Scalp psoriasis is a skin complaint characterized by red inflamed lesions on the scalp covered with silvery white scales. Scalp psoriasis is a fairly common skin complaint. The exact reason behind scalp psoriasis is yet not clear. However, it is considered to be a disorder of autoimmune origin. In scalp psoriasis, due to a misdirected immune response, the cells of the skin start to grow at a very quick pace (in a day’s time instead of a few weeks). The body is unable to shed these excessive cells which tend to pile up on the skin surface forming thick scaly patches. A person having a family history of psoriasis is at risk to get it too. Injury to scalp, smoking, alcohol intake, obesity and stress are a few factors that raise the risk of scalp psoriasis.
Scalp psoriasis can be treated wonderfully with homeopathic medicines. These are mild, safe remedies that treat scalp psoriasis gently with zero side effects. They moderate the immune system of the body thus preventing quick multiplication of the skin cells and bringing excellent recoveries in case of scalp psoriasis. With their use, redness, inflammation, and scales on the scalp get reduced markedly. The psoriatic patches tend to heal and their further spread is well controlled. Itching, burning on the scalp and associated hair fall also gets managed with them in a magnificent way. Conventional mode uses ointments to treat scalp psoriasis which though help to bring relief but it is short term and the tendency of flare-ups still remains as the root cause is not targeted. Homeopathy works to treat this condition from its roots for long-term management and cure.
Homeopathy moderates the immune system
Homeopathic medicines optimise the overactive immune system in cases of scalp psoriasis. As a result, the auto immune activity is halted and relief begins and gradually cure occurs. To get permanent results, a proper course of well-prescribed homeopathic medicines with well scheduled follow-ups is very essential. Homeopathy treats psoriasis very systematically step by step, slowly and steadily. It may take few months to a year’s time to achieve complete recovery so one needs to keep the patience while following homeopathic mode of treatment in psoriasis cases to achieve the goal of curing the complaint from its origin.
Individualized Prescription for best results
In homeopathy, there are numerous medicines each having its own peculiar features to treat scalp psoriasis cases. As no two cases of psoriasis are alike, so the medicines vary for every case. Among the list of medicines for scalp psoriasis, the medicines are selected individually for every case of scalp psoriasis as per the signs and symptoms to yield the best results.
Homeopathy is non-suppressive mode
Homeopathic medicines for scalp psoriasis do not suppress the complaint and follow a curative approach. It is a well – known fact that if any skin complaint is suppressed in any form, it always carries a chance to recur again. This is because the root cause is left untreated this way. Homeopathy never follows suppression so it prevents recurrence of skin issue again and again. Homeopathy works naturally to treat underlying cause of psoriasis for cure.
Safe, natural, harmless medicines
Homeopathic medicines for scalp psoriasis are 100% safe. This is due to the reason that homeopathic medicines are sourced from natural substances that can never cause any side effects. These medicines are used in highly diluted doses that only helps and never cause any harm.
Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Scalp Psoriasis
Arsenic Album, Arsenic Iodatum, Graphites, Sulphur, Sepia, Petroleum and Natrum
Mur are the top remedies to treat the condition.
1. Arsenic Album – Top Grade Medicine for Scalp Psoriasis
Arsenic Album tops the list of therapeutics indicated for scalp psoriasis treatment. A person requiring Arsenic Album have dry eruptions on the scalp covered with scales. The scales are abundant that fall off continually from the scalp. The lesions may extend from the scalp to the forehead, neck and the ears in most cases. The scalp is also rough and dry. Intolerable itching and burning also appear on the scalp. After scratching, the scalp becomes painful and sometimes bleeding appears from the psoriatic patches. The scalp is also sensitive. A characteristic feature is worsening of the complaint from cold and relief by warmth in general. An associated hair loss may also be present with the above signs and symptoms.
When to use Arsenic Album?
Its use should be considered to manage scalp psoriasis with scaly eruptions on the scalp extending to neck and ears with falling of excessive scales.
How to use Arsenic Album?
It is usually given in 30C potency once a day. Its higher potencies are also used in some cases for which homeopathic doctor’s advice is a must.
2. Arsenic Iodatum – For Scalp Psoriasis With Large Scales
Arsenic Iodatum is the next beneficial medicine in the list for treating scalp psoriasis. Arsenic Iodatum is most suited to cases of scalp psoriasis where exfoliation of large scales is present. The rawness of the scalp surface beneath the scales appears following its exfoliation. A marked inflammation of the scalp along with the above features is also well noted. Arsenic Iodatum will help to reduce the excessive scaliness of scalp and the associated inflammation of scalp psoriasis in a very effective manner.
When to use Arsenic Iodatum?
This medicine is highly suitable for cases of scalp psoriasis when large scales fall off from scalp along with marked inflammation on the scalp.
How to use Arsenic Iodatum?
This medicine can be used once a day in 30C potency.
3. Graphites – For Scalp Psoriasis With Marked Dryness And Roughness
Graphites is used in scalp psoriasis cases in which there is marked dryness and roughness of the scalp. Thick-crusted plaques on the scalp are present. There is extreme scaliness of the scalp. A marked burning on the top of the head attends most cases. Itching on the scalp also appears. The psoriatic spots are also sore and very painful to touch. The hair may be matted together and tends to fall out.
When to use Graphites?
Graphites works very well when there is extreme dryness and roughness on scalp with scaling and sore painful spots in scalp psoriasis cases.
How to use Graphites?
It gives excellent results in 3X potency that can be taken once or twice a day as per case severity.
4. Sulphur – For Scalp Psoriasis with Itching and Burning on Scalp
Sulphur is a very useful medicine to treat many skin ailments including scalp psoriasis. It is very useful to manage itching and burning arising in the cases of scalp psoriasis. In most cases requiring Sulphur, the itching is harsh and very violent in nature. The itching gets worse in the evening and at night in a majority of the cases where Sulphur is indicated. Washing also worsens the itching in a few cases. Along with itching, burning in the lesions is also present in a marked degree. Scratching mostly results in extreme burning sensation on the scalp. The scalp is dry, unhealthy with red scaly blotches. The use of Sulphur is also considered in those cases of scalp psoriasis where a person has used local medication (ointments) injudiciously for a long period of time.
When to use Sulphur?
Its use is highly beneficial for scalp psoriasis to manage itching and burning sensation in affected skin area which gets worse in evening and night.
How to use Sulphur?
Its use is mainly preferred in 30C power. It dosage varies highly from case to case. Sulphur 30C is recommended once a day or once a week / fortnightly depending on the intensity of complaint.
5. Sepia – For Shiny White Adhesive Scales
Sepia is the next well-indicated medicine for scalp psoriasis with shiny white adhesive scales on the scalp. There are red, large oval spots on the scalp that are covered with shining white adhesive scales. The lesions are dry and tend to extend behind the ears in some cases. There is itching on the scalp and the scalp is also painful to touch. A sour-smelling sweat may also be present with the above features.
When to use Sepia?
Sepia is prominently helpful when there are red, large oval shaped spots on the scalp topped with shiny white sticky flakes.
How to use Sepia?
Sepia 30C can be taken once a day.
6. Petroleum – For Scalp Psoriasis That Worsens In Winter
Petroleum is also used widely to treat scalp psoriasis. It is of great use to manage cases of scalp psoriasis that worsens in winters. The scalp is rough and dry along with the presence of cracks. Thick scaly crusty psoriatic lesions occur as well. The scalp is raw, red and inflamed. On scratching, the eruptions tend to bleed often. The eruptions are itchy and scalp is sensitive to touch. Soreness and pain follow scratching.
When to use Petroleum?
Petroleum is the best choice of medicine to deal with cases of scalp psoriasis with dryness, roughness, cracks when it flares up in winters.
How to use Petroleum?
Petroleum can be utilized once a day in 30C power.
7. Natrum Mur – For Managing Hair Fall In Scalp Psoriasis
The use of Natrum Mur is advised for treating cases of scalp psoriasis where hair fall attends. The psoriatic lesions appearing on the scalp tend to extend to the nape of the neck and behind the ears. The scalp is covered with white scales. The scalp is also very raw, sore and red. Itching appears in the psoriatic patches. Natrum Mur will help to heal the psoriatic patches as well as manage the associated hair fall.
When to use Natrum Mur?
Natrum Mur is an excellent medicine to manage hair fall in scalp psoriasis cases.
How to use Natrum Mur?
Among its different available potencies, 6X is the most commonly used. Natrum Mur 6X can be used twice or thrice a day.
Signs and Symptoms of Scalp Psoriasis
The major sign of psoriasis is red inflamed, raised patches on the scalp that is covered with shiny silvery white scales. The scaling may be fine to thick depending upon the severity. The skin lesions of scalp psoriasis also tend to extend to the neck and behind or inside the ears frequently. The scalp also appears very dry and cracks may also be present. In severe cases of scalp psoriasis thick crusted plaques on the scalp forms. Bleeding on scratching the lesions may attend. Itching, soreness and burning sensation also appear on the scalp. Hair fall is an associated complaint that may arise in a person having scalp psoriasis. The above signs and symptoms vary in intensity from case to case.
ফিশ্চুলা রোগের সব থেকে ভালো ওষুধ কি এবং কত পরিমাণ কতবার খেতে হবে
Dear Dr Sharma.
I have severe problem that my hair are falling swiftly and my scalp is very very itchy and my doctor has prescribed with mild psoriasis due to red areas around on my forgead.
I am 63 and have this problem from a long time.
Can you plz prescribe some homeo remedies for my problem.
Thank you
Iffat Butt
Will the slowing down of the immune system have any side effects. As in will the slowing down of my immune system make me vulnerable to contracting other health issues ?
78 years, itchy, dry, scaly scalp, getting worse in last 2 weeks
No dandruff, Also dry and itchy ear canals, for couple of years.
Have type 2 diabetes under control. No other health issues. Have not tried any other elopathic treatments or oils or shampoos or special soaps., have tried homeo 4 months back
Graphites 30 lequid for 30 days, didn’t help.
Your help will be really appreciated.
I have red raised bumps and looks like red rash on scalp. Beginning to itch and some hair coming out. What can I take
My leukocyte level is elevated. Could that be from scalp psoriasis.
My leukocyte level is elevated. Could that be from scalp psoriasis.
my scalp itches very much. Can you suggest any homeopathic medicine