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Kidney Stones – Dissolve Them Fast with Natural Homeopathic Medicines

homeopathic medicines kidney stones

Kidney stones are hard deposits that are made from salts, minerals and acids in the kidneys. Kidney stones are also termed as renal calculi or nephrolithiasis. Kidney stones form when the the level of crystal-forming substances such as calcium, uric acid, or oxalate rise in the urine. At the same time, the level of substances that prevent these crystals from sticking together falls. They start as small granules and gradually grow larger in size, filling the hollow structures inside the kidneys.

Homeopathy is a natural healing science that offers amazing treatment for cases of kidney stones. Homeopathic medicines effectively manage its symptoms along with breaking down and dissolving the kidney stones. These also help them pass out by stimulating the body’s self – healing system that helps relax the muscles in the urinary tract for easy passage of stone. Homeopathic medicines are undoubtedly safe and natural medicines that along with proper diet management, increased fluid intake yield positive long-term results in these cases. Homeopathic medicines for kidney stones are selected after an in-depth analysis of every individual case, mainly keeping in mind the side of the kidney stone (right or left)in the body and its attending signs and symptoms.

Besides treating symptomatic kidney stones, homeopathic medicines are also helpful when the kidney stones are asymptomatic. These medicines can also cure the tendency towards recurrent kidney stones. They have shown remarkable results in these cases by targeting the underlying associated health conditions.

Many of the kidney stones cases are considered a case for surgery under the conventional mode of medicine. But with timely homeopathic intervention, most of these can be treated without surgical intervention. To what extent surgery can be avoided varies from case to case. It depends upon the size and location of the kidney stone. It is to be noted that acute retention of urine or severe hydronephrosis from kidney stones is an emergency condition which demands urgent allopathic treatment.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Kidney Stones

The well-known homeopathic remedies which have exhibited outstanding effectiveness in the treatment of kidney stones are Berberis vulgaris, Hydrangea Arborescens, Lycopodium Clavatum, Cantharis Vesicatoria and Sarsaparilla Officinalis.

1. Berberis Vulgaris – For Kidney Stones Of Left Side

Berberis Vulgaris is one of the top-listed medicines for kidney stones formed on the left side. This is often the first line of treatment used by most of the homeopathic physicians to treat kidney stones. A unique symptom guiding the use of Berberis Vulgaris is pain in the left kidney that radiates down the ureter and into the urinary bladder. The pain can be shooting, stitching, cutting or stinging in nature. The pain may worsen by any kind of movement, especially jarring movement. Urine may be yellow and may contain slimy sediments. The area around the kidneys is sensitive to touch.

When to use Berberis Vulgaris?

The main indication of medication is pain in the left side kidney that radiates to the ureter and urinary bladder while urinating, along with increased frequency of urination. Berberis can also be used in cases with a recent diagnosis of kidney stones when the patient is asymptomatic.

How to use Berberis Vulgaris?

Mother tincture (Q) of Berberis Vulgaris is the most frequently suggested potency for kidney stones. Berberis Vulgaris Q can be taken twice or thrice a day.

2. Lycopodium Clavatum – For Right Side Kidney Stone

Lycopodium Clavatum is an outstanding medicine for treating kidney stones on the right side. It is indicated when there is pain in right kidney and right ureter. The pain gets worse before urination, there is forceful straining to pass urine and urine is scanty. The kidney pain subsides after urination. The urine may contain red sediments. Also, the urine may be purulent (containing pus), turbid or pale in some cases.

When to use Lycopodium Clavatum?

It is best to be taken in cases of right side kidney stones with pain which gets worse before urination sometimes along with red sand in urine.

How to use Lycopodium Clavatum?

Both the lower and the higher potencies of this medicine turn out to be effective with excellent results. But initially it can be taken in 30 C potency upto 2 times in a day, not more than that.

3. Hydrangea Arborescens – For Kidney Stone With White Or Yellow Sand In Urine

Hydrangea Arborescens is popularly known as the stone breaker remedy. Hydrangea Arborescens is used to crush kidney stones, stones in the ureter as well as bladder. If one notices white or yellow sand deposits, then Hydrangea Arborescens is well indicated. Soreness in the kidney region may also be felt in such cases. In some cases, blood may appear in urine.

When to use Hydrangea Arborescens?

It should be considered in any type of renal stones to dissolve stones especially in cases with white or yellow sandy deposits in urine and soreness in the kidney area.

How to use Hydrangea Arborescens?

It has proven to be effective in mother tincture (Q) form and produces good outcomes. Hydrangea Arborescens Q can be used two to three times a day.

4. Cantharis Vesicatoria – For Kidney Stone With Burning Urination

Cantharis Vesicatoria is of great help in kidney stones where there is intense burning on passing urine. The burning sensation may also be felt before urine is passed and may continue after urination. Another attending feature is kidney pain with frequent urge to pass urine. Tenesmus of the bladder may also be marked where the urge to pass urine is almost constant, along with unsatisfactory urination. Urine may contain jelly-like mucus.

When to use Cantharis Vesicatoria?

The key indicating feature of this medicine in kidney stones is intense burning especially when passing urine. Burning may also be felt before and after urination in many cases needing this medicine.

How to use Cantharis Vesicatoria?

Both 30C or 200C potency of this medicine give amazing results. In the beginning two to three doses of this medicine in 30C potency can be consumed per day. The dose should be reduced to once a day when improvement is noticeable.

5. Sarsaparilla – For Kidney Stone With Burning At Close Of Urination

Sarsaparilla Officinalis is the medicine that you can count on in case of kidney stones with excessive burning at the end of urination. The urine passed is scanty and may contain slimy or sandy particles. Sarsaparilla Officinalis is also prescribed for right-sided kidney stones.

When to use Sarsaparilla Officinalis?

The most noticeable symptom to use this medicine for kidney stones is excessive burning towards the end of passing urine.

How to use Sarsaparilla Officinalis?

It works best in 30C potency that one may use once or twice a day.

What Are The Causes Of Kidney Stones?

1. Low urine volume: Consistently less volume of urine is a key risk factor for kidney stones. Dehydration (loss of body fluids) through strenuous activity, residing in a warm humid environment, or not drinking enough fluids can contribute to low urine volume and concentrated, black urine. There is less fluid to keep salts dissolved in concentrated urine.
2. Diet: Diet can have a tremendous impact on stones and the likelihood of developing them. High calcium level in the urine is one of the most common causes of calcium kidney stones. The body’s metabolism of calcium may be blamed for high urine calcium levels. The most typical type of kidney stone (calcium oxalate) contains oxalate; consuming foods high in oxalate can increase the chance of developing these stones. An excessive intake of animal proteins in the diet, such as beef, fish, poultry, and hog (pig meat), can cause the acid level of the body and urine to rise. The formation of calcium oxalate and uric acid stones is facilitated by high acidity levels. The likelihood of developing calcium and uric acid stones is further increased by uric acid formation from the breakdown of meat.
3. Obesity: A risk factor for stones is obesity which may alter the urine’s acid composition which could result in the production of stones.
4. Family History: The risk of developing kidney stones is substantially high in those who have a family history of kidney stones.
5. Medications: The chance of developing kidney stones increases with intake of certain drugs, as well as calcium and vitamin C supplements.
6. Chronic UTI: Larger kidney stones can develop in those with chronic urinary tract infections. These are frequently referred to as struvite stones.
7. Bowel conditions: Certain bowel conditions that cause diarrhea (like Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis) and surgeries (like gastric bypass surgery) can raise the risk of formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones. Diarrhea may result in loss of large quantities of fluid from the body and decreased urine volume. The body hence absorbs the excessive oxalate from the intestines resulting in more oxalate in the urine. Both low urine volume and high oxalate in the urine can lead to the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.

Types Of Kidney Stones

Calcium Stones (80% of the stones)
These are the most prevalent kidney stones. Calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate are the two different forms of calcium stones. The most typical kind of calcium stone is by far calcium oxalate. In some cases, urine contains excessive amounts of calcium increasing the risk of calcium stones in them. Calcium stones can develop due to various other reasons also even when there is normal calcium in the urine.
Uric Acid Stones
This is yet another typical kidney stone type. Intake of large amounts of animal protein can increase the risk of uric acid build-up in the urine. Uric acid crystals do not dissolve well in acidic urine and can lead to the formation of uric acid stones. Loss of body fluids due to diarrhea, malabsorption and certain genetic factors make the person prone to developing uric acid stones. These kinds of stones frequently develop in persons having a family history of stones.
Struvite Stones
These stones have a connection to persistent UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). Some bacteria increase the urine’s basicity or alkalinity, decreasing its acidity. Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) stones develop in urine that is alkaline. These stones frequently have branches, are huge, and develop quickly. The greatest risk of developing these stones is in those who frequently experience urinary tract infections (UTI), those who have long tubes in their kidneys or bladders, or those who have poor bladder emptying as a result of neurologic conditions (such as paralysis, multiple sclerosis, and spina bifida).
Staghorn Calculus
The term ‘staghorn’ refers to the shape of this type of stone which has branches like a piece of coral or the antlers on a deer. People having repeated UTI are more prone to develop this type of stone. If they form as a result of infections, they may be made of struvite which is a mix of magnesium, ammonium and phosphate. If they are formed as a result of smaller stones growing larger over a period of time, then the staghorn calculi are made of calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate or a mixture of calcium carbonate apatite, apart from struvite. The way the branches of this type of stone grow, it can block the pelvis and the calyces of the kidney which can lead to kidney failure.
Cystine Stones
One of the amino acids that make up proteins and can be found in some foods is cysteine. The genetic metabolic condition cystinuria or having too much cystine in the urine, is rare. When the kidneys fail to reabsorb cystine from urine, a lot of cysteine in the urine might lead to the formation of kidney stones. Kids are frequently the first to develop cystine stones.

Symptoms Of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones usually cause no symptoms and may lie dormant in the kidneys till the time they do not move around in the kidneys and pass through ureters. In such cases with no symptoms, they usually get revealed accidentally in ultrasound done for some other purpose. When the kidney stones travel down the ureter (the tube between kidneys and urinary bladder) to the bladder to finally pass out with urine, then they cause intense pain even if they are small in size. If a kidney stone is lodged in the ureter, it may cause urine blockage resulting in swelling of kidneys and spasm of ureters which can be very painful. At that point, one may experience the following symptoms:
1. Severe sharp pain on the sides of abdomen (flank area) or in the kidney region in the back below the ribs (medically called lion’s area) is termed renal colic. The pain from the back may travel to the lower abdomen and groin, and the pain often starts suddenly and comes in waves. The intensity of the pain varies.
2. Pain or burning sensation while urinating. Persistent need to urinate again and again.
3. Urine may be dark or red (cloudy) due to blood in it, and foul-smelling. Sometimes, urine contains a small number of red blood cells that cannot be seen with naked eyes.
4. Nausea and vomiting.
5. In men, there may be pain at the tip of the penis.
6. Fever and chills if there is infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which tests does the diagnosis of kidney stones involve?
The tests to confirm kidney stones include ultrasound, X-ray KUB i.e. kidney ureter bladder, intravenous pyelogram and CT scan of KUB. In addition to this, renal function test also needs to be done.
Can kidney stones lead to complications or damage to kidneys?
The pain from kidney stones is usually so intense that the person seeks immediate medical aid. There are usually no complications in such cases. However, complications may arise in case a person does not approach a doctor, unaware of the kidney stones lying dormant for a long period of time without causing any discomfort or pain. In such cases, there are chances of kidney damage due to persistent and severe obstruction of urine flow.
2. Can natural medicines treat kidney stones located at junctions of the renal system?
There are two junctions in the renal system — pelviureteric junction (PUJ) and ureterovesical junction (UVJ). The PUJ is the junction where the renal pelvis and ureter meet. The UVJ refers to the junction of the ureter and urinary bladder. These medicines can treat kidney stones at both PUJ and UVJ junctions when the stones are small in size and not linked with acute retention of urine or severe hydronephrosis.
3. My USG shows multiple small kidney stones, the largest is 6mm. Can homeopathy medicines dissolve them?
Yes, homeopathic medicines can definitely dissolve the stones in your case. Kidney stones of up to 8mm to 9mm have a good scope of treatment with these medicines. This does not, however, mean that homeopathy will not work on stones of a larger size. They will, but in such cases, homeopathy can only be started after making sure that the renal function tests are normal and there is no acute urinary retention.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

Urinary tract infection or UTI refers to an infection in any part of the urinary tract which consists of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract – the bladder and the urethra termed cystitis and urethritis respectively. Women are more prone to UTI than men.
Homeopathy holds a great promise to give excellent results in cases of UTI. Homeopathic medicines are very safe, gentle, natural and effective for UTI. These promote quick symptom relief in UTI. Symptoms such as pain, burning with urination, frequent and urgent urination all get significantly better with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines stimulate the body’s innate healing mechanism to fight the infectious agent which is causing UTI and exclude it from the body. To boost this mechanism, homeopathy uses very tiny amounts of highly diluted medicines procured from natural sources. This way it aids excellent natural cure with no side effects. Homeopathic medicines are highly recommended for mild to moderate cases of UTI. However, in severe cases and cases where kidneys are involved urgent help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken.
Homeopathy is a symptom-based science. Among a wide range of homeopathic medicines available to treat recurrent UTI, the most appropriate is selected after a thorough assessment of the detailed symptoms of the individual. Afterwards its potency, dose, repetition is decided as per homeopathic principles. In this way, effective cure happens with correctly selected medicine.
Homeopathic medicines work wonderfully well in urinary tract infections, whether acute or chronic and recurrent types. Homeopathic treatment gradually reduces the frequency and intensity of recurrent UTI episodes remarkably. It also helps to reduce chances of any complications. With proper homeopathic treatment the need for frequent antibiotic use can be highly minimized.

homeopathic medicines for UTI

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

The seven  top-most homeopathic medicines that are highly reliable for treating urinary tract infection are Cantharis Vesicatoria, Apis Mellifica, Sarsaparilla Officinalis, Nitric acid, Sepia, Colibacillinum and Merc Cor.

1. Cantharis Vesicatoria – For Extreme Pain / Burning Before, During and After Urination

Cantharis Vesicatoria is among the primary medicines for treating urinary tract infection. The key symptom to look out for while prescribing Cantharis Vesicatoria is intense pain or burning before, during or after urination. There is a constant urge to urinate. Scanty urine or urine passed in drops from UTI is also best treated with Cantharis Vesicatoria. At times, blood in the urine can also be seen.

When to use Cantharis Vesicatoria?
The most striking feature to use this medicine is pain / burning sensation — before, during and after urination, along with frequent desire to pass urine.

How to use Cantharis Vesicatoria?
Cantharis is best suited in 30C potency. It can be repeated 2 times in a day.

2. Apis Mellifica – For Severe Burning, Stinging While Passing Urine

Apis Mellifica is the next important medicine for urinary tract infection. The person requiring Apis Mellifica will complain of burning or stinging pain while passing urine, especially last drops of urine causing intense burning. There is also bladder tenesmus (sensation of incomplete bladder emptying even when there is no urine left behind in the bladder). In some cases, blood appears in urine.

When to use Apis Mellifica?
It can be used when there is burning, stinging sensation while passing urine mainly when passing last drops of urine.

How to use Apis Mellifica?
It can be taken in low 30C potency that can only be repeated twice in a day. It is also used in 200C but in order to do so, one should carefully look for the symptoms and not repeat it frequently.

3. Sarsaparilla Officinalis– For Intense Burning Towards The End Of Urination

To treat UTI with intense burning when a person finishes urination, Sarsaparilla Officinalis is the most reliable medicine. Other accompanying characteristics for use of Sarsaparilla are – scanty urine, urine with pus and blood and pain in the urethra extending to the abdomen.

When to use Sarsaparilla Officinalis?
The key guiding symptom for the use of Sarsaparilla Officinalis is unbearable pain after the urination is done.

How to use Sarsaparilla Officinalis?
It is recommended mainly in 30C power that can be repeated depending on the severity of the symptoms but not more than 3 times in a day.

4. Nitric Acid – For Burning During Urination With Foul Smelling Urine

Nitric Acid is one of the most effective medicines for urinary tract infection where the major symptoms include burning while passing urine that is highly offensive (foul-smelling) like horse’s urine. Urine is scanty, cloudy, dark or bloody.

When to use Nitric Acid?
This remedy is best suited to patients who have foul smelling urine passed with burning and stinging pain.

How to use Nitric Acid?
It works well in low potency i.e. 30C, normally use of this medicine is limited to once to twice in a day. Higher potencies are not recommended until a physician asks you to do so.

5. Sepia – For UTI In Women

Sepia is rated among the most beneficial medicines for treating urinary tract infection in women. Sepia is prescribed when there is cutting pain in the bladder and there is a feeling of the pubic area getting pushed down. The urinary stream is weak and the urine smells bad. Sepia is also very useful in cases of chronic cystitis (bladder inflammation). It is also recognized as the best medicine for urinary tract infection in women going through menopause.

When to use Sepia?
Sepia is a highly recommended medicine for UTI in females to manage symptoms of painful urination with a feeling of pubic area getting pushed down. It works great in chronic bladder inflammation.

How to use Sepia?
It gives remarkable results in 30C potency that can be administered once a day.

6. Colibacillinum – For Escherichia Coli (E.coli) Positive UTI

For urinary tract infection that tests positive for Escherichia coli bacteria, Colibacillinum is the best medicine. The symptoms to use it include an urge to pass urine frequently, scanty urination and pain while passing urine. The urine may smell. Blood in urine is noted in certain cases.

When to use Colibacillinum?
This remedy is specific for cases of urinary tract infections with Escherichia coli (E. coli) Positive culture report with symptoms of painful, frequent urination.

How to use Colibacillinum?
It is advisable to use it in lower potency 30C only once a day. If there is no improvement, it is strongly recommended to consult a homeopathic physician.

7. Merc Cor – For Hot Urine Passed In Drops With Severe Pain

It is an excellent medicine for cases having hot urine passed in drops with intense pain. There is frequent almost a constant urge to pass urine with this. Severe burning is also felt in the urethra along with these symptoms.

When to use Merc Cor?
Passage of hot urine in drops with severe pain is the most remarkable symptom guiding use of this medicine.

How to use Merc Cor?
One may take this medicine one or two times a day in 30 C power.

Note The above-listed medicines can be taken for 1-2 weeks. If the symptoms still persist, it is best to consult a homeopath before taking it further or using high potencies (200C, 1M or higher).

Pathophysiology And Causes Of UTI

A urinary tract infection arises when bacteria gain access to the urinary tract and begin to multiply there. Escherichia coli, commonly known as E.coli, (a type of bacteria commonly found in Gastrointestinal tract, GI) is the most common bacteria infecting the urinary tract. The bacteria mainly enter the urinary tract via the urethra and gut. Other less commonly known bacteria causing UTI are Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas and Klebsiella.
Cystitis is mainly caused by Escherichia coli (E coli), 90 % of bladder infections are caused by E coli, however, sometimes other bacteria are also responsible.
Urethritis: This type of UTI occurs when GI bacteria spread from the anus to the urethra. Also because urethra in females is close to vagina, sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhoea, herpes, Chlamydia and mycoplasma can cause urethritis.

Risk factors include:
Suppressed immune system: People who suffer from conditions like diabetes (high blood sugar) are more likely to develop UTIs because their bodies are less capable of fighting infection effectively.
Obstruction in the urinary tract: Prostatitis, or obstruction of the urethra by an enlarged prostate, can cause insufficient bladder emptying in men which raises the risk of infection. Most elderly men experience it.
Usage of Catheter– People who are unable to urinate on their own and use a tube(catheter) to pass urine are at more risk of developing UTI.

Risk Factors specific to women
Women are more likely to contract this disease. Risk factors specific to women for UTI are mentioned here:
1. Anatomy of female urethra: The length of urethra is short and its orifice being quite close to the anus in women, makes it easier for the bacteria to spread to the bladder. This leads to higher chances of acquiring a urinary tract infection in women as compared to men.
2. Menopause: After menopause, there is a decline in circulating oestrogen that causes changes in the urinary tract that makes the females more prone to UTI. Some women have urinary tracts that make the bacteria easy to cling to and are genetically prone to UTIs.
3. Sexual activity: Sexually active women suffer from UTI more times than women who are not sexually active.
4. Birth control agents: Women using diaphragms for birth control and also those using spermicidal agents are at higher risk of UTI.

Symptoms Of UTI

Lower UTI Symptoms: It affects urinary bladder and urethra, the symptoms are:
1. The most typical symptom is burning or pain when urinating.
2. Increased urinary frequency without passing much urine.
3. Strong need or urge to urinate but only producing a few drops of urine.
4. Urine has a foul odour and is cloudy.
5. Non-visible or visible haematuria (urine can appear bloody)
6. Pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, and even the pelvic region will typically make you feel the need to urinate more frequently.

Upper UTI Symptoms: It affects kidneys, the symptoms are:
1. Fever and chills
2. Nausea and Vomiting
3. Flank Pain (pain on either side of lower back between pelvis and ribs)
If the bacteria moves from the infected kidney to the blood, it can be life threatening, the condition is termed as ‘urosepsis’ which can cause extremely low blood pressure, shock and death.

How to diagnose UTI?

In cases presented with symptoms of acute UTI, a simple test of routine urine examination is the first step. In this test a sample of urine is tested in the laboratory. If pus cells are revealed in the urine report of this test then it means UTI is present. Next recommended test is a urine culture test in which a sample of urine is checked in the lab for growth of any bacteria that might be causing this urinary tract infection. In cases of recurrent UTI an ultrasound may be recommended to check for any issues in bladder and kidneys.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Benzoic Acid – Homeopathic medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Benzoic Acid is derived from benzoicum acidum which is obtained by sublimation from gum benzoin or from some aromatic hydrocarbons. When benzoicum acidum is potentised as per homeopathic formula which is a process of arousing the latent medicinal properties from a crude substance, we obtain a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Benzoic Acid. It is a highly recommended medicine for treating gout (inflamed joints from increased uric acid level) and some urinary problems.

The ‘Benzoic Acid’ Constitution

This medicine suits persons who have a tendency to suffer from joint inflammation due to high uric acid (gout).

Drug Action

The supreme action of this medicine is witnessed on the joints mainly joint inflammation arising from high uric acid. Benzoic Acid shows marked action on urinary organs. A strong offensive-smelling urine is a key symptom highly noteworthy for its use. Besides, its action is seen on the limbs, gastric system and lungs.

Clinical Indications

Gout, toe pain, knee pain, bunions, ganglion, foul-smelling urine, bed-wetting, kidney stones, kidney disorders, diarrhea, asthma

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Action On Joints (Gout)

It is predominantly a medicine to treat joint inflammation. It is a top-grade homeopathic medicine for gout treatment. Gout refers to inflamed, painful, red, swollen and warm joints due to increased uric acid level. Firstly, it gives excellent results when the joints are red, swollen and sensitive to touch. Cracking sound from the joints on movement occurs. Nodes on joints, which are painful, are formed due to high uric acid. Benzoic Acid works well in cases where gouty pain gets worse at night. Its use is highly recommended for pain in the thumb toe of the foot which is tearing type. Mostly, right-side toe is affected where Benzoic Acid is required. Swelling in thumb toe is marked. Benzoic Acid is also suggested for knee joint pain along with swelling. It is also useful for swelling in the fingers and the elbow joint as well.

Key indicating features

1. Gout (inflamed joints due to increased uric acid levels)

2. Red, swollen and sensitive joints in gout

3. Pain and swelling in great toe and knee

2. Limbs (Ganglion, Bunion, Achilles Tendon Pain, Panaritium)

This medicine acts well on the limbs to treat certain complaints. First, it treats ganglion which is a round lump filled with jelly-like fluid that commonly develops on the back of the wrist.



Benzoic Acid proves to be highly effective to dissolve ganglion of the wrist. Second, it is a beneficial medicine for cases of bunion which is a bony bump forming on the joint at the base of the big toe. Third, it relieves pain in the Achilles tendon (a tough fibrous band that connects calf muscle in the back of leg to the heel bone). This pain may begin on the right side and then move to the left side. It gets worse by standing or walking which puts pressure on the foot . In cases needing it, the feet may be cold with cold sweat. Benzoic Acid is an important medicine for treating panaritium which is an infection or inflammation of tissue with pus formation near a fingernail.

Key indicating features

1. Ganglion of wrist

2. Bunion (bony bump on the joint at the base of big toe)

3. Urinary Issues (Offensive Urine, Bedwetting, Kidney Stones, Cystitis, Nephritis, Kidney Pain, Enlarged Prostate)

Benzoic Acid shows the best action on urinary organs. The most important characteristic for its use is highly offensive (foul–smelling) urine like the urine of horse. It is hot and dark brown. Benzoic Acid is highly recommended for treating kidney stones. Another complaint where it proves beneficial is bed-wetting. In such cases, urine is very offensive and stains the bed sheets brown. It is also capable to deal with cases of cystitis (means inflammation of urinary bladder). Benzoic Acid can be used for managing cases of nephritis (inflammation of kidneys) too. It relieves kidney pain attended with red urine having strong smell. There is light pain in the kidneys. In left side kidney, burning pain is felt. On stooping, shooting pain occurs in the kidneys. Lastly, it works well for managing enlarged prostate. Here it is used when there is difficult urination, and mucus and pus appear in the urine.

Key indicating features

1. Highly offensive strong smelling urine, as foul as horse urine

2. Bed-wetting with strong-smelling urine staining the bed sheets brown

3. Kidney pain attended with red urine having strong smell

4. Gastric Problems (Pain Around Navel, Diarrhea)

With its action on the gastric system, it proves to be successful in alleviating pain around the navel. For recommending Benzoic Acid, the pain around navel is cutting type which gets better after passing stool. Heat in the stomach may also be there. There may be vomiting of bitter or salty taste. It can be helpful in managing stitching type of pain in the liver region. It is well indicated to manage diarrhea. There is watery, profuse stool that looks greyish white and is frothy with a very strong offensive smell. Before passing stool, a person feels chilly. Stitching pain and constricted feeling in the rectum attends. There may occur a feeling of insects crawling in the anus. In some cases, wart-like growths appear around the anus.

Key indicating features

1. Pain around navel, cutting type, better after passing stool

2. Diarrhea with watery, profuse, greyish white, frothy stool having a very strong offensive smell.

5. Lungs (Cough, Asthma, Chest Pain)

Lastly, Benzoic Acid is indicated for managing some complaints related to lungs. It proves helpful for managing cough when there occurs expectoration of greenish mucus with cough. It is indicated for asthma management. The main indicator here is coughing at night. It worsens from lying on the right side. Stitching pain in the chest on deep breathing can occur mostly in the evening. Cough at the slightest exposure to cold also indicates its use.

Key indicating features

1. Cough with expectoration of greenish mucus

2. Cough worse at night and on lying on the right side

3. Stitching pain in the chest on deep breathing in the evening


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold, movement, weather change and uncovered chest in winter

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from heat and copious urination


This medicine can be used in both low and high potency. The potency and repetition of this medicine varies in every individual. As a general rule, low potency can be taken frequently but high potencies should not be repeated often.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Copaiva

It can be compared with medicine Nitric Acid in cases of offensive urine like horse and  with other medicines including Sabina, Calcarea Carb, Ferrum Met, Zincum Met and Tropeolum.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Sabal Serrulata – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Sabal Serrulata is a homeopathic medicine derived from fresh berries of plant Saw Palmetto. It belongs to Palmaceae family. The fresh berries of this plant undergo potentization process that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties which gives us the homeopathic medicine Sabal Serrulata of great clinical significance. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines to treat prostate issues like enlarged prostate and prostatitis in males.

The ‘Sabal Serrulata’ Constitution

It is mainly recommended for males, especially those suffering from some sort of prostate issues.

Drug Action

The most important and primary action of this remedy is observed on prostate gland and urinary organs mainly bladder and urethra. Sabal Serrulata also acts on female genitals, breast, gastric system, back and head.

Clinical Indications

Prostate enlargement (BPH), prostatitis, epididymitis, weak erections, sexual perversions, loss of sex drive, frequent urine, involuntary urination, urethral stricture, cystitis, suppressed menses, ovary pain, underdeveloped breast, breast pain, headache, backache, gastritis, stomach pain, piles.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Male problems (prostate enlargement, prostatitis, epididymitis, weak erections)

Sabal Serrulata is being extensively used in homeopathy for numerous male problems among which prostate troubles top the list. It is an infallible medicine to treat prostate issues especially enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia – BPH) and prostatitis. It is of great value to manage complaints of frequent urination related to prostate issues. The urine frequency usually increases at night causing troubled sleep. There can be slight pain in the prostate region that may extend to the abdomen and thighs. Sabal is well indicated to manage complaints of difficulty in starting urine flow, interrupted urine stream and dribbling of urine in BPH cases. Another noteworthy complaint where Sabal Serrulata helps is erectile dysfunction related to prostate issues. Erectile dysfunction refers to the inability to get or maintain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. The genitals may feel cold and there may also be loss of sex drive. It can also be given for managing complaints of painful ejaculation. In some cases needing it, there can be atrophy (shrinkage and decrease in size) of testicles.

Sabal is a magnificent medicine for epididymitis management. Epididymitis refers to inflammation of epididymis which is a coiled tube at the back of the testicles that stores sperms and carries them from testicles to vas deferens.  This medicine is also considered in cases of sexual perversions.

Key indicating features

1. Prostate enlargement and prostatitis

2. Frequent urination, difficulty in starting urine, interrupted/ dribbling urine, from enlarged prostate

3. Erection issues related to prostate troubles

2. Urinary issues (frequent urine, urethral stricture, involuntary urination)

This medicine is very beneficial for various urinary problems. Firstly, it is recommended to manage frequent urination at night. Secondly, it is well indicated for cases of bladder inflammation (cystitis) when associated with enlarged prostate. It can also be given for treating cases of urethral stricture. At the beginning of urination, there may be pain with a sensation that urine is being forced to pass through a narrow opening. The urethra feels narrow and urine is passed with difficulty. It can be attended with burning sensation and smarting pain (sharp, stinging pain) in the urethra. Sabal Serrulata helps tremendously in cases of urinary incontinence (involuntary urine passage) that may happen from laughing or exertion. Lastly, it is indicated for bladder pain that may extend to the genitals and there is a feeling of the urinary bladder being full.

Key indicating features

1. Frequent urination at night

2. Cystitis (bladder inflammation) associated with enlarged prostate

3. Urethral stricture

4. Involuntary urination from laughing/exertion

3. Female problems (suppressed menses, ovary pain, loss of sex drive, underdeveloped breast)

Though predominantly used for prostate and urinary concerns, Sabal Serrulata’s role in treating certain women–related problems and breast size can not be overlooked. For females, this medicine is preferred to help cases of suppressed menses (amenorrhoea) and also for irregular periods. It is also effective in dealing with ovary pain which is mainly stinging in nature and may radiate down to the thighs from the ovaries. Tenderness (pain on touching) may be felt in the ovary region. This medicine can be given when there is a loss of sex drive and also in cases of sexual perversions.

This medicine is known to have a significant value in case of underdeveloped breasts where it works well to promote breast development. It is also indicated when one breast is smaller than the other, where Sabal helps towards the development of underdeveloped breast. Another characteristic feature to use it is sore, tender breast with sharp or stinging type of pain. Fullness in the breast may be felt.

Key indicating features

1. Ovary pain radiating down thighs

2. Loss of sex drive and sexual perversions

3. Underdeveloped breast

4. Sore, tender, breast with sharp, stinging pain

4. Head (headache)

Regarding its action on the head, Sabal mainly helps to manage headaches. It works well in cases of sharp, darting (sharp) pain in the head which comes suddenly and also disappears suddenly on its own. The location of pain also keeps changing. It can occur at the back, top or side of the head. Headache can be attended with vertigo. In some cases, dimness of vision is felt along with headache. Sometimes pain is felt specifically in the right temple of the head and top of the head. Lastly, Sabal Serrulata can be given for pain that begins from the nose, then ascends up and settles in the forehead.

Key indicating features

1. Sharp, darting pain in head that occur suddenly and goes away suddenly

2. Headache with vertigo and dimness of vision

5. Gastric system (stomach pain, gastritis, constipation, piles)

When it comes to gastric troubles, Sabal is indicated to settle complaints like stomach pain, gastritis, constipation and piles. There is a cramp-like pain in the abdomen which may radiate to the legs; burping and acidity are also there. Excessive desire for milk is marked. In gastritis, burning sensation is marked in stomach. It can be given for constipation with an enlarged prostate gland. This medicine is also useful for piles with dry stool.

Key indicating features

1. Cramp-like pain in the abdomen that may radiate to legs

2. Gastritis with excessive burning in stomach

3. Constipation in cases of enlarged prostate

6. Back (backache)

The action of this medicine is also seen on the back. Sabal Serrulata is a wonderful medicine to relieve lower back pain. When it occurs before and at beginning of menses, this remedy proves to be very effective. Backache felt after sexual activity can also be relieved with this medicine.

Key indicating features

1. Lower back pain before and at beginning of menses

2. Backache after sexual activity


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in the early morning and at bedtime; in cold damp or cloudy weather and from sympathy

Relieving factors: Complaints are better after sleep


The use of this medicine is mainly suggested in mother tincture (Q) form. The recommended dose of Sabal Serrulata Q is 8 to 10 drops in half a cup of water. This can be taken two to three times as per the severity of the symptom.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Silicea

It can be compared with medicines Ferrum Picricum, Digitalis, Argentum Nitricum, Thuja and Solidago in prostatic issues

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Baryta Carbonica – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Baryta Carbonica is prepared from barium carbonate. With potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that bring out its medicinal properties), barium carbonate is converted into a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine Baryta Carb. It is prescribed to treat numerous health issues like developmental delays in children, autism spectrum disorders, memory issues and concentration issues in children. It is a leading medicine to treat tonsillitis, enlarged prostate gland and hair loss.

The ‘Baryta Carbonica’ Constitution

Though it can be given to persons of any age group, it is best suited to children and elderly people. Its use is mainly recommended for those children having retarded growth, both mentally and physically. For the elderly, its use is considered when degenerative changes in brain, heart and blood vessels show up early.

 Drug Action

This medicine acts on many body organs, like the mind, tonsils, throat, scalp and prostate gland. It shows prominent action on ears, skin, urinary organs, heart and male and female genitals. It works well on different glands, mainly swollen, enlarged and hardened glands, mainly enlarged glands in neck, enlarged tonsils, enlarged prostate gland; swollen parotid gland and axillary glands (under the arm).

 Clinical Indications

Developmental delays, autism, concentration issues, dullness of mind, weak memory and forgetfulness, tonsillitis, sore throat, quinsy (abscess in between one of the tonsils and wall of throat), baldness, parotitis, hearing difficulty, tinnitus, enlarged prostate, amenorrhoea, cysts, lipoma, foot sweat, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, palpitations, wens (boils)

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints Of The Mind (Developmental Delay, Autism, Poor Concentration, Dullness Of Mind, Weak Memory And Forgetfulness)

Baryta Carb shows remarkable action on the mind. It is a highly recommended medicine to treat cases of developmental delay in children. It is also a top-listed medicine for managing cases of autism. Autism is a neuro-developmental disorder that results in problems pertaining to communication, and social interaction. It also results in restricted and repetitive patterns of unwanted behavior. This medicine can be of great help in cases of delayed speech among children or late learners or children who begin walking late. It also plays an important role when the child is unable to connect words to objects. There is also difficulty in coordination. This medicine also helps children who have poor concentration and helps improve their attention span among them.

Other than these this medicine benefits in cases where a child has a dull mind and weak mental grasp, has difficulty in learning new things and can’t remember things easily. In general, such children are very shy, bashful and cowardly. They hide behind furniture in front of strangers or keep their hands on their faces and peep through fingers.

They fear the stranger. They have aversion to play and desire to sit in corner and do nothing. It is also an effective medicine for those with weak memory and forgetfulness, especially among the elderly.

Key indicating features

1. developmental delay in children

2. late learning & delayed talking & walk among children

3. poor concentration among children

4. dull mind and weak mental grasp, difficulty in learning and remembering things

5. shy, bashful and coward children who have fear of strangers (xenophobia) and avoid them or hide behind furniture upon seeing them

6. weak memory and forgetfulness especially among the elderly

2. Throat Issues (Tonsillitis, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Parotitis)

Baryta Carb acts wonderfully on the throat. It is very suitable to treat cases of tonsillitis. Those having tendency to recurrent tonsillitis can be highly benefitted from this medicine. There is predisposition to catch cold easily resulting in inflammation of the tonsils. In cases who need it, the tonsils are enlarged, swollen, inflamed with swollen veins. This medicine is also a leading medicine for managing cases of quinsy (inflammation of the throat especially an abscess in the region of the tonsils). Quinsy also known as peritonsillar abscess refers to pus collection behind the tonsils. It’s also used for sore throat. There is stitching or smarting pain in the throat. The pain in the throat gets worse upon making swallowing motion (though nothing is being swallowed). The sufferers can only swallow liquids. Burning sensation is also felt in the throat. There is increased salivation. One begins his morning with a sticky mucus. Its use is also recommended to treat cases of parotitis (inflammation of parotid gland which is a salivary gland). The parotid gland is swollen and tender in cases when this medicine is required.

Key indicating features

1. Tonsillitis with enlarged, swollen, inflamed tonsils with swollen veins

2. Recurrent tonsillitis occurring every time when exposed to cold

3. tendency to catch cold easily

4. management of quinsy (pus behind tonsils)

5. Parotitis (inflamed parotid gland)

3. Scalp Complaints (Baldness, Wens)

Baryta Carb is an excellent medicine for managing cases of hair fall. It is highly suitable for managing complaints of baldness (hair loss) in young men. It gives good results when used in the very early stage of baldness. In the advanced and late stages, it may not yield fruitful results. In most cases needing it, hair loss is most prominent on the top of the scalp. Baryta Carb works well to manage crawling sensation (like crawling ants) on the scalp. The scalp is very sensitive to touch. Apart from these, it is a leading medicine to help treat wens (boils) on scalp. Wens are non-cancerous cyst on the scalp that contains fatty secretion of a sebaceous gland.

Key indicating features

1. early stages of baldness (hair loss) in very young men

2. hair loss from the top of scalp

3. crawling sensation on scalp

4. wens on scalp

4. Ear Complaints (Difficult Hearing, Tinnitus, Eruptions)

This medicine proves beneficial for various ear-related complaints. Firstly, it can be used in cases of difficult hearing, especially in elderly people. Second main indication of its use is tinnitus (noises in ears in the absence of any external source). The sufferer may hear buzzing, roaring or crackling noise inside ears. This medicine can be next used in cases of hard knotty swelling behind the ears. Lastly, it can help to treat eruptions that may occur on or behind the ears.

Key indicating features

1. difficult hearing especially in elderly people

2. Tinnitus with buzzing, roaring or crackling noises in ears

3. hard knotty swelling behind the ears

4. eruptions on or behind the ears

5. Male Problems (Enlarged Prostate, Impotency, Premature Ejaculation)

Males may find this medicine quite useful to treat various problems among which prostate issues arethe most prominent. It is an important medicine for managing cases of enlarged prostate gland. It is well indicated to manage cases of sexual weakness, impotency (inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse). The desire for sex is also reduced. It can also be given in cases of premature ejaculation. Another complaint where it is prominently indicated is hardened testicles. There is excessive sweating around the scrotum.

Key indicating features

1. enlargement of prostate gland

2. impotency (inability to achieve or maintain an erection)

3. decreased sexual desire

4. premature ejaculation

5. hardened testicles

6. Female Problems (Amenorrhoea, Scanty Menses, Atrophy Of Breast And Ovaries)

Baryta Carb helps to manage some of the female problems as well. It can be given in cases where menses are suppressed (amenorrhoea). It can be used for cases of scanty menses and short duration of menses where menses last only for one day. Before menses, there may occur pain in teeth, swelling in cheeks, pain in abdomen and back. Another very important indication for its use is atrophy (reduction in size) of ovaries or breasts.

Key indicating features

1. suppressed menses or scanty and short menses

2. atrophy of ovaries or breast

7. Urinary Issues (Frequent Urine, Urgency To Urinate)

Baryta Carb has a marked action on urinary organs to deal with various urinary issues. The foremost indication for its use is an increased frequency of urine. There is frequent urination especially at night due to marked irritation in bladder. It can offer a great benefit to elderly people who complain of frequent urination. There is also an urgency to urinate where a person is unable to retain urine. After urination, dribbling (slow flow of urine in drops) may occur. There may be a burning sensation while urinating. A very characteristic feature that guides its use is the protrusion of hemorrhoids (piles) during urination.

Key indicating features

1. increased frequency of urine, especially at night

2. frequent urination in elderly people

3. urgency to urinate where person has to rush to urinate

4. protrusion of piles on urinating

8. Skin (Itching, Cyst, Lipoma, Whitlow)

This medicine is very effective in managing skin itching at night time. Scratching or rubbing does not relieve itching. Needle-pricking/ crawling sensation over skin may also be felt. it is a top-listed medicine for managing cases of lipoma (lump of fatty tissue growing beneath the skin). Baryta Carb is best suited for managing cases of fatty tumors around the neck. Its use is also recommended to treat cysts (a lump filled with fluid, semi-solid matter or gaseous material) and whitlows (infection of thumb or fingertips caused by herpes simplex virus).

Key indicating features

1. skin itching and tingling at night

2. lipoma, cyst

3. whitlow (infection of thumb or fingertips)

9. Perspiration

Use of this medicine is highly recommended for excessive sweat on feet. It has a fetid(extremely unpleasant)  smell. Its use is also considered when sweating occurs on single body areas, like one hand or one foot. Besides these, Baryta Carb can be administered when there is a tendency to sweat specifically on one side of body. Complaints arising from suppression of foot sweat can be wonderfully tackled with this remedy.

Key indicating features

1. excessive foul-smelling foot sweat

2. sweating on one side of body

3. complaints resulting from suppressed foot sweat

10. Heart Complaints (High Blood Pressure, Arteriosclerosis, Palpitations)

For heart complaints, this medicine can be used for the management of high blood pressure (hypertension). It is also a valuable medicine for cases of arteriosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of arteries). Lastly, it works well to manage palpitations that are violent and felt mainly when lying on the left side.

Key indicating features

1. high blood pressure

2. palpitations when lying on left side


Worsening factors: complaints are worse from cold air, mental exertion, suppressed foot sweat, washing, and when thinking of the symptoms

Relieving factors: complaints are better in warm atmosphere, and when walking in open air


Use of this medicine can be done from low to high potency. Most frequently used is 30C potency. This medicine is slow acting that bears repetition well.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Antimonium Tart, Belladonna, Camphor, Dulcamara, Merc Sol and Zincum Met

Followed well by: Conium, China, Lycopodium, Nitric Acid, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur and Tuberculinum

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6 Most Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Enlarged Prostate

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia or BPH is the medical term for non-cancerous enlargement of prostate gland which puts pressure on the urethra and blocks the flow of urine resulting in different types of urinary complications. A prostate gland of more than 30cc usually indicates benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH).

Homeopathy can offer an alternative treatment to surgery, prostate enlargement being one of them, without having any adverse effects. Homeopathic medicines halt the further progression of the increase in size of prostate gland and side-by-side assist in symptom management. If one follows the prescribed homeopathic regimen, one will be able to see remarkable improvement in symptoms like frequent urination, urgency to urinate, interrupted urine stream, straining to urinate, and sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder. The use of homeopathic medicines if started in early stages of BPH helps to restore normal urine flow, may reduce prostate size, and also help to prevent complications that tend to occur later on.  Medicines, like tamsulosin and finasteride, are often prescribed in mainstream medicine to manage symptoms of BPH. With prolonged use, they may exhibit unwanted side effects like dizziness, less semen, problems with ejaculation, sexual weakness (erectile dysfunction), and decreased libido. Prolonged use can also create dependency as on discontinuing these medicines, the symptoms would return, maybe with greater intensity. On the other hand, homeopathy uses gentle, harmless, non-toxic, and non-habit-forming medicines that treat BPH naturally without any unfavorable effects. One may discontinue homeopathic medicine on advised homeopathic protocol after the desired outcome is obtained.

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)

The top six homeopathic medicines to treat BPH are Sabal Serrulata, Conium Maculatum, Lycopodium Clavatum, Baryta Carb,  Chimaphila Umbellata and Staphysagria.

1. Sabal Serrulata – Top-grade Medicine For BPH

It is the most effective medicine to treat benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). It is a natural remedy sourced from fresh berries of the plant saw palmetto. It can be used to manage almost any symptom of enlarged prostate and has given great clinical results in BPH cases. It can be given to manage frequent desire to pass urine, especially at night. Secondly, it can be used when there is difficulty in the initial urine flow. Force is required for initiating urine. Sabal Serrulata also helps treat interrupted urination. Dribbling urine (slow, intermittent drop by drop trickle) is another problem where it is indicated. Burning sensation while urinating can also be treated well with this medicine. Last but not least, Sabal Serrulata effectively treats the complaint of erectile dysfunction (inability to achieve or maintain erections firm enough to have sexual intercourse) from an enlarged prostate.

When to use Sabal Serrulata?

Sabal Serrulata can be used to manage increased frequency of urination.

How to use Sabal Serrulata?

It yields the best results when used in the form of mother tincture (Q). Sabal Serrulata Q (8 to 10 drops in half a cup of water) can be used twice or thrice a day as per the intensity of the symptoms.

2. Conium Maculatum – For Interrupted Urine Flow in BPH

It is extremely effective in cases of interrupted urine flow due to an enlarged prostate. Urine starts and stops several times before complete voiding. After passing urine, burning or pricking pain may be felt in the urethra. Dribbling of urine can also be there.

When to use Conium Maculatum?

Those who experience interrupted urine flow due to enlarged prostate can use this medicine.

How to use Conium Maculatum?

It can be used in different potencies from low to high as per the complaint. In BPH cases, its use is recommended in 30C potency. Conium 30C can be taken two times a day for good results.

3. Lycopodium Clavatum – For Frequent Urination At Night

For frequent urination at night from BPH, Lycopodium Clavatum works wonders. Persons who need it also need to wait to start urination. Urine takes time to come out, it passes with strain. Lycopodium is also beneficial to manage erectile dysfunction linked with prostate issues.

When to use Lycopodium Clavatum?

This medicine can be prescribed to manage frequent urination at night in BPH cases. Its use is also recommended to manage erectile dysfunction associated with prostate enlargement.

How to use Lycopodium Clavatum?

Both low and high potencies of this medicine work well, however, it is advised to begin with low potency during the initial days. Lycopodium 30C potency can be taken one or two times a day.

4. Baryta Carb – To Manage Sudden Urge To Urinate

Baryta Carb is known to effectively treat the problem of sudden urge to urinate. Males who need this medicine have to rush to urinate when the urge occurs with inability to retain urine. Burning sensation while passing urine may also be observed. Dribbling after urination can also be present. Frequency of urination increases due to these complaints.

When to use Baryta Carb?

Baryta Carb can be considered when a person faces a sudden urge in urination and has to rush immediately to urinate.

How to use Baryta Carb?

Baryta Carb works most wonderfully in 30C potency. Baryta Carb 30C can be taken twice a day to control urination urgency in BPH cases.

5. Chimaphila Umbellata – When There is Difficulty In Starting Urination

Chimaphila Umbellata is helpful when a person needs to strain hard to start passing urine. In extreme cases, the urine is forcefully passed by bending forward. Urine is scanty and may be foul-smelling. Scalding (burning sensation) while passing urine may also be present.

When to use Chimaphila Umbellata?

Chimaphila is the most appropriate prescription to manage complaints of excessive straining to start urination in cases of BPH.

How to use Chimaphila Umbellata?

Though it can be used in different potencies, it is more powerful in mother tincture form. Chimaphila Q (5 to 7 drops in half a cup of water) can be used twice a day.

6. Staphysagria – For Sensation Of Incomplete Bladder Emptying

Staphysagria is a well-indicated medicine to manage cases having a sensation that the bladder has not emptied completely after urination. There is a sensation as if a drop of urine is rolling in the urinary tract continuously. Pressure is felt on the bladder. There is a frequent urge to pass the urine. Burning sensation may be felt in urethra during urination.

When to use Staphysagria?

Staphysagria can be used in cases of BPH based on the key symptom of sensation of incomplete bladder emptying.

How to use Staphysagria?

Though this medicine can be taken in both low and high potency but initially 30C potency is good to start with. The recommended dosage of this medicine is Staphysagria 30 C usually once a day. Keep away from using its high potencies without consulting homeopathic physician.

Note  You may use any of the medicines in the recommended potency and dosage for about one month. To continue further, seek advice from a homeopathic doctor. In case of acute retention of urine, it is strictly advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

What are the Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate?

1. Frequent urge to pass urine, especially at night

2. Urgent need to urinate

3. Strain when one begins to urinate

4. Weak urine stream

5. Dribbling after urination

6. Interrupted urination

7. Sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder

8. In case of a urinary tract infection, pain and burning while urinating

What causes Prostate Hyperplasia?

The exact cause of benign prostate hyperplasia is not yet known.

1. Age-related: There are more than 50 per cent chances for prostate gland enlargement between the age of 50 – 60 years.

2. Imbalance in male hormones as age advances: Men produce testosterone (male hormone) and a little amount of estrogen (female hormone). With advancing age, the active testosterone in blood declines leaving back relatively high estrogen levels. As per scientific studies, these hormonal changes may induce prostate cell growth by promoting the activity of certain substances. As per another theory, increased levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) may increase the growth of prostate cells.

3. Family history: Males having a family history of BPH like in father or brother are more at risk to have problems from an enlarged prostate.

4. Obesity: It increases the risk of BPH.

5. Certain medical conditions: Diabetes and heart diseases may increase risk of BPH.

Complications of BPH

Certain complications can arise in cases of BPH but not in every case. These are as follows:

1. Urine retention – In some BPH cases, urine retention can occur. Acute urinary retention is a medical emergency. To drain urine in such cases, catheterization or even surgical intervention may be required as per doctor’s advice.

2. UTI (urinary tract infection) – In BPH cases due to incomplete emptying of bladder, the chances of UTI increase.

3. Bladder stones

4. Bladder or kidney damage

How to confirm it is BPH?

Clinical diagnosis of BPH can be made based on the symptoms and digital rectal examination (here the doctor inserts a finger into the rectum to check for size of prostate gland). The most common diagnostic test to confirm enlarged prostate is ultrasound of the prostate gland. Next PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test is recommended. PSA is a blood test used as a tool for screening prostate cancer. The normal PSA value is below 4.0 ng/ml. If the PSA value is above normal then further tests are required to rule out its cause.

Frequently Asked Questions

Homeopathic Treatment for Prostate

1. I have frequent urination at night (nocturia), could it be due to BPH?

Yes, it could be. Frequent urination at night is one of the indicating features of benign prostate hyperplasia. However, there are many other conditions that can cause frequent urination at night, like diabetes, urinary tract infection and overactive bladder. Therefore, detailed case evaluation and investigation must be carried out before a conclusion can be drawn.

2. Does a weak urinary stream necessarily mean prostate enlargement?

No. A weak urinary stream is one of the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. However, urinary stricture may also lead to a weak urinary stream. So proper evaluation of the case and investigations are required for confirmation.

3.  My USG shows post-voidal residual urine with enlarged prostate, what does that mean?

Residual urine refers to the urine remaining in the urinary bladder after urination. Residual urine from benign prostate hyperplasia shows incomplete emptying of the bladder due to obstructed urinary outflow. A post residual urine volume of less than 50ml is normal. In elderly people over 65 yrs of age, post-residual volume ranging between 50 ml – 100ml is normal. However, acute urinary retention, where a person is completely unable to pass urine, needs to be treated as a medical emergency.

4. What are the grades of BPH, and what do they signify?

There are three grades of benign prostate hyperplasia and they show the level of progression of the disease. In BPH grade 1, there are no troubling symptoms and no significant obstruction. In BPH grade 2, bothersome symptoms appear, but there is no significant obstruction. In BPH grade 3, there is significant obstruction with post-residual urine volume of more than 100 ml.

5. Is prostatitis different from benign prostate hyperplasia?

Yes, prostatitis and benign prostate hyperplasia are different conditions. Prostatitis is swelling and inflammation of the prostate gland. Prostatitis can be acute or chronic. The main cause of prostatitis is a bacterial infection. On the other hand, benign prostate hyperplasia is the enlargement of the prostate gland, which is mainly age-related.

6. Why are people with BPH vulnerable to urinary tract infections (UTI)?

In men with benign prostate hyperplasia, urine outflow is obstructed. This results in incomplete emptying of the urinary bladder. The urine that remains in the urinary bladder gives a chance to bacteria to grow which leads to urinary tract infection.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Cantharis Vesicatoria – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

The remedy Cantharis Vesicatoria is derived from Spanish fly. Through the process of potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a very important medicine Cantharis Vesicatoria. It is pre-eminently a remedy for managing various urinary concerns and burns, scalds on skin.
Cantharis Vesicatoria Homeopathic medicine

The ‘Cantharis Vesicatoria’ Constitution

This medicine is particularly suitable for people suffering from certain urinary problems and kidney affections. It also works well for people with complaints of burns on skin.

Drug Action 

The most prominent action of this medicine is seen on urinary organs. Its action on skin and sexual organs is also well marked. When used, it helps to control inflammatory processes in all these body parts. Its action is further noted on the throat and gastric system.

Clinical Indications

Cystitis, urinary tract infection (UTI), bladder infections, dysuria, nephritis, haematuria (blood in urine), urethral stricture, kidney stones, kidney pain, burns, scalds, sunburn, eczema, skin ulcers, painful erections, blood in semen, increased sexual desire in men (satyriasis), increased sexual desire in women (nymphomania), vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, ovaritis, sterility, sore throat, dysentery.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Urinary System (cystitis, UTI, kidney pain, nephritis, urethral stricture, kidney stone)

It is a renowned homeopathic medicine for managing complaints related to the urinary system. Among these it is highly recommended for cases of cystitis (bladder inflammation). It is extensively used to manage urinary tract infections (UTI) cases. The main indication for using it is pain and burning before, during and after urination. Pain can be a cutting type. This person feels a constant, ineffectual urge to pass urine. Even a little amount of urine in the bladder causes the urge to urinate. The urge to urinate rises even more from standing and walking, and is better from sitting. Urgency to pass urine is there. Urine is scanty. While in some cases urine passes drop by drop. Tenesmus is well marked. Tenesmus refers to a sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder after urination even when there is no urine left behind after urinating. Bladder pain and heaviness occurs. Bladder feels sore from a little motion. In urine pus and blood can appear. It is one of the best medicines in homeopathy for dysuria (discomfort, painful or difficult urination) cases. It is well indicated for nephritis cases. Nephritis is inflammation of the kidneys. Here it works well if blood is passed in the urine.
This medicine is also suitable for managing kidney pain. In such cases the guiding feature is cutting, burning, tearing or stinging type of kidney pain. Additionally, people have sensitivity to touch the kidney region. In some cases needing it there occurs pressive sort of pain in the kidneys. Another prominent indication is urethral stricture, in these cases urine passes in thin, weak streams or divided, scattered streams. This medicine is also beneficial for kidney stone cases when there is dull, heavy pain in kidneys along with nausea and vomiting.

Key indicating features

Cystitis, UTI, dysuria with marked pain and burning before, during and after urination
Nephritis with blood in urine
Kidney pain of cutting, burning, tearing or stinging type
Urethral stricture when urine passes in thin, weak stream or divided, scattered stream
Kidney stone with dull, heavy pain in kidneys along with nausea and vomiting 

  1. Skin (burns, scalds, sunburn, eczema, ulcers)

Cantharis also has prominent action on skin. Here it is primarily indicated for cases of burns and scalds. These are extremely painful. There is marked rawness and smarting in these. There is relief from cold applications. In some cases blisters (fluid filled bumps) can be present in burns cases. Its use is also done for cases of sunburn. In such cases burning in eruptions is felt when these are touched. Next it can be used in cases of eczema or dermatitis (skin inflammation) when fluid filled eruptions occur. These are itchy. Burning and smarting is there when these eruptions are touched. The eruptions can turn black. For skin ulcers this medicine proves highly beneficial. These ulcers have itching, burning and smarting. Pain is present too which is tearing or lacerating type. The ulcers ooze profuse, yellow coloured pus that can be tinged with blood. 

Key indicating features

Burns and scalds with intense pain, burning and smarting
Eczema with fluid filled eruptions that have itching, burning and smarting
Skin ulcers with itching, burning, smarting, pain and profuse, yellow coloured pus that can be tinged with blood

  1. Male problems (painful erections, blood in semen)

This medicine can give solutions to some of the male problems. Firstly it is well indicated for painful erections.
It is also a prominent medicine to control increased sexual desire in men. This disturbs sleep at night. Secondly it is useful for cases in which there is blood in semen. Another indication is urethral burning after sex. 

Key indicating features

Painful erections
Increased sexual desire
Blood in semen
Burning in urethra after sex

  1. Female problems (nymphomania, vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, ovaritis, sterility)

If we talk of female problems than this medicine can be helpful for managing increased sexual desire (nymphomania), vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, ovaritis (inflammation of ovaries) and sterility. This medicine is well indicated to control excessive sexual desire in females. It can also be given for cases of vaginal discharges. It is accompanied with intense itching and sexual excitement. Further it can be used for managing vaginal itching with increased sexual desire during menopause. Besides these it is an important medicine for ovaritis cases when there is burning, stitching, pinching or cutting pain in ovaries and sensitivity. This medicine can be considered for cases of sterility in females. In cases needing it for sterility the menses can be early profuse or scanty and black coloured. Its use is also suggested to expel retained bits of placenta, moles and membranes from the uterus.

Key indicating features

Increased sexual desire
Vaginal discharges with intense itching and sexual excitement
Vaginal itching with increased sexual desire during menopause
Ovaritis with burning, stitching, pinching or cutting pain in ovaries and sensitivity
Sterility in females when the menses are early profuse or scanty and black coloured
To expel retained bits of placenta, moles and membranes from uterus

  1. Throat (burning, inflammation, ulcers, mucus, difficult swallowing)

When it comes to throat complaints, it can be given for burning in throat, difficult swallowing, throat ulcers, throat inflammation and mucus in throat. It offers help when there is difficulty in swallowing liquids.
Another important indication is ulcers and blisters in the throat. Additionally it benefits cases of thick, sticky mucus in the throat. This is also given for throat inflammation if there is an intense burning sensation. There can also be a scraping sensation along with spitting of blood. Apart from above, one may find it useful when there are burns in the throat from eating hot food. 

Key indicating features

Difficulty in swallowing liquids
Burning sensation, ulcers and blisters in throat
Throat inflammation with intense burning like fire in throat
Burns in throat from taking hot food

  1. Gastric issues (burning sensation, dysentery)

By acting on the gastric system it settles some of its related concerns. It can give immense relief in the burning of food pipe and stomach. Cantharis is also suited for dysentery cases. Dysentery is intestinal infection in which there occurs loose stool with blood and mucus. The characteristic to use in such cases is loose stool with mucus like intestine scraping and blood, with sensation of incomplete defecation even when there is nothing left in rectum (tenesmus). During stool cutting, colicky pain occurs. After passing stool, chilliness is felt.

Key indicating features

Burning in food pipe and stomach
dysentery with loose stool with mucus like intestine scraping and blood, with sensation of incomplete defecation (tenesmus)


Worsening factors: complaints are worse during and after urination, from touch, drinking cold water or coffee

Relieving factors: complaints are better from warmth, rest and rubbing

Cantharis Vesicatoria – Dosage

Depending from case to case it can be used from low to high potency. It can be repeated often in low potency but in high potency frequent repetition is usually not recommended. In case of burns on skin this medicine can be applied externally on skin by diluting its 1X or 2X potency in water.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aconite, Apis Mellifica, Camphor, Kali Nitricum, Pulsatilla and Rheum

It antidotes: Camphor

Followed well by: Belladonna, Kali Iod, Merc Sol, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia and Sulphur

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China Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine China Officinalis is prepared from dried bark of plant Cinchona Officinalis also known as Peruvian bark. It belongs to the family rubiaceae.  When dried bark of this plant is potentised as per homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties, we get as a result a highly valuable homeopathic medicine. It is a top listed homeopathic remedy to manage numerous gastric complaints and weakness.

The ‘China Officinalis’ Constitution

This medicine is mainly suited to people who are lean, thin and are predisposed to get nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. It is highly suitable to persons who have turned weak from excessive loss of blood, diarrhoea.

Drug Action 

The prime action of this medicine is seen in the gastric system. Next important action is on blood to manage ill effects of blood loss like weakness, fatigue and anaemia. Other than this it acts well on the liver, gallbladder, ears, nose, face, male and female genitals. 

Clinical Indications

Gas (flatulence), bloating, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, liver diseases, gallstones, gall stone colic, anaemia, noises in ear, meniere’s disease, ear pain. ear discharge, nose bleeding, facial pain, nightfall, testicle pain, menstrual complaints, vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea), malaria.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy                              

1. Gastric Issues (gas, bloating, diarrhoea, anorexia, vomiting, liver disorders)

China Officinalis has a wide action on gastric tract where it helps settle various problems. Firstly, it is very helpful to ease the complaint of gas (flatulence) in the abdomen. In cases needing it there is gas in the abdomen which is felt for a long time after eating along with bloating. Weight in the stomach occurs following eating even a slight amount of food. Burping that tastes like food or is bitter may occur but it affords no relief in bloating. Motion may relieve bloating. A person may also have pain in the abdomen from obstructed gas. It is better from bending double. Gas pain after operation can be managed well with it.  Secondly, it is a top grade medicine for managing diarrhoea attended with excessive weakness. Stool is loose, brownish or yellowish, having undigested food particles with weakness. Passage of stool occurs with much escape of gas. Stool is offensive and can be frothy. It is also suitable when loose stool arises from eating fruit or drinking milk. Diarrhoea occurring in hot weather is also treated magnificently with this remedy. 
This medicine can be given for cases of worm infestation as well. It is also used when there is vomiting that may be sour, of undigested food or of mucus.
Another well known effect is to help cases of loss of appetite (anorexia). Persons who need it have an aversion to eating any sort of food and feel full all the time. It can be given for a low appetite when a person feels stomach is full from eating very little food. Appetite loss in case of malaria is an important indication for its use. It can handle gastric issues that occur from eating fruit, fish or from drinking milk, impure water, tea and sour wine. Cases of food poisoning from drinking impure water or eating bad meat, bad fruit can be treated well with this medicine. This medicine also acts well on the liver and gallbladder. Here it proves to be effective to manage cases of liver inflammation, liver enlargement, liver cirrhosis, gallstones and its related colic. 

Key indicating features

Gas and bloating, slightly better from motion
Abdomen pain from obstructed gas better from bending double
Gas pain after operation
Diarrhoea with excessive weakness
Loss of appetite with aversion to eat any sort of food
Gastric troubles from fruit, fish or milk, impure water, tea and sour wine
Liver complaints (its enlargement, inflammation and cirrhosis)
Gall stones and gall stone colic management

2. For weakness

It is one of the best medicines for managing cases of weakness and fatigue. This medicine is mainly selected when weakness occurs after diarrhoea, after bleeding (loss of blood). In males when weakness arises from excessive seminal emissions, this medicine can be really helpful. Females who suffer from weakness during breastfeeding, or after heavy periods may also find this medicine very useful to regain strength. Besides these its use can be done in cases of weakness that follows mental or physical exertion. 

Key indicating features

Weakness after diarrhoea, after bleeding (loss of blood)
Weakness occurring from excessive seminal emissions in males
Weakness in females during breast feeding or after heavy periods

3. Ear (noises in ear, pain, ear discharge)

This medicine acts well on ears and treats many ear related problems. It is mainly utilized for managing noises in ears (tinnitus) which can be roaring, ringing or humming type. With this there occurs vertigo, headache, and difficulty in hearing. Its use is recommended to manage meniere’s disease (an inner ear disorder with triad of symptoms including noises in ear, hearing loss and vertigo) too. It can be used for pain in the ear, tearing type worsening from slightest touch. Sometimes there is a stitching sort of ear pain. It is useful to manage ear discharge, which is foul smelling, consisting of pus and blood. 

Key indicating features

Roaring, ringing or humming noises in ear
Noises in ear with vertigo, headache and difficult hearing
Meniere’s disease
Ear pain increasing from little touch
Ear discharge having pus and blood with foul odour

4. Nose (cold, sneezing, nose bleeding)

With its action on the nose it manages complaints of cold, sneezing and nose bleeding. There is watery discharge from the nose with sneezing. This is accompanied with pain in the temple region of the head. Pain can be felt at the root of the nose. Eye watering may be present too. Smell is very acute and the person is sensitive to the smell of cooking and flowers. It is beneficial for managing nose bleeding (epistaxis) with head congestion and pale face. The bleeding episodes are frequent and occur especially in the morning on rising.

Key indicating features

Cold with watering from nose, sneezing, eye watering
Nose bleeding with congestion of head and pale face
Nose bleeding in morning on rising

5. Face (facial pain, dark circles)

This medicine can be given for cases of facial pain. The characteristic for using it is needle-like pain in the left side of the face. In some cases pain can be burning or tearing in nature on the right side of the face. The facial pain gets worse from movement and touch. Face turns alternately red and pale. This medicine is also indicated for dark circles when there is an appearance of bluish discoloration around the eyes. Face looks pale, sickly, bloated. 

Key indicating features

Needle like facial pain on left side
Facial pain increasing from touch and motion
Pale, sickly looking face with bluish discoloration around the eyes 

6. Male Issues (inflamed testes, impotency, testes pain, nightfall)

When it comes to males this medicine is recommended for complaints including inflammation of testes (orchitis), testes pain, impotency (inability to get or maintain an erection to have sexual intercourse) and nightfall. Persons needing it feel cramping, contractive pain in testes. They may have tearing pain in their left testes. It deals well with cases of swollen testicle after gonorrhoea infection (gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae).
Next, it is an important medicine to manage impotency from excessive indulgence in sexual activity.
Lastly it is known to be effective for cases of excessive seminal emissions at night accompanied with weakness.

Key indicating features

Inflammation of testes and cramping, contractive pain in testes
Swelling of testes after gonorrhoea infection
Impotency from excessive indulgence in sexual activity
Nightfall, frequent with weakness

7. Female problems (heavy periods, vaginal discharge)

This medicine can rectify certain female problems. It is a principal medicine for managing heavy periods with anaemia. The menstrual bleeding is dark, with clots and periods may come early. It is attended with pain and abdomen distension may be present too. After menses excessive weakness can be felt which is magnificently relieved with this medicine. There may also occur intermenstrual bleeding of dark blood. It is also of great value to help cases of vaginal discharge. It is typically indicated for blood stained vaginal discharge. It is accompanied with pain and bearing down in vulva. 

Key indicating features

Heavy periods with anaemia, weakness
Weakness after menses
Blood stained vaginal discharge 

8. Perspiration (sweating)

It is a prominent medicine for excessive sweating. People needing this remedy have increased sweating after exertion. It is also indicated for heavy sweating during sleep, at night accompanied with weakness. The sweat drenches the whole body. Next notable indication is profuse sweating in case of fever, malaria.

Key indicating features

Increased sweating during sleep
Excessive sweating causing weakness
Profuse sweat from fever, malaria

9. Fever

It is a highly valuable medicine for cases of malaria fever. All three stages of chill, heat and sweat are well marked. The symptom of utmost importance to use it is violent chills internally with icy cold hands and feet. There is shivering with nausea, vertigo, vomiting and pain in the head. During the heat stage, the mouth is dry, face is red, pricking is felt here and there and excessive thirst for water. Sweating mainly occurs during sleep and also during movement, and is very profuse and attended with much weakness.

Key indicating features

Malaria fever with well – marked stages of chill, heat and excessive sweat
Fever with excessive sweating especially at night time with marked weakness


Worsening factors: complaints worsen after eating, slight touch, at night, from eating fish, fruits and drinking milk

Relieving factors: Complaints are better from hard pressure and in open air.

China Officinalis Dosage

It can be used in both low and high potencies. Its frequent repetition can be done in low potencies but in high potencies frequent repetition of this medicine should be avoided. 

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album, Carbo Veg, Ferrum Met, Ipecac, Merc Sol, Nux Vomica, Sepia and Sulphur

It antidotes Calcarea Carb, Chamomilla, Coffea Cruda, Iodum and Veratrum Album

Followed well by: Acid Phos, Arsenic Album, Asafoetida, Carbo Veg, Ferrum Met, Phosphorus and Veratrum Album

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9 Supportive Homeopathic Medicines for Osteomyelitis 

Osteomyelitis refers to an infection and inflammation of a bone that can arise from bacterial or fungal infection entering the bone. The bones commonly affected are the long bones in the leg and upper arm, pelvis and the spine. In some cases the infection in a bone can occur suddenly while in others it develops gradually in some time period. Homeopathic medicines for osteomyelitis cannot reverse the damage already done, but can help halt further progression of the condition. Osteomyelitis

Causes and Risk Factors 

Majority of its cases result from infection by a bacterium called staphylococcus bacteria. In osteomyelitis infectious agent can invade bone via different modes. Firstly, infectious agents from some other body part may enter bone through blood stream (for example an infection from from the lungs or urinary bladder can travel to bone via blood stream). Secondly the infection can occur directly in the bone as from some surgeries like joint replacement and repair of fracture. Thirdly it may follow an injury. In this case puncture wounds, deep cuts in a body part can get infected and the infection can spread to the nearby bone. Infection of a bone may also occur from direct bone injury that result in breaking of the bone with a part of bone coming out of the skin.

Elderly people are at high risk of this osteomyelitis.

A person having a recent injury or surgery to bone is also at risk.

Next persons with poor blood circulation are at risk of bone infection (this is because in case of poor blood flow the cells that help fight infection  can’t reach the  infection site properly in the beginning and the small mild infection of the initial stage tends to get bigger and can infect the bone). Some of the diseases that have poor blood circulation include peripheral artery disease – PAD  (a circulatory problem in which arteries are narrowed that result in decrease in  blood flow to the limbs. In this disease the blood flow to legs, arms but mostly legs is reduced than what is normally required for proper functioning. This disease mostly occurs from build up of fatty deposits in the arteries), uncontrolled diabetes, sickle cell disease (a group of inherited disorders that affect the red blood cells.  The healthy red blood cells are round and carry oxygen to all parts of the body. But in these disorders the red blood cells look like crescent moon shaped or like C-shaped farm tool known as sickle and become hard and sticky. These sticky cells tend to die early resulting in shortage of the red blood cells and these cells also can get stuck in the blood vessels  that result in slow blood flow and deficient oxygen supply to the body parts).

Other than this use of urinary catheters, intravenous tubes, dialysis machine tubes, artificial joints can also lead the germs in the body and increase chances of an infection that can  also lead to osteomyelitis.

Apart from these suppressed immune systems as in uncontrolled diabetes, cancer treatment and use of corticosteroids raises risk of infection. Lastly smoking, alcoholism and use of  non – sterile needles  also increase the risk.


The complications that can arise in it include death of the bone from obstruction of the blood flow, bone collapse, growth impairment of bones in the children and infection of the joints. In case an open sore develops with pus drainage then the skin nearby has increased risk of developing squamous skin cancer. 


The signs and symptoms of this infection include pain, swelling, warmth and redness in the infection site. It may also be tender and stiff. Next weakness, irritability and unwell feeling may be present. Fever can also be there. It may be accompanied with chill or sweating. Other than  this there can be difficulty to use the affected limb or limping may occur. There may occur drainage from the infected area. But in some cases no signs and symptoms occur. Most times in children this infection is acute that  comes on quickly but in adults it can either be acute or chronic. In children it mostly affects the long bones of the arms and legs while in adults it usually affects the spine, hips, and feet.

Homeopathic Medicines for Osteomyelitis 

Homeopathy offers supportive help to manage the cases of osteomyelitis along with conventional treatment. Though the homeopathic medicines can’t reverse the damage already occurred but can help in halting further progression of condition. These medicines help the body to fight with the infectious agent by increasing the body’s self healing mechanism and reduce the bone inflammation. These also help to manage its symptoms including swelling and pain in the bones. This condition is serious and can lead to severe complications so it is advised to take homeopathic medicine for its management only under supervision of a homeopathic physician and never do self medication. Use of these medicines is recommended in mild to moderate cases but in severe cases, and in those having complications it is advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment

  1. Aurum Met – Top Grade Medicine

Aurum Met is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing osteomyelitis. It is well indicated when bones are inflamed and attended with pain especially at night time. For using it mostly the bones of the face are inflamed. The bone damage is attended with pain. The pain can be boring or tearing. It can also be stitching or burning in nature sometimes. Mostly the bones of the forehead,  upper jaw,  nose  are swollen where it is required.

  1. Fluoric Acid – For Damage to Long Bone

This medicine is indicated for cases in which damage occurs in the long bones. Pain is present in the bones in cases needing it. The pain is worse at night. Excessive weakness usually accompanies it. It is also indicated for cases where pus drainage is there from bones. 

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Bone Swelling and Damage

It is the next medicine having marked action on bones. It is beneficial to manage bone swelling and damage.  In cases needing it pain in the bones is felt. The pain is boring or stinging in nature. In some of the cases the pain can be pulsating type also.

  1. Mezereum – For Bone Pain Worse from Least Touch

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh bark (gathered just before the plant flowers in February and March) of plant Daphne mezereum having the common name spurge Olive. It belongs to the family thymelaeaceae. This medicine is useful when the pain in bones mainly long bones is there which is worse from least touch. It also worsens at night in bed. It is also beneficial to manage burning, boring types of pain in the bones. Next it helps when there is pain in the bones of the thigh and leg. Lastly pain in feet bones at night is also indicative of its use. 

  1. Silicea – For Sensitive Tender Bones

It is the next medicine for managing cases where the bones are very sensitive and tender to touch. The bones are inflamed, swollen and damaged. It is suitable when the nasal bone is painful when touched. It is sore. It feels as if this bone is beaten. Other than this it is helpful for managing pain in the bones of the face. For using this medicine the facial bone pain is mostly shooting in nature. Lastly it offers help when there is swelling and damage of the bones of the lower jaw.

  1. Phosphoric Acid – When it Affects Hip Joint

This medicine is effective for managing osteomyelitis of the hip joint. Apart from this it is beneficial for inflamed bones accompanied with burning type of pain usually at night time. Next it is also prominent medicine for cases in which there occurs a smarting type of pain in bones of limbs  at night. Another indication for using it is smarting pain in bones which is better by motion. It is also useful for swelling of bones of the hands and feet. Last characteristic symptom indicating its use is bone pain at night with sensation as if bones are being scraped with a knife.

  1. Conchiolinum – When Ends of Bones are Inflamed

Use of this medicine is considered when there is inflammation of the ends of bones. It is attended with pain, swelling and fever. Extreme pain on the slightest touch is also present. There may also occur pus formation. The bones mainly involved for using this medicine are  bones in the upper limb (humerus, radius, ulna), bones in leg (tibia, fibula), bone of lower jaw,  scapula, tarsal, and metatarsal bones.

  1. Achyranthes Calea  – For Acute Osteomyelitis in Adolescents

This medicine is prepared from dried plants commonly known as herb of fever. It belongs to the family amaranthaceae. It is a rare but well indicated medicine for managing cases of acute osteomyelitis in adolescents. 

  1. Carcinosin – For Chronic Cases

The last medicine in the list of homeopathic therapeutics for managing cases of osteomyelitis is Carcinosin. This medicine is specifically indicated for chronic cases of bone infection.

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Homeopathic Medicines for Thoracic Back Pain

Thoracic back pain refers to pain in the upper or middle back in the region of thoracic spine between the bottom of cervical spine (in the neck) and top of lumbar spine (in the lower back). Homeopathic medicines for thoracic back pain are very natural and safe and provide relief without any side effects. Thoracic back pain is not as common as pain in the neck and lower back pain. This pain can arise from various causes that range from mild to serious causes.Homeopathic Medicines for Thoracic Back Pain


Firstly it can arise from muscle strain, spasm, inflammation or its irritation. The strain may result from many reasons. For example, it may occur from sitting with the shoulders being bent forward for a long time period constantly, sitting for extended time periods at the computer, doing some activity that puts repetitive strain on the thoracic spine causing overuse injury. It may also result from some injury to the spine in the thoracic region as from sport injury, trauma or car accident. Secondly, it can arise from strained ligaments (tough tissue that connects bones to other bones) or tendons (tough tissue band that connects muscle to bone) in the thoracic spine. Other causes behind it are slip disc and thoracic stenosis. Slip disc is a condition in which when the outer ring of the intervertebral disc becomes weak or gets teared resulting in slipping out of the jelly like inner portion of the disc. Thoracic stenosis refers to narrowing of the spinal canal in the thoracic spine. 

Other causes include spinal osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, fracture of vertebra in the thoracic spine, scoliosis and kyphosis. In spinal osteoarthritis the cartilage at the ends of bones in the spinal joints degenerates. Osteoporosis is a medical condition resulting in weak, brittle and fragile bones prone to break easily. Scoliosis is a condition in which there is a sideways curve in a person’s spine. The curve can be S or C in shape. Kyphosis is an excessive convex curvature of the spine in the thoracic and sacral part regions resulting in bending of the spine forward.

A condition called fibromyalgia (a disorder characterised by widespread musculoskeletal pain which is accompanied with fatigue, memory issues, sleep disturbances and mood issues) may also lead to it. 

Apart from these it may arise in case of ankylosing spondylitis which is an autoimmune disease characterised by chronic inflammation of the joints of the spine, infection in the spine or spinal tumours. In some cases it may be caused by shingles (an infection in which there occurs a painful skin rash caused by varicella – zoster virus which is the same virus that causes chicken pox). Lastly, there is a possibility that the problem from other parts of the body can radiate to this region. For example it can cause problems affecting the lung, pleura, heart, food pipe, stomach, the gallbladder and the pancreas.


Depending on the cause behind it the pain may be accompanied by some other symptoms also. Firstly, there can occur stiffness in the thoracic back along with pain. Secondly numbness or burning sensation may occur. Pins and needles sensation can be felt. In case of arthritis pain may be present in other body joints also in addition to the middle back pain. Fatigue and fever may also sometimes be present in some of the cases. Lastly, weakness in the legs, loss of control over bowel or bladder may occur from spinal cord compression. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Thoracic Back Pain

Homeopathy offers a very effective management for cases of thoracic back pain. These remedies help in providing gradual relief. The homeopathic medicines target the root cause behind this pain to give best results. It is advised to take any of the homeopathic medicine for this pain under the supervision of a homeopathic physician who will prescribe best medicine after proper case study. The homeopathic medicines are recommended in these cases when the intensity of symptom is mild to moderate and no serious cause is linked with it. But in case the pain is very severe or there is loss of bladder/bowel control or some serious cause is present like gallbladder, lungs, heart then it is strictly advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Remedy 

Rhus Tox is a highly beneficial medicine for managing pain in the thoracic back. Persons needing it have constrictive pain in the muscles of this region. It gets worse while sitting. Bending forward also worsens it. They feel better by bending the back backwards. Sometimes they feel pain in the thoracic back between shoulder blades that gets worse from cold. Warmth helps to relieve this. It is one of the best medicines to manage cases of pain arising from muscle over strain or injury .

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Drawing Pain

This medicine is helpful when there is drawing pain in the thoracic back  between the scapula. A pressure sensation may also be felt with this. Cases having stitching pain in this area can also be helped with this. It is also a prominent medicine for cases having curvature of the thoracic spine.

  1. Agaricus – For Pain with Sensitivity of Spine to Touch

This medicine is very suitable when a person has pain in thoracic back along with sensitiveness of the spine to touch. In most cases needing it the nature of pain is sharp stitching type like from splinters on the thoracic vertebra. There is also a sensation as if the dorsal muscles are beaten. Bruised sensation is also felt. On bending forward it feels as if the muscles in the thoracic region are short.

  1. Kali Carb – Stiffness in Thoracic Region with Pain

Kali Carb is a well indicated medicine when stiffness in the thoracic region accompanies pain. The pain is a dull type where it is required. It is also indicated when there is stinging pain in any of the sides of the thoracic back. 

  1. Phosphorus – For Pain with Heated Sensation

It is very effective medicine for cases in which pain is accompanied with heated sensation in the spine. The nature of pain for using it is dull, burning or throbbing type. The painful part is also very sensitive to pressure.

  1. Natrum Sulph – For Shooting Type of Pain

It is a very useful medicine when there is shooting pain in the back between the scapulae. Sometimes there is a piercing type of pain as from knives where it is required. This worsens while sitting in the evening. Soreness is also present  in the spine in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Arnica – For Bruising Pain 

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana having the common name Leopard’s – bane and also fallkraut. This plant belongs to family compositae. It gives best results when there is bruised pain in the region of thoracic vertebrae. The same pain may also be felt in the neck. Other than this it is best indicated medicine for managing pain arising from trauma, injuries occurring from blunt objects or from a fall. 

  1. Colocynth – For Excessive Tenderness on Upper Thoracic Vertebra

It is prepared from pulp of fruit Citrullus colocynthis also called cucumis colocynthis and bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. This medicine is used when there is excessive tenderness on pressure on the upper thoracic vertebra. Mostly the upper four vertebrae of the thoracic spine are tender to pressure in cases needing it. Other than it is also indicated when there is pain in the shoulder blades that extends to the neck. This region may also be tense. 

  1. Zincum Met – For Pain in Muscles of Upper Middle Back

This medicine is valuable for managing pain in the muscles of the upper middle back. Stiffness is also present with this. In most cases this gets worse from movement. Sometimes increase of pain is also noted specifically in the morning time.

  1. Nux Vomica – When Pain is Accompanied by Tensed Sensation 

This medicine is considered in cases where pain in the thoracic back is attended with tensed sensation. For using it the pain is mostly aching or pressing type. In some of the cases the pain can be burning or stitching type also.

  1. Lycopodium – For Drawing and Aching Pain

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known by the name of club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. This medicine is well indicated when there is drawing and aching pain. Warmth sensation in the spine may also be felt with this. Apart from these bruises, the pain in thoracic back also indicates its use. This is worse at rest.

  1. Tellurium – When Upper Dorsal Vertebrae are Sensitive 

It is a significant medicine for cases in which there is painful sensitiveness of the spine in the region of the upper thoracic vertebrae. Mostly the upper six dorsal vertebrae are sensitive to pressure and touch in cases that need it.

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