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Effective Homeopathic Remedies For Contact Dermatitis

Contact Dermatitis refers to a skin rash that occurs from coming in contact with certain substances or an allergic reaction to it. There are various such substances that can lead to it and some of its examples include detergents, soaps, cosmetics, hair dyes and plants. The affected skin becomes red, inflamed, irritated and itchy in these cases. Homeopathic remedies for contact dermatitis aim at healing the condition rather than suppressing it and bring effective and gentle recovery without any risk of side effects.  

CausesHomeopathic remedies for contact dermatitis

It arises due to exposure to a particular substance that tends to make the skin irritated or causes an allergic reaction to it. There are numerous such substances that can lead to it. 

Contact dermatitis is divided into three types that includes irritant contact dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis and photocontact  dermatitis. These types are described below: 

  1. Irritant Contact Dermatitis

This is the most common among all the types. It arises from contact of the skin  with an irritant that damages the outer protective layer of the skin. It may develop either from exposure to strong irritants just once, or exposures to less irritating substances multiple times. Some examples of the common irritants include detergents, bleach, some soaps, alcohol, shampoos, plants, pesticides, kerosene and wool dust.

  1. Allergic Contact Dermatitis

It arises from an immune reaction in the  skin from exposure to a substance to which sensitivity is present (allergen). In this case exposure to allergen leads to  release of inflammatory chemicals that cause a skin reaction. It may occur from direct skin contact with an allergen or also through eating  some of the foods and taking certain medicines. Some of the common allergens include  cosmetics, hair dyes, jewellery of  nickel or gold, latex gloves, medications (eg, antibiotic creams and oral antihistamines), body washes, perfumes and poison oak /poison ivy. Children may get a reaction from use of diapers, baby wipes etc

3. Photocontact  Dermatitis

It is least common among all of its types. It occurs from use of products like sunscreens that can cause a reaction from sun exposure.


In this condition the rash occurs on the skin area that comes in direct contact with substance that causes a reaction. For example rash on hand from use of certain detergent. The rash tends to appear within a few minutes to hours after exposure.

There appears a red skin rash along with itching in these cases. The rash may be swollen. It may be sore and tender to touch. There may be a burning sensation in it. In some cases, blisters or bumps may appear on the affected skin area. These may ooze fluid and may be crusted. In some of the cases there occurs dryness and cracks over the skin. Scaliness may also be there. In other cases,  the skin may become darkened or leathery.  If a person scratches the involved skin area frequently  then there are chances of getting infection. Scratching results in oozing of discharge from skin affected. This provides an ideal environment for flourishing of the bacteria or fungi and causing an infection. The skin rash in this condition is not contagious and it doesn’t spread from one person to another through direct skin contact.

Homeopathic Remedies For Contact Dermatitis

Firstly, the use of any product which is causing the problem must be stopped.  Along with this, one can start homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy offers a very natural treatment for cases of contact dermatitis. Homeopathic medicines work by moderating the overactive response of the immune system in allergic type. These medicines help to halt the further progression of skin rash and eruptions in any of its types. The already present rash and eruptions also gradually improve. The skin dryness and roughness gets better. Any cracks if present heals with its use. The attended redness, inflammation and skin swelling reduces with them. These also help to soothe the itching and burning present in the affected skin area. Homeopathic medicines help to reduce any discharges if present from the skin eruptions. The homeopathic medicine for these cases is selected individually for each and every case. The selection of medicine is done as per the signs and symptoms experienced by the sufferer. These medicines aim at healing the condition rather than suppressing it and bring effective and gentle recovery. The best thing is the medicines used for its treatment are of natural origin so hence are very safe to use without any risk of side effects.  

  1. Graphites – Top Grade Medicine

Graphites tops the list of homeopathic medicines for treating these cases. First indication to use this medicine is eruptions on the skin that ooze out fluid. The fluid that comes out is specifically a glutinous and sticky type. These eruptions may be crusted also. There is itching and burning in the eruptions. Its next indication is dryness and roughness of the skin affected with dermatitis. It may also have cracks in it. 

  1. Petroleum – With Marked Dryness And Cracks

It is a very effective medicine when there is excessive dryness and cracks on the affected skin area. This skin is also hard, rough and thickened. Bleeding may occur from the cracks. In some cases needing it there may be a thick crust present on the skin involved. The crust may be green in colour. Redness is present along with the crusts. It may be accompanied with itching and burning. Lastly the skin is sensitive to touch. Vesicular eruption may also be there with thick scabs.

  1. Sulphur – With Marked Itching And Burning

It is a leading medicine for managing cases where itching and burning are marked.  In most cases requiring it the itching is worse at night time. Itching may also worsen from warmth and washing. The burning on skin is felt after scratching sometimes with pain and bleeding. The affected skin may be dry, rough and scaly. The skin is also sore.

  1. Natrum Mur – With Marked Redness, Rawness And Inflammation

It is the next well indicated medicine for dermatitis. It is highly beneficial for cases where redness, rawness and inflammation on the skin are intense. In the skin rash itching, pricking and stinging sensation may be felt. In cases needing it there may be blisters on the skin that contain watery fluid.

  1. Psorinum – With Eruptions Of Small Blisters

This medicine is useful for eruptions of small blisters on the skin. It is attended with intolerable itching which disturbs the sleep. The itching worsens from warmth. Person scratches the skin until it bleeds. The itching is attended with a stinging sensation. In some cases slightly elevated spots occur on a swollen skin base where this medicine is indicated. 

  1. Arsenic Album – With Scaly Eruptions

It offers great help in cases where scaly eruptions are present. Skin may be dry and rough. Itching and burning is felt in these. Burning and soreness is felt from scratching. Bleeding may occur  after scratching. Sometimes fetid pus like discharge may appear from the eruptions. The skin is over sensitive to touch. The skin complaint may get worse from cold and get better by warm application.

  1. Fagopyrum – When Itching Is Better By Cold Water Application

It is a natural medicine prepared from the whole mature plant Fagopyrum Esculentum also known as Polygonum fagopyrum an Buckwheat. This plant belongs to family polygonaceae. It is valuable for cases of dermatitis where itching is better by cold water application. In cases needing it the skin is red, sore, swollen and hot. The itching is intense. It gets worse from touch and scratching. On the skin blisters (eruptions containing fluid) or pustular (containing pus) eruptions may be present. 

  1. Mezereum – When There Are Eruptions With Oozing Of Gooey Discharge

This medicine is prepared from plant Daphne mezereum also known as Mezereon and Spurge Olive. The part of the plant used to prepare this homeopathic medicine is fresh bark gathered just before the plant flowers in February and March. It belongs to the family thymelaeaceae. It is well indicated for cases having eruption with oozing of gooey discharge. The eruptions are covered with thick crusts and scabs where it is required. Pus may be present under the crusts. The crusty eruptions may bleed when touched. There is intolerable itching in the eruptions. 

  10.  Alumina – For Dry, Rough And Cracked Skin

This medicine is used when there is dry, rough and cracked skin. Eruptions may also be there. They may be dry, humid, scabby and sore. There is intolerable itching in the affected skin area. It especially gets worse from warmth of bed. It may also get worse in the evening time. The person who needs it may scratch the skin intensely till it bleeds due to extreme itching. After scratching the skin area becomes painful. 

  1. Rhus Tox – For Dermatitis With Thick Oozing Crusts 

Its use is recommended for cases in which there are eruptions with thick crusts which ooze offensive matter. The skin surface is raw and excoriated. There is burning and itching in the affected skin area. There is excessive scratching and the more the skin is scratched the desire to scratch increases. Tingling pains may also be felt in skin along with above symptoms.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Stiff Knees – Homeopathic Medicines for Pain Management

Stiff knees refers to a condition in which there is difficulty in moving the knee joint within normal range of motion resulting in its restricted movement. It is a very common issue that occurs mainly in elderly persons and people who are physically very active. Homeopathic medicines for stiff knees are recommended in cases where no serious cause is related to knee stiffness. homeopathic medicines for stiff knee

It can arise as a result of a knee injury. This includes an injury to ligaments (elastic tissue that connects one bone to another bone) as from a sprain (wrenching or twisting the ligaments), its rupture, or tear can lead to stiff knees. Next injury is of meniscus (cartilage between bones of knee joint) that can cause tightness of the knees. 

Secondly, it can occur from stiff knee syndrome (arthrofibrosis). It results from an excess of scar tissue around the knee joint. It is common after knee surgery like knee replacement. Other type of surgeries that can lead to knee tightness include ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction, meniscus repair and knee tendon repair.

Third reason is arthritis (joint inflammation). The types of arthritis linked with it includes rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disorder primarily affecting joints resulting in inflammation, swelling, pain and warmth in the joints), osteoarthritis (arthritis that arise from wear and tear of the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of bones) and post traumatic arthritis. Next it can arise in case of gout (arthritis with pain, swelling, redness and tenderness in the joints mostly joint at the base of the big toe arising from increased uric acid levels in blood).

It may also occur from bleeding within the joint space (hemarthrosis), fracture of  the knee bone, tendinitis or tendon rupture. Lastly it can arise in case of bursitis ( inflammation of the bursa means the fluid – filled sacs that cushion the bones, tendons and muscles near the joints) and abscess around the knee.  Some of the serious reasons behind it that requires emergency medical help include bone infection (osteomyelitis), septic arthritis (infectious arthritis) and bone tumours. Poor flexibility in leg and overuse of knee joint or surrounding tissues can also contribute to it


It may be attended with some other symptoms depending on the cause behind it. These include pain in the knee (it can be dull, sharp, aching, burning, stabbing type of pain), swelling of knee, redness and warmth of knees. Muscle weakness around the knee, deformity of the knee joint may also be present. Some serious symptoms like high fever, breakage of bone, loss of sensation in the lower leg, severe uncontrollable pain and severe bleeding need urgent medical treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines for Stiff Knee 

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing stiffness of the knees. These medicines bring great relief in knee stiffness by targeting the root cause behind it like by reducing joint inflammation, healing the injured ligaments, and tendons. Along with relieving stiffness these medicines also help in bringing relief in attending symptoms like pain, swelling, tenderness, weakness in the knee joint.
Homeopathic medicines are suitable for treating stiff knees in persons of all age groups. In cases where the symptoms are severe or indicate any serious cause associated with knee stiffness like osteomyelitis, infectious arthritis, it is advisable to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine 

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for managing cases of stiff knees. In cases needing it along with stiffness, swelling may be present in the knee. Pain is also there in the knee joint which may be burning, tearing or stitching in nature. The pain is worse at rest. It gets better from motion and also from warmth. The pain may extend down to the leg from the knee. The knee feels tensed as if it is short. Knees also feels heavy. It is well indicated for knee stiffness arising from sprain, injury and joint inflammation. 

  1. Bryonia – For Knee Stiffness and Pain

This medicine is prepared from the root of plant Bryonia Alba. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is very beneficial for managing knee stiffness and pain. There is restricted movement of the knee joint where it is indicated. The pain in the knee is mostly stitching type for using it. It is worse from motion. It is better during rest. The knee on the inner side is tender to touch. Swelling and inflammation of the knee is also there and the knee looks swollen, red, shining.

  1. Causticum – For Knee Stiffness while Walking

This medicine is prominently indicated for knee stiffness which is felt while walking. The stiffness is marked in the hollow of the knee. With this a drawing pain is present in the knee. The knee tendons feel as if they are shortened. The knees feel tensed. Cracking sound in the knees is also there while walking and descending stairs.

  1. Ledum Pal – For Stiffness, Pain and Weakness of Knee Joint

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Ledum Palustre commonly known as wild rosemary and marsh cistus. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. This medicine is useful for stiffness, pain and weakness of the knee joint. There is tearing, tensive pain in the knee joints that worsens with motion. There can also be stitching pain in the knee or pain as if it is beaten or sore. The knee is also swollen with pain which is better from cold applications. Cracking in knees is also present. There is weakness in the knee joint that makes a person sit down. Lastly there may be cramp – like tension in the knees.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Stiff Knees with Swelling, Pain

Calcarea Carb is a valuable medicine for persons who complain of stiff knees along with heat, swelling, pain. The pain they have may be stitching, tearing or stinging in nature. The knees are also sensitive to touch. Creaking sound in the knee may occur while walking. The swelling in the knee is worse at night and is attended with redness and burning sensation in the knee. In some cases needing it  there may be weakness and lameness of knee as if sprained.

  1. Ruta – For Knee Stiffness Linked with Joint or Tendon Injury

This medicine is prepared from a plant named Ruta graveolens commonly known as Rue. The natural order of this plant is rutaceae. It works well in cases where knee stiffness is linked with joint injury or tendon injury. Persons who need it feel as the tendons of knees are contracted and shortened along with stiffness. They also feel heaviness and weakness in knees especially after walking. On bending knees cracking sound occurs from knees.

  1. Colocynth – For Knee Stiffness that Prevents Bending

This medicine is prepared from pulp of fruit Citrullus colocynthis also known as cucumis colocynthis and bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. Its use is considered when the knees are stiff with decreased flexibility of knee and difficulty in bending the knees. Along with this shooting or stitching, pains in the knee are felt. The pains are worse while walking or standing. Sensation of coldness in the knees is also present in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Berberis Vulgaris – For Sore, Painful, Stiff Knees

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of the plant barberry that belongs to family Berberidaceae. It is very effective to manage soreness, pain and stiffness of the knees. In cases requiring it the knee is also very much swollen. Mostly stinging pain in the joint of the knee is felt. This usually occurs when walking. There also appears tension in the bend of the knee, as if tendons are too short. The knee also feels bruised. Lastly the knee feels lame and tired.

  1. Pulsatilla – For Stiff Knees on Stretching Out

It is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower and pasque flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a well indicated medicine for stiffness of the knee when stretching it out. The stiffness is worse while walking. The hollow of knees feels tense. Next there is tearing, shooting or drawing pain in knees. Cracking in knees is also felt. The knee is also swollen, inflamed and sensitive to touch. There is difficulty in bending knees.

  1. Lycopodium – For Knee Stiffness on Sitting Down

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum also known as club moss. It belongs to the family lycopodiaceae. This medicine is very useful when a person feels knee stiffness while sitting down. The stiffness is also felt during morning on rising especially in the hollow of the knee. Swelling in the knee is also present. There also occurs tearing pain in the knees. Heated sensation in the knee is also felt. 

  1. Sulphur – For Tightness in Hollow of Knee

Sulphur is indicated for cases where tightness in the hollow of the knee is present. It is also indicated when stiffness in the knee is felt when rising from a seat. Stitching pain in the knee accompanies it. Sometimes burning is felt in the knees. The inner surface of the knee is painful to least touch. Knee is red and swollen that worsens at night in bed.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Sarcoidosis – Homeopathy Offers Supportive Treatment

Sarcoidosis is a disease in which tiny clumps of inflammatory cells (granulomas) grow in various organs of the body (most commonly the lungs and lymph nodes) causing its inflammation. Other parts affected include eyes, skin, heart, liver, brain, kidneys, bones, muscles, joints and spleen. Homeopathy for sarcoidosis should be considered only for supportive treatment, with conventional treatment being necessary for recovery or to reduce the severity of the symptoms. Homeopathy for sarcoidosis


The exact cause of sarcoidosis is yet unknown. But it is thought to be arising from an autoimmune response. In this case the body’s immune system from a misdirected response to certain substances starts to destroy the body’s healthy tissue. But what triggers this response is not clear. As per few researches, bacteria, viruses, dust, chemicals or the body’s own proteins could be the trigger factor. The factors could make the immune system react abnormally that result in collection of immune cells in a pattern of inflammation called granulomas in various organs in persons predisposed to it genetically. The function of the organ in which the granulomas form gets affected. 

Any person can develop it but a person having a family history of sarcoidosis is at more risk of developing it. The chances of its development are little more in women as compared to men. The symptoms mostly appear in people between the ages of 20 and 60 years of age. 


In many cases no signs and symptoms arise. When these occur they depend on which organ is affected by it. In some cases the symptoms develop gradually and remain for many years. While in other cases the symptoms arise all of sudden and also get well quickly.

The general symptoms include fatigue, weight loss, swollen painful joints and swollen lymph nodes. When lungs are affected then the symptoms that arise include dry cough, chest pain, wheezing and shortness of breath. When it affects eyes then the signs and symptoms that may appear include pain in eye, blurring of vision, redness of eyes, dry eyes, itchy eyes, burning in eyes and sensitivity to light. In case of skin involvement there occur skin rash with bumps on skin mainly having red or reddish-purple colour mostly on the ankles or shin bone. These are warm and tender to touch. Other signs include dark or light coloured skin than usual, nodules under skin usually around scar tissue, sores on  nose, cheeks and ears. Next the symptoms from heart involvement includes chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, irregular heartbeat, fainting and edema .


Many long term complications can arise in these cases. Firstly, it is related to lungs where it can cause fibrosis which means permanent scarring that makes breathing difficult. In these cases it may also lead to pulmonary hypertension. Secondly in case of eyes it can cause cataract (clouding of lens of the eye) and damage to the retina leading to blindness. 

Next when it affects the heart it may cause disruption of blood flow and abnormal heartbeat.  Other than this in case of involvement of kidneys it may cause kidney stones, hinder kidney function and can lead to kidney failure. Lastly when it affects the nervous system it may lead to paralysis of facial muscles.

Homeopathy for Sarcoidosis

Homeopathy offers a supportive help to manage symptoms of sarcoidosis along with conventional mode of treatment. Homeopathic medicine has a great scope to provide symptomatic relief in these cases. These medicines work by moderating the overactive immune system. Though these medicines can’t reverse the damage already occurred to the organs but can work to halt its further progression. They are effective to manage mild to moderate symptoms related to lungs, skin, joints, eyes, fatigue. The homeopathic medicines are selected based on the individual’s symptoms after thorough case analysis. So one must consider taking any homeopathic medicine under the guidance of a homeopathic physician. The homeopathic medicines are most helpful for mild to moderate cases but in severe cases one must take help from conventional mode of treatment. Some of the serious symptoms that need immediate help from conventional mode of treatment include intense difficult breathing, palpitations of heart, vision changes and facial numbness.

  1. Bryonia Alba – For Dry Cough, Chest Pain

It is a natural medicine prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba having commonly known as white bryony and wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is an effective medicine for managing dry cough and chest pain. To use this medicine the pain in chest pain is a sharp, stitching  type. Most times the pain gets worse from coughing and deep breathing. Cough is mainly dry, hard, hacking in nature. It gets worse mostly after eating and drinking. Sometimes vomiting occurs with a cough.  In some cases  brick / rust coloured sputum  is expectorated with cough. Other than coughing it also helps to manage joint pains and swelling. In this case the joint pains are worse from motion and better from rest in cases needing it.

  1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Cough and Breathing Difficulty

It is a significant medicine to manage cough accompanied with breathing difficulty. Cough is short and dry for using this medicine. The shortness of breath is there which gets worse at night time. Along with this wheezing from the chest is prominently present. Sensation of contraction or tightness of chest is also there. Soreness in the chest can also be felt while coughing. An important symptom that occurs along with above is marked anxiety and restlessness.

  1. Spongia – To Manage Dry Cough

Spongia is also a great medicine to manage dry cough. Persons who need it have dry, rough, short and irritating coughs. They feel extreme dryness in all the air passages. The cough gets worse mostly during night time. It may be better by taking warm drinks. Along with cough there may be difficulty in breathing and suffocation. Another attending symptom is burning sensation in the chest. Sometimes they also complain of whistling in the chest and pain in the chest on coughing.

  1. Drosera – For Managing Dry, Irritative Cough

This medicine is prepared from plant Drosera Rotundifolia commonly known as round leaved sundew. It belongs to the family droseraceae. It is a suitable medicine to manage dry, deep, irritative cough. In cases needing it there occur frequent spell attacks of cough that follow each other rapidly. In some cases vomiting occurs with a cough. The cough may get worse from talking and during night time on lying down. Sometimes breathing difficulty is present with the above symptoms.

  1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Fatigue

Other than cough and shortness of breath, It is a top listed medicine to manage fatigue. People needing it get tired, fatigued even from little exertion. They wish to lie down due to weakness. They suddenly feel weak Anxiety and restlessness may be present. In some cases needing it there is weakness at night time. There can also be weight loss along with above symptoms

  1. Kali Phos – For Managing Weakness

Kali Phos is another well indicated medicine for managing weakness in these cases. Persons requiring it feel weak and tired. They feel fatigue for slightest causes. The weakness is present on both mental and physical spheres. This medicine helps to boost energy levels in these cases. 

  1. Rhus Tox – For Swollen Painful Joints 

Rhus Tox is a very effective medicine to manage joint complaints. It is very useful to manage joint pain. It also offers help to reduce swelling of the joint and relieve stiffness of joints. Most people needing it complain of worsening joint complaints at rest. They feel relief from motion. They also feel better from warm applications.

  1. Belladonna – For Redness and Pain of Eyes

This medicine is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is a well-indicated medicine for managing redness and pain in eyes. The eyes are red, congested in cases that require it. Along with this eye pain is marked. The nature of pain to use this medicine can be aching, shooting, burning type. This most times gets worse from light exposure and movement. Dryness in eyes can be marked along with above symptoms. A sensation as if there is sand in eyes may also be felt. Lastly sensitivity to light can be there in addition to above. 

  1. Euphrasia – For Itchy, Burning Eyes

It is prepared from plant Euphrasia Officinalis having commonly named Eye – bright. This plant belongs to family scrophulariaceae. It works well in cases of itchy and burning eyes. Persons who need it may also have eye pain in their eyes. They usually have stitching, smarting, cutting, biting pain in the eye. The eye pain gets mostly worse at night time. Eyes are red with this. A feeling of dust or sand in the eyes attend above.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Managing Skin Rash

It is a prominent medicine for managing skin rash. Most persons requiring it complain of burning, stinging pain in the rash. They also have itching in the rash. They may have worsened itching from warmth. The skin rash may be sensitive to touch.

  1. Graphites – For Dry, Rough, Skin Rash

It is well-indicated for managing dry, rough skin rash. This may be attended with itching that gets worse at night time. Other than this it is also indicated for nodules under the skin.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Post Covid Syndrome – Homeopathy for Support & Symptom Management 

Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by the new coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2). This virus strain was identified in December 2019. This disease has been declared as a pandemic in March 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO). Homeopathy for post Covid syndrome can be of great help in managing the lingering symptoms of the infection. Homeopathy for Post Covid Syndrome

It spreads from person to person directly by inhaling the respiratory droplets released from an infected person via coughs, sneezes or talks.  It can also spread indirectly if a person touches any surface that has been contaminated by this virus and then touches his or her mouth, nose or eyes without first washing and disinfecting the hands properly. 

The symptoms of Covid -19 vary from mild to severe in intensity. The symptoms tend to appear between 2 – 14 days after the virus exposure. The most common symptoms of Covid – 19 includes fever, cough and fatigue (tiredness). Loss of smell and taste may be the early symptoms in many cases. Its other symptoms include difficulty in breathing, body aches, fatigue, headache, sore throat, runny nose or congested nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. The elderly people and those already having certain health conditions (like diabetes, serious heart disease, lung disease, cancer, asthma and chronic kidney disease) are at high risk of developing severe symptoms and serious complications. 

Post Covid Syndrome and Its Symptoms

There is evidence that few people who suffered from Covid -19 may experience some long-term, debilitating symptoms that occur after having recovered from the acute infection. Though recovered from the initial stage, they struggle to overcome the lingering health issues that follow it.

These include chronic fatigue (weakness), loose stool (diarrhoea), nausea, loss of appetite, abnormal heart rate, recurring shortness of breath, disturbed sleep, muscle weakness, muscle pain, joint pain, weight loss, loss taste and smell, depression, anxiety, brain fog, difficulty in concentrating, memory issues, dizziness and confusion. They may linger on for weeks to months. These symptom sets are together referred to as post covid syndrome.  Some of the symptoms that linger on are quite similar to the ones that occur in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). As per a study it is estimated that around 87 % of patients after initial recovery from COVID still have one persistent symptom. Further among the various symptoms it is seen that about 60% of people after recovering from acute infection of Covid-19 still face complaints of persistent fatigue. Though this syndrome can affect people of any age, but in elderly and those having health issues (like diabetes, hypertension and weak immune system) the effects persist for long.

Other than above symptoms it may also cause inflammation in the brain, heart damage, lung damage and stroke. 

It has been suggested that inflammatory cytokines accumulation in the CNS (central nervous system) might be the reason for symptoms occurring after recovery from viral infection.

Homeopathy for Post Covid Syndrome & Symptom Management 

Homeopathy can be of great help in managing the lingering symptoms of Post Covid syndrome. Though in homeopathy there are no specific medicine, but the medicines can be selected and used based on the symptom picture in every case which is the basic mode applied for selecting homeopathic medicines for treating /managing any of the medical conditions. One can consider use of these medicines for supportive help along with conventional mode of treatment for symptom management. The homeopathic medicines can be used to manage its symptoms including chronic fatigue (weakness), loose stool (diarrhoea), nausea, disturbed sleep, sleeplessness, muscle pain, joint pain, depression, anxiety, brain fog, difficulty in concentrating and dizziness. Following are some of the medicines that can be helpful for it as per the symptom indication. It is strictly advised to consult a homeopathic physician before considering use of any of the following medicines and self prescription should not be done at all. Only a homeopathic physician can judge and guide about the appropriate medicine, its dosage and repetition that is needed for a given case after complete case analysis.

  1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Fatigue, Anxiety Issues

This medicine can be used for managing fatigue, weakness. Its use is indicated where a person feels weak, tired from doing even a slight exertion. There is a desire to lie down with this. They feel exhausted that most times worsens at night time. This is also an important medicine to manage anxiety issues. With anxiety restlessness is marked. Apart from  above it is a good remedy for managing diarrhoea (loose stool) and vomiting.

  1. Gelsemium – For Managing Dizziness, Weakness, Brain Fog

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of a plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. This medicine is useful to manage complaints of dizziness and weakness. It is one of the well indicated medicines to manage fatigue after viral infections. Persons who need it have marked drowsiness and dullness along with weakness and dizziness. Muscle ache and muscle weakness are present too. It also helps to manage brain fog and concentration issues, problems with fixing attention present along with dullness of mind. 

  1. Kali Phos – For Marked Weakness on Mental and Physical Sphere

It is the next important medicine that can be considered where a person complains of marked weakness on both mental and physical spheres. Other than this it may be used in cases of sleep disturbances (sleeplessness and restlessness during sleep). Next, it is indicated for managing brain fog, depression and anxiety issues.

  1. Phosphoric Acid – For Managing Fatigue, Brain Fog 

It is also a significant medicine which is used in convalescence period when recovering from an illness. It helps to manage fatigue felt since a debilitating acute illness. This medicine also helps in cases of brain fog and concentration problems. Memory weakness and dullness of mind is present with this.

  1. Rhus Tox – To Manage Muscle Pain, Joint Pain

In homeopathy Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for managing muscle pain and joint pains. This medicine helps in relieving the pain as well as stiffness in the joints and muscles. Most persons who need it feel that their pain worsens from rest and gets better by movement. They may also have redness and swelling in the joints. 

  1. Conium – To Manage Complaint of Dizziness

It is a very effective medicine for managing complaints of dizziness. For using this medicine the dizziness may be worse by lying down, turning in bed,  or from moving the head or eyes even slightly. Other than this it is also indicated for managing weakness and concentration difficulty. In most cases needing it great weakness is felt in the morning in bed.

  1. China – For Loose Stool, Weakness

It is a natural medicine prepared from dried bark of plant Cinchona Officinalis also known as Peruvian bark. This plant belongs to family rubiaceae. In homeopathy it is a very beneficial medicine for managing complaints of diarrhoea and the attending weakness. The main indications for using it are brownish loose stool passed with excessive gas.  It is usually painless. The stool may have undigested food particles in it. It may have a foul odour. The stool is very weakening. Abdominal bloating may be present along with above symptoms.

  1. Ipecac – To Manage Complaint of Nausea

This medicine is prepared from the dried root of plant Cephaelis ipecacuanha that belongs to the family rubiaceae. It is indicated when there is distressing nausea. With this there is excessive accumulation of saliva in the mouth. The nausea may be constant. Weakness can attend the complaint of nausea. Empty burping may occur with this. Abdominal distension may also be present. Sometimes vomiting of white, glairy mucus arises.

  1. Ignatia – To Manage Depression Symptoms 

It is a top grade medicine in homeopathy when it comes to manage depression symptoms. This medicine is prepared from plant Ignatia Amara commonly known as St. Ignatius Bean. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. People who require it remain sad, melancholic and weep frequently with this. They remain irritable and desire loneliness. They also have mental dullness. Sometimes they have mood swings from sadness to happiness and crying to laughing. They feel worse from consolation. 

  1. Aconite – To Manage Anxiety Issues

Aconite is another well indicated medicine for managing anxiety issues like medicine Arsenic Album. Aconite is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as monkshood. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. Aconite is of great help when it comes to managing anxiety issues. Persons needing it feel restless with internal anxiety. They have a desire to move or  change their position frequently. They do everything in great haste. They may have panic attacks with anxiety, palpitations and trembling of body.

  1. Coffea Cruda – For Managing Sleeplessness 

Just like medicine Kali Phos, Coffea Cruda offers great help in cases of sleeplessness. Persons needing it remain restless in bed and tosses from side to side. They have  constant thoughts in mind and many ideas crowding the mind. It is well indicated for managing complaints of sleeplessness after acute diseases.

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10 Natural Homeopathic Treatment For Warts On Hands

Warts are small, hard and elevated growths on skin having a rough texture that are caused by viral infection with HPV (Human Papillomavirus). They are also known as Verruca Vulgaris. Hands are one of the most common locations for warts to form though they can appear on any of the body parts. Other common sites for it are face, neck, feet. Homeopathic treatment for warts on hands is very gentle, safe and effective.

TypesHomeopathic treatment for warts on hands

Common warts

Common warts are also called vulgar warts. They are very common types of warts that appear on the backs of your hands and fingers. The size of these vary from very small ones having diameter around 3mm to large ones with diameter up to 1cm. They have variable colour. They vary in colour due to skin colour and may be white, pink, grey, yellow or brown in colour. On touch they feel rough and hard.

Flat warts

It is the next type of warts that can appear on hands (mainly back of hands) though the most common site for them is face. They are also known as plane warts. They are mostly small sized, not more than 3mm and can appear in clusters (groups). These have a flat top and on touch they feel smooth. Their colour is yellow, brown, or skin coloured.

Palmar warts

These warts tend to occur from picking at plantar warts (plantar warts are the warts that occur on soles of feet). These warts vary in colour and can be painful. They can appear in groups and then these are called mosaic warts.

Periungual and subungual warts

Periungual warts refer to the ones that appear around fingernails and subungual warts indicate the warts that arise under fingernails. Nail biting and hangnails  ( a torn piece of skin / tag that hangs loosely around the fingernail) makes a person prone to get these warts. Initially they begin as small growths and afterwards tend to get bigger in size. They can also appear in groups.

They carry a chance of spreading  under the nail bed. In this case it can lead to fungal infection of nail and dis-figuration or permanent damage to nail.

Butchers’ warts

These warts have cauliflower-like appearance and that occurs in those who handle raw meat frequently without gloves. HPV type 7 is suggested to be linked with these warts.


They are caused by a virus known as human papilloma viruses (HPV). Among around  150 types of HPV only few are known to cause warts.

The warts of hands tend to occur when HPV gains entry in the body through any cut, crack, scratch on the topmost skin layer.

The virus causes multiplication of skin cells at a higher speed than what occurs under normal circumstances. It leads to outgrowths on the skin called warts.

Warts are contagious and are transmitted by skin to skin contact with people having warts. A person having warts in one place can also spread to another body part of his own if he touches a healthy body part with hands infected with the virus from touching the wart.

A person (if there is any crack or break in his skin that came in contact with HPV infected object / surface) can get the HPV infection and warts even from touching the object (like towel, door knob, door bell) or any other surface that has been previously touched and infected by wart of a person. Here the immune system of a person plays a very important role and this is not the case with every person, if the immune system is healthy and fights the infection the warts are prevented while if the immune system is weak warts tend to develop.


Depending on the type of warts they may be flat or raised, rough or smooth. They can appear anywhere on the skin of hands like palms, back of hands, fingers. The size of warts vary from pin head to pea size. Their colour is also variable. Some of them can be sensitive and painful. They may be itchy and if irritated they may also bleed.

Homeopathic Treatment for Warts On Hands

Warts on hands can be treated very gently, safely and effectively in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines work to boost the body’s self healing mechanism to fight with the viral infection and stop the excessive multiplication of skin cells. These are beneficial for small as well as large warts. They gradually shrink the warts and make them fall off the skin. Along with shrinkage these also help to manage any attending symptoms like pain, itching, bleeding from warts if present.

  1. Thuja – Top Grade Medicine

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis having the common name Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family coniferae. It is a highly effective medicine for treating warts on hands. It is indicated for numerous warts on hands. For using it the warts are present especially on the back of hand. The surface of warts can be rough or smooth where it is required. They can be hard and horny also. Sometimes they can be pedunculated. It works equally good in case of small sized warts as well as large sized warts and also cauliflower like warts. In some cases needing it the warts may ooze moisture or even bleed.

  1. Causticum – For Warts on Finger Tips and Around Nails

This medicine is next well indicated medicine when warts appear specifically on the fingertips. Other than this it is also prominent medicine for warts that occur close to the nails.  In cases that require it the warts can be small, or large, jagged. They may also bleed. Apart from above it is also indicated for warts on the face, nose, lips, eyelids, arms.

  1. Nitric Acid – For Large, Jagged Warts on Back of Hands

This medicine is beneficial when warts appear on the back of hands. Mostly the warts are  large, jagged and pedunculated in cases needing it. They are usually cauliflower like in appearance. They also have a tendency to bleed easily. Other than this it is a well indicated medicine when warts appear particularly on the upper lip.

  1. Dulcamara – For Flat Warts on Hands and Fingers

This medicine  is prepared from fresh green stems and leaves of plant Solanum dulcamara having the common name woody nightshade and bitter – sweet. It belongs to family solanaceae. It works well in case of flat warts. People needing it have these warts either on palms or on the back side of their hands. But in the case of fingers they usually occur on the back of fingers. The warts are large and smooth. Sometimes these may occur close to the nails. Other than this it is also helpful for warts arising on face.

  1. Antimonium Crudum – For Horny Warts on Hands

This medicine is well indicated for horny types of warts on the hands. Persons requiring it may also have warts on soles of feet (plantar warts). Apart from these it is also indicated for horny growths under the nails and the skin under nails is painful and sensitive.

  1. Natrum Mur – For Warts on Palms of Hands

This medicine is useful for warts occurring on palms of hands. The warts are mostly flat type. These are also painful to pressure. There may be heat in palms along with sweating.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Small Warts on Hands and Fingers

This medicine is recommended for cases having small warts on hands and fingers. The warts may also be present on arms. The warts are round with a hard rough top. They may be flesh coloured or whitish. Itching can be present in the warts. They may also bleed. It is also indicated when warts are inflamed. In such cases pain of  stinging  type is felt.

  1. Sepia – For Itchy Warts

This medicine is very helpful for cases of warts on hands and fingers that are itchy. These are small and flat. Other than this it is also indicated for warts on face and neck.

  1. Natrum Carb – When Warts are Sensitive and Painful to Touch

This is a significant medicine when the warts are sensitive and painful to touch. The warts are mostly present on the back of hands for using this medicine. It is also valuable for treating warts on arms.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Large Jagged Warts

It is a valuable medicine for treating large jagged warts. They can be pedunculated too. They are present on hands and fingers. They may exude moisture. Easy bleeding is also seen among them.

Some Other Important Medicines

Ferrum Picricum – It is an indicated medicine for treating warts on the hand when they are multiple in number.

Ferrum Magneticum – The key indication for using it is small warts on the back of the hands and also on the wrist.

Ranunculus Bulbosus – This medicine is prepared from plants commonly known as buttercup. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is mainly considered for warts present on the thumb.

Palladium – This medicine is specifically indicated for warts on knuckles of hands.

Ruta – This medicine is prepared from a plant named Ruta graveolens commonly known as Rue. This plant belongs to family rutaceae. It is used when the warts are flat and smooth on the palm of hands. It can be attended with sore pain.

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Effective Homeopathic Remedies For Esophagitis

Esophagitis refers to inflammation of the esophagus (a tube through which food and drink passes from mouth to stomach). It can lead to damage of tissue of the esophagus, alter its structure or cause problems with its normal function. Homeopathic Remedies for Esophagitis help to reduce the inflammation of esophagus and effectively manage its symptoms.

CausesHomeopathic remedies for Esophagitis

It can have various causes. The most common cause behind it is GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). In this condition there is backflow of stomach acid in the food pipe that can irritate its lining and lead to inflammation. Next it can arise from infections. Another reason behind it is use of certain medicines (NSAIDs , some antibiotics, steroids). 

Apart from this risk factors for it includes alcohol abuse, excessive cigarette use, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, chemical injury by alkaline or acid solutions, physical injury, weak immune system, stress, allergies, crohn’s disease (an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and damage to gastrointestinal system), chronic vomiting, obesity, hiatal hernia (condition in which stomach bulges out from hiatus opening in diaphragm into chest),  intense use of Vitamins and supplements, surgery in the chest area. 

Types of Esophagitis

Reflux Esophagitis

This type usually results from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). In this disease there is backflow of stomach acid upwards in the food pipe. There is a valve known as LES – lower esophageal sphincter, that keeps the stomach acid in the stomach and prevents its back flow. This valve opens only when food has to enter the stomach from the food pipe and is closed at all other times. When this valve opens at times other than eating or doesn’t close rightly then the stomach contents can get back in the food pipe. If this occurs frequently for a long time then acid content from the stomach can inflame and damage the lining of the food pipe and this condition is known as reflux esophagitis. There are some factors that increase the chance of GERD and inflammation of esophagus due to stomach acid. This includes taking excessive alcohol, coffee, chocolate, smoking, eating excessive fat and going to bed immediately after eating.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis

This type occurs from an excessive number of eosinophils (a type of WBC – white blood cell that plays a role in allergic reactions) in the esophagus usually from an over reactive response to an allergen or acid reflux. There are some of the common food triggers for it, for eg, foods such as milk, eggs,  soy, peanuts, wheat and shellfish. It can also result from inhaling an allergen like pollen.

Lymphocytic Esophagitis

It is a rare type that occurs from an excessive number of lymphocytes (a type of white blood cells) in the esophageal lining. Crohn’s disease, GERD are some diseases associated with it.

Drug-Induced Esophagitis

This results from taking some of the oral medicines with a very little amount of water. It increases the contact time of medicine with the lining of the food pipe.  Some of the examples of these medicines include pain relievers (aspirin,ibuprofen), antibiotics (tetracycline), bisphosphonates, quinidine and potassium chloride.

Infectious Esophagitis

It is rare and can occur from a bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic infection in the esophagus. This type mostly affects people having weak immune systems. Among infections fungus called Candida albicans is common cause of this type. These fungal infections are common in people with low immunity, people who are diabetic, have cancer or those who use steroids.


Its symptoms include difficulty swallowing, pain while swallowing, heartburn, pain in the chest behind the breastbone while eating, food getting stuck in the food pipe. Other symptoms that can occur includes nausea, vomiting, decrease in appetite, epigastric pain, sore throat, hoarse voice and cough. Young children may have feeding difficulty and failure to thrive.


If not treated well in time there can occur changes in the structure and function of the esophagus. Firstly it can lead to scarring, narrowing (stricture) in the esophagus. Next there can occur ulcers in the esophagus. Another complication is tearing or perforation of the esophagus. Lastly it can lead to Barrett’s esophagus (it is a precancerous condition in which there occurs damage to esophageal lining and changes in cells that line the esophagus which increases the risk of esophageal cancer).

Homeopathic Remedies for Esophagitis

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for cases of esophagitis. Homeopathic medicines help to reduce the inflammation of esophagus and effectively manage its symptoms. Symptoms including difficult swallowing, painful swallowing, heartburn, sensation of food getting stuck in the food pipe, nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain can be well managed with these medicines. In mild to moderate cases they can be used as per the symptoms present. But in severe and complicated cases one must consider use of conventional treatment.   

  1. Arsenic Album – Top Grade Medicine

Arsenic Album is a leading medicine for treating cases of esophagitis. Persons needing it have marked burning in the food pipe (heartburn). Burning is felt when swallowing the food. The burning is so intense as if esophagus is made raw by an acidic substance. Along with this nausea may attend. They may also have stinging sensation in the esophagus as from a splinter. Another complaint that they have is very difficult and painful swallowing. They also have a sensation as if everything swallowed gets lodged in the esophagus. Soreness of the throat and pain in the throat may also be felt by them. Vomiting may also be present in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Iris Versicolor – To Manage Heartburn, Nausea, Vomiting

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant commonly named Blue flag. This plant belongs to the family Iridaceae. It is a highly recommended medicine for managing heartburn. In cases needing it there can also be continuous nausea. Vomiting is there which is sour, acrid in nature. 

  1. Robinia – To Manage Heartburn, Acid Reflux

This medicine is prepared from plant Robinia Pseudoacacia. This plant belongs to family leguminosae. It is a very suitable medicine to manage heartburn and acid reflux. Persons who need it mainly get heartburn at night time on lying down. They also have nausea. Another important symptom that is present is vomiting of intensely sour fluid. 

  1. Causticum – When There is Sensation of Food Lodging in Esophagus

This medicine is beneficial for the cases when there is sensation of food lodging in the esophagus. Other than this there is nausea during or after a meal in cases that require this medicine. Next attending symptom is vomiting of acidic water or food. In many cases pressive, cramp – like pains or shooting type of pain is felt in the abdomen in the epigastric region.

  1. Phosphorus – For Burning in Esophagus

Phosphorus is another prominent medicine for these cases. It is indicated when the esophagus is there. Along with this there is difficulty swallowing liquids. Nausea and vomiting may also be present along with this. It is also a medicine for managing cases of stricture of esophagus.

  1. Alumina – For Painful Swallowing

Alumina is a beneficial medicine to manage painful swallowing. Persons needing it have difficulty in swallowing solid food. They can take food in small pieces only. They feel taking warm drinks help to relieve this complaint. They also feel pressure pain in the region of esophagus as if it is contracted or compressed. This occurs mostly during swallowing. 

  1. Carbo veg – With Heartburn and Pain in Epigastrium

Carbo veg is helpful for managing heartburn and pain in epigastrium. The pain in epigastrium can be aching or burning type. The pain gets worse after eating. Epigastric region is also very sensitive. Sensation of rawness in the food pipe and stomach are also felt. 

  1. Belladonna – For Difficult and Painful Swallowing

This medicine is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is very effective to manage complaints of difficult and painful swallowing. Persons needing it have to swallow water to move down the solid food. They also feel burning, stinging and dryness in the food pipe. Sometimes contraction in esophagus  is also felt. Along with this, pain in stomach, nausea, vomiting may also be present.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Difficult Swallowing

It is a significant medicine for cases having difficulty swallowing.  In such cases there is difficulty and pain in swallowing solids. When food reaches a particular point in the food pipe it gets difficult to go down further from inflammation at this point. This medicine is also indicated for managing cases of esophagitis occurring after corrosive substances.

  1. Veratrum Viride – With Nausea and Vomiting

This medicine is prepared from the fresh root of a plant commonly known as American White Hellebore also called as Indian Poke. It belongs to the family melanthiaceae of the Liliaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when there is nausea and vomiting in these cases. Along with this burning is marked in the food pipe with constant desire to swallow. It is most helpful for acute cases of esophagitis. 

  1. Gelsemium – With Sensation of Something Lodged in Esophagus

Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. The main indication to use this medicine is sensation of something lodged in the esophagus. Pain attends to this. Cramping sensation is also felt in esophagus. Another accompanying symptom is burning in esophagus that can extend to the stomach.

  1. Iodum – For Inflammation and Ulcers of Esophagus

This medicine is prominent for cases in which inflammation and ulcers of esophagus are there. Persons needing it have a sensation of burning and scraping in the food pipe. They also feel pain in the food pipe. Swallowing is also difficult among them.

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Vaccine Side Effects – Homeopathy Can Help

Vaccines during childhood give protection to children against many serious diseases. For example DPT vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis); MMR vaccine protects against measles, mumps, rubella; OPV protects against polio; HiB vaccine protects against Haemophilus influenzae type B infection. Though vaccine use is safe but like many other medicines any of the vaccine can cause some side-effects though mild in most cases. This occurs from a natural response of the body while it is directed towards immunity building  against the disease for which vaccination is given. These side effects last from a few hours to one or two days after vaccination. Homeopathic remedies for vaccine side effects offer a very natural, effective, safe and gentle management of various ailments that arise after vaccination.Homeopathic remedies for vaccine side effects

Side Effects

Some of the side effects that can occur after inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV), DPT, Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine (HiB vaccine). They mostly appear within 24 hrs of vaccination. These include mild fever; pain, soreness, tenderness, swelling or redness at the site of the injection; loss of appetite; diarrhoea; vomiting; tiredness; sluggishness and irritability; fussiness; secondary blister elsewhere on the body.

Other than this side effects can occur 6 to 10 days after injection in case of MMR vaccine. These include mild fever, measles like rash, cough, runny nose, puffy eyes, swelling of salivary glands and loss of appetite.

Next vaccine is rotavirus vaccine that can sometimes lead to diarrhoea, abdominal pain, restlessness and irritability in children. 

Other side effects that can occur after vaccination include small, red lump at the injection site. In some vaccines temporary headache, muscle or joint pain, runny nose, nasal congestion, trouble sleeping or drowsiness and being sleepy than usual.

In case of high temperature rarely febrile seizures or fits can occur in young children. The chance of febrile seizure is high if a child has a history of such seizure earlier in his life or have a family history of seizures.

In any of the vaccinations there are very rare chances (even less than one in million) of severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. Swelling of face, hives, difficulty in breathing and even collapse can occur in severe allergic reactions. This tends to happen within minutes of taking the vaccination. This needs medical help right away without any delay.

Homeopathic Remedies for Vaccine Side Effects

Homeopathy offers a very natural, effective, safe and gentle management of various ailments that arise after vaccination. These medicines are helpful to manage complaints of fever, diarrhoea, stomach pain, skin complaints, sleeplessness, redness, inflammation and swelling of arm, weakness headache, excessive sleep , runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, muscle or joint pain. In case of seizures use of homeopathic medicine should be considered along with conventional treatment. It is to be noted that homeopathic medicines have their own limitations to treat cases of severe reaction – anaphylaxis ( some of its signs and symptoms are swelling of tongue, throat, trouble breathing, rapid heartbeat, sudden drop of blood pressure). In such cases one must take immediate medical help from conventional mode of treatment without delay as it is a life threatening condition.

  1. Thuja – Top Grade Medicine 

This medicine is prepared from fresh green twigs of plant Thuja occidentalis commonly named as Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family Coniferae. It is a leading medicine for managing numerous complaints arising after vaccination. Firstly it is indicated for diarrhoea after vaccination. It also helps in stomach pain in such cases. Secondly it is indicated for skin complaints, skin eruptions and skin growths that follow vaccination. Its third indication in these cases is seizures. Next it works effectively to manage sleeplessness that follows vaccination. Lastly it helps cases of weakness of legs that occur after re vaccination.

  1. Silicea – Another Significant Medicine

Silicea is another highly valuable medicine for managing many issues that follows vaccination. Here it is well indicated for managing redness, inflammation and swelling of the arm that can appear after vaccination. Next it helps to manage weakness and lack of stamina in such cases. Another main indication for its use is nausea and loose motion that appear after vaccination sometimes. Headache, excessive sleep from vaccination are also well managed with this medicine. Apart from above indication seizures and weight loss are the rest of complaints where this medicine is indicated. 

  1. Ledum Pal – For Swelling, Redness and Inflammation of Arm

This medicine is prepared from plant Ledum Palustre commonly known as  wild rosemary and also marsh cistus. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. It is a foremost medicine in homeopathy for puncture wounds as arising from needle prick. Here it is beneficial medicine to manage swelling, redness and inflammation of the arm after vaccination injection. This medicine is also considered as a preventive for side effects of vaccination.

  1. Belladonna – To Manage Fever after Vaccination 

This medicine is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is very effective to manage fever after vaccination. In cases needing it the heat stage is prominent. There is burning heat over the whole body but especially most prominent in the head and face. Body feels burning hot like fire. With this redness of face is also there. Anxiety and restlessness is present with the internal heat of the body. There is excessive thirst during the heat stage. The heat stage alternates with the chill stage. In this stage there is coldness of limbs with heat in head. Violent chill is felt in the back. Apart from above it can also be used for managing redness, inflammation and swelling of the arm appearing after vaccination injection.

  1. Podophyllum – To Manage Diarrhoea

This medicine is prepared from plant Podophyllum peltatum commonly known as May Apple. This plant belongs to the family berberidaceae. It is a well indicated medicine to manage diarrhoea. In cases requiring it the stool is watery, profuse and gushing. It can be yellowish or greenish in colour and has a very offensive smell. The stool can be frothy and have mucus in it sometimes. There is a sudden urge to pass stool. Fetid flatus is present with this. There is an urge for stool immediately after eating and drinking. Diarrhoea is usually painless where it is required. Intense nausea can be present before passing the stool. After passing stool, extreme weakness is felt by the person.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Managing Skin Rash

It is a prominent medicine for managing skin rash appearing after vaccination. Violent itching is present in the rash where it is required. The itching is worse from warmth of bed and is better in the open air. Stinging and burning is marked in the rash. Skin is also sensitive to the slightest touch along with above symptoms. 

  1. Sulphur – For Skin Eruptions Following Vaccination

It is a very beneficial medicine for skin eruptions that can occur after vaccination. The eruptions are pustular where it is required. These eruptions are most marked on the scalp, face, and legs. It is also indicated for scabby eruptions on scalp, arms and legs appearing after vaccination.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Runny Nose and Nasal Congestion

Arsenic Album is a very helpful medicine for managing runny nose and nasal congestion. In cases needing it there is profuse and watery discharge from the nose. It can lead to burning sensation, excoriation in the nostrils. In some cases stoppage of the nose and fluent runny nose alternate with each other that requires this medicine. Great weakness may attend the above symptoms.

    9. Drosera – To Manage Dry, Irritative Cough

This medicine is prepared from plant Drosera Rotundifolia having a common name round – leaved sundew. This plant belongs to family droseraceae. It is an effective medicine to manage dry irritative cough. Along with cough roughness, dryness and tickling sensation is felt in the fauces. People needing it mainly complain of cough getting worse from lying down in the evening and from warmth. 

  1. Antimonium Tart – For Loose Rattling Cough

This medicine offers great help in cases of loose cough with rattling of mucus in the chest. Cough is present day and night. Chest feels congested from mucus in the chest. Scanty, thick, phlegm is expectorated in these cases. Expectoration is difficult. 

  1. Rhus Tox – To Manage Joint Pain and Muscle Pain

Rhus Tox is a very effective medicine to manage joint pain and muscle pain. It brings great relief in this complaint. The pain may be worse at rest and better by motion where this medicine is required. In cases needing it, stiffness of joints may also be present. The stiffness tends to get better by warmth and also by massage.

  1. Cicuta – For Seizures after Vaccination

This medicine is prepared from the fresh root of plant Cicuta Virosa having the common name water hemlock. This plant belongs to the family umbelliferae. This medicine can be used along with conventional treatment for managing seizures after vaccination. In cases needing it the fits occur with frightful distortion of the limbs or whole body. Loss of consciousness and frothing at mouth may occur with this. High fever is present along with above symptoms. 

  1. Malandrium – For Dry, Rough Skin

Homeopathic medicine Malandrium is particularly indicated for managing cases where dryness, hardness and roughness of skin occurs after vaccination.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

8 Homeopathic Remedies for Angioedema

Angioedema refers to edema or swelling underneath the skin that can become severe. It usually occurs from an allergic reaction. This swelling can appear with hives that’s why it is sometimes called giant hives. Hives also known as urticaria refers to itchy, elevated, red welts/wheals or bumps on the skin surface that occur mostly from an allergic reaction. Homeopathic Remedies for Angioedema are beneficial in all types of angioedema with symptoms having mild to moderate intensity.

Angioedema is a harmless condition in most cases and gets well in a few days. However, in serious cases the tongue that can cause blockage of airways and difficulty in breathing that needs prompt medical help. Severe angioedema may be a part of a dangerous medical condition called anaphylaxis needing emergency treatment. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction in which there appears swelling of lips, tongue and throat that blocks airways and leads to breathing problems, rapid heartbeat, sudden drop of blood pressure, dizziness and sometimes fainting. Anaphylaxis is a severe life threatening condition that should be urgently treated with conventional treatment.


It most commonly arises from an allergic reaction and this type is known as allergic angioedema. The allergic reaction can occur from certain foods like eggs, peanuts, fish, shellfish and milk. This reaction can also occur from insect bites, pollen, animal dander, latex and poison ivy. The body detects a substance (like any of the above) as something dangerous. Following this there is release of histamine by the body that causes dilatation of the blood vessels and fluid leakage. In severe cases of allergic angioedema, anaphylaxis can occur with swelling of throat, difficulty in breathing and sudden drop in blood pressure. It is a medical emergency needing immediate medical help.

It can also arise from the use of certain medicines called drug – induced angioedema. Few medicines that can lead to it include aspirin, NSAID’s (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs), penicillin, antibiotics and some of the medicines used to control high BP (blood pressure). 

Thirdly, it may occur after an infection or with illnesses like SLE (It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks and damages healthy tissues of the body. It can affect skin, kidneys, blood vessels, lungs, heart, nervous system, muscles, bones, eyes). Another medical condition linked with it is leukaemia (cancer of blood cells). Other than this a medical condition lymphoma is associated with it. Lymphoma refers to a cancer beginning in lymphocytes which are cells of the immune system that help to fight with infection. In case of lymphoma these lymphocytes change and keep multiplying out of control.  

Rarely it can occur in people having a family history of it where it is called as hereditary angioedema. Here a person has inherited this condition from a parent through genetic transmission. In hereditary angioedema the body is unable to make a blood protein called C1 esterase inhibitor in the right amount that results in fluid movement from the blood into tissues resulting in swelling.

Other than this it can arise if a person has a weak immune system where it is called as acquired angioedema. 

Lastly, it can be idiopathic type where no cause is ruled out behind swelling. Some factors linked with it include stress, anxiety, intense exercise, exposure to heat and cold and minor infection.


Its main sign is swelling below the skin. The swelling can develop suddenly or gradually in a few hours. Sometimes it may be attended with swelling and welts on the surface of the skin (hives) that may be painful and itchy. Redness, warmth and pain can appear in the swollen area. The swelling mainly occurs on the face especially around the eyes, lips; around the mouth; hands, feet, arms, legs; tongue. In severe cases the swelling can spread to other body parts. The  swelling can also occur around the genitals and in intestines. Apart from above abdominal cramping, intense vomiting, redness irritation of eyes, diarrhoea (loose motion), weakness and dizziness can also occur. In some cases swelling appears in the throat with hoarseness, and difficulty in breathing. In case of swelling of the throat and tongue with difficult breathing, urgent medical help needs to be taken as it can be dangerous.

Homeopathic Remedies for Angioedema

There is a great scope of treating angioedema in homeopathy. There are many natural homeopathic medicines that are very effective for reducing the swelling in these cases and treating hives. In case of allergic cases it brings great recovery by moderating the immune system which is causing allergic reaction. Homeopathic medicines are helpful to manage recent cases and long standing or recurrent cases. It is to be noted that homeopathic medicines can be safely taken as long as there is no swelling of throat, airways, tongue attended with difficulty breathing. In the severe cases where there is swelling of throat, airways, tongue that obstructs breathing immediate treatment with conventional mode is needed. Also homeopathy has a limitation in treating cases of anaphylaxis reaction where urgent help from conventional treatment is required without any delay.

  1. Apis Mellifica – Top Grade Medicine

Apis Mellifica is a leading medicine for cases of angioedema. Persons needing it have swelling over the face mainly eyelids, lips; mouth; and hands, feet. Redness and heat in the face is marked. In males swelling can also appear in testicles. In females the swelling can occur on labia. Burning stinging pains are complained in the area of swelling. Along with these symptoms there are hives with wheals on skin. The wheals are red with intense burning, stinging sensation. They are painful, tender and itchy. The itching mostly gets worse at night time. Apart from above symptoms there may be redness and itching in the eyes. Symptoms of angioedema occurring after bee sting are also well treated with this medicine. These symptoms include stinging, burning sharp prickling pain in skin and excessive swelling. 

  1. Urtica Urens – For Hives and Marked Swelling of Face, Hands, Feet

It is prepared from a plant called Stinging – nettle that belongs to the family Urticaceae. The fresh plant in flowers is used for preparing homeopathic medicine. It is well indicated for hives and marked swelling of face, hands, feet. In cases needing it the fingers and hands are much swollen with itching. Lumps and red spots on hands are present.  The face, hands and feet are swollen with stinging, burning and redness. The eyelids are intensely swollen and can be scarcely opened. In the case of hives raised red blotches are there on skin. This is attended with itching, burning and stinging. It also helps cases of hives from eating shellfish.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Hives with Oedema of Lids

It is a very beneficial medicine like above to medicines for cases where hives are present with oedema of eyelids. For using this medicine the hives usually occur from getting wet and in cold air. The hives have burning and itching in it. Affected skin appears tense and shining. The wheals are excessive mostly on hand and forearm. There is marked stitching pain in the eruption

  1. Arsenic Album – For Oedematous Swellings with Burning Pain

This medicine is prominently indicated when oedematous swellings are attended with burning pain. Along with this urticarial eruptions are present. These eruptions also have much burning in them. Marked  restlessness attends this. A general weakness may accompany the above symptoms. This medicine also helps to manage vomiting and loose stool in these cases. Urticaria from eating shellfish is also an indicating feature for using this medicine.

  1. Agaricus – For Swelling and Itching

It is the next important medicine for cases of angioedema. For using it the main symptoms are swelling, itching, redness, burning of skin. There appears circumscribed oedematous lesions. Itching is there that changes place on scratching.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Angioedema and Recurring Urticaria

Hepar Sulph is a very useful medicine for cases of angioedema and long standing recurring urticaria. Swelling is mainly present on upper lip, hands and feet in cases requiring it. The wheals mainly appear on hands and fingers. Few general symptoms that are present include sticking, pricking on skin and sensitivity of skin to slightest touch. 

  1. Antipyrinum – Another Well Indicated Medicine For Angioedema

Antipyrinum is also a well indicated medicine for angioedema. People needing it also have urticaria. In them the urticaria appears and disappears suddenly. It may be attended with internal coldness. Most intense itching is present in the eruptions. For using it the eruptions are mostly present between the fingers.  

  1. Helleborus – For Sudden Swelling of Skin

This medicine is prepared from the root of a plant called Helleborus Niger commonly known as Black Hellebore and Christmas Rose. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is indicated when there occurs sudden swelling of skin. Edema occurs on the face along with redness. Edema also appears on legs.

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Temporal Arteritis : Homeopathic Remedies for Symptomatic Relief

Temporal arteritis refers to a condition in which inflammation or damage of temporal arteries (that run along both sides of the head and supply blood to the head) occurs. Since it is a serious condition that can have severe complications, homeopathic remedies for temporal arteritis should be considered along with conventional treatment 

Another name for this condition is giant cell arteritis. In this condition, when the cells of the inflamed arteries are looked under microscope they look giant that’s why it is called giant cell arteritis. Though temporal arteritis most commonly affects temporal arteries but it can also occur in other arteries like thoracic arteries.

Serious complications can occur in this condition if it is not treated quickly, so immediate medical help should be seeked in these cases. temporal arteritis


In this condition there occurs inflammation and swelling of the lining of arteries. As a result the blood vessels get narrow due to which there is a decrease in amount of blood flow to body tissues. When blood flow is reduced the tissues get deprived of oxygen and nutrients.

It can occur in any medium or large artery but the most commonly involved artery is arteries in the temple region.

The exact reason that leads to inflammation of arteries is not known yet. However it is thought that it occurs from autoimmune response of the body in which the immune cells of the body attack and inflame the walls of artery by mistake from a misdirected response.

Other than this some genes and environmental factors are also thought to play a role that increase the risk of this condition. Next high doses of antibiotics and some intense infections are also associated with temporal arteritis.

People above the age of 50 yrs are at more risk to develop this condition as compared to younger people. Females are also at more risk of it as compared to males. People having a family history of this condition are at more risk of it.


Its main symptom is headache and tenderness. Headache is located in temples means the sides of the head and it is throbbing in nature. Headache is of high intensity and mostly occurs in both the temples. Its next symptoms include tenderness of scalp, vision problems including blurred vision, double vision and sudden permanent vision loss in one eye, jaw pain that can occur while chewing or opening mouth, pain in face, throat. Apart from this other symptoms are weakness, malaise, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss and fever. Rest symptoms are pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, hips, lower back. . In about 50 % of the cases of temporal arteritis a condition called polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) occurs. PMR is an inflammatory condition causing muscle pain and stiffness. In PMR, pain and stiffness occurs mainly in the shoulders, arm, neck, thigh, hip and lower back. 


If this condition is not treated quickly then serious complications can occur. First among them is sudden vision loss / blindness due to reduced blood flow to the eyes from narrow arteries. Next complication is development of aortic aneurysm (enlargement and bulging of an artery from weakness in wall of artery.) This aortic aneurysm has chances to get burst and cause excessive internal bleeding which is life-threatening if not attended immediately. Third complication is stroke (it refers to reduced or interrupted blood supply to brain tissue as a result the brain cells start to die because they don’t get oxygen and nutrients. It is a medical emergency that requires urgent medical help).

Homeopathic Remedies for Temporal Arteritis 

Homeopathic medicines are beneficial for managing mild to moderate cases of temporal arteritis. These medicines help in managing the symptoms of this condition effectively. Homeopathic medicine mainly helps to manage its symptoms including headache, tenderness of scalp, vision problems (including blurred vision, double vision), jaw pain, pain in face, pain in throat, weakness, malaise and pain & stiffness in the neck, shoulders, hips, lower back. Since temporal arteritis is a serious condition and can have severe complications, one must consider use of homeopathic medicines along with conventional treatment for symptom relief and that too under supervision of a homeopathic physician. 

  1. Belladonna – For Managing Temporal Headache, Throat Pain and Facial Pain

This medicine is prepared from plant known as deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. Firstly it is a top listed medicine for managing pain in the temporal (side) region of head. For using it the nature of pain is throbbing type. The pain may radiate from temple to orbit or entire one side of head in some cases needing it. Motion of head, eye movement and noise can worsen the pain. The pain can get better by pressure. Along with pain, fullness and pressure at temples may also felt attended with restlessness. Heated sensation in head can also accompany. Head is sensitive to touch with above symptoms. It is also indicated when there is a pressing sensation in temples attended with dimness of vision. Secondly it helps in cases of pain in throat. Thirdly it is useful to manage facial pain. In most cases needing it the facial pain is right sided. The nature of pain can be cutting, tearing, shooting type. This facial pain gets worse from touch and motion.

  1. Glonoine – For Managing Throbbing Headache with Marked Heat and Congestion

Glonoine is very effective to manage headaches attended with marked heat and congestion. Persons needing it complain of throbbing in temples. This may worsen while walking. Relief may occur from lying and also from pressure on it. Along with throbbing there is a sensation as if the head would burst mainly at temples and above ears. Other than above it is also indicated for violent pressing or stitching pain in temples. Along with these symptoms the temporal arteries seem to pulsate and beat violently. 

  1. Lachesis – For Pain in Left Temple 

This medicine is well indicated for pain in the head located in the left sided temple. The pain is severe and can be throbbing or drawing in nature. It is accompanied with soreness of the temple to least touch. Heated sensation in the head is also there. The pain in cases needing it gets worse from motion, stooping and pressure.

  1. Silicea – For Right Temporal Headache

Silicea is well indicated for stitching pain in the temple, especially the right side. The pain worsens at night. It also worsens form eye movement. With these symptoms there is congestion of the head and redness in the face.

  1. Spigelia – For Facial Pain and Headache on Left Side

This medicine is prepared from plant Spigelia anthelmintica also known as pink – root. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is a leading medicine to manage facial pain mainly on the left side. The pain for using this medicine can be burning, tearing, and tensive, stinging or darting type. The pain may worsen from stooping and slightest motion. Face is red with pain. Next it is top grade medicine for left sided headache. The pain in the left temple is a violent stitching or pulsating type where it is required.

  1. China – When Scalp is Tender, Sensitive and Painful to Touch

China is a well indicated medicine for cases having tenderness, pain and sensitivity of scalp to touch. This gets worse from draught of air. A strong external pressure offers relief in it. Profuse sweat may accompany this symptom. Pain in the head, especially stitching type is present. Pulsations are also felt in the head. The pain worsens from movement of the head.

  1. Phosphorus – To Manage Vision Problems

This medicine has a marked sphere of action around the eyes. It helps to manage many vision problems. In these cases it offers help to manage complaints of blurring of vision and double vision (diplopia). Persons needing this medicine also have pain in one or the other temple that may be burning, pulsating or pressing type. Other than above this medicine is also indicated for drawing and tearing pain in jaw.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Jaw Pain

It is a prominent medicine for managing jaw pain. For using it pain in the upper jaw is present when chewing. The pain is mainly drawing in nature. Another indication for using it is stitching pain in the left temple on movement of the lower jaw.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Managing Throat Pain

Other than Belladonna, Hepar Sulph is a very significant medicine to manage throat pain. The pain is worse from  speaking and swallowing. The pain can radiate from throat to ears. Along with this  a plug-like sensation or a splinter  like sensation is felt in the throat.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Managing Weakness 

It is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage weakness. In cases needing it weakness and exhaustion occurs from slightest exertion.  There is a lack of power and strength to do any work. In most cases weakness is worse at night time. Weight loss can be present along with this.

  1. Rhus Tox  – To Manage Pain and Stiffness

Rhus Tox is a top grade medicine to manage pain and stiffness in these cases. It works well in managing pain and stiffness in neck, shoulders, hips and lower back. Persons who need this medicine complain of worsening of pain at rest in general. They feel relief in the pain by motion.

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Effective Homeopathic Treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic skin condition in which small, inflamed painful lumps form under the skin. The lumps can break open and release fluid or pus that can have an offensive smell. The tunnels can also form under the skin from connection of these lumps. This skin condition usually occurs in areas where the skin tends to rub together like in armpits, the area under breast or groin (the crease area where the upper part of the thigh and the lower part of the abdomen meet). Homeopathic Treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa helps in healing the lumps, nodules, cysts and boils in acute cases as well as chronic cases.

This condition is also known as acne inversa. It is a non contagious condition which means it doesn’t spread through direct skin to skin contact. Hidradenitis Suppurativa


The exact reason behind this condition is not yet clear. It is not caused by an infection and it doesn’t arise from poor hygiene. This condition is known to begin from blockage of hair follicles. It is thought that genetics play a role in it as it is seen to run in families. Next hormonal changes are also thought to have a role in its development as it tends to start after puberty. Another factor that is linked with this condition is an overactive immune system that becomes over responsive to little infections in the clogged hair follicles. Apart from above other factors that are thought to be associated with development of it includes smoking, being overweight and having acne (pimples).  

Women are at more risk to develop this condition as compared to men. Having a family history of this condition also increases the risk. Persons in the age group of 20 to 39 yrs are at risk.

In addition to above having there are certain medical conditions that raises its risk. The first among them is metabolic syndrome that refers to a group of five conditions which increases risk of developing  heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke. These conditions include increased blood pressure,  excess fat around the waist, high blood sugar, high levels of triglyceride and low level of good cholesterol. The other two are diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD is a term to describe two disorders in which there occurs chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. First among these disorders is ulcerative colitis and another is crohn’s disease. 

Signs and Symptoms

This condition can appear in one or several areas of the body. The most common areas involved in it includes armpits, area under breast, groin, inner thighs, anal area and between buttocks. In case of hidradenitis suppurativa red, pimple – like bumps on skin, painful lumps, deep nodules (solid, elevated under the skin), cyst ( a lump containing fluid or other substance) under skin and boils ( pus filled bumps) can develop. The bumps can be itchy. The boil can drain fluid, pus or blood with an offensive smell. With passing time tunnels (sinus tract) that connect lumps may form under the skin. In this condition the lumps tend to occur on both sides of the body .

The bumps keep going away and coming back. The bumps may occur on the same site every time or they may keep changing location. This condition may get worse from stress, being overweight, hormonal changes, heat and smoking.

Stages of Hidradenitis Suppurativa

This condition is classified into three stages (called Hurley stages) depending upon its severity.

Stage 1 –  In this stage there is single or multiple nodules / boil with little scarring and no sinus tract 

Stage 2 – In this stage there are more than one bump with little scarring and limited tunnelling.

Stage 3 – in this stage multiple bumps with extensive scarring and tunnelling appear involving entire area of the body 


In severe cases or the cases that are left untreated some complications can arise. First among them is infection on the affected skin area. Second is scarring / pitting on the healed part of skin and thickening of the scar. Next is restriction of movement from painful lesions and scar mainly when it affects the axilla. In some cases fistula ( a hollow passage) can form inside the body. Another complication is swelling in arms or legs when the lumps or scars (that occurs in body areas that are near lymph nodes) obstruct the drainage of lymph. Depression can occur in the person with this condition when they avoid going out in public and self isolate them due to draining from the lesion and offensive smell from it. Severe and advanced cases carry a very rare chance of squamous cell carcinoma (skin cancer type).

Homeopathic Treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for complaints of hidradenitis suppurativa. These medicines also work in treating the recurrent tendency for skin lesions of this complaint. These medicines help to heal the lumps, reduce the pain and clear off the pus discharges. These medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances and hence are very safe to use without any side effects. 

  1. Silicea – Leading Medicine for Lumps, Cyst, Nodules, Boils

Silicea is a top listed medicine for these cases. It is very effective to treat boils, lumps, nodules, cysts under skin. In case of boils it is indicated when there is pus discharge that can be slight or excessive. It is also indicated when there is thin watery discharge or brownish discharge. The discharges are very offensive where this medicine is required.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Painful Boils

This is a very beneficial medicine for painful boils. The pain to use this medicine can be throbbing or beating. The pain tends to get worse at night. There is much inflammation, heat and swelling over the boils. In cases needing it the pus discharge from boils is blood stained and is very offensive. A person needing it may also have a tendency to acne (pimples). These are often filled with pus.  

  1. Myristica – To Speed up Recovery of Boils

This medicine is prepared from plant Myristica Sebifera. This plant belongs to the family myristicaceae. It is a very useful medicine to help cases of boils. In these cases it works to aid quick recovery by hastening the process of pus formation. Surgical intervention is often prevented by timely use of this medicine in these cases.

  1. Belladonna – When There are Boils in Initial Stage with Heat and Swelling

This medicine is prepared from plants commonly known as deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae.  This medicine is indicated in initial stages when there are boils with heat and swelling. Affected skin area is also sensitive to touch.  Another peculiar indication to use this medicine is recurrent and periodical boils that recur every year specifically in spring season. 

  1. Calcarea Sulph – For Boils with Yellow Pus Discharge

It is another helpful medicine for boils. In cases needing it there is presence of yellow pus discharge. This medicine offers help in both acute cases and as well as chronic cases. It helps to treat one’s tendency to have recurrent boils.

  1. Sulphur – When One Boil Heals followed by Another Boil

This medicine is prominently indicated when a boil in one place heals and is followed by another boil at a different location. The boil discharges pus sometimes blood stained. It can be yellow and offensive in nature. The boil is very painful and is much inflamed at the base. Apart from above it is also valuable medicine to treat cases where boils come in crops in different body parts.

  1. Rhus Tox – When There is Discharge of Blood Stained Pus 

This medicine is indicated when there is blood stained discharge from the boil. It is swollen and painful to touch. Pain  is usually stinging in nature.

  1. Merc Sol – When There is Discharge of Yellow Green Pus 

This medicine is considered when the lumps discharge yellow green pus. This is attended with burning, stinging types of pain. Another specific indication to use this medicine is formation of boil in females at the time of menstrual period.

  1. Phytolacca – For Hard, Painful Nodes / Lumps

This medicine is prepared from plant Phytolacca decandra commonly known as poke – root. It belongs to family phytolaccaceae. This medicine is very suitable to treat cases in which there are hard, painful nodes / lumps present under the skin. Other than this it also helps cases of boils with burning pains. These pain mostly get worse at night where it is required. Watery offensive discharges can be present. It is known to hasten the process of pus formation and speed up recovery. 

  1. Conium – For Cysts and  Lumps / Nodules

This is a highly valuable medicine to treat cases where cysts or lumps / nodules are present under the skin. The lumps or nodules are hard. This medicine works effectively in dissolving the cysts, lumps and nodules in a gradual manner.

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