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Toothache From Sinus Infection? Try These Homeopathic Medicines

Sinus infection refers to infection of the paranasal sinuses (air–filled spaces present in the skull bone) from infection by bacteria or viruses. A sinus infection (sinusitis) can result in various kind of symptoms with toothache being one among them. Sinus infections can cause pain in the upper teeth due to the involvement of the sinuses that are located near the mouth. Its infection can put pressure on the nerves supplying the sinuses, gums and teeth. Sinus toothache is felt in multiple teeth at a time and not just one teeth. Besides toothache, other symptoms of sinus infection include headache, nasal discharge, blocked nose, facial pain, post nasal discharge (PND), cough, tenderness near the nose, forehead or eyes, earache and loss of smell and taste. Among the infection of different paranasal sinuses, toothache generally occurs from an infection in the maxillary sinus.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy carries great scope in treating cases of toothache that results from sinus infection. Homeopathic medicines gradually decrease the frequency and intensity of this complaint. Along with managing toothache, they also work wonderfully in managing any associated signs and symptoms like nasal discharge, blocked nose, post nasal discharge (PND), headache and facial pain. These work magnificently in these cases by reducing the inflammation of paranasal sinus by fighting the infectious agent. The best part of using homeopathic medicines is that they work in the most natural way to treat a condition without any side effects. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating these cases is selected after detailed case analysis based on the individual’s symptoms. So, it is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before taking any homeopathic medicine. Avoid self-medication in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Toothache From Sinus Infection

1. Silicea – Top Recommended Medicine

Silicea is a highly recommended medicine to manage various sinusitis-related complaints. It is also very helpful in managing toothache in such cases. In cases needing it, pain in the teeth gets worse at night which hinders sleep. Along with toothache, there is tearing type of pain in the head. There is excessive salivation in the mouth. Pain from the teeth spreads over the whole cheek. Other sinusitis symptoms include headache, blocked nose, offensive smelling nasal discharge usually green or yellow-colored, loss of smell and taste.

2. Hepar Sulph – To Manage Throbbing Type Of Toothache

Hepar Sulph is the next useful medicine for treating sinusitis. This medicine is recommended if the person complains of toothache and pain gets worse after eating and from drinking cold drinks. It can manage throbbing type of pain in the teeth. Persons needing this medicine complain of nasal blockage in the morning, crust formation in the nose, yellow sticky nasal discharge and a burning sensation in the nose. Besides pain inside the nose, one feels pain at the root of the nose. There may be post nasal discharge tinged with blood.

3. Kali Bichrome – For Toothache Better By Pressure

Another medicine to manage sinusitis-related problems is Kali Bichrome. It can be used in managing toothache that gets a little better by applying pressure momentarily. The pain is usually stitching type. It is best suited for sinus infections to manage post nasal discharge. The discharge is thick, sticky and ropy. In cases needing this medicine, there is thick, lumpy, sticky, ropy discharge from the nose. It is greenish or yellowish colored. The nose feels obstructed. Fetid smell emanates from the nose from the accumulation of nasal discharge. Pain and pressure at the foot of the nose is also prominent. Sinus headache is felt in the forehead above the eyebrows.

4. Merc Sol – For Toothache Marked In Daytime

Merc Sol is useful for managing toothache most marked in the day time. The pain gets better at night. There is increased salivation. The pain from the teeth extends to the side of the head. This medicine is also recommended for managing throbbing pain in upper jaw which gets worse at night. There may be swelling on the face, besides sneezing, and profuse nasal discharge. Nostrils are inflamed and swollen from the inside. At times, crusts form inside the nose that bleed on cleaning the nose. Besides, there is pain in the forehead, cheeks and ears. This pain is tearing type.

5. Belladonna – To Manage Throbbing Pain In Teeth

This medicine is of great help when there is throbbing type of pain in the teeth. The pain is attended with earache. Besides these complaints, the face is red with heated sensation. Belladonna is a top-grade medicine for helping cases of sinus headache. Other symptoms include mucus discharge from nose tinged with blood, frequent sneezing and tickling sensation in the nose.

6. Pulsatilla – When Toothache Is Worse On Eating

Pulsatilla is an effective medicine to manage toothache that gets worse on eating. Pain also increases from taking warm food/drink specifically. A draught of cold air brings relief. Pain is mainly marked in teeth on the right side of the face. The pain gets worse in the evening. The severity of the pain makes it difficult for a person to sit quietly. The pain may extend to the ears and sides of the head. Besides toothache, there are other sinus-related complaints like yellow-green discharge from the nose, alternate nasal discharge, nose blockage and frontal headache. Tearing type of pain is felt in the maxillary sinus in cheeks that may extend to the ears.

7. Spigelia – For Right Sided Toothache

This medicine is recommended when there is pain in teeth on the right side of the face. The pain is not felt during the day but begins at night when one rests the head on the pillow. It is useful when the pain is throbbing in nature. Burning pain is felt in the malar bone. The face may be swollen. There is nasal discharge, itching in the nose and post nasal drip as well.

8. Lycopodium – For toothache with swollen cheeks

Lycopodium is a beneficial medicine to manage toothache along with swelling of the cheek. It gets worse from warm drinks. Pain may increase from the slightest touch. Toothache gets worse at night. With this thick, yellow nasal discharge occurs from the nose. Headache in the forehead is also prominent. The nose feels blocked with trouble breathing at night.

9. Natrum Mur – For Pain In Teeth Extending To Ears

This medicine is well suited for managing pain in teeth that extend to ears. The cheek is swollen. The pain increases after eating. Pressure is felt in the teeth. There is profuse nasal discharge which alternates with nose blockage. At times, there is clear mucus discharge from the nose. There is excessive sneezing every morning. Burning sensation is felt in nasal bones and cheek area. There is also soreness in the nostrils. Loss of smell and taste is another prominent feature where this medicine is required. Besides the above complaints, pressure is felt on the forehead. It gets worse while bending the head down. Applying pressure over the head relieves this complaint. In some cases, there is pain in eyeballs along with the forehead.


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Different Types Of Neck Injuries And Their Homeopathic Remedies

Neck injuries may vary from mild to severe. Any of the structures in the neck may be affected due to a neck injury like muscles, tendons (bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones), ligaments (bands of tissue that connect one bone to another), bones, joints, or nerves. The symptoms of neck injury may include pain in the neck (the pain may radiate to the shoulders, arms, and even hands), stiffness of the neck, difficult neck movement, limited range of neck movement, tenderness of the neck, tingling or numbness in arms or hands; weakness in the arms, hands, or fingers, headache and dizziness. Among the different types of neck injuries, the first type of injury includes neck sprains and strains. A sprain in the neck refers to overstretching or tearing of the ligaments present in the neck. Strain in the neck indicates overstretched or torn muscles or tendons in the neck. The strain can occur from various reasons like sleeping in the wrong posture, excessive exercise involving the neck, etc. A sprain on the neck can occur from sudden injury due to physical activity involving the neck or an accident. Neck injury may also occur from falling, car accidents or while playing sports like football. Other types of neck injuries include whiplash injury. It refers to a neck injury occurring from quick back-and-forth movement of the neck occurring with great force usually seen in rear-end car accidents. Besides accidents, it may also occur from a fall or in sports accidents or from physical abuse when being hit on the neck.

Next type of injury is overuse injuries of the neck resulting from long working hours on the computer or repetitive activities involving the upper body and arms. Disc herniation is another type of condition that may occur due to neck injury. This is a condition in which soft jelly-like internal matter of the disc bulges out of the tough exterior part. This usually occurs from wear and tear damage to the disc but can also result from sudden injury. Another neck injury is cervical spine fracture. Though rare, it is a serious injury that needs immediate medical help.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very effective in managing cases of neck injuries. These medicines promote wonderful healing of injured neck structures along with pain management. Along with pain, these medicines also manage its attending symptoms like stiffness of the neck, tenderness of neck, headache, tingling/numbness/weakness in the arms or hands. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for cases of neck injury that have mild to moderate intensity. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for cases of neck injury under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self-medication. In cases of severe cases of neck injury like fracture in the cervical spine, it is strictly advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Neck Injury

1. Rhus Tox – For Managing Strains, Sprains Of Neck And Whiplash Injuries

Rhus Tox is a top-recommended medicine for managing cases of sprains and strains in different body parts including the neck. This medicine helps in healing the muscles, tendons and ligaments that have become overstrained or sprained. It is indicated when there is excessive pain and stiffness in the neck. The neck feels tense. Stiffness and tension in the neck are worse while moving the neck. There is relief in stiffness by massage and warm application on the neck. There is worsening of pain from turning the neck. Rhus Tox is well indicated for cases where the neck is strained from lifting heavy weights. It is also one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of whiplash injuries.

2. Hypericum – For Neck Injury From A Fall

Hypericum is a natural remedy that is highly effective in managing neck injury that occurs from a fall. In cases needing it, the slightest neck movement causes intense pain to make the sufferer cry. The movement of the arms also causes intense pain. There is intense sensitivity of the cervical vertebra (7 bones stacked one over the other in the neck spine) to touch. Headache can also occur in some cases along with the above symptoms. Hypericum is also a useful medicine for cases of spine injury that causes pinched nerves leading to needle-like pains. Just like the above medicine, Hypericum is also a prominent medicine for helping cases of whiplash injuries.

3. Arnica – For Neck Injuries From Falls, Blows and Strains

Arnica is a very important medicine for managing cases of injury occurring from fall or blows and also cases of strains. This medicine helps manage cases of recent neck injuries as well as injuries that occurred a long time ago. In cases needing it, there is pain and marked soreness of the neck. The neck is intensely painful even to the slightest touch.

4. Bryonia – When Neck Pain Is Worse From Neck Movement

This medicine is highly beneficial for neck injuries when neck pain becomes worse from neck movements. There is stiffness in the neck. The pain and stiffness get worse from touch. It becomes more painful from moving the head towards the shoulders. Drawing sensation in the side of the neck can also be present where this medicine is needed.

5. Ruta – For Managing Sprains And Strains In Neck

Ruta is a medicine of great value when it comes to managing cases of sprains and strains. In cases needing this medicine, there is drawing pain in the neck and the shoulder blades. A tense feeling also appears in the neck. Next, a pressure sensation is felt in the neck and the shoulders as well.

6. Magnesium Phos – To Manage Sharp, Shooting Pains In The Neck

This medicine can be considered for managing sharp, shooting pain in the neck. The pain may keep shifting to different areas of the neck. The pain may also be felt in the back of the head along with the neck. The neck is sore to touch other than the above symptoms.

7. Calcarea Carb – For Overstraining Of Neck From Lifting Objects

Calcarea Carb is a useful medicine for cases of overstraining of the neck from lifting objects. In cases requiring this medicine, marked stiffness and rigidity are felt in the neck. Along with this, there is headache also. The pain is felt till the top of the head. A burning sensation may be felt in the neck which radiates to the back of the head. It remains the whole day and stops when going to sleep at night.

8. Causticum – For Neck Pain Extending To Front Of Head

Causticum is indicated when there is pain in the neck that extends upwards and to the frontal part of the head. The pain is tearing in nature in most of the cases. The neck is also very stiff. The neck muscles feel as if bound tightly. This is attended with a limited range of neck movement.

9. Kalmia – When The Pain From Neck Radiates Down To Fingers

This medicine is of great use for cases where pain from the neck radiates down to the fingers. Initially, the pain gets worse at night. There is stiffness in the neck also. The neck muscles are sore to touch and there is pain on moving the neck. The pain from the neck may move up to the head in some cases.



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How To Deal With Hypersensitivity To Cold With Homeopathy

Hypersensitivity to cold is also known as cold intolerance. Everyone feels cold in winter due to a decrease in the temperature in the environment. Those who face cold intolerance feel cold all the time no matter what the season. Cold intolerance may be attended with shivering, besides other features like numbness; pale, red or bluish skin discoloration; pain; stiffness and swelling. Persons with low body fat are usually predisposed to it. Deficiency of vitamin B12 may also be a reason. Other medical reasons could be responsible for this. First among these is anemia. Anemia refers to a condition in which there are not enough healthy red blood cells (RBCs) to take oxygen to different body tissues. Other signs and symptoms of anemia include pale skin, tiredness, headache, dizziness and shortness of breath. Another cause can be hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism means an underactive thyroid which is a condition where thyroid gland is unable to produce enough thyroid hormones usually required in the body to function properly. This results in many signs and symptoms. Among these, hypersensitivity to cold/cold intolerance is an important one. Other signs and symptoms include weight gain, tiredness, puffiness of the hands, feet and the face, constipation, sleepiness, hair thinning, muscle weakness, joint pains, depressed feeling, decreased desire for sex, heavy menses in females, voice hoarseness and numbness in the hands.

Another reason can be Raynaud’s disease. It refers to a condition whereby the fingers and toes tend to become cold and numb from exposure to cold temperature or stress. This may occur due to spasm and narrowing of blood vessels that reduces the blood flow to the hand and toes. Firstly, the fingers and toes become pale white and afterward, blue and red. Hypothalamus disorders can be another reason for hypersensitivity to cold. Hypothalamus is a part of the brain that functions to regulate body temperature so any disturbance in its functioning could lead to cold hypersensitivity. Anorexia is yet another cause. It is an eating disorder in which the sufferer undergoes food restriction and eats small quantities of food due to fear of gaining weight. As a result, he/she suffers weight loss which reduces body fat that makes them prone to cold intolerance.  Another cause may be fibromyalgia. It is a condition that causes pain in different body parts at specific tender points accompanied by tiredness, memory issues, sleep problems and a depressed feeling. Cold intolerance may also be seen in cases of lupus/SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus). Lupus refers to an autoimmune disease in which healthy tissues and organs in the body become inflamed. They are damaged by the body’s immune cells that otherwise help in fighting infectious agents that cause diseases. It may lead to sensitivity to cold along with other main signs and symptoms. These include a butterfly-shaped rash on the face over the cheeks and bridge of the nose, joint pains, tiredness, fever, headache, and memory loss. Cold intolerance can also occur in cases of diabetes.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help to people who have hypersensitivity to cold. Homeopathic medicines to manage such cases are natural remedies that help in these cases by working to treat the root cause behind it. Along with managing cold intolerance, they also help to relieve any attending signs and symptoms as well. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for these cases is selected after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. So it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription. In no case, self -medication should be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Hypersensitivity To Cold

1. Calcarea Carb – Leading Homeopathic Medicine

Calcarea carb is a top recommended medicine for managing cases of hypersensitivity to cold. Those needing this medicine have cold intolerance and a tendency of increased sweating. The cold and sweat are marked on the feet. Sweating on the head is also very prominent. The sweat may smell sour. The chilly feeling gets worse when one comes in contact with water. Body aches may occur from exposure to cold wind where this medicine is required. Numbness may be felt in the body parts on the side that a person lies down on. There is a tendency of becoming fat, obese and overweight. Calcarea carb is a major homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism cases to manage its various related symptoms.

2. Hepar Sulph – For Cold Intolerance With Sensitivity To Draught Of Air

Hepar Sulph is a very prominent medicine for persons who always feel chilly. They are very sensitive to even the slightest draught of air. They tend to cough frequently as soon as exposure to cold air happens. Even if hands and feet get uncovered, it leads to a cough episode. There is a tendency to be wrapped up to the face even in hot weather. They are prone to recurrent cold and sinus infections from cold air exposure. In such cases, they get thick yellow nasal discharge. The nose swells and there is pain at the root of the nose along with soreness. This medicine is also indicated when cold intolerance gets worse when suffering from some health illness.

3. Silicea – For Cold Intolerance With Cold Hands And Feet

This medicine is well indicated for people who always feel cold. They have cold hands and feet all the time. This condition gets worse in winter. They feel chilly even while exercising. Generally, they sweat heavily. They have offensive sweat on their hands, armpits and feet. They also feel exhausted very easily from doing small chores. They also have unhealthy skin prone to easy pus formation from the slightest injuries.

4. Psorinum – For Extreme Chilliness

This medicine is highly recommended to those who feel extremely chilly and are intolerant to cold. They want to cover themselves up with warm clothes even in summer and the hottest weather, especially the head. They are fearful of cold air. They may suffer marked tiredness. They are usually thin and weak.

5. Sepia – For Chilly Feeling Even In Warm Room

Sepia is indicated for chilliness when a person feels chilly even in a warm room. The hands and feet feel icy cold. There is excessive sensitivity to cold air. There is excessive weakness even from walking a few steps. This medicine is indicated when there is hypersensitivity to cold in case of a long-term health illness.

6. Baryta Carb – For Cold Hypersensitivity With Cold, Sweaty Feet

Baryta Carb is another useful medicine for cases of cold intolerance with cold, sweaty feet. The sweat on the feet is foul. Those needing this medicine tend to get affected by cold very easily. Even on the slightest exposure to cold air, sore throat and tonsillitis occur.

7. Rhus Tox – For Cold Intolerance With Joint Pains

Rhus Tox is a well-indicated medicine for hypersensitivity to cold. Those who require this medicine cannot tolerate cold air. This medicine is especially of great help to manage cases where joint pains worsen in cold damp weather. Joints also feel stiff apart from being painful.

8. Aranea Diadema – For Hypersensitivity To Cold And Dampness

This medicine is indicated for those who are hypersensitive to cold and dampness. They feel the cold penetrating their bones. Bones feel as if made of ice. The chilly feeling does not decrease and one is not able to feel warm enough again. The head and feet are markedly cold.


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Increased Sensitivity To Strong Odors? Try Homeopathy

Increased sensitivity to strong odors is medically known as hyperosmia. Some people have a sharp sense of smell by birth and they perceive smells strongly, this is due to genetics. However, in some persons increased sensitivity to strong odors develops later on in life and can be associated with some medical conditions. Strong odors become highly intolerable in them and may result in nausea. In some, it may trigger a few complaints including runny nose, sneezing, headache, dizziness, vomiting, cough, skin rash, asthma attack and fainting as well. In some cases, it may also lead to irritability, concentration problems, anxiety issues and depression too. The sensitivity to strong smells can be persistent or occur sometimes varying from case to case. A person can have sensitivity to the smell of different products. Some examples of products that a person can have high sensitivity to include perfumes, chemicals, air fresheners, etc. Increased sensitivity to strong odors may occur during pregnancy mainly in the first trimester due to hormonal changes. Several medical conditions can be associated with increased sensitivity to strong odors. First among these is migraine (one-sided headache often attended with nausea and vomiting). A person might feel increased smell sensitivity before the onset of a bout of migraine headache and also during headache. It goes away after the headache is over. In some, sensitivity may even remain between two migraine episodes. The second cause behind sensitivity to strong odors is epilepsy (brain disorder with a tendency to have recurrent seizures). Before onset of a seizure attack, a person can have increased smell sensitivity in the aura stage. Increased sensitivity to strong odors may also be felt in cases of Lyme’s disease. It is a bacterial infection caused by bacteria borrelia. This infection spreads from a bite by a tick which carries this bacteria. In around 50 percent of the cases of Lyme’s disease, it is a major symptom noted besides the other symptoms. Persons who are suffering from Type 1 diabetes that is not controlled well can experience increased sensitivity to smells.

Another reason can be Addison’s disease. Addison’s disease is an illness in which adrenal glands are unable to produce some hormones like cortisol and aldosterone. In this disease increased sensitivity to smell might occur in addition to other symptoms like excessive tiredness, loss of appetite, weight loss, joint pain, muscle pain, dark skin areas, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, hair loss, nausea, diarrhea and depression.

Increased sensitivity to strong odors is also linked with some other disorders including Lupus, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and Tourette’s syndrome. Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the healthy tissues and organs in the body get inflamed, damaged by the immune cells of the body. Some of the signs and symptoms of this disease include butterfly-shaped rash on the face, joint pains, fatigue, fever, headache and memory loss. Sensitivity to odors may attend these complaints. Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder in which brain cells die off resulting in memory loss and decline in thinking, behaviour and social skills. Parkinson’s disease affects the nervous system that starts with hand tremors at rest. After this, other complaints arise like a stooped posture, stiffness of the muscles, impaired balance, diminished expressions on the face, changes in speech and reduced arm swing while walking. Tourette syndrome is a disorder characterised by uncontrollable repetitive movements and vocal sounds called tics. In some cases, increased sensitivity to strong odors may occur without any cause.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective treatment for complaint of sensitivity to strong odors. Homeopathic medicines gradually help in reducing the intensity and frequency of this complaint. Complaints like headache, sneezing and cough that arise from strong odors can also be well managed with these medicines. They help to overcome this issue in a very gentle and natural manner with zero side effects. As this complaint can arise from various causes, it is advised to consult a physician to rule out the cause behind it and take proper treatment. Always consider taking any of the homeopathic medicines under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and never self-medicate.

Homeopathic Medicines For Increased Sensitivity To Strong Odors

1. Phosphorus – For Headache, Cough And Sneezing From Strong Odors

Phosphorus is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage various complaints resulting from sensitivity to strong odors. Firstly, this medicine is of great use for cases in which headache occurs from strong odors. In cases needing it, there is headache over one eye or on one side of the temple area.  Strain in the eyes may attend headache. It is very effective in managing cough resulting from exposure to strong odors. A tickling sensation is felt in the throat that excites cough. Dryness and a burning sensation is felt in the throat in some cases. Cough is dry and can be accompanied with a headache. Head feels as if it would burst. Lastly, this medicine is highly beneficial for managing sneezing resulting from exposure to strong odors.

2. Colchicum – For Increased Sensitivity To Odor Of Cooking Food

This medicine is well indicated for cases where marked sensitivity to odor of cooking food is present. Next it is useful for cases when there is increased sensitivity to smell of eggs, fish and meat. Nausea occurs from smell of these food products. The person may even faint. There is aversion to eating food. Smell or even the sight of the food may be a source of irritation. Strong smells disturb their temper of mind.

3. Sabadilla – With Nasal Discharge And Sneezing

This medicine can be considered when there is sensitivity to strong odors along with sneezing and nasal discharge. The nasal discharge is excessive and watery. Itching and tickling is felt in the nose. Pain in the forehead can attend the above complaints. Sabadilla is also one of the top medicines where there is sensitivity to smell of garlic which becomes intolerable.

4. Sepia – For Headache From Strong Odors

Sepia is a helpful medicine for managing headache arising from strong odors. Along with headache, there is aversion to every kind of food and even the smell of food is unbearable. An empty feeling in the stomach attends headache. Nausea and vomiting can occur during headache.

5. Nux Vomica – When There Is Fainting From Strong Odors

Nux Vomica is well indicated for cases where there is sensitivity to strong odors that often leads to fainting. The smell of tobacco is the most intolerable. Persons needing it might also have increased sensitivity to light and noises in addition to that of smell.

6. Hepar Sulph – For Increased Sensitivity To Smell With Vertigo

This medicine is a useful medicine for increased sensitivity to smell attended with vertigo. Vertigo may be accompanied with nausea and a tendency to fall. In cases needing it itching in the nostrils with sneezing can also be present. Next, there can be heat or burning sensation in the nose.

7. Ignatia – For Sensitivity To Smell Of Tobacco

This medicine is suitable for cases of sensitivity to the smell of tobacco. Those needing it suffer headache from the smell of tobacco. Pain usually appears in the back of the head (occiput). There is relief in pain from warm application and also from eating.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

10 Best Homeopathic Nerve Tonics

Nerve tonics are medicines that help to support and strengthen the nervous system. These help to relax the mind and body and make one feel energetic and strong. People may consider the use of nerve tonics in cases of stress, anxiety, low energy levels (exhaustion, tiredness), mental fatigue, reduced focus and concentration, and sleeplessness.

Homeopathic Medicines As Nerve Tonic

Homeopathic medicines can work as a superb nerve tonic when prescribed after proper evaluation of the individual symptoms in every case. These tonics help to improve energy levels, improve concentration power and help in cases of sleeplessness, anxiety, stress as well. In homeopathy, the same medicines used to treat different health conditions are used as nerve tonics. In general, there are no specific nerve tonics in homeopathy that differ from homeopathic medicines. And also there is no universal one medicine that can be used as tonic for each and every case of fatigue, low concentration, sleeplessness and anxiety. Rather the medicine that can act as the best tonic for a given case has to be selected based on the individual concerns in every case. Persons who wish to take a homeopathic nerve tonic should consult a homeopathic physician for the correct customized prescription and to afford best results. No one should use any homeopathic medicine on their own.

Homeopathic Medicines That Can Be Used As Nerve Tonic

1. Kali Phos – Leading Nerve Remedy

Kali Phos is a top-recommended medicine that can be used as a nerve tonic. It has a pre-eminent action on the nervous system that works magnificently to improve the energy levels in the body in a very natural manner. People who feel tired, weak, exhausted due to different reasons can benefit greatly from Kali Phos. It helps to improve both mental and physical fatigue in a very effective manner. In cases where there is weakness due to an acute disease, this medicine proves to be a great tonic to rejuvenate the body and increase energy levels. Cases of mental fatigue like that resulting from over exertion of the mind as from over study can be effectively helped with Kali Phos. It is highly effective in cases of stress and helps to calm and relax the mind and promote a general feeling of well–being. Further, this medicine is known to offer help in cases of sleeplessness. It helps to improve sleep wonderfully. This medicine is also highly suited to manage anxiety issues and irritability. Kali Phos also improves dullness of the mind and memory weakness. Lastly, it helps in improving weak nerves and nerve functioning in general.

2. Avena Sativa – To Improve Weakness, Tiredness

Avena Sativa is a great nerve tonic in homeopathy to improve weakness, tiredness that has resulted from some exhausting disease. This medicine will help to strengthen the nerves and restore energy levels. Avena Sativa further helps in cases of an exhausted mind and brain fag. When these complaints occur from overwork, this medicine suits very well. This medicine can help to improve concentration power as well. Avena Sativa functions well to improve sleeping pattern in persons facing sleeplessness.

3. Gelsemium – For Cases Of Dullness, Drowsiness And Weakness

Gelsemium is a wonderful and highly effective nerve tonic in homeopathy. It is indicated when there is marked dullness, drowsiness and weakness. The use of Gelsemium can also be considered to overcome long-term weakness after a bout of viral infection. Gelsemium helps to enhance energy levels in the body and also makes the mind active by taking away dullness. Those facing issues of reduced concentration and decreased focus and attention in doing work can get help from this medicine. Gelsemium works in an excellent way to improve the concentration power of mind. Another action of Gelsemium is noted to deal with cases of nervousness, irritability and anxiety issues.

4. Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha) – To Enhance Energy Levels

It is a great herbal medicine in homeopathy with prominent action on nervous system. This medicine is employed to rejuvenate the body, increase vitality, and enhance energy levels. It can be used in any case of weakness or debility. This herbal medicine works brilliantly in cases of brain fatigue and decline in memory. Besides the above, this medicine is known to be good for overcoming complaints including nervousness, anxiety, depression and sleeplessness.

5. Picric Acid – To Help Cases Of Brain Fag

Picric Acid works wonderfully well in cases of brain fag. Brain fag includes a group of symptoms i.e. exhausted mind, concentration problem, decline in focus, confused mind in addition to complaint of forgetfulness. Picric Acid is best indicated for memory weakness and forgetfulness. Memory weakness may be the result of a long-term stress and anxiety in a person. The mind feels exhausted in those needing it. This occurs from even a little reading or writing. There is inability to collect thoughts in the mind and do any sort of mind exertion. There is an aversion to do mind- related work. Any type of mind exertion brings on an episode of headache. It is a well-indicated medicine when brain fag results from excessive study in a person.

6. Anacardium Orientale – To Manage Weak Memory And Forgetfulness

It is an important medicine for cases of weak memory and forgetfulness. Those needing it have poor memory and are absent-minded. There is difficulty in remembering and retention in the memory is poor. Next, it is indicated for cases of exhausted mind from overstudy. There is an aversion to doing any work. There is desire to lie down or sit all the time in persons needing this medicine.

7. Phosphoric Acid – To Help Cases Of Low Energy And Poor Concentration

This medicine is valuable as a tonic for cases of low energy and decreased concentration. This medicine works well to improve energy in both the mind and body. It is next effective when there is slowness of the mind and poor concentration power. This medicine is also a prominent one for weakness and drained-out feeling after some kind of fever. Weight loss can be present with this.

8. Coffea Cruda – For Cases Of Sleeplessness

It works very effectively to help cases of sleeplessness. Those needing it have a chain of thoughts going on in the mind that prevents sleep. The thoughts come one after the other jumbling together and disturbing sleep. They remain restless at night tossing and turning in bed. It is also indicated for managing sleep problems occurring after acute diseases. Coffea Cruda promotes mind’s tranquillity, calms the mind and helps in sleeping.

9. China Officinalis – For managing Low energy After Loss Of Fluids

China Officinalis is a well-suited tonic to improve energy levels. It is well indicated for cases when energy levels have dropped down from excessive loss of fluids like diarrhea (loose stool), and medical problems involving loss of blood. Here this medicine is very beneficial to increase energy levels.

10. Natrum Carb – For Cases Of Weak Memory And Poor Concentration

This medicine is helpful as a tonic where memory is weak and concentration is poor. It helps improve memory and concentration power. In cases needing it, there is difficulty in thinking and comprehending things. Mind-related work seems impossible. This medicine can also be used in cases of sadness, and depression with constant sad thoughts in mind.



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Feeling Loss Of Smell From Cold And Allergies? Try Homeopathy

Loss of smell medically known as anosmia can be due to various reasons. Cold and nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis) are among the major causes behind it. These conditions tend to cause swelling and blockage in the nose that may result in loss of smell. There may be partial or complete loss of smell varying from case to case. Cold refers to viral infection of the nose and throat resulting from different kind of viruses among which rhinovirus is the most important virus. Common cold is contagious means it spreads from direct contact with infected persons. It can cause various symptoms that include runny nose, blocked/ stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, PND (post nasal drip means dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat), headache, weakness, body aches and low-grade fever. In some cases, it can result in loss of smell and taste as well. Nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis) refer to an overreaction of the immune system to an inhaled allergen like dust mites, pollens, etc. It results in symptoms including watery nasal discharge, sneezing, itching in the nose, blocked nose, and red watery itchy eyes. In long-term cases, a reduced power of smell may be noted along with the above symptoms.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a natural and very effective treatment for cases of loss of smell from cold and allergies. The homeopathic medicines used for treating these cases are prepared from natural substances so do not have any side effects. They help in improving the sense of smell by treating the root cause behind it. Along with loss of smell, they also manage well any associated symptoms like nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal dryness, post nasal discharge and blocked nose. Homeopathic medicines for treating loss of smell are selected based on the individual symptoms in each and every case. It is recommended to consult a homeopathic physician before taking any homeopathic medicine to treat loss of smell. Self-medication should be avoided in all cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Loss Of Smell From Cold And Allergies

1. Pulsatilla – Top Recommended Medicine

Pulsatilla is a highly recommended medicine for managing loss of smell in cases of cold. A very characteristic feature for using this medicine is thick yellow green discharge from the nose. Nose feels blocked, pressure is felt at the root of the nose. Nose may be sore to touch. Pain in the forehead can also attend. A constant tickling sensation can be felt in the nose. This is attended with violent sneezing in most of the cases. Along with loss of smell, there is also loss of taste where this medicine is required. It can be accompanied with loss of appetite.

2. Calcarea Carb – For Loss Of Smell With Dry, Blocked Nose

Calcarea Carb is the next well-indicated medicine for managing loss of smell. In cases needing this medicine, there is dryness and blockage of the nose at night. There is difficulty in breathing through nose at night. Yellow nasal discharge flows during the day. In some cases, nasal discharge is blood-stained as well. In addition to the above complaints, there may be constant sneezing in the morning on waking up. There may be bleeding from the nose in the morning.

3. Silicea – For Loss Of Smell And Taste

Silicea is a prominently indicated medicine for treating cases of loss of smell and taste accompanying cold. There is nasal blockage. Thick green yellow foul discharge may flow from the nose. Itching is felt in the nose. There is swelling in the nostrils. In some cases, the nose becomes dry with crusts inside. There may be alteration between dryness and discharge from nose. The inflammation of frontal sinus (frontal sinusitis) may be seen. Throbbing pain is felt in the forehead. Sometimes pain from the tip of the nose extends to the forehead.

4. Natrum Mur – For Loss Of Smell With Profuse, Clear Nasal Discharge

It is a very important medicine used in cases of cold and nasal allergies. It also works very effectively for managing cases of loss of smell with clear-white profuse nasal discharge. There is frequent sneezing. Nasal discharge and sneezing are worse in the morning. The nostrils are swollen with difficulty in breathing through the nose. Burning sensation is felt in the nose. Headache occurs almost daily in the morning on waking up.

5. Phosphorus – For Loss Of Smell With Alternate Nasal Discharge And Blockage

Phosphorus is a useful medicine for cases of loss of smell with nasal discharge and blocked nose alternating each other. There may be discharge from one nostril and blockage of the other at a given time. The nasal discharge is yellow green or blood streaked where this medicine is needed. In some cases, the nasal discharge dries up to form crusts and sticks in the nose. Sore pain is felt in the nostrils on touching the nose. There may also be a tendency of recurrent bleeding from the nose. One may feel a sore throat. There is loss of taste most of the times.

6. Hepar Sulph – With Nasal Discharge And Burning In Nostrils

Hepar Sulph is a helpful medicine for cases of loss of smell with nasal discharge and burning in the nose. The nasal discharge is yellow and sticky. Pain is felt in the nose that also affects the eyes. Nose feels blocked in the morning. Crusts and scabs can be present in the nose. Itching is felt in the nose that leads to sneezing. In some cases, mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat (PND). The mucus can be blood stained.

7. Kali Bichrome – For Loss Of Smell With Ropy Stringy Nasal Discharge

This medicine can be considered in cases of loss of smell with ropy, stringy discharge from the nose. The discharge is thick and yellowish or greenish in color. The nose feels blocked along with the above symptoms. There is difficulty in breathing through the nose due to blockage. Pain or pressure is felt at the root of the nose. There is intense sneezing in the morning. Kali Bichrome is also a leading homeopathic medicine for managing cases of sinusitis.

8. Arsenic Album – With Watery Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Album is of great help when there is loss of smell and watery discharge from the nose. The nose feels blocked even if there is free flow of nasal discharge. Burning and itching in the nostrils is well marked. There is frequent sneezing along with the above complaints.

9. Psorinum – For Loss Of Smell With Tough Mucus In Nose

Psorinum is yet another homeopathic medicine for managing loss of smell in case of cold. It helps relieve tough mucus from the nose. Soreness is felt in the nose. Nose is sensitive to inhaled air. Sometimes, dry nose is attended with nasal blockage. Along with cold, there is cough with yellow-green expectoration. There may be post nasal dripping means dripping of mucus from the back of nose into throat. It disturbs the most at night.



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What Causes Skin Redness And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Skin redness medically called erythema can occur from a number of reasons. The causes varies from mild to serious, so one should always consult a doctor for correct diagnosis and treatment at the right time. The redness may appear on any part of the body and can be attended with rash/eruptions on the skin, itching, burning sensation and swelling. The redness can occur in spots/patches or can be generally seen on any body part. Out of the many reasons, the first reason can be dermatitis/ eczema. It refers to inflammation on the skin with red, itchy patches. It can be attended with eruptions that may ooze fluid besides showing red inflamed skin. It is of various types like atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis. Another cause can be sunburn in which a rash appears on the skin resulting from excessive exposure to UV rays of the sun. Its signs and symptoms may include redness on skin with heat, pain, sensitivity to touch, fluid-filled eruptions (blisters), and itching. In severe cases there may occur fever, headache and nausea, or vomiting.

Another cause behind red skin can be skin burns from causes like hot liquids, flames, chemicals, acids. Next cause can be rosacea. In this skin condition, there is intense redness/flushing of face that can be attended with pimples on face. Additionally, there is dilatation of the blood vessels over the face that start to become visible. Further causes include lupus, shingles and ringworm. Lupus is an autoimmune condition that can affect multiple body parts including the skin. In case of a skin rash, it occurs mainly on face, scalp and neck. A very characteristic feature of this condition is a red, butterfly-shaped rash on the face. Shingles refers to a viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus resulting in fluid-filled little eruptions on the skin with marked pain, itching, burning, numbness and tingling. Ringworm refers to ring-shaped red patches on the skin resulting from a fungal infection. Another cause can be psoriasis that is a skin condition causing red inflamed patches on the skin covered with silvery white scales. Hives is yet another reason that causes raised bumps (wheals) on skin that can be red-colored and are inflamed. Red rashes can also appear as the side effects of certain medicines, for example pain medicines like aspirin, advil, and antibiotics like penicillin. Skin redness may also occur in cases of insect bites and stings. Besides the above, skin redness can appear in cases of cellulitis, erysipelas and scarlet fever. Cellulitis and erysipelas are skin infections. Among these, erysipelas affects the superficial layers of skin while cellulitis is a serious infection that affects deeper tissues. Scarlet fever is a bacterial illness that can appear in persons who have suffered from strep throat (a type of sore throat caused by group A streptococcus bacteria). In scarlet fever, a bright red rash appears on the skin along with sore throat and high fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing cases of skin redness. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin that are entirely safe to use with zero side effects. They brings excellent results in such cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. Along with skin redness, homeopathic medicines also help in managing associated symptoms like itching, burning, and eruptions on the skin. A suitable homeopathic medicine for skin redness has to be selected in every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation. So one should always consult a homeopathic physician prior to use of any homeopathic medicine for skin redness. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for managing cases of skin redness of mild to moderate intensity. The cases with severe skin redness and those with some serious cause like cellulitis behind skin redness must take help from the conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in helping such serious cases. Self-medication should not be done in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Skin Redness

1. Apis Mellifica – Top Recommended Medicine

Apis Mellifica is a top-listed homeopathic medicine to manage skin redness. In cases needing this medicine, skin redness is attended with heat, burning, stinging sensation. It is also indicated for redness on skin attended with marked swelling. This medicine is of great use in cases of allergic dermatitis. The skin is red, sensitive and painful to touch in such cases. Next it is effective for cases of hives. Here red, inflamed bumps form on the skin. There is burning stinging pain. There is marked itching in the hives. It gets worse at night. The hives are painful to touch where this medicine is required.

2. Belladonna – For Redness, Heat And Dryness On Skin

This medicine is very beneficial for cases of redness on skin with heat and dryness. On touching the skin, it feels burning hot. Itching is also felt along with skin redness. Swelling may be visible on the affected area. This medicine is useful to treat red spots on the skin accompanied with small fluid-filled eruptions. There may be fever along with marked heated sensation in the body. This medicine is very helpful for treating cases of dermatitis with bright red patches on the skin. This medicine also works well in cases of rosacea. In such cases, the face turns red along with burning and heated sensation.

3. Merc Sol – For Skin Redness With Fluid Filled Eruptions

Merc Sol is an effective medicine for treating cases of redness on the skin attended with fluid-filled eruptions. These eruptions ooze a thin clear fluid after which redness remain for a few days. In some cases, pus-filled eruptions may form on the reddish spots on the skin. Merc Sol is very helpful for managing eczema cases with small raised dark red spots on the skin. Eczema can be present on any body part except the face where this medicine is required. It is accompanied with intense itching. Burning sensation is felt that gets worse from touch and rubbing. Pain is felt along with burning.

4. Graphites – For Red Spots On Skin With Itching And Burning

Graphites is a very important medicine for managing cases of red spots on skin attended with intense itching and burning sensation. Red spots appear on the skin which are slightly elevated. Bluish white eruptions may also be seen. Itching is very severe with an urge to scratch it violently. The skin is dry and rough in general.

5. Natrum Mur – For Skin Redness In Eczema And Hives

This medicine is of great help in cases of eczema and hives with marked redness on the skin. In eczema cases, it is used when there is redness, dryness and inflammation on the skin. Crusty eruptions may form in the bends of limbs like elbow crease and area behind the knees. In cases of hives, it is indicated when large red bumps appear on skin with an urge for violent itching. Besides, there is burning sensation. Hives usually appear after exertion where this medicine is required.

6. Sepia – For Red Spots In Psoriasis Cases

Sepia is very suitable for managing cases of red spots on skin in cases of psoriasis. In cases requiring it, oval shaped red patches are seen on the skin covered with white shiny scales. The patches can be present on the face, head, arms, legs, chest, and back.



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What Causes Throat Pain And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Throat pain sometimes becomes a nagging problem for some. It could arise from several causes. Firstly, infections can lead to throat pain. The infections that result in throat pain usually are viral (like flu and cold virus) but may also be bacterial (like strep throat). Strep throat refers to throat infection resulting from bacteria named streptococcus pyogenes bacteria. These cases require urgent medical help as it has a risk of certain complications (like inflamed kidneys or joints, pus behind tonsils, damage to heart valve) if not treated soon. It can next arise in cases of allergies. Another cause can be sinus infections. Acid reflux (GERD) may also cause throat pain. Acid reflux refers to rethe flux of stomach acid back in the throat due to malfunctioning of lower esophageal sphincter. The stomach acid can irritate and inflame the throat resulting in pain. Smoking, air pollution, throat dryness, PND (post nasal discharge i.e. dripping of mucus from the back of nose into the throat), inflamed larynx, muscle strain of the throat as from loud talking, injury to the throat, surgeries on throat or diagnostic procedures like endoscopy. Rarely tumours or cancer of the throat can result in throat pain.

It can be attended with other signs and symptoms varying from case to case. These include redness, swelling in the throat and tonsils, itching, irritation or scratching in the throat, burning in throat, dryness in the throat, pain in the throat while swallowing, white spots or pus points on the tonsils, voice hoarseness. Besides, cold, runny nose, sneezing, cough, fever, headache, body aches and weakness may be experienced depending on the cause behind it.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can help wonderfully in managing throat pain. Homeopathic medicines boost the natural healing mechanism of the body to overcome issues that are causing throat pain. These medicines go to the root cause of throat pain and bring natural relief. Besides managing throat pain, they also bring relief in itching, irritation or scratching in throat, redness, swelling of throat and tonsils, dryness/burning in throat, white spots or pus points on tonsils, fever. These medicines are 100% natural remedies without any kind of side effects. They are effective for acute as well as chronic cases of throat pain. The suitable medicines for these cases have to be selected separately for every case after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptoms. So prior to taking any homeopathic medicine, it is advised to get any case of throat pain evaluated by a homeopathic doctor and take medicine under doctor’s supervision. Self-medication should not be done in any case. In cases of throat pain from strep throat, help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as complications may occur and homeopathy can not help in such cases independently.

Homeopathic Medicines For Throat Pain

1. Belladonna – Top Remedy

Belladonna is the topmost homeopathic medicine to manage cases of throat pain. In cases needing it, pain in the throat gets worse on swallowing. Swallowing of liquids is more painful than solids. Swallowing of saliva is also painful. There is also dryness of the throat. Heated sensation and constriction is felt in the throat. On examination, there is redness in throat and tonsils. The tonsils are swollen and enlarge.  Short, dry cough can also occur. It is also indicated for pain in the throat attended with fever. Fever can attend above complaints. During fever, heat is felt on the entire body, especially on the face and the head. Heat is followed by a cold feeling. Belladonna is most prominently indicated to manage recent cases of throat pain in the very beginning of the complaint.

2. Hepar Sulph – For Throat Pain Extending To Ears

This is a very effective medicine for managing cases where throat pain radiates to ears. The pain is worse when swallowing solid food. Usually stitching type of pain occurs. A very characteristic feature that attends is the sensation of a splinter (a tiny sharp glass or wood piece broken form a large piece) or plug of mucus in the throat. Redness in the throat along with enlarged red follicles can be seen when throat is examined. Cough may be present with thick yellow expectoration. Fever along with chills and shivering may be present.

3. Merc Sol – With Excessive Salivation In Mouth

Merc Sol is a beneficial medicine when there is pain in the throat along with increased saliva in the mouth. Offensive smell emanates from the mouth. Pain may extend to ears. The throat is swollen, bluish-red. Ulcers or white spots can be seen in the throat. Fever may be present with alternate heat and shivering. Profuse sweating also occurs which has an offensive odour.

4. Phytolacca – With Burning Sensation In The Throat

This medicine is highly suitable for pain attended with burning sensation in the throat. It may feel as if burning is occurring as from coal of fire in the throat. There is marked difficulty in swallowing even water. Drinking hot drinks worsens the pain. The throat is dry. The throat looks dark red or bluish. There is swelling, enlargement of tonsils that look bluish, dark red or dark purple. A lump sensation in throat can be there with a constant urge to swallow.

5. Merc Iodatus Ruber – For Left-Sided Throat Pain

This medicine is prominently indicated for left-sided throat pain. The throat looks dark red and left-sided tonsils are markedly swollen. There is coughing along with the above symptoms. There is an urge to hawk along with a lump sensation in the throat. There is mucus in throat. The uvula is elongated.

6. Merc Iod Flavus – To Help Right-Sided Throat Pain

For right-sided throat pain, this medicine proves very effective. The throat is swollen on the right side. The tonsils are also swollen. There is relief from drinking cold drinks. Lump is felt in the throat. Ulcers are present on the back of the throat. There is thick, sticky mucus in the throat.

7. Lac Can – For Pain Throat From Left To Right Side

Lac Caninum works well when pain throat starts from left then goes to right side. Pain is worse when swallowing and may extend to the ears. Pricking sensation is felt in the throat as if it is full of sticks. Follicles are formed in the throat covered with whitish cream colored mucus. The tonsils are enlarged, shiny, deep red in color. White ulcers can be present on the tonsils. A very important indication for its use is pain in the throat before and during menses.

8. Lycopodium – For Pain Throat From Right To Left Side

Lac Caninum is a well-indicated medicine when pain starts from the right side of the throat, then goes to the left side. Stitching type of pain occurs in the throat. Sharp pains also occurs while swallowing. There is worsening of pain from cold drinks and relief from warm drinks. There is dryness in the throat with no feeling of thirst. Ulcers may appear on tonsils starting from the right side.

9. Kali Bichrome – With Excessive Thick Mucus In Throat

This medicine is highly recommended when there is throat pain accompanied with thick mucus in the throat. The mucus is very sticky and ropy that comes out in the form of a long thread from the mouth. The discharge collects in the throat from the back of the nose (post-nasal discharge). Ulcers appear on the tonsils and throat. Burning sensation is felt in the throat along with the above complaints.



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Best 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Nausea And Vomiting During Menses

There are several complaints that women face during menses. One among these is nausea and vomiting. This might occur due to hormonal changes that occur during menses or an underlying medical condition. The most important reason behind it is dysmenorrhea (painful menses or menstrual cramps). Menstrual cramps can lead to nausea. An increase in the levels of prostaglandins (hormone-like substances responsible for uterine contractions) results in abdomen pain during menses. This could be attended by other symptoms like nausea, dizziness, headache and diarrhea (loose stool). Another reason can be pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID refers to an inflammation in the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes from an infection. It usually results from some sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia and gonorrhea. The symptoms of PID include vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, abdomen pain, nausea, vomiting, painful sex, fever and chills.

 Another cause can be premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS refers to a set of symptoms occurring one to two weeks before periods due to hormonal changes. These symptoms get carried on to the start of periods and go away after some days. Its symptoms include breast pain and soreness, painful menses, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, headache, mood swings, weeping episodes, irritability, anxiety, backache and sleep problems. The painful menstrual cramps can bring on nausea in some cases. It is severe form of PMS called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) that occurs from hormonal changes and can also lead to nausea. The last reason could be endometriosis.

Endometriosis refers to a medical condition in which there is growth of endometrial tissue, that normally lines the mucous membrane of uterus, in some areas other than the uterus. These areas include fallopian tubes, ovaries, rectum, urinary bladder and the intestines. This can result in pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding with clots, painful periods, painful urination, painful intercourse (dyspareunia), pain in the rectum and bleeding from the urinary bladder or rectum at the same time when menstrual bleeding occurs. Here the pain during menses could be intense resulting in nausea.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very natural and effective management for cases of nausea and vomiting during menses. These medicines help in managing acute conditions. Besides bringing relief in acute cases, these medicines help to overcome the chronic tendency of this complaint by targeting the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines gradually help in reducing the intensity and frequency of this complaint in chronic cases. Homeopathic medicines for these cases vary from one case to another as per the individual symptom. So always consider taking any of the homeopathic medicines under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor. One should never self-medicate with any of the homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines For Nausea And Vomiting During Menses

1. Pulsatilla – Top Ranking Medicine

Pulsatilla is a top recommended medicine to manage nausea and vomiting during menses. In most cases needing this medicine, nausea is worse at night. It could be attended with heartburn (burning sensation in the middle of chest behind the sternum i.e. breastbone). At night, water may come out of the mouth. Cutting pain is felt in the lower abdomen. The pain is worse when the menstrual bleeding is profuse. During pain, one feels chilly along with a backache. Headache also occurs during menses along with blurred vision. Sadness and weeping are the other attending symptoms.

2. Sepia – For Painful Menses With Nausea And Vomiting

Sepia is prominently indicated when there are very painful menses with nausea and vomiting. The menstrual flow is scanty where this medicine is required. One-sided headache can be felt. There is excessive weakness along with these complaints besides a desire to lie down. Constipation is yet another complaint that can arise during menses. Loss of appetite, burping, a pressure feeling in the forehead, bearing down sensation in the pelvis, sadness and soreness of the limbs can also occur.

3. Nux Vomica – With Early And Profuse Menses

Nux Vomica is a very effective medicine when early and profuse menses occurs along with nausea and vomiting. The vomiting contains sour matter. The menses last for a relatively longer duration. The menstrual bleeding is dark-colored in most cases. Nausea is most marked in the morning. Cramps are felt in the uterine region. Pressing pain extends from the uterus to the navel or stomach attended with intense nausea. Chilliness is also felt. There may be a constant urge to pass stool. A pressure feeling is felt in the forehead and top of the head, in addition to the above complaints.

4. Ipecac – For Heavy Periods With Nausea, Vomiting

Ipecac is a highly suitable medicine for managing cases of heavy periods with nausea and vomiting. In cases needing it, nausea is almost constant in nature. It is not relieved even after vomiting. The menstrual bleeding is bright red. Cutting pain is felt in the abdomen with every movement. A pressure feeling is felt in the urinary bladder and rectum. Excessive weakness is felt after menses.

5. Kali Carb – With Abdominal Distension And Burping

Kali carb is of great use for managing cases of nausea and vomiting during menses accompanied by abdominal distension and burping. There is foul taste in the mouth along with this. Pain in the abdomen and back also attends to it. In the abdomen, cutting type of pain is felt. Back pain is felt as if from a heavy weight. Before menses sour burping and shooting pain in the abdomen can be felt.

6. Lycopodium – For Nausea With Abdomen Pain

This medicine is indicated for cases of nausea along with abdomen pain occurring during menses. There also appears to be frequent acid in the mouth where this medicine is needed. Headache and tiredness also occurs during menses. Nausea may also be present before menses. Distension of the abdomen due to excessive gas formation can also be there before the onset of the periods. Other complaints before menses include sadness, heaviness of the legs and feet, headache and severe backache.

7. Phosphorus – For Nausea And Backache During Menses

This medicine is highly recommended when there is nausea and severe pain in the back during menses. The backache is so intense that it feels as if the back is broken. During menses, feet and hands become noticeably cold. Excessive sleepiness attends the above complaints. Sometimes cutting pain is felt in the left ovarian region. The menses appear early and are profuse and bright red colored.

8. Viburnum Opulus – For Nausea With Cramping Pain In Uterus

This medicine is useful for managing nausea with cramping pain in the uterus. Pain from the uterus extends down the thighs. There is restlessness. Menstrual flow is thin and scanty and occurs intermittently. The menstrual bleeding stops for several hours and then occurs in the form of clots.

9. Calcarea Carb – For Nausea And Ineffectual Straining At Stool

This medicine is indicated when there is nausea and ineffectual straining while passing stool during menses. There is pain in the abdomen and the back. Cutting type of pain occurs in the abdomen. Pain may be felt in the head, neck, hip bones, and arms as well. Anxiety and restlessness accompany these complaints. Menses occur early, are heavy and last for a long time. Vertigo can occur during menses.



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Causes of blood clots during menstrual bleeding and its Homeopathic Remedies

Many females pass small clots during menstrual bleeding once in a while and that is absolutely normal. These are composed of tissues of the uterine lining, blood cells, mucus and proteins. But passing large clots frequently during menses could arise from some medical condition that needs to be diagnosed and treated. The first medical reason behind it is uterine fibroids. These are benign (non – cancerous) growths made of muscle and connective tissue in the uterus. Fibroids can cause passage of blood clots in the menstrual blood along with other symptoms including prolonged periods, pelvic pain, menstrual cramps, intermenstrual bleeding, painful intercourse, back pain and pain in the legs.

Another cause could be endometriosis. It refers to the growth of endometrial tissue, normally lining the mucous membrane of uterus, in areas other than uterus like in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, rectum, intestines and the urinary bladder. It can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding with clots, painful periods, pelvic pain, painful urination, painful intercourse, pain in the rectum and bleeding from the urinary bladder or rectum at the same time as that of menstrual bleeding.

Blood clots may also arise in cases of uterine polyps (small soft fleshy growths developing in the lining of the uterus). Blood clots may also pass during heavy bleeding at menopause time. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) could also lead to heavy bleeding with clots. Another reason is adenomysosis (a condition in which endometrial tissue of the uterus grows in the muscle wall of the uterus). Its symptoms include heavy menstrual bleeding with clots, long duration of menstrual bleeding, painful periods, painful intercourse, bleeding in between the periods and bloating. Rest of the reasons might include thyroid disorders, bleeding disorders (like platelet function disorders and von Willebrand’s disease which is a bleeding disorder in which blood does not clot properly) and cancer of the uterus or the cervix.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to manage passing of blood clots during menstrual bleeding. By treating the root cause behind the blood clots during menses homeopathic medicines bring excellent results. Along with blood clots, any attending symptoms are also well managed with homeopathic medicines like heavy menstrual bleeding, intermenstrual bleeding(bleeding in between the periods), pain during menses and early periods before time. Homeopathic medicines for treating this condition are made of natural substances, hence are very safe to use without any toxic side effects. Homeopathic prescription to treat passing blood clots during menses varies from case to case based on the cause behind it and characteristic individual symptoms. So any of these medicines should be taken under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor after detail case evaluation and self-medication should be avoided. Some of the causes behind blood clots during periods can be quite serious so it is advised to always get your case evaluated by a doctor to find out the reason behind it and its appropriate timely treatment. In case of serious causes, it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has a limitation in handling such cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Blood Clots During Menstrual Bleeding

1. Sabina – Top Recommended Medicine

Sabina is the most prominent medicine in homeopathy to manage complaint of passing blood clots during menstrual bleeding. This medicine is used when the menstrual bleeding is partly fluid and party clotted. The bleeding is quite heavy, bright red and the clots are dark in colour. The slightest motion makes the bleeding worse. The blood has a foul smell in most of the cases. The menses may last for longer duration than normal. Bleeding is attended with pain. The characteristic feature of pain is that it extends from the sacrum (a bone at the bottom of the spine formed by the fusion of five sacral vertebrae) to the pubes (lower abdomen area in front of the pelvis). In cases needing this medicine, intermenstrual bleeding can also occur medically called metrorrhagia. Sabina is a top-ranked medicine for managing cases of uterine fibroids.

2. Thlaspi – For Heavy, Prolonged Periods With Clots

Thlaspi is an effective medicine to manage heavy, prolonged periods with blood clots in the bleeding. The bleeding is bright red. The periods tend to last anytime between 8 to 15 days. The periods may also have a tendency to come early before the time. The females needing it haven’t even recovered from previous periods when the next periods start. Periods cause exhaustion. Like Sabina, this medicine is also indicated for treating uterine fibroids.

 3. China – With Distended Abdomen

China is a highly beneficial medicine for managing clots in the menstrual bleeding with distension of the abdomen. The menses come early in cases needing it and also occur with heavy flow with dark clots. The menstrual blood is dark. After menses there occurs great weakness and trembling.

4. Platina – With Pain In Abdomen

Platina is a well-indicated medicine for managing pinching pain in the abdomen during bleeding. Dark-clotted bleeding occurs during menses. The menses occur early and last for short time. The flow is thick with foul smell. Bearing down sensation is felt in the uterus.

5. Crocus Sativus – For Dark Clotted Stringy Bleeding

This medicine is recommended to manage cases of dark clotted stringy bleeding during menses. The menses though come at proper time but last for a long duration. The bleeding is also profuse. Pain during the periods also occurs. The bleeding is attended with headache, backache, vertigo and weakness also. There is also tendency to intermenstrual bleeding with dark stringy bleeding in clots where this medicine is required.

6. Pulsatilla – For Late Periods With Clots

This medicine is recommended when periods occur late with passing of blood clots. Flow is more during daytime when walking. The bleeding is dark and thick. There is pain during menses with a chilly feeling. There is tendency of irregular periods in most of the cases requiring this medicine.

7. Ipecac – When Attended With Nausea And Vomiting

Ipecac is a well-indicated medicine for heavy bleeding with blood clots attended with nausea and vomiting. With every effort to vomit, bleeding increases. Cutting type of pain around the navel is also present in cases needing it. Pressure over the uterus is also felt. Headache and dizziness may attend the above-mentioned  complaints. The periods may occur several times in a month with bleeding in large clots. Weakness occurs after menses.

8. Cyclamen – For Early Black-Clotted Menses

This medicine is useful for managing early black-clotted menstrual bleeding. The bleeding is profuse and occurs frequently. Bleeding is less when moving about. Before menses, the abdomen is swollen and bloated. During menses, pain is felt in the lower back that radiates to the abdomen and pubes.

9. Murex – For Irregular Heavy Menses With Large Clots

Murex is helpful when there is irregular, heavy menses with passage of large clots in the bleeding. Pain is also felt during periods. The uterus feels sore. There is weakness and pain in the back. A downward pressure in the uterine region occurs. This medicine is also indicated when large blood clots pass during bleeding at the time of menopause.



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