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Spigelia: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

This medicine is prepared from the dried herb of plant Spigelia Anthelmia, commonly known as ‘pink root’. It belongs to family Loganiaceae. This herb is potentized according to a homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. Then, it becomes a homeopathic medicine Spigelia which treats various health concerns like trigeminal neuralgia, eye pain, headache, and toothache.

The ‘Spigelia’ Constitution

This medicine suits weak and anemic people prone to joint problems. It is also recommended for children who suffer from worm infections, especially Ascarides.

Drug Action

This medicine has a marked affinity to treating health conditions related to nerves, face, eyes, head, teeth, gastric system and heart. Its action is more marked on the left side of the body as compared to the right side.

Clinical Indications

Facial pain, trigeminal neuralgia, headache, migraine, eye pain, glaucoma, squint, earache, tinnitus, jaw pain, toothache, worms, neuralgia, heart complaints

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Face (Facial Pain, Trigeminal Neuralgia)

Spigelia has marked action on the face and proves to be the best medicine in homeopathy to treat facial pain. It is an infallible medicine for treating trigeminal neuralgia (sudden severe shooting or electric shock-like pain on the face from pressure over trigeminal nerve or from its damage/injury). Though it can treat both sides of the face, it is more effective in treating left-sided facial pain. The nature of pain varies from case to case. It can be burning, tearing, electric-like or shooting type. The pain spreads over the left side of the face covering the temple (side) of the head, eye, cheek, and teeth. This entire area becomes sensitive to touch. There is also worsening of pain from stooping and movement and may remain from morning till night. . Pain intensifies with noises, along with watering from eyes and redness on the face.

Key Indicating Features

Left-sided facial pain located over temple (side) of head, cheek, eye and teeth

Trigeminal neuralgia mainly left-sided

2. Head (Headache, migraine)

Spigelia helps to treat headache, migraine and supraorbital headache, especially left-sided headache. The characteristic symptom to use it is pain starting from the left side of occiput (back of head) that spreads over the head and settles over the left eye. The pain is violent and pulsating, throbbing type. Stooping and opening the mouth may increase the pain. There are many other factors that worsen pain, some of which are noise, shaking the head, eye movement, bright light, touch, etc. It may be relieved from applying pressure, taking rest and from cold washing. Spigelia can be administered for treating migraine when pain is marked above the eyes (supraorbital region) on any of the sides. Pain is intense and is throbbing or stitching type. The eye may water and become red on the side affected. Spigelia is a wonderful medicine for supraorbital neuralgia (pain in the forehead above the eyes) mainly on the left side. The pain tends to worsen at the slightest movement.

Key Indicating Features

Left-sided headache that begins from the left side of occiput (back of head) and then comes upward finally settling over the left eye

Migraine with pain located above the eyes

Supraorbital neuralgia (pain in the forehead above the eyes) on left side

3. Eyes (Eyeball Pain, Cluster Headache, Glaucoma, Pterygium, Squint)

The major complaint where spigelia helps is relieving pain in the eyeball. The pain is pressive type and turning the eyes worsens it. It is also helpful when there is sharp, stabbing pain in the eyes going backward. It treats cluster headache (earlier termed as ciliary neuralgia) in which one-sided pain occurs periodically in or around the eyes, occurring regularly for a few weeks or months followed by a pain-free period. In cases needing it, redness, soreness of the eye and excessive watering from eyes is present. Glaucoma (eye condition in which optic nerve gets damaged from increased intraocular pressure) along with pain is yet another indication for using it. Spigelia can also be given for cases of pterygium (pinkish tissue growth on conjunctiva) and squint (strabismus). It is mainly useful for convergent squint in which the eye turns inward towards the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Eyeball pain worsening from eyeball movement

Cluster headache

Glaucoma with pain

4. Ears (Pain And Noises In Ear)

This medicine manages well ear pain and noises in ears (tinnitus). There is pressive type of pain in ear with plugged sensation. It can also be used for stitching type of pain in the ear. The pain can radiate from the ear to various parts of the face like cheeks, jaw, eyes, etc. It may be attended with ear discharge. In case of tinnitus, roaring, ringing or buzzing noises in the ear may be heard. At times, there is difficulty in hearing with a feeling of ears being blocked.

Key Indicating Features

Pressive or stitching type of earache

Tinnitus with roaring, ringing or buzzing noises in the ear

5. Teeth And Jaw (Toothache, Jaw Pain)

It is a highly recommended medicine for managing toothache and pain in lower jaw. It is recommended to manage pain in decayed teeth. Pain can be throbbing, digging, tearing or burning type. It gets worse from exposure to cold air, eating, taking cold drinks and at night. It is attended with pain on the face. A person may get relief from warmth or from taking warm drinks. With its action on jaw, spigelia offers relief in pain of lower jaw. The pain extends from the jaw to the ears and even to the back of the neck. A sensation as if the lower jaw would come out of its joint can occur. Pain is of tearing type. Drinking cold water worsens this pain.

Key Indicating Features

Pain in decayed teeth

Toothache that worsens at night, from cold air exposure, eating, taking cold drinks

Jaw pain that radiates to ear or nape of neck

6. Gastric Issues (Stomach Pain, Anal Itching, Inguinal Hernia, Worms)

Spigelia is capable of treating stomach pain, navel pain, inguinal hernia, anal itching and worms. There is stomach pain that can be of pressive type, or dull stitching type. Pressure, as from hard lump in the stomach, is felt with the pit of the stomach being sensitive to touch accompanied by sour belching. For navel pain, spigelia is used when there is cutting or pinching type of pain. This may be from worm infestation. Loose stool may occur along with passage of offensive gas. The abdomen feels hard and tight. It can be given for cases of worms especially ascarides. It covers well itching, tickling and crawling sensation felt in the anus. Its use is also considered in cases of inguinal hernia (bulging of intestines of fat of abdomen into groin area).

Key Indicating Features

Pressive or dull stitching stomach pain

Cutting pinching pain in navel, especially from worms

Inguinal hernia

Itching and crawling sensation in anus

Worm infestation mainly Ascarides

7. Heart (Palpitations, Stitching Pain In Heart, Pericarditis)

This medicine has a marked action on the heart to manage complaints including palpitations, stitching pain in heart, and pericarditis. For palpitations, it is used when it occurs from bending forward, from the least movement and deep inhalation. There is stitching pain in the heart attended with anxiety which gets worse from the least motion. It is also indicated for pericarditis which is the inflammation of the lining that surrounds the heart. Here, palpitation, difficult breathing and sticking pain are marked.

Key Indicating Features

Palpitations from bending forward, from least motion and deep respiration

Stitching pain in heart attended with anxiety

Pericarditis with palpitations, difficult breathing and sticking pain


Worsening factors: Complaints worsen from noise, touch, motion

Relieving factors: It includes relief by lying with head high on the right side


Use of this medicine is recommended in both low and high potency. The potency is selected depending on various factors like age of person, type and intensity of complaint, duration of complaint. In low potency, one may repeat it frequently but when used in high potency, it should be taken infrequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aurum Met, Camphor, Cocculus Indicus, Pulsatilla

It antidotes: Merc Sol and Colchicum

Followed well by Arnica, Belladonna, Digitalis, Iris Versicolor, Kalmia, Rhus Tox, Zincum Met


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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Eyelid Dermatitis And Its Causes

Eyelid dermatitis refers to a condition in which there is dryness, itching, swelling and irritation on the skin of the eyelids. It is also known as eyelid eczema, periocular dermatitis or periorbital dermatitis. The skin over the eyelids is very thin, delicate and sensitive and can be easily affected by allergens and irritants leading to dermatitis.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing cases of eyelid dermatitis. Homeopathic medicines help in halting further progression of the condition and healing the rash gradually. The medicines help to reduce redness, dryness and scaling on the eyelid. They also manage other associated problems like irritation, itching, burning, stinging and swelling of the eyelid. The most suitable medicine for managing this condition is selected based on the signs and symptoms in every individual case. Homeopathic medicines used for managing this condition are prepared from naturally occurring substances. So these are very safe to use for all age groups.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Eyelid Dermatitis

1. Graphites – Top-grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicines in homeopathy to treat cases of eyelid dermatitis. It is indicated when there are moist eruptions and eyelids are red. Rough and dry eyelids with marked itching also indicate its use. Heated sensation may be felt on the lids. Sometimes swelling is also there, especially on the edges. There is scaling on the eyelid margin which sometimes develops into crusts. Besides, there may be fissures on the eyelids.

2. Sulphur – When Itching, Burning Attends

This medicine is recommended for eyelid dermatitis when itching and burning sensation attend. The lids are dry, red and swollen. Smarting pain accompanies; prickling sensation may also occur that leads to rubbing and scratching. Cutting type of pain may be felt on the margins of the eyelids.

3. Petroleum – For Dry Eyelids

It is the next very useful medicine for managing cases of eczema on various body parts, including eyelids. It gives good results in cases presented with dryness of eyelids, accompanied by itching.

4. Apis Mellifica – For Marked Redness And Swelling Of Lids

It is a prominent medicine for managing marked redness and swelling of the eyelids. There is smarting and burning pain, itching is also felt on the lids. The lids are inflamed and sore. In some cases,  the left side eyelids become thick. Other than this, there may occur scabs on the margin of lids.

5. Mezereum – For Lid Eczema With Thick Hard Scabs

It is prepared from fresh bark (gathered just before flowering in February and March) of the plant Daphne Mezereum, also known as ‘spurge olive’ of Thymelaceae family. It is indicated for cases having lid eczema with thick hard scabs. A gluey discharge may arise from the eruptions. Itching and biting pain on the lid margins may be felt.

6. Bryonia – For Dry Eruptions On Lids

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as ‘wild hops’. This plant belongs to family Cucurbitaceae. It is highly beneficial when there are dry eruptions on the lids, attended with itching and burning mainly on the margins. Inflammation and redness on the eyelids may accompany.

7. Euphrasia – For Red And Dry Eyelid Margins

It is prepared from a plant Euphrasia Officinalis, commonly called ‘eye-bright’. This plant belongs to family Scrophulariaceae. Persons needing it have redness and dryness on the margins of eyelids, along with swelling. Burning sensation is felt on the margins of eyelids which may be red and sensitive to touch. There may be marked itching along with above signs and symptoms.

8. Rhus Tox – For Red, Itchy Lids

This medicine is useful for cases having excessively red and itchy eyelids. A biting sensation is felt on the lids along with the above symptoms.

9. Tellurium – For Lid Eczema With Inflamed, Thickened Lids

It is an important medicine for persons who have inflamed red eyelids. Itching, sometimes accompanied by oozing, is also a symptom.

10. Hepar Sulph – For Eczema With Thick Scabs

This medicine works well in cases with thick scabs on the eyelids. Inflammation, redness and swelling are marked on the upper eyelid. A pressing type of pain attends along with soreness.

11. Medorrhinum – For Irritation, And Pain In Eyelids

This medicine is indicated when there is irritation and pain in eyelids. There is redness and dryness of lids, the upper lids may be swollen. There may also occur soreness and smarting sensation on the edges of eyelids.

12. Kali Sulph – For Crusts On Eyelids

This medicine is valuable for managing cases having crusts on the eyelids. The crusts are thin and yellow. It is a very useful medicine for cases of seborrheic dermatitis.

13. Clematis – For Marked Inflammation Of Eyelid Margins

It is prepared from leaves and stems of the plant Clematis Erecta. It belongs to family Ranunculaceae. It is beneficial when there is inflammation on the margins of the eyelids. Persons who require it have a smarting and burning sensation on the margins of lids.

14. Kreosote – To Manage Itching On Eyelid Edges

This medicine is indicated for managing itching on the edges of eyelids. In some cases needing it, there is swelling of eyelids, along with pinching pain on the edges of eyelids.

What Are Its Types And Causes?

It has main two types – allergic/ atopic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis.

1. Atopic Contact Dermatitis

This medical condition results from an allergic reaction. The immune system overreacts to an allergen resulting in antibody (IgE) production. These antibodies trigger a reaction leading to skin inflammation and other signs and symptoms of allergy. For example, a person having nasal allergy from allergens like pollen may get this type of dermatitis. Allergic reaction may also occur from applying a cosmetic product.

2. Irritant Contact Dermatitis

It arises when some irritating substance comes in direct contact with the skin around the eyelids and causes damage to the outer layer of the skin. Some examples of such substances are soaps, cosmetics used around eyes (like eye liner, eye shadow) and acidic substance. Anyone may suffer from this type of dermatitis, but it is common in people having sensitive skin.

Other than the above, it can be a part of atopic dermatitis. It is a skin condition characterized by skin inflammation along with red, itchy and dry skin. Swelling and cracks may also appear on the skin. It is common in children but may affect people of any age group.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition marked by skin inflammation and flakiness. It usually affects the scalp but may also affect other areas of the body like face, eyelids, eyebrows and the chest.

Another condition that can be associated with eyelid dermatitis is acne rosacea. It is a skin condition that affects the face. It leads to redness on the face along with dilated superficial blood vessels on the face which are visible. It can be attended with pimples, or pus-filled pustular eruptions and swelling.

What Are Its Signs And Symptoms?

Firstly there may occur a red rash, dryness or scaliness on the eyelid, itching may be felt. Pain and swelling may accompany burning and stinging sensation.  The skin of the eyelid may get thickened. The signs and symptoms can appear on one or both eyelids.  The symptoms may occur intermittently or may be persistent, long-lasting and chronic. In some cases, dermatitis is present only on the eyelids but in some, it occurs simultaneously on other body parts as well.

What Are Its Risk Factors?

Persons who don’t maintain proper hygiene of the eyes are prone to it. Persons with a family history of eyelid dermatitis are at risk. Other than this, persons having some allergic condition like nasal allergy, asthma, etc may face this medical condition. The use of certain medicines like beta blockers may also result in eyelid dermatitis. Lastly, people in some specific work like construction work, agriculture are at higher risk.

What Complications Can Occur?

There are some complications that can arise from eyelid dermatitis. It can cause infection of the skin which arises from scratching the eyelids. Infection can enter the eyes through frequent eye rubbing. Other than this, the affected skin may get discolored and thick.


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5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Muscle Pain And Aches

Homeopathic Remedies for muscle pain and aches

Applying an ointment or spraying a pain reliever is the general tendency of almost everyone suffering from muscle pain, medically known as myalgia. However, it only provides temporary relief and the real cause of muscle pain is not addressed. Here’s where homeopathy can be of real help. The natural homeopathic remedies for muscle pain not only provide relief, but also strike at the root of the problem and cure muscle pain effectively. They are also completely safe with no side effects.

Homeopathic Medicines For Muscle Pain

The leading homeopathic medicines for managing muscle pain includes Rhus Tox, Bryonia, Arnica, Ruta, Magnesium Phos and Gelsemium.

1. Rhus Tox – Top-Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is at the top position when it comes to treating muscle pain. This medicine can be used to relieve muscle pain anywhere in the body. The key indication to use it is when muscle pain gets worse at rest but gets better with movement. It is the best medicine to help cases of muscle pain arising from overuse of a muscle, over-straining or over-stretching of muscle, like muscle pain from doing excessive exercise, pain in leg muscles from excessive running, pain in muscles of the arm from carrying heavy weights, neck pain from prolonged working on computers, back pain from heavy weight lifting or a sudden jerky movement and so on. Rhus Tox can be used for pain in any muscle of the body. It is a wonderful medicine for muscular pain, along with stiffness, particularly in the neck which aggravates towards the evening. Secondly, Rhus Tox is a very beneficial for muscle pain and stiffness in the lower back which gets worse on sitting and lying down, but moving about relieves it. It is a leading medicine to help cases of lower back pain due to straining of muscles from heavy weight lifting. This medicine also relieves pain in deltoid muscle (muscle covering shoulder and upper part of outer side of the upper arm) where stitching pain is felt in shoulders while lying down which gets better from movement.

When and How to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine can be used as the first line of treatment in case of muscle pain in any body part. This medicine gives great relief in muscle pain arising from whatsoever reason. Rhus Tox is most frequently used in 30C potency. Initially, it requires frequent repetition and can be taken three to four times a day. Once relief sets in, dose should be reduced. If using in 200C potency, do not take it more than once or twice a day.

2. Bryonia – For Muscle Pain On Movement

Bryonia is a natural medicine sourced from root of plant ‘wild hops’. It is a brilliant medicine for muscle pain treatment. The characteristic symptom to use this medicine is muscle pain which gets worse on movement and better by lying still. It is effective for neck muscle pain and pain in muscles of the lower back. Movement and stooping are not possible. Next Bryonia, is prominently indicated for pain and soreness of abdominal muscles from coughing. Lastly, it offers help for cases of pain in chest muscles.

When and How to use Bryonia?

Bryonia can be given in case of muscle pain during movement, while relief sets in from lying down. It gives excellent results in 30C potency. It can be taken two to three times a day as per the severity of the pain.

3. Arnica – For Sore Painful Muscles From An Injury Or Overexertion

Arnica is the most useful medicine when it comes to treat sore, painful muscles from an injury or overexertion. Muscle injury may occur from a traumatic fall or a blow against something hard. The affected muscle is very tender to touch along with pain. Besides, Arnica is also indicated for muscle pain in case of influenza (a viral infection affecting nose, throat and sometimes lungs).

When and How to use Arnica?

If you have suffered muscle pain from overexertion or an injury, Arnica is the best prescription for you. It is an infallible medicine in such cases bringing relief in pain, along with aiding healing of injured muscle. Take it in 30C potency three to four times a day at a three-hour gap. When pain starts receding, reduce the dose to twice followed by once a day.

4. Ruta – For Muscle Pain Due To Strain (Pulled Muscle)

Ruta is a magnificent medicine to deal with cases of muscle pain from strain, which is overstretching or tearing of the muscle. Muscle pull can occur from using muscle in the wrong way, overuse of muscle, or an accident. Persons needing it feel sore with aching bruised pain in the affected muscle area. This medicine helps in pain relief along with relaxation and healing of the over-stretched muscle.

When and How to use Ruta?

Ruta is most prominently indicated to manage muscle pain arising from overstretching or tearing. 30 C potency of Ruta is the right choice to start with that can be used three to four times a day.

 5. Magnesium Phos – For Muscle Pain From Cramps

Magnesium Phos is the top-listed medicine to relieve muscle cramps – sudden involuntary muscle contraction (tightness). It works well for pain occurring from cramps in any body muscle, especially calves (muscle in the back of lower leg) and feet. In cases needing it, a person complains of cramps from prolonged exertion at night also.

When and How to use Magnesium Phos?

This medicine is the perfect prescription for muscle pain due to cramps. The most frequently recommended potency of this medicine is 6X which comes in tablet form. Magnesium Phos 6X can be used three to four times a day as per intensity of the pain.

 6. Gelsemium – For Muscle Pain Along With Weakness And Heaviness

It is a herbal medicine prepared from root of the plant ‘yellow jasmine’. It is an important medicine to manage muscle pain attended with heaviness and weakness in the affected part. Mostly, it helps with muscle pain in the limbs (arms and legs). The affected muscle area is sore to touch apart from being weak and heavy. It is a highly valuable medicine to manage muscle pain that occurs in influenza cases along with fatigue.

When and How to use Gelsemium?

Use of Gelsemium is suggested when heaviness and weakness in affected area is marked along with muscle pain. Though it works well in both low and high potencies, it is better to begin with low potencies. Gelsemium 30C can be taken twice or thrice a day.

What Are The Causes Behind Muscle Pain?

Muscle pain can be localised in one muscle or a few muscles or generalized, involving muscles all over the body.

Muscle pain can arise from any of the following reasons:

1. Overstretching, overuse / overstraining muscles from excessive physical activity, muscle tension; muscle cramp is the main reason behind muscle pain.

2. Injury or trauma to muscle including strains

3. Certain medical conditions:

a). Fibromyalgia: It is a chronic long-term condition in which there is widespread musculoskeletal pain and tenderness along with other symptoms including fatigue, irregular sleep patterns, loss of concentration and mood swings.

b). Chronic fatigue Syndrome: In this syndrome, a person suffers from extreme fatigue/exhaustion along with unexplained muscle pain, memory issues, loss of concentration and improper sleep

c). Thyroid issues: Muscle pain can occur in both hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).

d). Certain Infections:  like flu (influenza), COVID – 19, Lyme disease

Flu: it is a contagious viral infection affecting nose, throat and lungs.

COVID – 19: It is a highly contagious viral infection caused by SARS – CoV -2 virus

Lyme disease: It is a bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Borrelia which is spread by ticks.

e). Autoimmune diseases (the diseases in which the body’s defence/immune cells start destroying the body’s healthy tissues out of a mistake). These include dermatomyositis and polymyositis.

Dermatomyositis is an inflammatory disease causing a skin rash and muscle inflammation.

Polymyositis is a muscle disease causing muscle inflammation leading to muscle weakness and pain.

f). Polymyalgia rheumatica: It is a chronic inflammatory condition leading to pain and stiffness in muscles, mainly hips and shoulders.

g). Compartment Syndrome: It arises from pressure build-up in a muscle compartment. It results in obstructed flow of oxygen, blood and nutrients to the muscles, nerves and blood vessels resulting in its damage.

4. Electrolyte imbalance: Low potassium or calcium

5. Certain medicines like statins, bisphosphonates, ACE inhibitors

Which muscles are commonly affected with pain?

The pain can involve any muscle of the body but the main muscles that ache are deltoid muscle (muscle covering shoulder and upper part of outer side of the upper arm), muscles of neck, muscles of lower back, calf muscles (muscles of back of leg) and thigh muscles.

What other signs and symptoms can attend muscle pain?

Muscle pain can be attended with stiffness and weakness of the muscle area involved, and sometimes can be attended with fever. In some cases, rashes can appear on the skin. At times, redness and swelling at the affected area is seen denoting infection.

Tips For Muscle Pain Management

1. Give the affected area proper rest

2. Apply ice pack (for 24 to 72 hrs) to relieve inflammation and pain. After about 3 days, apply heat

3. Massage may be helpful

4. Avoid weight lifting till the time muscle pain is completely gone

5. Take enough sleep and reduce stress

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Sarsaparilla Officinalis: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Sarsaparilla Officinalis is derived from the plant Smilax Officinalis also known as ‘wild licorice’. It belongs to family Smilaceae. The dried rhizome of this plant undergoes potentization (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines by which the medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused). It gets converted into a very beneficial homeopathic medicine Sarsaparilla Officinalis. It is an important medicine for managing certain complaints of urinary system, mainly cystitis and kidney stones.

The ‘Sarsaparilla Officinalis’ Constitution

It suits children with enlarged abdomen and have facial contours like an elderly person. Next it suits well persons who are thin, weak and look older than their age.

Drug Action

Main action of this medicine is on the urinary organs, genitals and skin. Besides, it acts on head and limbs as well.

Clinical Indications

Cystitis, kidney stones, bladder stones, kidney pain, nephritis, cracks on hands and feet, skin rash, spermatorrhea, genital herpes, swollen spermatic cord, headache, painful menses, cancer of breast, bone pain, joint pain.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Urinary Organs (Cystitis, Kidney And Bladder Stones, Nephritis, Kidney Pain)

Sarsaparilla acts markedly on urinary system and helps to settle many issues related to it. The main indication to use this medicine is intense pain and burning at the end of urination. The pain may extend from the urethra to the abdomen. There is frequent and ineffectual urge to pass urine. The bladder is sensitive, tender, and distended. Cramps or contractive pain in bladder is felt. Sarsaparilla works well in treating cystitis (inflammation and infection of urinary bladder).  It can handle both recent as well as chronic cases of bladder infection, kidney stones and bladder stones. It is mainly indicated for renal stones with right-side kidney pain that extends downwards. Urine contains red, white or grey sand-like particles. Blood may also pass in urine. Next, it can be given for cases where urine flow is weak and urine passes in thin, feeble stream. A person is able to pass urine freely only in standing position, but it dribbles while urinating in sitting position. Urine is scanty, slimy, turbid, sandy, may have pus and blood. It is also relieves complaint of painful urination in children. The child needing it screams out of pain before and during passing urine.

Key indicating features

Cystitis with pain and burning at the end of urination

Kidney stones with right side kidney pain that extend downwards

Scanty, slimy, turbid, sandy urine, sometimes with pus and blood

Red, white or grey sandy particles in urine

Right-sided kidney pain extending downwards

Painful urination in children with screaming before and during passing urine

2. Skin (Cracks, Skin Rash)

Sarsaparilla has marked affinity to treat various skin issues. The foremost indication to use it is cracked skin on hands, fingers, feet and toes. Cracks can be deep attended with pain and burning sensation.  The cracks are mostly visible on sides of fingers and toes. The skin is also dry and hard. Skin complaints that occur in summers can be magnificently dealt with it. Another indication to use it is skin rashes in spring season. It can also be given for skin rash or eruptions which is dry and itchy from exposure to open air.

Key indicating features

Cracked skin on hands, fingers, feet and toes with pain and burning

Skin complaints occurring in summers

Skin rash in spring season

Skin rash or eruptions from exposure to air

3. Male Problems (Blood In Semen, Herpes, Balanitis, Seminal Emissions)

This medicine can effectively treat some male problems. The most important indication here is blood in semen. Sarsaparilla is prominently indicated for genital herpes (a sexually-transmitted infection caused by herpes simplex virus) when eruptions are present on the prepuce (foreskin which is a skin fold covering head of the penis). It can also be used for balanitis cases in which there is inflammation, redness of glans penis. Another striking feature to use this remedy is seminal emissions along with sexual dreams. Weakness and pain in the back are the other accompanying symptoms. Sarsaparilla acts well to manage itching on scrotum and perineum, after scratching small pimples appear which ooze a moist substance. There is an intolerable offensive odour on genitals. Lastly, it is valuable to manage pain in spermatic cord after emissions or when spermatic cord swells with pain, and sensitivity in case sexual excitement is not satisfied.

Key indicating features

Blood in semen

Herpes infection with eruption on prepuce

Balanitis with red, inflamed glans penis

Seminal emissions with sexual dreams, weakness and backache

4. Female Problems (Cracked Nipples, Scanty Menses, Painful Menses, Breast Cancer)

For females, this medicine is beneficial to heal cracks of nipples, scanty late menses, and painful periods. It is used for late and scanty menses. There may be soreness on thighs and itchy eruptions on the forehead. It is helpful to relieve painful menses. There is pain in lower abdomen, back and thighs, vomiting or loose stool attend it. Sarsaparilla is an important medicine to heal eruptions on face that are worse during menses. As per homeopathic therapeutics, its use is also indicated for managing cases of breast cancer.

Key indicating features

Painful menses with pain in lower abdomen, back and thighs, vomiting, loose stool

Face eruptions worse during menses

5. Head (Headache, Eruptions)

By acting on head, Sarsaparilla can help to manage headache and eruptions on scalp. The characteristic to use it during headache is pain in back of head (occiput) radiating either to eyes or to root of nose. A tight band is felt around head. It can also be given for throbbing pain in the head. Nausea and sour vomiting may attend headache. Use of this medicine is also considered when there are moist eruptions on scalp with pus discharge which causes inflammation wherever it touches. The eruptions are marked on forehead. Scalp is sensitive to touch and falling of hair may be noted.

Key indicating features

Headache when pain from back of head radiates to eyes or to root of nose

Moist eruptions on scalp with pus discharge

6. Limbs (Joint Pains, Bone Pains)

It is mainly indicated to treat joint and bone pains. It is useful for treating stitching pain in joint of arms, hands, fingers, which gets worse from motion. Sarsaparilla is beneficial for managing knee joint pain, attended with swelling, heat and tenderness. Pain can be felt in both knees at the same time or it can alternate between two sides. It gets worse from movement especially going up and down a staircase. Besides, it can check pain in the bones that gets worse at night and in damp weather.

Key indicating features

Stitching pain in joints of arms, hands, fingers that increases from movement

Knee pain with swelling, heat, tenderness, gets worse by going up and down the staircase

Bone pains that get worse at night and in damp weather


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse at end of urination, at night, in cold wet weather, in spring, from touch, motion, before menses

Relieving factors: Complaints are better from warmth and uncovering neck and chest


It can be used from low to high potencies. If using it in low potency, its repetition can be done frequently. But in higher potencies, frequent repetition is usually not recommended.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna, Merc Sol and Sepia

It antidotes: Merc Sol

Followed well by: Allium Cepa, Belladonna, Hepar Sulph, Merc Sol, Phosphorus, Rhus Tox, Sepia and Sulphur


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Rhododendron Chrysanthum: Homeopathic medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Fresh leaves of the plant ‘Rhododendron Chrysanthum’ undergo potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties from a crude substance) to obtain the medicine Rhododendron Chrysanthum. It is one of the best medicines to manage hydrocele (swelling of scrotum from fluid collection in the sheath surrounding testicle) and orchitis (inflamed testicles).

The ‘Rhododendron’ Constitution

This medicine is good for persons predisposed to joint problems. It is also apt for people who are fearful of thunder and storms.

Drug Action

It is predominantly a male remedy that has a prominent action on male genitals. But its action is just not limited to this as it also acts wonderfully on bones and joints as well. Besides these, it acts well on fibrous tissues, eyes, ears, face and back.

Clinical Indications

Hydrocele, orchitis, joint inflammation (arthritis), ciliary neuralgia, neck pain, noises in ears, earache, facial pain, back pain, bone pains.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Male Problems (Hydrocele, Testicle Pain, Orchitis, Balanitis)

Rhododendron Chrysanthum has a marked affinity to treat a number of male problems. It is highly recommended to treat cases of hydrocele (scrotum is swollen from the collection of fluid in the sheath present around testicle). It can manage hydrocele affecting any age group, even boys suffering hydrocele since birth. Rhododendron manages cases of orchitis (inflamed testicles) well in which there is swelling and pain in testicles. The pain can be bruised or drawing type; it may extend to abdomen and thighs. Sometimes contusive sort of pain (as from injury) is felt. Pain gets relieved by movement. Testicles may also be tender to touch. It is also well indicated for swollen and hard testicles after gonorrhoea (sexually-transmitted infection caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae). Another complaint where it gives good results is balanitis (inflammation of glans penis). Its use is also indicated for drawing pain in spermatic cord. It worsens from rest and gets better from movement. Other indications include itching of scrotum, weak erection, low sex drive, involuntary emissions at night with sexual dreams.

Key indicating features

Hydrocele to manage swelling and pain in testicles

Testicle pain of bruised or drawing type that may extend to abdomen and thighs

Orchitis and balanitis

2. Joints (Joint Inflammation, Pain And Swelling)

This medicine also shows action on joints where it helps cases of inflamed, swollen and painful joints. The unique feature to use it is worsening of joint pains in stormy weather. The pain also tends to increase at rest. Most commonly involved joints are shoulder, wrists and joints of arms. It also treats inflammation of small joints. Shoulder pain is relieved by warmth and pressure. Wrist feels as if sprained or bruised. It can also be given for knee and ankle joint pain, especially stitching type of pain. It treats tearing type of pain in limbs on the right side. In some cases, weakness and tingling sensation occurs in few joints. Rhododendron also works on inflammation of joint of big toe caused by gout due to increased uric acid level.

Key indicating features

Joint pains in stormy weather

Inflammation of joint of big toe due to gout

3. Bones (Bone Pain)

With its action on bones, it manages well pain in periosteum (membrane covering the bones except at joint surface) of long bones. Pain can be tearing or drawing type occurring on particular spots on the bones. Weather changes worsen the complaint. It is also useful for hip bone pain, especially at night. Apart from these, it offers help to manage pain in skull bones.

Key indicating features

Pain in periosteum of long bones

4. Face (Facial Pain)

This medicine is also applicable to manage complaint of facial pain. The pain is felt from side of head (temple region) to lower jaw and chin. Pain mostly affects the right side of the face. The pain worsens in windy weather and weather changes. Nature of pain is drawing, tearing or violent jerking type. There may be relief from eating, warmth also brings relief.

Key indicating features

Right-sided facial pain from temple to chin

Facial pain worsening from weather changes and in wind weather

5. Eyes (Eye Pain, Ciliary Neuralgia)

Rhododendron Chrysanthum manages burning type of pain in eyes while writing or reading. Dryness and burning in eyes may also occur from exposure to bright light. It can also be given for darting type of eye pain. One may also find it useful for ciliary neuralgia (cluster headache in which pain attacks around eyes are felt every day for one or two months followed by pain-free period of several months). It also provides relief in red, swollen eyelids attended with irritation.

Key indicating features

Burning pain in eyes, worse from writing, reading and bright light

Ciliary neuralgia with pain in eyeball, orbit and head

6. Ears (Pain, Noises In Ears)

It is an important medicine for cases of tinnitus (noises in ears). Ringing, buzzing, whizzing noises especially indicate its use. Vertigo and difficult hearing occurs along with noises. Hearing is better in the morning. In cases of earache also, Rhododendron Chrysanthum works well. Persons needing it mainly have right-sided ear pain. It is jerking, twitching, and tearing type.

Key indicating features

Tinnitus with vertigo and hearing difficulty

Ringing, buzzing, whizzing noises in ears

 7. Limbs (Achilles Tendon Pain, Weakness/ Heaviness/ Tingling In Arms, Corns)

Rhododendron Chrysanthum is effective for pain in the Achilles tendon (tough fibrous band that connects calf muscle to heel bone) while stepping. Secondly, it works well when weakness and heaviness is felt in arms which may radiate to fingertips. Tingling in arms may accompany. These symptoms appear during rest or sleep. This medicine also covers complaint of sleep sensation in legs and feet. Swollen legs and feet also indicate its use. The feet may be very cold even in warm room. It is beneficial for deltoid muscle pain (overuse injury) which increases from movement. It can also be used in cases of corns on feet. Shooting pain is felt in corns.

Key indicating features

Pain in Achilles tendon on stepping

Weakness/heaviness/tingling in arms during rest or sleep

Corns on feet with shooting pain

8. Neck And Back (Stiff Neck, Pain In Neck, Lower Back Pain)

It is a prominent medicine for managing stiff neck. Stiffness worsens in the morning, especially on the neck which also bears drawing or tearing type of pain. Tearing pain may radiate down the back. Pain between shoulder blades sometimes is present too. Rhododendron Chrysanthum is also effective for treating lower back pain. Sitting increases the pain, exertion is another factor that intensifies the pain. A person also complains of pain worsening in wet, cold weather. The back may feel heavy and weak. Formication (crawling sensation) in the back is another attending symptom.

Key indicating features

Neck stiffness in the morning

Lower back pain from exertion, when sitting, in cold, wet weather


Worsening factors: Complaints worsen before a storm, during windy or cloudy weather, on approach of thunderstorm, from change of weather.

Relieving factors: There is relief during sunshine, warmth, from exercise


This medicine works well in both low and high potencies. In low potency, one may take it frequently but in high potency, frequent repetition is not recommended.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Bryonia, Camphor, Clematis and Rhus Tox

Followed well by: Arnica, Conium, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Silicea and Sulphur


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Swelling On The Face? Best 10 Homeopathic Medicines, Causes And Concerns

Facial swelling can arise from minor causes that are easily treatable or can be a symptom of a serious medical problem that needs urgent medical help. Depending on the cause, there are some visible signs and symptoms that can attend facial swelling, like pain, redness and burning sensation on the face, and fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is helpful in managing cases of facial swelling with natural medicines. These medicines stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanism to recover wonderfully. They go deep into the root cause of the issue to bring effective cure. Homeopathic medicines for facial swelling are recommended only in mild cases. It is strictly advised to take homeopathic medicines under supervision of a qualified homeopathic practitioner. In no case should self – medication be done. If there is a serious cause (like kidney failure, heart ailment), it is advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Facial Swelling

1. Apis Mellifica – Top-grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for managing facial swelling. Persons who need it have swelling and redness on the face. They have marked burning sensation on the face attending it. Along with this, one feels intense stinging pain on the face. Mostly right side of the face is affected when this medicine is required. The face looks pale and waxy. Puffiness is marked under the eyes in persons needing Apis Mellifica. Hives (eruptions) with itching, burning and stinging sensation may be present on the face. It is one of the best medicine for angioedema and bee sting. Wash the face with cold water brings relief.

2. Belladonna – For Facial Redness, Swelling, Heat

This medicine is prepared from a plant known as ‘deadly nightshade’. It is very effective for treating cases of facial swelling with red, hot and shiny face. There may be excessive sweating on the face with tearing pain in the face especially on the right side.  Swelling on the upper lip is marked. Cheeks may also be swollen with burning pain. It is a very suitable medicine for sinusitis also.

3. Calcarea Carb – For Pale Puffy Face

This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is pale and puffy face. The eyes are sunken surrounded with blue rings. Calcarea Carb is also indicated for tearing pain in the cheeks followed by swelling. The facial pain tends to get worse from exposure to cold air. It is one of prominent medicine for treating hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).

4. Hepar Sulph – For Swelling Of Face With Vesicular Eruptions

This medicine works well in cases of swollen face with vesicular (fluid-filled) eruptions on the face. There can be burning sensation across the face. There is tearing pain that begins from the cheeks and extends to the ear or temporal region i.e. sides of the head.

 5. Merc Sol – For Swollen Cheeks With Pain In Teeth

It is a very effective medicine for cases of swollen cheeks along with toothache and increased salivation.  Persons needing it may also have red cheeks along with puffy, bloated face.  They can have tearing or lacerating pain on the face which is hot. There may be eruptions on the face, which bleed when scratched, with offensive discharge and itching.

6. Rhus Tox – For Swelling Mainly Around Eyelids And Ears

This medicine is suitable when there is marked swelling on the eyelids and the ears. The face is red with burning sensation. There can be moist eruptions on the face along with thick scabs in cases needing it.

7. Arsenic Album – For Swelling Of Upper Lip And Below Eyelids

This medicine is valuable for managing cases in which there is swelling of the upper lip and area below the eyelids. In cases requiring it, stinging pain in the face is also felt. Itching of the face may also be present.

8. Aconite – For Swollen Lower Jaw And Lips

It is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as ‘monkshood’. It is a useful medicine for swelling of the lower jaw and lips. The lips are dry, black or blue along with peeling of the skin. Burning and tingling sensation in the lips can attend, besides pain on the face.

9. Chamomilla – For Left-Sided Facial Swelling

This medicine is prepared from the plant Matricaria Chamomilla. This plant belongs to family Compositae. It is helpful for cases in which there is left-sided facial swelling. There is pain on the face, which appears bloated and puffy, along with heat and redness of the cheeks.

10. Arnica – For Right-Sided Facial Swelling

It is prepared from a plant Arnica Montana having common name ‘leopard’s bane’ or ‘fallkraut’. It is beneficial for persons with right-sided facial swelling, especially around the cheeks. It is accompanied by throbbing and pinching pain. In some cases needing it, stinging pain is felt in cheeks. Dry heat in the face towards the evening is also felt which extends to the ears.

What Are The Causes Behind Facial Swelling?

The reasons behind it are variable.

Firstly, it can arise from sinusitis ( inflammation of paranasal sinuses due to allergy or bacterial viral infection). It can cause swelling around the nose, eyes or the cheeks causing pain. Other attending symptoms include  headache, stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, poor sense of smell, fever, cough and weakness.

Second cause is a tooth infection. A person having an infection in gums or teeth can experience swelling, pain and tenderness along the jawline.

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is yet another reason behind facial swelling. A person has puffy and swollen face along with other signs and symptoms, like weight gain, fatigue, feeling cold, constipation, depression, skin dryness and weakness in the muscles.

Next cause is allergic conjunctivitis (eye inflammation due to a reaction to allergens like dust, pollen and pet dander). Its signs and symptoms include redness and itching in the eyes which may be puffy or watery.

Facial injury is also one of the reasons.

Another cause is cellulitis. It leads to swelling in the affected part of the skin along with redness and pain. Fluid may ooze out from the skin in some cases. The affected area is hot and tender to touch sometimes. Fever and chills can attend which indicates a serious infection. It is a medical emergency that needs prompt treatment under conventional mode.

Other causes include angioedema and anaphylaxis. 

Angioedema is a severe form of swelling that occurs under the surface of the skin due to an allergic reaction to allergens (like food product, insect bite, etc). A characteristic symptom is hives (raised, itchy raised bumps known as wheals that develop on the skin) that may be accompanied by stinging and burning sensation.

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that needs urgent medical help because if not treated immediately can prove fatal. Its symptoms include facial swelling, breathing difficulty, swelling in throat and the mouth, rapid heart rate, a dip in blood pressure and loss of consciousness.

Another reason for swelling on the face is Cushing’s syndrome which is a disorder that arises from excessive production of cortisol hormone in the body. It may result from a drug allergy (use of anticonvulsants, antibiotics like penicillin) which is a medical emergency.

A condition called preeclampsia can arise during pregnancy that can cause swelling of the face.  This condition needs immediate medical treatment because it can prove fatal if not attended immediately. Its signs include high blood pressure and high protein level in urine. Other symptoms are swelling of the hands, headache, vision changes, pain in the upper abdomen, reduced urine output and nausea or vomiting.

Actinomycosis, a rare but long-term bacterial infection in which sores and abscesses appear in the soft tissue of the body may also lead to facial swelling.

Lastly, it can also be a sign of vital organ failure of heart, liver or kidneys.


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Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies for Joint Pains

homeopathic remedies for joint pains

Pain in the joints is a very common complaint, ranging from mild to severe intensity, which can incapacitate a person from doing daily chores. The joint pain can be attended with other signs and symptoms such as stiffness, swelling, redness, heat, and decreased movement of the joints.

Homeopathy offers a highly commendable and side-effect-free treatment for cases of joint pains. As joint pains can arise from different causes like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, etc, homeopathy gives excellent relief by treating the root cause. Homeopathic medicines help to relieve joint pain along with managing other associated signs and symptoms like stiffness, swelling, redness, and heat in joints. These medicines aim to halt further inflammation of joints as well as prevent further joint damage. Homeopathic medicines not only work to provide relief in joint pains but also aim to cure the condition in the long run. In conventional treatment painkillers, NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), DMARDs (disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs), and steroids are used as per the case demands. These medicines may have side effects from long-term use and may create dependency.

Homeopathy is effective for acute/chronic joint pain

Be it acute or chronic joint pain, homeopathy gives equally good results in both. It provides prompt relief in joint pains and its attending symptoms. In chronic cases, it reduces the frequency and the intensity of joint pain. With timely use of these medicines, the deformities and other complications related to joint pain and inflammation can also be prevented in most cases.

Symptomatic homeopathic medicine prescription

Homeopathic remedies for joint pains are selected on a symptomatic basis in every individual case. A thorough case-taking with in-depth symptom collection followed by proper evaluation is done to decide a homeopathic prescription for any case of joint pain. This individualized medication carries great scope to treat joint pains. In mild to moderate cases of joint pains, there are high chances of bringing a cure. However, in severe cases with deformities and other complications, relief of joint pain can be brought about but the damage already done to the joint cannot be reversed.

Homeopathic remedies are safe and natural

Homeopathy uses natural medicines mostly obtained from plants to treat joint pains, hence are very safe to use. These do not cause any adverse effects as they lack any type of chemicals or toxins in it. One can use these without any fear of side effects.

Homeopathy is suitable for persons of all age groups

Homeopathy suits persons of all age groups like children, adults, and the elderly. The set of homeopathic medicines for joint pain is similar for all age groups. But only the potency and the dose differ from person to person.

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Joint Pains

The top six medicines for treating joint pains are Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba, Arnica Montana, Actaea Spicata, Colchicum Autumnale and Pulsatilla.

1. Rhus Tox –  For Joint Pain Worse At Rest and Better On Movement

Rhus Tox is a physician’s first choice of prescription in cases of joint pain. It is prescribed when the joint pains are the most severe during rest and also on initial movement. However, it gets better after continuous movement. Although there are a number of other medicines that treat this symptom, no other medicine does it better than this medicine.

In patients who are in need of Rhus Tox, they complain of heat, swelling and stiffness in joints along with pain. Rhus Tox is also highly suitable to treat joint pains which are a result of overstraining, sprain and injuries.

When to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine is the best choice when joint pains are worse from rest and better from movement.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, initially 30C potency is good to go. Rhus Tox 30C can be taken three to four times a day as per the intensity of the symptom. Keep away from using its high potencies without consulting a homeopathic physician.

2. Bryonia Alba – For Joint Pain Worse By Movement and Better At Rest

Bryonia Alba, though placed in the second position, is just as effective as Rhus Tox, but the symptoms a person shows are different. Bryonia Alba is chiefly recommended when the pain increases by even the slightest movement and is relieved by complete rest. The joint pain may be stitching (local, sharp, sudden pain) or tearing (intense) type. Along with pain, joints can be red, hot, and swollen.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

It is indicated for cases of painful, red, swollen joints with worsening of joint pain by movement and relief by rest.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

Though it can be used in low or high power, it is mostly used in 30 C power. Bryonia 30C can be taken twice or thrice a day.

3. Arnica Montana – For Joint Pain After Injury; Overstrained Joints

Sourced from the plant ‘leopard’s bane’, it is the most prescribed medicine to manage joint pain from injury or overstrained joints. Persons needing it usually complain of sore bruised pain in joints as if beaten. They fear touching the affected joints because of intense soreness.

When to use Arnica Montana?

This medicine is apt for cases of joint pain with sore bruised pains following an injury.

How to use Arnica Montana?

It can be used in 30C potency three or four times a day initially, gradually decreasing the dose once relief sets in.

4. Actaea Spicata – For Pain In Small Joints, Especially Wrist

This natural remedy sourced from the root of the plant ‘baneberry’ is highly effective for pain in small joints, especially the wrist. The wrist becomes swollen and red with pain. It is also beneficial for relieving pain in other small joints as well, including ankles, fingers, and toes.

When to use Actaea Spicata?

It is best-indicated medicine for pain in small joints including the wrist, fingers, toes, and ankles. Pains are worse from touch and motion.

How to use Actaea Spicata?

One may use this medicine in 30C potency, once or twice a day for good results.

5. Colchicum Autumnale – For Joint Pain Caused By Gout

It is one of the best remedies for treating joint pain due to gout (joint Inflammation from high uric acid levels). It can be given to treat pain in any joint, but mostly helps if there is pain in the big toe due to high uric acid. There is unbearable pain if touched and the pain aggravates in the evening.

When to use Colchicum Autumnale?

Use of this medicine may be considered in cases of joint pains occurring from increased uric acid levels (gout).

How to use Colchicum Autumnale?

It may be used in 30 C potency once or twice a day.

6. Pulsatilla – For Shifting Type Of Joint Pains

Pulsatilla is a highly suitable medicine for managing shifting types of joint pains. In cases needing this medicine, the pain keeps moving from one joint to another quite rapidly. The joints feel beaten and are red and swollen too. There is worsening of pain from movement and also at night time.

When to use Pulsatilla?

Its use is highly suggested to manage shifting type of joint pains when pain keeps shifting from one joint to another quickly.

How to use Pulsatilla?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency once a day. Avoid using its high potencies without the doctor’s recommendation.

Note: You may take any of these medicines for 3 to 4 weeks’ time. To use it beyond that or to use it in potencies higher than above-recommended potencies, consult a homeopath.

What Causes Joint Pains?

Joint pains can occur due to various reasons as summed below:

1. Rheumatoid arthritis

It is an auto-immune disorder that causes pain, stiffness, swelling and decreased movement of the joint. An auto-immune disorder means damage to the body’s own healthy tissues by the immune cells out of a misdirected response. In rheumatoid arthritis, the lining of the joints is affected which can slowly lead to bone erosion and deformity. This disease tends to involve small joints (fingers in the majority of the cases) on both sides initially, and large joints may get affected with time. Joint deformity can appear in later stages. Primarily, it affects joints but later on can also affect other organs like eyes, lungs, heart, and skin as well. The most important symptom is stiffness in the joints on waking up in the morning lasting for an hour after which it gradually eases. Other symptoms are pain, swelling, warmth, and tenderness in joints.

2. Osteoarthritis

It causes degeneration of the joints that occurs from wear and tear of the protective cartilage present at the end of the bones. Cartilage covers the surface of bones where they meet to form a joint. The cartilage in joints functions to allow smooth gliding movement of bones as the joint straightens or bends. Osteoarthritis mainly affects the knees, hips, hands, and spine. The symptoms of osteoarthritis include pain in joints, stiffness, swelling and tenderness at the joint, grating sensation when the affected joint moves, and decreased movement of the joint. Bone spurs (extra tiny outgrowth of bones over the end of bones) may form around affected joints.

3. Gout

It refers to the inflammation of joints that arises due to the accumulation of urate crystals in joints when uric acid levels increase in blood. It results in swelling, pain, redness and tenderness of joints, especially the big toe.

4. Injuryis also a common cause of joint pain. It can result from overuse of the affected joint, overstrained joint, sprains (caused by overstretching or tearing of ligaments that connect two bones in a joint), or fracture.

5. Ankylosing spondylitis

It is a type of arthritis (joint inflammation) affecting the joints of the spine. The most common joint involved in it is the sacroiliac joint (joint between the base of spine and pelvis). The main symptoms are pain and stiffness in the lower back and hips. The pain is worse in the early morning and after periods of inactivity.

6. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis

It is a type of arthritis that affects children under the age of 16 years. It causes joint pain, stiffness and swelling, and in some cases fever and rash on the trunk (any part of the body excluding limbs, neck, face, and head)

7. Bursitis

It refers to inflammation of the bursa (small fluid-filled sacs that cushion bones, muscles, and tendons near joints). It mostly affects the shoulders, hips, elbows and knees. It causes pain in the joint (pain worsens from pressure or movement), stiffness of joint and swelling, and redness over the joint.

8. Tendinitis

It means inflammation of tendons (bands that connect bones and muscles). It mainly happens from overuse and mostly affects heels, elbows and shoulders.

9. Avascular necrosis (AVN)

It refers to dead bone tissue resulting from a lack of blood supply. Though anyone can be affected by it, excessive use of steroids in high doses over a long time and excessive alcohol intake puts a person at risk. Though it can affect any bone, the head of the femur (a bone in the thigh) is the most commonly involved bone. In the early stage of AVN (Avascular necrosis), no symptoms may appear. As AVN progresses to further stages, pain in the affected joint begins usually on putting weight on it, later the pain may be even felt on lying down.

What Are The Symptoms?

Along with pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joint. A grating sensation (harsh sound) on the movement of the joint may be felt at times. The affected joint may be sore from the inside and tender to touch from the outside which restricts the movement of the joint. This can lead to chronic joint deformities. If any kind of joint pain becomes severe, day-to-day activities get hindered. Due to joint pains, like rheumatoid arthritis, other organs like eyes, kidneys, and heart can also get affected and lead to complications.

Who is at risk?

Though joint pains can affect anyone, some factors increase the risk:

A person with a family history of joint pains is at high risk

Injury to any joint

Overuse of joints


How to diagnose the cause of joint pains?

To diagnose the cause behind joint pains a detailed medical history, and physical examination followed by investigations are required. The investigations suggested include blood tests and imaging techniques varying from case to case as per the suspected cause. Among these initially, some blood tests are recommended. These include ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and CRP (C-reactive protein) both of which check for the intensity of inflammation, some tests to rule autoimmune disorders that might cause joint pain like rheumatoid factor, Anti CCp (anti-citrullinated protein antibody), ANA (antinuclear antibodies) test and also uric acid test (to check for gout).  Imaging techniques like X-ray of joint, MRI, and CT scan might be recommended afterward as per the case needs.


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Homeopathic Treatment for Sprained Ankle

What is a Sprained Ankle?

A sprain refers to twisting, overstretching, wringing or tearing of ligaments. A ligament is a tough fibrous tissue band that connects two bones in a joint and stabilizes the joint. Of all the joints in the body, the ankle joint is the most prone to sprains. A sprained ankle is one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries. The ankle connects the foot to the lower end of the leg. Three bones (tibia, fibula and talus), many tendons, ligaments, and muscles collectively form the ankle joint.

Homeopathic Treatment For Sprained Ankle

Homeopathic treatment for sprained ankle involves internal healing. These medicines help to heal the torn ligaments and promote complete recovery. They are also administered to help reduce pain and swelling in the ankle. Homeopathy can also treat chronic cases of sprain. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases of ankle sprains. In severe cases involving complete tearing of ligaments, it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Sprained Ankle

The highly recommended homeopathic medicines for sprained ankle include Arnica Montana, Ruta Graveolens, Rhus Tox, Ledum Pal and Bellis Perennis.

1. Arnica Montana – First Line Of Treatment In Sprained Ankle

This natural remedy sourced from plant ‘leopard’s bane’ should be used as the first remedy to treat a sprained ankle. This medicine helps to relieve pain and soreness in ankle. Along with this it also works in reducing swelling and redness.  Lastly, it helps to heal bruised (blackish/bluish discoloration from damaged blood vessels under skin) ankle joint.

When and How to use Arnica Montana?

In case of sprained ankle, Arnica should be given in the first place to reduce pain and swelling. Arnica 30C can be used three to four times with a three-hour gap.

2. Ruta Graveolens – For Ligament Healing And Managing Pain & Swelling

Ruta prepared from plant ‘garden rue’ has a magnificent action on ligaments. This medicine helps in healing injured ligaments. It helps to bring pain relief and reduce swelling of ankle. In cases where ankle joint has become weak and lameness (unable to walk correctly due to injury) is experienced, this medicine can prove very effective.

When and How to use Ruta Graveolens?

This medicine should be given in every case of sprained ankle. This medicine works two ways – it helps to promote ligament healing and alleviate pain, and reduce swelling of ankles. After taking few doses of Arnica 30, one may start Ruta 30C. This medicine should be used about three to four times a day. When relief sets in,  one may reduce the dosage.

3. Rhus Tox – To Relieve Ankle Stiffness

It is another top-listed medicine having prominent action on ligaments. It is well indicated to manage stiffness of ankle joint. It also manages pain and lessens swelling of ankle. Rhus Tox can also be considered in cases of arthritis (joint inflammation) of ankle that may occur as a complication of sprained ankle.

When and How to use Rhus Tox?

Rhus Tox should be used in cases having stiffness in ankle along with pain and swelling. Though it can be used in different potencies, for ankle sprains it is recommended to take it in 30C potency. Rhus Tox 30C can be taken twice or thrice a day as per intensity of symptoms.

4. Ledum Palustre – For Ankle Pain On Stepping

This natural medicine is sourced from plant ‘wild rosemary’. It offers the best help when there is intolerable pain in ankle on stepping (putting pressure on feet to walk). There is marked swelling on the ankle. Also recommended for persons who have a tendency of repeated spraining of ankles, this medicine strengthens ligaments to prevent frequent spraining .

When and How to use Ledum Palustre?

Those who feel ankle pain while stepping up or down due to a sprained ankle should go with this medicine. Ledum Palsutre 30 C can be taken two or three times a day for good results.

 5. Bellis Perennis – To Reduce Intense Soreness

Bellis Perennis is prepared from plant ‘english daisy’. It has remarkable action on ligaments. It is highly effective in cases having intense soreness (pain in the affected area on touching) in cases of sprains. In cases needing it, contracted sensation as from an elastic band around the sprained joint is felt as well.

When and How to use Bellis Perennis?

In cases of sprained ankle, this medicine should be considered to reduce intense soreness at the ankle joint. Bellis Perennis 30C can be used two to three times a day initially. When soreness decreases you may reduce its dosage.

Note  One may use the above homeopathic medicines for about one to two weeks in case of mild to moderate ankle sprain cases. If symptoms persist, consult homeopathic physician for further evaluation and prescription.

 What are the Reasons and Risk Factors that Lead to a Sprained Ankle?

Overstretching of the ankle ligaments far beyond their normal range of motion is the primary cause of a sprain. The ligament may be partially or entirely torn according to extent of injury. Walking on uneven ground, a mis-step; playing sports like football, soccer, and tennis; wearing high-heeled shoes, a fall or accidentally stepping on someone’s ankle while running or playing, are some risk factors.

Are there Different Types Of Ankle Sprains?

There are two different types of ankle sprains – ‘inversion ankle sprain’ and ‘eversion ankle sprain.’

1. In inversion type of ankle sprain, the foot gets twisted inwards while the outer ligaments are stretched too far, resulting in pain on outer side of ankle.

2. In eversion type of ankle sprain, the foot gets twisted outwards. This causes the inner ligament to stretch too far and causes pain on the inner side of the ankle.

What Are The Grades/Degrees Of Sprained Ankle?

There are three grades of sprained ankles depending on the amount of damage that the ligaments have suffered.

Grade 1: A mild ankle sprain where the ligament gets stretched but not torn, causing mild pain, swelling and stiffness around the ankle.

Grade 2: A moderate sprain where there is partial tearing of the ligament, causing moderate pain and swelling

Grade 3: A severe sprain wherein the ligament gets completely torn, resulting in intense pain and excessive swelling with loss of motion.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of A Sprained Ankle?

The main symptom of a sprained ankle is pain and tenderness of the ankle joint. There is pain in the ankle when weight is borne by the foot, besides swelling. Bruising (black or blue discoloration due to bleeding under skin from damaged blood vessels) on ankle joint may be seen. Walking becomes difficult as the range of movement at the ankle joint becomes restricted.

Complications Of Sprained Ankle

In some cases, complications may arise if ankle sprain is not treated adequately on time or if certain physical  activities (like excessive walking, jumping, and running) are started before complete healing of ligaments, or ankle is sprained more than once. These can lead to ankle joint instability, long-term ankle pain and arthritis (joint inflammation) of ankle joint.

How much time does it take for an ankle sprain to heal?

It depends on the grade of ankle sprain. Grade 1 sprain usually heals within three to five weeks’ time. Healing time of grade 2 sprain varies between four to six weeks. Grade 3 sprain may take several months (approximately three to six) to heal.

Management Tips For Ankle Sprain

1. Take rest to keep off stress and pressure on ankle

2. Ice application to reduce swelling, redness and warmth

3. Elevation of ankle above heart level to control swelling

4. Bandaging ankle to immobilize the ankle and reduce swelling

Tips to prevent ankle sprain

1. Wear properly fitted shoes and limit use of high-heel shoes

2. Be very careful while walking or running on uneven surfaces

3. Warm up and stretch before exercise or sports activities

4. Exercise regularly to maintain good muscle strength


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Ledum Palustre: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Ledum Palustre is a natural homeopathic medicine derived from plant ‘wild rosemary’, also known as ‘marsh tea’. It belongs to family ericaceae. The dried small twigs and leaves of this plant collected after flowering begins undergo potentization process. Its medicinal properties are extracted and intensified and as a result we get a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Ledum Palustre. This medicine is of great benefit in treating joint pains, insect bites, bee stings and injuries (mainly punctured wounds caused by sharp objects).

The ‘Ledum Palustre’ Constitution

Ledum Palustre acts best on persons who suffer from joint inflammation. It suits people who feel cold and chilly most of the time. Lastly, its use is prominently indicated for those having history of alcohol abuse.

Drug Action

The main action of this medicine is on joints, tendons and skin. Rest of the body parts where it manifests its action includes eyes and face.

Clinical Indications

Joint complaints, gout, ankle sprain, ankle swelling and pain, insect bites, bee stings, injuries, punctured wounds, bruises, ecchymosis, whitlow, felon, carbuncle, black eye and facial eczema.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. For Joint Pains/Ankle Sprain

Ledum Pal is a magnificent medicine for managing joint complaints. It has shown great clinical improvement in cases of joint pain. The characteristic feature to use it is joint pain starting in the lower limb and then ascending upwards. The joints are swollen, hot, and tense and look pale. Stinging or drawing type of pain occurs in joints. It gets worse from movement and warmth in bed. Pain also increases in intensity in the evening and night. Ice water application relieves pain. Ledum Pal is also successfully used for treating gout (inflammation of joints due to high uric levels). It works well mainly for pain in foot, toes, and hands and in small joints. It is attended with cracking in joints. Nodes are present on joints with high uric acid levels. Next, it has marked action where it is extensively used for ankle pain and swelling or ankle sprain (overstretching, twisting or tearing of ligaments which are cords of tough fibrous tissue that connect one bone to another). Cases with tendency of easy spraining of ankles can be handled wonderfully with this remedy. It can also be given for shoulder joint pain. Mainly it is indicated for stitching pain in shoulder, it gets worse by raising the arm. Pressure is felt with pain in the shoulders that increases with any kind of motion. Its action is well marked on knee joint as well. There is knee pain and soreness if touched. Tearing, sticking, tensive knee pain is felt which gets worse from motion or walking. Additionally, the knee is swollen, stiff and there is cracking in knee.

Key indicating features

Joint pain that begins in lower limb and then ascend upwards

Joint pain gets worse from motion, warmth of bed, in evening and night

Joint pain better from applying ice water

Ankle pain, ankle swelling, ankle sprains

 2. Skin (Insect Bites, Stings, Ecchymosis, Bruises Whitlow, Felon, Carbuncle)

This medicine also manifests its action on skin. Here it is well indicated for managing insect bites, stings, ecchymosis, bruises, whitlow, felon and carbuncle. Ledum Pal is ranked as a top grade medicine in homeopathy for insect bites and bee stings. It is also indicated for wasp stings and mosquito bites. (NOTE: In case of bee stings or insect bites, this medicine is indicated only for mild to moderate cases with localised symptoms on skin. In case of a severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis presented with features like swelling in throat, tongue, sudden drop of blood pressure, dizziness, rapid pulse, unconsciousness, its use is strictly not recommended as these are life threatening conditions requiring urgent help from conventional mode of treatment). Next it is highly recommended for ecchymosis and bruises cases. Ecchymosis refers to blue or purple spots on skin occurring from leakage of blood from injured capillary under the skin. Bruises refers to black, blue or purple skin discoloration from damaged blood vessels under skin resulting in pooling of blood underneath skin typically resulting from an injury, a fall or bumping into something. When skin discoloration lasts for prolonged time after injection, vaccination or some injury, then Ledum Pal can be used with excellent results.  Its use is also suggested for cases of felon and whitlow. Felon is an infection of soft tissue resulting in pus-filled pocket on finger tips. Felon resulting from a needle prick, splinters and punctured wounds can be treated effectively with this remedy.  There is redness, swelling and throbbing pain. Whitlow is an infection of fingers caused by herpes simplex virus. For cases of carbuncles too this medicine proves helpful. Carbuncles are clusters of swollen, painful boils (hair follicle infection with pus collection under skin) connected together under skin. Initially carbuncles appear as red bumps with pain which then fill with pus.

Key indicating features

Insect bites, mosquito bites, bee stings, wasp stings

Black, blue or purple skin discoloration in case of ecchymosis and bruises

Prolonged skin discoloration after injection, vaccinations or some injury

  3. For Injuries

It is a brilliant homeopathic medicine for managing injuries. It is of great value in cases of punctured wounds, these are injuries caused by sharp pointed objects like pins, needles, nails, splinters, insect bites etc. In cases needing it, the injured parts usually feel cold to touch. There is relief by cold application on wounds. Its use is highly appreciable to help cases of bruises. It can be really useful for discoloration of skin after an injury or at injection site. Next it gives promising results in case of black eye (bruise around the eye from an injury to face or head) and ankle sprain. Lastly, it can deal with cases of panaritium (an inflammation with formation of pus on the area surrounding the nail plate) caused by an external injury.

Key indicating features

Punctured wounds caused by sharp pointed objects like pins, needles, nails, splinters, insect bites

Bruises (black, blue, purple skin discoloration) and black eye

Ankle sprains

4. Eyes (Black Eye, Pus Discharge, Eye Watering)

With its action on eye it mainly helps to manage black eye caused by injury. Next it is valuable for ptosis (drooping of upper eyelids) cases from injury. It can be used for management of pus discharge from eyes. Last indication for its use is eye watering that cause soreness of lower lids and cheeks.

Key indicating features

Black eye from an injury

Droopy eyelids (ptosis) after an injury

5. Face (Acne, Eczema)

Ledum Palustre can be used for acne (pimples). It is indicated when acne mainly occurs on cheeks and forehead. Next complaint where it can be given is facial eczema. Besides,it helps when there are crusty eruptions around mouth and nose. It is attended with itching, burning and smarting.

Key indicating features

Pimples on cheeks and forehead

Crusty eruptions around mouth and nose with itching, burning and smarting


Worsening factors: Complaints worsen from heat of bed, warmth, evening, night, joint movement and injury

Relieving factors: Relief by ice water application and cold bathing


Depending on the case presentation it can be used from low to high potencies. In general, it can be repeated often in low potencies. Frequent repetition is usually not advised when using its high potency.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor and Rhus Tox

It antidotes: Apis Mellifica

Followed well by: Aconite, Belladonna, Sulphuric Acid, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox and Sulphur

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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Wounds and Injuries

An injury, whether superficial or deep, sets panic that needs immediate attention. Injury refers to physical harm or damage to body from an accident, a fall, a blow, or a weapon. A common term heard along with injuries is wounds. Wounds refer to injuries that cause a break in skin or body tissues (like scratches, cuts). All wounds are injuries but all injuries are not wounds. Timely administration of some homeopathic medicines not only helps in relieving pain but also cuts short the healing time preventing further complications.



Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are highly effective in treating minor injuries. These medicines help to relieve pain, reduce swelling and lessen healing time and prevent complications. Homeopathic medicines work wonders in treating minor injuries. Few doses of Arnica 30C taken soon after injury can really prove right the proverb ‘a stich in time saves nine’. Right from drawing someone out from a state of mental shock of injury, to pain relief to healing of injured tissues, Arnica works on every aspect of healing. Homeopathic medicines for treating injuries are selected keeping in mind the nature of injury. For managing moderate injuries, use homeopathic medicines along with allopathy. In case of serious injuries or emergency, help from conventional mode of treatment should be sought right away. It is strictly to be noted that homeopathic medicines are not a substitute for allopathy where immediate first aid is required urgently.

Homeopathic Medicines For Managing  Wounds And Injuries

1. Arnica – Top Grade Medicine For Injuries With Closed Wounds (Where Skin Is Not Split Open)

Arnica is a must-have in the first aid box to deal with injuries. It is the best bet for cases of injuries, specifically closed wounds in which the external skin shows no visible sign of harm. Any homeopathic physician will instantly recommend this medicine for such type of injuries. Injuries caused by a fall, a blow or a bump against something, being hit by something, blunt instruments or equipment are best dealt by with this medicine keeping in mind that external skin is intact and no external wound is present. This medicine in the first place brings relief in pain, soreness and swelling in the affected part. Secondly, it heals the injured tissues. It is also a wonderful medicine for treating bruises (blackish, bluish or purplish discoloration on skin after injury from damaged blood vessels below the skin). This medicine is also recommended to treat after-effects of injuries suffered long time back.

When and How to use Arnica?

It is a precious gem in homeopathy for treating injury cases. It is an irreplaceable medicine when it comes to treat injuries resulting from a fall, a blow or a bump against something, being hit by something, blunt instruments when external skin is not broken in any form. Use it as first aid in such type of injuries and it will often prove a stitch in time here. Take Arnica 30C three to four times a day after injury occurs. Once pain lessens, soreness gets better and swelling reduces, you may decrease the dose to just twice a day.

 2. Rhus Tox – For Overuse Injury And Sprains, Strains

Though at the second place, it does not mean Rhus Tox is a less important medicine than Arnica. It is equally important and as effective as Arnica but prescribed for different kinds of injuries. It is a perfect remedy in case of overuse injury, sprain and strain. Overuse injury means injury occurring from repetitive use of a body part for certain movements as in some sports activity. Sprain means overstretching or tearing of ligaments. Strain refers to overstretching or tearing of muscles or tendons. A person suffers from intense pain, stiffness or swelling.

When and How to use Rhus Tox?

It is a commendable medicine for injury cases to be used in those who have pain, swelling or stiffness from overuse of a body part by excessive physical activity or from sprain or strain. It can be used in different potencies ranging from 30C, 200C to 1M and 10M. In 30C potency, one may take it three to four times a day. If using 200C potency, its use should be limited to once or twice a day. In higher potencies like 1M and 10M, use it in infrequent doses as per intensity of problem. Do not use 1M or 10M potency without consulting a homeopath.

3. Calendula – For Open Wounds Where Skin Is Broken

It is a natural medicine prepared from leaves and flowers of plant ‘pot marigold’. Calendula is the most widely used medicine for cases of open wounds where skin is broken. Some examples include abrasions (wounds caused by rubbing of skin against rough surface), cuts (tear in skin caused by sharp objects like knife) and lacerations (open wound caused by blunt objects). It is a great healing agent with marked antiseptic properties. It aids pain relief besides promoting healing of injured tissue. It reduces sharp, stinging pain in wounds and redness. Additionally, it has great potential in preventing pus formation. It heals wounds by first intention means quick healing, no pus formation and very minimal scarring. It is also recommended to use this medicine before and after any surgical procedure for efficient healing along with conventional medicines.

When and How to use Calendula?

It is a specific medicine used as a first line of treatment in case of open wounds where skin is broken. It works extremely well to reduce pain, swelling and promote healing of wounds. Its use is recommended as local application over the injured area. For this, Calendula Q (in mother tincture form) needs to be diluted in water and applied over injured area soon after injury, and for twice or thrice a day afterwards. At the same time, pills of Calendula 30 C potency need to be taken orally (from mouth). Calendula 30 C can be taken three to four times a day for the initial few days. As healing progresses, the dose should be reduced to twice a day.

4. Hypericum – For Nerve Injury, Tail Bone Injury, Spine Injury, Whiplash Injury

When it comes to manage nerve injury, no medicine is equivalent to Hypericum. Being sourced from plant St John’s Wort, it is a natural remedy. It proves highly effective in managing nerve pain that follows injury to nerves. Though it can be given for injury to any body part, primarily it is indicated for nerve injury occurring in fingers, toes, palms, soles and body parts that are rich in nerves. For example, fingers might get pressed in the door causing intense nerve pain for which Hypericum is the most suitable medicine. It is also well indicated for nerve pain that follows any dental procedure. It is the best medicine for tail bone (coccyx) injury from a fall. Pain radiates up and down the limbs from the tail bone along with inability to walk. Further, its use is highly recommended for injury to spine. Here it can be used along with conventional treatment for relieving pain and tenderness. Lastly, it is highly beneficial for cases of whiplash injuries — neck injury that occurs when head moves backward and forward suddenly and forcefully, commonly suffered in rear-end car accidents.

When and How to use Hypericum?

This medicine should be considered as a first aid remedy for any sort of nerve injury. Most preferably, it is used in 30C potency repeated three to four times a day, though some cases require administration of high potencies, like 200C and 1M. High potencies are not given in very frequent doses. As a general rule, the higher the potency, lesser the frequency of dosage.

5. Symphytum – For Broken Bones (Fracture)

Prepared from plant Comfrey also called ‘knit bone’, Symphytum is a top-ranked medicine for managing fracture. Undoubtedly, it is the best medicine for promoting healing of fractures. It enhances the activity of fibroblast cells which speeds up healing. Along with bone repair, it also provides relief in pain. Other than this, its use is indicated for managing cases of black eye (bruise around eye after bleeding from ruptured blood vessels in skin area around the eye caused by a blow or punch). It appears as blackish bluish discoloration around the eye.

When and How to use Symphytum?

Anyone who is familiar with homeopathic medicines knows that there can be no other medicine that matches Symphytum when it comes to bone healing. Its use should be considered in every case of fracture. The medicine can be started after the setting of the broken bone in the cast. It gives the best results in mother tincture (Q) form. In beginning start with Symphytum Q , 5 to 7 drops diluted in half a cup of water three times a day for about two weeks. Gradually decrease the dose to twice a day, followed by once a day.

6. Ruta – To Treat Sprains And Strains

It is a herbal medicine prepared from ‘garden rue’ plant. It has marked action on ligaments, tendons and muscles. It can effectively handle cases where ligaments are overstretched or torn (sprains) and when muscles/tendons are overstretched or torn (strains). It will offer relief in pain and reduce swelling at the affected site.

When and How to use Ruta?

This medicine can be used in cases of sprain and strain to promote healing of injured ligaments, tendons or muscles as well as for pain relief. Initially, take Ruta 30C three to four times a day, reduce to once or twice a day when healing has begun. In case recovery is slow, one may switch to Ruta 200C once or twice a day.

7. Cantharis – ForBurnsAnd Scalds

Cantharis is a leading medicine for treatment of burns and scalds. This medicine gives relief in pain and reduces burning pain in damaged area. It reduces redness and inflammation and aids healing of burns. If used immediately on the burnt area, it prevents blister (water-filled bumps) formation. Other than burns and scalds, it can treat sunburns as well.

When and How to use Cantharis?

Each and every case of burns and scalds requires Cantharis in the first place without wasting time. While applying on burns, apply it externally by diluting its 1X or 2X potency in water twice a day. Simultaneously, start taking Cantharis 30C tablets twice a day.

8. Ledum Palustre – For Punctured Wounds

This medicine is obtained from plant ‘wild rosemary’. It is a wonderful medicine to treat punctured wounds from sharp pointed objects such as needles, pins, iron nails, injections, etc. Besides, it is effective in managing wounds arising from insect stings.

When and How to use Ledum Palustre?

It is the most commonly prescribed medicine for cases of punctured wounds and wounds from insect stings. One may take it in 30 C potency two to three times a day.

9. Natrum Sulph – For Managing Head Injury

It is one of the best medicines to treat head injury. It can be used along with conventional medicines. It plays an effective role in managing headache, depression or epilepsy that may follow a head injury.

When and How to use Natrum Sulph?

Natrum Sulph is a specific medicine for treating head injury. As it is a serious injury, it is advised to consider its use along with conventional medicines. If you are taking this medicine a long time after sustaining a head injury, its independent use can be thought of. It can be used in various potencies like 30C, 200C and 1M. Use this medicine only as advised by a homeopathic physician.

Note Use of the above medicines is recommended only for minor wounds and injuries. In case of serious and severe injuries, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment is advised.

Types of injuries

Some of the common injuries include:

1. Bruises: It refers to blackish, bluish or purplish discolouration of skin after injury due to damaged blood vessels under the skin. The affected area can be painful, tender and swollen. It may happen from reasons like hitting of a body part against some object like chair, door, bed, etc; sprains; and car accidents.

2. Sprain and strain: A sprains refers to overstretching of ligaments (band of tissue that connects bones together in a joint). The most common location of sprain is ankle and wrist. Strain refers to overstretching of muscles or tendons (band of tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone). Strains are common in the back.

3. Overuse injuries: It is an injury from repetitive physical activities of a certain kind over a period of time rather than a single time injury. It could affect the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, joints, nerves from repetitive stress.


4. Abrasions: It is a type of wound which involves breaking of skin that happens on rubbing of skin against a rough surface, for example when one falls on hard rough surface. It is not a deep wound. Elbows, knees and ankles are some of the areas commonly affected.

5. Cuts and Lacerations: Cut is a wound with direct tear in skin caused by sharp objects like knife, broken glass piece, etc. Lacerations refer to torn or jagged open wounds with irregular margins caused by blunt trauma.



6. Punctures wounds: It is a deep wound when a sharp pointed object penetrates the skin like a needle, pin, iron nail.

7. Incised wounds: A straight clean cut wound resulting from a sharp object like knife, blade, incision wounds during surgery are referred to as surgical wounds.

8. Fractures (broken bones): A crack or break in the bone

9. Burns and scalds: It is a result of skin or tissue damage from heat. Burns happen from dry heat (fire, hot iron) or chemicals, electricity, radiation, or sunlight. Scalds, on the other hand, are caused by moist heat like hot water, hot oil, steam, etc.

10. Animal Bites and insect stings

11. Concussion (traumatic brain injury): It is a brain injury from trauma like a fall, blow on head that affects the functioning of brain. It can cause headache, loss of concentration, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion and memory loss.

Signs And Symptoms Of Injuries

The signs and symptoms differ according to the type of injury and its severity. Among all types, head injury and spine injury are the most serious ones.

Some of the signs and symptoms include pain, swelling, reduced mobility of affected part, bleeding, cuts, scraping on skin, and skin turning red, blue or black.

Some serious signs and symptoms include uncontrolled heavy bleeding, breathing problem, bluish lips or fingernails, chest pain, changes in consciousness levels, abnormal pupil size, pupils getting non-reactive to light, paralysis, vomiting of blood, etc.



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