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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines For Joint Pain After Injury

Joint pain is a very common complaint a clinical practitioner comes across in patients. A joint is a structure in the body where two or more bones connect with each other. The other components of the joints besides the bones include – tendons, ligaments, cartilage and synovial fluid. Tendons are the fibrous connective tissue that connects the muscles to the bones. Ligaments are the tissue bands that connect bones to the other bones for joint formation. The cartilage of the joint refers to smooth, flexible tissue that covers the ends of the bones where they meet to form the joint. Synovial fluid is the lubricating fluid in the joint that functions to reduce the friction in the structures of the synovial joints when joint movement tatakeske place.

Joint pain can occur from various causes and in some cases, joint pain can follow an injury to the joint along with joint inflammation. Injury to a joint can occur from several reasons such as a fall on the joint, injury when playing some sports or a car accident. Injury to a joint may result in breaking of the bone at the joints (fracture), dislocation of the joint means pushing or separation of the bones of the joints out of its normal position or a sprain. Sprain refers to twisting, overstretching or tearing of the ligaments and the main location of the sprain is ankle. Joint injury may also occur from overuse injuries that occur from repetitive motion of the joint, like in tendinitis (inflammation of the tendons). Joint inflammation developing after an injury is known as post-traumatic arthritis. This can be short-term (acute) or can become a long-term (chronic) problem. Varying from case to case, there may occur other signs and symptoms as well other than joint pain like swollen joint, stiff joint, joint tenderness (sensitive and painful to touch), redness of the joints, heat in the joints, limited range of joint movement, difficulty in moving the joint, trouble bearing weight on the affected joint and weakness of the joint.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for joint pain that results from an injury. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s natural healing mechanism to overcome pain naturally. With the use of these medicines, there is healing of the injured joint structures along with decrease in the intensity and frequency of the pain. Along with pain, other attending joint signs and symptoms including stiffness, swelling, tenderness and weakness of the joint are also dealt with quite effectively with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines are equally helpful for recent as well as chronic (long-term) cases of post-injury joint pains. Homeopathic prescription for joint pain after an injury varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. Self–medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Joint Pain After Injury 

1. Arnica – Leading Homeopathic Medicine

Arnica is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of different kinds of injuries including that of joint injury. This medicine can be given for pain in any of the joints involved after an injury. It is recommended when there is an injury from a fall or being hit by a blunt object. The key feature of using this medicine is joint pain with excessive soreness and tenderness of joints means joints are painful to the slightest touch where this medicine is required. There is a great fear of touching the affected joint due to pain. The slightest movement also worsens the joint pain. The affected joints also feel lame.  The joints feel as if one has got a beating. Along with the above a general weakness can also be present. Arnica is also suitable for managing joint pain and soreness that occur from overexerting the joint. Arnica is also indicated to manage cases of long-term joint weakness from repeated injuries. This medicine is indicated for managing joint complaints that have occurred from recent injury as well as an injury that took a long time ago. Arnica is an excellent medicine to heal the injured joint along with pain management.

2. Rhus Tox – For Pain From Overuse Injury Or Inflamed Joints post injury

Rhus Tox is a highly recommended medicine for managing pain from overuse joint injury/overstrained joints and inflamed joints post-injury. In cases needing it, along with pain there is marked stiffness in the joints. The affected joints are swollen as well along with a heated sensation. The stiffness gets better from warm application on the joints and also from movement. The stiffness is worse in the morning and also after periods of inactivity. The affected joints may feel weak. Rhus Tox is of great help in cases of hip joint inflammation that occurs post-injury. In such cases, pain and swelling is marked over the hip joint. The type of pain can be tearing, aching or drawing type. The joint pain gets worse on lying down. Along with pain, it feels as if the skin on the affected hip joint is too tight.

3. Ruta – For Injured Joints, Inflamed Tendons, Sprains

Ruta is a highly effective medicine for injured joints, inflamed tendons (tendonitis) of joints and sprains. In cases needing it, sore bruised pains are present. Along with this there is marked restlessness. Weakness is also felt in the joints along with pain in cases of sprains. This medicine is of great help in cases related to ankle sprains. This medicine is also indicated for joint pain from overuse mainly the wrist joint. Shooting type of pain is mainly felt in the wrist. Ruta is also suited for cases of pain in cases of overstretched ligaments.

4. Bellis Perennis – For Pain From Joint Injury And Sprains

Bellis Perennis is a beneficial medicine to manage pain due to joint injury and sprains. It offers help in cases of injuries occurring from falls, accidents and blows. There is aching in the joints and sensitivity to touch from injury or sprains. Swelling is also present in joints along with pain. The joints feel lame too. The tendons are inflamed. There is a contracted feeling in the wrist as if an elastic band has been tied on it. There is pain in the hip joints which worsens from exertion. This medicine is also well indicated for joint injuries from repetitive strains.

5. Bryonia – For Joint Pain Worse From Slightest Movement

This medicine works well in cases of injured joints when the key feature is joint pain which worsens from the slightest movement. Pain gets better from absolute rest. Warm applications on the joints also relieve the pain. In cases needing it, the joints are also markedly swollen and red. They are also sensitive to touch. Stiffness is felt in the affected joint. The type of joint pain is mainly stitching type.

6. Symphytum – When There Is Pain From Breakage Of Bone Forming The Joint

Symphytum is the topmost medicine in homeopathy to manage pain that occurs from the breaking of the bone.  This medicine works to reduce pain and aids in the healing of the bone by boosting the activity of fibroblast cells. It helps to manage the pricking sort of pain at the fractured part. This medicine provides relief in managing pain due to recent injury or long-term cases.

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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Fatigue with Muscle Pain

Fatigue refers to feeling exhausted and tired. Some people may experience tiredness along with muscle pain. This may happen due to various reasons. It could be a part of aging, lack of proper sleep, dehydration, mineral deficiencies and low vitamin levels of certain vitamins like vitamin D. While in others, it could be arising from an underlying medical condition. The most important medical conditions include fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Fibromyalgia refers to pain in different body parts (specific tender points where the slightest pressure leads to pain) along with general tiredness, and fatigue for more than three months without any known cause. Besides, there may be problems in sleep and memory, along with depression. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) refers to a condition in which there occurs persistent feeling of tiredness both physically and mentally for at least 6 months, hindering routine activities without any underlying medical condition. Along with tiredness, other symptoms that may be observed include poor memory, sleep issues, poor concentration, joint or muscle pain, mood swings and depressed feelings. It is also known by other names such as myalgic encephalomyelitis and systemic exertional intolerance disease (SEID). It can also occur in cases of influenza, hypothyroidism and myositis.

Influenza is a respiratory illness caused by influenza virus. This can cause body aches and tiredness along with its other main symptoms of runny/stuffy nose, sore throat and fever. Hypothyroidism refers to an underactive thyroid in which the thyroid gland does not secrete enough thyroid hormones.  Hypothyroidism can result in fatigue and muscle pain along with its other important signs and symptoms including weight gain, sensitivity to cold (cold intolerance), constipation, puffy face and hands, dry thin hair, sleepiness and heavy menses in females.

Myositis means inflammation of the muscles that may arise from various reasons like an injury, infection and autoimmune (autoimmune means the destruction of body’s own healthy tissues by the immune cells out of a misdirected response) conditions and can cause muscle pain, muscle weakness along with tiredness.

Another reason for fatigue could be Lyme’s disease which is a bacterial infection caused by bacterium Borrelia and spreads by ticks. The last reason could be polymyalgia rheumatica. This refers to an inflammatory disorder resulting in pain and stiffness of the muscles and mainly affects the shoulders, hips, neck and arms. It could be accompanied with general symptoms like fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss and mild fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in managing fatigue along with muscle pain. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that bring improvement in these cases by working to treat the root cause behind it. Once root cause is treated, there occurs excellent relief in fatigue with muscle pain. Along with these, any attending symptoms like memory issues, poor concentration and focus issues, sleep issues, depression feelings if present can also be well managed with these medicines. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for cases of fatigue with muscle pain is selected as per the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. Hence it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription. In no case, self-medication should be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Fatigue With Muscle Pain

1. Gelsemium – Top Recommended Medicine

Gelsemium tops the list of homeopathic medicines to manage fatigue along with muscle pain. In cases needing it, there occurs pain in the muscles attended with soreness (sensitivity to touch). Pain is most marked in the muscles of the limbs (i.e. arms and legs). The limbs feel heavy and tired. The muscles also feel weak. The muscles of the back and the neck may also be painful. There is a general feeling of exhaustion and tiredness along with the above complaints. There is excessive drowsiness and dullness. Along with the above symptoms, there is exhaustion of the mind, poor concentration and focus in doing any work. Gelsemium is a well-indicated medicine for fatigue that occurs during influenza and even after recovering from this illness.

2. Rhus Tox – For Muscle Pain, Stiffness And Tiredness

Rhus Tox is a highly effective medicine for managing muscle pain, stiffness and tiredness. There is intense weakness in the entire body. It is attended with a constant desire to lie down or sit due to weakness. Persons needing it feel so weak as if they have not taken enough sleep. They do not feel like rising up in the morning due to weakness. They suffer from muscle pain, especially in the neck region, back, shoulders, arms and thighs. The muscles are also sore to touch and stiff. Soreness and stiffness get better from exercise. The nature of the muscle pain can be shooting, tearing or stitching type. The pains get worse at night time. Rhus Tox is a prominently indicated medicine when there is muscle pain from overuse or overstraining of the muscles.

3. Arnica – With Marked Soreness (Pain On Touch) Of Muscles

Arnica is the next very beneficial medicine to manage muscle pain and fatigue. Persons needing this medicine have pain in the muscles along with excessive soreness which means pain on touch. It feels as if the sufferer has been beaten up. The soreness gets worse after overexertion. Pain is most marked in the back and limbs. All the limbs feel heavy. The bed on which the person lies down feels very hard. There is marked weakness all over the body in general along with pains. The pain makes the sufferer lie down. Along with this, there is sleepiness. Arnica is also well indicated for managing sore painful muscles in cases of influenza.

4. Bryonia – For Muscle Pain Worse From Little Movement

It is a useful medicine for muscle pain that gets worse from the slightest movement and better from rest. Pain is more prominent in the muscles of the neck and lower back. Lower back pain gets worse from stooping, sitting and standing. The affected muscles feel hard. The neck and back muscles also feel stiff. Due to stiffness in the back, the person stands and walks in a stooped posture. Weakness and tiredness is present which gets worse from walking.

5. Lactic Acid – For Pain, Soreness Of Muscles Of Back, Chest And Limbs

Lactic Acid is indicated when there is pain and soreness (pain on touch) of muscles especially those in the back, chest and limbs. Along with this, there is fatigue and tired feeling over the entire body. There is difficulty in standing from weakness. Pain is felt in the limbs while walking. The whole body trembles while walking, along with weakness.

6. Magnesia Phos – For Muscle Pains And Cramps

This medicine is highly suitable for muscle pains and cramps. The pains keep shifting from one body part to another where this medicine is required. The pain gets worse at night. They get better by resting. The nature of pain varies and can be cutting, shooting, stitching or stabbing type.  The pain is accompanied with excessive tiredness and sweating.

7. Arsenic Album – For Intense Fatigue With Anxiety and restlessness

This medicine is useful when there is intense fatigue. Person needing this medicine wants to lie down all the time due to weakness. Slightest exertion and even walking and standing results in marked exhaustion in them. Anxiety and restlessness may be felt along with the other complaints. Piercing sort of pain is felt in muscles. The limbs also feel weak, tired with a need to lie down.



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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines For Hip Pain From Prolonged Sitting

Hip pain occurs in or around the hip joint. In many cases, hip pain can occur from prolonged sitting. This pain may result from issues with muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints or nerves in the hip. The pain can be felt in the hip on one side or both sides. In some cases, pain from the lower back travels to the hip known as referred pain. The pain varies from mild dull pain to sharp severe pain. The pain can occur once in a while or can occur quite frequently. Besides pain, some other symptoms can be felt as well as per the cause. These include stiffness, numbness, tingling and pin needle sensation. The pain may radiate down the thighs and legs in some cases.

The reasons behind hip pain from prolonged sitting may vary. It could simply arise from sitting in the wrong posture or sitting crossed legs for a long time period which put extra stress and strain on the hip. While in others, it could be linked to a medical issue that needs diagnosis and treatment. The first cause among these is hip joint inflammation medically called hip arthritis. First type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis refers to degeneration of the joint cartilage (a rubbery cushion present between the two bones of the joint) usually resulting from age-related wear and tear of the joint but may also occur from an injury in some cases. It commonly involves knee joints, hip joint and joints of the spine and hands. The second one is rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder (in an autoimmune disorder the immune cells start to damage the body’s healthy tissue out of a misdirected response) that leads to inflamed joints with marked pain, stiffness, swelling in the joints. It usually begins from the small joints of the hands especially of the fingers but can later affect any of the joints in the body including hip joint. Another kind of arthritis is ankylosing spondylitis.

Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of arthritis affecting the back that mainly starts from the sacroiliac joint (it is a joint formed between the sacrum which is a triangular bone at the base of the spine and the ilium part of the hip bone), but can also affect other joints including the joint of the shoulder, hip and feet.  It also includes psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis is a kind of arthritis that can affect some people suffering from a skin condition called psoriasis (an autoimmune skin disease characterized by red inflamed spots on the skin covered with silvery white scales). Further, arthritis hip pain from prolonged sitting could arise from pinching of the nerve in the lower back. Another cause is piriformis syndrome. It refers to irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve from spasm (sudden involuntary contraction of muscle) of piriformis muscle (located in the buttocks). Tendinitis (inflamed tendons means the fibrous connective tissue band connecting muscle to bone) or bursitis (inflamed bursa i.e. tiny fluid – filled sac around the joint) are the other reasons behind hip pain due to prolonged sitting.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy proves highly effective in managing cases of hip pain from prolonged sitting. Homeopathic medicines target the root cause of problems to bring long-term improvement in such cases. These medicines boost the body’s own healing mechanism and bring self-recovery in the most natural way. Homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the intensity and frequency of hip pain. Along with this, they also manage any associated symptoms like stiffness, numbness, tingling, pin needle sensation. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin with zero side effects so are entirely safe to use. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case, depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. So, it is advised to get any case of hip pain from prolonged sitting evaluated and take homeopathic medicine under the guidance of a homeopathic physician. It is advised to avoid self-medication with any of the homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines For Hip Pain From Prolonged Sitting

1. Rhus Tox – Top Medicine

Among various homeopathic medicines, Rhus Tox tops the list to manage hip pain that arises from prolonged sitting. In cases needing it, the hip pain gets worse when rising after long periods of sitting. The pain is relieved by continuous movement in most of the cases. A crackling sound occurs from the hip joint along with pain. There is also marked stiffness in the hip joint along with the above symptoms. The pain may radiate from the hip down to the thigh on the right-hand side. Pain is worse when at rest and gets better from moving around. Warm application on the hip also relieves pain. Rhus Tox is the best homeopathic medicine to manage cases of pain occurring from joint inflammation, inflamed tendons, muscle pain and nerve pinching.

2. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – For Right-Sided Hip Pain

This medicine is highly suitable when there is right-sided hip pain after sitting for a long time. It is an aching sort of pain where this medicine is indicated. While walking, the right hip feels lame along with lameness of the leg. Other than this, pain may also be felt in the whole lower limb. With this lower limb feel stiff. It is also sore to touch when rising to walk.

3. Phosphoric Acid – For Left Sided Hip Pain

Phosphoric Acid is a beneficial medicine for left-sided hip pain from sitting. The pain may run down the left thigh in cases needing this medicine. It could be joint pain or nerve pain. In some cases, the pain may even go down to the calf muscle (this muscle is present in the back of the legs) and ankle. The hip joint pain gets a little better after walking. Heaviness is also felt in the hip joint. It gets worse when starting to walk after sitting and gets better after walking a while. This medicine is also helpful for painful spasms (contraction) in the muscles of the hip joint.

4. Staphisagria – When Hip Pain Radiates To Lower Back

This medicine is well indicated when hip pain gets worse from sitting and pain from the hip radiates to the lower back. Pain in the hip joint occurs while walking as well as sitting. In cases needing it, a pulsating sensation in the hip can also be felt. Stiffness in the hip joints in the morning on rising from bed is also marked.

5. Causticum – For Stitching Pain In Hip Joint

Causticum is a prominent medicine for stitching type of pain in the hip joint. In some cases needing it, pain from the sacrum (triangular bone at base of spine) radiates down to the left hip. There is tensive pain over this area as if muscles are shortened.  When a person takes steps, there is pain in the hip joints and it feels as if the hip joint is dislocated. There is soreness of the hip and thigh on the side lying on at night. This leads to frequent turning over in bed to find a comfortable position.

6. Arnica – For Drawing Sort Of Pain

This medicine is effective for drawing type of pain especially in the left-sided hip joint while sitting. Arnica is also useful for tearing type of pain in the right hip joint. From here, it shifts to other body parts. This pain is worse at night. In the lower limb, a lame sensation and a sensation of an ant crawling on the skin (formication) may be felt.



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Feeling Pain in the Neck along with Numbness and Tingling in Hands? Try Homeopathy

Neck pain is one of the most common health issues that a physician frequently comes across in clinical practice. In some cases, numbness and tingling in the hands may accompany. Pain from the neck may radiate down the arms to the hands and fingers in some cases. Neck stiffness, weakness in the hands and dizziness/vertigo may also be the other attending symptoms apart from the above-mentioned features.

Numbness and tingling in the hands along with neck pain mainly happens from pinching, compression or irritation of a nerve in the cervical spine. It is medically known as cervical radiculopathy. Nerve pinching may occur from several reasons. These include disc bulge, herniated disc or arthritis of the neck (cervical spondylosis), degenerative changes in the cervical spine, bony spurs and a spine injury in the cervical region. Disc bulge indicates bulging out of the intervertebral disc (cushions lying in between the two vertebrae that comprise of a tough outer layer and a soft gel-like matter in the center) from its place that pinches the nerve in the spine. Herniated disc refers to oozing out of the inner gel-like matter from the disc from a tear in the outer layer of the disc that compresses the nerve. Arthritis of the neck or cervical spondylosis refers to wear and tear or degeneration of different structures in the cervical spine that includes the seven cervical vertebra (the 7 bones stacked one over the other in the spine of the neck), intervertebral discs, joints, ligaments and tendons in the cervical spine. Degenerative changes in the cervical spine like drying out of the discs, and bulging of disc can occur as a part of aging or due to an injury to the spine. Bone spurs indicate extra small bony outgrowths that occur on the ends of the bones that can irritate or pinch the nerves. Less commonly some infection in the spine or tumour growths in the spine could be a reason.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can offer great help in cases of neck pain attended with numbness and tingling in the hands. Homeopathy helps to overcome this complaint naturally by boosting the self-healing mechanism of the body. Homeopathic medicines are 100 % natural medicines so there is no worry about their side effects. There are no specific medicines in homeopathy and the suitable medicine is prescribed symptomatically for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation. So it is advised to get every case evaluated by a homeopathic doctor and take medicine under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication should not be done in any case. In some cases, numbness or tingling in the hands could point to serious health problems like Guillain-Barre syndrome, stroke, so one should always consult a doctor to rule out the cause, and in case of serious causes, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has limitation in helping such serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Neck Pain With Numbness And Tingling In Hands

1. Paris Quadrifolia – For Neck Pain With Numbness In Hands And Fingers

It is a highly recommended medicine to manage cases of neck pain attended with numbness in the hands and fingers. In cases needing it, the neck pain usually radiates down to the arms and fingers. Exertion worsens the neck pain and rest brings relief. Hand movement and grasping anything increases neck pain in most of the causes. The neck also feels stiff and swollen along with the above complaints. There is a feeling of weight in the neck and shoulders. Numbness and heat in the neck can also be felt. Another symptom that occurs is weakness in the neck as if occurring from bearing a heavy load on the neck. Weakness can also be felt in the arms in addition to the above complaints.

2. Kalmia Latifolia – For Neck Pain With Numbness And Tingling

Kalmia is an effective medicine to deal with cases of neck pain attended with numbness and tingling in the hands and arms.  The pain from the neck radiates down the fingers. Neck feels painful to touch. Pain gets  worse from movement and also at night usually in the early part of night. Neck feels stiff. Along with the above, weakness in the arm and hands can attend as well.

3. Rhus Tox – With Tingling In The Hands

Rhus Tox is a well-indicated medicine to manage neck pain with tingling sensation in the hands. The neck pain extends to the shoulders and arms. A very important attending symptom is stiffness in the neck. Neck pain gets better by moving the neck. The stiffness in the neck is relieved from massage and applying warmth to the neck. Rhus Tox is a prominent medicine to help cases where an injury or overstrain of the neck muscles is leading to the symptoms.

4. Hypericum – For Post Injury Complaint

Hypericum is a suitable medicine when neck pain, and numbness and tingling in the hands happens post-injury. Neck pain increases from even a little movement of the neck and arms. In cases requiring it, the neck is also highly sensitive to touch. Neck pain may reach the arms in many cases.

5. Causticum – With Pain, Stiffness Of Neck Extending To Back Of Head

Causticum can be given in cases of pain and stiffness of the neck extending to the back of the head along with numbness in the hands. In some cases, numbness occurs specifically in the thumb and the index finger along with neck pain. There is difficulty in moving the head due to stiffness in the neck. A tearing type of pain is felt in the neck. The right side of the neck also feels tense.

6. Calcarea Phos – With Neck Pain On Turning The Neck

This medicine is highly beneficial for cases of neck pain on turning the neck. It is attended with numbness in the hands. Stiffness is also felt in the neck. Cramps are felt in the neck on one side followed by the other side. Dullness is felt in the head. Neck pain and stiffness worsen from exposure to even little draughts of air in cases needing this medicine.

7. Gelsemium – Along With Dizziness

This medicine is well-indicated for cases of neck pain, numbness in the hands along with dizziness. In cases needing it, pain from the neck radiates to the shoulders and also the head. A bursting type of pain is felt in the head. Drawing or tearing pain may also be felt in the neck. Neck stiffness and weakness of the neck muscles also occur. Stiffness in the neck gets better by bending the head backward. The neck vertebrae are also sensitive to touch.

8. Lachesis – With Tingling In The Hands

This medicine is recommended for neck pain with tingling sensation in the hands. Tingling is mostly present in the left-side hand where this medicine is required. Neck is stiff too. There is tearing type of pain in the neck that radiates to the top of the head. The neck is also painful to touch and pressure. Heated sensation can be present in the neck region. Along with the above symptoms, numbness in the fingertips may be present in cases needing this medicine.


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What Causes Stiff Joints And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Stiff joint is a feeling when a joint feels tight on trying to move it or a feeling that the joint has a restricted movement. It can affect one or multiple jonts at a time. Stiffness of the joint is mostly felt after rest or waking up in the morning or after sitting for a long time period. It may be attended with pain, swelling, heat and redness of the joints. It could simply arise from sleeping in the wrong posture, ageing or it could be indicative of some underlying health issue. The main medical cause behind stiff joints is arthritis (i.e. inflamed joints). First among these is rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune joint disorder that leads to stiff, painful, red and warm joints. In the beginning, the small joints of the body like fingers, hands are affected followed later by other joints afterwards. Deformity in the joints may also appear in the long run if inflammation is not controlled well in time. Autoimmune disease means it arises when the immune cells of the body start damaging the lining of the joint out of a misdirected response.

Another type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disorder that results when the cartilage present at the end of the bones that forms the joints starts to wear down usually as a part of aging but can also occur from other reasons like injury. It can affect any joint of the body but usually affects joints of the knees, hands, hips and the spine.

Another kind of arthritis is gout. Gout refers to inflammation of the joints arising from increased uric acid levels. It initially tends to start from the joint of the big toe but can involve other joints afterwards. Other types of arthritis include psoriatic arthritis and infectious arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis is a type of joint inflammation that can occur in some persons who suffer from skin disorder called psoriasis (an autoimmune skin disorder characterized by red inflamed patches on the skin covered with silvery white scales). Infectious arthritis is a type of joint inflammation that occurs from infection in the joints which reaches joints from other body parts via blood stream.

Stiffness can also occur in case of ankylosing spondylitis (it is an autoimmune disorder affecting the spine which causes stiffness in the back and hips. It may also cause stiffness of other joints like that of hands and feet). Besides arthritis, another cause is bursitis. Bursitis is the inflammation of the bursa (small sacs filled with fluid that helps in lubrication and smooth movement of the joint during movement). Another cause can be fibromyalgia. It is a disorder that causes pain in the body along with general weakness, sleep problems and memory issues.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can help wonderfully in managing stiffness of the joints. Homeopathic medicines boost the natural healing system of the body to overcome joint stiffness naturally. These medicines treat the root cause of stiff joints to ensure relief. The inflammation of the joints is controlled well by homeopathic medicines. Along with stiffness, they also manage pain, swelling, redness and heat in the joints. These medicines are 100% natural remedies without any side effects. The suitable medicine for these cases has to be selected separately for every case after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptoms. So prior to taking any homeopathic medicine, it is advised to get any case of stiff joints evaluated by a homeopathic doctor and take medicine under the doctor’s supervision. Self-medication should not be done in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines for Stiff Joints

1. Rhus Tox – Top Most Medicine

Rhus Tox ranks first in the list of homeopathic medicines for managing stiff joints. Persons needing it have marked stiffness in the joints on first movement after rest. Stiffness is worse on getting up in the morning. Getting up from the chair also worsens the stiffness. Continuous movement helps to reduce the stiffness of joints. Along with the above-mentioned complaints, a person complains of pain, redness and swelling of the joints. The nature of pain is stitching type in most cases. It results in weak joints. Joint complaint is worse in damp, wet weather in cases needing this medicine.

2. Bryonia – Along With Red, Swollen, Painful Joints

Bryonia is an important medicine to manage stiffness of the joints attended with redness, swelling and pain in the joints. Stitching type of pain is felt in the joints in cases needing it. The most important symptom is worsening of the pain at the slightest movement and relief from rest. Applying warmth brings relief to joint pains.

3. Actaea Spicata – For stiffness of hands and fingers

This medicine is highly suitable for managing the stiffness of the joints of hands and fingers. Along with stiffness, pain is also felt in the joints of fingers and hands. Pain gets worse from touch and movement. Little fatigue also enhances joint pain.

4. Causticum – For Stiffness Of Knee Joint

Causticum is the most prominent medicine to manage the stiffness of knee joint. A tensive pain causing strain is felt in the knee. The stiffness and pain get worse when walking. Out of both knees, the left-sided knee is more prominently affected. Cracking in the knee is also felt when walking along with the above-mentioned complaints. Besides knees, this medicine can also be used in cases of stiffness of the ankle joint. Pain is felt in the ankle when walking.

5. Colchicum – For stiff joints of small joints

This medicine is well indicated when there is stiffness in the small joints like those of the hands and the feet. Along with this, pain and swelling attend. The joints are also sensitive to touch. The pain is worse in the evening and at night. The pain keeps shifting from one joint to another. Tearing and stitching type of pain is mostly complained by those requiring this medicine. Colchicum is the best remedy in cases of joint inflammation occurring in cases of gout.

6. Ledum Palustre – With Relief From Cold Water Application

This medicine is recommended when joint stiffness specifically gets better from the application of cold water on the joints. Only after applying cold water to joints, the movement of joints is possible. Tearing type of pain can occur in the joints along with stiffness. Pain is worse from movement. Heat is felt in the joints. In cases needing this medicine, all the joints in the body can be stiff but among these, the most prominent joints include those of knees, ankle and feet.

7. Sticta – For Stiff And Swollen Joints

Sticta is a good medicine for managing cases of stiff and swollen joints. In cases needing it, pain is also felt in the joints. Pain leads to sleeplessness. This medicine is also the best medicine for managing knee stiffness and pain in cases of bursitis. Moving about relieves the stiffness of joints.

8. Lycopodium – For Stiff Elbow, Shoulder, Knee And Ankle Joints

Lycopodium works well in cases of stiffness of elbow, shoulder, knee and ankle joints. There is a feeling as if a band is present around the joints. The knee and ankle are swollen along with pain on movement and touch. In elbow and shoulders joint, a tearing type of pain is felt. The stiffness is more during rest most of the time.


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What is Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis And its Homeopathic Remedies

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a joint disorder in which joints get inflamed, swollen, stiff and painful. Joint deformity might also occur with passing time if not treated well on time. It is of autoimmune origin that occurs when our immune cells start damaging the lining of joints out of a misdirected response. In cases suspected of rheumatoid arthritis, antibodies named rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti–cyclic citrullinated peptides (anti – CCP) are the main blood tests conducted. 70 % of such cases are diagnose positive. In case a person suffers from joint inflammation with all signs and symptoms similar to RA but the antibody test including rheumatoid factor and anti – CCP comes out to be negative, then it is termed as seronegative rheumatoid arthritis.

Its diagnosis is made based on the combination of clinical symptoms, physical examination and X-rays of the affected joints. There are certain common factors that increase the risk of both seropositive and seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. Firstly, having a family history of rheumatoid arthritis increases the risk. Women are more at risk of rheumatoid arthritis as compared to men. Obesity, smoking, certain infections also increases risk.

Persons with seronegative RA suffer same symptoms like that of seropositive RA. The signs and symptoms include red, swollen and stiff joints. Joints are tender (painful to touch). Stiffness is worse in the morning and stays for more than 30 minutes. Joints on both sides of the body are affected. The joints mainly affected in the beginning are small joints of the hands and feet but with time, other joints can get involved too like ankles, knee, hip and elbow. Weakness may accompany the above-mentioned complaints.

Homeopathic Management

There is a great scope of managing cases of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis in homeopathy. There are 100% natural medicines in homeopathy that help in decreasing joint inflammation and managing its symptoms magnificently. These medicines strengthen the body’s natural healing mechanism to reduce inflammation and overcome joint pains and stiffness naturally. Besides, swelling, redness and heat in the joints is also managed well. Homeopathy is a symptom based science means medicines for any health concern are prescribed based on the symptoms of the patient in every individual case. There are no separate medicines in homeopathy for seropositive and seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. The medicines remain similar for both these types and as said above homeopathic medicines for health problems including joint complaints are selected among the different available medicines for joint complaints as recorded in homeopathic therapeutics based on symptoms. A thorough case evaluation is required for prescribing homeopathic medicines for any of the case of RA. It is advised to take any of the homeopathic medicines after consulting a homeopathic physician and avoid self – medication in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines for Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis

1. Rhus Tox – Top Recommended Medicine

Rhus Tox is the most widely used homeopathic medicine to manage different joints complaints. The most important characteristic feature indicating its use is marked stiffness in the joints. More particularly, stiffness gets worse in the morning, during rest and after periods of inactivity. Joint movement help in giving relief from stiffness. Warm applications and massage of joints also relieve stiffness. Along with stiffness, joints are also painful. This medicine can be used in any of the affected joints in the body.

2. Antimonium Crudum – For Finger Joint Arthritis

This medicine is the best choice when it comes to treat finger joint arthritis. This medicine is well indicated for swollen and painful finger joints. A drawing sort of pain is experienced in the fingers. In most cases, cold worsens the pain. A decrease in pain could be noted from warm applications on the fingers.

3. Bryonia – For Pains Worse By Movement

Bryonia is the next prominent medicine that is highly suitable when joint pain gets worse from movement and better by absolute rest. The affected joints are swollen and red. The affected joint is also warm and sensitive to touch. The pain can be stitching or tearing in nature. In cases needing it, joints commonly affected are shoulder, hand, elbow and the knee joint.

4. Actaea Spicata – For Wrist, Finger, Ankle, Toe Joints Pain

It is an important medicine to help cases of small joint inflammation. The joints involved includes that of fingers, toes, wrist and ankle. Among these most prominently the wrist joint is affected. It is very much swollen and painful. It is red and also warm to touch. In cases needing this medicine movement worsens the joint pain. The pain is also worse by touch. Lastly slight fatigue also increases the joint pain.

5. Arnica – For Tender (Painful To Touch) Joints

Arnica is a leading medicine for joints pains that are tender. Even the slightest touch is not bearable on the affected joints due of pain. The joints feels bruised as if these were beaten. Any of the joints can be affected but the most commonly affected joints are that of feet. The pain is worse during evening. The big toes are markedly red.

6. Caulophyllum – For Shifting Small Joints Pain

Caulophyllum is a well indicated medicine for managing small joint pains that keep shifting from joint to joint. The pain wanders between finger, wrist, ankle and the toe joints. Quick travelling of pain among these joints is seen. Besides pain, the affected joints are also stiff. One feels occur pain on closing the hands.

7. Ledum Pal – For Joint Pain Beginning In Lower Limb Joints

This medicine is very helpful when pain starts in the joints of lower limbs and then goes upward to the joint of upper limbs. The affected joints are swollen and hot. Stiffness is also present in the joints. Drawing or stinging pain is felt in the joints. The pain gets worse from movement. It gets worse in evening and from warmth of the bed. Cold water application on the affected joints helps to relieve the joint pains.

8. Pulsatilla – For Shifting Joint Pains

Pulsatilla is an effective medicine for managing shifting joint pains. The pains become worse at night. Sleep gets disturbed due to joint pain. Movement also worsens the joint pain. The affected joints are red and swollen.

9. Formica Rufa – When Pains Get Better From Pressure

Formica Rufa is indicated when joint pains get better from pressure. The pains appear suddenly and are worse on the right side as compared to the left side. The joints feel stiff and contracted. The pain is most commonly present in the elbow joint, knee joint and wrist joint. Along with pain marked restlessness is there.

10. Kalmia – For Pain In Nearly All The Joints

Use of Kalmia is suggested when pain is present in almost all the joints. The pain keeps shifting from one joint to another. Pain is worse from movement and also from cold air exposure. Apart from pain, the joints feel hot and are red and swollen. In cases needing it, pain mostly begins in the joints of upper limbs then shifts to the joints of lower limbs. There is an increase in pain during evening. Among all the joints, the ankle joints are most prominently affected.


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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Neck Pain Extending to Shoulders and Arms

A common problem, neck pain sometimes becomes a niggling issue and may spread to shoulders and arms as well. It can arise from different reasons. One of the common reason behind it is a pinched or a compressed nerve in the cervical spine (cervical spine is made up of 7 cervical vertebra means 7 bones stacked one over the other in the neck, intervertebral discs, muscles, tendons and ligaments). Nerve pinching in cervical spine is also called cervical radiculopathy.

The nerve can get compressed due to various causes. Firstly, nerve pinching can arise from disc bulge or disc herniation. Discs or intervertebral discs are the cushions that lie between two vertebrae (bones stacked one over the other) in the spine. The disc is made up of a tough outer layer known as nucleous fibrosus and a soft gel like center called nucleus pulposus. In case of disc bulge, intact (unruptured) disc bulges out from its place and pinches the nerve in spine.

On the other hand, in case of herniated disc, the soft inner gel like matter protrudes out from a crack in the tough outer layer and compresses the nerve in the spine. Secondly, the nerve may get pinched from bone spurs (extra small bony growths that form on the ends of the bones). Next, it may occur from wear and tear means degeneration of structures in the neck usually as a part of the ageing process.

Other reasons include muscle strain (overstretched, pulled or torn muscle) in the neck or injuries to the neck including whiplash injuries (this happens from a forceful and rapid back and forth movement of the neck that usually occurs in rear end car accidents). Another reason is cervical stenosis means narrowing of the spinal column in the neck. The pain in the neck, shoulder and arm mostly worsens from movement in most of the cases. Depending on the cause some other symptoms may attend, including numbness, pin-needle sensation and tingling sensation in the neck that radiates down the arms up to the hands; weakness that may be felt in the neck, shoulders or arms and dizziness.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective treatment for cases of neck pain extending to the shoulders and arms. Homeopathic medicines target the root cause behind the complaint and boost the body’s natural self-healing mechanism to overcome health issues naturally. These treat complaint of neck pain extending to shoulder and arms with zero side-effects. With use of these medicines, the intensity and frequency of the complaint decreases gradually. Along with pain, any associated symptom like stiffness, numbness, tingling and weakness are also dealt quite effectively with these medicines. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. So, it is advised to get any case of neck pain evaluated by a homeopathic physician and take homeopathic medicines under the guidance of a homeopathic physician. It is advised to avoid self–medication with any of the homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines For Neck Pain Extending To Shoulders And Arms

1. Kalmia – Top Remedy

Kalmia is a top-recommended medicine to help cases of neck pain extending down to the arms. Besides, there is numbness, pricking and tingling sensation in the arms. Weakness in the arms can also be there. Neck is sore and tender to touch. Neck muscles are painful on movement. Pain in the neck is worse in the early part of night. Stiffness in the neck is present along with pain. Mostly stitching type of pain in the neck is there in cases needing this medicine.

2. Rhus Tox – With Neck Stiffness

This medicine is very effective in managing neck pain extending to shoulders and arms along with stiffness. The symptoms get better from movement or exercise of the neck. Stiffness is relieved from massage or warm application on the neck. It is very effective for neck pain and stiffness following muscle strains or neck injury. Rhus Tox is also a top recommended medicine for managing cases of whiplash injury.

3. Paris Quadrifolia – With Numbness In Hands

This medicine is well-indicated when the pain from the neck extends to shoulder, arms and fingers. The pain tends to occur on both sides of the neck. The pain gets worse from exertion, while it gets better by rest. A very characteristic feature that attends it is numbness in the fingers. A sensation of weight is felt in the neck. Stiffness in the neck is also felt on turning the neck. Heat is also felt in the neck region. Weakness may be felt in the arms.

4. Hypericum – After An Injury

This medicine is recommended when there is neck pain after an injury especially after a fall. The neck pain extends down the arm. The neck is markedly sensitive to touch in cases needing it. Slightest movement of the neck or arms worsen the neck pain. A crawling sensation in the hands can accompany the above complaints.

5. Bryonia – For Neck Pain Extending To Arms

This medicine is highly valuable to manage neck pain extending to the arms. Neck is also stiff. The pain in neck is worse from movement of the head towards the shoulders. Pain gets worse from touching the neck. Bending the neck also increases the pain. The complaint is worse mostly on right side of the neck in cases needing Bryonia.

6. Gelsemium – For Neck Pain Extending To Shoulders

Gelsemium works well in cases of neck pain radiating to the shoulders. The cervical vertebrae are sensitive to touch. In cases needing it, the pain may also radiate to the head from neck. There is weakness and stiffness in the neck muscles. There is relief by bending head forward. Dizziness may be felt in cases requiring this medicine.

7. Sanguinaria Canadensis – When Complaint Worsens At Night

This medicine proves effective when pain in the neck, shoulders and arms get worse at night time. The neck is also sore to touch. Neck is stiff as well. Neck pain is worse from movement besides night time. Raising the arm is also very painful. Neck and shoulder pain is better by lying still. In cases requiring this medicine, pain from the neck may also radiate to the head.

8. Nux Vomica – When Pain Is Worse In Morning

Nux Vomica is an important medicine when pain in the neck extends to arms and gets worse in morning. Besides, stiffness is felt in the neck. In some cases, touch worsens neck pain. Heaviness in the neck region may attend the above complaints. Drawing type of pain in the neck predominates where Nux Vomica is required.

9. Cocculus Indicus – With Weakness Of Neck Muscles

This medicine is indicated for neck pain extending to the arms along with weakness. The cervical muscles feel very weak in cases needing this medicine. Stiffness is also felt in the neck muscles. Stiffness is worse from neck movement and also on yawning. Cracking sensation can be felt in the cervical vertebrae (seven bones stacked over one another in the neck). Along with above symptoms, there may occur heaviness in the head in some of the cases.


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Suffering from Leg Pain at Night? Try these Homeopathic Medicines

Leg pain at night is quite a common problem that leads to a lot of discomfort, and tends to disturb sleep followed by tiredness in the day. There may be many reasons behind leg pain. The symptoms that attend it are numbness, tingling, throbbing sensation, cramping, heaviness and restlessness in the leg. The leg can be swollen, the skin of legs can be red, warm, and itchy. Veins of the legs may become prominent and appear bluish.

Leg pain at nighincludet could simply be arising from excessive exercise or prolonged standing or walking during the day, advancing age, poor sleep posture, dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, cramps (sudden tightening of muscles with pain) in the calf muscles, and use of certain medicines (like steroids, antidepressants).

But recurrent pain in legs could indicate some underlying health condition that needs to be ruled out followed by its proper treatment. These issues, firstly, include problem with blood circulation in the legs. Some of its examples reaching varicose veins, blood clot in vein – DVT, peripheral arterial disease. Varicose veins refer to twisted, dilated, enlarged veins that though can affect any vein in the body, but are most common in the veins of legs.

DVT refers to Deep Vein Thrombosis in which a blood clot forms in the deep veins mostly in the leg. It is a serious medical condition because the clot carries the risk of being detached and reach the lungs via blood stream and block blood supply there.

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a condition in which the arteries get narrow and there is decreased blood flow to the legs and arms. It usually results from the building up of fatty deposits in the arteries medically known as atherosclerosis.

Other causes can be nerve pain (for example sciatica – it refers to pain in the lobloodstreamwer back radiating down to legs and even feet from compression of the sciatic nerve), arthritis (joint inflammation), diabetic neuropathy (it is a kind of nerve damage that tend to affect persons suffering from diabetes), bone fracture (broken bone) and restless leg syndrome (RLS –  a condition in which the sufferer has an irresistible urge to keep the legs moving due to some sort of unusual sensations felt in legs).

Another reason can be muscle (myositis) or tendon inflammation (tendonitis). In kids growing pains (an aching or throbbing pain in legs in the calf muscles, front of the thighs and behind knees in the children) can be the cause.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers a natural and very effective treatment for cases of leg pain. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances to treat thepain naturally without side effects. They help in reducing pain wonderfully by treating the root cause behind it. Besides, they tend to relive any attending symptoms like heaviness, numbness, formication, tingling, restlessness and swelling in the leg if present. Homeopathic medicines for treating leg pain are selected based on the cause and characteristic individual symptoms in each and every case. It is recommended to consult a homeopathic physician prior to taking any of the homeopathic medicines for treating leg pain and avoid self-medication. As the cause behind leg pain can be serious in some cases, like blood clot in the vein of leg, it is advised to always consult a physician to rule out the reason behind leg pain and for its proper treatment. In serious cases of leg pain, like DVT, homeopathy has limitations, in such cases help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken.

 Homeopathic Medicines for Leg Pain

1. Rhus Tox – Top Recommended Medicine

Rhus Tox is the most important medicine to manage leg pain at night. This medicine is indicated for pain related to muscles, tendons, joints and nerves. Pain occurring from over-activity of legs as from some exercise, excessive walking can be effectively dealt with this medicine. Pain from inflamed muscles or tendons can be relieved with this medicine. In case of muscle cramps also, Rhus Tox is very effective. Cramps in calf muscles when lying in bed or after midnight can be treated with this medicine. Next, Rhus Tox is indicated for leg pain due to nerve involvement, like sciatica. In cases needing it, the sciatica pain can be left or right side. It gets better by rubbing or warm applications. It can be attended with numbness and formication (feeling of ants crawling on skin) in legs. Marked restlessness in legs attends the pain at night.

2. Magnesium Phos – To Relieve Leg Cramps

This medicine is highly recommended to manage leg cramps at night. This medicine is highly suitable when cramps result from overexertion. Besides cramps, this medicine is also indicated for nerve pain in legs along with cramps. If nerves are involved, pain keeps shifting between left and right side in cases needing it.

3. Colocynth – To Relieve Nerve Pain (Sciatica)

This is a top medicine to manage nerve pain in the leg in case of sciatica. The leg is sore to touch along with pain. The pain gets worse at night. Warm applications on the leg provide relief. Rubbing the leg offers relief.  Though it can be used for leg pain on either side, it is most prominently indicated for left-sided pains.

4. Arnica – For Pain With Soreness

This medicine is effective for pain in legs along with soreness (pain on touch). Pain in legs from overexertion and tiredness are wonderfully managed with Arnica. In cases needing it, tingling in legs can also be felt. Leg pain from an injury is also best treated with this medicine.

5. Gelsemium – For Pain In Calf Muscle In Back Of Leg

Gelsemium is very beneficial for managing pain in calf muscles (present in back of legs) at night. The pain in muscles is quite deep-seated. It gets better by movement. The legs feel heavy with pain. Besides the above, this medicine is helpful for burning type of pain in legs due to sciatica.

6. Agaricus – For Pain In Bones Of Lower Leg At Night

This medicine is highly valuable to manage pain in bones of lower legs at night. Pain in legs gets better by walking. The legs feel heavy along with weakness. Numbness can also be felt in legs. Increased sweating occurs on lower legs.

7. Medorrhinum –Pain All Night With Restless Legs

This medicine is indicated when the legs pain the entire night. This prevents sleep. Restlessness is marked in legs. There is inability to keep the legs still. There is a desire to stretch the legs. Legs feel heavy and cold. Cramps are felt in calf muscles at night. There is relief in pain by stretching the legs. This medicine is very useful in cases of restless legs syndrome (RLS).

8. Ferrum Met – For Cramps In Legs And Nerve Pain

Ferrum Met is well indicated for cramps in legs as well as for nerve pain in the leg. Cramps in legs, feet, and toes can be well managed with this medicine. This medicine is suitable when there is nerve pain in legs at night. Standing worsens pain. Continuous walking however seems to bring relief. Throbbing is felt in legs. A drawing sensation is also felt in legs with pain. Legs feel heavy as well as stiff along with the above complaints.



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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Penile Itching and Redness

Itching on the penis can be felt on the shaft of penis, glans penis or the foreskin (i.e. prepuce) which can be quite uncomfortable. It can occur due to various reasons like inflammation, infection or certain skin conditions. Depending on the cause, some other signs and symptoms that can attend itching are penile discharge, swelling, inflammation, eruptions/ rash on the penis, flaking on skin, pain/ burning when passing urine and painful intercourse. The different causes of penile itching are as follows:

1. Fungal or yeast infection (also known as thrush/candidiasis): Fungal infection on the penis is caused by fungus known as candida. It tends to result in signs and symptoms including itching of the penis along with redness, swelling, white patches or red spots on the penis head, cracks on the foreskin, thick white discharge under the foreskin, burning while urinating and pain during intercourse.

2. Certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs): It firstly includes genital herpes (caused by Herpes Simplex Virus – HSV leading to blisters i.e. fluid-filled bumps on genitals). The second example of STI is genital warts (growths on the genitals occurring from Human Papilloma Virus – HPV). Another STI is chlamydia (caused by bacteria chlamydia trachomatis).

3. Balanitis: It refers to the inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin i.e. prepuce. It leads to signs and symptoms including redness, swelling, itching of the penis head/glans penis, pain on the glans, thick discharge under the foreskin, sores on the penis head, painful urination and bad smell on the penis.

4. Eczema of penis: This is indicated by inflamed skin of penis along with dryness, itching or fluid-filled bumps or the appearance of crust on penis.

5. Contact dermatitis: It is a reaction of the skin of the penis to products like certain soaps, fabrics or latex condom.

6. Psoriasis: A skin condition causing inflamed red patches with flakiness.

7. Scabies: An itchy skin condition occurring when small mites form burrows on the skin surface.

8. Lichen Planus: A skin condition that causes purple, flat-topped bumps on the skin.

9. Lichen Nitidus: It refers to inflammation of the skin cells resulting in small fleshy, flat-topped bumps on various body parts that may include penis.

10. Ingrown hair: It happens when hair ingrows at the penis base and causes itching.

11. Urethritis: It is the inflammation of the urethra. It causes symptoms including a burning sensation while urinating, discharge from the urethra, itching near the opening of the penis, or blood in the urine or semen.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in cases of penile itching and redness. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in relieving this complaint by working to treat the root cause behind it. Once the root cause is treated, long term relief sets in. Along with itching and redness, these medicines also help in relieving other associated complaints like swelling/inflammation over penis, eruptions/rash on the penis, flaking on skin. These medicines are free from any sort of side effects as these are prepared from natural substances. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for penile itching is selected after taking into consideration the individual symptoms and the reason behind itching. It is advised to always get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for right diagnosis and prescription. Self-medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines For Penile Itching

1. Sulphur – For Itching On Glans And Foreskin

Sulphur is an effective medicine for managing itching on the glans and the foreskin. Stitching pain can be felt in the penis besides itching. In some cases, ulcers are present on the penis, glans or the foreskin. The glans and foreskin can be very cold. Redness and burning sensation can be felt on the foreskin. Sometimes, swelling and cuts can be present on the foreskin in cases needing this medicine.

2. Croton Tiglium – With Fluid-filled Eruptions (Vesicles)

This medicine is recommended for itching on the penis and glans along with fluid-filled bumps. The bumps may extend to the scrotum as well. The itching is intense but scratching is painful. The eruptions are sensitive and painful to touch (sore). The bumps occur in clusters (in multiple numbers appearing in groups). In some cases, eruptions are pus-filled. The eruptions tend to burst with time and form crusts.

3. Thuja – For Itchy Inner Surface Of Foreskin With Warts

This medicine works well to manage itching on the inner surface of the foreskin with the presence of warts. Red warts occur on the inner surface of the foreskin in cases needing it. The warts are small pointed type. Burning sensation occurs on the area between foreskin and the glans. Ulcers or fluid-filled eruptions may be present on the glans penis.

4. Nitric Acid – For Balanitis With Itching

This medicine is recommended when there is inflamed foreskin. Small fluid-filled eruptions occur on the foreskin that are very itchy. These eruptions open after some time and get covered with scabs. Burning sensation can attend it. Little ulcers can also form on the inner surface of the foreskin that secrete a foul-smelling fluid.

5. Hepar Sulph – For Itchy Herpes Eruptions

Hepar Sulph is a useful medicine for cases having herpes eruptions along with itching. In cases requiring this medicine, there occur tiny fluid-filled eruptions in groups especially on the foreskin. The eruptions look white with a red base, attended by excessive itching. The eruptions are sensitive to touch as well.

6. Mezereum – For Itchy Glans

This medicine is well indicated for managing itching on the glans penis. With this stitching and prickling sensation is felt in the penis and glans. Swelling is seen on the penis. Heated sensation in the penis attends it. Discharge of watery mucus can occur from the urethra along with pain on touching urethra.

7. Cinnabaris – For Itchy Glans With Red Pimples  

This medicine is helpful to manage itching on glans with red pimples. The pimples are small in size. The foreskin can be red and swollen. In some cases needing it, warts on the foreskin may appear that have a tendency to bleed easily.

8. Natrum Mur – For Itching And Stinging On Glans

This medicine can be used for itching attended by stinging sensation on the glans, sometimes on the scrotum as well. A crawling sensation is felt on the glans. A thin fluid from the urethra may be discharged.

9. Rhus Tox – For Itching On Inner Surface Of Foreskin

This medicine can be considered in cases of itching on the inner surface of the foreskin. Stinging sensation can attend it. The foreskin along with glans is also swollen and appears dark red. Pain is felt in glans. Water-filled bumps may be present on glans.

10. Natrum Sulph – For Itching Of Penis, Glans And Scrotum

Natrum Sulph is applicable to cases of itching of penis, glans and scrotum. After scratching, burning is felt on glans and scrotum. Swelling of foreskin and scrotum may be present. In some cases, warts may occur on genitals with greenish discharge.

11. Silicea – For Red, Itchy Foreskin

This medicine helps cases of red, itchy foreskin. There is also swelling on the foreskin. Fluid-filled eruptions may be present. Itchy spots may also be present on the scrotum along with sweating.





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How to manage Swollen Tender Joints with Homeopathy?

Swollen tender joints can occur due to multiple reasons. Swollen joints mean puffed joints resulting from increased fluid accumulation in the tissues present around the joints. Tender joints mean when one feels pain on touching the joints. So swollen tender joints refer to puffed joints that are painful to touch. It can affect any of the joints, and at a time one or multiple joints may be affected. The pain may also shift from one joint to another quickly in a short period of time. Depending on the cause, the affected joints may be red, stiff and warm to touch and may have decreased range of movement. The reasons for swollen and tender joints are summed below:

1. Rheumatoid arthritis: It is an autoimmune joint disorder resulting in joint inflammation beginning especially from the small joints of hands causing pain, stiffness, and swelling of joints. Autoimmune disorder means disorders in which the immune cells damage healthy tissues out of a mistaken response.

2. Gout: It is a type of joint inflammation (arthritis) resulting from the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. This type of arthritis in most cases affects the big toe, though other joints can be affected as well.

3. Osteoarthritis: It is a form of arthritis that occurs from wear and tear of joints. It happens from deterioration of the cartilage present at the end of bones forming a joint that prevents rubbing of the bones together in the joint, during movement. The joints most affected in this are knees, hips and hands and joints of the spine.

4. Bursitis: It refers to inflammation of the bursa (i.e. a bag of synovial fluid around a joint) that helps in reducing friction between different structures of the joints during joint movement.

5. An injury or sprain: A joint injury can lead to swollen tender joints. Sprain can also be one of the causes. Sprain refers to overstretching or tearing of ligaments (band of fibrous tissue connecting two bones of the joint). Mostly, sprain tends to occur in the ankles.

6. An infection in the joint (septic arthritis): Also known as infectious arthritis, it happens from the spread of infection to the joint. It occurs mostly from a bacterial infection, but might also result from a viral or fungal infection.

7. Ankylosing arthritis: This form of arthritis begins with inflammation in the sacroiliac joint (a joint formed where the hip bone connects with the sacrum which is a triangular bone at the base of the spine).

8. Psoriatic arthritis: It is a type of arthritis that can occur in some people suffering from an autoimmune skin disorder called psoriasis. In psoriasis, red inflamed patches appear on the skin covered with silvery white scales.

9. Reactive arthritis: This kind of arthritis gets triggered after an infection in some other body part like in the urinary tract, bowels or genitals.

Homeopathic Management

There is excellent scope for managing swollen tender joints in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines aim at rectifying the root cause behind swelling and tenderness of the joints. This brings long-term relief to the sufferer. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for both recent (acute) as well as long-term (chronic) cases of swollen, tender joints. Along with swelling and tenderness, these medicines also help to manage stiffness, heat and redness of the joints. Homeopathic medicines are free from any side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. There are numerous homeopathic medicines to manage cases of swollen, tender joints but these are not specific. Every case cannot be treated with the same one medicine but the most suitable medicine has to be found after detailed case evaluation of the symptoms. The symptoms that are characteristic in each case, like the worsening and relieving factors, are kept in mind to prescribe medicine in every individual case. So it is advised that a person should get his/ her case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for correct prescription.

Homeopathic Medicines For Tender Joints

1. Arnica – Top-Listed Medicine

To manage swollen tender joints, Arnica is one of the best-indicated medicines in homeopathy. This medicine is highly suited to manage joint complaints occurring after an injury, sprain or arthritis (inflammation of the joints). Persons needing it have swelling on the joints with intense tenderness and they fear touching the affected joint due to pain that occurs even from touching. There is acute pain and it feels as if the joints have been beaten with some blunt object. A characteristic feature that can be present where this medicine is required is pain starting from the joints in the lower part of the body, and then affecting joints in the upper body part. Pain gets worse from movement of the affected joint besides touch.

2. Rhus Tox – Along With Stiffness

This medicine is highly recommended when along with swelling and tenderness, joint stiffness is also present. Mainly stitching type of pain occurs on touching the affected joints. The joints are red and warm to touch. A key indicating feature for its use is the worsening of pain when at rest, and relief from movement. Stiffness gets relieved by warm application over the joints. This medicine is the most helpful for swollen tender joints due to arthritis and injury. When joint pain worsens in damp weather, then also Rhus Tox is quite effective.

3. Causticum – When Pain Relieves From Warm Applications

Causticum is another very beneficial medicine for swollen tender joints. The main indicating feature for its use is relief in pain from warm applications, like applying a heating pad, on the joints. Mostly tearing type of pain is felt in cases needing it. Causticum is also indicated for management of joint complaints when deformity has occurred in the joints from long-term inflammation.

4. Pulsatilla – With Shifting Joint Pains

Pulsatilla can be considered when joints are swollen and pain shifts from one joint to another rapidly. The affected joints are markedly swollen and red. A drawing type of pain occurs in the joints on touch. Pain gets worse from movement. Pain increases at night, it gets better towards the morning. Numbness is also felt in the affected joints.

5. Bryonia – When Pain Gets Better By Resting

This medicine works well when joints are painful to touch and better from absolute rest. Not even the slightest touch is tolerable. Pain worsens from the least motion. The affected joints are red, swollen along with marked heat. The nature of pain in the joints can be tearing or stitching type.

6. China Officinalis – When Pain Worsens From Touch And At Night

This medicine is useful for cases in which pain worsens from touch and also at night. The affected joints are highly sensitive and the slightest touch is painful. The joints also feel weak. Pressure is felt on the joints as from a load. Pains are worse when lying down or taking rest.

7. Ruta – From Injury Or Sprain

This medicine, like Arnica, is effective to manage swollen, tender joints from injury or a sprain. The affected joints are painful, besides causing restlessness. Affected joints also feel lame. Nodes may develop on the joints involved along with the above symptoms.


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