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Is Jaw Cracking, Jaw Pain Troubling You? Try Homeopathic Remedies

Jaw pain is a very common problem experienced by a number of people. It may be accompanied by some other symptoms depending on the case. These include stiffness in the jaw, swelling or tenderness around the jaw, burning sensation around the jaw, clicking sounds on opening or closing the jaw, pain in face with jaw movement, headache, pain in ear, ringing in ears and toothache.

 Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing complaints of jaw pain. These medicines help in reducing the intensity and frequency of the pain gradually. They also help to relieve its attending symptoms like stiffness in the jaw, swelling or tenderness around jaw, pain in face, headache, pain in ear. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for jaw pain only after evaluating the reason behind it after consulting a doctor. These medicines can be taken only when the cause is mild to moderate, but in case of jaw pain from a serious cause like heart attack, it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.  Some of the symptoms like chest discomfort, difficult breathing, nausea, sweating or fainting along with jaw pain signal urgent help from allopathic doctor.

Homeopathic Medicines For Jaw Pain

1. Rhus Tox – Top-grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for managing jaw pain. In cases needing it, there may be stiffness of the jaw along with pain. There is a feeling as if the jaw would break. Cracking sound in jaw joint with its movement is heard. There can be cramping pain in the lower jaw near the ear. It may get better by applying something warm and also by pressing it. Lastly, it is indicated for pain in the teeth that extends to the jaw and side of the head.

2. Causticum – For Jaw Pain With Difficulty In Opening Mouth

Causticum is a well-indicated medicine for cases having jaw pain along with difficulty in opening mouth. For using it, the pain can be tensive or dragging type. It is also indicated for arthritic and rheumatic pain in the lower jaw. A sensation of tension and swelling under the jaw is also indicative for using it.

3. Hecla Lava – For Upper Jaw Pain After Tooth Extraction

This medicine is beneficial for cases in which upper jaw pain follows tooth extraction. With this, the upper jaw is sore and swollen. Other than this, it is useful for managing toothache with sensitivity to pressure and swelling about the jaws.

4. Spigelia – For Lower Jaw Pain Radiating To Ears

It is prepared from a plant Spigelia anthelmia, commonly known as ‘pink root’. It belongs to family loganiaceae. Use of this medicine is recommended when there is pain in the lower jaw that extends to the ears. It may also extend to temporal (sides) region of the head. For using it, the pain is mostly present on the right side.  In some cases needing it, the pain may extend from the jaw to the neck. It is one of the best medicine for cases of facial neuralgia with above symptoms. Another indication for using it is pain in the right side of the lower jaw while chewing, with a feeling that the lower jaw has split from the joint.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Drawing Pain In Jaw

It is a helpful medicine for managing drawing type of pain in the jaw. It is effective to manage pain in the upper jaw felt while chewing. In some cases needing it, there is swelling of the lower jaw bone on the right side. Apart from these, it works well in cases of toothache with red, inflamed gums which is followed by pain in the jaw. There may also occur swelling in the jaw. Lastly, it is used there is digging, stitching pain in left side of the head during movement of lower jaw.

6. Carbo Veg – For Drawing Pain In Jaw

It is an important medicine for cases having drawing pain in jaw. For using it, the pain can be present either in the upper or the lower jaw.  The drawing pain can be felt in the head too. Soreness (pain on touching) is felt on facial bones of upper and lower jaw where this medicine is required. Sometimes rustling noises in the ears may occur from movement of the jaw.

7. Agaricus – For Tearing Pain In Face And Jaw Bones

This medicine offers help to those who complain of tearing pain in the face and jaw bones. Mostly the pain is felt on right side of lower jaw. Along with this, there may occur a sensation of splinters being run into the right lower jaw. Sometimes trembling is felt in the muscles of lower jaw.

8. Alumina – For Jaw Pain While Chewing Or Opening Mouth

It is a prominent medicine to help cases in which jaw pain occurs while chewing or opening the mouth. Pain is tensive type (stressful). Swelling of the jaw may accompany it. Along with this, there may be a sensation as if the lower jaw has shortened. Another indication for using it is intense pain in the jaw and the cheeks.

9. Carbo Animalis – For Pain In Cheek Bones, In Teeth And Lower Jaw

This medicine is indicated for managing cases presenting with pain in the cheek bones, in teeth and the lower jaw. In cases needing it, pain can be stitching type or shooting type.

10. Phosphorus – For Tearing Pain In Jaw Bones

Its put into use when there is tearing type of pain in the jaw bones. The pain occurs mainly in the evening time. Persons who need it feel increase in the pain when lying down. Jaw movement may offer relief in the pain.

11. Silicea – For Throbbing Toothache With Pain In Jaw

This medicine is considered when a person has throbbing type of toothache with jaw pain. The jaw may have swelling too. It is also indicated for rheumatic pain in jaw that extends to sides of the head.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

Jaw pain can arise from various reasons. The most common cause behind jaw pain is temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ disorder).  TMJ is a hinge joint one on each side of the jaw that connects the jawbone to the temporal bones of the skull. This joint helps in jaw movement while talking, chewing or yawning. Any problem with this joint or in the muscles around this joint refers as TMJ disorder. This disorder can lead to jaw pain. TMJ disorder has many causes and some of them include an injury to the jaw, teeth grinding, arthritis and muscle inflammation around the jaw. Apart from jaw pain, other symptoms of this disorder include pain in the face or around the ears, clicking/ popping sound on opening the mouth, ringing in ears, headache and dizziness.

Second cause for jaw pain is trauma to the jaw. It can arise from a blow on the face or if one falls directly on the face. Trauma may result in dislocated or a broken jaw.

Thirdly, jaw pain may follow a dental surgery during recovery period.

Next cause is dental problems. These include tooth damage, cavities, crowded teeth, misaligned teeth, dental abscess (a pocket of pus that can occur in any part of a tooth), gum disease, teeth grinding and jaw clenching.

Another cause is sinusitis or sinus infection which is the inflammation of any of the paranasal sinus, the air-filled spaces in the skull. In case of infection or inflammation of these sinuses, there is excessive production of mucus that puts pressure on the jaw joint and can result in pain in the upper jaw. Its main signs and symptoms are thick nasal discharge, nasal congestion, dripping of mucus from the back of nose at the back of the throat (also called PND, means post nasal drip), pain, tenderness and swelling around the forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose and decreased sense of smell and taste.

Arthritis may also cause jaw pain. In case arthritis affects TMJ, then jaw pain can result. It includes osteoarthritis (wear and tear of the protective cartilage at the ends of bones), rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease in which the immune cells mistakenly attack the lining of the membranes that surround joints and causes its inflammation and damage.)

Another reason is cluster headache. This type of headache mainly causes pain behind or around one eye and lasts for weeks or months altogether, followed by a long period of no pain. In some cases, the pain can spread to the jaw.

Trigeminal neuralgia is also one of the causes for jaw pain. It is a chronic painful condition affecting the trigeminal nerve and mainly arises when a blood vessel puts pressure on this nerve. Pain occurs on one side of the face, mainly on the jaw, cheeks, teeth, gums and lips.

Lastly, it can be a sign of heart attack. Though in case of heart attack, chest pain is the major symptom but in some of these cases, pain can be felt in the neck, back or jaw. Jaw pain can happen on left side during a heart attack, mostly in women.

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7 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Fever

homeopathic remedies for fever

Feeling feverish is a seasonal reality, popping in a pill and hoping it improves your condition as you go about your business is a reality too. But here’s the catch: Over-the-counter pill might bring down the temperature, but the infection will still remain in the body. Here’s where the role of homeopathic medicines for fever comes into play, as these are made of natural substances, and offer a different course of medical approach: these natural medicines target the infection, so the root cause is eliminated.

Fever, also termed as pyrexia, is a temporary rise in body temperature above normal. The normal body temperature ranges from 97 F to 98.7 degree Fahrenheit.  Fever in itself is not a disease but is only an external signal that denotes an internal infection or inflammation in the body. Everybody’s normal body temperature varies between 97 and 99 degrees F. Fever is defined as a temperature of 100.4 degrees F or above.

For kids temperature higher than 100.4 degree F (measured rectally); 99.5 degree F (measured orally); or 99 degree F (measured under the arm) is considered fever.

Top Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Fever

1. Aconite – For Fever with Restlessness and Anxiety

Aconite is the perfect remedy for the first stage of inflammatory fever. It is a natural remedy of great help when the fever is accompanied by extreme restlessness and anxiety. The patient feels an increased thirst for cold water and the body aches are intolerable. The use of medicine Aconite should always be considered when the fever has risen after sudden exposure to cold winds. There is extreme chill in the body, and the patient desires to be covered up always.

When and How to take Aconite?

Fever is always accompanied by excessive thirst and intense restlessness. Fever is accompanied by chills and feels better by wrapping up. A general recommendation is to start with 30C potency which can be repeated 3-4 times in a day. A higher potency 200C can be taken twice in a day if the symptoms still persist. It is advisable to consult a homeopathic physician before taking it in 1M or higher potency.

2. Bryonia Alba – For Fever with Bodyache

Bryonia Alba is a natural medicine for patients in whom body aches predominate during fever along with chills. Body is cold to touch along with chills. Such a person wants to lie down still to get relief and slight motion worsens his or her condition. There is increased thirst. Symptoms get worse from warmth, movement and touch but one feels better by lying on the painful side.

When and How to take Bryonia Alba?

This medicine is indicated for cases where chills and body pain accompany fever. After carefully matching the symptoms, lower potency 30C can be taken and repeated 2-3 times in a day. 200C potency can be taken once in a day and repeated infrequently. 1M is a high potency and should be used cautiously;  it is important to consult a homeopathic practitioner before repeating this potency particularly.

3. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – For Fever With Bone Pain

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is one of the most efficient fever remedies in homeopathy. It is of great help to treat fever when the patient experiences severe bone pain. This remedy provides quick relief from pain. The main indication that can be given more importance while taking Eupatorium Perfoliatum for fever is that the character of fever is periodic (repeated at certain fixed intervals). The chill stage is accompanied by intense aching and bone pains. The patient shivers and shakes with agonising pain in the head and eyes. The character of pain is bruised and the patient feels as if beaten. Though it can be given for any kind of fever, it is a leading remedy for dengue fever and malaria.

How and When to take Eupatorium Perfoliatum?

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the ideal natural medicine when extreme pains accompany fever. This remedy is capable of managing fever in any age group. Eupatorium Perfoliatum can be used in 30C potency for mild cases of fever and other complaints such as great soreness and bone pain. It can be repeated as frequently as three to four times a day. 200C and 1M potency should be used only after careful matching of the disease symptoms with the symptoms of the patient.

4. Gelsemium For Fever With Weakness

Gelsemium has been considered an excellent remedy for treatment of Influenza for long. It is very beneficial in fever cases where the patients suffer from weakness, dizziness and even the tendency to faint. There is an absence of thirst in most cases. Though it is a prominent medicine for influenza, in some cases, it can be used in early stage of typhoid fever with great exhaustion, dizziness with the patient preferring to be covered.

When and How to take Gelsemium?

Gelsemium shows all the characteristics of viral influenza. There is body ache, myalgia (musclular pain), sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, dullness, weakness and headache. When these symptoms are prominent, Gelsemium  should be considered. It works well in all potencies but it is best to start with 30C, it can be repeated up to 3-4 times in a day. It can be taken twice in 200C potency. It is advisable to consult a homeopath before administration in 1M potency.

5. Rhus Tox For Fever with Extreme Bodyache

Rhus Tox is one of the top natural medicines for persons who have fever with extreme body aches, leading to restlessness. Such a person wants to remain in motion to get relief. Rhus Tox is also the natural medicine for fever as a result of getting wet in rain. During fever, there is shivering all over the body, tongue becomes dry with stretching pain in body, along with mental and physical weakness.

When and how to take Rhus tox?

Rhus tox is often indicated in fever with pain and great restlessness in the body. It has demonstrated good results in both low (30C) and high (200C and 1M) potencies. It can be frequently repeated 3-4 times in a day in 30C potency. Higher potencies are not to be repeated very often; it is advisable to wait. After taking 200C potency, it is advisable to wait and should be only repeated twice in a day. For 1M or higher potency, please consult your local experienced homeopath.

6. Belladona Homeopathic medicine for fever of inflammatory origin

Belladona is one of the first remedies to be thought of in those cases where there is fever with pain in throat, which is is also sore, red and inflamed . During fever, the head becomes hot, but the feet are cold. Internally it feels cold but externally there is very strong burning heat.

When and How to take Belladona?

Belladonna stands for cases of high fever with no thirst, and burning heat in the head but a cold feeling in the feet. Belladonna 30 & Belladona 200 are the most common potencies used for the treatment. 30C requires frequent repetition, and they should be given 2-3 times a day till the expected result is seen. 200C is a high potency, it is advised not to repeat frequently. 1M is a very high potency and should be used cautiously.

7. Arsenic Album For Fever With Marked Exhaustion

Arsenic album can be thought of in cases of typhoid and malaria fever. Periodicity is marked with body burning pains, weakness, restlessness, exhaustion and aggravation during night. The complaint gets worse by the slightest movement and feels better after applying heat. In the heat stage, there is an inclination to uncover, as there is dry heat with thirst. At the end of the fever stage, there is cold and clammy sweat. Sometimes along with fever, gastric symptoms also exist such as colic, nausea, loose stool with heaviness in stomach.

When and how to take Arsenic Album?

Arsenic is one of the best remedies for fever due to malaria or typhoid. There is great debility, restlessness and chill. It can be administered in 30C potency, which can be repeated 2 times a day. If there is no improvement at all with low potency dose, it is advisable to consult a good homeopath before taking 200C or 1M potency.

Types Of Fever

 Five main types of fever are:

Intermittent fever: The temperature is high but falls to normal (37.2 degree C or below) each day. This type of fever is seen in malaria.

Remittent fever: In this type of fever, body temperature fluctuates, though it falls, it never falls all the way back to normal. This type of fever is associated with infectious diseases such as infective endocarditis, rickettsiae infections, brucellosis, among others.

Continuous fever: It is also called sustained fever. The fever is prolonged with little or no change in temperature over the course of the day. Temperature remains above normal throughout the course of 24 hours and does not fluctuate more than 1 degree Celsius in 24 hours. This type of fever occurs in lobar pneumonia, typhoid (step –ladder pattern, a stepwise increase in temperature with a high plateau) and urinary tract infection.

Hectic Fever: In this fever type, there are wide swings in temperature. Intermittent or remittent fever is considered hectic with a temperature difference of at least 1.4 degree Celsius between the highest and the lowest temperature. This fever pattern is indicative of an abscess or pyogenic infection such as pyelonephritis.

Relapsing Fever: This is a type of intermittent fever that comes up again after days or weeks of normal temperatures. With animal bites and disease like malaria, this fever is common.

There is no specific medicine in homeopathy to bring down the temperature, but natural remedies target the infection instead. This is because the temperature is the only index through which the progress of the infection inside the body is reflected. The rise in body temperature is directly proportional to the extent of infection. An increase in temperature indicates a further spread of infection while a decrease in temperature shows that the infection is fading away. If the body temperature is abruptly brought down without halting the infection process, there is no way to find out what is going on inside the body and to what degree the infection is still present in the body. So, the end result is that the fever no doubt is gone, but its root cause — the infection, is still there. Natural medicines act by putting a check on the infection, preventing its further progress and the temperature thus is automatically brought down gradually as the infection declines. The remedies also make sure that no weakness or other residual effects of fever remain in the body. Homeopathy has a huge number of natural medicines to deal with fever cases.

Causes Of Fever

 Fever or a higher-than-normal body temperature could result from:

1. Infections: Viral or bacterial infections is the most common cause of fever. This includes colds, flu, gastroenteritis or infection in the ears, skin, throat or bladder.

2. Environmental factors: Heat strokes due to high ambient temperature or prolonged strenuous exercise and extreme sunburn can all raise the body temperature.

3. Inflammatory diseases: Rheumatoid arthritis, which causes the lining of your joints to become inflamed, is one example of an inflammatory condition (synovium); lupus and inflammatory bowel diseases can cause fever.

4. Hormonal disorders: This includes hyperthyroidism which can increase the body temperature.

5. Drugs: The side effects of some medicines, including those used to treat high blood pressure, seizures, and antibiotics can cause fever.

6. Cancer: A malignant (cancerous) growth can cause fever.

7. Several vaccinations

8. Alcohol withdrawal

9. Teething in babies

Symptoms Of Fever

Temperature higher than 100.4 F (38 C) in adults and children

When someone has fever, depending on what causes fever, they may also have the following symptoms:

A. Shivering and feeling cold when nobody else is feeling cold

1. Headache: Pain in the head often accompanies a fever.

2. Muscle aches: Having sharp or constant aches can be due to fever.

3. Rash: Red bumps may be noticed on the skin along with fever

4. Restlessness: One may feel restless while having fever.

5. Weakness or fatigue: One may feel decrease in muscle strength during fever.

6. Sweating

7. Low appetite: A variety of infections can cause fever along with lack of appetite.

8. Signs of dehydration

9. Increased sensitivity to pain

10. Lack of  energy and feeling sleepy

11. Difficulty in concentrating

B. If a baby has a fever, these symptoms are prominent:

1. Feel hot to the touch

2. Have flushed cheeks

3. Sweaty

Some children show frightening side effect of fever called febrile seizures. They most likely occur with a fever of at least 100.4 degree Farenheit (38 degree Celsius). In some cases, children may have seizure before developing a fever. These seizures happen in 2-4 % of children under age 5. These seizures are short lived and harmless, but in 2.5 % and 5 % of children, who have complex febrile seizure, develop epilepsy.

With high fever, there may also be irritability, confusion, delirium, and seizures.

Pathophysiology Of Fever

Specific body temperature is a balance of heat production and heat loss. Hypothalamus (a gland in the brain) also called as the body thermostat monitors this balance. Even in a healthy condition the body temperature varies, it can be lower in the morning and higher in the late afternoon and evening.

Fever is a response of our immune system to foreign invaders. These foreign invaders include viruses, bacteria, fungi, drugs or toxins. These foreign invaders are considered pyrogens (fever producing substances) which trigger the immune response of the body. Pyrogens signals the hypothalamus that sets the body temperature higher in order to help the body fight against the infection. This prompt complex process results in more heat production and restricts heat loss. The body produces heat when one shivers in fever.  Wrapping blanket around body in chilled state of fever is a way to retain body heat.


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Treatment Of White Tongue In Homeopathy

White tongue means white coating on the tongue. The coating may occur at some places on the tongue or on the entire tongue varying from case to case.

It may simply arise from poor oral hygiene, not cleaning the tongue properly, eating soft foods in excess but in some cases, it may occur from some medical reason (for example, oral thrush). In most cases, it is a harmless sign but rarely may indicate some serious issue.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very effective in managing the cases of white tongue. With use of homeopathic medicines, the coating on tongue gradually decreases. Along with this, if there are any attending symptoms, these help to provide relief. As the reasons for white-coated tongue vary from mild to serious ones, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of homeopathic physician after complete case evaluation. Use of these medicines is recommended only when the cause is mild, but in case of serious causes like cancer, it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For White Tongue

1. Antimonium Crudum For Thick White Coating

It is a very effective medicine for cases having thick white coating on the tongue. The tongue looks milky white. There is excessive salivation that may have a salty taste. There may be pain, soreness and redness on the edges of the tongue. Sometimes there is bitter taste in the mouth. In some cases, slimy mucus is present in the mouth.

2. Merc Sol For Tongue Coated White Like Chalk

It is a well-indicated medicine for cases in which tongue is coated as white as chalk. It appears as if covered with white fur. The tongue is moist and may be swollen. This is attended with a bad, putrid, slimy or metallic taste in the mouth. Bad breath may also be there. Excessive salivation attends the above symptoms. The saliva is fetid, thick, soapy and stringy. Sores or ulcers may be present in the mouth and on the tongue. It is one of the prominent medicines for managing cases of oral thrush with thick white coating.

3. Pulsatilla For Coated Tongue With Bad Taste In Mouth

This medicine is prepared from a plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as ‘wind flower’. It is useful for cases having white tongue in the morning accompanied by bad taste in the mouth. Tongue may be dry in morning. In some cases, a burnt taste is present in the mouth. The edges of the tongue may feel sore and scalded. Other than the above, mucus may cling to the mouth or tongue. In some cases, painful blisters are present on tongue.

 4. Nitric Acid For White Tongue With Sore Spots

Nitric Acid is a beneficial medicine for cases of white tongue with sore spots. The tongue is sensitive even to soft food.  It is dry especially in the morning. In some cases, blisters with burning type of pain are present on the tongue. A foul smell attends the above symptoms. Next, there may be ulcers in the mouth with splinter-like pain.

 5. Bryonia For White Tongue With Red Edges

It is prepared from root of the plant Bryonia Alba, commonly known as ‘wild hops’. This medicine is indicated for cases having white coated tongue with red edges. In most cases needing it, the tongue is dry. There is bitter taste in mouth. The breath is offensive. Little ulcers on tip of tongue may be present.

6. Kali Mur For Thin White Coating On Tongue

Use of this medicine is considered when there is thin white coating on the tongue. Along with this, the taste can be sour, bitter or salty. Coldness may be felt on the tongue. In some cases, the tongue is inflamed. Sometimes, blisters occur on the tongue with burning, stinging sensation.

7. Borax For White Fungus Like Growth On Tongue

It is a helpful medicine for a white fungus-like growth on the tongue. It is a very suitable medicine for cases of oral thrush. Persons who need it may have dryness and cracks on the tongue. Next, they can have ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue. These are painful, tender and may bleed easily.

8. Arsenic Album For White Coated Tongue As If Painted White

In cases requiring it, the tongue is white coated as if painted white. The taste of mouth is also bad. It can be sour, metallic, putrid or woody. The tongue is dry. Violent burning sensation is felt on the tongue along with the above complaints.

9. Petroleum For White Tongue In The Centre

It is an important medicine when there is white coating in the centre of the tongue. There are dark streaks along the edges of the tongue.  The taste of mouth is slimy, sour or putrid. The mouth smells like odour of garlic. The mouth and throat are very dry.

10. Taraxacum For White Patches On Tongue

This medicine is used when there is white patchy coating on the tongue. It is a prominent medicine for geographic tongue (loss of papillae on the tongue’s surface forming geographical shapes).

Geographic tongue

Geographic tongue

The white spots may clear off leaving behind dark red, tender spots. These spots are very sensitive. Sour or bitter taste in the mouth accompanies it. Lastly, rawness, smarting, burning in the mouth can be felt.

11. Rhus Tox For White Tongue On One Side

This medicine helps cases having white coated tongue only on one side. The tip of the tongue is red and triangular. Tongue is sore and dry. Taste of mouth can be metallic or bitter.

12. Phosphorus When Tongue Is Coated Like Fur

This medicine is indicated for cases in which the tongue is coated like fur. The tongue is uniformly white, it is also dry and sometimes cracked. A stinging pain on the tip of the tongue can attend. Aphthous patches (small shallow lesions) may be present on the roof of mouth and tongue. The taste in the mouth is bitter, sour, sweet or salty in nature.

13. Chamomilla For Coated Tongue And Burning Sensation On Tongue

It is prepared from a plant Matricaria chamomilla. It works well in cases having white tongue and burning sensation on the tongue. In some cases needing it, the tongue is white only on the sides and red in middle. Sometimes blisters on tongue are present attended with stinging pain.

 What Are The Causes Behind It?

Mostly white tongue is a result of poor oral hygiene, poor brushing of teeth and not properly flossing the teeth. Initially, there may occur overgrowth, swelling and inflammation of the papillae (tiny bumps) on the tongue surface. Following this, debris, dead cells, dirt, germs, bits of food get trapped between these papillae. Lodging of all these particles gives white-coated appearance to the tongue. White tongue can next arise from dry mouth that may arise from mouth breathing or some medical condition. Smoking or chewing tobacco, regular alcohol intake may also lead to it. It may arise in case of fever, dehydration or from irritation from sharp edges of the teeth or braces etc. Sometimes, use of certain medications may cause it (like prolonged use of antibiotics).

Apart from the above, in some cases a white tongue may arise from some medical conditions.

It firstly includes oral lichen planus (OLP). It is an inflammatory condition of autoimmune origin that affects mucous membranes inside the mouth. In this disease, the tongue, inside of the cheeks, gums, inner surface of the lips or palate can be affected. White, lacy patterned lesions or sores occur in the mouth in this condition.

Next is oral thrush (oral candidiasis). It is an infection in the mouth caused by a fungus called candida albicans. In this, there occur white or creamy yellow patches in the mouth. These patches may form on inner cheeks, tongue, gums, roof of mouth or on the tonsils.

Third condition is leukoplakia. In this condition, thick, white patches form inside the cheeks, on gums, and on tongue. This condition is thought to arise usually from chronic irritation as from tobacco and alcohol use.

It may also arise in case of geographic tongue. It is an inflammatory condition of tongue characterised by appearance of island-shaped patches on the tongue giving it a map-like or geographic appearance.

Syphilis is yet another condition linked with it. It is a STI (sexually transmitted infection) caused by bacteria Treponema pallidum. It can cause white patches on the tongue if the infection is not treated.

Lastly, in rare cases it may arise from cancer of tongue or mouth.

What Are The Symptoms?

In many cases, there is just a white coating on the tongue. But in some cases, there may be a bad taste in the mouth or bad breath. In some case, white lacy thread-like patches in the mouth, sores in the mouth or tongue, pain, soreness and burning sensation in mouth or tongue may occur depending on the cause behind it.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

How To Deal With Puffy Eyes In Homeopathy?

Puffy eyes means swelling around the eyes medically known as periorbital puffiness. Puffy eyes may be due to various reasons. In many cases, puffy eyes is a temporary condition (for example, from excessive crying, lack of sleep) and resolves on its own without any treatment but in some cases, it can be an indication of a medical condition (for example, allergies, conjunctivitis) that requires treatment, like orbital cellulitis which needs immediate medical attention.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is very beneficial to treat cases of puffy eyes. Homeopathic medicines work to reduce the swelling around eyes by targeting the root cause behind it. These medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases where no serious cause is linked with puffy eyes. In cases where swelling is intense, or occurs along with certain symptoms (like high fever, eye pain, sudden vision changes, vision loss, bleeding from eyes, sudden swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, breathing problem and bulging eyes) indicating some serious ailment or when it is linked with some serious cause (like eye injury, cellulitis, anaphylaxis, cancer), it is strictly advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment on urgent basis.

As the causes vary for puffy eyes from case to case, it is advised to take homeopathic medicine under the guidance of a homeopathic doctor and never self-medicate. Homeopathic doctor can prescribe medicine after evaluating the case. He will decide whether the case is within the treatable parameters of homeopathy depending on the cause, if not, he will guide you toward timely conventional treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Puffy Eyes

1. Apis Mellifica – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing cases of puffy eyes. In most cases needing it, the eyelids are swollen, puffy, and  red. It is accompanied by a burning sensation and tight skin around eyes. Though the swelling may be present around or under eyes,  mostly swelling is marked under the eyes like under-eye water bags. It is one of the best medicine for puffy eyes in case of allergies. In some cases needing it, there may be inflammation of conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is red and hot tears flow. Sensitivity to light may also be there.  Other than the above, it is well indicated for puffy eyes in case of blepharitis. The eyelids are swollen and become thick with stinging pains.

2. Kali Carb For Marked Swelling Above The Eyes

This medicine is prominent for managing swelling above the eyes. It is present between the eyebrows and the upper lid. It is also helpful in managing cases of swelling of eyelids from blepharitis. In some cases, along with swollen eyes, there is redness on the edges of eyelids. There may be watering from eyes also.  The eyelids may be sticky in the morning.

3. Euphrasia For Swollen Lids With Watery Eyes

It is prepared from the plant Euphrasia Officinalis, commonly known by the name ‘eye-bright’. This medicine works well on swollen eyelids with watery eyes which causes conjunctiva to become red. Burning on the margins of lids can also be there. A sensation of dryness on margins of eyelids is another accompanying symptom. Nasal discharge may also be present.

4. Rhus Tox For Puffy, Itchy Eyelids

It is a very beneficial medicine for cases in which there are puffy eyes along with itching of lids. A biting and prickling sensation in lids can attend it.  There is also shooting type of pain around the eyelids. Profuse watering from eyes is another accompanying feature. Sometimes there is dryness in the eys and heat in the eyelids.

5. Allium Cepa For Swelling Around Eyes And Allergies

It is an important medicine for cases in which there is swelling around the eyes as a part of nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis). The symptoms of allergies that are present include excessive watering from eyes, sneezing and runny nose. Next, there can be pain in forehead.

6. Merc Sol For Swollen Lids Along With Eye Watering And Burning

Merc Sol is a very useful medicine for cases of swollen lids accompanied by watery eyes and a burning sensation. Along with this, there is a sensation of a foreign body under the lids. This leads to pressive or cutting pains under the lids which causes difficulty in moving lids. Eyelids become sore and red. There also can be sensitivity to light.

7. Phosphorus For Puffy Eyes And Blue Rings About Eyes

This medicine is indicated for cases in which there are puffy eyes along with blue rings around eyes.  Frequent itching is felt in the eyes. Next, there can be sensitivity to light. In some cases, inflammation of eyes may be present with pressing burning pain.

8. Pulsatilla For Swollen, Red Eyelids



It is a natural medicine prepared from plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans, commonly known as ‘wind flower’. It is helpful when the eyelids are swollen and red. Along with this, there can be sensation of dryness and burning heat in eyes. In cases needing it, there is a tendency of formation of stye (a localized infection of an oil gland in the eyelid margin) mainly on the upper lid.

Cause Behind Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes are common in aged people. As a person ages, there occurs weakening of the tissues and muscles around eyelids. It results in falling of the normal fat (that helps to support the eyes) in the lower eyelid. This makes lids look puffy. There can be accumulation of fluid in lower eyelid with ageing which increases swelling. Next temporary cause is excessive crying. In the process of reabsorbing excessive liquid from eyes, some of it is retained in tissue under the eyes which makes it look puffy temporarily.

Other than the above reasons, it can simply occur from not taking enough sleep, excessive rubbing of eyes, poor diet and sun exposure.  Puffy eyes can be hereditary. Mostly puffy eyes happen due to fluid retention in tissue around the eyes.

Following are the medical conditions that are related to it.

1. Allergies: The first medical condition that can lead to it is Among them, there is hay fever. Also known as allergic rhinitis, it can cause swollen under-eyes in addition to other symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, itchy nose, red eyes, watery and itchy eyes, cough and post-nasal discharge. Allergy may also be from reaction to some food, chemical, insect bite, etc.



In some cases, it may occur from a severe life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) that needs immediate medical help because it can be fatal if not attended to immediately. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that causes swelling of the throat and tongue,  difficulty in breathing,  sudden drop in blood pressure,  rapid pulse, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and loss of consciousness mostly along with hives, which is a skin condition characterized by itchy, raised bumps on skin.

2. Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the transparent membrane called conjunctiva lining the white part of eyeball and eyelid. It can cause swelling of eyelids along with other symptoms, like redness in eyes, itching in eyes, eye discharge, excessive tears from eyes and grittiness in eyes (feeling of particle of sand in the eye).

3. Dermatitis is also one of the cause. In dermatitis there occur inflammation of the skin with red, itchy rash.

4. Blepharitis is an inflammation of the edges/margins of eyelid. Swollen eyelids can attend other symptoms like itchy eyelids, red eyes, watering from eyes, burning or stinging in the eyes, grittiness in the eyes, and sticking of the eyelid).

5. Orbital cellulitis is a serious condition in which there occurs infection of the soft tissues and fat within the eye socket. It needs urgent medical help as it can result in permanent vision loss and other severe complication like meningitis which is inflammation of the protective membranes that covers the brain and spinal cord.

6. Droopy eyelids(ptosis) is also a cause for it.

7. It may also occur in case of  grave’s eye disease (thyroid eye disease).

8. Next it may happen from stye. Another cause is black eye from an injury, fracture of bony orbit.

9. It may also arise in cases of sinusitis (inflammation of mucous membranes lining the paranasal sinuses).

10. In females, it may be a fallout of PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

11. Apart from the above, in rare cases it can be from eye cancer.

What Other Symptoms May Occur With Puffy eyes?

Puffy eyes may occur along with other eye symptoms depending on the cause. These include itching in eyes, eye discharge, dry eyes, sensitivity to light, excessive tears from eyes and redness of eyes.

In some cases, puffy eyes occur along with nasal symptoms as in allergic rhinitis. These include sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, post-nasal drip. In some cases, sore throat, fatigue, headache and cough may also be present.

There are some serious symptoms which accompany puffy eyes that need urgent medical care, like high fever, bleeding from eyes, eye pain, sudden vision changes, vision loss, sudden swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, breathing problem and bulging eyes with pain, redness and fever.


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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Sciatica

Sciatica is a term used to describe pain that begins in the lower back and travels down the lower limbs traversing the root of the sciatic nerve. It is caused by irritation and compression of the sciatic nerve which is the largest nerve in the human body. It originates in the lower back and runs down the hips, back of the legs, and down to the feet. There is one sciatic nerve on either side of the body and any one of them may be affected when pain is experienced.

Natural and Safe

Homeopathy is a well-renowned system of healing that works wonders in treating various kinds of nerve pains including sciatica. Homeopathic medicines, which are natural and safe, work on the root cause of sciatica for complete, effective healing and cure. These can effectively manage sciatica pain and its other attending symptoms such as numbness, tingling and burning sensation.

Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for every case of sciatica to provide relief. Various factors are kept in mind while prescribing a homeopathic medicine in these cases such as the side of pain, the nature of pain, factors that make the pain worse or better, time when it increases or decreases, any associated symptoms like numbness or tingling and the underlying cause.

Relief in Acute/Chronic Sciatica

Homeopathic medicines can treat acute as well as chronic sciatica cases. In acute cases, homeopathic medicines offer immediate relief in symptoms. In chronic cases, it relieves the symptoms and helps to reduce the intensity and frequency of recurrent episodes of pain and other associated symptoms if the prescribed course of homeopathic treatment is followed for the recommended time. Being free of side effects, homeopathy has an advantage over the conventional method of treatment that uses painkillers, muscle relaxants, and corticosteroids in sciatica cases which carry the risk of side effects due to consumption over a long period. With the use of homeopathic medicines, the dependency on conventional medicines is reduced significantly.

Homeopathy works on treating the root cause of sciatica like disc bulge, disc degeneration, bony spurs, an injury, and muscle spasm to reduce the irritation or pressure on the sciatica nerve. This leads to excellent recoveries in sciatica cases. However, the results vary from case to case depending on the severity and chronicity of the complaints and the presence of complications if any.

In many cases of sciatica, surgery may be recommended. However, homeopathic consultation, if taken on time, could prevent surgical intervention in many cases of sciatica of mild to moderate intensity.

homeopathic medicines for sciatica

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines For Sciatica

Some well-recognized homeopathic medicines for sciatica are Colocynthis, Magnesium Phosphorica, Gnaphalium, Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba and Hypericum.

1. Colocynthis – For Sciatica Of Left Side

Colocynthis is known to greatly benefit left-sided sciatica. It is indicated when a person complains of pain along the course of the left sciatic nerve. The pain starts in the lower back and radiates down the leg to the toes. In some cases, the pain is located in the left hip, or pain in the hip radiates to the knee. The pain may be drawing/tearing/ shooting in nature. In some cases, it may be lightning, shock-like, or cramping. Pressure application may provide relief. Lying on the left side also offers relief in some cases. Some persons requiring Colocynthis may also get relief from warm applications.

When to use Colocynthis?

Its use is advised in patients with left-sided sciatica pain especially when the pain is reduced by pressing the affected area and applying warmth.

How to use Colocynthis?

Colocynthis works wonders in 30C potency. This potency requires frequent repetition, 2-3 times in a day. It also works well in higher potencies like 200C and 1M but it is advisable to consult your homeopathic physician before using higher potencies.

2. Magnesia Phosphorica – For Sciatica Of Right Side

Magnesia Phosphorica is a reliable prescription for right-sided sciatica. The sciatica pain is cutting/ shooting/ stabbing or stitching in nature. Pain starts in the lower back and extends down the right hip, thigh, the hollow of knee and leg. Pressure or warm applications may offer relief. In some cases, uncovering the lower limb worsen the pain.

When to use Magnesia Phosphorica?

Magnesia Phosphorica is indicated for sciatica pain on the right side. The pain worsens while uncovering the lower limb and gets better with pressure and warm applications.

How to use Magnesia Phosphorica?

It can be referred to as a homeopathic pain reliever. It is commonly used in biochemical form in ‘6X potency’, and is taken in tablet form 3-4 times a day.

3. Gnaphalium Polycephalum – For Sciatica With Pain And Numbness

Gnaphalium Polycephalum is the most useful medicine for sciatica pain attended with numbness. It is also indicated where sciatica pain alternates with numbness. Folding thighs towards the abdomen provides some relief. Gnaphalium Polycephalum is also prescribed in sciatica cases where pain is confined to the calves and feet.

When to use Gnaphalium Polycephalum? 

This medicine is an undoubted effective treatment for sciatica when pain is accompanied with numbness.

How to use Gnaphalium Polycephalum? 

In the beginning, its use is suggested in 30C potency and can be repeated twice a day. Its higher potencies are also available but normally, higher potencies are not to be repeated very often.

4. Bryonia Alba – For Sciatica That Worsens While Walking

Bryonia Alba is the most effective homeopathic medicine for sciatica that gets worse while walking. The slightest motion may worsen sciatica in such cases. Lying down still provides some relief. Bryonia Alba is also prescribed when the person feels relief by lying down on the affected side. The hip and leg of the affected side may feel heavy. The pain is tearing in nature from the hip through the back of the thigh and into the calf.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

The main feature of using this medicine is sciatica pain getting worse with the slightest movement but gets better by rest.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

Its lower potency 30C can be used up to 3-4 times in a day.

5. Rhus Tox – For Sciatica That Becomes Painful With Rest

For sciatica pain that gets bad at rest or while sitting, Rhus Tox is the ideal prescription. Lying on the painful side could worsen the pain in such cases. Walking or movement of the affected limb offers relief. Along with severe pain, a burning sensation may be felt in the lower limbs. Rhus Tox also works wonderfully well in treating sciatica that arises from lifting any heavy weight. There is a cramp-like pain in the leg. The patient cannot sit in one position for a long time.

When to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine is prescribed based on the hallmark feature that sciatica pain is worse at rest and gets better with movement. Also, it is indicated for sciatica resulting from lifting any heavy weight.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Its 30C potency can be repeated up to 3-4 times in a day. It is equally effective in 200C and 1M potency but symptoms should be carefully monitored before using these potencies.

6. Hypericum – To manage sciatica occurring after an injury

Hypericum is top-grade medicine when it comes to managing sciatica occurring after an injury. persons who need this medicine often complain of sharp cutting pain in the lower back extending down the legs. A pricking sensation as if occurring from needles can be felt in the feet. In some cases, numbness can be felt in the leg on the left side.

When to use Hypericum?

This medicine can be used as first choice of medicine in cases of sciatica that results from an injury.

How to use Hypericum?

Among its different potencies one may begin with its 30C potency twice or thrice a day initially.

Note You may use the above-mentioned 30C potency after closely monitoring the symptoms but do not self-medicate with higher potencies i.e. 200C and 1M. If no improvement is observed, it is best to consult a homeopath to decide whether the change of potency is required or not.

Causes Of Sciatica

The causes of sciatica could be many, the main among these are as follows:

A disc bulge or a herniated disc: Disc bulge of lower spine can cause pinching, compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. This is the most common cause of sciatica.

Degeneration of the spinal disc: It is the natural wearing down of disc between the vertebrae of spine. This results in shortening the height of vertebrae and resulting in narrowing of nerve passageways (spinal stenosis).

Stenosis (narrowing) of the spinal canal: This can lead to reduction in the space available for the spinal cord and nerves.

Osteoarthritis: Bone spurs (pointed edges of bone) can form in spines in old age and can compress nerves of lower back. 

Spondylolisthesis: It is the slipping of a vertebra which makes it is out of sync with the one above it, as a result there is narrowing of the opening through which the nerve exits. The extended spinal bone can pinch the sciatic nerve.

Piriformis syndrome: Piriformis muscle is a small muscle that lies deep in the buttocks. Tightening or spasm of this muscle is called Piriformis syndrome that can put pressure and can irritate sciatic nerve.

Tumor in the spine: It causes the compression of sciatic nerve.

Symptoms Of Sciatica

Pain: Sciatica is characterized by pain that travels from the lower (lumbar) spine to the buttock and down the back of your leg. The lower back, buttock, and the back of your thigh and calf are likely to experience pain.

Numbness: There is numbness in legs, feet, buttocks, or lower back may feel numb or weak.

Loss Of Movement: There is less movement and pain that gets worse if the person makes an effort to move.

Pin Needle Sensation: One can experience a feeling of pricking by pins and needles in feet, toes, or legs.

Burning Sensation: Constant or episodic burning sensation down the leg.

Risk Factors For Sciatica

Injury: The chance of developing sciatica increases if you suffer a lower back or spine injury.

Age: The bone tissue and discs in the spine naturally deteriorate as you age. With normal ageing, changes and shifts in bone, discs, and ligaments can put the spinal nerves at risk of being hurt or pinched.

Obesity: Excess body weight can increase stress on the spine. This results in changes in the spine that trigger sciatica.

Prolonged Sitting: The chances of developing sciatica is more common in people who sit for long hours or have sedentary lifestyle than active people.

Diabetes: Your chance of developing nerve damage is increased by this disorder, which alters how your body uses blood sugar.

Smoking: The nicotine in tobacco can weaken bones, cause injury to the spine, and hasten the degeneration of vertebral discs.

Lack Of Proper Posture: Even if you are physically healthy and active, sciatica can still occur if you lift weights improperly or perform other vigorous strength training exercises.

How to diagnose cases of sciatica?

A doctor is able to diagnose sciatica based on the symptom picture and a physical examination. He may check for pain occurring while walking, or rising after squatting. He may also perform a very common test done to diagnose sciatica clinically i.e. SLR test (straight leg raise test). In this test, a doctor asks the sufferer to lie on the table on your back with straight legs. The doctor then slowly raises one leg at a time towards the roof and asks you to tell when you start feeling the pain. This test is considered positive if pain is felt between 30 and 70 degrees when the leg is raised. In cases with severe pain, the doctor may recommend X-ray or MRI to find the underlying cause, like disc herniation and nerve pinching.


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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Knee Arthritis

image Knee arthritis refers to the inflammation of knee joints. It can lead to pain in the knee along with swelling, stiffness, tenderness (pain on touching affected area), cracking or popping sounds on moving the knees, and restricted motion of the knee joint. In chronic cases, knee deformity may be seen.

There is an excellent scope to treat knee arthritis in homeopathy. Homeopathy primarily works in providing relief in its symptoms such as pain, stiffness and swelling of the knee. Simultaneously, it reduces inflammation in the joint and stops further damage to the joint thereby controlling the advancement of the disease. Homeopathic medicines prove effective in both acute and chronic knee arthritis cases. Homeopathic intervention done at the right time and stage can give highly promising results in knee arthritis cases. In mild to moderate cases, complete recovery may occur depending on the cause behind it. However, in severe cases, symptom management may occur though the degenerative changes that have already occurred cannot be reversed. In severe cases, these medicines can be taken along with allopathic medicines as well, as they do not interfere with their action.

Homeopathy works magnificently in cases of knee arthritis by treating the root cause behind it. As knee arthritis can arise from various causes like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, injury, gout, etc, the action of homeopathic medicines is not superficial but quite deep that goes to the core of the problems targeting the root cause to provide wonderful results in such cases.

Homeopathic medicines are natural and safe to use which does not have any side effects. In conventional mode, medicines such as pain killers, NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti – inflammatory medicines, corticosteroids, and DMARDs (disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs) are prescribed for knee arthritis as per the cause. These medicines give temporary relief, can make one dependent on them and also have various kind of side effects. The homeopathic system of medicine has an edge over conventional treatment by providing relief that is not short-lived but has a lasting effect and it does not create any dependency.

Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for every case after thorough case taking followed by deep evaluation. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for knee arthritis after consulting a homeopathic physician. Self -medication should not be done as the medicine prescription, potency, dosage and repetition varies from case to case and only a homeopath can be your best guide.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Knee Arthritis

The most important homoeopathic medicines to treat knee arthritis are Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba, Apis Mellifica, Benzoic Acid, Osteo-Arthritis-Nosode, Arnica Montana and Ledum Pal.

1. Rhus Tox – Top-Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is used as the first line of treatment for managing most of the cases of knee arthritis. The foremost indication for its use is pain in the knees while at rest and on taking the first few steps, with relief setting in with continuous walking. The pain is tearing type along with marked stiffness. Knee can be swollen as well. This medicine helps in relieving pain, stiffness, swelling of knee and improving its range of movement.

When to use Rhus Tox?

Rhus Tox can be used when knee pain worsens during rest and on taking initial few steps and relieved by continuous walking, along with knee stiffness.

How to use Rhus Tox?

It may be used in both low and high potencies, but it is usually recommended in 30C potency three to four times a day as per the intensity of the pain.

2. Bryonia Alba – When Knee Pain Occurs On Movement And Gets Better By Taking Rest

It is the second most important medicine for knee arthritis sourced from the roots of plant ‘wild hops’. It is the most frequently recommended medicine for persons who experience knee pain with every little movement and only complete rest is comforting. Most times, they bear stitching type of pain while walking. The knee may be red and swollen as well.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

This medicine is the best solution for the knee pain which is restricting you from all kind of movements (as the slightest knee movement causes pain) while rest eases the pain.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

You may take this remedy in 30C potency two to three times a day.

3. Apis Mellifica – For Painful Swollen Knee

This medicine is of great service in knee arthritis cases where pain in knee is accompanied by marked swelling. The nature of pain most of the time is of stinging/ shooting type. There is a burning sensation in the knee and is also sore (sensitive to touch).

When to use Apis Mellifica?

This medicine can be considered when knee is swollen and painful with prominent stinging pain.

How to use Apis Mellifica?

To start with, one can take Apis Mellifica 30C twice or thrice a day and gradually reduce the dose when intensity seems to decline.

4. Benzoic Acid – For Knee Arthritis Due To High Uric Acid Level (Gout)

Benzoic Acid is the best prescription for managing knee arthritis and pain arising from high uric acid (gout). Those needing it complain of pain and swelling in the knee. Along with this, cracking sound emanates on moving the knees and dryness can be felt inside the knee.

When to use Benzoic Acid?

This medicine can be prescribed as the first remedy in case of knee inflammation, pain and swelling from high uric acid level.

How to use Benzoic Acid?

It usually works well in low power. It is usually recommended in 30C potency two to three times a day.

5. Osteo-Arthritic-Nosode – For Osteoarthritis Of Knee

Osteo-Arthritic-Nosode (OAN) is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the synovial fluid of an osteoarthritic knee. This medicine is a specific medicine to treat cases of osteoarthritis of knee. This medicine is known to relieve pain (especially at night) and stiffness in the joint (especially in the morning). It reduces knee swelling and also helps improve the range of joint movement.

When to use Osteo-Arthritic-Nosode?

It is mainly used as an intercurrent remedy (in cases where improvement has come to a standstill to help to remove any factors that are blocking further improvement) in knee osteoarthritis cases. It helps to relieve joint pain at night and stiffness in morning.

How to use Osteo-Arthritic-Nosode?

It is mostly taken in 200C potency on weekly basis (means one dose once a week only). Do not exceed this dose.

6. Arnica – For Arthritis Post Injury

This medicine is the top most in the list to manage arthritis that might arise from an injury. It is highly effective to reduce swelling in the knee and pain which is sore and bruised type. Along with pain management, Arnica heals the injured areas of knee joint and decrease joint inflammation, and halts further progression of the complaint.

When use Arnica Montana?

This medicine can be given in cases presenting with knee arthritis post-injury with swelling and pain in knees as sore and bruised type.

How to use Arnica Montana?

It can be taken in 30C potency three to four times a day depending on the intensity of pain.

7. Ledum Pal – For Knee Pain With Cracking Sounds On Knee Movement

Ledum Pal is a highly suitable medicine for managing knee pain attended with cracking sound on knee movement. The pain in knee is worse from movement. Along with this there occurs swelling, stiffness and weakness in the knees.

When to use Ledum Pal?

The use of this medicine is advised to manage cases of knee pain with cracking sound when knee is moved.

How to use Ledum Pal?

This medicine can be taken twice a day in 30 C potency. Its higher potencies can also be used afterwards under guidance of a homeopathic physician.

Note Do not exceed use of any of these medicines in more than the recommended power and dose. You may continue these medicines for about a month. To use beyond that or to use high potencies, kindly consult a homeopathic physician.

Causes Of Knee Arthritis And Its Symptoms

Before learning the causes of knee arthritis, let us first review the structure of knee joint. Knee is the strongest and the most complex joint in the body. It is responsible for bearing body weight and movement. It is made of bones, meniscus, muscles, ligaments and tendons. The bones that can get affected in knee arthritis include lower end of thigh bone (femur), upper end of a bone in leg called tibia and knee cap called patella in front of knee. Between thigh bone and tibia, two meniscus are present. Meniscus are C-shaped tough, rubbery cartilages that work as a shock absorber and stabilize the joint and prevent direct rubbing of bones against each other. Knee joint is surrounded by synovial membrane that releases fluid to keep the joint lubricated and reduces friction on movement.  Small fluid-filled sacs called bursa are present in the knee joint that function to decrease friction between knee tissues during movement. Any of these components of knee can be affected in case of knee arthritis.

Knee arthritis can happen due to various reasons but the major causes are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis and injury (post traumatic arthritis).

1. Osteoarthritis

One of the most common causes of knee arthritis is osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Among the over 100 different types of arthritic conditions, osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. This is most common in old and middle age. Osteoarthritis generally affects the weight-bearing joints such as the knee, but it may harm any other joint too.

What is the Cause and How does it affect the knee joint?

The real cause of osteoarthritis is not very clear. Medical researchers believe that it is due to a combination of factors that include aging, injury to the joint or stress, being overweight and genetic factors.

Osteoarthritis affects the knee joint by damaging the cartilage in the knee joint which slowly degenerates. Cartilage is made up of a protein substance that acts as a cushion between the bones of the joints. In advanced cases of osteoarthritis, the cartilage may disappear and the bones start rubbing against each other causing more pain. When bones start rubbing against each other, bony growth may occur around the joints.

Symptoms of knee osteoarthritis

In the initial stages of knee osteoarthritis, one may simply feel deep pain in the knee joint. As the problem advances, common symptoms include pain that is worse after an exercise session or weight bearing, swelling in the joint, limited movement of the knee joint, stiffness during periods of inactivity such as sleeping or sitting; cracking or grating sounds in the knee joint. As the damage to the knee joint worsens, the joint may become less movable and pain may occur even when the joint is at rest and can keep the person awake throughout the night.

2.  Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

What is it? It is an autoimmune disorder resulting in joint pain, stiffness, swelling and decreased movement of joint. An autoimmune disorder means the immune cells start damaging the healthy tissue of the body due to a misdirected response. In most cases, RA starts from small joints but afterward affects large joints as well, including the knee. It tends to affect the same joint bilaterally (on both sides) at a given time.

Why and How it occurs?

The exact reason for it is not clear. However, it seems to begin from an interaction between genetic susceptibility (persons having HLA – DR1 and HLA – DR4 genes are at high risk of it) and environmental factors (some infection with virus, bacteria, smoking). In RA, inflammation occurs in the synovial lining of the synovial membrane and with progression causes destruction of the cartilage and the bone of the joint.

Signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis affecting knee

1. Knee pain and swelling

2. Knee stiffness worse in morning lasting for an hour with gradual relief as day progresses, and after inactivity

3. Heat and tenderness in knee joint

3. Gout

What is gout and Why does it occur?

Gout means inflammation of the joint due to high uric acid level. This type of arthritis arises when uric acid crystals (monosodium urate crystals) collect in the joint. These are needle-like crystals that trigger inflammation and swelling in the joint. Though commonly it affects the big toe joint but can occur in other joints as well, including knee.

Symptoms when gout attacks the knee

1. Knee pain

2. Knee swelling

3. Redness, warmth and tenderness on knee

4. Injuries (Post-Traumatic Arthritis)

Injury to knee joint can also trigger arthritis referred to as post-traumatic arthritis, which can result in osteoarthritis. It may begin after an injury to ligament, meniscus tear or broken bone. The wear and tear makes the knee joint unstable and puts extra pressure on the joint that may develop into arthritis later.

How to diagnose knee arthritis?

The first test recommended to diagnose a case of knee arthritis is an X-ray of the affected knee. This test helps to find bone spurs, narrowing of joint space and other bone changes. In some cases, blood tests including ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and CRP (C-reactive protein) are advised to get an idea of the intensity of inflammation. In cases suspected of rheumatoid arthritis, blood tests including rheumatoid factor qualitative and Anti CCp (anti – citrullinated protein antibody) are recommended. If symptoms point towards gout, then a blood test to check uric acid levels may be recommended. In advanced cases, MRI or CT scan could be required to get more details of bones and to look into changes in the soft tissue of the joint.


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Hip Pain: Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Medicines that Work

Hip pain is a commonly prevalent medical condition that can affect any age group. Hip pain can arise from problems in the hip joint or the structures surrounding it.  The hip is made up of the hip joint and the different structures surrounding it. The hip joint is an important and one of the most flexible joints in the body. It is a ball and socket joint. The head of the femur (bone in the thigh) fits in the acetabulum (socket) of the hip bone (which is a part of the pelvis) to form the hip joint. The structures that surround the hip joint include muscles, ligaments (bands that connect two bones together), tendons (bands connecting bones and muscles), a tough fibrous capsule lined by synovial fluid, and the bursa (small fluid-filled sacs that cushion bones, muscles and tendons near the joints). The hip joint bears our body weight and helps us walk, jump and run.

Homeopathy is highly proficient in managing cases of hip pain. Homeopathic medicines help to reduce pain in the hip and the related stiffness, swelling, and tenderness magnificently. They offer long-term relief rather than temporary alleviation of the complaint. Homeopathy is helpful in both acute and chronic cases of hip pain. Homeopathy boosts the body’s self-healing forces to overcome hip pain naturally. With regular use of homeopathic medicines the dependency on conventional medicines like pain killers can be reduced to a great extent.

Homeopathic medicines for hip pain are natural medicines. These are prepared from naturally occurring substances that do not contain any harmful chemicals. So these are very safe to use with zero side effects.

As hip pain can arise from different reasons, so that cause needs to be treated for proper cure. Here homeopathic medicines work in a manner that aims to treat hip pain by targeting the root cause behind it. This leads to initial relief in pain followed by cure.

Homeopathic medicines are suitable for treating hip pain in persons of all age groups. These medicines are recommended after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. Hence one should always get the case of hip pain evaluated by a homeopathic doctor for correct homeopathic prescription and avoid self – medication.

hip pain homeopathy

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Hip Pain.

Top Five Homeopathic Medicines for Hip Pain

The top five homeopathic medicines for hip pain are Bryonia Alba, Rhus Tox, Colocynthis, Ruta Graveolens and Aesculus Hippocastanum.

1. Bryonia Alba – For Hip Pain On Movement

Bryonia Alba is a natural remedy sourced from the root of plant wild hops. It is highly effective for hip pain that gets bad with the slightest motion. One gets relief by taking rest, and also by warm applications (like hot water bottles, electric blanket, etc). The pain may be a cramping, bruised, knife-like stitching/ stabbing type. Cracking sound in the hip joint emanates on walking. In some cases, pain from the hip may extend down to the knee.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

It can be used as a first remedy when hip pain worsens from the slightest motion and gets better by taking rest.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

The most common dose indicated for this medicine use is Bryonia 30C two to three times a day according to the severity of pain.

2. Rhus Tox – For Hip Pain At Rest

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for hip pain where the pain worsens at rest and gets better by continued motion. Additionally, the pain may increase from lying on the sides, and while rising after prolonged sitting. The pain from the hip may extend down the back of the thigh. Pain is accompanied by stiffness in the hip joint. Use of Rhus Tox is also highly recommended for hip pain arising from overstraining or overstretching of muscles, tendons or ligaments, and also from injury.

When to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine is applicable when hip pain worsens at rest and improves with continuous motion. Someone who is suffering hip pain due to overuse of hip joint, as from prolonged running, can also use this medicine.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Though it can be used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M, but the most frequently used dosage is 30C power. One may take Rhus Tox 30 C twice or thrice a day for good results.

3. Colocynthis – For Hip Pain Which Gets Better By Lying On The Affected Side

It is a natural remedy sourced from the pulp of fruit of bitter cucumber. Colocynthis is highly beneficial for hip pain that gets better by lying on the affected side. In most cases, the pain from the hip radiates down the leg. The nature of pain can be crampy, constricting/ shooting type. It is also very helpful when the hip pain arises from pinched nerves,  like sciatica, and the hip pain goes down the lower limbs. Walking worsens the pain while taking rest brings relief. Applying pressure also brings relief from hip pain in cases requiring Colocynthis.

When to use Colocynthis?

Persons who have hip pain that gets better by lying on the affected side of pain can take this medicine.

How to use Colocynthis?

Initially, it is advised to start Colocynthis 30C one to three times a day based on the intensity of pain.

4. Ruta Graveolens – For Hip Pain From Inflamed Tendons Or Ligaments

Ruta Graveolens has marked action on tendons and ligaments. It is the first choice of medicine to treat hip pain from inflamed, strained tendons (bind muscle to bone) or ligaments (bind bone to bone). Those needing it feel soreness (pain felt on touching) in the hip, and pain worsens if the leg is stretched. Ruta reduces the inflammation of tendons/ligaments as well as the effects of strained tendons/ligaments, and relieves soreness and pain in the hip.

When use Ruta Graveolens?

This medicine is recommended for cases where hip pain is a result of overstraining (arising due to overuse of hip joint like in running, jumping), or inflamed tendons or ligaments.

How to use Ruta Graveolens?

It is advised to take this medicine in 30 C power twice or thrice a day.

5. Aesculus Hippocastanum – For Hip Pain While Walking Or Stooping

It is an effective medicine for hip pain that increases by walking or stooping (bending the upper half of the body forward and down). Along with hip pain, a person complains of lower back pain and stiffness. It is the top medicine for hip pain that arises from arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or damage to the hip joint.

When to use Aesculus Hippocastanum?

Those who have worsening in hip pain from walking and stooping can use this medicine.

How to use Aesculus Hippocastanum?

Among its various potencies, it is best to start with 30C potency, once or twice a day.

Note One may take the above-mentioned medicines for one or two months in the recommended potency and dose. To continue further, or to increase the dose, it is advisable to consult a homeopathic practitioner.

Causes of Hip Pain

The causes of hip pain are wide and variable. It can simply arise from overuse of a joint or due to some heavy exercise that causes the straining of muscles, tendons or ligaments. It tends to resolve in a few days. Inflamed tendons (tendonitis) can also lead to hip pain which gets better in a few days. Long-term hip pain can arise from several underlying medical conditions as follows:

1. Hip arthritis (arthritis here means Inflammation): Various types of arthritis can cause hip pain. These mainly include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and infective arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritisis an autoimmune joint disorder in which the immune cells start to inflame and damage joints due to a misdirected response. Usually, it begins with small joints (especially finger joints) but afterwards hip joints can be affected too. Osteoarthritisrefers to age-related wear and tear of the cartilage (that acts as a cushion between two bones of the joint) of a joint. Frequently, it occurs as a part of age-related degeneration but can arise from injury as well. Ankylosing spondylitis (affects the joints of the spine especially sacroiliac joint, a joint between the base of spine and pelvis). Infective arthritis which damages the joint cartilage can also cause hip pain.

2. Injury to hip: It includes any trauma or injury due to overuse. Trauma to the hip may lead to hip fracture, sprains, dislocated hip or damage to cartilage. Injury may be due to overuse caused by repetitive strain on hip muscle, tendons, ligaments or bones.

3. Bursitis: It refers to inflamed bursa i.e. small fluid-filled sacs that cushion bones, muscles and tendons near joints.

4. Pinched nerves like sciatica(pain along the path of sciatic nerve originating in the lower back and radiating down to the hip, then thighs, legs up to the feet).

5. Multiple causeslike osteomyelitis (bone infection), osteoporosis (weak, brittle bones prone to easy fracture), avascular necrosis (death of bone tissue resulting from lack of blood supply) and bone cancer.

What are the Symptoms that can accompany Hip Pain?

Apart from pain, there is stiffness in the hip, movement of the hip reduces, there is tenderness and a warm feeling across the hip. In some cases, there may be pain in the groin. Hip pain may make a person limp while walking. The pain from the hip may radiate down the lower limb. Sometimes, the hip pain may be transferred down to the knee (also known as referred pain).

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Ruta Graveolens – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

The remedy Ruta Graveolens is derived from a plant named garden rue and bitterwort belonging to the family rutaceae. This entire fresh plant undergoes a potentization process (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines by which the medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused). Passing of this plant through this process gives us a wonderful homeopathic medicine Ruta Graveolens. It is very effective medicine to manage cases of injury, over straining and inflammation of tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. It is a top listed medicine for managing cases of sprains and tendonitis.
ruta graveolens

Drug Action 

It has the most prominent and well defined action on the tendons, ligaments, muscles, joints, bones, cartilages. Next, it acts well on the back, eyes, head, rectum and male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Sprains, tendonitis, backache, joint injury, arthritis, eye strain, asthenopia (eyestrain), ganglion, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, constipation, rectum prolapse, exostosis, fracture, sciatica.    

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. For injury (sprains, strains, injury to joints, bones, tendons) 

Ruta is among the top listed medicines for managing cases of injury. It works best for injury to joints, bones and tendons. It helps to heal the injured tissues and give relief in pain as well. The pain mainly is sore aching type attended with restlessness where it is required. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating cases of sprains and strains. Sprains refers to overstretching or tearing of ligaments that is fibrous tissue which connects two bones together. In sprain cases it works well when accompanied with weakness in joints. For sprains it is very beneficial especially when sprain occurs in the ankle joint. Another prominent indication is lameness that remains after sprains. Strains means overstretching of the muscles. Next it is very useful for managing bone injuries and tearing of muscles, ligaments or nerves. Besides these it gives great results in cases of sore inflamed tendons (tendonitis) for which it is a top ranking medicine. Tendons are fibrous tissue that attach muscle to bone. It is prominently indicated for managing bruised pain in the bones. Pain in long bones as if broken is also a characteristic feature indicating its use.

Key indicating features

Sprains (overstretching or tearing of ligaments) especially of ankle
Sprain with weakness in joints
Lameness remaining after sprain
Sore, inflamed tendon
Bruised pain in bones
Pain in long bones as if broken

  1. Limbs (sprain, joint pain, sciatica, ganglion, CTS, frozen shoulder)

Ruta acts magnificently on the limbs to treat numerous health concerns. To begin with it is highly recommended medicine for managing sprain especially ankle sprain with marked swelling and pain. It has a wonderful action on joints. It is very suitable for knee pain management. There is great difficulty in going upstairs and downstairs.  It also acts well on the wrist and hands to manage pain and stiffness. Wrist feels sprained and stiff, worsening in wet cold weather. Next main indication of Ruta is treating cases of bursitis (inflammation of fluid filled sacs called bursa near joints).
If we look further this medicine is very effective in sciatica management. Sciatica refers to pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve, where pain starts in the lower back and radiates down the hip, back of thigh, back of leg up to feet. In cases needing it for sciatica the pain goes from back down the hips to thighs. It increases on lying down at night and from sitting. It is also worse in cold weather and from cold applications. It is better from walking.
Another condition where it works wonders is dissolving ganglion (a round lump filled with jelly-like fluid usually developing in the wrist), especially of the wrist. It also acts in an excellent manner on nerves and plays a significant role in treating cases of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). It is a syndrome in which the median nerve is compressed resulting in numbness, tingling and weakness in hands and arms. It gives excellent results in cases of pain in the achilles tendon (tough fibrous band connecting calf muscle in back of leg to the heel bone). An important action of this medicine is noted in treating exostosis (extra bony growth on existing bone) cases.
In case of frozen shoulder as well it brings out great recoveries. Frozen shoulder is a condition causing pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. It works effectively in treating warts (small bumps on skin caused by human papillomavirus) on palms of hands, when warts are smooth, flat and painful.

Key indicating features

Sprain with marked swelling and pain
Knee pain with great difficulty in going upstairs and downstairs
Sciatica worse on lying down at night, from sitting and in cold weather Sciatica better from walking
Ganglion of wrist
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Achilles tendon pain
Exostosis (extra bony growth on existing bone)
Warts on palms of hands

  1. Back (injury, pain)

Next, its action on the back is highly noteworthy. This medicine suits well cases of backache that occurs following an injury or a strain. Persons needing this mainly feel better in pain from lying on the back and from pressure. It acts well to treat lower back pain that is specifically worse in the morning before rising. Lower back feels bruised as well as weak. 

Key indicating features

Backache after an injury or strain
Backache better from lying on the back and from pressure
Lower back pain worse in morning before rising

  1. Eyes (eyestrain)

Next it is a highly valuable medicine to deal with certain eye related concerns. It is a leading medicine to manage cases of eyestrain (asthenopia). Pain in eyes when reading occurs. The eyes also get red and painful when reading, especially small print. Vision also gets blurred. Next there is burning sensation in eyes as from fire and lachrymation (excessive tearing from eyes). Headache from eye strain is best treated with this remedy.

Key indicating features

Eyestrain (asthenopia) with pain, redness in eyes especially when reading
Headache from eye strain 

  1. Rectal complaints (constipation, prolapse, stricture, cancer)

Use of Ruta is considered in treating many of the rectal complaints as well. The main among these includes constipation, rectal prolapse, stricture, and cancer of the rectum. In constipation cases there is difficult stool passed with great straining. Stool is scanty, hard like sheep’s dung. The rectum seems inactive. Tearing or stitching in rectum when sitting can be felt. Constipation may alternate with mucus and frothy stool in some cases. It can be given in cases of rectal prolapse. It is well indicated when prolapse of rectum mainly occurs when stooping, when passing stool and following childbirth. It can be used for stricture of rectum when there is narrowing of rectum from scar tissue. In homeopathic therapeutics its role in managing rectal cancer is also mentioned.

Key indicating features

Constipation with difficult stool passed with great straining and stool is scanty, hard like sheep’s dung
Prolapse of rectum when stooping, when passing stool and following childbirth

  1. Male problems (injury, varicocele)

Males may find this medicine very effective to treat some of the problems. Firstly it is well indicated to manage injury to the genitals. Next it is indicated to treat varicocele that follows strain. Varicocele is enlargement of veins within scrotum that arises from defective valves of veins in scrotum.

Key indicating features

Injury to genitals
Varicocele following as strain

  1. Female problems (prolapse uterus, irregular menses)

This medicine can be used in managing a few problems in females. It can be used in cases of prolapse of the uterus. Bearing down pains are felt in the uterus.
It is also helpful when there are irregular scanty menses. Menses also last for a short duration, just about two days. Vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) occurs before and after menses. 

Key indicating features

Prolapse of uterus
Irregular, scanty menses lasting for a short duration for about two days


Worsening factors: complaints are worse from lifting, overexertion, injury, lying, stooping, cold air, dampness

Relieving factors: complaints are better from warmth, rubbing, scratching and lying on your back.

Ruta Graveolens – Dosage

Use of this medicine is recommended in low as well as high potencies. In low potency it can be repeated often but in high potency it should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor

It antidotes: Merc Sol

Followed well by: Acid Phos, Calcarea Carb, Causticum, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Sepia and Sulphur

It can be compared with other remedies including Rhus Tox, Arnica, Hypericum, Bellis Perennis, and Calcarea Fluor

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Sambucus Nigra – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

The remedy Sambucus Nigra is derived from a plant named elder that belongs to family caprifoliaceae. Fresh leaves and flowers of this plant undergo a potentization process (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines by which the medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused). After that it is converted into a wonderful homeopathic medicine called Sambucus Nigra. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage nasal blockage, dry cold in babies and respiratory issues in children mainly cough and asthma.
Sambucus Nigra

The ‘Sambucus Nigra’ Constitution

This medicine is highly suitable for children having medical problems related to the airways. 

Drug Action 

This medicine is known to have the most marked and vast action on the nose and respiratory system, larynx, lungs. Other than this its action though not very wide is noted on the gastric system and the limbs. 

Clinical Indications

Dry cold, asthma, cough, croup, chest oppression, tuberculosis, colic, hoarseness, weight loss and swelling.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Nose (dry cold)

This medicine acts wonderfully on the nose and is highly recommended  to manage cases of dry cold. Though it can be given to persons of any age, it is most prominently indicated to manage dry cold especially in children and infants (children under one year of age). The nose is blocked and obstructed. This causes much difficulty in breathing. In babies there occurs difficulty when breastfeeding due to nasal blockage. The child may get startled all of sudden as if suffocated. Next it is very helpful for cases in which there is nasal obstruction from thick, sticky mucus in the nostrils. 

Key indicating features

Dry cold, especially in children
Nasal obstruction from thick, sticky mucus in the nostrils

  1. Respiratory System (asthma, cough, croup, tuberculosis, hoarseness of voice)

Sambucus has a magnificent action on the respiratory system. Firstly, it is very effective medicine to manage asthma in children. The children needing it are most troubled at night time. Child feels suffocated, wakes up suddenly and sits in bed gasping for breath and looks blue. With this there is a suffocative cough with crying and difficult breathing. Whistling while breathing is present. This medicine can be given for cough cases when cough is dry and is worse at midnight, lying in bed and from dry cold air.
This medicine is well indicated for croup cases as well. Croup is an infection of the upper airway in which swelling around the larynx, trachea and bronchial tubes leading to barking cough and troubled breathing. In croup cases its use is recommended for rough cough, whistling respiration and wheezing. The affected child cries a lot with these symptoms.
Next it can be used for the management of tuberculosis of the lungs. Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis.
This medicine can be considered as a supportive help in tuberculosis management along with the conventional mode of treatment. Here it is given when there is fever, cough day and night with excessive expectoration having sweet or salty taste. There is excessive weakness, loss of appetite and weight loss. A pressing pain or oppression in the chest is felt. Excessive sweating occurs at night time. Lastly it is valuable for cases of hoarseness of voice due to excessive sticky mucus in the larynx. 

Key indicating features

Asthma in children
Asthma with cough, suffocation at night, with sudden waking and gasping for breath and blue appearance
Croup with rough cough, whistling respiration, wheezing with excessive crying in children
Tuberculosis when there is fever, cough day and night with excessive sweetish/salty expectoration, weakness and pressing pain or oppression in chest
Voice hoarseness from excessive sticky mucus in the larynx

  1. Gastric system (pain, loose stool, vomiting)

With its action on the gastric system it helps to manage pain in abdomen, loose stool, and vomiting. It is suitable to manage abdomen pain with gas and nausea. Pain is pinching or pressive in nature. Pressure is felt in the stomach. It can be given for managing loose stool when stool is watery, slimy occurring frequently with passage of much gas. For vomiting it is used when there is mucus-and-food vomiting in the morning followed by bile.

Key indicating features

Abdomen pain with gas and nausea
Loose stool with watery, slimy stool occurring frequently with passage of much gas
Vomiting in morning of mucus and food followed by bile

  1. Limbs (pain, swelling, trembling)

If we talk of limbs this medicine can be given for cases of pain in legs and ankles when pain is tearing type.
Next indication for its use is pain in the wrist of lancinating nature. Swelling in feet extending to legs is yet another indication to use it.
Lastly it proves useful for cases of trembling of hands when writing. 

Key indicating features

Tearing pain in legs and ankles
Wrist pain lancinating type
Swollen feet and legs
Hands trembling when writing

  1. Perspiration (excessive sweating)

This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there occurs excessive sweating with marked weakness. Sweating is present over the whole body, starting from the face and spreading to the entire body. The sweating is constant when the person is awake. When the person goes to sleep it stops and dry heat starts. 

Key indicating features

Excessive sweating with marked weakness
Sweating over whole body during waking hours and dry heat during sleep


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from dry cold air, motion, during sleep, rest, from drinking cold drinks when overheated.

Relieving factors: Complaints are better from sitting up in bed, wrapping up

Sambucus Nigra – Dosage

Its use is recommended in both low and high potencies. It is a short acting medicine and its action lasts for one day. If used in low potency it can be repeated often as per the complaint while high potencies should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album and Camphor

Followed well by Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Conium, Drosera, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Rhus Tox and Sepia

It can be compared with some other homeopathic medicines including Ipecac, Mephitis, Opium and Sulphur

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Sabina Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

The homeopathic medicine Sabina Officinalis is prepared from a plant named juniperus sabina also known as savine. It belongs to the family coniferae. The young, fresh tops of the branches of this plant are used to prepare homeopathic medicine Sabina Officinalis via potentization process. This process extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties and converts it into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Sabina Officinalis. It is a very effective medicine to treat various female problems the major being heavy periods, painful periods and to prevent tendency of recurrent miscarriage.
Sabina Officinalis

The ‘Sabina Officinalis’ Constitution

This medicine is mainly suited to females to treat various chronic issues, mainly to control excessive uterine bleeding and treat tendency to miscarriage. Females who suffer from joint inflammation and heel inflammation may also find this medicine quite effective.

Drug Action 

The primary and most prominent action of this medicine is seen on the female genitals. Next, it acts well on the joints, limbs, skin, male genitals, rectum and back.

Clinical Indications

Heavy periods, painful periods, fibroids, miscarriage, intermenstrual bleeding, nymphomania (excessive sexual desire in a female), leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge), ovary disorders, joint inflammation, warts, gonorrhoea, piles, back pain 

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Female Problems (heavy periods, vaginal discharge, recurrent miscarriage, fibroids) 

First and foremost action of this medicine is seen on the female genitals. It is among the best homeopathic medicines to manage cases of heavy periods. Females who need it have very profuse, gushing, bright red menstrual bleeding. The blood is watery mixed with clots. The periods may also come early. It is attended with uterine pain, pain from back to pubis and increased urging for urination. Pain from the sacrum (a triangular bone at the base of spine) to the pubis (area in front of pelvis) is a characteristic symptom for the use of this remedy.  It is also suitable to manage intermenstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia).
This medicine has shown clinical improvements in cases of painful menses. Its use is considered when there is pain in the uterus extending to thighs. There is relief from lying flat on the back with extended limbs. It is successfully used in treatment of vaginal discharge too. There is thick yellow discharge from vagina in cases requiring it. The discharge is foul smelling.

Its use is also highly preferred to treat cases in which there is tendency to recurrent abortion. It works well in treating cases where miscarriage occurs specifically at third month.
Another important complaint where it gives magnificent results is inflammation of the uterus and ovaries after childbirth. It can also be given to control excessive sexual desire in females. Lastly is well indicated to manage bleeding from uterine fibroids (non-cancerous growths in the uterus made of muscle and connective tissue).

Key indicating features

Heavy periods with profuse, gushing, bright red, watery bleeding watery mixed with clots
Pain from sacrum to pubis
Recurrent miscarriage at three months
Bleeding from uterine fibroids
Pain during periods better lying flat on back with extended limbs
Inflammation of uterus and ovaries after childbirth

  1. Limbs (joint pain, heel pain)

Another action of this medicine is well marked on the limbs. The prominent action is on the joints. It works wonders to help cases of joint inflammation (arthritis). The affected joints are red, shiny, swollen and painful where it is required. It can also be used in cases of gout (joint inflammation from increased uric acid levels). It is well-suited when there is redness, swelling and stitching pain in the big toe.  It also works well for swollen, stiff wrist joints attended with tearing or stinging type of pain.  Next it is used in cases of heel pain when it is shooting. 

Key indicating features

Red, shiny, swollen and painful joints
Redness, swelling and stitching pain in big toe
Swelling, tearing/ stinging pain and stiffness of wrist joint
Shooting heel pain 

  1. Skin (warts, black pores and ulcers)

With its action on skin it effectively treats warts (small bumps on skin caused by human papillomavirus). The guiding feature for its use is intense itching and burning in warts. This medicine is also indicated to treat black pores on skin mainly on the face. Lastly, it is beneficial to manage skin ulcers. Here it is given for deep ulcers with prickling sensation. The complaint is worse from the warmth of bed and touch. It is better from the cold and in the open air.

Key indicating features

Warts with intense itching and burning
black pores on skin mainly on the face
Deep ulcers on skin with prickling sensation 

  1. Male Problems (gonorrhoea, warts)

This medicine is helpful to treat certain male problems as well. The main indication to use it is gonorrhoea with pus discharge. Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. With this there is dark redness of glans penis with pain, soreness and burning. This medicine is next used to treat warts with intolerable itching and burning sensation. Lastly it is used to control excessive sexual desire with continued violent erections. 

Key indicating features

Gonorrhoea with pus discharge
Dark redness of glans penis with pain, soreness and burning
Warts with intolerable itching and burning
Excessive sexual desire with continued violent erections

  1. Rectum (piles and constipation)

By acting on rectum it proves beneficial to treat piles (swollen, enlarged, engorged veins in or around anus or in the lower rectum). The top most feature for its use is excessive bright red bleeding from piles. In some cases blood is mixed with mucus. Biting sore pain, burning and itching is felt at the anus. With this there occurs constant urge for stool. Its use is also considered for constipation. In such cases it is given for hard difficult stool along with pain.  

Key indicating features

Piles with excessive bright red bleeding
Constipation with hard, difficult, painful stool

  1. Back (backache)

Lastly, its action is noted on the back where it proves successful to manage pain in the lower back. The main symptom indication is pain in the lower back extending to pubic region. Persons needing it may feel constant pain in the lower back. There may occur relief from bending backward. There may also be a weakness in the lower back. 

Key indicating features

Pain in lower back extending to pubic region


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from heat, heat of bed, slight motion, exertion, by touch, from music

Relieving factors: Complaints are better in cool open air and from cold

Sabina Officinalis – Dosage

This medicine works well in both low and high potency. If taken in low potency it can be repeated frequently. But in high potency frequent repetition should be avoided. 

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Pulsatilla

Followed well by: Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Spongia and Sulphur

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