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Tendonitis – 8 Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Treatment

Tendons are a cord of strong fibrous collagen tissue which attaches muscles to the bones. Tendinitis refers to irritation or inflammation of any of the tendons present in the body. Any of the tendons can be inflamed but most commonly affected are the ones around the knee, shoulders, elbows, wrists and heels. Homeopathic treatment for tendonitis helps to relieve the pain, soreness, tenderness and reduce the swelling and redness arising from tendon inflammation.  In tendinitis pain and tenderness appear around the affected joint and sometimes there occurs difficulty in moving the affected joint. 

Some of the names of tendinitis conditions are tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, achilles tendinitis, jumper’s knee and swimmer’s shoulder and De Quervain’s tendinitis as explained below:

Tennis Elbow

It is also known as lateral epicondylitis. In this condition pain and tenderness arise on the outer (lateral) side of the elbow and it is caused by overuse / repetitive stress on the tendons of the elbow. The pain from outside of the elbow may also radiate to the forearm or wrist in this condition.

Golfer’s Elbow

It is also known as medial epicondylitis. In this condition pain and tenderness occurs on the inner side (medial side) of the elbow from over stress of the elbow tendons.

Achilles Tendinitis 

It is a condition in which the achilles tendon gets inflamed. Achilles tendon is the tendon that connects the calf muscle in the back of the leg to the heel bone. In this, pain is experienced above the heel or at the back side of the lower leg. Swelling and tenderness at the back of the heel and tightness of calf muscle are some of its other symptoms. 

Jumper’s Knee

This condition is also known as patellar tendinitis. It arises from overuse of knee tendons and results in pain, swelling and tenderness of the knee.

Swimmer’s Shoulder

In this condition there occurs inflammation of narrow bony space in the top of the shoulder. The tendons that pass through space get irritated and inflamed. Pain in front of the shoulder appears in this condition.

De Quervain’s Tendinitis

This condition refers to inflammation of the tendons of the thumb. In this a person experiences pain at the base of the thumb. Pain worsens from movement of thumb or wrist. Swelling over the thumb side of wrist may also occur.


The most common cause of tendinitis is repetitive movement of a tendon that develops over time. Repetitive movement of particular tendon can occur in persons in some job or in playing sports, or those having some hobby that puts extra stress on the tendons and results in inflammation. The risk for tendinitis increases if a person use improper or incorrect technique in repetitive movements. Other than repetitive movement, tendinitis can also occur in elderly people (because in them tendons become less flexible making it prone to get injured easily) and as a result from an injury. Persons who participate in sports like tennis , golf, baseball, running are at high risk to develop tendinitis. People having a job profile that includes tasks requiring repetitive motions of a certain tendon are at risk. Medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes also increases the risk of tendinitis. Lastly use of some antibiotics (like quinolones) also predispose towards inflammation of tendons.


In case of tendinitis pain is felt around the affected joint at the point where a tendon gets attached to the bone. Pain can be felt in knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist, heel depending upon which of the tendons is affected. The pain is experienced mostly on movement of the joint affected. It also worsens from touch. Swelling, redness and tenderness may attend pain in these cases. Cracking or grating sensation may be felt on moving the area affected. In some cases a lump is felt along the tendon. In severe cases degenerative changes may occur in the tendon and there are also chances of rupture of the tendon.

Homeopathic Treatment for Tendonitis

Homeopathy offers an effective treatment for tendinitis cases. These medicines help to reduce the inflammation of the tendons. The medicine used for its treatment are of natural origin so are very safe to use without any side effects. Following are some of the majorly indicated homeopathic medicines for tendinitis treatment. These medicines help in tendinitis cases but they have their limitations; in very severe cases with tendon rupture where one must take help from conventional mode of treatment. 

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for treating cases of tendinitis. It is very effective when inflammation of tendons occurs from overuse, overstress or over straining of the tendons. It also works well when tendon inflammation results from blows or injury. It can be used for inflammation of any of the tendons in the body. There may be inflamed tendons of the knee. Here pain and  swelling on the knee is present. The pain gets worse during rest. The pain can be tearing or stitching in nature. It also worsens when rising from sitting. A burning sensation can attend this. Sometimes stiffness in the knee is present. Next there may be inflamed tendons of the elbow or wrist where it is required. In such cases pain is present in the elbow / wrist respectively  that worsen during rest and gets better by motion.

  1. Ruta – For Tendonitis following Injury or Over Straining of Tendons

This medicine is prepared from fresh plant Ruta graveolens having the common name garden rue. This plant belongs to family rutaceae. This is next well indicated medicine for cases where tendonitis occurs from injury or over straining of the tendons. It is an effective medicine for inflamed tendons in the elbow joint. It top listed medicine for tennis elbow cases. It also works well in cases of inflamed tendons of the wrist. Apart from above it is a great medicine for cases of achilles tendinitis. 

  1. Arnica – When it Follows Injury or Trauma to Tendons

This medicine is prepared from plant Arnica Montana commonly known as Leopard’s – bane or fallkraut. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is a leading medicine to treat cases where complaints follow injury, trauma to the tendons. For using it sore, bruised pain around the joint is present. There is fear of touching the joint due to tenderness. It helps to reduce inflammation of the tendon and promotes its healing along with relieving its associated pain and soreness.

  1. Bryonia – When Pain around Affected Joint Worsens from Motion

It is another beneficial medicine for complaint of tendinitis. It is prepared from the root of plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. This medicine is firstly indicated when there is pain around the shoulder that worsens on touch and motion. The pain is mostly tearing type. It is accompanied with redness and swelling over the shoulder joint. Next it is helpful for pain in the elbow worsening from motion. With this swelling around the elbow is present. Other than this it is useful for pain around the knee joint especially stitching type. It is worse from motion. Around the knee swelling and redness are also there.

  1. Causticum – For Inflamed Tendons around Elbow, Knee, Achilles Tendon

It can be used when there is pain around the elbow joint. Along with this a gripping clawing around the elbow is felt. Other than this it is indicated when there is pain around the knee joint with sensation as if tendons of the knee are too short. A tensed feeling in the hollow of knees is also there. It is worse when sitting and better by walking.  Lastly its use is considered for cramping pain in the achilles tendon. There is tearing or boring pain in the lower leg with movement in such cases. A tensed sensation in heels appears with this.

  1. Zincum Met – For Inflamed Achilles Tendon

It is a very beneficial medicine for cases of inflamed achilles tendon. In cases needing it tearing or drawing pain in the achilles tendon is felt. The achilles tendon feels contracted along with pain. The pain tends to get worse when the heel touches the ground. Along with above symptoms stiffness is felt in the calf muscles while walking. 

  1. Calcarea Phos – For Shoulder, Elbow or Knee Pain

Person needing it may experience pain around the shoulder of sore aching, bruised, shooting and tearing nature. Next they can have shooting pain in elbows. It is also helpful for persons who complain of knee pain when walking. With this, the knee is swollen. There is a sensation of shortening of tendons in the hollow of the knee.

  1. Rhododendron – For Shoulder, Wrist Pain

This medicine is prepared from fresh leaves of plant Rhododendron Chrysanthum commonly known as yellow snow rose. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. This is indicated where pain in shoulder or wrist is felt. This pain gets worse from rest in cases requiring it. In case of shoulder pain relief is felt by pressure and warmth application. It is also indicated for pain in achilles tendon while stepping. 

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10 Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Recurrent Abscess in Axilla

A skin abscess refers to a painful pus filled lump under the skin surface. The abscess contains pus, bacteria and debris. In case of abscess in the axilla, such lumps form under the skin surface of the armpit. Armpit is one among the common locations for formation of abscess in addition to other common sites including skin area around the anus, around a tooth, groin (crease formed where thigh and  abdomen meets) and over tailbone (pilonidal cyst). Homeopathic remedies for recurrent abscess in axilla can benefit people having complaints of recurrent abscess in axilla.Homeopathic Remedies for Recurrent Abscess in Axilla


Majorly, abscesses form due to infection from bacteria most commonly staphylococcus aureus. This bacteria can enter the skin when the normal skin barrier of the armpit is broken as from a minor skin wound like a little tear / cut or puncture in it. Our body’s disease fighting mechanism starts to work towards killing this bacteria with white blood cells. This causes swelling and inflammation at the infection site from where bacteria entered the skin. Following this a cavity forms leading to origination of an abscess which contains pus formed of bacteria, dead tissue and white blood cells. The main purpose of formation of cavity by body is to contain the bacterial infection to only the area of its entry and prevent its spread to other body parts.

People who sweat excessively in the axilla and don’t clean the area in a good manner have more chances of getting this infection.
Additionally, poor hygiene and not washing armpits regularly results in piling up of dead skin cells that remains another risk factor for an infection.
Other than this, frequently shaving the underarm area is also a risk factor. Blockage in the sweat gland, oil gland (sebaceous gland) or a hair follicle also carry chances to form an abscess. Sometimes they can form after a surgical procedure also. Around 10% of the people who have abscess in axilla carry a chance of its recurrence. Firstly, a weak immune system raises risk of bacterial infection and recurrent abscess.

Next, people having some medical conditions I.e. diabetes, eczema and allergies are more predisposed to have repeated abscess formation. Other risk factors that predispose towards repetitive abscess formation includes obesity, alcoholism, sickle cell disease, cancer, HIV, chronic steroid treatment and chemotherapy.


In the case of abscess of the axilla, a swollen mass appears in the armpit under the skin. It is red, painful and tender. It is warm to touch. Itching can be present on or around the abscess. With the progression of the abscess, white or yellow pus spot is seen on the lump. When it ruptures pus discharge from this begins. In some cases fever and chills may be present.

Homeopathic Remedies for Recurrent Abscess in Axilla

People having complaints of recurrent abscess in axilla can benefit from the use of homeopathic medicines. These medicines work very effectively in treating one’s tendency to form recurrent abscess. They help by boosting the immune system of the body to fight with the infection and exclude it from the body in a very natural way. These medicines treat this condition very gently and safely and often prevent the use of surgical intervention in most cases. As these medicines used for its treatment are of natural origin so they are safe to use among people of all age groups and don’t cause any sort of side effects. The most suitable medicine for a given case is selected as per the individual symptoms after proper case analysis.  

  1. Myristica – Leading Homeopathic Medicine 

This is a natural medicine prepared from plant Myristica Sebifera. This plant belongs to the family myristicaceae. It is a top grade medicine for treating tendency of recurrent abscess in axilla. It has a marvellous tendency to treat several medical conditions where pus formation occurs. It is effective for both cases including acute where the abscess are present currently or where chronic tendency to have recurrent abscess is present. It hastens the recovery process in abscess cases and often prevents the need of surgical intervention in these cases. It also helps in removing the tendency where abscess forms again and again.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Recurrent Abscess in Armpit Attended with Pain

Hepar Sulph is the next beneficial medicine for treating tendency of recurrent abscess. It works well when a person gets abscess again and again with marked pain. For using it the pain can be throbbing, stabbing, sticking or splinter like pain. The pain usually worsens at night. It also increases from cold air exposure The abscess are also very sensitive to touch.  The skin above it is very much inflamed. The abscess appears hard and warm to touch. The pus discharge can be blood stained where it is required.

  1. Silicea – When Abscess Forms Very Often with Offensive Pus Discharge

Silicea is another prominent medicine for cases of recurrent abscess with offensive pus discharge. In such cases the pus can be copious of scanty but is very offensive and putrid. Sometimes it is brownish, thin and watery. People needing it often have a tendency to sweat heavily. They have excessive offensive sweat in their armpits. In acute cases it helps in both maturation and ripening of abscess and decreasing excessive pus formation. Most people needing it have sensitive skin with tendency of pus formation from slightest injury.

  1. Calcarea Sulph – For Tendency of Repeated Abscess in Underarms with Yellow Pus

This medicine works well for people who get repeated abscess in armpits with discharge of yellow, lumpy pus. It is thick and frequently blood stained. It helps in removing one’s tendency of repeated abscess. In acute cases it helps to quicken the recovery after pus has started to discharge out.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Frequent Abscess with Stinging / Gnawing Pains 

It is a very suitable medicine to treat recurrent abscess tendency. Its use is considered for persons who get frequent abscess in armpits with stinging, gnawing pain. The abscess discharges blood stained pus. It is also highly painful to touch.

  1. Sulphur – When Abscess Relapse Many Times with Offensive Yellow Pus

It is a great medicine to eradicate one’s tendency to have recurrent abscess. Persons who require it have complaints of frequent abscess formation that discharge offensive, yellow pus. They may have itching and burning in it. In general they have unhealthy skin which is dry and scaly. Their skin complaints are also slow to heal and every little skin injury causes pus formation on skin .

  1. Merc Sol – When Abscess Return Again and Again with Yellow Green Pus Discharge

Merc Sol is a significant medicine for cases where abscess forms repeatedly with discharge of yellow green pus. It can be blood stained too. With this marked burning and stinging pains in abscess is present. 

  1. Anthracinum – For Repeated Abscess with Burning Pains

This is a useful medicine to treat tendency of recurrent abscess formation when burning pains are marked in abscess formed every time. Additionally the discharge of pus is very fetid.

  1. Hippozaeninum – When Fever Occurs with Recurrent Abscess

This medicine is indicated when abscess forms one after the other rapidly with fever. The abscess is extremely painful and hard and after opening have irregular edges and is covered with a white deposit. The discharge from abscess is often tinged with blood and has thick and sticky consistency.

  1. Calendula  – When Abscess Follows some Surgical Procedure

This medicine is prepared from leaves and flowers of plant Calendula Officinalis commonly known as marigold. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is a well indicated medicine for cases in which an abscess occurs following some surgical procedure. In cases needing it initially a hard area on the skin develops after surgical procedure. This is followed by inflammation and pain in it. The pain that appears is usually stinging and throbbing type along with pus formation in the affected area.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

12 Natural Homeopathic Medicines to Treat Calf Pain 

Calf pain refers to pain in the back side of the lower leg. Two largest muscles in the back of the leg (gastrocnemius and soleus muscles) are together known as calf muscle. This calf muscle is attached to the heel by achilles tendon (tendon is a strong cord of fibrous connective tissue that connects a muscle to a bone.) Homeopathic treatment for calf pain helps in cases of muscle strain, cramps, achilles tendinitis, trauma, sciatica, varicose veins and more. Homeopathic treatment for calf pain


There are various reasons behind calf pain ranging from  mild (like over use , stress, strain of calf muscle) to critical conditions (like deep vein thrombosis – DVT) that require urgent medical attention. It can arise from conditions affecting calf muscles and from some of the conditions affecting the blood vessels, nerves and other structures around the calf muscle

Calf muscle conditions – over use, over stress and strain of calf muscle, calf muscle cramp, calf muscle injury, calf muscle pull, and calf muscle  tear  or rupture can cause calf pain. Muscle cramp means sudden, involuntary, painful contraction of muscle. They can follow overuse of calf muscle, doing excessive exercise or starting some new exercise apart from normal routine ones. Sometimes they can arise from dehydration or some serious medical conditions like kidney failure, diabetes and underactive thyroid also. Muscle  strains can follow overuse of muscle, fatigue and suddenly increasing exercise that involves legs like running.

It can also arise in sciatica (refers to pain beginning in the lower back that travels down the back side of the leg). It happens when the sciatic nerve that controls lower leg muscles gets pinched along its pathway.

Achilles tendinitis is the inflammation of the achilles tendon  that connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. It follows when the achilles tendon is overused or over stressed. It results in pain in the back of the leg along with swelling and sometimes tightness of calf muscle.

The pain can also appear in diabetic neuropathy (a complication of diabetes in which nerve damage of the feet, legs, arms and hands occur.

Next, it can also arise from arterial claudication when there is narrowing or some blockage in the arteries which supply blood  to the legs. Or it can result from trauma, a fall, or blow to the calf region.

Varicose veins are the enlarged, twisted engorged veins that mostly develop in legs due to improper functioning of valves in the legs leading to back flow of blood. These can cause pain, aching throbbing, and cramping in the back of legs.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition that arises if a blood clot forms in the deep vein in the arm or leg. It is a serious condition requiring immediate medical help from conventional mode of treatment. 

Bakers cyst or popliteal cyst (fluid filled lump developing behind the knee). It can burst and release fluid in calf muscle in its upper part and cause pain.

Compartment syndrome is a serious condition that follows a trauma or severe injury in calf area


This pain is felt in the back of the lower leg. It can be of mild intensity or very severe preventing walking. The nature of pain is variable and it can be dull, tearing, cramping or sharp pain. It can be felt while walking, running and jumping. Tightness in the back of the lower leg can also be felt along with pain. Sometimes other symptoms can attend to the above symptoms that indicate some serious condition. Such severe signs and symptoms to take note of are swelling, tingling, numbness, pin – needle sensation or weakness, tenderness, redness, warmth in the back of the leg.

Homeopathic Treatment for Calf Pain 

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to treat calf pain. These medicines bring relief in the pain by treating the root cause behind it. The homeopathic medicines for calf pain are selected taking into consideration both the symptoms in each and every case along with the reason. It is to be noted that homeopathic medicines are very safe and suitable for calf pain from many causes but they have their own limitations. For example if calf muscle is arising from a critical reason like deep vein thrombosis or rupture of achilles tendon then one should consider urgent help from conventional mode of treatment due to limitation of homeopathy in such cases. 

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine for Calf Pain

Rhus Tox leads the chart of homeopathic medicines for treating cases of calf pain. It is among the best medicines to treat muscle pain that follows over use, putting over strain or over stress on the muscles. It is also well indicated to manage pain from muscle cramps. People who need it have pain in the back of the lower leg. They have worsening of this pain from rest and it is better by walking for a few minutes. Along with pain they feel heaviness in the leg. They also complain of cramps in calf muscles and tensed feeling in the calves. These cramps mostly occur in them after midnight. This medicine is also indicated for calf pain in cases of achilles tendinitis. 

  1. Arnica – When Pain Follows some Injury, Trauma/Blow 

This medicine is prepared from plant Arnica Montana having the common name Leopard’s – bane or fallkraut. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is a very effective medicine to treat cases where calf pain follows some injury, trauma or direct blow to the calf of the leg. Persons requiring it feel pain in the back of leg. Soreness is also there with pain. Sometimes they also complain of tingling in the legs.

  1. Magnesia Phos – For Cramps in Calf Muscles

This is a very beneficial medicine for treating cramps in calf muscles. It is very suitable when muscle cramps follow prolonged exertion. Cramps in muscles at night time are also treated well with this medicine. 

  1. Bryonia – For Calf Pain and Tightness

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba having common name wild hops. The family of this plant is cucurbitaceae. This medicine works well in cases where pain in the calf is attended with tightness in the calf. For using it the pain can be bruised or, pinching, drawing tearing in nature. The pain gets worse from motion. It also worsens from touch. Along with pain, redness and swelling over the back of the leg may be present.

  1. Colocynth – For Calf Pain in Sciatica Cases

Colocynth is prepared from the pulp of the fruit of a plant named Citrullus Colocynthis and also Bitter Apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is very useful for calf pain in sciatica cases. People needing it mainly have tearing and cramping pain in calves. It mostly helps left sided cases.

  1. Ruta – For Pain from Inflamed Achilles Tendon (Achilles Tendinitis)

This medicine is prepared from fresh plant Ruta graveolens having the common name garden rue. This plant belongs to family rutaceae. It is a very beneficial medicine for tendinitis cases where inflammation of tendon arises from overuse or over straining of tendons. It helps to manage calf pain by reducing the inflammation of the achilles tendon.  

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Calf Pain while Walking

Calcarea Carb is a wonderful medicine for cases where calf pain is present while walking. Sometimes this pain is also felt on touching the calf. In some cases needing it hard lumps or knots are felt in the calves. Along with pain swelling in the calf especially on the left side may be present. Another indication to use it is cramps in calves of the leg mainly on extending the leg.

  1. Pulsatilla – For Pain in Calves along with Swelling

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower and pasque flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is useful when the calves are painful accompanied with swelling. Redness and heat in calves is also present with above symptoms. For using it the calf pain can be aching, drawing or tensive in nature. The pain worsens from heat and gets better by cold application where it is required. It is also a highly recommended medicine for managing leg pain in case of varicose veins. The veins in legs are swollen and blue in these cases.

  1. Calcarea Phos – For Shooting Pain in Calves

This medicine is well indicated for cases having shooting type of pain in calves. This can be attended with a warm feeling in the back of the leg. Sometimes weakness and tiredness and tingling sensation in the leg may accompany the above symptoms. Other than above cramps in the calf  muscles while walking is also treated well with this medicine.

  1. Anacardium Orientale – For Cramps in Calves While Walking

Anacardium Orientale is prepared from a layer of nuts between the shell and kernel of a plant known as marking nut. This plant belongs to family anacardiaceae. This medicine is prominently indicated in persons complaining of cramps in calf muscles while walking. They feel better by lying down. They may also have these cramps when rising from the seat. Other than cramps it is indicated for tensive pain in the calves felt during the day and also at night in bed attended with sleeplessness. A burning sensation in the legs may accompany the above symptoms.

  1. Zincum Met – For Drawing, Tearing Pain in Calves

This medicine is valuable to treat cases where drawing, tearing pain in the calves is felt. Along with this the calf muscle also feels tight and stiff especially while walking. It is also a significant medicine to treat cramp like pain in the calf usually at night. In addition to pain weakness can be felt in the calves. This is most felt on rising from the seat. Another symptom indicating to use Zincum is crawling and formication in calves especially during rest.

  1. Valeriana – For Pain that is Better by Rubbing

This medicine is prepared from the fresh root of the plant Valeriana Officinalis. This plant belongs to the family valerianaceae. The chief indication to use this medicine is pain in calf muscle relieved by rubbing the affected part. The pain can  be cramping or tearing in nature when it is required. It may be worse when sitting. Another indication is cramp in calf muscle toward evening time.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Cervicogenic Dizziness – Homeopathic Remedies Offer Relief Naturally

Cervicogenic dizziness refers to a sensation associated with neck pain where a person feels as if he is spinning or the objects around him are moving. It is also known as cervical vertigo. Diagnosis of cervicogenic dizziness is made after excluding other conditions (like BPPV – benign positional vertigo, psychogenic vertigo, vestibular neuritis etc.) that present with similar symptoms like it. Top grade homeopathic remedies for cervicogenic dizziness include Conium and Gelsemium, which help treat the condition symptomatically.  homeopathic remedies for cervicogenic dizziness


It can arise from a number of reasons. Firstly, it can arise after an injury to head or neck or a whiplash injury (this injury results from forceful and rapid back – and – forth movement of the neck and it commonly occurs in rear end car accidents.)
Next, it can arise from blockage in the arteries of the neck as arising from hardening of the artery walls (atherosclerosis) which interrupts the blood flow to the inner ear or the brain stem.
Apart from above any surgery to the neck also may lead to it. Osteoarthritis or cervical spondylosis (i.e. wear and tear of the structures including vertebra, joints, and spinal discs present in the cervical spine) is yet another reason behind it.
In osteoarthritis, cervicogenic dizziness results from pressure being applied to the spinal cord which tends to disrupt blood flow to the brain and the inner ear and cause dizziness.
Other causes include slip disc in the cervical spine and poor neck posture.


The main symptom of it is vertigo that mostly arises from sudden neck movement. Rest of the symptoms include loss of balance, ear pain, ringing in the ears (means tinnitus I.e. hearing noises in the ear in the absence of any external sound), nausea, and vomiting. Lastly, headache and difficulty in concentrating can also arise with above symptoms.

Homeopathic Remedies for Cervicogenic Dizziness

Homeopathic medicines are highly effective to treat cases of cervicogenic dizziness. Homeopathic medicines give excellent results by treating the root cause behind it. These medicines are of natural origin, so they treat this condition in a very safe manner without any sort of side effects. They help to manage its symptoms including vertigo, loss of balance, ear pain, noises in ears, headache, nausea and vomiting in a very effective manner along with aiming to relieve the neck pain and neck stiffness. The top grade homeopathic medicines to treat cases of cervicogenic dizziness include Conium, Gelsemium, Rhus Tox, Bryonia and Cocculus Indicus.

  1. Conium – For Managing Intense Dizziness, Vertigo 

Homeopathic medicine Conium is prepared from fresh plants known as Conium Maculatum. This plant belongs to the family umbelliferae. Conium is a leading medicine for persons who complain of marked dizziness with a sensation as if everything around them is revolving in a circle. They feel that dizziness is worse on turning their head. They want to keep their heads still to prevent episodes of dizziness. Sometimes they also feel that dizziness appears on rising from  a seat and also while walking. With this they feel much pain, stiffness and soreness in the neck.

  1. Gelsemium – To Manage Dizziness and Loss of Balance 

Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of the plant known as Gelsemium Sempervirens, commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is well indicated medicine to manage dizziness and loss of balance in these cases. Persons who need it feel dizzy when they do sudden head movement. They also have loss of balance while walking and fears as if they would fall down from this. Along with this they have pain in the neck and it is also very sensitive to pressure. Heaviness in the head also attends above complaints. Sometimes pain in the head also appears which is mostly located in the back of the head. It also helps to manage concentration issues along with above symptoms.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Relieving Neck Pain and Vertigo 

Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is prepared from fresh leaves of plant Rhus Toxicodendron. This plant belongs to family anacardiaceae. Rhus Tox is given in cases when there is excessive pain in the neck and vertigo. In cases requiring Rhus Tox there is vertigo that worsens from standing or while walking. Sometimes it is worse when rising from a lying position. In such cases intense pain and stiffness is also present in the neck. The neck muscles feel as if they are very tense. A history of injury to the neck, or overstraining of the neck muscles may be found in many cases where Rhus Tox is needed. 

  1. Bryonia – To Manage Pain in Neck and Vertigo 

Bryonia is the next wonderful medicine that effectively manages pain in the neck and vertigo. It is prepared from the root of a plant named as wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is indicated in persons who feel dizziness when rising from the bed or rising from a seat. Along with this they have pain in the neck and a drawing sensation in the neck. The neck pain worsens from motion in them and gets better by absolute rest. The neck muscles also feel stiff in them.

  1. Cimicifuga – For Neck Pain, Stiffness with Vertigo on Stooping

This medicine is prepared from plant Cimicifuga racemosa commonly known as black cohosh. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is effective medicine for neck pain and stiffness with vertigo that particularly worsens on stooping. In cases needing it the neck stiffness worsens from cold air exposure. Neck pain worsens from movement of head. The cervical spine is sensitive to touch along with this. Head heaviness sometimes is present with above symptoms.

  1. Cocculus Indicus – For Managing Vertigo with Nausea, Vomiting 

Cocculus Indicus is prepared from powdered seeds of a plant commonly named as Indian Cockle. This plant belongs to the family menispermaceae. It is very helpful for managing vertigo with nausea and vomiting. Persons who need it have sensation as if all the surrounding objects are revolving. They have vertigo mainly on rising from lying position. They also fear falling during vertigo. Intense nausea and vomiting is present with this. Other symptoms that they may have are neck pain on movement, stiffness in the neck, crackling sounds in the neck on doing any movement, and weakness in the neck muscles. 

  1. Belladonna – To Relieve Earache 

Belladonna is prepared from a plant named as deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is mainly used to relieve earache and headache. The feature to use it in earache is shooting, tearing or stitching pain in the ears. Along with this sometimes ringing noises in the ears are felt. When it comes to headache, it is indicated when there is congestive, throbbing pain especially in the sides of the head. The headache tends to worsen from light, noise, jar and eye movements. With earache and headache they also have dizziness. Their dizziness appears from any of the body movement in them.

  1. Causticum – For Reducing Dizziness and Neck Pain 

Causticum is also very beneficial to help reduce dizziness and neck pain. Persons needing it mainly have tearing pain in the neck. Along with pain, stiffness in the neck is also marked. They also have vertigo with tendency to fall sideways, forward or backward. Mainly stooping leads to vertigo in them.

  1. Silicea – For Neck Pain, Headache and Vertigo

Silicea is a very prominent medicine to manage complaints of neck pain, headache and vertigo in these cases. Persons who need it have neck pain along with neck stiffness. They  cannot turn their heads due to neck pain. With this they have a violent headache. The headache can be felt on top of the head, back of the head or forehead. Lastly they have vertigo. They usually feel vertigo from motion or also looking upward. They also complain of nausea and vomiting along with headache and vertigo.

  1. Tabacum – To Manage Vertigo, Head Heaviness and Nausea

This medicine is indicated to manage vertigo, head heaviness and nausea. In cases needing it the vertigo worsens from looking upward. It gets better by vomiting. It also relieves in the open air. 

  1. Phosphoric Acid – For Cramping Drawing in Neck Muscles with Vertigo

Phosphoric Acid works well in cases where a person has cramping or drawing pain in the neck. Neck feels tense. These complaints are felt mostly on moving the head. With this he has vertigo. The vertigo worsens from standing and walking in them.

  1. Chininum Sulph – To Manage Noises in Ear (Tinnitus)

This medicine is very effective to manage noises in the ear.  For using it the noises can be ringing, roaring, buzzing in nature. With noises vertigo is present. Along with this there is pain in neck muscles. The neck muscles feel swollen and contracted. Along with this head heaviness is there. The last cervical vertebrae in the neck are also very sensitive and tender to pressure where it is required.

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Homeopathic Medicines for Adrenal Fatigue 

The term adrenal fatigue was coined by a naturopath named James Wilson in 1998. This term refers to a few groups of symptoms that mainly includes weakness, tiredness (fatigue) all the time, body aches, sleep issues (difficulty getting sleep) and nervousness. Homeopathic medicines for adrenal fatigue are very effective to manage the associated symptoms.

Though the term adrenal fatigue is often given in health books, it is not considered as a real condition and isn’t recognised as a medical diagnosis. This is because the symptoms are very general and  can appear in many other conditions. But the ones who support adrenal fatigue agree that this condition exists and arise from chronic stress.Homeopathic medicines for adrenal fatigue


Some examples of other conditions that have adrenal fatigue like symptoms include anaemia (decrease in healthy red blood cells to supply oxygen to the body’s tissues. In this weakness appears along with some other symptoms like dizziness, headache, shortness of breath), hormonal disorders like hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid when the thyroid gland  doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones), depression (a mood disorder characterised by constant sadness and loss of interest in everything) and other mental illnesses and fibromyalgia (a long term disorder characterised by widespread pain in the body are experienced along with tiredness and general fatigue. With these sleep issues, depression and brain fog can also accompany.)

In addition to tiredness, body aches and sleep issues, other signs and symptoms include unexplained weight loss, hair loss, low blood pressure, craving for salt or sugar. 

Other symptoms that can appear are depressive mood, brain fog (refers to a temporary state where a person is unable to think clearly, is confused, forgetful and is unable to focus and concentrate on anything), lightheadedness, trouble with digestion and darkness of skin colour. 


The adrenal glands located on top of the kidneys produce hormones needed for normal functioning of the body. This gland produces cortisol which helps to cope with a stressful condition. Next it produces aldosterone that regulates sodium and potassium levels. Adrenal fatigue arises when the adrenal gland doesn’t produce enough of these hormones due to some reason. It is usually thought to arise from chronic stress when adrenal glands are overworked and get drained which make them unable to produce the hormones in an increased quantity needed in case of long standing stress. It is thought to arise in people who have long term mental or physical stress and after chronic illness like pneumonia (inflammation of alveoli means the air sacs of one or both the lungs due to infection) and bronchitis (inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes.)

Homeopathic Medicines for Adrenal Fatigue 

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to manage cases of adrenal fatigue symptomatically. Symptoms including weakness, body aches, sleep issues, depressive mood, hair loss, and lightheadedness can be managed well with homeopathic medicines. These homeopathic medicines used for symptomatic management are prepared from naturally occurring substances so they are free from any sort of side effects.

  1. Kali Phos – Top Grade Medicine 

Kali Phos is a top listed medicine which is mainly helpful in persons who suffer from much weakness. They complain of weakness both on mental and physical spheres. Weakness prevails among them all the time. Anxiety and nervousness is also complained about by them. Sadness, irritability and low mood are other symptoms appearing with the above. They may have a history of some chronic sort of stress, worries in their lives. They may also have a history of depression. Apart from above Kali Phos is also well indicated to manage sleep issues in case of adrenal fatigue. For sleep issues it works well for sleeplessness and restless sleep. 

  1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Weakness 

Arsenic Album is a very effective homeopathic medicine to manage weakness. Persons needing it feel intense weakness from doing even any sort of slightest exertion. They lack strength to do any kind of work. Restlessness is also marked in them. With this they may have weight loss. Chronic anxiety issues may be seen in most people needing Arsenic Album. 

  1. Gelsemium – To Manage Complaint of Lightheadedness 

Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is very useful for managing complaints of lightheadedness. Persons needing it feel dizzy, light headed most times while they are walking. They feel drowsy and dull the whole day along with this complaint. With this they also feel tired and weak. Due to this they wish to lie down all the time. They may have brain fog with these complaints. In case of brain fog they have problems to think clearly, have confusion of mind, and also have issues with concentration.

  1. Ignatia – For Managing Depressive Mood 

Homeopathic medicine Ignatia is prepared from plant Ignatia Amara. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is a promising medicine for managing depressive mood in these cases. It is given to persons who remain very sad, unhappy all the time. They also have frequent weeping spells along with sadness. They may show mood swings and remain very irritable. Hopelessness is also present in them. They  get indifferent and lose interest in everything. Along with the above they suffer from sleeplessness. 

  1. Natrum Mur – To Manage Long Term Depressive Mood 

Natrum Mur is another useful medicine to manage long term (chronic) depressive mood in adrenal fatigue cases. It is used when a person has intense sadness and desire to remain alone all the time. He may also have anxiety issues along with palpitations. With this he may suffer from weakness, tiredness. Craving for salt is also present. Apart from above there can be an additional problem of extreme hair loss. Lastly weight loss can be another concern with above complaints. 

  1. Coffea Cruda – To Manage Sleep Issues

Coffea Cruda is  very helpful  to manage sleep issues. Its use is suggested when a person remains sleepless due to constant thoughts in mind. He remains restless with tossing in the bed. Its use is also considered where a person wakes early from sleep and can’t fall asleep again. Lastly it is indicated when a person has disturbed sleep with frequent waking episodes from sleep. 

  1. Acid Phos – For Managing Weakness, Sadness 

Acid Phos is indicated for managing weakness and sadness in these cases. Both mental and physical weakness is present in cases requiring it. There may also be hair loss, weight loss with weakness. Dizziness is also there. With this sadness, weeping, and indifference to life is there. Aversion to do any sort of work is also there.

  1. Rhus Tox – To Relieve Body Aches

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine to relieve body aches in these cases. Most times body aches are worse at rest and better by walking in cases needing it. Along with body aches marked anxiety and restlessness is there. Along with this stiffness in the body can also attend.

  1. Arnica – For Sore Bruised Pain in Body

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant Arnica Montana commonly known as leopard’s bane and also fallkraut. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is a beneficial medicine for managing body aches in persons who feel sore bruised pain in the body. They feel pain in the body as if it is beaten. Limbs and back are very painful in them.   

  1. Bryonia – For Body Aches that Worsen from Motion

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very suitable medicine for cases where body aches are worse from slightest motion. There is relief in the pain from absolute rest. The pain is felt in various muscles, joints and back. Along with pain the limbs feel weak and heavy. 

  1. Magnesia Phos – When Body Aches are Better by Warm Applications

It is a valuable medicine for cases where body aches are better by warm applications. For using it the type of pain can be sharp, cutting, shooting or stitching in nature. It can be of severe intensity and unbearable. The pain may be a wandering type that tends to shift from one part of the body to another. In some cases the pain can also be better from pressure. Tiredness and exhausted feeling usually attends the above symptoms.

  1. Phosphorus – To Manage Hair Loss

Phosphorus is a prominently indicated medicine to manage hair fall in these cases. Hair fall is abundant and hair comes out in bunches where it is required. Itching over the scalp may attend to it. Sweating on the head can be present along with above indications.

  1. Fluoric Acid – For Hair Loss in Spots

This medicine is usually considered in cases to manage hair loss which is occurring in spots over a well defined area of scalp. Other than hair loss matting of the hair at the ends may be seen in cases needing it.

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Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Growing Pains in Children

Growing pains refers to pain in the child’s leg which is most times aching or throbbing in nature, and may sometimes also be felt in the arms. The exact reason behind growing pains is not known yet. Growth doesn’t hurt and bone growth is not painful normally. They are thought to arise from muscle tiredness from overuse of the muscles during day time. Homeopathic remedies for growing pains are very beneficial to relieve pain in the legs, thighs, calf muscles, hollow of knee, head and abdomen.Homeopathic Remedies for Growing Pains

Overuse of leg muscles mostly tend to arise in the children from excessive running, jumping or playing games which proves to be harsh on the child’s muscles. Lower pain threshold level in some children is also linked with bringing on these pains. Here a child having a lower pain threshold feels more pain than other children normally feel after a certain limit of physical activity. Weak bones in some of the children having growing pains than other children of the same age group is another factor linked with it. Very rarely it can be linked to psychological issues like stress but usually it is not a cause behind these pains. A diagnosis for growing pains is made after ruling out all other causes of leg pain in children like arthritis, infection, knock knees etc.


Aching throbbing pain in the legs is a major symptom of this condition. The pain can be felt in front of the thighs, shin / tibia bone (front of lower leg), the calf muscle (muscle on the back part of lower leg) or behind the knees. In case of the pain behind the knee there is no swelling or redness present in case of growing pains which if present may be an indication of juvenile idiopathic arthritis JIA (it is the common type of arthritis that affects children under the age of 16 yrs). 

Most times the pain appears in both sides of the leg in these cases. Sometimes these pains can be present in the arms too and in this case also both arms are affected at the same time. Rarely some children can feel the pain in their abdomen. Sometimes they may also complain of pain in the head along with legs and arms. In case of growing pains the pains mainly start in late afternoon, evening or at night time. They usually tend to disappear in morning time. The intensity of pain varies from child to child from mild to severe. Sometimes the pains in this condition are of highly intense nature that can even wake up the child from sleep. Though these pains can be quite intense, sometimes they don’t indicate any  serious issue and also don’t cause any sort of damage to the muscles or bones of the child. The pain in this condition comes and goes and is not constant. Sometimes it is felt only for a few minutes while at other times it lasts a few hours. The pain is not there everyday – there are days with pain and days without pain. But in severe cases a child can experience pain every day. These pains do not cause limping, fever and in these cases the leg is not swollen or sore to touch. If these symptoms are present then child must be checked to rule out other reasons like an infection or an injury

Affected Age Groups

The age group affected by it is between 3 yrs to 12 yrs and the age of onset of this condition lies between 2 yrs to 5 yrs. They are slightly more common in girls as compared to boys. Usually these pain resolves by puberty age. But sometimes these may continue till teenage and  even to adulthood.

Homeopathic Remedies for Growing Pains  

Homeopathic medicines are very safe and effective to manage a number of health problems in children. Growing pains is one such complaint in them where homeopathy gives highly promising results. Homeopathic medicines which are used to manage this condition in children are prepared from naturally occurring substances. So they are very mild and safe to use and manage the condition without any sort of side effects.

  1. Calcarea Phos – Top Grade Homeopathic Medicine 

Calcarea Phos is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage growing pains. Children needing Calcarea Phos have aching in the legs. With this they also have restlessness in the legs. Legs also feel tired and weak. They may have pain in the thigh that extends down the leg especially on walking. Sometimes they feel intense pain in the hollow of the knee. Cramping pain in calf muscles is also felt by them. The limbs may feel cold along with pain. Pain in the arms is also complained about above in many children needing this medicine.

  1. Rhus Tox – When Pains Arise from Overuse of Muscles

Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is prepared from plant Rhus Toxicodendron. This plant belongs to family anacardiaceae. Rhus Tox is a very beneficial medicine to manage leg pain in children that follows over use of muscle. Overuse of muscles mainly arises in them from excessive running, jumping and excessive playing which put stress on their muscles. Rhus Tox is very useful to relieve the pain and also strengthen the leg muscles. Children who need it feel pain in their legs. They also feel pain in the calf muscles mostly when lying in the bed. Sometimes pain in arms is also complained about by them. All the pains get worse by rest. Walking may relieve the pains for a while. 

  1. Magnesium Phos – When Pain is Better by Pressure

Magnesium Phos is another very effective medicine for managing growing pains in children. It is used when children experience  pain in the thighs and legs. Sometimes the pain changes location and at one moment they have pain in legs, the next moment they feel pain in the thighs. They have worsening of pains most of the time at night hours. Applying pressure on the legs gives them relief. They also feel relief in the pain by warm applications. Apart from above they may sometimes have pain in the abdomen along with pain in legs. 

  1. Phosphoric Acid – To Manage Pain in Thighs and Arms

Phosphoric Acid effectively manages pain in the thighs and arms. The pain in thighs is worse when beginning to walk in cases needing this medicine. Going upstairs also worsens the pains. Weakness is also felt in the limbs along with pain. Sometimes burning sensation is felt in thighs especially when standing.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Pains in Back of Leg in Calf Muscles 

Use of Calcarea Carb is considered in these cases when pain appears in calf muscles in the back of the leg. Most of the time cramps are felt in the calf muscles at night time where it is required. Sometimes hard knots are felt in the calf muscles. The calf muscles are also sore to touch. It is also indicated for managing pain in the hollow of the knee in case of growing pains. 

  1. Belladonna – When Headache Appears Along with Leg Pain

Belladonna is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared  from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is used in such cases when children complain of headache along with leg pain. They feel pain in legs, thighs and arms. The limb feels weak and heavy sometimes. In a few cases, pain in the abdomen is also present. 

  1. Silicea – When Legs Feel Cold Along with Pain

Silicea is mainly given in growing pains when legs feel icy cold along with pain. For using Silicea pain is felt in the entire lower limb. Legs feel tired. Sometimes pain is also felt in the arms along with legs. Sweating on the feet is noted in most cases needing Silicea.

  1. Guaiacum – For Thigh Pain

This medicine is prepared from Gum resin of the plant Guaiacum officinale also known by the name of Lignum sanctum that belongs to family zygophyllaceae. It works well in cases presenting with thigh pain. In most cases needing it the pain begins in the middle of the thigh and that can extend to the knee. The thigh pain can be relieved by sitting where it is required. Other than this its use is also done in case of tearing, drawing pain in the legs. 

  1. Agaricus – For Pain in front of Lower Leg in Shin Bone

This medicine is well indicated for pain in front of the lower leg in shin bone. Mostly pain is dull, tearing or drawing type in shin bones. This is most worse when sitting. Burning sensation in tibia can also be felt along with pain. It is also useful for managing violent pain in the bend of the knee. Other than this it is helpful for tearing, stitching pain in the back of lower legs in the calf muscles. Heaviness and burning sensation may also be felt in the calves along with pain.

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Runner’s Knee – Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Treatment

Runners knee refers to pain around the kneecap (patella). It is also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome. The name runners knee doesnt mean it only affects those who do excessive running though it predisposes them to this condition. It can affect anyone who does any sort of repeated activities that tend to put excessive and repetitive stress on the knee joint. It can arise from irritation of the lining of the knee, wearing out of knee cartilage or over strained tendons in the knee. Homeopathic medicines for runner’s knee effectively manage pain and swelling in the knee in these cases.

Homeopathic medicines for runner’s knee

The activities like running, jumping, cycling, skiing that put repetitive stress on the knee joint can lead to runners knee. It is more common in females as compared to males. People who are overweight are also at risk of this condition. It may arise from overuse of the knee, an injury / trauma/ fall or direct blow on the knee, fracture of the knee cap, dislocation of the kneecap. Next reasons are weak / tight thigh muscles, kneecap being too high in the knee joint, tight achilles tendon (a thick and strong tissue band that attaches the calf muscle to the heel bone) and arthritis (joint inflammation.)


The main symptom of runner’s knee is pain around or behind the kneecap especially where it joins the lower end of the thigh bone (femur). This pain may be felt while walking, running, ascending / descending stairs and when squatting. Apart from pain, the knee can also be swollen and tender to touch. In addition to this popping or cracking sound of the kneecap can appear when a person bends and straightens the knee.

Homeopathic Medicines for Runner’s Knee

Runner’s knee can be effectively managed in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines treat the root cause behind it to bring natural relief in symptoms. The medicine to manage it is of natural origin so doesn’t have any sort of side effects. 

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is a natural homeopathic medicine to manage these cases. Persons needing it have pain in the knee which may be tearing or stitching type. They mostly have worsening of pain when at rest. They get relief by movement and massage over the knee. The pain is attended with swelling and stiffness of the knee. The knee also feels tensed and tight. The knee may also feel heavy. Sometimes a burning sensation is felt in the knee joint. Rhus Tox is very helpful when a runner’s knee arises from various reasons that include overuse of the knee, an injury, trauma or repetitive stress on the knee joint, tight thigh muscles and arthritis.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Managing Knee Swelling 

Apis Mellifica is very effective to manage swelling of the knee. The knee is intensely swollen and sensitive where Apis is required. Pain is also present in the knee. The pain is mostly shooting or stinging in nature. The knee pain worsens from touch and pressure. Sometimes burning sensation is also felt in the knee with above symptoms.

  1. Bryonia – When Motion of the Knee is Painful

Homeopathic medicine Bryonia is prepared from the root of a plant Bryonia alba having common name wild hops and white bryony. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. Its use is considered when knee pain appears from slightest motion of the knee. The pain may be drawing, shooting or stitching in nature. The knee is also red, swollen, tender and painful to touch. Relief in pain appears from taking rest and from warm applications 

  1. Arnica – When it Follows Injury / Trauma

Homeopathic medicine Arnica is prepared from the root of a plant Arnica Montana. This plant belongs to family compositae. Arnica is a very beneficial medicine when this condition follows injury / trauma. The persons requiring this medicine mainly feel pain in the knee. The pain is a sore bruised type. They fear to touch the knee due to excessive pain in it. Knee is also swollen in them. Sometimes they feel as if their knee is dislocated. Another symptom that they may have is weakness in the knee.

  1. Ruta – From Knee Injury or Over Strained Tendons of Knee

Homeopathic medicine Ruta is prepared from plant Ruta graveolens commonly known by the name of garden rue and bitterwort. This plant belongs to family rutaceae. This medicine like Arnica is very helpful to manage such cases arising from injury to knee or over straining of tendons of knee. It is given when a person has sore bruised pain in the knee. Along with this the knee also feels weak. The knee and thigh muscles also feel contracted. There appears difficulty in bending the knee joint. 

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Cracking Sound in Knee on Walking 

Calcarea Carb is used in these cases when cracking sound appears from knee on walking. Along with this knee is painful. The pain in the knee may be drawing, tearing or stitching in nature. Swelling and heat is also there in the knee. Knee also feels weak with the above symptoms.  

  1. Ledum Pal – When Knee Pain is Worse while Walking

Homeopathic medicine Ledum Pal is prepared from plant Ledum Palustre commonly known as wild rosemary and marsh tea. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. This medicine is useful for managing pain in the knee felt while walking. The pain for using Ledum Pal is mostly tearing in nature. The pain may extend down the leg from the knee. Relief in the pain is felt with cold applications. Cracking sounds appear from the knee joint when walking. Along with this swelling and stiffness in the knee is also present.

  1. Benzoic Acid – For Pain in Right Knee

This medicine works well in case of pain in the right knee. Along with pain, swelling in the right knee is present. Cracking in the knee joint is also felt. Sometimes coldness is felt in the knees. For using it the knee pain is mostly drawing type.

  1. Calcarea Phos – When Knee Pain is Worse at Night

It is very beneficial medicine when knee pain is worse at night. Knee is also swollen. Its use is also considered when knee pain is worse while walking. Knees feel sore or as if sprained while walking. Lastly it is used when knee pain gets worse from stretching the leg. 

  1. Causticum – For Knee Pain Arising After Exertion 

Causticum is helpful medicine when knee pain worsens after exertion. For using it the knee pain can be drawing or tearing in nature. Along with pain cracking sound in the knee appears when walking. While walking the hollow of the knee may also feel stiff. Sometimes a sensation as if tendons of the knee are short attends above symptoms.

  1. Salicylic Acid – When Knee Pain is Better by Heat

This medicine is valuable to treat cases in which knee pain is better by heat. In cases needing it the knee is also sore and swollen. Heated sensation in the knee is present. The knee pain is piercing. Motion also worsens the knee pain where it is required.

  1. Kali Carb – For Tearing Pain in Knee

This medicine is very effective for cases of tearing knee pain in the knee. The pain can be felt while walking or when extending the leg. Along with this there is difficulty for going upstairs and down stairs from knee complaints.

  1. Iodum – For Knee Pain While Standing

Iodum is a useful medicine for cases in which knee pain is felt while standing. Other than this it is also felt from slight motion and least pressure. The pain in the knee can be shooting or stitching type. Swelling also appears on the knee. The knee is red, hot with the above symptoms.

  1. Lithium Carb – When Knee Pain Arise on Going up Stairs

Lithium Carb is well indicated in persons who feel knee pain when going up stairs. A burning sensation can attend the knee pain. Weakness in the knee may also be felt with these symptoms.

  1. Pulsatilla – For Pain and Swelling of Knees

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower and pasque flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is very helpful for managing pain and swelling of knees. For using it the pain can be drawing, tearing or shooting type. Cracking sound in the knees is also present while motion. Sometimes the knee feels stiff. Another symptom is tensed feeling in the hollow of knees.

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Homeopathic Remedies for Shin Splints 

Shin splints is a term used to describe pain in front of the leg anywhere from ankle to knee along the tibia (shin) bone. Tibia is one among the two bones present in the lower leg and the other one is fibula. Tibia is a large bone that lies on the inner side of the leg while fibula is located on the outer side of the leg. Shin splints is one among the most common lower leg injuries. It is medically known as medial tibial stress syndrome. Homeopathic remedies for shin splints like Rhus Tox and Ruta give remarkable relief in pain and soreness of the legs.Homeopathic Remedies for Shin Splints 

Causes and Risk Factors 

Shin splints typically arise from repetitive stress (from heavy work out or exercise) on the shin bone and the tissues that attach the muscles to the shin bone. This is because repeated stress leads to muscle fatigue which can recover from taking rest from a strenuous workout routine. But if a person keeps continuing putting repeated stress then it doesn’t allow the muscles to self heal. As muscles are unable to absorb the impact of intense stress of physical activity the whole impact is put on connective tissue and tibia lying underneath. People who engage in intense physical activities and who are runners, athletes, dancers are at risk of it. The intense physical activity put intense stress and strain on the bone, muscles and tendons predisposing to shin splints. A person who begins an intense workout routine suddenly or increases the intensity and frequency of a previous exercise routine at once are also at its risk. People who don’t take proper rest between running and work out schedules are at risk because it doesn’t give recovery time to the body from muscle fatigue.

Another risk factor is running on hard surfaces like concrete or uneven surfaces, running uphill or downhill. Other risk factors includes having flat foot (in this the arches on the inside of  feet are flat and when a person with this put feet on ground the entire sole of feet touch the floor), being overweight, wearing the wrong type of shoes or worn out shoes that doesn’t provide proper support while running  or work out and tight calf muscles (these muscles lies in the back of the lower leg).


A person having shin splints experiences pain along the inner side of the front of the lower leg. The pain is usually dull aching type but sometimes can become very sharp and intense. This area of pain may also be sore and tender. Sometimes little swelling in the lower leg may also appear. Initially the pain occurs or increases during exercise and is relieved by rest. But as the condition progresses the pain tends to become continuous.  In most of the cases shin splints arise in one leg but sometimes they can involve both the legs at the same time. In some cases the pain appears all of sudden when a person starts a new workout routine while in others the symptoms develop gradually over some period of time.

Sometimes stress fracture in tibia bone is a complication that can arise. The chances of stress fractures are more in females as compared to males. This is because the females are more at risk of low bone density and osteoporosis.

Homeopathic Remedies for Shin Splints 

Shin splints can be effectively treated with homeopathic medicines. There are numerous medicines in homeopathy that are well indicated for conditions like shin splints that follow extra stress and over straining of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments. These medicines taken well in time prevent further worsening of the condition and ensure great recovery in shin splint cases. These are safe and natural medicines that can be taken by people of any age group without any side effects.

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is a top listed medicine to manage various conditions that arise from repetitive stress and strain on muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, joints. In case of shin splints that arise from over stress on tibia  bone and its surrounding tissues, Rhus Tox remains very effective to manage pain in the leg. For using it the leg pain may be aching, drawing, tearing type. In some of the cases the pain can also be shooting, cutting type. In most cases needing it the pain gets worse at night and rest. There is a desire to move legs to get relief. 

  1. Ruta – For Soreness in Leg along the Tibia Bone

This medicine is prepared from fresh plant Ruta graveolens having the common name garden rue. This plant belongs to family rutaceae. Like Rhus Tox, Ruta is also a leading medicine for complaints arising from extra stress on bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments. This medicine is considered in cases of shin splints when marked soreness is present in the leg along tibia bone. It is so sore as if it is beaten. Extreme soreness is felt on touch. Apart from above pain in the leg that worsens from stretching sometimes appears.

  1. Causticum – For Pain in Lower Leg felt on Every Movement

This medicine is mainly considered in people who complain of pain in the lower leg with every movement. The pain can be tearing or boring. Other than this its use is also made for  drawing, bruised and stitching type of pain in legs. The legs are also sore to touch. With pain and soreness, swelling in legs may also be present.

  1. Agaricus – For Dull or Drawing Pain in Leg 

This is very beneficial medicine for cases having dull or drawing pain in the leg along the tibia. Most people needing it have worsening of the leg pain from standing and also from sitting. They feel relief in pain from motion. Sometimes burning sensation is also felt in tibia along with pain.  

  1. Mezereum – For Leg Pain along Tibia when Touch is Intolerable 

This medicine is prepared from plant daphne mezereum having the common name spurge olive. Fresh bark of this plant gathered just before the plant flowers in February and March is used to prepare homeopathic medicine. This plant belongs to family thymelaeaceae. This medicine is valuable for cases in which there is leg pain along tibia with intolerance to least touch. The pain is mostly worse at night time in bed. The pain is violent as if tibia is beaten. It can be pressive, severe, stitching, excruciating or drawing, tearing in nature. 

  1. Nitric Acid – For Tearing Pain in Leg 

This medicine is very useful when there is tearing pain in the legs. This is most troublesome at night time. Legs also feels bruised with this. Soreness in the leg along the tibia bone is felt. Sometimes heaviness and weakness is experienced in the legs with above symptoms.

  1. Dulcamara – For Leg Pain along Shin Bone at Rest

This medicine is prepared from plant solanum dulcamara commonly known as woody nightshade and bitter – sweet. For preparing homeopathic medicine fresh green stems and leaves of this plant gathered just before flowering are used. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. Dulcamara is helpful medicine for managing leg pain along shin bone felt at rest. The pain is intolerable. Person needing it must walk around to get relief. Sometimes swelling in the leg accompany leg pain.

  1. Phosphoric Acid – When Leg Pain is Worse at Night

Phosphoric Acid is mainly indicated when there is pain in the leg at tibia in night time. The people needing it mainly have aching or tearing pain in tibia. They also complain of burning sensation in their legs along with this. Apart from above it is also a prominent medicine for decay (necrosis) of tibia bone especially on the right side.

  1. Kali Bichrome – For Leg Pain over Shin Bone while Standing

Kali Bichrome is indicated for cases in which leg pain over shin bone appears while standing. The pain is tearing or violent. It can be attended with a burning sensation sometimes. There may also be swelling on shin bone along with tenderness to touch. It is also well indicated when pain appears in the leg specifically in the middle of the tibia bone.

  1. Merc Sol – When Swelling over Tibia Attends Leg Pain

This medicine is significant to treat cases in which swelling over tibia arises along with leg pain. The pain can be pressing, boring, burning and drawing type. It’s also valuable for stitching pain in legs that arise from motion.

  1. Carbolic Acid – For Sharp Pain in Shin Bone

Carbolic Acid is helpful for cases of sharp pain in shin bone. It is usually indicated for left sided shin pain. Sometimes pain is centred in the middle of the shin bone where it is required. Along with pain sore, bruised feeling in leg is also present

  1. Anagallis – For Stitching Pain in Tibia

This medicine is prepared from plant Anagallis Arvensis also known as scarlet pimpernel and weather – glass. It belongs to family primulaceae. It is indicated for stitching pain in tibia bone. This gets worse from the motion of the leg or foot. This pain is also felt on crossing the legs.

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Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies for Trochanteric Pain Syndrome

Trochanteric bursitis refers to hip pain caused by inflamed bursa (fluid-filled sac near a joint) at the outside point of the hip. Nowadays, greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS) is the more preferred term used. Bursitis remains one of the most common reasons for hip pain. Trochanteric bursitis is named so because in this condition bursa present over the greater trochanter (the bony prominence at the top, outer side of the femur means thigh bone) at the edge of the hip is affected. Homeopathic Remedies for trochanteric pain syndrome help in reducing the inflammation of the bursa and provide excellent relief in its symptoms.Trochanteric Pain Syndrome

Bursa are small, fluid – filled sacs found near the joints. Bursa help muscles and tendons to glide over bone smoothly and prevent their rubbing against bones during joint movement. There are numerous bursa  in the human body, about 150 in number. Any of these bursa in the body can be inflamed. There are two main bursa in each of the hips. One is on the outside point of the hip called as trochanteric bursa and another one is on the inside area of the hip known as iliopsoas bursa. Among them in trochanteric bursitis the bursa that lies on the outer side of the hip is involved that causes pain in the outer part of the hip. In cases the iliopsoas bursa is inflamed then pain is felt in the groin area.  


There are various causes behind trochanteric bursitis. Among them the first one is injury on the outer side of the hip area. This can arise from a fall, being hitted by something hard on the outer side of the hip. It can also happen from lying on one side of the body for a long duration of time.
Secondly it can arise from overuse or repetitive activities that involve movements of the hip as from excessive running, ascending stairs and standing for too long.
Next it can arise from hip surgery or presence of surgical wire or some prosthetic implant in the hip.
Another reason that can lead to it is arthritis as in rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease that leads to pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints) and gout (red, tender, hot swollen joints from high uric acid levels in blood).
Having psoriasis (primarily a skin condition with red, inflamed patches on skin covered with silvery white scales, is also a predisposing factor for trochanteric bursitis), thyroid disease, scoliosis ( a condition in which a person has sideways curvature of the spine) and infection like tuberculosis also predisposes a person to it. 

Other reasons include bone spur (bony outgrowths that occur on the edges of a bone) in femur, torn tendons (tough fibrous bands that connects muscle to bone), poor posture that put strain on the hip, being overweight that also put excessive strain on the hip and difference in the length of two legs. In many cases no cause is ruled out behind trochanteric bursitis is unknown

Trochanteric bursitis is more common in females as compared to males. It more commonly affects people in the middle and old age.


The major symptom is pain in the outer side of the hip. Initially the pain is usually sharp and as time progresses the pain becomes like a dull ache. The pain tends to worsen from hip movement as while walking, stair climbing, doing exercise, rising from a chair or getting out of a car. It is also worse from lying on the affected side of the hip. In most of the cases the pain is worse at night. In some cases the pain can radiate to the thighs also. The outside area of the hip may be sore and sensitive to touch or when being pressed. There may also be stiffness in the hip joint along with pain. Swelling may sometimes appear in the affected leg. In severe cases fever may also appear. If the condition persists for too long then it can cause limping, can lead to loss of hip movement and also disability.

Homeopathic Remedies for Trochanteric Pain Syndrome

There are very effective medicines in homeopathy to treat trochanteric bursitis. People find major relief in hip pain and stiffness with use of these medicines. They target the root cause behind it to bring wonderful recovery. These medicines are selected as per the symptom present in each and every individual case. These are natural medicines so can be used safely with zero side effects in people of any age group. 

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is a top listed medicine to treat cases of hip bursitis. People who need it have marked pain in the hip. They feel worsening of pain from lying on the side. The pain also worsens in them when rising from sitting position. Sometimes they complain of radiation of pain from hip down to the knee. This is most felt when they are walking or standing.  Along with pain they also experience stiffness in the hip region. It is one of the best medicines to treat conditions that follow over overstraining or overuse of hip or from injury to the hip.

  1. Bryonia – When Walking Worsens the Pain

Bryonia is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as white bryony and wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very suitable medicine for cases having pain in the hip that worsen from walking. The pain for using it can be stabbing, shooting or stitching in nature The pain can extend from hip to the thigh and also the knee. Along with this sometimes lameness and bruised sensation is felt in the hip in the morning time. This is felt especially in the right hip. 

  1. Colocynth – For Continuous Drawing Pain in the Hip

This medicine is prepared from pulp of fruit of plant Citrullus colocynthis having the common name bitter apple. The family of this plant is cucurbitaceae. This medicine is indicated for continuous drawing pain in the hip. The persons who need it feel the pain all the time while standing, walking and even while sitting. Next it is also indicated for stitching or tearing pain in the hip that extends to the knee. This is particularly worse from motion.

  1. Causticum – For Soreness of Hip on the Side Lain Upon

Causticum is helpful for persons who feel soreness of the hip on the side on which they lay upon. The soreness is also felt in the thighs. This especially appears at night time. They frequently turn the sides when lying due to this complaint. With soreness pain in the hip is present that can be stitching type or aching type.

  1. Arnica – When it Follows an Injury

Arnica is prepared from plant Arnica Montana commonly known as leopard’s bane. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is a general medicine in homeopathy to treat conditions that follow injury, fall, blow or hit with a hard object. The key feature to use it here is a sore, bruised sensation in the hip. It is also indicated for drawing and pressing pains felt mainly in the left hip.

  1. Agaricus – For Tearing or Stitching Pain in Hip

This medicine is helpful when there is tearing or stitching pain in the hip. The tearing pain may extend from hip to knee in some cases requiring it. Pressing sensation may also be felt in the hip. With this stiffness in the hip joint can be present. 

  1. Natrum Sulph – For Hip Pain that Worsens at Night

This medicine is used when there is worsening of the hip pain at night time. This pain makes a person wake up at night. Other than this Natrum Sulph is beneficial when hip pain worsens from walking and also when rising from a seat. Next it is helpful for cases in which hip pain is worse from climbing stairs. 

  1. Phytolacca – For Sharp, Cutting Pain in Hip

It is prepared from plant Phytolacca decandra having the common name poke – root that belongs to family phytolaccaceae. Its use is mostly done when sharp, cutting pain in the hip is present. The pain mostly radiates from hip down to outside of the thigh. This mostly worsens at night and after sleep. Rubbing the hip can help ease the pain where it is required. 

  1. Carbo Animalis – When Hip Pain causes Limping

Carbo Animalis is a well-indicated medicine when hip pain makes a person limp. The pain is mostly drawing or stitching in nature. Most of the times the hip pain extends down the leg.

  1. Chelidonium – For Pain in Hip Worsening when Rising 

This medicine is prepared from plant Chelidonium Majus commonly known as Greater Celandine. This entire fresh plant at time of flowering is used to make homeopathic medicine Colocynth. This plant belongs to the family papaveraceae. This medicine is well indicated when there is pain in the hip particularly when rising from the seat. To use it the pain is mostly drawing or shooting type. Right sided hip is more affected where it is required.

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Lichen Sclerosus – Homeopathic Treatment and Remedies

Lichen sclerosus is a rare skin condition in which white patches appears on the skin mainly on genital and anal area, though skin on the other body areas can also be affected. In this condition the affected skin area appears thinner than the normal. Homeopathic remedies for lichen sclerosus help in reducing the white discolouration in these cases as well as halting the progression of disease and preventing scarring. Homeopathic remedies for lichen sclerosus

It does not spread by direct skin to skin contact or sexual intercourse. Another old name for lichen sclerosus is lichen sclerosus et atrophicus. In females this condition is also known as kraurosis vulvae and when it affects males this condition is known as balanitis xerotica obliterans. 

Homeopathic Remedies for Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen sclerosus can be managed very well with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy works effectively to manage its symptoms including itching, pain in the affected part of genitals, painful intercourse and cracks, blisters / ulcers on the affected skin area. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin, so they offer effective management in a very safe and gentle manner without any side effects. The top remedies are: 

X-Ray : Top Medicine for Managing Lichen Sclerosus

X-ray tops the list of homeopathic medicines to manage cases of lichen sclerosus. In cases needing it there is white discolouration of the skin. The affected skin is dry. It also appears wrinkled. In some cases blisters appear on the affected skin area along with itching.

Homeopathic Medicines for White Patches on Skin

Among various homeopathic medicines for white patches on skin the prominent ones include Arsenic Album, Calcarea Carb and Silicea. These medicines are indicated where white discoloured patches on skin is the only sign present without any symptoms. In such cases they help to reduce the discolouration and also helps to prevent its further progression. 

For Managing Lichen Sclerosus in Females

Sepia – For Intense Itching of Vulva

Sepia is very effective medicine for managing vulva itching. Females needing it have severe itching in vulva. They may also have blisters on the vulva. Redness and swelling on the inner labia may also be present. Painful intercourse is another symptom they mostly complain of. 

Kreosote – For Itching and Burning in Vulva

Kreosote is an excellent medicine for managing itching and burning in the vulva. The vulva is also sore. The external genital is swollen with heated sensation. There is also complaint of violent pain and burning during sex.  

Calcarea Carb – When Vulva Itching is Worse in Evening

This medicine is considered when the itching of the vulva gets worse in the evening. Along with this the vulva is also sore. Sometimes stitching pain is felt in the vulva. Burning in the genital area may also appear.

Melilotus – For Pain in Vulva

It is indicated when there is pain in the vulva, mainly the labia area. The pain may be severe, sharp or shooting in nature. The pain lasts for a little moment but appears frequently. In most cases needing it, the pain usually gets worse after menses.

Platina – When Vulva is Painful and Sensitive

Platina is an excellent medicine when vulva is painful and sensitive to touch. With this itching in vulva is also present. Tickling and tingling sensation in vulva may also be felt.

Sepia – For Painful Intercourse

Sepia is the top grade medicine for complaint of painful sex in females. Sexual intercourse is almost intolerable where it is indicated. Tenderness in sexual parts is also there. The vulva is also swollen, red and itchy.

Natrum Mur – For Painful Intercourse with Burning Pains

It is indicated when sex is painful in females along with burning and smarting pains in vagina. It is also sore. There is also itching in vulva with this.

Graphites  – For Blisters on Vulva

Graphites is a very beneficial medicine for cases where blisters form on vulva. The blisters are itchy. Pain and smarting sensation is also felt in the blisters. The blisters mainly are present on the labia where it is required.

Nitric Acid – For Painful Ulcers on Vulva

Nitric Acid is useful when there are ulcers on vulva which are sore and painful.  Cracks on labia minora may also be there. Itching and burning in vulva is also present.

Helonias – For Ulcers on Vulva with Heat and Redness

Helonias is a helpful medicine for ulcers on vulva mainly labia with heat and redness. Terrible Itching is also felt in vulva. Swelling and burning sensation in vulva are other attending symptoms. 

Graphites – For Cracks on Vulva 

It is also well-indicated for cracked skin on vulva. They may also have cracks around the anal region. Bleeding may arise from the cracked area of skin.

Homeopathic Medicines for Managing Lichen Sclerosus in Males

 Nitric Acid – For Itching on Glans and Foreskin

It is well indicated when there is itching on glans and foreskin. With this burning sensation may be present in this area. There may be reddish spots on glans. Small blisters may appear on the foreskin. It is also a top listed medicine for cases of phimosis.

Sulphur – For Itching on Glans Penis

It is very beneficial for managing itching on the glans penis. In cases requiring it the foreskin is red along with burning sensation. Stitching pain in penis may attend. An offensive sweat on genitals is present with these symptoms.

Cantharis – For Pain in Glans Penis

Cantharis is an excellent medicine when pain in glans penis is present. The pain is worse from external pressure. The glans is swollen in cases needing it. There may also be difficulty to urinate. The erection is painful with above symptoms in most the cases where it is needed. 

Argentum Nitricum – For Painful Erections

It is suitable medicine when erections are painful. Males needing it may also have small ulcers on the foreskin. They may also have complaints of difficult urination.

Cannabis Sativa – For Tensive Pain with Erections

Cannabis Sativa is used when there is tensive pain with erections. The glans and foreskin are red and swollen. The foreskin is sensitive to touch. There may also be complaints of difficult urination. It is also indicated for phimosis.

Rhus Tox – For Blisters on Glans

It is a significant medicine to treat cases where blisters are formed on glans. With this there is intense itching in the genitals. The glans and foreskin are swollen. The glans may be red and painful. Stinging pain may be present on the inner surface of foreskin.

Merc Sol – For Ulcers on Glans / Foreskin

It is a prominent medicine for cases where ulcers form on glans or foreskin. The ulcers may ooze yellow white fluid. They may also bleed on being touched. Ulcers are painful too. Swelling, redness, pain and itching on foreskin is also there.

Petroleum – For Cracks on Glans

It is an effective medicine for cases where cracks appear on the glans penis. Bleeding may also appear from these cracks. Other than this, eruptions can appear on glans with redness. 


The exact reason behind it is still unknown. However it is suggested that it can develop from an autoimmune process. Autoimmune means when the immune cells that are normally meant to fight with infectious agents begin to attack and damage the body’s own healthy tissue from a misdirected response. Genetics is also thought to play a role in its development. Other factors that are thought to play a role in it include hormonal imbalance (mainly low oestrogen), an infection (bacterial or viral) or an old damage / injury to the skin area specifically predisposed to develop it. Sometimes combination of any of the above factors collectively can lead to its development. Persons having it may have a personal or a family history of some other autoimmune disease also.

Risk Factors 

Mostly women after menopause are at most risk of developing it though it can also develop in men and children also. It is ten times more common in females as compared to males. Among males the uncircumcised ones (in whom there is presence of foreskin around the head of the penis)  are at more risk than the circumcised ones (in whom the foreskin around the penis head had been removed) because this condition mostly affects the foreskin. 

Signs and Symptoms

In this condition the signs and symptoms appear mostly appear on the skin of genitals and around the anal region. Among genitals the external genitalia is involved. It tends to involve vulva in females and foreskin, glans penis in males. The involvement of area around anus (perianal area) is more common in females and less frequent in males. Apart from genitalia it can also develop on the skin of upper arms, breast and upper body. In mild cases white, smooth, shiny patchy skin is there and there may not be any attending symptoms. The skin gets thin and may be wrinkled. In the rest of cases there appear symptoms along with white, smooth, shiny patches on skin. These includes itching varying from mild to severe, pain or discomfort in affected skin areas and sometimes there may also be redness / easy bruising (bluish, blackish discolouration on skin from bleeding under the skin due to trauma) because of the affected skin being thinner than the normal . Painful intercourse is another symptom that can appear. In severe cases, blisters, ulcers may form in the affected area. There may be easy cracking or tearing of skin. Rubbing or scratching may cause bleeding. The symptoms may come and go off and on. 


The complications arise from permanent scarring in the affected area of the skin and can lead to narrowing of vaginal opening, meatal stenosis (narrowing of opening of urethra) and an inability to retract the foreskin (phimosis). It can cause pain during sex, difficulty with urination, thin urinary stream, urinary retention, or problem with defecation (passing stool) / constipation. There is also a slight chance that it can turn into skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma of the affected area. 

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