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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for PCOS

PCOS i.e. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a very common hormonal syndrome that affects women in the reproductive age group. Delayed or irregular menses, no menses for many months, prolonged menses — these symptoms could be indicative of this endocrine disorder. Besides, weight gain, hair growth on face and acne are very common in PCOS. This condition leads to formation of cysts in the ovaries of the affected woman and causes an increase in male hormones. It is one of the leading causes of female infertility.

There is an excellent scope to treat PCOS in homeopathy. Homeopathic treatment along with lifestyle changes like managing weight and diet can bring great recoveries in PCOS cases.  PCOS results from an imbalance of hormones like LH (Luteinizing hormone) and FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone) leading to excessive androgen (male sex hormones) production hence causing symptoms like weight gain, irregular periods, acne, hirsutism, and hair fall. Homeopathic medicines help to treat PCOS by working to set right the hormones that are out of balance, boosting metabolic rate and hence regularising the menstrual cycle and managing its other symptoms. Homeopathic medicines also have the capability to help cases of infertility that are linked with PCOS.

Homeopathic medicines dissolve the cysts in ovaries

Homeopathic medicines have a great potential to dissolve cysts in ovaries. However, it is a time-consuming process that can take several months. It requires proper homeopathic treatment following the protocols as suggested by the homeopathic physician with timely clinical follow ups for the prescribed duration of treatment.

Natural, safe and effective treatment

Homeopathy offers a natural, effective, and safe option to treat PCOS. In the conventional mode, usually contraceptive pills and metformin are given for managing PCOS which may lead to dependency and may have harmful side effects hence making the condition more complex to treat. On the other hand, homeopathy is a great alternative for treating PCOS in the safest, gentlest way that neither has side effects nor does it carry any risk of dependency.

Constitutional treatment

To treat a patient in homeopathy suffering from any disorder including PCOS a path of constitutional treatment is followed. Such treatment focuses on correcting the basic underlying disturbance going inside the body and not merely the signs and symptoms of the disease. This way it leads to cure rather than temporary symptom management. Now what is constitutional treatment? It refers to treatment based on summing and evaluating the physical, emotional, and mental makeup of the patient that provides them with their personality. Constitutional treatment works as a stimulus for the person’s innate healing potential to self-heal. There are numerous medicines in homeopathy to treat PCOS cases, but among these, treatment with medicines selected as per the patient’s constitution is what will help cure PCOS.Homeopathic Remedies for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For PCOS

The top 9 homeopathic medicines to treat PCOS are Pulsatilla, Sepia, Calcarea Carb, Natrum Mur, Hepar Sulph, Oleum Jecoris Aselli, Kali Carb, Thuja, and Sabina.

1. Pulsatilla – Top Grade Medicine   

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a natural medicine sourced from the plant ‘wind flower’. It is the top medicine for treating PCOS. The foremost issue that it can help with is irregular and late periods due to hormonal disturbances. It is indicated for cases where periods happen very late, later than the expected date and menstrual flow is also scanty and may be dark and thick. Menses can be painful as well. Besides, it is a wonderful medicine to treat acne associated with menstrual irregularities.

When to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla is a highly recommended medicine for irregular menses, and where the tendency for late periods is there.

How to use Pulsatilla?

The potency of this medicine differs from case to case from low to high. Low potencies like 30C can be taken twice a day. Use of high potency like 200C is limited to once a day. Potencies higher than this including 1M, 10M are also available that are used in infrequent doses and should only be taken after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

2. Sepia – For Irregular Periods, Facial Hair And Pigmentation

Sepia is the next most effective medicine to help cases of hormonal imbalance which results in ovarian cyst. Most prominently its action is to regulate hormonal levels to regularise the menstrual cycle. In general, females needing it tend to have late periods with scanty blood flow. A very characteristic symptom present is a bearing down sensation in the pelvic region as if pelvic organs will be pushed out of the vagina. Sepia is indicated to manage complaints of facial hair. Hair growth is mostly noted over the upper lips and chin. Sepia is also a leading medicine to treat infertility in females. Lastly, Sepia is recommended to manage cases of skin pigmentation (darkening).

When to use Sepia?

This medicine is indicated to treat late and scanty menses. Besides, also remember to use it in cases of facial hair and skin pigmentation.

How to use Sepia?

Sepia is available in different potencies like 30C, 200C and 1M. Among these, the potency varies from case to case but is usually used is 30C potency once a day.

3. Calcarea Carb – To Manage Weight Gain And Heavy Period

It is an important medicine when it comes to manage problem of weight gain. This medicine controls excessive weight gain. Other than this, it is an excellent medicine to manage heavy periods in PCOS cases. The duration of periods may also be prolonged in cases needing it. There may be extreme sensitivity to cold air.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

It is effective in treating periods with heavy bleeding and prolonged duration of periods. It also helps to manage excessive weight gain.

How to use Calcarea Carb?

In the beginning, Calcarea Carb 30C is apt to start with, taken twice a day. Higher potency may also be required in some cases after carefully watching the symptoms, but it is best to consult a homeopathic expert before taking high potency.

4. Natrum Mur – For Managing Hair Fall And Hair Thinning

Natrum Mur is an ideal choice of medicine to manage cases of hair fall and hair thinning. It will control further hair in such cases. Apart from this, it is also indicated to treat the tendency to have late periods. Lastly, it can manage sadness, irritability and headache well.

When to use Natrum Mur?

Use of Natrum Mur can be done in cases of PCOS with hair fall and hair thinning.

How to use Natrum Mur?

Though it works well in various potencies, most commonly used in 6X potency which comes in tablet form. One may take Natrum Mur 6X three to four times a day (4 tablets at a time) as per the severity of hair fall.

5. Hepar Sulph – Manage Your Pimples With This Medicine

Hepar Sulph is an outstanding medicine when it comes to managing pimples (acne). It works very well in cases of acne contains pus (pustular acne). These are attended with a prickling pain. Sometimes blood may ooze from pimples.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

Hepar Sulph is the right choice when it comes to treat acne (more particularly the ones filled with pus) resulting from hormonal imbalance and halt its further spread,

How to use Hepar Sulph?

Take it in 30C potency once or twice a day as per severity of complaint and watch its excellent results.

6. Oleum Jecoris Aselli – Choose It For Managing Hair Growth On Face

One may find this medicine highly suitable when it comes to treating excessive hair growth on the face. It gives good results when hair growth occurs on the chin or upper lip. The hair may be thick. This medicine has a great ability to check unusual hair growth on a woman’s face.

When to use Oleum Jecoris Aselli?  

Oleum Jecoris Aselli, with a short name Oleum Jec, is a very popularly known remedy for managing cases of hair growth on women’s face which develops as a result of hormonal changes in the female body.

How to use Oleum Jecoris Aselli?  

The most commonly used potency of this medicine is 3X. Four tablets of Oleum Jecoris Aselli 3X twice or thrice a day is the right dose to start with.

7. Kali Carb – When Periods Are Late By Several Months 

Kali Carb is a very helpful medicine for cases in which periods are missed for several months (say 3 or more) together. When periods come, they are heavy in nature. It is attended with backache. Before periods, a colicky pain in the lower abdomen may be felt.

When to use Kali Carb?

A female tending to miss periods for many months together like 3 to 4 months can find this medicine quite helpful.

How to use Kali Carb?

This medicine can be taken in 30C potency two times a day to get periods on time.

8.Thuja – For Managing Hair Growth On Face And Skin pigmentation

Thuja is prepared from fresh twigs of plant Arbor Vitae. Use of this medicine is highly considered to manage excessive hair growth on face. Next, it is applicable to manage skin pigmentation. Here, it is  used for brownish discolouration on skin.

When to use Thuja?

This medicine is well indicated to manage excessive hair growth on face as well as brownish skin pigmentation.

How to use Thuja?

Usually, it is advised to take Thuja 30C once a day, but in high potencies like 200C and 1M, infrequent doses are recommended once or twice a week.

9. Sabina – To manage heavy periods

Sabina is a highly beneficial medicine to manage heavy menstrual bleeding. The bleeding is bright red. There may be dark clots in it. Blood may be foul-smelling. There is worsening of bleeding from slight motion. The bleeding may also be prolonged. A characteristic attending feature is pain from the sacrum (a bone formed by the fusion of five sacral vertebrae at the bottom of spine) to the pubes (the lower part of the abdomen in front of the pelvis).

When to use Sabina?

This medicine is suggested for cases of heavy bleeding in PCOS cases.

How to use Sabina?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency twice or thrice a day as per the intensity of the complaint.

Note One may use these medicines for one to two months. To use it beyond that or to change its potency and dose kindly check with a homeopathic practitioner.

Causes Behind PCOS

The exact cause of PCOS is still not clear. There are a few factors however that are believed to play a role in it.

1. It is considered a disease of genetic origin. A woman with a positive family history of PCOS is at a higher risk of developing the same.

2. The main factor is the excessive production of the male hormone androgenby the ovaries.

3. Next is insulin resistanceand excess of insulin (a hormone produced by pancreas that helps body cells to use sugar for energy). In case cells get resistant to insulin, then there is an increase in blood sugar levels. This makes the pancreas produce more insulin. The excessive insulin in turn triggers ovaries to produce more androgen.

4. Another factor is low-grade inflammationdue to high androgen levels.

5. Weight gain, obesity and an inactive lifestyleare other contributory factors.

Signs And Symptoms Of PCOS

1. Menstrual problems: They include

a) Irregular periods that occur from the absence of ovulation due to which the lining of the uterus is not shed every month.

b) Delayed periods, amenorrhea (absence of menses for three or more consecutive months).  Females with this may have less than eight periods in a year.

c) Scanty menses

d) Heavy periods. As the periods do not occur regularly, it results in the building up of uterine lining for long. When the periods occur, they can be heavier than normal.

2. Hirsutism: It means excess hair growth on the faceor other unusual parts of the body. The hair growth may occur on the belly, chest, and back. Hirsutism is due to raised male hormone levels.

3. Acne/pimples may occur due to elevated male hormones that cause skin to become oily. Acne may occur on the face, chest, and back.

4. Hairfall, hair thinning

5. Tendency to gainweight (it is noted in around 80% of these cases) and obesity

6. Skin darkening may appear especially in body folds like the groin, under the breast, armpits, and neck.

7. Mood swings, irritability, and headache may be complained by some from hormonal changes.

These signs and symptoms will have to be supported by hormone tests and other medical investigations for proper diagnosis of PCOS.

How to diagnose PCOS?

In cases where signs and symptoms point towards PCOS, the main first test advised is an ultrasound of the pelvis. In PCOS cases Ultrasound will show the presence of cysts (fluid-filled sacs) in ovaries with the enlargement of ovaries. Next recommended are hormone tests to get to know about hormonal imbalance. These tests are blood tests including FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone), androgens, prolactin, and progesterone.

What Are Its Complications?

The first and very common complication that can arise is infertility (this is because women with PCOS do not have ovulation regularly and as a result, eggs are not released to be fertilized). The second complication that can occur is Type 2 diabetes. The third complication is metabolic syndrome (a combination of conditions that includes high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high LDL, and low HDL). Other complications are miscarriage and premature birth, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.

Pathophysiology Of PCOS

In PCOS, the ovaries of a woman and ovulation are affected. The ovaries are a pair of reproductive organs in women that produce eggs (ovum). The ovaries also produce hormones named estrogen, progesterone, and a small amount of male hormones known as androgens. The ovaries release an egg every month. The process of releasing an egg from the ovary is known as ovulation. Ovulation occurs around the 14th day of a 28-day menstrual cycle. The ovulation is under control of hormones FSH – Follicle stimulating hormone and LH – luteinizing hormone.  Among these, FSH controls follicle (sac-containing egg) production by the ovary and maturation of the egg and surge of LH triggers the release of a mature egg from the ovary.

In the case of PCOS, there is an increase in androgen (male hormone) level. This inhibits the production of hormones by ovaries and the normal development of an egg. In PCOS, fluid-filled sacs/ immature follicles in ovaries that contain an immature egg develop and ovulation doesn’t occur. The absence of ovulation results in altered levels of estrogen, progesterone, FSH, and LH. Additionally, levels of progesterone are low in cases of PCOS.


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  1. Hi dr Sharma , I have a hot burning searing pain in my ovaries and only feels better after I lie on back and take CBD oil to rest / sleep . I wonder what homeopathic would help cool down and relive this searing burning sensation ?? I need relief !! I also have gained weight since foot injury but eat very pure diet and believe it’s hormonal . Thank you !!

  2. Hello,dr
    My age is 38 and been married for 8 yrs still not pregnant, coz of pcos ,I’m having pcos my symptoms are ,irregular period,weight gain,back pain ,mood swings,heavy voice, axne ,iam getting my period in gap of 2 months since November,

    pls suggest medicine for me

  3. Hello Dr
    Iam 16 years old girl suffering from Pcos. I suffer from excessive weight gain, pimples on my face, irregular periods, heavy bleeding for long time, hairfall, dry skin. Which is the best homeopathic medicine for me?please suggest.

  4. shamsulhaq says:

    Pcos ka masla ha jiski waja sy lifte said ran k jor k qareeb sozash hoti ha aur aksar time itni bar jati ha k pori tang Mae dard naqabil e bardash hota ha inj k bagheer khatam he nai hota ha jab k beatny ma b sakht takleef hoti ha

  5. Vasundhra Bhardwaj says:

    Can abroma augusta and ashoka janosia help in pcos ??

  6. Mam kya mai calcrea carb medicine lr skti hu kyunki pcos ki wajah se mera weight gain ho gya h stress rhta h or isi wajah se depression bhi. Plz give me reaponse

  7. Geetanjali says:

    Hi Doctor,
    Can I take Safi srcup along with these homeopathy medicine

    • Pradeep singhal says:

      I am 15yrs girl suffering from pocd in both the ovaries. Is my pocd condition can be cured permanently by taking homeopathic treatment.

      • Fousiya says:

        Dr..lam also suffering from left ovary shows polycystic appearance..and am married and trying to get pregnanat …my period is once in 4 months …but after 1 month 1 get the next period ..ithink its becoz my right ovary is normal…pls help doctor..

  8. Pooja jaiswal says:

    Mujhe endometriosis hai, ovarian cyst 8.2 cm hai dr. Oprate karke dono overy nikalne ko bol rahe hai, Maine abhi ekbar bhi conceive nahi kiya hai. Child nahi hai. Mai bahut perashan hu, please help me

  9. Magandhree Chetty says:

    Hi Dr Sharma
    My daughter Sivashnee 23 has pcos and so do l.She has missed periods for months at a timeand when she does get it,she has experienced severe pains.She was put on Yaz and metformin which she was taking for 2yrs but has since stopped it due to weight gain and irregular periods.She has elevated cholesterol at times.My concern is she’s still young and hasn’t had a child as yet.Can you assist in prescribing meds that regulate her periods and a homeopathic contraceptive as well should she need it..amy oldest daughter also has pcos but with vastly different symptoms.Keshnee is 28 and is about to get married.Shes always maintained a lovely figure until recently,(about 3 months)she’s gained weight.She also experiences very severe pains during menstruation but no missed cycles just short durations and hair growth on her upper lip and lower jawline nd chin.She also stopped the Yaz and is since decided on herbal contraceptives and methods of treatments for the pcos.Please advise further.Thank you in advance.
    Mrs Magandhree Chetty

  10. Hi there,

    I just came across your website when once again researching my daughters symptoms which I now believed are caused by PCOS.

    I’ve been trying to help my daughter for years and I think you may be the answer.

    Please can you help?

    Many thanks,


  11. Sujata says:

    Hi doctor,
    Iam 34 year old , iam having bilateral poly cystic ovaries, and also has little high prolactin level, I have little extra hair on upper lips and near umbilicus, my period cycle is 28-2/4 , it’s little irregular, it will occur 2/4 days before date, menstrual duration is 3-4 days, apart from this I have no other problem, I think this pcos is causing infertility also. Which homeopathy medicine I should take and what should be the dosage and for how long I should consume the medicine.
    Thanks and regards

  12. Piyasi koley says:

    I’m 34 years old….having pcos…don’t be get pregnant for 6 yrs….but I’d a miscarriage before 10 months ago…plz try to solve my problems

  13. Rakesh Sharma says:

    My wife aged 37 years wants to be pregnant
    But her menses are has stopped since 5 months. In ultrasound it is found that there are multiple cysts in her Overy and she has fatty lever
    . Another symptom is that she became of 76 kg.which medicine must be given to her so that she could be pregnant. Doctor advised her to take Abrome-Q and pulsetilla-30.

    • My daughter is 18 years. She has irregular menses. In the USG of abdomen it is identified as PCOD. She gains weight speedly. she is fair and fatty. she has acne all over the body with pain. swets large quantity. moody, irritable and unsatisfied nature, taking too much of salt with food. I gave nat.mur 200 2 doze. she feels very light and better. pl. advise.

    • Mam kya mai calcrea carb medicine lr skti hu kyunki pcos ki wajah se mera weight gain ho gya h stress rhta h or isi wajah se depression bhi. Plz give me reaponse. Mere periods bhut km aate h min 1 day only kafi logo ko painful periods hote h muje to ye nhi pta chlta kb aaye or kb gye m chahti hu k mere periods painful ho tbhi fat km hoga

  14. jyoti mali says:

    hi,i m 21 year old. my name is jyoti mali. i have been diagnosed with pcod last year. i have gained weight(10 kg), bloating, and absence of menses from last 4 months. my thyroid profile is normal. please prescribe a good and effective homoeopathic medicine for regular menses. thanks.

    • Madhumithra says:

      Hi I am madhu ,my age is 19, and I suffered from pcos last 3 years I took contraceptive pills for 3 months I get normal periods after taking the pills and I get some vitamin tablets and omega tablets ,again I get irregular periods,hairloss,weight gain.Recently I take ashoka q tonic for 7 days ,I don’t get any idea for permanent remedy pls help me to get rid of this problem.

  15. Meena Aneja says:

    My daughter 20 years old have been diagonosed with PCOS lat year. She has gained weight, having excess hair growth on chin & upper lips irrgegular periods , excessive hair fall etc. She was prescribed with birth control pills in allopathy. She is now suffering from haemmoroids also. Is there any permanent cure in haemopathy for these two conditions. Pl reply

    • Pls try sepia

    • iam 20 years old weight is 50 kg…i have Been diagnosed with pcos 6 months ago…every one is suggesting that i should not go for a modern treatment as it effects my fertility…so kindly suggest me some homeopathic medicine for irregular periods due to pcos..

  16. Hi Dr. Sharma I am 19 and over a year ago I got an ultrasound showing that I had pcos with cysts of size 5mm. Sometimes I miss a period (once in 4 months) but other then that I do get it but it is sometimes a little late. It usually lasts for a good 3 days and very less after the 3rd day. I also have smelly periods. My height is 5’5 and weight is 59kg. I just bought pulsatilla 200 but plz guide me on the dosage for pcos. I think I am calm in terms of nature (I kind of speak loud though), I keep to myself, I do get a little angry at times

  17. Kiranjeet Kaur says:

    My daughter suffering from pcod,age 25 unmarried, excessive weight.very few hair on head.

  18. drcare homeopathy says:

    Very good Article . thanks for sharing this Information people who are suffering from PCOD problems best option to take homeopathy treatment

  19. Hi I’m 29 year old recently got married suffering from pcod and thyroid got start after marriag. ( 10.3) Due to this reason facing irregular period , want to get treatment for twice baby is it possible. Can homeopathy treat me and can help to fulfil my husband dream of getting twice

  20. Hello Dr,
    I am 27 year old unmarried girl, I face the problem of PCOS and fatty liver from last 3 year. With these disease i face problem of irregular periods, put on weight and hair fall like baldness. Can homeopathy treatment will cure my problems…?

    • Hello Shruti, homeopathy offers an effective treatment for PCOS by moderating the hormonal levels and thereby resolving the associated symptoms like hair fall and irregular periods. Diet regulation and regular walk play a major role in managing problems like weight gain and fatty liver.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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