Piles indicates dilated, enlarged, swollen, inflamed veins in or around the anus or in the lower rectum. Depending on the location, they can be divided into external and internal piles. External piles refers to the piles that develops under the skin surrounding the anus. They are visible as little lumps outside the anus and one can feel them on the anus. However, internal piles form inside the anus or in the rectum and are not visible from outside. Several factors play a role in piles. The first and most important one among these is straining to pass stool. This occurs in cases of constipation. Reduced intake of fiber, drinking less water, prolonged sitting, and predisposition to constipation increase the risk of piles. Some other factors that increase the risk of piles include being overweight (obese), old age, lifting heavy weights, pregnancy and having a family history of piles. Piles may also form in cases of long-term diarrhea. Besides a lump on the exterior of the anus, other symptoms can attend in external piles. First among these is pain. External piles are highly painful as it appears on the outside of anus which is a sensitive area very rich in nerves. Other signs and symptoms that can attend it include tenderness (i.e. pain on touch), itching, bleeding and oozing of mucus discharge from the piles. In some cases, blood clot may form in the piles and form a hard lump with intense pain. Such piles are known as thrombosed piles.
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathic medicines offer a very natural, safe and effective treatment for treating cases of external piles. Homeopathic medicines aim at reducing the swelling of veins around the anus and improving the blood flow to help treat this condition. Along with this homeopathic medicines decrease the intensity and frequency of symptoms in this complaint. It can effectively manage pain, tenderness, burning, itching in piles and also bleeding from piles. Homeopathic medicines for this complaint are prescribed individually as per the symptom presentation. It is recommended to get any case of external piles evaluated by a homeopathic physician and take medicines as per the physician’s advice. Self-medication should be avoided in any case. In cases of extreme pain one should take help from conventional mode of treatment as it may indicate thrombosed piles needing immediate intervention.
Homeopathic medicines for External piles
1. Aesculus – Leading Medicine
Aesculus is a top-rated homeopathic medicine for managing cases of external piles. There is marked pain in the piles where this medicine is required. The nature of pain is sharp, shooting, cutting or burning type. The pain occurs after passing stool and remains for many hours after passing stool. The pain gets worse while standing and walking. There is a sensation of sharp sticks in the rectum which is a very important attending feature. The person suffers from constipation along with the passage of hard, dry stool with difficulty. Itching is felt in the anus. At times, stinging sensation occurs at the anus along with the above symptoms.
2. Aloe Socotrina – For Piles With Pain
Aloe Socotrina is the next highly effective medicine to manage external piles. In cases needing it, the piles appear outside the anus and resembles a bunch of grapes. It is attended with marked pain. There is relief in pain by cold water application on the anus. Pricking sensation is felt in the anus after passing stool. The piles are painful to touch. Itching is also felt in the piles. There is burning sensation in the piles. Itching and burning disturbs sleep at night. In addition to the above, there is a frequent urge to pass stool. Fullness sensation is well marked in the anus.
3. Muriatic Acid – For Piles That Are Painful To Touch
Muriatic Acid is a well-suited medicine for managing cases of external piles that are very painful to touch. The slightest touch causes pain on the anus. Stitching pain is marked in the piles in most cases. There is relief in pain by warm applications. The piles appears blue or reddish blue and swollen. Burning may also be felt at the anus. Bleeding may also occur from the piles. Weakness can attend it. After passing stool, itching may be felt at the anus.
4. Nux Vomica – For Piles With Constipation
Nux Vomica is highly valuable to manage cases of external piles along with constipation. There is a constant ineffectual urge to pass stool where this medicine is indicated. There is a passage of scanty stool many times a day along with a feeling of unsatisfactory stool. Burning sensation is felt on the anus along with the above indications. Burning increases from the least touch on the anus. There is pain and itching at the anus. These get relieved from cold water application on the anus. Bleeding may also occur from the piles in some of the cases needing Nux Vomica.
5. Hamamelis – To Control Bleeding From Piles
This medicine is the topmost medicine for the management of bleeding from piles. Bleeding is attended with weakness in cases needing this medicine. There is soreness and burning at the anus along with bleeding. Fullness and weight in the anus is felt along with the above complaints.
6. Sulphur – For Piles With Marked Itching
Sulphur is a very beneficial medicine to treat cases of piles with excessive itching which gets worse at night. Due to this, sleep is disturbed. Burning sensation also occurs at night along with itching. Besides, throbbing and shooting pain is felt in the anus during and after passing stool. The pain gets worse while lying down and gets better while standing. There is constipation with a continuous urge to pass stool.
7. Nitric Acid – For Piles With Bleeding And Pain
This medicine can be used when the piles bleed and cause pain. The nature of pain in anus is cutting type. Pain is felt after passing stool. Itching is felt at the anus besides the above symptoms. There is constipation with excessive straining to pass stool but only little passes.
8. Paeonia – With Anal Pain Continuing For Long Hours After Stool
Paeonia is a useful medicine for managing external piles with anal pain that remains for long hours after passing stool. The anus is swollen and is also attended with itching. There is burning at the anus along with the above features. There is oozing of fluid from the anus.
9. Arsenic Album – For Piles With Burning Pain
This medicine is highly recommended for external piles with marked burning pain. Burning is intense like fire. The burning is worse at night. This disturbs sleep at night. Stitching type of pain is also felt in the piles where this medicine is required. The pain is worse while sitting or walking.
10. Antimonium Crudum – For Piles Oozing Mucus
Antimonium Crudum is an important medicine for dealing with cases of piles that ooze mucus discharge. The discharge leaves a yellow stain. It is attended with prickling sensation on the anus. Burning on the anus also attends it.
11. Causticum – For Hard Piles Painful To Touch
This medicine is considered in cases of hard piles that are painful to touch. The piles are also painful while walking, standing or sitting. The pain gets better after passing stool. There is marked itching in the piles. Burning and stinging are also felt at the anus.