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8 Best Homeopathic Medicines For Ovulation Pain

Ovulation pain, also known as mittelschmerz pain, is pelvic pain felt on one side of the lower abdomen by some women during ovulation. When the follicle ruptures and releases an ovum ( egg) in an ovary usually around the 14th day before periods, it is called ovulation. Pain during ovulation is mostly harmless but should not be ignored especially when the pain is severe, prolonged and the same type of pelvic pain occurs at other times also. This pain is also known as mid-cycle pain.

Homeopathy Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing cases of ovulation pain, and pelvic pain at other times. These medicines treat the fundamental cause which is actually causing the problem. They reduces the intensity and frequency of pain naturally. There are numerous medicines in homeopathy for managing this complaint and as homeopathy is a symptom-based science, the most suitable medicine is selected based on the signs and symptoms in every individual case. So one should take medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and never self-medicate. Homeopathy is recommended when the intensity of pain is mild or moderate and no serious symptom or cause is linked with it. In cases with severe symptoms, and in serious cases like ectopic pregnancy, it is advised to take immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Ovulation Pain And Pelvic Pain

1. Medorrhinum – Top-grade Medicine

It is a top-listed medicine for these cases. In cases needing it, drawing pain is felt in the ovarian region. One feels better by pressing the affected area. Left-sided ovary is painful mostly where this medicine is required, along with feeling hot in that area. Thick vaginal discharge with a fishy odour may flow.

2. Sepia – For Stinging Type Of Pain

It is indicated for cases having stinging type of pain. It is attended with congestion in the ovarian region, with this pressure is felt in the ovaries. Burning sensation is also felt, sometimes vaginal discharge attends. It can be yellowish or greenish which has an offensive odour. It is also a prominent medicine for bearing down sensation in the pelvis (feeling of the pelvic area getting pushed down). Females requiring it may also complain of pain during intercourse.

3. Belladonna – For Throbbing Pain

This medicine is prepared from the plant ‘deadly nightshade’. It is prominent for cases having throbbing pain in the ovary (recuring pain at regular small intervals) mostly in the right ovary. In some cases, there is lancinating (piercing) pain in ovary or burning sensation in the ovarian region.

4. Thuja – For Cutting Shooting Pain

It is prepared from fresh twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis, commonly known as ‘Arbor Vitae’. This plant belongs to family Coniferae. It is indicated for cutting or shooting type of pain. It is mostly present on the left side. Sometimes, there is squeezing type of pain also. Females needing it may have too early and too short menses. The menstrual flow is also scanty.

5. Colocynth – For Cramping Pain

It is a natural medicine prepared from the pulp of fruit Citrullus Colocynthis also called Cucumis Colocynthis and ‘bitter apple’. This plant belongs to family Cucurbitaceae. This medicine works well when there is cramping pain. Pain is marked in the left side with relief on bending double (upper part of body bent forward and downward).  Colocynth is also useful for treating deep stitching pain as from pricking by needles. It is also indicated with sharp pain in the right pelvic region. Lastly, it is a very suitable medicine for managing cramps during menses.

6. Lachesis – For Sharp, Shooting Pain

It is a beneficial medicine when there is sharp shooting pain, especially in the left ovary. Females who need it have dark menstrual flow which has an offensive smell. The periods can be short and scanty. The lower abdomen may be sensitive. It is also a well-indicated medicine when there is menstrual colic that begins in the left ovary.

7. Lilium Tigrinum – When Pain Radiates Down The Thigh

It is prepared from fresh stalk, leaves and flowers of plant ‘tiger lily’ from the family Liliaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when there is ovarian pain radiating down the thigh. The nature of the pain is stinging type. Besides, there is swelling and feeling of heaviness marked in the left ovary.

8. Xanthoxylum – For pain in right ovarian region

This medicine is prepared from fresh bark of plant Xanthoxylum Americanum that belongs to family Rutaceae. This medicine is helpful for treating pain in the right ovarian region. It tends to radiate to hip, thigh and back. The pain is usually sharp, cutting type. There may be tendency to have early periods along with pain where this medicine is required.

What Are The Causes?

The exact cause behind ovulation pain is not clear. According to a well-propunded theory, it is suggested that pain during ovulation occurs when ovarian follicle ruptures to release egg. At the same time, little fluid comes from ruptured follicle leading to irritation of nearby nerves. The rupture of ovarian follicle and release of the egg follows surge of LH means luteinzing hormone. Ovulation pain usually is harmless but sometimes arises from some underlying medical conditions too.

It firstly includes endometriosis, a disorder in which tissue similar to the one that lines the inner side of uterus grows in areas other than the uterus. This occurs commonly in fallopian tubes, ovaries, bowels, and the tissue lining the pelvis. This endometrial-like tissue thickens and breaks down and bleeds during each menstrual cycle.

The main symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain. It may begin before periods and remain for many days into a menstrual period. The pain may also occur in the lower back too.  Next there occurs excessive bleeding during menses and inter-menstrual bleeding may also happen. Besides, pain during intercourse is common in this condition. In some cases, pain is felt while urinating or passing stool during a menstrual period. Few females can have some other attending symptoms like nausea, weakness, loose stool, constipation and bloating during periods. Infertility can also occur in cases of endometriosis.

Second cause is ovarian cyst. Ovarian cyst refers to a fluid-filled sac that develops in ovaries (a pair of female gonads that produces eggs). There are various types of ovarian cysts. These include follicle cyst, corpus luteum cysts, dermoid cysts, endometriomas and PCOS – polycystic ovarian syndrome. Mostly ovarian cysts don’t lead to any symptoms. When cyst grows in size, symptoms may be experienced like pelvic pain (before or during periods), pain during sex, pain in the thighs or the lower back, bloated abdomen, painful with bowel movements, nausea and vomiting.

Another reason is STIs means sexually transmitted infections. Some of these infections include chlamydia (caused by bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis) and gonorrhea (caused by  bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae). In cases of STI, pain in the pelvis can be attended with other symptoms too like vaginal discharge that is usually foul-smelling, fever and burning with urination.

Another cause is scar tissue in some cases that may follow a cesarean section or appendix operation. It can lead to pain by restriction of ovaries and surrounding structures.

Infection of the fallopian tubes can be another cause for ovulation pain.

Ovulation pain may be caused by uterine fibroids. These are benign non-cancerous growths in the uterus that usually occur in child-bearing years. Its common symptoms are heavy bleeding during periods and prolonged periods and pelvic pain. Other accompanying symptoms are backache, leg pain, frequent urination, problem in emptying bladder and constipation.

Lastly, pain in one side of pelvis may be due to an ectopic pregnancy. In this condition, the embryo implantation occurs in the fallopian tubes or some location outside the uterus. It is a life-threatening condition needing immediate medical help.

What Are Its Signs And Symptoms?

The ovulation pain occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. It is felt on one side of the pelvis depending on which side of the ovary has released an egg. Occuring suddenly, the pain can be dull or sharp or cramping in nature that varies from case to case. The duration of pain can be from a few minutes to around one or two days. The ovulation pain is usually not attended with any other signs and symptoms. However, if some accompanying symptoms occur, it may be due to some other underlying medical condition. The other symptoms include vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding, pain on both sides of the lower abdomen, bloating, swelling, nausea, vomiting, pain during urination and diarrhea.




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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Managing Irresistible Urge To Urinate

Urinary urgency is the urge to urinate immediately. It happens from sudden build-up of pressure in the bladder and sudden contraction of the muscle wall of the bladder resulting in difficulty to hold urine and urgent need to evacuate the bladder.


Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for cases of urinary urgency. These medicines act on the root cause. Along with bringing relief, homeopathic medicines also address its attending symptoms like frequent urge to urinate, burning sensation, painful urination, bladder pain and involuntary passage of urine. It is advised to take homeopathic medicines under supervision of a homeopathic physician who will prescribe medicine after a detailed case analysis.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Urinary Urgency

1. Kreosote – Top-grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for persons who need to hurry up to empty their urinary bladder when they have an urge to urinate. They may also have frequent urination with profuse urine. With the problem usually occuring during the day, sometimes urine passes involuntarily on coughing. Urine may have a very offensive smell where this medicine is required.

2. Merc Sol

Use of this medicine is recommended when there is sudden irresistible urge for urination. Apart from urinary urgency, frequent urination both during day and night time is present. Sometimes at night urine passes involuntarily. Besides, the bladder region may be sore to touch. Lastly, burning in the urethra may also attend above symptoms.

3. Thuja

This natural medicine is prepared from fresh twigs of the plant Thuja Occidentalis having common name ‘Arbor Vitae’. It is beneficial when there is sudden uncontrollable urge to urinate. There is cutting pain in the urethra, and sometimes in the bladder as well, while urinating. Increased frequency of urine is noted at night. Urine may be foul smelling, another symptom that can be present is leakage of urine while coughing.

4. Petroselinum

This medicine is prepared from the plant Petroselinum Sativum,  commonly called ‘parsley’. It is helpful when there is a sudden and frequent urge for urination. The urge for urination occurs nearly every half an hour. Excessive pain is felt while urinating. A tingling sensation and pressure in the urethra may also accompany these symptoms.

5. Cantharis

Cantharis is recommended  when there is pain and burning in urethra along with urgent need to urinate. The urge to urinate is felt even if there is the smallest quantity of urine in the bladder. There is burning or cutting pain during, before or after urinating. Another symptom that can attend it is heaviness and soreness in the bladder. There may be frequent or ineffectual urge for urination. It is one of the best medicine for cases of urinary tract infection (UTI).

6. Phosphoric Acid

Phosphoric acid is useful when along with sudden irresistible desire for urination, there is frequent almost constant desire to urinate. Urine passed is copious, the frequency is most marked at night. Before urinating, there is cutting pain while burning sensation is felt in the urethra while urinating.

7. Pulsatilla

It is prepared from the plant Pulsatilla Nigricans, commonly known as ‘wind flower’ or ‘pasque flower’. This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is urgent desire to urinate that seems impossible to delay. Persons needing it can scarcely wait for urination when the urge comes.  The area around the bladder may be sore; there is frequent, ineffectual urge to urinate due to pressure on the bladder. Another symptom that can be present is involuntary urination while coughing or passing gas.

8. Equisetum

This natural medicine is prepared from the plant Equisetum Hyemale, commonly known as ‘Scouring Rush’. It is a prominent medicine for cases in which urination is urgent. In cases requiring it, dull pain in the bladder is there.  There is a feeling of pressure in the area around the bladder with frequent and profuse urine. Fullness in the bladder is felt which is not relieved by urinating. Sharp, cutting, burning pain is felt while urinating.

9. Causticum

Use of this medicine is considered when there is involuntary dribbling of urine while coughing or sneezing. There is frequent urination and burning sensation is felt while urinating.

10. Conium

Conium is effective when sharp pressing pain in the bladder is felt apart from urgent need to urinate. Pressure on the bladder is attended with a feeling as if urine would be passed instantly. Burning or cutting pain in the urethra is experienced while urinating.

11. Borax

Persons requiring it have sudden desire to urinate and can scarcely hold it. Along with this, there is frequent urination at night. Burning sensation is felt before urinating, while pinching pain is felt in urethra after urinating. The urine has a pungent smell.

12. Baryta Carb

This medicine is used when there is a constant urge to urinate apart from the urgency. Burning sensation is felt in the urethra. After urination, dribbling of urine may occur.

13. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is helpful when urine is copious. At night urination is frequent and occurs almost every hour. During urination, burning type of pain is felt. There can also be stitching pain in the bladder.  Sometimes, burning or cutting type of pain persists after urination. It is also indicated when there is involuntary urination while laughing, coughing, or sneezing.

What Are The Reasons Behind Urinary Urgency?

It can arise from various reasons. The first among them is UTI – urinary tract infection (an infection in any part of the urinary tract that includes kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra).

Second common cause is OAB – overactive bladder, a condition in which there occurs frequent and sudden uncontrollable urge to urinate. In OAB, the bladder muscles begin to involuntarily contract even from a little amount of urine in the bladder.

Another reason is use of diuretics ( medicines that increase the production of urine) and intake of excessive liquids mainly caffeine or alcohol. Other than this, it can arise in case of BPH – benign prostate hyperplasia (means enlarged prostate gland) or an infection of prostate gland (prostatitis).

Interstitial cystitis (a condition characterized by long-term inflammation in the muscle layer of the urinary bladder) is yet another cause. It can also occur in case of vaginal infection.

Person who are obese and pregnant women can also experience it.

Some other causes include anxiety, tumours in the pelvis, damage to bladder occurring during childbirth or from surgery and radiation therapy to pelvis.

Lastly, diseases like diabetes and multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disease in which the myelin sheath that cover nerve fibers is damaged) can lead to it.

What Symptoms Can Accompany It?

The urgency to urinate is felt whether the bladder is full or not. Along with this, frequent urge to urinate may be there. In some cases, involuntary passage of urine occurs (urinary incontinence), urine may also leak while coughing or laughing.  Pain in the bladder, burning or painful urination may also be there depending on the cause.


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Staphysagria: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Staphysagria is a homeopathic medicine derived from dried seeds of a plant Delphinum Staphysagria, commonly known as ‘stavesacre’. It belongs to Ranunculaceae family. The seeds of this plant undergo potentization process that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties and gives a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Staphysagria.

The ‘Staphysagria‘ Constitution

It is suitable for persons who get angry easily but suppress it followed by periodic fits of anger.

Drug Action

This medicine has marked action on different body parts. These include mind, eyes, teeth, urinary organs, male organs, female genitals, back, limbs and skin.

Clinical Indications

Anger attacks, suppressed anger, styes, chalazion, tooth decay, toothache, cystitis, honeymoon cystitis, warts, backache, weak erection, prostate issues, ovarian disorders, eczema, injuries.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Mind (Suppressed Anger, Fits Of Anger, Depression)

Staphysagria covers many complaints related to the mind. The complaint best addressed by this medicine is outbursts of violent anger. During these fits of anger, the person breaks or throws away things. These outbursts are often a result of suppressed anger over a long period of time. Eventually, a person suffers a violent fit of anger, that had previously remained unexpressed. Anger from indignation may occur which originates from injustice, anything unfair or insulting. People needing this medicine are good-natured but get hurt easily. They are highly sensitive and get offended easily. A history of deep guilt, humiliation, insult may be present in those needing it. This medicine also covers ailments that follow suppressed anger, shame, sexual abuse and acute/chronic grief.  Staphysagria helps in managing depression. Here sadness, crying, sense of worthlessness, self-pity are marked. Consolation worsens the complaints as there is low self-esteem and lack of confidence.

Key indicating features

Ailments from suppressed anger and indignation

Fits of violent anger

Ailments from shame, sexual abuse, guilt, humiliation, insult

2. Eyes (Styes, Chalazion, Nodes On Eyelids)

It is a superb medicine to manage eye complaints. Firstly, it can be given in cases of stye. It is a red, painful lump that forms on the outer edge of eyelid from bacterial infection of an oil gland. In cases needing it, the stye may be painful relieved by applying cold water. It is one of the best medicines for styes that turns into hard nodes. There can be multiple styes at a given time. Besides, Staphysagria is an infallible medicine for treating recurrent stye when one stye after another appears frequently. It is also the best medicine for treating chalazion, a condition in which a painless lump forms on eyelids due to a blocked oil gland.

Key Indicating Features

Styes that turn into hard nodes and recurrent styes

Nodes and chalazion on eyelids

3. Teeth (Toothache, Decayed Teeth, Dental Fistula, Dentition Problems)

It is an important medicine to treat cases of toothache, decayed teeth, gum swelling, dentition problems and dental fistula. It is useful for toothache that occurs in root of teeth, decayed teeth or hollow teeth if food particles lodge in the cavities. Persons may have worsening of pain from cold drinks. Touching the affected teeth may also cause pain.  The pain may radiate to ears or side of head (temporal region). It is very suitable for managing toothache that occurs specifically during menses. Staphysagria works well for decayed teeth when they have dark streaks or become black. Crumbling of teeth (breaking into small pieces) may be present too. Decay of teeth in children soon after they erupt is another prominent feature to use this medicine. It is also an effective medicine for treating dental fistula. Apart from these, Staphysagria is well-indicated for dentition problems in children. Children needing it have pale white tender gums and have a tendency to cry from the slightest pain.

Key indicating features

Toothache in decayed, hollow tooth

Decayed teeth when teeth are black or have dark streaks and crumble easily

Tooth decay soon after they erupt in children

4. Urinary System (Cystitis, Honeymoon Cystitis, Cystocele)

Staphysagria acts on urinary organs and settles many complaints related to them. It is quite useful for cases of cystitis (inflamed bladder mostly from a bacterial infection). There is burning in urethra while passing urine. Sometimes, it is felt even when not passing urine. Pain can occur after urination also. Pressure is felt on the bladder and the patient feels as if the bladder is not emptied completely. Urge to pass urine, which may be scanty or profuse, is also frequent. Urine passes in thin stream and at times drop by drop. It is a prominent medicine to deal with cases of honeymoon cystitis (cystitis that may arise in woman from doing sex for the first time or after a long period of time).  It is also indicated for bladder inflammation from having sex frequently. Women, especially newly married, having complaint of irritable/overactive bladder (it leads to frequent and an uncontrollable, sudden urge to urinate) can be treated well with this medicine. This medicine is also recommended for cases of cystocele (bulging of urinary bladder of woman into her vagina).

Key indicating features


Honeymoon cystitis and irritable bladder in newly married woman

5. Male problems (Erection Issues, Spermatorrhea, Increased Libido, Prostate Issues)

Many male problems can be treated with this medicine. It can help solve problem of sexual weakness, weak erection or loss of erections from excessive sex in the past. It is also suitable to treat spermatorrhea (involuntary loss of semen without an erection or sexual activity). It is accompanied by weakness and pain in the back. It is mostly suited to males who have increased sexual desire, who constantly dwell on sexual subjects and are in the habit of excessive masturbation. Staphysagria also treats prostate issues well, including prostate enlargement or prostate inflammation. There is frequent urine and urethral burning when not urinating. It is majorly indicated for long-term prostatitis in elderly people where pain extends between anus and urethra.

Key indicating features

Weak erections or loss of erections after sexual excesses

Spermatorrhea with weakness and backache

Prostate enlargement and prostatitis (mainly in elderly men)

6. Female Problems (Painful Intercourse, Increased Sexual Desire, Honeymoon Cystitis)

Staphysagria treats many female problems. It is effective in treating dyspareunia (painful intercourse) especially in newly-married women. The genitals are very painful and sensitive. It also helps to manage ovarian pain that may extend to thighs and may get worse after sex or by applying pressure. This medicine is very important to manage nymphomania (excessive uncontrollable sexual desire) or increased libido. Females needing it think excessively of sexual subjects with an increased sexual desire. It can be also given for managing vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when something is entering it). Its use is also indicated for ovarian cysts and tumours. Besides these, it is suitable to treat honeymoon cystitis, irritable bladder in young married females. Last indication is complaints arising after surgery on ovaries.

Key indicating features

Painful intercourse especially in newly married woman

Honeymoon cystitis

Irritable bladder in young married females

Complaints arising after an operation on ovaries

7. Injuries (Lacerated Wounds, Injury From Sharp Instruments, Post-Surgery Pain)

Staphysagria is used to treat lacerated wounds in which skin, muscle or tissue is cut or torn. It is also useful for injuries from sharp, cutting instruments causing clean-cut wounds.  It also manages pain following surgery — pain after abdominal operations and pain after ovariotomy (surgical incision of ovaries). It covers mainly smarting, cutting or stinging type of pain post-surgery.

Key indicating features

Lacerated wounds, and injury from sharp, cutting instruments

Pain after abdominal surgeries

8. Back (Back Pain)

Staphysagria has shown good results in cases of back pain. Persons needing it mainly have this complaint in the morning before they rise. There may be tendency to have back pain after sex. Lower back pain may also occur after lifting heavy weight or when rising from the sitting position.

Key indicating features

Backache in morning before rising

Back pain after sexual activity

Lower back pain from lifting heavy weight

9. Limbs

This medicine has proven its efficacy in treating cases of crural neuralgia (thigh pain involving crural nerve). Other than this, it can be given for cases of nodes on finger joint from arthritis (joint inflammation). It is also recommended for bruised pain in calf muscles.

Key indicating features

Crural neuralgia

Nodes on finger joints from arthritis

10. Skin Complaints (Eczema, Warts, Skin Ulcers)

With its action on skin, staphysagria is capable of treating eczema, warts, herpes and skin ulcers. Eczema may be present on head, face or ears. Eruptions covered with crusts appear with yellow fluid oozing from beneath the crusts. Itching is felt in eruptions, and when scratched burning sensation is felt. On scratching, itching tends to shift to another place. For warts, it can be used for pedunculated warts that are attached to skin with a stalk and cauliflower-like warts. It works wonders in cases of herpes with dry eruption covered with scabs specifically on joints, which burn on scratching. It can be given for skin ulcers with itching, burning sensation and pain. Pain can be tearing, smarting or shooting type. Excessive pus may be discharged that smells offensive.

Key indicating features

Eczema with crust and oozing of yellow fluid

Pedunculated or cauliflower like warts


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from suppressed anger, sexual excesses, grief and tobacco use

Relieving factors: Relief is noted by taking rest at night and from warmth


It can be used from 30 C to 1 M potency. If using it in 30 C potency, repetition can be done frequently. But in higher potencies above 200 C, frequent repetition is not recommended.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Ambra Grisea and Camphor

Followed well by Fluoric Acid, Calcarea Carb, Causticum, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Sulphur and Selenium.


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Berberis Vulgaris: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indication And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Berberis Vulgaris is derived from barberry plant which belongs to family berberidaceae. The bark of root of this plant undergoes potentization (process to prepare homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal powers of a crude substance) to prepare homeopathic medicine Berberis Vulgaris. It is a renowned medicine in homeopathy to treat kidney disorders, especially kidney stones.

The ‘Berberis Vulgaris’ Constitution

This medicine is highly suitable for persons who suffer from kidney or bladder issues. It also suits persons who feel tired all the time and become prematurely old. Lastly, persons having long-term joint inflammation due to high uric acid level find this medicine very useful.

Drug Action

This medicine has widespread action on urinary organs. Its action is well marked on joints, liver and skin. Lastly, it acts well on male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Kidney stones, kidney pain, kidney disorders, bladder disorders, nephritis (kidney inflammation), cystitis (bladder inflammation), haematuria (blood in urine), arthritis (joint inflammation), eczema, gallstones, itching, liver disorders, back pain, painful menses, vaginismus, vaginal discharges

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Urinary Issues (Kidney Stones, Kidney Pain, Cystitis)

The foremost action of this medicine is seen on urinary organs. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines to treat numerous urinary issues among which kidney stones is the most prominent. It is highly recommended as the first line of treatment in kidney stone treatment. It helps dissolve kidney stones and relieves pain arising from kidney stones. Berberis Vulgaris is an important medicine for treating shooting pain in kidneys that reaches the bladder. Burning sensation, bubbling sensation or pressive pain is felt in area around kidneys which is sore and sensitive to touch. Any jarring motion or jumping worsens the pain. Other than kidney stones and pain, Berberis Vulgaris can be given in cases of cystitis (bladder inflammation). Urination is difficult and painful along with increase in frequency. During and after urination, cutting and burning pain is felt. There is constant urge to urinate, however urine output is scanty. A feeling of some quantity of urine remaining behind is experienced after urinating. Thick mucus may pass in the urine. Sandy or slimy sediments may pass in urine. Its role in managing cases of haematuria (blood in urine) is worth mentioning.

Key indicating features

To dissolve kidney stones

Shooting pain which spreads from kidney to the bladder

Cystitis with painful and frequent urination, with cutting and burning pains

2. Back (Backache)

This medicine works well for managing backache. In cases needing it, back pain becomes worse on sitting or lying down. There is bruised pain in the lower back with stiffness and difficulty in rising from the seat. A sensation of having been beaten in the lower back is felt. Tension in the lower back with numbness, warmth, stiffness and lameness (unable to walk correctly) are the other accompanying symptoms. It may extend down the lower limbs. Tearing, burning or pressing pain may occur too. Berberis Vulgaris is also beneficial for managing lower back pain during menses. Next indication to use it is sharp pulsating pain in sacrum (triangular bone in lower back). It is a well-indicated medicine for pain in the lower back after surgery.

Key indicating features

Back pain worse while sitting or lying down

Tension in lower back with numbness, warmth, stiffness and lameness

Sharp pulsating pain in sacrum

3. Limbs (Joint Pains)

With its action on limbs, Berberis Vulgaris mainly helps in relieving pain in the joints. Among joints, it offers help to relieve knee joint pain wonderfully. There is stinging type of pain in the knee joint mostly on inner side. It worsens from walking. Knee feels lame, tired and bruised. Knee is swollen, stiff and sore as well. There is tension in the bend of knee. Berberis is a prominent medicine for toe joint pain. It gives good results when there is stitching pain in the toes. Pain is most marked in the big toe. Burning and crawling feeling, pricking pain and soreness is felt in the toes. One may also find Berberis helpful in alleviating shoulder joint pain. A person recovers from tearing, stinging or throbbing pain in the shoulder which gets worse with movement and applying pressure with this medicine. This medicine is useful for elbow pain. It can be given for tearing, drawing or stinging pain in the elbow. The pain can extend to the hand from the elbow, along with heaviness. Another characteristic for its use is heel pain which is of tearing, stinging type and felt when stepping up or down, and walking. Ulcerated pain in the heel is felt while standing.

Key indicating features

Stinging pain in the knee joint on inner side, gets worse while walking

Stitching pain in the toes

Shoulder pain gets worse from movement and pressure

Heel pain of tearing, stinging type while stepping and walking

4. Male Problems (Pain In Testes, Genital Itching)

Action of Berberis Vulgaris is also noted on the male genitals. This medicine can help to relieve pain in the testes which may be  stitching/ constricting/ smarting/ cutting/  stinging/ pressing or burning type. This medicine also relieves pain in the spermatic cord which is smarting/burning/ piercing in nature. This medicine can help to manage itching on the scrotum as well. Another main indication for its use is suppressed sexual desire. Besides these, it works well in cases of premature ejaculation. Crawling, stinging, itching in the genitals can also be well managed with Berberis Vulgaris.

Key indicating features

Stitching, constricting, smarting, cutting, stinging, pressing or burning pain in the testes

Crawling sensation, stinging pain, itching in the genitals

5. Female Problems (Painful Menses, Leucorrhoea, Vaginismus)

There are some female problems that this medicine can treat wonderfully. First among these is painful menses (dysmenorrhoea). There is marked pain in the genitals. There is greyish blood discharge during periods. Berberis Vulgaris can be used for painful menses with pain in the kidneys radiating down the thighs. The periods are scanty and black in colour. Next it helps cases of vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) when there is discharge of greyish mucus accompanied with painful urination. Vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when something tries to enter it) cases can also be treated well with it. Lastly it is indicated for cases of suppressed sexual desire or low sexual desire.

Key indicating features

Pain in kidney down the thighs during menses

Vaginal discharge of greyish mucus

6. Liver Complaints (Liver Pain)

With its action on liver, Berberis is useful in managing liver pain. This can successfully handle cases of aching, stabbing, sticking, pressive or shooting pain in the liver. The pain gets worse if affected area is pressed. It is also well indicated for gallstones treatment. It can relieve pain in case of gall stones.

Key indicating features

Aching, stabbing, sticking, pressive or shooting pain in the liver

Gallstones with marked pain

7. Skin Issues (Itching, Eczema, Pigmentation, Warts)

Berberis Vulgaris acts wonderfully on skin. Here it gives good result in cases of skin itching. Along with this, burning and pricking sensation is felt on skin. Scratching worsens these complaints, while cold application offers relief. This medicine can be given for treating skin pigmentation that occurs in circumscribed spots (patches). Its use is also considered in eczema of anus and hands particularly. Lastly, it can treat flat warts.

Key indicating features

Skin itching and burning worse from scratching

Skin pigmentation in circumscribed spots

Eczema particularly of anus and hands


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from movement, rising up from seat, during urination, from jarring, standing and deep pressure

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air and after urinating


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. But the most preferred is mother tincture (Q) form. In Q potency, 5 to 7 drops of this medicine dissolved in half a cup of water can be taken two to three times a day. Caution is required to use it in high potency frequently which is generally not recommended.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor and Belladonna

It antidotes: Aconite

It can be compared with other remedies including Lycopodium, Sarsaparilla, Nux Vomica and Oxalic Acid.

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Chimaphila Umbellata – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications and Dosage

The homeopathic medicine Chimaphila Umbellata is prepared from the plant Pipsissewa, also known as ‘prince’s pine’. It belongs to family pyroleae. The roots and leaves of the plant or the fresh plant in the flowering stage is potentised according to homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. After potentization, it is converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Chimaphila Umbellata of great clinical significance. Its action in treating prostate issues and certain urinary problems is highly commendable.

The ‘Chimaphila Umbellata’ Constitution

This medicine suits persons with a weak body who are disposed to fluid build-up (oedema) in abdomen and kidney. It is also suitable for women predisposed to breast tumours and those who suffer from difficult urination (dysuria).

Drug Action

The major action of this medicine is on prostate gland and urinary organs. Besides, it also acts on skin, gastric system, limbs and female genitals. Lastly, its action is also noted on lymphatic and mesenteric glands.

Clinical Indications

Urethral stricture, prostate enlargement, prostatitis, dysuria, cystitis, urethritis, nephritis, albuminuria, gonorrhoea, syphilis, atrophy of testicles, breast tumours, breast atrophy, inflamed labia, skin ulcers, peeling of skin, ascites, hepatitis, constipation, rectal pain, shoulder joint pain, thigh pain, paronychia.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

 1. Urinary Issues (Urethral Stricture, Urethritis, Cystitis, Dysuria, Nephritis, Albuminuria)

It is a highly recommended medicine to manage urinary issues. Firstly, it is a leading medicine for treating cases of urethral stricture (narrowing of urethra). Persons needing it have to strain to initiate urination. The urinary stream is weak, thread-like or may be split. Urine may come in drops  sometimes. The passage of urine is difficult, it can be so difficult that urine passes only by standing with feet apart and inclining the body forward. Chimaphila is also a very important medicine to manage cystitis (urinary bladder inflammation). There is frequent desire to urinate with scanty urine. Urge for urination may occur every one or two hours. There is a feeling of fullness in urinary bladder. Cutting or scalding pain is felt while urinating. Thick, ropy, bloody mucus may pass in the urine. There is offensive smell in urine. Chimaphila also helps cases of dysuria (difficult or painful urination). It works well when urine is frequent and scanty and passes with scalding, smarting pain. The pain persists after urination. It is also valuable to manage urethritis (inflammation of urethra) cases with copious pus or mucus as discharge. Chimaphila is also a well-indicated medicine for nephritis (inflammation of kidneys). Urine is scanty, thick, dark-coloured with fetid smell. This medicine is also indicated for cases of albuminuria (passing too much protein albumin in urine).

Key indicating features

Urethral stricture with weak urine stream, straining to urinate

Difficult Urination – passed only by standing with feet apart and inclining body forward

Thick, ropy, bloody mucus in urine.

2. Male Problems (Prostate Enlargement, Prostatitis, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis)

This medicine is principally helpful for prostate enlargement and prostatitis (inflammation of prostate gland) in which there is difficult and painful urination. In some cases, retention of urine may occur from prostate enlargement. Chimaphila is also effective in dealing with gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoea). Syphilis (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria treponema pallidum) can also be handled with this medicine wonderfully. Additionally, it is also indicated for cases of atrophy (shrinkage or decrease in size) of testicles.

Key indicating features

Prostate enlargement with retention of urine

Prostatitis with difficult and painful urination

Atrophy of testicles

3. Female Problems (Breast Tumours, Breast Atrophy, Inflamed Labia)

Chimaphila is also effective in treating painful breast tumours. Sharp pain is felt in the breast, attended with secretion of milk from the breast. It can also be given in cases of atrophy (shrinkage or reduced size) of breast. Next it can be given for cases of inflamed and swollen labia as well as for vaginal pain. Rest of the complaints where it is indicated include prolapse of uterus/vagina, hot flashes, and suppression of milk.

Key indicating features

Breast tumours with sharp pain

Breast atrophy

4. Skin (Ulcers, Blisters, Skin Peeling)

Use of Chimaphila is also considered in treating skin diseases like skin ulcers. Stinging and crawling sensation is felt with yellow discharge in skin ulcers. Secondly, it is helpful for treating dark red eruptions on skin. Chimaphila is effective on blisters (fluid-filled eruptions) and in cases where there is peeling of skin (desquamation).

Key indicating features

Skin ulcers with yellow discharge and stinging crawling sensation

Blisters and skin peeling

5. Gastric System (Hepatitis, Constipation, Rectal Pain)

Its action is also seen on gastric system where it is mainly indicated for liver inflammation (Hepatitis). Another complaint to use Chimaphila is constipation with piles. Besides these, it is indicated for blood-stained stool with mucus, pain in left side of rectum, worm infestation, or griping pain after stool.

Key indicating features

Blood-stained stool with mucus

Left-sided rectal pain

6. Limbs (Shoulder Joint Pain, Thigh Pain, Paronychia)

Chimaphila is a prominent medicine to manage cases of shoulder joint pain. Along with shoulder pain on the right side, pain is also felt in biceps (muscles of upper arm) or the entire arm. It also works well to reduce thigh pain felt on lying down. Bruised pain in calf muscles is yet another complaint where it provides relief. Lastly, it is valuable to manage paronychia – a skin infection around fingernails or toenails.

Key indicating features

Thigh pain on lying down



Worsening factors: Complaints get worse with cold washing, damp weather and while beginning to urinate

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by walking


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. Among these, its use is most commonly recommended in mother tincture (Q) form. The potency selection and repetition varies from case to case as per the nature and duration of complaint. In Q form, it is usually advised to take 5 to 7 drops of Chimaphila by dissolving in half cup of water – two to three times a day as per intensity of the problem.

Relationship With Other Remedies

It can be compared with medicines Chimaphila maculata, Uva Ursi, Apocynum, Rhododendron and Sabal Serrulata.



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Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines For Low Sperm Count

homeopathic medicines for low sperm count

A low sperm count, medically speaking, is known as oligospermia. It is one of the major causes of infertility in males. Normal sperm count varies from  15 million to >200 million sperms per milliliter of semen. The sperm count of less than 15 million/ml of semen ejaculated during orgasm is considered oligospermia. The complete absence of sperm is referred to as azoospermia.

Homeopathic Treatment Of Low Sperm Count

The biggest advantage of homeopathic medicines for low sperm count is that they are natural medicines that help in improving sperm count as well as sperm quality. Homeopathic medicines for low sperm count save a person from harsh medicines, like hormonal substitutes that carry a high risk of adverse side effects. Homeopathic medicines for low sperm count provide a non-intrusive, holistic approach by treating not only the symptoms but also the root cause of infertility. They can be customized to address the specific lifestyle triggers or physiological factors at play in each individual case. Homeopathic medicines help in the gentlest way to enhance sperm count.

Homeopathic Medicines For Low Sperm Count

The recommended homeopathic medicines for low sperm count are X-Ray, Radium Bromatum, Agnus Castus, Conium, and Aurum MetSome important medicines for treating Varicocele which causes low sperm count are Hamamelis, Fluoric Acid and Arnica.

1. X-Ray – Top-rated Medicine For Low Sperm Count

X-Ray is the most frequently used medicine for treating low sperm count. Among its various sites of action, the most important action is seen on male genitals. Males needing it usually have low sexual desire and may face infertility. They suffer from excessive weakness and fatigue.

When and How to use X-Ray?

This medicine has shown great results in improving sperm count. It can be used in a case where low sperm count is detected, especially when there is reduced sexual desire and infertility. This medicine is available in different potencies from low (like 6C, 30C) to high (like 200C, 1M, 10M). The selection and repetition of this medicine varies from case to case according to various factors, especially how low the sperm count is. Anyone considering its use should always consult a homeopath for the required potency and repetition.

2. Radium Bromatum – For Low Sperm Count And Infertility Problem

Among the list of homeopathic medicines for low sperm count and infertility given in the book ‘The Homeopathic Medical repertory by Robin Murphy’, Radium Bromatum is another medicine that can be used in treating such cases. It is a reliable medicine that works to boost sperm production in males and also helps to deal with infertility.

When and How to use Radium Bromatum?

As per homeopathic therapeutics, this medicine can be used in cases of low sperm count and infertility. Like Radium Bromatum, this medicine is also available in various potencies like 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M and  10M. In some cases, frequent repetition is needed. It is best to seek advice from a homeopathic practitioner for proper potency and dose of this medicine as it differs from case to case and can only be decided after detailed case study and evaluation.

3. Agnus Castus – For Low Sperm Count And Weak Erections

It is a natural medicine sourced from ripe berries of plant  ‘chaste tree’. The use of this medicine can be considered in males having decreased sperm count with a problem of weak erection. The semen is thin, watery and sometimes less in quantity. The sexual desire is reduced markedly or in some cases almost nil. Besides, there may be involuntary loss of semen.

When and How to use Agnus Castus?

Use of this natural medicine can be done when sperm count is less, along with weak erection and low sexual desire. Though it can be used in different potencies, 30C potency is good to start with. Agnus Castus 30C can be taken two to three times a day. In case, no changes occur, consult a homeopathic physician before moving to higher potencies or increasing the dose.

4. Conium – For Low Sperm Count And Inflamed Testicles (Orchitis) 

Conium is an effective medicine for cases having deficient sperm count along with testicle inflammation. This medicine works to reduce inflammation of testicles and improves sperm count. In case of orchitis, the symptoms indicating its use are cutting, tearing pain in testicles along with swollen enlarged testicles. The testicles are hard to touch. Other than these, erection may be weak, imperfect and of short duration in males needing this medicine.

When and How to use Conium?

This medicine can be used in cases of low sperm count and inflamed orchitis. Its use can be done in 30C as well as 200C potency. In mild cases, 30C potency can be taken twice a day while in severe cases, 200C potency can be taken just once a day.

5. Aurum Met – For Decreased Sperm Count With Inflamed Testicles Or Epididymis

This medicine is well indicated for cases of reduced sperm count along with inflammation of testes/epididymis. In cases requiring it, pain and swelling in testes is present. Swelling is marked especially on the right side testicle. Pain gets worse on touch and rubbing. Testicles may be hardened.

When and How to use Aurum Met?

Its use can be considered in males having less sperm count along with inflamed testicles or epididymis. Mostly used in 30C potency, one may take it once or twice a day as per severity of problem.

6. Homeopathic Medicines To Treat Varicocele That Is Lowering Sperm Count

In some cases, varicocele is found to be a cause of oligospermia, so here focus should be on treating varicocele. Once it is treated, the sperm count will improve. Some of the leading homeopathic medicines that are indicated for treating varicocele are Hamamelis, Fluoric Acid and Arnica. All of them are highly effective in reducing  enlargement and swelling of veins that drain testicles.

When and How to use these medicines?

All the above three medicines are natural remedies to improve sperm count when varicocele is the cause. The medicine needs to be selected from among these as per the individual case requirement to get desirable results. So, consult a homeopathic doctor for the best medicine.

Causes Behind Low Sperm Count

Sperms are produced in testicles. Hypothalamus releases gonadotropin releasing hormone which stimulates the pituitary gland to release hormones — FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). These hormones further act on testes to produce testosterone that in turn aids sperm production. After being formed in testicles, the sperms get into epididymis (coiled tube at the back of testicles that stores sperms and transfers them from testes to vas deferens). On stimulation for sexual activity, sperms get mixed with seminal fluid to form semen and during ejaculation, semen containing sperms passes out of the penis. If there is problem at any step of this process, sperm production gets affected.

A. Medical Reasons Behind Low Sperm Count

1. Varicocele: It refers to enlarged, swollen veins in the scrotum that drain the testicles. It raises the temperature in testicles that contributes to low sperm count. It also may lead to decreased motility of sperms, and an increase in the number of deformed sperms. Varicocele is one of the main reasons for male infertility.

2. Imbalance in hormones: Certain hormones produced by hypothalamus, pituitary gland and testes conjointly help in sperm production. When there is disproportion of these hormones, sperm production gets affected

3. Certain infections: Some infections have been noted that are linked to lowering of sperm count, including orchitis (inflamed testicles), epididymitis (inflamed epididymis), and certain sexually transmitted infections like HIV, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, etc. Such infections can damage the testicles and also may lead to scars in the passage through which sperms pass, blocking their way.

4. Undescended testicles– It is medically known as cryptorchidism. The testicles in a baby develop in the abdomen followed by their descent into the scrotum. If the testicles fail to drop in the scrotum before birth, it is referred to as undescended testicles.

5. Genetic conditions: It mainly includes Klinefelter’s syndrome. It is a chromosomal defect in which a male, instead of one X and one Y chromosome, is born with two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome. In the affected males, the growth of testicles is not proper and they have small-sized testicles.

6. Antibodies that damage sperm: In some cases, anti-sperm antibodies are formed by the immune system. These antibodies identify the sperms as something harmful and start attacking and destroying them.

7. Tumours: Tumours affecting testicles can lead to decreased sperm production.

8. Blockage or damage in testicles or in tubes that carry sperm: This may occur from some infection or injury post-surgery.

9. Ejaculation issues: A condition called retrograde ejaculation may be a cause of low sperm count in some. In this condition, the sperms go into the urinary bladder rather than coming out of the penis tip.

B. Use of some medicines and surgery

Medicines linked with reduced sperm count are cancer medicines, chemotherapy, anti-fungal drugs, antibiotics, and use of steroids.

Surgeries that can cause decreased sperm count include inguinal hernia repair, vasectomy, surgery on testicles/scrotum, prostate surgeries, bladder surgeries

C. Lifestyle And Environmental Causes

1. Excessive alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking

2. Severe emotional stress, depression

3. Drugs like cocaine, marijuana, anabolic steroids

4. Being overweight and obesity

5. Jobs requiring prolonged sitting

6. Exposure to heavy metals, for example lead and industrial chemicals (like toluene, benzenes, painting materials)

7. Exposure to X- Rays

8. Frequent use of hot tubs, and saunas that increase testicular temperature

D.  In some cases, no cause is found behind low sperm count which is termed idiopathic oligospermia.

Signs and Symptoms of Low Sperm Count

There may occur no signs and symptoms of low sperm count but a male may have the problem without knowing it. He usually comes to know about it when he faces infertility which is the main sign of low sperm count. Other than this, no signs and symptoms may be evident. However, depending on the cause behind low sperm count, certain signs and symptoms may be experienced. Some symptoms are as follows:

1. Erectile dysfunction (inability to attain or maintain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse)

2. Low sex drive (reduced desire for sex)

3. Pain or swelling in testicles

4. Lump in testicles

5. Decreased facial and body hair

Lifestyle Changes To Reduce Risk Of Low Sperm Count

1. Avoid smoking and alcohol intake

2. Focus on weight reduction if overweight

3. Exercise daily

4. Work on reducing stress

5. Take enough sleep

6. Stay away from drugs

7. Avoid activities that increase testicular temperature like hot tub bath, sauna, etc.

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7 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Fever

homeopathic remedies for fever

Feeling feverish is a seasonal reality, popping in a pill and hoping it improves your condition as you go about your business is a reality too. But here’s the catch: Over-the-counter pill might bring down the temperature, but the infection will still remain in the body. Here’s where the role of homeopathic medicines for fever comes into play, as these are made of natural substances, and offer a different course of medical approach: these natural medicines target the infection, so the root cause is eliminated.

Fever, also termed as pyrexia, is a temporary rise in body temperature above normal. The normal body temperature ranges from 97 F to 98.7 degree Fahrenheit.  Fever in itself is not a disease but is only an external signal that denotes an internal infection or inflammation in the body. Everybody’s normal body temperature varies between 97 and 99 degrees F. Fever is defined as a temperature of 100.4 degrees F or above.

For kids temperature higher than 100.4 degree F (measured rectally); 99.5 degree F (measured orally); or 99 degree F (measured under the arm) is considered fever.

Top Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Fever

1. Aconite – For Fever with Restlessness and Anxiety

Aconite is the perfect remedy for the first stage of inflammatory fever. It is a natural remedy of great help when the fever is accompanied by extreme restlessness and anxiety. The patient feels an increased thirst for cold water and the body aches are intolerable. The use of medicine Aconite should always be considered when the fever has risen after sudden exposure to cold winds. There is extreme chill in the body, and the patient desires to be covered up always.

When and How to take Aconite?

Fever is always accompanied by excessive thirst and intense restlessness. Fever is accompanied by chills and feels better by wrapping up. A general recommendation is to start with 30C potency which can be repeated 3-4 times in a day. A higher potency 200C can be taken twice in a day if the symptoms still persist. It is advisable to consult a homeopathic physician before taking it in 1M or higher potency.

2. Bryonia Alba – For Fever with Bodyache

Bryonia Alba is a natural medicine for patients in whom body aches predominate during fever along with chills. Body is cold to touch along with chills. Such a person wants to lie down still to get relief and slight motion worsens his or her condition. There is increased thirst. Symptoms get worse from warmth, movement and touch but one feels better by lying on the painful side.

When and How to take Bryonia Alba?

This medicine is indicated for cases where chills and body pain accompany fever. After carefully matching the symptoms, lower potency 30C can be taken and repeated 2-3 times in a day. 200C potency can be taken once in a day and repeated infrequently. 1M is a high potency and should be used cautiously;  it is important to consult a homeopathic practitioner before repeating this potency particularly.

3. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – For Fever With Bone Pain

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is one of the most efficient fever remedies in homeopathy. It is of great help to treat fever when the patient experiences severe bone pain. This remedy provides quick relief from pain. The main indication that can be given more importance while taking Eupatorium Perfoliatum for fever is that the character of fever is periodic (repeated at certain fixed intervals). The chill stage is accompanied by intense aching and bone pains. The patient shivers and shakes with agonising pain in the head and eyes. The character of pain is bruised and the patient feels as if beaten. Though it can be given for any kind of fever, it is a leading remedy for dengue fever and malaria.

How and When to take Eupatorium Perfoliatum?

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the ideal natural medicine when extreme pains accompany fever. This remedy is capable of managing fever in any age group. Eupatorium Perfoliatum can be used in 30C potency for mild cases of fever and other complaints such as great soreness and bone pain. It can be repeated as frequently as three to four times a day. 200C and 1M potency should be used only after careful matching of the disease symptoms with the symptoms of the patient.

4. Gelsemium For Fever With Weakness

Gelsemium has been considered an excellent remedy for treatment of Influenza for long. It is very beneficial in fever cases where the patients suffer from weakness, dizziness and even the tendency to faint. There is an absence of thirst in most cases. Though it is a prominent medicine for influenza, in some cases, it can be used in early stage of typhoid fever with great exhaustion, dizziness with the patient preferring to be covered.

When and How to take Gelsemium?

Gelsemium shows all the characteristics of viral influenza. There is body ache, myalgia (musclular pain), sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, dullness, weakness and headache. When these symptoms are prominent, Gelsemium  should be considered. It works well in all potencies but it is best to start with 30C, it can be repeated up to 3-4 times in a day. It can be taken twice in 200C potency. It is advisable to consult a homeopath before administration in 1M potency.

5. Rhus Tox For Fever with Extreme Bodyache

Rhus Tox is one of the top natural medicines for persons who have fever with extreme body aches, leading to restlessness. Such a person wants to remain in motion to get relief. Rhus Tox is also the natural medicine for fever as a result of getting wet in rain. During fever, there is shivering all over the body, tongue becomes dry with stretching pain in body, along with mental and physical weakness.

When and how to take Rhus tox?

Rhus tox is often indicated in fever with pain and great restlessness in the body. It has demonstrated good results in both low (30C) and high (200C and 1M) potencies. It can be frequently repeated 3-4 times in a day in 30C potency. Higher potencies are not to be repeated very often; it is advisable to wait. After taking 200C potency, it is advisable to wait and should be only repeated twice in a day. For 1M or higher potency, please consult your local experienced homeopath.

6. Belladona Homeopathic medicine for fever of inflammatory origin

Belladona is one of the first remedies to be thought of in those cases where there is fever with pain in throat, which is is also sore, red and inflamed . During fever, the head becomes hot, but the feet are cold. Internally it feels cold but externally there is very strong burning heat.

When and How to take Belladona?

Belladonna stands for cases of high fever with no thirst, and burning heat in the head but a cold feeling in the feet. Belladonna 30 & Belladona 200 are the most common potencies used for the treatment. 30C requires frequent repetition, and they should be given 2-3 times a day till the expected result is seen. 200C is a high potency, it is advised not to repeat frequently. 1M is a very high potency and should be used cautiously.

7. Arsenic Album For Fever With Marked Exhaustion

Arsenic album can be thought of in cases of typhoid and malaria fever. Periodicity is marked with body burning pains, weakness, restlessness, exhaustion and aggravation during night. The complaint gets worse by the slightest movement and feels better after applying heat. In the heat stage, there is an inclination to uncover, as there is dry heat with thirst. At the end of the fever stage, there is cold and clammy sweat. Sometimes along with fever, gastric symptoms also exist such as colic, nausea, loose stool with heaviness in stomach.

When and how to take Arsenic Album?

Arsenic is one of the best remedies for fever due to malaria or typhoid. There is great debility, restlessness and chill. It can be administered in 30C potency, which can be repeated 2 times a day. If there is no improvement at all with low potency dose, it is advisable to consult a good homeopath before taking 200C or 1M potency.

Types Of Fever

 Five main types of fever are:

Intermittent fever: The temperature is high but falls to normal (37.2 degree C or below) each day. This type of fever is seen in malaria.

Remittent fever: In this type of fever, body temperature fluctuates, though it falls, it never falls all the way back to normal. This type of fever is associated with infectious diseases such as infective endocarditis, rickettsiae infections, brucellosis, among others.

Continuous fever: It is also called sustained fever. The fever is prolonged with little or no change in temperature over the course of the day. Temperature remains above normal throughout the course of 24 hours and does not fluctuate more than 1 degree Celsius in 24 hours. This type of fever occurs in lobar pneumonia, typhoid (step –ladder pattern, a stepwise increase in temperature with a high plateau) and urinary tract infection.

Hectic Fever: In this fever type, there are wide swings in temperature. Intermittent or remittent fever is considered hectic with a temperature difference of at least 1.4 degree Celsius between the highest and the lowest temperature. This fever pattern is indicative of an abscess or pyogenic infection such as pyelonephritis.

Relapsing Fever: This is a type of intermittent fever that comes up again after days or weeks of normal temperatures. With animal bites and disease like malaria, this fever is common.

There is no specific medicine in homeopathy to bring down the temperature, but natural remedies target the infection instead. This is because the temperature is the only index through which the progress of the infection inside the body is reflected. The rise in body temperature is directly proportional to the extent of infection. An increase in temperature indicates a further spread of infection while a decrease in temperature shows that the infection is fading away. If the body temperature is abruptly brought down without halting the infection process, there is no way to find out what is going on inside the body and to what degree the infection is still present in the body. So, the end result is that the fever no doubt is gone, but its root cause — the infection, is still there. Natural medicines act by putting a check on the infection, preventing its further progress and the temperature thus is automatically brought down gradually as the infection declines. The remedies also make sure that no weakness or other residual effects of fever remain in the body. Homeopathy has a huge number of natural medicines to deal with fever cases.

Causes Of Fever

 Fever or a higher-than-normal body temperature could result from:

1. Infections: Viral or bacterial infections is the most common cause of fever. This includes colds, flu, gastroenteritis or infection in the ears, skin, throat or bladder.

2. Environmental factors: Heat strokes due to high ambient temperature or prolonged strenuous exercise and extreme sunburn can all raise the body temperature.

3. Inflammatory diseases: Rheumatoid arthritis, which causes the lining of your joints to become inflamed, is one example of an inflammatory condition (synovium); lupus and inflammatory bowel diseases can cause fever.

4. Hormonal disorders: This includes hyperthyroidism which can increase the body temperature.

5. Drugs: The side effects of some medicines, including those used to treat high blood pressure, seizures, and antibiotics can cause fever.

6. Cancer: A malignant (cancerous) growth can cause fever.

7. Several vaccinations

8. Alcohol withdrawal

9. Teething in babies

Symptoms Of Fever

Temperature higher than 100.4 F (38 C) in adults and children

When someone has fever, depending on what causes fever, they may also have the following symptoms:

A. Shivering and feeling cold when nobody else is feeling cold

1. Headache: Pain in the head often accompanies a fever.

2. Muscle aches: Having sharp or constant aches can be due to fever.

3. Rash: Red bumps may be noticed on the skin along with fever

4. Restlessness: One may feel restless while having fever.

5. Weakness or fatigue: One may feel decrease in muscle strength during fever.

6. Sweating

7. Low appetite: A variety of infections can cause fever along with lack of appetite.

8. Signs of dehydration

9. Increased sensitivity to pain

10. Lack of  energy and feeling sleepy

11. Difficulty in concentrating

B. If a baby has a fever, these symptoms are prominent:

1. Feel hot to the touch

2. Have flushed cheeks

3. Sweaty

Some children show frightening side effect of fever called febrile seizures. They most likely occur with a fever of at least 100.4 degree Farenheit (38 degree Celsius). In some cases, children may have seizure before developing a fever. These seizures happen in 2-4 % of children under age 5. These seizures are short lived and harmless, but in 2.5 % and 5 % of children, who have complex febrile seizure, develop epilepsy.

With high fever, there may also be irritability, confusion, delirium, and seizures.

Pathophysiology Of Fever

Specific body temperature is a balance of heat production and heat loss. Hypothalamus (a gland in the brain) also called as the body thermostat monitors this balance. Even in a healthy condition the body temperature varies, it can be lower in the morning and higher in the late afternoon and evening.

Fever is a response of our immune system to foreign invaders. These foreign invaders include viruses, bacteria, fungi, drugs or toxins. These foreign invaders are considered pyrogens (fever producing substances) which trigger the immune response of the body. Pyrogens signals the hypothalamus that sets the body temperature higher in order to help the body fight against the infection. This prompt complex process results in more heat production and restricts heat loss. The body produces heat when one shivers in fever.  Wrapping blanket around body in chilled state of fever is a way to retain body heat.


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What Is Rectal Tenesmus? Signs, Symptoms And Homeopathic Treatment

Rectal tenesmus refers to a feeling of incomplete bowel movements. A person feels the urge to defecate even if he/she has already defecated. There is a feeling of incomplete defecation even when all contents in the bowels have been expelled. It can be attended with pain and hard straining to pass just a little more stool during bowel movements.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing cases of rectal tenesmus. Homeopathic medicines help in reducing the intensity and frequency of this complaint gradually. Along with tenesmus, these also bring improvement in its attending signs and symptoms. Use of homeopathic medicines is recommended in those cases where the intensity of the complaint is mild to moderate. In cases where symptoms are severe or point towards some serious cause (example colorectal cancer), it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Rectal Tenesmus

1. Nux Vomica Top-grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicines for treating cases of rectal tenesmus. Persons who need this medicine have frequent and ineffectual urge to pass stool. They go for defecation several times a day but have unsatisfactory stool and have a constant urge to pass stool. Soon after passing stool, they feel like going to the washroom again. It is a very effective medicine for tenesmus with constipation. The stool is very hard and dry in such cases. It can be blood-streaked too. Before passing stool, sometimes they have cutting pain around the navel. Sticking pain in rectum may occur after passing stool. Its use is also indicated when there is frequent urge to pass stool and the stool is slimy, watery and has blood. In such cases, small quantities of jelly-like mucus may also be present in the stool.

2. Merc Sol – For Rectal Tenesmus With A Never-Get-Done Feeling

This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is rectal tenesmus with a never-get-done feeling. Persons requiring it have to nidulge in excessive straining for stool with relatively scanty stool being passed. The stool is also slimy, bloody and has mucus in it. It can be greenish. In some cases, undigested food is passed as stool which has sour smell. It is accompanied by pinching and cutting colic. Pain and burning in anus can also attend. Nausea and vomiting sometimes accompany. Lastly, it is indicated for ineffectual urge to pass stool with protruding piles.

3. Aloe – For Rectal Tenesmus And Excessive Passage Of Gas During Stool

It is prepared from the gum of the leaves of plant Aloe Socotrina. It belongs to family Liliaceae. It is a very effective medicine for rectal tenesmus and excessive passage of gas during stool. In cases needing it, there is a continuous urge to pass stool, and gets worse soon after eating and drinking. Along with this, a feeling of fullness and weight on the pelvis is felt.  A constant bearing down in the rectum occurs. Rumbling and gurgling in the rectum with the urgency to pass stool is also felt. Stool is lumpy, watery in cases needing it. A lot of mucus may pass in stool.

4. Merc Cor – When Mucus And Blood In Stool Attends

This medicine is well-indicated for cases in which tenesmus is attended with mucus and blood in the stool. The tenesmus is excessive and the stool is hot, scanty and contains shreds of mucous membrane. It also has an offensive smell. The colour can be yellow or green. Cutting and colicky pains may occur along with the above symptoms. The desire to pass stool is frequent and ineffectual with violent pain. Anal burning occurs while passing stool. Weakness is marked with the above symptoms.

5. Arsenic Album – For Tenesmus With Diarrhea

Arsenic Album is a beneficial medicine for cases in which there is tenesmus with diarrhea. For using it, the stool is loose, green, slimy and foul-smelling. Pieces of mucus may pass with it. Cutting pain in anus attends it with marked weakness. Besides, rumbling in intestine occurs. In some cases, the stool passes involuntarily. The last indication for using it is piles which is painful,  and swollen along with tenesmus. The pain in piles is stitching type.

6. Nitric Acid – For Tenesmus With Rectal Pain

It is a useful medicine for tenesmus with rectal pain. Mostly the pain in rectum is sharp splinter-like in nature with ineffectual urge to pass stool. The stool is putrid, loose with undigested food, along with passage of gas. It is mostly green with mucus, blood in stool may appear too. There is excessive straining to pass stool but little of it passes. It feels as if stool still remains in the rectum that could not be expelled. The anus feels raw and sore with this. Sometimes, cutting pain in anus and rectum is also felt. While passing stool, colic and nausea also occurs. Excessive exhaustion is felt along with these symptoms.

7. Lycopodium – For Tenesmus Of Rectum, Gas And Bloating

Lycopodium is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum, commonly known as ‘club moss’. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. It is a prominent medicine for managing cases in which there is rectal tenesmus, gas in abdomen and bloating. Persons needing it have straining while passing stool and tenesmus. With this, they have gas and bloating which is felt soon after eating even if they consume small quantity of food. The gas leads to pain in abdomen. While passing stool, they have burning, stinging sensation in rectum. A distressing pressure and pain in rectum is also felt.

8. Colchicum For Scanty Stool With Tenesmus

This medicine is prepared from the bulb of plant Colchicum autumnale, commonly known as ‘meadow saffron’. It belongs to family melanthaceae of the liliaceae. It is valuable for cases having scanty stool with tenesmus. The stool may be greenish, yellowish or reddish. It contains white shreddy particles. Along with this, pain in anus occurs.

9. Capsicum For Frequent, Small Stool With Tenesmus And Rectal Burning

This medicine is helpful for cases in which a person has frequent, little stool with tenesmus and burning in the rectum. The stool is greenish, frothy and may have blood and mucus in it. Before passing stool, there may occur cutting pain and colic due to gas, and twisting pains around the umbilicus. After passing stool, burning sensation occurs at the anus. Burning pain in rectum is well marked. Biting and stinging pain in anus may also accompany. Sometimes the tenesmus of rectum and bladder may be felt at the same time in cases needing Capsicum.

10. Colocynth – For Rectal Tenesmus And Colicky Pain In Abdomen

This medicine is prepared from the pulp of fruit Citrullus colocynthis, also called cucumis colocynthis and ‘bitter apple’. This plant belongs to family cucurbitaceae. It is beneficial for persons having rectal tenesmus and colicky pain in abdomen. Along with this, there is watery stool which is copious and strong smelling. Nausea and vomiting may also occur.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

It may arise from various reasons. First among them is IBD – inflammatory bowel disease (an autoimmune disease that causes long-term inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract). IBD includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. In case of Crohn’s disease, inflammation can occur in the lining of any part of digestive tract from mouth to anus. In this, deeper layers of the digestive tract are involved. In case of ulcerative colitis, there occurs inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine and rectum. In this, superficial lining of large intestine and rectum is involved.

Other than IBD, inflammation in the colon from infection (like a bacterial or viral infection), any non-infectious condition or radiation exposure can also lead to tenesmus. Another cause for it is diverticulitis; diverticula are small pouches that can form in the lining of the digestive system mostly in the lower part of the large intestine. When inflammation occurs in one or more of the pouches, then this condition is known as diverticulitis. Rectal tenesmus can also occur in case of ischaemic colitis (inflamed colon from decreased blood flow to it).

IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which is a disorder affecting the large intestine that leads to cramping, pain in abdomen, gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation or both, is another cause behind it. It can also arise in cases of diarrhea and constipation. An abscess in the rectum, prolapsed hemorrhoid, sexually transmitted proctitis which is rectal inflammation (example of sexually transmitted infections that can inflame rectum are gonorrhoea, syphilis and chlamydia) may be some of the other causes of rectal tenesmus. Lastly, it can be a symptom in case of colorectal cancer.

What Are The Other Signs And Symptoms?

It can be accompanied by some other signs and symptoms depending on the cause behind it. These include rectal pain, pain in abdomen, diarrhea, constipation, blood in stool, mucus in stool, gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, weakness fever and chills.



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More About Paresthesia And Its Homeopathic Treatment

Paresthesia refers to abnormal sensations like tingling, prickling, burning, numbness, sensation of pricking by pins or needles that occur mostly in hands, fingers, arms, legs, feet and toes. Everyone might have experienced it once in a while, like one may have felt it from sitting cross-legged for too long or from sleeping with the arm under the head. It happens because of the pressure on nerves. It is temporary and vanishes by removing the pressure on the affected nerve. However, in some cases, paresthesia is persistent and may be due to some medical health condition that requires treatment.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can help in effectively managing complaints of paresthesia. Homeopathic medicines can manage well the symptoms like numbness, tingling, pin needle sensation, burning and weakness in limbs in such cases. With use of these medicines, gradual relief occurs . Homeopathic medicines are recommended in these cases when the symptoms are mild to moderate and no serious cause is linked with it. In case the symptoms are intense, or these symptoms are attended with other symptoms like difficulty in walking, loss of bladder/bowel control, slurred speech, difficulty in breathing, confusion, dizziness, loss of consciousness, paralysis or in case some serious cause like stroke, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken. It is recommended to take any homeopathic medicine for paresthesia under supervision of a homeopathic physician who can guide the best suitable medicine after complete case evaluation, or in case he finds some serious ailment where homeopathy cannot help, he can refer conventional treatment. In no case should self-medication be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Paresthesia

1. Kali Phos To Manage Numbness

It is a top-grade medicine to manage numbness in the hands and feet. The numbness may be marked in the finger tips, may also be present in arms and legs. This medicine is also beneficial to manage prickling sensation in hands and feet. Lastly, it offers help for cases having burning sensation in soles of feet and toes.

2. Zincum Met For Numbness And Tingling

It is a helpful medicine for cases having numbness and tingling sensation. The tingling is present in one of the limbs in cases needing it. It is useful when numbness occurs in lower limbs. Excessive weakness can accompany it.

3. Hypericum  For Numbness, Tingling And Burning Sensation

It is prepared from a plant Hypericum Perforatum with the common name ‘St. John’s Wort’. This medicine is very effective in managing numbness, tingling, burning sensation in limbs. It is one of the best medicine for managing cases of nerve damage from trauma/injury. Along with above symptoms, a person needing it may also have sharp, excruciating pain. Besides, it is a well-indicated medicine for managing cases of carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS).

4. Arsenic Album – For Managing Burning Pains And Weakness

This medicine is firstly very helpful in managing burning type of pain in the limbs. Secondly, it is useful for cases having weakness in limbs. Other than above, tingling in fingers is also indicative of using this medicine.

 5. Agaricus – For Prickling In Toes

This medicine works well in cases of prickling in the toes. A crawling sensation may also occur. Shooting pain in toes can sometimes attend it.

6. Causticum – To Manage Weakness In Limbs

This medicine is prominently indicated for managing weakness in limbs along with heaviness in the limbs. Other than this, it is helpful in managing numbness in hands. Lastly, it is a suitable medicine for managing carpal tunnel syndrome.

7. Gnaphalium – To Manage Sciatica And Numbness

It is prepared from plant Gnaphalium polycephalum commonly known as ‘old balsam’, a sweet-scented everlasting flower. Use of this medicine is recommended to manage numbness attending sciatica pain. Persons who need it have cutting or darting pain along sciatic nerve. They have worsening of pain by walking and relief by sitting.

8. Picric Acid – For Pin Needle Sensation In Limbs

It is an important medicine for managing pin needle sensation in the limbs. Persons who require it may also have numbness in limbs. Limbs may feel weak and the feet become cold.

9. Paris Quadrifolia – To Manage Numbness In Fingers And Neck Pain

This medicine is prepared from the plant Paris Quadrifolia having common name ‘One berry’ and ‘Herb Paris’. This medicine suits cases in which there is numbness (asleep sensation) in fingers and neck pain. In cases requiring it, pain in the neck may extend down till the fingers. Heaviness in nape of neck can attend it. The pain gets better by taking rest.

10. Kalmia – For Numbness, Prickling In Limbs

It is another medicine in homeopathy which helps cases having numbness and prickling in limbs. It is prepared from fresh leaves of plant Kalmia Latifolia, commonly known as ‘mountain laurel’. Sometimes weakness in limbs may be a common complaint where this medicine is required. Additionally, coldness in limbs may be there. In some cases, there is pain in the neck that radiates down the arms.

11. Carboneum Sulph – For Tingling Sensation As From Electric Current

This medicine is effective for cases of tingling sensation in the limbs as from an electric current. Other than this, it also offers help to manage numbness of the fingers with inability to hold small objects.

12. Phosphorus – For Numbness In Hands And Feet

Use of this medicine can be done in case of numbness in hands and feet. The numbness can also be present in fingers and toes. Lastly, it is indicated to manage weakness in arms.

13. Oxalic Acid – For Numbness And Tingling

This medicine is also indicated to manage numbness and tingling in limbs. It is very useful when there is numbness starting from shoulders and ending in fingertips. Sharp pain in limbs may attend sometimes.

Causes Behind Paresthesia

First cause behind it is compression, irritation or inflammation of the nerve roots (this is referred as radiculopathy). This can happen from herniated spinal disc (a condition in which the soft jelly like center of inter-vertebral disc pushes out through a tear in its tough exterior). Next, this can result if the spinal canal gets narrow also called spinal stenosis (it refers to narrowing of the spinal canal that results in pressure on spinal cord and nerve roots). It can also arise if there is some mass that causes compression of the nerve. When radiculopathy happens in cervical spine, means the portion of spine in neck, then it is known as cervical radiculopathy (its symptoms includes paresthesia of the upper limbs, neck pain and weakness in arms and hands). When it occurs in lumbar region, means portion of spine in lower back, then it is known as lumbar radiculopathy (its symptoms includes sciatica that occur from pressure over the sciatic nerve that causes pain in the lower back radiating down the hip, back of thigh, legs, feet and paresthesia in leg or foot).  Carpal tunnel syndrome is also one of the causes behind paresthesia in hands and fingers that arises from pinched medial nerve in the wrist.

Second major cause for paresthesia is nerve damage.  The main cause for nerve damage is diabetes. Next reason is injury/trauma to nerve. It may also occur due to deficiency of Vitamin B12, B1 and B6. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is yet another reason for paresthesia. Injury from repetitive movement putting stress on nerves may also lead to it. It may also occur if a person is suffering from a kidney or liver disease.

Other than these, it may occur in case of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes joint inflammation resulting in pain, swelling and stiffness in joints. It mostly starts from small joints and involves larger joints afterward.  Multiple sclerosis is an an autoimmune disorder in which there occurs damage to the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.

Brain tumour or tumour that develop near a nerve can be another cause for paresthesia. Certain infections like shingles ( a viral infection caused by varicella – zoster virus), Lyme disease  (a tick-borne, infectious disease which is caused by a bacteria of the type borrelia known as Borrelia burgdoferi) may also cause it. Paresthesia can be caused by exposure to chemicals, heavy metals, use of some medications like chemotherapy drugs, some antibiotics, high blood pressure, high levels of vitamin D, and alcoholism. Lastly, paresthesia can occur in case of a stroke which means an interruption in blood supply to part of the brain resulting in deprivation of oxygen and nutrients to brain tissue and causing death of brain cells. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical help.

What Are Its Symptoms?

It mostly affects hands, feet, arms and legs though any body part can be affected. Its symptoms are numbness, tingling, prickling, pin needle sensation, burning, sensation of affected part falling numb temporarily, weakness, and coldness.  These symptoms may be attended with pain. It may result in disruption in daily activities. The complications that can arise include disability, permanent loss of sensation and paralysis.

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What is Nocturia? Top Homeopathic Medicines For Treatment

Nocturia refers to an increased frequency of urination at night. A person suffers from it if he/she wakes up two or more times at night to void urine. If not treated, it can result in sleep deprivation, weakness, drowsiness, lack of concentration and mood changes during the daytime.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to treat cases of nocturia. These medicines are very natural, gentle and safe that bring improvement by working on the root cause behind it. With these medicines, there occurs gradual decrease in the frequency of urine at night. Along with this, there also appears relief in its attending symptoms like burning sensation while urination, painful urination, and urgency to urinate. The prescription of homeopathic medicine for nocturia varies from case to case as per the symptoms of an individual. So it is advised to take medicine for treating nocturia under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. These medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases but in severe cases and in case of some underlying serious disorders (compression of spinal cord, for example) it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Nocturia

1. Lycopodium – Top Grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicine in homeopathy for managing nocturia.  It is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as ‘club moss’. Persons needing it have frequent urination at night. The urine flow is also profuse at night, while during the day, they have less frequency and scanty urine. At night, the urine can be pale. The symptoms that can attend include heaviness over bladder, dull pressing or stitching pain in bladder. Burning sensation in the bladder during urination may be present.

2. Phosphoric Acid – For Frequent And Excessive Urine At Night

This medicine is well indicated when a person has to rise often at night to pass urine. The urine is passed in large quantities. During urination burning in urethra can be felt. Other than this, it is also indicated for cases in which there is constant desire to urinate and there is sudden irresistible urge to urinate.

3. Merc Sol – For Frequent Urine At Night And Urgent Urge For Urination

Merc Sol is a beneficial medicine when there is frequent urination at night and an urgent desire to urinate. In cases needing it, there is sudden urge to urinate and the person has to hurry to pass urine. The urine can be copious or scanty. Cutting, burning pain while passing urine can be felt. In some cases, there occurs involuntary urination at night.

4. Baryta Carb – For Irritation Of Bladder At Night

This medicine works well in cases of excessive irritation of bladder at night. Persons requiring it passes much urine at night. They have an urgent desire to urinate and are unable to retain it, if the bladder is not emptied immediately. It is one of the most suitable medicines for frequent urination in old age.  It is a very beneficial medicine for prostate issues.

5. Cantharis – For Frequent Urine At Night And Painful Urination

This medicine is helpful in treating cases in which there is frequent urination at night along with pain. The pain can be burning or cutting in nature. This may be felt before, during or after urination. There is also urgency to pass urine. The urge for urination occurs even when there is little urine in the bladder. Heaviness and soreness in the bladder may also be present. Sometimes the urine passed at night is cloudy with white sediment. It is a very effective medicine for treatment of urinary tract infection.  

6. Causticum – For Frequent Urination Day And Night

This medicine is beneficial in treating cases in which there is frequent urination day and night. Along with this, there is burning sensation in urethra while urinating. In some cases, itching of urethral orifice is felt. Sometimes there is involuntary dribbling of urine also. The urine may be thick white or dark brown.

7. Sarsaparilla – For Frequent And Profuse Pale Urine

It is prepared from dried rhizome of plant Sarsaparilla Officinalis, commonly known as ‘wild liquorice’.  This medicine is very useful to manage frequent and profuse pale urination at night.  Person needing it passes too much urine. Burning while urination may be there. Excessive pain at the conclusion of urination is another characteristic symptom that can be present.

8. Equisetum – For Frequent Urination And Bladder Pain

This natural medicine is sourced from the plant Equisetum Hyemale, also known as ‘scouring rush’. This medicine is helpful when there is frequent urine at night and bladder pain. The pain is dull in nature. The bladder may be painful if pressure is applied during urination. The urge to pass urine is sudden. Along with these symptoms, there can be a feeling of fullness in the bladder that doesn’t get better even after urinating.

9. Thuja For Nocturia And Sudden Urgent Urge To Urinate

It is prepared from fresh green twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis, commonly known by the name of ‘Arbor Vitae’. This medicine is significant for cases having frequent urine at night and urgent desire to urinate that cannot be controlled. Cutting pangs of pain are felt after urinating. A sensation of a drop running down the urethra is felt after urination.

10. Borax – When Urine Has A Pungent (Strong) Smell

This medicine is indicated for persons who pass urine several times at night which has a very strong smell. With this, there is urgent desire to urinate. The urine is hot. After urination, soreness and smarting in urethra is felt.

11. Calcarea Carb – For Nocturia And Foul Smelling Urine

It is an important medicine when there is nocturia and foul smelling urine. The urine smells sour where this medicine is required. Other than this, there is ineffectual desire to urinate. With this, there is cutting or stitching pain in the urethra. Before urination, burning sensation can be felt. The urine may be dark brown or milk-white. There may be whitish sediment in urine in some cases.

What Are Its Causes?

The causes behind nocturia are variable. It can simply arise from intake of excessive fluid or taking fluids close to bedtime, or taking alcohol and caffeinated drinks. In some people, it may be just a habit to wake up at night to pass urine. However, it can also arise from some medical conditions as follows:

1. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of the urinary tract — kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra, but mostly it occurs in urinary bladder and urethra. The symptoms include painful or burning urination, frequent urination or constant urge to urinate and urgency to pass urine.

2. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged prostate gland which is a common condition in elderly men. Its common symptoms are frequent urination, nocturia, urgency to urinate, difficulty in initiating urination, weak urine stream and dribbling at the end of urination.

3. Inflamed prostate gland (prostatitis) causes pain or burning sensation during urination, nocturia, urgency to urinate, difficulty in initiating urine, dribbling urine, pain in groin, abdomen, blood in urine, pain in penis or testes.

4. Fourth is diabetes.

5. It can arise from an overactive bladder. In this condition, the bladder muscles start to contract involuntarily even with a small amount of urine in the bladder. It mainly causes symptoms like sudden urge to urinate, frequent urine, nocturia and involuntary urine passage immediately after an urge for urination is felt.

6. Tumours in the bladder or pelvic area and bladder prolapse can also lead to nocturia.

7. Other than this, it can happen in case of anxiety, obstructive sleep apnea (a serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops momentarily and then starts occuring several times during sleep), during pregnancy and  from use of certain medicines (eg, diuretics which are the drugs that increases urine flow). It can also be a symptom in case of heart or liver failure and some neurological disorders. These neurological disorders include Parkinson’s disease which is a nervous system disorder that affects part of the brain that controls body movements. It begins with tremor in one hand and causes stiffness, slow movement, impaired posture and balance. It can lead to several complications one of which is bladder problems. Second such disorder is multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease in which there is damage to the myelin sheath of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Next neurological disorder is Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive neurological disorder in which the brain cells gradually die that leads to memory loss, difficulty in thinking, reasoning and social skills. Last is compression of the spinal cord.

8. Elderly persons are more at risk. Though nocturia can affect persons of any age group, it is common in elderly people. As a person ages, production of hormone that concentrates urine is reduced, so he/ she is unable to hold urine until the morning.

9. In some cases, the urge to urinate at night does not wake a person, if a person wakes there is need to pass urine. This can arise in case a person has restless leg syndrome, depression, chronic pain that disturbs sleep.



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