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Rash Behind Ear? Try Homeopathy

Rash behind the ear can be caused due to various reasons. It may be a result of an allergy, infection, or an autoimmune disease in which the infection-fighting cells of our body start destroying body’s healthy tissues by mistake. The rash may look red or pink. It may be dry or have blisters (fluid-filled bumps). Drainage from blisters, flakiness or scaliness may appear. There may be crusts, cracked skin or peeling of the skin. Irritation or itching is the most common symptom. Inflammation, burning and stinging pain can accompany. Depending on the cause behind it, there may be sore throat, runny nose, joint pains and fever along with the rash.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for the cases of rash behind ears. It gives good results by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines help to halt the further progression of rash and heal the already present rash in such cases. They also help to heal the blisters, cracks, flakes or scales on the skin. Along with this, they help to ease itching and burning that may be present. It is to be noted that in case fever attends the rash, then one should take help from conventional mode of treatment as it may indicate an infection that needs urgent medical help.

Homeopathic Medicines For Rash Behind Ears

1. Graphites – Top-Grade Medicine

Graphites is a very effective medicine for treating cases of rash behind the ears. In cases needing it, there are moist eruptions behind the ears. These ooze a thick, sticky, gluey discharge. Itching is well marked in them. The area behind the ear is also sore. There may be scabs behind ears in some cases. Sometimes cracks and fissures are also present. It is also indicated when there are scales on the rash behind the ear. It is one of the best medicines in homeopathy for treating cases of eczema and psoriasis behind ears.

2. Petroleum For Marked Redness And Cracks Behind Ears

Use of this medicine is recommended for cases in which there is marked redness and cracks behind the ears. Intense itching attends it in most of the cases. Bleeding may also occur from the cracks. The area behind the ears is painful and sensitive to touch. In some cases needing it, there is moisture behind ears. It is a well-indicated medicine for cases of eczema and intertrigo.

3. Sulphur For Dry Eruptions With Itching Burning Sensation

This is a well-indicated medicine for cases of dry eruptions behind the ears attended with itching and burning sensation. These tend to bleed easily due to scratching. Scabs may be present over them. Soreness and pain is also marked on the eruptions. Cracks may also appear behind ears. It is indicated for managing cases of eczema and fungal infection behind ears.

4. Psorinum – For Moist Eruptions Behind Ears

It is a very useful medicine for cases having moist eruptions behind the ears. There is rawness, redness and oozing behind ears. The discharge is offensive. Scabs are present too behind ears. In some cases, pustules (pus-filled eruptions) occur behind ears. It is an important medicine for managing eczema behind the ears.

5. Silicea  When Eruptions Discharge Pus

This medicine offers help for cases in which eruptions behind ears discharge pus. It is a foul-smelling discharge. Scabs also cover these eruptions. There is marked itching. On scratching, a burning sensation and soreness is felt. The eruptions may also occur on the rear part of the head where this medicine is required.

6. Mezereum – For Itchy Eruptions Oozing Gluey Discharge

It is prepared from fresh bark of a plant Daphne Mezereum also known as ‘spurge olive’. It works well in cases having itchy eruptions that ooze gluey discharge. The eruptions may also be present on the scalp. The eruptions may be covered with thick crusts and scabs. Pus may be present beneath the crusts.

7. Nitric Acid For Marked Redness Behind Ears

It is a valuable medicine when there is marked redness behind the ears. Along with this, intense itching is felt. In some cases that require it, there is pus discharge from behind the ears.

8. Baryta Carb For Eruptions Behind And On The Ears

Use of this medicine is considered when there are eruptions behind and on the ears. Scabs are present behind ears. Sometimes there is swelling of glands behind the ears.

9. Sanicula For Soreness Behind Ears

It is useful when there is soreness behind the ears. Persons who need it may also have gluey, sticky discharge along with soreness. The discharge is usually white in colour.

10. Oleander For Ulcers Around And In Ears

It is a natural medicine prepared from leaves of a plant ‘rose laurel’. It benefits those who have ulcers around and in the ears. Additionally, there may be oozing of serum from behind ears.

11. Tellurium – For Eczema Behind Ears With Thick Crusts

It is an effective medicine for persons who have eczema behind the ears with thick crust formation. Other than this, there are red spots. It is accompanied with fine blisters (fluid-filled bumps). The red spots and blisters may also be present on the back of the head and neck.

What Are The Causes?

1. Eczema (atopic dermatitis): It is a very common skin condition in which there is inflammation, redness, roughness and itching on the skin. In some cases, blisters, crusts or skin thickening can occur. Eczema can be dry while in others, it can be moist that oozes discharge. The most common type of eczema is atopic dermatitis. In this type, the immune system is overactive that triggers skin inflammation and damage.

2. Contact dermatitis: It refers to red, itchy, inflamed rash on the skin that occurs due to direct skin contact with an allergen or any allergic reaction. Some common allergens are cosmetics, soaps, jewellery. Its signs and symptoms include a red rash, dry skin, blisters on skin, cracked skin and scales on the skin. Itching, burning, swelling and tenderness may attend the above features.

3. Seborrheic dermatitis: It is another common skin condition in which mainly the scalp is affected. In these cases, there occurs red skin along with scaling, flakiness and dandruff. Other than the scalp, it may also affect eyebrows, eyelids, ears, face and chest.

4. Scalp psoriasis: It is an autoimmune skin condition characterized by red inflamed patches on the skin covered with scales on the scalp. The lesions may spread from scalp to the ears, neck and face. Itching and burning may be felt in lesions. Bleeding may also occur from scratching the lesions.

5. Fungal infection: In such cases, itchy rash occurs and blisters may form behind the ears. Scaling and skin peeling may also occur. Burning can attend. In some forms of fungal infection, red circular rashes appear.

6. Lichen planus: It can be one of the reasons for rashes behind the ears. It is an autoimmune condition that can affect skin, nails and mucous membranes. The lesions in this condition are purple-colored, flat, itchy bumps on the skin. Most commonly affected skin area in this is wrist, inner forearm, and ankle. In some cases, the area around and inside the ear may be affected too and it is referred as otic lichen planus in such cases.

7. Measles: It is a viral infection which begins with cold, fever, cough and red eyes. This is followed by a skin rash that begins from the back of ears and then spreads to the head and neck followed by the rest of the body parts.

8. Rubella: It is also known as ‘German measles’ and is a viral infection in which skin rash occurs that may start behind the ears and neck after which it spreads downwards. Its other signs and symptoms may include runny nose, joint pain, headache and loss of appetite.

9. Lupus: It is an autoimmune disorder in which skin rash can occur. The rash that occurs has ring-shaped lesions with redness and scaling, and areas like face, ears, arms, legs, and neck can be affected.

10. Pityriasis rosea: It is a skin condition in which a pink, scaly rash occurs. In some cases, it can be itchy while in others it is not.

Some Causes In Babies And Toddlers

First is intertrigo which is a rash that occurs between skin folds.

Second is cradle cap which is a very common condition in infants in which oily scales or crusts form on the scalp of the baby. The scales can be white or yellow. It is attended with redness. This condition may extend to eyelids, ears and nose in some cases.

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6 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Treating Common colds

Homeopathic Remedies for Cold

Common cold is a viral infection of the nose and throat that can be caused by different viruses, mostly rhinoviruses. On an average, adults may get three to four colds a year but young children may have even more.

Homeopathic medicines offer wonderful treatment for cases of cold. Natural homeopathic remedies for colds go to the root of the problem and ensure that the viral infection is rooted out of the body. They fight the infection-causing agent and give excellent relief in the symptoms of common cold including runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, coughpost-nasal drip (PND). Once you get a cold, the instant human reaction is to somehow get rid of it as soon as possible. Allopathic medicines over the counter may provide you with some instant relief from a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, headache and body ache for a short duration, but the viral infection does not leave your body. The cold, or the viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, recurs and that can be even more troublesome. Here is where homeopathic remedies can be of great help. They can cure it effectively by eradicating the virus from the body.

Homeopathy boosts self-healing mechanism

Every person has a self-healing mechanism in the body. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s own healing mechanism. They help to fight the infection causing cold and eliminate it from the body to aid natural cure in cases of cold. These medicines also cut short the recovery time and prevent complications.

Homeopathic medicines are entirely natural

Homeopathic medicines to treat cold are made from natural substances. They lack any type of chemicals or toxins, hence, are completely safe to use. They ensure natural recovery and do not cause any kind of side effects. These medicines suit persons of all age groups.

Homeopathy is a symptom based science

Homeopathic medicines for cold are selected as per the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. Further the potency, dosage and repetition vary according to the age of the person, type of medicine, duration and intensity of cold. So it is advised to take homeopathic medicine for cold as recommended by a homeopathic doctor for best results. Self-medication should not be done.

Homeopathy builds immunity against recurrent cold

There are different sets of medicines in homeopathy to treat acute cold and to treat the tendency to get recurrent colds. The treatment for acute cold needs to be taken for few days to a week’s time. On the other hand, the treatment period for chronic cold includes a few months depending on the individual case. Homeopathic medicines are constitutional remedies selected individually for every case as per the detailed symptom analysis. These medicines gradually build immunity to prevent recurrent catching of cold thus reducing the number of cold episodes per year. With its use dependency on conventional medicines like antibiotics, decongestant nasal drops/sprays, etc. is reduced to a great extent.

Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies For Common Cold

The top homeopathic medicines to treat common cold are Arsenic Album, Aconite, Natrum Mur, Hepar Sulph, Belladonna and Pulsatilla.

1. Arsenic Album – For Common Cold With Thin Watery Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Album is beneficial for curing common cold, especially when there is a thin watery discharge from the nose. Nose may feel stuffy inspite of the discharge which causes a burning sensation in the nose. Most of the time, it is accompanied by sneezing. Those needing it feel worse in cold air. Being in a warm room can provide some relief. Weakness can be marked along with the above complaints.

When to use Arsenic Album?

It is a highly recommended medicine for initial stages of common cold when there is thin, watery nasal discharge. Stuffed nose may attend it.

How to use Arsenic Album?

Though it can be used in various potencies, the most frequently used potency is 30C twice a day.

2. Aconite For Cold Due To Exposure To Cold Air

Aconite is a natural medicine sourced from plant ‘monkshood’. It is undoubtedly the best and most effective remedy when someone catches cold after sudden exposure to cold air, like from the air conditioner or in cold weather. The symptoms to use Aconite are scanty nasal discharge with a stuffy nose. Sneezing may also be experienced. The other accompanying symptoms are pain at the root of the nose, headache and fever.

When to use Aconite?

This medicine should be the first choice of medicine for anyone who catches cold from sudden exposure to cold air.

How to use Aconite?

The suggested dose of this medicine is usually Aconite 30C twice or thrice a day as per the intensity of symptoms.

3Natrum Mur – When Common Cold Starts With Sneezing

Common colds that begin with sneezing are apt to be treated wonderfully with this medicine. Along with sneezing, there is thin watery nasal discharge. It may be followed by stuffy nose which may also cause loss of smell.

When to use Natrum Mur?

It should be used as the first line of treatment when cold starts with sneezing as the first symptom followed by thin watery nasal discharge.

How to use Natrum Mur?

The most widely used potency of this medicine is 6X which can be taken three to four times a day at a gap of minimum three hours.

4Hepar Sulph – For Stuffy Nose

This medicine is the most effective to help out cases of stuffy nose. In cases where the nose feels stuffy and blocked, this medicine is known to promote secretions and ease the complaint. To be more specific, it is indicated for a stuffy nose from exposure to cold air which causes sneezing.  A very particular symptom that may attend is inhaled air that feels cold. It is also the best medicine for treating cold in winters.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

If you have a stuffy nose due to cold, this medicine is for you. It will kickstart the nasal discharge and bring relief. For treating winter colds too this medicine is the best indicated medicine.

How to use Hepar Sulph?

It is advised to take this medicine in 30C potency once or twice a day to get good results.

5Belladonna – When Sore Throat Is Marked With Nasal Symptoms

It is the most frequently prescribed medicine when pain in the throat  attends nasal symptoms. It is used when there is watery discharge from nostrils especially one-sided, with sneezing and ticking in the nose. Along with this, there is sore throat, painful swallowing, marked redness and swelling in the throat. There may also be bouts of cough and headache.

When to use Belladonna?

This medicine is best for cold that presents with nasal symptoms (like nasal secretions, sneezing) and sore throat with marked throat pain. Additionally, it is also a top choice for managing headache in colds.

How to use Belladonna?

Use this medicine in 30C potency two to three times a day for relief.

6. Pulsatilla – For Thick Yellow Green Nasal Discharge

This natural medicine derived from the plant ‘wind flower’ possesses magnificent healing properties in treating common cold. This medicine is best suited if you are in the late stage of common cold when the nasal discharge starts to change color to yellow-green and consistency from thin to thick.  Along with this, there may be nasal blockage and loss of smell.

When to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla can be used whenever a characteristic thick yellow or green nasal discharge is present.

How to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla 30C can be taken one or two times a day.

Note One may use this medicine for about a week’s time in the recommended dosage. Do not exceed self-medication for more than one week. In case symptoms do not get under control within a week’s time, consult a homeopathic expert for the next course of action. In case of any complications, like any lungs-related problem (eg. asthma, pneumonia), it is advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.

What Is The Cause Behind Common Cold?

Common cold can be caused by approximately 200 different strains of respiratory viruses. Among these viruses, rhinoviruses are the most common, followed by adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, etc. Once the virus enters the nose or throat, it attaches to the mucus lining and starts multiplying. Our body responds to this infection resulting in inflammation in the nose or throat and excess mucus production.

Are common cold and flu same?

Though the symptoms of both these conditions are quite similar, these are two different conditions. Both are caused by different viruses (common cold usually arises from rhinovirus infection and flu is caused by influenza virus) and symptoms of flu are more severe than common cold. Fever, chills and headache with nasal symptoms more commonly point towards flu than common cold.

How Does Common Cold Spread?

Common cold is very contagious spreading via direct contact from sick people to others. The common cold virus can enter the body through the nose, mouth or eyes.

Firstly, one tends to catch cold by inhaling virus-infected droplets in the air from coughs or sneezes of a sick person having common cold.

Secondly, it can spread through hand-to-hand contact with a person having common cold.

Thirdly, one can get an infection if he/ she touches a surface or shares an object (like utensils, towels) contaminated by viral droplets emanating from a sick person, and then touches the eyes, nose or mouth without properly washing hands.

What Are The Symptoms Of Common Cold?

The symptoms of common cold start to show up within 1-3 days after exposure to the virus that causes common cold. The symptoms include stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, sore throatcough. Some general symptoms like headache, low-grade fever, general fatigue, and body aches tend to accompany.  Loss of smell or taste, post-nasal drip (PND) can also be there. The nasal discharge is initially thin and clear which turns thick and yellow/green as the condition progresses. The symptoms of common cold can last from one week to 10 days’ time. The signs and symptoms vary from person to person.

Who Is At Risk Of Common Cold?

Though anyone can be affected with common cold, some factors increase the risk.

1. Age: Although cold can affect people of any age group, young children are the most at risk. This is because the immune system of children is gradually building up and is is still learning how to fight infections. The risk of catching infection increases if a child goes to a daycare facility.

2. Time of year: Though common cold can hit a person at any time of a year, the chances are higher in autumn, winter and rainy season.

3. Weak immune system: People having weak immunity due to some long-standing health issues are more prone to catch common cold frequently.

4. Environment: Being in crowded places like schools, shopping centres, malls, tourist places, etc seems to increase the risk of getting exposed to viruses and catching cold.

Are There Any Complications Of Common Cold?

In most cases, recovery from common cold occurs in a week’s time to 10 days without any complications. People having weak immunity might face some complications like ear infections or sinus infection. In some cases, the infection travels downwards and can lead to acute bronchitis (also called chest cold which refers to inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs), asthma (inflammatory airway disease that leads to difficult breathing, wheezing, chest tightness and cough) and pneumonia (inflammation of air sacs of lungs) that need to be treated by a doctor and self-medication should be strictly avoided.

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Sabadilla Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Sabadilla Officinalis is sourced from plant Cebadilla. It belongs to the family melanthaceae (of the liliaceae). The seeds of the plant Cebadilla are subjected to potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties). Following this process, homeopathic remedy Sabadilla Officinalis is obtained which is of great service to treat nasal allergies, colds and recurrent sneezing.

Drug Action

This medicine principally acts on the mucus membrane of nose. Its action is also felt on lachrymal glands, throat, gastric tract, anus, head, eyes, skin and nerves.

Clinical Indications

Nasal allergy, sneezing, cold, runny nose, sore throat, lachrymation, blue rings around eyes, headache, itchy scalp, worm infestation, stomach pain, cough, earache, noises in ear, dry skin.

 Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nose (Nasal Allergy, Sneezing, Runny Nose, Cold)

This medicine has an extensive action on the mucus membrane of nose. It treats complaints of nasal allergies, cold, influenza, runny nose, sneezing and nasal itching. It is one of the best homeopathic medicine for cases of nasal allergy also known as hay fever. It is a nasal condition in which cold-like symptoms occur, like runny nose, sneezing, itchy, watery eyes that happen from an over-reaction of immune cells to harmless substances like pollen, dust etc in a person having allergic tendency. Sabadilla is well indicated when there is runny nose, profuse watery nasal discharge along with sneezing. Tickling, tingling or itching in nose may be felt. Additionally, redness of eyes and watering from eyes may be there. At a given time, either of the two nostrils is blocked which causes difficulty in breathing. Snoring is experienced by the person. Next, frontal pain in head attends. Another peculiar indication for using this remedy is cold with runny nose/sneezing which get worse from strong odour like perfumes.

Key indicating features

Nasal allergy with runny nose, sneezing and nasal itching

Cold with frontal headache

Cold with runny nose/sneezing from strong odours

2. Throat (Sore Throat, Tonsillitis)

With its action on throat, it offers great help in managing cases of chronic sore throat. In most cases needing it, sore throat begins in the left side and then goes to the right side. The tonsils are swollen and inflamed. Pain in the throat is felt from empty swallowing. Cold air makes the complaint worse. Relief is noted by taking warm food or warm drinks. Stitching pain in throat is experienced while swallowing. There is feeling of a lump in the throat and person has constant desire to swallow it. Sometimes, a sensation of skin hanging loosely in throat is felt. Occasionally, it feels as if a morsel of food has got stuck in the throat leading to cough. The throat may feel dry or there can be tough phlegm in throat with need to hawk.

Key indicating features

Sore throat beginning on left side then going to the right side

Sore throat worse from cold air and better from warm drinks/food

3. Gastric Ailments (Worms, Stomach Pain)

Sabadilla is effective in dealing with gastric ailments. Firstly, it is used to treat worms, mostly tapeworms, pin worms and ascarides worms. It gives substantial relief in itching and crawling sensation felt in the anus due to worms.  It also helps in easing the burning sensation or pain felt in navel region. There may be changes in the bowel movement. The stool can be hard and scanty or there may occur diarrhea with loose, brown and frothy stool. Pinching pain around navel and loud rumbling can be felt before passing stool. There may be burning sensation in abdomen and rectum after passing stool.  Sometimes, blood passes with stool. There is excessive passage of gas. Other than these, Sabadilla is indicated to manage twisting/ turning type of pain in abdomen. Rest of the symptoms include bloating, cutting type of pain in the intestine, abdomen pain with a characteristic sensation of a ball moving in the abdomen, burning sensation in stomach and food pipe, and loss of appetite.

Key indicating features

Worm infestations include tapeworm, pin worms, ascarides worms

Itching, crawling sensation in the anus

Pain in navel region in cases of worms

4. Cough

This medicine has also shown clinical improvement in cases of cough. Sabadilla mostly helps in cases of dry cough that arises from roughness or scratchiness or scraping in throat. Coughing mostly worsens at night, as soon as a person lies down. In some cases, pain at the top of head (vertex) is felt along with cough. Sweating, vomiting and watering from eyes are other accompanying symptoms. Difficulty in breathing, burning sensation in chest and wheezing may also happen.  Sabadilla can also be given for cough that worsens from cold.

Key indicating features

Cough arising from roughness or scratchiness in throat

Cough worsening at night, as soon as one lies down and from cold

5. Ears (Earache, Noises In Ears)

This medicine also acts on ears where it is beneficial to manage cases of ear pain, noises in ears (tinnitus), itching in ears. Along with pain in the ear, there is pressure on the ear. Mostly stitching pain especially in left ear is felt. In case of tinnitus, a person hears humming or gurgling noises in ear. There can be difficulty in hearing too.

Key indicating features

Pain in ear with pressure sensation

Humming, gurgling noises in ears

6. Eyes (Redness Of Eyelids, Lachrymation, Blue Rings)

In case of eyes, Sabadilla can be given to manage redness of eyelids attended with burning sensation. Next, it can be used for excessive watering from eyes (lachrymation) while coughing, sneezing or walking in open air. It is also beneficial for cases of blue rings around the eyes.

Key indicating features

Redness and burning of eyelids

Lachrymation during sneezing, coughing and walking in open air

7. Head (Headache, Itchy Scalp)

Sabadilla is a useful medicine to manage headache. It is mainly preferred to manage headache that occurs with cold. The pain, in this case, is frequently experienced in frontal part of head.  There may be heaviness in the head usually in forehead and sides of head (temporal region) in case of nasal allergy. Next peculiar indication to use it is headache that follows excessive thinking or some intellectual thinking. The pain occurs on one side of the head or on alternating sides. It gets better by eating. Sabadilla can be given in cases of itching and burning on the scalp, crawling sensation can also be felt.

Key indicating symptoms

Headache in frontal part of head with cold

Headache from overthinking and intellectual work

8. Skin Complaints (Dry Skin, Crawling Sensation)

Last sphere of action of Sabadilla is skin where it is useful for dry skin. Burning sensation on skin can be present. It is also effective in managing crawling sensation like that of ants. Lastly, it works well in cases of thick, horny, deformed nails.

Key indicating features

Creeping, crawling sensation on skin

Thick, horny, deformed nails


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from cold air, cold drinks, strong odors, and mental exertion

Relieving factors: Complaints are better from warm food and drinks, heat, being wrapped up


This medicine works well in both low and high potencies. In low potency like 30C, one may take it frequently around two to three times a day. But in high potency like 200C, 1M frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Conium, Lachesis, Lycopodium and Pulsatilla

Followed well by Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Merc Sol, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Magnesia Phosphorica – Homeopathic medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Magnesia Phosphorica is derived from magnesium phosphate which is inert in its crude state. When it goes through potentization process (process of preparing homeopathic medicines through which medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused), it gets converted into homeopathic medicine Magnesia Phosphorica of great use. It is one among the 12 biochemic medicines in homeopathy called Schuessler’s twelve tissue remedies. It is the most hepful in managing stomach cramps, menstrual cramps, muscle pain, nerve pain and sciatica.

The ‘Magnesia Phosphorica’ Constitution

This medicine suits persons who feel tired and exhausted. It is best suited to young people and also to babies during teething.

Drug Action

Magnesia Phosphorica has its most remarkable action on the gastric system, female genitals, limbs, muscles and nerves. It acts well on the neck, back, eyes, face, and teeth.

Clinical Indications

Abdomen, pain, stomach cramps, colic, painful menses, sciatica, neuralgia (nerve pains), facial neuralgia, cramps, writer’s cramp, headache, Parkinson’s disease, toothache, vaginismus

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Gastric Issues (Abdomen Pain, Stomach Cramps, Diarrhea)

Magnesia Phosphorica has wide action on the gastric system to manage various gastric problems. To begin with, it is a magnificent medicine to help cases of abdomen pain, stomach cramps and colic. The pain may get better by applying warm applications, bending double (upper body bent forward and downward) and applying pressure. Magnesia Phos is very beneficial for flatulent colic (pain caused by accumulation of gas in the abdomen) which causes fullness and bloating in the abdomen. It is also well indicated to relieve abdomen pain caused due to gas in babies. Other than this, it is also useful in treating cutting/ cramping/ shooting pain in the stomach. There may be relief from burping. A person may also feel nausea and vomiting. Magnesia Phos can be used when pain is felt around the navel that radiates to the back. This medicine can also be given for treating cases of diarrhea (loose stool). Its use is preferred when loose stool is attended with vomiting and cramping pain in the calf muscles in the back of the lower leg.

Key indicating features

Abdomen pain better from bending double, pressure and warmth

Pain in abdomen from gas accumulation

2. For Pain Management

Magnesia Phos is a top-listed medicine to manage pain of different types. Firstly, it is a marvellous medicine for relief in muscle pain and nerve pain (neuralgia). The nature of pain to use it can be shooting/ cutting/ sharp/ stitching/cramping type. Pain can be wandering that changes its location rapidly from one place to another. Pain gets worse at night and better after taking rest. The nerve pain gets better by applying heat. Most of the time, pain is located on the right side of the body. Magnesia Phosphorica is very effective in managing abdomen pain that gets better by bending double, applying pressure and warmth. Pain during periods and menstrual cramps can be managed wonderfully. One feels relieved by bending double and hot applications.

Key indicating features

Pain in muscles and nerves, worse at night, better from rest

Abdomen pain relieved by bending double, pressure and warmth

Painful periods when pain gets better by bending double and warm applications

3. Female Problems (Painful Periods, Ovary Pain, Vaginismus)

This medicine proves very effective in getting rid of many female problems. It is one of the best medicines for painful periods. Magnesia Phos manages menstrual cramps well and females requiring it may feel better by bending double and from hot applications. They may also have early menses with dark stringy blood flow. Magnesia Phos is a prominent medicine to deal with ovarian pain which is shooting/darting in nature. It is worse on the right side. Use of this medicine is also considered to treat vaginismus which is involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when something is trying to enter it.

Key indicating features

Menstrual cramps better from bending double and warmth

Ovarian pain of shooting, darting type


4. Limbs (Sciatica, Cramps, Joint Pain, Parkinson’s Disease)

It is an important medicine to manage numerous complaints related to limbs. Firstly, it is highly recommended to manage sciatica. Pain along sciatic nerve that begins in lower back and radiates down the hip, down the back of thighs and legs up to feet is called sciatica. Magnesia Phos works well in right-sided sciatica where feet are very tender (pain on touching). Secondly, it is a top-listed medicine to manage cramps. It gives good results in cases of cramps in legs and feet which occur mainly at night while in bed. Its use is also suggested for cramps that follow after any kind of exertion. Another main indication for its use is writer’s cramp (a disorder characterized by involuntary contraction of muscles of hands and fingers while writing). This medicine can be used to treat joint pain as well which is very severe. Lastly, Magnesia Phos gives good results in cases of Parkinson’s Disease with involuntary shaking of hands. Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the nervous system that starts with shaking of one hand at rest followed by other symptoms like slowing down of movements, rigid muscles, impaired posture, balance issues and changes in speech.

Key indicating features

Right-sided sciatica

Cramps in limbs after exertion and at night

Writer’s cramp

5. Eyes (Twitchings, Ptosis, Squint, Nystagmus, Supraorbital Pain)

Magnesia Phos can manage eyelid twitching (repetitive involuntary contraction of muscles) medically known as blepharospasm. It is also useful for supraorbital pain (felt above the eyebrow) on the right side which gets relieved by warmth.  Its use is next considered in cases of ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid). It can be used in cases of squint (strabismus) also. Another indication to use Magnesia Phosphorica is nystagmus which means involuntary, repetitive eye movement.

Key indicating features

Eyelid twitching

Pain above right eyebrow better from warm applications

Ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid)

6. Face (Pain, Neuralgia, Twitching)

Magnesia Phos proves very effective in treating cases of facial neuralgia (nerve pain) of right side. There is shooting/ cramping/darting pain on the right side of the face . It gets worse on opening the mouth and by washing face with cold water. Magnesia Phos can be of great benefit for treating trigeminal neuralgia when even the slightest touch causes pain. Trigeminal neuralgia refers to severe electric shock-like pain in the face due to pressure on the trigeminal nerve or its damage/injury. Another characteristic feature to use Magnesia Phos is twitching (involuntary muscle contraction) of the facial muscles.

Key indicating features

Right-sided facial pain of cramping/darting/shooting  type

Trigeminal neuralgia worse from slightest touch

Twitching of facial muscles

7. Teeth (toothache)

If we talk of teeth complaints, Magnesia Phos is well indicated to manage toothache. It is used when toothache is better from warmth and drinking hot liquids. It is worse from eating cold food or drinking cold drinks. The teeth are sensitive to touch. If toothache is arising from decay of teeth, this medicine can prove very beneficial. Pain in the tooth that has undergone a recent filling can also be well managed with this remedy.

Key indicating features

Toothache worse from cold food and cold drinks, better from warmth and drinking hot liquids

Toothache in decayed teeth

8. Neck And Back (Pain)

Lastly, it acts well on neck and back. It gives good relief in cases of pain and stiffness of neck. The pain in neck is sharp, shooting type where it is indicated. The neck is also sore and painful on touch. Next, Magnesia Phos is beneficial in managing sore pain in the lower back. Cramps in the back may be present in cases needing it.

Key indicating features

Sharp, shooting pain in neck with stiffness

Sore pain or cramps in lower back


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse at night, on right side, from cold air, from uncovering and exhaustion

Relieving factors: Complaints are better by bending double, from pressure, from warmth and from rubbing


This medicine can be used from low to high potencies. Among these, the most frequently used potency is 6X potency which can be taken three to four times a day depending on the severity of the problem. It works best when taken by dissolving tablets in hot water.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna, Gelsemium and Lachesis

It can be compared with other homeopathic medicines including Colocynth, Dioscorea, Chamomilla, Silicea and Zincum Met.

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5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Constipation

Homeopathic Medicine constipation

Constipation refers to an infrequent bowel movement or difficulty in passing stool. Infrequent bowel movement means passing less than three stools a week. Other indicative symptoms are hard stool, insufficient stool, unsatisfactory stool or a feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation, strain on passing stool and in extreme cases, a need to use fingers to remove stool in small kids.

Homeopathy has proven to be highly effective in treating cases of constipation. Homeopathic medicines along with dietary and lifestyle management help magnificently in different constipation types ranging from passage of hard stool, to unsatisfactory stool, passing stools infrequently, to the sensation of incomplete bowel evacuation. Any associated symptoms like gas, bloating of the abdomen, pain in the abdomen, headache, and nausea are also taken care of with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines are suitable to treat constipation in persons of all age groups.

Homeopathy can treat constipation from the roots. Homeopathic medicines help to improve bowel movement which is sluggish in constipation cases. These also act as stool softeners thus preventing straining to pass stool and aiding easy and smooth stool passage.

Homeopathy is the best choice to offer a natural, safe treatment for cases of constipation as it uses natural remedies free of any chemicals and synthetic matter. Unlike mainstream medicine which uses laxatives to treat constipation and carries the risk of dependency, homeopathic medicines are non-habit-forming and under no circumstances cause any type of side effects. Once started, homeopathy will slowly and gradually reduce your dependency on laxatives.

Acute as well as chronic (long-term cases of constipation are known to respond wonderfully well to homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy is also highly beneficial to manage piles and anal fissures that may result from long-term constipation.

Homeopathy is a symptom-based science so to treat constipation medicines are to be selected as per peculiar and unique characteristic symptoms in each case of constipation. Therefore the homeopathic practitioner will study the symptoms in detail, identify and evaluate the important symptoms and then select the appropriate medicine that will suit any given case of constipation.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Constipation

The best medicines for treating constipation are Nux Vomica, Bryonia Alba, Alumina, Opium and Alumen.

1. Nux Vomica – For Constipation With Constant Ineffectual Urge For Stool

Nux Vomica is one of the most frequently used medicines for treating constipation with a constant ineffectual urge to pass stool. A person who needs Nux Vomica passes insufficient, scanty stool, very frequently. The stool is unsatisfactory. Even after passing stool many times a day, there is a never ‘got done’ feeling. Abdomen pain may arise along with constipation. Nux Vomica is also a good choice of medicine for treating constipation in persons with a sedentary lifestyle (inactive lifestyle with prolonged sitting with little or no physical activity). More importantly, it also effectively treats piles with constipation.

When to use Nux Vomica?

This medicine can be used in persons who have constipation with constant ineffectual urge to pass stool and even after passing stool several times a day, do not have a satisfactory feeling.

How to use Nux Vomica?

This medicine is used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M. Initially, it is best to use Nux vomica 30C twice or thrice a day. Higher potencies can be used afterward after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

2. Bryonia Alba  – For Dry, Hard, Stool In Lump Form

For constipation with a hard, dry stool that passes in lumps, Bryonia Alba is considered one of the best medicines. The stool is dry as if burnt and is passed with much difficulty. Abdominal distension is also noted in some cases. Headache due to constipation may also be effectively treated with Bryonia Alba.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

The main characteristic feature guiding use of Bryonia Alba is hard dry stool passed in lump form.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

Bryonia Alba 30C can be taken two to three times a day.

3. Alumina – For Constipation With No Urge To Pass Stool For Days

Alumina is another highly beneficial medicine when there is the absence of the urge to pass stool for days together. The person needing Alumina will go days without passing stool. The action of the intestine is extremely slow and sluggish. The stool is passed only when there is a large accumulation of fecal matter in the intestine. Another important symptom of using Alumina is excessive straining to pass stool even when the stool is soft.  Alumina is also one of the majorly indicated medicines for constipation in children, infants (babies less than one year of age), bottle-fed babies, and elderly persons.

When to use Alumina?

Its use can be considered in persons who have no urge to pass stool for days together.

How to use Alumina?

The most frequently recommended dose of this medicine is Alumina 30C once or twice a day.

4. Opium – For Dry, Hard Stool In Form Of Balls

Opium works well in cases of constipation where the stool is hard, dry, and passed in a ball-like form. There is also a lack of urge to pass stool. In addition, Opium is also the medicine for constipation where the person has been taking laxatives (medicines that increase bowel movement and relieve constipation) to pass stool for a long time.

When to use Opium?

This medicine can be used when stool is hard, dry and passed in ball-like form.

How to use Opium?

One may use this medicine in 30C potency once or twice a day.

5. Alumen – For Extremely Hard Stool Like Stone

Alumen is a well-indicated medicine for constipation when stool is extremely hard like a stone. Passing of stool is very difficult and is attended with some blood in it. After passing stool, intense pain is felt in the rectum.

When to use Alumen?

Alumen is the best choice of medicine when the stool is exceedingly hard like a stone.

How to use Alumen?

Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, the most commonly used is 30C potency. Alumen 30C can be taken two to three times a day.

Note One can take the above medicines for constipation for about one to two months in the above-mentioned doses only. Always consider the advice of a homeopathic expert if no improvement is seen, or to continue taking these beyond 2 months, or if you wish to increase the potency/dose.

Causes and Pathophysiology

Our colon (large intestine) is 3 to 5 feet long and its wall is lined by muscle layers.  The colon absorbs water and salts from the waste received from the small intestine creating a solid matter stool, storing stool until it is expelled from the body, and muscle contractions in the colon propel the stool towards the rectum to be thrown out of the body. Several nerves and hormones control the motility of the colon. When the stool fills and distends the rectum, the internal anal sphincter relaxes and the need to defecate is felt. This is followed by the contraction of rectal muscles and simultaneous relaxation of the external anal sphincter and puborectalis muscle that opens the anus and expels stool.  Constipation can occur if the muscle contractions of colon are slow and sluggish which gives the colon more time to absorb water from waste resulting in dry and hard stool which is difficult to push out. Also, constipation can arise if there is a problem with the nerves that signal contraction of the colon and rectum and control muscles required for defection, or there is some blockage in the colon or rectum.

Predisposing Factors Behind Constipation

Many factors predispose a person to constipation. A diet low in fiber, a sedentary lifestyle and decreased physical activity, decreased liquid intake, old age, taking calcium/iron supplements, overuse of medicines (such as antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and laxatives) and stress also predispose one towards constipation. It is a common complaint among women during pregnancy. Medical conditions linked with constipation are diabetes mellitus, spinal cord lesions, hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), depression, and irritable bowel syndrome (a disorder of the large intestine that causes constipation or diarrhea or an alternation between these along with gas, bloating, and stomach cramps)

 Are There Any Other Associated Symptoms With Constipation?

Yes, several different symptoms may cause constipation. These are gas in the abdomen, bloating or distension of the abdomen, pain in the abdomen, headache, and nausea. Bleeding may occur while passing stool due to fissures/piles as a result of constipation or from passing hard stool. Other attending features include pain and burning sensation in the rectum while passing stool which may continue even after passing stool.

 Frequently Asked Questions

1.Does long-standing constipation lead to complications?

Yes, long-standing constipation may lead to piles, anal fissures, and rectal prolapse. Abdominal hernia (inguinal hernia/umbilical hernia) may also arise from long-standing constipation. Piles refers to swollen and dilated veins in the rectal canal or anus. An anal fissure refers to a tear in the tissue lining of the anus. Rectal prolapse refers to the protrusion of a part or the entire rectum from the anus. An abdominal hernia is the protrusion of an organ through the abdominal wall or cavity which normally contains it.

2. I pass a hard stool with blood, what could the cause be?

Passing a hard stool with blood points towards two conditions –anal fissures or piles. Kindly consult a physician to confirm the diagnosis.

3. In my case, constipation is accompanied by a lot of gas and distension of the abdomen. What does that indicate?

Excessive gas and distended abdomen with constipation could indicate irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which is a functional bowel disorder without any pathological changes in bowels. In irritable bowel syndrome, constipation/diarrhea can predominate or alternate. Other symptoms include a bloated abdomen, gas, cramps in the abdomen, and mucus in stool. Kindly check with a physician for confirmation.


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Aurum Met – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Aurum Met is prepared from metal ‘gold’. Gold is inactive in its crude form but when it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine Aurum Met. It is a top-grade medicine in homeopathy for managing depression, bone complaints and various heart issues.

The ‘Aurum Met’ Constitution

It is recommended for persons who are depressed, restless, anxious type with marked anxiety about future and having weak memory. This medicine is well suited to girls at puberty and women who get nervous, as well as to elderly people with heart disease.

Drug Action

Aurum Met acts on various body parts. Among these, the most prominent action is seen on mind, bones and heart. Rest of the organs where it acts well includes head, eyes, ears, nose and male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Depression, bone affections, exostosis, bone pain, bone inflammation, bone decay, high blood pressure, heart complaints, ear disorders, otorrhoea (ear discharge), ozaena, headache, testes affections, hydrocele, orchitis,  infertility,  suppressed menses, vaginismus.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Mind (Depression)

Aurum Met has its foremost action on the mind. The indication of utmost importance for using it is depression. For persons suffering from depression, this medicine can work wonders. The persons needing it have intense depression. They remain sad and have a feeling of hopelessness all the time. They feel themselves to be worthless, of no value and feels forsaken. They frequently criticize themselves. For them, the future seems to be dark. They have lost all love for life and desire death. They have suicidal thoughts, slightest contradiction is unbearable to them. They show sudden fits of anger at the slightest contradiction. Certain sort of fears are well marked in them like fear of death and even a small unwarranted sound or noise makes them fearful. This medicine is of great value to manage complaints related to the mind resulting from grief, fright, contradiction, disappointment in love matters, etc. Next indication is mood swings when crying alternates with laughing. Persons needing it may be generally oversensitive to smell, pain, taste, hearing and touch.

Key indicating features

1. Intense depression with suicidal thoughts

2. Feeling of self – worthlessness with self-criticism

3. Sudden anger from least contradiction

2. Bones (Bone Decay, Pain, Inflammation And Exostosis)

Aurum Met has a remarkable action on bones. Here it serves great help to manage various bone-related issues. Firstly, the main complaint where it proves highly effective is bone decay (necrosis, caries of bone). It offers help especially to manage cases where there is decay of bones of nose, palate, face or of lower limbs. The bones involved are sore, complaint is worse at night and better in open air. Another major complaint where it has marked utility is bone pain. It works magnificently for bone pains that are particularly worse at night. The bones that are usually painful include skull bones, nasal bones, facial bone, bones of wrist, hand and arms. The skull bone pain worsens after lying down. Nasal bones are painful to touch. In bones of arms, pain is cramp like or tearing type. Aurum Met is also well indicated for inflammation of bone with pain at night. It mainly works well in case of inflammation of bones of face. Besides, its use is considered in cases of exostosis also known as bone spurs which means growth of extra new bone on the surface of existing bone. It can be used for dissolving extra bony growths on skull, pelvis, bones of arms or legs.

Key indicating features

1. Caries or decay of bones of nose, palate, face or of lower limbs

2. Bone pain at night time

3. Extra bony growth (exostosis) on skull, pelvis, bones of arms or legs.

3. Ears (Noises In Ear, Ear Discharge, Meniere’s Disease, Decay Of Mastoid Process)

This medicine works well on ears and settles many complaints. To begin with, it is useful for noises in ears (tinnitus) of buzzing, humming or roaring type. There may be difficulty in hearing too. It is next indicated for managing Meniere’s Disease (an inner ear disorder characterized by noises in ears, hearing loss and vertigo). Another complaint where it is used is ear discharge (otorrhoea) that is very offensive (foul smelling). Pus discharge from ear is marked. Apart from these, Aurum Met is an important medicine to help cases of decay of mastoid process (a prominence of temporal bone of skull behind the ear). In such cases, Aurum Met helps to reduce ear discharge. Additionally, it is helpful to relieve itching, burning and pricking sensation in ears.

Key indicating features

1. Noises in ears buzzing, humming, roaring in nature

2. Offensive ear discharge

3. Decay of mastoid bone (a prominence of temporal bone of skull behind ear) with ear discharge, itching, burning, pricking in ear

4. Nose (Discharge, Inflammation, Decay Of Nasal Bones)

With its action on nose, it is capable of treating numerous problems. Its use is mainly recommended to manage offensive nasal discharges of pus and blood. Secondly, its effect to manage inflammation of nose is well known. It gives good results in ozaena cases. Ozaena also known as atrophic rhinitis indicates a long-term inflammation of nose resulting in atrophy (reduction in size or shrinkage) of nasal mucus lining and the underneath bone. Furthermore, it can treat cases of decay of nose bones with pus-like, blood-stained discharge having foul odour. There is marked pain in nasal bones of boring type (which goes from outside to inside), especially at night. Aurum Met is also recommended for persons with sensitivity to strong odour.

Key indicating features

1. Offensive nasal discharges, of pus matter and blood

2. Ozaena/ atrophic rhinitis (chronic inflammation of nose leading to atrophy means shrinkage of nasal mucus lining and the underneath bone)

3. Decay of nose bones with foul pus matter, blood-stained discharge and boring pain in nasal bones

5. Head (Headache, Bone Pain, Boils)

Aurum Met is effective in managing headache. It gives good results in headache that worsens at night. The pain is felt on the forehead, sides and top of head. It is relieved in open air. Fullness, heat and congestion is felt in the head. Its action in treating one-sided pain on forehead that is burning/stitching/ beating type is the other noteworthy feature. It may be attended with nausea or vomiting. This medicine can also deal with pain in the bones of the head that goes up to the face and gets worse on lying down. It is of great value for treating exostosis (extra bony growths) on the bones of skull accompanied by boring type of pain. Another notable indication to use Aurum Met is boils (pus-filled lumps) on the scalp.

Key indicating feature

1. Headache at night time

2. Bone pain in face radiating to face, worse lying down

3. Extra bony growth on scalp bones

6. Male Problems (Hydrocele, Orchitis, Balanitis, Epididymitis)

In males, this medicine proves to be effective for treating hydrocele, especially in children which causes pain in the testes along with swelling and hardness. Orchitis (inflammation of testes) cases respond well to this remedy. Aurum Met is also indicated when there is atrophy (shrinkage or reduced size) of testes. Other complaints which it treats are balanitis (inflammation of glans penis), itching of scrotum and ulcers on scrotum.

Key indicating features

1. Hydrocele mainly in children

2. Inflammation of testes (orchitis) and of glans penis (balanitis)

3. Atrophy of testes

7. Female Problems (Suppressed Menses, Vaginal Discharge, Prolapse Of Uterus Vaginismus, Infertility)

Females may find this medicine very useful for managing certain problems. These include suppressed menses (amenorrhea), vaginal discharge, prolapse of uterus, vaginismus and infertility. It is helpful when menses are late. The flow is scanty. Aurum Met proves beneficial for managing vaginal discharge that is thick, white or yellow, and increases on walking. Aurum Met treats cases of prolapse of uterus attended with back pain and heaviness in the abdomen which gets worse during menses. Shooting/ drawing or bruised pain is felt in the uterus. This medicine also treats vaginismus in which vagina is very sensitive and involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles happens when some thing tries to enter it. Final yet an important use of Aurum Met is to treat infertility cases attended with depression.

Key indicating features

1. Vaginal discharge which is thick, white or yellow, increase on walking

2. Uterine prolapse with backache and heaviness in abdomen

3. Vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when something is trying to enter it)

4. Infertility accompanied by depression

8. Heart (High Blood Pressure, Heart Pain, Endocarditis, Fatty Degeneration Of Heart, Hypertrophy Of Heart)

This medicine shows wonderful action on heart. It is one of the leading medicines in homeopathy for treating high blood pressure (hypertension). It is also recommended for palpitations of heart with a feeling of rush of blood to the chest. Aurum Met is an important medicine for valve lesions of arteriosclerotic nature. Arteriosclerosis is thickening and stiffening of arteries resulting in restricted blood flow to tissues and organs. It is well indicated for heart pain radiating to left arm and fingers. Besides, it is well-indicated for cases of endocarditis (inflammation of inner lining of heart), fatty degeneration of heart and hypertrophy of heart.

Key indicating features

1. High blood pressure

2. Fatty degeneration of heart and hypertrophy of heart


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from mental exertion, at night, winters, in cold weather, cloudy weather, alcohol use

Relieving factors: Complaints are better in cool, open air, walking and cold bathing


It can be used in both low and high potencies. It can be repeated frequently in low potency but high potencies are usually advised not to be taken frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna, China, Cocculus Indicus, Coffea Cruda, Cuprum Met, Merc Sol, Pulsatilla and Spigelia

It antidotes: Merc Sol and Spigelia

Followed well by: Nitric Acid, Aconite, Belladonna, Calcarea Carb, China, Lycopodium, Merc Sol, Pulsatilla, Sepia and Syphilinum

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Sabal Serrulata – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Sabal Serrulata is a homeopathic medicine derived from fresh berries of plant Saw Palmetto. It belongs to Palmaceae family. The fresh berries of this plant undergo potentization process that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties which gives us the homeopathic medicine Sabal Serrulata of great clinical significance. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines to treat prostate issues like enlarged prostate and prostatitis in males.

The ‘Sabal Serrulata’ Constitution

It is mainly recommended for males, especially those suffering from some sort of prostate issues.

Drug Action

The most important and primary action of this remedy is observed on prostate gland and urinary organs mainly bladder and urethra. Sabal Serrulata also acts on female genitals, breast, gastric system, back and head.

Clinical Indications

Prostate enlargement (BPH), prostatitis, epididymitis, weak erections, sexual perversions, loss of sex drive, frequent urine, involuntary urination, urethral stricture, cystitis, suppressed menses, ovary pain, underdeveloped breast, breast pain, headache, backache, gastritis, stomach pain, piles.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Male problems (prostate enlargement, prostatitis, epididymitis, weak erections)

Sabal Serrulata is being extensively used in homeopathy for numerous male problems among which prostate troubles top the list. It is an infallible medicine to treat prostate issues especially enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia – BPH) and prostatitis. It is of great value to manage complaints of frequent urination related to prostate issues. The urine frequency usually increases at night causing troubled sleep. There can be slight pain in the prostate region that may extend to the abdomen and thighs. Sabal is well indicated to manage complaints of difficulty in starting urine flow, interrupted urine stream and dribbling of urine in BPH cases. Another noteworthy complaint where Sabal Serrulata helps is erectile dysfunction related to prostate issues. Erectile dysfunction refers to the inability to get or maintain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. The genitals may feel cold and there may also be loss of sex drive. It can also be given for managing complaints of painful ejaculation. In some cases needing it, there can be atrophy (shrinkage and decrease in size) of testicles.

Sabal is a magnificent medicine for epididymitis management. Epididymitis refers to inflammation of epididymis which is a coiled tube at the back of the testicles that stores sperms and carries them from testicles to vas deferens.  This medicine is also considered in cases of sexual perversions.

Key indicating features

1. Prostate enlargement and prostatitis

2. Frequent urination, difficulty in starting urine, interrupted/ dribbling urine, from enlarged prostate

3. Erection issues related to prostate troubles

2. Urinary issues (frequent urine, urethral stricture, involuntary urination)

This medicine is very beneficial for various urinary problems. Firstly, it is recommended to manage frequent urination at night. Secondly, it is well indicated for cases of bladder inflammation (cystitis) when associated with enlarged prostate. It can also be given for treating cases of urethral stricture. At the beginning of urination, there may be pain with a sensation that urine is being forced to pass through a narrow opening. The urethra feels narrow and urine is passed with difficulty. It can be attended with burning sensation and smarting pain (sharp, stinging pain) in the urethra. Sabal Serrulata helps tremendously in cases of urinary incontinence (involuntary urine passage) that may happen from laughing or exertion. Lastly, it is indicated for bladder pain that may extend to the genitals and there is a feeling of the urinary bladder being full.

Key indicating features

1. Frequent urination at night

2. Cystitis (bladder inflammation) associated with enlarged prostate

3. Urethral stricture

4. Involuntary urination from laughing/exertion

3. Female problems (suppressed menses, ovary pain, loss of sex drive, underdeveloped breast)

Though predominantly used for prostate and urinary concerns, Sabal Serrulata’s role in treating certain women–related problems and breast size can not be overlooked. For females, this medicine is preferred to help cases of suppressed menses (amenorrhoea) and also for irregular periods. It is also effective in dealing with ovary pain which is mainly stinging in nature and may radiate down to the thighs from the ovaries. Tenderness (pain on touching) may be felt in the ovary region. This medicine can be given when there is a loss of sex drive and also in cases of sexual perversions.

This medicine is known to have a significant value in case of underdeveloped breasts where it works well to promote breast development. It is also indicated when one breast is smaller than the other, where Sabal helps towards the development of underdeveloped breast. Another characteristic feature to use it is sore, tender breast with sharp or stinging type of pain. Fullness in the breast may be felt.

Key indicating features

1. Ovary pain radiating down thighs

2. Loss of sex drive and sexual perversions

3. Underdeveloped breast

4. Sore, tender, breast with sharp, stinging pain

4. Head (headache)

Regarding its action on the head, Sabal mainly helps to manage headaches. It works well in cases of sharp, darting (sharp) pain in the head which comes suddenly and also disappears suddenly on its own. The location of pain also keeps changing. It can occur at the back, top or side of the head. Headache can be attended with vertigo. In some cases, dimness of vision is felt along with headache. Sometimes pain is felt specifically in the right temple of the head and top of the head. Lastly, Sabal Serrulata can be given for pain that begins from the nose, then ascends up and settles in the forehead.

Key indicating features

1. Sharp, darting pain in head that occur suddenly and goes away suddenly

2. Headache with vertigo and dimness of vision

5. Gastric system (stomach pain, gastritis, constipation, piles)

When it comes to gastric troubles, Sabal is indicated to settle complaints like stomach pain, gastritis, constipation and piles. There is a cramp-like pain in the abdomen which may radiate to the legs; burping and acidity are also there. Excessive desire for milk is marked. In gastritis, burning sensation is marked in stomach. It can be given for constipation with an enlarged prostate gland. This medicine is also useful for piles with dry stool.

Key indicating features

1. Cramp-like pain in the abdomen that may radiate to legs

2. Gastritis with excessive burning in stomach

3. Constipation in cases of enlarged prostate

6. Back (backache)

The action of this medicine is also seen on the back. Sabal Serrulata is a wonderful medicine to relieve lower back pain. When it occurs before and at beginning of menses, this remedy proves to be very effective. Backache felt after sexual activity can also be relieved with this medicine.

Key indicating features

1. Lower back pain before and at beginning of menses

2. Backache after sexual activity


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in the early morning and at bedtime; in cold damp or cloudy weather and from sympathy

Relieving factors: Complaints are better after sleep


The use of this medicine is mainly suggested in mother tincture (Q) form. The recommended dose of Sabal Serrulata Q is 8 to 10 drops in half a cup of water. This can be taken two to three times as per the severity of the symptom.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Silicea

It can be compared with medicines Ferrum Picricum, Digitalis, Argentum Nitricum, Thuja and Solidago in prostatic issues

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Balding and Losing Hair ? …Homeopathy the Best Bet

Homeopathic Remedies for Hair loss

Hair fall, medically known as alopecia, is a very common health issue. Generally, hair fall happens every day. It is normal to lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair every day but the problem of hair loss and thinning begins when the phase of hair growth does not keep pace with the phase of hair loss.
Homeopathy can be a boon to persons who suffer from hair fall. It is a very safe, gentle and natural treatment option for managing hair fall. Homeopathy works well in these cases by treating the underlying cause of hair fall and by strengthening the hair follicles. Homeopathic treatment for hair fall is biphasic. In the first phase, these help to prevent worsening of the condition by controlling further progression of hair fall. In the second phase, it helps to promote regrowth of hair naturally by stimulating the hair follicles. Homeopathy is the best alternative to conventional treatment used for hair fall that might have some side effects.

Individualised treatment

Homeopathic treatment for hair fall is not generalised rather individualised. This means homeopathy does not prescribe any fixed specific medicine in every case of hair fall. Rather homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on unique, characteristic symptoms in each and every individual. So homeopathic prescription varies from case to case. This individualised treatment boosts the body’s self-healing mechanism to overcome hair issues naturally and lead to great cures.

Solution for different types of hair fall

Homeopathy is very beneficial to treat various kinds of hair fall. For example hair fall in spots (i.e. alopecia areata), general hair fall, hair thinning and male / female pattern hair loss. Homeopathy gives remarkable results in all such cases irrespective of the types.

Homeopathy uses oral medicines rather than hair oil / shampoos

Hair fall occurs from some internal disturbance in the body rather than any external source. So to overcome this issue focus needs to be on dealing and correcting that internal disturbance with oral medicines that work internally rather than some external applications on the scalp. Homeopathy works in accordance with this. Homeopathy makes use of oral medicines (taken via mouth) that work to overcome the internal body’s disturbance to control hair fall and aid effective cure. Hair oil / shampoos are never a part of protocol of homeopathic treatment for hair fall.

Homeopathy targets root cause

Homeopathic medicines for hair fall treatment are prescribed after correctly identifying the root cause of hair fall. These medicines fix the underlying basic cause of hair fall (any hormonal disturbance, stress, anemia, scalp conditions like eczema / fungal infections, any autoimmune activity, etc) to give wonderful results. The results vary as per the intensity of the hair fall.

Effective treatment option for all age groups

Hair fall is a very common concern affecting persons of all age groups. Homeopathy is highly suitable to treat hair fall in people of all age groups. The homeopathic medicine selected individually for every case of hair is highly capable of giving excellent results.

No adverse effects

Homeopathic remedies for hair fall are free from any sort of harsh effects. The medicines utilized for hair fall in homeopathy lack any harmful chemicals or toxins. These are all derived from naturally occurring substances. So its use can be opted without any worries of side effects.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines For Hair Fall

The  five top-listed medicines in homeopathy to manage hair fall are Phosphorus, Fluoric Acid, Wiesbaden Aqua, Phosphoric Acid and Thallium Met.

1. Phosphorus – For Excessive Hair Fall In Bunches

Phosphorus is the best medicine when hair falls out excessively in bunches. Mainly hair fall occurs from the forepart of the head in cases needing it. It helps to control hair fall and stimulate hair growth wonderfully. Persons who require this medicine may have dry hair. They may also have dandruff and itchy scalp. It is also a prominent medicine for premature greying of hair.

When to use Phosphorus?

This medicine is the best medicine for managing hair falling out excessively in bunches.

How to use Phosphorus?

It can be used in 30C potency two times a day.

2. Fluoricum Acidum – For Hair Loss In Spots

A person having hair loss in spots (alopecia areata) can find this medicine beneficial. It prevents further progression of hair loss and promotes hair regrowth in the already present spots. It is also a good medicine when hair strands are brittle and dry that tend to break off easily. It helps in decreasing dryness in the hair and preventing hair breakage. Lastly, it is also the best for controlling hair loss after fever, particularly typhoid.

When to use Fluoric Acid?

Its use is highly recommended to manage hair loss occurring in spots.

How to use Fluoric Acid?

Though it can be used in different potencies, in the beginning it is best to take it in 30C potency twice a day.

3. Wiesbaden Aqua – For Hair Regrowth

It is a natural remedy to aid hair regrowth. It is sourced from springs of Wiesbaden in Prussia. This medicine is known to aid the quick growth of hair. It also helps make the hair dense and darker in color. It nourishes hair roots and makes hair healthy and strong.

When to use Wiesbaden Aqua?

Use of this medicine is frequently recommended to promote hair regrowth.

How to use Wiesbaden Aqua?

Its use is suggested in 30C potency two times a day.

4. Phosphoric Acid – For Hair Fall From Grief

It is useful to treat hair loss that occurs as a result of grief and sorrow. Those needing it experience marked thinning and falling of hair. They may have early greying of hair as well. It is also valuable to treat hair loss occurring in the beard area.

When to use Phosphoric Acid?

Anyone experiencing hair fall due to grief can take this medicine.

How to use Phosphoric Acid?

Initially, Phosphoric Acid 30C can be used twice a day for best results.

5. Thallium Met – For Hair Fall After Acutely Exhausting illness

It is highly suitable to treat hair fall after acute exhausting health conditions. For example, flu, throat infection, prolonged fever. The hair fall is quite rapid in cases needing it. It may be general hair loss all over the scalp or in spots. The hair comes out in handfuls.

When to use Thallium Met?

This medicine can be used for managing hair fall occurring after some acute health condition like flu, prolonged fever.

How to use Thallium Met?

This medicine can be taken in 30C potency once a day.

What causes Hair Fall? 

Various causes behind hair fall are summed below:

1. Thyroid– Thyroid problems cause hair loss in severe and prolonged cases. Since thyroid and alopecia areata are both autoimmune diseases, one can trigger the other. Hair fall due to thyroid can be treated once the underlying hormonal imbalance is fixed, although it can take some time for the hair to grow back.

2.  Hormonal changes including those that occur after childbirth, during menopause, hypothyroidism,PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)

3. Emotional trauma like constant stress or grief due to loss of a family member/close friend.

4. Nutritional deficiencies and anemia due to a poor diet, or some other underlying health condition that prevents the absorption of nutrients can also cause hair fall. Main deficiencies include iron, zinc, protein and vitamin B3.

5. Recovery from acute fevers like typhoid may lead to diffuse hair loss.

6. Alopecia Areata isan autoimmune disease that causes hair loss in spots. In this condition, the immune cells of the body mistake the hair cells as a foreign substance and start destroying them. It is a common cause of hair fall in people under 20 years of age and is commonly found in people with autoimmune thyroid problems.

7. Certain drugs (like the ones used to treat high blood pressure, joint pains, cancer, or depression) can also cause hair fall as a side effect. For example, anagen effluvium refers to a condition of hair loss due to chemotherapy in a cancer patient. Chemotherapy drugs used as a part of cancer treatment damage hair follicles, leading to hair loss.

8. Physical trauma/ injuryto the head can also lead to hair fall in some cases.

9. General diseases like diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, or AIDS tend to cause hair fall due to decreased immunity and nutrition in the body.

10. Certain hairstyleslike tight braids or ponytails where the hair is tightly pulled back can lead to traction alopecia. Indiscriminate use of hair color and heating tools can damage the hair and lead to hair fall.

11. Trichotillomania is a mental disorder in which the affected person voluntarily pulls out his/her hair out of the scalp.

12. Hair fall from scalp conditions like fungal infection of scalp (Tinea Capitis), Lichen Planus (an autoimmune condition affecting skin, hair and mucous membranes), eczema of the scalp (Seborrheic dermatitis), scalp folliculitis (inflammation and infection of hair follicles of the scalp) and dandruff

Male Pattern Baldness

What is Male Pattern Baldness?

Male balding is a common problem, and surprisingly men tend to feel isolated when suffering from it. Anybody with a genetic predisposition towards baldness typically experiences a change in the hair growth cycle, mostly caused due to the action of hormone dihydrotestosterone. Male pattern baldness is linked with male sex hormones or androgens including testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.  The change in levels of these hormones results in shrinking of hair follicles and shortening of the growth phase of hair (anagen phase). These two factors result in hair loss.

In young males, male pattern baldness typically begins from the frontal area and the crown. With age, it progresses towards the back of the head. Signs of early hair loss in men can be visible as early as the age of 18. Some common early warning signs of male pattern baldness include:

– Receding hairline from the forehead and temples

– Bald patch on top of the scalp

– Reduced density of hair

– Thinning of hair

Top 3 Homeopathic Medicines for Male Pattern Baldness

The three top-listed medicines in homeopathy to manage male pattern baldness are Lycopodium Clavatum, Baryta Carb and Silicea.

1. Lycopodium Clavatum – Top Homeopathic Medicine For Hair Regrowth

It a natural medicine prepared from a plant named club moss and is usually the first choice of medicine for male pattern baldness. It helps to halt further progression of hair loss and also aids hair regrowth (though it varies from case to case) in male pattern baldness. Its use is recommended when hairline is receding and hair loss is occurring from the sides of the scalp (temple region). With this, dandruff may be present with foul smell emanating from the scalp. The scalp may be itchy, burning sensation can also be present.

When to use Lycopodium?

This medicine can be used as a first line of treatment in case of male pattern baldness when hairline is receding and hair loss is occurring from the sides of the scalp (temple region).

How to use Lycopodium?

Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, it is most frequently recommended in 30C power. Lycopodium 30C can be taken once a day for a month or two.

2. Baryta Carb – For Hair Loss From Crown Area

It works well for male pattern baldness where hair loss is mostly visible on the crown or top of the scalp (vertex). The scalp may be sensitive to touch, along with a crawling sensation.

When to use Baryta carb?

This medicine is mainly prescribed to manage male pattern baldness when hair loss is prominent on the crown area (top of head).

How to use Baryta carb?

Most frequently, it is advised to take Baryta carb 30C once or twice a day as per severity of complaint.

3. Silicea – For Male Pattern Baldness In Young Males

Silicea is useful for male pattern baldness in very young males, where the males tend to experience hair loss very early in their life. Severe itching of the scalp occurs. Excessive sweating occurs on the scalp that gives foul smell. Sensation of coldness is felt on the scalp.

When to use Silicea?

Males who experience hair loss very early in their life (18-19 yrs of age) can be given this medicine to stop progression of hair loss.

How to use Silicea?

It can be used in 30C potency two times a day.

Female Pattern Baldness

What is Female Pattern Baldness?

Also known as Androgenetic Alopecia, female pattern baldness is very similar to male pattern baldness. The main difference between male and female pattern baldness is the pattern of hair loss. In females, thinning of hair (and not a receding hairline) is observed.

The early key indication to recognize female pattern baldness is the gradual loss of hair from the parting line of the hair on the scalp. Found around the area of the center of the scalp, most females begin losing hair from their parting line. This progresses to the widening of the parting line, followed by general diffused hair thinning on the scalp. There are very little chances of complete baldness, but excessive thinning of hair throughout the scalp is generally observed. 90% of female baldness is directly linked to genetics, although there are other contributing factors.

In females, the leading cause of baldness is the shrinking of hair follicles resulting in the production of short and thin hair. The androgens (hormones) are thought to play a role in female pattern baldness.
The major contributing factor towards female pattern baldness is a genetic predisposition (history of hair loss on either side of the family). It’s more commonly seen in middle-aged women and after menopause.
Female pattern baldness in the 20s is usually related to heredity, lifestyle or stress.
In rare cases, tumors (benign, non-cancerous) of the pituitary gland/ ovaries/ adrenals that secrete androgens also can lead to female pattern hair loss.

Top  2 Homeopathic Medicines For Hair Fall In Females

The 2 top-listed medicines in homeopathy to manage male pattern baldness are Sepia Succus and Natrum Mur.

1. Sepia Succus – Top Homeopathic Medicine For Female Pattern Baldness

It is a highly valuable medicine for female pattern baldness and hair fall. In menopausal age, Sepia Succus has been successfully used to treat female pattern baldness. The scalp is painful to touch, the roots of hair seems sore (pain on touching) , feels sensitive on combing. Along the margin of hair on the forehead, pimples can be seen.

When to use Sepia?

Its use can be considered to manage hair loss in females around menopause.

How to use Sepia?

The suggested dose is Sepia 30 C once a day.

2. Natrum Mur – For Hair Loss In Women After childbirth

Women experiencing hair loss after childbirth can be highly benefitted by it. Along with hair loss, severe headache after child delivery may be felt. Hair loss may be noted on the slightest touch on the scalp. Hair loss is marked at the sides and forepart of the head. Dandruff with white scales may be noted on scalp.

When to use Natrum Mur?

It is the best prescription for managing hair loss in women after childbirth.

How to use Natrum Mur?

It can be taken in 30 C potency once a day.

Note regarding use of homeopathic medicines

Use of any of the homeopathic medicines mentioned in this article should be done only in recommended power and dose. You may continue these medicines for a month or two. To continue for more than a month, it is strictly advised to consult a homeopathic physician. Also, do not use high potencies of any of these medicines without consulting a homeopathic expert.



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Natural Homeopathic Remedies For High Blood Pressure

Homeopathic Remedies for High blood Pressure

The pressure exerted by blood on the walls of the arteries while it flows through them is known as blood pressure. When this pressure is consistently too high, it is referred to as high blood pressure medically known as hypertension. The normal blood pressure ranges between 90/60 mmHg and 120/80mmHg.

Categories To Define High Blood Pressure

1.  A reading of systolic between 120-129 mmHg and diastolic less than 80mmHg is elevated blood pressure. Here usually no medication is recommended and only lifestyle changes are advised.

2. Stage 1 Hypertension: A reading of systolic between 130-139 mmHg or diastolic between 80-89 mmHg.

3. Stage 2 hypertension: Systolic reading 140 mmHg or higher and diastolic reading 90mmHg or higher.

4. Hypertensive Crisis: Systolic reading higher than 180 mmHg and/or diastolic higher than 120 mmHg. It requires urgent medical attention.

Homeopathic Medicines For High Blood Pressure

The top homeopathic medicines to manage high blood pressure (HBP) are Aconitum Napellus, Glonoinum, Crataegus Oxyacantha, Nux vomica, Kali Phos and Natrum Mur.

1. Aconitum Napellus

Aconitum Napellus is a natural medicine sourced from plant monkshood. It can be used for managing high blood pressure along with anxiety and restlessness. The person markedly feels a sudden fear of death. Other accompanying symptoms include palpitations, pressure on the left side of the chest, and sensation of weight under the breastbone. Pain in the heart extending to the left shoulder is also felt.

Key indicating features

High blood pressure along with anxiety and restlessness

2. Glonoinum

Glonoinum is a well-indicated medicine for high blood pressure accompanied by headache which is throbbing and bursting type. Strong palpitations, difficulty in breathing and heat on the face are felt. The person senses pressure in the heart as if heart is contracted. The pain in the heart may radiate to other body parts. Exertion leads to rush of blood to the heart.

Key indicating features

High blood pressure with a throbbing headache

3. Crataegus Oxyacantha

Popularly known as heart tonic, it is a natural medicine sourced from the plant ‘hawthorn berries’. The foremost action of this medicine is to dissolve the calcareous deposits in the arteries, which helps to lower blood pressure. The main symptom that guides its use is difficulty in breathing from the least exertion. Some other symptoms indicative of this medicine include pain in the heart, pressure on the chest, and anxiety-accelerated pulse which is irregular.

Key indicating features

Indicated to dissolve calcareous deposits in arteries to bring blood pressure down

4. Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica is a medicine suitable for HBP, especially in young people who adopt sedentary (sitting for long time periods consistently with little or no physical activity) and modern lifestyle habits like smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, etc. These factors predispose a person to high blood pressure.

Key indicating features

High blood pressure in young people who lead sedentary life and have habit of alcohol or smoking

5. Kali Phos

Kali Phos is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage stress and several stress-related complaints, including high blood pressure. It is recommended for a person who constantly remains under constant stress and worry. The patient may face symptoms including palpitations from slight motion, shortness of breath, irregular pulse, along with both mental and physical fatigue.

Key indicating feature

To manage high blood pressure linked with stress and worries

6. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is one of the most prescribed remedies for cases of high blood pressure in those with salt tooth (cravingy for salty foods). Though there is a restriction for excess salt intake for persons suffering from HBP, it is seen that there is an unusual craving for salty things like pickles, papads etc.  Due to this, there may be swelling of feet in the morning. Natrum Mur may be given in cases where there is an unusual fatigue especially in the morning. A person may feel tight around the chest and bears intense palpitations on the slightest exertion. Natrum Mur may also relieve headache caused due to high blood pressure.

Key indicating features

High blood pressure linked with excess intake of highly salty things

How to use these medicines?

The homeopathic medicine to manage high blood pressure needs to be recommended after detailed case history of the patient. The potency and repetition of medicine also varies from case to case based on different factors like age, duration and severity of complaint, and prominent symptoms. Hypertension can further lead to several serious complications,  so it is advised to always consult a doctor for case evaluation and prescription of any kind. The same rule must be followed to take any homeopathic medicines. Always seek advice from a homeopathic expert before taking any homeopathic medicine.

What Are The Causes Of High BP?

High blood pressure may or may not have a cause.

1. High blood pressure that arises without any reason is called primary/essential hypertension. Primary hypertension usually develops gradually over a period of time.
2. When there is an underlying cause of high blood pressure, it is referred to as secondary hypertension. Secondary hypertension can be a result of problems in kidneys and thyroid; tumors in the adrenal glands and congenital defects in the blood vessels. Secondary hypertension tends to appear suddenly.

What Are The Symptoms?

High blood pressure usually doesn’t cause any symptoms and is often detected during routine medical check-ups. High blood pressure is called ‘silent killer’ because it leads to a significant amount of damage to blood vessels and heart, without any apparent symptoms.
However certain symptoms that appear as a result of high blood pressure include headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain, nose bleedings, or blood spots in eyes. However, these symptoms are not specific to high blood pressure and may appear as a result of other health conditions also.

Risk factors for High Blood Pressure

The factors that put a person at risk of high blood pressure include a family history, increasing age, being overweight, excessive alcohol intake, tobacco use, stress, too much salt (sodium) intake, diabetes mellitus, sedentary lifestyle, and certain medications (cause drug-induced hypertension) that include certain anti-depressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, cold remedies, birth control pills, etc.

Homeopathic management of High Blood Pressure

The homeopathic system carries a good scope in managing high blood pressure. Homeopathic remedies for high blood pressure work to naturally moderate the body’s functioning. Homeopathic medicines work particularly well for those who have recently been diagnosed with hypertension and have not yet become dependent on any other medication for HBP. People with chronic high blood pressure and those who are using allopathic medicines for a long time can also use homeopathic medicines. Initially, it is advisable to continue allopathic medication along with homeopathic medicines, and slowly shift into homeopathy for holistic treatment. For best results, proper lifestyle measures should be adopted along with homeopathic treatment for high blood pressure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can stress lead to high blood pressure?

Yes, stressful situations can make blood pressure shoot up temporarily due to the release of stress hormones. However, the link between long-term high blood pressure because of chronic stress is poorly understood and is being researched.

What is the relationship between high blood pressure and stroke?

Stroke refers to a condition with reduced blood flow to the brain resulting in cell death. High blood pressure tends to damage the arteries, making them prone to rupture or clogging. Any damage can lead to a stroke which can be of two types –
1.  ischemic stroke arising due to clogging of arteries in the brain
2. hemorrhagic stroke due to rupture of arteries in the brain.

What is the link between high blood pressure and heart attack?

Coronary arteries supply blood to the heart. If the coronary arteries become narrow due to cholesterol deposits, the blood has to flow through arteries with greater pressure because of the resistance offered by cholesterol deposits. When the coronary arteries get obstructed to the extent where they can no longer supply blood to heart muscles, it can lead to a heart attack (also known as myocardial infarction).

What are systolic and diastolic readings of blood pressure?

Systolic readings refer to the pressure in the arteries when the heart muscles contract. Diastolic reading corresponds to the phase when the heart relaxes/rest in between the beats.

Among the systolic and diastolic blood pressure reading, which is more important?

Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings are important. But the significance of systolic/upper reading in blood pressure is greater after the age of 60 years since it can help identify the risk for a stroke or heart attack. In younger people, the diastolic reading carries more significance than the systolic reading.

My upper reading of blood pressure is high, and the lower reading is normal; should I be concerned?

An increase of only the upper reading of blood pressure is known as isolated systolic hypertension. The major reason behind it is the stiffening of the aorta. Other underlying conditions that are linked with it include an overactive thyroid and diabetes. It is more common as a person gets older (especially over 60 years of age), but it may also appear at a younger age. Few serious problems that are linked with a long-term isolated systolic hypertension include heart disease, heart attack, chronic kidney problems and stroke. So, you should take medicines and follow dietary instructions to manage them and lower the risk of complications.

I have a high diastolic reading of BP while the systolic is normal, should I be worried?

High diastolic reading in the absence of any risk factors like diabetes, smoking, obesity, kidney problems, etc. is usually not serious. So, monitoring the BP, dietary changes (low sodium diet, fat) and lifestyle changes like regular exercise are needed to manage it. Management is necessary because elevated diastolic puts a person at risk of high systolic with advancing age. If the risk factors are present, then medicine is additionally needed and should be started as recommended by a cardiologist.

Which tests are recommended in case of high blood pressure?

The initial investigations recommended in cases of high blood pressure include lipid profile, sodium, potassium levels, and ECG. In some instances, an echocardiogram is suggested to rule out heart disease.

Is high blood pressure a serious condition?

High blood pressure that is not managed correctly carries the risk of turning into serious conditions like stroke, heart attack, heart failure, retinopathy (damage to retina of eye) and kidney problems.

Will quitting smoking help me manage my high blood pressure?

Yes, if you stop smoking, it will help in managing high blood pressure. Smoking causes hardening of the walls of the arteries and narrows the lumen of the artery that leads to high blood pressure. If you give up smoking, it can help reduce these changes in the arteries and thus brings the blood pressure down.

Does homeopathy help in immediately lowering down very high blood pressure?

Homeopathy works well to manage high blood pressure in the long run. However, it has a very minimal role in bringing an immediate reduction in blood pressure. In such cases, conventional emergency treatment is recommended.

I have been taking allopathic medicine for high blood pressure for the last ten years. Can I transit to homeopathic medication and stop taking allopathic medicine?

It is not advisable to quit allopathic medicine all of sudden when you start taking homeopathic medicines for blood pressure. This is because the body gets dependent on allopathic medicines to function correctly. If you start taking homeopathic medicine for high blood pressure, initially you will have to continue taking the allopathic medicines alongside. Once the homeopathic medicines start working, then one can gradually shift to homeopathy by reducing the dose of allopathic medications.

Lifestyle changes to manage high blood pressure?

Certain lifestyle changes can help manage high blood pressure effectively. These include:

1. Cut down your sodium and fat intake

2. Eat fruits and vegetables

3. Do regular exercise and reduce excess body weight in case of overweight people

4. Apart from these, one must quit smoking and limit alcohol intake to prevent long-term complications of high blood pressure.


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6 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic Rhinitis, simply called nasal allergy, is an inflammatory condition that irritates the nasal lining of the nose, due to overreaction of the immune system to inhaled allergens (like dust mites, pollens, etc).

Homeopathy is a highly advanced system of healing having great expertise in treating many allergic health conditions including allergic rhinitis. Homeopathic medicines for allergies work by moderating the overactive immune system that helps stop the further progression of the complaint, gives great symptomatic relief and gradually a permanent cure. Symptoms including sneezing, discharge from the nose, blocked stuffy nose itching in the nose, eyes, throat, watery, red eyes, cough are all well managed with homeopathic medicines. In chronic cases, homeopathy helps to gradually reduce episodes of acute allergy. This is followed by the aim to cure the trouble from its roots. With regular use of homeopathic medicines, the dependency on conventional medicines like antihistamines, nasal sprays, and corticosteroids can be reduced to almost negligible. Homeopathic medicines can also help to prevent complications in long standing allergy cases if a regular prescribed course of these medicines is followed under the supervision of a homeopathic expert.

Homeopathy’s mission is to cure rather than suppress

Homeopathy does not follow the path of suppression in allergic rhinitis, also called hay fever, because it will only make the complaint more complex to treat and cure, nor does it aim to bring temporary symptomatic relief. Rather its supreme objective is to offer a permanent cure for nasal allergy. This objective is achieved by the use of homeopathic medicines selected individually for any given case based on the law of individualization taken in properly selected potency, dose and for the time duration as prescribed by a homeopathic physician with regular follow ups.

Homeopathy treats with harmless medicines

In homeopathy, medicines used for treating allergic rhinitis are entirely harmless mainly sourced from plants or organic substances. These are capable of treating allergies in the safest, most gentle, and the most harmless way as per homeopathic principles. They do not have any side effects and help in recovering naturally.

Homeopathic medicines are non-addictive

There is no chance of creating any dependency on homeopathic medicines given for allergic rhinitis treatment. These medicines on achieving the desired results can easily be discontinued. It is recommended to stop the medicines gradually by reducing the prescribed dosage step by step as guided by the homeopathic physician.

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Allergic Rhinitis

The top six homeopathic medicines to treat allergic rhinitis are Natrum Mur, Sabadilla, Arsenic Album, Allium Cepa, Arundo Mauritanica and Euphrasia. 

1. Natrum Mur – Top-Grade Medicine

It is the leading homeopathic medicine for treating allergic rhinitis. It covers nearly all the problem areas and is the most widely used homeopathic medicine for treating nasal allergy. Violent sneezing and runny nose is the foremost guiding symptom to put it into use. The nasal discharge is thin and watery resembling the raw white of an egg. This discharge may flow for a day or two followed by nasal blockage which makes breathing difficult. Frequent sneezing occurs early in the morning and a sensation of a small worm wriggling in the nostril is felt. Loss of smell and taste may also be noted.

When to use Natrum Mur?

It is the best choice of medicine for cases of intense sneezing and a runny nose with a thin watery discharge.

How to use Natrum Mur?

This medicine is preferred in biochemic form i.e. 6X potency. It can be taken in 6X power twice or thrice a day.

2. Sabadilla – For Complaints Worsening From Strong Smells

It is a natural medicine sourced from seeds of Cebadilla plant. It is used when a person is oversensitive to strong smells.  The most noteworthy symptom of using this medicine is marked sneezing, along with a runny nose which gets worse with strong odors, for example, perfume. It is followed by watering and redness in the eyes. A stuffed nose may sometimes add to your woes.

When to use Sabadilla?

Sabadilla can be given to persons who have a runny nose along with sneezing after exposure to strong odors e.g. perfume.

How to use Sabadilla?

This medicine can be taken in 30C potency twice a day.

3. Arsenic Album – For Watery Nasal Discharge With A Burning Sensation

Though placed at number three, it is equally effective as the above-mentioned two medicines. The only difference is that it is prescribed by a homeopath based on different symptoms. It is recommended when there is thin watery nasal discharge that causes a burning sensation in the nose, and excoriation which means peeling away of the skin of the nostrils. It is accompanied by sneezing. The patient’s condition worsens in the open air but feels better indoors. Sometimes, you might have a stuffy nose along with the above-mentioned symptoms.

When to use Arsenic Album?

This medicine is well indicated when there is watery discharge from the nose that causes a burning sensation and excoriation (damage or peeling of skin) in the nostrils, along with sneezing.

How to use Arsenic Album?

Use of this medicine is recommended in both low and high potencies. In the beginning, one may use 30C potency once or twice a day. For using high potencies, prior consultation with the homeopathic physician is a must.

4. Allium Cepa – For Irritating, Burning Nasal Discharge And Non- Irritating  Eye Discharge

The most pressing indication to use this medicine is profuse, watery irritating burning nasal discharge and copious, non-irritating eye discharge. In severe cases, the nasal discharge burns and corrodes (damages) the nose and upper lips due to acidic nature. It is accompanied by sneezing. Allium is also recommended when sneezing and nasal discharge worsen on entering a warm room and get better in open air. It is also effective when intense sneezing occurs on rising from bed. When nasal allergy worsens in spring or early in the month of August, Allium Cepa is the most extensively used remedy.

When to use Allium Cepa?

Nasal discharge that is acidic causes burning, and corroding in the nose and upper lip, with non-irritating  (bland) eye discharge is the classic indicator to use this medicine.

How to use Allium Cepa?

This medicine can also be used in both low and high potencies. It is safe to use it in 30 C potency in the beginning, once to thrice a day depending on the severity of symptoms, but for high potencies like 200 C or more, consultation with a homeopathic physician is strictly advised.

 5. Arundo Mauritanica – For Itching In Nostrils, With Sneezing

The most outstanding symptom pointing to its use is itching in the nostrils and sneezing. Itching of the palate (roof of the mouth) and eyes is also felt along with a burning sensation.

When to use Arundo?

The key symptom of using this medicine is itching in the nostrils and palate (roof of mouth) with intense sneezing.

How to use Arundo?

It can be taken two to three times a day with 30C power.

6. Euphrasia – To manage itchy, watery, red eyes

Euphrasia is an important homeopathic medicine to manage complaints of itchy, watery, red eyes. Along with this a burning sensation as if there is sand in the eyes is present. In addition to the above symptoms sneezing and watery discharge from the nose occur which is non-irritating i.e. bland.

When to use Euphrasia?

Watery, itchy, red eyes with a burning sensation along with non-irritating nasal discharge is the characteristic indication to use this medicine.

How to use Euphrasia?

This medicine can be used from low 30C potency to high potency like 200 C, 1M. It is a short-acting medicine and can be taken twice or thrice in 30 C potency. However high potencies are taken in infrequent doses.

Note Whenever taking any of these medicines, you may continue for about 2 to 3 weeks. If symptoms persist or you wish to continue any of these medicines beyond 3 weeks, it is strictly advised to seek consultation from a homeopathic physician. Also, do not take high potencies without consulting a homeopathic doctor.

What causes Allergic Rhinitis?

It results from an over-reaction of the immune system to inhaled allergens like pollen, wheat threshing dust, dust, etc. In other words, the body’s defense cells, which are meant to fight microorganisms like bacteria and viruses, start overreacting to substances like pollen which are otherwise harmless to our body. This interaction between the defense cells (antibodies) and substances like pollen, wheat threshing dust (antigens), etc. results in the production of a substance, histamine, which is responsible for all local symptoms produced during allergies.

What are the Symptoms?

Some symptoms arise immediately after exposure to the allergen and some of the symptoms may develop later. It is pertinent to mention here that symptoms of allergic rhinitis are not life-threatening but can seriously affect the quality of one’s life. The symptoms may occur only in a particular season or all the year around, which depends on the type of allergic rhinitis.

Following symptoms arise immediately on exposure to allergen:

– sneezing that can range from a few to many

–  profuse watery discharge from the nose

– itching in the nose, eyes, roof of the mouth and throat

– watery, red eyes

Following symptoms may occur later:

– blocked stuffy nose

– cough

– sore, scratchy throat

– headache

– blockage in ears

– reduced sense of smell

– fatigue, irritability, feeling ill

– difficulty in breathing in some patients

– dark under-eye circles

 What are the common Allergens that trigger Nasal Allergy?

The common allergens that can trigger nasal allergy are as follows:

–   different kinds of pollen (powder coming from flowering plants): Tree pollen, grass pollen

–  weeds

–  mites in the dust inside our homes

–  mold

–  animal dander (tiny flakes shed from skin) from pets like dogs, cats

–  wood dust

Allergic rhinitis occurs from allergies but there are certain external factors that can trigger or aggravate allergic rhinitis. Some of these include strong smells like perfumes, cigarette smoke, wind, cold temperature, wood smoke and fumes.

Who is at Risk?

Though anyone can suffer from it, those having a family history of allergic rhinitis or some other allergies are at more risk. People who have atopic eczema and asthma are also highly prone.

Is Allergic Rhinitis Contagious?

No, it is not contagious. It means it does not spread from one person to another via inhalation of respiratory droplets from the person suffering from allergic rhinitis.

 Can Allergic Rhinitis lead to any Complications?

Yes, sometimes a few complications can arise from allergic rhinitis. These include the development of asthma or worsening of asthma, frequent sinus infections, frequent ear infections, nasal polyps formation. The symptoms may cause poor sleep or inability to sleep at night.

How to diagnose Allergic Rhinitis?

The symptoms and trigger factors might indicate allergic rhinitis and help in its diagnosis in most cases. Some tests may be recommended in these cases for confirmation of an allergic response and the type of allergen causing the symptoms. The first suggested test is IgE (immunoglobulin E) test which is a blood test that checks for antibodies to an allergen. An increased amount of IgE indicates that the body is overreacting to some allergen resulting in an allergic reaction. The next test is a skin prick test to get to know the type of allergen responsible for an allergic reaction. In this test a slight amount of different types of allergens are pricked on the skin on the forearm or back. In case you are allergic to some allergen then a raised bump or red, itchy area develops at the site of that specific allergen in about 15 to 20 minutes.


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