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Ruta Graveolens – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

The remedy Ruta Graveolens is derived from a plant named garden rue and bitterwort belonging to the family rutaceae. This entire fresh plant undergoes a potentization process (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines by which the medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused). Passing of this plant through this process gives us a wonderful homeopathic medicine Ruta Graveolens. It is very effective medicine to manage cases of injury, over straining and inflammation of tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. It is a top listed medicine for managing cases of sprains and tendonitis.
ruta graveolens

Drug Action 

It has the most prominent and well defined action on the tendons, ligaments, muscles, joints, bones, cartilages. Next, it acts well on the back, eyes, head, rectum and male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Sprains, tendonitis, backache, joint injury, arthritis, eye strain, asthenopia (eyestrain), ganglion, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, constipation, rectum prolapse, exostosis, fracture, sciatica.    

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. For injury (sprains, strains, injury to joints, bones, tendons) 

Ruta is among the top listed medicines for managing cases of injury. It works best for injury to joints, bones and tendons. It helps to heal the injured tissues and give relief in pain as well. The pain mainly is sore aching type attended with restlessness where it is required. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating cases of sprains and strains. Sprains refers to overstretching or tearing of ligaments that is fibrous tissue which connects two bones together. In sprain cases it works well when accompanied with weakness in joints. For sprains it is very beneficial especially when sprain occurs in the ankle joint. Another prominent indication is lameness that remains after sprains. Strains means overstretching of the muscles. Next it is very useful for managing bone injuries and tearing of muscles, ligaments or nerves. Besides these it gives great results in cases of sore inflamed tendons (tendonitis) for which it is a top ranking medicine. Tendons are fibrous tissue that attach muscle to bone. It is prominently indicated for managing bruised pain in the bones. Pain in long bones as if broken is also a characteristic feature indicating its use.

Key indicating features

Sprains (overstretching or tearing of ligaments) especially of ankle
Sprain with weakness in joints
Lameness remaining after sprain
Sore, inflamed tendon
Bruised pain in bones
Pain in long bones as if broken

  1. Limbs (sprain, joint pain, sciatica, ganglion, CTS, frozen shoulder)

Ruta acts magnificently on the limbs to treat numerous health concerns. To begin with it is highly recommended medicine for managing sprain especially ankle sprain with marked swelling and pain. It has a wonderful action on joints. It is very suitable for knee pain management. There is great difficulty in going upstairs and downstairs.  It also acts well on the wrist and hands to manage pain and stiffness. Wrist feels sprained and stiff, worsening in wet cold weather. Next main indication of Ruta is treating cases of bursitis (inflammation of fluid filled sacs called bursa near joints).
If we look further this medicine is very effective in sciatica management. Sciatica refers to pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve, where pain starts in the lower back and radiates down the hip, back of thigh, back of leg up to feet. In cases needing it for sciatica the pain goes from back down the hips to thighs. It increases on lying down at night and from sitting. It is also worse in cold weather and from cold applications. It is better from walking.
Another condition where it works wonders is dissolving ganglion (a round lump filled with jelly-like fluid usually developing in the wrist), especially of the wrist. It also acts in an excellent manner on nerves and plays a significant role in treating cases of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). It is a syndrome in which the median nerve is compressed resulting in numbness, tingling and weakness in hands and arms. It gives excellent results in cases of pain in the achilles tendon (tough fibrous band connecting calf muscle in back of leg to the heel bone). An important action of this medicine is noted in treating exostosis (extra bony growth on existing bone) cases.
In case of frozen shoulder as well it brings out great recoveries. Frozen shoulder is a condition causing pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. It works effectively in treating warts (small bumps on skin caused by human papillomavirus) on palms of hands, when warts are smooth, flat and painful.

Key indicating features

Sprain with marked swelling and pain
Knee pain with great difficulty in going upstairs and downstairs
Sciatica worse on lying down at night, from sitting and in cold weather Sciatica better from walking
Ganglion of wrist
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Achilles tendon pain
Exostosis (extra bony growth on existing bone)
Warts on palms of hands

  1. Back (injury, pain)

Next, its action on the back is highly noteworthy. This medicine suits well cases of backache that occurs following an injury or a strain. Persons needing this mainly feel better in pain from lying on the back and from pressure. It acts well to treat lower back pain that is specifically worse in the morning before rising. Lower back feels bruised as well as weak. 

Key indicating features

Backache after an injury or strain
Backache better from lying on the back and from pressure
Lower back pain worse in morning before rising

  1. Eyes (eyestrain)

Next it is a highly valuable medicine to deal with certain eye related concerns. It is a leading medicine to manage cases of eyestrain (asthenopia). Pain in eyes when reading occurs. The eyes also get red and painful when reading, especially small print. Vision also gets blurred. Next there is burning sensation in eyes as from fire and lachrymation (excessive tearing from eyes). Headache from eye strain is best treated with this remedy.

Key indicating features

Eyestrain (asthenopia) with pain, redness in eyes especially when reading
Headache from eye strain 

  1. Rectal complaints (constipation, prolapse, stricture, cancer)

Use of Ruta is considered in treating many of the rectal complaints as well. The main among these includes constipation, rectal prolapse, stricture, and cancer of the rectum. In constipation cases there is difficult stool passed with great straining. Stool is scanty, hard like sheep’s dung. The rectum seems inactive. Tearing or stitching in rectum when sitting can be felt. Constipation may alternate with mucus and frothy stool in some cases. It can be given in cases of rectal prolapse. It is well indicated when prolapse of rectum mainly occurs when stooping, when passing stool and following childbirth. It can be used for stricture of rectum when there is narrowing of rectum from scar tissue. In homeopathic therapeutics its role in managing rectal cancer is also mentioned.

Key indicating features

Constipation with difficult stool passed with great straining and stool is scanty, hard like sheep’s dung
Prolapse of rectum when stooping, when passing stool and following childbirth

  1. Male problems (injury, varicocele)

Males may find this medicine very effective to treat some of the problems. Firstly it is well indicated to manage injury to the genitals. Next it is indicated to treat varicocele that follows strain. Varicocele is enlargement of veins within scrotum that arises from defective valves of veins in scrotum.

Key indicating features

Injury to genitals
Varicocele following as strain

  1. Female problems (prolapse uterus, irregular menses)

This medicine can be used in managing a few problems in females. It can be used in cases of prolapse of the uterus. Bearing down pains are felt in the uterus.
It is also helpful when there are irregular scanty menses. Menses also last for a short duration, just about two days. Vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) occurs before and after menses. 

Key indicating features

Prolapse of uterus
Irregular, scanty menses lasting for a short duration for about two days


Worsening factors: complaints are worse from lifting, overexertion, injury, lying, stooping, cold air, dampness

Relieving factors: complaints are better from warmth, rubbing, scratching and lying on your back.

Ruta Graveolens – Dosage

Use of this medicine is recommended in low as well as high potencies. In low potency it can be repeated often but in high potency it should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor

It antidotes: Merc Sol

Followed well by: Acid Phos, Calcarea Carb, Causticum, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Sepia and Sulphur

It can be compared with other remedies including Rhus Tox, Arnica, Hypericum, Bellis Perennis, and Calcarea Fluor

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Aconitum Napellus – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Aconitum Napellus is commonly known as monkshood or wolfsbane. It belongs to the family ranunculaceae. This homoeopathic remedy is prepared from the whole plant monkshood with root during flowering through the  process of potentization. It is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts and arouses medicinal properties from crude substances. It is a useful medicine to manage numerous complaints occurring from exposure to dry, cold air/wind and to manage anxiety, panic attacks and various sorts of fears.
aconitum napellus

The ‘Aconitum Napellus’ Constitution

This medicine is suitable for people with a nervous nature and those having sedentary (means spending much of the time seated with little to no exercise) life. It suits well anxious persons and those having fears and predisposition to panic attacks.

Drug Action 

This remedy acts on multiple organs and treats numerous related conditions and diseases. Among different organs its main action is seen upon the mind, nose, eyes and respiratory tract. Rest it acts well on ears, face, throat, mouth, tongue, limbs and heart.

Clinical Indications

Anxiety, panic attacks, fear, cold, sneezing, epistaxis (nose bleeding), fever, cough, conjunctivitis, earache, noises in ear (tinnitus), trigeminal neuralgia, throat inflammation, tonsillitis, laryngitis, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, sleeplessness (insomnia), palpitations, pericarditis, hypertrophy of heart.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Mind complaints (anxiety, panic attacks, fear)

It has a wide sphere of action in mind to settle many complaints. Among these it is a renowned medicine for managing anxiety, panic attacks and fears. Persons needing it have great anxiety with restlessness. They do everything in great haste. They have a tendency for panic attacks too. There is excessive anxiety, palpitations, shaking, trembling. Fear of death is marked. Numbness and tingling in fingers is felt. Sometimes fainting occurs.
There are lots of fears for which it is indicated. The main one is fear of death with feeling as if a person were to die soon, so strong is this fear. Next is fear of the dark and ghosts. Another prominent fear is of crowds where a person is afraid of going out of house. There is fear of narrow streets.
It is a top grade medicine to manage complaints occurring from fright, emotional shocks and anger. Rest of noteworthy features indicating its use are over-sensitiveness to pain, sadness from listening to music, mood swings between happiness and sadness, delirium (sudden confusion and change in mental status). 

Key indicating features

Anxiety, panic attacks with restlessness, palpitations, trembling and fear of death
Fear of death, of dark, ghosts, crowds
Ailments from fright, emotional shocks and anger

  1. Nose (cold, nose bleeding)

This medicine has a marked action on the nose where it is most beneficial to manage cold, sneezing and nose bleeding. It is an infallible medicine for treating colds that follows exposure to cold dry air. There is a runny nose and excessive sneezing. Other ways there may be stopped up dry nose with little discharge. There is fever and a headache present with cold. Next, it is helpful for cases having nasal bleeding. Here it is well indicated when the bleeding is of bright red blood. 

Key indicating features

Cold after exposure to cold dry air
Runny nose with sneezing or dry stopped up nose
Nose bleeding with bright red blood

  1. Eyes (conjunctivitis, eye inflammation)

With its action on eyes it helps to manage various complaints. First among these is conjunctivitis. It refers to inflammation of conjunctiva which is a transparent membrane covering the eyelid and white part of the eye. In such cases it helps in initial stages when there is no discharge but there is redness, heat, dryness of eyes with pain that can be burning, pressive or shooting type. There is a sensation of sand in the eyes. It may follow exposure to cold dry wind. 
Next important feature that points towards its use is eye inflammation that happens from dust, or some foreign body in eyes or after surgery. It can be used for eyelid swelling too when eyelids are red, hard swollen with a tense feeling. It also covers complaints of excessive eye watering from exposure to dry, cold winds and from reflection of snow. 

Key indicating features

Conjunctivitis in early stages with redness, heat, dryness and pain in eye
Eye inflammation from dust, some foreign body in eyes or after surgery
Profuse eye watering from exposure to dry, cold winds and reflection of snow

  1. Ears (earache, noises in ear)

This medicine can be given to manage some of the ear problems. It is of great service to manage ear pain. Pain in the ear can be sharp or tearing. The external ear is red, painful, warm and swollen. Next it works wonders in cases of otitis media (inflammation or infection of middle ear). Further this medicine can be given in cases of noises in the ear that can be roaring, ringing, buzzing or humming noises. 

Key indicating features

Sharp tearing pain in ear
Roaring, ringing, buzzing or humming noises

  1. Face (trigeminal neuralgia)

When it comes to face it proves to be effective to treat trigeminal neuralgia and alleviate facial pain. Trigeminal neuralgia is a sudden shooting or electric shock like facial pain from pressure over trigeminal nerve or its damage. There is pain on the left side of the face with redness and heat where it is a magnificent medicine to manage it. The pain is intense that can make a person scream. Anxiety restlessness occurs with this. Numbness, tingling in face accompany. There may also occur crawling and creeping sensation on face. 

Key indicating features

Left sided trigeminal neuralgia
Pain in left side face with numbness, tingling

  1. Throat (inflammation, tonsillitis, laryngitis)

Action of Aconite is also seen on the throat. It is of great value in treating throat inflammation, tonsillitis, and laryngitis. It is primarily indicated when there is throat inflammation with dark redness and high fever. The tonsils, palate look dark red. Tonsils are dry, swollen. There is stinging burning pain in my throat and difficulty in swallowing. This medicine is also known to be of service in laryngitis cases. Laryngitis is inflammation of the larynx or the voice box. In such cases it helps when there is hoarseness and husky voice. It may be attended with pain when talking. Larynx is sensitive and fever may accompany.

Key indicating features

Throat inflammation with dark redness, stinging, burning pain and high fever
Tonsillitis  with dark red, dry, swollen tonsils
Laryngitis with hoarse and husky voice

  1. Respiratory complaints (cough, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis)

Aconitum Napellus is very suitable for treating numerous concerns related to the respiratory system. Out of these chiefly it is indicated for managing cough. Cough occurring after exposure to dry, cold air or wind is a classic indication for its use. It has shown great clinical improvements when cough is short, hoarse, dry, barking, hacking type.  It is a loud cough and laboured breathing may occur with this. Its other clinical indications are asthma, bronchitis (inflammation of lining of bronchial tubes), pneumonia (inflammation of air sacs of lungs). There is shortness of breath, sensation of band around chest.
Rusty, frothy mucus or white mucus with blood streaks can appear. Lastly, stitching pain in the chest when breathing or coughing can be felt.

Key indicating features

Cough from exposure to dry, cold air or wind
Dry, short, loud, hoarse, barking, hacking sort of cough

  1. Fever

It is one of the leading medicines to manage fever cases. It is a magnificent medicine for cases of inflammatory fever for example fever with throat inflammation. It is typically indicated for the first stage of fever. There is very hot, burning skin where it is required, face is red or red and pale alternately. Coldness may alternate with heat. In some cases the cold stage predominates. There is anxiety, restlessness and excessive thirst for water. 

Key indicating features

First stage of inflammatory fever
Fever with excessive heat, dry, burning skin and intense thirst for water
Fever with anxiety, restlessness

  1. Mouth (bitter taste, coated tongue, and tingling, burning, numbness)

Coming to this section, it is useful for cases of bitter taste in mouth, dryness, burning sensation in mouth. There is a bitter taste of everything except water.
Its next indication is tingling, numbness of lips. Burning sensation can accompany it. Other guiding features are related to tongue and includes coated tongue, swollen tongue, tingling / prickling on tongue, numbness, burning on tongue. Tongue is coated white or yellowish white and maybe dry, red. Burning and tingling on tip of tongue is present.

Key indicating features

Bitter taste of everything except water
White or yellowish white coating on tongue
Tingling, burning, numbness of lips or tongue

  1. Sleep (sleeplessness, nightmares)

Aconite is extremely helpful for managing some sleep problems. To begin with it is a leading medicine for sleeplessness that results from anxiety or some sort of fright. There is restlessness and tossing about in bed from sleeplessness. People are sleepless mainly after midnight. Not only this, it is suited well to elderly people to manage the concern of sleeplessness. It can also be given to those who get nightmares and to those who tend to startle in sleep. 

Key indicating features

Sleeplessness from anxiety or fright
Sleeplessness in elderly people
Nightmares and starting during sleep

  1. Limbs (numbness, tingling, joint inflammation)

Apart from above this medicine can rectify well some of the complaints related to limbs. It can give a solution to complaints of numbness and tingling in limbs. Person may complain of shooting pain in limbs. It can improve twitching of fingers and toes. Additionally it is indicated for joint inflammation. The joints are swollen, red, shiny, and sensitive to slight contact, complaints are worse at evening and night. 

Key indicating features

Numbness, tingling and shooting pain in limbs
Swollen, red, shiny, sensitive joints, worse at evening and night

  1. Heart (palpitations, pericarditis, hypertrophy of heart)

For certain heart issues too its use is recommended. This medicine can help cases of palpitations. These may be from motion, fright, smoking. Pulse is fast, hard, bounding. It can be given for heart pain extending to the left shoulder. Its use is indicated for pericarditis which is an inflammation of lining that surrounds the heart. In such cases there is stitching pain in the heart and hard, strong pulse. Lastly it is well indicated for hypertrophy of heart.  

Key indicating features

Palpitations from motion, fright, smoking
Pericarditis with stitching pain in heart and hard, strong pulse
Hypertrophy of heart


Worsening factors: exposure to dry, cold wind, checked sweating, fright, shock, at night, from music

Relieving factors: in open air and from rest


This medicine can be used from 30 C to 1 M potency. If using it in low potency, repetition can be done frequently. But in higher potencies frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Acetic Acid, Paris Quadrifolia

It antidotes Belladonna, Chamomilla, Coffea Cruda, Nux Vomica,

Followed well by: Abrotanum, Arnica, Arsenic Album, Calcarea Carb, Hepar Sulph, Ipecac, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Spigelia, Spongia and Sulphur

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

China Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine China Officinalis is prepared from dried bark of plant Cinchona Officinalis also known as Peruvian bark. It belongs to the family rubiaceae.  When dried bark of this plant is potentised as per homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties, we get as a result a highly valuable homeopathic medicine. It is a top listed homeopathic remedy to manage numerous gastric complaints and weakness.

The ‘China Officinalis’ Constitution

This medicine is mainly suited to people who are lean, thin and are predisposed to get nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. It is highly suitable to persons who have turned weak from excessive loss of blood, diarrhoea.

Drug Action 

The prime action of this medicine is seen in the gastric system. Next important action is on blood to manage ill effects of blood loss like weakness, fatigue and anaemia. Other than this it acts well on the liver, gallbladder, ears, nose, face, male and female genitals. 

Clinical Indications

Gas (flatulence), bloating, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, liver diseases, gallstones, gall stone colic, anaemia, noises in ear, meniere’s disease, ear pain. ear discharge, nose bleeding, facial pain, nightfall, testicle pain, menstrual complaints, vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea), malaria.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy                              

1. Gastric Issues (gas, bloating, diarrhoea, anorexia, vomiting, liver disorders)

China Officinalis has a wide action on gastric tract where it helps settle various problems. Firstly, it is very helpful to ease the complaint of gas (flatulence) in the abdomen. In cases needing it there is gas in the abdomen which is felt for a long time after eating along with bloating. Weight in the stomach occurs following eating even a slight amount of food. Burping that tastes like food or is bitter may occur but it affords no relief in bloating. Motion may relieve bloating. A person may also have pain in the abdomen from obstructed gas. It is better from bending double. Gas pain after operation can be managed well with it.  Secondly, it is a top grade medicine for managing diarrhoea attended with excessive weakness. Stool is loose, brownish or yellowish, having undigested food particles with weakness. Passage of stool occurs with much escape of gas. Stool is offensive and can be frothy. It is also suitable when loose stool arises from eating fruit or drinking milk. Diarrhoea occurring in hot weather is also treated magnificently with this remedy. 
This medicine can be given for cases of worm infestation as well. It is also used when there is vomiting that may be sour, of undigested food or of mucus.
Another well known effect is to help cases of loss of appetite (anorexia). Persons who need it have an aversion to eating any sort of food and feel full all the time. It can be given for a low appetite when a person feels stomach is full from eating very little food. Appetite loss in case of malaria is an important indication for its use. It can handle gastric issues that occur from eating fruit, fish or from drinking milk, impure water, tea and sour wine. Cases of food poisoning from drinking impure water or eating bad meat, bad fruit can be treated well with this medicine. This medicine also acts well on the liver and gallbladder. Here it proves to be effective to manage cases of liver inflammation, liver enlargement, liver cirrhosis, gallstones and its related colic. 

Key indicating features

Gas and bloating, slightly better from motion
Abdomen pain from obstructed gas better from bending double
Gas pain after operation
Diarrhoea with excessive weakness
Loss of appetite with aversion to eat any sort of food
Gastric troubles from fruit, fish or milk, impure water, tea and sour wine
Liver complaints (its enlargement, inflammation and cirrhosis)
Gall stones and gall stone colic management

2. For weakness

It is one of the best medicines for managing cases of weakness and fatigue. This medicine is mainly selected when weakness occurs after diarrhoea, after bleeding (loss of blood). In males when weakness arises from excessive seminal emissions, this medicine can be really helpful. Females who suffer from weakness during breastfeeding, or after heavy periods may also find this medicine very useful to regain strength. Besides these its use can be done in cases of weakness that follows mental or physical exertion. 

Key indicating features

Weakness after diarrhoea, after bleeding (loss of blood)
Weakness occurring from excessive seminal emissions in males
Weakness in females during breast feeding or after heavy periods

3. Ear (noises in ear, pain, ear discharge)

This medicine acts well on ears and treats many ear related problems. It is mainly utilized for managing noises in ears (tinnitus) which can be roaring, ringing or humming type. With this there occurs vertigo, headache, and difficulty in hearing. Its use is recommended to manage meniere’s disease (an inner ear disorder with triad of symptoms including noises in ear, hearing loss and vertigo) too. It can be used for pain in the ear, tearing type worsening from slightest touch. Sometimes there is a stitching sort of ear pain. It is useful to manage ear discharge, which is foul smelling, consisting of pus and blood. 

Key indicating features

Roaring, ringing or humming noises in ear
Noises in ear with vertigo, headache and difficult hearing
Meniere’s disease
Ear pain increasing from little touch
Ear discharge having pus and blood with foul odour

4. Nose (cold, sneezing, nose bleeding)

With its action on the nose it manages complaints of cold, sneezing and nose bleeding. There is watery discharge from the nose with sneezing. This is accompanied with pain in the temple region of the head. Pain can be felt at the root of the nose. Eye watering may be present too. Smell is very acute and the person is sensitive to the smell of cooking and flowers. It is beneficial for managing nose bleeding (epistaxis) with head congestion and pale face. The bleeding episodes are frequent and occur especially in the morning on rising.

Key indicating features

Cold with watering from nose, sneezing, eye watering
Nose bleeding with congestion of head and pale face
Nose bleeding in morning on rising

5. Face (facial pain, dark circles)

This medicine can be given for cases of facial pain. The characteristic for using it is needle-like pain in the left side of the face. In some cases pain can be burning or tearing in nature on the right side of the face. The facial pain gets worse from movement and touch. Face turns alternately red and pale. This medicine is also indicated for dark circles when there is an appearance of bluish discoloration around the eyes. Face looks pale, sickly, bloated. 

Key indicating features

Needle like facial pain on left side
Facial pain increasing from touch and motion
Pale, sickly looking face with bluish discoloration around the eyes 

6. Male Issues (inflamed testes, impotency, testes pain, nightfall)

When it comes to males this medicine is recommended for complaints including inflammation of testes (orchitis), testes pain, impotency (inability to get or maintain an erection to have sexual intercourse) and nightfall. Persons needing it feel cramping, contractive pain in testes. They may have tearing pain in their left testes. It deals well with cases of swollen testicle after gonorrhoea infection (gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae).
Next, it is an important medicine to manage impotency from excessive indulgence in sexual activity.
Lastly it is known to be effective for cases of excessive seminal emissions at night accompanied with weakness.

Key indicating features

Inflammation of testes and cramping, contractive pain in testes
Swelling of testes after gonorrhoea infection
Impotency from excessive indulgence in sexual activity
Nightfall, frequent with weakness

7. Female problems (heavy periods, vaginal discharge)

This medicine can rectify certain female problems. It is a principal medicine for managing heavy periods with anaemia. The menstrual bleeding is dark, with clots and periods may come early. It is attended with pain and abdomen distension may be present too. After menses excessive weakness can be felt which is magnificently relieved with this medicine. There may also occur intermenstrual bleeding of dark blood. It is also of great value to help cases of vaginal discharge. It is typically indicated for blood stained vaginal discharge. It is accompanied with pain and bearing down in vulva. 

Key indicating features

Heavy periods with anaemia, weakness
Weakness after menses
Blood stained vaginal discharge 

8. Perspiration (sweating)

It is a prominent medicine for excessive sweating. People needing this remedy have increased sweating after exertion. It is also indicated for heavy sweating during sleep, at night accompanied with weakness. The sweat drenches the whole body. Next notable indication is profuse sweating in case of fever, malaria.

Key indicating features

Increased sweating during sleep
Excessive sweating causing weakness
Profuse sweat from fever, malaria

9. Fever

It is a highly valuable medicine for cases of malaria fever. All three stages of chill, heat and sweat are well marked. The symptom of utmost importance to use it is violent chills internally with icy cold hands and feet. There is shivering with nausea, vertigo, vomiting and pain in the head. During the heat stage, the mouth is dry, face is red, pricking is felt here and there and excessive thirst for water. Sweating mainly occurs during sleep and also during movement, and is very profuse and attended with much weakness.

Key indicating features

Malaria fever with well – marked stages of chill, heat and excessive sweat
Fever with excessive sweating especially at night time with marked weakness


Worsening factors: complaints worsen after eating, slight touch, at night, from eating fish, fruits and drinking milk

Relieving factors: Complaints are better from hard pressure and in open air.

China Officinalis Dosage

It can be used in both low and high potencies. Its frequent repetition can be done in low potencies but in high potencies frequent repetition of this medicine should be avoided. 

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album, Carbo Veg, Ferrum Met, Ipecac, Merc Sol, Nux Vomica, Sepia and Sulphur

It antidotes Calcarea Carb, Chamomilla, Coffea Cruda, Iodum and Veratrum Album

Followed well by: Acid Phos, Arsenic Album, Asafoetida, Carbo Veg, Ferrum Met, Phosphorus and Veratrum Album

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Allium Cepa – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

The remedy Allium Cepa is derived from red onion belonging to the family liliaceae. It undergoes a potentization process (a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance) to turn into a very useful homeopathic medicine Allium Cepa. It is highly effective to manage nasal allergies, colds, and nerve pain.
Allium Cepa

The ‘Allium Cepa’ Constitution

This medicine suits well persons who are prone to nasal allergies and cold. 

Drug Action

It has an effect on the nose, sinuses, ears, eyes, throat, larynx and nerves. With its medicinal properties it helps in reducing inflammation in these body parts. It is a good natural medicine to treat nasal allergies. Nasal discharges, sneezing and eye watering is marked in these cases. 

Clinical Indications

Cold, sneezing, nasal allergies, sinusitis, laryngitis, nerve inflammation (neuritis), cough, earache, headache and shoe bite.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Nasal Problems (runny nose, sneezing, nasal polyps, sinusitis)

It has marked action on the nose and treats a number of nasal conditions effectively. It proves to be infallible in cases of cold and nasal allergies (hay fever). It can be given when there is profuse, watery discharge from the nose. The discharge is irritating and causes much burning. It causes burning and redness of the upper lips and edge of the nostrils. There is sneezing with nasal discharge that can be constant. It also works well for sneezing in the morning soon after rising from bed. Itching in the nose also stands prominent. The nose feels stopped at times. There is a lump sensation or in some cases pain at the root of the nose. Watering from eyes can be present. It can effectively deal with the headache that accompanies a cold.
This remedy is also helpful in nasal polyps. These are benign means non-cancerous growths in the lining of the nose or paranasal sinuses. Besides the above complaints, it is one of the most effective remedies for sinusitis (inflammation of paranasal sinuses). 

Key indicating features:

Acrid nasal discharge 
Sneezing that is almost constant
Nasal polyps

  1. Eyes (eye watering, bland eye discharge)

For eyes it is an important medicine to manage multiple concerns. It effectively manages excessive watering from eyes. It is mostly bland (means without any itching, burning, irritation). Rarely may it lead to itching, burning and a smarting sensation in the eyes. This is attended with the desire to rub the eyes. Above symptoms may occur along with nasal discharges. It is also given for cases of swelling of the lids and swelling around eyes, accompanied with cold. There is redness of the eyes with sensitivity to touch. 

Key indicating features:

Excessive eye watering
Bland eye discharge without irritation, burning

  1. Ears (itchy ears, earache, noises in ears)

If we talk of ears this medicine is useful to manage itching in the ears arising from allergic conditions. Next it helps to manage earache. It could be attended with pus discharge from the ear. Difficulty in hearing may be present. There may also occur noises in the ears (tinnitus). These may be buzzing, roaring or humming. 

Key indicating features

Ear itching from allergies
Buzzing, roaring, humming noises in ears

  1. Head (headache with cold)

Its further action is noted on the head where it is recommended to manage headache. It is selected mainly to treat headache that occurs with cold. Mostly the pain is felt in the forehead. From here it may radiate to the face and the eyes. Persons needing it may experience a worsening headache especially in a warm room.

Key indicating features

Headache with cold
Headache in warm room

  1. Throat concerns (inflamed larynx, throat pain, itching in throat and palate)

With its action on the throat, it mainly treats cases of laryngitis (inflammation of larynx – means voice box). There is hoarseness of voice and tickling in the larynx. Lump sensation is also felt in the throat. Additionally there can occur throat pain that radiates to the ear. Tough, sticky mucus in the throat is another symptom that may attend. Itching and burning in the back of the throat and the palate are yet other strong indications to use it.

Key indicating features:

Larynx inflammation with hoarse voice
Itching in back of throat and palate

  1. Cough 

This medicine can be given for cases of cough, where it arises from tickling in the larynx. It is attended with a sensation as if the larynx would be torn away. Cough is a harsh, ringing type that may cause watering from the eyes. There may be rattling in the chest and tough mucus expectoration. It can also treat coughs that occur from inhaling cold air. It has proven to be beneficial when cough occurs with a runny nose and eyes watering.

Key indicating features:

Cough from tickling in larynx
Cough with runny nose, watery eyes

  1. Nerve complaints (nerve pain / inflammation, facial paralysis)

When it comes to nerves, this medicine is well indicated for managing nerve inflammation and nerve pain. Most importantly it offers help for these complaints occurring from an injury to nerves. Other than this it is also beneficial for nerve pain that might happen after amputation (surgical removal of a limb or a part of it). The characteristic to use this particular remedy is nerve pain, much like a fine thread. The nature of pain can be burning or stinging type. It is most indicated for nerve pain in face, neck, chest and head. Other than these its use can be considered for cases of facial paralysis (loss of facial movement from damaged muscles), especially of left side. 

Key indicating features:  

Nerve pain and inflammation
Nerve pain like a fine thread
Facial paralysis on left side

  1. Gastric troubles (stomach pain, diarrhoea, worms)

In case of gastric issues, it can be helpful in complaints like stomach pain, offensive flatus (gas), distended abdomen, diarrhoea, worms. With its action on the abdomen, it can manage pain in the navel area, especially when sitting, that gets better from walking. It can resolve stomach pain specifically from eating salads, cucumber. It is effective to manage diarrhoea with discharge of offensive gas. There may also be rumbling and distension of the abdomen followed by loose stool. Last concern in the gastric system that this remedy helps manage is worms and associated itching.

Key indicating features: 

Stomach pain from eating cucumbers, salads
Diarrhoea with offensive gas
Worms with itching

  1. Skin complaints (Shoe bite)

Lastly it is used for some of the skin complaints. It is a classic medicine to treat cases of shoe bite. Here it is helps to treat ulcers that form on the feet from rubbing off by shoes. Other than this it could be given for prickling or pin needle sensation on skin; red, itchy skin and measles with symptoms of cold. 

Key indicating features:
Shoe bite to heal ulcers on feet
Prickling sensation on skin


Worsening factors:  complaints seem to worsen in warm room and in the evening time
Relieving factors: going in a cold room or open air brings relief

Allium Cepa – Dosage 

It can be used from low to high potencies. It is a short acting medicine and can be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arnica, Chamomilla, Nux Vomica, Thuja and Veratrum Album

Followed well by Calcarea Carb and Silica

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Glonoinum – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Hoemopathic remedy Glonoinum is derived from nitroglycerine which is inert in its crude state. When it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine. It is a widely recommended medicine in homeopathy for cases of throbbing, bursting, congestive and sun headache.

The ‘Glonoinum’ Constitution

This medicine is most suitable to nervous people and also to sensitive women.  Persons needing it feel tired, with no desire to do any work, are very irritable and prone to get congestive headaches. 

Drug Action 

The most important action of this medicine is seen on head and heart where it helps complaints caused from sudden congestion and rush of blood to head and heart. Other than this it acts well on eyes, ears, face and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Headache, sun headache, menstrual headache, heart disorders, angina pectoris, high blood pressure, palpitations, suppressed menses, hot flushes, stroke, eye pain, eye floaters, photophobia, earache, meniere’s disease, noises in ears, trigeminal neuralgia, facial pain, facial flushing.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Head (headache)

It has prominent action on the head where it acts wonderfully to manage headache. It is one of the best medicines to manage throbbing, bursting, congestive type of headache. There is intense congestion of the head with a rush of blood to the head. Heat is felt in the head with this and the face appears red. Eyeballs may feel protruded with headache. Throbbing is most intense in the temples of head (means sides of head between forehead and ear). Nausea and vomiting may occur with pain. Headache gets worse from walking, shaking and stooping. The sufferer feels relief from a headache from sleep. The headache may also get better in open air and from pressure. There is a sensation of enlargement of the head. Heaviness of the head is marked. One can feel a shock-like sensation in the head synchronously with a pulse.
It has shown great clinical improvements in cases of headache that is worse from sun exposure. Sun headache (headache that increases and decreases with sun) is a very peculiar symptom to use this remedy.
Next, its use is indicated headache from high blood pressure with flushed face and palpitations.
It can also be prescribed for cases where pain begins in the back of head (occiput) and base of the brain and from there extend to the eye and temple region.
Another characteristic to use it is headache that occurs around the menstrual cycle (before, during or after menses). In homeopathic therapeutics its utilization is also mentioned for cases where one is suspecting a stroke (a medical emergency in which reduced or interrupted blood supply to the brain causes death of brain cells). Next it is indicated to manage pain in the forehead over eyes that is worse from using eyes and doing some mind related work.

Key indicating features

Throbbing bursting, congestive type of headache
Sun headache that increases and decreases with sun
Headache from high blood pressure with flushed face and palpitations
Headache occurring around menses (before, during or after menses)

  1. Heart (heart pain, angina pectoris, high blood pressure)

Action of Glonoinum is marked on the heart. It is a significant medicine for managing high blood pressure (hypertension).
It is also indicated for heart pain, and angina pectoris (heart pain from reduced blood supply to the heart). People needing it have heart pain that radiates to the back and in between the shoulders. Heart pain from stooping is a prominent feature to use it. Fullness, heaviness, heat, pressure in the heart region is felt.  There can be palpitations of the heart with trouble breathing. With this there may occur headache pulsating in nature marked in forehead and between temples. There is increased pulse rate and heat in the face.

Key indicating features

High blood pressure
Heart pain radiating to back and in between shoulders
Heart pain from stooping
Palpitations with difficult breathing

  1. Female problems (hot flushes, menopausal complaints, headache)

This medicine is well suited to manage certain female problems. Its use is preferred for some of the menopausal complaints. First prominent indication is hot flushes that occur daily during menopause. Next characteristic is headache and pressure in head during menopause. Besides these it is indicated for nausea and vertigo during menopause. Use of this remedy is considered for managing headache around menses as well. The pain in the head can be there before, during or after menses. It also works well if there is pain, congestion or fullness of head when menses do not appear and are suppressed. The pain is throbbing or tearing in nature and face, eyes may be red. If a headache occurs after profuse menses, this medicine can prove very effective there too. Lastly, this medicine is beneficial for lower back pain during menses.

Key indicating features

Hot flushes, headache, nausea, vertigo during menopause
Headache before, during or after menses and from suppressed menses
Headache after copious menses

  1. Eyes (pain, floaters)

This medicine also has an effect on eyes where it is useful for eye pain. For using it the pain can be aching, bursting or drawing in nature. Stitching, sharp pain or soreness in eyeballs can be present. Heat in eyeballs and lids is marked. Second important indication for its use is eye floaters with black spots before eyes. It also works well if there are sparks, flashes of light before eyes. Other than these it is well indicated for managing photophobia (sensitivity to bright light), dimness of vision with vertigo and supraorbital neuralgia (pain above the eyes).

Key indicating features

Aching, bursting or drawing pain in eyes
Eye floaters with black spots, sparks, flashes of light before eyes

  1. Ears (noises, pain, meniere’s disease)

For ears, this medicine can be successfully used to manage noises in ears (tinnitus) when it is of ringing, cracking type. With this there is fullness in the ears. It can be used for throbbing ear pain. There may be hardness of hearing. It is a valuable medicine to manage cases of meniere’s disease (an inner ear disorder with symptoms like hearing loss and vertigo). 

Key indicating features

Ringing, cracking noises in ears
Throbbing pain in ear
Meniere’s disease

  1. Face (trigeminal neuralgia, pain in face)

This medicine serves great help to manage trigeminal neuralgia (severe electric shock like facial pain from pressure over trigeminal nerve or due to its damage) of the left side face. It can also alleviate facial pain accompanied with twitching of facial muscles. Next indication is pain in the temple of the head radiating from the decayed tooth. This medicine can manage facial flushing, redness and heat in the face. 

Key indicating features

Left sided trigeminal neuralgia
Pain in face with twitching of facial muscles
Facial redness, flushing and heat


Worsening factors: complaints are worse in sun, hot weather, shaking, motion, suppressed menses

Relieving factors: complaints are relieved from lying still, in open air

Glonoinum Dosage

This medicine can be used from low to high potencies. It is a short acting medicine and its action lasts for about one day. It can be repeated frequently in low potencies but in high potencies its frequent repetition is not advised.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aconite, Camphor, Coffea Cruda and Nux Vomica

This medicine can be compared with some other homeopathic medicines including Veratrum Viride, Belladonna, Amylenum Nitrosum, Opium and Stramonium

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Epiphegus Virginiana – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Epiphegus Virginiana is a natural homeopathic remedy derived from plant Beech drop. This plant belongs to the family Orobanchaceae. To prepare Epiphegus this whole fresh plant in full flower has to undergo a potentization process. This is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance. Via this process this plant is converted into an effective homeopathic medicine. Use of this medicine is highly recommended to treat cases of headache.

The ‘Epiphegus Virginiana’ Constitution

This medicine is well suited to persons especially to women who have a tendency to get headaches that especially result from nervous strain, exertion or from mental exhaustion or physical exhaustion. Most people needing it suffer from weakness and fatigue. They also tend to feel drowsy which is mainly felt after taking meals. 

Drug Action 

Epiphegus has a marked action on the head and is primarily a beneficial medicine for treating headache. Other than this little of its action is noted on the other body parts too but not as extensively and broadly as on the head. These parts include the mouth, gastric system and female genitals. 

Clinical Indications

Headache, migraine, salivation, loose stool, sub – involution of uterus. 

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Head (headache, migraine)

Epiphegus acts wonderfully on the head and it is a marvellous homeopathic medicine for treating cases of headache. There have been good results from its use in headache and migraine (severe one – sided headache often accompanied by nausea and vomiting) cases. The foremost symptom means the most important and prominent symptom where this medicine is indicated is nervous headache that either occurs or gets worse from nervous strain means mental stress or tension. Next highly noteworthy indication for its use is headache that results from any sort of exertion.
Besides these it is a magnificent medicine to handle cases of headache that a person can get from exhaustion be it a mental or a physical exhaustion. A very peculiar and unique associated symptom that may be present where this medicine is required is headache preceded by hunger. Most of the people needing it may say that they do find relief from headaches from getting good sleep. Those needing it may also get nausea with headache. Though it can be given to anyone suffering from above-mentioned headaches having the factors that trigger or worsen it, but among all of them it is most suitable to women with such complaints.
If we talk of the side of the head in which it works well then it would be the left side as the sufferer needing this remedy feels pain more on the left side of head as compared to the right, though it can be used for pain occurring on either side of the head.
If we take a further look at the other important symptoms of this medicine then a specific symptom that can be there is a pressing type of pain in the temples with a sensation as if fingertips are pressing inwards. The pain in the head is felt most until 4 pm after which it starts to get better.
Fullness is also felt in the head in addition to the above narrated symptoms. People may also complain of a tight feeling in the scalp as well during headache episodes. There is another characteristic feature where this medicine is well indicated. It is excessive, thick, sticky salivation accompanying headache with a constant urge for spitting. When this symptom is present, this medicine is almost specific to result in relief in such cases.
Next, it is well indicated for people who are prone to getting a headache when deviating from daily routine work. Last yet an important symptom guiding its use is periodical headache, particularly occurring every week.

Key indicating features
Nervous headache that results or get worse from nervous strain, exertion or mental / physical exhaustion
Headache better from good sleep
Headache with profuse, thick salivation with constant urge for spitting
Headache when deviated from daily routine work
Periodical headache that recurs every week

  1. Mouth (thick salivation, coated tongue, bitter taste)

This medicine is known to have a slight effect on the mouth as well. Among these it proves to be very effective to manage thick and sticky saliva with a constant urge for spitting. It can be given for cases having bitter taste in the mouth.
It is also useful for people having a yellow coated tongue with a bitter taste in their mouth.

Key indicating features
Thick, sticky saliva with a constant urge for spitting
Bitter taste in mouth
Yellow coated tongue with a bitter taste

  1. Gastric system (nausea, loose stool, difficult stool)

With its action on the gastric system it can help to settle certain issues, like complaints of nausea.
It is helpful for diarrhoea (loose stool) cases and also for cases of difficult stool where a person passes stool with difficulty even when the stool is soft.

Key indicating features
Difficulty in passing stool even when it is soft

  1. Female Problems  

For females its use is recommended for complaint of sub – involution of uterus. It refers to a medical condition in which the uterus fails to return to its normal size after childbirth. Females needing it have painful menses and congestion in the uterine region along with this complaint.

Key indicating features
Subinvolution of the uterus attended with painful menses and congestion


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from eye strain or nervous strain, from fatigue, any unusual exertion and from working in open air

Relieving factors: complaints are better from sleep

Epiphegus Virginiana Dosage

Use of this medicine can be done in both low and high potencies. In case of low potencies it bears repetition well. When using it in high potencies one should avoid its frequent repetition. 

Relationship with Other Remedies

Epiphegus can be compared with some of the homeopathic medicines including Iris Versicolor, Melilotus and Sanguinaria Can. 

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Argentum Nitricum – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Argentum Nitricum is derived from a natural compound, the nitrate of silver. This compound is potentised (the process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses the medicinal power of a drug) to extract the homeopathic remedy. This remedy works wonders for treating cases of anxiety, anticipation and certain phobias (fear).
Homeopathic medicine argentum nitricum

The ‘Argentum Nitricum’ Constitution

This medicine works well for people who are tired as a result of excessive and prolonged mental exertion. It also suits people of a nervous disposition, as  well as females experiencing menstrual problems.

Drug Action 

This medicine acts well on the mind, head, eyes, throat, gastric system, urinary organs, limbs, skin, male genitals and female genitals. 

It’s clinical use includes treatment of conditions like anticipation, anxiety, panic attacks, fear, eye complaints, headache, acidity, stomach ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, laryngitis, incoordination, locomotor ataxia, and warts.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Mind (Anticipation, Anxiety, Fear, Panic Attacks)

This medicine has a marked action on the mind. It is a top grade medicine to manage cases of anticipatory anxiety. This sort of anxiety occurs from anticipation, which is the act of predicting something and excitement about something which is about to happen in future. For example, a person may feel anxious when they have an appointment with a doctor and start anticipating things that will happen during the appointment. Or a student may have anxiety about an examination that is going to be held in the future. Diarrhoea is another common occurrence that appears with such situations.
Other than this, it is a prominent medicine to help cases of performance anxiety like anxiety before giving a performance on stage. Panic attacks including sudden anxiety, fear, terror can be well managed with this medicine.

This remedy is also used to manage cases of fear. People requiring it may have different sorts of fears, like fear of heights, crowds, dark, high buildings (as if these would fall upon a person), flying in airplanes, or of death. Those who need it are very nervous, hurried and impulsive in behaviour. 

Key indicating features:

Anticipatory anxiety and performance anxiety
Anxiety with diarrhoea
Panic attacks

  1. Head (Headache and Migraine)

This medicine is effective to manage headaches and migraines. The main symptoms of using it is headache resulting from mental exertion. Binding the head tightly may improve it. For migraine the most important indication is migraine that follows some sort of emotional disturbance. It is followed by weakness most times.

Key indicating features:

Headache after mental exertion
Migraine from emotional disturbance

  1. Eyes (Conjunctivitis, Blepharitis, Eyestrain, Pterygium)

This medicine treats many eye complaints effectively. The most important among them is conjunctivitis that refers to an inflammation of the membrane lining the eyelid and eyeball. It is used when conjunctiva looks pink or red with excessive eye discharge. The discharge consists of mucus and pus. It is also indicated for cases of ophthalmia neonatorum means conjunctivitis of the newborn. Here excessive thick yellow pus discharge from eyes is the guiding feature. 
It can also be given in cases of blepharitis (inflamed eyelid edges). There is redness, thickness and swelling over the lid margins. Thick crusts on eyelids are prominent. Its use can also be considered in cases of eyestrain. The eyes feel tired along with aching. Person feels better by pressing or closing their eyes.
Besides these, it is valuable medicine to treat pterygium (abnormal tissue growth on conjunctiva) cases when tissue growth is pinkish coloured. 

Key indicating features:

Conjunctivitis with discharge of mucus and pus from eye
Ophthalmia neonatorum (conjunctivitis in newborn babies)
Blepharitis with redness, thickness and crusts on eyelid margins
Pterygium of pink colour

  1. Throat (Laryngitis and Sore Throat)

With its action on the throat, it helps treat laryngitis (inflammation of larynx i.e. the voice box). Here, it is used when there is hoarseness of voice and sometimes loss of voice. Speaking in a high tone may trigger a cough. Itching and tickling in the larynx may occur. It is one of the best medicines for hoarse voices in those who overuse voices, for example singers. It also helps out cases of sore throat. The throat looks markedly red. There is excessive thick mucus in the throat accompanied with much hawking. The throat feels raw, sore and dry. Burning sensation occurs in the throat. A splinter sensation is felt in the throat when swallowing. 

Key indicating features:

Laryngitis with voice hoarseness
Hoarse voice from overusing as in singers
Sore throat with redness and thick mucus in throat

  1. Gastric issues (Stomach Ulcers, Gastritis, Diarrhoea, Gas, Bloating)

This homeopathic medicine has a wide sphere of action on the gastric system. The gastric issues that can be well treated with it includes gastritis (stomach inflammation), stomach ulcers, burping, gas, bloating and diarrhoea. In gastritis it is most useful when it occurs from excessive alcohol intake.
If we talk of stomach ulcers, it is beneficial to manage stomach pain that worsens from eating. This is followed by vomiting. The pain can be burning, gnawing and ulcerating. It can radiate from the stomach to other parts of the abdomen. There is excessive gas in the stomach, often leading to loud burping. It causes bloating and a sensation as if the abdomen would burst.
In general there is excessive craving for sweets but it worsens the complaint. It is highly effective to manage diarrhoea (loose stool). It is an infallible medicine to manage nervous diarrhoea that occurs from emotional reasons like anxiety, anticipation, fright, nervousness. There occurs watery stool with noisy escape of gas. It is also indicated for diarrhoea with offensive green stool having mucus in it. Another guiding feature for using it is diarrhoea that results from eating excessive sugar. It is one of the best choices of homeopathic medicine to manage cases of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). In such cases it helps when there is diarrhoea in persons who have anxieties and nervous personalities. 

Key indicating features:

Gastritis in alcoholics
Stomach ulcer with be burning, gnawing and ulcerating pain
Loud burpings
Nervous diarrhoea from emotional reasons like anxiety, anticipation, fright, nervousness
Diarrhoea from eating sugar in excess
Loose stool when it is offensive green with mucus in it
Irritable bowel syndrome  

  1. Male Problems (Weak Erections, Painful Erections, Low Libido, Ulcers on Prepuce)

In males it can be used for cases of weak erections and low sexual desire. It is also an important medicine to manage painful erections. Other than these it can be given for cases of ulcers on prepuce. These are tiny in size and covered with pus, and have a tendency to spread.

Key indicating features:

Weak erections and decreased sexual desire
Painful erections
Ulcers on prepuce 

  1. Female Problems (Painful Intercourse, Vaginal Discharge, Intermenstrual Bleeding)

There are various female problems that can be treated with Argentum Nitricum. This medicine works wonders in treating complaints of painful intercourse in women medically known as dyspareunia. Females may also have vaginal bleeding after coition.
Argentum Nitricum is useful for vaginal discharges. For using it the discharge is yellow, profuse mucus and may also be blood stained. Cervical ulcers may be present with vaginal discharge.
Lastly, it is used to treat metrorrhagia (intermenstrual bleeding). It is accompanied with pain in the ovaries. This pain radiates to the thigh and lower back. 

Key indicating features:

Painful intercourse
Vaginal bleeding after coition
Vaginal discharges that are yellow, profuse mucus, blood stained
Intermenstrual bleeding with pain in ovaries that radiates to thigh and lower back

  1. Urinary Problems (Urethritis, Gonorrhoea, Urethral Stricture)

This medicine helps to solve many of the urinary concerns too. Among these, first is inflamed urethra (urethritis). In such conditions there is burning, pain and itching in the urethra.
It is also well-indicated to treat gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae) in its early stage. There is cutting pain in the urethra, excessive urethral discharge bleeding. It is beneficial for urethral stricture cases. The urine passes in a weak or divided stream. 

Key indicating features:

Urethra inflammation with burning, pain and itching
Gonorrhoea in early stages
Urethral stricture with weak or divided urinary stream

  1. Limbs (Locomotor Ataxia, Calf Muscle Pain and Rigidity)

Coming to this section this medicine works well for locomotor ataxia (lack of muscle coordination of voluntary movement like walking). Persons needing it have staggering gait. They have unsteady walking and standing. They reel while walking in the dark. Lower limbs feel weak. Another characteristic is rigidity of calf muscles or its weakness. The legs feel heavy as if made of wood. Calf pain is there especially at night time. 

Key indicating features:

Locomotor ataxia with unsteady walking and standing
Rigidity, weakness and pain in calf muscles

  1. Skin (Warts, Skin Ulcers, Bedsores, Herpes Zoster)

This remedy acts on skin and treats many complaints. It  includes warts (small bumps on skin caused by human papillomavirus). Second is skin ulcers that are deep rooted and the margins are hard. Bedsores and herpes zoster (a viral infection caused by varicella – zoster virus that causes skin blisters with pain, burning and sensitivity) are the other complaints that are treated with this remedy.

Key indicating features:

Skin ulcers that are deep with hard margins


Worsening Factors: Complaints get worse from eating sweets, cold food, excessive mental exertion, anxiety, fear, worries.

Relieving Factors: complaints are better in fresh air, from hard pressure, cold bathing.


Homeopathic medicine Argentum Nitricum works well in both low to high potencies. Generally in mind complaints, high potency of medicines is preferred. When using it in low potency it can be repeated often but in high potency, frequent repetition should be subjected to a physician’s discretion. 

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album and Natrum Mur

Antidotes: Calcarea Carb, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia and Silicea

Follows well: Bryonia, Causticum, Spigelia and Spongia

Followed well by Lycopodium

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

13 Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Mold Allergy

Mold is a type of fungus that resides in damp environments and can be found both outdoors (like on leaves, grass, rotting wood) and indoors (like in dark, damp basements, bathroom tiles or around windows). Mold allergy refers to an allergic reaction in some people (who are over-sensitive to these allergens) from inhaling its spores. It results in symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose and itchy, watery eyes. Homeopathic remedies for mold allergy work by moderating the overactive immune system that causes a hyperactive response towards allergen mold. Homeopathic remedies for mold allergy

From a wide variety of molds, only a few tend to cause allergic reactions. The most common molds that can cause allergies include alternaria, cladosporium, aspergillus,   penicillium, helminthosporium, epicoccum, fusarium, smuts. 

The immune system of the sufferer overreacts on breathing  mold spores. Just like any other nasal allergy, mold allergy occurs from overactive immune response to inhaled airborne allergen (in this case mold spores are the allergens). When these spores enter the body of the sufferer then  his / her body recognizes them as something foreign and harmful so produces an overreaction to get rid of them. The body releases chemicals like histamine in response to inhaled mold spores that lead to symptoms of mold allergy symptoms. 

There are some people who are at high risk of mold allergy. Firstly, persons having a family history of allergies are at risk. Secondly, residing in a house that has high humidity levels or working in some occupations ( like dairy work, farming, carpentry) puts a person at risk of it. Lastly people who live in poorly ventilated houses are also prone to develop mold allergies.


The signs and symptoms of this allergy are similar to other respiratory allergies. It includes sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, watery eyes, itchy eyes, itching in the nose or throat, post nasal drip and cough. It may also lead to dry, scaly skin.  Mold exposure may also trigger asthma in some cases. The symptoms of asthma are cough, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. 

The symptoms of mold allergy vary from person to person. The intensity of the symptoms also vary from mild to intense from case to case. 

The symptoms may appear in damp weather. Being in an environment having high concentration of mold tends to trigger the symptoms. In some cases the symptoms are present throughout the year while in others these occur during some time period of a year.


In most cases only hay fever type symptoms occur in case of mold allergies.

But sometimes it can cause severe allergic reactions. The resulting conditions include asthma, fungal sinusitis and hypersensitivity pneumonitis (inflammation of lungs from airborne particles like mold spores). Other than these it can lead to skin infection or infections of the mucous membranes. Lastly, it can cause systemic infections in people having impaired immune systems.

Homeopathic Remedies for Mold Allergy

Homeopathy carries a very good scope to treat cases of mold allergy. Homeopathic medicines are very effective to manage its symptoms. The symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, watery eyes, itchy eyes, nasal itching, post nasal drip, throat itching and cough can be well managed with them. With use of these medicines the intensity and frequency of complaint gradually decreases. Homeopathic medicines for mold allergy are selected based on the symptoms in every individual case. So one should opt to use any such medicine under guidance of a homeopathic doctor who can prescribe best suitable medicine after detailed case study.

  1. Natrum Mur – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for managing mold allergy. Persons needing it have violent sneezing and watery discharge from the nose. They may also have an alternate runny nose and dry nose. Nasal stoppage with difficulty in breathing may occur. Sometimes watering from eyes is there. They can also have redness, itching, burning sensation in the eyes. It is also one of the best medicines for managing sinusitis. 

  1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Runny Nose, Sneezing 

It is a well-indicated medicine for managing these cases. It is helpful when a person experience runny nose and sneezing. In spite of a runny nose, a blocked sensation is felt in the nose. Along with these burning sensation in nostrils is felt.  Itching in nostrils is also there. The symptoms for using this medicine  are worse in open air and are better indoors. It is also a prominent medicine for managing asthma symptoms. Other than these it is also indicated to manage dry, scaly skin.

  1. Allium Cepa – For Sneezing and Excoriating Nasal Discharge

This medicine is prepared from red onions that belong to family liliaceae. It is effective to manage cases in which there is sneezing and excoriating nasal discharges. These discharges lead to burning and smarting in the nose and on the upper lip. In cases where it is required the sneezing mostly gets worse in a warm room. Along with nasal discharge headache and cough are present. Other than above a lump sensation at the root of the nose is felt. Lastly, watering from eyes is there which doesn’t cause any burning. 

  1. Sabadilla – For Sneezing, Coryza and Red Watery Eyes

It is a natural medicine prepared from seeds of plant Sabadilla Officinalis having the common name Cebadilla. It belongs to the family melanthiaceae. It is suitable for cases in which sneezing, coryza are accompanied with red, watery eyes. When it is needed the discharge from the nose is copious and watery. There is an itching and tickling sensation in the nose along with this that causes the person to rub the nose. Other than this stuffed sensation in one or the other nostril is felt. Pain in the forehead can attend to the above symptoms. An over sensitivity to odours is also present in addition to these. 

  1. Arundo – For Marked Itching in the Nostrils

This medicine is prepared from root sprouts of plant Arundo Mauritanica commonly known as Italian grass. It belongs to the family gramineae.  It offers best help in casing having marked itching in the nostrils. Sneezing and nasal discharges are present with this. Itching can also be felt in the eyes and roof of the mouth. Burning sensation may also be there in the eyes and roof of the mouth. 

  1. Ambrosia – For Sneezing, Itchy, Watery Eyes

It is prepared from fresh flower heads and young shoots of plant Ambrosia Artemisiefolia. It belongs to the family composite. It works well in cases presenting with sneezing and itchy, watery eyes. Sneezing is so intense  that it can even lead to bleeding  from the nose. Other symptoms that are present are watery nose, redness, smarting and burning in the eyes. Lastly, stuffed feeling in the nose, head and sinus congestion can accompany above symptoms. 

  1. Wyethia – For Itchy Palate

This medicine is prepared from the root of plant Wyethia Helenoides that belongs to family compositae. This medicine is helpful when there is itching on the palate. Along with this dry, hacking cough is present. Throat feels dry. A sensation of something stuck in my nose is also felt. 

  1. Euphrasia – For Watery Eyes , Red, Itchy Eyes

This natural medicine is prepared from plant Euphrasia Officinalis commonly known as eyebright. It belongs to the family scrofulariaceae. Use of this medicine is highly recommended when eye symptoms are marked like red, itchy, watery eyes. Along with watering from eyes  burning, biting, smarting sensation is felt in the eyes. Sensation of sand in eyes may accompany these symptoms. There is profuse discharge from the nose which is bland and does not cause any burning. Runny nose is present in the daytime while at night the nose feels blocked. 

  1. Kali Bichrome – For Managing Post Nasal Discharge

It is an important medicine for managing post nasal discharge. For using it the discharge from posterior nares is of thick, stringy mucus. Sneezing and pressure at the root of the nose can be there with this. Violent sneezing, especially in the morning can be present. It is also a leading homeopathic medicine for cases of sinusitis.

  1. Arsenic Iodatum – For Watery Nasal Discharge with Burning

This medicine is useful when there is watery discharge from the nose accompanied with intense burning sensation. The nasal discharge is so acrid that reddens the upper lip. Along with this there is irritation and tingling sensation in the nose.  This is attended with a constant desire to sneeze. In some cases discharge from posterior nares is there. 

  1. Gelsemium – For Sneezing, Runny Nose and Fullness at Root of Nose

It is prepared from bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to the family loganiaceae. It is a beneficial medicine for cases in which sneezing, runny nose and fullness at the root of nose. The sneezing is worse in the early morning in cases needing it. The nasal discharge feels hot. Itching and ticking in the soft palate attend above symptoms. Sometimes the nose feels stuffed up. 

  1. Dulcamara – For Nasal Blockage 

It is prepared from fresh green stems and leaves of plants commonly known as woody nightshade and bittersweet. It belongs to the family solanaceae. It works well when there is nasal blockage. It is attended with problems in breathing through the nose. Other symptoms that attend are  constant sneezing and watery discharge  from nose and eyes.

  1. Justicia Adhatoda – For Fluent Coryza  with Constant Sneezing

Justicia Adhatoda is a significant medicine prepared from fresh leaves of plant malabar nuts. It belongs to the family acanthaceae. It is indicated for managing cases in which there is fluent coryza with constant sneezing. It is accompanied with watering from the eyes. Cough may also be present.

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Supportive Homeopathic Treatment for Pulmonary Tuberculosis 

Pulmonary tuberculosis refers to an infection of the lungs caused by a bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is a contagious infection that spreads easily from an infected person to a healthy person. A person can get infected by breathing in air droplets exhaled from an infected person during coughing, sneezing or laughing. Homeopathic treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis offers supportive treatment and is recommended along with conventional treatment. 
Pulmonary tuberculosis

The chances of catching this infection is high in people who are exposed to persons having TB,  who live in crowded places and where hygiene is not properly maintained.

Not everyone who is exposed to this infection gets sick. In most persons, after entry of the germs in the body, the infection is kept under control and prevented from spreading by the immune system. Such people are said to have latent TB (means they don’t get any symptoms and are not contagious). But a person carrying this bacteria who does not develop symptoms still has latent TB (means the infection stays inactive for years). It may reactivate and develop into active TB in which the bacteria multiplies and leads to signs and symptoms of the infection. In the stage of active TB, a person is contagious. Risk of reactivation is high in persons having weak immune systems (as from diabetes, chronic steroid use, chemotherapy),  elderly people, infants, in those who smoke, people having some autoimmune disorder and persons with kidney disease.


Symptoms develop gradually. The main symptoms are cough lasting for a minimum three weeks duration, coughing up phlegm, coughing up blood,  chest pain and breathing difficulty. The general symptoms that are present with these includes fever, chills, night sweats, an unexplained weight loss, appetite loss, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. The symptoms are present in the active TB stage. There are s=no symptoms in the latent stage.  

If it is not treated correctly in time then it can cause permanent damage to lungs. It can also spread to other organs  (spine, brain, heart or liver) and cause its damage and even life threatening problems. 

Supportive Homeopathic Treatment for Pulmonary Tuberculosis 

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in case of tuberculosis along with conventional mode for managing its symptoms. Homeopathic medicines help to manage its signs and symptoms including cough, chest pain, mild breathing difficulty, fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss, appetite loss, fatigue and vomiting. These medicines work by boosting the body’s immune system to fight with the infection. These medicines are recommended only when the symptoms are of mild to moderate intensity and not in severe cases. The homeopathic medicine for symptom management of TB needs to be carefully selected depending on the symptoms of an individual. Tuberculosis is a serious disease and it can have life threatening complications. So it is strictly advised to use any homeopathic medicines under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor who can after detailed case study prescribe the best suitable medicine for a case. In no case self prescription should be done. It is also strictly noted that homeopathic medicines should be taken along with conventional treatment and in no case considered a substitute for conventional treatment given in Tuberculosis. 

  1. Tuberculinum – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for these cases. In cases needing it there is dry, hard, hacking cough. It is present throughout the day but gets worse during sleep. Profuse sweating is present with this. Next there is weight loss. Excessive exhaustion attends it. Tiredness is present all the time. 

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Initial Stage

This medicine is mostly helpful in the initial stage of tuberculosis. The symptoms indicating its use are cough, stitching pain in the chest and oppression of breathing. Cough is hoarse, loose and rattling. It is attended with thick yellow expectoration. It can be bloody also. Along with cough suffocative attacks can be present.

  1. Stannum Met – For Cough, Weakness, Weight Loss

This is a well indicated medicine for cases in which there is cough, weakness and weight loss. In cases needing it the cough is attended with copious, greenish, or yellowish coloured expectoration. It has an offensive taste.  Sometimes there is tough glairy mucus mixed with pus. In the morning the expectoration is easy but it is difficult in the evening and at night. Cough is very exhausting and continues day and night. Along with this fever is present. Shivering during the day occurs. Night sweats are also there. Difficulty in breathing may also be present. This is worse from motion. Marked prostration, tiredness are there that compels the person to stay in bed.  Weakness of limbs, pain in all limbs, weakness in chest, paleness, weight loss are there with above symptoms.

  1. Spongia – For Cough, Weakness and Breathing Difficulty

It is a suitable medicine when there is cough, weakness and breathing difficulty. Cough is dry, hacking type where it is required. It worsens from evening to midnight. It is also worse from cold air exposure and from talking. Eating or drinking relieves the cough. The breathing difficulty is worse  when lying down. Exhaustion attends it. It is felt after every exertion.

  1. Phosphorus – For Blood Stained Spit 

This medicine is prominently indicated for cases in which there is blood stained expectoration.  Along with this cough and soreness in the chest is present. Easy fatigue, weight loss is also there. Fever and night sweats attend above symptoms. Other than this it is also indicated for expectoration of pus which is salty to taste or copious yellow phlegm.

  1. Iodum – For Excessive Weight Loss 

This medicine is important for cases in which weight loss is excessive. With this there is almost continuous fever and profuse night sweats. Cough is present which is a short, irritating type. It is worse at night time. Cough is accompanied with tough, stringy and blood streaked expectoration. Pressure and heaviness on the chest occurs with above symptoms. Difficulty breathing from least exertion or talking may also be present. Debility and weakness are there in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Cough and Chest Constriction

It is valuable medicine for cases in which cough and chest constriction are present. For using it the cough is loose with rattling in the chest. Profuse sputum is expectorated with cough. It is  whitish – yellow coloured. It is pus-like and mostly occurs in the morning. The cough produces a headache in the frontal part of the head. With this there is oppression or constriction of the chest. It is relieved by drawing shoulders backward. Lastly there may be chest pain on inspiration. Along with above symptoms the chest may be painfully sensitive to touch.

  1. Drosera – For Cough and Chest Pain

This medicine is prepared from a plant named Drosera Rotundifolia commonly known as round – leaved sundew. This plant belongs to the family droseraceae. Use of this medicine is indicated when there is cough with chest pain. Cough is violent in cases that require this medicine. With cough there is spitting of blood and pus. Additionally, a foul pus-like taste is present in the mouth.

  1. Kali Carb – When there is Cough and Stitching Pain in Chest

It is an important medicine when there is a cough and stitching pain in the chest. Cough is exhausting where this medicine is required.  With cough there is profuse expectoration of whitish yellow pus or of green coloured scabs. Whistling and wheezing in the chest may also occur. Cough worsens from any exertion. Loss of appetite and weight loss attends these symptoms. In addition to this fever, sweating in the morning and night is present. Chills may be felt in the afternoon 

  1. Ferrum Met – With Cough, Weight Loss and Vomiting

This medicine is used when there is cough, weight loss and vomiting. Persons who need it also have pus like, greenish or blood streaked expectoration. The expectoration has a foul taste. They have  vomiting of ingesta. They have weight loss, excessive sweating, loss of appetite and great weakness. Next they feel constriction in the chest and have difficult respiration. Lastly they feel stitching pain in the chest that extends  into the shoulder blades.

  1. Sanguinaria Can – For Cough, Fever, Burning Sensation in Chest

It is prepared from a plant Sanguinaria canadensis commonly known as Blood root. It belongs to the papaveraceae family. Persons requiring it have a cough with fever. They usually have a fever around 2 pm or 4 pm. Their cheeks have a bright circumscribed flush during fever. The sputum is expectorated and breath has a bad smell. Burning sensation in the chest is also present. There may occur sharp chest pain and soreness of chest muscles. Breathing difficulty can also be present. 

  1. Silicea – When there is Cough, Vomiting and Night Sweat

This medicine is indicated when there is cough, vomiting and night sweat. Vomiting is usually of tenacious mucus, especially in the morning. There is difficulty breathing, chilliness, pus expectoration and sometimes blood spitting. With this pressing pain in the chest attends. Weakness in the chest also accompanies this.

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Astigmatism : Supportive Homeopathic Treatment

Astigmatism is a common vision problem that arises when the curve of the cornea or lens is not in the right way as it should be (normally it should be like a round ball shaped). In this condition the cornea or lens has an irregular curve. Due to this light that enters into the eyes doesn’t focus on the retina properly that causes blurred or distorted vision. Homeopathic remedies for astigmatism can be used with conventional mode of treatment for managing associated symptoms. Homeopathic remedies for astigmatism


It arises from an irregular curvature of the cornea or the lens. Cornea is the clear transparent outer layer of the eye that covers the front portion of the eye. In a normal eye the cornea and lens have a round curve like a ball. It bends the light equally to give a focused image on the retina. But in case of astigmatism the cornea or lens is egg shaped with two different curves. As a result the light rays entering the eyes focus on two points on the retina rather than one. It leads to blurred vision or double vision sometimes.

Why it occurs is not known yet. But genetics is thought to play a role in it. The sufferer usually has it since birth (children who are born preterm are at more risk than the ones born closer to due delivery date).

In many cases it may also develop afterwards later in life. Next it can follow an eye surgery (like ( cataract surgery) or an eye injury. It can also occur in combination with nearsightedness means myopia (a vision problem in which the light rays bend incorrectly and is focused  in front of the retina instead of on the retina. As a result the objects that are close look clear but objects farther away are blurry to the sufferer) or farsightedness  means hyperopia ( a vision problem in which light is  focused beyond the retina instead of on it and as a result the sufferer can see distant objects clearly but the near objects looks blurry).

Persons having corneal thinning, corneal scarring, having someone in family who has astigmatism or keratoconus (an eye disorder in which the cornea gradually gets thin and bulges outward into a cone shape), nearsightedness, farsightedness are at risk of astigmatism.

Types of Astigmatism 

It is of two types – corneal and lenticular. In case the corneal curve is not proper then it is called corneal astigmatism. When the lens has an irregular curve then it is known as lenticular astigmatism. It is also classified as myopic astigmatism, hyperopic astigmatism and mixed astigmatism. In myopic astigmatism the astigmatism is combined with near sightedness and two curves focused in front of the retina. In hyperopic type the astigmatism is combined with farsightedness and two curves focus behind the retina. In case of mixed astigmatism one curve focuses in front of the retina and the other behind the retina. 


Its symptoms vary from person to person. In some persons the symptoms are not there. When the symptoms occur these include blurred or distorted fuzzy vision both for close and far distance, eye strain, discomfort in the eyes, squint, problem in the night vision, irritation in the eyes, double vision (diplopia) and headache. The blurred vision may be more horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Eye strain mostly occurs when a person does book reading or a computer work for an extended period of time.

Homeopathic Remedies for Astigmatism 

Homeopathic medicines offer a supportive help in managing symptoms of astigmatism. Use of these medicines is recommended in mild to moderate cases. These medicines can be taken along with conventional mode of treatment for managing symptoms like blurred vision, eye strain, discomfort in eyes, squint, headache. The medicines used in homeopathy for managing it are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Hence these are very safe and gentle to use without any sort of side effects. The homeopathic medicines for managing any case of astigmatism is selected individually for every case as per the symptoms. So it is best to take any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic doctor who can suggest best suitable medicine after a detailed case study. 

  1. Gelsemium 

It is a top listed medicine for managing cases of astigmatism. It is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens having the common name yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is useful when a person has dim or blurred vision. Mostly distant objects seem blurred. Along with this discomfort in eyes is felt. Next double vision may be present. It occurs mostly when looking sideways. Lastly squinting may be there.

  1. Physostigma

It is a natural medicine prepared from the bean of plant Physostigma venenosum having the common name Calabar Bean. It belongs to family leguminosae. It is well indicated when vision is dim. The dimness is for distant objects that seem blurred and mixed. It can be followed by dull pain over and between the eyes. Vision may also be dim when reading.  It is also indicated for dim vision at night time. Sometimes double vision is also there.

  1. Ruta

It is prepared from a plant named Ruta graveolens commonly known as garden rue. It belongs to the family rutaceae. This medicine is most helpful to manage cases having eye strain and headache. Pressure in the eyes is felt along with this. Next eyes have weary pain while reading. Other than this there occurs blurred vision attended with burning aching in the eyes. Blurring of vision mostly is felt from reading too much. Persons needing it feel dimness of vision with a sensation as if shadow is moving before the eyes.

  1. Picric Acid

Use of this medicine is recommended to manage pain in the head in these cases. The pain is usually dull in nature for using it. The pain gets worse from eye movement and from reading. Binding the head tightly helps to relieve the pain. Other than this it is indicated when vision is dim and confused. Everything seems blurred to persons needing it. They feel that they are looking through a fog. 

  1. Onsomodium 

This medicine is prepared from plant Onosmodium virginianum having the common name False Gromwell. It belongs to the family boraginaceae. It is an effective medicine to manage strain and aching in eyes felt from reading too much. Another indication for using it is headache. In cases requiring it the pain is most marked in the back of the head (occiput region). It feels sore and stiff. The pain may extend down the spine. It is the worst in morning time. Sometimes dizziness is present with this. 

  1. Lilium Tigrinum

This medicine is prepared from fresh stalk, leaves and flowers of a plant having the common name tiger lily. It belongs to family liliaceae. This medicine is prominently indicated for cases of myopic astigmatism. Persons needing it have dim vision and can see clearly by turning the head sideways. It is accompanied with a headache in front of head. Along with blurred vision heat in the eyes is felt. A burning sensation in the eyes is felt usually after reading and writing.

  1. Heloderma Suspectum

It is a next rare but important medicine to help cases of astigmatism. As per homeopathic literature this medicine is known to improve eyesight in these cases.  

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