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7 Homeopathic Medicines for Pus Cells in Urine

Appearance of pus cells in urine is medically known as pyuria. Passing a few pus cells in urine is normal. If someone is passing too many pus cells in urine, then it indicates the presence of some sort of infection in the urinary tract. The infection is most likely in the lower urinary tract that includes the urethra (urethritis) and urinary bladder (cystitis). The infection may also be present in the upper urinary tract including kidney or ureter. Other reasons for pus cells in urine are prostatitis and STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). Mycoplasma and chlamydia are the major STD’s that lead to pus cells in urine. Homeopathic medicines to treat pus cells in urine are natural remedies that cause no side effects.      homeopathic medicines for pus cells in urine

Symptoms of Pus Cells in Urine

The symptoms that arise from pus cells in urine include pain/burning while urinating, frequent urination, cloudy urine, a smell in urine, lower abdomen pain and fever.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pus Cells in Urine

Homeopathy is a symptom based science that treats a person based on the individual symptom presentation. Homeopathic treatment for pus cells in urine is also symptom based. The most suitable Homeopathic medicine for pus cells in urine is selected after symptoms experienced by the person are noted down and studied in detail. After complete analysis of the case, the most appropriate Homeopathic medicine is prescribed. Some highly effective Homeopathic medicines to treat pus cells in urine are Cantharis Vesicatoria, Berberis Vulgaris, Apis Mellifica, Sarsaparilla Officinalis, Nitric Acid and Uva Ursi.

1. Cantharis Vesicatoria – For Pus Cells with Intense Burning while Urinating

Cantharis Vesicatoria is one of the most wonderful medicines for pus cells in urine. Burning during urination is a sure sign that Cantharis Vesicatoria is the ideal choice among medicines for pus cells in urine. The burning may continue after urination. In some cases, burning in urethra before urination may also be felt. This is attended with a constant desire to urinate. Tenesmus of the bladder is marked. Tenesmus means constant, ineffectual urge to urinate with a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Urine passing drop by drop is also indicative of Cantharis Vesicatoria as the treatment.

2. Apis Mellifica – For Pus Cells with Burning at the End

In case of burning, scalding sensation in urethra while passing the last drops of urine, Apis Mellifica is the ideal prescription. Urine flow is slow. Stinging pain in urethra while passing urine is another key symptom guiding use of Apis Mellifica as the most effective among medicines for pus cells in urine. Urgency to pass urine is also marked.

3. Berberis Vulgaris – For Pus Cells with Burning without Urination

Berberis Vulgaris is a prominently indicated medicine for pus cells in urine where the guiding symptom is burning in urethra even when not urinating. Along with this, pain in kidney region and thighs may also be present. Constant urge to urinate, with scanty urine, is another indication that Berberis Vulgaris will show the best results. There is the sensation of some urine remaining in the bladder after urinating. Cramping or aching pain in the bladder while urinating is another symptom showing Berberis Vulgaris as the best prescription.

4. Sarsaparilla Officinalis – For Pus Cells with Severe Pain

In cases where the person experiences severe pain at the conclusion of urination, Sarsaparilla Officinalis proves to be the ideal choice among medicines for pus cells in urine. Pain in urethra may extend to the abdomen. Painful distension and tenderness in the bladder may also be present. Urine stream is also feeble and thin. Sarsaparilla Officinalis is also the most suitable among medicines for pus cells in urine among children. The child screams from pain before and while passing urine in such cases.

5. Nitric Acid – For Pus Cells which is Highly Offensive

Nitric Acid is the most excellent choice among medicines for pus cells in urine where the urine passed is very offensive. The urine is also scanty and dark in colour. It may also be turbid or cloudy in some cases. Burning and stinging sensation on passing urine may be present.

6. Uva Ursi – For Pus Cells with Blood

Uva Ursi is the most beneficial among medicines for pus cells where blood is passed along with pus cells in urine. Urine may also contain tenacious mucus. There is frequent urging for urination. Irritation in the bladder is observed. Cutting pain in the urethra may also be present along with the above features.

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Vomiting: Homeopathic Remedies That Work

Vomiting (medically known as emesis) refers to a forceful ejection of stomach contents through the mouth. Vomiting is a symptom rather than a disease and can arise from a wide range of causes. Some of the reasons for vomiting include overeating, indigestion, food poisoning, and gastrointestinal infections. Homeopathy can be used to manage episodes of vomiting along with other symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. The top homeopathic medicines for vomiting include Ipecac, Arsenic Album, and Veratrum Album.

homeopathy vomiting

Homeopathic medicines for vomiting.

Some other medical conditions that can cause vomiting include disorders of the gastrointestinal tract like Crohn’s disease, gastritis, pancreatitis, celiac disease, gastroparesis, peptic ulcer, GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease), milk allergy, liver disease, intestinal obstruction, inflammed gallbladder (cholecystitis), morning sickness of pregnancy, inner ear disorders including Meniere’s disease, migraines, BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), motion/travelling illness, certain medications, chemotherapy, anaesthesia, brain injury/tumor and excessive intake of alcohol.

Homeopathic Treatment of Vomiting

Homeopathic remedies offer a natural and safe treatment for vomiting. Numerous homeopathic medicines are used to treat vomiting. The most suitable among them is selected for every individual case depending upon the characteristic symptoms.

Homeopathic Medicines for Vomiting

Ipecac – For Vomiting with Intense Nausea

Ipecac is a natural medicine for vomiting prepared from the dried root of a plant named ipecacuanha. The natural order of this plant is Rubiaceae. Ipecac is very useful in cases of vomiting attended with intense nausea. The nausea is almost constant. The vomiting may be of white glairy mucus, watery fluid, yellowish/greenish colored matter or undigested food. It is usually in copious quantities and may be attended with cutting or colicky abdominal pains and a loss of appetite. A characteristic feature is a clean tongue with the above symptoms. Apart from these, there may be a cough attended with vomiting (a spasmodic cough).

Arsenic Album – For Vomiting Due to Food Poisoning and GIT Infections

Arsenic Album is a natural remedy for vomiting in cases of food poisoning and GIT infections. In cases where Arsenic Album is indicated, the vomiting may be green, yellow, bitter, sour, or clear. It may also contain blood in some cases. Vomiting appears soon after eating or drinking. Diarrhea with loose, watery, copious, offensive stool also arises. There is a complete loss of appetite with vomiting. Burning in the stomach is present in most cases, and abdominal colic and shivering may be present. There may be marked fatigue and anxiety. Arsenic Album is also indicated in cases where of food poisoning, stomach infections, cholera, and gastritis.

Veratrum Album – For Vomiting With Diarrhea

Veratrum  Album is an effective natural medicine for vomiting prepared from the rootstocks of a plant called White Hellebore. The natural order of this plant is Melanthaceae. Veratrum Album is very beneficial in cases of vomiting attended with diarrhea. Vomiting is accompanied with continued nausea, retching, and weakness. The vomiting is copious and forcible, of bile or food and drink. Vomiting and diarrhea are usually attended with cold sweat especially on the forehead. Ther stool is frequent, watery, gushing with abdominal cramps or severe pinching colic. Pains may also appear in calves and feet. During stool, the person feels chilly and may shiver. Episodes of fainting may appear with the above features. Veratrum Album is also a top listed homeopathic medicine for treating cholera infection.

Colocynthis – For Vomiting With Abdominal Pain

Colocynthis offers a natural cure for vomiting accompanied by abdominal pain. It is prepared from the pulp of a fruit of a plant called Cucumis Colocynthis, also known as Bitter Apple. The natural order of this plant is Cucurbitaceae. The vomiting may be of food or yellow-green substances. The abdominal pain tends to get relieved by bending over double or applying pressure. This pain may be crampy, colicky, cutting, or griping in nature, and is most marked around the navel region. Obstructed flatus is present with the above symptoms. Watery stool appears in some cases.

Ferrum Met – For Vomiting While Eating or Soon After Eating

Ferrum Met offers natural relief from vomiting that occurs soon after eating, or in some cases, even while eating. The vomiting is sour and acidic, and there is pain or pressure in the pit of the stomach. The pain tends to get better after vomiting. Eructations of sour, foul taste appear in most cases. Ferrum Met is also helpful in cases of a cough that worsens upon eating and is followed by vomiting.

Sepia – For Morning Sickness and Vomiting

Sepia is an excellent homeopathic medicine for vomiting related to morning sickness in pregnancy. Vomiting of food and bile is marked during the morning. In some cases, milky fluid is vomited. Even the simplest food leads to vomiting. There is marked nausea present in the morning as well as after eating. Even the smell of food or cooking can bring on nausea. In severe cases, even the thought of the food causes sickness.

Iris Versicolor – For Headache/Migraine With Vomiting

Iris Versicolor is a homeopathic remedy for vomiting prepared from the fresh root of a plant named Blue Flag. This plant belongs to the family Iridaceae. Iris Versicolor is a wonderful homeopathic remedy for headache/migraine attended with vomiting. There is marked nausea and pain in the forehead. The pain feels like a constricted band on the forehead. The vomiting is bilious, acidic of intensely sour nature, and burns the throat. Heartburn may also be present. A headache may begin with a blur before eyes and cause disturbances in sleep.

Cocculus Indicus – For Motion Sickness causing Vomiting

Cocculus is a homeopathic remedy prepared from the seeds of a plant called Cocculus Indicus. This plant belongs to the natural order Menispermaceae. Cocculus is a very valuable homeopathic medicine for vomiting in cases of motion sickness or vomiting that occurs while traveling. There appear nausea and vomiting from moving in a car, a train, boat. Vomiting may be bitter or sour and foul. It may be accompanied by bitter, putrid belchings. There is also profuse salivation with above.

Robinia – For Sour Vomiting and GERD

Homeopathic medicine Robinia is prepared from the fresh bark of root and young twigs of a plant called Robinia Pseud-acacia of the natural order Leguminosae. Robinia offers a natural homeopathic treatment for intensely sour vomiting. Along with vomiting, there may be acidity and heartburn. Oppression in the pit of the stomach is also present. Taste of mouth may be foul and bitter. Robinia is a top-grade medicine for GERD (gastro-esophagal reflux disease) with intense heartburn and sour vomiting. It is also used to treat a migraine coupled with intense sour, acid vomiting and nausea.

Nux Vomica – For Vomiting with Marked Retching

Nux Vomica is a significant homeopathic medicine for vomiting coupled with marked retching. The vomiting may be greenish, oily/greasy or of undigested food. Stomach pains are present that tend to get better after vomiting. Along with this constipation may be present with a constant ineffectual desire to pass stool (but passing a little at a time.) Nux Vomica is also used in cases of vomiting arising from the intake of alcohol.

Aethusa – For Vomiting Due to Intake of Milk

Aethusa is prepared from a plant Aethusa Cynapium commonly known by the name of Fool’s Parsley. This plant belongs to natural order Umbelliferae. Aethusa is a top grade homeopathic remedy for vomiting that occurs due to the intake of milk. Aethusa works well in people, especially children and infants who cannot tolerate milk. The milk is vomited soon after consumption in the form of large curds or cheesy matter. The child feels weak and tends to fall asleep after vomiting. In some cases, loose stool with greenish mucus may also be present.

Pulsatilla – For Vomiting After Eating Fatty Food

Pulsatilla is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from a plant called Pulsatilla Nigricans (commonly known as windflower.) This plant belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is helpful for cases of vomiting with stomach derangement from taking fatty food like creams, pastries, ice creams. Abdominal colic, loose stool, and nausea appear with vomiting. Chilliness and pale face are attending features.

Phosphorus – For Vomiting With Blood (Hematemesis)

Homeopathic remedy Phosphorus is used in cases of vomiting where there is blood (hematemesis). Vomiting may contain pure bright/brown blood-like matter. The blood may be mixed with bile and mucus.

Chelidonium – For Vomiting in Liver and Gall Bladder Diseases

Chelidonium is a natural remedy for vomiting in cases of liver and gallbladder diseases. There appears vomiting of bilious, sour, greenish matter. The person needing Chelidonium is unable to retain anything. This is most times attended with giddiness and nausea. Pain in the region of liver and gallbladder are also prominent.

Symptoms Attending Vomiting

Nausea is a common attending symptom of vomiting. Other symptoms that may attend with vomiting include dizziness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever. A common complication of vomiting is dehydration and loss of body electrolytes. Some features of dehydration include a dry mouth, decreased/dark urine, headache, and confusion.
It should be noted that vomiting for more than 12 hours that contains blood and when attended with a stiff neck is an emergency and needs immediate medical treatment.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Treating Peripheral Neuropathy with Natural Homeopathic Medicines

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that arises when the peripheral nerves malfunction or get damaged. One of the leading causes of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes mellitus, but there can be many other reasons. From a huge number of homeopathic medicines for peripheral neuropathy, some of the majorly indicated homeopathic medicines for symptomatic treatment include Kali Phos, Arsenic Album, Picric Acid, Oxalic Acid, Hypericum, Causticum and Plumbum Met.

homeopathy peripheral neuropathy

Homeopathic medicines for Peripheral Neuropathy.

Homeopathic Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy

The homeopathic mode of treatment remains quite effective in managing peripheral neuropathy. The approach to homeopathic treatment for peripheral neuropathy is entirely symptomatic. The symptoms of the patient in a given case of peripheral neuropathy serve as the basis of homeopathic prescription. Every case of peripheral neuropathy needs to be thoroughly investigated to rule out the cause behind it. Every individual case requires a detailed case analysis to find the presenting symptoms unique to them. The homeopathic medicines for treating peripheral neuropathy are very safe to use among people of all age groups. A person should take homeopathic medicines for peripheral neuropathy under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self – medication.

Homeopathic Medicines for Peripheral Neuropathy

Kali Phos – Homeopathic Medicine for Numbness in Hands and Feet

Kali Phos is an effective, natural homeopathic medicine for numbness in hands and feet in cases of peripheral neuropathy. Kali Phos also helps in treating prickling sensation in hands and feet. Along with this a general fatigue or weakness is also present. A person needing Kali Phos tends to have a nervous, sensitive and irritable nature. Kali Phos is also indicated for cases of muscle weakness and paralysis.

Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Remedy for Burning Sensation in Hands/ Feet in Peripheral Neuropathy

Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is useful for treating burning sensation in the hands and feet in cases of peripheral neuropathy. The burning sensation may extend to arms and legs. Arsenic Album is also helpful for weakness and heaviness in the limbs in cases of peripheral neuropathy. Apart from the above, a tingling sensation in the fingers is also an indicating feature to use Arsenic Album.

Picric Acid – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Pin-needle Sensation in Hand/Feet

Picric Acid is a natural homeopathic remedy used to treat a pin-needle like sensation in the hands or feet in cases of peripheral neuropathy. This sensation may be present in legs and arms. A weak, tired feeling in the limbs is also present. Exertion tends to make the complaint worse, and the limbs may get cold.

Oxalic Acid – Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy Causing Numbness and Tingling in Limbs

Use of natural medicine Oxalic Acid is considered in cases of peripheral neuropathy where there is numbness and tingling in the limbs. Sharp and excruciating pains in the limbs also point towards the use of this medicine.

Hypericum – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Peripheral Neuropathy Due to Nerve Injury

Hypericum is a natural medicine prepared from the fresh plant named Hypericum Perforatum or St. John’s Wort. The natural order of this plant is Hypericaceae. The main indicating features to use Hypericum are numbness, tingling in hands or feet attended with burning pains. A crawling sensation may also be present in the hands and feet in some cases.

Causticum – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Muscle Weakness in Peripheral Neuropathy

Causticum is a well-indicated homeopathic cure for treating muscle weakness in cases of peripheral neuropathy. There is marked muscle weakness in the limbs along with a sensation of formication (like ants crawling) in the limbs. Causticum is also used in cases of paralysis.

Plumbum Met – Natural Medicine for Thinning of Muscles in Peripheral Neuropathy

Plumbum Met offers a natural cure for peripheral neuropathy in which the patient experiences wasting or thinning of the muscles of the limbs. Paralysis of limbs is also treated well with this medicine.

Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy

The nervous system in our body is divided into two major divisions – the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system includes the spinal cord and the brain. The peripheral nervous system consists of a network of nerves that lie outside the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system connects the nerves from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body (organs, limbs, and skin). The peripheral nervous system has 43 pairs of motor and sensory nerves. Peripheral nerves are of three types – sensory, motor and autonomic. The primary functions of these nerves are as follow:
Sensory nerves are responsible for transmission of signals like pain, touch, temperature and other sensations to the brain.
Motor nerves are held responsible for control of muscles.
Autonomic nerves are responsible for regulating autonomic functions of the body such as bladder function, digestion, body temperature, and blood pressure.
The peripheral neuropathy can be a mononeuropathy (damage to a single peripheral nerve) or a polyneuropathy (malfunctioning of multiple peripheral nerves at the same time). The symptoms of this disorder depend on the type of peripheral neuropathy.
Sensory neuropathy: The symptoms of sensory neuropathy are numbness, tingling, pricking, pin/needle sensation, hypersensitivity and burning sensation in the hands and feet. The symptoms can spread up the arm and leg.
Motor neuropathy: The symptoms of motor neuropathy include muscle weakness, paralysis, twitching/cramping of muscles, wasting/thinning of muscles, impaired balance, and coordination.
Autonomic neuropathy: The symptoms of autonomic neuropathy include rapid heart rate, bowel/bladder symptoms, diarrhea/constipation, blood pressure changes, increased/decreased sweating and erectile dysfunction in men.

Other reasons for peripheral neuropathy include an injury to nerves, low levels of vitamin B12, infections like shingles, Epstein-Barr, hepatitis C, and autoimmune diseases like Guillain-Barre syndrome, lupus, and necrotizing vasculitis. Excessive alcohol intake, tumors pressing on the nerves, chronic liver/kidney disease, thyroid disorders, certain medications including phenytoin, thalidomide, toxins like arsenic, mercury, inherited disorders like Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease are some other causes of peripheral neuropathy. In some cases, there may be no identifiable cause.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Cough Variant Asthma Natural Treatment with Homeopathy

 Cough Variant Asthma Natural Treatment with HomeopathyAs the name suggests, cough variant asthma is a type of asthma that causes a dry, non-productive and constant cough as its primary symptom. It is commonly seen in children, or during early childhood. It may later develop into a typical Asthma condition with wheezing. Once triggered, an episode of cough variant asthma can last for 6-8 weeks. Homeopathic medicine for cough variant asthma can be used with conventional treatment to help reduce the severity of symptoms and treat the chronic condition.

Symptoms of Cough Variant Asthma (CVA)

Symptoms of cough variant asthma are different from those of typical asthma. The characteristic sign of wheezing is usually not present in cough variant Asthma. It is not mandatory that every individual with cough variant asthma will develop asthma. The symptoms of cough variant asthma include:

  1. Dry, spasmodic and persistent cough is the most common and prominent symptom of cough variant asthma. A cough can occur at any time of the day, but it is usually more in the evening and night hours.
  2. Vomiting followed by a cough is also commonly seen.
  3. Some may also complain of difficulty in breathing.
  4. Sleeplessness: Because of the incessant and frequent episodes of cough, one might have reduced or disturbed sleep.
  5. Flu-like Symptoms: In some cases, there may be associated flu-like symptoms of sneezing, runny nose and fever.

Who is at Risk of Developing Cough Variant Asthma?

· Children, especially during their early childhood, are at a higher risk of developing it.

· Someone with a family history of asthma.

· Associated history of pneumonia or bronchitis increases the risk.

· Person with a weak immune system.

· People exposed to environmental pollution or those living around farms

· Active or passive smokers.

· Obese People

· Presence of any other allergic conditions.

Some other conditions that can cause a cough, but are not necessarily CVA include bronchitis, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorders), blood pressure medication in adults, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), post nasal drip, etc.

 Cough Variant Asthma Natural Treatment with Homeopathy

Homeopathy has some natural remedies for cough variant asthma that help treat cough variant asthma from the root. It is an entirely natural approach which not only addresses cough variant asthma but also naturally eliminates the tendency of having a recurrent cough.
In case of asthma, bronchodilators are the first line of conventional treatment used in most cases of cough variant asthma. They work by dilating the narrowed airways. In some instances, the dilators might increase a cough due to the sensitivity of the airways. In such cases, oral immune-suppressants may be prescribed.
All these modes of treatment give temporary relief from a cough and help calm down an acute episode. But in the long run, they affect the immune system and make a person more prone to have recurrent episodes, and also increase the allergic tendencies.
However, if a cough is severe, with marked dyspnoea (difficult breathing), the use of inhalers is necessary. Treating the acute condition is essential. Also, if someone has been using inhalers quite frequently, they should not suddenly withdraw them after starting homeopathy. The ideal way is to gradually reduce the usage of inhalers and switch over to homeopathy.

Cough Variant Asthma Natural Treatment -Homeopathic Medcines That Help

Cina Maritima – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Cough Variant Asthma with Paroxysmal Cough

Cina Maritima is a remedy prepared from a plant called Artemisia Maritima which belongs to the family Asteraceae. It is commonly known as “wormseed” or “Santonica.” This homeopathic medicine is prepared from the dried flowers of this plant. The plant contains lots of essential and volatile oils. In ancient times, it was known to be used by Greek and Romans for its medicinal properties.
This is one of the top homeopathic remedies for cough variant asthma. The primary symptom indicative of this remedy is there are paroxysms (sudden, violent episodes) of a cough. Vomiting with the cough is another important feature indicating the need for Cina. The child may throw up after the violent coughing. The cough is dry and is usually gets worse at night. A dry cough might be associated with flu-like symptoms, mainly sneezing and loss of appetite with sleeplessness.
The child requiring Cina might also complain of a tickling sensation in the throat. The mucus rattles in the chest, and the child is not able to expel it out. Shortness of breath or suffocation accompanies the cough episodes. At night, the breathing is loud, short and the child sleeps with an open mouth. Cina is very helpful in cases where the child has to put much effort into breathing because of which there may be excessive sweating at night. Some of the common triggering factors for the asthma troubles that are treated well with Cina are exposure to cold air, evening/night time or when the child wakes up from sleep.

Key Indications for using Cina for CVA:

-Paroxysmal Cough
– Rattling Mucus
– Excessive sweating at night

Drosera – Natural Medicine for Cough Variant Asthma When there is Cough with Vomiting

The plant of Drosera, commonly known as Sundew, is one of the most widespread species of Sundew. It grows widely in the areas of Europe, North America, Siberia, Japan, Korea and in some parts of United States. In the 16th Century, it was used by the physicians for skin eruptions. In the 18th Century, it was majorly used by the Germans for a whooping cough and other chest disorders. The fresh plant is used to make the homeopathic tincture of this remedy.
A very characteristic feature that indicates the need for Drosera is a spasmodic cough with vomiting. There is an episode of incessant dry cough resulting in retching and vomiting. Vomiting of food, water or mucus can be seen. The episodes are too frequent, one followed by the other, making the breathing difficult and short. There can be extreme weakness followed by the episode. The cough is worse after lying down at night.
Drosera is very helpful in cases of cough variant asthma where the person complains of a feeling of constriction or heaviness in the chest. The child usually wakes up due to an episode of a spasmodic cough lasting for a few minutes and then goes to sleep. The episodes of cough variant asthma are also triggered by laughing, singing or at times excessive talking. The medicine is also indicated in cases where there is wheezing with a cough.

Key Indications for using Drosera for CVA:

– Spasmodic Cough
– Vomiting
– Wheezing

Coccus Cacti – Natural Treatment for Cough Variant Asthma with Suffocating Cough

Coccus Cacti one of the top homeopathic medicines for cough variant asthma. The main characteristic that indicates the need for this remedy is a tickling sensation in the larynx which wakes up a person at night. This is followed by an incessant cough ending in vomiting of profuse mucous or food.
A cough after rising in the morning or early morning cough (around 6:00 am or 7:00 am) which leads to vomiting of a lot of mucus also indicates the need for Coccus Cacti. It is also helpful in suffocative coughs, where there is an accumulation of mucus in the chest which is difficult to expel. A cough is at times triggered after dinner or due to overeating. Overfilling of the stomach may bring on paroxysms of a cough. There may also be a sense of discomfort or pressure in the chest due to the accumulation of excessive mucus. The cough episodes of CVA are triggered by brushing teeth or rinsing the mouth, clearing the throat, exposure to a warm room, or by consuming alcoholic beverages.

Key Indications for the use of Coccus Cacti for CVA:

– Tickling Sensation
– Early Morning Cough
– Suffocative Cough

Rumex – Natural Remedy for Cough Variant Asthma with Night Aggravation

Rumex belongs to the natural order of Polygonaceae. It is a native of Europe and America and grows in the dry fields or waste places. It is commonly known as the “Curled dock” or “Yellow Dock.” The tincture is prepared from fresh roots that are collected before flowering. Rumex is an effective homeopathic medicine for cough variant asthma. The cough is dry with constant tickling in the throat. One of the important indicative features of Rumex is the sensitivity to cold air. Slightest exposure to cold air or even uncovering at night can bring on the episodes of a cough. It is frequently used in cases of cough variant asthma where the cough episodes are bad during night time, preventing sleep. It is especially beneficial for cough in children. The child has a dry, suffocating, choking or barking type of a cough that is followed by tiredness or fatigue. Common triggering factors of a cough include cold air, talking, pressure on the throat, lying down or even moving to another room. The cough usually gets worse around 11:00 pm, 2:00 am and 5:00 am.

Ipecacuanha:Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Cough Variant Asthma with Vomiting 

The plant of Ipecacuanha is a flowering plant which native to Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Panama. It belongs to the family Rubiaceae and the homeopathic tincture is prepared from dried and finely powdered roots of this plant. It is well indicated as a natural remedy for cough variant asthma for dry spasmodic cough provoked by tickling in the larynx. There is a constricted feeling in the throat which triggers the cough. The main indicative feature is that the episodes of cough are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. One ends up vomiting after almost every episode of cough. The cough is usually triggered at night (mostly after dinner or after going to bed). There can be associated pain in the abdomen or pressure in the bladder with cough. The episodes of cough are exhausting which can even last for an hour resulting into tiredness and fatigue. Cough with retching of a great amount of mucus. There is breathlessness and difficult breathing. The cough comes typically in fits. There is rattling of mucus or phlegm in the chest which is vomited with cough. It is well-indicated for evening coughs.

Spongia Tosta -Natural Homeopathic Medicine as Natural Treatment forVariant Asthma when Cough is Dry

Spongia is an adequate naural medicine for cough variant asthma and asthma. The main characteristic feature of Spongia is that is extreme dryness of the mucous membranes and the air passages. There is dryness of the throat, trachea, larynx and even tongue. A cough is caused due to excessive dryness, talking or rising from bed, drinking milk or cold drinks. Spongia is indicated when a cough is dry and barking in nature. It is usually worse after the midnight and gets better after eating or drinking warm liquids. There can be a pain in the chest while coughing. One might also experience painful pressure under the ribs while coughing. It is also indicated where wheezing is present along with a cough. There is a heavy sensation in the chest as if some mucus has accumulated, but there is no release of mucus. There might be some expulsion of mucus in a small quantity in the morning with effort. A cough with the sensation of heaviness making it difficult to breathe, frequent episodes of a night-time cough, sweating while coughing are other symptoms. The attacks of cough variant asthma are usually worse during winter.

Memphitis – Natural Medicine for Cough Variant Asthma with Violent Cough

Mephitis is a frequently used homeopathic medicine for cough variant asthma with dry and spasmodic coughs. The episodes of a cough are suffocative and worse at night. The spells of a dry cough are so severe and violent that it seems as if will it be life-threatening. There is a hollow cough with rawness and pain in the chest. There may be vomiting with a cough (especially after eating). There is vomiting immediately or a few hours after eating. Hoarseness and rattling of mucus with a cough, difficulty breathing at night (the individual has to sit up in bed to breathe), and difficulty in exhaling are other symptoms. The triggering factors of a cough are talking, reading loudly or drinking ice or cold water. The remedy is also indicated in cases where one has frequent episodes of flu or fever along with the cough variant asthma.

Causes of Cough Variant Asthma

There are multiple factors which can cause cough variant asthma:

Allergies are one of the most common causes of CVA, especially in children. As it happens in typical asthma, exposure to the allergens can trigger incessant coughing. A cough is usually a mechanism of the body trying to expel something. When a person’s airway is exposed to the allergic substance, an incessant cough is triggered in response to it.

Common allergens found in cases of cough variant asthma are:

  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Dust Mites
  • Molds
  • Animal Dander
  • Aspirin
  • Smoke
  • Environmental pollutants

Recurrent Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
These recurrent infections or even a prolonged episode of cold or flu can make a person vulnerable to develop cough variant asthma. Especially, if there is a baseline allergy, there is a higher risk of developing CVA.

Sensitive Airways
Individuals with sensitive airways are prone to develop a persistent and constant cough. At times, even exposure to cold air can trigger an episode of cough variant asthma. Their airways show hypersensitive reaction by inducing cough or constriction.

Difference between Asthma and Cough Variant Asthma

The main difference between asthma and cough variant asthma is the absence of symptoms like wheezing, a constricted feeling in the chest, dyspnoea (Difficult breathing), and shortness of breath in the case of CVA. These are the classic symptoms of asthma, while cough variant asthma is characterized mainly by a dry cough.


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Homeopathic Treatment for Chronic Lyme Disease

Lyme disease, also known as ‘Lyme borreliosis’ is a tick-borne, infectious disease which is caused by a bacteria. It spreads from the bite from ticks infected by the bacterium. It is caused by the bacteria (of the type borrelia) known as Borrelia burgdoferi. The bacteria travel through the infected site to the central bloodstream and settle into various body tissues, causing different symptoms within the body. A person can also experience autoimmune activity triggered by this bacterium if Lyme disease is not treated correctly, and it can lead to chronic lifelong symptoms. Homeopathic treatment for Lyme disease helps moderate the immune system and helps reduce the severity of the symptoms caused by the bacteria.

Lyme Disease: Symptoms

Medically, Lyme disease in a person develops in three phases:

First Stage

Early Localized Infection – It occurs within three to 30 days after the bite of an infected tick that transmits the infection. In this stage the, the infection is limited to the area of tick bite on the skin, and it does not spread in the body.

Erythema Chronicum Migrans (EM): It refers to outwardly expanding rash which occurs at the site of the bite of a tick. The rash is red and painless. The rash appears like a bull’s eye which is characterized as the innermost portion which remains dark red and indurated (firmer and thicker), the outer portion remains red, and the area in between both portions is clear. 70 – 80 % of the infected people represent with EM in early infection. 20 – 30 % of people can have Lyme disease without the EM rash.
EM is the hallmark of Lyme disease.

Flu-like Symptoms: The rash is often accompanied by fever, malaise, headache, muscular soreness and swollen lymph nodes.

Second Stage

Early Disseminated Infection – After the onset of local infection, within a span of days to weeks, the bacteria (Borrelia) begin to travel through the bloodstream.
EM rash may start to develop at various other sites of the body (apart from the original tick bite site).

Borrelia lymphocytoma: It is a purple colored lump that develops on the earlobe, nipple or scrotum. This skin condition is found in Lyme disease sufferers of Europe but is absent in North American patients.

Neuroborreliosis: It refers to acute neurological issues that appear in approximately 10-15 % of untreated people. The symptoms include facial palsy (loss of muscle tone of one or both sides of the face), meningitis which can cause severe headaches, a stiffness of neck and sensitivity to light, inflammation of nerve roots of the spinal cord, mild encephalitis which can lead to disturbance in sleep, mood changes or memory loss.

The adverse impact of this disease is the disturbance of the electrical conduction system of the heart leading to an abnormality of heart rhythms such as Atrioventricular block (AV block).

Third Stage

Late disseminated infection – Also termed as chronic Lyme disease or post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS), t includes symptoms of Lyme disease as a result of the immune response of the affected tissues of the body towards borrelia bacteria. In this stage, the infection spreads entirely throughout the body.
Untreated or inadequately treated Lyme disease patients can develop chronic or severe symptoms after several months of onset of this disease. These symptoms involve many parts of the body including the brain, joints, eyes, nerves, and heart.

Late disseminated infection includes:

Fatigue: The hallmark of chronic Lyme disease is a feeling of tiredness. Muscle aches and constant severe headache often accompany the fatigue. The fatigue can linger for many years. The symptoms can mimic chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. (1)

Polyneuropathy: Patients experience shooting pains, numbness and tingling sensation in the hands and feet.

Lyme Encephalopathy: This includes neurologic symptoms. 5 % of untreated patients experience neurologic symptoms that involve insomnia (lack of sleep), cognitive difficulties, personality changes and a general feeling of being unwell, chronic fatigue and lethargy.

Chronic encephalomyelitis: It can be a progressive issue and affected person deal with:

  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Migraines
  • Brain fog
  • Issues in balancing
  • Weakness of legs
  • Bladder issues
  • Vertigo
  • Pain in back

Psychosis: A rare occurrence in untreated Lyme disease cases, it refers to an abnormal condition of mind in which a person has false beliefs and sees or hears things that others do not see.
The patient can also experience anxiety and panic attacks along with delusional behavior accompanied by derealisation or depersonalization syndrome (the person feels being detached from oneself or reality).

Acrodermatitis Chronic Atrophicans (ACA): ACA is a chronic skin condition and has been noticed in elderly people in Europe. ACA starts as a reddish-blue patch of discolored skin, mainly on the back of feet or hands. The lesion starts becoming thin and wrinkled over several weeks or months. If not treated properly, it can become hairless and dry.

Lyme Arthritis: Arthritis in Lyme disease mainly affects the knees. In some people, it can involve other joints like elbows, wrists, hips, ankles, and shoulders. There is swelling of the affected joint with pain which is mild to moderate in intensity. There are chances of formation of Baker’s cyst (fluid-filled cyst behind the knee) which can rupture. Joint erosions are also seen in some cases.

Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme Disease

Homeopathic medicines for Lyme disease are selected according to the most prominent symptoms of the disease. These medicines help moderate the immune system and offer a natural treatment for Lyme Disease. There are no side effects of homeopathic treatment and it is safe for use in people of all ages.
The most commonly indicated medicines for Lyme disease in the conventional system of treatment are antibiotics- oral or intravenous, which are often prescribed for several weeks. Side effects related to intravenous antibiotics include lowering of white blood cells and mild to severe diarrhea.
Although some patients may require corticosteroids, painkillers, NSAIDs, and muscle relaxants in acute cases, these medications do not work long-term.
In cases of chronic Lyme disease, continued use of these medicines can give rise to side effects like loss of appetite and digestion issues, lowering of blood pressure, mental symptoms such as poor memory and mental fogginess, body pain and numbness.

Homeopathic Medicines for Lyme Disease

Arsenicum Album – Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme Disease with Chronic Fatigue

The homeopathic medicine Arsenicum album is a metal-based remedy which is prepared from Arsenic. Arsenicum album is prepared by isolating arsenic from various metals, such as cobalt, nickel, and iron. Highly diluted arsenic preparations are used to make of Arsenicum album. It is a well-indicated remedy for weakness and body fatigue in Lyme disease. Characteristic of this remedy includes a marked weakness and extreme restlessness. It is also indicated in cases of Lyme disease when there are tearing pains in the limbs, which gets worse during the night and while the person is at rest after exertion. There is a sudden decrease in strength during the second stage of Lyme disease, which is well indicative of this remedy.

Key indications for using Arsenicum Album for Lyme Disease:

– Fatigue
– Extreme Restlessness
– Tearing Pains

Ledum Palustre – Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme Disease with Skin Rash

The homeopathic medicine Ledum palustre is prepared from Ledum, also known as marsh tea. Ledum or wild rosemary is a herb which is found in the marshlands all over the United States, Canada, and northern Europe. The fresh herb is dried and then powdered to prepare this remedy. Ledum belongs to the family Ericaceae.
Ledum is known for its antiseptic properties and is useful in preventing infections. Ledum palustre is a well-indicated remedy for insect stings, including tick bites. It is also indicated for a twitching sensation around skin rash. The area of the tick bite is cold to the touch.

Key indications for using Ledum Palustre for Lyme Disease:

– Tick Bite
-Twitching Sensation around the rash

Rhus Toxicodendron – Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme disease with Arthritis

The homeopathic medicine Rhus tox is prepared from poison ivy- a vine-like shrub. This shrub is found naturally all over North America and belongs to the Anacardiaceae family. The leaves and stalks of this shrub are collected at night to prepare Rhus Toxicodendron. Rhus tox has given tremendous results in arthritis, especially of knee joints in Lyme disease patients. There is stiffness and painful swelling of the knee joint which becomes better by warmth. It is also indicated for joint problems in the elbows and ankles in some instances of Lyme disease. A tingling sensation in feet and other places of the body is also treated with this remedy.

Key Indications for using Rhus Tox for Lyme Disease

– Knee Joint Arthritis
– Tingling Sensation

Belladonna – Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme disease with Constant Headache

The homeopathic medicine Belladonna is prepared from the Belladonna plant. Belladonna plant is also known by other names such as nightshade, devil’s cherry, and Atropa belladonna. It is a herbaceous plant, and it belongs to the Solanaceae family. Belladonna is a perennial plant and is found in Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia. The entire belladonna plant is used to prepare the belladonna medicine. Belladonna is a top graded medicine for migraine in patients of chronic Lyme disease. The headache is pulsating and throbbing in character. There is a feeling of extreme fullness in the head. Noise and light seem to worsen the headache of Lyme disease patients. Cold air, head bath with cold water acts as aggravating (increasing) factor for the migraine. Applying hard pressure on the head helps relieve the pain.

Kali Phosphoricum – Homeopathic medicine for Brain fog in chronic Lyme Disease

Kali phosphoricum is a well-indicated remedy for patients of Lyme disease where there is mental fatigue from overwork. There is dullness of mind, loss of memory, a lack of interest in talking and the person suffers from forgetfulness. The characteristic symptom of using this remedy is a low, nervous condition with sensitivity. The person is easily fatigued.

Aconitum Napellus – Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme Disease with Anxiety and Palpitations

The homeopathic medicine Aconitum napellus is prepared from the herb called aconite, also known as Monkshood. The aconite herb belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. The whole plant, leaving the root. is used to prepare Aconitum. This herb is indigenous to the region from the Himalayas to Europe. As a remedy, Aconite is recommended for Lyme disease patients when they suffer from anxiety as a result of chronic effects of this disease. Patients go into a state of mental and emotional shock and experience a fear of death. Panic attacks and shock, restlessness and inconsolable anxiety, tachycardia (heart rate that exceeds the normal resting rate) with palpitations, fainting palpitations with tingling in fingers and palpitations from motion and pulse are other symptoms that call for this remedy.

Conium – Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme Disease with Vertigo

The homeopathic medicine Conium is prepared from the hemlock plant. This plant is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant and belongs to the Apiaceae family. The plant originally belongs to Europe, particularly Britain, Africa and different regions of Asia. The leaves, roots and flowering stems of the hemlock plant are used to prepare Conium. The curative effects of Conium are seen in cases of Vertigo especially in Lyme disease (in the later stages of the disease).
Vertigo appears as a sensation where the person looking steadily at an object feels like the object is spinning.
Vertigo upon rising, or going down the stairs may be present, along with weakness and an inclination to sleep. There is numb feeling in the brain as if stupefied, which gets worse upon turning over in bed.

Thuja – Homeopathic Treatment for Delusions as a result of Lyme Disease

The homeopathic medicine Thuja is prepared by using the leaves and twigs of the thuja plant. Thuja tree belongs to the Cupressaceae family. Out of five, two species of Thuja trees are found in North America and the remaining three species are found growing in eastern regions of Asia. Thuja is a well-indicated remedy for delusions and has given good results in Lyme disease patients who have fixed ideas and delusions in later part of the disease. Delusions as if a strange person is by the side and delusions as if the body were fragile are present. There is dullness of mind with sadness. The person feels depressed, isolated and alone.

How to Distinguish Lyme Disease from Fibromyalgia?

Both fibromyalgia and Lyme disease can cause fatigue and pain, but there are many differences between them
The cause for fibromyalgia is not clear, but it is related to genetic factors, often triggered by stress (physical or emotional stress), and associated conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and Ankylosing spondylitis. Fibromyalgia gives rise to widespread pain and tender points, body fatigue, depression, headache, pain, and cramping in the lower abdominal region.

Lyme disease, on the other hand, is an infectious tick-borne disease caused by the bacteria of borrelia type. After the bite of the tick, the bacteria penetrate into the bloodstream and trigger symptoms inside the body. Symptoms of Lyme disease include a headache, chill, fever, swelling of lymph nodes and a rash called Erythema migrans. As the condition takes the chronic form, there are chances of developing arthritis, nerve involvement leading to numbness or tingling sensation, depression, anxiety, palpitations and short-term memory loss.

Although symptoms overlap between Fibromyalgia and Lyme disease, these diseases are distinguished by the presence of a rash which is a hallmark of Lyme disease (called Erythema Migrans). There is no such rash in fibromyalgia.

Chronic Lyme Disease: Causes and Transmission

The causative agent of Lyme disease is bacteria. The main type of bacteria causing Lyme disease in the United States are Borrelia burgdoferi and Borrelia mayonii. In Europe and Asia, Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii are the causative bacteria. The primary vector for transmitting the bacteria to humans in Lyme disease is an infected black-legged or deer tick. Ticks which are frequently found on deer carry the bacterium in their stomach and transmit it to humans when they bite. People working in grassy and heavily wooded areas are more prone to get Lyme disease.
Lyme disease is not contagious.

Ticks crawl over your clothes or body for many hours before they get attached to your skin. Ticks are usually found in the scalp, groin or armpits, but they can attach to any part of your body. It takes at least 36 to 48 hours for an infected tick to pass bacteria to the body once it is attached to the skin. Most ticks cause infection in the nymphal stage (immature form of ticks, before larval stage) since they are very small in this stage and feed for a longer duration of time before they are detected.

Lyme Disease: Risk Factors

Exposure to wooded or grassy areas: Deer ticks thrive in wooded areas of Midwest and the northeastern region of the United States. Children and Adults with outdoor occupation working in these areas are at a high risk of contracting Lyme disease.

Not removing ticks properly after exposure: For transmission of bacteria from an infected tick to the human body, the tick needs to be attached to the body for at least 36 to 48 hours. The chances of developing Lyme disease grow low if the tick is removed within two days of exposure.

Lyme Disease: Complications

Lyme disease can cause permanent damage to the joints, brain, nervous system and heart. Significant complications of Lyme disease include increased risk of developing an autoimmune form of arthritis, as a result of chronic Lyme disease (even after the treatment) which includes:
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Psoriatic Arthritis
Peripheral spondyloarthritis

Lyme Disease: Management

Prevention is the most important step when it comes to Lyme Disease. Some preventive measures include:

  • Use insect repellent and bug sprays.
  • Use tweezers to remove ticks even if your body is exposed to ticks.

Dealing with Lyme Disease:

Since in the later stages Lyme disease takes the autoimmune form, the best way to manage chronic Lyme disease is by boosting your immune system.

Sleep and Management of Emotional Stress:

Stress triggers inflammation and disturbs the hormonal balance of the body. One should get enough sleep (at least 6 to 8 hours per day) and avoid stress to improve body functioning.

Foods to Eat

Consume anti-inflammatory foods like vegetables, nuts, and seeds, and antioxidant-rich foods like green leafy vegetables and berries.
Foods rich in probiotics (like yogurt) help to reduce the progression of Lyme disease.

Supplements to improve cell functioning include:

Vitamin D3 – It helps to boost the immunity, and so supplements rich in vitamin D3 should be a part of the daily diet.

Omega -3 Fatty Acids – These fatty acids play an anti-inflammatory role and improve cognitive functions. Fish-oil supplements should be taken daily.

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Hydrastis Canadensis – Homeopathic Medicine – Indications for its use

Hydrastis Canadensis is commonly known by the names Goldenseal, Orange Root and Yellow Root . It belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. The thick, yellow rhizome (stem of a plant with nodes) of the herb is used to extract the medicine. It is indigenous to the United States and Canada and was introduced in Europe in the 18th century. It is also widely grown in India.

As a homeopathic remedy, it is primarily used for ailments related to the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, ears, and female organs.

Hydrastis Canadensis: Preparation

The homeopathic remedy Hydrastis Canadensis is prepared from the rhizome of the herb called Goldenseal. For the preparation of the medicine, first, the rhizome is freshly cut, which further undergoes the process of cleaning and chopping. The chopped fragments are then soaked in distilled alcohol for some time, after which it is strained and diluted to the desired degree. It is then subjected to the homeopathic process of Succussion, which is a type of oscillatory process done to obtain the desired potency of the medicine.

The ‘Hydrastis’ Constitution

It is well suited to people who have a feeble constitution and who get easily tired. It also works well for chronic alcoholics who have broken down their system by excess use of alcohol. The skin is generally pale, and the patient is susceptible to contracting jaundice.

Hydrastis Canadensis: Drug Action

The herb has a chemical in it called Berberine, which is known to work against many harmful bacteria and fungi, making it a natural antibiotic medicine.

The drug is known to have its action on the mucous surfaces, mucous glandular surfaces, the nutritive system and the circulatory system.

It is used by herbalists today as an anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, bitter tonic, laxative, anti-diabetic and muscular stimulant oxytocic (a medication that accelerates childbirth) and emmenagogue (a medicine that promotes menstrual flow).

Scope of Hydrastis Canadensis as a Homeopathic Remedy

Effect on the Respiratory System

Hydrastis is one of the most effective remedies used in cases of respiratory troubles. It effectively manages problems of Sinusitis, with Post nasal Dripping (PND), inflammation of the mucous passages of the respiratory tract, cough with loose expectoration (expulsion of phlegm), swollen turbinates. When it comes to the nasal passages and sinuses, the mucous membranes are hyperactive and hence secrete more mucus than usual, thereby blocking the nostrils and increasing the discharges.

Hydrastis acts on these membranes and helps in subsiding the inflammation and regulating the mucous secretions. Usually, the main symptom is blocked nostrils, which leads to a discharge of mucus from the back of the nose to the throat (called as PND or post nasal dripping). This discharge is ropey and stringy, thick, yellow or white mucus.

The nostrils are blocked with mucous (especially the posterior part of the nose). Hydrastis can be of help in cases of nasal discharges, where the discharge feels like it is burning and makes the parts sore. Such secretions are scanty when the person is indoors but is excreted when the person steps out.

The crusting forms quickly inside the nose in such cases. A frontal headache accompanies the nasal discharge. There is a swelling of turbinate bones (soft bones in the nasal cavity), so much so that the patient has to breathe through the mouth and there is constant loud snoring at night. A characteristic feature of this medicine is tickling in the nose, especially the right nostril. The patient has recurrent episodes of sneezing, with fullness over the eyes and a dull headache in the frontal region, which descends to the arms.

Hydrastis can be given for bronchitis as well. Bronchitis refers to the inflammation of the bronchial tubes that primarily carry air to the lungs. After the inflammation, there is a constriction of the passage and hence breathing difficulties, which this homeopathic medication can very effectively manage. Such bronchitis attacks, when they occur in elderly people, can be accompanied by a loss of appetite. Hydrastis helps in taking care of that, minimizing the weakness and improving respiration. The characteristic ‘Old Man’s Cough’ calls for this remedy.

In all age groups, when there is tickling in the throat with a dry and harsh cough or when there is a loose cough, which worsens as the day progresses, with a thick, yellow and stringy mucous, Hydrastis can help.

Hydrastis for Ears

In cases where there is a dysfunction of the Eustachian tube, inflammation of the middle ear, with a thick and tenacious discharge (which is more like pus), blockage of the ear with a postnasal discharge, Hydrastis can work well to treat all these symptoms. With these symptoms, there is also a difficulty in hearing, deafness in some; and tinnitus (abnormal noises in the ear), usually a roaring sound. It can be given for perforation of the tympanic membrane, i.e., the eardrum as well.

Effect on the Gastro-Intestinal System

When it comes to gastric ailments, Hydrastis is used in cases where there is a heaviness in the upper left side of the abdomen. The appetite is negligible with an inability to digest food properly.
Hydrastis is a renowned remedy when it comes to carcinoma of the stomach. It acts wonderfully as an intercurrent remedy in such cases, and can effectively manage symptoms when given with conventional medicine. In such cases of cancer of the stomach, the condition initially is generally asymptomatic. Before the disease is diagnosed, usually in the ‘pre-cancerous stage,’ patients typically complain of chronic intermittent pain. They then slowly start losing their strength, the epigastric region becomes sensitive, the appetite decreases with frequent episodes of vomiting. There is indigestion of the food eaten; it feels as if the food simply lies in the abdomen. Constant production of the acid, with sour acidic vomiting and a coated tongue, are some other symptoms.

It has been mentioned in the homeopathic literature that Hydrastis can help a lot in cases of inflammation of the lining of the liver and cases of cancer of the liver as well. Even though there is no clinical evidence of a cure, the homeopathic medication Hydrastis can help in managing a few symptoms. The presence of these symptoms is not indicative of cancer. In the region of the liver (that is the upper right abdominal area), there may be a feeling of fullness with a constant, dull pain. There is the development of jaundice, with yellow skin, dark yellow urine and pale stools. The appetite is diminished, breathing is difficult, and it hurts to touch the area of the liver. Along with this, there could be an inflammation of the lining of the gallbladder and bile duct as well.

Hydrastis can take care of chronic constipation as well when the movements of the bowels are sluggish, and hence the stool formation is delayed. The patient skips days when it comes to clearing the bowels, and can only pass the stool after taking laxatives. The stool, when passed, could be in the form of small pellets. There is straining while passing stool, so much so that the rectum starts to burn and ache because of the continuous efforts to empty out the bowels. Sometimes, there is a feeling as if the stool would pass, but when tried, only gas escapes.
Other than this, Hydrastis can be given for cases of hemorrhoids (piles), where the underlying cause could be chronic constipation as discussed or pregnancy. There could be bleeding piles, with significant weakness. There could be offensive haemorrhoidal discharge from the anus, with a burning pain in the anus, during and after each stool.
Hydrastis Canadensis can also be helpful in cases of a fissure in the anal region, with constipation and continuous discharge. Some physicians have also noted excellent results with this remedy in cases of colorectal cancer.

Effect on Female Organs

Hydrastis Canadensis has shown remarkable results in various clinical conditions in females. This remedy can be useful in cases of leucorrhoea, uterine prolapse, uterine fibroids, congestive dysmenorrhoea (pain with menses), pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis (Inflammation of the endometrium), menopausal syndrome, etc.
The remedy has also proven to be beneficial in cases of cancer of the cervix, uterine cancer, and breast cancer. Herein, the epithelium of the cervix and the vagina is eroded, and there is ulcer formation.
When microscopically seen, the membranes are swollen and hardened. Hydrastis can help in maintaining the normal lining of the mucosa, by healing the eroded and ulcerated areas.

Other than this, there is a pain in the lower back along with the uterine complaints. There are hemorrhages from the uterus, menses last too long, and the patient, as a result, becomes weak and anemic. There are sharp pains in the right iliac region (lower right side of the abdomen).
The leucorrhoea, i.e., abnormal vaginal discharge, in such patients is generally very tenacious and thick, yellow in color, and ropey in nature. There is intense itching with the leucorrhoea.

When given for cancer of the breast as an intercurrent (while the disease is progressing) remedy, the pains are very intense and extend up to the shoulders and down the arms. It is given in the scirrhous tumor of the breast, which is a slowly growing, solid, malignant tumor. The breast becomes hard, and adherent to the skin and the nipple is retracted. Along with this, the lymph nodes in the axilla (armpits) are enlarged. In open cancers of the breasts, Hydrastis can help in relieving the constant burning pain, and can also promote healing.

Keynote Indications for the use of Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis

1.Posterior nasal drip: Thick, tenacious from posterior nares to the throat. It si very effective in chronic cases of posterior nasal discharge

2.Eustachian tube catarrh: Eustachian tube catarrh with deafness.

3.Sinusitis: Frontal sinusitis with dull frontal headache; Sinusitis with thick, viscid nasal discharges.

4.Pharyngitis: Follicular pharyngitis with hawking of yellow, viscid mucus.

5.Constipation: Constipation with fissure anus/ prolapse of rectum/headache.

6.Leucorrhoea: Vaginal discharges of acid, tenacious, corroding nature.

7.Rectal fistula: Fistula of rectum associated with rectum prolapse/ constipation.

8.Prolapse of the rectum: Rectal prolapse with chronic constipation.

9.Gastric ulcers: Gastric ulcers with a sore feeling in stomach, weak digestion, and dyspepsia.

Hydrastis: Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis Canadensis is recommended in low potencies for respiratory troubles and can frequently be repeated.
It can be given in the form of mother tincture as well.
For malignant tumors and other chronic ailments, it should always be taken under the guidance of a homeopathic physician.

Hydrastis Canadensis and Other Homeopathic Remedies

Hydrastis is antidoted by Sulphur, and Merc Sol is its antidote.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 7 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Ovarian Cysts

What are Ovarian Cysts?

Sacs of fluid that form within a woman’s ovaries are known as ovarian cysts. A woman may develop a cyst in one ovary or both the ovaries at the same time. Ovarian cysts occur very commonly in women of childbearing age, and are less common in females after menopause. Homeopathic medicine for ovarian cysts works to treat the symptoms and also dissolve the cysts safely with time.

Ovaries and Their Function

Homeopathic Remedies for Ovarian Cyst

Homeopathic Remedies for Ovarian Cyst

Ovaries are two oval-shaped gonads which make up an important part of the female reproductive system. The ovaries are found on either side of the uterus and have two major functions – production of egg (ovum) for fertilization, and the production of hormones like estrogen and progesterone.
Every month, an ovum (egg) is released from the mature follicle. If the ovum is fertilized by a sperm, it leads to pregnancy. If the ovum doesn’t get fertilized, then it breaks down and is shed along with the lining of the uterus in the form of menstrual bleeding.

Causes and Types of Ovarian Cysts

The cause behind an ovarian cyst depends upon the type of cyst. Ovarian cysts are of different kinds, the most common being functional cysts, dermoid cysts, endometriomas, and cystadenomas. Another condition, known as Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) also leads to the formation of cysts on the ovaries.

Functional Ovarian Cysts

Functional cysts are the most common and harmless ovarian cysts that tend to disappear on their own within two to three menstrual cycles. Functional cysts are linked to the menstrual cycle.
Functional cysts are further divided into two types – follicular cyst and corpus luteum cyst.

a) Follicular Cyst: In a menstruating female, every month a follicle in the ovary matures, and it contains an egg. This follicle ruptures to release the egg (a process known as ovulation). If for any reason the follicle does not rupture and release the egg, then it swells up into a fluid-filled follicular cyst.

b) Corpus Luteum Cyst: During the menstrual cycle, the ovum (egg) is released from the follicle during ovulation. The follicle then gets converted to a mass known as ‘corpus luteum’ that secretes the hormone progesterone.
If the ovum gets fertilized with sperm (that is, a pregnancy occurs), then the corpus luteum keeps secreting progesterone to maintain the pregnancy in the early stages. If pregnancy doesn’t happen, then this corpus luteum stops secreting progesterone and disappears. In some cases, the corpus luteum doesn’t disappear even in the absence of a pregnancy. It then gets filled with fluid or blood and persists in the ovary in the form of a corpus luteum cyst.

Dermoid Cyst

A dermoid cyst is a benign cyst that contains some tissues like hair, skin, fat, teeth, thyroid tissue, nails, bone, etc. These cysts are also known as ovarian teratomas.
These cysts are seen in women during the reproductive years. Women usually below the age of 30 years tend to develop these cysts. Although not a serious problem, dermoid cysts cause a problem if they rupture. They can then cause infection or ovarian torsion, both of which require medical attention.


Endometriomas are ovarian cysts that contain a brown, tar-like thick fluid and are also known as chocolate cysts. These cysts develop when the endometrial tissue that lines the uterus gets attached to the ovary and produces a growth there to form a cystic mass.


Cysts that develop from cells covering the outer layer of the ovary are called cystadenomas. These cysts do not grow inside the ovary; instead, they develop on the surface of the ovary. These cysts can contain watery fluid or thick mucus-like substance.
Those filled with watery fluid are known as serous cystadenomas, and those filled with thick mucus-like substance are known as mucinous cystadenomas.

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

PCOS is a very common metabolic disorder that arises as a result of hormonal imbalance in females. In PCOS, multiple follicles (fluid-filled sacs) grow inside ovaries that contain immature eggs. These eggs then may not reach maturity and ovulate.

Homeopathic Remedies for Cysts

The conventional mode of treatment usually prescribes oral contraceptives or birth control pills in most cases of ovarian cysts. These pills don’t treat the root cause of ovarian cysts; they mask the symptoms by regularising the menstrual cycle without treating the cysts. They may also suppress ovulation to prevent the formation of more cysts.
These pills do not dissolve the existing ovarian cysts, and discontinuing their use can lead to the formation of new cysts. In addition to this, there are some side effects of these pills like nausea, breast tenderness, vaginal discharge, decreased libido, mood changes, weight gain, and migraine.

Ovarian cyst treatment with homeopathic medicine is a holistic approach that treats the main cause behind the problem. Homeopathic medicines are very safe to use among women of all age groups, and these treat ovarian cysts gently without any side effects.
Homeopathic medicine for ovarian cyst can help dissolve the cysts already present and also reduce the tendency to develop more cysts.
These medicines help in correcting menstrual irregularities linked with ovarian cysts and the associated symptoms like bloating, back pain, dyspareunia, etc. Correct and timely use of ovarian cysts can also help prevent surgery in a lot of cases.

Some of the most important homeopathic medicines that are used for treating ovarian cysts are – Lachesis Muta, Lycopodium Clavatum, Colocynthis, Apis Mellifica, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Sabina Officinalis and Sepia Succus. Each of these homeopathic medicines has their characteristic indications to use them.

Homeopathic Medicine for Ovarian Cysts

Lachesis Muta – Homeopathic Medicine for Ovarian Cysts on Left Side

Lachesis Muta is a homeopathic medicine for left ovarian cysts. Swelling and pain in the left ovary that gets better during menses, short and scanty menses, and menstrual bleeding that is blackish in color are the symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.

Lycopodium Clavatum – Homeopathic Medicine for Ovarian Cysts on Right Side

Lycopodium Clavatum is a homeopathic medicine for right ovarian cysts. Burning or boring pains may be felt in the ovary. Irregular periods, profuse or prolonged periods, pain during intercourse and abdominal bloating are the main symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.

Colocynthis – Homeopathic Medicine for Painful Ovarian Cysts

Colocynthis is a homeopathic medicine for ovarian cysts that are painful. The pain varies in character, ranging from cramping, stitching to tensive. Burning sensation in the ovaries that gets better upon bending over double and a sensitive ovarian region that seems hard and swollen are the symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.

Apis Mellifica – Homeopathic Medicine for Ovarian Cysts that cause Pain during Intercourse

Apis Mellifica is a homeopathic medicine for ovarian cysts that cause pain during intercourse. A stinging, sharp, cutting pain from the ovary radiating down the thigh, soreness and tenderness over the ovarian region, heaviness in the ovarian region and pain in the ovaries during menstruation are the symptoms indicative of Apis Mellifica.

Pulsatilla Nigricans – Homeopathic Medicine for Ovarian Cysts with Scanty Menstruation

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a homeopathic medicine for ovarian cysts with scanty menstrual bleeding. A tendency of delayed menstruation, menstrual colic, chilliness, vomiting, heavy pressure in the abdomen and lower back, a pressure in the bladder and rectum are the symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.

Sabina Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Ovarian Cysts with Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Sabina Officinalis is a homeopathic medicine for ovarian cysts with heavy menstrual bleeding. The menstrual bleeding is usually bright red, and copious, with the presence of dark clots. Movement tends to worsen the bleeding, and pelvic pain that extends down to the thighs is present. Dragging pain in the back and lower limbs, and bloating and distension in the pelvic region are the symptoms that indicate the need for Sabina Officinalis.

Sepia Succus – Homeopathic Medicine for Ovarian Cysts with Irregular Menstruation

Sepia Succus is a homeopathic medicine for ovarian cysts with irregular menstruation. The periods may be early or late, scanty or profuse, or of long or short duration. A bearing down sensation in the pelvis, soreness, fullness, pressure, distension, and pain in the pelvic region with a frequent urge to urinate are the symptoms that indicate the need for this remedy.

Ovarian Cyst: Contributing Factors

The contributing factors that lead to ovarian cysts include:

  • hormonal imbalance
  • pelvic infections
  • a family history of ovarian cysts
  • obesity or gaining weight rapidly

Ovarian Cysts: Symptoms

In many cases, ovarian cysts don’t lead to any symptoms and are diagnosed during a regular ultrasound. In other cases, some symptoms that may appear in case of ovarian cysts include:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen (pelvis on the side of ovarian cyst). The pain may be sudden, severe or may be dull.
  • Bloating, heaviness, fullness in the abdomen
  • Irregular periods, heavy/scanty periods
  • Painful intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • Frequent urination
  • Painful bowel movements
  • Lower back pain or thigh pain
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Infertility
  • In cases of PCOS, menstrual irregularities may be accompanied by other features like acne, hirsutism, obesity, hair fall.

Frequently Asked Questions on Ovarian Cysts

What are the complications of ovarian cysts?

Ovarian torsion and rupture are two main complications of ovarian cysts. Sudden severe pelvic pain, nausea, vomiting, fever dizziness, and fast breathing are some of the symptoms that appear as a result of these complications. These need immediate medical emergency attention.

Are Ovarian Cysts Cancerous?

Most of the times, ovarian cysts are non-cancerous.
A very small percentage of ovarian cysts can be cancerous, and these usually tend to occur after menopause in women.

Can Ovarian Cysts lead to Infertility?

Ovarian cysts are of different types, and while some cysts can cause infertility, most of them are not linked with infertility.

  • Cysts that can lead to infertility are ovarian cysts that develop as a result of polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriomas.
  • Cysts not linked with infertility are functional cysts, dermoid cysts, and cystadenomas.

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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Dysentery

Dysentery is an infection of the intestine that causes severe diarrhea with mucus and blood. Tenesmus (constant urge to pass stool) is a characteristic symptom of this infection. An infected person may experience mild to severe abdominal pain. It can affect people of any age group but is more common in children. Top homeopathic medicines for dysentery are effective in treating both acute and chronic cases of dysentery. They also eliminate the recurring tendency of the infection.    homeopathic medicines for dysentery
There are two main types of Dysentery – Amoebic and Bacillary Dysentery. The symptoms of the infection may last from a few days to weeks. The typical symptoms of dysentery include tenesmus, diarrhea with mucus and blood, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and weakness. It usually spreads from eating or drinking contaminated food or water or by coming in contact with an infected person.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Dysentery

Homeopathy treatment of dysentery includes a comprehensive treatment plan that works to treat both chronic and acute cases of the infection. These medicines for dysentery work according to the symptoms that manifest due to the infection.

For Dysentery with Tenesmus

The medicines used to treat dysentery with a constant feeling to pass stool (tenesmus) are Mercurialis Corrosivus, Asclepias Tuberosa, and Mercurius Solublis.

1. Mercurialis Corrosivus – For scanty mucus and blood

Mercurialis Corrosivus is a medicine used to treat dysentery with little mucus and blood, but with extreme tenesmus.

2. Asclepias Tuberosa – For ‘stream of fire’ sensation

Asclepias Tuberosa is a medicine used to treat dysentery where the stools are soft and fetid, and tenesmus is constant. There is a sensation of a stream of fire passing through the abdomen when stools are relieved.

3. Mercurius Solublis – For Tenesmus in the Bladder

Mercurius Solublis is a medicine used to treat dysentery where there is tenesmus in the bladder and rectum.

For Dysentery with Mucus

4. Aloes – For dysentery with Jelly-like Stools

Aloes is a medicine used to treat dysentery with jelly-like stools with excess mucus. The rectum feels sore after passing stools. The texture of the stools is small, brownish, half-fluid, and they move easily.

5. Capsicum – For Dysentery with Bloody Stools

Capsicum is a medicine used to treat dysentery with bloody stools that have a lot of mucus. There is also excess burning and tenesmus.

For Dysentery with Bloody Stools

Cantharis and Senecio Aureus are the medicines used to treat dysentery with bloody stools.

6. Cantharis – For Scrapings-like Dysentery.

Cantharis is a medicine used to treat dysentery where stools feel like scrapings of the intestine and burn on passing. Tenesmus of rectum and bladder is also present.

7. Senecio Aureus – For Dysentery with Thin, Bloody stools.

Senecio Aureus is a medicine used to treat dysentery with thin, bloody stools, coupled with tenesmus. There is strain while passing stools which are intermingled with hard lumps of feces.

For Dysentery with Abdominal Pain

Colchicum and Erigeron are the medicines used to treat dysentery with abdominal pain.

8. Colchicum – For Dysentery in Damp Weather

Colchicum is a medicine used to treat dysentery coupled with agonizing pain that remains long after passing stools. This medicine is used to treat dysentery that occurs during the autumn season and in damp weather.

9. Erigeron – For Dysentery with burning in Bladder

Erigeron is a medicine used to treat dysentery coupled with frequent, severe pain in the umbilical region. Stools are small and streaked with blood.

For Dysentery with Nausea and Vomiting

Ipecac and Arsenic Album are the medicines used to treat dysentery with symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

10. Ipecac – For Dysentery with Constant Nausea

Ipecac is a medicine used to treat dysentery coupled with constant nausea that does not get relieved even after vomiting. The stools are fetid and contain mucus.

11. Arsenic Album – For Dysentery with Extreme Weakness.

Arsenic Album is a medicine used to treat dysentery wherein there is extreme prostration (state of being very weak and exhausted). The affected person cannot bear the smell and sight of food. There is food poisoning along with nausea and vomiting.

For Dysentery in Children

Aloes, Magnesia Carbonica, and Baryta Carbonica are the medicines used to treat dysentery in children.

Aloes is a medicine that works well to treat dysentery in children who have jelly-like stools and a rumbling pain in the abdomen.

Magnesia Carbonica is a medicine to treat dysentery in children who have frothy, greenish, watery stools along with tenesmus. Sour smell from the child’s body and vomiting is present.

Baryta Carbonica is a medicine used to treat dysentery where there is a pain in the abdomen immediately after a meal, and bloody stools.

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Agnus Castus – Homeopathic medicine its uses indications and dosage

Agnus Castus is a homeopathic remedy derived from the Chaste tree, which belongs to the family Verbenaceae. The medicine is derived from the ripened berries of the tree commonly found in the Mediterranean region and Asia. It is used to treat a plethora of issues related to sexual organs of both the sexes. Agnus Castus was commonly used in the ancient times by both men and women to suppress their sexual desire. It lowers sexual vitality with corresponding mental depression and nervous energy. According to homeopathy, Agnus Castus is counted among other powerful remedies for sexual problems. The medicine shows a high affinity towards sexual concerns and often works better than any other remedy for impotency, prostatorrhoea in males, and sterility, leucorrhoea, and agalactia in women.Agnus castus in homeopathy is associated with people who have a ‘lymphatic’ constitution. Such persons tend to produce excessive lymph fluid (physiologically) and are prone to health issues like lymphadenitis, allergies, lung and skin disease and vaginal discharges. It is also known as chaste berry or vitex.

How does Agnus Castus work?

Agnus castus as a remedy works to treat health problems that arise as a result of sexual overindulgence, repeated gonorrheal attacks, and over straining of muscles due to lifting of heavy weights. Cold air and warm food and drinks can hinder the action of this remedy.

Agnus Castus Dosage

Agnus castus has a short course of action and can be safely repeated at a potency of 30C.

Top Uses of Agnus Castus

Agnus Castus is the foremost homeopathic remedy indicated for complete impotency. It can be used in cases Impotency is caused by abuse of sexual powers and repeated gonorrhea (  a sexually transmitted disease ). It is considered to be a remedy for those who have aged prematurely.
It is also indicated in cases where there is a yellow, gleety (gonorrhoeal fluid containing mucus and pus discharged from the urethra ) discharge from the male urethra. Other symptoms include cold, swollen and hard testicles.
Agnus castus for females is indicated in cases where there is a deficiency or suppression of breast milk, along with melancholy. It is also used to treat leucorrhoea, which is an egg white, copious discharge from the relaxed parts of female genitalia.

Agnus Castus for Impotency in Males

The main symptoms of impotency where Agnus Castus is recommended as a remedy are:

  • complete impotency with flaccidity and coldness of the genitals.
  • a lack of sexual energy that leads to extreme flaccidity of the penis.
  • impotence that occurs after repeated or suppressed incidents of gonorrhea.

Agnus Castus works well in both elderly as well as prematurely aged males with melancholy and apathy arising from the abuse of sexual indulgence and seminal losses.

Agnus Castus for Prostatorrhoea

Prostatorrhoea refers to the abnormal discharge of the prostatic fluid. Agnus works as an effective remedy for the passage of gleety discharge with urination, or while straining during stools in people who experience frequent attacks of gonorrhea and loss of erection.

Agnus Castus for Gonorrhoea

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium N. gonorrhoeae. It spreads from one person to another through vaginal, oral and anal sexual contact. Men afflicted with it may experience burning during urination, penile discharge, or testicular pain. Gonorrhoea in women can cause burning during urination, vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding between menstruation, or pelvic pain.
Agnus as a remedy is well-indicated for impotency caused due to frequent attacks of this disease.

Agnus Castus for Sterility in Women

Agnus Castus is a well-indicated remedy for sterility in females that occurs due to excessive sexual indulgence. This can result in absolute loss of desire, aversion to sexual intercourse and suppressed menstruation.

Agnus Castus for Leucorrhoea

Leucorrhoea is the abnormal mucus discharge from the vagina that looks like a transparent ‘white of an egg.’ The discharge is copious and is secreted from the female genitalia (often with uterine prolapse), staining the undergarments yellow. Uterine prolapse is a condition where the pelvic floor muscles stretch or weaken and are unable to provide enough support to the uterus. The uterus, as a result, may slip down into the vagina.

Agnus Castus for Agalactia

Agalactia refers to the condition where there is suppression of milk in lactating females. Agnus works well in either deficient or suppressed lactation, with mental symptoms like sadness and brooding.

Agnus Castus for Menstruation

Agnus castus is used to treat cases where the menses either last from ten to eighteen days, or are suppressed, with drawing pains in the abdomen. The medicine is indicated for women prone to hysterical episodes, occasional metrorrhagia (abnormal uterine bleeding) and uterine prolapse.
Some other symptoms that point towards this remedy include vertigo, headache, the dim sight before menses, and pain in pelvic region and loins during menses. It is also used in cases where the placenta has been retained, and there is an inflammation of the uterus.

Agnus Castus for Mental Issues

Agnus is a well-indicated remedy for absent-mindedness and reduced power of insight and an inability to recollect things. It is used to treat symptoms like difficulty in reading due to lack of concentration, low-spirits with fears of approaching death, melancholy, and a hypochondriac mood with anxiety, fear, and weakness. It is also used for:

  • Peevish individuals who tend to get angry easily.
  • Lack of courage with nervous depression and mental forbidding.
  • Lack of attention with difficulty in keeping up the train of thought.

Other Spheres of Action of Agnus Castus

Apart from treating issues related to the sexual sphere, Agnus also shows good medicinal properties for the following:

  • Tachycardia (accelerated heart rate) in the neurotic young men after tobacco use.
  • Tearing pains in the head that feel as if it is filled with thick smoke.
  • Noisy flatus discharge of urinous odour that remains on the clothes.
  • Formication (sensation of insects crawling) of the skin with itching.
  • Dilatation of the pupils with itching in the eyes.
  • Illusion of smell – of herring or musk.
  • Ulcers in the mouth and gums with pain in the teeth when there is contact with warm food or drink.
  • Nausea with a sensation as if the intestines were being pressed downwards.
  • Joints that twist easily with pains that feel like they are dislocated.
  • Rheumatic and gouty nodosities in the bones with cold extremities.
  • Burning in the eyes and headache from reading in the evening.
  • Ringing and roaring sound in the ears with hardness of hearing.
  • Decreased appetite with lack of thirst, abdominal distension after meals.
  • Pains in the urinary bladder with increased frequency at night.
  • Weakness from anguish or depression of spirit.

Agnus Castus with Relation to other Homeopathic Remedies

  • Agnus is anti-doted by Camphor, Natrum Muraticum and strong solutions of table salt.
  • Agnus is followed well by Arsenic Album, Bryonia, Ignitia, Lycopodium and Selenium and Caladium to treat weakness of sexual organs or impotence.
  • The remedy can be compared with other remedies related to the sexual sphere like Lycopodium and Selenium in males and Platina, Natrum Carbonicum, Sepia and Borax in females.


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Homeopathic remedies for pregnancy related complaints

Pregnancy is the most joyous but also trying time for a mother-to-be. She’s not only carrying a child, but along with it several dreams and hopes. Pregnancy, however, brings its fair share of medical complications and bodily changes, and though Homeopathic medicines are completely safe with zero side effects, extra caution is required on which Homeopathic remedy to give an expectant mother. You have to be cautious about the dosage, potency and repetition of Homeopathic remedies for pregnancy related complaints. In fact, for pregnancy-related complaints, Homeopathic medicines are not selected on the basis of a single symptom but are always ruled out after taking proper stock of each case. Homeopathic remedies should also not be taken haphazardly to cure pregnancy-related complaints.

Top Homeopathic remedies for pregnancy related complaints

Nux Vomica, Sepia and Ipecac: Homeopathic medicines for morning sickness during pregnancy

Nux Vomica is a natural Homeopathic medicine for treatment of morning sickness during pregnancy. Nux Vomica can be used when the nausea and vomiting are worse in the morning. Such women may also suffer from acidity and constipation. Homeopathic medicine Sepia is suited for those women who have extreme nausea even on smelling or looking at food. Vomiting occurs after eating. Craving for pickles may also be found. Ipecac is also one of the best homeopathic remedies for pregnancy nausea when nausea and vomiting persist throughout the day. The tongue usually remains clean in the mother-to-be requiring Ipecac.

Bryonia Alba, Alumina and Nux Vomica: Homeopathic medicines for constipation during pregnancy

Homeopathic medicines Bryonia Alba, Alumina and Nux Vomica are natural remedies for pregnancy related complaints and is of great help in treatment of constipation during pregnancy. There are a few symptoms that characterise which of these three Homeopathic medicines you should take. The characteristic symptom for using Bryonia Alba is constipation with difficult and dry, hard stool or poop. To use Alumina for constipation during pregnancy, the prominent guiding symptom is absence of the urge to pass stool for many days. The stool remains in the rectum for several days together. When the stool has to be passed, much strain is required even if the stool is soft. And in contrast to Alumina, Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica is used when the urge to pass stool is very frequent or almost constant. But only a little stool is passed in every effort, and the stool is insufficient and unsatisfactory. After passing stool, the urge is renewed immediately.

Aesculus and Collinsonia: Homeopathic medicines for piles during pregnancy

Homeopathic medicine Aesculus is very effective treatment of piles during pregnancy. It’s a remedy for both types of piles during pregnancy — either bleeding or blind. Aesculus is as a natural medicine for pregnancy related complaints and is indicated when woman complains of sharp shooting pains in the rectum with burning. It seems as if small sticks are filling up the rectum causing severe pain. Homeopathic medicine Collinsonia is the ideal choice when constipation of utmost severity accompanies the piles problem during pregnancy. Pain in rectum and itching of anus are mostly experienced.

Nux Vomica and Calcarea Carb: Homeopathic medicines for indigestion (Dyspepsia) during pregnancy

Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica is mainly prescribed when a bloated abdomen follows eating. There is pressure and heaviness in the stomach. The mother-to-be also complains of gas in the stomach with nausea and burning in the stomach. Constipation may also be experienced. Homeopathic remedy Calcarea Carb should be taken when sour belching, sour vomiting and acidity are experienced. The odour of stool is sour smelling.

Arnica and Hamamelis: Homeopathic medicines for varicose veins during pregnancy

Homeopathic medicines Arnica and Hamamelis are very effective herbal remedies for pregnancy related complains. Homeopathic medicine Arnica is a very good cure of varicose veins occurring during pregnancy. Amica can be used when sore and bruised pains are felt in the legs with varicose veins. Homeopathic medicine Hamamelis is also a very beneficial medicine for varicose veins during pregnancy. Hamamelis can be used when tiredness and soreness are felt in the legs with varicose veins.

Aesculus and Kali Carb: Homeopathic medicines for backache during pregnancy

Both Aesculus and Kali Carb are natural Homeopathic medicines that are of great help for the treatment of backache during pregnancy. For using Aesculus, the main complaint is pain in the lower back in sacrum and hips. The pains are most severe while walking. The back is very weak and stooping may also worsen the backache. Homeopathic medicine Kali Carb should be taken for backache during pregnancy when stiffness accompanies backache. Excessive weakness of the back may also be felt and the pain from back may extend down to the thighs.

Magnesium Phos and Sepia: Homeopathic medicines for cramps in calves during pregnancy

Magnesium Phos is the top Homeopathic medicine for relieving cramps in calves during pregnancy. When the legs and cramps feel warm and there is pressure while walking, Magnesium Phos provides the relief. And when the legs and feet remain cold with cramps in calves, Homeopathic medicine Sepia can bring relief.

Homeopathic medicines for urinary bladder disturbance during pregnancy

Equisetum is a very good Homeopathic medicine for urinary troubles during pregnancy. This medicine is used when the woman feels a constant desire to pass urine. This is accompanied by pain in the bladder. The urine is passed in a large quantity but the frequency of urine is maintained. Homeopathic medicine Staphysagria is recommended when the woman feels her bladder has not completely emptied even after passing urine. Homeopathic medicine Thuja is beneficial if the expectant mother feels her bladder has not emptied in one go. She has to go to the toilet to pass urine five or more times to empty the bladder.

Bryonia Alba, Ipecac and Belladona: Homeopathic medicines for cough during pregnancy

Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba is usually recommended for dry cough during pregnancy. The cough can be accompanied by difficult respiration and pain in chest. An increased thirst for a large quantity of water may also be felt. Ipecac is the Homeopathic remedy for loose cough during pregnancy. During loose cough, the mucus rattles in the chest. The spitting out of mucus gives relief. Belladona is the Homeopathic treatment when a pregnant woman coughs with pain in the throat. The throat is dry and very sore.

Homeopathic medicines to tackle vaginal bleeding during pregnancy

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is an alarming sign indicating abortion. So, even a slight bleeding from the vagina during pregnancy should not be neglected and medical advice should always be sought. To select a suitable Homeopathic medicine to control vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, various factors including mental and physical conditions are taken into account. A few causative factors that are to be noted include any kind of anger outburst, listening to any bad news, exertion, fright, grief, trauma or injury or lifting of heavy weight. The month of pregnancy in which the bleeding has appeared is also a significant feature to be noted. And also, any history of abortion is sought to rule out if the woman has the tendency to go in for an abortion. The Homeopathic medicines for halting the bleeding include China, Sabina, Arnica and Ipecac. The appropriate medicine is prescribed only after taking into account the case history.

Ferrum Phos: Homeopathic medicine for Anemia during pregnancy

Ferrum Phos is a very safe and efficient natural Homeopathic medicine for supplementing the iron requirement during pregnancy. Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Phoshas zero side effects and is easily absorbable. Ferrum Phos helps meet the iron requirement during pregnancy without diarrhea, constipation or any other gastric trouble.

Homeopathic medicines for Diabetes, Mellitus, Hypertension, Eclampsia and Thyroid troubles during pregnancy

There are various effective Homeopathic medicines for dealing with these medical conditions during pregnancy but they are not specific for all the women suffering from the same complaint. The appropriate Homeopathic medicine is selected on an individual basis after taking into account the detailed case history. For dealing with Diabetes, Podophyllum and Zincum Met are beneficial Homeopathic medicines. To tackle hypertension and Eclampsia, Homeopathic medicines Ignatia, Belladona and Nux Vomica are of great help. For treatment of Thyroid troubles, Calcarea Iod and Hydrastis are very effective Homeopathic remedies. But again, these Homeopathic medicines are selected and prescribed after noting down the detailed case history of women.

Homeopathic medicines for feeble development of fetus

If the development of fetus is not progressing in a usual or expected way or it is at a slow pace, it should trigger an alarm. Homeopathic medicines can be of help depending upon each individual case. Secale Cor is a Homeopathic medicine that can be considered if the growth of fetus is arrested. And if the motion of fetus is decreased or stops suddenly, then Homeopathic medicine Caulophyllum may help.

Homeopathic medicines for violent movement of fetus

The Homeopathic medicines that are of help for dealing with violent movements of fetus in the womb are Lycopodium, Crocus Sativus and Thuja. Which of these Homeopathic medicines you should take is prescribed only after taking into account the pregnant woman’s case history.

Homeopathic remedies for abnormal position of fetus in womb

Homeopathy can even help in correcting the position of the fetus placed abnormally in the uterus of the pregnant woman. But the results vary from one woman to the other. Homeopathic medicines that are considered for such a situation include Pulsatilla, Arnica, Sepia and Aconite.



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