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Cholinergic Urticaria: How to get Relief through Homeopathy

Urticaria refers to a skin rash in which bumps known as wheals or welts suddenly appear on the skin. Also known as hives or nettle rash, Urticaria is of several types. One among them is cholinergic urticaria that refers to urticaria that gets triggered when the body gets warm and body’s temperature increases from exercise, being in a warm room or in hot weather or from sweating. It is also known as heat hives or heat bumps. Exercise is the most common of all the triggers for this type of Urticaria. Other triggers for this type of Urticaria include bathing with hot water, fever, exposure to sun’s heat, being near a stove, stress, nervousness, anxiety, being angry, eating spicy or hot food and alcohol consumption. The exact reason behind this type of urticaria is not clear yet. But it is believed that it may arise from an allergic response. In this condition, the body overreacts to heat and sweat. Heat and sweat, along with release of histamine, causes  reaction. Though it may affect both males and females, it is relatively more common in males. A person already suffering from an allergic condition like hay fever (allergic rhinitis), asthma, eczema or Urticaria from some other causes (like from eating certain food, pressure on the skin) are at a high risk of getting cholinergic urticaria.


Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing cholinergic Urticaria. These medicines are entirely safe to use as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances and have zero side effects. They help magnificently in healing the wheals.  Along with this any itching, burning, stinging sensation is well controlled with these medicines. After acutely managing the condition, homeopathic medicines work gradually to overcome the tendency of recurrence of this type of Urticaria.  For this, homeopathic treatment has to be continued for a few months depending on duration and intensity of case. Homeopathic medicines are selected for every individual case based on the symptom presentation so homeopathic prescription varies from case to case. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic doctor only. Homeopathic medicines are recommended only for mild to moderate cases of cholinergic Urticaria. Homeopathy has limitations in treating severe cases of urticaria, and the severe condition of anaphylaxis. So, in cases of severe intensity and where any signs of anaphylaxis are present, it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines for Cholinergic Urticaria

1.Apis Mellifica – Top Recommended Medicine

Apis Mellifica ranks first on the list of homeopathic medicines for treating Urticaria. It is one of the best medicines when Urticaria gets triggered from heat, and warmth of the bed. It is also the most effective medicine for hives that occur in warm weather. Following heat exposure, red wheals appear on the skin. There is intense burning and stinging in the wheals. These are also very itchy, especially during night. There is relief from itching in open air. One may feel pain in the wheals. The wheals may be tender to touch. It is also a well-indicated medicine for managing hives that appear during fever.

wheals on the skin

wheals on the skin

2. Natrum Mur – For Urticaria After Exercise

This medicine is very beneficial for Urticaria occurring after exercise. The bumps may form over the whole body surface in those needing it. The bumps may be quite large. Violent itching is felt in the wheals. Burning and stinging sensation is felt too.

3. Rhus Tox – For Urticaria From Sweating

Rhus Tox is a well indicated medicine when Urticaria is triggered from sweating. Wheals appear with intense itching which worsens from rubbing. This medicine is also valuable to help cases of Urticaria during fever. In such cases, wheals appear all over the body along with itching. The wheals are dark red, circular and elevated. The surrounding skin may be swollen.

4. Urtica Urens – For Exercise Induced Urticaria

Just like medicine Natrum Mur, this medicine is also useful for cases of exercise-induced Urticaria. Red-colored raised bumps appear on the skin after exercise in cases needing it. This is accompanied with severe itching. Burning heat is also felt in the bumps. Formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) can be quite prominent where this medicine is required. In some areas, stinging sensation is felt in the wheals.

5. Pulsatilla – For Urticaria In Summer

This natural medicine is very effective for treating Urticaria that occurs in summer. In cases needing it, wheals occur on the skin with itching in hot weather. Itching gets worse at night.

6. Sulphur – During Fever

Sulphur is a suitable medicine for managing cases of hives that get triggered during fever. The wheals may appear on the arms, legs, face and neck. The hives can be quite itchy along with burning sensation.

7. Chloralum – For Hives From Alcoholic Drinks

For treatment of hives that get triggered from consuming alcoholic drinks, Chloralum is the best choice of medicine. It is also indicated for hives from drinking any hot liquid. Large patches of red-colored wheals appear on the neck, back, abdomen and the limbs. Violent stinging and itching occurs.

8. Conium – For Hives From Being Overheated

Conium is another very helpful medicine when hives appear due to the body getting overheated. It is effective when hives appear after intense body exercise. Itching is felt in the wheals. It gets worse from scratching. Burning and pain may also be felt.

Signs And Symptoms

In cholinergic Urticaria, tiny (between 1 – 5 mm) bumps appear on the skin surrounded by circles called wheals. The bumps may be skin colored or red. These may turn white when pressed. Itching, stinging, tingling or burning sensation may attend. Though the bumps may appear on any body part but more commonly occur on the face, chest, arms and upper back.  Palms, soles and armpits are never affected. The hives may develop within 5 -6 minutes of exposure to the trigger and may remain for half an hour to about two hours. This condition may vary from being mild to severe that requires immediate medical attention. Some of the symptoms of severe condition (called anaphylaxis) includes hives covering the whole body along with other symptoms like swelling in the deep layers of skin, swelling in the throat or of the tongue. This condition can block airways, cause contraction of the airways causing breathing difficulty, wheezing, weak and rapid pulse, dizziness and low blood pressure. When any of these severe symptoms are felt, it is advised to take immediate medical help as these point towards a life-threatening condition called anaphylaxis.




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Top 8 Homeopathic medicines for relieving Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps refers to sudden, painful tightening of muscles from involuntary muscle contractions. It can affect one or multiple muscles and remain in a tight state from a few seconds to several minutes at a time. These commonly occur after excessive physical exertion or exercise. Though it can affect any muscle of the body but the most commonly affected are the muscles in back of leg (calf muscle) and thigh (both back and front) muscles. Besides these cramps can occur in the abdomen, feet, toes, hands, fingers and the arms. A person with cramps may feel a slight twitch or intense pain in the affected muscle. The affected muscle may feel hard to touch or as if knotted (like a lump). A twitch may be seen under the skin. The affected muscle may look distorted in some of the cases.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers an effective solution for cases of muscle cramps. By working on the root cause of the problem, homeopathic medicines give promising results in treating muscle cramps. These are helpful in muscle cramps occurring in any body part. Initially these help in overcoming acute cramps in the affected muscle. Afterwards, use of these medicines for a recommended time period helps in overcoming the chronic tendency to have recurrent muscle cramps. These medicines focus on treating the underlying cause to bring excellent results. With their use, the frequency of cramps keeps decreasing gradually. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances, hence are very safe to use. Though there are numerous medicines for treating muscle cramps in homeopathy but none is specific, so in every case the most suitable medicine is recommended after a detailed case analysis of individual symptoms.

Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Muscle Cramps

There are a huge number of homeopathic medicines to manage complaint of muscle cramps. Among these, the top three recommended medicines are Magnesia Phos, Cuprum Met and Colocynth.

1. Magnesia Phos – Top Remedy

Magnesia Phos is a top recommended medicine to manage cases of muscle cramps. It is firstly very effective in managing cramps in the muscles of legs and feet. It is best suited for muscle cramps that occur after exertion and excessive walking and also at night. Secondly it is very beneficial for cramps in the abdomen. In cases needing it, there is relief in cramps by bending double or pressure. It also gets better with warm application over the abdomen. Magnesia Phos works best in case of menstrual cramps in women. Magnesia Phos also works magnificently in cases of writer’s cramp (It refers to involuntary contraction of muscles of fingers or hands when writing or when doing other activities with hand like playing a musical instrument, sewing,etc. This medicine is also helpful when loose stool occurs along with vomiting and cramps in the calf muscles of legs. Lastly, this medicine is well indicated when the cramps change rapidly from one muscle to another.

2. Cuprum Met – For Cramps In Legs, Soles, Palms, Fingers And Toes

Cuprum Met is the next prominent medicine to manage muscle cramps. It is suitable to manage cramps in the legs, soles, palms, fingers and toes. The cramps may be severe that even make the sufferer cry from pain. The affected area may be very sensitive to touch and may feel warm. The affected muscles feel as if knotted (lump formation). The pain may get better by stretching the limb. The limbs may feel weak as well. Drawing or digging pain in the calf muscle can be felt. There may be coldness in the feet. A characteristic feature to use this medicine is cramping beginning in the fingers and toes and thereafter going to muscles of the other parts. This medicine is very useful for cases of cholera when along with loose stool, there occurs cramps in the abdomen and calf muscles.

3. Colocynth – For Leg And Abdomen Cramps

The third important medicine in the list to manage muscle cramps is Colocynth. It is firstly one of the best medicines for managing stomach cramps. In cases needing it the cramps get worse at night. There may occur relief by bending double or from burping. This medicine is also prominently indicated for managing abdomen cramps in women occurring during menses. The pain gets worse from eating or drinking anything. It gets better by bending double, applying pressure and drinking warm drinks. Colocynth can be used for cramps in the legs and feet. The calf muscles feel as if asleep. It can also be given for cramps in the middle of thighs.

4. Calcarea Carb – For Cramps From Stretching Limbs

Use of this medicine is considered when there appear cramps from stretching the limb. There may occur cramps in the calf muscle of legs, soles and in the bend of the knee. The cramps may also occur in the hands. The cramps of calves and hands get worse at night. In case of calf cramps, lumps are felt in the muscles. In case of cramps of the toes and fingers, they give a crooked appearance.

5. Rhus Tox – For Leg And Feet Cramps Better By Walking

This medicine is indicated for leg and feet cramps that get better by walking. In cases needing it, cramps are felt when lying on bed or on sitting after walking. The cramps mostly get worse after midnight. The cramps get better by walking.

 6. Anacardium Orientale – For Leg Cramps Better By Lying

This medicine is very useful when leg cramps get better by lying down. The cramps occur while walking and when rising from the seat. A pressure/ tensive feeling or a drawing pain is felt in the calf muscles.

7. Ferrum Met – For Calf Cramps Worse From Rest Especially At Night

This medicine is suitable for cramps in calves that get worse mainly at night. Drawing sensation and pain is felt in the calves. It is also beneficial for cramps in soles and toes. There is marked pain in toes.

8. Causticum – For Cramps In Calves In Morning

This medicine can be used when a person experiences cramps in the calf muscles in the morning in bed. It is also indicated for cramps occurring in feet, toes and soles. Lastly, this medicine is indicated when cramps are wandering type means these occur now at one place and after some time, in another place.

Causes and risk factors

1. Overstraining or overuse of a muscle is the most common cause. This tends to happen after excessive exercise.

2. Excessive loss of body fluid via sweating and dehydration may also cause cramps

3. Decreased blood flow to legs and feet may cause cramps when a person walks or does exercise. Low blood flow may arise from narrowing of arteries supplying the legs.

4. A drop in levels of certain minerals can trigger muscle cramps. These include potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium.

5. Compression of nerves in spine may cause cramps that mostly get worse while standing or walking.

6. Sitting for long time periods, stress, ageing increase risk

7. People who are overweight, athletes and pregnant women are at risk

8. Diabetes, hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), excessive alcohol intake and kidney failure are rest of risk factors

9. In many cases, no cause is known behind muscle cramps such cases are called idiopathic cases.



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Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a very common condition affecting the hands caused by the compression of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel in the wrist. It is also known as median nerve compression or median nerve entrapment. It results in numbness, tingling, pain, weakness in the thumb, fingers including index finger, middle finger and half of the ring finger on the side close to the thumb and palms of hands. It is one of the commonest known entrapment neuropathies characterised by the compression of one of the peripheral nerves of the body.

Homeopathy carries a great scope in treating cases of CTS. Homeopathy is the best alternative for natural treatment options in cases of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Homeopathic medicines help in giving long-term relief in symptoms of CTS magnificently by targeting the root cause behind it. Symptoms including numbness, tingling, pain and weakness in the fingers and hands are relieved wonderfully with these medicines. Contrary to mainstream medicines like NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti – inflammatory drugs), corticosteroids for CTS treatment, homeopathy is free of any side effects, are non-habit forming and offer long-term relief.

An effective homeopathic treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) can save a person from the surgeon’s knife. However, the results will depend on the severity and stage of CTS. In mild to moderate cases, where the wasting (thinning from severe and prolonged nerve compression)  of thenar muscles has not taken place, the chances of recovery are higher. Stage 1 and stage 2 CTS cases have the highest chances of recovery and cure while for stage 3 CTS, recovery rate varies depending on the amount of damage to the thenar muscle and symptom management is possible. In stage 3 cases, though homeopathic medicines cannot reverse the damage already done to the muscle, these can work to halt further progression of muscle damage and provide symptomatic relief. Only in the severest of cases that do not respond to conservative treatment, surgery can be opted.

Homeopathic medicines for CTS are prescribed individually in every case as per the symptom presentation. A detailed case history is required followed by an assessment of symptoms to provide the best suitable homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy works wonders when the medicine is prescribed following this individualized approach.

Homeopathic remedies for CTS are sourced from naturally occurring substances and hence are very safe to use. They treat CTS with zero side effects. These medicines boost the body’s self-healing mechanism to overcome CTS issue naturally.

Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The main medicines for treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are Causticum, Ruta, Hypericum, Arnica, Rhus Tox and Bellis Perennis.

1. Causticum – Top Medicine That Treats Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Causticum is ranked as the best medicine to treat cases of CTS. I have treated many cases (successfully) with Causticum. The main symptoms are weakness in hands, numbness, and pain in the fingers. It is recommended more when the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has increased to a level where there is an excessive weakness in the hands and the muscles of the hand have atrophied (means thinning out). Causticum should be administered in case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome if the palmar side of the hand has a flat appearance (reduction in the musculature of hand).

When to use Causticum?

Causticum is highly recommended to manage numbness, weakness and pain in fingers in cases of CTS. Its use is also suggested for cases where the muscles of the hand have started wasting out means thinning from severe and prolonged nerve compression.

How to use Causticum?

One may take Causticum 30C once or twice in a day at the beginning of treatment.

2. Ruta – For CTS From Overuse Of Wrist (Strains), Tendonitis Or Wrist Fracture

Ruta is one of the best medicines which helps treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It is used when from the overuse of wrist, tendonitis or after a sudden strain or fracture of the wrist CTS symptoms appear. There is marked pain in the wrist in those who need Ruta.

When to use Ruta?

Ruta is the best choice of medicine to manage CTS arising from the overuse of the wrist and also from inflamed tendons or a sudden strain on the wrist.

How to use Ruta?

The use of this medicine is recommended in both low and high potencies. Initially one may use its 30C potency once or twice a day. For using high potencies, prior consultation with a homeopathic physician is a must.

3. Hypericum – When An Injury (Damaging Median Nerve) Triggers CTS

Hypericum comes in handy when there is a nerve injury related to the onset of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The injury damages the median nerve. This medicine manages numbness, tingling and burning pain in the fingers and hands.

When to use Hypericum?

This medicine should be highly preferred in CTS cases to manage numbness, tingling, burning in fingers post nerve injury.

How to use Hypericum?

Hypericum 30C can be used three to four times a day as per the severity of the symptoms.

4. Arnica – To Help CTS Cases From Injury Or Overuse Of Wrist

This medicine is very useful in managing cases of CTS from injury or the overuse of the wrist. It is suitable when there is pain in the hands. Besides, there is tingling in hands, and arms in some cases. This medicine helps in healing the injury and removes effects of the worst kind of overuse of wrist, with resultant symptom relief.

When to use Arnica?

This medicine should be used as the first line of treatment in cases of CTS arising from an injury or overuse of the wrist.

How to use Arnica?

It is safe to use it in 30 C potency in the beginning, once to thrice a day but for high potencies like 200 C or more, consultation with a homeopathic physician is strictly advised.

5. Rhus Tox – For Wrist Joint Inflammation Or Overuse Of Wrist Triggering CTS

Rhus Tox is very effective if one is suffering from CTS that follows the overuse of the wrist and hands causing strain or wrist joint inflammation (arthritis). The overuse of wrist or hands for example may occur from excessive typing work on computer, sewing, car driving, to name a few. Those who need Rhus Tox have pain and tenderness in the wrist. Any pressure exerted on the wrist is unbearable. There is numbness in the fingers, especially the index and middle finger in the morning.

When to use Rhus Tox?

Rhus Tox is well indicated to manage pain and tenderness in the wrist in CTS cases related to inflamed wrist joint or the overuse of wrist.

How to use Rhus Tox?

From its various available potencies, it is advisable to begin with 30C potency twice or thrice a day.

6. Bellis Perennis – For CTS Related to Repetitive Strain Injury 

In addition to the above-mentioned medicines for CTS linked to repetitive strain injury, Bellis Perennis can be used as well. The characteristic symptom indicating its use is a contracted feeling in the wrist. It feels as if there is an elastic band around the wrist contracting it.

When to use Bellis Perennis?

This medicine can be prescribed in CTS cases when it arises from repetitive strain injury to the wrist along with prominent symptom of contracted sensation in the wrist.

How to use Bellis Perennis?

Bellis Perennis 30C can be taken two to three times a day for good results.

What are the Causes Of CTS?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when the median nerve gets compressed or irritated in the wrist when it passes through the carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel is a narrow tunnel (passageway) in the palmar side of the wrist through which the median nerve and tendons (total nine in number) pass. Tendons are bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones.

Risk factors

A variety of factors are linked to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome development as follows:

1. Repeated trauma (overuse injury) to the tissues inside the carpal tunnel: It is quite common to find the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in people who perform repetitive movements of hands and of the wrist frequently. Carpal tunnel is the most common in people who use computers. Typing is one of the most common causes that leads to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Certain mechanical jobs that repeatedly strain the wrist may lead to the development of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, for example driving vehicles, sewing, using hand tools (especially the ones that vibrate – carpenters are at high risk of developing CTS), writing, piano players, knitting and playing other musical instruments.

2. Arthritis (joint inflammation) in wrist joint: for example, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. The swelling and inflammation related to these conditions can reduce the carpal tunnel space and compress median nerve.

3. Wrist injury/fracture/dislocation

4. Having a small carpal tunnel

5. Tendonitis: Inflammation of any among the nine tendons of carpal tunnel can occur and compress the median nerve

6. It is common in females as compared to males. Women are thrice more at risk of CTS as compared to men. The reason could be a smaller carpal tunnel in women as compared to men.

7. Certain medical conditions also predispose a person towards the development of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. These are diabetes (it increases chances of nerve damage), hypothyroidism and high blood pressure.

8. Obesity, alcoholism, smoking, excessive salt intake also increases risk of CTS

9. Having a family history of CTS

10. Pregnancy and menopause: Here retention of fluid contributes to CTS by raising pressure in the carpal tunnel and causing irritation in the median nerve.

11. Use of certain medicines, like anastrozole, which is used for treating breast cancer

12.  A tumour in carpal tunnel


1. Nerve conduction study test: It is the main test to diagnose CTS. In this test, electrodes are placed on the hands and the wrist and a little shock is passed through the median nerve that measures the conduction speed of nerve impulses. A slower than normal nerve impulse in carpal tunnel suggests presence of CTS.

2. Electromyography: In this test, a thin needle is inserted into the muscle to check the electrical activity of muscles. It helps reveal the damage of the muscles that are controlled by median nerve.

3. X-ray and ultrasound of wrist: X-ray will help to rule out related conditions like arthritis or fracture though it cannot diagnose CTS. An ultrasound will help to examine bones and nerves of the wrist and check for nerve compression.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I have numbness in fingers and hands, am I suffering from CTS?

No doubt CTS is one of the most common reasons behind numbness in fingers and hands. But it can arise from several other causes, for example,  cervical neuropathy, brachial plexus injury, Raynaud’s phenomenon. So I advise you to consult a doctor to find out the exact reason behind your complaint.

Thenar muscle

Thenar muscle

2. Does pain in fingers indicate CTS?

Pain in fingers is one of the symptom of CTS but merely pain does not confirm CTS. In cases of CTS, numbness, tingling in fingers is usually present along with pain. If there is only pain in fingers, it could be from other reasons as well, like arthritis, trigger finger, Dupuytren’s contracture, tendonitis, ganglion cyst. So finger pain without numbness or tingling in fingers is usually not CTS.

3. How to know difference between CTS and arthritis?

In case of CTS, numbness, tingling, pain and weakness in fingers and hands occurs while in case of arthritis pain, stiffness and swelling in joints occurs.

4. I am suffering from CTS, will use of wrist splint treat it?

Wrist splint

Wrist splint

Though wrist splint cannot treat or cure CTS as it requires proper treatment, but a wrist splint can definitely help to relieve night-time symptoms of numbness and tingling in fingers and hands. Use of wrist splint is recommended at night while a person is sleeping as he/she can unconsciously bend the wrist during sleep. Here wrist splint will hold the wrist still and straight and relieve disturbing night-time symptoms.

5. I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, can I do typing?

Typing involves the constant use of wrist and hands and it can worsen CTS. If possible, avoid typing. But if your office work requires a lot of typing, make sure to press computer keys softly, use comfortable computer mouse, place keyboard at elbow height, take proper breaks at regular intervals in between typing to reduce strain on the wrist.

6. Will heat application on the wrist help CTS pain?

Yes, heat application can help in managing CTS pain. Heat enhances blood flow and relaxes the tense muscles and relieves wrist pain. Avoid it if wrist is swollen or red.

7. What if CTS is left untreated?

CTS needs to be treated timely because if not treated it can lead to permanent nerve damage and also muscle damage. This leads to loss of sensation in fingers and also weakness.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Heel Pain

Our feet can handle heavy stress but overstressing them can irritate the tissues of the feet that may lead to pain in the heel. Pain may be felt under the heel, behind it, on the inner or outer side of the heel varying from case to case. Ranging from mild to severe, the reasons for heel pain are variable. A common problem, some causes for heel pain are heel spur, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis and arthritis. Homeopathic medicines are highly effective in treating heel pain. Heel pain from inflammation of joints/tendons/fascia, high uric acid, bone spurs are curable with natural homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines for heel pain are very safe and carry no risk of adverse side-effects. They are helpful in both acute and chronic heel pain. They act on the root of the problem to stop recurrence of the disease process. They stimulate the disease fighting mechanism of the body. As the healing system of the body gets strengthened, the pain gets eradicated completely. Homeopathic medicines can be used safely by persons of all age groups to treat heel pain.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Heel Pain

The top three recommended Homeopathic medicines for heel pain are Rhus Tox, Ruta and Ledum Pal.

1. Rhus Tox – Top Remedy For Heel Pain

Rhus Tox is a leading homeopathic medicine for heel pain. It is indicated when the pain in the heel gets worse with every step as one starts walking, but gradually decreases as the person continues to walk. It is the worse when the person stands up on his feet in the morning after sleep. A stitching type of pain is most marked in heels. The pain is felt as if one is stepping on pins or iron nails. Rhus Tox works well when the heels are over-stressed and strained leading to heel pain. Over-stretched, over-strained Achilles’ tendon or plantar fascia leading to inflammation and heel pain can also be treated effectively with Rhus Tox. In case of heel pain arising from arthritis (joint inflammation), it is a wonderful remedy.

2. Ruta – For Heel Pain From Stress / Strain Over Heel And Tendinitis

Ruta is a very effective homeopathic medicine for heel pain occurring from stress or strain on the heel or from tendinitis (tendon inflammation).  It will help to reduce pain from inflamed tendon. The pain from the heel may extend to toes in cases needing it. It is also indicated for heel pain from joint inflammation. Mostly, Ruta is helpful for relieving shooting pain especially in the left heel.

3. Ledum Pal – For Heel Pain Worse From Walking

Ledum Pal is a suitable medicine for cases where heel pain worsens from walking. A tensed feeling in the heel also accompanies. In most cases, the pain may also be felt in the soles of feet. This medicine also acts well on Achilles tendon to reduce its inflammation.

4. Aranea Diadema And Calcarea Fluor – Homeopathic Medicines For Heel Pain From Spurs

Effective homeopathic medicines for heel pain from heel spur (calcaneal spur) are Aranea Diadema and Calcarea Fluor. Aranea Diadema is one of the best homeopathic medicines for heel pain from spurs. It is indicated for boring, digging type of pain in the heel from bony outgrowths. Numbness in the heel may be alternated with pain in a few cases. Calcarea Fluor is highly helpful in dissolving bony spurs in the heel. Calcarea Fluor is a natural medicine which has shown excellent results in heel spur cases.

5. Pulsatilla – For Heel Pain When Beginning To Walk

Pulsatilla is a wonderful homeopathic medicine for heel pain felt when beginning to walk. Those needing it have pricking heel pain as from an iron nail. Soreness is also felt in the heels. The pain may worsen in the evening.

6. Colchicum And Lycopodium – Homeopathic Medicines For Heel Pain From Gout

Homeopathic medicines for heel pain from gout (joint inflammation from high uric acid) are Colchicum and Lycopodium. Colchicum is one of the most wonderful homeopathic medicines for heel pain from gout where swelling is present along with acute pain. The pain gets worse with movement and touch. Lycopodium, on the other hand, is the most effective among homeopathic medicines for heel pain from gout which is chronic in nature. A person in need of Lycopodium will have severe pain in the heel from uric acid deposits. The pain gets worse with each step.

7. Cyclamen – For Sore, Burning Pain In Heels

This medicine is recommended when there is soreness (pain on touch), burning type of pain in heels. It is worse while standing or walking. Sitting may also make it worse.

Causes of Heel pain

 Heel pain can arise from various causes as follows:

1. Plantar fasciitis: Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of plantar fascia that is present at the bottom of the foot. The plantar fascia is a tissue band that connects heel bone to the toes at the bottom of the feet. Repeated stress and strain on this fascia can lead to its inflammation. The pain in heel from plantar fasciitis is most marked when getting out of bed in morning on taking the first few steps.

2. Heel spur: Abnormal bony growth at the bottom of the heel from build up of calcium deposit. It develops from repeated stress over heel. Pain from a heel spur gets worse on walking and standing.

3. Achilles tendinitis: Achilles tendinitis is the inflammation of the Achilles’ tendon – a band of tissue that connects the calf muscle in the back of leg to the heel bone.

4. Rheumatoid arthritis: An autoimmune disease affecting the small joints of the body. It leads to inflammation, pain, stiffness and deformity (in very chronic cases) in affected joints.

5. Gout: It is a joint disease arising from high uric acid levels. When uric acid gets deposited in various body joints, it leads to marked pain, tenderness and swelling.

6. Sprains and strains: Thy result from excessive physical activity.

7. Fracture: Break in the bone is referred to as fracture

8. Heel Bursitis: Bursa is a fluid filled sac surrounding a joint that functions to reduce friction in the different structures of the joint when it moves. The pain may occur in the back of heel or deep in the heel.

9. Reactive arthritis: This is a type of arthritis (joint inflammation) that triggers from an infection.

10. Ankylosing spondylitis: An autoimmune joint inflammation disorder majorly affecting sacroiliac joint (joint at the base of spine and pelvis). In some cases it can affect back of the heel as well.

11. Tarsal tunnel syndrome: In this syndrome, compression of a nerve in the back of the foot leads to heel pain.

Haglund’s deformity

12. Haglund’s deformity: There is bony enlargement at the back of the heel occurring from rubbing of footwear or pressure on the back of the heel.

13. Osetomyelitis: Bone infection

14. Sever’s disease (Calcaneal Apophysitis): It occurs in children between age of 8yrs to 14yrs from repeated trauma to growth plate of heel pain.

Risk factors

Though anyone can get heel pain but certain factors increase the risk as follows:

1. Activities that put excessive strain and pressure on feet like excessive running, jumping or excessive standing

2. Being overweight

3. Wearing ill-fitted shoes

4. Having a flat foot

5. Having arthritis of feet

6. Having tight calf muscles

Symptoms that can attend Heel pain

1.Swelling and tenderness of heel

2.Stiffness of heel

3.Bony growth on heel

4.Discoloration over heel

Diagnosis of cause behind Heel pain

To rule out the reason behind heel pain, the doctor may recommend an X-ray to find any joint inflammation/damage, fracture of bone, calcaneal spur. To check for any medical condition in soft tissue, the doctor may also recommend ultrasound or MRI.

Tips to Prevent Heel Pain

1. Wear properly fitted shoes

2. Avoid being barefoot while walking

3. Wear footwear with heel pads to absorb stress on heels

4. If possible, avoid excessive standing

5. Warm up before beginning any activity that put excessive stress on heels

6. Reduce weight, if you are overweight


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3 Homeopathic Medicines for Postherpetic Neuralgia

Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) is a complication of Herpes Zoster also known as Shingles. Herpes Zoster is a viral infection caused by reactivation of Varicella Zoster virus (it is the same virus that causes Chicken Pox). Herpes Zoster is characterized by painful rash or blisters (fluid-filled bumps) on skin. The rash will only be on one side of the body, either right or left, in a particular area in a band like pattern. If the pain of Herpes Zoster continues for more than three months in the affected skin areas after the skin rash has healed, then it is known as Post Herpetic Neuralgia. In one out of five people who get infected by Herpes Zoster, the person will have nerve pain following the healing of rash. The pain may vary from discomfort to severe, stabbing pain. Along with pain, burning, increased sensitivity, weakness of affected skin area may also arise. The pain may continue for weeks, months or even a year after the rash has healed. Homeopathic medicines for Post Herpetic Neuralgia are deep acting remedies that can help resolve the problem. homeopathic medicines for postherpetic neuralgia

Homeopathic Treatment Of Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN)

Homeopathy is highly effective in treating neuralgic complaints i.e. nerve pain. As a first step, Homeopathy controls the intensity and frequency of pain in Post Herpetic Neuralgia. Then the medicines work to remove the chronic pain. The burning sensation, hypersensitivity associated with this condition also heals with the administration of homeopathic remedies. Apart from PHN, other kind of nerve pains that find proper treatment in homeopathy include sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia, and intercostal neuralgia.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN)

The top most recommended homeopathic medicines to treat PHN are Mezereum, Ranunculus Bulbosus and  Rhus Tox.

1. Mezereum – For Postherpetic Neuralgia With Intense Burning

Mezereum is rated among the best medicines for Post Herpetic Neuralgia. It is the best-suited prescription when PHN pains are violent and are attended with marked burning sensation. Mezereum is the most helpful among medicines for PHN in relieving post-herpetic pains on the face. The pain in the face may get worse while eating. Warmth brings relief. Mezereum also helps during active Herpes Zoster when eruptions arise on the skin. The key symptoms to look out for before prescribing Mezereum during Herpes Zoster infection are violently itching vesicles with shining red areola and intense burning.

2. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Pains Coming In Paroxysms (sudden attack)

Another prominently indicated medicine for PHN is Ranunculus Bulbosus. It is indicated for sharp, shooting PHN pains that come in paroxysms. It is also one of the top listed medicines for intercostal neuralgia following herpetic infection. Ranunculus Bulbosus is also indicated for Herpes Zoster when the vesicle eruptions are bluish in color. The eruptions are attended with itching and burning symptoms which worsen on contact.

3. Rhus Tox – One Of The Best Medicines For Postherpetic Neuralgia

Rhus Tox also figures on the list of highly effective medicines for Post Herpetic Neuralgia. It is one of the best medicines for PHN where the pains are attended with marked restlessness. The skin is sensitive to cold air in such cases. In Herpes Zoster, Rhus Tox is the most preferred among medicines when the vesicles are yellowish with itching and stinging.

4. Arsenic Album – To Manage Burning Sort of Nerve Pains

Arsenic Album is a highly recommended medicine when a person complains of burning pains after healing of Herpes Zoster eruptions. The burning pain is very severe at night. Arsenic Album is also given to manage itching on the skin. Restlessness can attend these symptoms. It is also indicated to manage active Herpes Zoster outbreak when marked burning pain is felt in the eruptions. These eruptions might be covered with scales like fish scales in most of the cases.

5. Dolichos – To Manage Skin Itching Without Any Rash Or Eruptions

Dolichos is yet another natural remedy to relieve Post Herpetic Nerve pains. Besides relieving pains, it can also be used to manage skin itching occurring without any rash or eruptions. For Herpes Zoster, this medicine is mostly indicated when eruptions begin in the armpit, especially on the left side that spreads to the sternum (bone in middle of chest) and to the spine. It is accompanied by smarting and burning sort of pain.

6. Merc Sol – For Burning Sensation On Touching Affected Skin Area

Merc Sol is useful for burning sensation felt on the affected skin when it is touched. In case of herpes eruptions, it can be given when eruptions tend to be filled with pus with intense itching and burning. The eruptions may spread from the back to the abdomen.

7. Zincum Met – Great Nerve Remedy To Manage Nerve Pain

Zincum Met is a magnificent medicine to manage nerve pains related to various problems. In case of Herpes Zoster, it is usually used when lancinating pains in eruptions occur. Following healing of eruptions, the nerve pain continues. The eruptions may show tendency to suppurate (pus formation).

What Are The Symptoms Of PHN?

The symptoms appear on the skin area affected with Herpes Zoster eruptions and are usually one sided.

1. Pain after rash of Herpes Zoster has healed – Pain remains for 3 months or more. In some cases, it may last for one year or more. Pain can be aching, sharp, stabbing, throbbing, electric shock like, or burning on nature. The pain can be continuous or intermittent. Pain may get worse at night or from cold or hot temperature.

2. Even slightest touch on the affected area is painful, this area may also be sensitive to cold air.

3. Numbness, tingling or itching on affected skin region, though it is not very common

4. Very rarely muscle weakness and tremors occur, if the affected nerve involved controls muscle movement too

5. Scarring on skin on affected area may be seen

What Are The Causes Behind Post Herpetic Neuralgia?

Post Herpetic Neuralgia, as mentioned in the beginning, is a complication of Herpes Zoster. Herpes Zoster is a viral disease leading to painful skin eruptions caused by varicella-zoster virus. Varicella Zoster virus is the virus that causes chicken pox when a person gets infected with this virus initially for the first time. Though the person recovers from chicken pox within weeks, the virus remains in the nerve cells in an inactive state. This virus can reactivate anytime it finds a suitable environment like low immunity, some sort of medicines, etc. When the dormant virus gets reactivated, it leads to Herpes Zoster or Shingles with painful skin eruptions. The Herpes Zoster rash resolves within two to four weeks’ time. In some cases, even after the skin eruptions completely resolve, the pain continues for months or years together. This nerve pain that persists for more than three months is referred to as Post Herpetic Neuralgia. The PHN results from damage to nerve fibres caused by Herpes Zoster virus. As a result of damaged nerve fibers, the message of transmission from skin to brain cannot be passed normally. This nerve gets muddled resulting in the transmission of random pain signals to brain when pain is burning excruciating type.

Risk Factors

Certain factors increase the risk of PHN as follows:

1. Old age: The risk of PHN increases with age. Those above 50 yrs of age are at risk, PHN is rare under 40 yrs of age.

2. Herpes Zoster on the face or trunk (body part except head, neck and limbs)

3. Weak immune system: Immnuity of the body may be compromised due to certain medical conditions like cancer, HIV or certain medications like steroids, chemotherapy, immunosuppressant medicines.

4. If intensity of skin rash was highly intense

5. Women are more at risk than men

6. Diabetes


The long lasting pain can lead to tiredness, problems with sleep, poor appetite, depression and poor concentration.


It can be diagnosed based on the set of symptoms provided by the sufferer along with a history of Shingles. No tests are required in most cases to confirm diagnosis of Post Herpetic Neuralgia.

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8 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Urticaria

Urticaria, also called hives or ‘nettle rash’, refers to raised, elevated, itchy bumps (wheals also called welts) on the skin surface that results from an allergic reaction to certain allergens. Hives can be accompanied by burning, and stinging pain.

There is excellent scope to treat urticaria in homeopathy with natural homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy proves helpful for treating hives that have occurred recently (acute) as well as the ones that have been there for longer duration (chronic). Homeopathic medicines initially help to clear the acute outbreak of wheals. These medicines help to heal the welts along with relief in itching, burning, and stinging sensations. Afterwards, these help to reduce the recurrence and intensity of urticaria gradually.

To overcome this complaint entirely, homeopathic remedies work on treating its root cause. The reason behind urticaria is a hyperactive immune system and overproduction of histamine in response to an allergen leading to welts on the skin and attending symptoms like itching, burning, and stinging. So, to completely cure this condition, homeopathy works in optimizing the immune system and lowering the overproduction of histamine naturally. With homeopathic treatment, the dependency on use of antihistamines and other conventional medicines is also reduced. Additionally, homeopathy has an advantage of being safe and natural with no unwanted adverse effects.

In homeopathy there is no particular medicine which can be used in every case of urticaria. Rather the most suitable medicine has to be selected from the list of different medicines for urticaria as listed in homeopathic therapeutics. Homeopathic medicines for treating urticaria are selected as per the individual characteristic symptoms, the type of urticaria, its trigger factors, and the worsening & relieving factors in its symptoms. It is best to get any case of urticaria evaluated by a homeopathic doctor and take medicines as prescribed and self-medication be avoided.

Homeopathy is recommended for mild to moderate cases of urticaria. But in severe cases and cases of anaphylaxis, urgent help from conventional systems should be taken as it is a life-threatening condition and homeopathy has limitations to help such cases.

.homeopathic medicines for urticaria

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Urticaria

The top 8 homeopathic medicines to treat urticaria are Apis Mellifica, Natrum Mur, Urtica Urens, Rhus Tox, Dulcamara, Astacus, Sulphur and Chloralum.

1. Apis Mellifica – For Urticaria With Burning, Stinging Sensation

It is a leading medicine for the treatment of urticaria. The key feature to use it is red inflamed wheals with marked burning, stinging sensation. There is itching that gets most intense during the night. The wheals may be painful and tender to touch. They usually appear from heat. The Hives which trigger in warm weather are also indicative of its use. Other than that, Urticaria from insect bite is another characteristic to use it.

When to use Apis Mellifica?

The characteristic feature of using this medicine is red welts on the skin attended with burning and stinging sensation.

How to use Apis Mellifica?

This medicine can be taken in 30C potency twice or thrice a day as per symptom intensity.

 2. Natrum Mur – For Urticaria From Exercise And Heat (Cholinergic Type)

It is very effective for the treatment of hives that trigger too much exercise and heat. Those who need it get wheals over the whole body accompanied by excessive itching. The wheals appear like large red blotches. Burning and smarting sensation also appear in them. In many cases stinging sensation is also felt in the rash.

When to use Natrum Mur?

This medicine is well indicated to help cases of hives triggered by heat and excessive exercise.

How to use Natrum Mur?

It is advised to take Natrum Mur 6X three to four times a day as per symptom severity.

3. Urtica Urens – When Hives Appear Same Season Every Year

Use of Urtica Urens is considered when it appears in the same season every year. Wheals are red with itching and burning, and the patient constantly rubs skin to seek relief. Stinging also appears in welts. Swelling of the face may appear along with the above symptoms in some cases. Nettle rash from eating shellfish is also indicative of using this.

When to use Urtica Urens?

Urtica Urens can be used when there is a tendency to have hives in the same season every year.

How to use Urtica Urens?

It is recommended to use Urtica Urens 30 C two to three times a day.

4. Rhus Tox – For Water Induced/Aquagenic Type

It is helpful to people who suffer from water induced Hives. Here the patient gets wheals from skin contact with water. The appearance of wheals is accompanied by itching. After one scratches, a burning sensation appears. Stitching pain also accompanies.

When to use Rhus Tox?

Rhus Tox is an excellent choice of medicine to manage hives triggered from contact with water.

How to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine can be administered in 30C potency two to three times a day.

5. Dulcamara – From Cold Air Exposure (Cold Induced Type)

It is suitable for cases of cold-induced type. Those who need it get Hives from exposure to the cold air. They get red wheals on the whole body. It is accompanied by excessive itching. Needle-like pricking sensation also appears in the wheals.

When to use Dulcamara?

Opt its use to manage urticaria triggered from cold air exposure.

How to use Dulcamara?

Use of Dulcamara 30C is suggested once or twice a day.

6. Astacus – When Accompanied By Liver Complaint

Astacus is administered in cases where Urticaria is accompanied by liver complaints. The wheals appear over the entire body. They result in itching and stinging pain. It is mainly indicated in long standing (chronic) cases.

When to use Astacus?

This medicine is an ideal prescription for hives attended with some liver complaint.

How to use Astacus?

One may use Astacus 30C once a day.

7. Sulphur – To Manage Itching In Wheals

Sulphur is prominently indicated to manage itching in the wheals on skin. Itching gets better by scratching most of the time. The wheals may appear over the entire body. This is accompanied by an intense burning sensation besides itching. In addition to this, stitching-lia ke prickling sensation on the skin is also felt. Formication sensation as if an insect is crawling on the skin is another accompanied symptom.

When to use Sulphur?

Sulphur can be highly considered to manage itching in the welts in hives cases.

How to use Sulphur?

It is advised to limit use of Sulphur 30C to once a day.

8. Chloralum – For Urticaria From Scratching Skin (Dermatographic Type)

Chloralum is mainly recommended for dermatographic type of urticaria. Those who need it get welts on skin if the skin is scratched.  The patient complains of intense irritation, itching, and stinging feeling.  This medicine also helps cases of hives that appear at night and get better during the day. In such cases, wheals are large red, and sometimes accompanied by swelling of the face and the eyelid. The wheals have itching that compels a person to scratch until it bleeds. Apart from this, this medicine is also indicated when a complaint appears due to alcohol intake.

When to use Chloralum?

It is suggested to use this medicine for urticaria that results from scratching of skin.

How to use Chloralum?

Chloralum 30 C can be taken once or twice a day.

What Are Its Causes?

The reason behind hives is usually an allergic reaction due to an overactive immune system. This reaction may occur from the consumption of certain food products or touching something to which a person is allergic to. Hives result when there is release of histamine (a chemical produced by immune system during an allergic reaction to get rid of allergen) from mast cells and basophils under the skin’s surface. This results in dilatation of blood vessels under the skin and inflammation. Following this, these vessels become leaky, and cause fluid to accumulate under the skin causing wheal formation, and swelling. People who have allergic tendencies are at risk of hives. Other than allergies, hives may also result from other non-allergic conditions like stress, tight clothes and infections. Many times, in over half of the cases, the exact causes and trigger factors cannot be ascertained.

What Triggers It?

The main triggers include consumption of foods such as eggs, nuts, and shellfish. Also certain medications like some antibiotics, NSAIDs, even exercises, scratching, alcohol, insect bites may also trigger it. Other triggers include sun exposure, stress, extremes of heat or cold, some intestinal parasites, animal dander, pressure on skin, dust mites, water application, certain plants, such as poison ivy. In some cases, viral infections (like common cold, mononucleosis, hepatitis), and bacterial infections (urinary tract-infection, strep throat) may trigger it. Sometimes it can arise in patients who have thyroid and Celiac’s disease (gastric disorder in which an immune response in the small intestine is triggered from eating gluten that damages the small intestine).

What Are Its Signs And Symptoms?

Wheals: It is the major sign of urticaria. It refers to raised, elevated, smooth-surfaced, itchy bumps on the skin with clearly defined edges. They are itchy. Also, burning, and stinging sensation may appear.

Location of wheals: They may appear on the surface of the skin on any of the body part. They may be localised confined to one body part, or many, or may be present on the entire body.

Color of wheals: It may be pink, red, pale or skin-colored. On being pressed, they may turn white (blanching).

Size of wheals: They can be small like a pin point or may be several inches big. They may also join and form larger ones known as plaques.

Shape of wheals: They may be round, oval or ring-shaped.

Duration of wheals: They usually disappear within a few hours but will not remain present beyond one full day.

Angiodema: In some cases, angioedema arises. This means swelling appears under the skin mainly around the eyes, lips, mouth, and sometimes around the genitals, hands, and feet.

Anaphylaxis: Very rarely, Hives may appear from severe allergic reaction, and lead to anaphylaxis (in which intense swelling of lips, tongue, throat arise along with troubled breathing, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and sometimes it may lead to fainting. Anaphylaxis is a severe life threatening condition and thus it should be treated urgently.


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Homeopathic Remedies For Bunion

If it hurts while walking, and there’s a swelling on the thumb-side toe of the foot (big toe), it could mean a bunion formation. Bunion refers to a medical condition affecting the big toe of the foot in which a bony bump on the joint at base of great toe forms on the outer side. There occurs enlargement of joint of the big toe (joint between the big toe and the feet called metatarsophalangeal joint). It is accompanied by displacement or tilting of the affected big toe inwards. There may occur redness and soreness of skin over the bunion. Hallux Valgus is a term used for bunion deformity. At times, little bunions may form on the joint of little toe which are known as bunionettes.



Homeopathic Treatment for Bunion

Homeopathic treatment provides complete cure for the Bunions. With the help of natural homeopathic remedies, the pain, and swelling around the big toe is reduced, followed by complete cure of the bunion. The homeopathic medicines are selected on the basis of characteristic symptoms described by each individual. The Homeopathic remedies for bunion are made of natural substances, are totally safe and have zero side effects.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Bunion

The top listed homeopathic medicines to treat bunion are Benzoic Acid, Silicea and Hypericum,  Rhus Tox and Ruta, Antimonium Crudum, Ammonium Carb and Zincum Met

1. Benzoic Acid – Top Medicine for Bunion

Benzoic Acid has given great clinical results in bunion cases. It is a top remedy for treating bunions with acute swelling and pain. Those who need this medicine have marked swelling and redness over the big toe, with severe pain. The pain can be varying in character like stitching pain or tearing pain. At times, the burning is also felt in the toe. The pain and swelling gets reduced very quickly with the use of Benzoic Acid. This homeopathic medicine is also of great help when the pain in the great toe worsens at night. Those who need it suffer from the numbness in the toes.

2. Silicea – For Bunion with Blister Formation

For treating bunions where blisters have been formed on the big toe along with other features, Silicea is the most beneficial natural homeopathic medicine. In most cases, the blisters contain fluid or pus and Silicea is a good homeopathic remedy in both the cases. Along with blisters, pain can be felt in the toe or it can extend throughout the sole of the foot. The pain can be boring, tearing or shooting in nature. The pain is so violent that the sufferer is unable to step on his feet. A marked characteristic feature that adds weightage for selecting homeopathic remedy — Silicea — is excessive sweating on the feet. The sweat is most of the times offensive in nature.

3. Hypericum – To Manage Severe Pain In Big Toe Due To Bunion

It is of great help in all those cases of bunions where severe excruciating pain is felt in the big toe. The pain can at times be specifically described by the patient like that of a pricking needle. The severe pain shows involvement of nerves. The toe is also sore to touch accompanied by swelling. The patient can get rid of the severe pain in the toe with bunion by using homeopathic remedy — Hypericum — without any side effect.

4. Rhus Tox and Ruta – Homeopathic Remedies For Bunion With Swelling

Natural Homeopathic medicines Rhus Tox and Ruta are very beneficial remedies for bunion with swelling and thickening of bursa of great toe. The toe is also distorted in shape. Both Rhus Tox and Ruta are top homeopathic remedies for conditions involving bursa of the joint. Pain in the toe and the feet can be noticed. Rhus Tox is the best homeopathic remedy when the pain in the toe and the feet shoots while resting, and it gets better upon walking. Ruta is the ideal homeopathic medicine when the pain gets worse while standing, and walking.

5. Antimonium Crudum – To Manage Corns And Callus On Toes

In some cases of bunion, corns or callus may form where the first and second toe rub with each other. Here, Antimonium Crudum is the most beneficial. It helps in healing treat corns and calluses. It also helps to manage pain and tenderness in corns, if present.

6. Ammonium Carb – To Relieve Redness, Swelling And Pain Of Big Toe

This medicine is well indicated to reduce redness, swelling and pain in big toe. In cases needing it, these symptoms get worse in evening. Besides, marked heat or burning sensation is felt in big toe. Pressure on the toe from wearing shoes worsens burning and pain.

7. Zincum Met – For Bunion On Little Toe

This medicine is recommended when bunion is present on the little toe. Though it can be used for bunion on any side but is most helpful for left-sided bunion on little toe. In cases needing it, stinging pain is felt in the bunion. The pain is felt usually while walking.

Signs And Symptoms Of Bunion

1. Bump on outer side of big toe

2. Turning of big toe towards other toes of affected foot

3. Swelling, inflammation or redness of area over the affected great toe

4. Pain in feet on walking or otherwise

5. Numbness in big toe

6. Limited movement of big toe

7. Thickening of skin under the big toe

8. Corn or Callus formation on second toe where it rubs with the great toe. Corns and callus are thick, hard, rough areas on the skin caused by excessive friction or pressure

9. In a few cases, fluid-filled eruptions (blisters) appear on the skin of great toe.

Cause Behind Bunion

Though there is no one confirmed cause behind bunion but certain factors are linked with bunion formation.

1.Genetics play a role, it is because of an anomaly in the foot structure that predisposes a person to bunion formation.

2. Flat foot or other foot deformities present at birth

3. Injury to feet

4. Wearing of tight shoes or pointed shoes or high-heeled shoes

5. Some types of arthritis (joint inflammation) especially rheumatoid arthritis

6. Standing continuously for prolonged period of time

Types Of Bunion

Most of the times, bunions form on the big toe. Rest of the types are:

1. Juvenile/adolescent hallux valgus: It develops between age of 10 to 15 years

2. Congenital Hallux Valgus: When a baby is born with bunion

3. Bunionette (Tailor’s bunion): It forms on the outer side of the base of little toe. Bunionette is called tailor’s bunion because tailors used to sit with cross legs for long durations of time that put pressure on the side of feet and consequent bunion formation on the little toe.

Complications Of Bunion

The complications that can arise in cases of bunion are:

1. Bursitis: Bursa is a small fluid-filled sac (bursa) that surrounds bones near the  joint. Bursa contains synovial fluid that helps to reduce friction of bone with other structures like ligaments, muscles and tendons during joint movement. It can get swollen and inflamed (called bursitis) when big toe joint gets bigger due to bunion formation.

2. Metatarsalgia: In this condition, the ball of feet becomes painful and swollen.

3. Hammertoe: Bending of middle joint of a toe especially the toe adjacent to big toe

Diagnosis Of Bunion

A doctor can diagnose bunion just by having a look at the big toe. An X-ray can however be recommended to look for joint damage.

Prevention Of Bunion

1. Select the shoes carefully. Avoid tight and narrow pointed toe shoes and choose wide toe box shoes.

2. Wear right fitting shoes. The shoes you wear should not squeeze any part of the foot

3. Avoid wearing high heeled footwear as it puts pressure in the front of the feet

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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Disc Prolapse can Save you from Sugery

homeopathy disc prolapse

Disc bulge refers to a condition in which the intervertebral disc bulges out of its place. Intervertebral discs are like cushions present between vertebrae that act as shock absorbers and allow flexibility to the spine. Vertebrae are the bones in the back that make the spine. With advanced age and due to wear and tear or injury, the discs begin to degenerate with signs of dryness, and breakage. The disc degeneration leads to the disc bulging out and compressing the nerves coming out of the spinal cord.
Homeopathy offers excellent treatment for cases of disc bulge. Homeopathic medicines for disc bulge help to manage the symptoms effectively. Symptoms such as back / neck pain, sciatica, numbness, tingling in limbs get relieved wonderfully. Though the already prolapsed disc cannot be brought back to the original, homeopathic medicines surely help in halting further degeneration of the disc. In mainstream medicine, anti-inflammatory medicines and steroid injections are mainly given in such cases which provides temporary relief, and may also lead to side effects over a period of time. In homeopathy, the relief is long term with zero side effects.

In many cases surgery is recommended in disc bulge cases. But timely use of homeopathic medicines for the time period as suggested by a homeopathic doctor can help to save the patient from surgery. Surgery can be prevented in mild to moderate cases if homeopathic treatment is followed. The results may vary based on various factors, like duration of the complaint, severity of symptoms and patient’s response to medicines. However, in advanced and severe cases with severe intensity of symptoms or with serious symptoms or complications like cauda equine, conventional treatment needs to be taken as homeopathy has a limitation to offer help in such cases.

Homeopathic prescription in disc bulge cases is entirely based on the particular symptoms described by each patient. A homeopathic doctor notes down the case symptoms in detail followed by its evaluation. The medicine that matches the strongest with the symptoms of the person, is prescribed. Then, the dosage, potency and repetition are finalized that differs for each case depending on chronicity, age and severity of symptoms.

Homeopathic medicines for disc bulge cases are of natural origin. They work very gently to boost the self-healing mechanism of the body to overcome health issues.

Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Disc Bulge or Disc Prolapse

The top-ranking 9 homeopathic medicines that treat disc bulge or disc prolapse effectively are Rhus Tox, Colocynth, Magnesium Phos, Gnaphalium, Bryonia, Hypericum, Guaiacum Officinale, Paris Quadrifolia and Kalmia Latifolia.

1. Rhus Tox – Top Medicine For Disc Bulge With Lower Back Pain

Rhus Tox is the best and the most frequently recommended natural medicine to treat disc bulge in the lumbar region. It is a great medicine for lumbar disc bulge causing pain in the lower back. Those who need Rhus Tox, complain of pain in the lower back which gets worse if one sits for long hours. Lying down or any resting position also worsens the pain. Such individuals get relief from motion or by walking. Rhus Tox is also a wonderful medicine for relieving stiffness in the spine. The stiffness gets much worse after a period of rest and gets better by walking. The people who have pain in the lower back that gets worse by lifting heavy weight or from straining the back, can benefit greatly from Rhus Tox.

When to use Rhus Tox?

The use of Rhus Tox is mainly suggested to manage lumbar disc bulge with pain and stiffness in the lower back that worsens from rest and relief from movement.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Initially, Rhus Tox 30C can be used three to four times a day. Once relief starts the dose should be reduced.

2. Colocynth – For Lumbar Disc Bulge Causing Left Side Sciatica

To seek relief from sciatica pain, Colocynth is the best remedy. Colocynth is mainly prescribed for sciatica on the left side. Those who require Colocynth have severe pain in the lower back which extends down the left lower limb. The pain mostly gets better by applying pressure or heat application. The nature of the pain can be cramping, tearing, shooting or drawing in nature.

When to use Colocynth?

It is recommended to manage left sided sciatica in disc bulge cases with relief from pressure and warm applications over painful area.

How to use Colocynth?

Among its various potencies ranging from low to high, it is best to start with 30C potency two to three times a day.

3. Magnesium Phos – For Lumbar Disc Bulge Causing Right Side Sciatica

Magnesium Phos is the best homeopathic remedy to relieve sciatica of the right side. For using Magnesium Phos, sciatica pains can be of varying nature like stitching, shooting or cutting. It is beneficial when there is relief from sciatica pain by applying pressure or warmth.

When to use Magnesium Phos?

This remedy is best suited for cases of disc bulge with right-sided sciatica with relief setting in from pressure and warm application on affected parts.

How to use Magnesium Phos?

It works great in 6X potency that can be taken three to four times a day. To get best results, Magnesium Phos 6X tablets should be taken by dissolving in one fourth cup of hot water.

4. Gnaphalium –  For Disc Prolapse Causing Sciatica Pains With Numbness

Gnaphalium is the top natural medicine to treat Sciatica pain accompanied by numbness. It is prescribed when the dominant complaint is of severe sciatica pains along with a feeling of numbness. Folding thighs towards the abdomen gives some relief. It is a remedy that is very beneficial for degenerative disc disease presenting itself with Sciatic nerve impingement, leading to pain and numbness.

When to use Gnaphalium?

Opt its use for managing sciatica pains attended with numbness.

How to use Gnaphalium?

It is advised to use Gnaphalium 30C once or twice a day.

5. Bryonia – For Lower Backache That Gets Better By Resting

Persons who have lower backache which gets better by taking rest will find natural remedy Bryonia of great help. Such persons experience worsening pain in the back from a slight movement or walking. Stiffness and rigidity also accompany pain in the back. The pain forces the patient to sit or walk in a bent posture. Such persons have difficulty in holding an upright position.

When to use Bryonia?

The most remarkable symptom guiding the use of this medicine is lower back pain worsening from slight movement and getting better from taking rest.

How to use Bryonia?

It can be used in 30C power two to three times in a day.

6. Hypericum – To Manage Numbness, Tingling In Legs

Hypericum is very beneficial to manage numbness and tingling in legs. Along with this, there is sharp pain in the legs. Pain may be felt in the lower back as well. The back may be very sensitive to touch. For disc bulge related to injury to the spine, Hypericum is the top most medicine.

When to use Hypericum?

This medicine proves effective in cases of disc bulge with numbness and tingling in legs along with lower back pain. It is also used as a first line of treatment when disc bulge occurs from an injury to the spine.

How to use Hypericum?

It works well in both low and high potencies. To start with, one can take this medicine in 30C power twice or thrice a day.

7. Guaiacum Officinale – To Manage Neck Pain

Guaiacum Officinale is highly effective when pain in the neck is present. Stiffness in the neck is also present. The shoulders may also be sore. In some cases, the stiffness radiates from the neck to the whole back on one side.

When to use Guaiacum Officinale?

This medicine is usually prescribed to manage pain and stiffness in the neck in cases of cervical disc bulge. The stiffness may extend to the entire back on one side.

How to use Guaiacum Officinale?

Among the various available potencies of Guaiacum Officinale, it is best to start with its 30C potency that can be taken once or twice a day as per the intensity of the problem.

8. Paris Quadrifolia – For Neck Pain With Numbness In Arms, Hands Or Fingers

Paris Quadrifolia is very suitable for managing pain in the neck accompanied with numbness in arms, hands or fingers. The pain from the neck extends to the fingers. This pain may worsen from exertion. A sensation of a heavy weight around the neck and shoulders may attend.

When to use Paris Quadrifolia?

The most striking feature to use this medicine in cervical disc bulge is pain in the neck attended with numbness in arms, hands or fingers.

How to use Paris Quadrifolia?

Its use can be done two to three times a day in 30C power.

9. Kalmia Latifolia – For Neck Pain and Numbness, Tingling, Pricking In Hands

Kalmia Latifolia offers help when pain from the neck radiates down the arms. It is attended by numbness, or tingling, pricking sensation in hands. Sometimes weakness is felt in the upper limbs.

When to use Kalmia Latifolia?

This medicine can be considered for managing pain in the neck radiating down arms along with numbness or tingling prickling sensations in hands.

How to use Kalmia Latifolia?

It is recommended to use this medicine in 30C potency one to two times in a day.

Most Commonly Involved Sites For Disc Bulge / Prolapse

Although the disc bulge can take place in any part of the spine, lumbar (refers to lower back disc) and cervical (refers to neck) regions are most frequently involved. In the case of lumbar disc bulge, 95 per cent of the bulge occurs at levels of L4-L5 or L5-S1.  In the case of the cervical disc bulge, the common location is C5-C6 and C6-C7.

Symptoms Of Disc Bulge / Herniation / Prolapse

Symptoms from lumbar (lower back) disc bulge

1. Lower backache and sciatica: Lower back pain is the most common symptom. The pain from the lower back can radiate down the hips, thighs, legs, and even till the feet which is referred to as sciatica. Pain may get worse from sitting, standing, walking, coughing, sneezing, etc

2. Numbness, tingling, burning, weakness in the affected area. Weakness may affect gait leading to stumbling.

3. In severe cases, loss of bladder or bowel control may occur. It requires immediate medical help.

Symptoms From Cervical (Neck) Disc Bulge

1. Pain in the neck: The pain may extend from the neck to shoulders, arms and sometimes hands and fingers. Pain may get worse from neck movement.

2. Numbness, tingling or weakness may also accompany pain in the neck, and arms.

3. Weakness in arms affects ability to hold objects resulting in frequent falling of holded things

Cause Behind Disc Bulge / Herniation

The main reason behind disc bulge and herniation is wear and tear of discs that occur with age. As a part of this wear and tear, the discs dry out and there is reduced flexibility. Due to this, the disc is at a risk of tear and rupture even from the slightest strain.

An intervertebral disc has a tough outer layer called annulus fibrosus, and a soft gel-like center called the nucleus. In case of disc bulge, the inner gel-like center remains as such within the outer portion and the intact disc bulges out of this place. However, in case the outer layer of the disc gets torn that causes the center to herniate, then it is termed as herniated disc (also called slip disc or ruptured disc). In herniated disc, there is a partial crack in the outer layer of the disc. If a total crack in the disc’s outer layer causes the leakage of the inner gel-like material through that crack, it is termed prolapsed disc.

Risk Factors

There are certain factors that put a person at risk of disc bulge or disc prolapse as follows:

1. Aging

2. Occupation involving lifting weights, pulling or pushing objects regularly

3. Suddenly twisting or straining the back

4. Obesity and excessive body weight

5. Lifting heavy objects with bent waist

6. Back injury / trauma, fall or a blow on back may cause disc bulge in rare cases

7. Driving for long hours regularly put pressure on back and raises the risk

8. Rest of risk factors includes a family history of disc bulge, smoking (reduce oxygen supply to discs causing disc degeneration) and sitting for prolonged hours daily with little to no physical activity


1. Saddle anaesthesia: Compression of nerves by disc bulge may lead to loss of sensation in inner thighs, back of legs and around rectum.

2. Cauda equine syndrome: Spinal cord ends above the waist. At the end of the spinal cord, a bundle of nerves called cauda equina (resembling the tail of a horse) are present. If the disc bulge compresses this nerve set, it is called cauda equina syndrome. This condition is a medical emergency needing immediate medical help. If not treated well in time, it may cause loss of bladder or bowel control, permanent weakness or paralysis of legs.

Investigations To Diagnose Disc Bulge

1. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): It is the most commonly used investigation to diagnose cases of disc bulge / herniation. It will confirm disc bulge and its location in suspected cases.

2. X-ray: Though X- ray cannot detect disc prolapse, it may be recommended to rule out other causes of backache (fracture, tumor for example)

3. CT scan (computed tomography): With the help of CT scan, X-rays will be taken from different directions of the spine and structures around it

4. Myelogram: CT scan is done after injecting a dye in the spinal fluid. This will detect pressure on the nerves from disc prolapse.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Dissolve your Heel Spurs – Top 7 Homeopathic medicines for calcaneal Spur and Heel Pain

Homeopathic medicines for Calcaneal Spurs

Pain in the heel not only restricts movement, but the general discomfort while walking or on standing affects the personality of a person. The pain can be attributed to a medical condition known as Calcaneal Spur/ heel spur. It refers to a sharp, pointed, horny outgrowth on the calcaneal bone present in the heel. The main symptom of Calcaneal Spur is pain in the heel around the the spur.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines offer a very safe and complete treatment of Calcaneal Spur. The homeopathic medicines for Calcaneal Spur are made of natural substances and have no side effects. They are very strong and powerful in treating the condition.  Homeopathic medicines, which are completely safe to use, help in both, relieving the pain in heels due to spur and in dissolving the spur, thus providing complete treatment for Calcaneal Spurs.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Calcaneal Spur

Calcarea Fluor, Aranea Diadema, Ruta, Rhus Tox are the top remedies for Calcaneal Spur.

1. Calcarea Fluor – Best Medicine For Dissolving Calcaneal Spur

Though there are several homeopathic medicines to dissolve heel spur, but Calcarea Fluor tops the list. It is a natural medicine with the best healing power to dissolve a Calcaneal Spur. This remedy is of great help in all cases of Calcaneal Spur whether painful or not. Calcarea Fluor acts as the best resolving agent for Calcaneal Spur and is considered the first choice of remedy in every case of Calcaneal Spur. Not only heel bone, this medicine is equally suitable to dissolve spurs in any bone in the body. This medicine is also indicated for extra bony outgrowths that tend to form after an injury.

2. Aranea Diadema – For Heel Spur With Boring Pain In Heel

Aranea Diadema is the next best medicine for Calcaneal Spur. This remedy is best for getting rid of digging and boring type of pain in the heel. The pain initially aggravates on moving the feet but is relieved after continued movement. The pain may alternate with a feeling of numbness in the heel. Extreme sensitivity to cold air can also be predominantly present.

3. Ruta – For Heel Spur Formed After Stressed Ligaments, Muscles And Tendons

Ruta works well in cases where ligaments, muscles and tendons are repeatedly stressed following which bone spurs gets formed. It is indicated by a shooting pain in the heel. The pain from heel radiates to the Achille’s tendon. The tendon that connects the calf muscle present in the back of the leg to heels is known as Achille’s tendon also known as Tendo Achilles. For patients who have pain in the heel due to Calcaneal Spur with the extension of pain in Tendo Achilles, the best remedy for relief is Ruta.

4. Rhus Tox – For Heel Pain On Stepping (Putting Pressure On Feet To Begin Walk)

Rhus Tox is the top natural remedy for pain in the heel felt when stepping on foot. It gets worse from standing. If pain in the heel troubles you on the first standing in the morning, Rhus Tox is the best medicine. The person needing it feels as if he/she is stepping on a pin with the first step taken, though pain gets better by continuous walking. Rhus Tox also helps in repairing the muscles and ligaments covering the heel bone, thus preventing further heel damage.

Its other action is to dissolve the spur. Rhus Tox thus acts in three spheres for Calcaneal Spur patients — pain relief, strengthening the muscles or ligaments, and dissolving the spur. The pain experienced by the person on standing is most of the times stitching in character. The person may feel the pain as being similar to that caused by a splint. Another expression used may be sharp pain as from a nail under the skin.

5. Ammonium Mur — For Pain In Heel On Walking

Ammonium Mur is a very beneficial natural medicine for Calcaneal Spur. This remedy is of great help when pain in the heel is felt on walking due to Calcaneal Spur. Ammonium Mur helps in decreasing the pain as well as dissolving the spur. Apart from specific worsening of pain on walking, the person also complains of pain in the heel in the morning. A few people needing Ammonium Mur may get relief by slight rubbing of the heel. The pain may be stitching, tearing or ulcerative in nature.

6. Aurum Met – For Calcaneal Spur Which Causes Pain At Night

The pain in the heel at night due to Calcaneal Spur is best relieved by natural remedy Aurum Met. It is a very appropriate and efficient homeopathic medicine to get rid of pain in the heel at night arising because of the spur.

 7. Mezereum – For Calcaneal Spur That Hurts By Touching

For patients complaining of pain in the heel spur when touched, natural medicine Mezereum is the best remedy. Mezereum is of great help in treating the heel spur pain that worsens by touching. The patient may show increased sensitivity to cold air.

8. Pulsatilla – For Heel Pain Like From Pricking From An Iron Nail

This natural medicine works well when a person feels pain in the heel as from pricking from an iron nail. There is inability to walk barefoot. Heels feel sore, pain gets worse with walking. Heel pain tends to increase in evening.

Symptoms Of Heel Spur

1. Heel spur mainly leads to sharp pain in the heel.The pain arises from injury in the soft tissue in the heels caused by bony spur. Thepain gets worse when a person steps on the ground after a period of inactivity, especially in the morning following long rest. The pain increases while walking, running and standing. The character of pain may be described as sharp pain, dull pain or pain as from pin-pricking.

2. Heel may be inflamed, swollen and warm to touch

3. Heel may be tender to touch

4. In long term cases, a bony growth may be visible on heel

5. However in some cases, there may be no symptoms

Cause Behind Heel Spur

The bony outgrowth is the build-up of calcium deposit on the heel bone. Heel spur forms when excessive stress and strain is put repeatedly on ligaments, muscles, tendons, fascia of the foot.  Due to repeated stress and strain, there is damage to muscles, ligaments, tendons and plantar fascia (a band of tissue connecting heel bone to base of toes) that cover the heel bone. As a result, the heel bone is also stressed and becomes prone to trauma and formation of Calcaneal Spur. A single stressful episode on the heel like from a sports activity does not cause heel spur. These develop with repeated stress put on the heel over a period of time.

Risk Factors For Heel Spur

1. Recurrent stress on the heel from walking, jumping, jogging, running especially on hard surface is the main risk factor

2. People who are either obese or athletic are prone to develop Calcaneal Spur

3. Having Plantar Fasciitis (inflamed plantar fascia) increases risk of developing heel spurs

4. Wearing high heels and ill-fitted or worn-out shoes also puts a person at risk of formation of calcium deposits on the heel bone.

5. Having arthritis (joint inflammation), flat feet, diabetes and gait issues (it affects balance and coordination as a result of which the sufferer is unable to walk correctly) also puts a person at risk of heel spur

Are Heel Spurs And Plantar Fasciitis Same?

Heel spur and Plantar Fasciitis are often confused because both cause heel pain but both these conditions are not the same. Heel spur is calcium deposit that forms a bony outgrowth on heel bone. Plantar Fasciitis is a condition where the plantar fascia (a tissue band that connects heel bone to the base of toes) is irritated and swollen. Plantar Fasciitis increases the risk of heel spurs.

Diagnosis Of Heel Spur

Heel spur causes heel pain that may arise from other reasons as well (for example Plantar Fasciitis, gout, arthritis) and heel spur is not visible from outside, when we look at the heel, so it is difficult to confirm diagnosis only on the basis of symptoms.

X-ray is the most commonly used investigation to detect a heel spur.

Measures To Prevent Heel Spurs

1. Select soft surfaces to run or jog rather than hard surface

2. Wear properly fitted shoes that support heels well

3. Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes as much as possible

4. Try to lose weight if obese to reduce the pressure on the foot

5. If possible, avoid standing for long time periods

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Restless and Painful legs at night? 6 Homeopathic Medicines That Work

Homeopathic medicines for restless leg syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) refers to a condition whereby a person has an irresistible desire to move the legs to relieve discomforting sensations felt in the lower limbs. Not really a life-threatening disorder, this condition, however, could create inter-personal or social problems for the affected persons due to the annoyance or disturbance caused to people around them at home, work or public place.

Homeopathic system of medicine provides a simple, safe and successful line of treatment in cases of Restless Leg Syndrome. Homeopathic remedies are drawn from natural, non-toxic substances and thus have no side effects. They help to reduce the intensity of symptoms including restlessness and unpleasant sensation in the legs gradually. Not just symptomatic relief it further works to cure this condition. The medicines used in the conventional system for treating Restless Leg Syndrome are temporary and, beyond a point of time, they stop working and become ineffective. They also carry a risk of side effects, including day drowsiness, fatigue, and nausea. The homeopathic mode of treatment, on the other hand, offers complete riddance of Restless Leg Syndrome. There is no chance of any side effects in this mode.

Homeopathic medicines focus on treating the underlying root cause of RLS and work to relax the nervous system. As a result, the various discomforting sensations in the legs that lead to Restless Leg Syndrome are wonderfully controlled with homeopathic medicines and the patient can enjoy a sound sleep.

There is a long list of homeopathic medicines to manage RLS. Among these, the selection of medicine is based on the individual constitution of the patient and customised to suit his/her unique requirements. Constitution means the sum total of symptoms related to the mind and physical body in addition to the unique emotional quotient of a person. Such well selected medicines bring great cures in cases of RLS.

Homeopathic medicines do not cause any type of dependency. These medicines have to be continued for the time duration as suggested by a homeopathic physician who recommends them according to the intensity and duration of the problem. One does not need to take these medicines for a lifetime. On getting the desired results, these can be easily discontinued gradually.

Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome

The highly recommended medicines for Restless Leg Syndrome are Zincum Met, Tarentula Hispanica, Rhus Tox, Arsenic Album, Medorrhinum and Causticum.

1. Zincum Met – Top Most Medicine

Zincum Met is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating RLS which disturbs the person at night. It is used when there is marked uneasiness in the legs. The person finds it impossible to relax and find a comforting place for the legs when at rest. The constant motion of the legs is needed to find little relief. The complaint is worse during sleep. The person keeps moving his feet in bed for many hours when he/she goes to sleep. A formication or insects crawling sensation can be felt in the legs. Sometimes, a tension or pressure is felt in the legs. At times, drawing pain in the legs may be felt in the evening.

When to use Zincum Met?

Zincum Met is recommended to manage RLS with excessive uneasiness in the legs which gets worse in bed for many hours.

How to use Zincum Met?

This medicine works wonders in 30C power that can be used once a day.

2. Tarentula Hispanica – For Restless Legs Worse In The Evening & Night In Bed

This medicine is highly valuable when there is marked restlessness of legs as well as hands which are in constant motion. Persons who need this medicine feel uneasiness in the legs that compels them to move their legs constantly. The uneasiness also makes the person wake up and move constantly to ease the symptoms. The complaint gets worse in the evening and at night when lying in bed.

When to use Tarentula Hispanica?

It is a very suitable medicine for RLS with excessive restlessness of legs which gets worse in the evening and also when lying in bed at night.

How to use Tarentula Hispanica?

One may use this medicine in 30C potency once a day.

3. Rhus Tox – For RLS Due To Pain In Leg Muscles

Rhus Tox is a wonderful remedy for RLS when the legs get restless due to pain in leg muscles. It is useful when a person finds it difficult to keep the legs in a relaxed position while sitting or at night after heavy exertion during day time. There is a desire to stretch the legs, rest worsens the symptoms. The constant motion of legs provides relief. Along with aching, a crawling, tingling sensation may also be felt in the legs at night. There is a desire to constantly move the legs back and forth which leads to sleeplessness. Rhus Tox is also considered when legs get restless at night after over-exerting in the daytime.

When to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine is apt for cases of restless leg syndrome due to pain in leg muscles with an urge to move legs constantly. The complaint gets worse at rest.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Though it can be used in different potencies, in the beginning it is best to take it in 30C potency twice or thrice a day.

4. Arsenic Album – For RLS Worse At Night      

Arsenic Album is useful when restlessness of legs gets worse at night. There is a desire to keep walking to get relief which leads to sleeplessness. Other than legs, restlessness may also be felt in the head with an urge to constantly move the head.

When to use Arsenic Album?

This medicine can be considered in cases of Restless Leg Syndrome worsening at night.

How to use Arsenic Album?

30 C is the most frequently suggested potency of this medicine for treating RLS. Arsenic Album 30C can be taken one to two times a day.

5. Medorrhinum – For RLS With Burning In Feet Worse At Rest

Medorrhinum is the appropriate choice when there is pain in legs with difficulty in keeping them still even for a moment. The complaint gets worse when relaxing and in bed, when trying to sleep. Burning in the feet may be an accompanying symptom.

When to use Medorrhinum?

This medicine can be used in RLS when there occurs burning in feet along with restlessness in legs worse at rest.

How to use Medorrhinum?

This medicine is mostly used in high potencies like 200C, 1M in infrequent doses. In the beginning it is advised to use it in 200C power just one dose on a weekly basis.

6. Causticum – For Restless Leg With Twitching And Heaviness In Legs

Causticum is considered when the person has a twitching sensation in the legs along with heaviness. There is a need to move the feet constantly or walk about to get relief. A drawing pain or a pulling sensation in legs also occurs. The sufferer keeps moving his legs constantly during sleep. Besides, there may be a complaint of an electric shock-like sensation in the legs.

When to use Causticum?

It is the best medicine for RLS when restlessness in legs is accompanied with twitching and heaviness in legs with an urge to move feet constantly.

How to use Causticum?

Causticum 30C can be used once or twice a day.

Symptoms Of Restless Leg Syndrome

The symptoms of RLS occur in both the legs in most cases, however, in some people, they affect only on one side. It affects the legs mostly, but the arms and head may be affected as well.

The Restless Leg Syndrome manifests itself in a couple of ways as follows:

1. Urge to move legs: A compulsive or uncontrollable urge to move legs to get rid of various unpleasant sensations felt in the legs.

2. Sensations in legs: The various sensations vary from creeping, tingling, crawling, and pin-pricking to aching and throbbing, burning, and electric sensations. Some people find it difficult to explain the sensations they have in their legs.

3. Worsening time:The symptoms get worse at rest mainly at evening/night; in lying or sitting position, when you are relaxing.

4. Relieving factors: Movements, stretching, and walking relieves the symptoms.

5. As the symptoms get worse at night, it makes sleeping difficult at night which causes daytime drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, diffand iculty in concentration the following morning.

6. The above-mentioned symptoms may come and go and vary in intensity. These may be only present at night or in some people the entire day and night. For some, it is a minor problem while for others, it can be quite troublesome, impairing quality of life. The symptoms seem to worsen with age.

Causes Of Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome cannot be attributed to any specific causes. However, certain pointers may indicate RLS, which are as follows:

1. A genetic tendency towards developing RLS has been noted. In about 90% of the people suffering from RLS, a family history of this complaint is often present.

2. It is also suggested that imbalance of dopamine levels (a brain chemical which sends signals for muscle movement) may cause RLS. Parkinson’s disease is also linked with reduced dopamine levels. This is the reason that some people having Parkinson’s disease are also seen to be suffering from RLS.

3. Low iron levels in the brain may contribute to Restless Leg Syndrome.

4. There are other many medical conditions linked with RLS like:

varicose veins (swollen, enlarged, twisted veins), depression, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), diabetes mellitus, peripheral neuropathy (weakness, numbness, or pain in hands or feet from nerve damage), rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune joint disorder that causes joint inflammation), hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)

5. Use of certain medicines is also associated with the development of RLS, like antidepressants, medicines to treat allergies, nausea, etc.

6. RLS can occur during pregnancy. In some women, RLS develops during pregnancy and the symptoms mostly go away after delivery. While if a woman is already suffering from RLS, symptoms may get worse during pregnancy.

7. Women are more at risk of RLS as compared to males.

8. Alcohol and caffeine can trigger symptoms of RLS.

Types of RLS

RLS is of two types, primary and secondary:

1. Primary(Idiopathic) RLS: It includes RLS that occurs without any known cause and is more common among the two types. It starts before the age of around 40 and appears gradually. Its symptoms may go away after several months or years but it is a lifelong condition that tends to get worse with age.

2. Secondary RLS: RLS that occurs along with a medical condition or use of some drugs is referred to as secondary RLS. It starts suddenly after the age of 40.


There are no lab investigations to diagnose RLS. It is diagnosed based on the symptom picture given by the patient. The five major hallmark symptoms that confirm its diagnosis are as follows:

1. A strong irresistible urge to move legs attended with uncomfortable sensations in legs

2. Beginning or worsening of symptoms during rest, like lying down or sitting

3. Improvement in symptoms with activity

4. Worsening of symptoms in evening or at night

5. No explainable medical or behavioral cause for the symptoms is present

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