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Hydrastis Canadensis – Homeopathic Medicine – Indications for its use

Hydrastis Canadensis is commonly known by the names Goldenseal, Orange Root and Yellow Root . It belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. The thick, yellow rhizome (stem of a plant with nodes) of the herb is used to extract the medicine. It is indigenous to the United States and Canada and was introduced in Europe in the 18th century. It is also widely grown in India.

As a homeopathic remedy, it is primarily used for ailments related to the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, ears, and female organs.

Hydrastis Canadensis: Preparation

The homeopathic remedy Hydrastis Canadensis is prepared from the rhizome of the herb called Goldenseal. For the preparation of the medicine, first, the rhizome is freshly cut, which further undergoes the process of cleaning and chopping. The chopped fragments are then soaked in distilled alcohol for some time, after which it is strained and diluted to the desired degree. It is then subjected to the homeopathic process of Succussion, which is a type of oscillatory process done to obtain the desired potency of the medicine.

The ‘Hydrastis’ Constitution

It is well suited to people who have a feeble constitution and who get easily tired. It also works well for chronic alcoholics who have broken down their system by excess use of alcohol. The skin is generally pale, and the patient is susceptible to contracting jaundice.

Hydrastis Canadensis: Drug Action

The herb has a chemical in it called Berberine, which is known to work against many harmful bacteria and fungi, making it a natural antibiotic medicine.

The drug is known to have its action on the mucous surfaces, mucous glandular surfaces, the nutritive system and the circulatory system.

It is used by herbalists today as an anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, bitter tonic, laxative, anti-diabetic and muscular stimulant oxytocic (a medication that accelerates childbirth) and emmenagogue (a medicine that promotes menstrual flow).

Scope of Hydrastis Canadensis as a Homeopathic Remedy

Effect on the Respiratory System

Hydrastis is one of the most effective remedies used in cases of respiratory troubles. It effectively manages problems of Sinusitis, with Post nasal Dripping (PND), inflammation of the mucous passages of the respiratory tract, cough with loose expectoration (expulsion of phlegm), swollen turbinates. When it comes to the nasal passages and sinuses, the mucous membranes are hyperactive and hence secrete more mucus than usual, thereby blocking the nostrils and increasing the discharges.

Hydrastis acts on these membranes and helps in subsiding the inflammation and regulating the mucous secretions. Usually, the main symptom is blocked nostrils, which leads to a discharge of mucus from the back of the nose to the throat (called as PND or post nasal dripping). This discharge is ropey and stringy, thick, yellow or white mucus.

The nostrils are blocked with mucous (especially the posterior part of the nose). Hydrastis can be of help in cases of nasal discharges, where the discharge feels like it is burning and makes the parts sore. Such secretions are scanty when the person is indoors but is excreted when the person steps out.

The crusting forms quickly inside the nose in such cases. A frontal headache accompanies the nasal discharge. There is a swelling of turbinate bones (soft bones in the nasal cavity), so much so that the patient has to breathe through the mouth and there is constant loud snoring at night. A characteristic feature of this medicine is tickling in the nose, especially the right nostril. The patient has recurrent episodes of sneezing, with fullness over the eyes and a dull headache in the frontal region, which descends to the arms.

Hydrastis can be given for bronchitis as well. Bronchitis refers to the inflammation of the bronchial tubes that primarily carry air to the lungs. After the inflammation, there is a constriction of the passage and hence breathing difficulties, which this homeopathic medication can very effectively manage. Such bronchitis attacks, when they occur in elderly people, can be accompanied by a loss of appetite. Hydrastis helps in taking care of that, minimizing the weakness and improving respiration. The characteristic ‘Old Man’s Cough’ calls for this remedy.

In all age groups, when there is tickling in the throat with a dry and harsh cough or when there is a loose cough, which worsens as the day progresses, with a thick, yellow and stringy mucous, Hydrastis can help.

Hydrastis for Ears

In cases where there is a dysfunction of the Eustachian tube, inflammation of the middle ear, with a thick and tenacious discharge (which is more like pus), blockage of the ear with a postnasal discharge, Hydrastis can work well to treat all these symptoms. With these symptoms, there is also a difficulty in hearing, deafness in some; and tinnitus (abnormal noises in the ear), usually a roaring sound. It can be given for perforation of the tympanic membrane, i.e., the eardrum as well.

Effect on the Gastro-Intestinal System

When it comes to gastric ailments, Hydrastis is used in cases where there is a heaviness in the upper left side of the abdomen. The appetite is negligible with an inability to digest food properly.
Hydrastis is a renowned remedy when it comes to carcinoma of the stomach. It acts wonderfully as an intercurrent remedy in such cases, and can effectively manage symptoms when given with conventional medicine. In such cases of cancer of the stomach, the condition initially is generally asymptomatic. Before the disease is diagnosed, usually in the ‘pre-cancerous stage,’ patients typically complain of chronic intermittent pain. They then slowly start losing their strength, the epigastric region becomes sensitive, the appetite decreases with frequent episodes of vomiting. There is indigestion of the food eaten; it feels as if the food simply lies in the abdomen. Constant production of the acid, with sour acidic vomiting and a coated tongue, are some other symptoms.

It has been mentioned in the homeopathic literature that Hydrastis can help a lot in cases of inflammation of the lining of the liver and cases of cancer of the liver as well. Even though there is no clinical evidence of a cure, the homeopathic medication Hydrastis can help in managing a few symptoms. The presence of these symptoms is not indicative of cancer. In the region of the liver (that is the upper right abdominal area), there may be a feeling of fullness with a constant, dull pain. There is the development of jaundice, with yellow skin, dark yellow urine and pale stools. The appetite is diminished, breathing is difficult, and it hurts to touch the area of the liver. Along with this, there could be an inflammation of the lining of the gallbladder and bile duct as well.

Hydrastis can take care of chronic constipation as well when the movements of the bowels are sluggish, and hence the stool formation is delayed. The patient skips days when it comes to clearing the bowels, and can only pass the stool after taking laxatives. The stool, when passed, could be in the form of small pellets. There is straining while passing stool, so much so that the rectum starts to burn and ache because of the continuous efforts to empty out the bowels. Sometimes, there is a feeling as if the stool would pass, but when tried, only gas escapes.
Other than this, Hydrastis can be given for cases of hemorrhoids (piles), where the underlying cause could be chronic constipation as discussed or pregnancy. There could be bleeding piles, with significant weakness. There could be offensive haemorrhoidal discharge from the anus, with a burning pain in the anus, during and after each stool.
Hydrastis Canadensis can also be helpful in cases of a fissure in the anal region, with constipation and continuous discharge. Some physicians have also noted excellent results with this remedy in cases of colorectal cancer.

Effect on Female Organs

Hydrastis Canadensis has shown remarkable results in various clinical conditions in females. This remedy can be useful in cases of leucorrhoea, uterine prolapse, uterine fibroids, congestive dysmenorrhoea (pain with menses), pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis (Inflammation of the endometrium), menopausal syndrome, etc.
The remedy has also proven to be beneficial in cases of cancer of the cervix, uterine cancer, and breast cancer. Herein, the epithelium of the cervix and the vagina is eroded, and there is ulcer formation.
When microscopically seen, the membranes are swollen and hardened. Hydrastis can help in maintaining the normal lining of the mucosa, by healing the eroded and ulcerated areas.

Other than this, there is a pain in the lower back along with the uterine complaints. There are hemorrhages from the uterus, menses last too long, and the patient, as a result, becomes weak and anemic. There are sharp pains in the right iliac region (lower right side of the abdomen).
The leucorrhoea, i.e., abnormal vaginal discharge, in such patients is generally very tenacious and thick, yellow in color, and ropey in nature. There is intense itching with the leucorrhoea.

When given for cancer of the breast as an intercurrent (while the disease is progressing) remedy, the pains are very intense and extend up to the shoulders and down the arms. It is given in the scirrhous tumor of the breast, which is a slowly growing, solid, malignant tumor. The breast becomes hard, and adherent to the skin and the nipple is retracted. Along with this, the lymph nodes in the axilla (armpits) are enlarged. In open cancers of the breasts, Hydrastis can help in relieving the constant burning pain, and can also promote healing.

Keynote Indications for the use of Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis

1.Posterior nasal drip: Thick, tenacious from posterior nares to the throat. It si very effective in chronic cases of posterior nasal discharge

2.Eustachian tube catarrh: Eustachian tube catarrh with deafness.

3.Sinusitis: Frontal sinusitis with dull frontal headache; Sinusitis with thick, viscid nasal discharges.

4.Pharyngitis: Follicular pharyngitis with hawking of yellow, viscid mucus.

5.Constipation: Constipation with fissure anus/ prolapse of rectum/headache.

6.Leucorrhoea: Vaginal discharges of acid, tenacious, corroding nature.

7.Rectal fistula: Fistula of rectum associated with rectum prolapse/ constipation.

8.Prolapse of the rectum: Rectal prolapse with chronic constipation.

9.Gastric ulcers: Gastric ulcers with a sore feeling in stomach, weak digestion, and dyspepsia.

Hydrastis: Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis Canadensis is recommended in low potencies for respiratory troubles and can frequently be repeated.
It can be given in the form of mother tincture as well.
For malignant tumors and other chronic ailments, it should always be taken under the guidance of a homeopathic physician.

Hydrastis Canadensis and Other Homeopathic Remedies

Hydrastis is antidoted by Sulphur, and Merc Sol is its antidote.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Three Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma in Kids

Homeopathic medicines for asthmaOver 300 million people worldwide have asthma, according to a report. It is one of the top-listed chronic illnesses among children. The rate of asthma in children is increasing significantly every year. Asthma is the leading cause of chronic illness among children and the third leading cause of hospitalization among children under the age of 15. Unfortunately, it is very common that the parents of young ones are not able to recognize the early signs of asthma and usually overlook them as a routine ailment. Though not a life-threatening ailment, asthma in kids can impair their quality of life due to the symptoms it causes. Asthma in kids restricts their life in terms of playing and doing activities where more strenuous breathing is required.

What Exactly is Asthma?

Asthma is a disease that affects the lungs and results in chronic inflammation of the airways. That means, the small tubes that bring air into the lungs are swollen and inflamed, and at times clogged with mucus. This swelling and clogging makes it difficult for air to move freely in and out.
Asthma is characterized by repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, coughing, chest tightness, and nighttime or early morning coughing.

Asthma in children is no different than in adults, but the severity tends to be more in children because they have smaller airways. Homeopathic remedies for treating asthma are not only successful but are also safe and devoid of any side-effects. Homeopathy offers holistic treatment for asthma in children as it goes into the root of the problem to treat it.

Why does Asthma go Undiagnosed in Children?

Asthma usually goes undiagnosed for a number of reasons including the fact that other respiratory diseases have overlapping symptoms. Another major factor is the fact that some children can stay free from the symptoms for long-periods before going through another asthma attack. Also, many kids only show subtle signs of the disease initially. Inadequate information about the true symptoms of asthma also reduces the chances of diagnosing it, as most parents identify asthma only with wheezing. Chest congestion is another symptom that’s sometimes overlooked as an infection such as bronchitis. In infants, asthma is all the more difficult to identify as wheezing may not be heard until they are at least 18 to 24 months old. In such cases, one must look for clues such as a rattling cough, rapid breathing, and frequent chest colds. Small children may have difficulty in verbally expressing the discomfort felt in the chest so there are chances that the parents might not be aware of it.

How Is Asthma Diagnosed?

Although diagnosing asthma in children below the age of five is not so easy, regular visits to a physician can help identify the disease. Understanding signs like the time of a cough, periodicity and recurrence of the problem, family history, symptoms such as wheezing, tight chestedness, signs of allergy, etc. and the physical examination, can help a physician can ascertain whether the child has asthma or not.

Testing of lung function with spirometry or a peak flow meter can also help in assessing the degree of obstruction in the air passages. However, these tests are not effective for very young children, and assessment is based on clinical examination and symptoms.

Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma in Children

Homeopathic medicines for asthma in children help manage the tendency of chronic recurrence. These medicines also reduce the frequency and intensity of the asthma symptoms. Where required, homeopathy also focuses on addressing allergic tendencies (which are a cause of asthma) by moderating the immune system.
Made of natural substances, these medicines do not cause any side effects and can be treated n a safe, effective manner.
Homeopathic treatment for asthma can be used alongside conventional medicine in acute cases of asthma.
In case of an acute asthma attack, it is necessary to get conventional help, (like an inhaler in case of extreme shortness of breath). This provides immediate relief to the child and can be followed by a homeopathic medicine for shortness of breath.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma in Children

Sambucus Nigra – Homeopathic medicine for Asthma in Children with Suffocative Attacks

Sambucus Nigra is one of the best homeopathic medicines for asthma in children. It is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from a plant named Common Elder. The plant belongs to the family of Caprifoliaceae. Fresh leaves and flowers of this plant are used to prepare the medicine. Sambucus Nigra tends to bring remarkable recovery in cases of childhood asthma. Nightly suffocative attacks of asthma in children are the key indicators to use this medicine. The child suddenly gets up at night, feeling suffocated. Along with suffocation, the child is restless and cranky. A cough with excessive difficulty in breathing, the expulsion of a small amount of tough mucus, nasal obstruction are the typical symptoms.

Natrum Sulph – Constitutional Homeopathic Medicine to Treat Asthma in Children

Natrum Sulph is an excellent homeopathic medicine used to treat asthma in children. It is a constitutional homeopathic medicine that is highly suitable for treating asthma in children. This medicine works towards eradicating the chronic tendency of asthma in children. A child needing Natrum Sulph has a cough, dyspnea, and rattling of mucus in the chest. An expulsion of green colored mucus may be noted. Asthma triggered by cold and exertion and asthma that worsens in damp weather are the symptoms indicative of using Natrum Sulph.

Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Asthma in Children with Breathing Difficulty

Arsenic Album is an important homeopathic medicine frequently used to treat asthma in children. Asthma with extreme difficulty in breathing is treated well with this medicine. The child cannot breathe comfortably due to constricted air passages. He/She puts great effort to breathe normally. Cough is attended with a difficult expulsion of mucus and wheezing in the chest. Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is mostly used to treat asthma that worsens upon going to bed, or during midnight.

Other Important Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma in Children

Cina – Homeopathic Medicine for Cough Variant Asthma

Cina is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the plant Artemisia Maritime. It belongs to the family Compositae. Cina is a useful homeopathic medicine for cough variant asthma where violent dry cough is markedly present. Cough is intense and spasmodic and ends with vomiting. The cough appears in paroxysms (suddenly). After a cough, the child may moan and turn pale. Evening and night aggravation, a sensation of being suffocated, and irritability are well noted.

Cuprum Met – Homeopathic Medicine for Asthma with Spasmodic Cough

Cuprum Met is a useful homeopathic medicine for treating asthma with a spasmodic cough. Here child gets a strong, violent fit of cough that ends in vomiting. The child gets stiff feels suffocated, has difficulty in breathing with a cold face and blue lips. Drinking water can help relieve the cough. White mucus may be expelled, and difficulty in respiration along with whistling occurs. The cough tends to appear at night disturbing, disturbing the child’s sleep. A pressure or constricted sensation in the chest may appear. Asthmatic attack when walking quickly is also indicative to use homeopathic medicine Cuprum Met.

Antimonium Tart – Homeopathic Medicine for Asthma with Rattling in Chest

Antimonium Tart is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for asthma accompanied with cough and rattling of mucus in the chest. The airways seem overloaded with mucus. The chest is intensely congested with great rattling of mucus. Cough is present all the time, without any expulsion of sputa. Shortness of breath and a sensation of suffocation may be present.

Spongia Tosta – Homeopathic Medicine for Asthma with Dry Cough and Wheezing

Spongia Tosta is an excellent homeopathic medicine for an asthmatic cough. The key feature to use Spongia Tosta is a dry cough, with wheezing in the chest. The cough is extremely dry, deep, and bark-like. It is present all day and night. Warm drinks may relieve the cough for a while. Along with this, suffocation and short, difficult respiration is present.

Ipecac – Homeopathic Medicine for Asthmatic Shortness of Breath

Ipecac is a homeopathic medicine for the treatment of asthma. It is prepared from the root of the plant Ipecac. This plant belongs to the natural order Rubiaceae. It is indicated for an asthmatic cough with intense shortness of breath and constriction in the chest. Slight exercise tends to bring shortness of breath. The child has short, panting, heavy breathing with an exhausting cough. Phlegm rattling in the chest may be present. There is marked suffocation. Vomiting appears with coughing. The child’s face turns blue, and the child stiffens with a spasmodic cough. The child may feel better in the open air.

Hepar Sulph – Homeopathic Medicine for Asthma that is Worse in Cold Air

Hepar Sulph is a prominent homeopathic medicine for asthma that gets worse in the cold air. Following exposure to cold air, the child gets a cough along with difficulty in breathing and wheezing. The cough is loose with mucus in the chest. An expulsion of yellow colored phlegm may occur. The cough gets worse in the morning, and consuming cold drinks also makes the cough worse.

Childhood Asthma: Causes

Causes and predisposing factors for asthma in children include:


Genetics play an important role in childhood asthma. Children having a family history of asthma or any allergic disease are at risk to develop asthma.


Children who have allergic tendencies like nasal allergies (hay fever), atopic dermatitis, are predisposed to suffer from asthma.

Parental Smoking

Smoking by the mother during pregnancy is another risk factor for developing asthma in children.

Low Birth Weight

Children having low birth weight or those who are born prematurely are also at risk for developing asthma.

Symptoms of Asthma in Children

Around 60 to 70 % of children with asthma tend to develop the symptoms before five yrs of age. The symptoms of asthma include the following:


A Cough is a prominent symptom of asthma, and it tends to get worse at night. Worsening of the cough due to exertion (like while playing) is noted. The cough may be dry or lead to the expulsion of mucus, with other symptoms like difficulty in breathing and wheezing. However, there are cases where only dry cough is present without any other features of a classic case of asthma (like shortness of breath and wheezing).
Such cases are known as cough variant asthma.


Wheezing is a high pitched whistling sound in the chest that appears as a result of an obstruction in the air passages. This happens when air moves through narrow air passages.


Difficult breathing (Dyspnea) – Dyspnea or shortness of breath tends to appear in asthma from narrowing of airways. Tightening of muscles surrounding the airway and inflammation that causes swelling of airways leads to contraction of the airways. There is also excessive mucus production.

Chest Congestion

Chest tightness and congestion also occur as a result of asthma.


Excessive fatigue, trouble sleeping, and limitation of play time due to breathing difficulty are common symptoms of asthma in children.

Asthma Triggers in Children

Allergens – Molds, pet danders (from hair, skin or feathers), dust mites, pollens, and cockroaches are some common allergens that can trigger asthma in children.

URI – Frequent upper respiratory tract infections like common cold or flu can contribute to asthma.

Cold air, changes in the weather can also trigger asthma in children.

Air pollution, exposure to smoke, and exposure to passive smoking can also trigger asthma in children.

Identifying Asthma

Make sure you consult a physician if your child experiences any of the following signs and symptoms

  • Coughing that is constant or intermittent.
  • Wheezing or a whistling sounds audible when your child exhales.
  • Shortness of breath or rapid breathing. This may or may not be associated with exercise.
  • Chest tightness.
  • Repeated respiratory infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis
  • Identifying asthma in infants and the very young is usually difficult. The symptoms might only show up when the child exerting e.g. Coughing after running, coughing at night or during sleep. Wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath are also accompanied by crying, yelling and laughing. Infants may have problems feeding and may grunt during suckling.

Managing Asthma in Children

Some tips to manage asthma in children include:

  • Reduce exposure to allergens.
  • Keep pets away from the child if he/she is allergic to pet dander.
  • Pollen allergies should be managed by keeping the child indoors and keeping the windows closed during high pollen season.
  • Allergies to dust mite can be managed by washing the bedding in hot water at least once a week. Removing floor carpets from home and not using too many stuffed toys during play also help minimize allergies.
  • Excessive exercise and playing should be avoided.
  • Exposure to passive smoking should be eliminated.
  • Dehumidifiers should be used in humid conditions.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Silicea – Homeopathic Medicine its Uses, Indications and Dosage

The remedy Silicea is derived from Silica or Silicic oxide from the Mineral Kingdom. The mineral silica in its crude state is inert and insoluble. When potentized according to the formula of Homeopathy, that is a process where the latent medicinal powers of a drug are aroused, it becomes one of the most valuable drugs of Homeopathic materia medica. It is also known very commonly as Quartz.
Silica is present naturally in our body as well; in the bones, nerve sheaths, skin, nails, etc. It has the capability to replace a surgeon’s knife by its remarkable action.

The ‘Silicea’ Constitution

This remedy suits people who are nervous and irritable, usually break into sweats, with dry skin and a lean, thin body. The musculature is weak and lax. Such patients usually cannot bear cold at all. If the individual receives a slight injury it suppurates and the formation is hard and nodular.

Drug Action

It is one of the polychrest remedies, that is it has an effect on all the spheres of the body. It acts on the bones, mucous membranes, cartilages, skin, cellular tissues, nerves, glands, lachrymal duct, Eustachian tube, etc.
It is known to be a very helpful remedy in treating bad effects of vaccination and complaints arising from the suppression of foot sweat.

Clinical Indications

Abscesses, boils, bone affections, carbuncle, constipation, cough, dentition problems, diabetes, enuresis, epilepsy, fistula, headache, hernia, rheumatism, rickets, skin troubles, sexual disturbances, bad effects of vaccination, Bartholin’s cyst, pilonidal sinus, haemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal abscess and fistulas, Meniere’s Disease, sinusitis and anxiety.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints of the Mind

This remedy settles many disorders of the mind, the marked symptoms being lack of confidence, stamina, and concentration. This remedy is well-suited professional and well-doing people. They claim to have everything in order and they seem to know what they are doing. But after a while, they start feeling a lack of confidence and firmness, they now have difficulty in processing thoughts and speech before giving a presentation. As a result of which, they start to dread to appear in public. They dread failure and the consequences of it; they feel their mind will not work when they want it to. This is nothing but an outcome of the prolonged mental exhaustion they have always been prone to. So a lawyer might end up saying, ‘I have never been well since so and so case.’ He overworks on it and many sleepless nights follow. And he ends up so mentally exhausted, yet everything is in vain. The most important thing to note here is, that when such patients go hard on themselves and force themselves to perform, they do so with flying colors. So, even though there is a fear of failure, yet when they perform, they do it well.
Another case is illustrated in a young man who has studied for years and is now nearing the end of this course. He dreads the final examinations but he goes through them all right, then fatigue comes upon him and for years he’s unable to enter his profession. He has this dread of undertaking anything. This remedy restores such affections of the brain.
Patients who need this remedy also dread loneliness. They always want someone to be around them. When they are amongst people, even though they are not talking or interacting with them, they are happy.

2. Nasal Problems

When it comes to the nasal passages, this medicine can be given for conditions like sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, ulcerations of the nasal cavities, epistaxis, etc. It can resolve the blockage of nasal passages due to any condition. The nose feels painfully dry and obstructed in the morning. As the day progresses, coryza (nasal discharges) can develop. The patient starts to lose his sense of taste and smell. It can be given for recurrent epistaxis as well. There is violent sneezing with tickling in the throat and nasal discharges.

3. Throat Concerns

It is one of the best remedies given for tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils). It can be given for both follicular tonsillitis and quinsy (abscess in the region of tonsils). There is a sensation of a lump in the throat and there is a great difficulty in swallowing. There is a pain in the throat, which is sharp as from needles and pins, more on the left side, generating cough in some cases. The attacks of tonsillitis and quinsy are periodical, they get better for a while but come back again. It can very effectively deal with the acute and chronic stages of these conditions. The medicine is also helpful in chronic pharyngitis. Tickling in the throat causes bouts of cough. There is hoarseness of voice. The thyroid gland is enlarged and, there is swelling in front of the throat. The right side of the gland is swollen, which commences from the left, the patient cannot move his neck and holds it stiffly.

4. Ears

This medicine has its action on almost all the parts. It can be given for multiple ear conditions. It very effectively manages Otorrhea (ear discharge), Meniere’s Disease, perforated eardrums, tinnitus, Eustachian tube blockage, and hearing loss. There is over sensitiveness towards all noises The ears seem blocked, which open with a pop. In cases of otorrhea, the discharge could be curdy and pasty or thin and watery, with caries of the bone. There is a high degree of tinnitus(noises in the ear), all kinds of noises; hissing, roaring, like many cars passing by. It can be really helpful in cases of Eustachian tube blockage where the ears are blocked, a certain amount of hearing loss is present, but it returns with a snap. It takes care of the ruptured tympanic membrane (eardrum) with a discharge from the ear.

5. Eyes

With its effect on the eyes, it has treated a great number of complaints. It can be helpful in defects of vision; where the eyes are weak, the patient can neither write nor read, the sight is indistinct.
It proves to be infallible in cases of Blepharitis ( inflammatory condition of the eyes), like styes (red tender bump at the edge of the eyelids), Uveitis (inflammation of the Uvea), swelling in the eyes due to traumatic causes, abscess & boils around the eyes and lips, keratitis (inflammation of the cornea). There is intense photophobia accompanying the eye complaints. The eyes are red, they burn and there is intense tingling. Not only this, it can be given for chronic conditions like Cataract, especially of the right eye, where there is greyish cloudiness in the eye. In conditions like ulcerations of the cornea, with a discharge of thick and yellow pus, attended with pain, this medicine can do wonders.

6. Chest

This medicine can be given for cases of bouts of breathlessness, where the patient loses his breath on slight exertion, be it running, stooping, followed by a cough. There is deep sighing breathing.
In conditions like Asthma, where the cough is in spasms and comes on as soon as the patient lies down.
The cough can have many presentations. It can be dry or loose. In cases of dry cough, excited by tickling in the throat, with hoarseness of voice. When the cough is loose, there is profuse expectoration of phlegm, the patient awakens at night, worsens from slightest motion, and especially after lying at night.
In children, who have a suffocative cough, obstructed and difficult respiration and the expectoration of the phlegm just doesn’t seem to end.
With its action on the heart, it checks the palpitations, with an irregular and hard pulse.

7. Teeth and Gums

This medicine can be given to kids that have a difficult dentition or if the teething is delayed. It acts on the gums and strengthens them, thereby checking the loose teeth. It can be given for caries of teeth where the pain worsens on even inhaling air and at night. There is a very severe toothache, with stinging pain and the patient tosses and turns during his sleep. If after extraction of teeth, there is a swelling in the gums and roof of the mouth, Silicea is the remedy. It has proven to be beneficial in cases of gum boils as well, where the gums are very sore and painful. Also, in such patients, there is a bad odour from the mouth.

8. Bones

It has since long proven be to very beneficial in cases of Caries of bones, bony fistulas, rickets and AVN (Avascular Necrosis of bone). Caries of the bone of any part of the body, but especially the small bones of the ears, nose and mastoid process and the shaft of the long bones, the head of the bones and the cartilaginous portions. The necrosis of the jaw, wrist bones, hand bones, feet bones, ankle, knees and in addition long bones —including humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of the leg) — are all the site of action for using this medicine. In kids, who have open fontanelles and sutures, it has played an amazing role in the fusion of the bone. It can be given in cases of Rickets, where there is a deformity in the structure of the bone due to deficiency of essential Vitamins. It can be given for defects in the spinal curvature as well, such as Kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis.

9. Skin Afflictions

The action of this remedy on skin cures many conditions where the skin is unhealthy and very problematic. It is one of the best anti-suppurative remedies available in homeopathy. It very effectively aborts pus formation, thereby dealing with many skin conditions like acne, boils, abscesses, eczema, impetigo, carbuncles, felons, ingrown nails, ulcers, Bartholin’s cyst, herpes, and cellulitis. The eruptions on the skin are itchy and burn. It can take care of eczematous, impetiginous and herpetic eruptions. There is eczema of the scalp, hands, and forearms. Every little injury on the skin has a tendency to suppurate. In many cases, where there is a foreign body lodged in the skin, like splinters, fish bones and needles, this medicine helps in the dislodgement of such substances and helps in healing the skin after. There is a tendency to form boils, and the boils come in crops, which do not heal readily. It can be of great help in cases of felons (inflammation of the tip of the finger), where the pain is deep-seated, with intense burning and stinging in the fingertips which are felt up to the shoulder. Not to forget, the action of this medicine is remarkable in cases where there are recurrent ingrown nails. The patient has a tendency for ingrown nails, and it can literally replace a surgeon’s knife in such cases.

10. Rectum

It can prove to be a brilliant remedy in cases of constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, pilonidal sinuses, anal abscesses, fissures, and fistulas. While its action on the patients with chronic constipation, this homeopathic remedy can help in managing symptoms like a very hard stool, which is highly unsatisfactory, has to be expelled with great effort; sometimes a part of the stool protrudes out but again recedes back and this happens again and again. There is pain and burning in anus after struggling to expel out the stool. At times, the stool is so hard and it remains for a really long time in the rectum due to deficient power to expel it.
The hemorrhoids are intensely painful, there is a discharge of bloody mucus from the rectum. In cases of fissure and fistula in the anus, accompanied by a history of constipation, there is pain that lasts even after passing the stool and lasts several hours. It can be given to people who tend to have summer diarrhea, that is diarrhea comes on during the weather change; wherein the stool is watery and highly offensive.

11. Male Problems

This remedy has shown great clinical improvements in cases of disorders of the male sexual system. It can also be given for clinical conditions like prostatitis, prostatomegaly, nightfalls, hydrocele, Syphilitic eruptions on the penis. The erections are painful, especially before rising in the morning. The erections are very frequent and come on anytime even without any stimulus. The sexual desire has compromised and is not as strong as before. The prostate gland is enlarged but without any pain. In cases of Prostatitis, there is a pus discharge from the urethra. It can be very effective in cases of hydrocele of men and children. The eruptions on the genitals can be very itchy, red and painful, with sweating on the scrotum. Men suffering from nightfalls, usually have a history of excessive masturbation.

12. Female Problems

In females, this remedy can be helpful in conditions like prolapse of the uterus, cysts in the vagina, metrorrhagia, leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea, pruritus vulva. Menses; if too early are scanty and profuse when late. Menstrual cycles are irregular, come every two-three months. Before menses, usually, there is a headache or leucorrhoea which burns; pains as if the parts were sore. During menses, there is a pain in the abdomen, toothache during menses with anxiety and weariness of life. Usually, women have constipation before and after menses, which can be managed with this medicine.
It can also be given in affections of the breast, where there is inflammation, induration, and suppuration of the breasts. Inflammation of the nipples, they crack and ulcerate.

13. Sleep Disorders

Patients who might need this medicine have a very restless and disturbed sleep. They feel highly drowsy after eating or in the evenings. But when they try to doze off, they are highly restless, frequently keeps on waking up due to the overcrowded thoughts and cannot sleep again. There could be Somnambulism (night walking); the patient gets up while asleep, walks about and lies down after. The dreams are pleasant, could be lascivious; anxious while dreaming; dreams of murders, horrid things, of past events, of someone choking him/her. The patient breaks into a sweat and wakes up in the morning with a headache due to the dreams he had at night. He feels so tired and unrefreshed that he wishes to remain in bed.

14. Perspiration

There are cases where the complaints surprisingly appear after the suppression of sweat. For instance, after playing or exercising, we usually rush to take a bath even when the body is still sweating. This medicine is helpful in such cases, where the complaints have begun after such an incidence and lasted ever since. It can be of help in complaints arising from suppression of other discharges as well. There is usually a cold and clammy sweat on the forehead. One striking feature about a patient’s perspiration is that the sweating is more on the head and upper limb and the patient is generally dry on the lower body parts.


The dosage depends on many factors, especially on the stage of a given condition.
It can be given in different potencies where it can be frequently repeated as well. Generally, in lower potencies, it helps in building pus in raw eruptions and when given in high potencies, it helps to abort the process of inflammation.
Hence, in high potencies, it should not be frequently repeated.
Its action lasts for about 4- to 60 days.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Hepar Sulph, Acid Fluor.
It antidotes: Mer Cor, Sulphur
Follows well: Belladonna, Bryonia, Cina, Graphites, Ignatia, Nitric acid.
Followed well by Lachesis, Lycopodium, Sepia

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8 Remedies for Homeopathic Treatment for Pneumonia

Inflammation of the alveoli of the lungs due to different infections is called pneumonia. The infection may be bacterial, viral or fungal. Pneumonia arises when an infectious agent crosses the defense mechanism of the upper respiratory system and the alveolar macrophages, reaches the lungs, and causes inflammation. Pneumonia which affects the entire lobe of a lung is known as lobar pneumonia. Pneumonia affecting small areas in several lobes of the lungs is called bronchopneumonia. Although pneumonia can affect people of any age group, but children aged two years or younger, and individuals who are 65 years of age or more are at the highest risk. Homeopathic treatment for pneumonia is very beneficial for affected patients. These medicines help in providing symptomatic improvement from pneumonia and resolve the inflammation of the alveoli of the lung. In each case of pneumonia, homeopathic medicines need to be carefully selected based upon the individual symptomatic presentation.

When prescribed as per the prominent symptoms, homeopathic medicines have the ability to help in complete recovery from pneumonia. Homeopathic medicines that are highly effective for treating pneumonia are Bryonia, Arsenic Album, Phosphorus, Antimonium Tart, Hepar Sulph, Ipecac, Carbo Veg, and Senega.

Homeopathic Treatment for Pneumonia

1. Bryonia – Top Grade Medicine for Pneumonia with Chest Pain

Bryonia is an important treatment for pneumonia. It works well when chest pain accompanies pneumonia. The pain is stitching in nature. Chest pains get worse on coughing and deep breathing. While coughing, the patient needs to hold the chest because of the intense pain. Expectoration of rust or brick colored sputa is another characteristic feature. Along with these symptoms, there is difficulty in breathing, and there may be fever accompanied by chills.

2. Arsenic Album – For Pneumonia with Difficulty in Breathing

Arsenic Album is a suitable medicine for pneumonia when difficult breathing and shortness of breath are prominent features. Along with this, cough with scanty frothy phlegm is present. Arsenic Album is also an effective homeopathic medicine for treating pneumonia from consuming chilled food items. Pain located specifically in the upper third of the right lung is another guiding symptom for the use of Arsenic Album. Another feature is a suffocating feeling, which gets worse on lying down or while sleeping.

3. Phosphorus – For Pneumonia with Chest Oppression

Phosphorus is a highly useful medicine for pneumonia. Phosphorus is indicated for pneumonia when accompanied by chest oppression. There is a heaviness in the chest and respiration is also quickened. There is also a dry, hard, racking cough. Along with this, bloody or purulent sputa may also occur. Phosphorus is very suitable for pneumonia of the left lower lung. In such cases, lying on the left side worsens the symptoms.

4. Antimonium Tart – For Rattling Mucus in the Chest

Antimonium Tart is an effective treatment for pneumonia when there is an excessive rattling of mucus in the chest. Lungs are full of mucus which is not expectorated. Short and difficult breathing accompanies this. Antimonium Tart works well in the last stages of pneumonia. Another important indication for using Antimonium Tart is the occurrence of jaundice with pneumonia.

5. Hepar Sulph – With Purulent Sputa

Hepar Sulph is a highly effective medicine for pneumonia when the sputa are purulent. The pus in such cases may be offensive. Hepar Sulph is basically a homeopathic medicine for pneumonia in the suppurative stage. There is a loose cough with a rattling of mucus. Patients needing Hepar Sulph may have a fever with chills accompanying the above symptoms.

6. Ipecac – For Pneumonia Accompanied by Nausea and Vomiting

Ipecac is a good treatment for pneumonia in cases where nausea and vomiting accompany other respiratory symptoms. The respiratory symptoms include a suffocating loose cough without expectoration, shortness of breath, and constriction in the chest. The cough is spasmodic and often ends in vomiting. Along with this, bubbling rales in the chest are present. Bloody sputa may also arise.

7. For Pneumonia in Infants and Children

Most common treatment for pneumonia in infants and children are Antimonium Tart, Ipecac, and Bryonia. Antimonium Tart should be used when there is an excessive rattling of mucus in the chest. Along with this, rapid breathing is present. The pulse rate is also rapid and weak. Ipecac works well when there is a cough with bubbling rales in the chest. The child turns stiff and blue. Vomiting with a cough may arise. Bryonia is recommended when there is a cough with rust colored sputa.

8.For Pneumonia in Older People

Top treatment for pneumonia in older people are Carbo Veg, Senega, and Phosphorus. Carbo Veg works well for pneumonia with a cough and quick, short, labored breathing. Yellow and sticky expectoration may be present. A burning sensation in the chest is another accompanying symptom. Senega is useful when the chest feels sore along with coughing. The sputa are very tough and expectorated with much difficulty. Phosphorus works well when there is a cough along with oppressed breathing and bloody sputa. It is also recommended for threatened paralysis of the lung from pneumonia in older people.

Causes of Pneumonia

Micro organisms including bacteria, virus, and fungi can cause pneumonia. The common bacteria for pneumonia include streptococcus pneumoniae, Hemophilus influenza, and klebsiella pneumoniae. Influenza virus causes pneumonia of viral origin, and adenovirus and rhinovirus pneumonia from fungi affect immuno-compromised patients. Fungi such as candida albicans, Histoplasma capsulatum, and Apergillus fumigates, are the fungi that are involved in causing pneumonia. Cigarette smoking, asthma, COPD, liver disease, and a weak immune system are risk factors for pneumonia.

Symptoms of Pneumonia

The symptoms of pneumonia include a productive cough, chest pain on taking deep breaths or while coughing, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, fever, and chills. The phlegm may be rust colored, blood stained, purulent, yellowish or greenish. Other attending symptoms are nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is the inflammation of the pharynx. It is one of the most common causes for a sore throat. Pharyngitis is caused by infections that may be viral, bacterial or fungal in nature. Among them, a viral infection is the leading cause of pharyngitis. There are non-infectious causes of pharyngitis as well. These include chemical irritants, allergies, acid reflux and irritation from tobacco smoke. Pharyngitis may be acute or chronic. Pharyngitis has an excellent scope of treatment in the homeopathic system of medicine. Pharyngitis of both acute as well as of chronic origin is dealt with very efficiently with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic treatment for pharyngitis is decided based on the symptoms in each case.

Homeopathic medicines first help in relieving the symptoms of pharyngitis. Then, they proceed to eradicate the constant tendency of pharyngitis. Some high-grade homeopathic medicines for pharyngitis are Belladonna, Merc Sol, Lycopodium, Merc Iod Flavus, Lachesis, Merc Iod Ruber, Kali Bichrome, Hydrastis, and Wyethia.

Symptoms of Pharyngitis

The symptoms of pharyngitis include soreness, scratching or pain in the throat, painful swallowing, post nasal secretions, and cough. Accompanying symptoms include fatigue, body ache, fever and swollen lymph nodes in the throat.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pharyngitis

1. Belladonna – Excellent Homeopathic Medicine for Pharyngitis

Belladonna is one of the best homeopathic medicine for pharyngitis. The primary indication for using Belladonna is a red, sore and painful throat accompanied by difficult and painful swallowing. There is dryness as well as a lump in the throat. The patient may have dry, tickling cough along with an inflamed throat. High fever also accompanies the sore throat.

2. Merc Sol – Homeopathic Medicine for Pharyngitis when Ulcers are Present in the Pharynx

Merc Sol is a well indicated homeopathic treatment for pharyngitis when ulcers are present in the pharynx. The pharynx gets swollen and is bluish red in appearance, and there are ulcers in it. There is a sore, smarting pain in the throat that may extend to the ear. This is also be accompanied by a constant need to swallow. There is a marked increase in saliva and an enlargement of the lymphatic glands of the throat.

3. Lycopodium and Merc Iod Flavus – Homeopathic Medicines for Pharyngitis for the Right Side

Lycopodium and Merc Iod Flavus are great homeopathic medicines for pharyngitis affecting the right side. For using Lycopodium, the main symptoms are an inflamed pharynx and pain in the right side of the throat. The pain may be sharp or stitching in nature. Warm drinks may relieve the pain in the throat. Merc Iod Flavus is also very useful for pharyngitis of the right side. Symptoms for using Merc Iod Flavus are a painful swelling on the right side of the throat and a sensation of a lump in the throat. Cold drinks may relieve the pain. Ulcers on the back of the throat may also occur.

4. Lachesis and Merc Iod Ruber – Homeopathic Medicine for Pharyngitis Affecting the Left Side

Lachesis and Merc Iod Rubrum are highly indicated in homeopathic treatment for pharyngitis affecting the left side. Lachesis works well when there is a pain in the left side of the throat along with painful swallowing. The pain from the left side of the throat may extend to the ear. Warm drinks worsen the pain. Hawking of mucus and constriction in the throat are also present. Merc Iod Ruber is also handy for pharynx inflammation of the left side. The main symptoms that point to the use of Merc Iod Rubrum are a swollen, reddened left side of the throat, phlegm in the throat and a sensation of a lump in the throat. A cough with white or yellow sputa is also present.

5. Kali Bichrome – Homeopathic Medicine for Pharyngitis with Marked Posterior Nasal Discharge

Kali Bichrome is mostly considered in cases of pharyngitis where there is a lot of posterior nasal discharge. It is a very effective homeopathic treatment for pharyngitis with post nasal discharge. There are redness and swelling of fauces, with a post nasal drip of mucus. The mucus is tough, stringy and tenacious in nature. A burning sensation in the throat is present along with the above symptoms. Aphthae in the throat may also arise. Swelling and edema of the uvula are other signs that may be noted.

6. Hydrastis and Wyethia – Homeopathic Remedies for Follicular Pharyngitis

Very useful homeopathic medicines for follicular pharyngitis are Hydrastis and Wyethia. Hydrastis is needed when there is follicular pharyngitis with smarting pain in the throat. There are roughness, rawness and a burning sensation in the throat. Along with this, thick, yellow mucus is hawked out. Wyethia works well when there is follicular pharyngitis with a constant need to clear the throat. There is an itch on the palate and posterior nares. A dry, hacking cough may arise with these symptoms. The throat is dry and there is a sensation of heat.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Dyspnea – Difficulty in Breathing

Difficulty in breathing is called dyspnea. Shortness of breath, breathlessness, and labored breathing are other terms used to describe dyspnea. Dyspnea points to insufficient oxygen in the blood. Homeopathic treatment for dyspnea is a safe and effective way to help cure the problem.   homeopathic treatment for dyspnea

Treatment for dyspnea requires a detailed case history of the patient. The history helps to find out the cause of dyspnea. It also helps to identify the particulars of each case. The effectiveness of medicines depends on the severity, duration and the reasons for the dyspnea. Depending upon case details of dyspnea, homeopathy can play a curative, palliative, or supportive role.

Causes of Dyspnea

Difficulty in breathing is experienced after exertion or while moving to high altitudes is normal, but if it occurs otherwise, then it is a matter of concern. Such a condition should be investigated and treated. Various medical conditions can lead to dyspnea. Among medical conditions, respiratory and heart troubles are some of the leading causes of dyspnea. The causes of dyspnea also include asthma, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary edema, heart failure, and heart attack. Low blood pressure, cardiomyopathy, anemia, sudden blood loss, obstruction by inhaled foreign objects and anxiety or panic disorders can also be among the causes. Common symptoms that point to dyspnea are cough, wheezing, chest pain, blood in sputum and fainting.

Homeopathic Treatment for Dyspnea

1. Arsenic Album– For Dyspnea in Asthma

Arsenic Album is a top grade medicine for dyspnea for a patient with asthma. Arsenic Album works well when there is difficulty in breathing along with wheezing and constricted air passages. Suffocating attacks are also a symptom in such cases. The symptoms are most disturbing at night. The patient is unable to lie down at night because of the fear of suffocation. The patient may even wake up at night from disturbing dyspnea.

2. Antimonium Tart and Ipecac – For Dyspnea Accompanied by Cough

Antimonium Tart and Ipecac are the best medicines for dyspnea accompanied by a cough. The top indicators for using Antimonium Tart are shortness of breath with a cough and rattling of mucus in the chest. Only a little bit of phlegm is expectorated. There is a feeling of suffocation along with gasping of breath. To use Ipecac, the symptom is dyspnea with a sudden and intense cough. Vomiting may accompany a cough. The person also turns stiff and blue because of the shortness of breath. A suffocating and strangling feeling with a cough are also symptoms in such cases. Bubbling rales in the chest are also noted.

3. Ammonium Carb and Stannum Met – For Dyspnea While Walking

Ammonium Carb and Stannum Met are beneficial medicines for dyspnea experienced while walking. Among them, Ammonium Carb works well in cases where walking even a few steps leads to labored and difficult breathing. Along with dyspnea, cough with bloody expectoration may also be present. Other from this, Ammonium Carb is also indicated for difficulty in breathing in a warm room. Being in the cold air brings relief. Stannum Met is considered when there is shortness of breath with a constriction in the chest while walking. Dyspnea on exertion is also treated well with Stannum Met. Other symptoms that indicate the use of Stannum Met are weakness or sharp pains in the chest, and expectoration with a sweet or salty taste.

4. Lachesis and Grindelia – For Dyspnea During Sleep

Lachesis and Grindelia need consideration in cases of dyspnea that occurs during sleep. Lachesis is useful when a person has difficulty in breathing while sleeping. The patient wakes up from sleep and rushes to open a window to breathe. Tight clothing is unbearable around the chest and throat. Grindelia works in cases of dyspnea where breathing stops on falling asleep. There is an inability to breathe on lying down. The person wakes up with a start and sits up to breathe.

5. Carbo Veg and Silicea – For Dyspnea In Elderly People

For dyspnea in older adults, prominently indicated medicines are Carbo Veg and Silicea. Carbo Veg is an excellent medicine for labored and quick breathing in seniors. Along with this, a burning sensation in the chest is felt. A patient needing Carbo Veg also likes to be fanned to get relief. The skin may be cold and blue in color during attacks of dyspnea. Silicea is helpful for older adults experiences difficulty in breathing. Walking fast, lying on the back, and stooping is some of the factors that indicate the need for Silicea in older adults.

6. For Dyspnea With Heart Troubles

Some effective medicines for dyspnea with heart problems are Digitalis, Iberis, and Viscum Album. The characteristic features that point to the need for Digitalis are dyspnea with constant desire to take a deep breath, precordial anxiety, violent palpitations on motion, and a weak, slow pulse. Iberis works well in cases of dyspnea with a full, irregular pulse. The dyspnea is worse while climbing stairs. Viscum Album is considered in cases of dyspnea when lying on the left side worsens the complaint. Along with this, constriction and tightness in the chest are felt.

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Best Homeopathic Medicines for Smoker’s Cough

What is Smoker’s Cough?

A persistent cough arising from long term smoking is referred to as smoker’s cough.  The air passages in our body are normally lined with hair called cilia. The function of these cilia is to sweep toxins and harmful substances like dust, bacteria, virus etc. out of the lungs, thus protecting the lungs. But smoking destroys these cilia. As a result, the toxins settle in the lungs and cause inflammation and mucus formation. The body then initiates the cough process to remove these toxins from the lungs.

Symptoms of Smoker’s Cough

Initially, when a person is not a heavy smoker, the cough is dry. In the long term, a heavy smoker’s cough becomes wet with formation of phlegm which varies from white to yellow to green in colour. It may even be blood stained. The cough is worse in the morning and is accompanied by symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath and chest pain. Pneumonia and bronchitis are the complications associated with long term smoking.

Homeopathic Treatment of Smoker’s Cough

Homeopathic medicines, which follow a symptomatic approach, can effectively treat smoker’s cough. The most suitable medicine is selected after taking down the complete case history of the patient and studying the associated symptoms. Homeopathic medicines help provide symptomatic relief in both the cough and other symptoms arising from smoking. Some Homeopathic medicines also help end the craving for tobacco smoking. These medicines are natural and safe from toxic side effects.

Homeopathic Medicines for Smoker’s Cough

Caladium and Nux Vomica – Wonderful Homeopathic medicines for smoker’s cough

Caladium and Nux Vomica are top grade Homeopathic medicines for cough in smokers. Caladium works well in cases where cough, with difficulty in raising expectoration, is the highlighting symptom. Caladium is also helpful in decreasing the craving for tobacco smoking, making it an effective antidote. The indicative symptom for prescribing Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica is cough with oppressed breathing. The person feels suffocation during the night time. The cough may be dry or rattling. Sometimes bloody expectoration is also observed. In all such cases, Nux Vomica is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for smoker’s cough.

Lobelia Inflata – Excellent among Homeopathic medicines for smoker’s cough

Lobelia Inflata is another of the reliable Homeopathic medicines for smoker’s cough. It is the best prescription in cases where the cough is attended with chest constriction and suffocation. Dyspnea and laboured breathing are accompanying symptoms. Heaviness or feeling of weight may be felt in the chest. Intense nausea and vomiting may be present along with cough in cases where Lobelia Inflata will show best results among Homeopathic medicines for smoker’s cough.

Drosera – Well indicated among Homeopathic medicines for smoker’s cough where cough is dry

Drosera is one of the majorly indicated Homeopathic medicines for smoker’s cough cases where the cough is dry and irritating. The cough may also be deep and barking in such cases and appears in frequent attacks. Retching and vomiting may be observed. The fauces and throat may feel rough from coughing. People with this condition complain of a constricted feeling in the larynx as well. Drosera is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for smoker’s cough cases which require tackling the above symptoms.

Bryonia – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for smoker’s cough with chest pain

Bryonia tops the list of Homeopathic medicines for smoker’s cough where chest pain accompanies the cough. Pain in the chest is of sharp, stitching nature. The cough is dry, hacking and hard. Chest pain usually arises with every coughing episode. In fact, deep breathing also leads to chest pain and is well taken care of with Bryonia, making it one of the sought after Homeopathic medicines for smoker’s cough cases of the type. Bryonia is also helpful in treating pneumonia with rust coloured sputa.

Hepar Sulph – One of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for smoker’s cough that is loose or rattling

Hepar Sulph is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for smoker’s cough, especially in cases where the cough is loose or rattling. The cough gets worse during the morning. The phlegm expectoration is yellow or pus like and may be blood stained. Suffocative attacks, wheezing and breathing difficulty may also accompany loose cough. Hepar Sulph has shown proven ability to treat this condition, putting it on the list of one of the best Homeopathic medicines for smoker’s cough cases with these symptoms. Hepar Sulph is also one of the prominently indicated Homeopathic medicines for pneumonia with muco purulent expectoration.

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Top 9 Homeopathic Remedies For Cough

homeopathic medicines for coughCough refers to a natural protective reflex action of the body to get rid of dust, mucus, germs like (viruses, bacteria) and other irritants that have entered the airway. It can arise from various causes ranging from mild to serious ones. Cough can be dry (non-productive cough where no phlegm is produced) or loose (i.e. productive cough in which mucus/phlegm is produced). Cough can be attended with many signs and symptoms depending on the cause behind it. These include expectoration, breathing difficulty, wheezing, chest tightness/pain, fever, throat irritation or pain, PND (post nasal drip), and nasal symptoms like nasal discharge, sneezing, and blocked nose.
Homeopathy is a 200-year-old healing science known to treat health issues most naturally. So, homeopathic medicines for cough work in a similar manner. Homeopathy uses organic ingredients for treating cough and they are, therefore, safe to use. As cough can occur from various causes, homeopathic remedies aim to treat the underlying cause behind the cough to bring about a complete recovery. Mainstream medicines mainly consist of cough suppressants and antibiotics for treating cough. They give temporary relief and have side effects as well. However, homeopathic medicines do not cause any adverse effects as they aim to cure the cough rather than simply provide temporary relief.
Homeopathy gives excellent results in acute as well as chronic cases of cough. Any type of cough, including dry cough, a loose rattling cough, spasmodic cough (violent cough attack ending on vomiting), paroxysmal cough (intermittent, uncontrollable violent cough attacks with breathing difficulty and exhaustion), nocturnal cough (means cough at night), all are wonderfully treated with homeopathy. Also, cough arising from various diseases like asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and pneumonia is treated remarkably well with homeopathy.
Along with coughing, the attending symptoms like wheezing, expectoration, difficulty in breathing, and shortness of breath also go away with the use of homeopathic medicines. The results, however, vary depending on the intensity of these symptoms.
Homeopathy is suitable to manage cough in persons of all age groups. The homeopathic medicines go to the core of the issue to bring excellent results. The best part of using these medicines is that they do not contain any toxins or chemicals.

Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Cough

There is a long list of therapeutics for the treatment of cough. Among them, the top-ranked medicines include Bryonia Alba, Antimonium Tart, Spongia Tosta, Drosera Rotundifolia. Hepar Sulph, Arsenic Album, Ipecac, Corallium Rubrum and Cina.

1. Bryonia AlbaFor a Dry Cough

Bryonia Alba is a very effective medicine to deal with cases of dry cough. The cough gets worse from eating or drinking. The cough is dry and hard in most cases is attended by chest pain on coughing. There is such heavy coughing that a person has to put hands on the chest. Another prominent symptom is stitching pain in the chest which gets worse on inhaling. The chest pain may get better from lying on the painful side. Headache may also occur while coughing. In some cases, food gets vomited out while coughing.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

Its use is highly suggested to manage dry cough mostly attended with pain in the chest and head while coughing.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

It may be used in 30 C potency twice or thrice a day.

2. Antimonium TartMedicine for a Loose, Rattling Cough

Antimonium Tart works very well in cases of loose rattling cough. The lungs feel full of mucus. The cough remains constant in the day and night. The patient faces excessive difficulty in raising the phlegm. Besides, breathing is difficult, mostly at night, which awakens a person from sleep. In addition to the above symptoms, a burning sensation in the chest may be present. Chest pain on coughing also arises in some of the cases. A cough that worsens after each meal is yet another characteristic feature pointing towards the use of Antimonium Tart.

When to use Antimonium Tart?

It is best-indicated medicine for managing loose rattling cough with difficulty in expectorating the phlegm.

How to use Antimonium Tart?

Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, initially 30C potency is mostly preferred. Antimonium Tart 30C can be taken two to three times a day as per the intensity of the symptom.

3. Spongia Tosta—For a Cough with Dryness In Air Passages

Spongia Tosta is a medicine that is highly useful when there is a cough with extreme dryness of all the air passages. The cough is an exclusively dry, barking, hacking type. Chills may attend the cough. Warm drinks may offer a little relief.  Along with this, shortness of breath and labored respiration may also be present.

When to use Spongia Tosta?

This medicine is highly recommended for managing dry cough with absolute dryness of all the air passages and when coughing gets better by warm drinks.

How to use Spongia Tosta?

It is best to take it in 30C power once or twice daily.

4. Drosera Rotundifolia—For cough worse on lying down

Drosera Rotundifolia is a very effective homeopathic remedy for coughing that begins on lying down. Cough is usually a dry, irritative type. Episodes of cough attacks are felt one after the other. A marked fatigue attends the coughing episodes. Other accompanying symptoms include tickling in the larynx, scraping sensation (like in a sore throat), and fetid breath along with the cough. Bouts of vomiting with cough may also arise. The cough usually worsens after talking or laughing.

When to use Drosera Rotundifolia?

This medicine is usually prescribed to manage cough that gets worse on lying down as soon as the head touches the pillow. Cough is dry and irritative in nature

How to use Drosera Rotundifolia?

It can be taken in 30C potency three or four times a day initially, gradually decreasing the dose once relief sets in.

5. Hepar Sulph—For loose cough with thick, yellow expectoration

Hepar Sulph is a highly beneficial medicine for managing loose cough with thick, yellow expectoration. The sputa is sticky type. A very characteristic feature is cough which gets worse from exposure to cold air, while warmth relieves it.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

Opt its use to manage loose cough with thick, yellow expectoration and also for cough that is worse from cold air exposure.

How to use Hepar Sulph?

It is advised to use Hepar Sulph 30C two to three times a day.

6. Arsenic Album—For an Asthmatic Cough

Arsenic Album is an excellent choice of medicine for an asthmatic cough. The symptoms indicating the use of Arsenic Album are a cough with shortness of breath, and wheezing/whistling in the chest. There is worsening of complaint around midnight. Tightness in the chest may also arise. There may be tenacious expectoration of yellow/ green color. Other attending feature is suffocative attacks during sleep. Anxiety and restlessness may occur in persons along with the above symptoms.

When to use Arsenic Album?

Its use is highly recommended to manage asthmatic cough with breathing difficulty and wheezing that gets worse around midnight along with anxiety and restlessness.

How to use Arsenic Album?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency two to three times a day as per the severity of the symptom.

7. Ipecac—For Loose Cough with Vomiting

Ipecac is a suitable medicine for a loose cough with vomiting. Nausea is also present. There is also a complaint of difficult expectoration with cough. A constricted feeling in the chest and shortness of breath may arise. Suffocative spells may accompany the cough.

When to use Ipecac?

It works great when loose cough is accompanied with nausea and vomiting,

How to use Ipecac?

It is usually recommended in 30C potency that can be taken one to two times a day.

8. Corallium Rubrum—For a Cough from PND (post nasal dripping)

Corallium Rubrum is for a cough that results from PND (post nasal dripping). The cough appears in quick, short attacks that follow each other in quick succession. Along with the cough, excessive hawking is also present. Extreme exhaustion is felt along with the cough. A vital symptom that attends the above symptoms are extremely sensitive air passages to air (inhaled air feels cold).

When to use Corallium Rubrum?

This medicine proves beneficial for managing cough occurring in quick short repetitive attacks arising from post nasal drip.

How to use Corallium Rubrum?

It works well in both low and high potencies. Initially, it is best to take it in 30C potency two to three times a day.

9. Cina—For a Spasmodic Cough

Cina is a significant medicine for a spasmodic cough. Cina is helpful when there is a violent cough that ends in vomiting. The cough is so intense that it brings tears. The cough usually appears in paroxysms with attending shortness of breath.

When to use Cina?

It is an excellent medicine for spasmodic cough in which violent cough occurs that ends in vomiting.

How to use Cina?

One may take Cina 30C once or twice in a day.

Causes behind Cough

Cough can happen due to various reasons. The first cause can be an infection of the upper respiratory tract, usually a viral infection like cold or flu. Further causes include bronchitis, asthma, emphysema and pneumonia. Bronchitis is a condition occurring from inflamed bronchial tubes. Asthma is a respiratory disease in which narrowing and swelling of airways occurs with excessive mucus production resulting in difficult breathing, chest tightness, wheezing, and coughing. Emphysema is a condition in which the air sacs in the lungs are damaged. Pneumonia refers to a condition in which there is inflammation in the air sacs of lungs caused by an infection. Smoking also may lead to coughing. Other causes may be allergies or PND (post nasal drip) in which mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat). The use of certain medicines, like angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, used to treat high BP and heart disease may also result in coughing. Rarely, lung cancer could be the cause.

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First aid when cold starts

With the change in the weather, the chances of getting an exposure or a cold-related illness have increased considerably. One medicine that works wonders in saving you in the initial stages from any problem that arises out of an exposure to cold is Aconitum napelus, also commonly known as Aconite. Remember to have it in your pocket if you are trying to venture out on an extremely cold day. This medicine is effective only if it is used when the symptoms are just setting in. After the initial stages are over, it hardly gives any relief but is extremely effective in aborting nearly any kind of cold-related illness – common cold, headache, fever, runny nose, sneezing, etc. This can be taken as a preventive measure if you feel you’ve been exposed to a cold air and feel symptoms are bound to come sooner or later.

Take a few shots of aconite 30c and be rest assured that the attack is going to be aborted. If the first stage has just passed by and symptoms have been there for a while and signs of inflammation, heat and redness and swelling have already set in, Belladonna will work very effectively.

Runny nose: For colds with runny nose that starts off when one suddenly gets chilled or is exposed to cold air while being overheated, homoeopathic medicine Arsenic Album will help.

Sore throat: Sore throat in the winters and rattly cough that is very common is very well treated with Hepar Sulph. For throats and tonsils that, after an exposure, usually end up developing severe inflammation, Hepar Sulph is the best choice. Great pain while swallowing or even on touching the throat from outside is the key indication for Hepar Sulph to be prescribed. Coughs that come after an exposure which are of rattly nature and yield yellowish phlegm respond very well to Hepar Sulph.

Headaches: For people who develop headaches after a little bit of exposure, homoeopathic medicine Silicea will solve the problem immediately.

Body pain: For pains that may occur in joints and other parts of the body after an exposure to cold air, few doses of Rhus Tox can be of great help.

Chilblains: Low humidity levels and cold weather lead to the loss of moisture from the skin, resulting in a condition called “xerosis” or chapped skin. The skin becomes dry cracked and itchy. Homoeopathic medicine Petroleum is extremely effective in healing chapped skin and cuts in heels that arise in winters.

Chilblains occur due to an overexposure to cold. Some individuals develop it otherwise also in winter. They form due to the inflammation of the small blood vessels in fingers, toes, tip of ear, nose, etc. The skin gets red swollen and itchy and has a burning sensation which may even progress to form ulcers. Homoeopathic medicine Agaricus leads the table in treating chilblains very effectively.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Asthma in Wet Weather – Natural Treatments

Asthma is an allergic condition that results in the narrowing and swelling of the air passages causing wheezing, difficult breathing, production of excess mucus and coughing. The weather plays a significant role in this condition. There are many climatic conditions which have a specific influence on the asthmatic complaints. People with asthma see a marked aggravation in their complaints during a change of weather, hot weather, winters or wet weather. It varies from person to person, depending upon their vulnerability to a certain weather condition. Humid weather in the monsoons is the worst period for people who have asthma. Well-Directed homeopathic treatment for asthma in wet weather can help reduce the severity and duration of the symptoms.The top homeopathic remedies for asthma in wet weather include Natrum Sulph, Dulcamara and China Officinalis.

Why is Asthma Common in Wet Weather?

Multiple factors contribute to asthmatic flare-ups during the wet weather. Some of these include:

Damp and Wet Weather Conditions

During wet and damp weather conditions, the air is more humid and heavy, making it difficult to breathe. People with asthma already have sensitive airways, and this type of moist air triggers the constriction and narrowing of airways. Also, damp air does not flow as smoothly as dry air through the smaller air passages of the lungs, thereby triggering an episode of asthma.
Damp air when inhaled is more likely to cause spasms in the airways. Many people find it difficult to breathe in damp weather since it triggers the constriction of airways causing wheezing, shortness of breath and tightness of the chest.

Pollen Content in the Surroundings 

The pollen content during wet weather conditions is high, and most people who have asthma are sensitive or allergic to pollen grains. Many trees pollinate during this season, raising the pollen count to a significant level. The stormy winds during the rainy season are a perfect medium to carry the pollen across. We are exposed more to these environmental irritants which initiate the allergic reactions in vulnerable individuals.

Spores produced by Molds

Small particles produced by molds (known as spores) thrive well in high humid conditions. Since the moist air is favorable for the growth of dust mites and molds, they multiply in huge amount during the rainy season. There are thousands of types of molds; fortunately only a few are responsible for this kind of allergy. A single growth of mold can generate millions of spores. Rotting logs and vegetation (like piles of leaves) are the prime habitat for molds, as are damp walls and carpet. Molds live and thrive at room temperature, and are present inside homes too, in damp places like bathrooms, house plants, refrigerator, foam pillows, washing machines, and furniture.

Therefore, individuals are exposed more to pollen, dust mite and molds during the rainy season. Most of the times, asthma is an allergic reaction, which means that the body’s defense system is attacking substances which it recognizes as a foreign body. It is during this interaction that a substance (which is responsible for all the symptoms of allergy) is produced. This substance is called histamine. Therefore, when a person develops asthma in wet weather, it is the person’s immune system reacting towards the molds, pollen and dust mites.

Homeopathic Medicines for Asthma in Wet Weather

Asthma is a constitutional disorder and needs to be holistically treated. Homeopathy carries an excellent scope to reduce the chronic tendency of asthmatic attacks.

Natrum Sulph: Leading Homeopathic Remedy for Asthma in Wet Weather

Natrum Sulph is also known as Sodium sulfate. It was discovered by Glauber in 1658 and is therefore also called Glauber’s salt.
Sodium sulfate is an inorganic salt that is found in the intracellular fluids of the human body. Its primary function is regulation of water and other fluids in the human body. It also ensures that the essential fluids like blood, bile, and pancreatic juice are of normal consistency in our body. Symptoms of asthma in wet weather that indicate the need for this remedy include a dry cough with soreness in the chest. The episodes of cough are mostly at night, with difficulty breathing. The person has to sit up and hold the chest. Shortness of breath is another characteristic feature of this remedy. Shortness of breath while walking, a sharp, piercing pain in the chest, a violent asthma attack with expulsion of green mucus are some other symptoms. The asthmatic episodes are worse in damp and cloudy weather. The asthmatic episodes get worse by motion, lying down or after eating. These asthma attacks are triggered by exposure to cold air or by physical exertion. The complaints are more frequent during the early morning, between 4:00-5: 00 am.


Dulcamara is a climbing shrub commonly known as the “Bittersweet” and belongs to the family Solanaceae. It grows in the moist places of North America and Europe. Homeopathic tincture of this remedy is prepared from fresh stems and leaves collected before the flowering. The main characteristic feature of this medicine is that the ailments are typically worse during wet weather. It is very well indicated for asthma in wet weather. The asthma episode is triggered by exposure to damp cold weather or after getting wet. There is a barking and spasmodic cough with the expulsion of a profuse amount of mucous. It is also helpful in cases where there is a pain in the face along with asthma. Deep inspiration triggers a cough, there is breathlessness during the wet weather. Dulcamara is also indicated for those who tend to catch a frequent cough and cold.

China Officinalis

Another plant remedy which belongs to the family Rubiaceae, China Officinalis grows in the wet forests of South America. Indicated for asthma that gets worse during wet weather, the main symptoms that point towards this medicine include asthma with wheezing and whistling in the chest and shortness of breath with a choking feeling (making the episode look severe and life-threatening). The breathing is short and heavy with a rattling sound in the chest, there may be heaviness and tightness of chest which gets worse during the evening and on lying down. There is continuous irritation in the throat resulting in a hacking cough. It is also helpful where an asthmatic cough results in vomiting of a significant amount of mucous. One may also experience a cutting type of pain in the abdomen upon coughing. The episodes of cough are usually worse during the morning, after rising up or after the meals. Another indication of this remedy is a suffocative feeling in the chest and the person has a desire to take deep breaths. The episodes of asthma or cough are worse after excess talking or lying down. There is marked difficulty in breathing specifically when the head is low (especially while lying down).

Aurum Metallicum

Aurum Metallicum is metal remedy prepared from gold. It is indicated for asthma due to congestion of the chest. There are suffocative attacks of asthma which are worse in the open air. The person always feels that he/she cannot get enough air to breathe, therefore always taking deep breathes. There is dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing) and shortness of breath with a feeling of constriction in the chest. Asthma gets worse during rainy weather and in the open air, there is an accumulation of a huge amount of mucus in the chest which is very difficult to expel. A cough with yellowish phlegm after waking up, which is hard and dry and appears in paroxysms (sudden attack) especially at night time. There is a feeling of pressure on the chest making it difficult for the individual to breathe. The complaints are worse during the damp weather or after exposure to damp air.


Silicea is another important remedy for asthma in wet weather. There is shortness of breath which is worse after physical work or walking fast. It is helpful in cases where the cold settles in the chest. Episodes of a recurrent cough and cold that end up into asthma, or when there is a history of pneumonia along with asthma is treated well with this remedy. This medicine is also helpful for hay asthma which occurs during the end of August. Breathing is difficult with rattling in the chest and expectoration of profuse lumpy yellow sputum. Violent episodes of cough while lying down and episodes of gagging cough at night which wakes a person up from sleep are other symptoms that indicate towards this remedy.

Antimonium Tart

Homeopathic remedy Antimonium Tart is prepared from a chemical compound commonly known as Tatar emetic. It naturally occurs as a colorless, transparent substance with a sweet metallic taste. It works well to treat asthmatic episodes with a rattling of mucus in the chest. The breathing is short and quick and makes a rattling sound. It is also very helpful in asthma and bronchitis affecting children. The dyspnoea especially when lying down and gets better while holding the child in an upright position, a spasmodic asthmatic cough, pain in the chest and abdomen during coughing are some other symptoms. The episodes of asthma mostly occur at night with suffocating and exhausting spells of coughing.

Managing Asthma in Wet Weather

– Look for the weather forecast and avoid going out during the stormy days.
– Avoid being exposed to pollens, dust mites or molds. Avoid the areas which can have these substances, and at home, follow proper cleaning routines.
– Avoid doing excessive physical activities during the damp and humid weather as it is harder to breathe.
– Avoid overexposure to pollutant or fumes like those from wood-burning or motor vehicles.
– Change your clothes and keep them separately whenever you come indoors from outside.
– During high-pollen content, make sure to wash your beddings frequently.
– Use a dehumidifier in damp weather to reduce the growth of molds.
– Carry a rescue inhaler in case you suffer from acute breathlessness.
– If you have a cold or flu during rainy weather, ensure you take all immediate action to treat it.
– Avoid smoking.
– Avoid places where there is too much smoke or pollution.

Diet: Foods to Eat to treat Pollen Allergies 

Vitamin A: helps in the production of healthy mucous of the air passages of lungs.

Folates: Help in reducing the allergic and inflammatory reactions of the body.

Magnesium: Very good for overall muscle movement and coordination. It helps in regulating the constriction and relaxation of the bronchioles. In asthmatic cases, it can help in reducing the allergic constriction of the air passages.

Omega-3 fatty acid: These are overall very helpful for boosting the immunity and reducing the inflammation. They can also help to reduce the sensitivity to such allergic conditions.

Vitamin D: It is very beneficial in controlling the allergic tendencies. It boosts the defense mechanism of the body and reduces the tendency of having recurrent episodes of asthma. Also, it has anti-inflammatory properties which can decrease the severity of the asthma episodes.

Food to Avoid in Case of Wet Weather Asthma

Avoiding the food one is allergic to – If you have any associated food sensitivity like gluten, casein, lactose wheat, etc, they should be avoided as any exposure to these can trigger allergic reactions in the body.

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