiting and fever.

Pain around the navel can also be indicative of appendicitis (inflammation of appendix). It is a medical emergency that needs immediate medical help. Because if not treated urgently appendix can rupture spreading the infection in the abdomen leading to life threatening complications. In case of appendicitis a person feels sharp pain around the umbilicus that finally moves in the right side of the lower abdomen. Other accompanying symptoms are nausea, vomiting, bloating, inability to pass gas, worsening of pain from cough, sneeze and movement, loss of appetite, constipation or diarrhoea and fever.

Another cause is  crohn’s disease. It is an autoimmune disease and is one among the two types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), the other being ulcerative colitis. In crohn’s disease any part of GIT (gastrointestinal tract) from mouth to anus can be affected. It can cause severe pain in and around the umbilicus. Other attending symptoms include diarrhoea that may or may not be bloody, gas, abdominal bloating, weight loss. 

Apart from above it can also occur in case of gallstones, kidney stones, bacterial stomach infection, UTI (urinary tract infections), small bowel obstruction, post surgery, during pregnancy and from belly button piercing.

Homeopathic Treatment Of Navel Pain

Homeopathic medicines are very effective for treating cases of navel pain. These medicines help to treat the underlying cause behind it and bring great relief in the pain. These medicines are of natural origin so can be taken safely without any side effects. They are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity of pain when no serious reason is associated. As the reasons behind the navel pain are variable ranging from mild to serious so it is advised to take any medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician. In cases of acute, severe pain and in cases attended with blood in stool, tenderness in abdomen, jaundice, severe nausea and vomiting that doesn’t seem to go away, and fever immediate help should be taken from conventional mode of treatment as they may be occurring from serious medical conditions that can be life threatening. Homeopathy has a limitation in treating such emergency cases.

  1. Colocynth – Top Grade Medicine

It is a natural medicine prepared from pulp of fruit of a plant Citrullus Colocynthis also known as Cucumis colocynthis and Bitter Apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very effective medicine to manage pain around the navel. Persons needing it complain of cramping, colicky, twisting , cutting or griping pain around the navel. They feel relief in the pain by bending double. They also feel better by passing gas. Sometimes the pain radiates from the navel to the upper parts of the abdomen. They feel restlessness with pain. They also may have cutting pain in the navel area after passing stool or after eating. The umbilical region may be tender to touch.  

  1. Nux Vomica – For Navel Pain From Eating

It is a very suitable medicine for navel pain arising from eating anything. The pain is gripping and pinching type to use this medicine. It is also helpful for pain about the umbilicus felt before the stool. Next it is a well indicated medicine for cutting pain at navel in cases of dysentery. In these cases there is frequent, ineffectual urge to pass stool and stool is scanty, slimy, watery, bloody. Jelly like mucus also passes in the stool. 

  1. China – For Pain In Umbilical Region From Flatulence (Gas)

It is a very useful medicine for managing pain in the umbilical region arising from gas. Abdominal bloating is marked with this. The pain is worse after eating where this medicine is required. The pain gets better by bending double. In some cases the pain gets worse at night time. Its use is also considered when the pain worsens before stool.

  1. Dioscorea – When Pain From Umbilical Region Radiates To Whole Abdomen

This medicine is prepared from fresh roots of plant Dioscorea villosa commonly known as Wild yam. This plant belongs to the family  dioscoreaceae. This medicine is specifically indicated for cases in which pain arises from the umbilical region and radiates to the whole abdomen. The pain may also radiate to the limbs. The pain is cutting twisting type. The pain may be attended with vomiting. Next it is prominent medicine for griping pain in the umbilical and epigastric and region. It also works well in case of constant, dull, aching pains in the entire navel region.

  1. Cina – For Twisting Pain Around The Navel

This medicine is prepared from plant Artemisia maritima that belongs to family compositae. It is a significant medicine for managing twisting pain around the navel. The pain may feel better by pressure. Other than this it is also indicated for managing boring pain above the umbilicus. Abdominal bloating may also be there.

  1. Aloe – For Umbilical Pain Worsening From Pressure

This medicine is prepared from gum of a plant Aloe Socotrina. This plant belongs to family liliaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when navel pain is worse from pressure. The pain can be twisting, griping, shooting or a boring type. With this frequent urging to stool is present but only passage of gas occurs. Sitting in a bent up position and passing gas help to relieve the pain.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Burning Pain In Umbilical Region With Diarrhoea

It is a beneficial medicine for managing burning pain in the umbilical region with diarrhoea. For using this medicine the burning pain is worse before and during stool. Stool is loose and has mucus in it. It is attended with anxiety and excessive thirst for cold water.

  1. Plumbum Met – When Pain In Umbilical Region Is Relieved By Pressure

This medicine is valuable to treat cases in which umbilical pain is better by pressure. In cases requiring it the navel pain is tearing, excruciating type. This pain may shoot to other parts of the abdomen too. Next it is indicated for constrictive pain in the umbilical region. Other than this it is indicated when there is watery diarrhoea with vomiting and pain in umbilicus.

  1. Iris Versicolor – For Umbilical Pain Attended With Nausea, Vomiting And Loose Stool

This medicine is prepared from plants commonly known as Blue flag. It belongs to the family iridaceae. This medicine is well indicated when along with umbilical pain, nausea, vomiting and loose stool are present. For using this medicine the pain from the umbilical region may radiate upwards to the epigastric region of abdomen. With this rumbling in the bowels and belching of wind is there.

  1. Calcarea Phos – When Pain Around Navel Gets Better By Passing Wind

Calcarea Phos is a very useful medicine when pain around the navel gets better by passing wind. The gas has an offensive odour. Along with this burning in the region of the belly button may be there that may rise up to chest and throat.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

10 Natural Homeopathic Medicines For Red Eyes

Red eyes refers to redness of the white portion of the eye (sclera).Here the white of the eye may look pink, red, bloodshot or may appear to have pink/red lines on it. The eye redness occurs from dilatation of blood vessels on the surface of the eye from various reasons like irritation or an infection or inflammation. It can occur in one or both the eyes. Homeopathic medicines for red eyes offers very effective treatment and aims to treat the root cause behind it.

SymptomsHomeopathic Medicines For Red Eyes

In many cases redness of eyes occurs without any other symptoms. while in rest of the cases the symptoms that can attend it includes  irritation or itching, burning in the eyes. Some other symptoms that may accompany it include discharge from the eye, watering from eyes, pain in eye and dryness in the eyes. Few other symptoms include sensitivity to light (photophobia) and blurred vision.


Redness of eyes is very common and can arise from various causes. Firstly it can arise from many irritants that can inflame the eyes. These irritants include dust, dry air, sun exposure, air pollution, smoke.

Secondly, it can occur from eye allergies, hay fever / allergic rhinitis (an allergic disorder that arise from exaggerated response of the immune cells to allergic substances causing running nose, sneezing, nasal blockage and eye symptoms like irritation, redness, itching and watering from eyes)

It can also arise from infection (bacterial and viral) and inflammation of the eyes. 

There are various inflammatory conditions of the eyes that can cause redness of eyes. It includes conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva which refers to a membrane that covers the white of the eye). 

It also includes scleritis (an inflammation and redness of sclera – white of eye which is the outer, tough fibrous protective layer of the eyeball). 

It can occur in episcleritis (inflammation of the thin layer present on the white part of the eye / sclera). 

Another inflammatory condition of the eye linked with redness of the eye is iritis (swelling and inflammation in the coloured ring that surrounds the pupil of the eye). 

Other eye inflammatory conditions are keratitis (an inflammation of the cornea which is the clear, dome shaped tissue in front of eye which covers the pupil and iris) and uveitis (inflammation of the middle layer of eye called uvea that is the pigmented layer lying between the inner retina and the outer fibrous layer composed of the sclera and cornea).

Apart from above eye redness can happen in blepharitis (inflammation of the margins of the eyelids where eyelashes grow).

In addition to above, it can arise in case of Chalazion (a type of cyst forming in the eyelid from blockage of meibomian gland responsible for producing  an oily substance that lubricates the eye) and stye ( red, painful lump near the edge of eyelid either upper or lower occurring from a bacterial infection).

Corneal ulcer, a scratch /abrasion on cornea, herpetic infection of cornea can lead to eye redness too.

Rest of the reasons include excessive screen time on computer /mobiles, dryness of the eyes, foreign object in eye, trauma / injury to eye, inward turning of eyelid (entropion), outward turning of eyelid (ectropion), side effect of using eye drops, complication of eye surgery or complication from use of contact lens, subconjunctival haemorrhage ( bleeding arising from broken blood vessel immediately beneath the surface of the eye), infection of tissue around the eyes (orbital cellulitis), glaucoma (an eye disorder characterised by increase of intraocular pressure and optic nerve damage).

Homeopathic Medicines For Red Eyes

Homeopathy offers very effective treatment for cases of red eyes. The homeopathic medicines aim to treat the root cause behind it like inflammation, infection to decrease the redness of eyes. Additionally they also help to relieve the attending symptoms like itching, burning in the eyes, discharge from eye, watering from eyes, pain in the eye and dryness in the eyes. Red eyes can arise from mild causes to serious causes that require emergency medical attention. Homeopathic medicines can help in cases where no serious causes are linked to it. But in case of serious cause behind red eyes it is advisable to seek immediate medical help from the conventional mode of treatment. Eye redness attended with sudden changes in vision, pain in eye, intense headache, fever, sensitivity to light, white rings, or halos around light, nausea or vomiting are some of the indications of serious issues. Other than this serious issues includes red eyes arising from an injury, from entry of chemicals or a foreign object in the eye.

Before starting homeopathic medicines for red eyes it is strictly advisable to consult a homeopathic physician who can best judge the homeopathic medicines that will suit a particular case and can guide if urgent help is needed from conventional mode in case of some serious cause.

1. Belladonna – Top Grade Medicine

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is a top listed medicine for cases of red eyes. In cases needing it the eyes look very red, congested. It works well in inflammatory conditions of the eyes mainly conjunctivitis. Other than redness, persons needing it also have dryness and burning pain in their eyes. They may also have shooting pain in their eyes. Another attending complaint that they have is watering from the eyes. Other attending symptoms are soreness, redness and swelling of eyelids. Sometimes there is sensitivity to  bright light also.

2. Euphrasia – For Eye Redness, Watering, Itching

This medicine is prepared from plant Euphrasia Officinalis commonly known as  eye – bright. This plant belongs to family scrophulariaceae. It is a very effective medicine for redness of eyes along with watering and itching of eyes. The eye watering causes smarting and burns in the eyes. A sensation of sand in eyes attends these symptoms. It is very helpful in case of iritis, conjunctivitis. Along with above symptoms pain in the eye may be present that is worse at night. Sometimes photophobia is also there.

3. Aconite – For Red,  Bloodshot,  Inflamed Eyes

Aconite is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as monkshood. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. This is very helpful medicine for cases of red, bloodshot, inflamed eyes. With this burning, shooting pains are present that appear mainly on moving eyeballs. Another attending symptom is watering from eyes that is worse in evening and night time. Roughness sensation in the eyes as from sand also appears with this. Apart from above burning, a smarting sensation and itching in the eyes is present which worsens in evening.

4. Apis Mellifica – For Bright Red Eyes with Smarting, Burning, Cutting Pain in Eyes

It is a well indicated medicine for cases where there is bright redness of eyes along with smarting, burning, cutting pain in eyes. The white of the eye is full of dark blood vessels. Along with this the eyes are very sensitive to light. Eyes are itchy too. It is well indicated for cases of conjunctivitis, keratitis and blepharitis.

5. Natrum Mur – For Eye Redness with Watering from Eyes

This medicine is a prominent medicine for persons who complain of eye redness along with watering from eyes. They feel that the watering worsens in open air. This watering is acrid that leads to redness and soreness in eyes. They also have swelling of eyelids. Lids appear red, raw, ulcerated along with burning. The eyelids are sticky in the morning and covered with thick scabs.

6. Argentum Nitricum – For Red Eyes with Eye Discharge

It is a well indicated medicine for eye redness and eye discharge. It is indicated especially for conjunctivitis and blepharitis. In cases needing it the eye appears intensely pink or red along with profuse discharge of  mucopurulent nature. The  white of the eye is congested, swollen. With this the eyelid margins are red, swollen and thick. Eyelids are also sore and crusty. The eyelids get stuck together in the morning.  Itching and burning, biting in eyes is felt with this. 

7. Allium Cepa – For Red, Itchy, Watery Eyes with Sneezing

This is a very useful medicine for cases where the eyes are red, itchy watery with frequent sneezing. Hence its use is considered in cases of hay fever (allergic rhinitis). The eyes are also  sensitive to touch. Runny noses also accompany these symptoms.

8. Merc Sol – For Redness of Eye Attended with Burning Pains

This medicine works well in cases of eye redness accompanied with burning pains. In cases needing it white of the eye is markedly red. Sensitivity to bright light is also there. The eyelids, especially the upper one, are thick, red and swollen . Copious watering from eyes is also there along with above symptoms.

9. Thuja – When Eyes Look Blood Red 

This medicine is prepared from fresh green twigs of plant Thuja occidentalis commonly known as Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family Coniferae. Its use is considered in cases where eyes appear blood red. Along with this excessive tearing (watering) from eyes is present.  The eyelids may be dry, scaly and sticky at night. Burning and stinging in the eyelids attend this. It is a leading medicine for treating styes and chalazion. It is also one of the major medicines for treating scleritis.

10. Sulphur – For Red Eyes with Itching, Burning

Sulphur is a great medicine when the eyes are red along with itching and burning sensation. A feeling of sand in the eyes is also prominent with this. Sometimes stitching, smarting or stinging is felt in the eyes. This medicine also plays a supportive help for managing eye redness and light sensitivity in cases of corneal ulcers.

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Vaccine Side Effects – Homeopathy Can Help

Vaccines during childhood give protection to children against many serious diseases. For example DPT vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis); MMR vaccine protects against measles, mumps, rubella; OPV protects against polio; HiB vaccine protects against Haemophilus influenzae type B infection. Though vaccine use is safe but like many other medicines any of the vaccine can cause some side-effects though mild in most cases. This occurs from a natural response of the body while it is directed towards immunity building  against the disease for which vaccination is given. These side effects last from a few hours to one or two days after vaccination. Homeopathic remedies for vaccine side effects offer a very natural, effective, safe and gentle management of various ailments that arise after vaccination.Homeopathic remedies for vaccine side effects

Side Effects

Some of the side effects that can occur after inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV), DPT, Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine (HiB vaccine). They mostly appear within 24 hrs of vaccination. These include mild fever; pain, soreness, tenderness, swelling or redness at the site of the injection; loss of appetite; diarrhoea; vomiting; tiredness; sluggishness and irritability; fussiness; secondary blister elsewhere on the body.

Other than this side effects can occur 6 to 10 days after injection in case of MMR vaccine. These include mild fever, measles like rash, cough, runny nose, puffy eyes, swelling of salivary glands and loss of appetite.

Next vaccine is rotavirus vaccine that can sometimes lead to diarrhoea, abdominal pain, restlessness and irritability in children. 

Other side effects that can occur after vaccination include small, red lump at the injection site. In some vaccines temporary headache, muscle or joint pain, runny nose, nasal congestion, trouble sleeping or drowsiness and being sleepy than usual.

In case of high temperature rarely febrile seizures or fits can occur in young children. The chance of febrile seizure is high if a child has a history of such seizure earlier in his life or have a family history of seizures.

In any of the vaccinations there are very rare chances (even less than one in million) of severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. Swelling of face, hives, difficulty in breathing and even collapse can occur in severe allergic reactions. This tends to happen within minutes of taking the vaccination. This needs medical help right away without any delay.

Homeopathic Remedies for Vaccine Side Effects

Homeopathy offers a very natural, effective, safe and gentle management of various ailments that arise after vaccination. These medicines are helpful to manage complaints of fever, diarrhoea, stomach pain, skin complaints, sleeplessness, redness, inflammation and swelling of arm, weakness headache, excessive sleep , runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, muscle or joint pain. In case of seizures use of homeopathic medicine should be considered along with conventional treatment. It is to be noted that homeopathic medicines have their own limitations to treat cases of severe reaction – anaphylaxis ( some of its signs and symptoms are swelling of tongue, throat, trouble breathing, rapid heartbeat, sudden drop of blood pressure). In such cases one must take immediate medical help from conventional mode of treatment without delay as it is a life threatening condition.

  1. Thuja – Top Grade Medicine 

This medicine is prepared from fresh green twigs of plant Thuja occidentalis commonly named as Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family Coniferae. It is a leading medicine for managing numerous complaints arising after vaccination. Firstly it is indicated for diarrhoea after vaccination. It also helps in stomach pain in such cases. Secondly it is indicated for skin complaints, skin eruptions and skin growths that follow vaccination. Its third indication in these cases is seizures. Next it works effectively to manage sleeplessness that follows vaccination. Lastly it helps cases of weakness of legs that occur after re vaccination.

  1. Silicea – Another Significant Medicine

Silicea is another highly valuable medicine for managing many issues that follows vaccination. Here it is well indicated for managing redness, inflammation and swelling of the arm that can appear after vaccination. Next it helps to manage weakness and lack of stamina in such cases. Another main indication for its use is nausea and loose motion that appear after vaccination sometimes. Headache, excessive sleep from vaccination are also well managed with this medicine. Apart from above indication seizures and weight loss are the rest of complaints where this medicine is indicated. 

  1. Ledum Pal – For Swelling, Redness and Inflammation of Arm

This medicine is prepared from plant Ledum Palustre commonly known as  wild rosemary and also marsh cistus. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. It is a foremost medicine in homeopathy for puncture wounds as arising from needle prick. Here it is beneficial medicine to manage swelling, redness and inflammation of the arm after vaccination injection. This medicine is also considered as a preventive for side effects of vaccination.

  1. Belladonna – To Manage Fever after Vaccination 

This medicine is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is very effective to manage fever after vaccination. In cases needing it the heat stage is prominent. There is burning heat over the whole body but especially most prominent in the head and face. Body feels burning hot like fire. With this redness of face is also there. Anxiety and restlessness is present with the internal heat of the body. There is excessive thirst during the heat stage. The heat stage alternates with the chill stage. In this stage there is coldness of limbs with heat in head. Violent chill is felt in the back. Apart from above it can also be used for managing redness, inflammation and swelling of the arm appearing after vaccination injection.

  1. Podophyllum – To Manage Diarrhoea

This medicine is prepared from plant Podophyllum peltatum commonly known as May Apple. This plant belongs to the family berberidaceae. It is a well indicated medicine to manage diarrhoea. In cases requiring it the stool is watery, profuse and gushing. It can be yellowish or greenish in colour and has a very offensive smell. The stool can be frothy and have mucus in it sometimes. There is a sudden urge to pass stool. Fetid flatus is present with this. There is an urge for stool immediately after eating and drinking. Diarrhoea is usually painless where it is required. Intense nausea can be present before passing the stool. After passing stool, extreme weakness is felt by the person.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Managing Skin Rash

It is a prominent medicine for managing skin rash appearing after vaccination. Violent itching is present in the rash where it is required. The itching is worse from warmth of bed and is better in the open air. Stinging and burning is marked in the rash. Skin is also sensitive to the slightest touch along with above symptoms. 

  1. Sulphur – For Skin Eruptions Following Vaccination

It is a very beneficial medicine for skin eruptions that can occur after vaccination. The eruptions are pustular where it is required. These eruptions are most marked on the scalp, face, and legs. It is also indicated for scabby eruptions on scalp, arms and legs appearing after vaccination.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Runny Nose and Nasal Congestion

Arsenic Album is a very helpful medicine for managing runny nose and nasal congestion. In cases needing it there is profuse and watery discharge from the nose. It can lead to burning sensation, excoriation in the nostrils. In some cases stoppage of the nose and fluent runny nose alternate with each other that requires this medicine. Great weakness may attend the above symptoms.

    9. Drosera – To Manage Dry, Irritative Cough

This medicine is prepared from plant Drosera Rotundifolia having a common name round – leaved sundew. This plant belongs to family droseraceae. It is an effective medicine to manage dry irritative cough. Along with cough roughness, dryness and tickling sensation is felt in the fauces. People needing it mainly complain of cough getting worse from lying down in the evening and from warmth. 

  1. Antimonium Tart – For Loose Rattling Cough

This medicine offers great help in cases of loose cough with rattling of mucus in the chest. Cough is present day and night. Chest feels congested from mucus in the chest. Scanty, thick, phlegm is expectorated in these cases. Expectoration is difficult. 

  1. Rhus Tox – To Manage Joint Pain and Muscle Pain

Rhus Tox is a very effective medicine to manage joint pain and muscle pain. It brings great relief in this complaint. The pain may be worse at rest and better by motion where this medicine is required. In cases needing it, stiffness of joints may also be present. The stiffness tends to get better by warmth and also by massage.

  1. Cicuta – For Seizures after Vaccination

This medicine is prepared from the fresh root of plant Cicuta Virosa having the common name water hemlock. This plant belongs to the family umbelliferae. This medicine can be used along with conventional treatment for managing seizures after vaccination. In cases needing it the fits occur with frightful distortion of the limbs or whole body. Loss of consciousness and frothing at mouth may occur with this. High fever is present along with above symptoms. 

  1. Malandrium – For Dry, Rough Skin

Homeopathic medicine Malandrium is particularly indicated for managing cases where dryness, hardness and roughness of skin occurs after vaccination.

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Temporal Arteritis : Homeopathic Remedies for Symptomatic Relief

Temporal arteritis refers to a condition in which inflammation or damage of temporal arteries (that run along both sides of the head and supply blood to the head) occurs. Since it is a serious condition that can have severe complications, homeopathic remedies for temporal arteritis should be considered along with conventional treatment 

Another name for this condition is giant cell arteritis. In this condition, when the cells of the inflamed arteries are looked under microscope they look giant that’s why it is called giant cell arteritis. Though temporal arteritis most commonly affects temporal arteries but it can also occur in other arteries like thoracic arteries.

Serious complications can occur in this condition if it is not treated quickly, so immediate medical help should be seeked in these cases. temporal arteritis


In this condition there occurs inflammation and swelling of the lining of arteries. As a result the blood vessels get narrow due to which there is a decrease in amount of blood flow to body tissues. When blood flow is reduced the tissues get deprived of oxygen and nutrients.

It can occur in any medium or large artery but the most commonly involved artery is arteries in the temple region.

The exact reason that leads to inflammation of arteries is not known yet. However it is thought that it occurs from autoimmune response of the body in which the immune cells of the body attack and inflame the walls of artery by mistake from a misdirected response.

Other than this some genes and environmental factors are also thought to play a role that increase the risk of this condition. Next high doses of antibiotics and some intense infections are also associated with temporal arteritis.

People above the age of 50 yrs are at more risk to develop this condition as compared to younger people. Females are also at more risk of it as compared to males. People having a family history of this condition are at more risk of it.


Its main symptom is headache and tenderness. Headache is located in temples means the sides of the head and it is throbbing in nature. Headache is of high intensity and mostly occurs in both the temples. Its next symptoms include tenderness of scalp, vision problems including blurred vision, double vision and sudden permanent vision loss in one eye, jaw pain that can occur while chewing or opening mouth, pain in face, throat. Apart from this other symptoms are weakness, malaise, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss and fever. Rest symptoms are pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, hips, lower back. . In about 50 % of the cases of temporal arteritis a condition called polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) occurs. PMR is an inflammatory condition causing muscle pain and stiffness. In PMR, pain and stiffness occurs mainly in the shoulders, arm, neck, thigh, hip and lower back. 


If this condition is not treated quickly then serious complications can occur. First among them is sudden vision loss / blindness due to reduced blood flow to the eyes from narrow arteries. Next complication is development of aortic aneurysm (enlargement and bulging of an artery from weakness in wall of artery.) This aortic aneurysm has chances to get burst and cause excessive internal bleeding which is life-threatening if not attended immediately. Third complication is stroke (it refers to reduced or interrupted blood supply to brain tissue as a result the brain cells start to die because they don’t get oxygen and nutrients. It is a medical emergency that requires urgent medical help).

Homeopathic Remedies for Temporal Arteritis 

Homeopathic medicines are beneficial for managing mild to moderate cases of temporal arteritis. These medicines help in managing the symptoms of this condition effectively. Homeopathic medicine mainly helps to manage its symptoms including headache, tenderness of scalp, vision problems (including blurred vision, double vision), jaw pain, pain in face, pain in throat, weakness, malaise and pain & stiffness in the neck, shoulders, hips, lower back. Since temporal arteritis is a serious condition and can have severe complications, one must consider use of homeopathic medicines along with conventional treatment for symptom relief and that too under supervision of a homeopathic physician. 

  1. Belladonna – For Managing Temporal Headache, Throat Pain and Facial Pain

This medicine is prepared from plant known as deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. Firstly it is a top listed medicine for managing pain in the temporal (side) region of head. For using it the nature of pain is throbbing type. The pain may radiate from temple to orbit or entire one side of head in some cases needing it. Motion of head, eye movement and noise can worsen the pain. The pain can get better by pressure. Along with pain, fullness and pressure at temples may also felt attended with restlessness. Heated sensation in head can also accompany. Head is sensitive to touch with above symptoms. It is also indicated when there is a pressing sensation in temples attended with dimness of vision. Secondly it helps in cases of pain in throat. Thirdly it is useful to manage facial pain. In most cases needing it the facial pain is right sided. The nature of pain can be cutting, tearing, shooting type. This facial pain gets worse from touch and motion.

  1. Glonoine – For Managing Throbbing Headache with Marked Heat and Congestion

Glonoine is very effective to manage headaches attended with marked heat and congestion. Persons needing it complain of throbbing in temples. This may worsen while walking. Relief may occur from lying and also from pressure on it. Along with throbbing there is a sensation as if the head would burst mainly at temples and above ears. Other than above it is also indicated for violent pressing or stitching pain in temples. Along with these symptoms the temporal arteries seem to pulsate and beat violently. 

  1. Lachesis – For Pain in Left Temple 

This medicine is well indicated for pain in the head located in the left sided temple. The pain is severe and can be throbbing or drawing in nature. It is accompanied with soreness of the temple to least touch. Heated sensation in the head is also there. The pain in cases needing it gets worse from motion, stooping and pressure.

  1. Silicea – For Right Temporal Headache

Silicea is well indicated for stitching pain in the temple, especially the right side. The pain worsens at night. It also worsens form eye movement. With these symptoms there is congestion of the head and redness in the face.

  1. Spigelia – For Facial Pain and Headache on Left Side

This medicine is prepared from plant Spigelia anthelmintica also known as pink – root. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is a leading medicine to manage facial pain mainly on the left side. The pain for using this medicine can be burning, tearing, and tensive, stinging or darting type. The pain may worsen from stooping and slightest motion. Face is red with pain. Next it is top grade medicine for left sided headache. The pain in the left temple is a violent stitching or pulsating type where it is required.

  1. China – When Scalp is Tender, Sensitive and Painful to Touch

China is a well indicated medicine for cases having tenderness, pain and sensitivity of scalp to touch. This gets worse from draught of air. A strong external pressure offers relief in it. Profuse sweat may accompany this symptom. Pain in the head, especially stitching type is present. Pulsations are also felt in the head. The pain worsens from movement of the head.

  1. Phosphorus – To Manage Vision Problems

This medicine has a marked sphere of action around the eyes. It helps to manage many vision problems. In these cases it offers help to manage complaints of blurring of vision and double vision (diplopia). Persons needing this medicine also have pain in one or the other temple that may be burning, pulsating or pressing type. Other than above this medicine is also indicated for drawing and tearing pain in jaw.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Jaw Pain

It is a prominent medicine for managing jaw pain. For using it pain in the upper jaw is present when chewing. The pain is mainly drawing in nature. Another indication for using it is stitching pain in the left temple on movement of the lower jaw.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Managing Throat Pain

Other than Belladonna, Hepar Sulph is a very significant medicine to manage throat pain. The pain is worse from  speaking and swallowing. The pain can radiate from throat to ears. Along with this  a plug-like sensation or a splinter  like sensation is felt in the throat.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Managing Weakness 

It is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage weakness. In cases needing it weakness and exhaustion occurs from slightest exertion.  There is a lack of power and strength to do any work. In most cases weakness is worse at night time. Weight loss can be present along with this.

  1. Rhus Tox  – To Manage Pain and Stiffness

Rhus Tox is a top grade medicine to manage pain and stiffness in these cases. It works well in managing pain and stiffness in neck, shoulders, hips and lower back. Persons who need this medicine complain of worsening of pain at rest in general. They feel relief in the pain by motion.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Sleepwalking – Homeopathy Offers Natural Solution

Sleep walking, medically known as somnambulism or noctambulism, is a disorder in which a person gets up and walks around at night or performs other activities when he is asleep. It usually occurs early in the night during a period of deep sleep. Homeopathic remedies for sleepwalking work gradually to reduce the episodes of sleepwalking.

Homeopathic remedies for sleepwalking

Though it can occur in people of any age group but tend to be more common in children as compared to adults. Children usually outgrow it by puberty but in some children it can continue in adulthood. 


The exact cause behind it is still not clear yet. But it is related to genetics as it tends to run in families. A person having someone in the family who has sleepwalking is at risk to develop the same. Having a history of sleepwalking in one or both parents raises the risk much more.

Next, there are few factors that are linked with this condition. These include sleep deprivation,  interrupted sleep, changed sleep schedule, sudden/abrupt waking from sleep, stress, anxiety, excessive tiredness, use of some medicines (like sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antihistamines), use of alcohol, use of recreational drugs and fever.

Some of the medical conditions  can also trigger it. The medical conditions firstly include GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease which refers to frequent back flow of the stomach acid into the food pipe that mainly causes heartburn felt as a burning sensation behind the sternum).
Next medical condition is OSA (obstructive sleep apnea – a serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops momentarily many times during sleep. OSA happens from relaxation of throat muscles  during sleep that block the airway and causes obstruction for air to enter lungs).

Next condition that is related to this RLS (Restless legs syndrome – a condition in which a person desires to move the legs from discomforting sensations in the lower limbs). Other medical conditions that are associated with this includes night time asthma, heart rhythm problems, migraine headaches, tourette syndrome (a condition in which involuntary multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic arise. Tics refers to habitual, spasmodic contractions / movements of muscles occurring quickly that can’t be easily controlled), night time seizures (fits), hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).

Lastly, some psychological disorders are linked with this. These include (like PTSD – post traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks and schizophrenia). PTSD is a psychological disorder that develop after some traumatic event in life for eg, child abuse, sexual assault etc. Schizophrenia is a psychological disorder in which hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking and behaviour occurs. Delay in the maturity of the CNS central nervous system is also linked with sleep walking problems. Other than these, the rate of sleepwalking is higher in children who have complaints of bedwetting and night terror.

In case of women hormonal changes play a role in sleepwalking (the chances are more in them before the onset menstrual cycle).


Sleepwalking most commonly occurs in the early part of night in the first few hours of sleep.  In this a person may just sit up in bed and look around. He may be confused and disoriented  with this. In other cases the person gets out of bed and starts to walk around. While sleep walking  a person’s eyes are open, have glassy eye expressions but he doesn’t recognise people around him and when asked something responds partially or may even doesn’t respond at all . Sometimes he may say senseless things at that time. There is difficulty in arousing them during an episode. They may even violently attack the person trying to awake them. Some people with sleep walking may wake screaming and frightened if they have an attending complaint of night terrors.  Sometimes they may start doing some work like start eating, getting dressed, open cupboards etc. 

They may even walk out of the house. Some may even start to drive a car. An episode of sleepwalking usually lasts for some minutes, mostly less than 10 minutes but it can in some cases last may last longer than this time. People having it may get out of bed, walk about and then again come back to bed and sleep again. In the morning they don’t remember anything about night’s occurrence of sleep walking. They may feel excessively sleepy during the day from disturbed night sleep. Persons having this complaint can injure them while walking as from bumping in a door / furniture or falling from stairs. 

Homeopathic Remedies for Sleepwalking 

There is great scope to treat complaints of sleepwalking in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines for treating this complaint are of natural origin that are very effective and safe for use. These medicines are deep acting medicines that have the ability to treat this complaint from its root. The best suitable medicine to treat a case of sleepwalking is selected after detailed case study in every individual case based on the symptom presentation. Following are some of the leading medicines for treating this condition. One should consider taking any of these after consulting a homeopathic physician who can best judge the medicine required after case analysis and avoid self prescribing.

  1. Natrum Mur

This medicine is very useful in persons who rise at night during sleep and sit about. They may have anxious dreams while weeping during sleep. Another complaint of talking in sleep may also be present in them.  Their sleep is also disturbed. On awakening in the morning they feel unrefreshed. A violent headache may also be complained about in the morning. During the day there is excessive drowsiness and frequent yawning.

  1. Phosphorus

It is another valuable medicine for these cases of sleepwalking. In cases needing it there is restlessness and disturbed sleep at night. There are frightful and horrible dreams in those requiring it. Along with this there is frequent waking with fright. During sleep there may be crying, moaning and jerking of limbs. There is a feeling in the morning as if sleep is not completed with sleepiness all the day.

  1. Kali Phos

It is very effective medicine to treat somnambulism in children. Those needing it are restless in sleep and may be mumbling, crying, moaning or talking in sleep. They also have night terrors and awakens with fright even from sound sleep at night. In the morning they feel sleepy, and are difficult to awake with excessive yawning. Excessive tiredness may also be present where it is required.

  1. Silicea

It is another good medicine for somnambulism. The person needing it gets up from sleep at night, walks and afterwards lies down. Their sleep is restless with crowded dreams and frequent waking. They may be talking loudly in sleep. They can also have complaints of nightmares. Snoring, jerking of limbs are some other complaints that they may have during sleep. In the morning they feel unrefreshed and don’t wish to leave bed. Other than above it is a specific medicine when sleepwalking occurs at new and full moon. 

  1. Kali Bromatum 

It is very beneficial medicine for somnambulism in children. Children who need it may also have complaints of night terrors. They get awake from sleep with screaming and recognise no one. They also have restless sleep. Grinding of teeth, crying and moaning can also be present in them during sleep. In the morning they may wake with a severe headache. 

  1. Stramonium

Stramonium is a useful medicine when there is complaint of sleepwalking. Persons who need it get up at night especially after midnight with confusion.  They may seem frightened and have eyes staring at a point. They sit up in bed or walk about at night. Other attending symptoms that attend it are restless sleep, tossing in bed, snoring. Screaming, starting or laughing can also be present during sleep.

  1. Artemisia Vulgaris

This medicine is prepared from fresh root of plant Artemisia Vulgaris also commonly known as wormwood. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is well indicated for cases in which a person wakes at night from sleep and starts doing his daily work. In the morning he remembers nothing about it. Other than this it is a leading medicine for epilepsy treatment. Epilepsy after grief, fright or blow on head are well treated with this medicine. 

  1. Luna 

It is also a significant medicine for cases of somnambulism. People needing it may have nightmares, horrible, frightful dreams that wake them up. They have sleepwalking and in the morning they feel that their sleep is not completed. 

  1. Zincum Met

This medicine works well in cases of sleepwalking arising in persons from suppressed emotions. Persons needing it have disturbed sleep with frequent waking. They may have loud screaming in their sleep. They can have frightening dreams while talking and crying. They sometimes have disturbed sleep from painful cramps in legs. They have unrefreshing sleep with drowsiness and sleepiness in daytime. 

  1. Ignatia

This medicine is prepared from plant Ignatia Amara of family loganiaceae. It is prominently indicated where sleepwalking occur in persons who had wounded pride (being disrespected). They sleep walks but doesn’t remember nothing about it. They may also have history of sleep deprivation from cares, worries, some grief, depression with anxious thoughts. They may have very light sleep and hears even distant noises. They can be very restless and snoring at night.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Nerve Damage – Supportive Treatment With Homeopathy

Our body has billions of nerves. They function to carry messages between the brain and rest of the body in a well coordinated way for smooth functioning of the body. Among the nerves some carry messages from brain to muscles for body movement and some carry messages about temperature, pain, pressure and other helps for proper vital functions like breathing, heartbeat, senses. But when the nerves are damaged then there appears trouble in communication between nerves and brain as damaged nerves are unable to carry messages to and from the brain. This results in various signs and symptoms like numbness, tingling, pain, muscle weakness, balance issues etc. Homeopathic remedies for nerve damage can help halt further progression and give symptomatic relief to a person.Homeopathic remedies for nerve damage


Nerve damage can arise from various reasons. 

Firstly, it can arise from excessive pressure on nerve, nerve compression or nerve pinching. Some of its examples are  sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome Sciatica refers to pain running down from lower back to the back side of leg from compressed, pinched, irritated or damaged sciatic nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome Is a condition that arises from compression of the median nerve in the wrist that presents with pain, numbness and tingling in the thumb, index finger, middle finger and the thumb side of the ring finger.

Second reason behind it is diabetes (it mostly damages sensory nerves resulting in numbness). 

Next it can occur in autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, guillain barre syndrome, myasthenia gravis. Multiple sclerosis is a progressive disorder in which the immune system attacks the protective myelin sheath of the nerve fibres due to which the communication between  brain and the rest of the body is disrupted. Guillain barre syndrome is a rare neurological disorder  in which the immune system attacks the nerves that are located outside of the brain and spinal cord (means peripheral nerves). It usually  begins with tingling and weakness in feet and legs followed by its spread to the upper body and arms. Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disorder that causes weakness of skeletal muscles in varying degrees.

It can also occur in diseases like motor neuron disease (a group of conditions that leads to loss of function of nerves in the spine and brain), lyme disease  (an infectious disease which is caused by a bite from ticks infected with any of the four species of bacteria known as  Borrelia), hepatitis C, HIV and cancer. 

Next nerve damage can arise from injury or trauma to the nerve as in car accidents. 

Excessive smoking and alcohol drinking also can lead to nerve damage. 

Other than this it may follow use of some medicines and toxic drugs. It can result from some vitamin deficiencies. Apart from above it can be a part of ageing. There are many causes for nerve damage however in many cases around 30 % of the cases no cause is ruled out behind nerve damage.


The signs and symptoms in case of the nerve damage usually develop gradually. Numbness of hands and feet is often the first symptom that appears when sensory nerves are damaged. Tingling or burning sensation can also attend numbness. The numbness and tingling may radiate from hands or feet into arms or legs. Next common symptom of nerve damage is pain generally in hands and feet. The pain here is a very sharp, stabbing, or burning type of pain. Third symptom of nerve damage is muscle weakness or loss of muscle control, paralysis and with time muscle wasting (atrophy) can arise. Difficulty walking, issues with fine motor skills like gripping something can arise here. These symptoms arise when there is some damage to motor nerves that connect the central nervous system and muscles in the body which are linked with the ability to move. Another symptom is a sharp pain beginning in the lower back and travelling down the back side of the leg (sciatica). Burning, or tingling sensation can also appear over this area. This happens when the sciatic nerve gets compressed or damaged from slip disc, injury, some diseases like diabetes.

Muscle cramps and twitching, excessive sweating or less sweating, intense headaches are other symptoms of nerve damage. Intense headache here can be a sign of occipital neuralgia that  occurs when a nerve in the neck gets pinched causing pain in the upper neck and back of the head. Overactive bladder ( a condition in which a person has frequent, sudden urgency to urinate) can also result from nerve damage. Apart from above loss of balance and coordination while walking  can arise that carries risk of stumbling accidents and falling leading to injury.

Homeopathic Remedies for Nerve Damage 

There is great scope to manage cases of nerve damage in homeopathy. These medicines help to manage its symptoms present in every individual case. These medicines play a supportive role and can be taken along with conventional medicines for symptom management. Symptoms including numbness, tingling or burning sensation in hands and feet, nerve pain, muscle weakness, loss of balance and coordination with difficulty in walking, sciatica, muscle cramps, twitching, overactive bladder can be well managed with these medicines. Though these medicines are safe to use, any of them should be used under supervision of a homeopathic physician after complete case analysis. This is necessary because prior use of these medicines the reason behind the nerve damage needs to be very clear as sometimes the reason behind nerve damage is critical and the patient needs to be referred for urgent help from conventional mode.  

  1. Kali Phos – For Numbness of Hands and Feet 

Kali Phos is an effective medicine for nerve damage cases with numbness of hands and feet. The numbness can also be present in arms and legs. Sometimes burning sensation may be felt on toes and soles. It is also indicated if the numbness is localised specifically to the fingertips. Other than numbness its use is also recommended to manage prickling sensation in hands and feet. Additionally, muscle weakness can attend to the above symptoms in cases needing it.

  1. Hypericum – For Tingling and Burning Sensation in Limbs

This medicine is prepared from a plant Hypericum Perforatum also known by the name of St. John’s Wort. This plant belongs to family hypericaceae. It is a very suitable medicine for nerve damage with tingling and burning sensation in limbs. In some cases numbness in limbs is also present where it is required. It is also useful when a person feels sharp, excruciating pains from nerve damage along with above symptoms. Hypericum is one of the best medicines for managing cases of nerve damage that arise from injury.

  1. Magnesium Phos – For Nerve Damage Attended with Pain

This medicine is well indicated for managing pain from nerve damage. In cases requiring it the pain can be sharp, shooting, stitching. Lightning – like or cutting in nature. They tend to come and go and can be unbearable. Sometimes they are wandering in nature that keeps on changing its location from one body part to another.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Burning Pains in Limbs

It is a very useful medicine for cases in which there are burning pains in the limbs. Weakness and heaviness of the limbs can accompany this. Next it is indicated for managing tingling sensation felt in the fingers. Other than these indications numbness and weakness in the feet is suggestive of its use.

  1. Causticum – For Cases Presenting with Muscle Weakness 

Causticum is a top grade medicine for cases that have muscle weakness. People who need it have muscle weakness in limbs. The limbs also feel heavy to them. They may have dull tearing pain in the arms along with weakness. Numbness in hands can attend above symptoms. Unsteady walking with a tendency to fall easily can be another complaint for them. Causticum is also a leading medicine to manage cases where muscle function has been lost (paralysis). It helps manage cases of paralysis of limbs, facial muscles, tongue, eyelids, vocal cords and urinary bladder. Next it is a highly valuable medicine to manage cases of carpal tunnel syndrome arising from compressed median nerve.

  1. Plumbum Met – For Muscle Weakness, Paralysis  along with Wasting of Muscle

Plumbum Met is a well indicated medicine that plays a supportive role to manage cases in which there is severe muscle weakness or paralysis which is accompanied with wasting (atrophy) of muscles. In some cases that require it pain in limbs of tearing or lightening like may be felt. Along with pain, numbness, tingling or twitchings can also be present in the limbs.

  1. Agaricus and Zincum Met – For Muscle Twitchings

Both these are great nerve medicines and remain very effective to manage muscle twitching. In cases needing Agaricus the twitchings are marked in the eyes, eyelids, and facial muscles, cheeks, limbs. Another main symptom to use Agaricus is unsteady walking with a tendency to tumble over everything in the way. While Zincum Met is indicated for cases having twitchings in face and limbs. 

  1. Cuprum Met – For Muscle Cramps

It is very helpful medicine for managing muscle cramps. For using it the cramps can be present in legs, feet, calf muscles, fingers or toes. The pain in cramps is very intense where it is required. With cramps the limbs may be hot and very sensitive to touch. Other than cramps this medicine also helps cases of tingling sensation in limbs and also muscle twitching. 

  1. Colocynth – For Pain Radiating from Lower Back to Back of Legs (Sciatica)

Colocynth is prepared from the pulp of the fruit of a plant named Citrullus Colocynthis or Bitter Apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is highly effective medicine to manage sciatica pain arising from nerve damage irritation or compression. Persons needing it have pain in the lower back that radiates down the back side leg even to the toes. For using it the pain can be shooting, drawing, tearing or cramping in nature. They feel relief in pain by applying pressure or also rubbing and from warm application. Most times they feel worsening of the pain at night time. Among the sides it is most prominent for left side pain though works well for right side as well. 

  1. Gnaphalium – For Sciatica Pain and Numbness

This medicine is prepared from fresh plant Gnaphalium polycephalum also known as old balsam and sweet – scented everlasting Flower. It belongs to the family Compositae. It is a highly beneficial medicine for sciatica pain attended with numbness. The pain to use it is mainly darting, or cutting type. It gets worse from motion and is better by sitting.

  1. Gelsemium – For Loss of Balance and Coordination while Walking

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of the plant Gelsemium Sempervirens having the common name yellow jasmine. It belongs to the family loganiaceae. It is very significant medicine for managing cases where a person has loss of balance and coordination while walking. He has difficulty with walking and his gait is unsteady because of inability to control muscle movements. He staggers on attempting to walk. This medicine is also prominently indicated to manage muscle weakness and paralysis. Lastly this medicine is very useful for pain in the back side of the head (occipital headache).

  1. Merc Sol – For Frequent and Urgent Urination from Overactive Bladder 

Merc Sol gives good results in cases of an overactive bladder with frequent and urgent need to urinate. Persons needing it have a frequent urge to urinate day and night. The urge to pass urine is also sudden. urgent and they have to rush and hurry to pass urine. If delayed urine tends to leak involuntarily.

  1. Spigelia – For Headache 

It is prepared from plant Spigelia anthelmia having the common name pink-root. It belongs to the family loganiaceae. It is very suitable medicine for managing headaches. It is well indicated for a headache on the left side. The key feature to use it is pain that begins in the occipital (back) region of the head and then extends upward and settles over the left eye. For using it the pain is very violent and pulsating in nature. Stooping and eye movement most times makes it worse in cases needing it.

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Missed Periods – Treat Amenorrhea Naturally with Homeopathy

Amenorrhea refers to absence of menstrual periods in females who are of reproductive age means between puberty and menopause. The normal menstrual cycle begins in girls during puberty between the ages of 11 to 15 years. Then it occurs regularly once every month till menopause ( the age when the menstrual periods stop naturally usually around the age of 45 yrs). When women between puberty and menopause after getting a regular cycle suddenly do not get periods altogether for three months or more then they have amenorrhea. Homeopathic medicines for amenorrhea aim to regularise the menstrual cycle by correcting hormonal imbalances in a safe, natural way. 

This is not a disease in itself and can arise from various reasons. It normally happens during pregnancy, breastfeeding. Other than these natural causes it can be a sign that can indicate some underlying health problem. 


Primary Amenorrhea

Menstruation cycle starts between the ages of 11 to 15 years. If the menstrual periods don’t start by the age of 16 yrs then it is primary amenorrhea and medical help should be seeked in such cases. 

The causes of primary amenorrhea includes congenital absence of uterus or fallopian tubes, some structural abnormality  in female reproductive system, vaginal atresia (in this vagina is abnormally closed or absent), imperforate hymen (normally vagina is surrounded by thin membrane called hymen with a small, opening in the center. In imperforate hymen, opening in this membrane is absent thereby blocking vaginal canal). Other reasons include Turner syndrome (In this women lacks some part or entire of one of the two X chromosome and ovaries are replaced by scar tissue and there is very less production of estrogen), androgen insensitivity, premature ovarian failure and problem of pituitary gland that secretes hormones required for menses.

Secondary Amenorrhea

When regular menstrual periods have started in women but afterwards some time in their life they miss their periods then it is considered a case of secondary amenorrhea. If they miss just one period then it is not a reason for concern. To be diagnosed with secondary amenorrhea a woman must have missed periods for at least three months or more when they usually have regular periods in the past. Other than this it is also diagnosed when a woman having irregular periods doesn’t  get a period for around six months.

PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is one of the main reasons behind it. Next reasons are use of certain oral contraceptives pills (birth control pills), certain types of IUD (intrauterine devices); stopping birth control pills also takes time to regularise menstrual cycle. Some medications including antipsychotics, antidepressants and some blood pressure control medicines can lead to amenorrhea. It can also arise from thyroid dysfunction. Other reasons include stress, depression , excessive weight loss or sudden weight gain, having eating disorders ( anorexia or bulimia), intense exercise, poor nutrition. Apart from above scarring /adhesions in uterus, tumours in ovaries and pituitary tumours and surgical removal of uterus or ovaries lead to this. A female may also be predisposed to have amenorrhea if she has a family history of the same. Sometimes Premature menopause causes it (normally menopause happens around age of 45 but in some females it happens before age of 40yrs with stoppage of menses)

Certain physiological causes (when periods naturally do not appear) include pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. 


Along with missed periods some other symptoms may accompany depending upon the cause behind it. These include pelvic pain, milky discharge from nipples, hair fall, facial hair (hirsutism), acne (pimples), headache and vision changes.

Homeopathic Medicines for Amenorrhea

Females having secondary amenorrhea can be highly benefited with homeopathic medicines. They help to bring periods that are suppressed by treating the root cause behind it.  Along with regularising the cycle they are effective to manage pelvic pain, milky discharge from nipples, hair fall, facial hair, acne (pimples) and headache that sometimes happens with missed periods. These medicines are of natural origin so are very safe to use without any side effects.

  1. Pulsatilla – Top Grade Medicine for Missed Periods

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a very effective medicine for bringing periods in cases of amenorrhea. It is well indicated in females who miss their periods often. They have a tendency to get periods always late. The menstrual flow is also scanty. The bleeding may be black, clotted or thin and watery. Due to suppressed periods headache can be there. In most cases needing it the periods are also painful even since puberty. With pain, chilliness, nausea and vomiting is also present. Females needing it may also complain of milky discharge from nipples along with amenorrhea. Acne from menstrual irregularities is another complaint that can accompany above symptoms. It is a very effective medicine to correct the hormonal imbalance and regularise the periods.  

  1. Sepia – Leading Medicine for Absent Menses

This medicine is also among the major medicines for treating cases of amenorrhea. Like Pulsatilla, it also corrects the hormonal imbalance to bring effective cures. Females who require it complain of missed periods for many months altogether. Sometimes they only get menses around three times a year. Their periods are usually scanty in the past. Before periods they get violent pain in the abdomen. Pimples also appear in them before periods. Sadness before menses is another complaint they get. Violent bearing down pain in pelvis is a characteristic symptom that frequently attends above symptoms. It is also indicated when a female has vaginal discharge in place of menses. Complaints of facial hair in females can also be present with these symptoms.

  1. Natrum Mur – For Amenorrhea and Hair Loss

Natrum Mur is a very beneficial medicine for cases of amenorrhea and hair loss. In cases needing it the menses are suppressed. They appear late and when they appear are quite profuse. Menstrual flow is  thin, watery, pale. In these cases headache before and after menses can be there. With these prominent hair loss is present. Apart from above this medicine also helps cases where menses are suppressed from grief. 

  1. Phosphorus – For Amenorrhea with Milky Discharge from Nipples

Phosphorus is a well indicated medicine for cases where periods are absent with milky discharge from nipples. Females needing it get periods very late but very profuse. They may also last for too long a duration. The menstrual bleeding is bright red. During periods they feel pain in the ovaries and also have severe backache. After periods they feel great weakness and also get smarting, burning vaginal discharges.

  1. Senecio Aureus – For Amenorrhea in Young Girls

This medicine is prepared for plant Golden ragwort that belongs to family compositae. It is a prominent medicine for treating amenorrhea in young girls. They feel as if menses would appear but fail. They usually have back pain or pain in shoulders along with suppressed periods.  

  1. Graphites – For Females having Tendency of Late and Scanty Menses 

This medicine is indicated when periods appear late and are scanty. It is attended with violent pain.  Menstrual blood in such cases is thick and dark, sometimes blackish. Sometimes gushing vaginal discharges can be present. When menses are suppressed, heaviness in arms and legs may be felt.

  1. Conium – For Amenorrhea with Tendency of Late and Short Periods

This medicine is helpful for females in whom periods are suppressed and who generally have a tendency of late periods and also that last for a short time. Periods are also scanty in them and sometimes blood is clotted also. Further they may have pain and swelling in the breast during periods. Another complaint that they explain is small red pimples on the body during periods. After periods they have itching in vagina.

  1. Oleum Jec – For Amenorrhea and Facial Hair (Hirsutism)

Oleum Jac is a very effective medicine to bring on the menses which are suppressed. It is also known to improve the menstrual blood flow. Additionally it works wonders in treating complaints of facial hair in women. Females who need it may also have soreness in ovaries. Also they may have complaints of painful periods.

  1. Ignatia – For Suppressed Menses from Grief

This medicine is prepared from plant Ignatia Amara also called St. Ignatius Bean that belongs to the family loganiaceae. It is a valuable medicine for cases where menses are suppressed from grief. In addition females requiring it are sad, depressed with frequent weeping spells. In such cases it helps to bring the menstrual flow which is suppressed. 

  1. Joanesia Asoca – For Suppressed and Scanty Menses

It is prepared from bark of an Indian tree Ashoka that belongs to the family caesalpinioideae. It is one of the medicines that is used since ancient times for treating menstrual troubles, amenorrhea and scanty periods. In homeopathy its use is considered for treating suppressed menses and irregular menses and scanty menses. Females who need it also suffer from headaches from suppressed menses. In case of scanty flow it is used when there is pain in lower abdomen, pain in head, back and thighs.

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Cervicogenic Dizziness – Homeopathic Remedies Offer Relief Naturally

Cervicogenic dizziness refers to a sensation associated with neck pain where a person feels as if he is spinning or the objects around him are moving. It is also known as cervical vertigo. Diagnosis of cervicogenic dizziness is made after excluding other conditions (like BPPV – benign positional vertigo, psychogenic vertigo, vestibular neuritis etc.) that present with similar symptoms like it. Top grade homeopathic remedies for cervicogenic dizziness include Conium and Gelsemium, which help treat the condition symptomatically.  homeopathic remedies for cervicogenic dizziness


It can arise from a number of reasons. Firstly, it can arise after an injury to head or neck or a whiplash injury (this injury results from forceful and rapid back – and – forth movement of the neck and it commonly occurs in rear end car accidents.)
Next, it can arise from blockage in the arteries of the neck as arising from hardening of the artery walls (atherosclerosis) which interrupts the blood flow to the inner ear or the brain stem.
Apart from above any surgery to the neck also may lead to it. Osteoarthritis or cervical spondylosis (i.e. wear and tear of the structures including vertebra, joints, and spinal discs present in the cervical spine) is yet another reason behind it.
In osteoarthritis, cervicogenic dizziness results from pressure being applied to the spinal cord which tends to disrupt blood flow to the brain and the inner ear and cause dizziness.
Other causes include slip disc in the cervical spine and poor neck posture.


The main symptom of it is vertigo that mostly arises from sudden neck movement. Rest of the symptoms include loss of balance, ear pain, ringing in the ears (means tinnitus I.e. hearing noises in the ear in the absence of any external sound), nausea, and vomiting. Lastly, headache and difficulty in concentrating can also arise with above symptoms.

Homeopathic Remedies for Cervicogenic Dizziness

Homeopathic medicines are highly effective to treat cases of cervicogenic dizziness. Homeopathic medicines give excellent results by treating the root cause behind it. These medicines are of natural origin, so they treat this condition in a very safe manner without any sort of side effects. They help to manage its symptoms including vertigo, loss of balance, ear pain, noises in ears, headache, nausea and vomiting in a very effective manner along with aiming to relieve the neck pain and neck stiffness. The top grade homeopathic medicines to treat cases of cervicogenic dizziness include Conium, Gelsemium, Rhus Tox, Bryonia and Cocculus Indicus.

  1. Conium – For Managing Intense Dizziness, Vertigo 

Homeopathic medicine Conium is prepared from fresh plants known as Conium Maculatum. This plant belongs to the family umbelliferae. Conium is a leading medicine for persons who complain of marked dizziness with a sensation as if everything around them is revolving in a circle. They feel that dizziness is worse on turning their head. They want to keep their heads still to prevent episodes of dizziness. Sometimes they also feel that dizziness appears on rising from  a seat and also while walking. With this they feel much pain, stiffness and soreness in the neck.

  1. Gelsemium – To Manage Dizziness and Loss of Balance 

Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of the plant known as Gelsemium Sempervirens, commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is well indicated medicine to manage dizziness and loss of balance in these cases. Persons who need it feel dizzy when they do sudden head movement. They also have loss of balance while walking and fears as if they would fall down from this. Along with this they have pain in the neck and it is also very sensitive to pressure. Heaviness in the head also attends above complaints. Sometimes pain in the head also appears which is mostly located in the back of the head. It also helps to manage concentration issues along with above symptoms.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Relieving Neck Pain and Vertigo 

Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is prepared from fresh leaves of plant Rhus Toxicodendron. This plant belongs to family anacardiaceae. Rhus Tox is given in cases when there is excessive pain in the neck and vertigo. In cases requiring Rhus Tox there is vertigo that worsens from standing or while walking. Sometimes it is worse when rising from a lying position. In such cases intense pain and stiffness is also present in the neck. The neck muscles feel as if they are very tense. A history of injury to the neck, or overstraining of the neck muscles may be found in many cases where Rhus Tox is needed. 

  1. Bryonia – To Manage Pain in Neck and Vertigo 

Bryonia is the next wonderful medicine that effectively manages pain in the neck and vertigo. It is prepared from the root of a plant named as wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is indicated in persons who feel dizziness when rising from the bed or rising from a seat. Along with this they have pain in the neck and a drawing sensation in the neck. The neck pain worsens from motion in them and gets better by absolute rest. The neck muscles also feel stiff in them.

  1. Cimicifuga – For Neck Pain, Stiffness with Vertigo on Stooping

This medicine is prepared from plant Cimicifuga racemosa commonly known as black cohosh. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is effective medicine for neck pain and stiffness with vertigo that particularly worsens on stooping. In cases needing it the neck stiffness worsens from cold air exposure. Neck pain worsens from movement of head. The cervical spine is sensitive to touch along with this. Head heaviness sometimes is present with above symptoms.

  1. Cocculus Indicus – For Managing Vertigo with Nausea, Vomiting 

Cocculus Indicus is prepared from powdered seeds of a plant commonly named as Indian Cockle. This plant belongs to the family menispermaceae. It is very helpful for managing vertigo with nausea and vomiting. Persons who need it have sensation as if all the surrounding objects are revolving. They have vertigo mainly on rising from lying position. They also fear falling during vertigo. Intense nausea and vomiting is present with this. Other symptoms that they may have are neck pain on movement, stiffness in the neck, crackling sounds in the neck on doing any movement, and weakness in the neck muscles. 

  1. Belladonna – To Relieve Earache 

Belladonna is prepared from a plant named as deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is mainly used to relieve earache and headache. The feature to use it in earache is shooting, tearing or stitching pain in the ears. Along with this sometimes ringing noises in the ears are felt. When it comes to headache, it is indicated when there is congestive, throbbing pain especially in the sides of the head. The headache tends to worsen from light, noise, jar and eye movements. With earache and headache they also have dizziness. Their dizziness appears from any of the body movement in them.

  1. Causticum – For Reducing Dizziness and Neck Pain 

Causticum is also very beneficial to help reduce dizziness and neck pain. Persons needing it mainly have tearing pain in the neck. Along with pain, stiffness in the neck is also marked. They also have vertigo with tendency to fall sideways, forward or backward. Mainly stooping leads to vertigo in them.

  1. Silicea – For Neck Pain, Headache and Vertigo

Silicea is a very prominent medicine to manage complaints of neck pain, headache and vertigo in these cases. Persons who need it have neck pain along with neck stiffness. They  cannot turn their heads due to neck pain. With this they have a violent headache. The headache can be felt on top of the head, back of the head or forehead. Lastly they have vertigo. They usually feel vertigo from motion or also looking upward. They also complain of nausea and vomiting along with headache and vertigo.

  1. Tabacum – To Manage Vertigo, Head Heaviness and Nausea

This medicine is indicated to manage vertigo, head heaviness and nausea. In cases needing it the vertigo worsens from looking upward. It gets better by vomiting. It also relieves in the open air. 

  1. Phosphoric Acid – For Cramping Drawing in Neck Muscles with Vertigo

Phosphoric Acid works well in cases where a person has cramping or drawing pain in the neck. Neck feels tense. These complaints are felt mostly on moving the head. With this he has vertigo. The vertigo worsens from standing and walking in them.

  1. Chininum Sulph – To Manage Noises in Ear (Tinnitus)

This medicine is very effective to manage noises in the ear.  For using it the noises can be ringing, roaring, buzzing in nature. With noises vertigo is present. Along with this there is pain in neck muscles. The neck muscles feel swollen and contracted. Along with this head heaviness is there. The last cervical vertebrae in the neck are also very sensitive and tender to pressure where it is required.

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