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Tension Headaches – Homeopathic Treatment

Of all the types of headaches, the tension-type is the most common. About 80 percent of people who suffer frequent headaches are victims of tension headaches. In most cases, a tension headache is a dull, steady ache or a feeling of tightness or pressure on both sides of the head. The symptoms may be felt in the back of the neck and the head, in the temples, or as if there were a too-tight band circling the forehead. There appears a diffused, dull pain in the head. Homeopathic medicines for tension headache give relief during an acute attack and also helps treat the chronic tendency of such headaches. The top homeopathic medicines used to treat tension headaches include Kali Phos, Cimicifuga Racemosa, and Gelsemium Sempervirens.        homeopathic medicines for tension headache

Tension headaches are also known as stress headaches and are triggered by stress. People of any age group can be affected, but a headache due to stress is commonly seen in late teens and adults.
Tension headaches are divided into two groups- episodic tension headache and chronic tension headache.
When tension headaches appear for less than 15 days in a month for three months, they are called episodic tension headache. Chronic tension headaches are the ones that occur for 15 or more than 15 days every month for three months.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Tension Headache

Homeopathy carries an excellent scope to treat tension headaches. Initially, homeopathic medicines help provide relief in an acute attack of a tension headache. Following this, these medicines help treat chronic tendencies of tension headaches. Homeopathy medicine for tension headache can reduce the intensity and frequency of the symptoms. The medicines are selected individually for every case of a tension headache based on the characteristic symptoms and the triggering factors.

1.  Kali Phos – Top Homeopathic Medicine for Tension Headache

Kali Phos is top grade medicine for tension headache triggered by stress, anxiety and emotional disturbances. It also works well in case a tension headache is linked to depression. Symptoms like sadness, excessive weeping, weakness, exhaustion, a sensation of a heavyweight in the back of the head and sensitivity to noise indicate the need for Kali Phos.

2. Cimicifuga Racemosa – For Tension Headache with Contracted Neck Muscles

Cimicifuga Racemosa is a medicine prepared from the roots of a plant named ‘black cohosh’ of natural order Ranunculaceae. It is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for a tension headache with contracted neck muscles. The pain is present in the entire head and radiates to back of the neck and the shoulders. This is attended with soreness of the neck and shoulders.

3. Gelsemium Sempervirens – For Tension Headache with a Band Sensation around the Head

Gelsemium Sempervirens is a natural medicine prepared from the plant yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family Loganiaceae, and bark of its root is used to make the medicine. This medicine is used for tension headaches where the person feels as if a band is tied tightly across the forehead. Along with this, there is a dull pain in the head. A sensation of weight, pressure, and heaviness in the head is also present. In most cases, pain begins in neck muscles that extend over the entire head. Applying pressure and sleeping tends to relieve the headache.

Other Significant Medicines

4. Epiphegus – For Tension Headache Triggered by Overexertion and Fatigue

Epiphegus is a medicine prepared from the fresh plant named ‘beech drop’ of the order Orobanchaceae. It is a prominent medicine to treat a tension headache triggered by overexertion and fatigue. A headache appears in the temples of the head. Hunger may precede a headache. A peculiar feature is increased salivation with constant spitting. Good sleep may bring relief from the headache.

5. Glonoinum – For Tension Headache Triggered by Sun

Glonoinum is a beneficial medicine for tension headache triggered by sunlight. A headache in the front, back of the head and also behind the ears appears. In some cases, there is a pain in the nape of the neck that extends to the top of the head. Congestion, heat, and soreness are felt in the head. The headache may get better after sleep.

6. Nux Vomica – For Tension Headache Triggered by Alcohol

Nux Vomica is a highly recommended medicine for tension headache triggered by alcohol intake. The pain appears on the forehead, vertex (top of head) and occiput (back of the head). Mental irritability, scalp sensitivity on touch, and mental strain triggering a tension headache are the main symptoms indicating the need for Nux Vomica. This medicine is also suitable for treating tension headache that gets triggered by the intake of coffee.

7. Ignatia Amara – For Tension Headache Triggered by Smoking

Ignatia Amara is a suitable medicine for a tension headache triggered by smoking. Sometimes smelling tobacco may also trigger a tension headache. The pain from the head may extend down the neck. This may be attended with a tender scalp. Stooping may worsen a headache. Sleeplessness may also be present. Ignatia Amara is also recommended for tension headaches associated with depression.

8. Belladonna – For Tension Headache from Cold and Sinus Infection

Belladonna is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named ‘deadly nightshade.’ The natural order of this plant is Solanaceae. It is a very useful medicine for tension headache that develops from cold and sinus infections. Fullness in the head, pain in forehead, back and side of the head, fluent coryza (inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose) and sneezing are the characteristic symptoms. Light and noise may worsen the headache, while pressure tends to relieve the headache.

9. Lycopodium Clavatum – For Tension Headache Triggered by Skipping Meals

Lycopodium Clavatum is a medicine prepared from the plant ‘club moss’ belonging to the family Lycopodiaceae. It works well for tension headaches triggered by skipping or missing meals. Symptoms include a headache in the back of the head and over the eyes. Pain from the head may extend down the neck with weakness. This is attended with soreness of the scalp. It may get better by lying down.

10. Ruta Graveolens – For Tension Headache due to Eye Strain

Ruta Graveolens is a medicine recommended for tension headaches triggered by eye strain. It is a plant-based medicine prepared from the plant ‘garden rue’ belonging to the family Rutaceae. Pressure in the forehead, pain in the forehead that extends to the temples, aching eyes, a pressure in the eye orbits, heat in the head, anxiety, and restlessness are the characteristic symptoms that indicate towards this medicine.

11. Coffea Cruda – For Tension Headache Triggered by Noise

Coffea Cruda is a well-indicated medicine for tension headache triggered by noise. The head feels tight, and there is a heaviness in the forehead above eyes. Motion and light tend to worsen the headache. A tension headache that is triggered by certain smells is also treated with Coffea Cruda.

12. Carbolic Acid – For Tension Headache with Scalp Tenderness

Carbolic Acid is a prominent medicine for tension headache attended with scalp tenderness. There is a headache with a sensation as if a tight band is stretched over the forehead from temple to temple. There is fullness in the head with dull aching. The scalp is tender to touch, and there may be a pain in the neck.

Main Causes of Tension Headaches

The exact reason behind a tension headache is not clear, but tensed or contracted muscles of head, scalp, and neck is thought to be a reason. They usually result from the contraction of neck and scalp muscles. One cause of this muscle contraction is a response to stress, depression or anxiety. Any activity that causes the head to be held in one position for a long time without moving can cause such headaches. Such activities include typing or the use of computers, fine work with the hands, and the use of a microscope. Sleeping in a cold room or sleeping with the neck in an abnormal position can also trigger this type of headache. Other causes include eye-strain, fatigue, alcohol use, excessive smoking, excessive use of caffeine, sinus infection, nasal congestion, over-exertion, colds, dehydration, skipping meals too often and contracting influenza. Tension headaches are not associated with structural lesions in the brain.

Symptoms of Tension Headache

The main symptoms of a tension headache include a dull, aching pain in the whole head (and not localized in a specific part of the head), a tight band-like sensation around the head, pain in the back of the neck, shoulders along with the entire head, tenderness of scalp, shoulder and neck muscles, tight muscles in neck, scalp, and shoulders, head pain that worsens as the day passes, sensitivity to light and sound, tiredness, irritability, nausea and trouble sleeping.

Managing Tension Headaches

Some methods to manage the symptoms of a tension headache include:

  1. Identifying the trigger factors and trying to avoid them.
  2. Regularly exercising the neck and shoulder muscles.
  3. Managing stress through yoga, meditation, and hobbies.
  4. Maintaining proper posture while sleeping or sitting.
  5. Taking enough sleep.
  6. Maintaining adequate light when doing work like sewing or reading to avoid eye strain that can trigger a tension headache.
  7. Massaging the neck and scalp.
  8. Using a hot compress to relax tensed muscles

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Homeopathic Treatment for Viral Infections

Infections caused by the presence of a virus in the body are known as viral infections. One or more viruses cause these infections, and they are common in clinical practice. Although these infections can affect anyone, children and aged people are more susceptible due to weaker immune systems. Homeopathic treatment for viral infections helps resolve the condition by naturally strengthening the immune system, thereby enabling the body to fight infection.    homeopathic treatment for viral  infections
Some viral infections are self-limiting while others can lead to severe complications. These infections produce debilitating symptoms and affect the day-to-day life of the infected person.
The symptoms vary depending on the organs or systems affected by the virus. The most prominent symptoms include high fever and severe body pain with marked weakness. In addition to this, specific symptoms also occur.

How do Viral Infections Spread?

Viral infections are highly contagious and get transferred very quickly by direct or indirect contact. Viral infections of the skin like herpes and chickenpox spread by direct or indirect contact through infectious discharge. This discharge oozes from skin eruptions that are a common symptom of these diseases.

Viral infections of the respiratory system spread through exposure to nasal or respiratory discharges. Discharge is spread while coughing or sneezing, or by direct contact with items like contaminated handkerchief or utensils.

Viral infections can lead to gastroenteritis or hepatitis. Here the spread occurs by ingestion of contaminated food or water. Few viral infections spread by the bite of insects like mosquitoes or ticks. They include hemorrhagic fevers e.g. dengue, chikungunya, etc. There are the sexually transmitted viral infections like AIDS, Hepatitis B, etc. They spread by unprotected intercourse with infected partners. The spread can also occur via blood transfusion.

Symptoms of Viral Infections

The symptoms of a viral infection depend on the nature of the virus, age and health status of the patient, and the organ affected.
However, there are general symptoms present in all viral infections. These include high fever and rising and ebbing temperature accompanied by chilliness. The patient may complain of extreme weakness and fatigue. Marked pain in the head, body-ache, muscle-pain, and joint-pain is also noted.
Nausea and vomiting are some other symptoms associated with viral infections.

Fever is the most common symptom that is present in almost all viral infections. It is the reaction of body’s immune system against foreign bodies, like viruses. It is a worrisome symptom in children and quick-relief is often sought through drugs to lower fever.
Fever-lowering drugs suppress the fever temporarily, but infection inside the body persists.

Homeopathic Treatment for Viral Infections

Conventional drugs do not offer comprehensive treatments for viral infections. Certain viruses like Influenza, HIV, etc. have tendencies to mutate (change) very rapidly, thereby lowering the effectiveness of such medicines. Additionally, viruses quickly develop resistance to these drugs, making the development of preventive medicine somewhat challenging. Conventional medications therefore only provide supportive management and suppression of the symptoms.
Homeopathic treatment for viral infections helps ease the symptoms and also enables the body to heal naturally.

Homeopathy treatment for viral infections is steadily gaining popularity as a natural way to deal with viral infections. These medicines help reduce the frequency and intensity of acute symptoms like weakness, fever, body pain, etc. These help with quick recovery. In some cases, they reduce the chances of further complications. Homeopathy treatment for viral infections treats the symptoms not by suppressing them, but by strengthening the immune system. It activates the body’s natural restorative properties by producing symptoms similar to the ones experienced by the patients. This method helps settle underlying internal disturbances in the body. Homeopathy treatment for viral infections also minimizes the weakness and fatigue commonly encountered as an aftermath of the infection.

Viral infections are highly communicable and spread rapidly from one person to another. Homeopathy treatment for viral infections is also preventative and helps reduce the chances of contracting the infection.

1. Viral Infections that Affect the Skin

The most common viral infections of skin include Herpes simplex infection, warts and eruptive fevers like chickenpox, measles, rubella, etc.

Herpes Simplex

Herpes simplex is a viral infection that can occur in any part of the body. Most common sites include the mouth, face, genitals and anal region. It is of two types – Type 1 and Type 2.
Type-1 is oral herpes that mainly affects mouth and face. It spreads by direct contact with an infected person.
Type-2 is a sexually transmitted infection that affects the genital and anal region. Sores develop in the mouth, face, genital and anal area. General symptoms of fever, body pain are also present. In some cases, the infection may spread to eyes and lead to eye pain, discharge, and grittiness in the eyes.
Homeopathy treatment for viral infections like herpes simplex includes the use of medicines like Natrum Mur, Rhus Tox, and Petroleum.
Natrum Mur is indicated where eruptions develop on the skin during fever. They are filled with fluid and burst eventually, leaving behind a thin crust. They may present around the mouth, or on arms and thighs.
In cases where intolerable itching and burning accompany the herpes simplex infection,  medicine Rhus Tox is used. The patient has an urge to scratch, but scratching provides no relief. Eruptions may contain a yellow-watery fluid.
Petroleum is a medicine for herpes simplex accompanied by itching sores. The eruptions may change into ulcers and be present on the chest, neck, and knee.

Eruptive Fevers

Eruptive fevers, as the name indicates, are viral fevers in which general symptoms are present with characteristic rashes. Chickenpox, measles, and rubella are all eruptive fevers.


The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes chickenpox. It is a highly infectious disease that mostly affects children, but can also affect adults. It spreads through contact with an infected person via sneezing, coughing, saliva, and discharges from rashes.
The symptoms are mild in children and more pronounced in adults.
The symptoms of chickenpox include general symptoms of viral infections along with a typical rash. The rash erupts first on the trunk and face, where it is dense. It then spreads to the limbs.
These rashes are red-colored, itchy blisters filled with fluid with a crust on top.
Every new rash eruption comes with a rise in temperature. Homeopathy treatment for chickenpox includes medicines like Antim Crud and Antim Tart.
Antim crud is used when there is a formation of pustules accompanied by itching. There is soreness upon scratching. The eruptions may ooze out yellowish-green fluid. Eventually, thick crusts may develop and the patient may feel weak.
Antim Tart is another treatment for chickenpox with itching and red rashes. Painful vesicular eruptions may present on the whole body. They may fill up with pus and dry up, forming a brown crust. Fever often occurs with these eruptions.


Herpes zoster (shingles) is a common skin disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. In some cases, the virus is present in the nerves of the body in an inactive form. The virus becomes active and affects the nerves in case the immunity weakens. It leads to painful skin eruptions and is common in adults and old people. General symptoms accompany the development of rash over the length of the nerve. The rash develops in a small band or strip area. As the disease progresses, rashes change into fluid-filled blisters. Pain and itching are present, followed by the formation of a crust. Healing takes between 15-30 days, but the pain may persist for longer.
Treatment for viral infections like herpes zoster includes medicines like Ranunculus bulb, Mezereum, and Clematis. Ranunculus bulb is indicated when the blisters are of bluish –black color. They may fill with fluid and cause extreme burning and itching. Upon bursting, hard crust forms in place of the blister.
Mezereum is used in treatment for shingles with severe neuralgic pains accompanied by itching. It may get worse by touch in most cases. The blisters may burn and form brown scabs that heal slowly.
Clematis is a well-known treatment for long-standing cases of herpes zoster. The eruptions (in cases where this medicine is required) are red, coupled with intense itching that may get worse after washing.


Measles is another highly infectious disease caused by the rubeola virus. It affects children the most and spreads through contact with an infected person. Symptoms include general symptoms of viral infections and a typical reddish-brown rash. Sneezing, watery eyes, and cough may also be present. A characteristic feature is the presence of bluish –white spots in the oral mucosa (koplik spot).
Homeopathy treatment for measles includes medicines like Pulsatilla, Euphrasia, and Morbillinum. Pulsatilla and Euphrasia are given mostly in the catarrhal stage of measles. Severe coryza with redness of eyes and profuse lachrymation (flow of tears) may also be present.
Morbillinum is chiefly a preventive medicine for measles.


Viral warts occur due to infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV). These are harmless growths of the skin that commonly spread through direct contact with an infected person. Warts can occur at any age but are more common among school children. Warts are of various types; like plane warts (with a flat surface) as seen on face and hands, plantar warts on foot soles, filiform warts (with stalk) on the face, and mucosal warts in the mouth or around lips.
Homeopathy treatment for viral infections like warts includes medicines like Thuja, Nitric Acid and Causticum. Thuja is used to treat all types of warts. They are large and mostly appear on the back of their hands.
Warts accompanied by soreness and burning are treated with Causticum. Nitric acid helps in cases where there is pricking pain, bleeding after washing, and warts that are painful to touch. These usually appear on the upper lip.

2. Viral Infections that Affect the Respiratory System

Viral infections of the respiratory system include the common cold, sore throat, sinusitis, influenza, etc.

Common Cold

The common cold and sore throat are the most common viral infections, and every person usually experiences these at least once in a lifetime. These are highly contagious and spread from person to person through sneezing or coughing. Symptoms include a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, stuffy nose, pain in throat, body aches, and fever.
Homeopathy treatment for the common cold includes the use of medicines Allium cepa and Euphrasia. Allium cepa is used in cases where there are profuse acrid nasal discharges accompanied by sneezing. A headache may also be present, along with discharges from eyes. The cold usually appears after exposure to damp winds. Euphrasia is also used to treat the common cold where sneezing accompanies profuse nasal discharges. Irritating eye discharges may also be present.


Influenza is another viral infection of the respiratory system, also known as the flu. The causative virus is influenza virus A and B. Influenza virus is a constantly-changing strain and new strains appear every year. It usually affects young children and old people. People with low immunity, chronic heart or lung disease are more at risk of contracting this virus. It is self-limiting in a few cases while causing severe complications in others. Symptoms of influenza initially resemble the common cold. Fever with a chill, head pain, body pain, congestion of nose and throat, pain in the throat, weakness, running nose, sneezing, watery eyes, etc. are the typical symptoms. These develop suddenly and tend to last longer than the common cold. These symptoms are severe for 3-4 days, but the patient recovers after 7-10 days.
Homeopathy treatment for viral infections like the flu includes medicines like Aconite, Gelsemium, Oscillococcinum, and Influenzinum.
Aconite is indicated in cases where there has been an exposure to drafts of cold, dry winds. The symptoms appear suddenly and with high intensity. The nose becomes stuffy with scanty, watery nasal discharges. Fever may occur, along with restlessness.
Gelsemium treats influenza where dullness and drowsiness accompany typical symptoms, and the patient is prone to contract the virus with the change of weather. The after-effects of influenza remain for a long time. Weakness, along with thin, acrid, watery discharges from the nose, is present. Redness of eyes with watery discharges is also a common symptom.
Influenzinum is a medicine that reduces the intensity of these symptoms. It also prevents the spread of infections. Oscillococcinum is also used to treat and it helps in reducing the duration and severity of symptoms like fever, body pains, headache, etc.

3. Viral Infections that Affect the Gastrointestinal Tract


Rotavirus and Norovirus are the common causes of gastroenteritis (inflammation of stomach and intestines) in infants and young children. These are highly contagious and spread by eating or drinking contaminated food or water. Symptoms of infection include fever, nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea, pain in abdomen, weakness, body pain, etc. In some case, it is self-limiting, and the patient recovers within a few days. However, in other cases, it can cause severe dehydration. Arsenic Album and Nux vomica are the medicines used to treat viral infections of the gastrointestinal tract. Arsenic album is used in cases where diarrhea and vomiting are present with severe burning and restlessness. In most cases, the symptoms get worse after eating and drinking.
Nux vomica treats cases where constant nausea and vomiting are present, and the patient usually feels better after vomiting. Diarrhea, with a constant urge to pass stools is present, but only a small amount excretes at a given time.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is another highly infectious disease caused by the hepatitis A virus. It leads to inflammation of the liver. The virus spreads through contaminated food and water. Symptoms of hepatitis include nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen (usually on the right side), loss of appetite, yellowing of skin and eyes (jaundice), dark-colored urine and clay-colored stool.
Treatment for viral infections like hepatitis includes medicines Chelidonium and Phosphorous.
Both medicines cover all the symptoms of hepatitis. In cases where Chelidonium is used, most patients feel better after eating hot food. Phosphorous is used when all the other symptoms accompany a burning and a desire to eat cold food.

4. Sexually Transmitted Viral Infections

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) refers to the fatal, final stage of the HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) infection.
The immune system weakens as a result of this syndrome. HIV destroys CD 4 T- cells which are essential for a person’s immunity, thus making the patient more prone to common infections.
HIV is sexually transmitted by an infected person to healthy person through unprotected intercourse. It can also spread through sharing of contaminated needles or blood.
The virus also gets transmitted to a growing baby in the womb if the mother is infected. It can spread from an infected mother to her child during delivery or breastfeeding. Initial symptoms occur a few weeks after exposure and resemble a flu-like fever. Lymph glands swell up, but the patient may remain asymptomatic for months, or years before the symptoms become severe.
Treatment for AIDS can currently only delay the associated complications, but complete recovery is not yet possible. The virus is prone to rapid changes, which is why there is a lack of vaccines in the conventional system to prevent infection. These medicines help the body restore its natural healing properties. Homeopathy treatment for viral infections strengthens the body’s immune system. Some medicines used to manage the complications associated with AIDS include Crotalus horridus, Medorrhinum, and Merc Sol.

5. Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers

The most common viral hemorrhagic fever include Dengue and Chikungunya fever. The virus in both infections gets transmitted to a healthy person by the bite of an infectious mosquito. The symptoms of dengue include high temperature and severe body, joint, and muscle pain. Pain in the head and eyes is common, along with nausea, vomiting, and weakness. Rashes also appear on the skin. People with weak immunity or those experiencing a second attack by dengue virus are more likely to have hemorrhages, called dengue hemorrhagic fever. In some cases these are mild, but in other instances, massive hemorrhages may lead to shock. If not managed properly, death may occur.
In Chikungunya fever, all symptoms resemble a common viral illness, but with severe joint pains. Most patients make a full recovery, but joint pains may persist for a few weeks to months.
Homeopathy treatments for viral infections like dengue and chikungunya work on restoring the body’s natural healing systems. Medicines for hemorrhagic fevers include Eupatorium perfoliatum and Gelsemium.
Eupatorium perfoliatum is used to treat severe body and muscular pain.
Gelsemium treats cases of hemorrhagic fever where there is a severe headache. The patient may complain of weakness and dullness, and muscular pains accompany the illness.


Mumps is a highly infectious viral disease caused by the mump virus. It is mainly an infection of salivary glands (most commonly the parotid glands). Mumps spread through direct contact with an infected person via saliva and nasal discharges. Symptoms include painful swelling of the glands, in addition to general symptoms of a viral infection.
Belladonna and parotidinum are the medicines used to treat mumps. Belladonna is used in case the parotid gland is swollen and painful. The glands are very hot and sensitive to touch and may be accompanied by ear pain. Parotidinum is a prophylactic against mumps infection.

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Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Body Pains and Aches

Homeopathic Medicines for Body pains

Homeopathy Remedies are very effective in treating general body pains and aches. These body pains can be general body pains caused by exertion etc or caused by more specific reason like fevers or joint inflammation. As homeopathy is a more symptom-based system of medicine ( this means that symptoms are given more preference over pathological condition while choosing the right remedy ) the medicine set remains quite same for general as well as specific reasons for causing body pains. Homeopathic medicines for body pains are a natural substitute for painkillers. The best feature while using medicine for treating body pains is that they are totally side effect free and are made from naturally occurring plants and substances.

Homeopathic Medicines for Body Pains and Aches

Rhus Toxicodendron, Arnica Montana, Bryonia Alba, Magnesium Phosphorica, Ruta Graveolens, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Causticum, and Colchicum Autumnale are the top medicines for body pains and aches.

1. Rhus Toxicodendron

Rhus Toxicodendron is a natural medicine that occupies the highest rank in treating general body pains and aches. This medicine is prescribed for patients in whom the body aches are worse in resting position and are better by walking. The body pains are accompanied by anxiety and restlessness. The patient feels a need to constantly move to get relief. The body aches are worse on starting to walk after rest but as the patient walks by the aching goes on decreasing gradually. Marked stiffness always accompanies the body aches. This medicine is almost specific if the body pains start after getting wet in rain. Its use is highly recommended in those body pains that are a result of overstraining or overstretching of muscles.

 2. Arnica Montana

Arnica Montana is also an excellent medicine for body aches. This medicine is used where excessive sore bruised aching of body is present. The whole body feels sore as if beaten. The patient requiring arnica finds it difficult to lie down calmly in bed. The bed feels hard on which he lies, which makes him constantly changes. The whole body feels lame. Arnica can very effectively treat the soreness and body aches due to overexertion. This medicine has the great ability to reduce body aches which occur due to injuries either recent or old. Even the joint pains that result out of injury can be treated with this remedy.

3. Bryonia Alba

Bryonia Alba is yet another natural medicine used in homeopathy for treating the general body aches and pains. This medicine gives marvellous results when body pains result from either muscular or joint involvement. The prominent symptom guiding the use of this medicine is –  worsening of the body Pains on the slight motion. The body pains are better on absolute rest. Every part of the body is painful to touch. An increased thirst for large quantity of water is always present in patients requiring this medicine.

4. Magnesium Phosphorica

Magnesium Phosphorica is used for a wide range of body pains and aches. Main Indications for its use are  – severe body pains that are shooting, cutting or stitching in nature.; The severity of  pains are almost unbearable making the person mad. The pains are worse by cold air exposure. Warm application gives relief in body aches. Patient feels better by applying pressure to the parts of body.

5. Ruta Graveolens

This medicine is used for body aches where the whole body feels painful and bruised. The main indications for its use are – All those parts of body on which patient lies are tender.  Extreme weakness is always present with body pains. Patient has a great difficulty on rising from a chair. The lower limbs lack strength. Back pain is more prominent. Patient feels relief in backache by pressure.

6. Gelsemium Sempervirens

Gelsemium Sempervirens is a wonderful natural medicine for treating body aches that are accompanied by dullness and drowsiness.Other main indications for its use are – The whole body feels tired with excessive muscle weakness. Mostly used where pain is present in neck, back and lower limbs. The body pains are attended with weakness from slight exertion. This medicine can also help in relieving the neck and shoulder pain with headache.

7. Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Arnica Montana, Chamomilla and Rhus Toxicodendron – Natural Remedies for Body Pains and Aches during Fever

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the best natural medicine for treating body pains that occur during fever. This is mainly given where the severe and general bone pains predominate. This medicine gives quick relief in the body aches during fever like malaria or influenza. The patient feels as if the whole body is broken down. Arnica Montana is used for sore and bruised type of body aches in fever. Whole body feels lame. Patient feels worse on lying down. The bed feels hard on which the patient lies. Body aches are worse from touch. Chamomilla is an important medicine used for unbearable body aches in fever. Patients requiring Chamomilla are very sensitive to cold air. Such patient turns irritable or violent due to pains. Rhus Toxicodendron is used for body aches in fever that are better by walking and worse at rest.

8. Arnica Montana, Rhus Toxicodendron and Bryonia Alba for Treating Body Aches due to Exertion

The first medicine Arnica Montana is used where the person feels excessive soreness over whole body due to exertion. The body is very sensitive to touch. The bed on which person lies feels hard. Body aches are felt as if someone has beaten the body. The next two medicines Rhus Toxicodendron and Bryonia Alba are both natural remedies for the treatment of body aches due to exertion. The main indicating feature for selecting the medicine out of these two for body aches – Rhus Toxicodendron is prescribed when the body aches are better by walking and worse at rest whereas Bryonia Alba is given when the body aches are worse by walking and are better by absolute rest.

9. Remedies for Painful Joints

The medicines Causticum, Bryonia Alba and Colchicum Autumnale are natural joint pain remedies for the treatment of body aches due to acute inflammation of joints as in Rheumatoid arthritis. Causticum is mainly used where the joints are inflammed and very stiff leading to body aches. The aches are worse by slight exposure to cold air. Warm applications give relief to the patient. The second medicine Bryonia Alba is prescribed when the body aches occur due to swelling and intense pain in joints. The worsening of aches by slightest motion and relief by rest are strong indicating features for using this medicine. The last mentioned medicine Colchicum Autumnale is mainly given when the body aches are a  result of intensely swollen, stiffened and painful joints. Here the body aches are worse by slightest touch and at night time.                               

10. For Body Aches due to Muscle Soreness

The natural medicines for body pains due to excessive muscle pains are Rhus Toxicodendron and Magnesium Phosphorica. Rhus Toxicodendron is the best medicine for body aches due to muscle soreness. The muscle soreness can be the result from over-exertion, over-stretching, over-straining. The patient requiring Rhus Toxicodendron will complain of relief in the body aches by motion and worsening by rest. The second medicine Magnesium Phoshorica is well suited to persons who have body aches that are better by warm applications and by pressure

11. For Nerve Pain

Nerve pains can also lead to severe pain in the parts of the body eg sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia, peripheral neuropathy in feet etc. Hypericum, Mag Phos are natural pain remedies for conditions arising out of afflictions to Nerve.

12. For Joint Pains with Ulcerative Colitis

Joint pains can occur secondary to other disorders such as Ulcerative colitis. Rhus Tox is wonderful medicine for treating joint pains in ulcerative colitis. Read the detailed feature on medicines for ulcerative colitis.

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6 Homeopathic Medicines for Sore Muscles

Muscles are a bundle of fibrous tissue which helps move the body by contraction. Stretching muscles beyond their tensile strength make them sore. Primary causes behind sore muscles are overstretching, overexertion, strenuous exercise, heavy weight lifting, and trauma. Muscle soreness is of two types – acute muscle soreness, and delayed onset muscle soreness. In acute muscle soreness, muscle pain is experienced during and immediately after exercise. In delayed onset muscle soreness, muscle pain is felt several hours to a few days after excessive exercise. The symptoms of sore muscles are pain, stiffness, and tenderness in the muscle. Using the muscle worsens the pain, and resting it brings relief. Homeopathic medicines for sore muscles is very beneficial. Muscle soreness arising from different causes is dealt with effectively with these medicines.    homeopathic medicines for sore muscles

Treatment Options for Sore Muscles

Conventional treatment involves the use of non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs which relieve pain by preventing the body’s cyclooxygenase enzymes from working. These enzymes make hormone-like substances called prostaglandins, which contribute to pain and inflammation. NSAIDs are most often prescribed for arthritis and for the pain resulting from muscle sprains, strains, back and neck injuries, and menstrual cramps. Some commonly seen side effects can include nausea, stomach pain, bleeding and ulcer formation. NSAIDs also increase the risk of cardiovascular problems and they can interact with drugs prescribed for heart diseases such as blood thinners, antihypertensive drugs, and aspirin. Homeopathic treatment for sore muscles is very beneficial. Muscle soreness arising from different causes is dealt with effectively with homeopathy medicines. These medicines help persons with sore muscles caused by overstretching, overexerting, or injuries.

Mind-body therapies are treatments that are meant to help the mind’s ability to access the functions and symptoms of the body. Relaxation techniques can help in the discomfort related to chronic pain.
Acupuncture is also thought to decrease pain by increasing the release of chemicals that block pain called endorphins. When stimulated, these nerves cause a dull ache or feeling of fullness in the muscle. The stimulated muscle sends a message to the central nervous system causing the release of endorphins. Endorphins along with other neurotransmitters block the message of pain from being delivered to the brain.

Homeopathic Medicines for Sore Muscles

Rhus Toxicodendron, Arnica Montana, Bryonia Alba, Cimicifuga, Gelsemium, Sanguinaria Canadensis are the top remedies used to treat muscles soreness.

1. Rhus Toxicodendron – For Sore Muscles Due to Weightlifting

Rhus Toxicodendron, also known as Poison Ivy is a flowering shrub whose leaves are used to make the medicine. It belongs to the family Anacardiaceae and is commonly found in parts of Asia and Eastern North America. The main actions of the remedy are on the inflammatory conditions, skin and rheumatic pains of the body. Rhus Tox is a beneficial remedy for the treatment of sore muscles caused due to lifting heavy weights. Stiffness, along with sore and painful muscles is also seen. Application of something warm over the affected part may offer some relief. There is also some soreness of the condyles of the bones. The cold fresh air is not tolerated and it makes the skin painful. Tenderness is also felt in the affected muscles.

2. Arnica Montana – For Sore Muscles Due to Trauma

Arnica Montana (also known as Wolf’s Bane) is a flowering plant of the Asteraceae family, the dried flowers of which are used to prepare the remedy Arnica. It is commonly found in the European region. Arnica is a well-indicated remedy for injury to the skin or for pain and swelling associated with bruises, aches, and sprains in the muscles. Sore muscles as a result of trauma respond well to Arnica. It is also a good remedy for the sore muscles after previous injuries. There is a sore, lame and bruised feeling in the body. The patient may feel the pain in various muscles as if resulting from being beaten. Touching the affected body part worsens the pain as muscles are tender. Arnica is also used for sore muscles caused by influenza.

3. Bryonia Alba – When Slight Motion Worsens the Pain

Bryonia Alba or White Bryony is a perennial climbing herb found in parts of Europe and Northern Iran, of the family Cucurbitaceae. The dried root of this plant is used to prepare the homeopathic remedy. Bryonia has its affinity towards dryness of all mucous membranes of the body, aching in single muscle and the serous membranes of the organs. Bryonia Alba is best suited in cases of sore muscles when relief is brought about by only absolute rest. The slightest motion of the affected part worsens the pain. People requiring Bryonia feel relief when pressure is applied to the affected part. Lying down on the affected part also makes the soreness of the muscles better.

Other Important Remedies

4. Cimicifuga

Cimicifuga is a beneficial medicine for sore muscles affecting the central bulge of the large muscles. In such cases, the application of something cold worsens the pain. Cimicifuga is an excellent medicine for sore muscles caused by excessive muscle exertion, like dancing or long, continuous running, etc. Pain in the muscles of the neck from overwork like typing is also treated well with this remedy.

5. Gelsemium

Gelsemium is a beneficial medicine for the sore muscles. It is used in cases of extreme weakness and fatigue accompanying muscle soreness. In such cases, the patient gets relief by lying down or resting. Gelsemium helps to relieve the pain in the muscles as well as the weakness along with it. Gelsemium also works well for sore muscles caused by influenza.

6. Sanguinaria Canadensis

Sanguinaria Canadensis is a useful medicine for soreness and pain in the deltoid muscle. Along with being painful, the deltoid muscle is also very stiff. The pain worsens on lifting the arm and usually aggravates at night time. Sanguinaria works well for deltoid pain on the right side.

Types of Muscle Soreness

Muscle soreness is of two types:

Acute muscle soreness is the pain felt in the muscles immediately after a vigorous physical stimulus. The pain appears within a minute of contraction of the muscle and disappears within two or three minutes or up to some hours after the muscle’s relaxation.
Accumulation of chemical end products of exercise in muscle cells, such as H+, tissue edema caused by the shifting of blood plasma into the muscle tissue during the process of contraction, muscle fatigue (the muscle tires and cannot carry out contraction any more), and acute muscle soreness reflects one form of exercise-induced muscle damage.

Delayed onset muscle soreness is exercise-related muscle pain. It develops after excessive and unaccustomed exercise after the muscles fail to relax within 48-72 hours. It is prevalent if that exercise has an eccentric component where the muscles are contracting whilst lengthening – eg downhill running, long-distance running.

Causes of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

DOMS is caused by muscle strains. The trauma results in an inflammatory response with intramuscular fluid and as a result the electrolyte shift. Biochemical markers such as creatine kinase and lactic dehydrogenase are found in the blood of the sufferers. Swelling, pain is thought to be the reason why muscle strength and function is impaired in the patients.

Symptoms of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

The classic symptoms of this soreness describe a dull muscle ache that develops 24 to 48 hours after a strenuous exercise. It is localized to the affected muscles and results in muscle stiffness as well as tenderness. Passive stretching will increase the symptoms which is one of the reasons why stiffness develops. This condition can also result in a short-term loss of muscle strength, a reduced range of motion and possible swelling of the affected muscles. Continuous movement may improve the symptom of stiffness over time.

How do Muscles get Sore?

One of the consequences of vigorous exercise is an accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. Lactic acid is a normal byproduct of the metabolism, but it can irritate the muscles thus causing discomfort and soreness. Muscle soreness associated with an exercise is known as delayed onset muscle soreness. It can make it difficult to walk, reduce the strength, or cause discomfort for a couple of days. However, lactic acid is removed from muscle from just a few hours to less than a day after a workout, so it isn’t the cause of the soreness experienced days after a workout. The swelling in the muscle that results from an influx of white blood cells, prostaglandins (anti-inflammatory cells), and other nutrients and fluids that flow to the muscles to repair the damage and are known to be the cause of a prolonged soreness. The swelling and inflammation can build up for days, thereby becoming the main reason for muscle soreness getting worse after 2-3 days.

Managing and Preventing Sore Muscles

To minimize the development of muscle soreness, the following suggestions should be kept in mind:
Take it slow and gradually build up the amount of exercise at one time.
Be aware of the amount of eccentric exercise being included in the workouts.
Long distance runners should incorporate eccentric quadriceps training into their training to avoid soreness.

It is advisable to avoid aggressive exercise during the recovery phase. This is due to the muscle’s reduced capacity to cope up with the shock absorption, in-coordination, and the contraction intensity. Cycling has been shown to temporarily ease the pain.
Using an ice pack in case of an acute injury, or if there is a swelling of the muscle area and it feels warm, can help soothe the muscle. Wrap up an ice pack in a thin towel and place it on the sore muscles for about 15 minutes.
A massage will help to relax the very tight sore muscles and soothes muscle aches. However, this should not be done in cases of an acute injury.
Stretching your muscles for about 10 minutes after a rigorous workout to prevent sore muscles and warming up the body with simple movements like arm swings before exercise can help avoid soreness.
In the case of soreness, do not stop exercising completely. The fact that we experience muscle soreness after a workout is a sign that the muscles have been stretched and are slowly getting better. By using the muscles (with light activity) we can speed up the elimination of lactic acid buildup in the muscles.
Build up eccentric exercises slowly. Eccentric contractions occur when the muscles lengthen under tension. Walking or running downhill are also examples of eccentric training. Increasing the intensity gradually is seen to have relieved the intensity of pain.
Lastly, a warm bath may loosen the tightened muscles and boost up the blood circulation, thus providing temporary relief.

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5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Bone Pain

Bone Pain can be the result of various reasons. It could be due to Osteomyelitis, Osteoporosis, bone cancer, Multiple Myeloma, Pagets Disease, Sickle Cell Anemia and various fevers, including Influenza and Dengue. Bone Pains can be effectively treated by natural medicines. The medicines are given after considering the cause of the pain, the bone involved and the worsening and relieving factors in each patient. Apart from providing relief from pain in bones, These medicines also eradicate the disease process that is behind Bone Pain. Following relief from acute pain, the natural Homeopathic medicines for bone pain will work towards root extraction of the disease.  homeopathic medicines for bone pain

Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Bone Pain

1. Arnica: For Bone Pain with Excessive Soreness and Lameness

Arnica is the top natural medicine for Bone Pain that results in excessive soreness and lameness in the body. The body feels bruised due to Bone Pain with soreness and lameness. The person needing Arnica may also describe the pain as if someone has beaten him or her up. The affected bones are sensitive and very painful at the slightest touch. The patient also feels the bed on which he or she lies to be very hard, and needs a constant change of position to get a soft spot to lie on.

2. Eupatorium Perfoliatum: For Bone Pain in Fever

The top natural remedy for treating Bone Pain during fever is Eupatorium Perfoliatum. The fever may be dengue, malaria or influenzal fever. The Bone Pains are very severe and mostly present in head, back, chest and limbs. The bones feel as if they are broken. The severe Bone Pain also leads to extreme restlessness. To bring about the most prompt relief from Bone Pain in fever, no medicine equals remedy Eupatorium Perfoliatum.

3. Symphytum: Top Remedy for Penetrating Injury and Fractures of Bone

Symphytum, also known as knit bone, is of great help in treating Bone Pain during fracture and penetrating injuries of bone. Symphytum has gained much popularity due to its magical relief in fractured and wounded Bone Pains as much as for its efficiency in the union of fractured bones. The pains can be of any character but the main presentation is pricking type of pains. The pains are accompanied by utmost soreness in affected bones. Symphytum is mainly used in tincture form to get the best results.

4. Mezereum and Aurum Met: For Bone Pains at Night

Both Mezereum and Aurum Met are wonderful natural medicines to treat night pains in bones. Mezereum is mainly used to treat Bone Pains, especially the long bones, that get worse at night. The bones may be swollen or inflamed.  The slightest touch may also worsen the Bone Pains. The person requiring Mezereum may also show an increased sensitivity towards cold air. Aurum Met is the ideal medicine for Bone Pains of nose, palate, cranium, and face that are experienced at night. The bones are very sore and painful. Moving in the open air may provide some relief to the person.

5. Agaricus: For Pain in Vertebral Bones (backbone)

Agaricus is the ideal natural prescription for pain in vertebral bones when all the vertebral bones of the back are extremely sensitive and painful. The pain is excited by the slightest motion of the body. Cold air exposure also seems to worsen the pain in backbones. Morning is the worst time for the patient when the pain and sensitivity in the spine are felt the maximum.

4. For Bone Pain due to Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disease where the bones become fragile and are prone to fractures due to decreased bone mass and density. The natural medicines that are efficient to deal with Bone Pain due to Osteoporosis are Calcarea Phos, Calcarea Fluor, Fluoric Acid, and Symphytum. Calcarea Phos is very beneficial for all kinds of Bone Pains due to Osteoporosis. Calcarea Phos helps to strengthen the bones and in providing calcium to increase the bone density. When the bones get proper calcium nourishment, they get strengthened and the pains begin to decline. Calcarea Fluor is the remedy mainly used to treat pain in backbones. Calcarea Fluor can be prescribed when the pain in bones of back is mostly felt while resting and gets better by motion. Fluoric Acid works best when the pain in long bones is felt due to Osteoporosis. Most of the times, the Bone Pains for using Fluoric Acid increase at night. Symphytum is used in the last stages of Osteoporosis where the bone has broken with extreme pain. Here, Symphytum helps to reduce Bone Pain and also proves effective in repairing and reuniting the fractured bone.

5. For Bone Pains due to Osteomyelitis

The natural Homeopathic medicines for treating Bone Pains due to Osteomyelitis are Merc Sol, Phosphoric Acid and Silcea. Merc Sol works best when the Bone Pains are worse at night. Phosphoric Acid is used when the character of Bone Pains is burning and tearing in nature. The periosteum of bone is inflamed with a sensation is if the bones are being scraped with a knife. Homeopathic medicine Silicea is the ideal remedy when fever with chill accompanies Bone Pains due to Osteomyelitis.

6. For Bone Pains due to Injury

The best natural remedies for Bone Pains as a result of injuries are Ruta, Hypericum and Symphytum. Ruta is of great help for Bone Pains appearing because of injuries in any bone. Ruta is the best medicine when there is excessive soreness and bruised sensation in bones following injuries. The bones can be in wrist, ankle, back, upper limb or lower limb or any other bone when soreness is marked. Burning sensation can also accompany the Bone Pains. Touch worsens the pain. Hypericum is a very specific and useful remedy for coccyx bone injury. Hypericum is the best medicine to reduce Bone Pains in coccyx due to injury and should always be considered as the first choice in such cases. Symphytum is mostly used when the bone is broken and results in extreme pain following an injury. Symphytum here is the appropriate remedy to reduce pain, soreness and union of such bones. Symphytum is also used when a pricking type of pain at the site of fractured bone persists for a long time after the healing of fracture.

7. For Bone Pain in Fever

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the top natural medicine for Bone Pains in fever. Severe Bone Pains with sensation as if they are broken guide towards the use of Eupatorium Perfoliatum. The other medicines that are useful for Bone Pains in fever are Arnica and Bryonia Alba. Arnica works best where the hallmark symptom is soreness and a bruised sensation as if someone has beaten up the patient. The person needing Arnica also complains that anything on which he or she lies down feels hard and therefore the patient needs to frequently change the position. Bryonia is the ideal remedy when the Bone Pains make the patient lie down absolutely still. The least motion, even turning in bed, worsens the pain and lying still is the relieving posture.

8. For Small Bone Pains (ankle, wrist, fingers, toes)

The appropriate natural medicines for pain affecting small bones are Actaea Spicata, Caulophyllum and Ruta. Actaea Spicata is the best medicine when the pain in small bones gets worse by either touch or motion. The pain may be of a tearing or tingling character. Caulophyllum is the remedy mainly recommended when shifting type of pain is felt in small bones. The pain in such cases suddenly migrates from one bone to another. Ruta, on the other hand, is the remedy mainly suited for pain in the bones of small variety arising out of injury. There is marked soreness and pain in the affected bones.

9. For Long Bone Pains (thigh, leg, upper arm and forearm)

The main natural medicines for treating long bone pains are Asafoetida, Mezereum and Cinnabaris. Asafoetida can be used in those cases where the long bones involved are sensitive to an extreme level. The pains may be throbbing in nature. Bone Pains due to bone necrosis or caries where sensitivity is marked are best dealt with by Asafoetida. Mezereum is the ideal remedy for pain in long bones that gets worse at night. The other aggravating factors for pain in long bones for using Mezereum include touch and cold air. Mezereum is also the best remedy for leg pain arising in tibia bone. Cinnabaris is the top medicine for pain in bone of the forearm.

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Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies for Meningitis

Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes (meninges) that covers the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis can be caused by viral infections, bacterial infections or fungal infections. Among these, viral infections are the most common cause of meningitis. Bacterial infections and fungal infections rarely cause meningitis. Bacterial meningitis is the most severe and can be life-threatening and fatal if not treated well at the time. Viral meningitis is the most common but is usually mild and clears up on its own. Homeopathic remedies for meningitis play a supportive role in the treatment and should only be used along with conventional treatment.   Homeopathic Remedies for Meningitis

Homeopathic Remedies for Meningitis

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in treating meningitis. These medicines should be used symptomatically to treat meningitis along with the conventional course treatment. Meningitis can be life-threatening in some cases (depending upon the cause) so a consultation with a specialist is needed prior to taking medicines and self-prescription should be avoided.

1. Belladonna – For Meningitis in the First Stage

Belladonna is a natural medicine for meningitis prepared from a plant called Deadly Nightshade. The natural order of this plant is Solanaceae. Belladonna is well indicated for meningitis in the first stage. There is fever with dry heat. The head feels hot and painful with a throbbing sensation and flushed face. The person may want to bore his head in the pillow. Nausea and drowsiness are also marked.

2. Apis Mellifica – Top Medicine for Meningitis

Apis Mellifica is an effective medicine for meningitis where there is delirium and drowsiness. There is marked irritability, crying and screaming loudly. Confusion, dullness, and dizziness are also present. Intense pain in the back of the head is most prominent. Another important accompanying symptom is an inability to hold the head erect and boring of the head into the pillow. Diplopia and obscuration of vision also appear. Its use is also highly considered in cases of meningitis with hydrocephalus (build-up of fluid in the brain cavities).

3. Stramonium – For Meningitis with a Headache and Nausea

Stramonium is a natural remedy prepared from the plant Thorn-Apple of the natural order Solanaceae. Stramonium is indicated when the pain in head and nausea predominates in cases of meningitis. The eyes are markedly red and inflamed along with delirium. In some cases, there may be irritability with screaming, striking with hand feet, and a tendency to strike/bite others. Convulsive movement of the limbs is also well noted with the above features.

4. Veratrum Viride – For Meningitis with High Fever

Veratrum Viride is prepared from the root of a plant named American Hellebore or Indian Poke. It belongs to the natural order Melanthaceae. Veratrum Viride is helpful for meningitis with a high fever. This is attended with the rolling of the head and frequent vomiting. Pain in the nape of the neck is also present and the person cannot hold the head.

5. Gelsemium – For Meningitis in Initial Stage with Marked Chills

Gelsemium is helpful for meningitis in the initial stage, along with severe chills. There is marked stiffness of the neck. A headache with a sensation of band tightly binding head is present. This is attended with great exhaustion and intense drowsiness. There is a desire to lie still. Vertigo along with a staggering gait may also appear. Jerking of the body, especially of the left side, may occur while falling asleep.

6. Helleborus – For Meningitis with Rigid Neck and Marked Drowsiness

Helleborus is a natural medicine medicine prepared from the root of a plant called Helleborus Niger or Christmas Rose, of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Helleborus is prominently indicated for meningitis when the neck feels rigid and there is marked drowsiness. Fever with chills and vomiting may also occur. The head feels heavy and heated. Frequent convulsions in meningitis are also a guiding feature to use Helleborus. This medicine is also indicated for meningitis with hydrocephalus.

7. Rhus Tox – For Meningitis with Pain and Stiffness of Muscles and Joints

Rhus Tox offers a natural treatment for meningitis with pain and stiffness of muscles and joints. This is accompanied with marked anxiety and restlessness. High fever and pain in the head are present, that extends to the ears. Rash on the body is also present.

8. Zincum Met – For Meningitis with Sharp Pain in Head

Zincum Met is a natural medicine indicated for meningitis with a sharp pain in the head. The person may want to roll and bore the head in the pillow. Automatic motion of hands may appear with the motion of the head. Pulse is small and frequent. It is also useful for hearing loss after meningitis.

9. Kali Bromatum – For Meningitis with Severe Headache

Kali Bromatum is a natural remedy for meningitis where there is a severe headache. The headache is constant along with a feeling of heat in the head. The pulse is rapid and wiry. Dullness and weakness along with a loss of appetite is also present.

10. Arnica – For Traumatic Meningitis following Head Injury

Arnica is prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana of the natural order is Compositae. Arnica is beneficial for traumatic meningitis that follows a head injury like a concussion, falling, blows, or bruising. There may also be a headache and vomiting.

Causes of Meningitis

Bacterial Meningitis
The bacterial agents that can cause meningitis include Neisseria meningitis, Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenza Type B and Listeria monocytogenes (listeria).

Viral Meningitis
The viral agents that can lead to meningitis are herpes simplex virus, enterovirus, influenza, HIV and mumps virus.

Fungal Meningitis
Fungal meningitis is rare and usually happens to people who have a weakened immune system. Fungal meningitis can be caused by Histoplasma, Cryptococcus, and Blastomyces.

Other Causes
Meningitis can also be caused by an allergy to certain medications, head injury, brain surgery and certain forms of cancer.

Risk Factors
Some risk factors for meningitis include compromised immunity, children under age of 5 years, community living like boarding schools, day care centers, military bases, and pregnancy (pregnant women are at increased risk of listeriosis).

The viruses and bacteria that can cause meningitis can be spread through sneezing, coughing, kissing, sharing utensils and toothbrushes.

Symptoms of Meningitis

The symptoms of meningitis include sudden high fever, feeling sick, severe headache, stiff neck, sensitivity to light, seizures, confusion, difficult concentration, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, pain in the muscles/joints, lack of energy, lethargy, delirium, hallucinations, skin rash and loss of appetite. Certain signs of meningitis in babies include a refusal of feeds, constant crying (usually a high-pitched crying), irritability, fussiness, aversion to being carried, a stiffness of body and a bulging soft spot on top of the head.
Severe complications can arise in some cases of meningitis, like brain damage, seizures, hearing loss, learning disabilities, coordination problems, balance problems, vision loss, hydrocephalus, arthritis, kidney problems, and death.

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Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Flu

homeopathic medicines for fluDoes influenza or the so-called viral fever (flu) need to be taken seriously? Can it be fatal? Is homeopathy treatment effective in preventing and controlling these viral onslaughts? The answers to all these questions is “yes”.  Because influenza virus constantly changes itself, and because only a few changes can make a non-harmful virus highly lethal, Influenzas should be taken seriously

Homeopathy taken well within time can effectively control and even abort the onslaught by these viruses at the initial stages. It can provide a broad spectrum preventive cover for the not-affected ones. A recently introduced medicine, ANAS BARBARIAE, has shown extremely good results in treating influenza. Because of its effectiveness, in Europe and United States, it has become an over-the-counter drug. These medicines have an edge over treating viral infections. They charge up our immune system to fight these viruses. Prevention of viral infection is possible to a great extent through the cover may not be 100 percent, as viruses have this strange ability to auto-mutate (change their structures). Influenzinum (natural medicine ) is an effective prophylactic (preventive) medicine for influenza. The flu (influenza) differs in several ways from the common cold (a respiratory infection also caused by viruses). For example, people with cold rarely get a fever or a headache or suffer from the extreme exhaustion that flu viruses cause. If you have flu, you will have a sudden headache, dry cough, a runny nose, and a sore throat. Your muscles will ache and you will feel very tired. You can have a fever up to 104°F. Most people feel better in a couple of days, but the tiredness and cough can last two weeks or longer. Flu is an important disease because it can cause serious complications. Most people who get the flu get better within a week (although they may have a lingering cough and tire easily, for a while longer). For elderly people, newborn babies, and people with certain chronic illnesses, the flu, and its complications can at times  be life-threatening

The flu is spread or transmitted, when a person who has a flu cough, sneezes, or speaks and sends flu virus into the air, and other people inhale the virus. Influenza may, less often, be spread when a person touches a surface that has flu viruses on it — a door handle, for instance — and then touches his or her nose or mouth.

Homeopathic Medicines for Flu

Homeopathy offers a natural treatment for the flu. They show no side effects or toxic effects on the system since they are made of natural substances. They work by stimulating the body’s restorative and healing processes.

1. For Flu with Fever

Rhus Toxicodendron – For Flu with Chills

Rhus Toxicodendron is a medicine that is used to treat cases of flu where the infected person feels chills as if cold water was being poured over. Sudden flushes of heat alternating with chills are present.

Nux Vomica – For Flu with Anxiety

Nux Vomica is a medicine used to treat the flu along with symptoms of anxiety, fever, chills with thirst, and heat without thirst. The body, especially the face, feels burning hot and the person feels chilly with every movement.

2. For Flu with Sneezing

Allium Cepa – For Flu with Constant Sneezing.

Allium Cepa is a medicine used to treat flu infection where there is constant sneezing. Sneezing occurs more in a warm room, and there is copious watery, acrid discharge from the nose. Bland watering of eyes and red eyes is also a common symptom.

Sabadilla – For Flu with Spasmodic Sneezing.

Sabadilla is a medicine used to treat flu with spasmodic sneezing. Oversensitivity to odors and lack of tolerance to smells, like those of flowers and garlic is a common symptom.

3. For Flu with Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Album – For Flu with Nasal Discharge.

Arsenic Album is a medicine used to treat flu with a thin, watery, excoriating discharge from the nose. Burning and itching in the nose are other symptoms.

Pulsatilla – For Flu with Discharge.

Pulsatilla is a medicine used to treat flu symptoms where there is a yellowish-green discharge that is worse indoors and better in the open air.

4. For Flu with Stuffy Nose

Ammonium Carbonicum – For Flu with Coryza.

Ammonium Cabonicum is a medicine used to treat flu with a stuffy nose where there is a continued condition of coryza (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose). The person is unable to breathe through the nose.

Sambucus – For Flu with Numbness in Nose.

Sambucus is a medicine used to treat the flu where there is numbness and itching in the nose. The nose is blocked, and there is an accumulation of thick mucus in the nostrils.

5. For Flu with Muscle Aches

Eupatorium Perfoliatum – For Flu with Severe Muscle Ache.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is a medicine used to treat flu with severe muscle ache, chills preceded by thirst, extreme soreness, and aching of the bones. Pain all over the body, weak pulse, and prostration (physical weakness) are some other symptoms indicative of this medicine.

Bryonia – For Flu with Tearing Pains.

Bryonia is a medicine used to treat flu where the muscle aches worsen from the slightest motion or movement. Other symptoms include aching in the joints and muscles with bursting, tearing pains that get better by rest.

6. For Flu with Cough

Rumex -For Flu with a Dry Cough.

Rumex is a medicine used to treat the flu with a dry, tickling cough that prevents sleep. A cough occurs while uncovering clothing or covers from the body, and on exposure to drafts of air. Continuous coughing worsened by pressure on the throat or talk is indicative of this medicine.

Drosera – For Flu with Incessant Coughing.

Drosera is a medicine used to treat flu with prolonged and incessant coughing and periodical fits of rapid coughing where the cough attacks are recurrent.

7. For Flu with Sore Throat

Mercurius Solublis – For Flu with Sore Throat.

Mercuris Solublis is a medicine used to treat flu with a sore and burning throat. Painful dryness of the throat, with a mouth full of saliva are other symptoms.

Ferrum Metallicum – For Flu with Hoarseness.

Ferrum Metallicum is a medicine for flu coupled with a sore throat and hoarseness. There is a sensation of having something in the larynx that can be removed by hawking or coughing.

8. For Flu with Weakness

Gelsemium – For Flu with Weakness.

Gelsemium is a medicine used to treat the flu where there is an extreme weakness, and the person wishes to lie still and rest. Symptoms of the flu coupled with a stupor, dizziness, faintness, and weakness are indicative of this medicine.

Arsenic Album – For Flu with Restlessness.

Arsenic Album is a medicine used to treat the flu where there is restlessness, exhaustion, and anxiety. It is also used as a prophylactic (preventative measure) for the flu.

9. For Flu with a Severe Headache

Belladonna – For Flu with Headache.

Belladonna is a medicine used to treat the flu where there is a congestive headache and a red face. Throbbing pain and fullness in the forehead and temples (sides of the head) are other symptoms indicative of this medicine.

Natrum Muriaticum – For Flu with Light Sensitivity.

Natrum Muriaticum is a medicine for flu coupled with light sensitivity, where a bursting headache lasts from sunrise to sunset.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Sneezing

What is sneezing?

Sneezing is a sudden and forcible expulsion of air from the nose and mouth. It occurs when the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity gets irritated.
The nose helps clean the air that goes to the lungs by trapping irritants like dust and germs in the mucous (produced by the mucous membranes). When these irritants manage to enter the sensitive mucous membrane, they may cause sneezing. By aiming to treat the cause of sneezing, homeopathic medicines like Sabadilla Officinalis, Allium Cepa, Aralia Racemosa can bring about a complete recovery.

Sneezing is the body’s response to remove irritants from the nose and throat. In most cases, it occurs without warning.
Although an uncomfortable and troublesome condition, it is not usually considered to be a serious health concern. Homeopathic medicines for sneezing work by stimulating the body’s natural healing process.

Homeopathic Treatment of Sneezing

Homeopathic medicines are made from naturally occurring substances. They are safe to use and do not cause any side effects. They help improve associated symptoms like nasal discharges, nasal irritation, burning sensation in eyes, itchy eyes, eye discharge, etc. The appropriate homeopathic medicines for sneezing are decided by analyzing individual symptoms. They work by restoring the body’s natural healing mechanism.

Homeopathic Medicines for Sneezing

Sabadilla Officinalis – Homeopathic medicine for violent sneezing.

Sabadilla Officinalis is a homeopathic medicine used for the treatment of violent sneezing. The chief guiding feature that calls for the use of this medicine is violent sneezing accompanied by a runny nose. Other symptoms may include coryza, pain in forehead, itching, stuffy nose and tickling in the nose.

Allium Cepa – Homeopathic medicine for sneezing due to Hay Fever/Allergic Rhinitis.

Allium Cepa is a homeopathic medicine indicated in cases where sneezing occurs due to hay fever/allergic rhinitis along with profuse, acrid nasal discharges. Other associated symptoms that point towards the use of this homeopathic medicine for sneezing include a burning sensation in the nostrils, excoriation of the nose and upper lips and a feeling of lumping the nose. It is also used in cases where sneezing gets reduced in the open air and worsens in a warm room.

Aralia Racemosa – Homeopathic medicine for sneezing due to exposure to a draught of air.

Aralia Racemosa is a homeopathic medicine that is used to treat sneezing which primarily occurs from exposure to the slightest draught of air. Other symptoms that indicate the use of this medicine include watery, excoriating nasal discharges, nasal obstruction, smarting sensation and soreness in the nostrils.

Arsenic Album – Homeopathic medicine for sneezing with a runny nose.

Arsenic Album is a homeopathic medicine indicated in cases where a runny nose accompanies sneezing. Other symptoms that point towards the use of this medicine include a thin, watery, almost acrid nasal discharge. Excoriation, itching-burning sensation in the nose, nasal blockage and frequent coryza coupled with extreme weakness are some associated symptoms. These symptoms tend to worsen when the affected person is outdoors.

Phosphorus – Homeopathic medicine for sneezing due to exposure to strong odors.

Phosphorus is the homeopathic medicine indicated in cases where sneezing gets triggered by exposure to strong odors. Some other symptoms include headache, coryza, and feeling of fullness in the nose. A bad smell from the nose, a yellow-green, blood-streaked discharge, and sneezing (that gets worse with exposure to smoke) are other indicators that point towards this medicine.

Natrum Mur – Homeopathic medicine for early morning sneezing episodes.

Natrum Mur is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for sneezing that occurs early in the morning. Along with sneezing, a thin discharge from nose and hawking of mucous may also occur. Other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine include coryza, dry nostrils, difficulty breathing and swelling of the nasal mucous membranes.

Arundo Mauri – Homeopathic medicine for sneezing with itching nostrils.

Arundo Mauri is a homeopathic medicine used in cases where sneezing is accompanied by itching in the nostrils. Itching at the roof of the mouth may also be noted. Other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine include a burning sensation in nostrils, pain at the root of nose and loss of smell. Sneezing with coryza, with a watery discharge that turns greenish, is another characteristic symptom that calls for the use of this medicine.

Euphrasia Officinalis – Homeopathic medicine for sneezing with watery, itchy eyes.

Euphrasia Officinalis is a homeopathic medicine used in cases where watery, itchy eyes accompany sneezing. Other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine include burning sensation, swelling, and redness in eyes, non-irritating nasal discharges, fluent coryza during daytime and obstruction of nasal cavity at night. The nose may also be sensitive to touch.

What are the causes of sneezing?

The causes of sneezing are variable. One major cause is a nasal allergy, also known as allergic rhinitis/hay fever. The most common allergens in case of allergic rhinitis are pollens, dust mites, molds, and dander.
Other causes of sneezing include influenza, inhalation of dust or cold air, exposure to air pollution, consumption of spicy food, certain medicines and use of corticosteroid nasal spray.

What other symptoms accompany sneezing?

There are certain symptoms associated with sneezing, and these vary from case to case. They include coryza, nasal blockage, and itchy, watery eyes. In some cases, conditions like a sore throat, headache and fever may also appear.


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8 Remedies for Homeopathic Treatment for Pneumonia

Inflammation of the alveoli of the lungs due to different infections is called pneumonia. The infection may be bacterial, viral or fungal. Pneumonia arises when an infectious agent crosses the defense mechanism of the upper respiratory system and the alveolar macrophages, reaches the lungs, and causes inflammation. Pneumonia which affects the entire lobe of a lung is known as lobar pneumonia. Pneumonia affecting small areas in several lobes of the lungs is called bronchopneumonia. Although pneumonia can affect people of any age group, but children aged two years or younger, and individuals who are 65 years of age or more are at the highest risk. Homeopathic treatment for pneumonia is very beneficial for affected patients. These medicines help in providing symptomatic improvement from pneumonia and resolve the inflammation of the alveoli of the lung. In each case of pneumonia, homeopathic medicines need to be carefully selected based upon the individual symptomatic presentation.

When prescribed as per the prominent symptoms, homeopathic medicines have the ability to help in complete recovery from pneumonia. Homeopathic medicines that are highly effective for treating pneumonia are Bryonia, Arsenic Album, Phosphorus, Antimonium Tart, Hepar Sulph, Ipecac, Carbo Veg, and Senega.

Homeopathic Treatment for Pneumonia

1. Bryonia – Top Grade Medicine for Pneumonia with Chest Pain

Bryonia is an important treatment for pneumonia. It works well when chest pain accompanies pneumonia. The pain is stitching in nature. Chest pains get worse on coughing and deep breathing. While coughing, the patient needs to hold the chest because of the intense pain. Expectoration of rust or brick colored sputa is another characteristic feature. Along with these symptoms, there is difficulty in breathing, and there may be fever accompanied by chills.

2. Arsenic Album – For Pneumonia with Difficulty in Breathing

Arsenic Album is a suitable medicine for pneumonia when difficult breathing and shortness of breath are prominent features. Along with this, cough with scanty frothy phlegm is present. Arsenic Album is also an effective homeopathic medicine for treating pneumonia from consuming chilled food items. Pain located specifically in the upper third of the right lung is another guiding symptom for the use of Arsenic Album. Another feature is a suffocating feeling, which gets worse on lying down or while sleeping.

3. Phosphorus – For Pneumonia with Chest Oppression

Phosphorus is a highly useful medicine for pneumonia. Phosphorus is indicated for pneumonia when accompanied by chest oppression. There is a heaviness in the chest and respiration is also quickened. There is also a dry, hard, racking cough. Along with this, bloody or purulent sputa may also occur. Phosphorus is very suitable for pneumonia of the left lower lung. In such cases, lying on the left side worsens the symptoms.

4. Antimonium Tart – For Rattling Mucus in the Chest

Antimonium Tart is an effective treatment for pneumonia when there is an excessive rattling of mucus in the chest. Lungs are full of mucus which is not expectorated. Short and difficult breathing accompanies this. Antimonium Tart works well in the last stages of pneumonia. Another important indication for using Antimonium Tart is the occurrence of jaundice with pneumonia.

5. Hepar Sulph – With Purulent Sputa

Hepar Sulph is a highly effective medicine for pneumonia when the sputa are purulent. The pus in such cases may be offensive. Hepar Sulph is basically a homeopathic medicine for pneumonia in the suppurative stage. There is a loose cough with a rattling of mucus. Patients needing Hepar Sulph may have a fever with chills accompanying the above symptoms.

6. Ipecac – For Pneumonia Accompanied by Nausea and Vomiting

Ipecac is a good treatment for pneumonia in cases where nausea and vomiting accompany other respiratory symptoms. The respiratory symptoms include a suffocating loose cough without expectoration, shortness of breath, and constriction in the chest. The cough is spasmodic and often ends in vomiting. Along with this, bubbling rales in the chest are present. Bloody sputa may also arise.

7. For Pneumonia in Infants and Children

Most common treatment for pneumonia in infants and children are Antimonium Tart, Ipecac, and Bryonia. Antimonium Tart should be used when there is an excessive rattling of mucus in the chest. Along with this, rapid breathing is present. The pulse rate is also rapid and weak. Ipecac works well when there is a cough with bubbling rales in the chest. The child turns stiff and blue. Vomiting with a cough may arise. Bryonia is recommended when there is a cough with rust colored sputa.

8.For Pneumonia in Older People

Top treatment for pneumonia in older people are Carbo Veg, Senega, and Phosphorus. Carbo Veg works well for pneumonia with a cough and quick, short, labored breathing. Yellow and sticky expectoration may be present. A burning sensation in the chest is another accompanying symptom. Senega is useful when the chest feels sore along with coughing. The sputa are very tough and expectorated with much difficulty. Phosphorus works well when there is a cough along with oppressed breathing and bloody sputa. It is also recommended for threatened paralysis of the lung from pneumonia in older people.

Causes of Pneumonia

Micro organisms including bacteria, virus, and fungi can cause pneumonia. The common bacteria for pneumonia include streptococcus pneumoniae, Hemophilus influenza, and klebsiella pneumoniae. Influenza virus causes pneumonia of viral origin, and adenovirus and rhinovirus pneumonia from fungi affect immuno-compromised patients. Fungi such as candida albicans, Histoplasma capsulatum, and Apergillus fumigates, are the fungi that are involved in causing pneumonia. Cigarette smoking, asthma, COPD, liver disease, and a weak immune system are risk factors for pneumonia.

Symptoms of Pneumonia

The symptoms of pneumonia include a productive cough, chest pain on taking deep breaths or while coughing, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, fever, and chills. The phlegm may be rust colored, blood stained, purulent, yellowish or greenish. Other attending symptoms are nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

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Top 11 Homeopathic Medicines for Headaches

There are more than 100 types of headaches. Among them, the most common types are migraine, tension headache, sinus headache, and cluster headache. A person may feel a headache in only one part of the head or more than one region. The various regions include the frontal (forehead), temples (sides of the head), vertex (top of head), and occiput (back of the head). In some cases, the pain starts from a particular area of the head and then reaches another area.

homeopathic medicines for headache

The homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to treat cases of headache. Both chronic as well as recent headaches can be treated wonderfully and naturally with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines not only provide relief in acute headache cases but also aim to treat the root cause behind it for a complete cure in chronic headaches. Along with headache, any attending symptoms like nausea, vomiting, flashes of light in front of the eyes, nasal discharge, nasal congestion, eye-watering also get well managed with these medicines. In conventional treatment, usually pain killers are prescribed to get relief from headache. These medicines give only temporary relief.  They can be habit-forming and also carry the risk of side effects.

Homeopathy treats different headaches differently

Homeopathy is highly recommended to treat many types of headaches. With regular use of homeopathic medicines for the period as guided by a homeopathic doctor, the intensity and frequency of the recurrence of headache seem to gradually decline. Homeopathy is recommended only when there is no serious cause behind the headache. So it should be kept in mind that in cases of serious causes (like very high blood pressure, meningitis, ruptured aneurysm), immediate help from conventional mode should be taken.

Individualized Medication

Homeopathic medicines are always prescribed keeping the individual in mind. Many factors are kept in mind to finalize the homeopathic prescription. These mainly include the side of the headache, the location of the headache (like side, back, top or front of head), time of the day or night, the worsening and relieving factors for the headache, the attending symptoms, and also the cause behind the headache. Such individualized homeopathic treatment tends to bring great recoveries in headache cases.

Safe, natural medicines

Homeopathic medicines for treating headache are of natural origin and hence are highly safe to use among persons of all age groups. They have no side effects at all. Even with long term use, no adverse effects have been noted.

Top 11 Homeopathic Medicines for Headache

The top 11 well-known homeopathic remedies for managing headache are Belladonna, Glonoinum, Natrum Mur, Iris Versicolor, Kali Phos, Kali Bichromicum, Epiphegus, Sanguinaria Canadensis, Spigelia Anthelmintica, Carbo Veg and Ruta Graveolens.

1. Belladonna – Top Ranked Medicine for Headache

Belladonna is a top-listed medicine for headache. It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named Deadly Nightshade of the natural order Solanaceae. For using this medicine, the nature of pain in the head remains throbbing and pulsating type. Fullness in the head may also be felt. Pains come suddenly and tend to cease suddenly. Pain is most marked on the sides of the head (temporal region). Along with headache, there is redness of the eyes and face. Headache triggered from light is also indicative of using Belladonna. Besides, headache that are triggered by noise or exposure to cold air are also treated well with this medicine. Applying pressure over the head, tight bandaging or wrapping up the head relieves pain in most cases needing Belladonna.

When to use Belladonna?

Its use should be considered in throbbing, pulsating type of headache most marked on the sides of the head usually triggered from bright light, noise and cold air exposure.

How to use Belladonna?

It works well in both low and high potencies. Initially, it is best to take it in 30C potency two to three times a day.

2. Glonoinum – For Congestive Headache Triggered From Sun Expsoure

Glonoinum is the next highly effective medicine for headache. Glonoinum is a top-listed homeopathic medicine for headache from sun exposure. Its use is highly recommended for summer headaches. It is mainly helpful in case of a headache that is congestive in nature. There is a sensation as if all the blood in the body has surged to the head with extreme congestion. There is also a constriction in the vessels of the head. Throbbing, bursting sensation is felt in the head. The person feels every pulsation in the head. Extreme fullness is felt in the head with a feeling as if it would burst. Heat is felt in the head with severe pain in the forehead, and throbbing in the temples. Vertigo may arise along with flashes of heat on the face, head, and throbbing headache. The face appears red, flushed with heat. Headache may get worse from motion or jar. In most cases needing Glonoinum, the headache is relieved by sleep.

When to use Glonoinum?

Its use is highly recommended for congestive headache with bursting sensation in the head triggered from sun exposure.

How to use Glonoinum?

Both 30C or 200C potency of this medicine give amazing results. In the beginning two to three doses of this medicine in 30C potency can be used per day.

3. Natrum Mur – For Headache In Females Around Menses Or Due To Sun Exposure

Natrum Mur is the next well-indicated medicine for treating headache. Natrum Mur is a very beneficial medicine for headache in women around the menstrual cycle. The woman needing this remedy has a headache immediately before/after menses or during menses. It is also a suitable medicine for headache from sun exposure. Headache from sunrise till sunset is attended well with this medicine. The nature of headache is throbbing in nature usually with heat in the head. In some cases, there is a sensation as if many little hammers are being knocking in the head. Headache is the most marked in the forehead. Headache due to eye strain caused by reading is also indicative to use this medicine. Natrum Mur is also useful for headache where profuse watering from the eyes or disturbed vision occurs. Headache beginning with blindness or zig-zag dazzling, like lightning in eyes, is another characteristic feature to use this medicine.

When to use Natrum Mur?

The use of this medicine is highly suggested to manage headache in females that gets worse around the menstrual cycle. It is also recommended to manage headache from sun exposure and for headache from sunrise to sunset.

How to use Natrum Mur?

Its use is preferred in 6X potency and can be taken twice or thrice a day.

4. Iris Versicolor – For Headache Attended With Nausea And Vomiting

Iris Versicolor is prepared from a plant commonly named Blue Flag of the family Iridaceae. It is an excellent medicine for headache accompanied with nausea, vomiting. Vomiting is mainly bitter, sour in nature. Burning in the gastric tract is also present. The headache may be dull, shooting, and throbbing in nature. Other symptoms that may appear includes blurring of vision before headache, vertigo and constriction in the scalp.

When to use Iris Versicolor?

Opt its use when headache occurs along with attending nausea and vomiting.

How to use Iris Versicolor?

It can be used in 30C potency once or twice a day.

5. Kali Phos – For Tension/Stress Headache

Kali Phos is a very useful medicine for tension/stress headache. To use Kali Phos, the symptoms to look for include nervous headache, a sensation of weight in the back of the head, and weakness. There is pain across the forehead and in both the temples. The sensation of a band around the forehead just above the eyes is frequently felt. Sensitivity to noise also attends headache. There is marked tiredness along with headache. Stress headache triggered by stress, anxiety and emotional disturbance is a key pointer to use this medicine. The individuals needing Kali Phos are anxious, sad and full of worries. Kali Phos is also well-indicated for a headache that arises from mental exertion as in students.

When to use Kali Phos?

This medicine proves effective in cases of headache from stress, tension and headache arising from mental exertion like excessive studies.

How to use Kali Phos?

It is mostly used in 6X potency. Kali Phos 6X can be taken three to four times a day as per the intensity of symptoms.

6. Kali Bichromicum – For Sinus Headache

Kali Bichromicum is a very effective medicine for treating a sinus headache. The person needing this remedy has pain in the forehead above the eyes, with stoppage of the nose. The pain may be dull, or throbbing in nature. Frontal sinus feels congested. Another characteristic feature is mucus dripping in the throat from the posterior nares. In some cases vertigo, shooting pain at the root of the nose and thick yellowish-greenish discharge from nose also appears.

When to use Kali Bichromicum?

This medicine is the best solution for the cases of headache from sinus inflammation with pain marked in forehead above the eyes.

How to use Kali Bichromicum?

To start with, one can take this medicine in 30C power twice or thrice a day.

7. Epiphegus – For Headache from Exertion

Epiphegus is a helpful medicine for headache from exertion, mental/physical exhaustion. Epiphegus is prepared from a plant named beech drop of family Orobanchaceae. Pain is usually felt on the sides of the head (temporal region). The nature of pain is pressing type. The pain may radiate to the back of the head. A unique attending feature is increased saliva with constant spitting with headaches.

When to use Epiphegus?

It is suitable for cases of headache resulting from exertion, either physical or mental.

How to use Epiphegus?

It is advised to use Epiphegus 30C once or twice a day.

8. Sanguinaria Canadensis – For Headache on the Right Side

Sanguinaria Canadensis is a prominent medicine for right sided headache. This medicine is prepared from a plant commonly named bloodroot of the natural order Papaveraceae. Pain starting from the back of the head and then ascending up and locating over the right eye is the characteristic feature to use this medicine. Sleep or lying quietly in a dark room relieves the pain in most cases needing this remedy. Headache arising from fasting are also treated well with Sanguinaria Canadensis.

When to use Sanguinaria Canadensis?

The key indication for using this medicine is pain beginning from back of head radiating upwards and locating over right eye.

How to use Sanguinaria Canadensis?

It works most wonderfully in 30C potency that can be taken once or twice a day.

9. Spigelia Anthelmintica – For Left-Sided Headache

Spigelia Anthelmintica is prepared from a plant named Pinkroot of the family Loganiaceae. It is a useful medicine for left-sided headache. Headache located over the left side temporal region, forehead, and eyes are indicative symptoms of this medicine. Most people needing this remedy have pain that begins in the back of the head, extends up and settle over the left eye. The nature of pain is violent, throbbing and pulsating. Stooping may worsen headache in some cases. Pain in the eyeballs may attend the above symptoms that are seen to be aggravated from eye movement.

When to use Spigelia Anthelmintica?

The characteristic of using this medicine is a pain in the back of the head that extends upwards and finally settles over the left eye.

How to use Spigelia Anthelmintica?

It is best to start in 30C potency that can be taken once or twice in a day.

10. Carbo Veg – For Headache from Excessive Flatulence/Gas

Carbo Veg is an effective medicine for headache from excessive flatulence/gas. In addition to headache, there is bloating in the abdomen especially the upper abdomen. Belching (putrid, sour in nature), and heartburn may also attend. In some people, water brash may also appear.

When to use Carbo Veg?

This medicine can be prescribed to manage headache associated with excessive gas and bloating in the upper abdomen.

How to use Carbo Veg?

This medicine can be used in 30 C power two to three times a day.

11. Ruta Graveolens – For Headache From Eyestrain

Ruta Graveolens is a highly valuable medicine for headache arising from eyestrain. This medicine is prepared from a plant commonly called ‘garden rue’ belonging to the natural order Rutaceae. There is headache in the forehead due to eye strain arising from excessive reading, sewing, etc. The nature of pain may be aching, pulsating or stitching in nature. Heat in the eyes may also be present along with the above symptoms.

When to use Ruta Graveolens?

It is highly recommended to use this medicine for managing headache related to eyestrain.

How to use Ruta Graveolens?

It is suggested to take this medicine in 30C power one to two times daily.

Causes of headache

The headaches may arise either from an underlying medical condition or without an underlying medical condition. Depending upon the cause, headaches are classified into primary and secondary headaches.

1. Primary headaches

Primary headaches arise from overactivity of structures in the head that are sensitive to pain. Changes in chemical activity in the brain also play a role in primary headaches. Primary headaches do not relate to any separate underlying medical condition. Following are the common type of primary headaches:

-tension / stress headache

– migraine

– cluster headache

2. Secondary headaches

Secondary headaches are the ones that arise from an underlying medical condition. Secondary headaches are often a symptom of a disease. The reasons for secondary headaches include

– sinusitis / sinus infection

– high Blood Pressure

– Cervicogenic headache (headaches caused by problems with the nerves, bones, or muscles in the cervical spine (neck).

– gastrointestinal disorders

– dental complaints

– temporal arteritis

– post-traumatic (head injury)

– influenza

– Alcohol-induced hangover

-meningitis, encephalitis

Common Types of Headache

1. Migraine

Migraine refers to headache causes throbbing, pulsating pain, usually on one side of the head. The pain is severe and is often attended with nausea and vomiting. The cause of migraine is not clearly understood. However, genetics and environmental factors tend to play a role in migraine. There are many well-known triggers for the migraine attack. The major ones include stress, bright lights, noises, food (like fatty food, chocolates, caffeinated drinks, marinated food, cheese, fermented food), smoking, alcohol intake, MSG (monosodium glutamate), sun exposure, loss of sleep, strong odors, and tiredness. In addition to these hormonal fluctuations during menses or during menopause or during pregnancy can also trigger a migraine.

The symptoms of migraine include a one-sided headache. The major attending features include nausea, vomiting, aversion to light, noise, and talking. Some people experience a few symptoms before the migraine attack which helps them foresee that a migraine attack is about to come (aura). These symptoms include – seeing flashes of light, zig zags before eyes, dim vision, blurring of vision, numbness/tingling/pin needle sensation in the arms or around the mouth.

2. Cluster Headache

Cluster headache is a severe headache in which there is pain around one eye (periorbital headache). The pain comes in clusters (group) during which one or more than one episode of headache appears daily. The headache during the cluster period mostly appears at precisely the same hour each day. The duration of each episode of headache ranges from 15 minutes to 3 hrs. The cluster period lasts for weeks or months. This cluster period is followed by a period of remission during which no headaches appear at all. The remission period varies from months to years together. The reason behind a cluster headache is yet not known. A family history of cluster headache puts a person at risk.

Symptoms of cluster headache include one-sided pain located in or around the eye. This pain may radiate to the head, face or neck. Watering from the eye, swelling of eye, redness of the eye, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, and drooping of eyelids on the same side as the pain are a few accompanying symptoms.

3. Tension headache

In tension headache, diffuse dull pain in the head appears which is described as a tight band-like feeling around the head. The reason behind the tension headache is not well known yet. However, contraction of the muscles of the head, scalp, and neck are thought to play a role in tension headache. There are certain trigger factors that can lead to muscle contraction and give rise to a tension headache. Few trigger factors include stress, anxiety, fatigue, cold, sinus infection, sun exposure, poor posture while sleeping/sitting, and eyestrain. Symptoms of a tension headache include dull, aching pain in the whole head with a tight band-like sensation around the head. Besides, pain in the neck and shoulders may attend. Muscles in the neck, scalp, and shoulders also feel tightened. Head pain seems to get worse as the day passes. Tiredness usually attends to the above symptoms.

4. Sinus headache

Sinus headaches appear from the congestion of the paranasal sinus that locates behind your eyes, nose, cheeks, and forehead. Sinus headaches most commonly appear when sinus becomes inflamed from allergies or from infection. In sinus headache, a constant pain/pressure in the forehead or the bridge of your nose is felt. The pain usually gets worse on moving the head suddenly coughing or leaning forward. A few symptoms tend to occur which include a runny nose or green/ yellow nasal discharges, stuffy nose, decreased sense of smell, facial swelling, pressure in ears, and feverish feeling.

How serious is a headache?

Most cases of headache are mild, and usually not a reason for big concern. They tend to resolve well in time. However, in some cases, the reason behind headache may be a serious condition like meningitis, critically high blood pressure, ruptured aneurysm, brain tumor. So every case of headache should be thoroughly analyzed to rule out any serious condition in the very beginning.

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