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Top Homeopathic medicines for Heavy Bleeding from Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths made of muscle and connective tissue developing in the uterus. These can lead to various symptoms among which heavy menses is the most important. Heavy menses means bleeding more than the typical menstrual blood loss or passing of large clots frequently in bleeding which may last for more than 7 days. Heavy and prolonged menses is medically known as menorrhagia. Other symptoms of uterine fibroids include prolonged periods, clots in the menstrual blood, menstrual cramps, pelvic pain, bleeding in between the periods, frequent urination, painful intercourse, back pain, pain in legs, miscarriage and infertility.

There may be many reasons for heavy bleeding from uterine fibroids. These include fibroids that may put pressure on the uterine lining or cause growth of the blood vessels that tends to cause excessive bleeding. Fibroids may also interfere with normal contraction of the uterus resulting in excessive bleeding. Additionally, fibroids may cause an increase in some hormones (prostaglandins) that might lead to heavy bleeding. Bleeding from fibroids depends on the location of fibroids. The fibroids that grow inside the inner lining of the uterus tend to cause the most heavy bleeding. Bleeding may be so heavy that it interferes with doing daily activities. Heavy bleeding may lead to tiredness, dizziness and anemia (a condition in which blood lacks enough red blood cells to carry adequate amount of oxygen to body tissues).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy has great scope in treating cases of heavy bleeding due to uterine fibroids. Homeopathic medicines help in gradually decreasing heavy bleeding. These work magnificently in overcoming a tendency of heavy bleeding by targeting to dissolve the uterine fibroids. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating these cases is selected after detailed analysis in every individual case. The best part of homeopathic medicines is that these work in the most natural way to treat a condition without any side-effects.

Homeopathic Medicines For Uterine Fibroids

1.Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris – Top Recommended Medicine

Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris is the topmost medicine to manage cases of heavy bleeding from uterine fibroids. In cases needing it, there occurs heavy, bright red, uterine bleeding. Clots may also be present in the menstrual blood. It is attended with intense pain and cramps in the uterus. Vomiting can also occur along with these complaints. There is also tendency to have early periods. The periods also last for long duration for about 10 days to 2 weeks.

2. Sabina – For Bright Red Bleeding With Dark Clots

This medicine is highly recommended when there is heavy bleeding along with dark clots. The blood is bright red, watery and warm. It may have a foul odor. Even the slightest movement tends to worsen bleeding. The periods may also last for longer duration. Pain in the back starts from the sacrum (a bone formed by fusion of five sacral vertebra that lies at the bottom of spine) to the pubes (lower part of the abdomen in front of the pelvis). There is also tendency to have intermenstrual bleeding (bleeding in between two menstrual periods).

3. Calcarea Carb – For Early, Heavy And Prolonged Periods

It is a highly effective medicine for managing early, heavy and prolonged menses. In cases needing it, the periods may occur after every 15 days and each time bleeding may last for about fifteen days. Cutting pains may be felt in lower abdomen along with menstrual bleeding. There may be pain in the back, hips and arms. Bearing down sensation is felt in the pelvic region. There may be headache, vertigo may appear along with heavy bleeding. Anaemia may occur due to heavy bleeding.

4. Hamamelis – For Heavy Bleeding Of Dark Colour  

Hamamelis is the most suitable medicine when there is heavy bleeding that is dark in color. It is attended with soreness in the abdomen. The bleeding is heavy during the day and may cease at night. There is pain and weakness in the back. Bleeding may occur midway between periods.

5. Trillium Pendulum – For Gushing Of Blood From Slight Movement

This medicine is helpful for heavy bleeding when blood gushes out from the least movement. Blood is bright red. Dark clots may also pass out in the bleeding. Bleeding may occur every two weeks. Bleeding may last for a week or longer. Along with heavy bleeding, there is a feeling as if the hips and the back are falling apart into pieces. Frequent desire to pass urine is also present along with the above symptoms.

6. Phosphorus – For Frequent And Heavy Periods

This medicine is very useful when there is a tendency for frequent and very heavy menses. Bleeding occurs in between periods quite often. Blood is bright red. Periods last for too long. Hands and feet feel cold during menses. Severe pain is felt in the back as if it is broken. Nausea is also present. Excessive weakness is felt after menses with blue rings around the eyes. Bleeding may lead to anaemia in cases requiring this medicine.

7. Ustilago – For Dark Clotted Blood Forming Long Black Strings

This medicine is considered in cases where dark clots appear that form long black strings. The blood has a foul smell. The bleeding is prolonged lasting for about 10 to 14 days. Bleeding may occur every 3 weeks. Before bleeding, pain is felt in the back and across the abdomen. Pain ceases when bleeding starts occurring. Heavy dragging pain in the back during menstrual bleeding can occur on exertion.

8. Secale Cornutum – For Heavy, Thin And Black Bleeding

This medicine can be used for cases of thin and blackish bleeding. It has a bad smell. The bleeding is heavy and lasts too long. It is accompanied with cutting and tearing pain in uterus. The uterine region is sensitive to touch. The limbs become cold, besides excessive weakness.

9. Kali Iod – With Heavy Painful Menses And Frequent Urging To Urinate

This medicine is suggested when heavy painful menses occur along with frequent urge to urinate. During menses, uterus and thighs feel as if they are being squeezed. Pain is felt in the thighs, groin (crease at junction of lower abdomen and thighs) and lower back as well. Sitting worsens pain,weakness is felt along with heavy bleeding.

10. Nitric Acid – For Heavy, Thick And Dark Coloured Bleeding

Nitric Acid works well when there is heavy, thick and dark bleeding. During bleeding, cramping pain is felt in the abdomen. Besides feeling tired, pain also occurs in the back and down the thighs. Urine has a very offensive smell.

11. Platina – For Dark Clotted Heavy Bleeding

This medicine is indicated for dark-clotted, heavy bleeding. There is tendency for early periods.  Menses may occur every 14 days and are very profuse. The blood stinks, back pain is also felt. Periods are attended with bearing down pain. Pinching pain is also felt in abdomen.



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Headache along with Eye Pain? Treat with Homeopathy

Headache is sometimes accompanied with eye pain. It could be because of different reasons, but the first one that comes to mind is eye strain. It may be because of uncorrected refractive errors (myopia and hypermetropia). Other causes include migraine, cluster headache, sinus headache, tension headache and glaucoma.  Depending on the causes behind it, apart from pain in the eyes, other symptoms may appear, like nausea, vomiting, itchy eyes, watering from eyes, redness of eyes and sensitivity to light.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for cases of headache along with eye pain. Homeopathic medicines boost body’s healing mechanism to overcome health issues naturally. These medicines target the root cause behind the problem for great relief with zero side effects. With use of these medicines, the intensity and frequency of complaint decreases gradually. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self – medication. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity. In case of severe pain and when pain occurs from serious issues like glaucoma, kindly take help from conventional mode of treatment.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Headache With Eye Pain

1. Ruta – Due To Eyestrain

Ruta is a prominent medicine to manage cases where headache and eye pain are occurring from eyestrain. There is pain in forehead. Pain is pulsating or pressive type. Pain may extend from the front of the head to sides of the head. Heat may be felt in the eyes. Eye pain occurs along with redness, heat and burning sensation in eyes. A pressure is felt deep in the eyes. Pain may be experienced over the eyes. There is blurring of vision as well. Watering from eyes can appear too.

2. Natrum Mur – For Pain In Forehead And Eyes

Natrum Mur is highly beneficial when there is pain in forehead and eyes. A feeling of somebody beating your head is felt. A sensation of little hammers knocking on the head is marked. Heat is felt in the head along with redness of face. Headache may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. A very characteristic feature is pain begins with sunrise and is at peak at noon and remains till sunset. Watering from eyes may occur. One may experience zig-zag dazzling in front of the eyes before headache sets in. The eye pain gets worse from eye movement. Along with this, bright light becomes unbearable to the eyes.

3. Cedron – For Pain Occurring At Same Hour Of A Day (Periodical Pain)

A very peculiar feature to use this medicine is pain occurring with clock-like accurate periodicity means pain appearing at the same hour of a day. Cedron is highly suitable for managing pain in head and deep in the eyes, forcing the sufferer to keep his eyes closed. There is marked pain in the eyeballs that radiates around the eyes as well. It is accompanied by watering from eyes along with a burning sensation. Eyes may look red. It is also one of the best medicines for cases of pain above the eyes (supraorbital pain) too. In cases needing it, there may occur pain emanating from above the eyes and spreading to the sides as well as back of the head.

4. Belladonna – For Pain From Side Of Head / Forehead To Eyes

This medicine is suitable for cases where pain travels from the side of the head or forehead to the eyes. The pain gets worse from the movement of head and eyes and also from the slightest noise. Pain also increases from bright light. There is relief from binding the head tightly or pressing the head with hands. There may be redness of eyes and face. Pain in head is throbbing, pulsating type.

5. Glonoine – For Pain With Excessive Heat In Head

Glonoine is a useful medicine for throbbing pain in the head which is worse on the sides of head and above the eyes. It is accompanied with marked heat in the head. Eyeballs protrude out during headache, along with eye redness. Headache gets worse from exposure to sun. Relief in pain sets in by sitting still, lying down and applying pressure over the head.

6. Spigelia – For Left-Sided Pain

Spigelia is a highly recommended medicine for pain in the left side of the head and left eye. It is one of the best medicines when pain starts from the back of the head and then radiates upwards to the top of head and finally settles over the left side of eye. It is also indicated when there is pain in left eye and left side of head. Headache gets worse from movement and stooping while there is relief on pressing the head and taking rest. Excessive eye watering and eye redness on the affected side may be present.

7. Sanguinaria Can – For Right-Sided Pain

This medicine works well in cases of right-sided pain. It is of great value in treating cases where pain begins from the back of the head that extends to the top of the head and further to forehead and settles over the right eye. Headache gets better by sleep and if one vomits out. There may be pain in the eyeballs on movement. Burning and dryness may be felt followed by excessive eye watering. Redness of eyes may be there. The person is extra-sensitive to sound and odors.

8. Gelsemium – For Pain From Neck Towards Forehead And Eyes

This medicine can be considered when pain starts from the neck and extends over the head causing bursting pain in the forehead and eyes. It gets worse on lying down. Besides, one may feel nausea and vomit. A feeling of a band tied around the head may be present. Heaviness is marked in the eyelids, along with dizziness.

9. Phosphorus – For Pain Which Gets Better By Lying Down

Phosphorus is indicated when there is pain in the entire head and eyes which gets better by lying down and also after sleeping. Along with headache, one feels strain in the eyes. Increased sensitivity to odor and bright light is felt.

Causes Of Headache Along With Eye Pain

1. Eye strain: Using computers or mobiles for long without breaks could lead to eye strain. It may result in headache and eye pain. Besides, other symptoms may be felt like watering or dryness of eyes, sensitivity to light, itching, burning in eyes and pain in neck and shoulders.

2. Refractive errors: These include myopia and hypermetropia. Myopia is a condition in which a person can see close objects clearly but farther objects appear blurry. Hypermetropia is a condition in which a person can see far away objects clearly but the nearby objects look blurry.

3. Migraine: It is a type of headache in which throbbing type of pain occurs mostly on one side of the head often attended by nausea and vomiting. Eye pain can also occur, along with other symptoms like sensitivity to light, noise, odor, tender scalp and tiredness.

4. Cluster headache: Such headache appears in clusters in which a person gets frequent bouts of pain for weeks to months called cluster period, followed by a remission period in which there is no headache for months and years. It causes pain on one side arising behind or around eye that may radiate to head, face or neck. Besides, other attending symptoms include excessive tearing from eyes, redness of eye on affected side, swelling around eye on affected side and droopy eyelid or stuffy/runny nose on affected side.

5. Sinus headache: This type of headache arises from congestion of paranasal sinuses located in forehead, cheeks, behind nose and eyes. The pain may occur in the forehead, cheeks, root of the nose and behind the eyes depending on the sinus involved.

6. Tension headache: This type of headache is often felt like a tight band around the head. It can cause pain behind eyes, in head and neck.

7. Glaucoma: It is a serious eye condition caused by increased intraocular pressure in eyes that damages optic nerve. In case of angle closure glaucoma, eye pain and headache arise along with blurred vision and red eyes. It is a serious condition that needs to be treated immediately to prevent worsening of eyesight and loss of vision.



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Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines For Relieving Headache Due To Cold

Headache is a very common symptom when a person is suffering from cold. About 50 – 60 pc persons suffering from cold tend to get headache as one of the attending symptoms. The reason behind it is stuffiness in the nose from swollen mucus membrane that lines nasal passages and sinuses (air-filled cavities inside the skull bone). When a person has a cold, the membranes produce mucus in excess to get rid of the infectious agent. This mucus builds pressure in the sinuses causing congestion that could lead to headache.

Another reason behind it could be cytokines released by body’s defence mechanism that signal to fight against the virus causing cold. Some cytokines that lead to inflammation are linked with headache. The pain can be felt mostly in the forehead, around the eyes and at the root of the nose. One feels like tying a tight band of cloth around the head to apply pressure on the forehead to bring relief. The headache gets worse from sudden head movement and gets worse in the morning as there is a build-up of mucus during sleep that contribute to additional sinus pressure. Other symptoms of common cold include nasal stuffiness, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, post nasal drip (PND), cough, fever, weakness and body aches.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing headache due to cold. These are natural remedies with zero side effects. These bring great improvement in acute cases of headache as well as long term cases of headache due to recurrent cold or sinus congestion. These medicines help fight infection and promote fluid drainage (which is causing headache from pressure build-up) from the nose and paranasal sinuses to aid speedy recovery. Along with headache, homeopathic medicines also work in relieving symptoms of cold including nasal discharge, nasal blockage, sneezing and weakness. Homeopathic medicines for managing headache are selected based on the characteristic individual symptoms in each and every case. As headache can occur from various reasons, it is advised to have your case evaluated by a physician to find the exact reason behind it based on which medicine should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For Relieving Headache Due To Cold

1. Belladonna – Top Remedy

Belladonna is a top recommended medicine for managing headache due to cold and sinus inflammation. In cases needing it, pain is felt especially in the forehead and sides of the head (temporal region). Usually, throbbing or pulsating pain is felt. Fullness and heaviness is also felt in the head. The face looks red along with heat. Headache gets worse from exposure to draught of air and lying down. It also gets worse from head movement and eye movement. It gets better by applying pressure over the forehead or binding the head tightly. Along with headache there is watery discharge from one side of the nose. Tickling in the nose, along with sneezing, is also present.

2. Natrum Mur – With Thin, Watery Nasal Discharge And Sneezing

Natrum Mur is a very beneficial medicine to manage headache with thin, watery nasal discharge and violent sneezing. A pressive pain is felt in the forehead and eyeballs. There is a sensation as if many small hammers are knocking on the head. It feels as if the head would burst. Headache along with pressure on the eyes is relieved by taking proper sleep. A weight is felt in the forehead. It gets worse on bending the head down and gets better by applying pressure. Nasal discharge may alternate with nasal blockage.

3. Kali Bichrome – For Pain With Nasal Stuffiness

This medicine is suitable for cases of headache with nasal stuffiness. There is pain in the forehead and at the root of the nose due to cold and sinus congestion. Throbbing is felt above the eyes with a sensation as if the head would burst. A pressure or a violent shooting pain is felt at the root of nose. There is thick yellow greenish sticky ropy or lumpy discharge from nose. Nose feels stuffed with discharge. In many cases, post-nasal discharge of ropy mucus is present. Headache gets better by pressing at the root of the nose and also from drinking warm fluids.

4. Aconite – For Headache From Cold With Fever

This medicine is suggested for managing headache from cold with attending fever. There is pulsating pain or bursting sensation in the forehead in cases needing it. Pain at the root of nose can be felt as well. There may be fluent discharge from the nose or dryness in the nose. There is frequent sneezing and redness, swelling of the nostrils.

5. Allium Cepa – For Pain In Forehead With Cold

Allium Cepa is an effective medicine when there is pain in the forehead along with cold. The pain gets worse in a warm room and better in the open. The pain may be dull or stitching type as from pricking of needles. The pain may extend to eyes and face in some cases. There is profuse watery nasal discharge that causes burning in the nostrils and on the upper lips. Intense sneezing is also felt. A lump is felt at the root of the nose. A watery discharge from eyes is also noted. Cough and hoarseness of voice may be present as well.

6. Gelsemium – For Dull Headache With Heaviness Of Eyelids

This medicine is very useful when there is dull headache with heavy eyelids. The pain may be present in the forehead or on the back of head. There is watery nasal discharge along with sneezing and fullness is felt at the root of nose. Tingling is felt in the nose and it also feels stuffed. Excessive weakness may be present. Fever can attend as well. In cases needing it, there may be a tendency to catch cold with every weather change.

7. Silicea – With Foul Smelling Nasal Discharge

Silicea is well indicated when there is headache with foul smelling nasal discharge. Nose feels stuffed. There is alteration between nasal discharge and nasal dryness. Loss of smell is there. Pain can be felt in the forehead, the top or back of the head. Headache gets worse from cold air and head movement. There is relief in headache from wrapping the head with a warm cover. Relief also occurs from binding the head or applying pressure.

8. Pulsatilla – With Thick, Yellow, Green Nasal Discharge

This medicine is recommended for managing headache with thick, yellow, green nasal discharge. There is alternate blockage of nose and nasal discharge. Mostly there is runny nose in the open air and stuffiness indoors. There is loss of smell and taste. Pain is felt on one side of the head and face. Watering in eyes can occur along with headache. Head feels heavy. There is relief from headache by going outdoors.

9. Nux Vomica – With Nasal Discharge In Day And Nasal Blockage At Night

Nux Vomica can be used in cases where headache occurs during the day and there is nasal blockage at night. There is watery nasal discharge in day time and nasal dryness at night. There is excessive sneezing and a crawling sensation is felt in the nose. Other symptoms are watering from eyes and headache in the forehead with urge to press the head against something hard.



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What causes Headache along with Nausea and Vomiting and its Homeopathic remedies

Headaches are very common and in many cases are accompanied with nausea and vomiting. It can happen from various causes and the most common among it is migraine. The severity of the complaint varies from mild to severe. Homeopathy offers a natural and effective treatment for headache with nausea and vomiting. Homeopathic medicines gradually help in reducing intensity and frequency of this complaint. In acute cases, they help to reduce the pain first and once they overcome the pain, these medicines help to eradicate recurrence of this complaint by targeting the root cause behind it. As this complaint can arise from various causes some of which are quite serious like very high blood pressure, low blood sugar, meningitis, it is advised to consult a physician to rule out the cause behind the headache and take proper treatment. Always consider taking any of the homeopathic medicines under supervision of a homeopathic doctor and never self-medicate.

Homeopathic Medicines For Relieving Headache Along With Nausea And Vomiting

1. Ipecac – Top Recommended Medicine

Ipecac is a leading medicine to manage headache with nausea and vomiting. Throbbing pain is felt in the head. Pain can be one sided. Heat is felt in the head. Redness of the cheeks may follow. Drowsiness can attend the above symptoms. Though pain may occur in any part of the head, in most cases it is felt in the back of the head and neck. Pain may extend to shoulders in some cases.

2. Iris Versicolor – With Nausea And Vomiting Having Sour Taste

This medicine is highly effective for cases in which headache occurs along with nausea and sour vomiting. The pain is most marked on the sides of the head and forehead above the eyes. There is a feeling of a band around the head. Sometimes it is one sided pain. In some cases, pain alternates between the right and left side of the head. Along with the above symptoms, heartburn, burning in the stomach, sour belching may be present. Vertigo can also occur. In some cases, blurring of vision may occur before the onset of headache. The headache may get worse with rest and better by movement. It is a top grade medicine for managing headache caused by acidity.

3. Nux Vomica – When Headache Gets Worse From Light, Noise, Mental Exertion

This medicine can be considered when the complaint gets worse from light, noise and mental exertion. The headache troubles a person more in the morning and gets better by the evening. Along with nausea and vomiting, dimness of sight may be experienced. It is also indicated when the complaint gets worse after eating food or from taking coffee. There is sour vomiting along with headache. In cases needing nux vomica, there may be constipation with a constant ineffectual desire to pass stool.

4. Carbo Veg – With Nausea And Weakness

Carbo Veg is a suitable medicine when there is headache along with nausea and weakness. There is sensation of constriction around the head. In most cases, pain begins from the neck and goes up to the head. A pressure is felt on the sides of the head, top of head and in forehead above the eyes. Head may also feel very heavy. The pain gets worse after eating. There is excessive gas in abdomen along with distension. It is a well indicated medicine for headache that occurs when the head gets overheated.

5. Robinia – For Headache With Belching And Intensely Sour Vomiting

It is a very beneficial medicine for headache with belching and vomiting of intensely sour fluid. There is dull headache along with heaviness in the head. The headache gets worse from movement. Robinia is the main medicine to manage headache that arises after eating flatulent food (means food that causes gas accumulation in stomach). There is marked acidity in the stomach with heartburn which gets worse at night when one lies down.

6. Pulsatilla – With Nausea And Sour Bitter Vomiting

Pulsatilla works well in cases of headache with nausea and sour bitter vomiting. First headache occurs followed by vomiting. Afterwards, pinching or gripping pain in abdomen is felt. Pain in the head gets worse on the sides of the head and in the eyes. The pain is more when a person is confined to a room and it also gets worse from lying down. Pain gets better in the open air. Pain may also be relieved by applying pressure over the head. Nausea and vertigo attend headache. Pulsatilla is also the best choice of medicine for headache occurring few days before menses along with vomiting. Loose stool and chills may attend it along with scanty menstrual bleeding.

7. Cocculus Indicus – With Intense Noise Sensitivity

This medicine suits people who have marked noise sensitivity. Noise is unbearable and the least noise causes nausea and vomiting in such people. They also have sensitivity to light. Mostly they complain of pain in the back of the head and neck. The pain worsens from lying on the back of head. This medicine is also indicated for headache during periods.

8. Bryonia – When Constipation Attends

Bryonia is well indicated when there is headache along with nausea, vomiting and constipation. The stool is dry and hard in cases needing it. The headache may begin in the morning on rising up and tends to increase as the day progresses. The headache gets worse from movement, even from the movement of eyeballs. There is relief in pain from tying a cloth band around the head.

9. Sanguinaria Can – When It Is Better By Lying Quietly And From Sleep

Use of this medicine is indicated when there is relief in complaint from lying down quietly preferably in a dark room or from sleep. In cases requiring it, the pain starts in the morning and keeps increasing during the day. There is a feeling as if the head would burst. The pain especially occurs on the right side that begins from the back of the head and then radiates from there and then settles above the right eye. Vomiting may be of mucus or food.

What Causes Headache Along With Nausea And Vomiting?

1. Migraine: It is a disorder in which pain occurs on one side of the head, mostly pulsating type. It is frequently attended with symptoms like nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to noise and light. Other accompanying symptoms include weakness, irritability, restlessness, and anxiety. An aura may be experienced by some people having migraine. Aura is a set of symptoms that occur before the onset of headache which include flashes of light or spots in front of the eyes, temporary loss of vision, tingling sensation in arms/legs/face or difficulty in speech.

2. Food poisoning or stomach infection: It happens from eating or drinking contaminated food. It leads to symptoms including loose stool, vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, fever and headache.


3. Common Cold/Flu: These are upper respiratory tract infections affecting nose, throat, larynx, trachea. Both are mostly caused by viruses and have quite similar symptoms but the symptoms are more severe in flu as compared to common cold. The symptoms include runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, cough, fever, headache, fatigue.

4. Stress, Anxiety, Depression: These can lead to headache attended with nausea.

5. Taking excessive alcohol or caffeine

6. COVID -19: It is caused from infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus and causes symptoms of mild to severe intensity. It can cause headache, nausea and vomiting. Its other main symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, weakness, loss of taste and smell and shortness of breath.

7. PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and Menstrual cycle: PMS refers to a group of symptoms that a woman tends to experience few days before the onset of menses. Hormonal changes before and during menses can lead to headache, nausea, vomiting. In most cases it may occur around two days before periods or during the first three days of periods.

8. Food allergies: Certain food allergies can lead to nausea and headache. In some cases, migraine attack is triggered from certain food allergies. Some of the food allergens includes – dairy products, wheat, and citrus fruits. The allergy symptoms may include gas, bloating, loose stool, hives (itchy bumps on skin), headache, nausea, vomiting.

9. High Blood Pressure: A severe headache with nausea, vomiting can be indicative of very high blood pressure (hypertensive crisis).

10. Low blood sugar

11. Meningitis (inflamed meninges which are the protective membranes covering brain and spinal cord) and traumatic brain injury

12. Kidney disease



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Relieving Heat Headache With Homeopathy

Headaches can get triggered from a number of reasons, heat being one of them. Heat tends to be a common trigger for migraine in many cases. Hot weather, too much sun exposure, overheated body from physical exertion, doing exercise in heat can bring a headache episode. Heat headache usually occurs on both sides of the head. In case of migraine from heat, one-sided headache occurs along with nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light or sound.

The exact reason why heat triggers headache is not clear yet but it is thought that heat exposure for extended time periods tends to activate neurons involved in regulation of temperature in hypothalamus of the brain. It tends to trigger a headache. The headache from heat may in real be arising due to dehydration (condition arising when more fluid is lost from body than what is taken in). Dehydration narrows blood vessels that could trigger headache. Heat headache may also be a part of heat exhaustion or heat stroke from being overheated. Symptoms other than headache in case of heat exhaustion are excessive sweating, dizziness, pale skin, nausea, vomiting, fast/weak pulse, muscle cramps, weakness. Heat exhaustion is an emergency and should be treated immediately. If not treated, it may lead to heat stroke which can turn fatal (its symptoms are throbbing headache, body temperature above 103 degrees, confusion, fast heartbeat, fits, loss of consciousness).

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy carries great scope in treating headache caused by different reasons including that of heat. Homeopathic medicines help in relieving acute episodes of heat headache quite effectively. They work magnificently in overcoming heat headache, migraine from heat and headache that occurs regularly in hot weather or summer in people sensitive to heat. Homeopathic medicines help in gradually reducing the intensity and frequency of such headaches. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating headache due to heat is selected after detailed analysis of individual case. The best part of opting homeopathy is that homeopathic medicines work in the most natural way and there are no side effects of these medicines.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Headache Due To Heat

There is a long list of homeopathic medicines for treating headache due to heat. Among them, Natrum Mur, Glonoine, Natrum Carb, Belladonna and Lachesis are the top-recommended medicines.

1. Natrum Mur – Top Grade Medicine

Natrum Mur tops the list of homeopathic medicines for heat headache. It works best when headache gets triggered from exposure to the heat of sun. It is a leading medicine for headache from sunrise to sunset. It means the headache starts with the rising sun in morning, gradually keeps increasing as day goes by, reaches peak (worst) at noon and after that gradually starts decreasing and finally goes after sunset in evening. Those needing it have headache in forehead, over the eyes and on the top of head (vertex). They feel as if thousands of hammers are knocking on the head. Along with headache, disturbance in vision may be felt. Sensitivity to bright light may also occur.

2. Glonoine – From Heat Of Sun

Like Natrum Mur, Glonoine is also well indicated for managing headache that triggers from heat of sun. It works well for throbbing (to beat or pulsate with force and rapidity) of pain in the head. The head feels congested as if excessive blood has rushed to the head and it feels as if the head would burst. Head feels very large. Eyes appear as if protruding out from eye sockets. Nausea and vomiting may accompany headache. Flushes of heat are felt in the head and face. A weight sensation is also felt at top of the head. The pain gets worse from shaking head and walking. Relief in headache occurs after sleeping. In cases where headache remains throughout the summer, Glonoine is the best choice of medicine to overcome this tendency.

3. Natrum Carb – For Headache In Hot Weather And From Heat Of Sun

This medicine works well for headache that occurs in hot weather and from exposure to sun’s heat. In cases needing it, the pain is felt in the forehead, sides of head and top of head. At times, pain starts in the back of head and extends there from to the top of the head. The pain can be tearing or stitching type. Turning the head suddenly worsens pain. Headache is attended with dimness of sight. Nausea can also occur. Head feels too large and excessive weakness may be felt.

4. Belladonna – For Throbbing Pulsating Pain

Belladona is the most important medicine to help cases of throbbing, pulsating (to beat or pulsate with force and rapidity) type of pain in head. There is marked heat and redness of face. The pain is felt in forehead, sides of head, back of head but is most intense on the sides of the head. The pain worsens from light, noise, eye movement and stooping. There is relief by pressing the head with hands or binding tightly with a cloth. A feeling of fullness and pressure is felt in the head.

5. Lachesis – For Left-Sided Headache

Lachesis is prominently indicated for left-sided headache. Pain is felt in the entire left side of the head. There is dim vision or flickering (shining with fluctuating light) in front of the eyes. It is attended with nausea. In cases needing Lachesis, head feels heavy and feels as if it would burst. A burning sensation on top of head (vertex) is a characteristic feature. Lachesis can also be used for pain on the sides of head especially that worsens from applying pressure on the head and from movement.

6. Lycopodium – For Right-Sided Headache

This medicine is suitable for right-sided headache. The pain is usually tearing or stitching type. The pain extends down the neck from the right side of the head. It gets worse from movement and is relieved by lying down. This medicine is also indicated for headache from getting warm in bed or getting warm while walking. There may be relief in cold air.

7. Gelsemium – For Pain In Back Of Head To Forehead

This medicine is recommended when pain begins from the back of head and extends to forehead. A bursting sensation occurs in forehead and eyeballs. A sensation of a band around the head is also prominent. Along with headache, there may occur dimness of vision or double vision. There is relief in pain by pressing the head or lying down with the level of head kept high with pillows underneath the head. This medicine is also useful for pain in the forehead above the eyes. Headache can be accompanied with neck pain and dizziness.

8. Carbo Veg – From Being Overheated

Carbo Veg is a good choice of medicine when headache follows after head is overheated. Headache and pressure is felt usually in forehead above the eyes. Watering from eyes may occur. Along with pain, vertigo may also be present. The head feels empty along with burning sensation. At times, an electric shock type sensation is also felt in the head. Head feels constricted. Nausea sometimes appears along with pain. Carbo Veg is also well indicated when headache occurs from being in an overheated room.

9. Veratrum Album – With Nausea And Vomiting

This medicine is helpful for headache attended with nausea and vomiting. A feeling of ice block on top of head is felt. A unique attending symptom is cold sweat on forehead. Pressure is felt over the top of head. Excessive weakness may occur along with headache.

10. Bryonia – When Headache Worsens From Movement

This medicine is beneficial when headache gets worse from movement. Even movement of eyes worsens the pain. There is relief by closing the eyes and pressing the head with hands. Pain is mostly felt in the forehead and the back of the head. Pain from the back of the head may radiate to shoulders. The scalp is sensitive to touch.




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Get rid of Headache due to Gas with simple Homeopathic medicines

Headache is a very common health issue experienced by almost everyone sometime or the other. It can happen from multiple reasons, one of the reasons being gas. Certain symptoms attending gas like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, abdomen pain and acid reflux can trigger headache.

Why Homeopathic Treatment?

There is great scope of treating headache due to gas in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines target gas-causing reasons to bring relief in headache. These medicines also work in managing associated gastric issues like nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdomen pain, acid reflux that could be triggering a headache. Homeopathy manages these gastric issues and headache in a natural manner without any side effects.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Headache Caused By Gas

Among various homeopathic medicines for managing headache due to gas, the top recommended ones are Carbo Veg, Lycopodium, China, Nux Vomica and Iris Versicolor.

1. Carbo Veg – Top Grade Medicine

Carbo Veg is a leading medicine to manage headache due to gas. In cases needing it, there is excessive gas in the abdomen along with heaviness and bloating especially in the upper abdomen. The pain in the head may be felt in the forehead over the eyes or in the entire head. A pressure is felt across the forehead, sides and top of the head.  Head feels heavy as well. Nausea is present along with headache. Burning in the stomach and sour burps can occur as well. Burping occurs especially after eating or drinking.

2. Lycopodium – With Gas In Lower Abdomen Soon After Eating

Lycopodium is an effective medicine for gas in the abdomen soon after eating, attended with headache. Even eating little food causes gas formation and abdomen fullness. Gas gets accumulated in the lower abdomen and there is much passage of gas from the anus. The gastric issue and headache, though may arise anytime but is usually worse from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Headache occurs especially on the right side. It may go from one side of the head to another as well. Headache is triggered when not eating at regular intervals. Lying down worsens the pain. There is relief in pain from eating.

3. China – With Gas And Bloating Of Whole Abdomen

This medicine works well for headache with gas and bloating of the whole abdomen. Headache is throbbing, bursting type. Pain gets worse from head movement. There is relief by applying hard pressure over the head. Gas in the abdomen is felt till long after eating. Due to gas in the abdomen, pain can be present as well. Bitter burps also occur. There may also arise vomiting of undigested food in some cases.

4. Nux Vomica – With Gas And Constipation

This medicine works magnificently when headache occurs along with gas and constipation. Pain may be felt in the forehead, the back of head or top of the head. There is pain in the stomach even with the least food, nausea may accompany. Constipation with an ineffectual urge to pass stool may be felt. Nux Vomica helps to relieve gas issues as well as constipation to relieve the gastric headache. Nux Vomica is also highly suitable for those who live a sedentary life (lifestyle with sitting for prolonged time periods with little to no physical activity or exercise) and consequent to it, suffer many gastric issues which further can lead to headache.

5. Iris Versicolor – With Gas, Heartburn, Acid Reflux

Iris Versicolor is a wonderful medicine to manage cases where headache occurs along with gas, heartburn (burning behind chest bone i.e. sternum in middle of chest), acid reflux (backflow of stomach acid into food pipe). In cases needing this medicine, headache is experienced in the forehead over eyes and sides of the head. A sensation of a band around the head is also felt. Nausea and vomiting are also well marked. Vomiting is of bitter, sour watery matter. Headache with loose stool is also treated well with this medicine.

6. Pulsatilla – Headache From Gas And Indigestion From Fatty Food

This medicine is prominently indicated when there is a headache from gas and also from indigestion from eating fatty food (like ghee, cream). Mostly one sided headache is felt in cases needing it. The pain is pulsating, bursting type. Headache may be better by walking in open air. With headache the abdomen may be painful and distended. There is rumbling of wind in the upper abdomen. Burps that taste of food eaten are prominent.

7. Ipecac – With Gas, Nausea, Vomiting

Ipecac is one of the best medicines when headache occurs from gas along with nausea and vomiting. Aching, throbbing and pressure are felt in the forehead. Nausea is constant. Vomiting of watery fluid occurs, but vomiting does not relieve nausea.

8. Bryonia – With Gas And Constipation With Dry, Hard Stool

This medicine is well indicated when a person suffers from gas and constipation with dry hard stool along with headache. Headache is worse from movement. Pain is bursting, splitting type. Abdomen is distended and there is loud rumbling, gurgling in abdomen. Stomach is sensitive to touch. Pressure is felt in the stomach after eating.

9. Robinia – With Gas, Vomiting Of Sour Fluid

Use of Robinia is highly suggested to manage headache with gas and acidic vomiting. There is vomiting of intensely sour fluid. Heartburn at night while lying down may also appear. Continuous sharp pain in abdomen during day and at night may present sometimes.

10. Sanguinaria Can – For Headache With Gas, Gets Better By Vomiting

This medicine may be considered when headache occurs from gas. There is relief from a headache after vomiting. Pain begins in the back of the head that extends upwards to the top of head and thereafter settles over the right eye. Abdomen is distended with gas. Burning may also occur in the stomach along with headache. Vomiting can occur of bitter, sour fluid or food that has been eaten.

11. Sulphur – For Pain In Back Of Head With Gas, Nausea, Vomiting

Sulphur is prominently indicated for pain in the back of head with gas, nausea and vomiting. Headache is preceded by gas in the abdomen. The nature of pain in the head is tearing or throbbing type. Its use is also considered when headache worsens from eating warm food.

Gastric issues that can lead to headache

Gastrointestinal reflux disorder (GERD)

Gastrointestinal reflux disorder (GERD)

1.GERD (Gastrointestinal reflux disorder): It refers to the backflow of stomach acid into the food pipe. It arises when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxes abnormally allowing stomach acid to back flow in the food pipe. It causes symptoms like heartburn, burning in throat, sour/bitter burping, chest pain and sour taste in mouth.

2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): It is a functional disorder of the large intestine causing altered bowel movements (diarrhoea or constipation), stomach cramps, bloating.

H. pylori bacteria

H. pylori bacteria

3. H. pylori infection:  It is an infection of the stomach caused by helicobacter pylori bacteria.  It causes gastritis or peptic ulcers (ulcers in lining of stomach or the first part of small intestine i.e. duodenum)

4. Constipation

5. IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease): It is a term to describe two inflammatory disorders of gastric tract. One is ulcerative colitis and the second is Crohn’s disease. In ulcerative colitis, there is inflammation and ulcers appear in the lining of the large intestine and rectum. In Crohn’s disease, there is inflammation of the lining in any part of the gastrointestinal tract and involves deeper layers of gastric tract.

6. Gastroparesis: It is also known as delayed gastric emptying. In this disorder, the muscle contractions of stomach get weak as a result of which the food remains in the stomach for an extended period of time. The contents of stomach thereby get into the duodenum very slowly. The symptoms mainly include abdomen pain, feeling full soon after one starts to eat, bloating, nausea, vomiting.

7. Celiac disease: In this disease, eating gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, barley) causes damage to small intestine in the persons suffering from this disease out of an autoimmune response. The symptoms that it causes include diarrhoea, abdomen cramps, bloating and fatigue.





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Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies For Cough Along With Vomiting

Cough is the body’s protective mechanism to clear the airway of any dust, smoke, mucus and any microbes (like virus, bacteria). In some cases, coughing is so marked in intensity that it results in vomiting. A continuous high intensity cough which results in vomiting is termed as spasmodic cough. The muscles that are involved in coughing also work while vomiting which is one of the reasons why cough can lead to vomiting in some cases. Vomiting with cough may happen frequently in younger kids. Older kids and adults know how to spit out mucus but younger kids don’t. So vomiting is a way the body is trying to get rid of the mucus that has been coughed up. In case excessive mucus gets into the stomach and causes nausea, even then vomiting may occur. Homeopathic medicines prove very useful in cases of cough with vomiting. These medicines bring natural recovery by treating the root cause behind it.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Cough Along With vomiting

1. Ipecac – Top grade medicine

Ipecac is a leading medicine when a fit of coughing is followed by vomiting of whitish mucus or of food. In cases needing it, cough is loose, rattling type. The chest feels full of mucus. Vomiting seems to relieve cough. There occur frequent attacks of cough that shake the entire body. Cough is attended with difficult breathing and suffocation. It is a very exhausting cough and is mostly triggered after a meal. Cool air also worsens cough. This medicine is helpful when cough occurs at night along with vomiting.

2. Cina – For Cough In Children

This medicine is well indicated to manage cough that ends in vomiting in children. In children requiring it, there occur fits of constant cough especially at night. Sleeplessness may also occur from coughing episodes. Cough is very violent that brings tears in eyes and at the end vomiting. Any kind of movement as well as talking, tend to trigger an episode of cough where this medicine is required, so the child needing it fears to speak or move. Some of the attending symptoms are sneezing, loss of appetite and throat pain.

3. Coccus Cacti – When Complaint Gets Worse In Morning

Coccus Cacti is the most important medicine when cough gets worse in the morning. It is worst when the person walks for the first time in the morning. An attack of cough is followed by vomiting of thick and sticky mucus. Sometimes violent cough is followed by vomiting of ropy mucus. If cough occurs at six or seven specifically, then Coccus Cacti is the best indicated medicine. Another very characteristic feature to use this medicine is cough arising from brushing teeth. Besides these, an indicating feature is cough getting better by consuming cold drinks or inhaling cold air.

4. Drosera – When Complaint Gets Worse Lying Down At Night

When cough increases while lying down at night, Drosera is the best medicine. The cough is dry, irritative type that occurs in fits at very short intervals. It forces the sufferer to sit up. Vomiting follows coughing. The vomiting may be of mucus, water or food varying from case to case. Vomiting finishes the coughing fit after which excessive weakness is felt. Stitching pain in chest may occur along with cough. This medicine is very suitable for children who have night cough as soon as they hit the bed.

5. Bryonia – For Dry Cough

Bryonia is a wonderful medicine to deal with cases of dry cough along with vomiting of food. Cough gets worse after eating or drinking and also on taking deep breath. After coughing, the vomit consists of food that had just been eaten. During coughing, pain in the head and chest may occur. In cases requiring Bryonia, cough may also increase from movement and talking.

6. Antimonium Tart – For Loose Rattling Cough

Antimonium Tart is a leading medicine when it comes to manage loose rattling cough. It feels as if the lungs are full of mucus. Vomiting sets in after coughing. In cases needing it, cough gets worse by eating. Chest pain may attend it. Thera may be difficulty in breathing. A characteristic feature is relief in cough from lying on the right side.

7. Pertussin – For Repeated Fits Of Coughing

This medicine is well indicated when there are repeated fits of coughing. Each fit of cough is followed by vomiting. Mostly cough is dry. Due to persistent cough, the face appears flushed (red). Cough is excited by a tickling sensation in throat and fauces. Difficulty in breathing may attend coughing.

8. Ferrum Met – When Cough Worsens After Eating Food

Ferrum Met is a useful medicine when cough worsens after eating food. Vomiting occurs after eating and all the food eaten is thrown up. Cough can be attended with soreness and stitching pain in chest. Vomiting eases the cough. Besides, this medicine is also indicated for cough with blood stained sputum.

9. Conium – For Cough At Night

This medicine is helpful when cough along with vomiting occurs frequently at night. Coughing occurs continuously until vomiting arises. Vomiting is of frothy mucus with yellow center. Mostly cough begins with a tickling sensation in the throat and triggered when talking or lying down. Cough leads to exhaustion. In children needing it, pain in abdomen also occurs while coughing.

10. Nux Vomica – For Cough With Headache, Abdomen Pain And Vomiting

This medicine is of great value in managing cases in which a person complains of cough with headache, abdomen pain and vomiting. Cough is violent with vomiting and exhaustion. Cough gets worse at night, especially when lying on the back and disappears when lying on the side. It leads to sleeplessness. Yellow or grey mucus may be expectorated along with cough. The mucus may be sour or sweet to taste. Nux Vomica is well indicated for cough occurring from exertion and from tobacco use. Warm drinks may relieve the cough.

11. Mephitis – For Cough Episodes Every Few Minutes At Night

Mephitis is prominently indicated when cough episodes happen every few minutes (about 10 minutes) at night. There is rattling of mucus along with cough.  Vomiting occurs after cough. It is also indicated for cough with runny nose and suffocative feeling.

What Are The Causes Of Cough that Can Result in Vomiting?

1. Post nasal drip – Dripping of nasal secretions from the back of nose into the throat. It may happen from various reasons like allergies, sinusitis, common cold etc.

2. Cigarette smoking – Cigarette smoking can cause cough. In this condition, cough arises as a part of the defence mechanism of the body to clear out the chemicals of cigarette that have entered airways and lungs.

3. GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) – GERD refers to back flow of stomach acid into the food pipe. The acid may reach the throat as well giving rise to cough. Cough related to GERD mostly occurs at night or after a meal and worsens on lying down.

3. Asthma (a respiratory condition arising when airways get narrow, swell and produce excessive mucus giving rise to breathing difficulty, cough and wheezing from chest) and cough variant asthma (a type of asthma presenting only with symptom of cough which is dry, non – productive type)

4. Bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs) and pneumonia (infection that causes inflammation of air sacs of lungs)

5. Certain medicines like ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) used to treat high blood pressure

6. In children, some other causes include Pertussis (whooping cough – a contagious respiratory tract infection characterized by fits of severe hacking cough followed by high-pitched whoop sound as the person breathes in) and RSV infection (Respiratory Syncytial Virus causes a viral infection of lungs with symptoms like cough, sneezing, runny nose, wheezing and fever) that frequently causes bronchitis and pneumonia in babies.

Note: Vomiting that accompanies cough is not something of major concern and is not a medical emergency. But in case bloody expectoration, difficulty breathing, blue coloration of face/lips/tongue, fever with chills, dehydration or loss of consciousness occurs, seek immediate medical attention.


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Cough at night? Top Homeopathic medicines for relief

Cough is the body’s protective mechanism to clear the airway of any dust, smoke, mucus and any microbes (like virus, bacteria). Though cough can trouble a person regardless of time, certain kinds of cough get worse at night. Cough at night (also called nocturnal cough) is distressing that keeps a person awake disturbing night’s rest that can be very exhausting and impact the day’s activities. At night, while lying down flat, the mucus, acid and other irritants find it easier to rise to the throat which is one of the factors that can make cough worse. Besides, the quality of air in the bedroom at night also affects coughing, basically dry indoor air can irritate nose and throat and worsen cough.

Depending on the cause, cough may be attended by sputum production, expectoration (clear, yellow, green, brown or blood stained), wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain, stuffy nose, sore throat, sneezing, heartburn, burping, night sweat, fever. PND (post nasal drip), GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), asthma, allergies, cough from cold or flu are some of the main reasons for worsening cough at night.

Homeopathic Treatment 

Homeopathy proves highly effective in managing such cases of cough. The homeopathic medicines target the root cause of the problem to bring long term improvement in cases of cough. These medicines boost the body’s own healing mechanism to fight back the disease and bring self-recovery in the most natural way. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin with zero side-effects so are safe to use among persons of all age groups.

Homeopathic Medicines For Cough At Night

1. Drosera –Top Grade Medicine

Drosera is a top-listed medicine to manage cases of cough at night. Its use is highly recommended for persons having cough that starts immediately after lying down at night. Cough forces them to sit up in bed. The cough is entirely absent during daytime. In cases requiring it the cough is usually dry irritative type. In some cases, however, yellow expectoration occurs. There are fits of coughing. One attack of cough is soon followed by another. At the end of the cough, vomiting may occur. This medicine is of great help to manage night time cough in children who start coughing as soon as they hit the bed.

 2. Sambucus – For Cough With Breathing Difficulty In Children

Sambucus is highly useful for managing cough with breathing difficulty in children at night (means suffocative cough). Children needing it suddenly wake up at night with coughing, breathing trouble and excessive sweating. Such attacks of cough occur more specifically around midnight. There is excessive crying in children. Whistling sound from chest may occur. Sambucus is well indicated for asthma attacks at night in children. Blockage of nostrils may be marked in cases needing this medicine.

3. Cina – For Cough Ending In Vomiting In Children

Cina is an excellent medicine for managing violent cough occurring in children at night when cough ends in vomiting (means spasmodic cough). The children needing it have cough occurring continuously which ultimately leads to vomiting. Tears appear in eyes along with difficult breathing. The cough is dry and occurs in fits in between intervals.

4. Belladonna – When Cough Is Short, Dry, Tickling

Belladonna is a very effective medicine for managing short, dry, tickling cough that occurs at night. The cough wakes the sufferer from sleep. A very characteristic feature is renewal of cough even from the slightest movement in bed. Cough is attended with pain in head, along with tearing pain in chest. A sensation of inhalation of dust prevails in most cases. This medicine is of great use in case of cough related to sore throat and enlarged tonsils. Belladonna can be highly beneficial for managing cough in children. In children needing it, dry cough tends to wake up the child and child tends to cry before coughing. Cough may be attended by grinding of teeth.

5. Arsenic Album – For Cough After Midnight (12:00 am)

For cough that troubles a person after midnight (means after 12:00 am), Arsenic Album is the top-grade homeopathic medicine. Though this medicine can be given for any sort of cough but especially of most help in cases of asthmatic cough. Those needing it have to sit up as soon as cough begins at night. Cough is mainly dry in nature.  It is accompanied by shortness of breath, oppression of chest and whistling/wheezing sound from the chest. Inclining the chest forward brings relief. Before coughing, anxiety and restlessness may occur. Cough is followed by excessive sweating and marked weakness.

6. Rumex – For Dry, Tickling Cough Preventing Sleep

Rumex is an important medicine to manage dry, tickling cough that prevents sleep. Cough seems to trigger from irritation in the throat. Cough gets worse while lying on left side. For cough occurring around 11:00 pm, Rumex is a specific remedy. Cough also worsens from inhaling cold air and talking.

7. Conium – For Continuous Dry Cough

Conium is very suitable for cases of dry cough occurring almost continuously during night. It wakes up the sufferer frequently disturbing sleep. The sufferer gets exhausted. Cough occurs from a dry spot in larynx or from irritation in throat pit / chest. It is accompanied with intense headache in most cases. Watery nasal discharge is also commonly present. Stitching type of pain in the sides of the chest is also felt. Conium is a prominent medicine for cough, following influenza. In such cases the cough may occur continuously until vomiting occurs.

8. Ipecac – When Vomiting Attends Cough

Ipecac is a very suitable medicine to manage cough at night attended with vomiting. There is excessive rattling of phlegm in chest. In most cases, cough gets worse after eating meal at night. Cough seems to get excited from taking each breath. There may occur a fit of cough that ends with vomiting.

9. Antimonium Tart – When Cough Is Loose Rattling Type

Antimonium Tart works wonderfully in cases of loose rattling cough at night. It seems as if chest is full of mucus but only less is expectorated. It is accompanied with suffocation. Persons who require this medicine have to sit up to cough or breathe. At times, vomiting occurs with cough. A very unique feature is relief in cough by lying on the right side. The cough is violent that shakes the entire chest. Headache and marked exhaustion occurs. This medicine is very helpful in bronchitis cases. There occurs thick, white expectoration in cases needing it.

10. Kali Bichrome and Corallium Rubrum – For Cough With Marked Post Nasal Drip (PND)

PND is one of the main causes of night time coughing. To deal with it, two most important homeopathic medicines are Kali Bichrome and Corallium Rubrum. These medicines work in reducing PND to bring relief in the cough related to it. Corallium Rubrum is considered for fits of dry, short, rapid, suffocative cough. There occur almost continuous fits of coughing. One coughing fit is soon followed by another quite rapidly. There is profuse dripping of mucus from posterior nares into the throat. Kali Bichrome is used when the mucus dripping in throat is very thick, sticky and ropy (can be drawn into threads) in nature.

11. Carbo Veg and Natrum Phos – To Manage Cough With Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is another important cause behind coughing at night. For managing this issue, Carbo Veg and Natrum Phos are leading medicines. These medicines basically help to treat the root cause i.e, acid reflux to relieve cough.  In cases needing Carbo Veg, there occurs short, dry, hard cough especially before midnight. Mucus is felt in throat at night that cause choking sensation on coughing. It gets better by moving or sitting up. In addition, acid reflux symptoms like heartburn, sour burps are present. Natrum Phos is useful for cough from tickling in throat attended with hawking and chest pain. Acid reflux symptoms like heartburn, sour burps appear, and vomiting of sour matter is also there.

Conditions that cause worsening of cough at night or when lying down are:

It can occur from disease of airway (upper or lower), GIT or cardiovascular system. Various causes are enumerated below:

1. Post nasal drip (PND) – It refers to dripping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat. This mucus irritates nerve endings in the throat, exciting cough. PND can be an attending symptom in cases of cold, nasal allergy, sinusitis.

2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

It refers to the back flow of stomach acid into food pipe. The stomach acid can rise up on lying down at night causing cough as soon as one lies down in bed.

3. Cough related to Cold and Flu (viral infection of upper respiratory tract – URTI) and allergies

4. Bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs), asthma (respiratory disease characterized by difficult breathing, wheezing  and coughing), cough variant asthma (asthma presenting with only cough usually a dry, non-productive and constant cough), bronchiectasis (permanent enlargement of parts of airway of lungs leading to mucus build up), tuberculosis of lung (infection caused by bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis)

5. Chronic tonsil enlargement

6. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID -19)

7. Nerve problem – neurogenic cough arising by irritation of nerves supplying larynx

8. ACE inhibitors (medicine to treat high blood pressure)

9. In some cases, the reason could be more serious needing urgent medical help such as:

a). Heart failure

b). Lung cancer

c). Severe lung infection (Pneumonia)


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Top 8 Homeopathic Remedies for Depression

It is a mood disorder in which a person feels persistently sad and has a loss of interest in everyday activities. Many people feel low, upset, and sad from time to time. It happens to everyone at different times of their lives but being sad is not the same as being depressed. In depression, there is constant sadness accompanied by feelings of hopelessness continuing for weeks together which interfere with everyday activities and affect one’s personal and professional life. This is indicative of clinical/ major depression that requires treatment.

Homeopathy offers a very safe and gentle treatment for cases of depression. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that work at a very deep level of the mind to help overcome this condition. The main objective of homeopathy in depression cases is not merely giving symptomatic relief but to effect a cure. With its use, initially the severity of the complaint reduces gradually. Afterwards, a state of well-being is regained. Suppressing a complaint is also not the nature of homeopathic remedies in any form. Homeopathy is helpful both for acute as well as chronic cases of depression. In mild to moderate forms of depression, there are high chances of recovery with homeopathic medicines. But it has limitation in helping very severe forms of depression, especially with suicidal tendencies where other treatment options need to be looked out for.

Constitutional remedies

Homeopathy deals with treating depression with well-selected constitutional remedies which refers to medicines selected based on a person’s emotional, mental and physical state that brings forth his/her personality.  These medicines do not act just superficially, rather work on a deep psychological level and treat the person holistically rather than just the symptoms. With proper constitution treatment in homeopathy, this derangement in the mental health of a person is corrected to offer a feeling of comfort and well-being and restoration of mental health. It leads to effective cure in depression cases.

Highly reliable, alternative treatment choice

Homeopathy is a 200-year-old healing science founded on the basis of fixed principles. So the hit and trial method of treating is not followed here. Right from the case taking, its evaluation, the medicine selection, potency choice, dosage and repetition all are done as per the specified laws of homeopathy. This is what makes it a very reliable treatment option for depression cases. With a complete course of homeopathic treatment as guided by a homeopathic physician in most of the cases of mild to moderate depression, a successful cure follows.

Natural medicines with no side effects

The greatest advantage of using homeopathic medicines for depression is that they are free of any side effects. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances. These lack any harmful chemicals or toxins. So, no adverse effects follow the use of homeopathic medicines. On the other hand, the medicines used in conventional mode like antidepressants, sleeping pills, and mood stabilizers are known to cause many side effects. Here, opting homeopathy can help prevent facing such side effects.

Non habit-forming medicines

Homeopathic medicines for depression are non-habit forming means it does not create any dependency thus one doesn’t have to take it for whole life. Its dose is gradually reduced when recovery begins and completely stopped when the patient gets better. But in conventional mode, the medicines are habit-forming and one may become dependent on those medicines. So here too preferring homeopathic treatment is advantageous to save oneself from lifelong dependency on conventional medicines.

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Depression

The top 8 homeopathic medicines for depression are Ignatia, Natrum Mur, Aurum Met, Kali Phos, Sepia, Cimicifuga Racemosa, Lachesis and Coffea Cruda.

1. Ignatia Amara – For Acute Cases That Follows Some Grief

Ignatia Amara is a leading medicine to treat cases of depression. It works wonders in case of acute depression that has just taken off from some sort of grief. For example, depression triggered by acute grief like the death of a loved one, broken relationships and disappointments in life can be treated wonderfully with it. Those who need it remain sad all the time. With this, they have weeping spells. They also isolate themselves and avoid social engagements. They brood all the time ie; lost in deep thought which makes them sad and worried. Along with the above-mentioned symptoms, they may be very irritable. Their mind gets dull with weak memory. Excessive weakness also appears among them. It is also an excellent medicine to treat bipolar disorder.

When to use Ignatia Amara?

It should be the first choice of medicine to deal with cases of depression of recent origin triggered by acute grief like the death of a loved one, broken relationships with marked sadness, and weeping spells.

How to use Ignatia Amara?

Both low and high potencies of this medicine work well, however, it is advised to begin with low potency. So, initially, it can be taken in 30C potency two to three times a day.

2. Natrum Mur – For Chronic Cases

Natrum Mur is preferred to treat cases of chronic depression. It suits those who are very sensitive and sad, accompanied by sporadic episodes of weeping. They remain absorbed in grief all the time and dwell on the unpleasant memories of the past. They don’t like consolation, and it worsens the complaints. They tend to get offended easily.  Along with it, they don’t have an interest in doing any sort of work. It is also beneficial to manage depression in women before their periods.

When to use Natrum Mur?

Natrum Mur is the best choice of medicine to manage cases of chronic (i.e. long term) depression with sadness, weeping, and aversion to being consoled.

How to use Natrum Mur?

Use of this medicine is advised in 30 C potency that can be taken one to two times a day.

3. Aurum Met – For Suicidal Thoughts, Hopelessness, Worthlessness

Aurum Met is useful to those who have constant suicidal thoughts with extreme sadness accompanied by hopelessness. Along with this, they feel that they are worthless and of no value. They assume negative thoughts and the future seems dark to them. They feel that life is a burden, it’s useless to live, and they long for death.

When to use Aurum Met?

This medicine can be selected for managing depression when suicidal thoughts, hopelessness are prominent with sadness.

How to use Aurum Met?

It is best suited in 30C potency that can be taken up to 2 times in a day.

 4. Kali Phos – For Depression With Intense Stress and Worries

Kali Phos is the next top-listed medicine for depression. It mostly helps people who are over-stressed and have much to worry about. They remain constantly sad, and gloomy. With this, they have negative thoughts in their minds. Those who need it feel mentally and physically exhausted. Other symptoms that they may present include anxiety attacks and spells of weeping. Apart from the above-mentioned symptoms, complaint of sleeplessness is another major concern among them.

When to use Kali Phos?

It is suitable for managing depression attended with extreme stress and worries with marked exhaustion.

How to use Kali Phos?

This medicine is usually recommended in 6X potency. Kali phos 6X can be taken three to four times a day depending on the intensity of the problem.

5. Sepia – For Depression During Menopause

Sepia is an excellent medicine to deal with cases of depression in women during menopause. The most important symptoms present in them are sadness, aversion to seeing family members, and loss of interest in doing any work either mental or physical, even missing out on daily routine activities. There is also indifferent behaviour towards life and family. Such people are constantly lost in worries and are stressed with self-pity. They are very irritable and get offended easily. Sporadic weeping spells seeking consolation, and sympathy. Loss of sexual desire is another major complaint in them with the above symptoms. Apart from depression, during menopause, it is also helpful to treat such cases triggered after childbirth.

When to use Sepia?

It is a highly preferred medicine in women who suffer depression around menopause time with sadness, indifferent behavior, lack of interest in any work, and aversion to family members.

How to use Sepia?

Sepia can be taken in 30 C potency once a day. To use its high potencies like 200C one needs to consult a homeopathic physician.

6. Cimicifuga Racemosa – When It Begins After Childbirth (Post-Partum Depression)

The use of Cimicifuga is highly considered in cases of depression among women that begin after childbirth. Women who need this medicine suffer extreme sadness. They feel that they are enveloped in darkness from which it is difficult to come out. They also feel exhausted by these symptoms. Other symptoms that accompany the above-mentioned symptoms are excessive talking, indifferent behavior, fear of death, and fear of going mentally insane.

When to use Cimicifuga Racemosa?

The use of Cimicifuga Racemosa is especially suggested for managing depression in women triggered after childbirth with extreme sadness and the sensation of darkness all around her.

How to use Cimicifuga Racemosa?

It works most wonderfully in 30C potency and can be taken once or twice a day.

 7. Lachesis – When Delusions Attend Depression (Psychotic Depression)

Lachesis is well-indicated among cases where delusion is present along with depression, such as in cases of psychotic depression. Delusions are false, fixed beliefs that cannot be shaken off even when evidence is provided against that belief. Lachesis is administered when people have sadness, feelings of being abandoned, excessive talkativeness, and delusions. Such persons indulge in excessive talking and frequently jump from one subject to another. A lot of ideas crowd their mind at a given time. Sometimes violent anger and a state of madness are witnessed. When it comes to delusions, a person may get suspicious and he or she may feel as if someone may poison or harm him or her. Other symptoms that appear in them are restlessness, aversion to work, and running away from the world.

When to use Lachesis?

The use of Lachesis is highly recommended for cases of depression with marked delusions, sadness, excessive talkativeness, and suspiciousness.

How to use Lachesis?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency just once a day.

8. Coffea Cruda – For Managing Sleeplessness

Coffea Cruda is very effective for managing sleeplessness in these cases. It is indicated when there are constant chains of thoughts in the mind that lead to sleeplessness. There is marked restlessness at night with tossing and turning. Other symptoms include mood changes, irritability, anxiety, weeping, and weakness.

When to use Coffea Cruda?

This medicine can be prescribed to manage complaints of sleeplessness in depression cases.

How to use Coffea Cruda?

Consider its use in 30C potency once or twice a day.

What Causes Depression?

The causes of depression are not fully understood. But certain factors are thought to play a role.

These are as follows:

1.Genetics – Those with a family history of depression are at risk of developing it. The exact genes involved here are not known but research is going on to ascertain the genes that are involved.

2. Changes in brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) – It is through the transmission of these chemicals from one nerve cell to the other that the communication of the brain with its different parts occurs. The chemicals include serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. They play a role in controlling a person’s feelings, moods, emotions, happiness, and pleasure. An imbalance between these chemicals is thought to play a role in causing depression.

3. Hormonal changes – Certain hormonal changes can be involved in causing the onset of depression. These changes can arise during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menopause, and due to thyroid.

4. Some changes in the structure of the brain, and the frontal lobe being less active are the other reasons that can trigger depression.

5. Having a history of disorders like anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) and bipolar disorder increases the risk of depression.

6. Those having some chronic illness, chronic pain, and chronic disease are also prone to develop depression.

Who Is At Risk of Depression?

1. Those having some blood relatives suffering from depression

2. Those who have low self-esteem and are self-critical

3. People with negative thinking

4. Who have long-term stress

5. Women are more at risk as compared to men

6. Having a history of mental trauma like the death of a loved one, physical or sexual abuse

7. Those going through financial problems, difficult relationships, issues at workplace or job loss, divorce

8. Who have some serious chronic illness like cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic pain

9. Those abusing recreational drugs, and alcohol

10. People taking medicines like sleeping pills, certain medicines to control high blood pressure, and corticosteroids

What Are Its Symptoms?

Persistent sadness and depressed mood are the main symptoms. Many other symptoms accompany depression.  These mostly include hopelessness, tearfulness, lack of pleasure, interest in activities that were previously enjoyed, isolation, and withdrawal from social engagement.

Other symptoms that may appear with this are feeling of guilt, feeling of worthlessness, negative thoughts in mind, tiredness, changes in sleep (either excessive sleep or loss of sleep), and loss of sexual desire. In severe cases, thoughts of death and suicide may come across one’s mind.

In addition to the above, the rest of the symptoms that may appear include outbursts of anger, irritability, anxiety, concentration difficulties, difficulty in completing tasks, appetite changes (either loss of appetite or increased appetite), weight loss or even weight gain.

Some physical symptoms may also appear that include headaches, body aches, and gastric issues.

It can affect relationships with family members. Certain conditions can also get worse due to depression like heart disease, joint pains, asthma, obesity, cancer, and diabetes.

A) Among men, the main symptoms are sadness, hopelessness, anger, aggressiveness, anxiety, irritability, lack of interest in activities that previously gave them pleasure, tiredness, drugs /alcohol, thoughts of death, decrease in sexual desire, difficulty in concentration, changes in sleep patterns (excessive sleep or no sleep), bodyache, headache, digestive complaints.

B) In women the main symptoms are sadness, hopelessness, irritability, social withdrawal, loss of interest in activities, thoughts coming slowly/ talking, changes in sleeping habits (excessive sleep, difficulty in sleep or early waking), thoughts of suicide, decreased energy levels, changes in weight/ appetite, pains, and headaches.

C) Among children, irritability, mood swings, anger outbursts, feeling of incompetence, refusal to go to school, a decline in academic performance, and avoiding friends.

Are there any tests to diagnose it?

There are no tests that can diagnose it. The diagnosis is made based on clinical symptoms. Sometimes thyroid tests and Vitamin D and B12 tests are conducted as they can trigger depression.

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Top 7 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Post Nasal Drip

Post Nasal Drip (PND) refers to mucus dripping from the back of the nose into the throat. It is also termed as the upper airway cough syndrome. PND is attended with a constant urge to clear the throat as the flow of the fluid in the throat is irritating. Another offshoot of PND is that the irritants present in the secretions could initiate a cough reflex.

Homeopathic medicines offer a safe and natural cure for post nasal drip cases treating the problem very effectively. Homeopathy uses the body’s defense system to combat the cause behind PND naturally, hence this line of treatment is comparatively non-intrusive. Along with PND, associated symptoms like hoarse voice, sore throat, cough, hawking and bad breath also get relieved wonderfully with homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathy offers long term relief and cure

Homeopathy aims to heal the root cause behind sinusitis to give long-term relief and cure. As PND has various causes like cold, allergies, sinusitis, acid reflux, homeopathy addresses these underlying causes as per the case to provide magnificent results. Homeopathic treatment if continued regularly as guided by a homeopathic physician can result in great recoveries.  It can also help in reducing dependency on conventional medicines used for PND treatment.

Individualized Medication

As no two cases of PND are alike, the homeopathic medicines also vary from case to case. The characteristic peculiar symptoms in each case of PND help to decide the individualized prescription in every case. Treatment following this individualized way tends to bring miraculous cures in PND cases.

Safe, side effects-free medicines

Homeopathy offers remedies for Postnasal Drip that are safe, successful and devoid of side-effects, whereas medicines used in the modern system of medicine can have side effects with prolonged use. Homeopathic medicines are toxin-free as they are drawn from natural substances, hence treat PND without any adverse reactions.  These can always help and never harm in any case. Persons of any age group can use these medicines to treat PND, however, the medicine selection, potency and dosage varies among different age groups.

homeopathic medicines for post nasal drip

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Post Nasal Drip

The best homeopathic medicines for PND are Hydrastis, Kali Bichrome, Corallium Rubrum, Natrum Mur, Hepar Sulph, Natrum Phos and Sticta.

 1. Hydrastis – For PND With Thick Ropy Secretion    

I can vouch for the fact that homeopathy assures excellent treatment for Post Nasal Drip. One of the top treatments in homeopathy for this condition is hydrastis. It is ideal for situations where the secretions are very thick, ropy and sticky in form. The secretions fall from the posterior nares into the throat. The patient complains of irritation due to a continuous feeling of mucus in the throat.  There is a lot of hawking in an attempt to expel the mucus. Usually, thick, yellow mucus is expectorated. Both the nares become raw and the person has a constant urge to blow out from the nose. In case of Postnasal Drip in children, the kid is usually suddenly aroused from sleep due to thick, sticky droppings. The throat feels raw and there is a lot of burning sensation.

When to use Hydrastis?

This medicine is the best choice for managing Post Nasal Drip with thick, ropy and sticky secretions with a lot of hawking.

How to use Hydrastis?

This medicine is used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M. Initially, it is best to use it in 30C potency one to three times a day. For using higher potencies it is advised to consult a homeopathic doctor.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Post Nasal Drip With Sinusitis

It is another reliable remedy for Post Nasal Drip. It is especially recommended in sinusitis cases when the secretions are thick, yellow, green and ropy. The patient hawks a lot to clear the throat. The root of the nose and the frontal sinus are inflamed, causing a lot of pain and distress to the patient.

When to use Kali Bichrome?

This medicine is apt for cases of PND linked to sinusitis with thick, yellow, green, and ropy mucus discharges.

How to use Kali Bichrome?

It can be used in both low and high potencies among which the most preferred is 30C potency once to thrice a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

3. Corallium Rubrum – For PND With Cough

Corallium Rubrum is a wonderful remedy where a lot of mucus is secreted through the posterior nares. The patient hawks up a lot of mucus. Besides, there is cough that is dry and spasmodic. The nasal discharge has abundant secretions. A characteristic feature attending the above symptoms is the inhaled air feeling very cold.

When to use Corallium Rubrum?

It is a prominently indicated medicine to manage cough arising from PND.

How to use Corallium Rubrum?

It is advised to take this medicine in 30C power once or twice a day.

4. Natrum Mur – To Manage PND Related To Cold Or Nasal Allergy

Natrum Mur is a leading homeopathic medicine to help cases of PND associated with cold or nasal allergy. Those needing it complain of mucus dripping from the nose into the throat along with other symptoms of cold or nasal allergy. These symptoms include sneezing, runny nose and watering from eyes. Nose may be blocked sometimes.

When to use Natrum Mur?

It is the most important medicine when it comes to treat PND linked with cold or nasal allergy. It is frequently accompanied by sneezing, runny nose and watering from eyes.

How to use Natrum Mur?

This medicine is usually prescribed in 6X power. Natrum Mur 6X can be taken three to four times a day as per the intensity of the complaint.

5. Hepar Sulph – When PND Is Linked With Cold, Sinusitis

This medicine is beneficial when PND is associated with cold and sinusitis. In cases needing it, there is thick discharge from the nose along with sneezing. It gets triggered by cold air. The inhaled air feels cold inside the nose. The mucus dripping into the throat may be blood-stained.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

This medicine is recommended to manage PND in cases of cold or sinus infection along with thick nasal discharge and sneezing that gets worse from cold air exposure.

How to use Hepar Sulph?

Hepar Sulph 30C can be used two to three times a day.

6. Natrum Phos – For Managing Acid Reflux And PND

In cases where a person has acid reflux issues along with PND, this medicine can be considered. When this medicine is required, thick yellow mucus is found dripping into the throat. It gets worse at night waking the sufferer from sleep. The person has to sit up to clear the throat. Besides, symptoms of acid reflux like heartburn, sour burps may be experienced.

When to use Natrum Phos?

Its use can be considered when PND is associated with complaints of acid reflux. PND is usually worse at night when this medicine is required.

How to use Natrum Phos?

One may use Natrum Phos 6X twice or thrice a day.

7. Sticta – For PND, Blocked Nose And Fullness At the Root Of Nose

Sticta proves effective when there is dripping of mucus in posterior throat and blocked nose. Fullness at the root of the nose is prominent. Nasal blockage gets worse at night and disturbs sleep. There is mucus in the throat that dries soon forming scabs. There is an urge to blow the nose but no discharge occurs.

When to use Sticta?

Its use is suggested when there is PND attended with nasal blockage and a sensation of fullness at the root of the nose.

How to use Sticta?

Sticta 30C can be used one to two times a day.

Symptoms of Postnasal Drip

Postnasal Drip is characterized by excessive mucus production by the nasal mucosa. This mucus then collects in the back of the nose or the throat, giving rise to:

1. Sensation of mucus falling from the back of the nose

2. Hawking and an urge to clear the throat frequently

3. A sore throat, and chronic cough

4. Hoarse voice

5. Bad breath

6. Painful ear infections

Causes of PND

It can be caused by multiple reasons which are as follows:

1. Cold, & flu: These viral infections affect the nose and the throat. Among these, flu is more severe than cold. These can cause PND along with other main symptoms of nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sneezing, sore throat, body aches, and fever.

2. Sinusitis: It refers to swelling and inflammation of air-filled spaces within the skull. It can lead to PND with other symptoms of headache, nasal discharge, nasal blockage, pain/ tenderness around eyes, cheeks, nose, forehead, sore throat, and cough.

3. Nasal allergy (allergic rhinitis): It refers to a response to a specific allergen (like dust mites, pollens) causing sneezing, runny nose, itchy watery eyes, stuffy nose. PND may accompany these symptoms.

4. Non allergic rhinitis: In this form of rhinitis, symptoms similar to allergic rhinitis appear but there is no allergic reaction.

5. DNS (deviated nasal septum): A condition in which the wall that divides nasal cavity into two halves is displaced to one side. As a result, one side of the nasal cavity becomes small, hindering mucus drainage causing PND.

6. Gastric reflux: The backflow of stomach acid from the stomach into the food pipe, throat and mouth

7. An object stuck in the nose in children can be one of the causes

8. Some medicines: Medicines that help treat high blood pressure, and birth control pills can trigger PND

9. Pregnancy

10. Swallowing disorder: In the case of swallowing disorders, the root cause lies not in excess production of mucus but rather in inadequate clearance of the throat

11. Weather change, cold weather, dry air, and eating some food items like highly spicy food


Our nose and throat produce small amounts of mucus continuously. This mucus has three functions. Firstly, it keeps the nasal membrane moist, secondly, it helps trap and filter any inhaled foreign matter (like virus and bacteria) and thirdly it fights infection. This mucus is being swallowed unaware by everyone. But when due to whatever reason the production of mucus increases, it starts to accumulate in the back of the throat. When excessive or thick mucus drips down the throat from the back of the nose, then only one becomes aware of it. The irritants in the mucus can activate receptors in the respiratory tract resulting in protective cough.

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