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Homeopathic Remedies for Bronchitis

Homeopathic Remedies For Bronchitis

Prolonged coughing, difficulty in breathing, mucus expectoration, pain in the chest, all these symptoms may indicate the initial stages of a respiratory disorder Bronchitis. This respiratory disease is characterized by the inflammation of bronchial tubes. Air passes from the trachea to the lungs through the bronchial tubes. The acute inflammation of bronchial tubes (Acute Bronchitis) usually follows an episode of cold or influenza caused by viral agents. The cold and influenza affect the upper respiratory system, including nose, sinuses, and larynx. In cases of maltreated or neglected cold or influenza, the infection travels in a downward direction and leads to inflammation of bronchial tubes, producing varying symptoms.

Homeopathic Treatment

Natural medicines serve as a very reliable and safe treatment to get rid of Bronchitis. They are free from any side effects and there is absolutely no chance of suppression of symptoms in the homeopathic treatment of Bronchitis. Remedies for Bronchitis are natural medicines that help in the easy exit of the mucus from the bronchi. As the mucus is effortlessly thrown out with the help of properly selected medicines, the cough, chest pain and difficulty in breathing also begin to subside and almost finish consequently.

Homeopathic Remedies for Bronchitis

1. Bryonia – For Dry Cough

Bryonia is the best medicine for managing dry cough. Persons needing it have cough due to irritation in the throat. While coughing, pain is felt in the chest and head.  The cough gets worse after eating or drinking. It also increases from movement and talking. Besides, sneezing and scratchy sensation is felt in the throat. Fever with chills can also accompany.

When and How to use Bryonia?

Bryonia should be considered in the early stages of Bronchitis when there is dry cough along with pain in the chest and head. This medicine is recommended in 30C potency. Bryonia 30C can be taken three to four times a day at a three-hour interval.

2. Spongia – For Dry Cough With Difficult Breathing

Spongia is another effective medicine for dry cough. This medicine can be used when dry cough is accompanied by difficult breathing. Cough is extremely dry, hard and continuous. Eating or drinking makes the cough better. Cough is attended with fatigue. One may feel pain and a heated sensation in the chest. At times, a feeling of fullness is felt in the chest.

When and How to use Spongia?

Use of Spongia should be considered when dry cough occurs along with difficulty in breathing in mild intensity. Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, it is best to start with low potencies like 30C. Spongia 30C can be taken two to three times a day as per intensity of the symptoms.

3. Antimonium Tart – For Bronchitis With Loose Rattling Cough

Antimonium Tart is natural remedy for Bronchitis with loose rattling cough. The bronchial tubes are overloaded with mucus and mucus is heard rattling in the chest on coughing. The mucus does not expel easily and if it does get coughed out, the quantity is meagre. Antimonium Tart is of great help in aiding the expectoration of the mucus present in bronchial tubes. Whistling in chest and a feeling of heaviness in the chest occurs along with the above symptoms.

When and How to use Antimonium Tart?

It is the first medicine to be prescribed when cough is loose and rattling sound is heard while breathing due to the excess mucus lodged in bronchial tubes. Whistling in the chest may occur. This medicine helps to relieve cough, aids expectoration and clears off the mucus from bronchial tubes. Antimonium tart can be taken once or twice a day in 30C potency.

4. Arsenic Album – For Cough, Breathing Difficulty And Wheezing In Chest

Arsenic Album is highly recommended for cases in which there occurs cough with difficulty in breathing and wheezing /whistling in the chest. In most cases needing it, the cough gets worse at night. The phlegm is frothy white or thick yellow, may be blood streaked in some cases. During cough, soreness is felt in the chest, which may also feel tight sometimes. Following an episode of cough, one feels very weak.

When and How to use Arsenic Album?

Arsenic Album can be used in cases presenting with cough, difficult breathing and wheezing in chest when the complaint is of mild intensity. It is usually given in 30C potency once or twice a day. Its higher potencies are also used in some cases for which homeopathic doctor’s advice is a must.

5. Ipecac – For Rattling Cough With Vomiting

Ipecac is another medicine for cough that is similar when Antimonium Tart is recommended. But Ipecac is considered when cough with rattling of mucus in bronchi is followed by vomiting. It is suggested when there is coughing with excessive mucus in bronchial tubes and constant coughing does not seem to expel the mucus from bronchial tubes. Ipecac helps in expelling the mucus out with the least effort. Slight blood can be noticed in the coughed out sputa. Shortness of breath and a constricted sensation in the chest may be present. Wheezing (breathing noisily), sneezing and cold may accompany the above symptoms.

When and How to use Ipecac?

Ipecac can be given in case of loose rattling cough with vomiting. It can also be used in cases of cough with excessive mucus in bronchial tubes but difficult expectoration. It can be used in varying potencies varying from 6C to 200C. Ipecac is generally used in 30C potency two to three times a day

6. Hepar Sulph – For Loose Cough With Yellow Sputum

It is a well indicated medicine for cases having loose cough with yellow sticky sputum. The expectorated phlegm is abundant. Cough gets worse from exposure to cold air or from drinking cold water. In some cases requiring it, blood stained mucus is expectorated. While coughing, burning in the throat and chest are felt. Sneezing may occur.

When and How to use Hepar Sulph?

This medicine is most helpful for cases of loose cough with yellow expectoration. It is mostly recommended in 30 C potency twice or thrice a day as per severity of the problem. Its higher potencies like 200C, 1M are also available but they should not be used without a doctor’s prescription.

7. Pulsatilla – For Cough With Thick Yellow Or Green Expectoration

Pulsatilla is an ideal herbal medicine for Bronchitis when cough is attended with thick yellow or green mucus expectoration. The sputa may have bitter, salty or a bad taste. Cough gets worse in the morning and also in a warm room, while it gets better in open air.

When and How to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla is the best choice of medicine for cough with thick yellow or green phlegm expectoration. Pulsatilla 30C once or twice a day gives good results.

Note: Use of the above medicines is recommended only in mild to moderate cases of bronchitis as per symptoms. After matching the symptoms, one may take these medicines for about one week if the condition improves. To continue these for more than one week, or if there is no visible sign of improvement, consult a homeopathic doctor. In severe cases like high fever, extreme difficulty in breathing, chest pain or pneumonia, it is strictly advised not to self-medicate with any of the above medicines, take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

Causes Of Bronchitis

 1. Acute Bronchitis: It commonly arises from viruses that cause common cold and flu (influenza). These viral infections are the cause behind 85-95 percent of all the acute bronchitis cases in adults.

Rarely, acute bronchitis can result from bacterial infections like chlamydia pneumoniae, mycoplasma pneumoniae, etc.

2. Chronic Bronchitis: The common reason for chronic bronchitis is cigarette smoking in about 90% of the cases. Passive smoking also increases the risk. Prolonged exposure to polluted air, dust or chemical fumes may also be one of the reasons. Repeated bouts of acute bronchitis also may turn into chronic bronchitis. Those having asthma or allergic tendency are also predisposed to chronic bronchitis.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Bronchitis?

1. Cough is the main symptom. Initially, the cough can be dry. Afterward, the cough becomes productive which means loose cough with production of mucus. The mucus can be clear, white, yellow, green, grey in colour. At times, mucus is even blood-stained though very rarely. Cough may last from one week to three weeks.

2. Difficulty in breathing

3. Fever and chills

4. Wheezing or whistling sound from chest on breathing and chest congestion/discomfort /tightness

5. Weakness, fatigue

6. In acute bronchitis, symptoms like runny nose, blocked nose, sore throat, headache and body aches may be present.

Types of Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis (chest cold): It generally lasts for one week to ten days, but the cough may linger for two to three weeks in some cases.

Chronic bronchitis:Bronchitis is termed chronic, when cough along with mucus lasts for minimum three months in a year with recurrence at least in two consecutive years.

Risk factors

Though anyone can get infected by bronchitis, infants (babies less than one year of age), young kids (under 5yrs) and elderly people are at the highest risk. Other risk factors include low immunity, cigarette smoking, excessive exposure to dust, chemical fumes, air pollutants and acid reflux (where stomach acid back-flows in upward direction to throat and causes irritation predisposing a person to develop bronchitis)


In some cases, pneumonia (inflamed air sacs that get filled with fluid) may occur as a complication. It can be life threatening and required immediate medical attention.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Coffea Cruda: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Coffea Cruda is prepared from raw berries or dried seeds of unroasted coffee. It belongs to family Rubiaceae. With potentization (a process that extracts medicinal properties from crude substance), the raw material gets converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Coffea Cruda. It is a marvellous homeopathic medicine primarily used to deal with cases of sleeplessness medically known as insomnia. It is an important medicine for managing cases of nerve pain (medically called neuralgia) in different parts of the body.

The ‘Coffea Cruda’ Constitution

It is well-suited to tall, lean people with stooped back. It is also recommended to those who are sensitive, prone to suffer from complaints from fright. Coffea Cruda is well- indicated for children who suffer from nervousness, restlessness, tossing about, screaming and weeping. This medicine also helps children during infancy (period from birth to 12 months of life), and during their dentition period.

Drug Action

Coffea Cruda has a marked action on nerves causing great excitability and over sensitivity. This medicine has been found to be greatly effective to deal with sleeplessness, nerve pains and hyperactivity of mind and body. Other body parts in its sphere of action include mind, face, teeth, head, gastric organs, heart and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Sleeplessness, neuralgia, toothache, facial pain, hyperactivity, gas, colic, heart complaints, high blood pressure, palpitations, fright, female disorders, headache, vomiting

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Sleep Issues (Sleeplessness, Disturbed Sleep, Restless Sleep)

Coffea Cruda is one of the top-listed medicines for treating sleeplessness (insomnia). Persons needing it have increased mind activity at night with a rush of ideas causing sleeplessness. It works well in both cases, sleeplessness before midnight or after midnight. In some cases, a person can sleep well only till 3 am and after that, he/she wakes up and is unable to fall asleep again or gets very little sleep. It can also be given in cases where a person feels sleepy but is unable to sleep. Coffea Cruda is also helpful when there is sleeplessness in the recovery phase of an acute disease. It offers great help in cases of restless sleep. The person keeps tossing and turning from side to side in bed. In such cases, there is also sudden waking up from sleep that happens frequently. Another characteristic feature for its use is disturbed sleep from excessive dreams.

Key Indicating Features

Sleeplessness from increased mind activity at night with rush of ideas

Sleeplessness after some acute disease

Restless sleep with tossing and turning from side to side in bed

Disturbed sleep from excessive dreams

2. Mind Complaints (Hyperactivity, Fear, Fright)

This medicine acts wonderfully on the mind. It is highly recommended for cases of hyperactivity of the mind. The mind is full of ideas which leads to sleeplessness. A person has a high energy level with acute memory. He/she talks too much (loquacity) with hurried movements most of the time. Coffea Cruda is a great medicine for relieving fear and fright. Its use is well-indicated when a person gets frightened even from a sudden pleasant surprise. A few marked fears where this medicine seems to help are fear of death from pain, fear of fresh air, fear of danger while asleep, etc. There is also marked sensitivity to noise. There is a tendency to faint from strong emotions. Lastly, it is very beneficial for intolerable pain causing weeping and hopelessness.

Key Indicating Features

Hyperactive mind, full of ideas causing sleeplessness

Fright from sudden pleasant surprise

Sensitivity to noise

Fainting from strong emotions

Intolerable pains causing weeping and hopelessness

3. Face (Trigeminal Neuralgia)

With its action on the face, Coffea Cruda proves to be highly successful in managing trigeminal neuralgia (nerve pain in the face from compression or irritation of trigeminal nerve). It is given for sharp pain in face, along with pain in the forehead, ear, scalp and molar teeth. The face is hot and dry with red cheeks.

Key Indicating Feature

Sharp pain felt in forehead, ear, scalp and molar teeth

4. Teeth (Toothache)

This medicine manages toothache wonderfullyThe pain in the teeth is violent and intolerable. It is accompanied by marked anxiety and restlessness. Relief in toothache sets in by holding ice water in mouth. Coffea Cruda is an effective medicine to help cases of toothache occurring during menses.

Key Indicating Features

Toothache gets better from holding ice water in mouth

Toothache during menses

5. Head (Headache)

Coffea Cruda is an important medicine for headache that arises from overexertion of the mind. Headache that arise from excessive joy is also well treated with this medicine. It is also best for headache that occurs from intake of coffee or caffeine. Persons needing this medicine feel as if a nail has been driven into the head. Pain is marked in one side of head. Sometimes there is marked throbbing in the temples of the head attended with burning in the eyes. There is sensitivity to noise and music that worsens the pain. The headache gets worse from smell and light. Vertigo may occur along with headache. Along with headache, a person may have some bizarre feelings, like my head is small and filled with water, my head will burst if I move.

Key Indicating Features

Headache from overexertion of mind

Headache from excessive joy

Headache worsens from noise, music, smell and light

6. Female Problems (Painful Periods, Heavy Periods, Vaginal Discharge)

Females may find this medicine very useful for managing certain problems.  This medicine may be given in cases of painful periods (dysmenorrhoea). It is mainly indicated when painful periods are attended with bleeding having large black-colored clots and sensitivity in vagina. There is also bearing down in genitals with increased urination. This medicine is also helps to control heavy menstrual bleeding accompanied with vaginal itching and increased sensitivity of vagina. Next indication for using Coffea Cruda is aversion to sex along with increased sensitivity in vulva and vagina. Another complaint where it proves effective is milky vaginal discharge that increases during urination. Further this medicine is prominently indicated to help cases of toothache during menses. This medicine is also known to act well on breasts to promote milk production in cases of agalactia (failure of milk secretion in females in lactating mothers).

Key Indicating Features

Painful periods with bleeding having large black clots and sensitivity of vagina

Heavy menstrual bleeding with vaginal itching and hypersensitivity of vagina

Aversion to sex attended with increased sensitivity of vulva and vagina

Toothache during menses

Agalactia (failure of milk secretion in females who have just given birth)

7. Gastric Concerns (Abdomen Pain, Belching, Nausea)

It is an excellent medicine for managing some gastric issues as well. Its use is mainly indicated when there is abdomen pain which is unbearable, attended with a feeling that the abdomen would burst. Tight clothing is unbearable around the abdomen. There is obstructed gas with pressure on the abdomen. It can also be given for burning sensation in stomach. There is marked belching which can be sour or like rotten eggs. Lastly it can be used for cases of nausea and vomiting occurring during an episode of headache.

Key Indicating Features

Unbearable abdomen pain attended with sensation as if abdomen would burst

Belching that are sour or like rotten eggs

Nausea and vomiting with headache

8. Action On Heart (High Blood Pressure, Palpitations)

With its action on the heart, it proves successful in cases of high blood pressure (hypertension). Its use is considered for palpitations after intense joy or surprise or unexpected news of good fortune. The palpitations are violent attended with trembling of limbs. Sleeplessness may also be a symptom.

Key Indicating Features

High blood pressure

Palpitations after intense joy, surprise or unexpected news of good fortune


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from strong emotions, excessive excitement, joy, strong odors, noise, mental exertion, alcohol, touch, cold wind and in open air

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from sleep, lying down and warmth


This medicine can be used from 3C to 200 C potency. It action lasts for about one to seven days. In low potency it can be taken often but in high potency, frequent repetition is not recommended.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aconite, Chamomilla, Ignatia, Merc Sol, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla and Sulphur

It antidotes: Belladonna, Cicuta, Chamomilla, Colocynth, Nux Vomica and Valeriana

Followed well by: Fluoric Acid, Aconite, Aurum Met, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Opium and Sulphur

It can be compared with other remedies including Chamomilla, Aconite, Coca, Belladonna, Causticum, Bryonia, Cocculus Indicus, Ignatia, Opium and Nux Vomica


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Hypericum Perforatum: Homeopathic medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

It is a natural homeopathic remedy derived from the plant St John’s Wort. It belongs to family Hypericaceae. The whole fresh plant undergoes potentization (a process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing medicinal properties of a crude substance) to provide us with the benefits of homeopathic medicine Hypericum Perforatum. It is the top-most medicine in homeopathy that comes in handy for injuries to nerves, head and spine.

Drug Action

The most specific action of this remedy is seen on the nerves. It can effectively deal with medical ailments involving nerves like nerve injury, inflammation or pain in the nerves. Besides nerve injury,  it also heals punctured wounds (caused by sharp, pointed objects), and lacerated wounds (wounds caused by blunt object in which the skin or tissue is torn or cut resulting in an irregular wound). Besides, it works notably well on the back, spine, neck, mind, head, skin and teeth.

Clinical Indications

Injuries, wounds, coccyx injury, spine injury, neuritis, neuralgia, surgery effects, stings, bites, sciatica, corns, bunions, headache, depression, scars, toothache

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. For Managing Injuries (Nerve Injury, Punctured Wounds, Lacerated Wounds, Injury To Spine, Tail Bone Injury, Whiplash Injury)

The most prominent injury for which Hypericum is indicated is nerve injury attended with intense, violent excruciating pain. It can be used as first-aid for treating nerve injury mainly on fingers, toes and nail matrices. It also offers help for nerve injury to dental nerves, for example after a dental operation. It is also beneficial for injury to sciatic nerve (a nerve that begins in lower back and runs down the hip, back of thigh down into the leg and feet) accompanied by sharp cutting pain. It can also effectively help to manage cases of cuts on skin inflicted from glass objects and also to relieve pain in surgical cuts. Hypericum is indicated for managing punctured wounds (injury caused by sharp, pointed objects like needles, splinters, pins, nails) with marked tenderness.

Role of Hypericum in managing lacerated wounds is also noteworthy. Lacerated wounds are the ones in which the skin or tissue is torn or cut open resulting in an irregular wound caused by a blunt object. Here it works best to heal such wounds attended with excessive weakness from blood loss and very violent, shooting and sharp pain. It is also a very important medicine to manage injury to spine attended with pain, sensitivity and injury to tail bone.

Another main indication for its use is whiplash injuries (an injury to neck caused by rapid back and forth movement of neck mainly seen in car accidents). It also helps to relieve pain after injections, spinal tap (also called lumbar puncture in which a needle is inserted between two lumbar bones in lower back to take sample of cerebrospinal fluid). Besides, it provides substantial relief post-surgery.

Key indicating features

Nerve injury accompanied by intense, violent excruciating pain

Nerve injury in fingers, toes and nail matrices

Punctured wounds caused by sharp, pointed objects with intense tenderness

Lacerated wounds with violent, shooting and sharp pains and excessive weakness from blood loss

Injury to spine attended with intense pain and sensitivity

Tail bone injury and whiplash injury

2. Nerve Complaints (Neuritis, Nerve Injury)

Hypericum is a prime medicine for managing neuritis (nerve inflammation) when there is numbness, tingling and burning pain in the affected area. It covers nerve inflammation after an injury. It is a superb medicine to deal with nerve injury attended with intense pain and sensitive nerves. It gives substantial relief in cases of injury to fingers and toes that are rich in nerves, dental nerves and sciatic nerve.

Key Indicating Features

Neuritis (nerve inflammation) with numbness, tingling and burning pain

Nerve inflammation after an injury

Nerve injury attended with intense pain and sensitive nerves

3. Neck And Back (Tailbone Injury, Lower Back Pain And Neck Pain)

This medicine acts wonderfully well on neck and the back to treat numerous concerns. It gives good results in cases of coccyx (tail bone) pain arising from a fall. In cases needing it the pain from tail bone extends up the spine and also goes down the legs. The sufferer is unable to walk or stoop post-injury. Hypericum is suitable to treat pain in lower back.  There is aching, stitching or sharp pain with lame feeling. This medicine is used to manage cases of pinched nerve in the spine with very sharp pain and problem in walking and stooping. This medicine is also well indicated for the management of cases of injury to spine. In such cases the spine is painful, tender and sensitive. Ladies who complain of back pain after delivery may find this medicine quite useful. Apart from the above, Hypericum is effective in managing neck pain where cervical vertebra (seven bones stacked one above the other in the back of the neck) become very sensitive to touch. Its use is considered when after a fall, a person feels intense pain in the spine even from a little movement of neck or arms, along with sensitive cervical vertebra and headache. Lastly it’s a magnificent medicine for managing whiplash injuries.

Key Indicating Features

Pain in tail bone

Lower backache

Injury to spine

Neck pain

Intense pain in spine after a fall

4. Mind (Complaints From Head Injury, Fright And Shock, Depression And Memory Weakness)

It works exceptionally well on the mind too. Primarily its use is considered for managing mind complaints arising from head injury (mainly dullness of mind), fright, and emotional shock. It is also given for cases of depression that sets in after injuries, wounds or after an emotional shock. Other than this, it is also known to be of great value in cases of weakening memory, brain fag (unhappy, tense, facial expressions with repetitive gestures) and forgetfulness. People needing it become forgetful while speaking, forget what they are about to say. They make mistakes in speaking and in writing as well.

Key Indicating Features

Complaints arising from head injury (mainly dullness of mind), fright, and emotional shock

Depressed feeling occurring after injuries, wounds and after an emotional shock

Memory weakness, brain fag and forgetfulness

5. Skin (Insect Bites, Stings, Animal Bites, Scars, Corns, Bunions)

This medicine acts well to manage insect bites and stings. It gives supportive help along with conventional treatment in cases of animal bites, like rat bite, dog bite, etc. Next well- known effect of this medicine is to treat painful scars in body tissues. Another indication to use it is Herpes Zoster (a viral infection caused by reactivation of varicella zoster virus characterised by appearance of skin rash with very painful blisters). Hypericum is also useful to treat pimples when these appear on the forehead, back and hips. It can effectively deal with excruciating pain on the corns (thick, hard, skin mainly on feet due to repeated friction and pressure) and bunions (bony bump forming at the base of joint of big toe). Last feature to use it is open sores or wounds covered with dry, hard, yellow, crusts.

Key Indicating Features

Insect bites and stings

Painful scars in body tissues that are rich in scars

Corns and bunions with excruciating pain

Open sores or wounds covered with dry, hard, yellow, crusts

6. Head (Head Injury, Headache)

It is of great service to manage cases of head injury and head pain that follows it. Mainly it helps when headache occurs after a fall on the back of the head (occiput). It is attended with a specific sensation of being lifted up high in the air and the anxiety of falling from this height. Next, this medicine can help when dull/pulsating pain occurs on the top of the head (vertex) as well. It is accompanied by burning sensation on the vertex. A peculiar sensation of head being touched by icy cold hands may be felt. In some cases needing it, the headache extends to the cheeks too.

Key Indicating Features

Head injury along with headache

Headache after a fall on back of head (occiput)

7. Teeth (Injured Dental Nerves, Toothache)

For teeth, this medicine is mostly prescribed for cases of injury to dental nerves or nerve pain after a dental procedure like root canal. It is also given for managing toothache. It gives good results when there is pain in the teeth that are decayed. Pain is severe and occurs usually at night. It is relieved by lying quietly on the painful side.

Key Indicating Features

Injury to dental nerves or nerve pain after a dental procedure

Pain in decayed teeth at night


Worsening factors: These include injuries, bites, stings, cuts, surgery, touch, pressure and exertion

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from rubbing, and lying down quietly


It can be used in 30C and even higher potencies. In general, low potencies can be repeated often but frequent repetition of high potencies should be avoided.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album, Chamomilla and Sulphur

It can be compared with other remedies including Aconite, Arnica, Calendula, Ledum Pal, Chamomilla and Staphisagria.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Zincum Metallicum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Zincum Metallicum is derived from metal zinc which undergoes potentization. With this process, zinc is converted into a very important homeopathic medicine Zincum Metallicum. Potentization is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing the medicinal properties of a crude substance.

This medicine is highly recommended to treat various complaints related to nerves mainly tremors, twitchings, nerve pain and nerve weakness.

The ‘Zincum Metallicum’ Constitution

This medicine is highly suitable for persons suffering from nerve-related complaints like tremors, twitching, numbness, etc

Drug Action

Zincum Metallicum has marked and widespread action on the brain, nervous system and nerves. Other areas of its action include mind, neck, back, spine, face, head, eyes, female genitals and skin. Zincum Metallicum manages mental issues arising from suppressed eruptions, suppressed discharges, and head injury.

Clinical Indications

Tremors, twitching, brain fag, chorea, convulsions, epilepsy, nerve weakness, neuralgias, Parkinson’s Disease, restless leg syndrome, meningitis, ataxia, formication, fatigue, back pain, neck pain, spinal irritation, spine disorders, trigeminal neuralgia, squinting, ptosis, pterygium, conjunctivitis, suppressed eruptions, varicose veins, somnambulism

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints related to nerves and brain (tremors, twitching, brain fag, chorea, convulsions, neuralgias, Parkinson’s disease, restless leg syndrome, meningitis, ataxia)

Zincum Metallicum is a great nerve remedy. Among various areas of its action the most important action is on brain, nervous system and nerves. It proves highly effective in treating numerous nerve issues.

Firstly, it acts wonderfully to manage trembling of hands and feet. It works well when hand trembling occurs at rest or while writing. Trembling of feet may result in frequent stumbling, sometimes all the limbs may tremble. There may be trembling from the slightest emotional excitement. There may be worsening of symptoms of trembling of hands and feet during menses.

Zincum Met is one of the top grade medicines to manage Parkinson’s Disease. It is a nervous system disorder beginning with tremors in hands at rest which is followed by other issues like slow movements, impaired posture, balance issues, muscle stiffness and changes in speech.

This medicine is very beneficial for managing muscle twitchings (involuntary muscle contraction). It offers help in cases of twitching of facial muscles, eyelids and muscles of the upper lip, especially on left side.

Another main use of Zincum Met is to relieve nerve pain (neuralgia). It can be used for medical conditions like facial/trigeminal neuralgia, intercostal neuralgia and post-herpetic neuralgia.

Trigeminal neuralgia refers to intense excruciating pain in the face resulting from compression, damage or injury to trigeminal nerve. Persons needing it for this complaint have worsening facial pain from touch and in the evening time.

Intercostal neuralgia is nerve pain in the area just under the ribs, Zincum Met relieves pain mostly on the left side, especially when movement and tiredness make it worse.

Post herpetic neuralgia is a complication of shingles (viral infection causing painful skin rash caused by varicella zoster virus) in which burning pain persists for a long time after the rash has healed.

Its use is recommended for chorea cases also. Chorea refers to repetitive, rapid involuntary muscle movement, here the main symptom to use it is chorea caused by fright or suppressed eruptions. The jerking occurs in the whole body during sleep, at times accompanied by screaming.

Other than these, Zincum Met gives superb results in restless leg syndrome (RLS) which is a condition in which there is uncontrollable urge to move legs due to some uncomfortable sensation in legs.

People who experience formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) on feet and legs may also find this medicine helpful. It gets better by applying pressure and rubbing in cases needing this remedy.

It is a valuable medicine for managing locomotor ataxia cases. In ataxia, there is lack of muscle control and coordination of muscle movement. A person has stumbling gait, sometimes there may be lightening like pain in ataxia cases with sweaty feet.

Zincum Met is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing brain and nerve fatigue (tiredness). Brain fatigue due to excessive and prolonged studying sessions can be managed with this medicine in a very effective manner. It also has great capability in helping cases of brain fag which is a set of symptoms including loss of concentration, memory problems, confusion of mind and sleep-related problems.

Its use is considered in meningitis (inflammation of meninges – membranes covering brain and spinal cord) attended with sharp pain in head.

Lastly, it can be used for managing convulsions (fits), mainly the ones that occur during dentition. There is twitching of shingle muscle, rolling of eyes, and gnashing of teeth. Another very prominent indication is convulsion after childbirth and from suppressed eruptions.

Key Indicating Features

Trembling of hands and feet

Parkinson’s disease

Twitching of facial muscles, eyelids and muscle of upper lip on left side

Neuralgia – trigeminal neuralgia, intercostal neuralgia and post herpetic neuralgia

Jerking in whole body during sleep, at times with screaming

Restless Leg syndrome (RLS)

Formication on feet which gets better from pressure and rubbing

2. Neck And Back (Pain, Stiffness, Burning In Spine)

It shows effective action on neck, back and spine. It is well indicated to manage pain and stiffness in neck. The pain can be cramping or tearing in nature. One feel tired feels tired as pressure is mostly felt on the neck after mental exertion and from writing. There is marked pain in the neck muscles at night. Pain from the side of the neck may extend to the shoulders. Zincum Met gives excellent results in cases of lower back pain which gets worse while sitting, stooping or turning in the bed. Lower back feels weak on standing for too long but gets better from continuous walking. A very important symptom is burning sensation along the spine which gets worse on sitting.

Key Indicating Features

Pain, stiffness, tiredness in neck

Lower back pain worse when sitting, from stooping, turning in bed and better from continuous walking

Burning sensation along the entire spine worse when sitting

Sensitive spine that cannot bear touch

3. Face (Twitching And Trigeminal Neuralgia)

Zincum Met can treat twitching in the face and trigeminal neuralgia. Twitching means involuntary jerking or contraction of muscle. Along with facial twitching, there may occur nausea and vomiting. In case of trigeminal neuralgia, it can be used when the complaint gets worse in the evening. The face is sensitive to touch and sometimes stitching pain is felt as from needles piercing the face.

Key Indicating Features

Twitching of facial muscles

Trigeminal neuralgia worse in evening and from touch

4. Head And Scalp (Manage Headache, Head Injury, Hydrocephalus And Hair Fall)

This medicine successfully manages headache, head injury, hydrocephalus and hair fall. The foremost indication for its use is headache occurring from drinking wine even in very small quantity. Pain in the head is attended with low vision. There is aching in temples of head with pressive pain on top of head and root of nose. Violent throbbing and tearing pain is felt in the whole head. Zincum Met is also recommended in cases of head injury followed by constant pain in the head which gets worse on walking. Another complaint where it is useful for management is hydrocephalus (fluid build-up in the ventricles of brain). Here its use is suggested when the person shows symptoms like rolling his head from side to side in pain, presses head against the pillow to get relief, there is constant motion of his feet and keeps grinding his teeth. Lastly, it works well to reduce in hair fall cases particularly when hair fall occurs from top of the head. It is attended with soreness of the scalp.

Key Indicating Features

Headache occurring from drinking wine even in very small quantity

Head injury followed by constant pain in head worse from walking

Hydrocephalus with symptoms like rolling of head from side to side, boring head in pillow, constant motion of feet and teeth grinding

5. Eyes (Twitching, Squinting, Ptosis, Pterygium, Conjunctivitis)

The major indication for its use is twitching of eyelid specifically lower eyelid on left side. It is also recommended in cases of squinting and ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid). Further use is indicated to treat pterygium cases attended with itching, smarting and excessive eye watering (lachrymation). Pterygium refers to abnormal tissue growth on the conjunctiva. Lastly, it is helpful in treating conjunctivitis (inflammation of the membrane covering eyelid and eyeball) with redness and pain which worsens at night.

Key Indicating Features

Twitching of eyelid specifically lower eyelid on left side

Ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid)

6. Female Problems (Heavy Menses, Vaginal Discharge, Ovarian Pain, Nymphomania, Hair Fall)

Females may find this medicine quite useful for managing certain complaints. It is firstly indicated for early, and heavy menses with the flow increasing while walking. It is attended with pain and bloated abdomen. Secondly it is useful for vaginal discharge that is blood-stained after menses attended with burning and itching. It can help cases of ovarian pain, mainly in the left ovary. During ovarian pain, there occurs pain in the limbs with an urge to move them constantly. A very significant symptom is relief in ovarian pain from excessive menstrual flow. Zincum Met is well-indicated to control excessive sexual desire in women (nymphomania). It also helps to manage hair fall from genitals of females.

Key Indicating Features

Early, heavy menses with pain and bloated abdomen

Blood-stained vaginal discharge after menses attended with burning and itching

Ovarian pain which gets better from excessive menstrual bleeding

7. Sleep Issues (Jerking, Disturbed Sleep, Sleepwalking)

Certain sleep issues can be magnificently managed with this remedy. It is a well indicated medicine for jerking during sleep, cries out and wakes frightened and startled from sleep. Loud screaming occurs during sleep. It can be given for disturbed sleep from cramps in legs, and headache. Lastly, it is indicated for treating sleepwalking (somnambulism) following suppressed eruptions.

Key Indicating Features

Jerking and waking up frightened from sleep

Disturbed sleep from cramps in legs and headache

Sleepwalking following suppressed eruptions

8. Skin Complaints (Suppressed Eruptions, Itching, Varicose Veins)

Lastly it acts well on the skin. A very well-known action of this medicine is to help complaints caused from suppressed eruptions (e.g. nerve-related complaints like chorea, convulsions, etc). It helps treat varicose veins (enlarged, dilated, twisted veins) on legs and varicose veins of genital organs. It can be given in cases of eczema of hands. In cases of itching in the hollow of knees, this medicine tends to works wonderfully to relieve it.

Key Indicating Features

Complaints arising from suppressed eruptions

Large varicose veins on legs and varicose veins of genital organs

Itching in hollow of knees


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from exhaustion, suppressed discharges or eruptions, noise, taking wine, consuming milk, and after eating

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by discharge, movement, appearance of eruptions, rubbing, scratching and from hard pressure


It can be used in both low and high potencies. It can be repeated frequently in low potency but taking high potencies frequently are inadvisable.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Hepar Sulph, Ignatia and Camphor

It antidotes: Baryta Carb

Followed well by: Sepia, Pulsatilla, Ignatia and Sulphur

It follows well: Apis Mellifica and Belladonna


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Euphrasia Officinalis: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Euphrasia Officinalis is derived from the plant eyebright. It belongs to family Scrophulariaceae. There is a black spot in the petals of flowers of this plant that look like pupils of the eye that made ancient people use this medicine for eye complaints. Its utilization for treating various eye problems has been confirmed in homeopathic experiments too. When this plant goes through potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it gets converted into a brilliant homeopathic remedy Euphrasia Officinalis. It is a top-listed and highly recommended medicine in homeopathy for treating numerous eye-related concerns mainly eye allergies, conjunctivitis and excessive eye watering (lachrymation) along with itching and burning.

The ‘Euphrasia Officinalis’ Constitution

This medicine mostly suits people who are predisposed to eye complaints. It is also helpful in treating nasal allergy.

 Drug Action

It acts most effectively on the mucus membrane of eyes and nose and helps to manage irritation and watery discharge from eyes. Its action on nose, chest and lungs is also marked. It also acts well on head, skin and male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Eye disorders, eye allergy, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, iritis, ptosis, keratitis, corneal ulcer, hay fever, cold, cough, headache, warts and measles.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Eye Complaints (Eye Allergy, Conjunctivitis, Blepharitis, Iritis, Ptosis, Keratitis, Corneal Ulcer, Pterygium)

Euphrasia is a highly preferred and frequently used remedy as the first line of treatment for various eye-related complaints. Among its numerous indications, the first one is eye allergy. It has shown great clinical improvement in cases where there is excessive watering from eyes, swelling of eyes, redness of eyes and itching, burning in eyes. It is one of the major homeopathic medicines for hay fever (also called allergic rhinitis characterized by symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, watery, red itchy eyes). There is heavy eye-watering that causes irritation and burning sensation in the eyes, along with bland nasal discharge that doesn’t cause any irritation.  Secondly, it works well in cases of conjunctivitis (inflammation of conjunctiva that is the transparent membrane lining the eyelids and eyeball). Here, it is indicated when eyes are red along with watery mucus or thick yellow discharge, accompanied by itching and burning in eyes. A sensation of sand-like particle in the eyes is yet another attending symptom. Euphrasia proves to be very effective in treating eye pain. There is cutting, sharp, pressive or burning pain in eyes.

It is suggested for swelling of eyelids when accompanied with burning sensation. The eyelids may be agglutinated (sticking together). There is burning pain in the eyes along with watering (lachrymation) especially when its windy. Itching in the eyes with frequent wiping and frequent blinking of eyes can also be relieved with this remedy. Euphrasia has notable action in cases suffering from dryness of eyes and eyelids. Persons with photophobia means sensitivity to bright light can also benefit from it. If a person suffers from iritis (inflammation of iris i.e. the coloured part of eyes), Euphrasia is considered where eyes are red with aching darting pain, watery eyes and sensitivity to bright light. It is also recommended for treating Keratitis (inflammation of cornea which is a clear protective layer covering iris, pupil and anterior chamber of eye). Here, it is given when there is light sensitivity, excessively watery eyes, and pus like discharge.

Euphrasia is recommended for managing cases of corneal ulcer with excessive eye watering with smarting or clear mucus discharge or thick pus like discharge, accompanied by eye pain and light sensitivity. Its use is recommended for ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid) and pterygium (an abnormal tissue growth on conjunctiva and cornea) cases as well. One may find it useful to manage eye inflammation, pain in eyes, excessive eye watering and burning sensation after an eye injury. Lastly, it can be used for cases of blepharitis (inflammation of eyelids). There is redness, swelling, dryness of lids with itching, burning and watering from eyes in such cases.

Key Indicating Features

Hay fever with acrid eye-watering along with bland nasal discharge

Eye allergies with profuse watering from eyes, swollen, red eyes and itching, burning in eyes

Conjunctivitis with red eyes, watery mucus or thick yellow discharge from eyes along with itching and burning

Eye itching and burning

Excessive watering from eyes that cause irritation, itching and burning in eyes

2. Nasal Complaints (Hay Fever, Sneezing, Runny Nose)

This medicine has a prominent action on mucus membrane of nose. It is an effective medicine for treating hay fever which is a response to allergens (like dust mites, pollens) that causes symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, itchy, watery red eyes. The characteristic feature to use it is excessive, watery, bland (without any irritation or burning) nasal discharge and excessive acrid watering from eyes. Sneezing is frequent, inner nose feels sore and painful. The eyes are red and eyelids are swollen. Persons needing it may have runny nose in the day and suffer nasal blockage at night. Cough with expectoration may occur in the morning with above symptoms. Its use is also indicated for nose bleeding.

Key Indicating Features

Bland nasal discharge along with acrid eye discharge

 3. Chest And Lungs (Pain Behind Sternum, Cough)

Euphrasia mainly helps to manage pain under the sternum felt during inhalation. With its action on lungs, it is capable of managing cough occurring especially in morning with mucus expectoration and watery nasal discharges. It is also beneficial to relieve cough in daytime with excessive eye watering. Along with cough, a person may complain of difficulty in breathing. In cases needing it, cough occur in the morning as soon as one rises from the bed and does not occur at night at all. Cough is accompanied by excessive expectoration.

Key Indicating Features

Sharp pain under sternum during respiration

Cough in morning with mucus expectoration and watery nasal discharges

Cough in daytime with excessive eye watering

4. Head (Headache)

Euphrasia Officinalis acts well on the head to manage complaint of headache. The most important symptom to use this medicine is headache with cold, excessive discharge from nose and eyes. Its use is recommended when pain in forehead is present along with sensitivity to bright light.

Key Indicating Features

Headache with cold, excessive discharge from nose and eyes

5. Skin Issues (Measles, Warts And Eruptions)

It acts wonderfully in cases of measles with watery eyes and runny nose. It renders valuable service in treating warts (raised bumps on skin resulting from infection caused by Human Papilloma virus) that itch. Its use in treating eruptions around the eyes and on the nose also brings good results.

Key Indicating Features

Measles with watery eyes and runny nose

Itchy warts

Eruptions around eyes and on nose

6. Male Problems (Itching, Warts)

This medicine is beneficial for treating male problems like itching on glans and prepuce. Secondly, it can be given to treat warts on genitals, where there is itching and stinging in warts. There is soreness and burning pain in warts on being touched. Lastly, it can be used for cases of prostatitis.

Key Indicating Features

Itching on glans and prepuce

Warts attended with itching and stinging sensation

7. Female Problems (Late, Scanty Short Periods, Warts)

Females can find this medicine useful for late, scanty and short menses. The periods last just for an hour or a day in cases where this medicine is required. The flow of blood during menses is scanty, accompanied by pain. Its use can also be considered to treat warts on genitals. There is itching and stitching in these warts, mainly while walking.

Key Indicating Features

Late, scanty and short menses

Menses lasting just for one hour or a day

Warts on genitals with itching and stitching mainly when walking


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from sunlight, wind, in evening, indoors and from warmth

Relieving factors: Complaints are better in open air, in dark and from taking coffee


It can be used in both low and high potencies. Its frequent repetition can be considered in low potencies but in high potencies, frequent repetition of this medicine should be avoided. Its action lasts for about 7 days.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor and Pulsatilla

Followed well by: Aconite, Conium, Merc Sol, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Silicea and Sulphur


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS): Homeopathic Treatment, Causes And Symptoms

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury affecting brain function temporarily. Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) refers to a set of symptoms that continue to linger on for weeks, months or more even years after a concussion. The brain injury may occur from a blow, bump, jolt or a fall on the head. It may also occur from violent shaking of the head and the upper body. The reason may be an accident, a violent assault, blow on the head from playing certain sports like boxing, etc. In case of concussion, a person may or may not lose consciousness.

Homeopathic Management Of Its Symptoms

Homeopathy can effectively manage the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome (PCS). The medicines used in homeopathy for treating PCS are very safe and gentle without any side effects and can be used by persons of any age group. These medicines have a great effect on healing the injury even if it has been inflicted a long time ago, along with symptom management. These medicines can effectively manage its symptoms including headache, vertigo, tiredness, sleeplessness, concentration problems, memory issues, anxiety, irritability and depression. The most suitable medicine for a case of PCS needs to be selected individually based on the symptoms. So, it is advised to take homeopathic medicines after consulting a homeopathic physician who can after detailed case analysis recommend the best medicine.

Homeopathic Medicines For Symptom Management

1. Arnica – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing symptoms that arise from concussion. It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana commonly called ‘leopard’s bane’ or ‘fallkraut’. It belongs to family Compositae. It is a first aid medicine for treating different types of injuries, including concussion, and to manage after-effects of injuries that have occurred in the past. Firstly, Arnica is very effective in managing a headache after concussion. Secondly, it offers help for relieving vertigo in these cases. Lastly, it is useful in managing depression in cases of head injury. Persons needing it feel pessimistic and indifferent.

2. Natrum Sulph – For Managing Headache And Depression

This medicine is very beneficial for managing headache following concussion. In most cases needing it, pain is felt at the base of the brain, sometimes at the back of the neck also. Besides, it also manages depression following a head injury. In such cases, symptoms include sadness, weeping, aversion to speaking and irritability.

3. Hypericum – To Manage Headache

This natural medicine is prepared from a plant named Hypericum Perforatum commonly called St John’s Wort. This plant belongs to family Hypericaceae. This medicine is of great help in managing headache in cases of concussion. The pain is usually located on the top of the head (means vertex). Pain may be pulsating or dull type. Heat and burning on the top of head accompany the pain. Soreness of the eyes may attend headache in some cases.

4. Cicuta – For Managing Vertigo, Sadness

It is prepared from fresh roots (gathered at the time of flowering) of plant Cicuta Virosa commonly known as ‘water hemlock’. It belongs to family Umbelliferae. Use of this medicine is considered for cases having vertigo. People who need it have vertigo mostly while getting up from bed or stooping. They feel as if everything is moving from side to side during vertigo attack. They may stagger and tend to fall. This medicine also manages depression in these cases, indifference may attend sadness.

5. Kali Phos – For Sleeplessness, Tiredness, Memory Issues

This medicine is highly valuable for managing sleeplessness. Secondly, it is very effective to manage tiredness and memory issues. Persons who require it may also have sadness, gloominess, dullness of mind, depression and forebodings (a feeling that something bad is going to happen soon).

6. Conium – To Manage Vertigo

It is a well indicated medicine for managing complaint of vertigo. In cases requiring it, vertigo is worse when turning head towards sides. It also increases when turning in the bed. In some cases, worsening of vertigo can also occur on rising from a seat, while lying down or from shaking head.

7. Gelsemium – For Managing Weakness And Concentration Problems

Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium is prepared from bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as ‘yellow jasmine’. This plant belongs to family Loganiaceae. It is an important medicine that is helpful in managing weakness and concentration problems. People needing it feel weak and  tired, and want to lie down all the time. They have marked dullness and drowsiness. They are unable to concentrate and focus attention on anything. If they try to concentrate, they feel as if their brain is not functioning. A person is not able to think, when he/she tries do any mental exertion. Other than this, they may feel depressed, confused, and have anxiety issues also.

8. Aconite – For Managing Anxiety

Highly recommended for managing anxiety, it is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as ‘monkshood’. This plant belongs to family Ranunculaceae. Persons who need it have anxiety attacks and marked restlessness. They change their position frequently and do everything hurriedly. It is also indicated for managing panic attacks with palpitations and trembling of the body.

9. Natrum Mur – To Manage Depression

Persons needing this medicine are sad and want to weep all the time.  They are sensitive and hate to be consoled. Along with this, they have loss of interest in doing any kind of work. Lastly they have spells of irritability and also may have anxiety.

10. Phosphoric Acid – To Manage Weakness, Depression

It is another well-indicated medicine for managing weakness. Other than this, it can also manage depression. Sadness, disposition to weep and indifference to everything in life is felt. Lastly, it is helpful for managing memory issues in such cases.

11. Belladonna – For Managing Throbbing Headache

It is a significant medicine for managing throbbing type of headache. This medicine is prepared from plant ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family Solanaceae. Persons who need it have marked pain in the sides of head (the temporal region). Heat and congestion are felt in the head. Applying pressure on the head may relieve pain.

12. Chininum Sulph – To Manage Noises In Ear

One may find this medicine very useful for managing noises in the ear. For using this medicine, the noises may be ringing, roaring or buzzing in nature. In some cases, vertigo may attend it.

What Are The Causes?

Not all people having concussion develop post-concussion syndrome. Why some develop it and some don’t is not clear yet.

However, there are some theories that are associated with it to explain the reason for it. Firstly, it is believed that PCS is due to some structural damage to the brain or damage to the nerve cells in the brain from injury. Another theory is that there is a high probability of PCS in persons who have a concussion or are already suffering from it or have a history of some pre-existing psychiatric condition, like depression, anxiety disorder and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent sadness, loss of interest in everything, attended with depressing feelings that continue for weeks together and interfere in everyday activities  and affects one’s personal and professional life. Anxiety disorder refers to repeated episodes of intense anxiety, worry, fear or terror and may result in a panic attack within minutes. PTSD is a mental health condition that may occur in persons who have experienced a terrifying event in life for example a serious accident, a natural disaster, childhood abuse, sexual violence.

Though anyone who has recently suffered a concussion can develop PCS, but the chances are high if a person is above the age of 40 yrs.

Women are diagnosed more often with this syndrome than men.

What Are Its Symptoms?

Its symptoms include headache, dizziness, vertigo, tiredness, sleeplessness, concentration problem, memory issues, anxiety, irritability, depression, restlessness, sensitivity to light and noise, double/ blurred vision and ringing in the ears. The post-concussive symptoms may occur in any person irrespective of the severity of the initial injury. The symptoms mostly begin within the initial 7 – 10 days of injury. PCS is diagnosed when the duration of symptoms of concussion exceeds three months following the injury.  At least three of the above symptoms, need to be present for diagnosing this syndrome.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Hyoscyamus Niger: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Hyoscyamus Niger is a homeopathic medicine derived from the plant ‘henbane’ and ‘hog-bean’. It belongs to Solanaceae family. When this plant undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouse medicinal powers of a crude substance), we get homeopathic medicine Hyoscyamus Niger of great clinical significance. It is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing cases of increased sexual desire, mania of obscene (related to sexual matter) nature, muscle twitchings, jerking, etc.

The ‘Hyoscyamus Niger’ Constitution

This medicine suits people who get nervous or irritated easily, and are anxious by nature.

Drug Action

The main action of this medicine is seen on the mind and brain. It acts well on muscles, male and female genitals, respiratory system, urinary organs and limbs.

Clinical Indications

Nymphomania, sexual mania, mania, nymphomania, delirium, schizophrenia, alcoholism, Alzheimer’s disease, bronchitis, pneumonia, cough, chorea (neurological disorder), convulsions, epilepsy, hydrophobia, toothache, sleep disorders, syphilophobia

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Action On Mind And Brain (Lasciviousness, Nymphomania, Sexual Mania, Mania, Delirium, Schizophrenia, Alcoholism, Alzheimer’s Disease)

The most prominent and broad action of Hyoscyamus Niger is seen on the mind and brain. It can effectively manage various complaints related to mind and brain. Among these the leading feature that guides its use is lasciviousness which is a strong desire for sex. Those needing this medicine talk excessively about sex-related topics or sing amorous songs that express desire for sexual activity. They tend to fondle genitals, may take off clothes and expose genitals. It is the best homeopathic medicine for nymphomania (increased sexual desire in women).

Hyoscyamus Niger is well-known for treating cases of schizophrenia (a mental health condition affecting thinking, emotions, and behavior). Different kind of hallucinations occur like seeing or hearing things that do not exist, or delusions (fixed, false beliefs not based on reality). Those needing it suffer from some specific types of delusions, like delusion of being poisoned, being sold or being bitten, being stalked, etc. There is marked suspiciousness in them. They may be particularly suspicious of a plot being made to harm them. Another alarming symptom is talking with imaginary or dead people.

Another main indication for administering Hyoscyamus Niger is delirium (sudden change in brain leading to confused thinking and emotional disturbance). It can be given in cases of muttering delirium in which the sufferer’s speech is not understandable. There is decreased response to environmental stimuli and carphologia (lint picking of clothes or bed linen). Along with delirium, weakness is also marked. Hyoscyamus Niger is also well indicated for delirium when attended with restlessness with sudden jumping out of bed, moving from one place to another, constant talking, jerking of limbs, wild staring look. Use of this medicine can also be thought of in cases of delirium tremors that occurs in people who are trying to quit alcohol. The guiding features to use it here are delirium with aversion to light, constant talking, trembling of whole body and sensation as if a snake is wriggling towards the sufferer. Along with this, there is desire to escape, loss of appetite and sleeplessness.

Further it is an important medicine for managing mania when there is urge to bite, strike, quarrel, scold, kill and tear clothes. It is also best suited for cases of erotomania (the sufferer believes that someone is in love with him/her when there is no such thing). There may be a tendency to expose genitals.

This medicine is suitable for getting rid of certain fears. These include fear of being poisoned, being alone, water (hydrophobia), and syphilophobia (fear of being infected with syphilis i.e. a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria treponema pallidum).

Cases of Alzheimer’s disease (brain disorder where the death of brain cells occurs that leads to memory loss and gradually destroys thinking, behaviour and social skills) can also be well managed with this medicine.

Besides, Hyoscyamus Niger is a valuable medicine for cases of convulsions (fits). Here, it is given when there is clenching of fist during fits. Before convulsions, vertigo occurs, and the fit ends in deep sleep. It is a top-listed medicine for convulsions in children that occurs from fright.

Lastly, it is well-indicated for managing cases of alcoholism and drug addiction.

Key Indicating Features


Desire to fondle genitals and take off clothes and expose genitals



Talking with imaginary or dead people

Delirium attended with lint-picking of clothes or bed linens, restlessness, constant talking, jerking of limbs

Mania with urge to bite, strike, quarrel, scold, kill and tear clothes

2. Male problems (increased sexual desire, lasciviousness)

Males may find this medicine highly useful for treating certain concerns. Firstly, it is highly suitable to manage increased sexual desire. Males needing it have a strong desire for excessive sexual activity. There is marked lasciviousness, which means they behave in a manner indicating increased urge for sexual activity. They may take off clothes and expose genitals frequently.

Key Indicating Features

Increased sexual desire

Lasciviousness with tendency to take clothes off and expose genitals frequently

3. Female Problems (Nymphomania, Intermenstrual Bleeding)

This medicine is also well-indicated to manage certain health concerns in females. It is a prominent medicine for cases of nymphomania in which there is excessive and uncontrollable sexual desire in females. They also show signs of lasciviousness like uncovering sexual parts. Secondly, it is useful for managing some problems during menses. These include headache, nausea and bedwetting during menses. It also helps complaints of trembling of hands and feet, and excessive sweating during menses. The menstrual bleeding may be heavy with bright red blood. Lastly, it is beneficial for managing intermenstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia). Its use is considered when during intermenstrual bleeding, the blood is bright red and there are cramps in the whole body.

Key Indicating Features

 Nymphomania i.e. excessive and uncontrollable sexual desire in females

Trembling of hands and feet; excessive sweating during menses

Intermenstrual bleeding with bright red blood and cramps in whole body

4. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Bronchitis, Pneumonia)

With its action on respiratory system, it manages cases of cough well. Cough is dry spasmodic type and it seems to occur from a dry spot in the larynx. There is tickling in the throat which incites cough. Coughing occurs at regular intervals that shakes the entire body. Cough causes weakness along with sweating. Persons needing this medicine have worsening of cough from lying down and relief from sitting up. Eating, drinking and talking also worsen the cough. Hyoscyamus Niger works well in cases of bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) especially when cough is dry and persistent. It can be used to manage pneumonia (inflammation and infection of air sacs of lungs). Here it is useful when cough is dry or rattling that worsens at night and is attended with weakness. There may occur expectoration of mucus that tastes salty or is blood-stained.

Key Indicating Features

Dry cough that occurs from dry spot in larynx or from tickling in the throat

Cough worsens from lying down and gets better by sitting up

Worsening of cough from eating, drinking and talking

5. Urinary Complaints (Bedwetting, Urine Retention)

Hyoscyamus also acts well on urinary organs. It is a great medicine to manage involuntary urination. It also effectively deals with cases of bedwetting, especially in children having a brain-related medical condition. It is also well indicated for cases of retention of urine in women, specifically after childbirth. Its use is also indicated when there is frequent urination of clear water-like urine.

Key Indicating Features

Bedwetting especially in children having brain trouble

Retention of urine in women, specifically after childbirth

6. Limbs (Twitchings, Cramps, Chorea)

This medicine works wonderfully on complaints including muscle twitchings (involuntary muscle contractions), cramps, trembling, chorea (involuntary unpredictable body movements from muscle contractions). It can effectively deal with muscle twitching of face, limbs, hands and feet. Cramps in calf muscles and toes can be magnificently relieved with it. Its use is also recommended for complaint of trembling of hands and feet. For chorea, it can be given when every muscle from eyes to toes starts twitching.



Key Indicating Features

Muscle twitching of face, limbs, hands and feet

Cramps of calves and toes

Chorea when every muscle from eyes to toes twitches

7. Dental Problems (Toothache, Teeth Grinding)

This medicine can effectively deal with some dental issues too. The foremost indication for its use is grinding of teeth in children during convulsions (fits). Grinding is so harsh that it causes loosening of teeth. Hyoscyamus Niger gives good results in cases of pain in gums that follows tooth extraction. Its use is recommended to manage toothache that is worse in cold air. The pain in teeth may be throbbing, drawing or tearing kind that extends to the forehead. Pain is intense attended with jerking of hands, arms, fingers and facial muscles. This medicine can be of great help in cases of pressing together of gums during dentition. In such cases, children involuntarily put their fingers in their mouth.

Key Indicating Features

Teeth grinding or pressing of gums together during dentition

Toothache attended with jerking of hands, arms, fingers and facial muscles

8. Sleep Issues (Sleeplessness, Jerking)

This medicine has given great clinical results to treat sleep issues as well. The main indicative feature for its use is sleeplessness with restlessness and muscle twitching. The second guiding feature is waking out of sleep with fright. This medicine can work wonders in cases where children cry or laugh during sleep. If convulsions occur during deep sleep, Hyoscyamus gives good results. Jerking in sleep is also wonderfully dealt with by this medicine. Lastly, it helps in cases where involuntary limb movements occur during sleep.

Key Indicating Features

Sleeplessness with restlessness and muscle twitching

Crying or laughing during sleep in children

Jerking in sleep

Involuntary limb movement during sleep


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse after an emotional bout, fright, jealousy, touch, cold air, and when lying down

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from warmth, stooping, and from sitting up


Its use can be done from sixth to 200C potency. In low potency, its frequent repetition can be done but in high potency it should not be taken often.


Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna, China and Stramonium

It antidotes: Belladonna and Plumbum Met

Followed well by Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Stramonium and Veratrum Album

It can be compared with other remedies including Belladonna, Agaricus, Stramonium, Gelsemium




Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for Ear Pain

Homeopathic Remedies for Ear pain

Ear pain, or Otalgia in medical terms, that persists needs medical intervention. While the pain may be one sided or both sided, it varies in intensity and can be mild, moderate or severe.  The nature of pain may also vary like dull, sharp, tearing, or throbbing. Earache mostly troubles children though it may affect persons of any age group. Earache usually occurs because of two reasons. The first is a primary or local cause, mainly an infection in the middle ear (Otitis Media). The second reason is the secondary or referred cause in which the pain does not start in the ear, but is referred secondarily to the ear through some primary problem in another part of the body.  Here, the primary problem can be in the teeth (dental caries, cutting the wisdom tooth) or throat infection (Tonsillitis).

Homeopathic medicines for ear pain offer a complete cure by treating the root cause of the condition. Prepared from natural substances, these remedies for ear pain have zero side effects and offer a complete cure for ear pain.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Ear Pain

The top most medicines for treating ear pain are Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Chamomilla, Verbascum Thapsus, Merc Sol and Plantago.

1. Belladonna – Top Grade Medicine For Ear Pain

Belladonna is a natural remedy sourced from plant ‘deadly nightshade’. In most cases needing it, there occurs throbbing, tearing, shooting or stitching pain in ears. Pain feels very deep-rooted. The ear becomes hot and sensitive to touch. The slightest noise and chewing makes earache worse. In some cases, pain from the ear spreads to the face. It is an ideal remedy for ear pain arising from acute inflammation/infection in the middle ear (Otitis Media) or from a throat infection with pain in throat radiating to the ear.

When and How to use Belladonna?

Belladonna is highly recommended as a first line of treatment in cases of ear pain. This medicine relieves pain in ears wonderfully along with reducing swelling and inflammation, if present. It can be used in both low and high potencies, among which the most preferred is 30 C potency. Belladonna 30 C can be taken twice or thrice a day depending on the severity of the problem.

2. Pulsatilla – For Ear Pain With Ear Infections

Pulsatilla is a highly effective medicine for ear pain associated with ear infections. Here, it is given when there is shooting, pulsating, jerking, darting pain in ears. It gets worse at night and may continue throughout the night, extending to the head. It is attended with thick yellow / yellowish green ear discharge. There may be difficulty in hearing, the ear feels heavy and stuffed. At times, roaring or humming noises (tinnitus) are heard in the ears.

When and How to use Pulsatilla?

The foremost indication to use Pulsatilla is ear pain resulting from an ear infection with thick yellow or yellowish green ear discharge. Pulsatilla is usually recommended in 30C potency that can be taken twice or thrice a day. Its higher potencies can also be used but only after consulting homeopathic expert.

3. Chamomilla – When Ear Is Sensitive To Touch Along With Pain

Chamomilla is very helpful when the affected ear is very sensitive to touch along with pain. Nature of pain is stitching, pressing or tearing type. Pain may be severe enough to cause a cry. The ear is swollen along with heated sensation, the ear also feels blocked. Chamomilla is also well-indicated for middle ear infection with earache and fever. Warm application on the ear may offer some relief. Highly suitable medicine to manage earache in children, it is also one of the best medicines to treat cases where pain from teeth radiates to ears. Children needing it may be highly irritable along with pain in ear.

When and How to use Chamomilla?

The key symptom to use Chamomilla here is severe earache with marked sensitivity of ears to touch. It is highly recommended to manage earache in children when excessive irritability is present. It can be taken two to three times a day in 30C power.

4. Verbascum Thapsus – For Ear Pain And Hearing Difficulty

Verbascum Thapsus is the best medicine for managing ear pain and hearing difficulty along with  a feeling of ear blockage. It is also highly recommended for ear pain of nerve origin. It is indicated when ear ache is part of the facial pain of nerve origin (Trigeminal Neuralgia). The pain is more pronounced on the left side and gets worse with the slightest movement. The ear is always dry inside.

When and How to use Verbascum Thapsus?

This medicine can be used when the leading complaint is ear pain with hearing difficulty. Next it can also be taken when ear pain is of nerve origin and is a part of trigeminal neuralgia. It can be taken once or twice a day in 30 C potency, but for high potency seek a physician’s advice. Verbascum Thapsus is popularly known as Mullein Oil and can also be administered as ear drops on the affected side of the ear for relieving earache and dry scaly condition of ear meatus along with internal usage in 30C potency.

5. Merc Sol – For Earache In Case Of Sore Throat

This medicine is suitable to manage ear ache in cases of sore throat. The key feature to use this medicine is pain in throat extending to ears. Pain in ears can be shooting or tearing type which gets worse at night and from warmth of bed. Thick yellow discharge from ears may be noted. At times, pus having foul odor gets discharged from ears.

When and How to Use Merc Sol?

Use of Merc Sol should be considered in cases where earache occurs in cases of sore throat with pain radiating from throat to ears. To begin with, one may take Merc Sol 30C twice a day. Its higher potencies can be used as well but only after consulting a homeopathic physician.

6. Plantago – For Earache Associated With Toothache

Sourced from plant ‘ribwort’, Plantago is a natural and highly beneficial medicine to manage pain in the ear related to toothache. Persons needing it complain of sharp pain in ears and teeth. The reason may be tooth decay.

When and How to Use Plantago?

Consider it as a first remedy in earache cases associated with dental issues with marked toothache. You may take this remedy in 30C potency two to three times a day for good relief.

What Are The Causes Behind Ear Pain?

The causes can be divided into primary and secondary causes:

A) Primary causes: The causes that lead to earache originating within the ear are primary causes.

1.Ear infections: It remains one of the main causes behind ear pain that can relate to either outer, middle or inner ear.

a) Outer ear infection/ otitis externa: Also named swimmer’s ear, infection occurs in outer ear canal usually from trapping of water in ear from swimming that favours bacterial growth.  Cleaning ears with earbuds/hairpins and use of ear devices like hearing aids may cause scratches in the ear which also increases chance of infection.

b) Middle ear infection (otitis media)is a bacterial/viral infection in the middle ear, which is the air-filled space behind the eardrum. It arises mainly from cold/flu when infection spreads to throat and via eustachian tube to the middle ear.

c) Inner ear infection (labrynthitis) results from viral or bacterial infections from cold or flu.

2. Ear blocked from earwax: Excessive build-up of earwax deep inside the ear canal may sometimes cause earache.

3. Barotrauma: Ear has a eustachian tube that works to regulate air pressure inside and outside the ear. When ear damage occurs from pressure changes inside and outside the ear, it is called barotrauma that can caused earache along with hearing loss, dizziness and pressure inside the ear. Some examples that can cause imbalance in pressure are flying in airplane, scuba diving, travelling in the hills, etc.

4. Foreign object stuck in the ear

5. Perforation (a hole) in eardrum

6. Blocked eustachian tube

7. Skin problems affecting ears (herpes zoster oticus, dermatitis of ear)

B) Secondary causes: When the cause of earache relate to a medical problem in some other part of the body other than the ear, it is referred to as a secondary cause. Some such causes are as follows:

1. Dental problems (cavities, infected tooth – tooth abscess means pus pocket in tooth from an infection)

2. Sinusitis (inflammation of lining of the paranasal sinuses)

3. Sore throats or tonsillitis(inflamed tonsils)

4. Temporomandibular joint disorder: Pain and restricted movement of jaw due to some problem (for example, inflammation, infection, injury) of temporomandibular joint that connects lower jaw to skull.

5. Trigeminal neuralgia: Electric shock-like pain on one side of the face from irritation, compression or injury of trigeminal nerve.

What Other Signs And Symptoms May Attend Ear Pain?

Depending on the cause, pain in ears can be attended with other signs and symptoms like ear discharge, hearing loss, fullness in ears, noises in ears, clicking or popping in ears, redness/swelling of ears, eruptions on ears, fever, headache and jaw pain. In children, pulling the ear, irritability, excessive crying, loss of appetite may be felt.


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Swelling On The Face? Best 10 Homeopathic Medicines, Causes And Concerns

Facial swelling can arise from minor causes that are easily treatable or can be a symptom of a serious medical problem that needs urgent medical help. Depending on the cause, there are some visible signs and symptoms that can attend facial swelling, like pain, redness and burning sensation on the face, and fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is helpful in managing cases of facial swelling with natural medicines. These medicines stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanism to recover wonderfully. They go deep into the root cause of the issue to bring effective cure. Homeopathic medicines for facial swelling are recommended only in mild cases. It is strictly advised to take homeopathic medicines under supervision of a qualified homeopathic practitioner. In no case should self – medication be done. If there is a serious cause (like kidney failure, heart ailment), it is advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Facial Swelling

1. Apis Mellifica – Top-grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for managing facial swelling. Persons who need it have swelling and redness on the face. They have marked burning sensation on the face attending it. Along with this, one feels intense stinging pain on the face. Mostly right side of the face is affected when this medicine is required. The face looks pale and waxy. Puffiness is marked under the eyes in persons needing Apis Mellifica. Hives (eruptions) with itching, burning and stinging sensation may be present on the face. It is one of the best medicine for angioedema and bee sting. Wash the face with cold water brings relief.

2. Belladonna – For Facial Redness, Swelling, Heat

This medicine is prepared from a plant known as ‘deadly nightshade’. It is very effective for treating cases of facial swelling with red, hot and shiny face. There may be excessive sweating on the face with tearing pain in the face especially on the right side.  Swelling on the upper lip is marked. Cheeks may also be swollen with burning pain. It is a very suitable medicine for sinusitis also.

3. Calcarea Carb – For Pale Puffy Face

This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is pale and puffy face. The eyes are sunken surrounded with blue rings. Calcarea Carb is also indicated for tearing pain in the cheeks followed by swelling. The facial pain tends to get worse from exposure to cold air. It is one of prominent medicine for treating hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).

4. Hepar Sulph – For Swelling Of Face With Vesicular Eruptions

This medicine works well in cases of swollen face with vesicular (fluid-filled) eruptions on the face. There can be burning sensation across the face. There is tearing pain that begins from the cheeks and extends to the ear or temporal region i.e. sides of the head.

 5. Merc Sol – For Swollen Cheeks With Pain In Teeth

It is a very effective medicine for cases of swollen cheeks along with toothache and increased salivation.  Persons needing it may also have red cheeks along with puffy, bloated face.  They can have tearing or lacerating pain on the face which is hot. There may be eruptions on the face, which bleed when scratched, with offensive discharge and itching.

6. Rhus Tox – For Swelling Mainly Around Eyelids And Ears

This medicine is suitable when there is marked swelling on the eyelids and the ears. The face is red with burning sensation. There can be moist eruptions on the face along with thick scabs in cases needing it.

7. Arsenic Album – For Swelling Of Upper Lip And Below Eyelids

This medicine is valuable for managing cases in which there is swelling of the upper lip and area below the eyelids. In cases requiring it, stinging pain in the face is also felt. Itching of the face may also be present.

8. Aconite – For Swollen Lower Jaw And Lips

It is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as ‘monkshood’. It is a useful medicine for swelling of the lower jaw and lips. The lips are dry, black or blue along with peeling of the skin. Burning and tingling sensation in the lips can attend, besides pain on the face.

9. Chamomilla – For Left-Sided Facial Swelling

This medicine is prepared from the plant Matricaria Chamomilla. This plant belongs to family Compositae. It is helpful for cases in which there is left-sided facial swelling. There is pain on the face, which appears bloated and puffy, along with heat and redness of the cheeks.

10. Arnica – For Right-Sided Facial Swelling

It is prepared from a plant Arnica Montana having common name ‘leopard’s bane’ or ‘fallkraut’. It is beneficial for persons with right-sided facial swelling, especially around the cheeks. It is accompanied by throbbing and pinching pain. In some cases needing it, stinging pain is felt in cheeks. Dry heat in the face towards the evening is also felt which extends to the ears.

What Are The Causes Behind Facial Swelling?

The reasons behind it are variable.

Firstly, it can arise from sinusitis ( inflammation of paranasal sinuses due to allergy or bacterial viral infection). It can cause swelling around the nose, eyes or the cheeks causing pain. Other attending symptoms include  headache, stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, poor sense of smell, fever, cough and weakness.

Second cause is a tooth infection. A person having an infection in gums or teeth can experience swelling, pain and tenderness along the jawline.

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is yet another reason behind facial swelling. A person has puffy and swollen face along with other signs and symptoms, like weight gain, fatigue, feeling cold, constipation, depression, skin dryness and weakness in the muscles.

Next cause is allergic conjunctivitis (eye inflammation due to a reaction to allergens like dust, pollen and pet dander). Its signs and symptoms include redness and itching in the eyes which may be puffy or watery.

Facial injury is also one of the reasons.

Another cause is cellulitis. It leads to swelling in the affected part of the skin along with redness and pain. Fluid may ooze out from the skin in some cases. The affected area is hot and tender to touch sometimes. Fever and chills can attend which indicates a serious infection. It is a medical emergency that needs prompt treatment under conventional mode.

Other causes include angioedema and anaphylaxis. 

Angioedema is a severe form of swelling that occurs under the surface of the skin due to an allergic reaction to allergens (like food product, insect bite, etc). A characteristic symptom is hives (raised, itchy raised bumps known as wheals that develop on the skin) that may be accompanied by stinging and burning sensation.

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that needs urgent medical help because if not treated immediately can prove fatal. Its symptoms include facial swelling, breathing difficulty, swelling in throat and the mouth, rapid heart rate, a dip in blood pressure and loss of consciousness.

Another reason for swelling on the face is Cushing’s syndrome which is a disorder that arises from excessive production of cortisol hormone in the body. It may result from a drug allergy (use of anticonvulsants, antibiotics like penicillin) which is a medical emergency.

A condition called preeclampsia can arise during pregnancy that can cause swelling of the face.  This condition needs immediate medical treatment because it can prove fatal if not attended immediately. Its signs include high blood pressure and high protein level in urine. Other symptoms are swelling of the hands, headache, vision changes, pain in the upper abdomen, reduced urine output and nausea or vomiting.

Actinomycosis, a rare but long-term bacterial infection in which sores and abscesses appear in the soft tissue of the body may also lead to facial swelling.

Lastly, it can also be a sign of vital organ failure of heart, liver or kidneys.


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Ratanhia Peruviana: Homeopathic Medicine —Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Ratanhia Peruviana is derived from plant Mapato, also known as ‘Krameria Triandra’. It belongs to family polygalaceae or leguminosae. The dried root of this plant undergoes potentization (a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance). After this process, it is converted into a magnificent homeopathic medicine Ratanhia Peruviana which is indicated for treating anal fissures and piles. 

The ‘Ratanhia’ Constitution

This medicine suits persons suffering from rectal complaints.

Drug Action

The primary action of Ratanhia is seen on the rectum and gastric system. Besides, its action,though not very wide,  is also seen on eyes, nose, head, female genitals and breast.

Clinical Indications

Anal fissure, piles, constipation, diarrhea, anal itching, worms, pterygium, nasal dryness, cracked nipples, amenorrhoea (suppressed menses), stomach pain, vomiting

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

 1. Rectum Complaints (Anal Fissure, Piles, Constipation, Diarrhea, Anal Itching, Worms)

It has shown the best results in treating rectal complaints, especially anal fissure (tear, cut or crack in the lining of anus). Intense burning at the anus due to anal fissure is the most striking feature to use this remedy. The burning sensation is intense. Person usually expresses knife-like stitching pain (excruciating pain) at the anal opening. Pain and burning sensation continues for a long time after passing stool. Other than anal fissures, Ratanhia is used to treat piles (swollen, enlarged, engorged veins in or around anus or in lower rectum) along with  intense burning at the anus. The piles hemorrhoids may protrude on straining. There is relief in the burning sensation from cold water.  Another very peculiar symptom that can be present is pain in rectum where a person feels like sharp splinter-like pricking . Ratanhia Peruviana can be used for treating constipation when there is hard stool with straining and ineffectual urge to pass stool. It is an important medicine for cases of worm infestation. It is mostly indicated for pinworms and ascarides worms. It can offer substantial relief in anal itching. Diarrhoea is another concern where Ratanhia is well indicated. It is used when there is loose, thin, fetid stool. It is attended with burning sensation in anus. This medicine can be given to control rectal bleeding as well.

Key indicating features

Anal fissure with intense burning

Anal pain and burning in anus that continues for long after passing stool

Rectal pain like sharp splinter-like pricking

Piles with excessive burning, protruding piles

2. Gastric Issues (Stomach Pain, Vomiting)

Ratanhia also acts well on the gastric system where it is beneficial for managing complaints including stomach pain, burning, and vomiting. The pain can be bursting, griping or cutting knife-like which improves by burping. Some people complain of intense pain in stomach along with feeling of fullness in the stomach. There can occur intense hiccoughs causing stomach pain. Vomiting can occur which may expel food or blood- streaked mucus.

Key indicating features

Stomach pain griping or cutting in nature, gets better by burping

3. Eyes (Eye Pain, Pterygium, Eyelid Twitching And Myopia)

It helps to manage eye pain, burning sensation in eyes, pterygium, eyelid twitching and myopia. Ratanhia is used when there is compressed pain in eye (pain radiating from outside to inside). Burning sensation is felt in eyes especially in evening.  This medicine is also clinically indicated for cases of pterygium (a tissue that grows abnormally on the conjunctiva). Ratanhia works well in case of twitching of upper eyelid on either side. Lastly, it can be given for myopia ( short-sightedness , which is when nearby objects are visible clearly but distant objects appear blurred).

Key indicating features

Compressing type of eye pain

Pterygium (abnormal tissue growth over conjunctiva)

Twitching of upper eyelid

4. Nose (Dryness, Itching)

Ratanhia does a great job in getting rid of dryness in nose which may block nostrils. Scabs in nose, inflamed nostrils and sneezing may occur. One can feel burning sensation in nose, along with itching.

Key indicating features

Nasal dryness with blockage

5. Head (Headache)

By acting on the head, Ratanhia manages headache well. The characteristic symptom to use it is pain in head while straining at stool. Pain is bursting type and can be felt after passing stool too. Heat is also felt along with pain on top of the head which gets better in open air. Sometimes tearing pain is felt in the back of the head radiating to the top.

Key indicating features

Headache on straining while passing stool, or after

6. Female Problems

This medicine can effectively deal with certain female problems. It is a very effective medicine for healing cracked nipples occurring in nursing mothers. Ratanhia can be given in cases where menses are suppressed along with swelling in abdomen and breast. It is also indicated for early and heavy menses that last for long duration. It can also help cases of intermenstrual ( in between periods) bleeding.

Key indicating features

Cracked nipples in nursing mothers

Suppressed menses with swelling in abdomen and breast


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from straining at stool, touch and at night

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air


It can be used in 30C and even higher potencies like 200C, 1M. In general, low potencies can be repeated often but frequent repetition of high potencies should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

It can be compared with medicines including Nitric Acid, Graphites, Paeonia, and Sulphur

This medicine follows well Bovista and Sulphur


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