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Valley Fever – How Homeopathic Remedies can Help

Valley fever, also called coccidioidomycosis, refers to a fungal infection caused by coccidioides fungus (coccidioides immitis or coccidioides posadasii). Homeopathic remedies for valley fever help effectively treat symptoms like fever, cough, chest pain, headache, joint pain, muscle ache, fatigue, chills, night sweat and skin rash. Homeopathic remedies for valley fever

This fungus is generally found in soil in the regions of southwestern United States (mainly California and Arizona) and parts of Mexico, Central and South America. When the soil is disrupted like by the wind, by farming then the spores from the fungus fly in the air. 

These tiny spores can be taken miles away by the wind. These fungi spores then can be inhaled by a person and enter lungs causing valley fever, also called acute coccidioidomycosis. It is a non-contagious disease that means it doesn’t spread from person to person.   

Homeopathic Remedies for Valley Fever

Homeopathy has a great scope to manage cases of valley fever. The homeopathic medicines help boost the body’s immunity to fight with fungal infection and bring natural recovery. Homeopathic medicines are most helpful for mild to moderate cases of valley fever. In severe and advanced stages with complications one must consult a pulmonologist (a physician who specializes in treating diseases of the respiratory system).

For Cough

Belladonna – For Dry Cough

Belladonna is prepared from plant deadly nightshade that belongs to family solanaceae. It is a wonderful medicine for managing dry cough. Persons needing it suffer from short, dry coughs with tickling in the throat. The cough continues day and night. While coughing, a stitching type of pain may be felt in the chest. Most of the time headaches are also experienced. In addition to this fever arises with burning heat in the body.

Drosera – For Dry, Irritative Cough

This medicine is prepared from a plant named Drosera Rotundifolia commonly known as round-leaved sundew. This plant belongs to the family Droseraceae. It is an excellent medicine to help manage dry, irritative, deep hoarse cough. There appears repeated attacks of such coughing rapidly one after the other in cases needing it. This makes breathing difficult. Cough most times is seen to worsen at night time on lying down. Sometimes coughing is followed by vomiting.

Spongia – For Dry Cough

Spongia is also well-indicated for coughs which are absolutely dry. The cough is dry, barking, deep resonating and is worse from inspiration. There may be relief from taking warm drinks. All the air passages feel extremely dry. Suffocation and difficulty in breathing may be felt with above symptoms.

Bryonia – For Chest Pain with Cough

Bryonia is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba having the common name white bryony and wild hops. This plant belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is a leading medicine to manage chest pain with cough. The chest pain is usually sharp, stitching in nature for using it. The pain is worsened from deep breathing and during coughing. Cough is mainly dry, hard. Another peculiar feature to use is blood streaked, brick / rust coloured sputum. Person may have a fever with predominating chills. Joint pains and muscle pains may also appear with above symptoms. Here they have worsening of pain from motion and relief from rest. Most times pains experienced by them are sharp, tearing in nature. Bryonia is also a top listed medicine to manage pneumonia. 

Phosphorus – For Bloody Sputum with Cough

Like Bryonia, Phosphorus is also helpful for cases where bloody sputum appears with cough. Cough is mainly dry with tickling in the throat. It is worse at night that disturbs sleep. Cough also tends to worsen in cold air. Sometimes there is purulent sputum (pus in sputum.) Stitches in chest, oppressed breathing, tightness and heated sensation in the chest are few other symptoms that may attend. This medicine is also indicated to manage pneumonia cases where lower left lung is specifically affected. 

Arsenic Album – For Cough with Shortness of Breath

It is a very effective medicine to manage cases where cough is attended with shortness of breath. The symptoms most times tend to worsen at night time. With these thick yellow green or frothy expectoration may be present. Chest tightness is also complained about. Marked anxiety and restlessness attend. Extreme exhaustion, weakness is present. Fever with chills and icy coldness of the body appears with above symptoms.

Antimonium Tart – For Loose, Rattling Cough

This medicine is very useful to manage cases where loose rattling cough is present. In these cases the lungs feel full of mucus with much rattling. But very little mucus is expectorated. The expectoration consists of thick, white mucus. Suffocation and shortness of breath may also attend. 

Pulsatilla – For Loose Cough with Yellow Green Expectoration

Pulsatilla is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower of ranunculaceae family. It offers much help for cases of loose cough with yellow green expectoration. It is copious, thick and lumpy.  Cough is worse in the morning. There is relief in coughing by going in the open air. 

For Fever

Aconite – With Alternate Coldness and Heat 

Aconite can be taken when a person feels alternate coldness and heat in the body. Cold stage is most marked among these. During a cold stage a person feels as if cold waves are passing through him especially in the back. This is followed by dry burning heat that extends from face or head along with excessive thirst for cold water. With above symptoms excessive restlessness is present.

Belladonna – With Dry Burning Heat 

Belladonna is considered in cases where a person feels dry burning heat in the body. It is intensely hot like fire. The head and face appear the most hot. The face is markedly red and flushed. Sweating may follow heat. Sweat most times appears only on the covered parts. Headache is also present.

Gelsemium – For Fever with Chills and Weakness

Gelsemium works well when there is fever with chills and weakness. Chills move up and down the back. Chills are so intense as to cause shaking. During fever dizziness, drowsiness also appears with weakness. Muscle aches and soreness is yet another attending feature.

Merc Sol – For Fever with Much Sweating

It is indicated for fever with excessive sweating day and night. Sometimes the sweat is offensive, sour. These complaints are attended with great weakness. Sometimes there is chilliness that is worse in the evening and night. Chillness may alternate with flushes of heat.

Silicea – Top Grade Medicine for Night Sweat

Silicea is highly beneficial medicine for managing night sweat. It appears soon after sleeping. The sweating is copious and is attended with weakness. The sweat smells foul. Persons needing it may also face complaints of chilliness and shivering.

For Weakness

Arsenic Album – For Extreme Weakness

Arsenic Album offers great help to manage intense weakness in these cases. Persons requiring it feel exhausted even from little exertion. The weakness gets worse at night time mostly. With this marked anxiety and restlessness also appears. Other attending features are coughing, difficulty breathing, and fever with chills.

Gelsemium – For Excessive Fatigue with Dullness and Drowsiness

This is a wonderful medicine to manage fatigue accompanied with dullness and drowsiness. There is extreme tiredness, malaise sometimes with dizziness. With this fever, chills, muscle aches and dull headaches are prominently present.

Carbo Veg – For Intense Weakness with Fainting

It is an excellent medicine to manage cases where a person is intensely weak, exhausted and faints easily from this. There is debility and weakness immediately following slightest exertion. With above symptoms there may be icy coldness of body 

For Headache

Belladonna – For Relieving Pulsating Headache 

It is an excellent medicine to bring relief in headache which is mainly throbbing, pulsating in nature. For using it the pain is most times present in the sides of the head. Head also feels congested with the sensation of rushing blood to head. Head may be sensitive to cold air. The pain tends to worsen from noise, jar and light. Relief may be felt by pressure. 

Gelsemium – For Relieving Dull Headache

It is a very helpful medicine to relieve dull headaches with flu like symptoms in these cases. The pain is usually present in the back portion of the head where it is needed.  Heaviness of eyelids may also appear. Along with headache muscle soreness in neck and shoulders is also present. With these fever with shaking chills and weakness also appears.

For Joint and Muscle Pains

Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine for Joint & Muscle Pain

Rhus Tox is highly beneficial for persons having joint pains. They may also have marked stiffness in joints with pain. The joints are also swollen and hot. There is worsening in pain at rest. They feel relief in pain from motion. Warm applications also help to give relief in pain. It is also suitable to manage muscle pain in a very effective manner. 

Arnica – For Painful Muscles

Arnica is prepared from plant Arnica Montana commonly called fallkraut. This plant is a member of family composite. It is significant medicine to manage muscle pain. There are mostly sore, bruised pains as if beaten. There is fear to touch the affected part from pain and soreness. 

Magnesium Phos – When Muscle Pains are Worse at Night

It works well when there is muscle pain which is worse at night time. There is relief from warm applications and also by pressure. Sometimes the pain is wandering in nature that shifts from one place to another. 

For Skin Rash

Apis Mellifica – For Skin Rash and Painful Eruptions

Apis Mellifica is helpful when there is red skin rash or painful eruptions. The pain is usually stinging, burning kind. The rash may be itchy too. Itching can worsen from warmth in bed. The skin may be also sensitive to touch.

Natrum Mur – For Skin Rash with Blisters

Natrum Mur is indicated for managing skin rash with blisters having watery content. Along with this there may be headaches and great weakness. Weakness is most worse in the morning. There is tiredness with sleepiness. 

For Managing Symptoms of Pneumonia

Bryonia – For Cough, Chest Pain , Bloody Sputum

It is a wonderful medicine when there is pneumonia with cough, chest pain and bloody sputum. The cough is dry where it is needed. The chest pain is sharp, stitching in nature that is worse from deep breathing and coughing. With this there is high fever.

Antimonium tart – For Excessive Mucus Rattling in Lungs

This medicine works in cases of pneumonia with excessive rattling of mucus in the chest.  There is difficult expectoration of white mucus. The breathing is much more difficult. With cough there appear intense  pains in the sides of the chest.

Hepar Sulph – With Purulent Expectoration like Pus

Hepar Sulph is indicated when there is copious pus-like, offensive sputum is expectorated. With this there is excessive cough, and slight fever. Decrease in appetite and weight loss appear with these symptoms.

Risk Factors 

Anyone can get this fungal infection and develop valley fever. But certain people are at most risk of this infection. These include people who live in areas where Coccidioides fungi are usually found or someone who has recently moved in such areas.
People who are in jobs like construction, agriculture, archaeology that exposes them to dust in such areas and also people who have weak immune systems or have diabetes are at risk too. Apart from this elderly people (mostly aged 60 years and above) and pregnant women are at risk.


Its symptoms are described as per the stage. First, the initial stage is acute coccidioidomycosis. If the infection does not resolve completely here then it becomes chronic coccidioidomycosis. If the infection travels from lungs to other body parts then it is disseminated coccidioidomycosis.

  1. Acute Coccidioidomycosis

This is the initial form. In many cases no symptoms arise. When they appear they are like the flu. The symptoms tend to appear one to three weeks after exposure. The symptoms vary in intensity from mild to severe and include fever, cough, chest pain, headache, fatigue, joint pain, muscle ache, chills, night sweat and skin rash. The skin rash usually appears on legs but may also appear on arms, chest, back. The skin rash may have red painful bumps, pimple-like eruptions or blisters.  

Usually  acute coccidioidomycosis is mild in most cases and symptoms subside in a few weeks. However in some cases the infection may turn severe and progress to chronic or disseminated coccidioidomycosis. The severity and recovery depends on general health or immunity of the person and the number of fungus spores inhaled.

A person who doesn’t develop any symptoms of valley fever comes to know that he has infection only when skin or blood test for this fungus comes to be positive or during a routine chest x – ray residual areas of this infection, nodules are visible.

  1. Chronic coccidioidomycosis

If the acute infection doesn’t improve entirely then it may develop into a chronic type of pneumonia  (inflamed air sacs in lungs from an infection). This mostly happens in people with weak immune systems. Its symptoms include low grade fever, unexplained weight loss, chest pain, cough, blood tinged sputum.

  1. Disseminated Coccidioidomycosis

It is rare though the most serious form of this infection. This type occurs on spread of infection from lungs to other body parts. These parts include skin, bones, heart, brain, liver, and meninges (three protective membranes that cover the brain and the spinal cord). Its signs and symptoms develop depending on the body part affected. The symptoms include nodules under the skin, ulcers on skin, painful and swollen joints (mainly knees or ankles), painful lesions in the spine or other bones and enlarged lymph nodes. It can also cause meningitis which is a severe fatal infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.


First is intense pneumonia. In many cases there is full recovery from pneumonia. But in some persons mainly those having weak immune system there may develop severe from of pneumonia with respiratory failure.
Second complication is rupture of the nodules of the lungs. In very few cases nodules develop in the lungs that resolve with time. In some cases they tend to rupture leading to difficulty to breath and chest pain.
Last  is disseminated disease. As explained above it is the most serious complication where this fungus spreads from lungs to other body parts that can turn fatal.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for Swimmer’s Itch 

Swimmers itch refers to an itchy rash which is caused by an allergic reaction to parasites (flatworm parasites belonging to the schistosomatidae family). One tends to contract this parasite by swimming mostly in freshwater lakes and ponds which carry this parasite. Swimmers itch is also known by other names such as cercarial dermatitis and schistosome dermatitis. Swimmer’s itch is not contagious which means it can not spread from one person to another person through direct skin contact. Homeopathic Remedies for Swimmer’s Itch help to heal the skin rash and the attending pimple-like eruptions or blisters present on the skin.     Homeopathic Remedies for Swimmer’s Itch

Homeopathic Remedies for Swimmer’s Itch 

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to treat numerous skin complaints including the swimmer’s itch. They treat swimmer’s itch in a very natural and gentle manner. These also help to provide relief in the itching, burning or tingling sensation present on the affected skin area. The medicines used to treat cases of swimmer’s itch are selected based on the signs and symptoms present in each individual case. The prominent medicines for its treatment along with its characteristic features are given below. 

  1. Graphites – For Red Pimples or Blisters

Graphites is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage cases of swimmer’s itch. In most cases needing it, small red pimples or blisters appear on the skin. The blisters tend to ooze transparent, watery and sticky fluid. Itching is present in these eruptions. After scratching burning is also felt in the eruptions. In some cases violent skin itching is there without any eruptions. This itching is almost continuous. The skin is rough and dry most times with above indications.

  1. Sulphur – To Manage Skin Itching

Sulphur is a very effective medicine to manage skin itching in these cases. For using it the itching can be present on any of the body parts. Mostly it gets worse at night and or from warmth of the bed. The itching tends to wander from one place to another frequently. After scratching, burning and biting sensation can appear on the affected skin. The burning sensation often disturbs the night’s sleep. The itching is violent and sometimes people scratch the spots till it bleeds.  Pain and soreness in the itchy skin areas can follow too after scratching. Other than this formication (a sensation as if insects are crawling over the skin) and stitching  or prickling sensation can be felt on the skin. Red pimple-like eruptions and little vesicles can appear on the skin where it is required.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Skin Rash with Stinging Pain

Apis Mellifica is well indicated for treating skin rash with prominent stinging pains. These pain resemble bee stings. Other than this prickling sensation like needle pricks or smarting sensation on skin attends this. Intolerable itching and burning on skin is also present. In most cases needing it the itching worsens from warmth of bed, it is very intense that prevents sleep at night. Scratching helps to relieve the itching. Itching also gets better in the open air.  Along with above small red raised eruptions or blisters are present on the skin. Skin is very red and sensitive to slight touch in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Natrum Mur – For Blisters on Skin

Natrum Mur works well in cases presenting with blisters on the skin. These blisters have clear, watery content. Initially, burning spots appear on skin. Following this blisters form on these spots. The skin is dry with this. In these cases itching, pricking and stinging sensation on the skin can also be felt. Skin is usually dry where it is needed. It is also indicated when skin rash is present. Stinging is felt in the rash.  Excessive soreness of skin may also arise along with smarting sensation.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Burning Sensation on Skin

Arsenic Album is a prominent medicine for cases with burning sensation on skin. Persons needing it also complain of itching on skin. They also feel that itching worsens from scratching. Pain on the affected skin area also follows scratching. Skin is very rough and dry in such cases. Other than this they may have over sensitivity of skin. Pimple-like eruptions or blisters filled with watery fluid are present on the skin. These eruptions also have violent burning in it.   

  1. Psorinum – For Managing Skin Itching                                                                                 

Psorinum is another excellent medicine for cases having marked skin itching. People who need this medicine mainly have itching when their body becomes warm. The itching is extreme and intolerable causing them to scratch skin until it bleeds. They may also have fine red eruptions or blisters on the skin. The blisters can be filled with yellow fluid. These blisters are painful to touch and there can be a stinging sensation on the skin. The skin usually looks dirty and greasy. 

  1. Rhus Tox – For Small Blisters with Redness 

Rhus Tox is significant medicine when small blisters along with marked redness appear on the skin. These blisters have watery fluid in it. Burning sensation and itching arise in these blisters. Rubbing the affected skin area increases the eruptions most times. It is also indicated for intolerable itching, stinging and tingling sensation on the skin. 

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Dry, Pimple-like Eruptions 

Hepar Sulph is a very useful medicine for dry, pimple-like eruptions on the skin. These are very sensitive and sore to touch. It is also indicated when there is burning and itching on the body. On scratching white blisters form on the affected skin part. It is also indicated for cases of skin infection when pus discharges are present. 

  1. Sepia – For Skin Rash with Itching, Tingling Sensation

This medicine is an important medicine for skin rash accompanied with itching and tingling sensation. After scratching the itching changes to a burning sensation on skin. Blisters can be present on skin along with above symptoms. Another attending symptom is stitching sensation on the skin.

  1. Merc Sol – For Pimple-like Eruptions or Blisters on Skin

Merc Sol is wonderful medicine to treat cases with pimple-like eruptions or blisters on the skin. These eruptions are itchy. Itching is worse at night in most of the cases requiring it. The blisters ooze thin clear fluid. The base of these blisters is very red.


Swimmer’s itch is caused by a larval stage of flatworm parasites that belongs to the family schistosomatidae. These parasites normally live in the blood of waterfowl,  ducks, geese, gulls that live near ponds and lakes. They then release the eggs of the parasites in the water via their faeces. 

These eggs hatch in the water and the larva released infects the snail and undergoes its development in it. Following its development this snail releases tiny larvae called cercariae in the water. These cercariae begin to swim in the water and start searching to enter waterfowl and other water animals (which acts as its natural host) to initiate their life cycle once again. 

From there these parasites can accidentally attach to the skin of human beings who are swimming or wading there while the parasites are looking to enter their natural hosts. It then burrows into the human skin and can trigger an allergic reaction. Swimming in freshwater lakes or ponds carrying this parasite puts a person at risk to develop swimmer’s itch. These snails that carry this parasite and release larvae live near the shoreline, so swimming in shallow water near the shoreline puts a person at higher risk.  

Signs and Symptoms 

The parasites that cause swimmer’s itch burrow into the skin during swimming. It can cause mild skin irritation to a severely itchy red rash. It also causes a burning or tingling sensation on the skin. Itching, burning and tingling sensation in the exposed skin area are the initial symptoms of this condition. Following this there appear small reddish pimple-like eruptions or papular eruptions (solid elevations / bumps on the skin without any fluid) appear on the skin. These eruptions can further develop into blisters (fluid-filled bumps on the skin) in the next 24-48 hrs. The rash can get infected if a person scratches it. The rash in swimmer’s itch appears only on the skin area exposed (where it is not covered with swimsuit) to the water which is contaminated with the parasite. The rash can appear from minutes to around two days time after swimming in water infested with this parasite. The intensity of signs and symptoms varies from one person to another. it depends upon the degree of infestation (means number of the worm larvae that had burrowed in the skin) and a person’s sensitivity. The symptoms tend to get worse with repeated exposure to the parasite.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for Parotitis 

Parotitis refers to inflammation of one or both the parotid glands. The parotid glands are the largest and one of the major pair salivary glands which function to produce saliva in the mouth. These are located on either side of the face inside each cheek over the jaw in front of each ear. The parotid gland is the most commonly affected among all the salivary glands by inflammation. Homeopathic remedies for parotitis help in reducing the inflammation and swelling of the parotid glands. homeopathic remedies for parotitis

Homeopathic Remedies for Parotitis 

Homeopathy offers a natural and very effective treatment for cases of parotitis. The homeopathic medicines bring excellent recovery by focusing to treat the root cause behind inflamed parotid glands. These medicines are very beneficial for both acute (of recent origin) as well as chronic (present from long periods of time or recurring frequently from long time) cases of parotitis. With this they work magnificently to bring relief in its symptoms like facial pain, tenderness, difficulty in opening mouth and fever. These medicines are also indicated for cases where the parotid glands have become hard or where pus has collected (abscess formation) in the parotid glands. These medicines are safe to use among people of all age groups and don’t have any side effects as they are prepared from naturally occurring substances.

  1. Belladonna – Top Grade Medicine with Facial Swelling and Pain

Homeopathic medicine belladonna is prepared from plant Deadly Nightshade. This plant belongs to the family Solanaceae. It is a top grade medicine for treating cases of parotitis. The key symptoms to use this are swelling in the face in front of the ear with violent shooting or stitching pain. The side of the face also gets red and hot with swelling. The pain can worsen from touch or motion. The pain may sometimes extend to the throat, external ear or neck. The pain is recurrent and tends to appear everyday, sometimes peculiarly at the same hour. Dryness of mouth and lips is also present. Along with above symptoms, high fever with alternate heat and chills appears. Although it works well for treating parotitis of either side, it is commonly used to treat swelling of the right parotid. 

  1. Merc Sol – For Swollen, Tender Parotid

It is the next effective medicine for treating parotitis cases. It is used when there is swelling of parotid gland along with tenderness and sensitiveness. The parotid gland is also hard. In these cases pain in parotid mostly throbbing or stinging type is also there. The pain is worse mainly at night. The pain can also worsen from empty  swallowing (means of swallowing saliva down the throat) or in fresh air. Sometimes speaking also increases the pain. With above few general symptoms including excessive salivation, offensive odour in mouth, bad taste in mouth and excessive sweating can appear.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Inflamed Parotid with Difficulty Opening Mouth

This medicine is helpful for persons who have inflamed parotid gland and have extreme difficulty in opening their mouths. Swallowing causes pain and is difficult, at times nearly impossible. The parotid gland is also very much enlarged along with swelling and inflammation in it. They have fever accompanying the above complaints.  For using this medicine mostly left sided parotid is involved. It is also useful for cases where abscess (lump having pus in it) has formed in the parotid gland. 

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Parotitis with High Fever

Hepar Sulph is a helpful medicine for inflamed parotid gland with high fever. Marked chills are present with fever along with restlessness. Its use is indicated for cases of acute inflammation of parotid gland.

  1. Aurum Met – When Parotid is Swollen and Painful to Touch

Aurum Met is a prominent medicine when the parotid gland is swollen and painful to touch. The gland feels sore and bruised. There is also a pressing pain in the parotid gland.

  1. Crotalus Horridus – For Parotitis with Swollen, Puffy Face

This medicine is indicated when there is swelling and puffiness of face in case of inflamed parotid glands.

Specific Remedies For Left-sided Parotitis

  1. Kali Bichrome

This medicine is useful when the left parotid gland is inflamed, swollen and enlarged with pain in it. The pain is usually stitching in nature. The pain can radiate from the parotid gland to the ear or head. 

  1. Bromium 

The features guiding its use are swelling and hardness of the left parotid. With this warmth is felt over the parotid gland on the left side. Apart from this it is also indicated when there is pus formation in the parotid gland.

  1. Arum Triphyllum

This natural medicine is prepared from Indian Turnip belonging to the Araceae family. Use of this medicine is considered when the left parotid gland  is swollen and is very sore to touch. 

Specific Remedies For Right-sided Parotitis

  1. Baryta Carb 

Baryta Carb is an excellent medicine for cases where the right parotid gland is swollen and painful. This gland is also tender to touch. Along with this the breath is very offensive.  

  1. Bryonia

This medicine is prepared from root procured before flowering of a plant Bryonia alba commonly known as wild hops. This plant belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is a wonderful medicine to treat cases where swelling and pain is present in the right parotid gland. There is marked swelling in the face before the ear. The parotid is also sensitive to even slightest touch. 

  1. Lycopodium 

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum having the common name club moss. This medicine belongs to the family Lycopodiaceae. The characteristic symptom for using it is stitching pain in the region of the right parotid gland.

  1. Baryta Mur

It is valuable medicine when the right sided parotid is swollen and hard.

For Swollen and Hard Parotid Gland

  1. Conium – For Swelling and Hardness of Parotid Gland

This medicine works well when the parotid gland is swollen and hard. It is also significant medicine when there is pus in the left sided parotid gland with profuse sweating and disturbed sleep.

  1. Carbo Animalis

Carbo Animalis is a very beneficial medicine when the parotid gland is hard, swollen and painful. The pain is most times shooting or lancinating type.

Causes and Risk Factors 

Inflammation of parotitis can arise from various causes. These includes the following:  

  1. Infection

Parotitis can arise from bacterial infection. The common bacteria involved in inflaming these glands are staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pyogenes and Escherichia Coli (E.coli). Apart from these the infection of parotid glands can also arise from bacteria known as mycobacterium tuberculosis that is responsible to cause TB (tuberculosis).

The infection can also arise due to a viral infection. The most common virus that causes parotitis is mumps virus. This virus infection is rare nowadays because of the use of vaccination MMR (the vaccine that provides protection against three serious illnesses including measles, mumps and rubella). Before the introduction of this vaccine the mumps infection used to be very common in children.

  1. Blockage of parotid duct or any of its branches

This blockage obstructs the flow of saliva and favours the accumulation and growth of bacteria within the salivary glands. The blockage may arise from many reasons that includes – salivary duct stone, a mucus plug in a salivary duct, stricture which means narrowing of salivary duct from an injury / infection and a tumour which is mostly benign i.e. non – cancerous.

  1. Sjogren’s Syndrome 

It is an autoimmune disease where immune cells due to a misdirected response start damaging the glands which are responsible to produce tears and saliva. It results in dry eyes and a dry mouth. Chronic inflammation of the parotid gland can arise in this syndrome. Women suffering from sjogren’s syndrome are at a high risk of parotid gland inflammation as compared to males having the same syndrome, in a ratio of 9:1 respectively.

Some of the factors that put a person at a high risk of parotitis includes poor oral hygiene, having diabetes, taking medicines that cause dryness of  the mouth (like some antihistamines and antipsychotics), dehydration (it is mainly a cause of non – infectious cases of parotitis and can occur after surgery or in elderly people), excessive intake of alcohol, radiation therapy of head and neck done for cancer treatment and as a part of bulimia from self induced vomiting. 

Signs and Symptoms 

In this condition swelling of the face in front of ears below the jaw occurs. There may be redness over the face / upper neck on the affected side. With this facial or mouth pain occurs that is mostly felt while eating or opening mouth. There can also be decreased ability  or difficulty to open the mouth. Foul taste in mouth, dryness of mouth and fever, chills attends above features. There can be complaints on either one or both sides and the intensity of symptoms also tend to vary from case to case. If not treated well in time then there are chances of collection of pus (abscess formation) in the parotid gland. In cases of recurrent parotitis intense swelling in the neck can cause destruction of the affected glands.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Medicines for Dermatitis Herpetiformis 

Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) refers to an itchy, burning, stinging, blistering skin rash that commonly occurs in some people suffering from celiac disease (gluten intolerance). Homeopathic medicines for dermatitis herpetiformis bring excellent results in these cases by moderating the overactive immune system. DH is also known by some other names including Duhring’s disease, gluten rash or the celiac disease rash. It is not caused by herpes virus despite the name. Rather, the name suggests that in this disease skin rash and blisters (small fluid filled bumps on skin) having a resemblance to herpes virus infection appear.         Homeopathic Medicines for Dermatitis Herpetiformis 

Homeopathic Medicines for Dermatitis Herpetiformis 

The homeopathic system of medicine carries a great scope to treat numerous skin complaints including dermatitis herpetiformis. With its use the intensity and frequency of the complaint is reduced gradually. Initially it aims to heal the blisters and relieve itching already present followed by controlling its future recurrences. Along with homeopathic treatment a strict gluten-free diet needs to be followed. A person should take homeopathic medicines to treat this condition after consulting a homeopathic specialist and should avoid self medication.

  1. Natrum Mur – Top Grade Medicine 

Natrum Mur is a top grade medicine to treat cases of dermatitis herpetiformis. In cases where this remedy works well, burning spots appear on the skin. Following this, blisters form on these spots which have a clear watery fluid in it.  

  1. Sulphur – When Blisters Form on Itchy Spots

It is indicated for cases where initially itching arises on body areas causing scratching, leading to blisters. The blisters are small sized having watery content and soon get covered with scabs and itch afterwards. Most persons needing it have worsening of the itching from warmth. They also feel a burning sensation in the eruptions after scratching.

  1. Graphites – For Blisters that Itch and Burn

It is a very effective medicine for cases that present with blisters having itching and burning in it. The itching is violent and people feel like tearing it with nails. These blisters contain transparent fluid. The blisters may also be covered with scabs. The area is red where eruptions are present. 

  1. Rhus Tox – When Blisters are Itchy

It is a very significant medicine for cases in which blisters are itchy. The itching leads to constant scratching. The blisters are tiny and filled with clear liquid. The vesicles are multiple and appear on different body parts. It is attended with redness of the affected skin  and the affected skin is also hot to touch. There is also violent burning in blisters. The skin complaint usually worsens at night.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Marked Stinging Sensation in Blisters

It is the next beneficial medicine for cases of dermatitis herpetiformis. It works well in persons who complain of intense, intolerable stinging sensation in the blisters. The blisters sting like a bee sting and there are numerous small blisters on the skin. Along with stinging, they also have itching and burning sensation in the blisters. the itchy can be so severe as to cause scratching till eruptions bleed. Soon these blisters crust over. 

  1. Arsenic Album – For Blisters with Burning

It is a very useful medicine for blisters that have burning in it. The burning is violent. The burning is mostly worse at the night time in cases requiring it. Along with burning, itching is also complained in the blisters.

  1. Merc Sol – For Tiny Blisters with Clear, Thin, Watery Fluid

Merc Sol is a valuable medicine for cases where tiny blisters with clear thin watery fluid is present on the skin. The blisters form on a red base on skin. These blisters appear in various body parts and are itchy. The blisters may appear most times in morning time in cases needing it.

  1. Ranunculus Bulbosus – When Small Blisters Appear in Oval Groups 

It is prepared from a plant named as buttercup belonging to the family Ranunculaceae. This medicine is indicated when small blisters appear in an oval -shaped group. The blister size is like a pinhead. These blisters heal then a fresh crop of blister form again. For using it intolerable burning and itching are also present in the blisters. 

  1. Cantharis – For Burning, Smarting Sensation on Touching

Cantharis is also a very useful medicine where burning, smarting sensation is felt in the blisters on touching them. The blisters have watery fluid, and itching may appear along with burning sensation.

  1. Clematis – For Blisters with Red, Burning, Inflamed Skin

This medicine is prepared from leaves and stem of plant Clematis erecta. This plant belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. It is indicated when blisters form with red, burning inflamed skin. These blisters exude a clear, watery secretion followed by formation of scabs. 

  1. Lachesis – For Burning Spots on Skin Followed by Blisters

This medicine is usually considered when initially burning spots appear on the skin, followed by blister formation. These blisters are water filled and attended with much itching. Marked inflammation surrounds these eruptions. 

  1. Mezereum – For Blisters that Burn 

This medicine is prepared from plant Daphne Mezereum also known as spurge olive. This plant belongs to the family Thymelaeaceae.The part of this plant used to prepare homeopathic medicine is fresh bark gathered just before it flowers in February and March. This medicine is used when the skin blisters burn intensely like fire. The blisters have fiery red tips. They appear recurrently and also have violent itching along with burning sensation.

Causes and Risk Factors

 1. DH is a skin manifestation that usually arises in celiac disease. Celiac disease also known as celiac sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy, refers to an autoimmune disorder in which eating gluten (a protein found in wheat, barley and rye) triggers an immune reaction in the small intestine in person having this disease.
It is estimated that about 15 % – 25 % of people having celiac disease also have DH. Very rarely people with DH may have gastric symptoms of celiac disease (like loose motion, weakness,  bloating, abdominal pain) along with skin complaint but majority of the time, they don’t have any accompanying gastric symptom of this disease and only have skin manifestation. Though they don’t have any gastric symptoms, more than 90% of people with DH do have associated intestinal damage which is of the same kind as seen with celiac disease.
In a person having celiac disease, the skin rash and damage to intestine appears when gluten protein reacts with an antibody known as immunoglobulin A (IgA). When such a person having celiac disease eats gluten then, IgA is being produced by his body to fight with gluten. On reaction of IgA antibodies to gluten damage to the lining of the small intestine occurs that normally helps to  absorb nutrients from food. When IgA attached to gluten gains entry in the bloodstream it builds up and clogs small blood vessels under the skin. The WBC’s (White blood cells) start to appear in clogs and trigger the DH rash.

2. A genetic predisposition is also present and is associated with human leukocyte antigens HLA – DQ2 and HLA – DQ8. A person having a family history of gluten sensitivity is at risk of it. Having a personal or family history of any other autoimmune disease like vitiligo, thyroid disease, and alopecia areata also puts a person at risk. Though DH can appear at any age, it is mostly seen to begin  between 20 to 30 years of age. DH is  more common in men as compared to women, and rare in children. 

Signs and Symptoms 

In cases of DH, initially before the appearance of rash there is a burning, stinging sensation or itching on some of the skin areas prone to develop this rash. Following this, small, red pimple-like bumps filled with clear fluid (called blisters) start appearing in clusters. The size of the blisters vary from very tiny up to 1 cm. They are highly itchy and are among the one of the itchiest rash known. In around 1-2 weeks time, these bumps scabs over and heal leaving purple marks behind. New bumps begin to appear as the old ones heal. The rash of DH mostly appears on the elbows, knee, lower back, buttocks, scalp, hairline, shoulders, back of neck and sometimes face and groin. The rash in DH most of the time appears on both sides of the body at a given time (i.e. have symmetrical body distribution) and is of the same shape and size on either side of the body. The signs and symptoms of DH can  continue for many years together or it goes in remission state temporarily and then flare up again. Usually it is a lifetime condition where it goes and appears again and again.

The skin features of DH can be mistaken for many other skin conditions (like atopic dermatitis, scabies, pemphigoid) that share similar features. 

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Homeopathic Treatment for Meralgia Paresthetica

Meralgia paresthetica is a condition that causes numbness, tingling, burning and pain in the outer area of thigh. It is also known as Bernhardt – Roth syndrome. Homeopathic treatment for meralgia paresthetica includes using natural medicines that effectively help manage symptoms like burning, numbness, tingling, and pain. This condition occurs when there is compression, pinching or damage to the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.  

Homeopathic treatment for meralgia paresthetica        

Homeopathic Treatment for Meralgia Paresthetica

Homeopathic medicines hold a great promise in treating cases of meralgia paresthetica. The medicines used in these cases are of natural origin and bring excellent and safe recovery. With the use of well selected medicine as per the individual prominent symptoms, one experiences relief in both intensity and frequency of the symptoms. One also needs to follow some lifestyle modification along with use of these medicines like avoiding wearing tight clothes, losing weight if are overweight, avoiding standing / walking for long periods of time.

For Numbness in Thigh

  1. Lac Defloratum 

It is a well-indicated medicine for cases where numbness over the outer side of thighs is prominent. Along with this pain is present in thighs. The pain appears soon on stepping on the floor in the morning. 

  1. Conium

Conium is another excellent medicine for managing numbness in thighs. Thigh pain of pressing, drawing nature usually attends numbness in cases needing it.

  1. Spongia

Spongia is the next medicine in the list to manage thigh numbness. In most cases needing it, a stitching pain in thighs especially on walking appears. With this there is sensation as if muscles of the upper end of thigh are short. Other than this tickling sensation especially in the left thigh may be felt sometimes. 

  1. Carbo Veg

Last medicine prominently indicated to manage thigh numbness is Carbo Veg. In addition to this people needing it also complain of thigh pain that may be tearing, drawing, constrictive or stitching in nature. They may also have pain in the outer side of the left thigh when going upstairs or on lifting the thigh. They also frequently complain of burning sensation in thighs. Numbness in thighs when walking is yet another symptom.

For Tingling Sensation

  1. Oxalic Acid

Oxalic Acid is a very helpful medicine to manage tingling, pricking sensation in the  thighs. Most people needing it also have numbness in thighs along with above complaint 

  1. Sabadilla

It is a natural medicine prepared from seeds of plant Sabadilla officinarum commonly known as Cebadilla or Cevadilla. This plant belongs to the family Melanthiaceae. It is highly useful medicine when there is marked stinging sensation in thighs. This is accompanied by pain in the thigh. The thigh pain is most time boring or tearing in nature for using this medicine.

  1. Silicea

Silicea works well in cases with peculiar pricking sensation in the thighs. Persons who require it also experience thigh pain with this. The pain is explained as shooting or stitching in nature by them.

For Burning Sensation 

  1. Zincum Met

Zincum Met is very effective medicine to manage burning sensation on the outside of the thigh. For using it other symptoms may attend to it. These include drawing, stitching, tearing or sore pain in the thigh and heaviness in thigh while walking. In some cases the pain from the thigh can extend downward to the knee. This mostly happens while standing and gets better by sitting in most of the cases.

  1. Agaricus

This medicine is the next significant medicine to manage burning sensation in thighs. People requiring it also have pressing pain in thighs or drawing pain in thigh, extending to knee. They usually complain that crossing legs cause violent pain in thighs. Walking also worsens thigh pain in them. They also have soreness in thighs.

  1. Berberis Vulgaris

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of a plant named barberry that belongs to family Berberidaceae. It is also very valuable medicine to manage burning sensation in thighs. Other complaints that a person needing it may have along with this includes thigh pain and sensitivity. The thigh pain they usually have varies from tearing, stretching, throbbing to shooting type. The thigh is sensitive and is painful to the slightest of touch. 

For Thigh Pain

  1. Rhus Tox

It is a very effective medicine to manage thigh pain. The main symptom to use it is pain in the outer portion of thigh that worsens while sitting and gets better by walking. The pain is usually tearing in nature. It is top listed medicine to treat cases where over activity / over exertion or injury has brought on the complaint.

  1. Colocynth

Homeopathic medicine Colocynth is prepared from pulp of fruit of a plant Citrullus colocynthis commonly known as bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is a very effective medicine to manage thigh pain. For using it the pain may be drawing or tearing in nature. The intensity of pain is very high and standing is difficult due to pain. Walking is also painful from thigh pain. In many cases the pain can radiate from thigh to knee especially right side where it is indicated.

  1. Guaiacum 

Guaiacum is prepared from gum resin of tree Guaiacum officinale. It is a large tree growing in the West Indies. It belongs to the family Zygophyllaceae. It is a very useful medicine for thigh pain when attended with crawling or tingling sensation. The pains are  pressing. Tension in thighs may accompany this. These symptoms are worse when walking and are better when sitting. Another key feature is pain from the middle of the thigh extending to the knee.

  1. Causticum

Its use is indicated when the thigh pain is worse at night time. The pain is usually described as tearing, bruised and drawing type in persons who require this medicine. With this a characteristic feature to use it is soreness of thigh upon which there is body weight, forcing him to turn over frequently. 

  1. Arnica

It is prepared from the root of the plant Arnica Montana commonly known as Leopard’s – bane or fallkraut. The family of this plant is Compositae. It is one of the best medicines to manage cases that follow a blow, trauma or injury. Most people needing it have thigh pain that arises when walking. They also have excessive soreness of thighs. This medicine helps to heal the injury and reduce thigh soreness and pain.

  1. Ledum Pal

This medicine is prepared from dried small twigs and leaves collected after flowering begins of plant Ledum Palustre. This plant is commonly named as Wild Rosemary, Marsh Cistus and Marsh Tea. This plant belongs to the family Ericaceae. This medicine is used when the pain in the thigh is worse from standing or walking. A feeling of pressure in the thigh accompanies. Worsening of thigh pain from touch is another symptom suggestive of its use.

  1. Gelsemium

Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of the plant Gelsemium Sempervirens, commonly named as Yellow Jasmine. This plant belongs to the family Loganiaceae. It works well when the thighs are very sore and sensitive to touch. Violent lancinating pain in thigh is present. Person can move their thigh very slightly. 

  1. Dulcamara

This medicine is prepared from  fresh green stems and leaves, gathered just before flowering of plant Solanum dulcamara commonly named as Woody Nightshade and Bitter-sweet. It belongs to the family Solanaceae. It is indicated when a person has thigh pain while sitting. The pain can be drawing, tearing or pinching type and he finds relief in the pain by walking.


This nerve is a sensory nerve and supplies sensation to the skin surface of the outer thigh. Normally this nerve after originating in the lower spine smoothly passes through the groin to the upper thigh. But in cases of meralgia paresthetica this nerve gets trapped in its pathway (usually under inguinal ligament) leading to its symptoms. The compression of this nerve can arise from various reasons like wearing tight – fitting clothes or tight belts, weight gain, obesity and pregnancy. The damage to nerves can result from diabetes (it can damage the nerves) or trauma like from seat belt injury during a car accident.

People who are overweight, diabetic people, pregnant women and people of age group between 30 yrs to 60 yrs are at risk to develop this condition. Standing or walking, cycling for a long time also predisposes a person towards this condition. In some cases it can follow some surgery or trauma to the hip or back.


Symptoms include numbness, tingling, pain and burning sensation in the outer side of thigh. The pain sometimes can extend to the outer side of the knee. Bee sting sensation may be felt in the outer side of thigh in some cases. The outer side of thigh may also be sensitive to light touch and hypersensitive to heat. The symptoms mostly occur on one side of the body. Walking and standing might worsen the symptoms. Initially the symptoms are mild but with time when the condition gets worse, the pain intensifies and becomes sharp and shooting in nature. 

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Achilles Tendinopathy – Homeopathic Treatment of Achilles Tendinitis 

An inflammation of the achilles tendon is known as achilles tendinitis (or tendonitis). This condition is also known as achilles tendinopathy. Homeopathic Treatment of Achilles Tendinitis involves the use of highly effective medicines that help reduce the inflammation of the achilles tendon and prevent the condition from worsening further.  The Achilles tendon is a tissue band that attaches the calf muscle (present in the back of leg) to calcaneus, or the heel bone. It is the thickest as well as the strongest tendon in the body. 

Homeopathic Treatment of Achilles Tendinitis

Homeopathic Treatment of Achilles Tendinitis 

Homeopathy provides a very natural and effective treatment for cases of achilles tendinitis. Homeopathic medicines bring about excellent relief in its symptoms including pain, swelling, stiffness in the region of achilles tendon and a  tight feeling in the calf muscles. Among the various homeopathic medicines for treating achilles tendinitis, the top grade ones are Rhus Tox and Ruta. These medicines work best when the inflammation of the tendon follows excessive straining or stress on the tendon due to its overuse. In case of a tear of the achilles tendon, one must seek help from conventional treatment for immediate care, and rely on homeopathy for supportive treatment only. 

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is a top grade medicine to treat cases of achilles tendinitis. It is a forefront medicine when tendinitis arises from overuse of tendon or putting over stress, or over strain on the tendons. It helps to reduce the inflammation of the tendon and bring relief in pain of the tendon. People needing it mostly have aching pain in the lower back side of the leg. With this the calf muscle feels tensed. Stiffness in the leg is also felt, particularly in the morning hours. They also have pain in heels that is mostly sharp and stitching in nature. A general relief may be felt by motion and the complaint can worsen while at rest.

  1. Ruta – Tendinitis Following Overuse of Tendon 

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh plant Ruta graveolens, commonly known as Garden Rue. This plant belongs to the family Rutaceae. Just like Rhus Tox, this medicine is well-indicated to treat cases in which tendinitis follows tendon overuse or strain or stress on the tendons. There is an aching or sore, bruised pain in the tendon along with marked restlessness.  

  1. Causticum – For Pain in Lower Leg

This medicine is useful when there is a pain in the lower leg. The pain is mostly tearing in nature. Along with this, the achilles tendon feels contracted and tensed. The heel also feels contracted. Other than this, cramping in the achilles tendon is also treated well with this medicine.

  1. Bryonia – When Motion Worsens the Complaint

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia alba having the common name White Bryony and Wild Hops. This plant belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is best suited when the tendon is painful and motion increases the complaint. In cases needing it the tendon is also sore and bruised. With this there is marked pain in heel and tightness in the calf muscle.

  1. Zincum Met – For Pulsating, Drawing or Tearing Pain 

This medicine is very beneficial when there is pain in the achilles tendon having pulsating, drawing or tearing nature. The complaint worsenS from touching the heel to ground. A contracted sensation in the achilles tendon attends the pain. Lastly, the calf muscles feel tense and stiff usually when walking.

  1. Cimicifuga – When the Tendon is Painful, Sore and Stiff 

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant Cimicifuga racemosa commonly named as Black Cohosh. This plant belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. It is a very effective medicine when there is aching pain, soreness and stiffness in the achilles tendon. These symptoms increase from walking. There is aching pain down the leg and bruised sensation in the heels. It is also indicated when the aching, pain and stiffness of tendon worsens in the evening time.

  1. Berberis Vulgaris – For Pain in Back of Heel

Berberis Vulgaris medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of plant barberry. This plant belongs to the family Berberidaceae. This medicine is useful when there is pain in the back of the heel. This pain can be tearing, stinging, stitching in nature. The heel pain tends to worsen while stepping, standing and walking, and the heel area can also be swollen along with the pain. 

  1. Ignatia – For Pain in Achilles Tendon and Calf Muscle

This medicine is considered when there is pain in achilles tendon and calf muscle. The pain is tearing in nature. This worsens from walking or exerting the area. Another symptom indicative of its use is a burning sensation in the heels especially at night time.

  1. Muriatic Acid – For Swelling and Heat in the Region 

This medicine is prominently used when there is swelling and marked heat in the area over the area of the achilles tendon. It is also highly painful and causes difficulty in walking. Lying down helps relieve the complaint. A drawing and tensed sensation in the calf-muscle can appear along with above symptoms. This medicine is used to treat the right leg more often. 

  1. Calcarea Carb – For feeling of Contraction 

This medicine is valuable to treat cases in which a person has a contracted feeling in the achilles tendon along with pain. With this, there is a stitching pain in the leg and above the ankle. There can also be an attending complaint of pain in the calf muscle upon walking, bending the foot or on touching. 

  1. Benzoic Acid – When Pain Worsens from Walking

It is a significant medicine for cases when the pain in the tendon worsens from walking. The pain begins from slightest body weight being put on the heel while walking in such cases. It is a well-indicated medicine for complaint in the left side of the leg.

  1. Kali Bichrome – For Soreness and Burning Sensation in Heel

This medicine is helpful when there is marked soreness and burning sensation in the heel. The soreness is worse from walking. Along with this, pain in the achilles tendon with a stretched sensation and aching in the calf muscle is also present.

Causes and Risk Factors 

The achilles tendon is used during walking, jumping and running. Though it is the strongest tendon, it is prone to inflammation that arises from the overuse of this tendon or putting, repetitive or extreme stress and extreme strain on this tendon.  

The factors that increase the risk of getting achilles tendinitis are as follows:

  1. Repeated exercise or sudden increase in intensity of exercise involving achilles tendon or excessive running, jumping that puts intense strain and stress on this tendon increases the risk.
  1. Athletes or people participating in some sports that put extra stress on the achilles tendon are at risk.
  2. Wearing worn out or poorly fitting shoes for a long time or while running. This also applies for ill-fitting high heels or their excessive use. 
  3. Elderley people are at an increased risk owing to the weakening of the tendon with age. 
  4. A naturally flat-arched foot also predisposes a person towards this condition.
  5. Tightness in the calf muscles can lead to an inflammation in the achilles tendon. 
  6. It happens more in men than women, and people who are overweight or obese face an increased risk. 
  7. Bone spurs (bony outgrowth developing along the edges of a bone) in the back of the heels can lead to its inflammation. 
  8. Certain medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis (autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the joint with pain, swelling and stiffness in joints), high blood pressure  and psoriasis (autoimmune disorder that causes skin inflammation along with silvery white plaques) also increase the likelihood. 
  9. Certain antibiotics containing fluoroquinolones can lead to this condition as a side effect.
  10. This condition is more common in the cold weather as compared to warm weather

Types of Achilles Tendinitis

Tendinitis is primarily of two types –  

  1. Insertional Achilles tendinitis – In this type the lower part of achilles tendon where it joins the heel bone is affected
  2. Non- insertional Achilles tendinitis – In this type the fibers in the middle area of the achilles tendon are affected.


The main symptom in cases of achilles tendinitis is pain above the heel or at the bottom of the back side of the leg. The pain most times appears while walking or running. Swelling in the back of the heel can appear and this area can also be tender and warm to touch. The calf muscles can feel tight along with the above symptoms. Lastly morning stiffness can be felt near the heel or bottom of the leg that usually starts getting better after mild activity.


Achilles tendinitis can lead to deformity of this tendon or heel bone. Long term inflammation in the achilles tendon also leads to weakening of this tendon. This makes it prone to tear or rupture that mostly requires surgery for its repair.

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Homeopathic Medicines for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune, chronic, inflammatory disorder causing joint inflammation with pain, swelling, and stiffness of joints. These symptoms usually begin from small joints of the hands or feet and can later affect other large joints too. It tends to involve multiple joints at a time and in a symmetrical way.

Rheumatoid arthritis can be efficiently treated with homeopathy with zero side effects as homeopathic medicines are of natural origin and devoid of any toxins. Homeopathic treatment can provide noticeable improvement in symptoms like joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. It can decrease the frequency and intensity of your pain markedly, improve your range of motion, and prevent any deformity of joints and extra-articular (other than joints) complications if opted in the the very beginning of the complaint. It can limit further progression of the disease. In mild to moderate cases, if the prescribed remedy course is followed regularly, cure might occur in many of the cases. In severe cases with joint deformity, cure may not be possible but homeopathy promises great help in symptomatic relief here and checks further joint damage. As homeopathic treatment has individualized approach in each case, the remedy selection and dosage depend on factors like severity of symptoms, age of patient, chronicity of complaint or any parallel complex symptoms involved.

Homeopathy optimises rather than suppresses immune system

As rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, which means the body’s own defense cells start destroying their own healthy tissues, it is known to be caused by overactive immune system. Homeopathic treatment can successfully offer help in optimizing the overactive immune system to reduce inflammation and gradually reduce the progression of chronic ailments. Homeopathy in no way suppresses the immune system.

Non-habit forming medicines, no harmful effects

Homeopathic remedies are not habit-forming and can offer effective treatment in chronic cases of rheumatoid arthritis with no negative response. These medicines can be taken along with conventional medicines. Gradually, homeopathic medicines can reduce the dependency on harmful conventional drugs.

Homeopathic medicines do not carry the risk of any harmful after-effects. Rheumatoid arthritis treatment in conventional medicine includes DMARDs (Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs), NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs) and steroids which have side effects and can lead to other complex conditions. Though these medicines can be taken in case of intense pain and severe inflammation, their long term use should be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Rheumatoid Arthritis

The top medicines for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis are Rhus Tox, Apis Mellifica, Bryonia, Antimonium Crudum, Actaea Spicata, Caulophyllum, Arnica, Ledum Pal, Calcarea Carb and Sanguinaria Can.

1. Rhus Tox –For painful, stiff joints better from movement

Rhus Tox helps to relieve joint pains and stiffness by reducing  joint inflammation. Persons needing it mainly have joint stiffness in the morning and also after a period of inactivity. Warm applications and motion of affected joint brings relief. Massaging the joint also offers relief .

When To Use Rhus Tox?

The key indication for using this medicine is pain and stiffness in joints which gets worse by rest and better by movement.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Though Rhus Tox may be used in different potencies, it is best to begin with 30C potency. Rhus Tox 30C can be taken two to three times a day as per severity of problem. Higher potencies like 200C and 1M can also be considered afterward but only under the supervision of homeopathic expert.

2. Apis Mellifica – For reducing swelling in joints

Apis Mellifica is a well-indicated medicine for cases where joint is highly swollen. Along with this the joint is red, and inflamed. Joint pains which are mainly burning, stinging type are also well treated with Apis. Joint is also sensitive to touch.

When To Use Apis Mellifica?

This medicine is recommended when there is intense swelling in joint along with redness, heat and burning, stinging pains.

How to use Apis Mellifica?

Apis Mellifica 30C can be used once or twice a day.

3. Bryonia – For red, hot, swollen, painful joints worse motion

Bryonia is helpful for cases where joints are red, hot and swollen. Besides, there is pain in joints. The pains are sharp, stitching type. The pain gets worse by motion and better with rest. Warmth may relieve the pains.  It is Indicated when  mostly knee and elbow joints are involved.

When To Use Bryonia?

Bryonia is well indicated to manage red, hot, swollen joints with pain which is worse from movement and better from rest.

How to use Bryonia?

One may use Bryonia 30C one to three times a day as per symptom intensity.

4. Antimonium Crudum – To reduce pain in finger joints

It is very beneficial to treat pain in finger joints and reduce its inflammation. Persons needing it mainly have worsening of pain from cold. They find relief by warm applications. Drawing sensation in the fingers may also be felt.

When To Use Antimonium Crudum?

Antimonium Crudum can be considered when there is pain in finger joints worse from cold and better from warm applications.

How to use Antimonium Crudum?

This medicine can be used in 30C power once a day.

5. Actaea Spicata – For wrist pain and swelling

Actaea Spicata is mainly given for cases where wrist pain and swelling are present. Wrist is also red with heat. The pain is worse from motion. It is also indicated to treat pain and swelling in other small joints of fingers, toes and ankle.

When To Use Actaea Spicata?

This medicine is prominently indicated to manage pain and swelling in wrist along with heat, redness worse from movement.

How to use Actaea Spicata?

The recommended dose for its use is Actaea Spicata 30C one or two times a day.

6. Caulophyllum – For small joints Arthritis

Caulophyllum is also used for treating arthritis affecting small joints. The small joints are painful and stiff in cases needing it. The joints of fingers, toes, ankle and wrist are affected in such cases. The pains keeps on shifting in minutes from one joint to the other. In some cases, nodes are present on finger joints.

When To Use Caulophyllum?

The most highlighting feature guiding its use is pain and stiffness in small joints including fingers, toes, ankle and wrist with frequent shifting of pain among these joints.

How to use Caulophyllum?

Caulophyllum 30C should be used twice a day for good results.

7. Arnica – For markedly tender joints

Arnica is majorly used when the joints are extremely tender. Person has great fear of touching the affceted joint due to pain and tenderness. The knee also has sore, bruised pain along with intense swelling.

When to use Arnica?

The leading symptom to use Arnica is extreme pain and tenderness of affected joint with pain from least touch.

How to use Arnica?

Arnica can be taken one to three times daily as the case demands.

8. Ledum Pal For painful, swollen ankles

Ledum Pal offers great help in reducing pain and swelling in the ankles.

Persons needing it have worsening of ankle pain from movement. They find relief in it by cold applications. They may have ascending rheumatism where pain start from feet joints and then ascend to joints above it in the leg.

When to use Ledum Pal?

A person may opt its use for managing pain and swelling in ankles worse from movement and better from cold application.

How to use Ledum Pal?

It is suggested to use this medicine one to three times in a day as per the severity of pain and swelling.

9. Calcarea Carb – For pain and swelling in knee joint

It is an Important medicine to manage pain and swelling in the knee joint. The pains are drawing, tearing in nature . The knee is swollen mostly at night time. It is also hot and tenderness to touch.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

This medicine is indicated for cases having pain and swelling in knee joints worse at night

How to use Calcarea Carb?

This medicine can be taken in 30 C power not more than once a day. For using its higher potencies like 200C, 1M it is advised to consult a homeopathic doctor.

10. Sanguinaria Can – For shoulder joint pain

Sanguinaria Can works well to treat shoulder joint pain. It also helps to reduce attending stiffness in it. Shoulder pain gets worse by raising the arm in cases needing it. Worsening if pain at night is also noted in such cases.

When to use Sanguinaria Can?

The foremost feature for its use is pain in the shoulder joint worse raising arm and at night along with stiffness.

How to use Sanguinaria Can?

This medicine can be used once or twice a day in 30C potency.

Symptoms of  Rheumatoid Arthritis

The main symptoms are pain in joints, swelling in joints, stiffness of joints which mostly appear in morning and after periods of inactivity. In this, multiple joints are involved in a symmetrical manner i.e.  involving the same joints on both sides of the body.

The symptoms initially start from small joints of hands or feet and may  progress to other joints like wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee, hip and ankle .

The affected joint is also red, warm and tender to touch in flare up phase. Loss of joint function , mobility and deformity appear in later stages if not treated well in time. Few general signs and symptoms that may attend joint involvement include weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, muscle aches, depression and anaemia.

 Joint deformities

The main joint deformities that can develop in rheumatoid arthritis are as follows:

1. Swan neck deformity: in this deformity the joint in finger closest to fingertip gets bent towards the palm (flexion of distal inter-phalangeal joint) and the joint in finger nearest to palm bends away from it (hyperextension of proximal inter-phalangeal joint).

2. Boutonniere deformity : in this deformity the joint in finger nearest to palm gets bent towards the palm (flexion of proximal inter-phalangeal joint) and the joint nearest to finger tip bends back (hyperextension of distal inter-phalangeal joint).

3. Ulnar deviation: In this swelling in the metacarpo-phalangeal joints (joint that connect bone in palm to the bone in finger ). It leads to leaning of the fingers away from thumb towards little fingers. This deformity is also known as ulnar drift.

What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis? 

The exact cause behind rheumatoid arthritis is not clearly understood. However it is thought to be an autoimmune disease.

What  triggers the autoimmune process for RA is not exactly known. But there are certain factors that increase the risk of the disease. First among them is genetic factor . Certain genes ( human leucocyte antigen HLA – DR1 and HLA – DR4) make a person more prone to develop this disease. Females are more at risk as compared to males. Persons of middle age group are more affected. Other factors that put a person at risk of this include a family history of this disease, smoking, obesity, environmental exposures like exposures to asbestos or silica, stress, history of viral infections like Epstein – Barr virus (EBV) and certain dietary factors.

Investigations for Rheumatoid Arthritis

The blood test done in cases suspected of rheumatoid arthritis are rheumatoid factor, Anti – cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti – CCP), ESR and c – reactive protein (CRP). Other tests include X-Ray and MRI of affected joints which are done to rule out the severity of the disease.

What are its types?

Seropositive: In this type persons with rheumatoid arthritis have their blood tests positive for rheumatoid factor or anti – CCPs.

Seronegative: A person may develop Rheumatoid arthritis even in the absence of rheumatoid factor or anti – CCPs. This is termed as seronegative type rheumatoid arthritis. In this type the blood tests are negative for RF and anti – CCPs. In such cases diagnosis is done on the basis of clinical symptoms and X- rays. This type is usually  milder than the seropositve type.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is when rheumatoid  arthritis affects children younger than 17 yrs of age.  It is also known as juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).

Palindromic rheumatismIn this recurrent attacks of pain, swelling appears in one or more joints all of sudden. It last for few hours or few days. In between the flare up attacks the pain and swelling subsides completely. It is not a type of rheumatoid arthritis but people having palindromic rheumatism have chance to develop rheumatoid arthritis.




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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Elbow Bursitis  

Elbow bursitis also known as olecranon bursitis refers to inflammation of the olecranon bursa resulting in swelling, redness and pain at the tip of the elbow. It is also known by few other names such as popeye’s elbow, baker’s elbow and student’s elbow. Homeopathic medicines for elbow bursitis are very effective to treat the condition for long-term relief. 

Homeopathic medicines for elbow bursitis

Homeopathic Medicines for Elbow Bursitis    

Homeopathic medicines are effective for both recent as well as long standing cases of elbow bursitis. These medicines bring excellent recovery by treating the root cause behind it. They help in halting its further progression and reducing the inflammation of the olecranon bursa. It works wonderfully to reduce the swelling around the elbow. They also bring significant reduction in pain, tenderness and stiffness at the elbow tip. Cases of bursitis either from known causes like arising from trauma, blow, fall, repeated strain on elbow, from joint inflammation, from an infection or unknown cause (idiopathic) both can be treated with these medicines based on the signs and symptoms. These medicines helps to bring great recovery and being of natural origin doesn’t carry any risk of side effects.

  1. Arnica – When it Follows Trauma/Injury

Arnica is prepared from plant Arnica Montana having common name leopard’s – bane and fallkraut. This plant belongs to family compositae. Arnica is very effective medicine for elbow bursitis when it follows trauma, injury, a blow or a fall on the elbow tip. In cases needing it there is pain and swelling in the elbow. Elbow is also sore, bruised. With this there is great fear to touch the elbow from pain. Arnica helps in recovery from injury and reduce inflammation of bursa. It also relieves pain and swelling at the elbow tip .  

  1. Apis Mellifica – To Reduce Swelling

Apis Mellifica is an excellent medicine for treating cases of inflammation of bursa. It helps to reduce swelling in these cases. Persons needing it complain of sharp, burning and shooting along with swelling at the tip of elbow.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Pain and Stiffness of Elbow

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine to reduce pain and stiffness of elbow. In cases needing it there is elbow pain that may be tearing or drawing in nature. The pain may sometimes extend down to the wrist. Most times the pain gets worse at rest and there is relief by movement. With this the elbow feels stiff and tense.  Persons needing it may be suffering from arthritis (inflammation of joints). It is also top listed medicine when a blow or putting strain at elbow for long causes the concern.

  1. Bryonia – For Pain and Swelling of Elbow

Bryonia is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia alba commonly known by name of white Bryony and wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is well indicated where pain and swelling of the elbow is marked. Redness and heat is also present with it. Pain is mostly stitching, shooting type where it is required. There is worsening of the pain from movement of the elbow.

  1. Ruta – From Injuries, Blows

This medicine is prepared from plant Ruta graveolens commonly called garden rue. This plant belongs to the family rutaceae. Like Arnica, its use is also considered when the complaint arises from injury, blows over the elbow tip. The pain is usually sore, bruised, dull or tearing in nature. With this the elbow may also be stiff.  

  1. Bellis Perennis – When Inflammation Follows Injury or Repeated Straining

This medicine is prepared from plant ‘The Daisy’ that belongs to family compositae. This medicine is also indicated when the condition appears from injury or repeated strains on the elbow. Persons needing it have aching, sore bruised pains along with marked swelling.

  1. Silicea – With Excessive Swelling of Elbow

Silicea is very beneficial to manage cases with excessive swelling of the elbow. With this pain in the elbow is also there. The pain may be tearing or stinging type. Slightest touch and motion tends to worsen the complaint. In cases where pus has formed from infection, Silicea is an ideal medicine to treat it.

  1. Causticum – To Manage Pain in Elbow

Causticum is a useful medicine to manage pain in the elbow. Cases needing it may have drawing, pressing or sharp pain in the elbow. The pain may worsen at night time. The relief may be noted by warm application over the elbow. 

  1. Spongia – Also to Relieve Pain

Spongia is indicated to relieve pain over the elbow. For using it the pain varies highly. It may be stitching, pressing, boring, cramping, tearing or throbbing type. The pain tends to worsen on motion. Bending the arm also worsen the pain in cases requiring this medicine.

  1. Merc Sol – For Swollen Elbow Tip

Its use is made when there is swelling at the elbow tip. With this redness over the back of the elbow may be there. This area may also be warm to touch.

  1. Calcarea Carb – When Stiffness of Elbows is Present

Calcarea Carb is suitable to manage stiffness of elbows in such cases. Along with this pain is present in the elbow mainly tearing in nature. The pain may radiate from elbow to wrist soon on holding anything.

What is bursa and olecranon bursa?

Bursa is a small sac filled with viscous lubricating fluid located around the joint where muscles and tendons glide over the bones . It helps to reduce friction caused by muscles and tendons moving against skin and bones and allows free smooth movement of joints. There are around 160 bursae in the human body. One among them is Olecranon  bursa that is located between the skin and the pointed bony tip of the elbow (olecranon). Inflammation of this olecranon bursa is known as elbow / olecranon bursitis. When olecranon bursa gets inflamed, it gets filled with extra fluid causing pain and swelling. 

Elbow bursitis – Signs and Symptoms

  1. Swelling over elbow tip

Mainly in these cases there appears swelling over the tip of the elbow. Swelling is most of the time the first sign observed in such cases. The swelling can appear suddenly in some cases while in other cases it appears gradually. The swelling can be slight or excessive to the point that restricts movement of the elbow.

  1. Pain

As swelling progresses the bursa starts to get stretched which tends to  initiate pain in the elbow. The intensity of pain varies from case to case. The pain can also radiate from the elbow to the rest of the arm. People usually have worsening of pain from movement or pressure.

  1. Tenderness 

The elbow may also be tender to touch along with above features.

  1. Stiffness 

Stiffness in elbow is yet another symptom that a person faces along with swelling, pain and tenderness

  1. Redness and warmth

Skin over the elbow tip may become red and appear warm top touch in cases where the bursa is infected. Fever may also arise in case of infected bursitis

  1. Pus

Occasionally if the infected bursa open itself then it can start to drain pus that may be white  or yellow


  1. Trauma  

Any trauma, hard blow like from accidental hitting on wall or fall on the back of elbow can lead to swelling of the olecranon bursa. 

  1. Repeated, Prolonged pressure

Leaning on the elbow tip against a hard surface for long periods of time can irritate the bursa and cause its inflammation. The bursitis from this reason develops over several months. The chance of developing bursitis from this reason is higher if a person has some job like computer work where they rest their elbow for long periods of time over the computer table or playing some sports that involves prolonged leaning on the elbow. Sometimes occupations of people that involves leaning on their elbows for long also makes one prone to develop it, like plumbers, air conditioning technicians 

  1. Infection

Less commonly it can arise from an infection. It can arise from a cut, break, over skin at elbow tip like from a punctured wound or an insect bite that allows bacteria to enter the bursa sac causing infection. This will lead to build up of extra fluid in bursa with swelling, redness and pain. If the infection is not treated well in time then the the fluid may turn to pus. 

  1. Few Medical conditions

Some of the medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis (autoimmune disorder causing joint inflammation with pain, swelling and stiffness of joints)  and gout (inflammation of joints from high uric acid levels) raises the chances of developing olecranon bursitis.

  1. Idiopathic

Many times no reason can be found behind it, and such cases are termed idiopathic.


Inflammation of the bursa causes its lining to secrete the fluid in bursa cavity in a much more quantity than is usually required in a normal condition. This excessive fluid finding no way to escape from there results in accumulation of it in the sac itself causing inflammation of bursa. This leads to swelling over the bony tip of the elbow that can further lead to pain and tenderness.

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Epstein-Barr Virus – Homeopathic Medicines for EBV

Epstein – Barr virus (EBV) is counted among the members of the herpes virus family that are known to cause infections in human beings. It is one of the common human viruses in the world. It is mostly well known to cause infectious mononucleosis (also known as mono), though it can cause many other illnesses. Homeopathic medicines for EBV can effectively help in symptomatic management of the infection. Research to find the connection between EBV and other health conditions like autoimmune diseases (eg lupus, multiple sclerosis) and certain cancers (eg. Burkitt’s lymphoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, gastric cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer).

Homeopathic medicines for EBV

Homeopathic Medicines for EBV

Homeopathic medicines boost the immunity of body to fight with the infection and manage symptoms naturally. The symptoms of EBV infection that can be managed well with homeopathic medicines are feeling tired, sore throat, swollen tonsils, swollen lymph nodes in neck or armpit, headache, skin rash, muscle pain /soreness. 

1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Tiredness 

Arsenic Album is a leading medicine to manage complaint of tiredness in these cases. It is helpful where person feels tired even from slightest exertion. Tiredness is most felt by them when moving around. The tired feeling compels a person to lie down. The complaint is worse mostly at the night time. Restlessness attends to it in most of the cases.

2. Kali Phos – For Weak, Tired Feeling

Kali Phos is next medicine for managing weakness and tiredness. Persons needing it have weakness on both mental and physical spheres. They are extremely exhausted and lack strength to do any thing. In all such persons it proves highly effective to boost body energy levels and regain strength.

3. Gelsemium – For Weakness, Dullness, Drowsiness

Gelsemium can be highly beneficial for people who feel weak, dull and drowsy all the time. Along with this they also feel pain and soreness in the muscles. Sometimes they experience dull headache. The pain is mostly felt in back of the head. A sensation of band around the head is also felt. With this heaviness of eyelids is also present.

4. Carcinosin – For Chronic Fatigue in Mononucleosis

Carcinosin is also indicated for managing chronic fatigue in mononucleosis. Persons requiring it feel weary and fatigued always. This may be attended with trembling especially in the morning time. It works both in recent and long standing cases of mononucleosis.

5. Belladonna – For Sore Throat and Tonsillitis

Belladonna is highly recommended to manage sore throat and tonsillitis. The throat is red, the tonsils are swollen, red, enlarged, inflamed and painful where it is needed. Along with this the swallowing is difficult even for liquids. Throat feels dry and can be attended with a sensation of lump in it. Fever may also be present. 

6. Hepar Sulph – For Tonsillitis with Pus Points

Hepar Sulph is well indicated to manage tonsillitis with pus points on it. With this there is intense pain in the tonsils. Pain is mainly stitching type in most of the cases. The pain gets worse while eating food. The pain tend to radiate to ears from the throat. A feeling of a plug of mucus in throat is frequently felt. There may be hawking of thick, yellow mucus from the throat. 

7. Merc Sol – For White Patches of Pus on Tonsils

Merc Sol is another significant medicine for cases of inflamed tonsils covered with white pus patches. Persons needing it feel soreness, pain, burning and smarting sensation in the throat. The swallowing is also difficult in them. The pharynx is also bluish red usually with presence of ulcers. Along with this saliva is increased and offensive odour from mouth is usually present.

8. Phytolacca – For Sore Throat and Tonsillitis with Marked Burning Pains

Use of Phytolacca is mainly considered for sore throat and tonsillitis with marked burning pains. In cases needing it the throat is inflamed and appears dark red or bluish red.  The tonsils are also swollen with dark – red appearance. With this intense burning pain as from hot coals is experienced in throat and tonsils. The pain from throat may shoot to ears while swallowing.

9. For Reducing Lymph Node Swelling

Many homeopathic medicines can be helpful alleviating lymph node swelling in EBV. The most prominently indicated ones  include Calcarea Carb, Conium, Merc Sol and Phytolacca. These medicines helps to reduce swelling of lymph nodes.

10. Belladonna – To Relieve Headache

Belladonna is a wonderful medicine to relieve headache. The headache is mainly throbbing type for using it. It is most worse in the sides of head ie. The temporal region. Head feels congested along with heated sensation. In many cases pain may get worse from slightest light and noise. Pressure can give relief in the headache. 

11. Glonoine – For Marked Congestive Headache

Glonoine is beneficial to manage marked congestive headache. Persons needing it have throbbing, pulsating pain in head with a sensation as if it would burst. The pain may be felt in the forehead, sides of head or top of the head. Head also feels heavy especially in the forehead region. The pain may worsen from movement. Sleep may relieve the headache for a while.  

12. Rhus Tox – For Managing Muscle pains / Soreness

Rhus Tox is top listed medicine for managing muscle pains / soreness. For using it the pain and soreness may be present in any of the body muscle. Persons who require it mostly feels worsening of pain from rest. They get better by motion and exercise. Along with pain they may also feel stiffness in the body. 

13. Sulphur – To Manage Skin Rash

Sulphur can be given to manage skin rash. The rash is most times itchy where it is needed. The itching tends to get worse at night time. The skin is usually dry with rash in cases needing it. Along with this there may be heat / burning sensation on the skin.  

14. Ailanthus – For Skin Rash in Patches

Ailanthus is considered when the skin rash appear in patches. There may be purplish spots on the skin, blisters on skin or sometimes small bumps on skin. With this low fever may be present. Excessive weakness also appears with this. The tonsils are inflamed with above symptoms. Sometimes the tonsils are studded with multiple ulcers. The throat is also dark, red and swollen.

Transmission of EBV

EBV is contagious and spreads from person to person through bodily fluids 

(mainly saliva.) So one can get the virus by kissing someone who’s infected with EBV. It can also be transmitted through sharing toothbrushes, utensils or any other item contaminated with the virus from recent use by someone having active EBV infection. Apart from saliva, it can also spread through blood carrying this virus, like during blood transfusion. It can also be transmitted through organ transplant from someone having EBV infection. Lastly it can spread via infected semen during sexual contact. An infected person can pass the virus to others soon after contracting it even before experiencing any of its symptoms. As long as the virus remain in active phase (for weeks or months) in someone’s body he / she can spread it to others. But when the virus gets inactive (goes in dormant/ latent state) it can’t be passed to others. If it re – activates again even then it can again be spread to others. 


On exposure to the EBV the virus multiplies in the epithelial cells of pharynx.  After that it multiplies in the B lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell).  Following this abnormal, enlarged (atypical) lymphocytes develop when CD8 postive T cells respond to the infection. After primary infection, EBV remains in B lymphocytes for lifetime.

Symptoms of EBV 

EBV infection is mostly asymptomatic. In children, usually there are little to no symptoms present. The symptoms mainly appears in teens and adults. After contracting the virus, it can take around 4 – 7 weeks for the symptoms to appear. The symptoms includes feeling tired, fever, sore throat, swollen tonsils, swollen lymph nodes in neck or armpit, headache, skin rash, loss of appetite, muscle pain /soreness, enlarged spleen and liver swelling. These symptoms usually remain for around 2 – 4 weeks except for tired feeling which can continue for longer for few more weeks or months. After active phase of infection the virus goes in an inactive phase (latency) in body and remain in body throughout life. Sometimes it can reactivate but most times don’t lead to symptoms. But in some cases upon reactivation initial symptoms of EBV appears again usually in people having a weak immune system.

Most common disease that EBV can cause is mononucleosis but not everyone having EBV develops it. Its not a serious disease but symptoms of it can be intense to prevent a person from doing normal activities for several weeks and months. Mononucleosis is also known as the kissing disease because it can spread by kissing someone having EBV in the saliva. Another name for it is  infectious mononucleosis and glandular fever. The most common symptoms of mononucleosis are fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes in neck or armpits and feeling tired.


The complications include extremely swollen tonsils that can block breathing, rupture of spleen, myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle), anaemia, decrease in platelet count, liver inflammation (hepatitis), meningitis (inflammation of meninges – the protective membranes that cover brain and spinal cord), Guillain-Barre syndrome (an autoimmune disorder that affects the peripheral nervous system).


Most of the EBV infections can be diagnosed just by the presenting symptoms. But sometimes tests are recommended where symptom picture is not clear. First test done where it is suspected is monospot test. But the Center for Disease Control doesn’t recommend the Monospot test for general use because of false-positive and false-negative results and it is not specific for EBV infection. Some other blood tests that are more specific to detect antibodies to EBV are done. These include Viral capsid antigen , Early antigen and EBV nuclear antigen tests. People who do not have antibodies to viral capsid antigen are susceptible to infection. Presence of antibodies anti -VCA  IgM to  Viral capsid antigen  and no antibody to EBV nuclear antigen points to a new or recent infection. Detection of antibodies to both VCA and EBV nuclear antigen represents past infection 

Apart from this white blood cell count to check for increased number of white blood cells (lymphocytes) or abnormal – looking lymphocytes  may be checked. Lastly  platelets count may be checked  (that can be decreased) and liver function tests may be done to check any abnormality. Homeopathic Medicines for EBV help treat the condition in a safe, natural manner.


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Homeopathic Medicines for Angular Cheilitis

Angular cheilitis, also known as angular stomatitis or perleche is an inflammatory skin condition in which swollen, red patches appear in the corners of the mouth. It is the area where the upper and lower lips connect at the corners of the mouth to form an angle. This area is medically called oral commissures. People from any age group can get it on one side or on both sides of the mouth. Homeopathic medicines for angular cheilitis bring excellent recovery in such cases by targeting to treat the root cause behind it (like infections, allergies etc)Homeopathic Medicines for Angular Cheilitis

Homeopathic Medicines for Angular Cheilitis

Homeopathic medicines are very mild and gentle, and can help effectively treat angular cheilitis. With its use, the inflammation at the corners of mouth reduces and the cracks, eruptions, ulcers heal properly. They also provide relief from symptoms like pain, burning, and itching. Further, they help treat recurrent tendencies of such diseases. 

1. Cundurango – For Painful Cracks at Corners of the Mouth

Cundurango is a top-grade remedy for angular cheilitis prepared from the dried bark of the condor plant. This is a plant of the family Asclepiadaceae. It gives great results where painful cracks at the corners of the mouth are present. The cracks can be quite deep. In some cases, the corners of the mouth may be ulcerated. 

2. Graphites – When Corners of Mouth are Dry, Rough, with Cuts

Graphites is a very effective medicine in cases where the corners of the mouth are extremely dry, rough and have deep cuts. These corners are highly cracked and fissured. Apart from this, it is an excellent medicine to treat cases with eruptions, crusting or ulcers at the mouth corners. They have a watery, sticky, gluey discharge. It also helps reduce scaliness in eruptions. In many cases, dryness, cracked lips, and a persistent burning sensation is also present with the above symptoms.

3. Petroleum – When Deep Cracks Bleed

Petroleum is considered in cases of angular stomatitis when there are deep cracks at the mouth corners that bleed often. Along with this the skin is rough, thick and hardened. The condition is worse in cold weather. Its use is also made when there appear crusts at the angles of mouth with redness, burning, itching and bleeding. Another indication to use it is eruptions at mouth corners with scaliness. 

4. Natrum Mur – For Blisters at Mouth Angle

Natrum Mur is well indicated for treating angular cheilitis with blisters at the mouth angle. With this the corners of mouth and lips are dry, ulcerated, and sometimes cracked too. Sometimes there appears scabs on the lips with burning, smarting sensation and sometimes bleeding.

4. Merc Sol – For Ulceration at Corners of Mouth

Merc Sol is a prominent medicine for ulceration at the corners of the mouth. Pain and soreness is present in these ulcers. Sometimes yellow scabs form at angles of the mouth. Along with this, the lips are dry, cracked, ulcerated and painful to touch. Excessive salivation and bad taste in the mouth may be resent along with some cases of oral thrush (fungal infection in mouth) along with angular stomatitis presenting with above symptoms. 

5. Silicea – For Crusts at Corners of Mouth 

Silicea is mainly indicated for treating crusts at the corners of the mouth. The crusts are usually hard and brownish coloured in cases needing it. Sometimes corners of the mouth are ulcerated with it. These ulcers may be painful. Itching is also present in these ulcers. Its use is also suggested where pus has formed in the affected area at the angles of the mouth.

6. Rhus Tox – For Crusty Eruptions at Mouth Corners

Rhus Tox is beneficial for cases where there are crusty eruptions at the mouth corners. Itching and burning is present, along with blisters and ulcers. The lips may be dry and parched and can be covered with reddish-brown crusts.    

7. Sulphur – To Manage Itching

Sulphur is an excellent medicine for cases where there is itching present at the angles of the mouth. These angles are ulcerated, and there is also pain in the oral commissures (mouth corners) in angular cheilitis.

8. Nitric Acid – For Rawness, Ulcers or Scabs at Mouth Angles 

Nitric Acid is indicated when there is rawness, ulcers or scabs formation at mouth angles. It is  attended with dry lips in most cases. The lips may also have blisters or ulcers attended with swelling and itching. Cracking and peeling off skin from lips mainly lower lip is mostly present. Stitching pain as from splinters may be there in lips. 

9. Belladonna – For Redness and Pain 

Belladonna is prepared from the plant called Deadly Nightshade that belongs to the family Solanaceae. It offers great help in treating redness and pain at the corners of the mouth. Sometimes eruptions are present with it. The lips may be dry, cracked, swollen with burning sensation. 

10. Psorinum – For Soreness at Mouth Corners

Psorinum is useful for reducing soreness at mouth corners. Ulcers may also be present at this site in cases needing it. Along with this dryness, burning, pain on lips is frequently noticed. Sometimes scaling is present on the lips.

11. Hepar Sulph – For Eruption with Heated Sensation

Hepar Sulph is an important medicine for eruption attended with heated sensation in corners of mouth. Sometimes there are ulcers at mouth corners. Itching around my mouth is also felt. Cracks in the lower lip may be present. It is also important medicine for healing these cases when pus has formed in the lesions.

12. Bryonia – For Dryness of Lips

Bryonia is useful to treat cases where dryness of lips is present. The lips are also swollen and cracked or covered with crusts. Sometimes bleeding appears from cracks. Burning sensation may appear in the lips when touched. 

13. Arsenic Album – For Burning Sensation in Mouth

Use of Arsenic Album is done mostly in cases where the burning sensation in the mouth is prominent. Along with there is excessive saliva with frequent spitting. This is accompanied by a bad taste in the mouth. The lips may be dry, parched, cracked along with constant licking.

14. Arum Triphyllum – For Burning Sensation on Lips

Arum Triphyllum is well-indicated for managing burning sensation on the lips. The lips in such cases become rough, sore, and cracked, and are accompanied by an intense burning. The corners of the mouth are also sore, cracked and bleeding. Those affected keep on picking the lips frequently.

Symptoms of Angular Cheilitis

The signs and symptoms in this condition appear at the corners of the mouth. Red spots develop at the corners of the mouth initially, particularly in mild cases. These spots may be attended with swelling. As the condition progresses, cracks begin to appear at the corners of the mouth. Bleeding may also arise from these spots. While in many other cases blisters (fluid-filled eruptions), ulcers, scaling, crusting may appear at corners of mouth. Irritation, itching and pain of varying intensity may appear in affected skin areas. With the above, a few other symptoms can appear. These include dryness of the lips, burning sensation on lips/in the mouth and bad taste in the mouth. In case of excessive irritation difficulty in eating may arise. The symptoms may last for just a few days or persist for a long time making the condition chronic. In chronic cases pus may form in the lesions at the corners of the mouth. When it develops from bacterial or fungal infection then the infection can spread to the adjoining skin area of the face. In some cases it can also cause oral thrush (fungal infection of the mouth).

Causes of Angular Cheilitis

Angular cheilitis can occur due to various causes, the most common among which are infections. The yeast Candida Albicans is a major cause. It usually begins from the collection of saliva at the corners of the mouth as a result of which this area remain moist for quite a long time. On evaporation of saliva dryness, cracks, irritation and pain starts appearing at this site. A person may then lick the lips frequently to reduce the dryness, irritation and pain. It will again make the corners of mouth moist and warm which gives an ideal environment for fungus to grow there.

Apart from this certain virus and bacteria can also cause it. The bacteria involved in causing it mainly includes staphylococcus aureus and beta – hemolytic  streptococci. If no cause is found behind it then the case is referred to as idiopathic angular cheilitis.

Risk Factors 

  1. An overhanging of upper lip – It causes deep angles at the corners of mouth and increases the chances of saliva to pool in these areas making it constantly moist. It leads to softening and breaking of skin and also favours growth of fungi. 
  2. Oral  thrush – it is a fungal infection in the mouth that predispose a person to angular cheilitis
  3. Allergic tendency – Allergies to certain products like toothpastes, lipsticks, lip balms, chewing gums and from material used in dentures can cause allergic contact dermatitis in the angles of mouth
  4. wearing braces or dentures – it plays are role if they are poor fitted and have associated receding of gums
  5. Having sensitive skin
  6. Certain habits like repeatedly licking lips and/or sucking the thumb
  7. Excessive salivation and drooling
  8. Sagging skin around mouth from weight loss or ageing process increases the chance of saliva collection in the angles of the mouth
  9. Use of certain medicines: Side effects of some medicines, like the  excessive use of corticosteroids, antibiotics and use of oral retinoid medication like isotretinoin employed in treating pimples can be contributing factors 
  10. Smoking 
  11. Nutritional deficiency of iron and vitamin B have been linked with angular stomatitis.
  12. Some medical conditions including diabetes (it causes weakening of the immune system making a person prone to yeast infection), inflammatory conditions like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, anaemia, genetic condition like Down’s Syndrome and infection near mouth like cold sores. 

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