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Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis (joint inflammation) arising in children under the age of 16 years is referred to as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is also known as juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, in some cases, limits itself after running a short course while in others, it may become chronic. Homeopathic medicines for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis work by halting further progression of the disease by moderating an overactive immune system.  Homeopathic Medicines for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Complications Related to Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

There are several complications related to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The first among these are eye complaints. A major eye complaint is an inflammation in the front of the eye, known as uveitis. If not treated in time, this could lead to permanent eye damage, even blindness. Overall body growth and bone development also get disturbed. Joint contractures are another complication related to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The child with arthritis will position the affected joint in the most comfortable place, which is usually bent, and avoid its movement. This causes shortening of the muscles and tendons which eventually leads to joint contractures. Joint deformities, muscle loss, muscle weakness, and osteoporosis are other problems related to the onset of arthritis in children.

Homeopathic Medicines for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Homeopathy shows the most promising results in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis cases. These medicines are natural and therefore, safe from any adverse side effects and can be given to young children. They help relieve symptoms of pain, swelling and joint stiffness in a most effective manner. The ideal medicine is selected based on the symptom presentation in each case. This follows an in-depth discussion, study, and analysis of symptoms. Some prominently indicated medicines for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis are described below. Rhus Tox, Abrotanum, Bryonia Alba, Colchicum Autumnale, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Ledum Palustre, Causticum, and Guaiacum Officinale are the top remedies.

1. Rhus Tox – For very Stiff Joints

Rhus Tox is one of the top grade medicines for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Rhus Tox especially works wonders where joint stiffness is marked. The child who needs Rhus Tox has stiff joints that are worse during the morning. In fact, the child has great difficulty even walking in the mornings. Joint stiffness which gets worse with rest is also a sign Rhus Tox will work. Along with stiffness, pain and swelling in the joints are present. The child may get relief from warm applications and massaging the joint. Walking will also make him feel better. Rhus Tox is also useful for joint pains that get worse in cold weather.

2. Abrotanum – For Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis with Severe Pain

Abrotanum is a well-indicated medicine for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis where joints are intensely painful without swelling. The child is unable to move the limbs from pain. Lameness from joint pain is also well marked. Emaciation of lower limbs may also be present. Rheumatism from suddenly checked diarrhea is another characteristic feature that will decide in favor of prescribing Abrotanum.

3. Bryonia Alba – For Excessive Swelling of Joints

Bryonia Alba is an effective medicine for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Bryonia Alba is the best prescription for cases where joints are highly swollen. There is marked inflammation of the joints and the joints are hot and extremely painful. Slight movement of affected joint worsens the symptoms. The child feels better by resting in a still position. In some cases, pressure worsens joint pain.

4. Colchicum Autumnale – Where Slightest Touch Worsens Joint Pains

Colchicum Autumnale is suitable for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis where the slightest touch worsens joint pain. The child who needs Colchicum Autumnale screams in pain when the affected joint is touched. The joints mainly involved include those of fingers, toes, wrist, and ankle. These joints are stiff, hot, painful and swollen. Joint pain that worsens at night is another sign that Colchicum Autumnale will be the most effective among medicines for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with these symptoms.

5. Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Shifting Joint Pains

Pulsatilla Nigricans is among the greatest medicines for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with shifting joint pains. The pain appears in one joint and rapidly shifts to another. Any joint may be involved, but arthritis affects mainly the hip, knees, and feet joint. The affected joints are red, swollen and inflamed. Rheumatism that gets triggered from getting wet is also a major deciding factor in favor of Pulsatilla Nigricans as the best choice among Homeopathic medicines for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

6. Ledum Palustre – For Arthritis that begins in Lower Limbs and Ascends Upwards

Ledum Palustre is an excellent choice among medicines for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis that starts in the lower limbs and then, ascends upwards. The affected joints are painful, especially at night. Warm applications on joint worsen pain. Cold applications bring some relief. Swelling and pain in knees, feet, and ankles that worsens with movement are a sure sign that medicine Ledum Palustre will work. Simultaneous pain in the left shoulder and right hip joint are also very well treated with Ledum Palustre.

7. Causticum and Guaiacum Officinale – For  Arthritis in Advanced Stage

Causticum and Guaiacum Officinale are significant medicines for treating juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in its advanced stage with contractures and joint deformity. These medicines majorly help in managing the pain and excessive stiffness of joints. Though these medicines may not help to revert the contractures and deformity that have already occurred, they offer help in halting further progression of the disease.

Cause of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

The cause of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is still not clear. It is considered a disease of autoimmune origin. Normally, the immune cells of the body get activated when the body is invaded by foreign substances such as bacteria and virus. The immune cells fight these external forces to exclude the infection.  In autoimmune diseases, the immune cells start destroying the healthy body tissue from a misdirected response that makes them see these tissue as foreign and harmful. In juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, the immune cells start destroying the synovium of joint. What triggers this response is not clear, but genetic and environmental factors are said to play an important role.

Symptoms of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

At the onset of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, visible symptoms are vague and may include lethargy, flu-like symptom, and poor appetite. In fact, the first noticeable symptom in most children may be limping. Afterward, the typical symptoms of rheumatism including pain, swelling, and stiffness in joints appear. The number of joints involved in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis varies from case to case. However, the main joints involved in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis include knees, ankle, wrist and small joints of the hands and feet. Stiffness in joints is marked in the morning that gets better as the day advances.

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Best Homeopathic Medicines for Plantar Fasciitis

What is plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fascia is a thick band of connective tissue in sole of the foot running from heel to the base. Inflammation of this thick fascia is referred to as plantar fasciitis. The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is pain in the heel. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain.

Why does plantar fasciitis arise?

The exact cause of plantar fasciitis is not clearly understood. Any factor that puts excessive stress, strain on the plantar fascia makes a person prone to plantar fasciitis. The risk factors for plantar fasciitis  include excessive running, prolonged periods of standing, obesity, flat foot, high arch of foot, wearing shoes with improper support, exercises that put a lot of stress on the heel and injury. The 40-60 years age group is most susceptible to plantar fasciitis.

What are the symptoms of plantar fasciitis?

The main visible symptom of plantar fasciitis is heel pain. The pain is usually sharp and one sided. The pain is worse in the morning, as the person takes his first steps. The pain decreases gradually as one gets into the routine activities. Standing for long periods of time worsens the pain. Rising from a sitting position also worsens the pain.

Can Homeopathy treat plantar fasciitis?

There is great scope for treating plantar fasciitis with Homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines reduce inflammation and the attending symptoms of plantar fasciitis. The Homeopathic prescription for plantar fasciitis varies from case to case based on the symptom presentation. Top grade among Homeopathic medicines for plantar fasciitis are Rhus Tox, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Berberis Vulgaris, Valeriana Officinalis and Bryonia Alba.

Homeopathic Medicines for Plantar Fasciitis

Rhus Tox – Top rated among Homeopathic medicines for plantar fasciitis

Rhus Tox is one of the best rated Homeopathic medicines for plantar fasciitis. Rhus Tox is prominently indicated for complaints arising from excessive stress, strain on or use of a body part. In cases where heel pain is worse in the mornings as one takes the first few steps, Rhus Tox is the Homeopathic medicine for plantar fasciitis. The heel pain subsides eventually. Apart from the above unique symptom, Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is also considered for plantar fasciitis cases where running and exercise worsen the pain by putting excessive stress on the heels.

Pulsatilla Nigricans – One of the most wonderful Homeopathic medicines for plantar fasciitis where heel pain worsens from rising from seat

For heel pain that worsens when rising from a sitting position, Pulsatilla Nigricans is considered one of the best Homeopathic medicines for plantar fasciitis. Boring pain in the heel that worsens in the evening is another unique symptom that signals use of Pulsatilla Nigricans as the ideal choice among Homeopathic medicines for plantar fasciitis. Pulsatilla Nigricans is also helpful for heel pain that comes on every time one starts walking. Such persons feel the need to stretch their feet.

Berberis Vulgaris – Excellent among Homeopathic medicines for plantar fasciitis where heel pain worsens on standing

Berberis Vulgaris is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for plantar fasciitis where standing worsens heel pain. Few persons needing Berberis Vulgaris may specifically complain of ulcerative pain in the heel. Pain in balls of feet on stepping is yet another indication to use Berberis Vulgaris.

Valeriana Officinalis – Well indicated among Homeopathic medicines for plantar fasciitis where heel pain gets better by walking

Valeriana Officinalis is another of the well recognised Homeopathic medicines for plantar fasciitis treatment. Valeriana Officinalis is well indicated for plantar fasciitis where the heel pain gets better by walking. Sitting worsens the heel pain.

Bryonia Alba – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for plantar fasciitis where heel pain worsens from stepping

Bryonia Alba is one of the most suitable Homeopathic medicines for plantar fasciitis where the heel pain worsens from stepping. Rest brings relief. Pins and needle-like sensation in soles may accompany the heel pain in some cases.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Lumbar Spondylosis

Lumbar spondylosis refers to degeneration affecting the lumbar spine (lower back). This condition is also known as spinal osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease. Any of the spinal structures including the vertebrae, intervertebral disc, ligaments, and joints may be affected. Vertebrae are the bones in the spine and between every two vertebrae, lies an intervertebral disc. The intervertebral discs are fibrocartilaginous cushions that act as shock absorbers whenever stress is felt in the spine.

Homeopathy is a 200-year-old natural healing science highly reliable and effective in treating cases of lumbar spondylosis. To start with, homeopathic medicines provide symptomatic relief to the patient with lumbar spondylosis. Symptoms like pain/stiffness in the lower back, radiation of pain down to the legs and numbness/tingling sensation in the legs get relieved magnificently with these medicines along with improvement in the range of movement of the spine. They simultaneously halt the degenerative process in the spine that is causing or in some cases, worsening the lumbar spondylosis. Conventional mode of treatment mainly recommends pain killers, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and corticosteroids in lumbar spondylosis cases. These medicines though give prompt relief in pain, but in the long run carry the risk of side effects and dependency. While homeopathic medicines cause no side effects and dependency, they can easily be stopped on getting the desired results.

Homeopathy is a symptom-based science. It means the ideal homeopathic medicine for every case of lumbar spondylosis is selected based on the symptom presentation. This properly selected medicine as per individualised symptomatic approach gives wonderful results in cases of lumbar spondylosis.

Homeopathic medicines provide long-term relief in lumbar spondylosis cases by working at a deep level. With the regular use of homeopathic medicines for the recommended period as suggested by a homeopath, excellent results occur in such cases. The use of homeopathic medicines can help in reducing dependency on conventional medicines to a great extent.

One of the biggest advantages of using homeopathic medicines is they are prepared from naturally occurring substances. These do not contain any harmful chemicals or toxins.

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Lumbar Spondylosis

Some homeopathic medicines that are prominently indicated for lumbar spondylosis include Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Phosphorus, Colocynthis, Magnesium Phos, Gnaphalium Polycephalum and Cobaltum Metallicum.

1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine for Lumbar Spondylosis

Rhus Tox is one of the top grade homeopathic medicines for lumbar spondylosis. The major symptoms for using Rhus Tox in lumbar spondylosis are pain and stiffness in the lower back. Rest tends to worsen the complaint. Movement and walking may bring relief. In some cases, applying hard pressure provides relief from pain. Use of Rhus Tox is also recommended in cases of lumbar spondylosis following injury. Rhus Tox is also one of the best homeopathic medicines for lumbar spondylosis or lower back pain caused by lifting heavy weights.

When to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine is well indicated to manage lumbar spondylosis with pain and stiffness in lower back when complaints worsens from rest and gets relieved from walking or hard pressure on back. It is also prominently indicated for back pain is worse from injury or lifting heavy weights.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Both low and high potencies of this medicine work well, however, it is advised to begin with low potency. So, initially it can be taken in 30C potency two to three times a day.

2. Bryonia Alba – Where Movement Worsens Back Pain

Bryonia Alba is the most wonderful homeopathic medicine for lumbar spondylosis where lower back pain worsens from the slightest movement. Walking or even turning in bed aggravate the lower back pain. Absolute rest brings relief. Stooping, too, worsens the back pain. Stiffness in the lower back is also observed in such cases where Bryonia Alba will work as one of the most effective homeopathic medicines for lumbar spondylosis and show great improvement. Stiffness gets worse on standing and sitting.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

It is the best choice of medicine to manage cases of lumbar spondylosis with lower backache which gets worse from even a little movement, walking, stooping and turning in bed while relief sets in from absolute rest.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

This medicine is mostly recommended in 30C potency. Bryonia 30C can be taken twice or thrice daily.

  3. Aesculus Hippocastanum – For Lumbar Spondylosis where Rising from a Sitting Position Worsens Pain

Aesculus Hippocastanum is one of the most suitable homeopathic medicines for lumbar spondylosis cases where rising from a sitting position worsens the pain. The person in this condition needs to make several attempts before he can rise from his seat. Weakness, lameness in the lower back is also felt. Walking and stooping worsen the back pain.

When to use Aesculus Hippocastanum?

This medicine can be considered for lumbar spondylosis cases with lower backache that gets worse when rising from sitting position along with weakness in lower back.

How to use Aesculus Hippocastanum?

It is best suited in 30C potency that can be taken up to 2 times in a day.

4. Phosphorus – For Lumbar Spondylosis with Back Pain and Burning in Spine

In lower back pain cases where the pain is attended with a burning sensation in the spine, Phosphorus is the choice among homeopathic medicines for lumbar spondylosis that will show the greatest improvement. The back feels as if it would break from pain. Weakness is also felt in the back.

When to use Phosphorus?

This medicine can be selected for managing back pain attended with burning in the spine in lumbar spondylosis cases.

How to use Phosphorus?

This medicine can be used in 30C power once a day.

5. Colocynthis – For Lumbar Spondylosis Where Pain Radiates Down Left Leg

Colocynthis is one of the most effective homeopathic medicines for lumbar spondylosis where pain from the lower back radiates down the left leg. The pain may be cramp-like, shooting, drawing or tearing in nature. Pressure over a painful area provides relief. Lying on the left side also helps to relieve pain. In some cases, heat application on the leg brings relief. Colocynthis is rated among the best homeopathic medicines for lumbar spondylosis for the above symptoms.

When to use Colocynthis?

The key symptom to use Colocynthis in lumbar spondylosis is lower back pain radiating down the left leg. Relief is noted from heat application, or pressure on the painful area.

How to use Colocynthis?

One may take this medicine in 30C potency twice or thrice a day as per symptom intensity.

6. Magnesium Phos – Where Pain from Lower Back Radiates down Right Leg

One of the most well indicated Homeopathic medicines for lumbar spondylosis where pain in the lower back radiates down the right leg is Magnesium Phos. The pain radiating down the leg may vary from sharp, cutting, stabbing, lightening-like in nature. The pain appears intermittently or in paroxysms. Hard pressure or warm application over the painful part brings relief.

When to use Magnesium Phos?

It is an ideal medicine to deal with lumbar spondylosis with lower back pain radiating down the right leg that gets better from pressure or warm application.

How to use Magnesium Phos?

Usually, it is used in 6X potency and can be administered three to four times based on the severity of pain.

7. Gnaphalium Polycephalum – For Back Pain and Numbness in Legs

Gnaphalium Polycephalum is one of the most highly recommended homeopathic medicines for lumbar spondylosis where symptoms include back pain radiating down the legs and numbness in legs. Resting on the back brings relief from back pain. Flexing the thigh on the abdomen also provides relief.

When to use Gnaphalium Polycephalum?

Its use is mainly advised when back pain is accompanied with numbness in legs in lumbar spondylosis cases.

How to use Gnaphalium Polycephalum?

It is available in different potenices from low to high. To begin with, it is advised to take this medicine in 30C potency once or twice a day.

8. Cobaltum Metallicum – Where Sitting Worsens Back Pain

Cobaltum Metallicum offers much help in treating low back pain from lumbar spondylosis where sitting worsens pain. Walking provides relief. In some cases, lying down also brings relief. Pain from the lower back may radiate down the legs and feet in cases where Cobaltum Metallicum will prove the most efficient homeopathic medicine for lumbar spondylosis.

When to use Cobaltum Metallicum?

This medicine can be taken in lumbar spondylosis cases when pain in the lower back gets worse from sitting and better from walking and lying down.

How to use Cobaltum Metallicum?

Cobaltum Metallicum can be used once a day in 30C potency.

What causes lumbar spondylosis?

Lumbar spondylosis is largely a result of wear and tear of the spinal structures with age, mainly disc degeneration like drying/shrinking/ breaking of disc and formation of bony spur (extra bone formation near ends of bones). However, it may be caused by injury to the spine as from a fall, sports injury or car accident. The overuse of the spine in physical activities like gymnastics, weight lifting or even postural disorders from a sitting job or working long hours on a computer can make one prone to lumbar spondylosis. Besides, smoking and obesity may also be contributory factors in the development of lumbar spondylosis.

Symptoms of lumbar spondylosis

Lumbar spondylosis may not show any overt symptoms. However, where symptoms do arise, the major among them are discomfort or pain in the lower back. In addition to this, stiffness and lack of mobility in the lower back may also be felt. In some cases, pain from the lower back may radiate down the leg. Other accompanying symptoms are numbness, tingling sensation and weakness in the legs.

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Spine Nerve Compression – 5 Homeopathic Medicines that Work

Radiculopathy is a condition arising from the compression of a nerve in the spine. This results in pain, numbness, tingling homeopathic medicines for radiculopathy and weakness distributed along the course of the nerve. Although radiculopathy can arise in any part of spine, it commonly affects the neck and lower back. When radiculopathy arises in the neck, it is referred to as cervical radiculopathy and when it arises in the lower back, it is known as lumbar radiculopathy. Homeopathic medicines for radiculopathy help manage the intensity and frequency of the symptoms and pain.

Homeopathic Medicines for Radiculopathy

Homeopathic medicines for radiculopathy have shown effective results. Homeopathy takes a symptomatic approach to treat radiculopathy. The medicines used for treating radiculopathy are very safe and derived from natural sources. The extent of help provided by Homeopathic medicines and duration of treatment varies from case to case based on the severity and stage at which the condition is diagnosed. Paris Quadriflora, Kalmia, Hypericum, Rhus Tox, Colocynth, and Gnaphalium are the  top remedies for radiculopathy.

1. Paris Quadrifolia – For Radiculopathy with Numbness in Arms, Hands

Paris Quadrifolia ranks among the best medicines for cervical radiculopathy. The major guiding symptom for prescription of Paris Quadrifolia as the most effective among medicines for radiculopathy of this type is numbness in upper limbs. The fingers feel numb. Along with this, pain and a feeling of weight is experienced in the neck. The pain may extend from the neck down to the shoulders.

2. Kalmia – For Pricking, Numbness, Weakness in Arms

Natural medicine Kalmia is rated among the top grade medicine for cervical radiculopathy where the symptoms include pricking, numbness, and weakness in the upper limbs. People may complain of a tingling sensation in the upper limbs as well. Along with the above-mentioned symptoms, pain from neck extending down to the shoulder blades or down the arms is often observed among cases that merit use of Kalmia as the most appropriate among medicines for radiculopathy where the cervical region is involved. The pain in such cases of cervical radiculopathy may be specific in nature – sharp and shooting.

3. Hypericum and Rhus Tox – For Radiculopathy following Spinal Injury

The two very best medicines for radiculopathy following spinal injury are Hypericum and Rhus Tox. These medicines are highly useful when taken as per their particular symptom indication. The key indications hinting at the use of Hypericum are tingling, burning and numbness in the limbs following trauma to the spine. Rhus Tox is majorly indicated for localized pain in the neck or lower back from radiculopathy that follows trauma or injury to the spine. Both are considered reliable medicines for radiculopathy with the above symptoms.

4. Colocynth – For Lumbar Radiculopathy leading to Sciatica

Colocynth is one of the most suitable medicines for radiculopathy where the lumbar region is involved. Colocynth is prescribed in a large proportion of the cases where sciatica is the major complaint arising from lumbar radiculopathy. Pain from the lower back radiates down the hip to the legs in such cases. The pain may be drawing, tearing or cramping in nature where Colocynth will work as one of the ideal medicines for radiculopathy involving the lumbar region of the spine.

5. Gnaphalium – For Radiculopathy with Sciatica and Numbness in Lower Limbs

Gnaphalium is prominently indicated for sciatica pain and numbness in lower limbs arising from lumbar radiculopathy. The numbness in lower limbs may be accompanied by or alternate with sciatica pain. Pain and numbness in the lower back may also be present in such cases where Gnaphalium is the most effective among medicines for radiculopathy involving the lumbar region. Lying on the back may bring some relief in back pain.

Causes of Radiculopathy

Radiculopathy arises from a compressed or irritated nerve in the spine due to disc herniation, bone spurs or degeneration process in the spine. In rare cases, the nerve may be compressed by a tumour. Other causes of radiculopathy include scoliosis, diabetes mellitus, and injury to the spine.

Symptoms of Radiculopathy

The location of symptoms of radiculopathy depends upon the nerve that is being compressed or irritated. The symptoms are pain, tingling, numbness and weakness. In cervical radiculopathy, these symptoms are noted in the neck and upper limbs. The pain in cervical radiculopathy can be located in the neck or it may radiate from the neck down the arm. In lumbar radiculopathy, the symptoms are visible in the back and lower limbs. The pain in lumbar radiculopathy may be localised in the lower back or it may radiate down the lower limbs, in which case it is termed sciatica.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Rated Homeopathic Medicines for Hangover

What is a Hangover?

Hangover refers to the varying unpleasant symptoms that follow alcohol consumption in excess. The medical term for hangover is veisalgia. Major symptoms of hangover are headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, weakness, body aches, abdomen pain, diarrhoea, concentration difficulty, poor sleep, anxiety and irritability. The symptoms appear when the intoxicating effect of alcohol drops down to zero and may last for up to 24 hours or more.

Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in dealing with a hangover. Medicines of natural origin are used in Homeopathy to deal with hangover cases. Homeopathic medicines are, therefore, free from any adverse side effects of alcohol intake.

Recommended Homeopathic Medicines for Hangover

The majorly recommended Homeopathic medicines for hangover are Nux Vomica, Arsenic Album and Gelsemium. On this list, Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica tops the list. Nux Vomica is the most appropriate prescription to alleviate hangover symptoms. Headache, abdomen pain and diarrhoea resulting from drinking alcohol point towards use of Nux Vomica as one of the best Homeopathic medicines for hangover. Arsenic Album is also a good choice of medicine for diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea resulting from alcohol consumption. Gelsemium works well in hangover cases with marked dizziness and vertigo.

Homeopathic Medicines for Hangover

Nux Vomica and Carbo Veg – Best Homeopathic medicines for hangover with prominent headache

Nux Vomica and Carbo Veg are top grade Homeopathic medicines for hangover with headache. Nux Vomica is indicated when distended feeling and pain in head follow alcohol consumption. Irritability is an accompanying symptom. Pain in the abdomen, with frequent scanty stools, is also observed along with headache in such cases. Carbo Veg is the most suited among Homeopathic medicines for hangover where intense headache follows alcohol intake. The head feels heavy with a sensation of weight on it. These symptoms are accompanied by excessive gas and bloated abdomen. Weakness is another symptom to look out for before prescribing Carbo Veg as the ideal choice among Homeopathic medicines for hangover.

Arsenic Album and Ipecac – Top grade Homeopathic medicines for hangover with marked nausea and vomiting

Prominent Homeopathic medicines for hangover with marked nausea and vomiting include Arsenic Album and Ipecac. Among these medicines, Arsenic Album is useful where vomiting appears from taking alcohol. The vomit may be clear, bilious or green in colour. The stomach does not take any kind of food or water and immediately throws it out. Nausea and retching are marked. Even the sight or smell of food intensifies the nausea in such cases where Arsenic Album will prove the best choice among Homeopathic medicines for hangover. Burning in the abdomen may also appear. Ipecac is also one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for hangover where persistent nausea predominates after taking alcohol. Retching is constant. The vomit mainly consists of clear, watery fluids. However, the nausea does not subside even after vomiting in such cases.

Nux Vomica and Arsenic Album – Best rated Homeopathic medicines for hangover with diarrhoea and abdominal pain

Nux Vomica and Arsenic Album are considered highly suitable Homeopathic medicines for hangover with diarrhoea and abdomen pain. Nux Vomica is prescribed when a person complains of pain in the abdomen with frequent stools after consuming alcohol. There is ineffectual urging for stool with scanty stool. Arsenic Album, on the other hand, works as one of the most reliable Homeopathic medicines for hangover where watery, offensive, copious diarrhoea results from alcohol consumption. Burning pain in the abdomen may appear along with the diarrhoea.

Gelsemium – One of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for hangover with dizziness

Gelsemium is excellent among Homeopathic medicines for hangover where it is accompanied by dizziness. Gelsemium is mostly prescribed when a person complains of lightheadedness. He feels as if the room is spinning around him. He has difficulty walking and would, in fact, walk with an unsteady gait. Dull or double vision may also appear.

Rhus Tox – Wonderful among Homeopathic medicines for hangover with body ache

Rhus Tox is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for body aches. It can be used for managing body aches and muscle pain arising from drinking alcohol. Rhus Tox is capable of relieving body aches of varying character, ranging from shooting, aching pains, soreness, bruised feeling or pains that are tearing in nature.

Opium and Gelsemium – Best Homeopathic medicines for hangover leading to poor sleep

Opium and Gelsemium are wonderful Homeopathic medicines for hangover where sleep is hard to come by. Opium is selected when the person feels sleepy, but has trouble getting a sound sleeping after consuming alcoholic drinks. Gelsemium is also indicated where sleeplessness results from nervous irritation after drinking alcohol. Gelsemium is known to effectively deal with this nervous anxiety and restlessness in this condition, making it one of the best Homeopathic medicines for hangover with the above symptoms.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Rated Homeopathic Medicines for Foot Pain

What is Foot Pain?

Foot pain can be caused by various reasons. The major among these are bone spurs, achilles tendinitis, gout, peripheral neuropathy and plantar fasciitis. Pain in the foot may affect ligaments, tendons, fascia, bone and joint.

Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers a large number of effective medicines to deal with foot pain. Homeopathic medicines provide complete treatment in foot pain, whether of recent or chronic origin. Foot pain from high uric acid, inflammation of tendons and fascia, bony outgrowths and pain of nervous origin respond very well to Homeopathic medicines. These medicines are natural and therefore, safe from harmful side effects.

Homeopathic Medicines for Foot Pain

Homeopathic medicines recommended for foot pain are Rhus Tox, Colchicum and Aranea Diadema. Rhus Tox is best indicated where repeated stress and strain leads to pain in the foot. Colchicum is a wonderful medicine for gouty pain in the foot, while in case of pain due to bone spurs, Aranea Diadema works as one of the best Homeopathic medicines for foot pain.

Aranea Diadema, Ammonium Mur and Calcarea Fluor – Top Grade Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from bone spurs

Bone spurs are sharp, pointed bony outgrowths. Bone spurs in the feet are mainly present in the heel, causing severe pain while stepping, standing, walking and running. Effective Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from bone spurs include Aranea Diadema, Ammonium Mur and Calcarea Fluor. Aranea Diadema is a top grade medicine for the boring, digging kind of pain from bone spurs in the heel. Ammonium Mur works well in case of stitching, tearing pain in the heel due to bone spurs. It is also indicated when heel pain worsens from walking. Calcarea Fluor is an excellent Homeopathic medicine to reduce heel pain as well as dissolve the bony spur, making it one of the best Homeopathic medicines for foot pain.

Rhus Tox and Ruta – Best Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from achilles tendinitis

Achilles tendinitis is the inflammation of the achilles tendon (a tendon that connects the calf muscle in the back of the leg to the heel). The cause behind achilles tendinitis is excessive stress and strain on the achilles tendon. Top rated Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from achilles tendinitis are Rhus Tox and Ruta. Rhus Tox is one of the most recommended medicines when swelling and pain in the achilles tendon appears from over straining. The pain is felt in the back of the leg above the heel. Tenderness and stiffness are also felt along with the pain. The symptoms are worse in the morning after rest. The symptoms improve with activity and motion. Ruta is another highly effective medicine for tendon complaints. It is used when severe pain is felt in the achilles tendon, together with soreness.

Colchicum and Benzoic Acid – Top Homeopathic medicines for foot pain due to gout

Gout is a condition where the joints get swollen and inflamed due to high uric acid levels. The main target area of gout pain in the feet is the big toe and heel. Colchicum and Benzoic Acid come highly recommended as Homeopathic medicines for foot pain due to gout. Colchicum shows great results in gout of the big toe and heel. The affected part is swollen and very painful. The pain worsens with the slightest touch and motion. Benzoic acid works well for persons with gouty diathesis. Gouty deposits with nodes in joints are observed in such cases. The nodes are very painful. Complaints include tearing pains in the feet.

Kali Phos and Phosphorus – Effective Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy results in pain, numbness and tingling in the feet from damage to peripheral nerves. The pain is burning, sharp and stabbing in nature. The condition mainly results from diabetes, alcoholism and nerve trauma in the feet. Top rated Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from peripheral neuropathy are Kali Phos and Phosphorus. Kali Phos works best for prickling pain in the feet with numbness. Phosphorus is prescribed when a tingling sensation, formication accompanies the pain in foot. The feet may be icy cold in such cases where Phosphorus will prove the most effective among Homeopathic medicines for foot pain.

Pulsatilla and Rhus Tox – Wonderful Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from plantar fasciitis

Plantar fascia is a tissue connection between the toes and heel at the bottom of the feet. The main symptom is heel pain and inflammation that worsens in the morning while taking few initial steps, from standing and rising from a seat. Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from plantar fasciitis are Pulsatilla and Rhus Tox. Pulsatilla is highly valuable among Homeopathic medicines for foot pain for plantar fasciitis where pain in the heel gets worse when rising from the seat. It is also indicated when heel pain gets worse while taking the initial few steps when beginning to walk. Rhus Tox is indicated when plantar fasciitis has resulted from repeated stretching and tearing of plantar fascia. The main symptom is pain in the heel that gets better with walking.

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13 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are severe episodes of sudden anxiety, apprehension or fear. They occur without any real or apparent danger and mostly bring on some form of physical reaction such as dizziness, heart palpitations, dyspnea, nausea and faintness. Panic attacks can be truly frightening and leave the person shaken and deeply upset. Once the mind goes into panic mode, the person losses control over his reactions. Certain situations such as trauma, past experience or phobia can act as triggers. Homeopathic medicines for panic attacks are a natural, healing alternative.

Homeopathic Medicines for Panic Attacks

Homeopathy is a proven alternative treatment option for anxiety related disorders such as panic attacks. Natural and safe, Homeopathic medicines are deep acting and have no side effects on the body. Unlike the conventional mode of medicine, Homeopathic medicines do not supress the disease and its symptoms. In fact, they attack the disorder at the root and set off the body’s own restorative processes, making it strong enough to completely eradicate the disease. Supressing the disease process makes it stubborn. More importantly, they are not habit-forming in nature and can be taken for long durations without the patient becoming dependent on them.

The topmost medicines for panic attacks are Kali Arsenicosum, Aconite and Gelsemium. Kali Arsenicosum is well indicated for acute panic attacks with great anxiety and difficult breathing. Aconite is an excellent medicine for panic attacks, phobias and nightmares with acute restlessness. Gelsemium is effective for panic attacks resulting from bad news and fear of losing self-control.

1. Aconite and Kali Arsenicosum – For Acute Panic Attacks

Aconite and Kali Arsenicosum are two most prescribed medicines for panic attacks which are acute. Aconite works best for panic attacks which come on suddenly and with great intensity. Where the symptoms include great restlessness, fear and inconsolable anxiety, Aconite is the best prescription. In cases where the attack is accompanied by startled looks, anxious face and protruding eyes, Kali Arsenicosum is the most effective among medicines for panic attacks. The person has difficulty breathing and a strong fear of something going wrong. Mental and physical restlessness accompanying an acute panic attack are treated best with Homeopathic medicine Kali Arsenicosum.

2. Arsenic Album, Phosphorus and Aconite – For Panic Attacks with Fear of Death

The most effective medicines for panic attacks with fear of death are Arsenic Album, Phosphorus and Aconite. Arsenic Album is well indicated for panic attacks with fear of death which worsens during the night. Such a person feels anxious about his health, fears getting some incurable disease. Phosphorus is most helpful in case of panic attacks with fear of death, especially when left alone. The person wants sympathy and fears something bad will happen to him. Aconite is another of the most suitable medicines for panic attacks with fear of death and dying. The person believes he will die soon, he even predicts the day of his death. Where the person feels great restlessness and anxiety and tosses and turns in agony, Aconite will help.

3. Lycopodium and Argentum NitricumFor Panic Attacks in Public Places

The widely prescribed medicines for panic attacks in public places are Lycopodium and Argentum Nitricum. In case of panic attacks during public speaking, fear of strangers, fear of men and fear of being alone, medicine Lycopodium is prescribed. Lycopodium is also one of the best medicines for panic attacks from constant fear of breaking down under stress and stage fright. Argentum Nitricum is most helpful in dealing with panic attacks from fear of high buildings, especially the fear of projecting corners of buildings.

4. Gelsemium and Rhus Tox – For Panic Attacks in Closed Spaces

The most wonderful medicines for panic attacks in closed spaces are Gelsemium and Rhus Tox. Gelsemium is well indicated for nervous dread of appearing in public. Anticipation of an unusual ordeal with lack of courage and fear of losing self-control is effectively treated with Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium. Rhus Tox is one of the most effective medicines for panic attacks in a closed room, especially at night. Weeping without any reason and great restlessness at night are also treated well with Rhus Tox.

5. Medorrhinum and Lycopodium – For Panic Attacks over upcoming Events

Top grade medicines for panic attacks over upcoming performances include Medorrhinum and Lycopodium. Medorrhinum is best selected for panic attacks in anticipation of upcoming events where a person gets into a state of severe panic, especially ahead of the time set for the event. Another of the wonderful medicines for panic attacks due to public speaking and stage fright is Lycopodium. In such cases, the person experiences constant fear of breaking down under stress.

6. Spongia and Kali Arsenicosum – For Panic Attacks from Fear of Heart Disease

In case of panic attacks from fear of heart disease, Spongia and Kali Arsenicosum have shown remarkable results. Spongia is one of the most effective medicines for panic attacks with great anxiety about the heart and fear of heart disease. The anxiety, in such cases, may be accompanied by pain in the heart region and difficulty in breathing. Kali Arsenicosum is another of the marked medicines for panic attacks which result from fear of acquiring a life-threatening disease. The person fears getting heart disease or suffering a stroke. The symptoms to look out for while prescribing Homeopathic medicine Kali Arsenicosum are a frightened face with anxious, protruding eyes.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

12 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Typhoid

Typhoid, also known as enteric fever, is an acute symptomatic infection caused by the Salmonella typhi bacteria. It is commonly associated with high-grade fever, headache, delirium, and abdominal ailments. Symptoms appear between six to 30 days after exposure. Typhoid spreads through contaminated water or food and sometimes through close contact with the infected. Persons suffering from typhoid experience continuous low-grade fever that increases daily, going as high as 104.9 F. They may develop skin rash with homeopathic medicines for typhoid  rose colored spots. Typhoid fever, if not treated well in time, can lead to life-threatening complications such as intestinal bleeding and perforations. Top grade Homeopathic medicines for typhoid are Baptisia, Arnica, Muriaticum Acidum and Arsenic Album.   

Homeopathic Medicines for Typhoid

Homeopathy offers proven medicine for typhoid. These medicines for typhoid are safe and effective. They act at the root to stop recurrence of the disease process. They stimulate the disease fighting mechanism of the body. As the immune system of the body is strengthened, its resistance to Salmonella typhi bacteria increases. Therefore, aside from being natural, Homeopathic medicines for typhoid have the added advantage of using the body’s own restorative processes to make it disease-free.

Baptisia is rated among the best Homeopathic medicines for typhoid fever with delirium. It also helps offensive discharge during typhoid fever. Typhoid fever with a sore, bruised feeling all over the body is treated most effectively with Homeopathic medicine Arnica. Muriaticum Acidum is the best medicine for typhoid with involuntary stool and deep sleep while Arsenic Album is recommended as one of the best Homeopathic medicines for typhoid with marked exhaustion, anxiety and restlessness.

1. Eucalyptus and Terebinthina — Best Medicines for Typhoid

Eucalyptus and Terebinthina are among the top grade medicines for typhoid with general symptoms such as continuously rising fever and foul discharges. Eucalyptus is the medicine to prescribe for typhoid patients that do not show a strong pulse. Terebinthina is most useful for treating typhoid with tympanites, accompanied by stupor, delirium and great prostration.

2. Arsenic Album and Carbo Vegetabilis – For Typhoid with great Prostration

In cases where typhoid is accompanied by great prostration, Arsenic Album and Carbo Vegetabilis offer the best results. Arsenic Album is one of the most reliable medicines for typhoid with great prostration and anxiety, especially about health. Where a person with typhoid fever feels very exhausted and low, Carbo Vegetabilis will work best. In fact, Carbo Vegetabilis shows remarkable results in persons who have never fully recovered from the effects of some previous illness.

3. Arnica and Rhus Tox – For Typhoid with Severe Body Ache

Arnica and Rhus Tox are the most well-indicated medicines for typhoid with severe body ache. Typhoid fever with sore, lame and bruised feeling is treated well with Arnica. Persons suffering this condition experience severe limb and body pain similar to someone who was severely beaten up. Rhus Tox is another of the wonderful medicines for typhoid where it is accompanied by relentless shooting, stitching and tearing pains in the entire body.

4. Baptisia and Lachesis – For Typhoid with Marked Delirium

Top grade medicines for typhoid with marked delirium are Baptisia and Lachesis. Baptisia is the best among medicines for typhoid with muttering and wandering delirium. A person requiring Baptisia falls asleep while answering or does not complete his sentence. Lachesis is another of the marked medicines for typhoid with delirium where the person experiences delusions and hallucinations, feels full of poison and has great loquacity.

5. Muriaticum Acidum and Bryonia Alba – For Typhoid with Abdominal Symptoms

Natural medicines Muriaticum Acidum and Bryonia Alba are known to effectively treat typhoid where it is accompanied by abdominal symptoms. Muriaticum Acidum is one of the best medicines for typhoid with involuntary stools and flatus. Where the typhoid is accompanied by constipation, Bryonia Alba shows remarkable results.  Bryonia Alba is also one of the best medicines for typhoid fever with a desire to uncover.

6. Lachesis and Arsenic Album – For Typhoid with Bed Sores

In cases where a typhoid patient develops bed sores, Lachesis and Arsenic Album are prescribed. Typhoid fever with bed sores with dark edges is treated well with Lachesis, which is also one of the top ranked medicines for typhoid fever with violent headache and great loquacity. Arsenic Album is another great medicine for typhoid with great restlessness and bed sores. In such cases, the person keeps changing sides and place continuously due to pain and anxiety.

Typhoid Management

–        Do not eat or drink contaminated food or water

–        Wash your hands as often as possible, especially before meals

–        Avoid food from street vendors as it is more likely to be contaminated

–        Practice good sanitation habits

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Homeopathic Medicines for Zika Virus Treatment and Prevention

Role Of Homeopathic medicines in treating Zika Virus

homeopathy-zikaZika virus is transmitted to people through bite of an infected mosquito belonging to Aedes species. These mosquitoes are day biters and are the same ones involved in spreading the dengue and chikungunya fever. However the illness caused by Zika virus is much milder than that in dengue fever. The illness from Zika virus can last from few days to a week. Zika virus can also be transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact and also from infected mother to fetus. Severe complications and death are uncommon.

Symptoms of Zika virus Infection

Eighty percent of the infected with Zika virus do not develop any symptoms. Those having symptoms complain of fever, skin rash of maculopapular nature, joint pains, headache and conjunctivitis. In December 2015 an association was found between serious birth defect called as microcephaly (small heads) in babies born in a mother having Zika infection during pregnancy due to transplacental crossing of virus. Microcephaly leads to developmental issues in children. Ongoing Researches are also trying to find out if any relation exists  between this virus and Guillain –Barre syndrome where life threatening paralysis appears.

 Homeopathic Medicines for Zika Virus

Homeopathic medicines Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Belladonna, Rhus Tox can be safely used in Zika virus infection treatment. These medicines come the closest in treating the symptoms of Zika virus infection. In an epidemics when a huge number of person are attacked by acute and similar sufferings from similar cause, Homeopathy can be of great prophylactic help. Homeopathy has been highly successful in treating epidemic diseases. Among them are cholera, dengue fever, yellow fever typhus, and conjunctivitis. Records show that during epidemics , homeopathic medicines are of great help in reducing the  mortality when compared to those put under conventional system of medicines. One very popular example is of homeopathic medicine Belladonna as prophylactic for treating scarlatina epidemics.  In year 1801 when scarlatina prevailed epidemically among children, those who were given homeopathic medicine Belladonna as a prophylactic remained unaffected with this highly  infectious disease. So homeopathy has a huge role to play as prophylactic when a disease spreads abruptly over a large area . So in such cases , a single medicine that is most closely allied to the symptoms picture of the disease can be used as a prophylactic. Thus , Homeopathic medicine Eupatorium Perfoliatum can be used as  prophylactic in Zika virus infection as this medicine has the closest match to the  symptom set presented in Zika virus infection.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies For Osteophytes

Homeopathic Remedies For Osteophytes

Homeopathic Remedies for Osteophytes

Homeopathic Remedies for Osteophytes

The bony outgrowth projections along the margins of joints are known in medical terminology as Osteophytes, and commonly called bone spurs. Osteophytes are formed as the repair process along the joint margins whenever a joint is degenerated, damaged, inflamed, or in the Osteoarthritis process in joint. Osteophytes are commonly seen in knees in Osteoarthritis condition; vertebra, especially of cervical spine; and the heels, where it’s called calcaneal spur. Usually, no symptoms arise from the formation of Osteophytes in bone and these are noted accidentally on X-Ray findings done for some other purpose. But when symptoms arise, they depend upon the site of Osteophytes appearance. The Homeopathic mode of treatment works to get rid of Osteophytes or the symptoms. Homeopathic remedies for Osteophytes are sourced from natural substances, are completely safe and have no side effects.

Homeopathic Treatment for Osteophytes

A physician is usually approached when symptoms arise due to formation of Osteophytes in joints and not when Osteophytes are present silently. The Homeopathic treatment for Osteophytes will mainly target to provide symptomatic relief to the patient. There is no specific remedy in Homeopathic treatment either to get rid of Osteophytes or the symptoms emerging as a result. The best natural Homeopathic medicines are prescribed after minutely observing the symptoms described by the patient. When the properly selected Homeopathic remedy is given, the symptoms start to improve in a short time.[toc]

Best Homeopathic Remedies for Osteophytes

Homeopathic Remedies for Osteophytes in Spine

The spine (backbone) consists of 33 vertebrae – 7cervical, 12thoracic, 5lumbar, 5sacral and 4 coccygeal. The main site of Osteophytes in spine is cervical vertebra. The cervical vertebrae are present in back of the neck. The symptoms arising from Osteophytes in cervical spine are pain in back of neck, weakness, numbness, sensation of pins or needles, and tingling in hands and arms due to pinching of nerve between two vertebras, which is narrowed by Osteophytes’ formation. Natural Homeopathic remedies provide relief from these symptoms. A few important and effective Homeopathic remedies for osteophytes are listed below.

Phosphoric Acid and Paris Quadrifolia: Homeopathic remedies for weakness and numbness of upper limbs

When the Osteophytes have formed in the cervical vertebra due to inflammation — in case of cervical spondylitis — Phosphoric Acid is a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help. The main symptoms that can be controlled with this remedy are weakness and numbness in the arms due to nerve impingement between cervical vertebra. Phosphoric Acid can also help persons who have lancinating or stitching pain in the fingers.  Homeopathic medicine Paris Quadrifolia is very beneficial in treating numbness in the fingers with pain in cervical back.

Bryonia and Rhus Tox: Homeopathic medicines to relieve pain and stiffness in cervical back

Both Bryonia and Rhus Tox are wonderful natural Homeopathic remedies to relieve the stiffness and pain in cervical back. Bryonia is mainly prescribed for patients who get relief from pain and stiffness by rest and whose condition worsens by motion. Rhus Tox is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when pain and stiffness get worse by rest and the patient gets relief by neck movement.

Hypericum: Homeopathic medicine for tingling, burning pains due to nerve pinching

The best natural Homeopathic remedy to treat tingling and burning pains in upper limbs due to nerve impingement between cervical vertebra is Hypericum. Hypericum is a very successful and efficient Homeopathic remedy for this complaint. Along with the pain, numbness in arms and hands may also be felt. Pain in the cervical back is usually present.

Homeopathic Remedies for Osteophytes in knee due to Osteoarthritis

Osteophytes in the knee appear mainly due to degeneration caused by wear and tear of the knee joint. Here also, no specific remedy can be prescribed. The best Homeopathic medicine depends upon each individual case. The main symptom is pain in knees that worsens by various conditions like bending knee, walking, extending knee, ascending or descending knees. The Homeopathic remedy is selected based on the symptoms that are aggravating knee pain or providing relief. A few important Homeopathic remedies are Bryonia, Calcarea Carb and Ruta.

Natural Homeopathic medicine Bryonia is of great help when pain and stiffness are marked in knee joint. Main worsening factors in knee pain are walking and going up the stairs. Crackling in knee joint is also noted.

Calcarea Carb is a wonderful Homeopathic remedy for knee pain that gets worse when a person rises from a sitting position. Sensitivity to cold air is noted among these patients.

Homeopathic medicine Ruta is the best remedy when going down the stairs and bending of the knee worsen the knee pain.

Apart from these, there is a wide range of natural Homeopathic remedies in such cases but again, these medicines come into the picture only after taking up each individual case.

Homeopathic remedies for Osteophytes in heel (calcaneal spur)

The main symptom arising from calcaneal spur in heel is pain in heel. The best Homeopathic remedies for Osteophytes in heel are Calcarea Fluor, Ammonium Mur and Aranea Diadema.

Calcarea Fluor is prescribed for dissolving the Osteophytes in heel, whether painful or not. Calcarea Fluor is frequently used to get rid of Osteophytes in heel owing to good clinical results with its use.

Ammonium Mur is the Homeopathic remedy for pain in heel getting worse from walking. And the pain is most of the times stitching in nature.

Aranea Diadema is prescribed when digging or boring type of pain in heel is felt by the patient. Numbness in heel may also be found to alternate with heel pain.


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