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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Facial Numbness And Tingling

Numbness means loss of feeling or sensation on the skin, and tingling refers to a prickling feeling or sensation of sharp pointed objects pricking the skin. Numbness accompanied by  tingling sensation is medically referred to as paresthesia. Numbness and tingling on the face can arise from various reasons. The main reason behind it is damage, irritation, or compression of a nerve in the face. Nerve damage can happen from different causes such as an injury, deficiency of vitamins like vitamin B and niacin, some infections like shingles (an infection of the nerves caused by varicella zoster virus that cause fluid-filled tiny bumps on the skin attended with pain, itching, burning, numbness and tingling on the affected skin area), diabetes, etc. Nerve damage can also be caused by an autoimmune condition known as multiple sclerosis. In this condition, the immune cells damage the protective covering of the nerves out of a misdirected response. It can cause numbness and tingling on the face along with other symptoms such as numbness and weakness in the limbs, unsteady gait, blurred/double vision, vertigo, fatigue, slurred speech, lack of coordination, mood swings, and urinary bladder and bowel problems.

Nerve damage is also seen in cases of Bell’s palsy. Bell’s palsy is a condition that occurs from an inflamed nerve of the face resulting in sudden weakness of one-sided facial muscles causing drooping on one side of the face. Another reason behind facial numbness and tingling could be trigeminal neuralgia. It refers to severe one-sided facial pain along the course of the trigeminal nerve due to irritation, damage or compression of this nerve. It causes severe shooting or electric shock-like facial pain and it can be preceded by numbness or tingling on the face. Another cause can be migraine. Migraine refers to one-sided headache usually pulthe sating type that in most of cases is attended by nausea and vomiting. In some cases, headache is preceded by an aura phase in which numbness and tingling on one side of the face can appear. This type of migraine is known as hemiplegic migraine. Further, in some cases of epilepsy, numbness or tingling on the face may occur during a seizure (a fit). Facial numbness and tingling can also occur in cases of anxiety, or panic attack or can be a side effect of a medicine. Medicines for treating high blood pressure and fluoroquinolones may cause side effects. Lastly, facial numbness and tingling can also indicate a serious condition called stroke. A stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical help. Stroke refers to the interruption of oxygen supply (either due to blockage or bursting of a blood vessel) to the brain that results in death of brain cells and loss of brain function.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing numbness and tingling on the face. These medicines are highly suitable for persons of all age groups. These medicines aim to treat the underlying cause behind the health issue to bring great relief. Along with this, homeopathic medicines can also manage any associated symptoms such as pain, itching, fatigue, headache, vertigo etc. Homeopathic medicines are purely of natural origin that treat a problem without any side effects. These medicines are selected individually for every case based on the symptom. So it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician. Self-medication should not be done in any case. These medicines are recommended only for cases of mild to moderate intensity without any underlying serious cause. In case facial numbness and tingling are severe or occurring from serious causes like stroke, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has limitations to handle such serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Facial Numbness And Tingling

1. Zincum Met – Top Recommended Medicine

Zincum Met is a great medicine well indicated for managing various nervous complaints. It is a leading medicine to manage numbness and tingling sensation. It is also well indicated where nerve pain in the face is marked. In cases needing it, stitching pain on the face as from needles is felt, other than numbness and tingling. The nerve pain in the face gets worse from touch. There is a worsening of pain in the evening. Besides, this medicine is prominent for managing twitching sensation on the face. Twitching means brief spontaneous muscle contractions. Lastly, another nerves-related complaint where this medicine proves effective is formication on the face. Formication means sensation of insects crawling on or under the skin.

2. Agaricus – For Numbness On face With Cold Needle Pricking Sensation

This medicine works well in cases of numbness of the face. A sensation of cold needles running through nerves of the face is a very characteristic feature. Muscle contractions can also occur on the face. Needles pricking on the chin can also attend. Chin can be covered with fluid-filled tiny bumps. Next there can be tearing sort of pain on the face. Further itching, burning and redness on the cheeks can be present. This medicine is also indicated for cases of paralysis of facial muscles.

3. Causticum – For Numbness And Tingling With Burning Sensation

Causticum is yet another effective medicine for cases of numbness and tingling on the face. There is marked numbness on the side of the face as if the face is asleep in cases needing this medicine. Burning sensation is also felt on the face along with the above complaints. Sometimes itching occurs on the face. One-sided facial paralysis may be felt where this medicine is required. Tearing pain and twitching on the left side of the face can be felt along with the above complaints.

4. Hypericum – From Nerve Damage And Inflammation

Hypericum is very helpful when there occurs numbness, tingling, burning sensation from nerve inflammation and damage. Pain originating from the nerves on the face is felt too. Mainly right-sided facial pain occurs. A heated sensation is felt on the face. A tense feeling occurs on the cheeks.

5. Aconite – Along With Heaviness Feeling On Face

This medicine works well in cases of numbness, tingling on the face along with heaviness on the entire face. Nerve pain on the left side of the face is present. Restlessness is felt along with pain. The face is red and hot. Creeping sensation as well as muscle contractions are felt on the face.

6. Arsenic Album – For Tingling With Burning, Stinging

This medicine is indicated for tingling on the face along with burning, stinging sensation. It feels as if it is occurring from red hot needles. Tearing and needle-like pricking pains are felt on the face. Violent itching can also occur on the face. Fluid-filled eruptions may occur on the face along with itching and burning sensation.

7. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Tingling On Nose And Chin

This medicine is suitable to manage tingling sensation on the face, especially in the area of nose and chin. Heated sensation is felt on the face in cases needing it. Redness of cheeks occurs with this. Eruptions containing fluid may appear in clusters on the face.

8. Belladonna – With Facial Redness And Burning Heat

This medicine can be considered for cases of facial numbness and tingling when attended with facial redness along with burning heat. One feels restless. There may be contractions of facial muscles in addition to the above symptoms.





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What causes Lower Back and Hip Pain and its Homeopathic Remedies

Both lower back pain and hip pain can cause a lot of discomfort and in some cases, both can occur together. Pain can be unilateral (one-sided) or bilateral (on both sides) varying from case to case. The symptoms vary in intensity from mild to severe. Depending on the cause behind it, other symptoms may be felt. These include stiffness, numbness, tingling, pin needle sensation, weakness, reduced range of motion in the back and lower limb.

In severe cases, serious symptoms can arise like retention of urine, difficulty in passing urine, and involuntary passage of urine or stool that demands immediate medical help to prevent serious complications and permanent damage.

Lower back and hip pain may result from several causes. The first cause could be the pinching of a nerve in the lower back. It refers to irritation or compression of the nerve by muscles, bones or any other structure which lies near the nerve. Disc bulge, herniated disc, arthritis (inflammation of the joints), degenerative changes in the lumbar spine, bone spurs (extra outgrowths of the bones) or an injury are some of the important reasons behind nerve pinching. Disc bulge refers to the bulging out of the intervertebral disc i.e. cushions in between the two vertebrae that irritates/pinches the nerve in the spine. Herniated disc means there is oozing out of the inner gel-like matter from the disc via a tear in its outer layer resulting in the compression of the nerve.

The second reason is sciatica (compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve that causes pain in the lower back radiating downward to the hip, thigh, leg and feet). Other reasons include joint inflammation i.e. arthritis. Another important cause is ankylosing spondylitis and inappropriate functioning of sacroiliac joint (joint formed by the ilium bone of the pelvis and sacrum which is a triangular bone at the base of the spine). Ankylosing spondylitis is an autoimmune joint disorder starting from the sacroiliac joint followed by its ascent up the spine causing inflammation and damage to the joints. Its major symptom is pain and stiffness in the lower back and the hips. Further reasons might include muscle strain, injury, piriformis syndrome and lumbar stenosis.

Piriformis syndrome refers to a condition arising from irritation/compression of the sciatic nerve from contraction of the piriformis muscle located in the buttock region. Lumbar stenosis refers to the narrowing of the spinal canal in the lumbar region of the back. In females, this pain could arise during menses or from health concerns like endometriosis (growth of tissue that lines the uterus at regions other than uterus like ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder and rectum) and uterine fibroids (non-cancerous growths forming in the uterus).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines prove very helpful in cases of lower back and hip pain. Sourced from natural substances, they ease the pain in the lower back and the hip in the most harmless way with zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines target the root cause behind pain to give long term relief in these cases. They can also relieve its attending symptoms like stiffness, numbness, tingling, pin-needle sensation along with pain. Homeopathic prescription for such cases varies from case to case based on the characteristic individual symptoms. So it is advised that one should take homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic doctor. Self-medication should be avoided. In case of serious symptoms like retention of urine, difficulty in passing urine, involuntary passage of urine or stool, one should take immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in managing serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Lower Back And Hip Pain

1. Aesculus – When Pain Increases From Walking And Stooping

Aesculus is a highly effective medicine to manage lower back and hip pain which gets worse from walking and stooping. The pain increases when rising up after sitting. Aching or tearing type of pain is felt where this medicine is required. The back feels as if it will break from pain. There is also marked stiffness in the back along with pain. The back is also sore to touch. Weakness in the back and legs can accompany. Aesculus is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of ankylosing spondylitis, sacroiliac joint problems and hip arthritis.

2. Colocynth – In Sciatica Cases

Colocynth is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage lower back and hip pain in cases of sciatica. Persons needing it have pain in the lower back that radiates to the hip and sometimes to the back side of the thighs. The pain makes every position painful, be it sitting or lying down. Pain is worse when lying on the back. Walking is also difficult and makes the person limp. The nature of pain can be tearing, burning type. The warmth of the bed worsens the pain. In hips, cramping pain can be felt. It gets better by lying down on the affected side.

3. Rhus Tox –  After an injury

This medicine is highly suitable when there is pain in the lower back and hips after an injury from falling. In cases needing it, there is much difficulty in walking, standing or sitting. Pain gets better while lying on something hard.  There is problem in putting weight on the limb because of the injury. The hip is tender to pressure. Due to these complaints, there is restless sleep at night. Stiffness is also felt in the back. The back feels as if broken. Rhus Tox is also the most important medicine for managing cases of back and hip pain due to overstraining of muscles.

4. Kali Carb – Along With Weakness In Lower Back And Lower Limbs

Kali Carb is of great use to manage cases of lower back and hip pain along with weakness in the back and lower limbs. In cases needing it, pain from the lower back radiates to the hips. The pain can be shooting or stitching type. Pain gets worse from walking and standing. The back feels as if broken. A very characteristic feature is the worsening of pain in early morning around 3 am. This medicine is also indicated when lower back pain occurs after a fall.

5. Lachesis – With Stiffness

Lachesis is indicated when there is drawing pain from the back to the hips along with stiffness. Drawing pain in the lower back prevents movement. It gets worse when rising up from the sitting position. Back pain is accompanied with excessive restlessness with stretching of arms and legs. The lower back feels weak and sprained.  Stiffness is marked in the sacral back that extends to the hip joints. Stiffness gets worse on bending, when lying down, and on beginning to move.

6. Ruta – When Pain From Back Goes Down To Hips And Thighs

This medicine is helpful when pain from the back radiates down to the hips and thighs. This pain gets worse while lying down at night. Ruta is also a useful medicine for back pain occurring after an injury. In such cases, pain worsens from pressure. The pain worsens in the morning before rising. Weakness is felt in the lower back.

7. Kali Bichrome – For Lower Back Pain Extending To Left-Side Hip

It is a very beneficial medicine to help cases of lower back pain extending to the left side hip. Pain in the lower back worsens from movement and stooping in cases needing it. Pain increases at rest and at night. Cutting type of pain is marked in the sacral back which means the lowest part of the back.



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7 Top Homeopathic Medicines for Diarrhea after eating

Diarrhea refers to the passage of loose, watery stool more frequently in a day than usual. Some people suffer from diarrhea specifically after eating. Medically diarrhea after eating is known as postprandial diarrhea. This can occur from multiple reasons. First reason could be food poisoning or viral gastroenteritis. Food poisoning is the gastric infection due to bacteria, virus or parasites that occurs as a result of consumption of contaminated food or drinks. Viral gastroenteritis is a stomach infection caused by virus mainly norovirus.

Use of antibiotics and antacids can also be a reason for diarrhea after eating. Next common cause can be IBS i.e. irritable bowel syndrome. IBS is a functional disorder of the large intestine or colon in which there occurs diarrhea, constipation or in some cases alternate diarrhea and constipation, cramps in the abdomen and bloating of abdomen.

Diarrhea after eating may also be seen in cases of lactose intolerance and celiac disease. Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose (a type of sugar in milk) due to lack of enzyme lactase. Celiac disease is an autoimmune gastric disorder in which eating gluten present in wheat, rye, barley results in damage to the lining of the small intestine.

Another cause is IBD which refers to inflammatory bowel disease that includes two gastrointestinal diseases named Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease can cause inflammation in any part of the gastrointestinal tract while ulcerative colitis leads to inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine and/or the rectum. Further causes may includes parasitic infection (e.g., infection with parasites like entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia), endocrine diseases like hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) and removal of gallbladder (cholecystectomy). In cases of diarrhea after eating, along with loose stool, there may occur other signs and symptoms as well. These might include cramps or pain in the abdomen, gas in the abdomen, bloated abdomen, a sudden urge to pass stool, mucus / blood in the stool, nausea and vomiting. This condition can be acute that occurs suddenly and lasts for a short time period (one or two days) or it may be chronic that is persistent (more than 4 weeks) or keeps recurring from time to time.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines offer a very natural, safe and effective treatment for cases of diarrhea after eating. Homeopathic medicines gradually decrease the intensity and frequency of this complaint. These medicines help by working to treat the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines also manage associated symptoms like abdomen pain, gas in the abdomen, bloated abdomen, a sudden urge to pass stool, nausea and vomiting. Homeopathic medicines are helpful in managing this acute complaint as well as in overcoming the tendency to have recurrent episodes of this problem. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed individually for every case as per the presenting symptoms. So, it is recommended to get any case of diarrhea after eating evaluated by a homeopathic physician and take medicines as per physician’s advice. Self-medication should be avoided. Homeopathy is recommended for mild to moderate cases. In severe cases and cases with fever, blood in stool or dehydration, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has limitations in helping such severe cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Diarrhea After Eating

1. Aloe Socotrina – Topmost Medicine

Aloe Socotrina is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage complaint of diarrhea after eating. The persons needing this medicine have a desire to pass stool immediately after eating or drinking anything. They have a sudden urge for stool with a need to rush to the washroom for bowel evacuation. The stool is watery and may contain mucus in it at times. There is pain in the abdomen. A constant bearing down sensation is felt in the rectum. Sometimes stool passes involuntarily on its own when passing the gas. Along with the above complaints, there may occur fullness, heaviness and bloating in the abdomen. There may be excessive gas in the abdomen.

2. Croton Tiglium – For Gushing Stool After Eating

Croton Tiglium is a well indicated medicine when there is gushing stool after eating. Gushing stool means quick and sudden passage of the stool at once with a great force. Excessive gas passes out along with passage of the stool. The stool can be yellow or dirty green. It has a very foul smell. Stool may contain mucus or white flakes in it. While passing stool, there is pain in the abdomen along with nausea. Passing stool is followed by weakness. In some cases, pain or burning in the anus is also felt.

3. Podophyllum – For Yellow – Greenish Watery, Foul Smelling, Gushing Stool

Podophyllum is a prominent medicine for yellow-greenish, watery, foul smelling, gushing stool soon after eating or drinking. Though this complaint can arise from eating anything but is most prominently indicated when it happens specifically after eating acidic fruits or from drinking milk. There is also a sudden urgency to pass stool. While passing stool, burning and pain are felt in the anus. The stool may contain undigested food particles. After passing stool, cutting pain is felt in the abdomen and one feels weak.

4. Arsenic Album – Along With Vomiting

Use of Arsenic Album is highly recommended when loose stool is attended with vomiting. The stool is watery along with a burning sensation in the navel area. Cutting type of pain is also felt in the stomach. Rumbling occurs in the abdomen. Mucus is passed in the stool in many of the cases needing this medicine. Before and during passing stool, a chilly feeling is experienced. Intense weakness is present along with the above symptoms. Arsenic Album is the most prominently indicated medicine to manage loose stool and vomiting in cases of food poisoning.

5. Colocynth – With Stomach Cramps Or Pain

Colocynth is a useful medicine when there is loose stool after eating even a slight amount of food along with stomach pain or cramps. The stool is yellow, watery and frothy. The stool has a sour smell. It may contain mucus as well. Along with stool, excessive gas is passed from the anus. After passing stool, burning is felt at the anus. Abdomen pain is better from bending double or from pressure. The pain is also relieved after passing stool.

6. China Officinalis – When Attended With Weakness

This medicine proves effective for cases in which weakness is present along with diarrhea after eating. The stool is loose. Stool is brownish, frothy and may contain undigested food particles in it. The smell of stool is very foul. With this excessive gas and bloating of the abdomen is present. Stomach pain due to excessive gas can be felt. This medicine is very important to manage cases where diarrhea results from eating fruits in particular.

7. Pulsatilla – Urge For Stool As Soon As One Begins To Eat

Pulsatilla is a highly valuable medicine to manage cases where an urge to pass stool arises as soon as one begins to eat. The stool is greenish yellow and slimy. Pain in the abdomen may occur while passing stool in some cases needing it. Burning and cutting type of pain can be felt in the rectum sometimes. Nausea is also felt. Pulsatilla is a leading medicine to manage diarrhea that occurs from eating fatty food or ice cream.




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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Stomach Pain along with Nausea and Vomiting

Stomach pain along with nausea and vomiting can arise from various reasons. The first reason could simply be indigestion that may result from eating spicy food, fatty food, or excessive intake of caffeine and alcohol. In indigestion, other symptoms like gas, bloating, stomach burning, and heartburn (burning in the middle of the chest behind the breastbone) may be felt. Other causes include food poisoning and gastroenteritis. Food poisoning mainly results from bacterial infection from consuming contaminated food or water. Gastroenteritis, also called stomach flu, is an infection of the intestine that usually occurs from viral infection. Watery stool and fever can occur along with stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting in both food poisoning and gastroenteritis cases. Stomach pain with nausea and vomiting may also occur in cases of anxiety, stress and depression. Gastritis and peptic ulcers could be some other reasons for stomach pain.

Gastritis refers to an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It mainly causes burning pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and a fullness sensation in the upper abdomen after eating. Peptic ulcers are sores that may develop in the stomach or upper part of the small intestine (i.e. duodenum). These ulcers can be gastric ulcers that develop in the stomach or could be duodenal ulcers when ulcers develop in the anterior part of the small intestine which is called the duodenum.

Other causes of stomach pain include gall bladder issues, mainly obstruction of bile duct due to the presence of gall stones, kidney stones, and an intestinal obstruction ( it refers to a blockage in the intestine). IBS could also be one of the reasons. IBS refers to irritable bowel syndrome in which there mainly occurs diarrhea, constipation or alternation between the two, cramps in the abdomen, gas and bloating. It may also cause nausea mainly in women. Lastly, it could also arise from causes like appendicitis (inflamed appendix) and stomach cancer.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing complaints of stomach pain along with nausea and vomiting. Homeopathic medicines are entirely safe to use with zero side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Homeopathic medicines bring excellent results in such cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases when no serious cause is linked to it. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for these cases has to be selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptom presentation. In some cases, this complaint could point to serious health problems so it is advised to get every case evaluated by a doctor, take medicine under the supervision of a doctor, and avoid self-medication. In case of serious health issues like appendicitis, blocked bile duct, or stomach cancer immediate help from conventional mode should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For Stomach Pain With Nausea And Vomiting

1. Arsenic Album – Top Medicine

Arsenic Album is a highly recommended medicine for cases of stomach pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In cases needing it, the nature of stomach pain is mostly burning type. It may be quite intense and best described as arising from the presence of hot coals in the stomach. Besides burning, in some cases stitching, stinging, tearing or cramping pain may be felt in the stomach. The stomach may also be sensitive to touch. The vomit is greenish. Vomiting may occur soon after eating or drinking anything. Along with the above symptoms, burning sensation may also be felt in the throat. Pressure or weight from a heavy stone is felt in the stomach. There can also be loose stool (diarrhea) along with the above complaints. The stool is copious and has a very foul smell. This medicine is prominently indicated for cases of food poisoning and gastritis (stomach inflammation).

2. Ipecac – For Pain With Nausea, Vomiting Before And During Stool

Ipecac is a well-indicated medicine for cases where stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting is felt before and during stool. The stool is loose in cases requiring this medicine. Besides, the abdomen is quite distended. Nausea is almost constant in most of the cases. The vomit may contain food particles of what has been eaten or maybe a green-colored substance. Sometimes jelly-like mucus is vomited. In some cases, sour fluid is vomited. Cutting type of pain is felt near the navel. There may occur pain in the stomach from trapped gas as well. Besides, there is lack of appetite. A very characteristic symptom to the above is an absolutely clean tongue.

3. Colocynth – With Pain Around The Navel

Colocynth is a suitable medicine for managing pain around the navel with nausea and vomiting. Along with this, frequent burping occurs. There is constipation. The pain from the navel tends to radiate to other parts of the abdomen as well. The pain gets better by passing gas. In some cases, pain may occur in the lower part of the abdomen. It gets better by bending double. It is also indicated when there is relief in the stomach pain by lying on the stomach. A bitter taste is felt in the mouth. There is an aversion to drinking water.

4. Nux Vomica – With Stomach Cramps, Nausea And Vomiting In Morning

This medicine is beneficial to manage cases of stomach cramps along with nausea, with vomiting in the morning time. The vomit may consist of sour mucus, undigested food or greenish matter. Rumbling or gurgling is felt in the abdomen. Sour taste is felt in the mouth. Cramps are also felt in the stomach after eating. Gas and heartburn may also be present along with the above symptoms. The abdomen is distended from gas accompanied by pain. Weight sensation in the stomach may also appear. It gets worse after eating. The stomach region is sensitive to pressure. This medicine is highly effective for various stomach issues that arise from eating spicy food, or consuming too much coffee or alcohol. In cases needing Nux Vomica, constipation may also be there. There is constipation, unsatisfactory stool along with a frequent ineffectual desire to pass stool. In spite of passing stool several times a day, there is a feeling of unsatisfactory stool. There is a sensation as if some part of the stool still remains behind in the rectum giving rise to a never-get-done feeling.

5. Iris Versicolor – With Burning Pain In Stomach

This medicine is helpful when there is burning stomach pain along with nausea and vomiting. Nausea is constant. The taste of vomitus is mostly intensely sour. The vomitus sometimes may be bitter or sweetish as well. Sour or bitter burps also occur. The stomach pain is better by passing gas and by bending forward. Burning sensation is also well-marked in the stomach. Loose stool and weakness can also be there.

6. Veratrum Album – With Relief In Pain From Passing Gas

This medicine is indicated when there is stomach pain which gets better by passing gas attended with nausea and vomiting. Pain gets worse after eating food. Pain from the abdomen may radiate to the back and thighs in some cases. The pain can be cutting, twisting or burning type. Constriction can be felt in the abdomen. Along with the above, loose stool can occur in the morning.



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7 Top Homeopathic Medicines To Relieve Urgency To Pass Stool

Urgency to pass stool, also known as fecal urgency, refers to an immediate or urgent need to hurry to the bathroom in order to pass stool. If this urge is not attended to immediately, stool may pass involuntarily means unwillingly on its own (called urge fecal incontinence). Urgency for stool is commonly seen in cases of diarrhea (loose stool) but may also occur in case of constipation or as a normal bowel habit. Some gastrointestinal complaints can lead to stool urgency. It mainly includes IBS and IBD. IBS is irritable bowel syndrome which is a functional disorder of the large intestine characterized by changes in bowel habits i.e. constipation or diarrhoea (loose stool) or alteration between these two, bloating and stomach cramps.

IBD means inflammatory bowel disease of autoimmune disorder that includes two GIT disorders i.e. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease results in inflammation in any of the part of the GIT (gastrointestinal tract). Ulcerative colitis leads to inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine and/or in the rectum.

Faecal urgency can also occur in cases of anxiety, pelvic floor dysfunction (a condition affecting ability to control pelvic floor muscles that support the urinary bladder, bowels and the uterus in women) and radiotherapy of the rectum or pelvis. It can also be seen in elderly people and in diabetic people. Depending on the cause behind the urgency, some other symptoms can attend as well. These include loose stool, frequent urge to pass stool, abdomen pain/cramps, mucus or blood in the stool, gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting, weight loss and fatigue (weakness).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines can be of great help to manage cases of urgency in passing stool. Homeopathic medicines act in the most natural way to relieve this complaint with zero side effects. Along with urgency, these medicines also manage well other associated symptoms like loose stool, frequent urge to pass stool, abdomen pain, mucus or blood in the stool, gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting and fatigue. These medicines treat the root cause behind stool urgency to give long-term relief. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating these cases is selected after detailed analysis of the case in every individual case based on the characteristic symptoms. It is recommended to get any case of stool urgency evaluated by a homeopathic physician and take medicines as per the physician’s advice. Self-medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines To Get Relief From Urgency To Pass Stool 

1. Aloe Socotrina – Top Medicine

Aloe Socotrina is a top recommended medicine to deal with cases of stool urgency. Firstly, it is best suited for cases where a person feels a sudden urge to pass stool soon after eating or drinking anything. Rumbling and gurgling is felt in the rectum followed by an immediate urge to pass stool. A constant bearing down is felt in the rectum in most of the cases. The stool is loose in cases needing it. The stool may contain jelly-like mucus. In some cases needing it, the stool passes involuntarily on its own with the escape of gas. Pain and burning at the anus can be well-marked. Secondly, it is a leading medicine to manage cases where a person feels the urgency to pass stool in the morning soon after rising. There is a need to rush to the toilet to empty the bowels in the morning.

2. Croton Tiglium – With Sudden Passage Of Gushing Stool

This medicine is recommended for cases of urgent stool with sudden passage of gushing (to come suddenly forcefully in a large volume) stool. Along with stool, excessive amount of gas passes out. The urge to pass stool occurs immediately after eating or drinking. The stool is watery and yellow in cases needing it. The stool smells foul. It may contain mucus. Sometimes stool is watery with whitish flakes in it. Stool may also contain undigested food material. Abdomen pain may occur while passing stool. After passing stool, there is weakness. A constant urge to pass stool is felt. Itching and stitching pain may be felt at the anus.

3. Sulphur – For Sudden Stool In Morning

Sulphur is a prominently indicated medicine for cases where sudden urgency to pass stool is well marked in the morning. The urgent desire to pass stool drives the person out of bed and makes him/her rush hastily to pass stool. The stool is watery, brown or green in color, frothy and has an offensive or sour odor. It may contain greenish or bloody mucus. Cutting pain in the lower abdomen may be felt while passing stool. The stool may pass involuntarily on the escape of gas. There is pain and burning in the rectum. The anus can be red and itchy as well.

4. Podophyllum – With Greenish / Yellow Watery, Copious Stool

Podophyllum is an effective medicine to manage cases of sudden stool urgency with greenish, watery and copious stool. The stool is offensive and passes out in a gush (suddenly with great force). The stool may have white slimy or greenish mucus in it. The stool may be blood-streaked as well. Pain in the abdomen may occur before passing stool. Additionally, there may occur nausea and gurgling in the abdomen before passing stool. Pain or heat is felt in the rectum while passing stool. There is cutting pain in the abdomen and excessive weakness. In some cases needing it, prolapse of the anus may occur with passing stool.

5. Carbo Veg – With Excessive Gas And Bloating Of Abdomen

Carbo Veg is a highly beneficial medicine for immediate urge to pass stool along with excessive gas and bloating of the abdomen. In cases requiring this medicine, the stool is watery with excessive foul smell. Blood can pass in the stool in some cases. A pressure is felt in the rectum along with pain, which can be stitching or cutting in nature. Burning can also occur in the rectum. Abdomen is distended with gas, burning and sour burps. Cramps can occur in the stomach.  In some cases, there is a sudden urge to pass stool but only gas passes. Gas has an offensive smell. Weakness and anxiety can be present along with above complaints.

6. Natrum Sulph – With Sudden Urgency For Stool With Passage Of Gas

Natrum Sulph is an important medicine for cases where there is a sudden urgency to pass stool along with the passage of gas. The stool passes out in a gush. The stool may be slimy or sometimes bloody. It has a bad smell. Stool may get passed involuntarily while passing urine or gas. Pain may be felt in the right side of the abdomen due to gas. Burning sensation may be felt in the abdomen. Heaviness is also experienced in the stomach. There may be diminished appetite and weakness.

7. Ferrum Met – For Sudden Painless Stool Without Any Smell

This medicine is helpful for cases when there is an immediate urge to pass stool without any pain or bad smell. The stool occurs frequently after eating or drinking anything. It is accompanied with gas. The stool is loose. Vomiting may occur soon after eating. Burning is felt at the anus. The abdomen feels hard and distended in addition to the above symptoms. Besides, one feels weak.



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Suffering from Lower Abdominal Pain? Try Homeopathic Medicines

Lower abdomen is the part of the abdomen that lies below the belly button (also called navel or umbilicus). It includes abdominal area between belly button and the pelvis. Pain in this area is referred to as lower abdominal pain. The pain can arise as a result of a problem in any of the different organs in the lower abdomen like colon (large intestine), small intestine, appendix, urinary bladder, ureter, ovaries and uterus. In very few cases, pain in some other body area may be felt in the lower abdomen called referred pain like in case of kidney pain, testicular pain, etc.

The intensity of pain can be mild to severe varying from case to case. The pain can be acute (a sudden onset),  chronic (developing gradually and occurring for a long time) or intermittent (occurring in intervals). The pain could be in the entire lower abdomen or specifically on the right or left side. The reasons behind lower abdominal pain could range from mild to quite serious ones, needing urgent medical attention. It may simply arise from indigestion, gas, constipation, diarrhea or it may point towards other gastric health issues.

It can arise from inflammation in the intestine either small or large intestine. The reasons behind inflammation could be variable. Firstly the inflammation can arise from an infection. Next, this can arise in cases of IBD or celiac disease. IBD refers to inflammatory bowel disease of autoimmune disorder that includes two disorders i.e. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. In Crohn’s disease inflammation can occur in any of the parts of the GIT – gastrointestinal tract. In ulcerative colitis inflammation and ulcers occur in the large intestine and/or rectum.

Another cause behind inflammation is celiac disease. It is an autoimmune disorder in which eating wheat, rye, barley trigger an immune response that damages the lining of small intestine. Other reasons includes obstruction of intestine and cancer of intestine.

Next reason for lower abdominal pain could be an infection in the urinary tract (UTI – urinary tract infection). In women, lower abdominal pain can additionally happen from dysmenorrhea (pain during menses) and other complaints of uterus like uterine fibroids (benign i.e. non – cancerous tumours growing in the wall of uterus), pelvic inflammatory disease (infection in upper genital tract of women), and endometriosis (growth of tissue that normally line uterus in area other than uterus like in ovaries, fallopian tubes, urinary bladder, rectum). The pain in lower abdomen specifically on one side could have different reasons. Pain on left side of lower abdomen can arise from diverticulitis (inflammation in the pouches that might form in lining of colon), left sided kidney stone. Pain on right side of lower abdomen can occur from appendicitis (inflammation of appendix), right sided kidney stone. In females, one-sided lower abdomen pain, apart from the above, could result from ovary complaints like a cyst, a tumour, ovulation pain.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective treatment in treating lower abdominal pain. Homeopathic medicines target the root cause behind the problem and boost the body’s healing mechanism to overcome health issues naturally. These offer great relief in abdomen pain with zero side effects. With the use of these medicines, the intensity and frequency of abdomen pain decreases gradually. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician after detailed case evaluation and avoid self-medication. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity. In case of acute, severe pain and for the pain that occurs from issues, like appendicitis, urgent help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has a limitation to help cases arising from serious causes.

Homeopathic Medicines For Lower Abdominal Pain

1. Lycopodium – With Excessive Gas

Lycopodium is a very effective medicine for cases of lower abdominal pain. It is a well-indicated medicine to relieve abdominal pain that occurs from excessive gas in the abdomen. There is marked accumulation of gas in the lower abdomen which causes bloating. Gas often gets stuck in the abdomen. There is excess gas formation soon after eating. This medicine is prominently indicated to manage abdomen pain if a person suffers from cystitis (means urinary bladder inflammation). In such cases, there is a frequent desire to urinate. Bearing down sensation is felt over the bladder region. In some cases, stitching pain occurs in the urinary bladder.

2. Colocynth – For Pain After Eating

This medicine is frequently indicated to deal with cases of pain in the lower abdomen after eating. The pain gets worse when lying on either side —  left or right. It gets better from bending double (bending forward with body bending forward and downwards) and from pressure or lying on the back. A gripping or cutting pain occurs in the intestines. It is attended with nausea. This medicine is also useful for pain in the abdomen occurring from cases of cyst in the ovaries. The type of pain in such cases is sharp and cutting type.

3. Merc Sol – With Intestinal Inflammation

This medicine is beneficial for cases of abdomen pain in case of inflammation of the intestines. In cases needing it, pain is felt in the lower abdomen. It is cutting or stitching type of pain. The pain goes from the right to the left side in most cases. The pain gets worse from walking. Along with the above symptoms, the stool is loose. There passes mucus and blood in the stool.

4. Berberis Vulgaris – For Pain From Kidney Stone

This medicine can be used when there is pain from kidney stone. The key feature to use this medicine is pain from back in the region of kidney radiating down to the lower abdomen in region of the urinary bladder. There is increased urge to pass urine with pain in bladder. urine is scanty. Burning occurs along with urination.

5. Cantharis – In Cases Of Urine Infections

This medicine is recommended for managing pain that occurs in cases of urine infections. There is marked pain in the bladder region (in the centre of lower abdomen). The pain can be burning or cutting type. It is attended with frequent urge to urinate. There is an urge to pass urine even though there is little amount of urine in the bladder. Burning is felt in the urethra before, during or after urination.  The bladder region can also be very sensitive to touch.

6. Sepia – For Pain In Ovaries Or Uterus

Sepia is a leading medicine to manage pain in the ovaries and uterus. This medicine is indicated when there is dull, heavy or stinging pain in the ovaries. Along with this vaginal discharge can be present. This discharge is mostly yellow in color. For uterine pain, the characteristic feature for using this medicine is a bearing down sensation in the pelvis. Burning or stitching pains occur in the uterus. The pain from the uterus may extend to the navel.

7. Magnesium Phos – For Cases Of Painful Menses

This medicine is highly suitable to manage cases of painful menses. Cramping pain is felt in cases needing it. The pain gets better by warm applications on the lower abdomen. There may be relief in pain by bending double. It is also helpful for shooting pain.




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Foul-smelling urine troubling you? Try these best homeopathic medicines

Urine might have a little bit of smell normally, but if urine emits a strong smell then it could have many reasons. Urine is composed of water and waste products from the body that makes it slightly smelly but if the urine contains excessive waste as compared to water then it leads to strong smell in the urine.

Foul smelling urine could simply be arising from dietary factors (some of the examples of food items that can cause smelly urine are coffee, asparagus, garlic, onion and fennel); dehydration in which the urine is concentrated containing more ammonia and decreased water content; use of certain medicines (e.g., antibiotics and some of the diabetes medicines) and intake of some supplements like vitamin B. But in other cases when attended with other signs and symptoms, it could be indicative of certain underlying health issues. The reason could be diabetes mellitus, UTI (urinary tract infection), STI (sexually transmitted infection), liver disease or kidney failure. UTI refers to infection in any part of the urinary system (including urinary bladder, urethra, ureters or the kidneys). In UTI cases, urine may emit offensive smell along with other symptoms like painful/ burning urination, frequent urination, urgency to urinate, pain in the lower abdomen, fever and chills. Some of the STIs like chlamydia can be a reason. Chlamydia leads to vaginal discharge that can cause offensive smelling urine when it passes through from urethra. Offensive urine can also arise in cases of liver diseases in which urine looks dark and emit foul smell along with other symptoms like vomiting and abdomen pain. Kidney failure and liver failure could also be a reason apart from above causes.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are highly effective in managing cases of foul-smelling urine. Homeopathic medicines are very natural remedies that help in such cases with zero side effects. They treat the underlying cause of the problem and boost body’s own restorative mechanism to get rid of this concern. Along with smelly urine, any accompanying symptoms like pain or burning with urination, frequent urination and urgent urination are effectively managed with homeopathic medicines. There is a long list of homeopathic medicines to treat smelly urine. The prescription has to be selected for every individual person based on the characteristic symptom presentation. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician after detailed case evaluation, and avoid self – medication. It is to be noted that homeopathy is advised only for mild to moderate cases occurring without any serious reasons. In case of serious causes, like kidney infection, serious liver problem, kidney failure or liver failure, one must take treatment from conventional mode as homeopathy has a limitation in handling serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Foul Smelling Urine

 1. Nitric Acid – Top Recommended Medicine

Nitric Acid is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage complaint of foul smelling urine. The urine may smell very offensive like that of horse urine in cases needing it. Along with this, burning or cutting type of pain in the urethra is felt in most of the cases. There is frequent urge to urinate with passage of only scanty amount of urine. The urine also passes with difficulty. There is a need to press for a long time before passing urine. Urine passes in a thin stream usually where this medicine is required. In some cases, pus and blood can pass in the urine.

2. Benzoic Acid – For Strong Smelling Urine

This medicine is very effective for cases of offensive urine when the smell of urine itself is highly intensified and smells very strong. The urine is dark in colour. Scalding (hot) is felt when passing urine. There is also a frequent urge to pass urine. Benzoic Acid is a well indicated medicine for cases where offensive urine occurs from suppression of syphilis or gonorrhoea.

3. Sepia – For Sour Smelling Urine

Sepia is well indicated for cases where a person complains of sour smelling urine. In cases needing it, burning is felt in the urethra while urinating. Besides, pressure is felt on the bladder leading to frequent urge to urinate. An urgency to urinate may be felt. The urine is thick and slimy. Yellow or white coloured sediments may be present in the urine. Stitching pain may occur in the urethra. In females, a bearing down sensation is felt in the pelvis along with above symptoms.

4. Apis Mellifica – For Offensive Urine With Burning In Urethra

This medicine is useful when urine is offensive smelling along with burning pain in the urethra during and after urination. There is an urge to pass urine very frequently, almost every hour. Urine is scanty and hot with fetid smell. Sometimes stitching pain is felt in the urethra. The urine passed may be pale. It may contain reddish sediments. In cases needing it, urinary bladder inflammation (cystitis) may be present.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Foul Smelling Brown Urine With White Sediment

This medicine is of great use in cases where urine smells foul and is brown colored with white sediments in it. Cutting and stitching pain is felt in the urethra. Burning is also felt while passing urine at night. There is an ineffectual urge to pass urine along with above symptoms. Blood and mucus may pass in the urine in some cases.

6. Merc Sol – With Frequent And Urgent Urination

This medicine is quite helpful when urine is offensive or sour smelling along with frequent and urgent need to urinate. Though urination is frequent, only little urine passes at a time. There is an urgency to urinate otherwise urine passes involuntarily. The urine passes in thin stream. Burning pain in the urethra is felt on starting to pass urine. The bladder region can be sore to touch in many cases. Urine may contain pus, blood or mucus. Urine may contain white flakes or thick white sediment. In some cases, gonorrhoea may be detected if there is thick yellow-green discharge from the urethra at night.

7. Borax – For Pungent (Sharp And Strong) Smelling Urine

Borax is a beneficial medicine to manage cases having pungent, strong and sharp smelling urine. Those needing this medicine have an urgent desire to pass urine. They are almost not able to control urine and have to rush to pass urine when the urge for urination arises. They have frequent urge to urinate at night. Smarting pain is felt in the urethra after urinating, along with above symptoms.

8. Viola Tricolor – For Offensive Urine Like Cat’s Urine

Viola Tricolor is recommended for cases where urine is very offensive like that of cat’s urine. The urine passes profusely. Frequency of urination is also increased. Along with above, stitching type of pain may be felt in the urethra.

9. Kreosote – With Sudden Urgency To Urinate

Kreosote can be considered when the urine is offensive along with an urgent need to pass urine. The persons needing it have to suddenly rush to pass urine when there is an urge. The frequency of urine is high along with passage of copious urine. White or red sediments may be present in the urine.


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Causes of blood clots during menstrual bleeding and its Homeopathic Remedies

Many females pass small clots during menstrual bleeding once in a while and that is absolutely normal. These are composed of tissues of the uterine lining, blood cells, mucus and proteins. But passing large clots frequently during menses could arise from some medical condition that needs to be diagnosed and treated. The first medical reason behind it is uterine fibroids. These are benign (non – cancerous) growths made of muscle and connective tissue in the uterus. Fibroids can cause passage of blood clots in the menstrual blood along with other symptoms including prolonged periods, pelvic pain, menstrual cramps, intermenstrual bleeding, painful intercourse, back pain and pain in the legs.

Another cause could be endometriosis. It refers to the growth of endometrial tissue, normally lining the mucous membrane of uterus, in areas other than uterus like in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, rectum, intestines and the urinary bladder. It can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding with clots, painful periods, pelvic pain, painful urination, painful intercourse, pain in the rectum and bleeding from the urinary bladder or rectum at the same time as that of menstrual bleeding.

Blood clots may also arise in cases of uterine polyps (small soft fleshy growths developing in the lining of the uterus). Blood clots may also pass during heavy bleeding at menopause time. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) could also lead to heavy bleeding with clots. Another reason is adenomysosis (a condition in which endometrial tissue of the uterus grows in the muscle wall of the uterus). Its symptoms include heavy menstrual bleeding with clots, long duration of menstrual bleeding, painful periods, painful intercourse, bleeding in between the periods and bloating. Rest of the reasons might include thyroid disorders, bleeding disorders (like platelet function disorders and von Willebrand’s disease which is a bleeding disorder in which blood does not clot properly) and cancer of the uterus or the cervix.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to manage passing of blood clots during menstrual bleeding. By treating the root cause behind the blood clots during menses homeopathic medicines bring excellent results. Along with blood clots, any attending symptoms are also well managed with homeopathic medicines like heavy menstrual bleeding, intermenstrual bleeding(bleeding in between the periods), pain during menses and early periods before time. Homeopathic medicines for treating this condition are made of natural substances, hence are very safe to use without any toxic side effects. Homeopathic prescription to treat passing blood clots during menses varies from case to case based on the cause behind it and characteristic individual symptoms. So any of these medicines should be taken under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor after detail case evaluation and self-medication should be avoided. Some of the causes behind blood clots during periods can be quite serious so it is advised to always get your case evaluated by a doctor to find out the reason behind it and its appropriate timely treatment. In case of serious causes, it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has a limitation in handling such cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Blood Clots During Menstrual Bleeding

1. Sabina – Top Recommended Medicine

Sabina is the most prominent medicine in homeopathy to manage complaint of passing blood clots during menstrual bleeding. This medicine is used when the menstrual bleeding is partly fluid and party clotted. The bleeding is quite heavy, bright red and the clots are dark in colour. The slightest motion makes the bleeding worse. The blood has a foul smell in most of the cases. The menses may last for longer duration than normal. Bleeding is attended with pain. The characteristic feature of pain is that it extends from the sacrum (a bone at the bottom of the spine formed by the fusion of five sacral vertebrae) to the pubes (lower abdomen area in front of the pelvis). In cases needing this medicine, intermenstrual bleeding can also occur medically called metrorrhagia. Sabina is a top-ranked medicine for managing cases of uterine fibroids.

2. Thlaspi – For Heavy, Prolonged Periods With Clots

Thlaspi is an effective medicine to manage heavy, prolonged periods with blood clots in the bleeding. The bleeding is bright red. The periods tend to last anytime between 8 to 15 days. The periods may also have a tendency to come early before the time. The females needing it haven’t even recovered from previous periods when the next periods start. Periods cause exhaustion. Like Sabina, this medicine is also indicated for treating uterine fibroids.

 3. China – With Distended Abdomen

China is a highly beneficial medicine for managing clots in the menstrual bleeding with distension of the abdomen. The menses come early in cases needing it and also occur with heavy flow with dark clots. The menstrual blood is dark. After menses there occurs great weakness and trembling.

4. Platina – With Pain In Abdomen

Platina is a well-indicated medicine for managing pinching pain in the abdomen during bleeding. Dark-clotted bleeding occurs during menses. The menses occur early and last for short time. The flow is thick with foul smell. Bearing down sensation is felt in the uterus.

5. Crocus Sativus – For Dark Clotted Stringy Bleeding

This medicine is recommended to manage cases of dark clotted stringy bleeding during menses. The menses though come at proper time but last for a long duration. The bleeding is also profuse. Pain during the periods also occurs. The bleeding is attended with headache, backache, vertigo and weakness also. There is also tendency to intermenstrual bleeding with dark stringy bleeding in clots where this medicine is required.

6. Pulsatilla – For Late Periods With Clots

This medicine is recommended when periods occur late with passing of blood clots. Flow is more during daytime when walking. The bleeding is dark and thick. There is pain during menses with a chilly feeling. There is tendency of irregular periods in most of the cases requiring this medicine.

7. Ipecac – When Attended With Nausea And Vomiting

Ipecac is a well-indicated medicine for heavy bleeding with blood clots attended with nausea and vomiting. With every effort to vomit, bleeding increases. Cutting type of pain around the navel is also present in cases needing it. Pressure over the uterus is also felt. Headache and dizziness may attend the above-mentioned  complaints. The periods may occur several times in a month with bleeding in large clots. Weakness occurs after menses.

8. Cyclamen – For Early Black-Clotted Menses

This medicine is useful for managing early black-clotted menstrual bleeding. The bleeding is profuse and occurs frequently. Bleeding is less when moving about. Before menses, the abdomen is swollen and bloated. During menses, pain is felt in the lower back that radiates to the abdomen and pubes.

9. Murex – For Irregular Heavy Menses With Large Clots

Murex is helpful when there is irregular, heavy menses with passage of large clots in the bleeding. Pain is also felt during periods. The uterus feels sore. There is weakness and pain in the back. A downward pressure in the uterine region occurs. This medicine is also indicated when large blood clots pass during bleeding at the time of menopause.



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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in Children

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is quite common in children. Urinary tract infection refers to infection in any part of the urinary tract including urethra, bladder, ureters or kidneys.  Urinary tract infections result mainly from a bacterial infection. 90% of UTI cases are caused by E. coli (Escherichia coli) that resides in digestive tract normally and passed in the stool. Some other UTI-causing bacteria include klebsiella, enterobacter, proteus and enterococcus. The bacteria gain access to urinary tract via the urethral opening. From there, they get into the urinary bladder and multiply here leading to an infection. UTI is classified into two types: a lower UTI that affects urethra (urethritis) and bladder (cystitis), and an upper UTI that affects ureters (ureteritis) and kidneys (pyelonephritis).

The risk factors for urinary infection in kids includes wiping anus from back to front after passing stool that increases chance of gut bacteria to enter urinary tract. Babies passing stool in a diaper might soil the urethra, weak immunity, poor hygiene, use of antibiotics for prolonged time and wearing diapers that are super absorbent types are the other causes. Holding urine in bladder even when there is urge to pass urine also increases risk. Girls are more at risk of UTI as compared to boys because the urethra is of short length in females and its opening lies close to the anus. As a result, the bacteria can gain easy access to the urethra from anus in the girls. Besides, boys who are uncircumscribed (with the presence of foreskin over penis head) below one year of age are slightly at little more risk of UTI as compared to other boys.

Constipation is also a risk factor because this can put pressure on the bladder and as a result bladder cannot empty naturally causing retained urine increasing the chance of infection. Another condition is vesicoureteral reflux in which urine goes from bladder back into the ureter and kidneys from an issue in valves of ureters.

Signs And Symptoms of UTI in Children

The signs and symptoms in infants (babies less than one year of age) and toddlers (kids between age one year and three years) cannot be clear as they cannot communicate the symptoms. There occur vague and general symptoms in them like fever, irritability, foul smelling urine, pain in the abdomen, taking feed poorly/loss of appetite, weakness, vomiting and not gaining weight.

In older children, specific symptoms can occur and that might include pain or burning with urination, crying when they urinate, passing only few drops of urine, passing urine involuntarily, bedwetting, frequent urination, urgency to pass urine, foul smell in the urine, pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, fever and chills. Some of the serious symptoms that indicate an infection in the kidney might include high fever with chills and shaking, irritability, intense tiredness, pain in the back or sides of the abdomen (flank region), nausea and vomiting.


Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very safe and natural treatment for cases of UTI in children. These medicines help to fight with the infectious agent and eliminate it from the body. Side by side, they gradually decrease the intensity of the symptoms. Homeopathic prescription for UTI varies from case to case as medicines are selected based on the characteristic symptoms in each and every case after detailed evaluation of the symptoms. These medicines are recommended in mild to moderate cases. Each and every case of UTI in children should be monitored carefully and any of the homeopathic medicine should be taken under supervision of a homeopathic physician and self-medication should be avoided in any case. Homeopathy has a limitation in helping severe cases of UTI, and in cases where infection has spread to kidneys, help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken immediately.

Homeopathic Medicines for UTI in Children

1. Borax – Top Medicine

Borax is a widely recommended medicine for managing urine infection in children. The main characteristic feature to use this medicine is that the child cries or screams before passing urine out of pain. There is increased frequency to pass urine as well. Sometimes there is an urge to urinate at every 10-minute interval. There is also an urgent desire to pass urine. The urine has foul smell. In some cases needing borax, tiny red particles can be seen on the child’s diaper.

2. Lycopodium – With Frequent Urine

This medicine is indicated when there is frequent urination. The urine is pale in color. The urine contains foul-smelling sediments. Child cries before passing urine.  Pain is felt in the bladder region. In some cases, urine passes involuntarily.

3. Sarsaparilla – When Child Scream Before And During Urination

This medicine is recommended when a child screams before as well as while passing urine. The child can pass urine only while standing. Urine passes in thin stream. A severe pain at the end of urination may be felt. The bladder region might be distended and painful to touch. Urine may pass involuntarily at night. Urine may contain white sand-like particles.

4. Cantharis – For Pain / Burning During Passing Urine

Cantharis is a very effective medicine when there is marked pain or burning while passing urine. Pain may also be felt before and after passing urine. The child doubles and scream with pain. There is pain in the bladder along with frequent urination. There is an urge to urinate even if there is little urine in the bladder. Shortly after passing urine, the urge to urinate renews. The urge to pass urine is less while sitting but increases when standing or walking. In some cases needing it, urine passes drop by drop.

 5. Apis Mellifica – For Burning When Passing Last Drops Of Urine

This medicine is well indicated when a burning sensation is felt while passing the last drops of urine. There is frequent urination. Urine passes with much difficulty. The urine may also pass involuntarily in some cases. Itching in urethra may occur.

6. Sanicula – When Child Cries Before Urinating

This medicine, like borax, is indicated when a child cries before urinating. There is an urgent desire to pass urine. Urine passes in small quantities at long intervals. The child may strain to pass urine when passing stool.

7. Kreosote – With Offensive Smelling Urine

Kreosote is a valuable medicine when the urine smells offensive. There is frequent urination during day. The child has to hurry up when the urge to urinate occurs. There may also occur involuntarily urination at night during sleep.

8. Petroselinum – With Sudden Urgency To Urinate

This medicine is the best when there is sudden urgency to pass urine. Children needing it have a sudden urge to urinate and if the urge is not attended immediately, they jump up and down with pain. Excessive pain occurs while passing urine. They also have a frequent urge to pass urine. There may be an urge to urinate every half an hour.

9. Merc Sol – With Frequent And Urgent Urination

Merc Sol can be considered in cases with frequent and urgent urination. The child needing it shows increased frequency to pass urine but passes only a little urine at a time. There is an urge to urinate every hour. There is also a need to hurry to urinate otherwise urine passes on its own. The urine flows in thin stream. The child tends to hold the urethra and cries from pain. Pain or burning is felt in the beginning of urination in most cases.

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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Painful Ejaculation and its Causes

Ejaculation refers to the discharge of semen from penis during orgasm (climax of sexual excitation) in males. Ejaculation is a normal process and should not cause any pain or discomfort. But some males, feel pain during ejaculation. This might occur due to several causes. Painful ejaculation is medically known as dysorgasmia or odynorgasmia. Pain can occur during ejaculation or soon after it, varying from case to case. Pain may be felt in the penis, urethra, scrotum, perineum (the area between genitals and the anus), urinary bladder, rectum, groin (crease between lower abdomen and thigh) or the lower abdomen.

Painful ejaculation can be acute which appears suddenly for a short time span, or chronic which appears gradually and remains for a long period of time. It might happen from multiple reasons. The first and most important reason behind it is prostate gland inflammation i.e. prostatitis. In this condition, painful ejaculation may occur with other symptoms including pain / burning while passing urine, pain in the pelvic area or pain/burning genitals or groin, frequent urine, urgency to urinate and blood in urine. It may also occur in case of enlarged prostate i.e. BPH – Benign Prostate Enlargement.

This can cause pain during ejaculation along with symptoms like frequent urination, straining to pass urinate, sudden urge to pass urine, weak urine stream, dribbling at the end of urination and incomplete emptying of bladder.  Painful ejaculation can also arise from sexually transmitted infections STIs (for example in case of chlamydia and trichomoniasis), lower urinary tract infections – UTI (inflammation / infection of bladder or urethra), epididymitis (inflamed epididymis i.e. coiled tube at back of the testicle which store sperms during maturation process and then transport sperms from the testes to vas deferens)).

Another cause can be nerve injury to the pelvis (pudendal neuralgia). It can also be a result of a surgery like prostatectomy (removal of the prostate gland entirely or a part of it) to treat prostate cancer and surgical procedure to repair inguinal hernia.

Other reasons are use of certain medicines (antidepressants like anafranil, norpramin, Prozac), pelvic radiation, cyst/stones in the ejaculatory duct, nervous system issues that damage the nerves linked with ejaculation (like from diabetes or an injury to spinal cord), certain psychological reasons (like stress, anxiety and depression) and prostate cancer.

As per the cause behind painful ejaculation some other symptoms can also attend like burning with ejaculation, urinary symptoms like painful urine, burning while passing urine, frequent urination, urgency to urinate, blood in the urine, abnormal discharge from the penis and blood in the semen.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy carries a great scope in managing cases of painful ejaculation. Homeopathic medicines help in gradually decreasing the frequency and intensity of this complaint. They work magnificently in both acute as well as long term cases by targeting the reason behind it. Homeopathic medicines work in the most natural way to treat this condition and there are no side effects of these medicines. Along with pain, homeopathic medicines also manage well any associated symptoms like painful/burning urination, frequent urination, urgency to urinate, erection issues or premature ejaculation.

The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating these cases is selected after detailed analysis in every individual case taking into consideration the cause and the characteristic symptoms. So, it is advised to take homeopathic medicine under guidance of a homeopathic physician after detailed case evaluation and avoid self – medication.

Homeopathic Medicines for Painful Ejaculation

1. Conium – Top Recommended Medicine

Conium is one of the most important medicines for managing painful ejaculation. In cases requiring this medicine, the pain usually is felt in the urethra on ejaculation. The pain in most cases is cutting in nature. Pain can also be felt in the scrotum extending to the root of the penis. Sometimes pain may also occur in the testes. In cases needing it, inflammation of prostate gland (prostatitis) may be present. The prostate gland may be enlarged, swollen and also very hard as stone. In some cases, there may be weak erections or premature emission of semen (premature ejaculation).

2. Cantharis – Along With Pain / Burning Urination

This medicine proves highly effective when there is pain or burning before, during or after passing urine with burning sensation during or after intercourse. The semen may contain blood in some cases needing it. Pain may be felt in the penis during erection. There may be swelling of the penis and scrotum. Along with the above symptoms, there is a constant urge to urinate. Even the smallest amount of urine in the bladder causes an urge to urinate. There is also an increased desire for sex that disturbs sleep at night.

3. Sabal Serrulata – Attended with Prostate Complaints

This medicine can be considered when there is painful ejaculation and some prostate complaints are also present. The complaint can be enlarged prostate or inflamed prostate gland (prostatitis). The semen is thick along with heated sensation in the spermatic cord. There is low sex drive. An important symptom accompanying the above complaint is a constant desire to pass urine at night. Pain in the urethra occurs when initiating urine flow. Heaviness and pain is felt in the urinary bladder that extends to external genitals.

4. Clematis – For Burning In Penis During Semen Discharge

Clematis is a very beneficial medicine for males experiencing burning in the penis during semen discharge. Stitching pain can be felt in the urethra with violent erections. There may be a lack of interest in sex along with these complaints. The urge for urination may be frequent in cases needing it. Straining is needed to initiate urine flow. The urine stream is interrupted, which means it starts and stops several times till the entire urine is passed. Burning sensation may be felt while passing the last drops of urine. There may be inflammation, swelling and pain in the testicles. Pain in the testicles gets worse from the slightest touch. Epididymitis (inflammation of epididymis) can also be there where this medicine is required.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Burning, Stinging Pain

Calcarea Carb is a well-indicated medicine for managing burning and stinging (pain as if from a prick with a sharp pointed object) pains during ejaculation. In cases needing it, pain may occur in the testicles or pain may arise in the groin and spread to the testicles. Testicles may become hard. Males needing it may face issue of weak erections as well along with premature discharge of semen. Coition is followed by excessive weakness.

6. Agaricus – For Burning Urethra During Intercourse

This medicine is suitable when there occurs burning in the urethra during intercourse with excessive pain during ejaculation. There is a tendency for late ejaculation in most cases needing it. Drawing pain in the testicles can be felt besides heaviness and discomfort. Scrotum on the left side may be red and swollen in addition to above features.

7. Sepia – For Burning Pain In Urethra After Ejaculation

Sepia works well in cases where burning type of pain is felt in the urethra after passing semen. There is increased sexual desire in cases needing this medicine. Scrotum may be swollen. Cutting pain may be felt in the testes. Yellowish white discharge from the urethra may attend the above symptoms.



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