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Supportive Homeopathy for Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis refers to narrowing of the spinal canal that puts pressure on spinal cord and nerve roots. Spinal canal is a cavity within the vertebral column containing the spinal cord (long bundle of nerves extending from the base of the brain to the lower back that carries signals between the brain and the rest of the body). Homeopathy for spinal stenosis uses medicines that are recommended when the symptoms are mild to moderate.

homeopathy for spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is of two types. First is cervical stenosis in which the narrowing occurs in the cervical spine in the neck. Second type is lumbar stenosis in which the narrowing occurs in the part of the spine in the lower back.


Spinal stenosis can arise from several causes. Firstly, it can happen in case of osteoarthritis in the spine. Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis that causes degenerative changes in the cartilage and bone of the joint. In such cases the bone growths and thickening of ligaments also occur that tend to compress the spinal canal.
Secondly, it can arise from disk herniation or bulge in the spine. The disks in the spine are soft cushions which act as shock absorbers. In case these herniation or bulge out these can put pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.  Third reason behind it is thickening of ligaments in the spine that function to hold the bones of spine together and can bulge into the spinal canal and compress it.
Next, it may also happen in case of rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disorder affecting joints resulting in inflamed, swollen, painful, stiff joints).
Another medical condition known as paget’s disease that can cause bony overgrowth in the spine may contribute to it. Some of its other causes are tumours or abnormal growths in the spine, injury to the spine and  scoliosis (abnormal curvature of the spine). People having some deformity of spine by birth, some genetic disease affecting bone development in the body and those who are more than 50 yrs of age are at risk of it.  


In case of slight narrowing no symptoms occur. But when the narrowing is excessive the nerves are compressed leading to symptoms. The symptoms tend to begin gradually. Its symptoms depend upon the location where stenosis is present and which nerves are affected. 

In case of stenosis in the cervical spine in neck the symptoms that occur includes numbness or tingling in hand, arm, leg or foot; or weakness in these parts. Next symptom is neck pain. There may occur problems in walking and maintaining balance. When the condition is severe functioning of the bladder or bowel is affected. Next in case of stenosis in the lumbar spine in the lower back numbness or tingling in a foot or leg occur. With this there can be back pain. Next symptom is pain or cramps in the leg. Weakness in the lower limb may also be there. This worsens from standing for an extensive time period and when walking. Sitting or bending forward may relieve this.

In severe cases paralysis of legs may occur. In some cases cauda equina syndrome may occur. It is a serious condition that arises from compression of the nerves in the lower segment of the spinal canal which is a surgical emergency because if not treated urgently it can lead to permanent paralysis of legs or loss of bladder control (urinary incontinence).

Some symptoms of this syndrome includes severe lower back pain; sciatica pain that travel from lower back down the legs along the path of sciatic nerve, weakness in the legs; problem in walking; loss of sensation in the buttocks, inner thighs, anus and genitals; and bladder dysfunction (difficulty passing urine leading to retention of urine or difficulty in controlling it) or bowel dysfunction (trouble holding or passing stool) and loss of sexual function.

Homeopathy for Spinal Stenosis

Homeopathic medicines offer a supportive help in these cases to manage its symptoms along with conventional treatment. The homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the intensity of the symptoms. The homeopathic medicines for managing it are selected individually for every case depending on the symptoms presentation. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for these cases under supervision of a homeopathic doctor who can find the best medicine that will suit a case by doing a complete case study. In case of severe symptoms and where a serious condition like cauda equina is suspected it is strictly advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment. 

  1. Zincum Met – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine having a marked action on the spine and nerves. It is well indicated for managing numbness and tingling sensations in the limbs. Next it is helpful when there is weakness in the lower limbs mainly in the calves. In cases needing it pain in the lower back may also be present. This is attended with a burning sensation along the spine. There may be sensitiveness of the spine to touch.

  1. Causticum – For Managing Weakness of Limbs

It is a very effective medicine for managing weakness of the limbs. Persons needing it also feel heaviness in the limbs. They may have unsteady walking. Next electric shock like pain in the legs can attend it. Another complaint that they complain about is numbness of hands, feet and toes. Lastly they may have pain in the nape of the neck.

  1. Picric Acid – For Numbness, Weakness in Legs

It is very beneficial for cases having numbness and weakness in the legs. There is also a crawling and prickling sensation as from needles in the legs. The legs feel heavy like lead with this. Next there is pain in the lower back extending down the legs. This gets worse from motion. coldness of feet may be present with this.

  1. Phosphorus – For Numbness in Hands, Feet 

This medicine works well in cases having numbness in the hands and feet. Fingers and toes also feel numb where it is required. Crawling sensation in the finger tips may occur with this. With these symptoms there is weakness in the arms. Legs also feel weak and they tremble on beginning to walk. Lastly pain in the back along with burning sensation in spots in the spine can be there.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Tingling Sensation in Fingers

Arsenic Album is a great medicine for cases with tingling sensation in the fingers. It is also indicated for persons having weakness in the limbs. Another indication to use it is numbness in the feet. Apart from above burning pain in the limbs and cramps in the legs are also well managed with it.

  1. Rhus Tox – To Manage Pain

This medicine is very effective for pain management. Firstly it is helpful to manage pain in the neck. Next it is beneficial for managing pain in the lower back. This pain worsens on movement. There is a sensation as if the back would break. Hard pressure on the back or lying on something hard may relieve the back pain. There may be drawing or stitching pain in the back when sitting. It is also useful for managing cramps in the legs and tingling sensation in the feet.

  1. Kalmia – To Manage Pain and Numbness 

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh leaves of a plant Kalmia Latifolia commonly known as mountain laurel and calico bush. It belongs to family ericaceae. This medicine is valuable to manage pain and numbness and pricking sensation in limbs. For using it pain in the neck is there that extends down the arm. Next there is pain in the lower back with great heat and burning. Along with numbness and pricking in limbs weakness is also felt. Coldness in limbs may also be there. 

  1. Paris Quadrifolia – For Neck Pain and Numbness in Fingers

It is prepared from a plant named One Berry. This plant belongs to the family trilliaceae. It is a prominent medicine for managing neck pain and numbness in the fingers. In cases needing it the pain from the neck extends down to the fingers. The neck pain gets worse from exertion. It gets better from rest. A sensation of weight and heat may be felt in the neck. The heated sensation from the neck may extend down the back.

  1. Oxalic Acid – For Numbness and Tingling in Limbs

This medicine is indicated to manage numbness and tingling in limbs. Mostly it is used when there is numbness starting from shoulders and radiating to the fingertips or there is numbness in the thighs. Along with this weakness in hands and feet is present. Other than this, pain in the spine radiating to limbs is another accompanying symptom. 

  1. Plumbum Met – For Weakness of Arms and Hands

It is an important medicine for managing weakness in arms and hands. Other than this it is also indicated for cases having stinging tearing pain in limbs along with numbness and tingling sensation. Lastly, lightning like pains in lower limbs is also indicative of its use.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

10 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Epigastric Pain 

Epigastric pain refers to pain in the middle of the upper abdomen immediately below the ribs. This pain may simply be arising from mild reasons like overeating, eating heavy or spicy food. This may not be a reason of concern and having mild to moderate epigastric pain once in a while is also usually not a concern. But when it is recurrent at short intervals, persistent or is severe then it may be indicative of some medical reason that needs diagnosis and treatment. The medical causes can range from mild to serious ones. Homeopathic medicines for epigastric pain bring relief in intensity and frequency of pain gradually by targeting the root cause behind it.

homeopathic medicines for epigastric pain


First reason behind it is overeating that causes the stomach to expand more extensively than its normal capacity. It leads to pressure on the organs present around the stomach and causes pain in the epigastric region. Its second reason is indigestion. It is a general term for describing discomfort in the upper abdomen that can arise from overeating, eating spicy or fatty food or eating food items that don’t agree with the system. Its symptoms include pain in the upper abdomen, fullness feeling even from slight eating and after meals, burning and bloating in the upper abdomen, burping, nausea. Next reason is acid reflux (means back up of the stomach acid in the food pipe). As time progresses GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) can develop after acid reflux. Persons having these conditions can experience epigastric pain along with its other symptoms including heartburn, indigestion, acidic taste in mouth, lump feeling in throat, soreness in throat and cough. Lactose intolerance is yet another reason behind it. It is a digestive disorder in which the sufferer has reduced ability to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and other dairy products. Its symptoms occur after the sufferer consumes some dairy product. The symptoms include epigastric pain, gas, stomach bloating, nausea, vomiting, loose stool. 

The next cause is inflammation of the stomach lining (Gastritis). Its main symptoms are pain or burning in upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, 

In some cases it may also occur from inflammation of the food pipe/ esophagus (Esophagitis) and hiatus hernia (it occurs when the upper part of the stomach bulges through the diaphragm (a muscle that separates abdomen and chest). Barret’s esophagus is also a reason for it. In this condition there is change in the mucosal cells lining the lower part  of the esophagus from stratified squamous epithelium to simple columnar epithelium with goblet cells. It can lead to cancer of the esophagus. 

Peptic ulcer disease is another cause behind it. In this case there occurs damage to stomach lining or small intestine lining.  Apart from above this may arise in case of inflammation of pancreas, gallbladder or liver, in case of gallstones and from drinking too much alcohol.  

Lastly, mild pain in epigastrium may also occur in pregnancy from pressure put on by growing womb and hormonal changes. But severe epigastric pain during pregnancy can sometimes indicate a serious condition preeclampsia (disorder of pregnancy in which there occurs high blood pressure and excessive amount of protein in the urine)  that can be life – threatening and needs urgent treatment.


Some other symptoms may attend it depending on the cause behind it. These include nausea, vomiting, gas, bloating, belching, heartburn, loose stool, constipation, loss of appetite and burning in the abdomen.

Homeopathic Medicines for Epigastric Pain 

Epigastric pain can be managed effectively with homeopathic medicines. Along with relieving pain these also manage its attending symptoms. One should take any of the homeopathic medicines for the pain under guidance of a homeopathic doctor after complete case analysis. Use of these medicines is recommended when the pain is mild to moderate and is not associated with any serious cause behind it. But in cases of severe pain and where it is caused by some serious cause like gallstones, barrett’s esophagus, ruptured peptic ulcer, pre pre-eclampsia then it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy can’t help these cases. Also in case the epigastric pain is attended with vomiting of blood or black particles, blood in stool, black tarry stool, chest pain / tightness, difficulty breathing, high fever also then it is strictly advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment 

  1. Nux Vomica – Top Grade Medicine

It is a very effective medicine for managing pain in the epigastric region. The pain tends to worsen after a meal where it is required. Persons needing it also feel pressure in this region. They also feel full and bloating. Fullness worsens after eating. Burping tends to relieve the fullness. Another complaint that is present is heartburn. Nausea and vomiting may also be present. It is also one of the best medicines for cases of indigestion that follow from eating spicy food or taking alcohol, strong coffee. 

  1. Colocynth – For Pain with Sensation of Marked Fullness 

It is prepared from pulp of fruit Citrullus colocynthis also named bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is a well-indicated medicine for cases having pain and marked fullness in epigastrium. It is one of the most beneficial medicines for cramping pain in the stomach. Next, the pain can be griping, compressive or sharp pinching colicky type.  The gripping sensation is worse after a meal where it is required. This may be followed by loose stool sometimes. The epigastric may be sensitive to touch. Other than above there may be nausea, vomiting and frequent belchings. 

  1. Arsenic Album – When it is Attended with Burning

This medicine offers great help when the pain is accompanied with burning in the epigastric region. The burning is excessive with a sensation as if red hot coals are present there. In some cases needing it there may be stitching or stinging pain in this region. There may be constricted sensation also. Sometimes it is sensitive to slightest touch. It may also appear distended and hard. Heartburn is another attending symptom. It is a leading medicine for managing cases of gastritis.

  1. Bryonia – When Epigastrium is Painful to Pressure

It is a natural medicine prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is used when the epigastrium is painful to pressure. The pain present is mostly cutting type where it is required. Stitching pain in the stomach may also be felt sometimes. A sensation of stone in the stomach may be there with the above symptoms. Next pressure in epigastrium may be present. This worsens after eating and when walking. Persons needing it may also have constipation with very hard, dry stool.

  1. Carbo Veg – For Pain with Excessive Gas and Bloating

It is a very beneficial medicine for managing this pain with excessive gas and bloating of abdomen. For using it the type of pain can be aching, griping, burning or lancinating type. There is marked distension of the upper abdomen and gas with this. The distension may get better by passing gas. The epigastric region may be sensitive to touch. Other symptoms that may be present are sour belchings, heartburn and loose stool. 

  1. Pulsatilla – For Pain that Worsens after Eating

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when the pain in epigastrium worsens after eating. This pain tends to extend to the back and abdomen. This is followed by water brash. In some cases after stool pressing in epigastrium is felt. It is one of the leading medicines for managing indigestion occurring from eating fatty food.  

  1. Dioscorea – When Pain is Sharp, Cutting Type

It is prepared from fresh roots of the plant Dioscorea Villosa having the common name wild yam. This plant belongs to the family Dioscoreaceae. This medicine works well in cases of sharp, cutting epigastric pain. In cases needing it this gets worse from stooping. It may get better from standing erect. In some cases this pain may radiate to the left side of the upper abdomen. 

  1. Lycopodium – For Excessive Bloating, Distension

It is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. This medicine works well in cases having excessive bloating and distension in epigastrium. This is felt after a meal where it is required. With this there are griping, gnawing, clutching, twisting, griping, constrictive pains. The epigastric region may be sensitive to touch. In some cases burning in epigastrium is there that extends up into the throat. 

  1. Chamomilla – For Loose Stool Preceded by Epigastric Pain 

It is prepared from fresh plant Matricaria chamomilla belonging to family compositae. This medicine is recommended when there is loose stool preceded by pain in the epigastric region. The pain is a cutting, constricting type. The stool is watery, frequent, and greenish. It may have slimy, mucus in it. Sometimes there are undigested food particles in it.The stool smells sour. 

  1. Cocculus Indicus – For Pain with Belchings

This medicine is prepared from powdered seeds of a plant named as Indian Cockle. This plant belongs to the family menispermaceae. It is valuable for cases having sore pain in epigastrium with belchings. The belchings may be empty, bitter, fetid or putrid. It is also indicated for pain in epigastric and umbilical regions from gas.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Medicines for Shoulder-blade Pain

Shoulder blades medically known as scapulae refers to flat triangular bones one on either side in the upper back below the shoulders. These bones are also known as wing bones. Shoulder-blade pain can be felt within, above, below, over, under the shoulder blades or in between the blades. Homeopathic medicines for shoulder-blade pain can gradually reduce the intensity of pain by treating the root cause behind it.
Shoulder-blade Pain
The pain can occur suddenly or develop gradually depending on the cause behind it. The pain can radiate to other body areas too. In some cases numbness or tingling sensation can accompany the pain. Lastly, crepitus (grating sound that appears when the shoulder moves or on pressing it) may be present.


It can arise from various reasons ranging from mild to severe ones.

Firstly, it may arise from straining or injuring the muscles or tendons (tough band of fibrous connective tissue which connects muscle to bone). The injury or trauma may occur from a blow, accident or a fall. The straining can follow lifting heavy objects, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, excessive exercise involving upper back, upper limbs and shoulders or working on the computer for long periods of time continuously without any break.
Other reasons include disc bulge in the spine, degeneration of disc of spine, spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal) and nerve compression. Another reason is fibromyalgia (a disorder in which there occurs widespread musculoskeletal pain attended with weakness, memory issues, sleep problems and mood issues). Apart from above it may occur from scoliosis (an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine). Other than these it may arise from osteoarthritis (a degenerative joint condition in which the cartilage at the ends of bones in the joints which helps in smooth frictionless motion of joint deteriorates) in joints around neck or ribs. It can also result from shingles (an infection caused by varicella-zoster virus that causes a painful skin rash), myofascial pain syndrome (Long term pain disorder in which pressure on sensitive points in the muscles result in muscle pain and in some cases pain in some unrelated parts of the body), acid reflux  (condition in which stomach acid rise up into the food pipe), rotator cuff injuries ( means injury to group of muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint) and frozen shoulder (a condition in which there occurs pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint).

Other reasons are snapping scapula syndrome (in this there occur a loud popping sound, grating or grinding sensation on raising the arm overhead), fracture of scapula, whiplash injury (neck injury that arise from forceful, rapid back and forth movement of the neck commonly seen in rear end car accidents). 

It may also occur from referred pain means pain in the shoulder pain may be felt from problems in some other part of the body. For example it may be arising from some lung disorder, liver problem or a gallbladder disease. It may be present from serious causes like certain cancers like lung cancer, liver cancer, esophagus cancer. Some other serious causes that need immediate medical help right away include heart attack, pulmonary embolism ( a blockage in one of the pulmonary arteries in lungs usually caused when a  blood clot from deep veins in the legs travel to the lungs and block blood flow to the lungs), rupture of thoracic aorta.

Homeopathic Medicines for Shoulder-blade Pain

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to manage pain in the shoulder blade. As the reasons behind it vary from mild to serious it is best to take any homeopathic medicine under guidance of a homeopathic physician who after detailed case study will find if the case can be helped with these medicines or help from conventional treatment is required. Homeopathic medicines can be used when the pain is from mild to moderate intensity and no serious cause is linked with it for example Muscle or tendon injury / strain, joint issues, frozen shoulder, fibromyalgia). But in case of severe pain and when any serious cause is suspected or present (like heart attack, cancer, pulmonary embolism) then it is strictly advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment. Some of the symptom indicative of serious issue that needs urgent medical help from conventional system includes shoulder blade pain  accompanied by difficulty in breathing, chest pain, coughing of blood, lightheadedness, rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, increased sweating, fever, difficulty in speaking, one sided body paralysis, sudden vision loss and loss of consciousness. 

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for managing shoulder blade pain. Persons needing it feel pain between the scapula. They feel better in pain from warmth. Along with pain the area between shoulder blades feels tensed.  It may be sensitive to touch. It is also indicated for pain felt on top of the scapula. Rhus Tox is an effective medicine for managing complaints that follow over – straining or injury of the muscles or tendons. It is also prominent for complaints that arise from joint problems. 

  1. Bryonia – For Stitching Pain

It is prepared from a plant named Bryonia alba or wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very beneficial medicine for cases presenting with stitching pain between the shoulder blades. Next it is helpful for managing pain beneath the right scapula at the lower angle. This pain can be sharp, aching or dull. Other than this it works well when pain is localised between inferior angles of the scapulae. Lastly a pressing sensation between scapulae is also indicative of its use.

  1. Ruta – For Pain in Nape of Neck and Shoulder Blade

Homeopathic medicine Ruta is prepared from a plant named Ruta graveolens commonly known as garden rue. The natural order of this plant is rutaceae. This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is pain in the nape of neck and shoulder blade. The pain of using it is mainly drawing type. Next it is indicated when there is pain specifically below the right scapula. Persons needing it have worsening of pain by movement of right arm and also after exertion. They feel relief from pressure. Lying on the right side also gives relief to them. Like medicine Rhus Tox it is also a great medicine for managing conditions arising from overstraining the tendons or inflamed tendons and joint complaints. 

  1. Chelidonium – For Pain under Inner and Lower Angle of Right Scapula

It is prepared from plant Chelidonium majus also known as Greater Celandine. It belongs to the family papaveraceae. This medicine is specifically indicated for pain felt under the inner and lower angle of the right scapula. The pain can be bruised or aching type. Next indication is stitching pain  beneath the right scapula. This gets worse from the motion of the arm. Last indication is a cramp like pain in the internal border of the right scapula.

  1. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Pain along Lower Margin of Shoulder Blades

This natural medicine is prepared from plant buttercups. This plant belongs to the family ranunculaceae.Use of this medicine is considered for managing pain along the lower margin of the shoulder blades. The pain is of muscle origin. With pain burning sensation may be present. Apart from this, the contusive type of pains in between shoulder blades also guides its use. The last indication for using it is stitching pain in and between shoulder blades.

  1. Arnica – For Complaints Arising after Injury, Trauma

It is prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana commonly known as Leopard’s – bane or fallkraut. It belongs to family compositae. Use of this medicine is highly recommended for complaints that follow an injury (specifically from blunt objects) trauma, blow, fall. In general sore, bruised pain as if beaten is felt in injured places where this medicine is required. This medicine helps to relieve pain, heal the injured place and help recover from injury in a very effective manner. Other than this pressive pain between scapulae is another guiding feature for using it.

  1. Colocynth – When Shoulder Blade Pain Extends to Neck

This medicine is prepared from pulp of fruit Citrullus colocynthis also known as cucumis colocynthis and bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. This medicine is helpful when pain from shoulder blades extends to the neck. Along with this tension is felt in neck and shoulder blades. Its use is also beneficial for drawing pain in the region of the right scapula. Apart from these pain under the right scapula better from pressure is another characteristic symptom where it offers help. 

  1. Kali Carb – For Shoulder Blade Pain and Stiffness

This medicine gives benefit when the shoulder blade pain is accompanied by stiffness. In cases needing it the stiffness can be present between both the shoulder blades. In some cases the stiffness begins in the left side of the nape of the neck and extends down to the left inner scapula. This is most worse after waking up. Another symptom for using it is pain in the right scapula of tearing nature felt in the morning. It is also used for stinging type of pain in the right scapula during motion.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Transverse Myelitis – Supportive Treatment with Homeopathy

Transverse myelitis is a neurological condition arising from inflammation of both sides of the same section of the spinal cord. Due to the inflammation there usually occurs damage to the myelin sheath that covers the fibers of the nerve cells. Loss of myelin leads to interruption of the messages sent by nerves of the spinal cord all over the body. Homeopathy for Transverse Myelitis works well for symptomatic treatment when taken along with conventional treatment.
It may result in muscle weakness, pain, sensory issues, paralysis, dysfunction of bowel or bladder. It is a rare disease. Though it can occur at any age but mostly it develops in children of age group 10 yrs to 19 yrs and adults of age group 30 years – 39 years.

Transverse Myelitis



What exactly leads to this condition is still unknown. However there are various reasons linked with it. Firstly it can develop from autoimmune activity in which the immune cells attack and damage the body’s own healthy tissues. Second reason is certain types of infections that can be viral, bacterial or fungal. Some of the viruses linked with it include EBV (epstein barr virus), herpes viruses, zika, mumps, Cytomegalovirus, measles, rubella, HIV, influenza. Among bacteria the ones associated with it are tuberculosis, syphilis, lyme disease, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus. Parasites and fungal agents may rarely cause it. Third reason linked to it is multiple sclerosis (a disorder in which myelin sheath surrounding nerves in spinal cord and brain are destroyed from autoimmune activity). Other causes include spinal injuries,  vaccination side effects, sarcoidosis (a disease characterised by formation of tiny clumps of inflammatory cells various organs of the body leading to its inflammation). In some cases no cause is ruled out behind it. 


Its first symptom is pain in the lower back or neck. It may start all of sudden. The pain can radiate down the legs or arms. It may also radiate to the chest or abdomen. The symptoms of pain vary depending upon which part of your spinal cord is affected. Its next symptom is numbness or tingling, prickling sensation in legs, feet or toes or feeling of coldness or burning. There may be excessive sensitivity to clothing or to intense heat or cold. Third symptom that can arise is weakness or heaviness in the arms or legs. There may be stumbling or dragging one foot while walking. Last symptoms relate to bladder problems (like frequent urination, difficulty in urinating or urinary incontinence) and bowel problems like constipation, loss of bowel control. Its symptoms may develop in between a few hours to many weeks time. It mostly affects both sides of the body below the area of the spinal cord which is affected. In some cases however the symptoms may occur only on one side of the body. Some of its complications include paralysis of arms, legs; Sexual dysfunction in which a male sufferer faces difficulty to have erection or reach an orgasm and female sufferer may have difficulty reaching orgasm. It may also lead to permanent disability and depression or anxiety.

Homeopathy for Transverse Myelitis

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in such cases along with conventional treatment. The homeopathic medicines though can’t reverse the condition but can help in managing its symptoms in a safe and natural manner. Symptoms that can be managed with them include pain, numbness, prickling sensation, burning, muscle weakness and those related to bladder problems and bowel problems. The homeopathic medicine which will suit a particular case of myelitis depends on the symptom of the person in every case. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician and that too along with conventional mode of treatment at the same time for best results. 

  1. Rhus Tox – To Manage Pain in Neck or Lower Back

It is a very effective medicine for managing pain in the neck or lower back. In cases needing it for lower back pain, worsening is there from sitting or rest. Motion, exercise and pressure tend to give relief. With this there is sensation as if the back is broken from intense pain. Lower back is also sore. Next in case of neck pain the pain may radiate to shoulders. This gets worse from motion and from cold air exposure. Warm application on the neck gives relief. Massages over the neck also offer relief.

  1. Hypericum – For Pain, Numbness, Tingling , Burning

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant called Hypericum perforatum commonly known as ‘St. John’s Wort.’ It belongs to family Hypericaceae. It is well indicated when there is violent sharp pain in the back. Walking and stooping are difficult from this. Next it is indicated for neck pain. The neck is very sensitive to touch where it is required. In cases needing it symptoms including numbness, tingling, burning in the limbs may be present. It is one of the best medicines for managing cases of injury to the spine. 

  1. Zincum met – For Numbness in Limbs and Back Pain

It is a major medicine when there is numbness in limbs and back pain. 

The pain is most felt when walking. There is also a burning sensation in the spine. This is worse when sitting. General weakness is felt with above symptoms.

  1. Causticum – For Muscle Weakness

It is a leading medicine for managing muscle weakness. Other than this it is also valuable medicine for managing cases of paralysis. It is suitable for managing weakness of limbs and urinary bladder. Persons needing it have weakness and heaviness in the limbs. Arms feel weak and lame to them. Next they may have unsteadiness of forearm and hand muscles. They also have unsteady gait and easy falling. Electric shock like pain in legs may be present.  Lastly it is a top listed medicine for cases with loss of bladder control resulting in involuntary passage of urine.

  1. Phosphorus – For Marked Burning and Sensitivity of Spine

Phosphorus is a prominent medicine when there is marked burning and sensitivity of the spine. Along with this the back feels weak. Limbs weakness and numbness is also there. Leg weakness is felt with trembling of legs when beginning to walk. There occurs stumbling while walking. Pain in the back is also there. It is also well indicated  for managing constipation when stool is narrow, dry in these cases.

  1. Kali Phos – Another Medicine for Muscle Weakness 

It offers great help in cases of muscle weakness. Persons needing it complain of weakness in limbs. Pain in legs and back can be there. General weakness may also attend it. Lastly, it is well-indicated for managing the cases of paralysis.

  1. Colocynth – For Pain Radiating from Lower Back Down the Leg to Feet

This medicine is prepared from pulp of fruit of plant Citrullus colocynthis also known as cucumis colocynthis and bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is very useful when the pain from the lower back radiates down the leg to feet. For using it the pain is shooting lightning like in nature. It gets worse from slightest motion. Relief is obtained  from heat application.

  1. Picric Acid – For Numbness, Prickling and Muscle Weakness in Legs

It is a highly valuable medicine for cases having  numbness, prickling and muscle weakness in legs. Legs weakness is felt from even little walking where it is required. Heaviness in legs also occurs. In some cases a crawling sensation in the legs is present. Burning along the spine may attend to the above symptoms. Next symptom that may be present is an aching and dragging sensation in the lower back. This tends to worsen from motion.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Weakness and Burning Pains

It is a very beneficial medicine for managing weakness of limbs. There is also heaviness of limbs in cases requiring it. Next guiding symptom for using it is burning pains in limbs. Numbness in feet and tingling sensation in fingers are yet other symptoms indicating its use.

  1. Gelsemium – For Muscle Weakness

This medicine is prepared from the plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as Yellow Jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. For using it the weakness can be felt in arms or legs. With this numbness in arms may also be there. Next there may be problems with walking and unsteady gait. Lastly pain in the legs may be complained about. Its use is also indicated in case of incontinence of urine.

  1. Paris Quadrifolia – For Marked Neck Pain 

This medicine is prepared from a plant called One Berry. This plant belongs to the family trilliaceae. It is very helpful for managing neck pain. Persons needing it often complain of pain from the neck radiating down the fingers. They also feel a sensation of heavy load on the neck. A characteristic symptom attending it is numbness in the fingers. Exertion worsens the symptoms and rest gives relief in cases that require it.

  1. Merc Sol – For Managing Increased Frequency of Urine

Merc Sol is an important medicine to manage increased frequency of urine. The  frequency of urine is high both in day and night. Even there is an urge to pass urine  every hour. Urine stream is also weak. Some people needing it may have a burning sensation while passing urine. Urgency to pass urine  is also there.

  1. Nux Vomica – To Manage Constipation

Nux Vomica is a very beneficial medicine to manage constipation. It is indicated when there is ineffectual urging for stool but stool is  insufficient and unsatisfactory. People needing it pass scanty stools often in a day but don’t feel as if the bowels have emptied. They have a sense of incomplete bowel evacuation even after passing stool for multiple times. They may have abdominal pain.

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13 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Neck Sprain 

A neck sprain refers to an overstretching or tearing of the ligaments (tough fibrous band of connective tissue that connects one bone to another in a joint) in the neck. These tend to occur when the ligaments of the neck are stretched beyond their limit of flexibility. Homeopathic Medicines for neck sprain help manage the pain, stiffness and other symptoms of the condition. 


It can arise from multiple reasons. Firstly, it can arise from maintaining improper posture for a long time like while sitting in front of a computer or television; and carrying heavy weights. Secondly it can happen if a person sleeps on a very high pillow.

13 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Neck Sprain Next, it tends to occur from sudden jerking of the neck to one side. It usually arises when an external impact leads to sudden neck movement beyond its normal possible range followed by forceful snapping back. This mostly tends to arise from a fall or a motor vehicle accident commonly named as whiplash injury (this result from a forceful and quick back and forth movement of the neck) or from taking a ride in an amusement park. Another cause is injuries that may occur during certain types of sports like boxing.


The symptoms of a neck sprain include pain and stiffness in the neck. The pain is usually felt with any sort of movement of the neck. There may also be decreased range of the neck movement. Pain in the shoulders, back of the head may also be present.
Other than this, numbness, tingling in the arms and the hands may be there. People with this may also experience dizziness, concentration difficulty, fatigue, difficulty sleeping and tinnitus (hearing noises in the ear without an actual external source of any sound).
There are some symptoms that may arise from an injury to the neck that indicate a serious problem (like damage to the spinal cord) that needs urgent medical help from conventional mode of treatment. Some of the serious symptoms include weakness of the arms or the legs, difficulty in walking, difficulty swallowing, breathing difficulty, loss of coordination, blurred vision and an inability to control the bladder or bowels.

Homeopathic Medicines for Neck Sprain 

Homeopathy carries a great scope to treat cases of neck sprain. These medicines are safe and very effective in such cases. These medicines are very beneficial to manage the pain, stiffness and other symptoms of this condition.
Along with this they help in healing the ligaments. It is advised to use homeopathic medicines only after complete case analysis and its diagnosis by a homeopathic physician. This is needed to rule out whether one can take homeopathic medicines in these cases or if there is an urgent need of help from the conventional system of medicines due to some serious issue.
Homeopathic medicines can be taken for mild to moderate cases of neck sprain where no serious symptom is present that indicate a critical issue. But in case of severe and persistent neck pain or completely torn ligament and where symptoms like weakness of arm or leg,  loss of coordination, difficulty in walking, difficult swallowing, breathing difficulty, blurred vision and an inability to control the bladder or bowel are present one should take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment. Homeopathy has a limitation in treating such sort of serious cases.

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicines for treating cases of neck strain. People who need it complain of  marked pain and stiffness in the neck. They also have pain in the shoulders with this. They have worsening of symptoms most of the time from rest and also from cold air exposure. They feel better by warm application on the neck. They may also get relief from massage over the neck. It tops the list of homeopathic medicines for treating cases of whiplash injuries.

  1. Bryonia – When Pain Gets Worse from Movement 

It is a natural medicine prepared from roots of a plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as wild Hops. It belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is very effective medicine for cases in which there is worsening of the neck pain from slightest movement. The pain also increases from touching the neck. Rest tends to give relief from the pain. There is also stiffness in the neck felt on moving the head. 

  1. Cimicifuga – For Neck Stiffness

It is prepared from the roots of a plant Cimicifuga Racemosa also known as black cohosh. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a very beneficial medicine when there is marked stiffness in the neck along with pain.  The neck is also sensitive to touch. Pressure and movement of the head increases the symptoms. Along with above symptoms the neck feels as if it is contracted. 

  1. Hypericum – For Excessive Neck Pain and Tenderness

This medicine is prepared from a plant called Hypericum perforatum having the common name ‘St. John’s Wort.’ It belongs to the family Hypericaceae. It works well in cases where neck pain and tenderness are intense. The neck and the arms are sensitive to touch. There is worsening of pain from even slight notions of the neck or arms. The pain from the neck may radiate to the shoulders. In some cases tingling, burning, numbness in the hands can accompany above symptoms. It is another prominently indicated medicine for whiplash injury like medicine Rhus Tox. 

  1. Guaiacum – When Neck Stiffness Extends Down the Back

This medicine is prepared from gum resin of Guaiacum officinale commonly known as Lignum sanctum which is a large tree growing in the West Indies. It belongs to family zygophyllaceae. It is well indicated when the neck stiffness radiates down the back.  The stiffness gets worse from motion. With this there is aching pain in the neck. Next soreness in the shoulders is present. 

  1. Paris Quadrifolia – For Numbness of Fingers with Neck Pain

It is prepared from a plant named One Berry. This plant belongs to the family trilliaceae. It is a very significant medicine for cases in which numbness in fingers is present along with neck pain. The pain from the neck may radiate down the fingers. In most cases needing stiffness and a sensation of weight / a heavy load on the neck is felt. There is an increase of the symptom intensity from exertion and relief is obtained from rest where it is required.

  1. Lachnanthes – For Extreme Neck Stiffness

Lachnanthes is prepared from a plant named Lachnanthes Tinctoria commonly known as spirit Weed. It belongs to family  haemodoraceae. As a remedy, it effectively treats a case of stiff neck. This medicine offers great help when the neck is extremely stiff. With this head is drawn to one side. The neck is also painful. The pain and stiffness may extend over the whole head  where this medicine is needed. The pain can get worse from turning your neck. It may also increase from bending head backward.

  1. Gelsemium – When Neck is Painful and Sensitive to Pressure

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of a plant Gelsemium Sempervirens having the common name yellow jasmine. The family of this plant is loganiaceae. This medicine is very useful to manage cases where the neck is painful and sensitive to pressure. The pain is bruised. People needing it also feel the lameness and stiffness of the neck.  

  1. Arnica – For Neck Pain from Injury

This medicine is prepared from plant Arnica Montana also known as Leopard’s bane. It belongs to family compositae. It is well indicated for cases in which neck pain follows injury. Persons requiring it feel a sore, bruised sensation in the neck. They also have tenderness in the neck region.  

  1. Kalmia – When Prickling and Tingling in Arms Accompany Neck Pain 

Kalmia is prepared from the fresh leaves of a plant named Kalmia Latifolia commonly known as mountain laurel. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. This medicine is beneficial for cases in which prickling and tingling in the arms is felt along with neck pain.  In most cases requiring it the pain from the neck goes down the arms and fingers. The pain in the neck may get worse at night time. Lastly the neck is tender to the touch.

  1. Causticum – When Pain in Back of Head Attends Neck Pain and Stiffness

Use of this medicine is considered in cases where a person complains of pain in the back of head with pain and stiffness in neck. For using it the pain is mostly dull or tearing in nature. The nape of the neck also feels tense. There is extreme difficulty in moving the head along with the above symptoms.  

  1. Magnesium Phos – For Sharp Neck Pain

It is used when there are sharp pains in the neck. The pain can also be  shooting, boring type. The neck feels stiff with this. It is also sore along with the above symptoms. 

  1. Silicea – For Neck Pain Attended with Headache

It is a very important medicine where a person experiences a headache along with neck pain. Along with this there is difficulty in turning the head due to pain. This is attended with stiffness in the neck. 

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10 Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Malabsorption Syndrome

Malabsorption Syndrome refers to disorders in which the small intestines are unable to properly absorb enough nutrients (like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals) from the food. Homeopathic remedies for malabsorption syndrome help in providing symptomatic relief and improving absorption power of the intestine.

ReasonsHomeopathic remedies for malabsorption syndrome

The small intestine plays the major role of absorbing nutrients from the partially digested food into the bloodstream. In case of malabsorption syndrome the small intestine is not able to absorb nutrients from foods properly. Malabsorption can also occur if there is a lack of the right amount of digestive enzymes.


Firstly, it can occur if there is inflammation or an infection in the small intestine that causes its damage and hinders in carrying out its normal function of absorption. The damage can also arise from some injury, trauma or surgery of the small intestine. Second important reason is celiac disease (It is an autoimmune disease in which eating gluten which is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye causes damage in the lining of the small intestine and hinder its function of absorption of nutrients from food in the sufferer. The main symptoms that result include diarrhoea, bloating, fatigue, weight loss, and anaemia). Third main cause is Crohn’s disease (It is one of the IBD-inflammatory bowel diseases that can cause inflammation in any of the segments of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus. The symptoms that it causes mainly include diarrhoea, abdominal distension, pain in abdomen and weight loss). It can also result from excessive use of antibiotics and some other drugs like colchicine, tetracycline, irritant laxatives and radiation therapy. Another cause is parasitic disease (eg. giardia, or helminthiasis). Lactose intolerance or lactase deficiency is also one of the reasons behind it. Apart from these it can also occur in case of cystic fibrosis (It is an inherited disorder that mostly cause damage to lungs , but can also cause damage to also the intestines, pancreas, liver and kidneys) and from disease of liver, pancreas (pancreatitis) or gallbladder.

It can also result if the stomach does not produce enzymes properly and if there are problems with mixing of the eaten food with stomach acid and its enzymes.

Some of the rare causes includes tropical sprue (This disease is usually found in tropical regions in which there occurs inflammation of small intestine and flattening of villi which are finger like projections extending in lumen of small intestine that increase the surface area of intestine on inner side for absorption of nutrients), Whipple’s disease (It is a rare disease caused by bacteria Tropheryma whipplei that mostly affect gastrointestinal tract and the joints but may also affect other organs like brain, lungs, eyes, heart, joints, skin), short bowel syndrome (a condition in which some part of the small or large intestine has been removed / missing or damaged that doesn’t function properly)

Malabsorption syndrome may also be seen in case of congenital defects like biliary atresia which is a serious liver disorder in which the one or more bile ducts that carry bile from the liver are absent, narrowed or blocked.


Its symptoms depend upon the cause behind it, the type of nutrients which are not absorbed, the duration and severity of the condition. The symptoms also occur from deficiency of unabsorbed nutrients. Some of the main symptoms include diarrhoea, abdomen bloating, tiredness, gas, bad smelling stool, greasy / sticky stool, pale / white stool, bulky stool, cramps in the stomach and weight loss. Other than this if there is deficient absorption of fat then the stool is sticky, stool has an offensive odour and stool is light coloured. In case of protein deficiency there arise hair loss or dry hair and fluid retention. There may also occur anaemia, muscle wasting and bones may become brittle. In case of children the growth may be hindered and the weight gain in them is not at the right pace as compared to same age grouped children.

Homeopathic Remedies for Malabsorption Syndrome

Homeopathic medicines play a great role in managing malabsorption syndrome. These medicines help in providing symptomatic relief and improving absorption power of the intestine. Use of homeopathic medicines is recommended in these cases when they are of mild to moderate intensity. But in case the intensity of symptoms is severe or there is some serious / surgical cause behind it then it is strictly advisable to take help from conventional mode of treatment. The causes and the symptoms for this syndrome are highly variable and the homeopathic medicine is selected individually for every cause based on symptomatic picture. So one should take any homeopathic medicine for it after consulting a homeopathic physician who can best judge the medicine that will suit a given case of malabsorption syndrome after detailed case analysis.

  1. Aloe – To Manage Diarrhoea

It is a natural medicine prepared from gum of a plant Aloe Socotrina that belongs to the family liliaceae. It is a very useful medicine for managing diarrhoea. The indication for using this medicine is watery, lumpy stool soon after eating or drinking anything. Sometimes mucus passes in the stool. Cramp in the abdomen is felt with this before and during stool. Another attending symptom to it is constant bearing down sensation in the rectum.

  1. China – For Diarrhoea Attended With Marked Weakness

It is a natural medicine prepared from the dried root of plant Cinchona Officinalis also known as peruvian bark. It belongs to the family rubiaceae. This medicine is beneficial medicine for cases where diarrhoea is marked. In cases needing it the stool is loose, watery, profuse, frequent and passed along with much gas. The stool can be frothy and may also have an offensive smell. The stool occurs especially after eating. It is attended with intense weakness. Weight loss can also be present. Other than this there is excessive gas in the abdomen along with its bloating or distension. Persons needing this medicine may also be anaemic.

  1. Lycopodium – For Gas And Abdominal Bloating

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum also known as club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. It is very effective for cases of gas and abdominal bloating. People who need it feel fullness and bloating in the abdomen soon after eating even a little amount. Rumbling, croaking, rattling in the abdomen is there from gas. They may also have gnawing, constrictive or burning pain in the stomach with this.

  1. Silicea – For Weakness, Weight Loss, Diarrhoea

Silicea is another valuable medicine for many complaints arising when food is not properly assimilated in the body. Here this medicine firstly helps persons who have weight loss and who feel exhausted easily. Next it benefits persons who have chronic loose stool. In this condition they have frequent, liquid stool. The stool may contain undigested food particles. The stool has an horribly offensive odour. There may be bloating and hardness of the abdomen. Apart from all above this medicine also helps in cases where the bones have become weak, brittle.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Managing Tiredness

Arsenic Album is a prominent medicine for managing tiredness, fatigue in these cases. Persons requiring it start to feel exhausted after little exertion. They want to lie down from fatigue. Other than this it is also well indicated for managing diarrhoea with copious stool having highly offensive odour. Lastly it is helpful for persons who are having weight loss issues.

  1. Colocynth – For Relieving Stomach Cramps

It is prepared from pulp of fruit Citrullus colocynthis also known as cucumis colocynthis or bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It offers great help in managing stomach cramps. It gets worse by eating or drinking where it is required. Bending double, lying on stomach or pressure gives relief. Abdominal bloating can be present with this.

  1. Alfalafa – To Improve Body Weight And Manage Exhaustion

This medicine is prepared from plant Medicago Sativa also known as California Clover or Lucerne. This plant belongs to the family papilionoideae. This medicine is known as a fat producer and helps in weight gain. Next it helps in managing weakness, exhaustion and improving stamina and energy levels in a person. Persons who need it may have a complaint of gas in the abdomen, distension of abdomen and cramping / griping pain in the abdomen.

  1. Phosphorus – For Hair Loss Or Dry Hair And Exhausting Diarrhoea

This is a very valuable medicine for managing hair loss and hair dryness in these cases. Hair fall is excessive and is in bunches where this medicine is required. Sweating on the scalp may be present with this. Scalp may be itchy also. This medicine is also significant for cases where exhausting diarrhoea is present. In such cases the stool is yellow, or green, watery, profuse and gushing. It has a fetid or sour smell. It may have flakes of mucus or blood in it sometimes.

  1. Ferrum Phos – To Manage Anaemia

This medicine is well indicated to manage anaemia in these cases. In cases needing it the face appears pale and earthy. There is marked weakness both on the mental and physical sphere. There is aversion to doing any exertion. Along with this there is thinning and weight loss. Loss of appetite may also be there.

  1. Calcarea Phos – When Bones Become Weak Brittle Bones

Calcarea Phos is considered in cases where bones has become weak and brittle that are prone to break easily. The person needing it may also be anaemic. They may have green loose stool which is very fetid. Cutting or sharp pain in the abdomen may be felt before stool.

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11 Supportive Homeopathic Remedies for Hydronephrosis

Hydronephrosis refers to swelling of the kidney that arises when urine is unable to drain properly from the kidney to the bladder. This results in its build up in the kidney. It mostly occurs in one kidney but may develop in both. Homeopathic remedies for hydronephrosis play a supportive role in managing cases of hydronephrosis and providing symptomatic relief. These should be taken only under the guidance of a homeopath, along with  conventional treatment. Hydronephrosis homeopathy

Under normal conditions, urine is formed in the kidneys then it passes down through the ureter into the urinary bladder where it stores until it is voided out of the body through urethra. But in case the urine remains in the kidney, or back flows in the kidney, then there are chances of development of hydronephrosis.


Most times, hydronephrosis can result from any sort of blockage or obstruction in the urinary tract. Blockage mostly in the ureters (I.e. the tubes that connect kidneys to the bladder and drain urine from the kidneys) lead to this condition. This blockage usually arises from kidney stone, but can also arise from scar and blood clot. Due to blockage in the ureter the urine may backflow up in the kidney leading to its swelling. Other reasons  for blockage include a twist or bend in the meeting point of ureter and pelvis of kidney (this junction is known as ureteropelvic junction), an enlarged prostate (BPH – benign prostate hyperplasia) in men that can cause compression and obstruction of the urethra, tumours in pelvis can put pressure on the urinary system and pregnancy that may lead to compression of urethra from growing foetus. Sometimes it can also arise from ureter narrowing due to some injury or an infection.

Next it may occur from vesicoureteral reflux. In this reflux the muscular valve present at the junction of the urethra and bladder does not work correctly. This leads to backward flow of urine into the kidney. Normally urine flows down from kidney to ureter then bladder and urethra. When there occurs a backward flow of urine which is the wrong direction of urine flow then it causes problems with emptying of the kidney resulting in its swelling. Other than these hydronephrosis may also occur from some problem or damage to the nerves around the bladder, and birth defects that cause structural abnormalities of the junctions between kidney, ureter and bladder that hinder normal drainage of urine.


It may not always cause symptoms. When the symptoms arise they include frequent urination, urgent need to urinate, pain with urination, incomplete voiding, or bladder emptying. Other symptoms include  pain in flank, or back that may radiate to the lower abdomen or groin, nausea and vomiting, fever. In babies usually no symptoms arise. When they arise they include not feeding well, reduced energy levels, irritability, repeated urinary tract infection that may present with only  unexplained fever, abdomen pain, blood in urine, fever.

Hydronephrosis increases the risk of urinary tract infections (UTI). Some of the signs and symptoms of urinary infection includes pain / burning with urination (dysuria), frequent / constant urge to urinate, urgency to pass urine, scanty urine, a weak urine stream, pain in the bladder, cloudy urine, pus / blood in urine,  lower abdominal pain, flank pain, back pain, a fever, chills, nausea, vomiting.

If UTI is not treated well in time then there are chances of development of serious conditions like pyelonephritis (infection of kidney). If the hydronephrosis is severe then it can lead to permanent kidney damage.

Homeopathic Remedies for Hydronephrosis

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in managing cases of hydronephrosis and providing symptomatic relief. These medicines can be used along with conventional mode of treatment for reducing kidney swelling and its symptom management. These medicines also help in managing cases of urinary tract infections. Homeopathic medicine for cases of hydronephrosis should only be taken under supervision of a homeopathic physician who will guide the right medicine after case analysis. In severe cases, one should seek urgent help from the conventional mode of treatment to prevent complications and kidney damage.

  1. Sarothamnus – With Drawing Pain in Kidney

This is a natural medicine prepared from flowers of plant Sarothamnus Scoparius commonly known as Cystisus scoparius and scotch broom. This plant belongs to family leguminosae. It is indicated when there is drawing pain in the kidneys. With this there is increased urination. Frequency to urinate is high at night time.

  1. Apocynum – With Dull, Aching Pain in Kidney

This medicine has a marked action on urinary organs and offers great help in cases of hydronephrosis. In cases needing it there is dull aching pain in kidneys. Along with this there is a sensation of distended bladder. Next there is a passage of hot urine. Thick mucus may pass in urine. After urination burning in urethra is also felt.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Pain with Urination

It is a well-indicated medicine when there is pain with urination. Burning, scalding, smarting, stinging sensation is felt during urination. Most burning is felt during last drops of urine. Urination is frequent day and night even every half hour. Urine passed is scanty. Sometimes blood passes in urine. Other than this there is pain in the kidney region. It worsens from stooping. Soreness on pressure and bruised sensation in the kidney region is also felt.

  1. Nitric Acid – For Frequent Urination

This medicine is helpful when there is frequent urination, particularly at night. Urine quantity is scanty. It may contain mucus, pus or blood and is very offensive. With this cutting pain in the abdomen may be there. Next indicating symptoms for using it is difficult urination, burning pain after urination. Lastly there may be cramp like contractive pain in the kidneys that radiates towards the bladder where this medicine is required.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Burning Pain while Urinating

Use of this medicine is considered when there is burning pain while urinating. Most time burning is felt in the beginning of urination. Urine is scanty and passes with difficulty. It may be turbid, have pus and blood in it. Stitches in the renal region may also attend.

  1. Phosphorus – For Frequent and Urgent Need to Urinate

This medicine is beneficial when there is frequent and urgent desire to pass urine. Urine passed is scanty, thick, turbid. Sometimes it may have brown colour with red sand like sediment and offensive smell. Dull pain in the kidney region can accompany above symptoms.

  1. Berberis Vulgaris – With Pain in Kidney Region

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of the plant barberry. This plant belongs to the family berberidaceae. It is indicated when there is pain in the kidney region. The pain can be pressing, shooting, tearing, tensive or bruising type. The pain can radiate to the bladder or thighs. This pain worsens from stooping, sitting, lying. It is better by standing. This is attended with frequent urging to urinate. The urine is pale yellow with gelatinous sediment, or mucous sediment and is warm. During urination burning in urethra is felt. After urinating there is a sensation as if some urine is not passed yet and there is a need to go for urination again.

8. Argentum Met – For Frequent Urination

It is a significant medicine for managing cases of hydronephrosis. Persons who need it complain of frequent urination. They also have inflammation of bladder (cystitis) and urethra (urethritis).

9. Solidago – With Kidney Pain on Pressure

It is also an important medicine for managing urinary complaints. It is prepared from plant Solidago Virgaurea having the common name Golden – rod. This plant belongs to family compositae. This medicine is useful when there is pain in the kidneys on pressure. This pain may extend to the abdomen and bladder. Along with this there is difficult scanty urination. Urine may have thick sediment and a sour smell.

  1. Cantharis – To Manage Cystitis, UTI

It is a top most medicine for managing complaints of cystitis, urinary tract infections. Its use is considered when there is painful or burning urination. This may be present during, before or after urinating. Persons needing it also have a constant urge to pass urine but pass small quantities of urine.

  1. Terebinthina – For Painful Urination with Blood in Urine

Terebinthina is very useful when there is painful urination with blood in urine. There is marked tenesmus (ineffectual and painful straining at urine). The frequency to urinate is increased along with marked urgency. Urine passes with pain and in small quantities. Sometimes urine passes in drops with straining. There is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after urination. Burning, drawing pain in kidneys may occur with above symptoms.

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Interstitial Cystitis – Homeopathic Remedies That Work

Interstitial cystitis (IC) also known as painful bladder syndrome is a condition in which there occurs chronic inflammation of the muscle layer of the bladder that causes symptoms like chronic bladder pain/bladder pressure and pelvic pain. Homeopathic remedies for interstitial cystitis aim to stop further progression of the condition and manage the present symptoms.

The urinary bladder is a muscular sac that stores urine from the kidneys before it is voided out of the body. When the urinary bladder fills up completely it expands fully. Following this nerve signals are exchanged between the bladder and the brain. This causes an urge to urinate and the bladder muscles squeeze and the external sphincter of the bladder relax to allow urine to flow out. In Interstitial cystitis inflammation of the bladder wall  can result in scarring and stiffness of the bladder. As a result the bladder is unable to hold the quantity to urine that it used to hold previously. There occurs an urge to urinate frequently from even smaller volumes of urine in this case.


The exact reason behind this condition is not clear yet. However there are certain factors that are thought to play a role  that irritates and damages the lining of the urinary bladder and lead to this disorder. These include over stretching of the bladder, autoimmune reaction (in this the immune cells of the body due to a mistake starts damaging the body’s healthy tissue from a misdirected response), injury to lining of the bladder. Other factors are weak pelvic floor muscles, infections, allergies, trauma to spinal cord. 

It is more often diagnosed in females as compared to males. The age  when this is diagnosed is mostly during the 30’s or more.  It is also thought to run in families.

Apart from above it is suggested that this condition may be linked with other chronic pain disorder like IBS ( a disorder affecting the large intestine with symptoms including abdominal cramping / pain, gas, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, or both diarrhoea and constipation) and fibromyalgia (chronic disorder in which there occur widespread pain in body, general fatigue and some other symptoms mainly including sleep issues, memory issues like brain fog and depression.


Its symptoms include pain / discomfort / pressure in bladder when it  gets full and gets better after passing urine, pain (that can be slight discomfort, burning or sharp pain)  /pressure in the pelvis, pain in lower abdomen, urgency to urinate, persistent urge to pass urine,  frequent urination day and night with small quantity of urine (urine may pass around 50 – 60 times a day. Other symptoms that can appear include painful or burning urination, pain during coition (sexual intercourse) and incontinence of urine (involuntary passage of urine). These symptoms may increase in intensity and get worse if a person having this condition also gets a UTI (urinary tract infection). 

The symptoms and its intensity vary from person to person. The symptom intensity also varies among one person from day to day and may have a period where no symptoms are present (remission period).

Some of the triggers that can worsen its symptoms are mental or physical stress, menses, exercise, sexual intercourse, certain foods (like spicy food, alcohol, chocolate, citrus fruits, coffee) and sitting for prolonged periods of time.

In women pain may also occur in vulva, vagina and perineum. In men the pain may also be present in scrotum, testicles, perineum.


First complication is stiffness of the bladder wall resulting in reduced bladder capacity. Next, it can cause relationship problems in partners due to pain and frequent urination. It can also lead to sleep disturbance, emotional stress , depression and  poor  quality of life due to frequent urination and pain.

Homeopathic Remedies for Interstitial Cystitis

The homeopathic system of medicine carries a great scope to treat cases of interstitial cystitis. It effectively manages symptoms like bladder pain; pelvic pain; pain in lower abdomen; urgency to urinate;  frequent urination, painful / burning urination; pain during sexual intercourse; pain in vulva, vagina in females; and pain in scrotum, testicles in males. With these medicines the symptoms gradually reduces in intensity and frequency gradually. The homeopathic medicines for its treatment are very safe as they are prepared from naturally occurring substances that does not cause any side effects.

  1. Equisetum – For Heaviness/Pain in Bladder and Lower Abdomen

This medicine is prepared from plant Equisetum hyemale also known as Scouring Rush. It belongs to the family equisetaceae. It is well indicated to manage bladder pain. Persons needing it may have heaviness, dull pain in the bladder and the lower abdomen. Sometimes they have severe pain in the bladder and lower abdomen. They also have frequent almost constant urges to urinate. Next they have a feeling of fullness in the bladder. The bladder region is also tender in them. 

  1. Lycopodium – For Frequent Urination, Heaviness, Pain in Bladder

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum having the common name club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. This medicine is beneficial for cases where frequent urine is present especially at night time. Dull pressing pain, heaviness or bearing down over the bladder is felt. Sometimes pain in the bladder of stitching type may also be present.

  1. Belladonna – For Bladder Pain

This medicine is prepared from a plant called deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is firstly helpful for dull pressing pain in the bladder. This is mostly felt at night. Next it is useful for bladder pain of shooting type worsening from movement. Other than this it helps where sharp, burning , stitching is felt in the bladder neck. Bladder region can be painful to  touch along with the above symptoms. The desire for urine is also frequent and urine passed is small in quantity.

  1. Merc Sol – For Frequent Urination with Marked Urgency

This medicine is very effective when there is frequent urination and marked urgency to urinate. Persons needing it have frequent urination both in day and night time. They have the urge to pass urine every hour and pass a little urine every time. Whenever they have an urge to urinate, they have to hurry to pass it otherwise it passes involuntarily. Burning in the beginning of urination may also be felt by them. Another symptom that they have is soreness of the bladder region.   

  1. Thuja – For Urgency to Pass Urine

This medicine is prepared from fresh green twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis commonly known by the name of Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family coniferae. It offers great help for cases where urgency to pass urine is present. Persons requiring it have a sudden, urgent uncontrollable urge to pass urine. Along with this there is cutting pain in the bladder. Involuntary urination especially at night may also be there. 

  1. Sepia – To Manage Painful Intercourse, Pelvic and Vaginal Pain 

It is a very valuable medicine for females to mange complaint of painful intercourse, pain in pelvis and vagina. In cases needing it there is bearing down sensation in region of bladder. There is marked stitching pain and constant soreness in the vagina.  Burning pain in vagina and vulva are also present. There is marked burning and aching in bladder during menses. Along with this there is pressure sensation in bladder with frequent urination. A major symptom attending it is urgent desire to urinate.

  1. Argentum Nitricum – For Pain during Coition in Males

This medicine is indicated to manage pain during sexual intercourse in males. Other attending symptoms include painful urination, pain in testicle especially right side. This pain is contusive in nature where it is required. 

  1. Causticum – For Urinary Incontinence 

This medicine is a significant one to manage complaint of involuntary urination. Other complaints where it works well includes frequent urination with scanty urine, constant desire to urinate, burning when urinating .

  1. Clematis – For Males to Manage Pain in Testicles 

This medicine is prepared from leaves and stems of plant Clematis Erecta. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is very effective to manage pain in testicles. The pain can be drawing, pinching type. The testicle may also be painful to touch. The testicle may also be swollen.

  1. Cantharis – For Painful or Burning Urination

It is a leading medicine to manage painful or burning urination. It is indicated when the pain and burning is present during, before or after urinating. There is a constant urge to urinate with this even from slightest urine in the bladder. Urine quantity is scanty. Heaviness, soreness and burning pain in the bladder is also marked. The bladder pain is worse from drinking even a small amount of water. Another chief symptom attending above is pain in perineum.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Burning at the End of Urination

Apis Mellifica is well indicated medicine for cases in which burning is present at the end of urination. With this there is frequent urination day and night with the desire to urinate every half hour. Other than this it is indicated for stinging pain while urination.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Medicines for Febrile Seizures

Febrile seizures refers to convulsions (fits) that can occur in a child during a high fever. It usually occurs in children between the ages of 3 months to 6yrs. They can be frightening but most times are harmless and don’t point towards any serious health issue. Homeopathic Medicines for Febrile Seizures can be taken as a supportive help along with conventional mode of treatment.Homeopathic Medicines for Febrile Seizures 


An increase of body temperature (mostly higher than 38 °C  or 100.4 °F) usually can trigger a febrile seizure.  Sometimes a low – grade fever can also trigger a febrile seizure.

Most of the time the fever which lead to febrile seizures result from a viral infection and sometimes from bacterial infection. Virus which causes roseola ( also called as sixth disease is an infectious disease  caused by human herpesvirus 6 and 7 and usually spreads through saliva. It occurs in children before age of three and causes fever and skin rash), chicken pox, influenza and upper respiratory tract infection that are accompanied with high fevers are mostly linked with febrile seizures. Other infections linked with febrile seizures are middle ear infections, shigellosis (an infection of intestines caused by a group of bacteria called Shigella) and salmonellosis (a bacterial disease caused by bacteria of the Salmonella type affecting the intestinal tract causing diarrhoea, fever and abdominal cramps). 

Next, fever that follows immunizations mainly the MMR (measles, mumps rubella vaccine), DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccine) can also cause febrile seizures. A child who has some family member having febrile seizure is at risk of it suggesting a link of genetics with this.

These seizures mainly occur in children between the age group of 3 months and 6 years and the children between 12 months and 18 months of age are at the highest risk of it.


In most cases febrile seizures don’t cause any complication. But some children get the complication of recurrent febrile seizures. Few children who had a febrile seizure have a chance of getting another seizure from some future infection usually within the year of first seizure. The chances of recurrence is more if the first febrile seizure occurred before age of 18 months, the first febrile seizure occurred from a low fever, the time span between the fever onset and seizure was short and there is a family history of febrile seizures and if the child goes to day care that increase the chances to contract infections common in childhood like influenza, chicken pox.


In febrile seizures fever is more than 38°C (or 100.4°F), twitching of limbs, jerking of limbs, stiffness of body, shaking of limbs / whole body, loss of consciousness occurs. Other than this rolling of eyes and foam at mouth  can be there.

There are two types of febrile seizures – simple and complex.

  1. Simple Febrile Seizures 

These are most common and last from a few seconds to one or two minutes. But sometimes they can last for around  15 minutes. They are not specific to any one part of the body. Its symptoms include twitching of limbs,  stiffening and shaking of limbs, shaking all over the body, eye rolling, loss of consciousness, loss of bladder / bowel control. After the seizure is over the child may feel confused, tired, sleepy, irritable but no weakness in the arm or leg is felt. Simple febrile seizures occur for only one time in a 24 hr period and do not repeat again in this time period. 

  1. Complex Febrile Seizure

These are less common and they last for more than 15 minutes. These seizures occur more than once during 24 hours time. These are confined to one side of the body. Its symptoms are twitching or shaking of one limb of the body, loss of consciousness and  weakness in the arm or leg which is temporary.


The child should be taken to doctor as soon as possible after the febrile seizure. One must urgently rush to hospital in case a child has a stiff neck, vomiting, extreme lethargy and breathing difficulty that may be indicative of brain infection.

Homeopathic Medicines for Febrile Seizures

Homeopathic medicines are helpful for managing cases of febrile seizures which are mild to moderate in intensity. These medicines mainly focus to boost the immunity of a child to fight with the infectious agent which is causing fever and to help regulate the temperature. Use of these medicines can be considered to treat the tendency of recurrent febrile seizures.  The homeopathic medicines for these cases should be taken after consulting a homeopathic physician and never be self prescribed. This is because the medicine for this condition is not specific and which medicine is required for a given case of febrile seizures can only be selected after a thorough case analysis. It is to be noted that in severe cases with some warning signs like vomiting, stiff neck, breathing difficulty and extreme lethargy urgent help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken.

  1. Belladonna – Top Grade Medicine 

This medicine is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is a leading medicine for febrile seizures. The important features to use this medicine are twitching of limbs, jerking of arms and hands. There is twisting, turning of limbs along with jerking. Sometimes twitchings are present in muscles of face. Rolling of eyes may also present. With the above there is loss of consciousness. After the end of fit sound sleep occurs. There is fever with excessive heat in head and face, redness of face, great thirst.

  1. Nux Vomica – For Twitching of Single Muscle or Limb

This medicine is beneficial for cases in which there is twitching of single muscle or single limb.  The child may also have frothing at mouth. Deep sleep can after the fit attack is over. There is fever with marked chills. A peculiar feature during fever is desire to be covered in  all stages of fever – chill, heat or sweat. 

  1. Stramonium – With Stiffness and Rigidity of Body

This medicine is indicated when during fit the body becomes stiff, rigid; the eyes are staring and there is frothing at the mouth. Other than this there is jerking of arms, fingers and to and fro motion of head. Sometimes  there is jerking of the left side of the face that appears distorted. There is profuse sweating during fit. Along with the above symptoms there is no loss of consciousness.

  1. Cina – When There is Twitching or Jerking of Limbs

This medicine is prepared from plant Cina maritima also known as Artemisia maritima. This plant belongs to family compositae. Use of this medicine is considered when there is twitching or jerking of limbs. The child throws arms from side to side. Distortion of limbs may also appear with this. Its use is also done when the child becomes suddenly stiff  during seizure attack. In cases needing it consciousness is preserved during the attack.

  1. Cicuta – for seizures with frightful distortion of limbs

This medicine is prepared from the fresh roots of a plant called Cicuta Virosa commonly known as water hemlock. This plant belongs to the family umbelliferae. This medicine is helpful in cases presenting with fits with frightful distortion of limbs and sometimes the whole body. There are spasms with rigidity of muscles. There is loss of consciousness. With this there is high fever, pupils are dilated, head is retracted and there is frothing at mouth.

  1. Hyoscyamus – When Fit Starts with Twitchings of Muscles of Face

This medicine is prepared from plant Hyoscyamus niger commonly known as henbane. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is useful for cases where fit begins with twitchings of muscles of face. In children needing it there may be jerking in the body which is wandering. At one time there is jerking of feet and at other times, the arms. Staring eyes, clenching of teeth and foaming at the mouth are some accompanying symptoms. 

  1. Causticum – With Violent Limb Movements

This medicine is indicated for cases with violent movements of limbs. With this there is gnashing of teeth, screaming, crying. The eyes are half closed with a fixed look. Involuntary passage of urine can be there along with above symptoms. There is feverish heat in the body. Coldness of hands and feet is there. 

  1. Ignatia – For Jerking of Limbs and Trembling of Tongue

This medicine is valuable to manage cases with jerking of limbs and trembling of tongue. Other accompanying symptoms are fixed eyes, frothing at mouth, clenched thumbs, loss of consciousness and redness of face. After consciousness is regained excessive thirst is felt. It is also well indicated for convulsions in children during the first period of dentition with increased body temperature and marked redness of one cheek.

  1. Opium – For Spasmodic Jerking of Limbs

This medicine is prominent for cases with spasmodic jerking of limbs. For using it there may be jerking of one or other arm to and fro. It is also one of the best medicine when a fit occurs during sleep.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Supportive Homeopathic Remedies for Guillain Barre Syndrome

Guillain Barre Syndrome is a rare autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the nerves of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). It is a serious disorder and the initial symptoms are weakness, tingling and numbness in the limbs. It can eventually lead to paralysis. Homeopathic Remedies for  can be used along with conventional mode of treatment to manage the symptoms. homeopathic remedies for Guillain Barre Syndrome


The exact reason behind Guillain – Barre syndrome is still unknown. In this syndrome the immune system (that normally comes in action to destroy the microorganisms like bacteria, virus, parasites) starts to attack the nerve cells out of a misdirected response. It has multiple types and among them the most common form is AIDP (acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy). In AIDP the protective covering of the nerves known as myelin sheath is damaged. Due to this damage the nerves are not able to send proper signals to the brain and weakness , numbness and paralysis can arise. It has been found that in most cases it  occurs some days or weeks after a respiratory illness or a digestive tract infection. Persons of any age group can be affected with this but the risk increases with advancing age. Its chances are more in males as compared to females.

It can be triggered after an infection with campylobacter jejuni bacteria (most times found in undercooked poultry). Some other infections have also been associated that can trigger it. These include cytomegalovirus, influenza virus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), AIDS causing HIV virus,  mycoplasma pneumonia and zika virus. Hepatitis A, B, C and E, Hodgkin’s lymphoma are also associated with the occurrence of this syndrome. Apart from above other triggers linked with it are a recent surgery and vaccination.


In the beginning tingling sensation or weakness is felt in the feet, toes and legs. Afterwards it spread to the upper body, arms, fingers. However in some of the cases (around 10%) the initial symptoms can occur in the arms or face. With the progression of the condition paralysis may appear after muscle weakness. Its signs and symptoms may include tingling, prickling sensation or pins and needles sensations in fingers, wrists, toes, ankles. Next is muscle weakness in legs that spread  to the upper body. There is difficult / unsteady walking and sometimes a person with this is unable to walk or climb stairs. Other symptoms include difficulty in  moving face (from loss of control over facial  muscles) that causes difficulty in talking, chewing or swallowing; and difficulty in  eye movement and double vision. Rest of the symptoms that can arise includes intense pain in lower back; severe shooting, cramping pain that may increase at night; difficulty or loss of bladder control or bowel control; rapid heart rate; difficult breathing; low or high blood pressure and paralysis. There are chances of progression of the symptoms quickly  resulting in a serious condition in a matter of just a few hours in some people. 


This syndrome has many types. The major types are as follows :

  1. Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP) – in this the muscle weakness begins in the lower part of the body and ascends upward.
  2. Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS) – in this case paralysis begins in the eyes.
  3. Acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN) and acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN)


The complications includes difficulty breathing when the weakness / paralysis involves muscles that control breathing; weakness, numbness and other sensations even after recovery;  blood pressure problems; heart problems like cardiac arrhythmias; blood clots; bedsores that can happen from long immobility; severe nerve pain; problem with bladder and bowel function.

Homeopathic Remedies for Guillain Barre Syndrome

Homeopathic mode offers supportive help in these cases along with conventional treatment for symptom relief. These medicines help in halting further worsening of this condition and provide symptomatic relief. It is a serious disorder and the most suitable medicine for managing its symptoms is selected after complete case analysis. So one must take any homeopathic medicine as per the guidance of a homeopathic doctor and never self prescribe them.  In case of complications like breathing difficulty, heart problems and others it is strictly advisable to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment. 

  1. Conium – Top Grade Medicine 

Conium is a leading medicine to manage cases of Guillain barre syndrome. The main indicating feature to use this medicine is paralysis of lower limbs followed by upper limbs. Next indication for using it is weakness in legs. Along with this there is difficulty in walking and staggering gait. Sometimes there is an inability to walk. Numbness and weakness is also felt in thighs. Persons needing it may complain of heaviness and tiredness, weakness in all limbs. They may also have numbness of fingers and toes. Hands and feet may feel cold. Other than this it is also helpful when there is tearing pain in the limbs.

  1. Aconite – For Tingling beginning in Feet and Spreading Upwards

This medicine is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as monkshood. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a prominent medicine for cases in which tingling starts in the feet followed by its spread upwards. In most cases needing it the tingling in limbs is accompanied by shooting pains. Shooting pains are marked in legs, knees, ankles, toes. There may be coldness and sweating of hands and feet. Numbness in legs and feet can also be present.

  1. Causticum – For Weakness and Paralysis

This is a very suitable medicine to manage cases of  weakness, paralysis and loss of bladder control. It is well indicated for weakness or paralysis of the limb. It is also indicated for weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles. Some other indications for its use are hand numbness, weakness in ankles, difficulty of speech, unsteady gait with easy falling. Apart from above it is a top grade medicine for managing cases having loss of bladder control.

  1. Lathyrus – For Weakness in Lower Limbs

This medicine is prepared from plant Lathyrus sativus commonly known as chick – pea. This plant belongs to family leguminosae. It is prominent medicine for cases having weakness in lower limbs. For using it the left side is more weak than right. There is difficulty in standing and walking with this. It is also indicated for paralysis of legs. 

  1. Picric Acid – For Weakness, Numbness, Pricking in Legs

It is a very helpful medicine for weakness, numbness and pricking in legs. Along with this heaviness is also felt in lower limbs and there is difficulty in lifting legs from the floor.

  1. Agaricus – For Prickling Sensation in Feet, Toes and Uncertain Gait

This medicine is well indicated for cases having prickling, tingling sensation in feet, toes. Shooting pain is also present with this. Another marked symptom for using it is weakness and weariness of lower limbs. The legs feel heavy. The gait is uncertain. There is also pain in legs and a sensation of paralytic numbness in lower legs. There is difficulty going upstairs from pain and weakness in legs. Apart from above weakness and paralytic sensation in the arm especially the left side also indicates its use.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Tingling, Prickling in the Fingers

It is a very beneficial medicine for managing tingling sensation in fingers. Weakness and exhaustion in limbs is also present. Limbs feel heavy with this. It is also well indicated for weakness and numbness in feet. 

  1. Phosphorus – for Tingling, Weakness and Paralysis of Limbs

It is another significant medicine for these cases. Firstly it is helpful when there is tingling sensation in limbs. Secondly, it is beneficial for weakness of limbs. In cases requiring it the arms are weak with difficulty in moving them. The lower limbs are also weak and weakness is mainly felt while going upstairs. Thirdly it offers help to manage numbness in hands and arms. Lastly it is indicated for paralysis that begins from ends of fingers and toes and ascends upwards. 

  1. Argentum Nitricum – For Weakness of Lower Limbs and Staggering Gait

Use of this medicine is considered in cases having weakness in lower limbs. The legs also feel heavy with this. People needing it have staggering, tottering gait. Pain in calf muscles may accompany it. 

  1. Stannum Met – For Weakness of Arms

It is a great medicine for weakness of arms. The persons who need it complain of easy tiredness in arms from slight exercise. Things seem to fall down from their hands. Heaviness of arms is also felt by them. They may have a burning sensation in their hands along with above symptoms.

  1. Gelsemium – For Weakness of All the Limbs

Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. This medicine is valuable for cases presenting with weakness of all the limbs. Persons who need it have weakness and tiredness in arms. They feel arms are powerless. Pain in arms may attend it. Numbness of arms can also be there. Next they have weakness in lower limbs. The lower limbs feel tired from slight exercise. They have difficulty in walking and have an unsteady gait. Shooting, cramping pain may be present in legs along with these symptoms. It also works well in case of double vision.

  1. Alumina – For Staggering Gait

This medicine works well in cases presenting with staggering gait.

People needing it have heaviness in lower limbs and staggering gait.

Tearing, tension, cramping  in thighs and legs can be felt. Sometimes legs feel numb mostly at night.

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