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Homeopathic Remedies For Atopic Dermatitis

Homeopathic Remedies For Atopic Dermatitis

Homeopathic Remedies for Atopic dermatitis Treatment

Homeopathic Remedies for Atopic Dermatitis Treatment

Atopic Dermatitis is a chronic skin condition characterized by dry, itchy skin and skin inflammation. It is non-contagious which means it does not spread from one person to another via direct skin-to-skin contact. It is also known as Atopic Eczema. Yet another name for it is Endogenous Eczema. When Atopic Dermatitis occurs in infants, it is referred to as Infantile Eczema. Atopic Dermatitis begins in childhood (before age of 5yrs and in most cases around 3 months to 6 months) and it may terminate its course in childhood only but it may continue till adulthood in a few cases. Atopic Dermatitis shows a remitting (during this phase, skin inflammation clears off) and relapsing (during this phase, this condition flare-ups) type of course. Homeopathic medicines offer a very effective treatment for Atopic Dermatitis. Homeopathic remedies for Atopic Dermatitis are made from natural substances, they help in decreasing the severity of the complaint, itching and healing of rashes and eruptions.

Homeopathic Treatment

Atopic Dermatitis is very efficiently treated with natural homeopathic medicines. They help in managing the acute phase in the beginning and afterward with the constitutional natural homeopathic remedies selected solely on the basis of individual symptoms, there is a promise of eradicating the disease from its root. The homeopathic medicine selection is based upon the totality of symptoms including the site and type of eruption, the worsening and relieving factors, time of itching, sensitivity towards heat and cold, and the peculiar mental symptoms if present in a high degree. Homeopathic remedies help in eradicating Dermatitis from the root by increasing the patient’s immunity to the optimal level so that there are no hypertensive flare-ups. The homeopathic treatment for Atopic Dermatitis is not instant and does take time, varying from months to a year depending upon the severity, duration of Dermatitis, plus the individual response to the remedy taken.

 Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Atopic Dermatitis

The top listed homeopathic medicines for treating cases of Atopic Dermatitis are Graphites, Petroleum, Sulphur, Natrum Mur, Rhus Tox, Arsenic Album, Mezereum, Galphimia Glauca and Histaminum.

1. Graphites – Top Homeopathic Remedy For Atopic Dermatitis

Graphites is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing Atopic Dermatitis. It proves highly effective when there is dry, rough skin. It may have cracks as well. Though it can be used for any affected skin area but it works most prominently on lesions in the bends of elbows or bend of knees, neck and behind the ear. Keeping aside dryness, it is equally effective for cases where skin vesicles (fluid-filled bumps) occur that ooze sticky, gluey discharge. Graphites also brings good results in eczema on face, nose, chin.

2. Petroleum – For Dry, Cracked Skin

Petroleum is an ideal medicine when the skin gets dry and cracked. Bleeding occurs from the cracks. The lesions with time get thickened and covered with crusts. Marked burning and itching also accompany the cracks. The flare of Atopic Dermatitis with dry, cracked skin in winter is highly characteristic to use Petroleum.

 3. Sulphur – To Manage Skin Itching

Sulphur is a leading medicine most frequently used in treating Atopic Dermatitis. The main complaint for which it is used is intolerable skin itching. The skin is excessively dry with scales and intolerable itching. In majority of cases, the itching is at its peak at night or when the person’s body gets warm in bed. Scratching is followed by a burning sensation on skin. Relapse of dermatitis in the spring season or in damp weather is also effectively dealt with this medicine. Homeopathic remedy Sulphur must always be considered as the first line of treatment for Atopic Dermatitis that is being suppressed by use of local medications like ointments or any other form of external medication.

4. Natrum Mur – For Rash / Eruptions In Bends Of Limbs And Scalp Margin

Natrum Mur is beneficial for rash/eruptions appearing in bends of limbs that include crease of elbow and back of knee. The eruptions may be dry or ooze fluid. Warmth and heat worsen the condition for using Natrum Mur. Additionally, the eruptions occur specifically at the margins of scalp. The eruptions are dry with rawness of skin along the margin of scalp. Crusting may also occur along the hairline. Taking salt worsens the condition. Persons needing it may also suffer nasal allergy with marked sneezing, runny nose along with dermatitis complaint.

 5. Rhus Tox – For Eruptions With Thick Crusts That Ooze Fluid

Rhus Tox is of great help for Atopic Dermatitis with eruptions covered with thick crusts that ooze fluid. The skin becomes red with excessive itching, or fluid-filled vesicular bumps appear on the skin. Marked burning and intense itching are felt.  Scratching makes the itching worse. Scaling of skin may also appear.

6. Arsenic Album – For Dry Scaly Eruptions

This medicine works well for cases having dry, rough scaly eruptions. In most cases, eczema is marked on the face. There occurs intense itching and burning in the eruptions. It is worse at night in most cases requiring it. The affected skin can be oversensitive to touch.

7. Mezereum – For Eruptions That Discharge Sticky Fluid

Mezereum is very beneficial for Atopic Dermatitis with eruptions oozing fluid. The fluid is very sticky. It is also indicated when thick scabs form on the skin with pus under it indicating infection. At times blood may ooze out on touching crusty eruptions. The eruptions are attended with marked itching. It gets worse from bathing with warm water.

8. Galphimia Glauca And Histaminum – For Atopic Dermatitis With Allergic Nasal Symptoms

Both natural homeopathic medicines Galphimia Glauca and Histaminum are very beneficial in the treatment of Atopic Dermatitis where hay fever/allergic rhinitis is associated with it. These natural medicines effectively treat allergy complaints like eczemas, hay fever and asthma.

Signs And Symptoms Of Atopic Dermatitis

Signs and Symptoms usually begin before 5 yrs of age.

1. Dry, rough, red, itchy skin is the main sign of Atopic Dermatitis. The itching is mild to intense varying from case to case. Itching is worse at night due to warmth of the bed.

2. Eruptions: In some persons, papular, vesicular or pustular eruptions appear on the skin. Papular eruptions are raised eruptions on skin, vesicular ones are fluid-filled eruptions and the pustular contains pus in it. When these eruptions start to ooze out fluid or pus, it is termed Weeping Eczema.

3. Thickening, Crusting And Scaling Of Skin

4. Deep cracks and fissures with bleeding: It is noted in the long run.

5. Skin infection from excessive scratching can occur. Red bumps and at times pus formation indicates infection.

6. Body parts affected by Atopic Dermatitis:

Although Atopic Dermatitis can appear on any part of the body, its common sites are bends of elbows, behind knees, face and neck. Other sites of infection may be around eyes and ankles. Scalp and face are the common sites in Infantile Eczema. Atopic Dermatitis in bends of elbow, knees or behind ears is known as Flexural Eczema.

Signs And Symptoms In Infants (Babies Less Than One Year Age)

In infants, there is dry skin with redness, itching and scaling. This may disturb sleep. Rash on cheeks, scalp, front of arms or legs may occur. In some cases, fluid may ooze from rash.

Signs And Symptoms In Children

In children, a rash is frequently noted in the bend of knees and elbows. The rash is very dry and scaly. The affected skin patches may be thick and light or dark colored. Rash on the neck and face is also noted.

Signs And Symptoms In Adults

Dry scaly skin is seen commonly in adults. Hands and feet are commonly affected. Besides, bend of elbows/knees, face, area around eyes and back of neck can be affected.

Causes And Symptoms Of Atopic Dermatitis Or Atopic Eczema

1. No cause has been detected behind Atopic Dermatitis, but its appearance is attributed to dysfunction of immune system. Due to misguided immune system, there is increase in inflammatory cells causing skin inflammation.

2. Further it is considered that genetic factors also play a role in it. This is based on the evidence that the person with Atopic Dermatitis usually gives a family history of Eczema or other atopic disease like asthmahay fever / nasal allergy or food allergies. The word “atopic” refers to the tendency to produce a hypersensitive reaction to an allergen in a person with a strong genetic predisposing element. A person having a parent or sibling suffering from Atopic Dermatitis is at great risk of developing atopic dermatitis. Additionally, those with Atopic Dermatitis are at risk to get other atopic conditions like asthma, nasal allergy, food allergy, etc. Persons having Atopic Dermatitis have changes in the gene affecting production of filaggrin. Filaggrin is a protein responsible for conserving skin moisture and keeping strong skin barrier. If it is low, skin gets dry and skin barrier is altered due to which irritants and even virus, bacteria can gain entry causing skin infections.

3. Hygiene Hypothesis

When children who are exposed to microorganisms early in their childhood, it helps build up their immune system and protects them against allergic diseases. So children in less hygienic environment are at less risk of Atopic Dermatitis. On the other hand, in children living in highly clean environments, the immune system does not get an opportunity to develop putting them at high risk of allergies.

4. In some, an excess of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria on skin can lead to Atopic Dermatitis

Trigger And Worsening Factors

Some of the trigger and worsening factors for Atopic Dermatitis include stress, weather changes (cold dry weather), woollens, synthetic clothes, dust mites, sweating, soaps, detergents, bathing with hot water. In some persons, certain food items, including egg, cow’s milk, gluten and fish, can worsen the condition.


1. This condition begins when the normal protective skin barrier is disturbed. Following this, the allergens find a chance to reach the deeper layers of skin.  It activates huge number of immune cells and a chain of immune reaction by these activated cells results in skin inflammation.  Firstly, epidermal inflammatory dendritic and innate lymphoid cells are activated that invites Th2CD4+ helper T cells to the skin that causes skin inflammation causing lesions of Atopic Dermatitis. These Th2 helper T cells further cause release of more inflammatory markers like cytokines (IL-4, IL-13 etc.) which further activates plasma and B lymphocyte cells to release antigen specific IgE adding to the inflammation.

2. Next is changes in the filaggrin gene affecting production of filaggrin. Filaggrin is a protein produced by keratinocytes skin cells. Filaggrin makes skin cells secrete moisturizing factors that keep the skin moisturized and maintain strong skin barrier. If it is low skin barrier gets disrupted, skin gets dry (xerosis). As a result, allergens, irritants and even virus, bacteria can gain entry causing skin infections.

3. In Atopic Dermatitis, there is release of pruritogens (mast cells, keratinocytes, T cells and eosinophils release pruritogens) that stimulates itching. These cells activate nerve fibers in the skin that leads to itching and pain sensation. Scratching the affected skin also contributes to the release of pruritogens leading to itch scratch cycle in which scratching increases the itching, so the more the person scratches, the more the itching gets worse or increases.


Persons having Atopic Dermatitis may develop allergic rhinitis, asthma, allergic contact dermatitis and food allergies. Skin may become thick and leathery. Skin infection can occur when skin breaks from repeated scratching, and bacteria or virus enters skin. Itching in the rash may disturb sleep. The affected skin after healing of the rash may become dark or light, named post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and post-inflammatory hypopigmentation respectively.

Lifestyle Management

1. Keep the skin moisturized. Apply moisturizer to the skin soon after the bath when skin is still wet.

2. Avoid bathing with hot water, prefer warm water over hot water to take bath. Limit the bathing time to about 10 minutes.

3. Use gentle soaps

4. Try to avoid trigger factors that would flare or worsen your rash, for example: synthetic clothes, certain soaps, food triggers (cow’s milk, eggs etc.), dust mites, animal dander,etc.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Paris Quadrifolia: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Paris Quadrifolia is prepared from a plant ‘one berry’ and ‘herb paris’. It belongs to the family Trilliaceae. The whole plant when in fruit is potentized as per homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. It becomes a homeopathic medicine Paris Quadrifolia of great value in treating certain health concerns. It is an important medicine to manage neck pain and numbness in the fingers.

 Drug Action

It mainly acts well on the neck and back. It also acts well on head, eyes, mouth, throat, larynx and the gastric system.

Clinical Indications

Neck pain, neck stiffness, cervical spondylosis, brachial neuralgia (severe pain in shoulder and upper arm accompanied with upper arm weakness), acidity, weak digestion, headache, neuralgia and hoarseness of voice.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Neck & Back (Neck Pain, Back Pain, Tail Bone Pain)

This medicine shows its action well on the neck and the back. It effectively manages cases in which there is pain in the neck on both sides. The pain from the neck radiates to the shoulders and reaches the fingers. Along with this, a weight or heavy load is felt in the neck and also across the shoulders. Stiffness in the neck is also present. Numbness in the fingers along with neck pain is a very important symptom to administer this medicine. It is the best medicine for cervical spondylosis when neck pain is attended with numbness in fingers. Those needing it have worsening of neck pain from exertion. They feel relief in the pain by taking rest. A heated sensation in the neck extending down the back is also its main indication. Weakness in the neck muscles can be felt in addition to the above symptoms. Another symptom that guides its use is pain in the back felt on stooping. There occurs a sensation of a load pressing on the back. Lastly, it is a wonderful medicine to help cases of pain in the coccyx i.e, the tailbone. It is well-indicated for managing pulsating or stitching nature of pain in the tailbone felt while sitting.

Key Indicating Features

Neck pain radiating to shoulders or fingers

Neck pain attended with numbness of fingers

Neck pain from exertion

Feeling of weight or heavy load in the neck and across the shoulders

Coccyx (tailbone) pain on sitting

2. Head (headache)

Paris Quadrifolia manages headaches quite well. It also benefits if the pain is felt in the back of head (occiput) and there is a weight-like sensation. It also works well in case there is pain in the eyes extending to the back of head as if pulled by a string. Another characteristic feature to use this medicine is when headache worsens merely by thinking about it. Another indication for its use is if there is pain in the head after smoking tobacco. Along with the above symptoms, one may feel as if the head is distended and enlarged.

Key Indicating Features

Pain in the back of head with sensation of a weight

Headache with pain in eyes extending to the back of head as if pulled by a string

Headache gets worsen merely by thinking about it

Headache from smoking tobacco

 3. Eyes (eyeball pain, double vision, heaviness, burning pain)

It offers relief from pain in the eyeballs that occurs as a result of slight motion. There is pain in the eyes as if there is an inward pull into the head.  It is also administered if the eyes feel too large. It can be administered if one encounters double vision or upon seeing one object as two. It is also used in case one reports pain of the burning nature in the eyes. In such cases, eyes normally go watery after waking up in the morning. Another indication for its use is the feeling of heaviness in the eyes.

Key Indicating Features

Eyeball pain from least motion

Eye pain with inward pull

4. Mouth (Dryness, Coated Tongue)

It manages well cases of dry mouth and tongue or coated tongue. There is excessive dryness of the mouth and tongue upon waking in the morning. There is white coating on the tongue with roughness and absence of thirst. There can be bitter taste in the mouth or reduced sense of taste.

Key Indicating Features

Dry mouth and tongue on awaking

White coated tongue with roughness and no thirst

5. Throat And Larynx (Sore Throat, Pain, Hoarseness)

It acts on the throat and larynx quite well. It can manage well complaints of sore throat. There is pain in throat while talking or swallowing. The pain may radiate to the ears as well. Burning pain is felt in the throat while eating or drinking. It can be used in cases when there is hawking of tough, green mucus. It can be administered in cases of hoarseness of voice with a burning sensation in the larynx (voice box).

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with pain on talking and swallowing

Hawking of tough, green mucus

Voice hoarse with burning in the larynx

6. Gastric Issues (Stomach Heaviness, Burning, Cramps, Loose Stool)

Lastly, it acts wonderfully on the gastric system to manage stomach heaviness, burning sensation, weak digestion and stomach cramps. The stomach heaviness gets better with burping. There is burning in the stomach that extends to the lower abdomen. Cramps are felt in the stomach. It is also useful to relieve one from griping pain in the abdomen. Lastly, it also helps well to manage complaints of loose stool that have a fetid smell.

Key Indicating Features

Stomach heaviness better from burping

Burning in stomach extending to the lower abdomen


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from touch, mental exertion, and upon mere thought about health issues.

Relieving Factors: One gets better from rest and pressure.


It can be used in both low and high potencies. It is a medicine which acts for a short duration of two to four days. In low potencies, it can be repeated often but frequent repetition in high potencies should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Coffea Cruda

Followed well by: Calcarea Carb, Ledum Pal, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Rhus Tox, Sepia and Sulphur


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Dolichos Pruriens: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Dolichos Pruriens is derived from a plant named Mucuna pruriens. It belongs to family Leguminosae. This plant bears fruit pod covered with bristly hair. This pod is used to prepare homeopathic medicine Dolichos. When the pod of this plant undergoes potentization (a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a magnificent homeopathic medicine Dolichos Pruriens. With its brilliant action on skin, it gives marvellous results in case of skin itching particularly when there are no associated eruptions or rash with it.

Drug Action

Dolichos Pruriens seems to act especially on the skin. Besides these, its action is noted on throat, gums, gastric system and liver.

Clinical Indications

Itching, senile pruritis, herpes zoster, neuralgia, jaundice, sore throat, gums pain, colic, constipation, piles, hepatitis

 Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Skin Concerns (Itching, Burning, Herpes Zoster)

If we have to pick the most important site of action of Dolichos, it would be skin. The principal action of Dolichos is noted on the skin. It is extensively used in treating various skin problems. Primarily it is a sovereign remedy for managing intense itching on the skin when there are no eruptions or rashes associated with it. Skin itching without eruptions or any rash calls unmistakably for use of this Dolichos. In cases needing this medicine, skin itching is present all over the body but is worse on the shoulders, knees, elbows and the hairy parts. Itching gets worse at night, is very intense and prevents the sufferer from falling asleep. Scratching worsens the itching. There is some relief in itching from cold water application. Burning is also felt on the skin in bed at night which is intolerable. This medicine has been found to be very effective in cases of senile pruritis which means skin itching in the elderly people. Its use is further applicable in management of cases of Herpes Zoster (also known as Shingles) that refers to a viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus resulting in a very painful skin rash with blisters means fluid – filled bumps.



In cases needing it, pain begins under the left shoulder blade followed by eruptions in the armpit on the same side. It then spreads towards the sternum and backwards towards the spine. It is accompanied by excessive burning and smarting sensation. It is also an excellent medicine for cases where nerve pain persists following Shingles even when the rash has been already healed. This condition is medically known as Postherpetic Neuralgia. Lastly, it is well indicated for cases of jaundice attended with intense itching of skin. The skin is yellow in spots and itching is worse at night in such cases.

Key Indicating Features

Intense itching on the skin without any eruptions/rash

Senile pruritis (itching in the elderly)

Herpes Zoster with excessive burning and smarting

Jaundice attended with intense skin itching

2. Throat Problems (Throat Pain)

Next comes the action of Dolichos on the throat. Here it is well-indicated for cases of throat pain that gets worse from swallowing. The pain is marked below the angle of lower jaw on the right side. It feels as if a splinter is embedded in that spot. The throat may feel rough as well. In some cases needing it, there occurs pain in the right side of throat with a contracted sensation that goes to the left side.

Key Indicating Features

Throat pain below angle of lower jaw on right side with the sensation of splinter embedded in that spot

Pain in right side of throat with a contracted sensation that goes to left side

3. Dental Complaints (Toothache, Pain In Gums)

It can effectively deal with certain dental complaints. It is a well-indicated medicine for relieving pain in a decayed tooth. It is a dull aching sort of pain, especially on the right side.  It can help to manage pain in the gums. The pain is intense that prevents sleep. It is of great help in managing soreness and tenderness of the gums in teething children. The child feels irritation in the gums and wants the gums to be rubbed continuously during dentition.

Key Indicating Features

Dull, aching pain in the decayed teeth on right side

Gum pain hindering sleep

Sore, tender gums in teething children

Irritation in gums during dentition with constant desire to rub the gums

4. Gastric Issues (Pain, Constipation, Piles, Worms, Hepatitis)

By acting on gastric system it proves useful in cases of swollen, bloated abdomen with constipation. It works well in cases of bruised pain in left inguinal region and also below the navel. It acts well on the rectum and gives good relief in cases of constipation and piles (swollen, enlarged veins in or around anus or in lower rectum) complaint. It can be given in constipation cases when attended with intense itching. Constipation may be accompanied with liver complaints. In piles, it can be used when burning sensation is marked. It is also helpful in cases of worms, especially threadworms. Use of this medicine is also recommended for liver complaints. It can manage well cases of liver inflammation (hepatitis). The liver is swollen with pain going through from left lobe.

Key Indicating Features

Swollen, bloated abdomen with constipation

Bruised pain in left inguinal region and also below the navel

Constipation with intense itching

Swollen liver with pain going through from left lobe


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse at night, on right side, from scratching


It can be used in both low and high potencies. Its low potencies can be repeated often while frequent repetition of high potencies should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aconite

In case of skin complaints its comparison can be done with medicines Rhus Tox and Fagopyrum

It can be compared with medicines Hepar Sulph, Argentum Nitricum and Nitric Acid in throat complaints.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Ranunculus Bulbosus: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Ranunculus Bulbosus is prepared from the plant buttercup. It belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. The whole plant is used to extract the medicine which undergoes potentization (the process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extract and intensifies the medicinal properties from a crude substance) to obtain medicine Ranunculus Bulbosus. This medicine proves to be very effective in managing pain in the shoulder blade, intercostal pain (pain in the area between two ribs), and certain skin complaints especially herpes zoster also known as shingles.

Drug Action

The most well-known action of this medicine is on the skin, chest wall, ribs, and upper back mainly to manage shoulder blade pain. Other than this, it also acts well on the eyes.

Clinical Indications

Herpes zoster, intercostal pain, scapula pain, corns, pemphigus, eczema, ulcers, chest pain, pleurodynia, pleurisy, day blindness

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Skin Complaints (Herpes Zoster, Corns, Pemphigus, Eczema, Ulcers)

Ranunculus Bulbosus is a highly recommended medicine for treating various skin diseases. It is a renowned homeopathic medicine for treating herpes zoster. Herpes zoster is a viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus resulting in a painful skin rash. It has given great clinical improvements in cases of herpes zoster. This medicine is used when there occurs bluish or bluish-black colored vesicle (fluid-filled bump) on the skin. Intense itching is also felt along with burning sensation. Sharp-stitching pain is another characteristic symptom. Furthermore, an important use of this medicine is seen in treating cases of corn on the skin.

Corn refers to a thick, hard skin area caused by excessive friction and pressure on the skin, especially on the feet. The guiding feature for its use is smarting and burning pain upon touching it. Another complaint in which it is found to be highly effective is pemphigus (a skin disorder in which there occurs a blister or pus-filled bump on the skin or mucous membrane in the body). It is well-indicated when there appear large blisters. These secrete foul-smelling sticky matter. These burst and leave raw surfaces. It can be given in cases of eczema. Here, it is well indicated when there is a formation of fluid-filled eruptions (vesicles) that itch and burn accompanied by skin thickening and the formation of hard scabs.  Lastly, it can be used in cases of skin ulcers. The indicative feature to use it in ulcers are flat ulcers with stinging, burning, and discharge of watery matter or pus.



Key Indicating Features

Herpes zoster with bluish or bluish-black colored vesicles with intense itching and burning

Corns with smarting and burning pain on touching

Pemphigus with large blisters that ooze foul-smelling sticky matter

2. Chest Complaints (Intercostal Pain, Chest Pain, Pleurodynia, Pleurisy)

Ranunculus Bulbosus has a remarkable action on the chest. The main indication for its use is pain in the intercostal spaces (which means pain in the space between any of the two ribs in the chest). The pain gets worse from movement and touch. It is best suited when there is intercostal neuralgia — pain in between ribs that arise from the involvement of intercostal nerves. It is indicated in order to manage pain in the chest wall. The pain is sharp, cutting, or stitching in nature. It is specifically indicated when this pain is of nerve, muscle or joint origin. The pain in the chest gets worse on movement and on inhalation where this medicine is required. Its use is also indicated in cases of pleurodynia.

Pleurodynia is a viral infection causing flu-like symptoms accompanied by chest pain. It is useful in cases of pleurisy (inflamed pleura means tissue lining outside of lungs and inner chest wall). Lastly, it proves beneficial for managing pain behind the sternum accompanied by soreness and bruised sensation.

Key Indicating Features

Intercostal neuralgia or pain (means pain in space between any of the two ribs in the chest)

Sharp, cutting, or stitching pain in the chest wall which gets worse on movement and on inspiration

Pain behind sternum attended with soreness and bruised sensation

3. Back (Shoulder Blade Pain)

The most important action of this medicine is seen on the back. Its use is mostly recommended to manage pain in the upper back. The characteristic feature for its use is muscle pain felt along the lower margins of the shoulder blade /scapula (which means triangular bone that lies in the upper back one on either side). The pain gets worse due to overuse of arms while writing, typing, playing piano, etc. The burning sensation is usually felt. It is also of great clinical significance to treat stitching pain in scapula or in between the scapulae. Its use is also considered when the neck muscles are contracted. Lastly, it is useful to manage pain in right side of the lower back felt while walking.

Key indicating features

Muscle pain along the lower margins of the shoulder blade

Stitching nature of pain in scapula or in between the scapulae

4. Eye Problems (Herpes, Day Blindness)

Herpes eruptions on the cornea

Herpes eruptions on the cornea

Ranunculus Bulbosus serves best to manage herpes eruptions that form on the cornea. It is accompanied by marked eye pain, watering of the eye, and bright light sensitivity (photophobia). The second indication for its use is pain over the right side of the eye that is relieved upon standing and walking. It is useful in case there is a smarting sensation and feeling of pressure in the eyeballs. Besides these, it is indicated for the management of cases of day blindness (impaired vision in day time while preserved vision at night time). Those who need it for day blindness feel a mist before their eyes in day time along with smarting and pressure in the eyes.

Key Indicating Features

Herpes eruptions on the cornea with marked pain, eye-watering, and bright light sensitivity

Day blindness with a sensation of mist before the eyes and smarting pain and pressure in the eyes


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in damp cold rainy weather, upon movement of arms, standing, touch, after eating, in stormy weather,  open air, change of weather, from alcohol intake, from fright and anger.

Relieving factors: Complaints get better as one sits in a forward bending position.


This medicine can be used in both low and high potency. The potency and repetition of this medicine vary on a case-to-case basis. As a general rule, the low potencies can be taken frequently but high potencies should not be repeated often.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Bryonia, Camphor, and Pulsatilla

Followed well by Bryonia, Ignatia, Kali Carb, Nux Vomica, Rhus Tox, Sepia, and Sabadilla

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Kali Muriaticum: Homeopathic Medicine — Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Kali Muriaticum is derived from potassium chloride. Potassium chloride is inert in its crude state and when it goes through potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines via which medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused), it gets converted into a brilliant homeopathic medicine Kali Muriaticum. It is one of the 12 biochemic medicines in homeopathy also known by the name of Schuessler’s twelve tissue remedies. Its use is highly recommended for cases of ear infection, cold and sore throat. Complaints attended with thick white discharges is one of the marked indications pointing towards its use.

Drug Action

This medicine’s chief action is noted on the ears, nose and throat. It also manifests its action on head, mouth, respiratory system, limbs and joints.

Clinical Indications

Ear disorders, otitis externa, otitis media, eustachian tube congestion, otorrhoea, cold, nasal congestion, epistaxis, sore throat, tonsillitis, headache, dandruff, sinusitis, mouth ulcers, oral thrush, stomatitis, cough, bronchitis, joint pains

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Ear Complaints (Ear Infection, Ear Discharge, Blocked Eustachian Tube, Noises In Ear)

Kali Muriaticum acts magnificently on the ears and is of special service in treating numerous ear-related problems. It is a superior remedy in treating cases of infection of outer ear canal (otitis externa also known as swimmer’s ear) and middle ear infection (otitis media). It is mainly used when white discharge comes out from the ears. Ear discharge is medically known as otorrhoea. Ear ache and difficulty in hearing are also felt due to swollen and congested middle ear. Swelling of the glands around the ear may be noted as well. It acts favourably on the eustachian tube (a thin tube that connects the throat to middle ear). Kali Muriaticum can manage cases of blocked, sore and swollen eustachian tube. In cases of blocked eustachian tube, its use is preferred when there is difficulty in hearing. Along with this there is a sensation of fullness and being plugged in the earsNoises are felt in ears (tinnitus). Its use is considered mainly for popping or snapping noises in ears. It can also be given for crackling noises that arise when swallowing or when blowing the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Infection of outer ear canal or middle ear

Ear discharge (otorrhoea) of white color

Earache and difficulty in hearing from swollen and congested middle ear

Blocked eustachian tube with difficult hearing, fullness/plug sensation in the ears and noises

Popping or snapping noises in ears or  crackling noises on swallowing / when blowing the nose

2. Nasal Problems (Cold, Frontal Sinusitis, Nasal Bleeding)

Its action is also marked on the nose. Kali Muriaticum has a considerable clinical reputation as a medicine for some of nasal complaints. Among these, it is a powerful medicine to manage cases of cold. The guiding feature to use it in cold is white colored mucus discharge from the nose. The discharge is thick, profuse and along with this sneezing is present. There may be hawking of mucus from posterior nares as well. A stuffed feeling in head is felt. It is also well indicated for frontal sinusitis with white mucus discharge from nose. It is a beneficial medicine to manage cases of bleeding from nose (epistaxis). It occurs mostly in the afternoon or at night. Bleeding especially occurs from the right nostril. Lastly, it can also manage cases of stuffy cold well.

Key Indicating Features

Cold with thick, white, profuse discharge from nose

Frontal sinusitis with white mucus discharge from nose

Nasal bleeding in afternoon or at night

3. Throat Issues (Sore Throat, Tonsillitis)

Kali Mur is highly recommended for managing sore throat . There is greyish-white coating in throat along with ulcers. In cases needing it, there is hawking of thick, white, mucus, cheesy small lumps having bad odor and taste. It is also useful for cases of tonsillitis. There is swelling, inflammation and enlargement of tonsils. The tonsils may be covered with white or whitish grey coating. There is intense pain in the throat while swallowing even water.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with greyish white coating in throat along with ulcers

Hawking of thick, white, mucus, cheesy small lumps having bad odor and taste

Tonsillitis – swollen, enlarged tonsils covered white/whitish grey with intense pain when swallowing

4. Head (Headache, Dandruff)

With its action on head, Kali Mur proves highly effective in managing headache. It has a great capacity to relieve sinus headache. Here the characteristic to use it is headache with hawking of white mucus. The frontal sinuses are affected. Along with headache, sneezing and cold is experienced. Its use is indicated for headache accompanied by vomiting of white phlegm. Lastly, it also treats dandruff. It works well mainly when there is excessive dandruff which is white, falling as small flakes. It is attended with scalp itching.

Key Indicating Features

Sinus headache with hawking of white mucus

Headache with vomiting of white phlegm

White dandruff in excess that falls as small flakes with itching

5. Mouth (Ulcers, Oral Thrush, Stomatitis, Coated Tongue)

Kali Mur gives considerable relief in cases of mouth ulcers. Those needing it have ulcers inside the lips and upper surface of tongue. It is accompanied by excessive saliva. It is a prominently indicated medicine for treating cases of oral thrush (fungal infection in the mouth). In these cases, it suits well when there are white ulcers in mouth. The breath is very fetid with ulcers. The taste of mouth can be salty or bitter. Besides, Kali Mur is a valuable medicine for treating cases of stomatitis (inflamed, sore mouth). The entire mucus surface of mouth is red with multiple grey ulcers. This medicine is also important for cases where tongue is coated greyish white, thick, sticky and slimy.

Key Indicating Features

Ulcers inside the lips and the upper surface of tongue with excessive saliva

Oral thrush with white ulcers in mouth

Stomatitis with redness of entire mucus membrane of mouth along with multiple grey ulcers

Tongue coated greyish white, thick, sticky and slimy

6. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Bronchitis, Pneumonia)

Kali Mur has a great tendency to relieve cough. Its use is mainly preferred when cough is attended with thick, white sputum expectoration. Its use can be done in managing cases of bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) and pneumonia (inflammation and infection of air sacs of lungs). There is formation of thick white mucus which is hard to cough up. Rattling sounds are heard when air passes through thick, sticky mucus in bronchi.

Key Indicating Features

Cough with thick, white sputum expectoration

Respiratory complaints with thick white mucus formation which is hard to cough up

7. Limbs And Joints (Joint Pains, Chilblains, Stiffness)

In case of joints, Kali Mur is very useful in managing joint pains. In cases needing it, joint pains are mainly felt during movement or at night. Swelling around the joints is well-marked. It can be given to persons who persistently have cold hands and feet. Its use can be done in chilblains cases as well. Lastly, its use is suggested to manage stiffness of hands while writing.

Key Indicating Features

Joint pain during movement or at night with marked swelling

Cold hands and feet

Stiff hands while writing


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold drinks, fatty food, in open air and at night

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from cold drinks, rubbing and movement


Use of this medicine is recommended in low potency varying from third to twelfth power. Among these, it is most frequently used in 6X potency. In 6X potency, it can be taken three to four times a day depending on the case presentation.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna, Hydrastis, Calcarea Sulph and Pulsatilla

It can be compared with medicines Kali Bichrome and Hydrastis in case of thick, tough mucus secretions.

In case of joint complaints, it can be compared with medicines Bryonia and Rhus Tox.

Lastly, its comparison is done with medicine Mercurius Dulcis in eustachian tube complaint and ear inflammation.


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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Chikungunya

homeopathic medicines for chikungunya

Homeopathic medicines for chikungunya

The name Chikungunya comes from an African Makonde language means ‘that which bends up’” The disease was given its name because it led to the affected persons walking in a stooped posture due to intense joint and muscle pains. Chikungunya is a viral infection caused by Chikungunya virus (CHIKV). Like dengue, it is also transmitted to humans after being bitten by the Aedes mosquito infected with this virus. Compared to dengue which is a serious infection, Chikungunya is usually not serious or fatal but the joint pains caused by it can be really nerve–wracking and disabling. High fever and joint pains are the most common symptoms of chikungunya. One infection with chikungunya virus gives lifelong immunity means a person cannot get this infection twice in his/her life.

Homeopathic Treatment     

The homeopathic mode of treatment ensures complete relief from the symptoms of Chikungunya fever. It can be treated very effectively with natural homeo medicines that are made of natural substances and have no side-effects. The homeopathic treatment for Chikungunya fever is absolutely safe and can only benefit the patient, never harm. The aim of the homeopathic mode of treatment is to provide complete symptomatic relief to the patients. These medicines are also highly effective to manage chronic Chikungunya arthritis. The same medicines help in giving relief from the joint pains during the acute phase, and in some cases that may otherwise trouble a patient for months or even years.

The homeopathic medicines for treating Chikungunya fever are selected based upon the unique individual symptoms.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Chikungunya Fever

1. Polyporus Pinicola –  Top Medicine For Chikungunya Fever

Polyporus Pinicola is a leading homeopathic medicine for Chikungunya fever. It works best and manages fever with joint pains and headache. With fever – chills and shivers are felt. The joint pains are distinctly present in ankles, knees, hip, elbow, wrist, and finger joints. Fingers may be stiff as well. Restlessness may attend along with joint pains at night time. In some cases, back pain, and pain in the legs may be present. Those who need Polyporus Pinicola have severe headache along with confusion in head with a hot flushed face. Constant nausea may also be present.

2. Eupatorium Perfoliatum –  To Manage Fever And Pains

Eupatorium Perfoliatum effectively manages high fever with severe pains. Pains can be in joints, bones, muscles, and the back. Those who need it feels as if the bones are broken. Chills are also accompanied along with pains all over the body. Vomiting specifically after chills may occur. Along with the above-mentioned symptoms there is excessive weakness, and fatigue.

3. Bryonia Alba – To Manage Fever, Joint / Muscle Pains Worse With Motion

Bryonia is a natural medicine to help manage fever and joint / muscle pains. The foremost feature to use this medicine is worsening of joint or muscle pains from movement and relief after complete rest. The joints along with pain are swollen and feel warm. In some cases, warm application on joints offers relief from the pain. During fever, chills are distinctly present. There is increased thirst and the mouth goes dry.

4. Rhus Tox – To Manage Joint Pains, Muscle Pain, Backache

Rhus Tox is an excellent remedy to control joint pains and muscle pain in case of fever. It can be given for pain in any joint of the body. A key feature to use Rhus Tox is worsening of joint pains while resting and relief from movement. The joints show stiffness along with pain. Backache during fever can also be relieved by Rhus Tox. Chills accompanying the fever are also noted that alternate with heat in the body. Rhus Tox is also indicated to manage chronic Chikungunya arthritis.

5. Actaea Spicata – To Manage Small Joint Pain

It is a wonderful remedy to help in case of pain in small joints. Pain in small joints including the wrist, fingers, ankle, and toe. The affected joint may be swollen as well. Pain gets worse upon touching and moving the affected joint.

6. Arnica – To Manage Sore Bruised Pains

This natural remedy is perfect to manage pains that are sore and bruised which means the affected part pains upon being touch. It feels as if the part under pain is being hit hard or beaten. Pain can be generalised, or in some joint or muscle or back. Arnica can be used to manage pain during the acute phase, and it can also be administered in case of pain that lasts for longer duration, particularly, at the time one is making a recovery from infection.

7. Gelsemium – To Manage Weakness, Muscle Pain, Headache

Gelsemium is a herbal medicine to manage weakness in Chikungunya. Those needing it have marked weakness and desire to lie down. They have excessive drowsiness and sleepiness. Chill along with shivering is marked. Usually, a person does not feel thirsty. Pain in muscles is prominent along with headache and heaviness in eyes.

8. Belladonna – To Manage Headache, Fever And Red Rash

Belladonna is the top medicine for managing headache. In cases requiring it, pain is mostly felt on the sides of the head (temples). Relief by tight bandage is a sign for using Belladonna. Pain may get worse from noise and  light. There is fever with intense heat in body and body feels burning hot when touched. Belladonna is also indicated to manage reddish rash on skin along with above features. It is also recommended to manage conjunctivitis with redness of eye and burning pains.

9. Arsenic Album – To Manage Weakness And Fever

Arsenic Album is brilliant medicine to manage weakness and fever. Those needing it have so much weakness that they even cannot stand without feeling weak. They feel like lying down all the time. Internal chills are felt during fever. However, on touching the body form outside, it feels hot. Anxiety and restlessness accompany fever. Thirst for small quantity of water at very small intervals is felt.

10. Ipecac – For Relieving Nausea And Vomiting      

Ipecac is considered the best natural homeopathic remedy for providing relief from nausea and vomiting. It can be used for persistent nausea and vomiting during Chikungunya Fever. Homeopathic medicine Ipecac always shows its worth in providing relief from nausea and vomiting. The tongue is usually found to be almost clean in most cases.

11. Euphrasia – For Managing Conjunctivitis

Euphrasia is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for managing conjunctivitis in a person with chikungunya infection. The symptoms of redness, watering, burning, itching in eyes get relieved by using Euphrasia.

Cause And Transmission Of Chikungunya

Chikungunya is caused by Chikungunya virus (CHIKV). It is transmitted to humans via bite from mosquito of aedes genus – Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti which are already infected with this virus. Such mosquitoes contract this virus when they bite a human being who has this virus in his blood. It can also spread by coming in contact with blood of infected person. It can also spread from a pregnant mother having chikungunya infection to the baby.

What Are The Symptoms Of Chikungunya?

The symptoms of Chikungunya viral infection start to appear around 3 to 7 days after mosquito biteRecovery usually occurs in about a week or two but joint pains may linger on for long in some. The symptoms are as follows:

Most common symptoms are:

1.High fever above 102°F : The fever in Chikungunya infection usually subsides within three to four days

2. Joint pains: These occur in more than 85% of the cases. Multiple joints get affected here. Joint pain is symmetrical means if one joint wrist is affected on one side, then same joint on other side gets affected as well. The joints may also show swelling and stiffness. The joint pains continue for weeks, few months and even years in a few persons (approx. 40 % of persons) having this infection. This is then referred as Chronic Chikungunya Arthritis.

Other symptoms are as follows:

1. Rash on skin:In about 50% cases, the rash appears on the skin. The rash is red at times with small bumps. The rash may be localised to one body part or it may affect even 90% of body skin.

2. Headache, muscle pain, fatigue

3. Sometimes there may be abdomen pain, nausea, vomiting, conjunctivitis (inflamed conjunctiva – membrane that covers white of eyes and eyelids) and backache.

What Are Its Complications?

In most cases, no complications arise but in some cases, they may arise. Those at risk are persons with diabetes, high blood pressure, elderly people, young children. The complications include inflammation in various body parts like inflammation in liver (hepatitis), inflammation of kidneys (nephritis), inflamed retina of eyes or uveitis (inflammation of middle layer of eyewall), inflammation of spinal cord / membranes of brain.  A complication may arise in the form of bleeding from any body part,  cranial nerves function loss and Guillain barre syndrome (an autoimmune disorder affecting nervous system beginning with weakness in feet / lower legs usually that spread up that may progress to paralysis) .

Diagnosis of Chikungunya

1. The main recommended test is Serological test ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays) to rule IgM and IgG antibodies to chikungunya virus. It is a blood test. In chikungunya fever IgM antibodies can be detected 3 to 4 days following symptom start and remain for 3 to 4 months. IgG antibodies are detectable 6 to 7 days post symptom onset and persist for many years.

2. Virological test: RT-PCR(reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction). It is a rapid method to detect chikungunya virus in blood.

3. In addition to the above, in CBC (complete blood count) lymphocyte count is found to be less.

Chikungunya Vs Dengue Fever

Both Chikungunya and Dengue are viral infections transmitted to human beings by bite of an infected mosquito of Aedes genus. But dengue is a much serious infection and can turn fatal if not treated carefully and timely, while chikungunya is not usually fatal and a person recovers in a week or two. In both these infections, high fever and joint pains are prominent but in dengue, pain behind eye is highly characteristic. Additionally, in dengue, bleeding from various body parts like under skin from the nose, gums, rectum can occur if the platelets get lowered (called dengue hemorrhagic fever) which usually is not the case with chikungunya. As both Chikungunya and Dengue have common symptoms of high fever and joint pain in the initial phase, so confirmed diagnosis cannot be made alone on symptom picture and blood tests are required to confirm whether it is dengue or chikungunya.

Preventive Tips

1. The best preventive tip to prevent chikungunya infection is to prevent a mosquito bite.

2. Control mosquito breeding.

3. Wear full sleeves clothes and clothes that cover the entire legs when going outside.

4. Throw away unused containers holding water. Properly clean the necessary water-holding containers regularly and keep them covered.

5. Use insect repellants that have DEET or picaridin.

6. Use mosquito net to prevent mosquito bites.



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Homeopathic Medicines for Dengue Prevention

Dengue Fever triggers an instant scare, and rightly so. It’s a viral fever that spreads by the bite of female mosquitoes of Aedes genus mainly Aedes aegypti which is itself infected with dengue virus. The mosquito gets dengue virus on biting a person carrying dengue virus in his/ her blood. It is also known as ‘break bone fever’. Dengue fever can range from mild to severe. Severe dengue fever can be life-threatening and needs to be urgently treated at a hospital. In any case of dengue fever, one needs to be vigilant regarding the signs and symptoms and if any warning signs of severe form come up, take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment without any delay.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines for dengue fever are very effective. Eupatorium Perfoliatum leads the chart of homeopathic medicine to manage dengue fever. These medicines are made of natural substances, are completely safe with no side effects and have shown effective cure in treating thousands of dengue cases. These medicines can be considered in mild to moderate cases under the supervision of homeopathic physician. In no case self- medication be done. In case of severe cases/dengue hemorrhagic fever, dengue shock syndrome immediately rush to the hospital for emergency help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Remedies For Dengue Fever

Homeopathic Remedies For Dengue Fever

NotePlease note that Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic fever can turn into a critical life-threatening condition, hence should not be treated only with homeopathic medicines and they should only be considered as an additional help along with conventional mode of treatment. Hospital supervision of the patient is very essential.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Dengue Fever

1. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – One Of The Best Homeopathic Medicines For Dengue Fever

Homeopathic physicians rank Eupatorium Perfoliatum as the best Homeopathic medicine for Dengue Fever. It is undoubtedly the first medicine to be used in dengue fever cases. The characteristic feature to use it is severe muscle, bone and joint pains with high fever. This medicine is also popularly known as ‘bone set’ as it brings about the quickest relief in severe bone and joint pains in fever. The pain can be present in any bone or it may generally be felt in the whole body. In general body ache, it feels as if the whole body is broken. Apart from relieving joint pains, it is also very beneficial if there is severe pain in the eyeballs caused by dengue fever. It helps in recovering from headache with nausea and vomiting too. The headache is present mostly on the top (vertex) of head. Mainly the patients requiring this remedy for Dengue have severe chill with shivering and severe body pains. After the chill is over, vomiting occurs. In majority of the cases, sweat brings relief in all the symptoms, with the exception of pain in head. Weakness, tiredness may attend above symptoms.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum as a preventive homeopathic medicine for dengue

Although there is no concrete research on the role of Eupatorium Perfoliatum as preventive homeopathic medicine for dengue fever, it is widely used as a prophylaxis for dengue. It is used as its usage is in accordance with homeopathic laws of prophylaxis (Laws stated in homeopathic philosophy suggest that the homeopathic medicine that is closest in symptom-match to the symptoms of an outbreak of a disease can be used as a prophylaxis). The homeopathic medicine which closely matches the symptoms of dengue outbreak is Eupatorium Perfoliatum. It can be used in 30C potency twice daily during an outbreak of dengue fever.

2. Bryonia Alba – To Manage Fever And Muscle / Joint Pains

Bryonia Alba is of great help in providing relief from muscle/ joint pains in dengue fever. This medicine offers the best help when there is worsening of pains by any movement even in the least degree. Complete rest gives relief from pain. There is fever with marked chills. With chills, there is heat in the head.  Extreme thirst for water with a dry mouth may be felt along with this specific feature.

3. Rhus Tox – To Relieve Pain (Muscle, Bone, Joint Pains)

Rhus Tox is another highly recommended medicine to relieve pain in body during fever. It works best when muscle bone or joint pains get worse from rest and are better from movement. There is fever with alternating heat and chill stage. There occur burning heat in body followed by chills and shivering.

4. Gelsemium – For Dengue Fever With Weakness And Prostration

Gelsemium is the best for dengue fever patients who experience utmost weakness and prostration. A state of dullness, dizziness and drowsiness is the perfect description to select gelsemium. The patients needing it seem lethargic and have a desire to lie down in perfect silence without any disturbance. He or she also wants to be quiet and dislikes conversation. The patient experiences shaking chills which is most typically marked in the back and travels up and down the back. Another feature is headache with heaviness of eyes. The headache is mainly present in the back of the head that in most cases travels up to the forehead and eyes. There is also an absence of thirst in majority of cases. Muscle pains may attend above symptoms.

5. Belladonna – To Manage Headache, Pain Behind Eyes And Fever With Marked Heat

Belladonna is the best choice to manage headache. In cases needing it, though pain may be felt in any part of the head but is mostly marked on the sides of head (temples). For using Belladonna, the pain is very violent, and throbbing in nature. Tight binding of the head provides relief. It is also helpful in relieving pain behind the eyes. During fever, there is intense heat in body with red flushed face and lack of thirst.

6. Arsenic Album – To Manage Weakness And Fever

Arsenic Album is an ideal homeopathic medicine to manage weakness during fever. Even standing and walking result in fatigue where this medicine is required. There is a need to lie down all the time because of tiredness. There may be internal chills in the body but the body is hot to touch from outside. Fever mostly comes at night and is attended with marked anxiety and restlessness. There is thirst for little quantity of water at very small intervals. Arsenic can also be given for managing nausea and vomiting. Nausea gets worse by the smell or sight of food and vomiting gets worse from eating or drinking anything.

7. Ipecac – To Manage Nausea And Vomiting

For relieving nausea and vomiting, Ipecac can be used as a first medicine. It is of great help when there is persistent nausea and vomiting. Nausea does not get better even after vomiting. There is vomiting of watery fluid, along with cutting pain in abdomen.

8. Homeopathic Medicines For Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Although there are certain homeopathic medicines to manage bleeding in dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is strictly advised to take urgent medical help from conventional mode of treatment in such cases as this condition can be life-threatening and may need urgent hospitalization. For help to manage bleeding, homeopathic medicines can be used along with conventional treatment and should not be in any case considered as a substitute treatment to conventional mode. The main homeopathic medicines that can help in dengue hemorrhagic fever are Hamamelis and China.

Hamamelis is a brilliant medicine to manage bleeding from any body part. It is indicated to manage bleeding under skin, from nose, gums, rectum, in urine, in vomitus. There is excessive exhaustion. China is equally important medicine to manage bleeding. It is of great help when there is profuse bleeding along with marked exhaustion. Debility and utmost prostration with hemorrhages is its main indication.

Symptoms Of Dengue fever

The symptoms start anytime between 4 days to 14 days after bite of an infected mosquito. However, in 80% cases no symptoms arise. Recovery occurs in three to seven days approximately in most cases. But it may develop into a severe disease known as dengue hemorrhagic fever/ dengue shock syndrome.

The main symptoms of dengue fever are:

1. Sudden onset High fever (over 104 degree F). Fever is saddleback (or biphasic) type means after the first peak of fever, subsidence of fever occurs for at least a day which is followed by a second peak of fever for a day or two.

2. Pain typically behind eye worsened by eye motion or pressure

3. Severe muscle, bone and joint pains

4. Severe headache

5. Nausea or vomiting

6. Skin rash: It is noted in about 50 % to 80% of the cases. Initially, skin appears red, flushed and later on a measles-like rash occurs.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

A few cases of dengue fever (around 1 in 20) progress to a serious disease called dengue hemorrhagic fever. It is a serious life-threatening condition needing emergency medical help in hospital. In this serious form, bleeding occurs from different body parts. It usually starts to happen in 24-48 hrs after fever has subsided. In such cases, the platelets (cells responsible for clotting of blood) in the blood significantly decrease leading to hemorrhages (bleeding).

The bleeding may be

1. Under the skin

-Petechiae – tiny bleeding points under skin

– Ecchymosis – blue or purple spots on skin from breaking of blood vessels near skin

– Purpura is similar to ecchymosis but lesions in it are small as compared to ecchymosis

2. From the nose (Epistaxis)

3. From gums

4. Vomiting of blood (Hematemesis)

5. Blood in stool

6. Blood in urine

Along with bleeding, severe abdomen pain and persistent vomiting, fatigue, restlessness, irritability can attend. Those having weak immunity and those having dengue infection for the second time are at a high risk to suffer dengue haemorrhagic fever.

Dengue Shock Syndrome

Like dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is also a serious life-threatening condition needing emergency medical help at hospital.

In case severe bleeding occurs, shock may develop with very low blood pressure, rapid or weak pulse with cold clammy skin and restlessness. It may eventually result in death. Such severe cases with shock are referred to as Dengue Shock Syndrome.

Cause of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is caused by dengue virus. A person gets this virus infection on being bitten by Aedes mosquito itself infected with dengue virus.

After the entry of dengue virus into the skin of the person, it enters white blood cells and starts reproduction. Certain proteins – cytokines and interferons – are produced by WBCs as a response to virus multiplication resulting in symptoms like fever and pains. If infection gets severe, virus multiplication increases rapidly and affects organs like liver and bone marrow. This may decrease the number of platelets required for blood clotting that may lead to bleeding from various body parts.

Dengue fever cannot pass directly from person to person like via direct skin contact. But one may get infection if they come in contact with infected blood.

In pregnant women, dengue virus can pass to the baby in womb.

There are five strains of dengue virus that can cause dengue fever. Getting infected by any dengue virus strain gives you lifetime immunity to that particular strain of dengue virus. But this does not nullify the chances of getting infected by rest of the strains of dengue virus. A person may suffer infection from all the five strains (only once with each of them) of dengue virus in his/her life. The chances of severe dengue rises on getting dengue fever more than once.


The complications include internal bleeding, seizures (fits), brain inflammation and damage, liver damage, lung damage, shock due to low blood pressure from excessive bleeding that if not promptly treated, can turn fatal.  In pregnant women having dengue infection, the dengue virus may pass to the baby in womb, it also increases the risk of miscarriage and the chance of low birth weight of baby and pre-term birth also increases.

Diagnostic Investigations

1. Dengue RNA PCR test:  It can detect dengue virus in early stage of infection and also help to detect the particular strain of dengue virus causing infection.

2. Viral antigen detection test – NS1 (named Dengue NS1 Antigen Test). NS1 means non structural protein 1. It can also detect virus in early infection stage and should be done within the first 5 days of appearance of symptoms.

3. Dengue serology – Dengue virus-specific antibodies IgG and IgM test.

Among these, IgM antibodies appear in early stage of infection and their detection while symptoms have already appeared indicates dengue infection. The presence of IgM antibodies cannot be detected one to three months after infection.

IgG antibodies detects infection in late stage as IgG levels increase slowly. It can be detected till over 60 yrs age or even through a lifetime indicating past infection.

4. Platelet count: This is lowered in dengue hemorrhagic fever. Normal platelet count is 1.5 lac to 4.5 lac/microliter of blood. Low platelet count is medically termed thrombocytopenia. In dengue cases platelet count may drop to as low as 20000 to 40000 / microliter of blood.

Prevention of Dengue Fever

1. The best possible way to prevent dengue fever is to prevent mosquito bites and control mosquito breeding.

2. Take measures to stop breeding of mosquitoes. Do not let water collect in any pot, can, old tyres or any other box as mosquitoes breed in standing water. Throw away any pots or boxes where rainwater can collect.

3. Keep windows and doors closed as far as possible to prevent mosquito entry in house.

4. When going out, wear full sleeves clothes, and clothes that cover legs and also wear socks.

5. Use mosquito repellents containing 20% to 30% of DEET.

6. Use of mosquito nets can be helpful.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Agaricus Muscarius: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Agaricus Muscarius is a brilliant nerve remedy. It has a great ability to manage nerve issues like twitching, neuralgia, tics, chorea and epilepsy. It also has marked effect on back pain and spine complaints. Other than this, its role in treating chilblains and frostbite is noteworthy.

The ‘Agaricus Muscarius’ Constitution

This medicine is well suited to persons who are very sensitive to cold and damp. It also suits elderly people having poor blood circulation. Lastly, it is suitable to alcoholics especially to manage headache.

 Drug Action

The most prominent action of this medicine is on the nerves, back, spine, mind and skin. Other than these, it acts well on the face, head, eyes, limbs, male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Back pain, spinal irritation, chilblains, frostbite, acne rosacea, twitching, tics, neuralgia, chorea, epilepsy, paralysis, blepharospasm, nystagmus, painful menses.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Neck, Back And Spine (Pain, Stiffness, Weakness)

Agaricus Muscarius acts wonderfully on the neck, back and spine to help various complaints. It is a very effective medicine for managing cases of back pain. It gives good results in cases of lower back pain, especially the one felt after exertion. The pain tends to increase while sitting and stooping. The pain is severe confining the sufferer to the bed. There may be a feeling of heavy load in the lower back. The entire spine is sensitive to touch. Burning and shooting pain is marked in the spine. It feels as if the spine is being pierced with hot or cold needles, it feels very weak. A peculiar sensation as if ants are creeping along the spine can be present. The muscles of the back feel tight. It can be used for cases of neck pain and stiffness. Tightness is felt in the neck. Twitching may be felt in the neck muscles. There may also occur stiffness between the shoulders along with weakness.

Key Indicating Features

Lower back pain worse after exertion, while sitting and stooping

Sensitivity of whole spine to touch

Burning and shooting pain in the spine

Sensation as if spine is pierced with hot or cold needles

2. Nerves (Twitching, Tics, Neuralgia, Numbness, Chorea, Epilepsy, Paralysis)

Agaricus has great ability to help nerve issues like twitching (involuntary muscle contraction), neuralgia (nerve pain), numbness and chorea. It proves effective on twitching of facial muscle and eyelids. Muscle twitches occurring during sleep are very effectively managed with it. Agaricus is highly useful for cases of tics and chorea cases. Tics are sudden muscle twitchings, sudden repetitive muscle movement or sounds. Chorea is a movement disorder causing brief, abrupt, involuntary unpredictable body movement. In chorea cases, Agaricus can be used for jerking of a single muscle or several muscles together causing dancing like position of the body.



In neuralgia (nerve pain) cases, it is highly suitable to manage facial neuralgia. It is well indicated for epilepsy (tendency to have recurrent seizures means fits) cases as well. It is indicated for epilepsy that occurs after fright or from suppressed eruptions. Lastly, its use is recommended for managing cases of paralysis. It is mainly indicated for managing paralysis (loss of muscle function) of upper or lower limbs or of facial muscles.

Key Indicating Features

Twitching of facial muscle, eyelids

Chorea for jerking of a single muscle or several muscles together causing dancing of body

Epilepsy after fright or from suppressed eruptions

Paralysis of upper or lower limbs or of facial muscles

2. Mind (Depression, Delirium, Fears)

Agaricus has a wonderful action on mind. It can be given in cases of depression, delirium, and fears. In depression, it is indicated when there is aversion to work, indifferent behavior and weakness. It works well in delirium cases. Delirium is sudden change in brain causing confusion, unclear speaking and thinking, trouble paying attention, distraction and disorientation. In delirium, this medicine is mainly used when there is excessive talkativeness with change of subject from one to another suddenly and rapidly, incoherent talk, screaming, shouting, muttering, rhyming, desire to injure oneself, rage and muscle twitching. It is a prominent medicine for managing delirium of fever. Agaricus is an excellent medicine for managing certain fears. These include fear of cancer, of being left alone, of ghosts.

Key Indicating Features

Delirium with talkativeness, incoherent talk, screaming, muttering, rhyming, desire to injure himself, rage and muscle twitching

Delirium of fever

Fear of cancer, of left alone, ghosts

4. Skin Issues (Chilblains, Frostbite, Itching, Pricking, Acne Rosacea)

It has brilliant action on skin. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating cases of chilblains and frostbite. Chilblains refers to inflammation of small blood vessels in skin that appear in response to cold exposure. In this itchy, swollen red areas occur on skin of hands or feet. In case of chilblains, it gives best results when there is intense itching and burning on skin.



Frostbite refers to skin injury resulting from exposure to very low temperature causing freezing of skin and underlying tissues. Agaricus is well indicated for marked pain, inflammation, redness, and swelling in cases of frostbite. A marked characteristic feature for its use is needle-like pricking sensation in different parts of the skin. This medicine proves beneficial in cases of skin itching as well. In cases needing it, itching is felt all over the body. Besides, there may be no eruptions. Itching disturbs sleep. After scratching, itching shifts places. Another marked indication to use this medicine is small, hard, red pimples scattered over body. Lastly, it is indicated for treating acne rosacea (skin condition causing flushing of facial skin that may be attended with pus-filled eruptions).

Acne rosacea

Acne rosacea

Key Indicating Features

Chilblains with intense itching and burning on skin

Pain, inflammation, redness, swelling in frostbite cases

Pricking sensation on the skin

Itching that disturbs sleep

5. Face (Twitching, Nerve Pain)

Agaricus Muscarius has marked action on the face. It proves to be a highly effective medicine in managing twitching (involuntary muscle contraction) of facial muscles. It is also an important medicine for managing facial nerve pain (neuralgia). Here the guiding symptom is pain with a sensation as if cold needles are passing through the nerves. This medicine can be used in cases of herpes eruptions present especially on the upper lip. It also helps cases where pain in cheeks is well marked. The pain can be throbbing, pulsating, lancinating or tearing type.

Key Indicating Features

Twitching of facial muscles

Facial nerve pain with feeling of cold needles passing through the nerves

Herpes eruptions on upper lip

Throbbing, pulsating, lancinating or tearing pain in cheeks

6. Eyes Complaints (Blepharospasm, Eye Floaters, Pain, Nystagmus, Squint)

Agaricus is a top-grade medicine for managing twitching of eyelids (blepharospasm). Another complaint for which it is prominently indicated is nystagmus which means rapid, repetitive, involuntary movement of eye.

Agaricus has also shown great clinical improvements in eye floaters complaint. Its use is recommended when eye floaters are yellow, black or brown, especially in front of left eye. Flickering may also be felt in front of the eyes while writing. It can be used to manage eye pain as well. There is eye pain, pressing and burning sensation is felt on the movement of eyeballs. Besides, it can be given in cases of squint too.

Key Indicating Features

Twitching of eyelids (blepharospasm)

Rapid, repetitive, involuntary movement of eye (nystagmus)

Eye floaters – yellow, black or brown mainly in front of the left eye

7. Head (Headache, Itching, Involuntary Movement)

By acting on the head, it offers help to manage headache. The key feature for its use is pain in head with bleeding from nose. It is also well indicated for headache faced by alcoholics. A very unique feature is relief in headache after stool or urination. Persons needing it may feel icy coldness in the head as if occurring from icy cold needles. It is very important indication is involuntary motion of the head. Agaricus is also useful in managing itching of the scalp that occurs early morning.

Key Indicating Features

Headache with bleeding from nose

Headache in alcoholics

Icy coldness in the head as if occurring from icy cold needles

Involuntary motion of the head

8. Limbs (Cramps, Numbness, Joint Pain, Weakness, Locomotor Ataxia)

With its action on limbs, it can manage cramps in hands or feet. It can offer help to manage trembling of limbs. Agaricus can also help to relieve numbness in lower limbs. Another complaint where it can help is tearing, stitching or pressing pain in hip joint. It works well for managing knee joint pain too. The pain aggravates by sitting and deteriorates by walking. Heaviness and weakness of lower limbs can be well managed with it. Lastly, it is indicated to manage pain in case of locomotor ataxia (lack of muscle control over voluntary movements) cases and also uncertain gait.

Key Indicating Features

Cramps in hands or feet

Trembling of limbs

Knee pain worse from sitting and better by walking

Heaviness and weakness of lower limbs

Pain in locomotor ataxia

9. Sleep Issues (Sleeplessness, Drowsiness, Twitching During Sleep)

Agaricus Muscarius can effectively deal with sleep issues. Firstly, it is useful for cases in which there occurs muscle twitching during sleep. Secondly, issue of sleeplessness due to rush of ideas in mind can be managed with this medicine. It can be of great help in cases of restless sleep arising from excessive itching and burning of skin. It may help people who feel drowsy in the daytime and are unable to resist sleep.

Key Indicating Features

Twitching of muscle during sleep

Sleeplessness from rush of ideas in mind

Restless sleep due to excessive itching and burning of skin

10. Male Problems (Weakness, Premature Ejaculation)

Males may find this medicine suitable to manage excessive weakness after sexual intercourse. With weakness there occurs excessive sweating and itching and burning of skin. It is a suitable medicine to manage burning sensation in urethra during ejaculation. Last indication for its use is premature ejaculation.

Key Indicating Features

Weakness after sex

Burning in urethra during ejaculation

Premature ejaculation

11. Female Problems (Bearing Down, Painful Menses, Leucorrhea)

In females, this medicine can be very useful to manage complaint of bearing down pain in pelvis mainly after menopause. It can be helpful to relive painful menses too.  There is labor-like cramping pain during menses with desire to lie down. Besides these, it can be used to manage leucorrhoea means vaginal discharge that are dark, blood-stained and attended with itching and sexual desire.

Key Indicating Features

Bearing down pain in pelvis mainly after menopause

Labor like cramping pain during menses with desire to lie down

Vaginal discharge that are dark and blood-stained, attended with itching and sexual desire


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold air, in cold weather, from touch, from fright, during menses, from mental exhaustion, fright, from alcohol intake and after sexual intercourse

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air and by moving about slowly


Use of this medicine is recommended from 30 C to 200 C potency. In skin complaints and nervous exhaustion, its use is advised in low potencies.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Calcarea Carb, Pulsatilla and Rhus Tox

Followed well by: Belladonna, Calcarea Carb, Cuprum Met, Merc Sol, Opium, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Silicea and Tuberculinum


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Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a musculoskeletal condition with pain around the outer part of the elbow. Tennis elbow is mainly caused due to repetitive overuse of muscles and tendons of the forearm near the elbow joint. Contrary to its name, it is not limited to just tennis players and can occur in anyone who puts repetitive stress on the elbow joint, for example carpenters, violin players and painters. Pain and weakness due to tennis elbow can hamper daily activities such as shaking hands, holding a cup, turning a door knob, etc.

Homeopathy extends great help in treating cases of tennis elbow. It can effectively manage pain, stiffness and swelling of elbow. It uses natural and safe homeopathic medicines that act deep and have no side effects. Unlike the conventional mode of medicine, homeopathic medicines do not suppress the disease and its symptoms. In fact, they attack the disorder at the root and set off the body’s own restorative processes, making it strong enough to completely eradicate the disease. Suppressing the disease does not really help, so homeopathic medicines are a natural, healing alternative. Use of homeopathic medicines also reduces the dependency on pain killers remarkably.

homeopathic medicines for tennis elbow

Homeopathy reduces tendon inflammation

Homeopathic medicines work by reducing inflammation of tendons to give long-term relief in tennis elbow cases. They also help in healing damaged/injured tendons. As the root cause is treated, cure automatically sets in.

Homeopathy has no side effects

The best advantage of using homeopathic medicines is that they do not cause side effects in any case. These medicines work in a very safe, gentle and harmless manner to boost body’s self-healing mechanism to overcome this complaint naturally with zero side effects. These medicines also do not cause any dependency. Once the problem has been resolved, one can gradually stop the medication.

Individualized medication

Homeopathic medicines for tennis elbow are selected by taking into consideration the peculiar characteristic symptoms in every individual case. After a detailed case study is done, the homeopathic medicine is finalized. So, the homeopathic prescription varies from case to case. Therefore, it is advised to take homeopathic medicines for tennis elbow after consulting a homeopath. Self – medication should be avoided.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines For Tennis Elbow

Among the homeopathic medicines for tennis elbow the top-grade ones are Rhus Tox, Ruta, Bryonia, Bellis Perennis and Calcarea Carb.

Elbow joint

Elbow joint

1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is the most frequently prescribed medicine for managing cases of tennis elbow. It is the best medicine to start treatment of conditions that arise from overstraining, overuse of muscles and tendons. It helps to effectively manage inflammation and damaged tendons. It has shown remarkable results in tennis elbow cases with tearing pain in tendons and muscles. Soreness in the condyles of the joints is also present. In cases needing it, the pain in elbow is worse when at rest and gets better with movement. Stiffness at the elbow is also marked along with pain.
When to use Rhus Tox?
Rhus Tox should be given in cases of tennis elbow when pain in elbow is worse at rest and gets better from movement.
How to use Rhus Tox?
It can be used in both low and high potencies among which the most preferred is 30 C potency. Initially, one may use Rhus Tox 30 C three to four times a day depending on the severity. Reduce the dose when improvement in symptoms begins.

Condyle of joint in fingers

Condyle of joint in fingers

2. Ruta – For Sore Pain And Stiffness Of Elbow

It is a herbal medicine prepared from plant ‘garden rue’. Ruta is pretty similar in its action to Rhus Tox in treating cases of tendon inflammation and injury from overuse and overstraining. It is well indicated when there occurs sore pain and stiffness in the elbow. Sore pain means pain from touching the affected area. Weakness of the arm may attend it.
When and How to use Ruta?
Ruta should be considered in tennis elbow cases with sore pain and stiffness of elbow. It helps to relieve these complaints by reducing tendon inflammation and healing damaged tendons.
How to use Ruta?
Ruta is most frequently used in 30C potency that can be taken three to four times a day.

3. Bryonia – For Pain And Swelling Around Elbow

This natural medicine is prepared from root of plant ‘wild hops’. Bryonia is a wonderful medicine to manage tennis elbow with marked pain and swelling around the elbow. The characteristic feature to use it is worsening of pain in the elbow from movement and relief from rest. At times, pain may radiate down from the elbow to the wrist.
When to use Bryonia?
This medicine should be used when pain in elbow is accompanied by swelling, with pain getting worse from every movement and relief from rest.
How to use Bryonia?
Its 30C potency is the right choice to start with that can be used two to three times a day.

4. Bellis Perennis – For Healing Tendon Injury, Inflammation

Bellis Perennis is another medicine of natural origin to treat tennis elbow cases. It is prepared from the flowering plant ‘english daisy’. Repetitive stress injury and inflammation of tendon of elbow due to exertion or overuse of muscles is treated best with this medicine. The action of this medicine is similar to that of Rhus Tox and Ruta. This medicine is also indicated to help cases of direct injury to elbow. It helps to heal injured tendons and reduce its inflammation and reduce elbow pain.
When to use Bellis Perennis?
This medicine can be used to heal injured tendons and control tendon inflammation of elbow and provide pain relief.
How to use Bellis Perennis?
This medicine can be used in 30C potency twice a day.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Pain Extending From Elbow To Wrist

Calcarea Carb is very effective on pain arising on the outer side of the elbow and radiating down to the wrist. This pain occurs mostly when the sufferer tries to hold an object. The nature of pain is mostly tearing type. Besides, stiffness in elbow may be present.
When to use Calcarea Carb?
It is a highly effective medicine for managing pain on the outer side of elbow extending down to wrist.
How to use Calcarea Carb?
It can be taken in 30C potency. Dose should be limited to once a day.

Symptoms Of Tennis Elbow

1. Pain: The main symptom of tennis elbow is pain on the outer side of elbow where tendons (tissue band connecting muscle to bone) of muscles of forearm connect to the bony bump of the elbow. In some cases, pain may extend down to the forearm and the wrist. The pain may get worse from bending the arm, twisting the forearm, turning a door knob, writing, lifting things, griping objects. Sometimes the sufferer may experience burning in the outer side of the elbow.

2. Stiffness in elbow while extending the arm

3. Swelling of elbow and tenderness (pain on touching) of elbow

4. Weak grip on holding objects

 Causes Behind Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow arises from the overuse of muscles of the forearm. This happens from the repetitive use of forearm muscles in some activities that put stress on tendons that unite forearm muscles to the bony projection of elbow. As a result, tendons get inflamed, damaged and in some cases tear as well. Tennis elbow is common in tennis players. However, it is often seen in people performing other activities involving repetitive use of wrist and arm muscles like painters, plumbers, bowlers, gardeners, carpenters, swimmers. In some cases, a direct injury to elbow may result in this condition. Though tennis elbow may affect people of any age group but people between age of 30 yrs to 50 yrs are commonly affected. In some cases, tennis elbow occurs without any reason which is called idiopathic tennis elbow.



Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Shoulder Pain

Any pain arising in the shoulder joint or the surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tendons is called shoulder pain. It can be attended with stiffness, swelling and restricted movement of the shoulder depending on the cause behind it. The human shoulder is made up of a shoulder joint and different muscles, tendons and ligaments. The bones that constitute a shoulder joint are humerus, clavicle and scapula.  It is one of the largest joints of the body that accommodates a wide range of movements. This complex joint is highly movable but is also one of the most unstable joints in the body.

Homeopathy offers a wonderful and side effect- free treatment for cases of shoulder pain. Homeopathic medicines help to magnificently relieve shoulder pain along with managing other associated signs and symptoms like swelling, stiffness, tenderness, redness and heat in the shoulder.  As shoulder pain can arise from various causes, homeopathy gives excellent relief by treating the root cause behind it. In conventional treatment, pain killers, NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti – inflammatory drugs) and steroids are recommended. These medicines are known to cause side effects from prolonged use, they also carry chances of creating dependency. Therefore, homeopathic medicines can be a great alternative to manage pain.

Homeopathy treats the root cause

For long-term relief in shoulder pain, the cause needs to be treated and homeopathic medicines follow this rule. For example, homeopathy helps in decreasing any inflammation and helps heal the muscles, tendons, and ligaments as the case may be, by encouraging natural healing within the body. Once the cause is addressed, the pain reduces and also any swelling or stiffness (if present) gets better.

Effective cure for Acute / Chronic cases

Homeopathy gives remarkable results in both acute and chronic cases. The acute cases get well quite quickly with homeopathic medicines. While chronic cases might take some more time to resolve completely, relief is noticeable in the very early phase of treatment. A gradual decrease in the frequency of symptoms occurs in chronic cases. With the regular course of homeopathic treatment as prescribed by a homeopathic physician, most of the chronic cases having mild to moderate intensity recover completely.

Safe, Natural medicines

Homeopathy uses natural medicines for shoulder pain. These medicines are made from natural substances and do not cause any side effects. These are safe to use among persons of all age groups.

homeopathic medicines for shoulder pain

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines For Shoulder Pain

The most commonly indicated medicines for shoulder pain – Rhus Tox, Sanguinaria Canadensis, Ferrum Met, Ruta Graveolens, Bryonia Alba and Arnica. 

1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

When it comes to treat shoulder pain, Rhus Tox is a leading medicine. The most characteristic feature to use it is shoulder pain which gets worse at rest and better by movement. Rhus Tox is also one of the best medicines to manage shoulder pain arising from injury / overstraining / overstressing of muscles or tendons, inflamed tendons and joint inflammation. In cases needing it, the pain may vary that can be tearing, shooting, stitching or burning type. Along with pain and stiffness, swelling and cracking in the shoulder joint is also present.

When to use Rhus Tox?

It is a well-indicated medicine for shoulder pain arising from injury or over-straining of muscles or tendons, tendinitis and inflamed joints, especially when pain is worse at rest and better by movement.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Both low and high potencies of this medicine work well, however, it is advised to begin with 30C potency. Rhus Tox 30C can be taken twice or thrice a day as per intensity of complaint.

2. Sanguinaria Canadensis – For Shoulder Pain On Right Side

Sanguinaria Canadensis is the most frequently prescribed medicine for shoulder pain on the right side. In cases needing it, there occurs difficulty in raising the arm due to excessive shoulder pain. This pain extends to the right upper arm. The pain usually worsens during night and while turning in bed.

When to use Sanguinaria Canadensis?

Its use is suggested for right-sided shoulder pain which gets worse at night and when turning in bed along with difficulty in raising the arm.

How to use Sanguinaria Canadensis?

It can be used once or twice a day in 30 C potency but for high potency, kindly consult a homeopathic doctor.

3. Ferrum Met – For Left-Sided Shoulder Pain

Ferrum Met is most suitable for treating shoulder pain on the left side. The nature of shoulder pain is tearing, drawing, or boring. This pain may extend to the upper arm or even below. Persons who need it have worsening of pain on movement and they are unable to raise their arm. Cracking sound may occur in shoulder joint on movement. There may occur relief in pain from warm compress over the shoulder.

When to use Ferrum Met?

This medicine should be specifically selected for left-sided shoulder pain when there is pain with shoulder movement and there is inability to raise the arm.

How to use Ferrum Met?

The most commonly used potency of Ferrum Met is 30C that can be taken twice a day.

4. Ruta Graveolens – For Shoulder Pain Due To Injured Or Inflamed Tendons

Ruta Graveolens is a natural medicine obtained from the plant ‘garden rue’. It is an infallible medicine to manage shoulder pain due to injured or inflamed tendons. Shoulder pain that occurs due to overstretching of the shoulder tendons is also treatable with this medicine. It is used in cases where the shoulder is sore, bruised, and hanging the arms down worsens the pain. Ruta Graveolens helps reduce shoulder pain as well as the inflammation of tendons.

When to use Ruta Graveolens?

If an injured / inflamed tendon or overstretched tendon is giving rise to shoulder pain, Ruta should be given right away.

How to use Ruta Graveolens?

It is advised to take Ruta 30C twice or thrice a day.

5. Bryonia Alba – For Shoulder Pain Worse From Movement

It is a natural medicine to treat shoulder pain that gets worse with the slightest movement. Resting helps ease the pain. The shoulder can also appear shiny-red and swollen. There may occur a tightness sensation in the shoulder. The pain from the shoulder extends down the arm. Bryonia is an important medicine when shoulder pain occurs from inflamed joint.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

A person who experiences an increase in shoulder pain by movement and relief by resting will find this medicine highly effective.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

It can be taken in 30C potency two to three times a day for good results.

6. Arnica – For Shoulder Pain Post Injury

Arnica is a great herbal medicine to manage cases of shoulder pain that occurs after a shoulder injury. It works well when injury occurs from a blow; fall; or overuse of shoulder muscles, tendons; or straining of muscles. This medicine helps in healing injured area. Alongside it relieves pain and soreness of the shoulder.

When to use Arnica?

Arnica should be used as a first remedy to manage shoulder pain arising from an injury, strain or overuse of muscles and tendons

How to use Arnica?

Arnica acts most wonderfully in 30C potency. Arnica 30C can be taken three to four times a day. When relief appears, one may reduce its dose.

Causes Of Shoulder Pain

1. Frozen Shoulder (also known as adhesive capsulitis): It refers to pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint from the thickening and tightening of the capsule that encloses shoulder joint. Keeping the shoulder still for a prolonged period (like in case of a fracture in the arm, when recovering from surgery) is a major risk factor for a frozen shoulder.

2. Rotator cuff injury: Rotator cuff refers to collection of muscles and tendons which offer stability to shoulder and also help in its movement. Its injury includes inflammation of its tendons (rotator cuff tendinitis), strains (these occur from overuse and wear and tear of muscles) and tear of tendons (either partial or complete)

3. Tendinitis and Tendon tear: Tendinitis means inflamed tendons (tissue bands that connect muscle to a bone). An injury or degeneration in tendons of shoulders (rotator cuff tendons are commonly injured tendons) can lead to tendon tear. The tear may be partial or complete.

4Impingement syndrome: Pinching of tendons of rotator cuff in shoulder bones

5. Sprain in shoulder: Twisting of ligaments (tissue bands that connect one bone to another bone) of shoulders

6. Shoulder Bursitis (subacromial bursitis): Bursa refers to a fluid-filled sac in the joint that reduces friction in joint structures to allow smooth joint movement. Shoulder bursitis results when this bursa gets inflamed. It may happen from an injury or joint inflammation.

7. Shoulder Arthritis: It refers to an inflamed shoulder joint. It may occur from osteoarthritis (degenerative changes in joints usually from age-related wear and tear or sometimes from an injury). It may also result from rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disorder characterized by swollen, inflamed, painful, stiff joints) and septic arthritis (serious joint infection caused by bacteria or virus).

8. Overuse or repetitive use of shoulder leading to an injury

9. Bone spurs: Extra bony growths projecting along the edge of the bone

10. Bone Fracture in the shoulder or dislocated shoulder

11. Nerve pinching in the neck or shoulder

12.  Referred pain: In some cases, shoulder pain occurs from a problem in a body part other than the shoulder itself, for example, a problem in the liver, or gallbladder. It is known as referred pain.

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