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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Hand Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin condition characterized by red patches on the skin covered with scales/ flakes. It is an autoimmune disease that means the immune cells start to damage the healthy skin out of a misdirected response. Psoriasis can affect any area of the skin including hands. Palms of the hands, back of hands, fingers, knuckles and nails may get affected in case of hand psoriasis. The skin patches can be itchy, painful and can be attended with swelling.

Dryness and cracks may also occur on the hands that may bleed sometimes. Skin peeling or skin thickening may also be noticed. In some cases, fluid-filled bumps (blisters) or pus filled bumps (pustules) can form on the hands. Discomfort may be felt while using hands due to these signs and symptoms. When nails are affected, discoloration of nails occurs. Nails become dark in color — yellowish brown or yellowish red. The other signs can be the thickening of nails, pits on the nails, crumbling of nails and separation of nail from the nail bed. Persons having psoriasis are also at risk of arthritis (joint inflammation) known as psoriatic arthritis. The exact cause behind psoriasis has not been understood completely yet. However, it is considered to be a disease of autoimmune origin where the healthy skin is being damaged by immune cells out of a mistake. Here the skin cells begin to divide and grow at a higher speed than normal pace. This makes the immature skin cells appear on the surface of the skin at a faster rate than what the skin can clear off. This leads to a pile-up of skin cells resulting in the thickening of skin covered with scales. Persons having a family history of psoriasis are at risk of hand psoriasis. Other than this several environmental factors can trigger it. Some of these factors include skin injury, extreme weather (both cold and hot), stress, skin infection and use of certain medicines like antidepressants, excessive smoking and alcohol intake, and infections like strep throat.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines can treat cases of hand psoriasis naturally. These medicines aim at moderating the immune system to bring natural recovery. They treat hand psoriasis safely and effectively with zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines help in managing signs and symptoms of hand psoriasis like dry patches with scales, cracks on skin, eruptions on skin, itching, pain, oozing fluid/bleeding from eruptions. They are also helpful in managing nail psoriasis. They also work wonderfully in cases of psoriatic arthritis. There are numerous medicines for treating hand psoriasis in homeopathy and in every case, the most suitable medicine has to be ruled out after detailed analysis of the case. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic physician and avoid self–medication in any case.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Hand Psoriasis

1. Petroleum – Top Remedy

Among the different homeopathic medicines for hand psoriasis, petroleum tops the list. The leading symptom guiding its use is rough skin with cuts and cracks on the palms of hands. The cuts and cracks can be quite deep. They have a tendency to bleed at times. There occurs intense itching and burning on the hand that hinders work done with hands. Roughness and cracks are also marked on the finger tips. Besides, it is also indicated when thick crusts form on the hands. This medicine is also the topmost medicine for psoriasis that gets worse in winters.

2. Graphites – For Skin Or Nail Psoriasis

Graphites is the next most beneficial medicine for psoriasis on hands and nails. It is firstly indicated for cases where there is hard and cracked skin on the palms. Secondly, it is of great help when tiny eruptions filled with fluid (blisters) develop on the skin. These blisters tend to ooze out a sticky, gluey discharge. Besides, it can be used where nails are involved. It is indicated when nails get thick, rough and blackish. These may turn brittle and crumble (break into small pieces). The nails get deformed. Nails are also painful and tender to touch.

3. Arsenic Album – With Scale Formation

This medicine is well indicated for psoriasis with scales. There occur dry rough patches on the hands covered with scales. Itching and burning is felt in these patches. Cold tends to worsen itching and warm applications help to relieve it. It is also useful when nails are discolored. Affected nails are blackish and tend to crumble.

4. Rhus Tox – When Back Of Hands Are Affected

Rhus Tox is a highly suitable medicine for psoriasis covering the back of hands. The affected skin is hard and rough. It is also cracked. There may be peeling of the skin on the left hand. Psoriasis may also spread on the arm of the left side mostly. The hands have heated sensation on the backside. Intense itching is felt on the affected area on hands. This medicine can also be considered in cases where joint inflammation is present along with pain, swelling and stiffness of joints.

5. Sulphur – With marked itching and burning

Sulphur is a prominent medicine to manage psoriasis cases with marked itching and burning. In cases needing it the skin in the hands is dry and hard. Cuts and cracks form on palms and on joints and between fingers. These are painful to touch. Excessive itching is felt especially when hands get warm. Scratching makes itching better but it is followed by a burning sensation.  Sometimes bleeding occurs. It is also helpful for cases where dry scaly eruptions or vesicular (fluid-filled) eruptions form on the back of hand.  Excessive sweating on palms may be noticed.

6. Mezereum – For Eruptions Oozing Sticky Fluid

This medicine can be used for cases having eruptions oozing out sticky fluid. The eruptions may be covered with crusts. Pus may ooze from under the crusts in some cases requiring it. Violent itching can be felt in the eruptions. Crusty eruptions can also form that may bleed on touching. Lastly, this medicine is indicated for vesicles (fluid-filled bumps) with a red center tip on the sides of fingers. There is a marked burning sensation in these vesicles.

7. Malandrium – For Cracks On Hands Worse In Winters

Like medicine petroleum, malandrium is indicated when cracks appear on the hands which get worse in winters. Hands become dry. Scaling appears, itching may be felt in the cracks. Washing hands increases the problem.

8. Sarsaparilla – For Cracks Especially On Sides Of Fingers

This medicine helps to heal cracks on the hands, especially on the sides of fingers. The cracks can be deep, and burning is felt in these cracks. The cracks are painful. The skin on the hand becomes hard. In some cases needing it, itchy, scaly spots appear on the skin.

9. Anagallis – For Vesicles (Fluid-Filled Bumps) Oozing Yellow Brown Fluid

Anagallis is a useful medicine for cases with tiny vesicles (fluid-filled bumps) that ooze yellow-brown fluid on scratching. The vesicles appear in a group and are itchy. The skin on the hands is very dry. It is also helpful for dry eruptions appearing on the hands and fingers.

10. Antimonium Crudum – When Nails Are Affected

This medicine is effective when nails are affected. In cases needing it, the nails become discolored and brittle (tend to break easily). They are cracked, deformed, and become out of shape. The skin under the nails is painful. Besides these, this medicine is of great use when there is inflammation in finger joints.



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How to Manage Facial Pain with Homeopathy

Facial pain refers to any kind of pain or discomfort felt in the face. The pain can occur on the whole face or may be localized to a particular part of the face. In some cases, pain may radiate from the head or ears to the face. The pain can be mild to severe varying from case to case. It may be constant or may come and go at varying intervals. Depending on the causes, facial pain may be attended with other symptoms like headache, jaw pain, tooth pain, earache, tingling/numbness/weakness on the face, swelling on the face, skin eruptions, sinus symptoms like nasal discharge, PND (Post Nasal Drip means dripping of mucus from the back of nose into throat), blocked nose, and eye-related symptoms like eye redness, eye watering, etc.  Facial pain can arise from various causes as follows:

1. Trigeminal neuralgia: Trigeminal neuralgia refers to severe pain on one side of the face along the course of the trigeminal nerve mainly due to compression, irritation or damage to the trigeminal nerve.

2. Sinusitis: It refers to inflamed paranasal sinuses i.e. air-filled cavities in the skull bone. It can cause facial pain along with other symptoms like nasal discharge, post nasal dripping, headache and blocked nose. Facial pain can be felt in the cheek area, forehead, root of the nose or the upper jaw depending on the sinus involved.

3. Toothache or cavities (hole in a teeth from decay) in the teeth and dental procedures like tooth extraction, root canal treatment, etc.

4. Herpes Zoster or post-herpetic neuralgia: Herpes Zoster refers to a painful rash with fluid-filled bumps (blisters) caused by varicella zoster virus. If this pain continues for more than three months after healing of the skin rash, it is termed post-herpetic neuralgia.

5. Herpes Simplex: It is also known as fever blisters characterized by tiny blisters around the mouth and on the lips caused by herpes simplex virus 1.

6. Headaches like migraine (one-sided headache usually throbbing type often attended with nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to noise and light)

7. An injury to face or a fracture of maxillary or mandibular bone

8. Oral infection (infection of gums, tooth abscess – pus collection in different areas of tooth from bacterial infection) and infection of the salivary glands

9. TMJ (Temporo Mandibular Joint) disorders: These are the disorders arising from complaint of the jaw joint or muscles linked with jaw movement.

10. Atypical facial pain when no clear cause is found.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in cases of facial pain. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in relieving facial pain by working on the root cause behind it. Once the root cause is treated, a long-term relief in facial pain follows. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for facial pain is selected after taking into consideration the individual symptoms and the cause behind facial pain. It is advised to always get any case of facial pain evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right diagnosis and prescription. In most cases, facial pain occurs due to mild causes treatable with homeopathy. However, in very rare cases, pain in the face or jaw may happen from heart attack. So, if any pain occurs in the chest or left arm suddenly and radiate to the face or jaw then immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has limitation in treating such critical cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Facial Pain

1. Belladonna – Top Medicine

Belladonna is a highly effective medicine for managing facial pains. It can help facial pain linked to several issues like sinusitis, headache, migraine, nerve involvement. In cases requiring it, the pain gets worse by touching the face or movement of the face. The pain may radiate to the side of head, ear or to the neck. The pain can be relieved by pressing the face hard. Though pain can occur on any side, it mostly affects the right side of the face. The pain can be cutting, shooting, tearing in nature. Along with pain, heated sensation can be felt on the face. The face can be markedly red too. Swelling may appear on the cheeks.  This medicine is also helpful for managing nerve pain that starts from the right side of head and spreads to the right eye and right cheek.

2. Spigelia – For Facial Pain From Trigeminal Neuralgia

Spigelia is one of the best medicine for pain on the face due to trigeminal neuralgia. Pain is mostly felt on the left side of face. One feels pain on the forehead, eye, cheek, teeth on left sided face. The pain can be tearing stitching, stabbing or burning type like hot needles. Pain tends to come and go suddenly. The left side of the face is also very sensitive to touch.

3. Magnesia Phosphorica – For Right Sided Facial Pain

This medicine is well indicated to manage facial pain on the right side especially due to trigeminal neuralgia. It is recommended when pain begins from the right eye and from there radiates to the entire right side of the face. The pain may be cutting stitching, shooting or cutting type. The pain tends to worsen from the slightest touch, a draft of air and washing with cold water. Relief is felt from warm application on the right side of face.

4. Colocynth – For Left Sided Facial Pain

Colocynth is a wonderful medicine for managing left sided facial pain. In cases needing it, facial pain gets worse from even slight touch on the face. The left side of the face is red, hot and swollen along with pain. The pain gets better from applying warmth. It is also relieved by absolute rest. The pain may radiate to the head, left ear and left side of the neck. Pain may be attended with excessive watering from the left eye. It is also indicated when pain from the left cheek bone radiates to the left eye.

5. Kali Bichrome – For Pain From Sinusitis

Kali Bichrome is a useful medicine for managing facial pain caused by sinusitis. In cases needing it, pain is mostly felt on the forehead above the eyes, root of the nose or the cheeks. Besides, thick ropy, yellow or greenish discharge from the nose may appear or the discharge may drip from the back of the nose into the throat i.e. PND – post nasal drip. Nasal blockage may be experienced.

6. Merc Sol – From Toothache

This medicine is well indicated when pain from painful teeth radiates to the face and even to the ears. Pain may be tearing or shooting type. The affected tooth may be decayed. Gum inflammation can also be present. Swelling over the cheek may be present on the affected side of the tooth. The pain gets worse from eating anything cold or warm. Relief appears from rubbing the cheek around the affected tooth.

7. Hecla Lava – From Decayed Tooth Or After Tooth Extraction

This medicine is highly suitable to manage facial pain that occurs from decayed tooth or follows tooth extraction. The pain is located over the jaw area. Swelling may also be present. The affected area is painful to touch. Due to pain there is difficulty in eating and sleeping.

8. Silicea – For Pain From Gums Infection Or Tooth Abscess

Silicea is a very important medicine for managing pain in the cheeks or face or from infection in gums or tooth abscess. In cases needing it, there is soreness and inflammation of gums. There is throbbing pain in teeth. This pain tends to radiate to the cheek or face from teeth. Pain gets worse at night.

9. Rhus Tox – For Pain From TMJ Disorder

This medicine is beneficial for managing pain occurring from TMJ disorder especially from joint inflammation. It is indicated when pain occurs at a jaw joint. It is accompanied with stiffness. Warmth or pressure over the joint relieves pain.


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What is Polymyalgia Rheumatica and its Homeopathic Treatment

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) refers to an inflammatory condition in which there is pain and stiffness in the muscles in different body parts, mainly including those of shoulders, neck, hips and arms. The symptoms include pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, upper arms, hips and thighs. The symptoms occur on both sides of the body in this condition. These symptoms tend to start suddenly and get worse in the morning and after being inactive or remaining in the same position for a long time period. The affected body parts may have limited range of motion. Besides these, there may occur general symptoms also. These include tiredness, decreased appetite, mild fever, anemia, depression and sudden weight reduction. With time, the intensity of these symptoms might become severe which causes hindrance in doing day day-to-dayto day routine activities like bathing, dressing up, combing hair, climbing stairs, getting up from chair or bed and may make sleeping difficult. Consequently, it may impact social life of the person.
The reason behind this condition is still not clearly understood. But it is thought to be of autoimmune origin. Autoimmune means damage occurring to body’s healthy tissues by disease fighting cells of body by mistake. With this, a combination of genetic and environmental factors (like some viral infection) play a role in causing this condition. This condition affects females more than males. Females are two to three times more prone to suffer from this disorder as compared to males. It occurs in persons aged above 70 yrs. It is also seen that few persons having this condition also suffer from temporal arteritis ( a condition that cause inflammation of the temporal arteries that supply blood to the head and result in symptoms like headache, tenderness of the scalp, jaw pain and vision problems).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for cases of Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Homeopathic medicines boost body’s natural healing mechanism to naturally overcome health issues. These medicines help to decrease the inflammation of muscles and give symptomatic relief. They tend to give magnificent relief in pain and stiffness of muscles. These medicines reduce the intensity and frequency of symptoms gradually. Both acute (recent) or chronic (long term) cases can be benefitted with homeopathic medicines. These medicines are of natural origin thus are very safe to use with zero side effects. The homeopathic prescription for polymyalgia varies from case to case as per characteristic symptoms of an individual. So it is advised to consult a homeopathic doctor for most suitable prescription and avoid self–medication in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Polymyalgia Rheumatica

1.Rhus Tox – Top Medicine

Rhus Tox is the leading medicine to manage cases with marked pain and stiffness in the muscles. This medicine is equally helpful when pain and stiffness occur in the neck, shoulder or hips. The key feature to use this medicine is worsening of the symptoms after rest or periods of inactivity. Relief sets in by moving the affected part.

2. Sanguinaria Can – For Right Shoulder Pain

This medicine is effective in managing pain in the right shoulder. The pain may radiate to the upper arm in most of the cases. The pain gets worse on raising the arm. In some cases, the pain gets worse at night. The pain increases while turning in bed at times. Besides these, it is useful to relieve stiffness and pain in the neck. It gets worse by movement.

3. Ferrum Met – For Left-Sided Shoulder Pain

Ferrum Met is beneficial for managing left-sided shoulder pain. The pain from shoulder may shoot down the arm. The pain tends to get worse from movement. There is pain when one raises the arm. Warm application on the shoulder may help to relieve the pain. For using this medicine, the pain can be drawing, shooting or tearing in nature.

4. Cimicifuga Racemosa– For Neck Pain And Stiffness

This medicine is of great value to manage pain in the neck along with marked stiffness. In cases needing it, there is a feeling of contraction in the neck. Any pressure on the neck worsen the pain. Head movement also increases pain. The neck may also be sensitive to touch.

5. Guaiacum – For Pain In Neck, Shoulders And Thighs

This medicine is helpful when pain is felt in the neck, shoulders and thighs. There is pain at the back of the head. The neck is also markedly stiff. The stiffness may radiate down the back. Shoulders may also be sensitive to touch. Besides these, this medicine is also useful for managing pain in the thighs. Pain is worse while sitting. Thigh muscles feel short and tense. Pain from mid-part of the thigh may radiate to the knee.

6. Bryonia – For Pain Worse From Movement

Bryonia is a well-indicated medicine for managing cases where pain is worse from movement. There is relief by taking rest. The pain can be sharp, sore or tearing type. There is neck pain especially on the right side with stiffness. It gets worse from touch and also from movement of the head. It is also indicated for relieving hip pain, mainly stabbing or shooting in nature.

7. Arnica – For Muscle Pain With Soreness

This medicine is highly recommended for managing pain in the body along with marked soreness (pain and sensitivity to touch). The affected parts feel sore as if beaten. There is fear to touch the affected part out of pain.

8. Magnesium Phos – For Pain Better By Warm Applications

Magnesium Phos is indicated when there is a tendency of pain getting relieved by warm application over the affected area. Pain can be shooting, sharp, cramping or lightening shock like in nature. The pain may shift from one place to another. The pain is attended with excessive tiredness and profuse sweating. In cases needing it, applying pressure may relieve the muscle pain.

9. Colocynth – For Hip Pain Management

Colocynth is an important medicine to manage hip pain. The pain can be cramping, drawing or shooting in nature. The pain is relieved by applying pressure or lying on the affected side of the hip. This medicine is recommended for continuous drawing type of hip pain. Pain is felt while sitting, lying, standing or walking.

10. Gelsemium – With Excessive Tiredness

Gelsemium is a suitable medicine for managing muscle pain attended with marked tiredness. In cases needing it, there occurs pain and stiffness in the neck. There is pain in the shoulders. Shoulder pain gets worse at night. Cramping pain is felt in the thighs and hips. The pain increases while at rest and also when beginning to walk. At night, burning pain may be felt in the hip that disturbs sleep.

11. Ledum Pal – For Thigh Pain

Ledum Pal works well in cases of thigh pain. In cases requiring it, thigh pain gets worse on standing and walking. The pain in the thigh gets worse from touch. Along with pain, there may occur a sensation as if the thigh muscles are not in their proper place. Apart from thigh pain, this medicine is also useful to manage stitching sort of pain in the shoulder. Pain in shoulder gets worse from raising arm.

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Homeopathic Remedies for AVN – Avascular Necrosis Treatment

Homeopathic Remedies for AVN - Avascular Necrosis Treatment

AVN, also known as osteonecrosis, bone infarction and ischemic bone necrosis/aseptic necrosis refers to a condition which leads to death of bone cells due to interruption in blood supply. Avascular Necrosis (AVN)  can cause unbearable pain in the bones. Since there is no blood supply to the bone, the bone breaks and finally collapses. AVN may involve almost any bone of the body, but it mostly affects hip joints, knees and shoulder joints.

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Avascular Necrosis

The homeopathic treatment for Avascular Necrosis uses the body’s own restorative process to heal. It basically aims at halting the destruction of bones in patients of Avascular Necrosis because of interrupted blood supply. The second aim of these remedies is to reduce the pain in bones because of bone damage. Both these aims are accomplished by the use of natural medicines, which have zero side-effects and are completely safe. The medicines are selected after taking into account the proper case history of the patient. The medicines are prescribed based on the bone involved, the kind of bone pain and other peculiar symptoms in each individual case.

Top Homeopathic medicines for AVN

Top Homeopathic Medicines

The top recommended homeopathic medicines for treating AVN are Syphilinum, Strontium Carb, Natrum Sulph, Fluoric Acid, Asafoetida and Silicea. Some of the homeopathic medicines to manage hip pain in such cases include Rhus Tox, Bryonia and Colocynth.

1. Syphilinum – For Bone Pains At Night

Syphilinum is well known for its beneficial action on body tissues wherever the destructive process is present. Apart from its universal healing action to stop the destruction of body tissues, Syphilinum is of great help in treating bone necrosis. The most dominant feature for selecting Syphilinum in any given case of AVN is the worsening of bone pains at night. The person experiences pain throughout the night and is unable to sleep on account of the severe pain. The pains may compel the patient to walk, which seems to bring relief. Such persons remain comparatively well the whole day.

Another marked symptom that can help in selecting Syphilinum for AVN cases is a specific pattern regarding the appearance and disappearance of pains. The pattern followed is a gradual increase in bone pains and in the same way, a gradual disappearance of pains. The third symptom that may be present in a few AVN patients needing Syphilinum is worsening of pains because of heat and some relief by applying cold water. History of excessive alcoholism may be present in persons requiring Syphilinum.

2. Strontium Carb – For Avascular Necrosis of Femoral (bone in thigh) Bone

Strontium Carb is a natural remedy recommended for cases of AVN of femoral bone. Those needing it have worsening of pain in cold air. Besides AVN, it is a prominent medicine to deal with cases of weak and brittle bones prone to break easily.

3. Natrum Sulph– For Hip Joint Necrosis

Natural remedy Natrum Sulph should always be considered in cases of AVN of the hip joint. Natrum Sulph is one of the most beneficial medicines when dealing with hip joint AVN. The patient mainly complains of pain during movement or when stooping.

4. Fluoric Acid–For AVN of Long Bones

Fluoric Acid is the most effective for the necrosis of long bones. The bones include humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of the leg). Fluoric Acid is mainly used to halt necrosis appearing in long bones. The persons needing Fluoric Acid usually have excess body heat and the external heat worsens the condition. Apart from long bones, necrosis of the bones of the ear (which are rarely involved) are also covered under Fluoric Acid, which helps in improving the blood circulation and preventing further necrosis of bones.

5. Asafoetida – For Necrosis Of Tibia ( A Bone In Leg) Bone

Asafoetida is a wonderful medicine for AVN of the tibia. There is worsening of pain at night along with over-sensitivity in bones. The bone pain can be darting, sharp or stitching in nature.

6. Silicea– For Necrosis of Bones

Silicea is considered among the best natural medicines for necrosis (premature death of cells) of a variety of bones ranging from long to small bones. The necrosis of jaw, wrist bones, hand bones, feet bones, ankle, knees and long bones —including humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of leg) — are the sites of action for using Silicea. The general symptom for using Silicea is sensitivity to cold air when bone pain worsens even from the slightest exposure to cold air. Warmth brings relief.

 7. Aurum Metallicum – For Necrosis Of Nasal, Palatine Bones

Aurum Metallicum is a natural remedy which is very beneficial in the treatment of necrosis in nasal and palatine bones. The mastoid bone is also the site that benefits with the use of Aurum Met. The patient complains of pains at night and may suffer from extremely offensive odor from the mouth and nose along with pain. The patient may also feel depressed with a high degree of sadness.

8. Symphytum – For Bone Damage In Fracture

Natural medicine Symphytum is very beneficial as a remedy for bone-related complaints. Symphytum can be considered in all cases where the bone has suffered damage following fractures. It helps in proper knitting of the bone. This is helped by providing the necessary callous material needed for bone reformation. So, in every case of fracture where Symphytum is used, it acts as a preventive agent against necrosis as the bone is very neatly and efficiently woven by this medicine.

9. Phosphorus– For AVN Of The Jaw

Phosphorus is an effective remedy for treating lower jaw AVN. It is of great help when the lower jaw is affected due to lack of blood supply. It is pertinent to mention here that Phosphorus is used in match-box making factories and some persons may acquire AVN there inhaling Phosphorus fumes for a long duration.

10. Hekla Lava– For Decay Of Jaw With Marked Pains

Hekla Lava is a top natural remedy for Avascular Necrosis of the jaw when jaw destruction is accompanied by marked facial nerve pains.

Symptoms Of AVN

In the beginning, no symptom is noticed by the patient. But gradually when death of blood cells start increasing, pain in the affected joint is felt. For example, in case of AVN of hip joint pain may be felt in groin, thigh or buttock. Initially pain is felt when the joint is put under pressure. In case of hip or knee AVN, walking, standing, stair climbing become difficult. Limping occurs while walking. As the condition reaches the most advanced stages, pain in the affected joint increases in intensity due to small breaks in the bone and pain becomes a constant feature. Other symptoms include stiffness of joint and limited range of movement at the joint. When condition has progressed excessively, then the bone collapses. Bone collapse makes one unable to use the joint. The symptoms of AVN may occur on both sides of body. In jaw AVN, pus may be present.

Bones prone to AVN

Avascular Necrosis can involve almost any bone of the body, but it mostly affects hip joints, knees and shoulder joints. Among these, hip joint is the most commonly involved joint, the bone mainly involved is head of the femur (a bone in the thigh extending between the hip and the knee). Humerus (bone in the upper arm extending between shoulder and elbow) is the next commonly affected bone. Scaphoid bone (bone in wrist), jaw, ankles, hand and foot may be affected as well.

What are the Causes and risk factors behind AVN?

AVN results from decreased or hindered blood supply to bone. Reduced blood supply to bone causes death of bone cells. Under normal conditions, our body keeps replacing old bone tissue (which gets damaged as a part of daily wear and tear) with new one to keep bones healthy and maintain their strength. Blood supply to bones provides oxygen and nutrients essential for regeneration of new bone tissues. If due to any reason blood supply to bone is hindered, our body becomes unable to make new bone tissue at right pace. As a result, the old-aged bone breaks down and dies.

AVN may happen from many reasons. Broadly the causes can be divided into two categories:

1.Traumatic AVN: It occurs after breaking of bone or joint dislocation

2.Non-traumatic AVN: It arises from some medical health problem which is causing obstruction of blood supply  to bone. In most cases of non – traumatic AVN, same bones on the either side of the body get affected like AVN of left hip and AVN of right hip.

The various causes and risk factors are enumerated below:

1.Injury / trauma: An injury or trauma can reduce or stop blood supply to a bone which is the main cause of AVN. For example, joint dislocation or a fracture (broken bone).

2. Smoking: Smoking makes the blood vessels narrow that reduces blood supply to body tissues including that of bone.

3. Excessive consumption of alcohol: It is known that alcohol can lead to hyperlipidemia (increased level of lipids means fats like cholesterol, triglycerides in blood) and fatty deposits in blood vessels. High levels of fat tend to block blood vessels and reduce blood flow. Decreased blood flow to bone cells can cause death of bone cells (AVN). This condition is similar to the one when a person suffers a heart attack where arteries that supply blood to the heart become blocked from cholesterol cutting blood supply to heart muscle causing heart attack and damage to heart muscle.

Secondly, high number of fat cells in the head of the femur might increase pressure inside it contributing further to reduced blood flow. In addition to this, alcohol may damage bone cells directly from its toxic action. It has been estimated that those who consume 15 to 20 large pegs of alcohol per week are 10 times more at risk of developing AVN as compared to non–alcoholics (means who do not drink alcohol).

4. Excessive use of steroid medication, like prednisone, for a prolonged period of time also makes a person prone to develop AVN. The reason is that these medicines can raise lipids (fat) in the blood that causes blockage of small blood vessels. Around 3 % to 38% people consuming steroids go on developing steroid-induced AVN. High doses of steroids taken orally (from mouth) or intravenous steroids (administered through veins) for prolonged time period is linked with AVN.

5. Exposure to radiation and chemotherapy used for cancer treatment predisposes a person to AVN.

6. Bisphosphonate therapy used in the treatment of bone cancer and osteoporosis makes a person prone to AVN. It is mainly related to cause AVN of jaw.

7. Decompression sickness/caisson disease (a medical condition in which bubbles form in the blood of a person from rapid decrease in surrounding pressure), and Leg-Calve Perthes disease (a condition occurring in childhood from interruption of blood supply to the head of femur of hip joint)

8. Having high cholesterol, HIV infection, rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune joint disorder causing inflamed, stiff, painful joints especially starting from small joints and later on may involve large joints as well), high blood pressure, sickle cell anemia (Inherited disorder affecting shape of red blood cells, RBCs become sickle shaped that can slow blood flow), leukemia (blood cancer), Gaucher disease (build-up of fatty substance in certain organs), organ transplant like kidney transplant, pancreatitis, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus – an autoimmune disease causing inflammation and damage to various organs), HIV are other risk factors.

9. Sometimes AVN occurs without any cause, for example, spontaneous AVN in knee (known as SPONK or SONC).

10. In some cases, the reason for interrupted blood flow is not known, for example in Kienbock disease (breakdown of a bone in wrist known as lunate bone from interrupted blood supply) and Preiser’s disease (AVN of scaphoid bone which is one of the bones in wrist).

11. Chances of AVN are more in men as compared to women.

12. Persons aged between 30yrs to 60 yrs are the most at risk though it can occur in person of any age group.

Pathophysiology Of AVN

AVN begins when there is decrease in subchondral (bone lying beneath the cartilage) blood supply. It leads to low oxygen (hypoxia) in bone tissue resulting in death of cells (necrosis) of bone. It is suggested via experimental evidence that bone cells die within 12 hrs to 2 days’ time from reduced blood supply and low oxygen levels. With progression of the condition, degeneration and the collapse of joint occurs.


If AVN is left untreated, the condition goes on becoming worse and worse and finally may result in bone collapse. It can lead to severe arthritis.

Stages of AVN

There are four stages defined as per progression of AVN

Stage I: In this stage, X-ray is normal but in MRI, dead bone can be detected.

Stage II: X-ray can reveal bone damage changes related to AVN. At this stage, the collapse of bone of femoral head has not taken place.

Stage III: X-ray shows sign of bone collapse (crescent sign).

Stage IV: It is the serious stage. At this stage, X-ray shows bone collapse and significant cartilage damage (osteoarthritis)

Ficat: Four stages classification system of AVN based on standard radiographs

Stage I – Normal radiograph

Stage II – In this stage femoral head contour is normal but in radiographs, signs of bone remodelling are seen (cystic and sclerotic portions)

Stage III – Flattening of femoral head occurs in this stage

Stage IV – It is characterized by narrowed joint space and degenerative signs in acetabulum.

Differential Diagnosis of AVN

There are certain medical conditions that might have similar symptom presentation like AVN which need to be differentiated while making a diagnosis of AVN. These conditions include:

1. Osteoarthritis: Degenerative joint disease arising from the breakdown of joint cartilage (it cushions end of bones to allow smooth movement over each other) and underlying bone

2. Rheumatoid arthritis: An autoimmune joint disorder causing inflamed, stiff, painful joints especially starting from small joints and later on may involve large joints as well

3. Osteomyelitis: Infection of bone by bacteria or other microorganisms

4. Osteoporosis: Condition arising from reduced bone density whereby bones become weak, brittle and are at high risk of easy fracture (breaking of bone)

5. Osteochondrosis: Group of disorders affecting bone growth in children and adolescents

6. Septic arthritis: Joint infection occurring when germs from some infected body part travel via blood stream to the joint

7. Synovitis: Inflamed synovial membrane (it secretes synovial fluid needed for joint lubrication) of joint

8. Bone marrow edema syndrome: It is characterized by bone pain and bone marrow edema found in MRI.

9. Bone Cancer

Some measures to prevent AVN

  1. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol use
  2. Keep a check on cholesterol levels
  3. Avoid excessive steroid use

Frequently Asked Questions of AVN

I have AVN of femoral head stage II on both sides, will homeopathy be helpful?

Yes, you can be benefitted by homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy has good scope of managing cases of AVN going through Stage 2. There are several natural remedies in homeopathy that can help to relieve pain and  stiffness, and improve the range of movement of the joint. These medicines also boost the body’s immunity to fight back disease naturally and halt further advancement of the disease.

I have been recommended hip replacement surgery for AVN Stage III, I do not want to go for surgery, can homeopathy help to avoid surgery?

Though homeopathy has limited scope in Grade 3 stage of AVN, if you wish to go for an alternative to surgery, you can try homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines will not be able to reverse the changes that have already occurred, but can surely help in pain management. Surgery should be the last option when all the alternative treatment methods have proved fruitless.

Can homeopathy help in Grade IV AVN cases?

Homeopathy has a good scope in treating Grade 1 and 2 AVN, limited role for grade 3 AVN patients and a very minimal role to play in cases of Grade 4 AVN. However, one can opt for homeopathy to ease pain-related issues before proceeding towards surgical options. The help it can offer in relieving pain varies from case to case.

Can homeopathy help in reversal of AVN changes?

There is no current treatment option available in any system of medicine that claims to reverse pathological changes that have already taken place in AVN cases. Homeopathy helps in slowing down the progression of bone changes in AVN and eases its symptoms, but unfortunately cannot reverse the bone damage that has already occurred.

Is there any natural homeopathic medicine to manage pain in hip joint from AVN?

Yes, several homeopathic medicines can help in managing hip joint pain in AVN cases. Though a specific medicine is selected after taking case details but some general medicines to relieve hip pain are Rhus Tox, Bryonia and Colocynth.

Can homeopathy help cases of AVN other than hip like AVN of jaw, knee, shoulder joint?

Yes, homeopathy can help AVN occurring in joints other than hip as well. There are several homeopathic medicines for it. The best prescription is finalized after taking the entire case details from the patient.

Is Syphilinum a good homeopathic remedy for AVN?

Yes, Syphilinum is one of the well-indicated homeopathic medicines to help cases of bone necrosis and decay. It is mainly indicated when there is worsening of bone pains at night.

What is the treatment duration in homeopathy to treat AVN cases?

The duration of homeopathic treatment for AVN depends on the stage, duration, intensity of complaint and duration varies from several months to a year or two, for good long term relief.

Can homeopathy cure AVN?

Homeopathy is a natural science of medicine that have a management role in AVN. Though they cannot cure the condition, the homeopathic medicines aim at preventing further bone loss and promise relief in the associated symptoms to a great extent.

I have hip pain from the last 6 months, am I suffering from AVN?

Hip pain may arise from various causes. AVN is just one among those causes. Other reasons might be osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis. So only having hip pain does not confirm AVN. A complete detailed case history and MRI of hip is required to confirm the diagnosis in each and every case.

Is groin pain indicative of hip AVN?

Though groin pain can occur in hip AVN but not all those having groin pain are actually suffering from AVN. There could be other reasons as well that could be causing groin pain. For example, inguinal hernia, kidney stones, sprains, tendinitis, pinched nerve, UTI (urinary tract infection), and certain male problems like hydrocele, varicocele, epididymitis, orchitis and testicular torsion. It is advised to consult a doctor for groin pain to find the exact cause behind it.

I have no pain in hip, but my MRI shows AVN hip joint on right side, do I need treatment?

See, AVN in early stages is usually painless. But if left untreated, there is progression of AVN, bone damage worsens and pain starts to appear which initially is intermittent (occurring at some intervals and not continuous) but gradually may become constant from intense bone damage. So, it is advised to not ignore it and start with its proper treatment to halt progression of this condition and prevent associated pain.

Can a person with AVN hip run, or do jogging?

In recently diagnosed AVN hip cases, it is usually advised to avoid running, jogging or other activities that put excessive pressure on the hip joint to prevent the collapse of femur head. A doctor should always be consulted to get advice regarding resumption of such activities.

Is AVN self-limiting and can it heal on its own?

AVN unfortunately is a progressive condition that goes on worsening. Very rarely if AVN’s cause is alcohol or steroid use and it is caught (diagnosed) in early stages entire stoppage of alcohol, or steroids can stop its progression and healing may take place from formation of new blood vessels.

Which investigations can confirm AVN?

MRI and CT scan are the most valuable to check and confirm AVN. These tests can reveal early bone changes in AVN cases. X-ray may also be done but it shows changes in bone only in later stages of AVN. For checking early AVN stages, X-rays are not helpful to detect any bone changes. A bone scan (nuclear bone scan or bone scintigraphy) is the next recommended investigation. In this test, a radioactive substance is injected via a vein before doing the scan and after that, the bone scan is done to see the injured areas of bone. In some cases, biopsy is advised in which the bone sample is removed with help of a needle or during surgery to check tissue for abnormal cells or cancer. If other tests are normal but still doctor doubts that it is AVN, then functional bone test is recommended. This test measures pressure inside the bone.

Is AVN curable?

Unfortunately AVN is not curable but with proper treatment its progression can be slowed down.

Is surgery the only option for AVN?

Not all cases of AVN require surgery. If it is diagnosed in early stages, it can be managed with medicines. The stage of AVN decides whether surgery is needed or not. Stages I and II of AVN can be managed with medicines. However, in stage III AVN surgery may be required. In IV stage, surgery may be the only treatment option when all the conservative methods have failed to provide relief, and the pain is unbearable. An orthopedic surgeon is the right person to tell whether a given case of AVN needs surgery or not.



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Iritis: Top Homeopathic Medicines for Relief and its Causes

Iritis refers to the inflammation of iris which is the colored part in the front of the eye around the pupil. Iritis is also known as anterior uveitis (Uveitis is inflammation of middle layer of eye called uvea and iris is present in its front area, which means anterior part of uvea). Iritis can be acute that appears all of a sudden in some hours or days or it can be chronic which occurs gradually and remains for more than three months. Iritis may affect one or both eyes, though it is usually one sided. The signs and symptoms include redness of eye, pain in eye, sensitivity to light, eye floaters, eye watering, abnormally shaped pupils, blurred vision and headache.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries great scope to manage cases of iritis. Homeopathic medicines address underlying cause of iris inflammation to bring excellent results. These are natural remedies that gradually decrease the inflammation of iris and halt further progression of the complaint. Besides, they manage wonderfully its signs and symptoms like eye redness, eye pain, light sensitivity, eye watering, headache and floaters before eyes. Homeopathic medicines for managing iritis are made of natural substances, hence are very safe to use without any toxic side-effects. They are recommended for mild to moderate cases where no associated complication is present. Homeopathic prescription for iritis varies from case to case based on the characteristic individual symptoms, so one should take homeopathic medicines under supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self–medication.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Iritis

1. Merc Sol – Top Medicine

Merc Sol is a leading medicine to manage cases of iritis. In cases needing it, there is pain in the affected eye that can be of varying type. It can be a cutting, tearing or boring kind of pain. Pain may spread around the eye and side of the head. The eye is sore to touch. There is intense sensitivity to light along with the other symptoms. Besides, heat and pressure are felt in the eye. The eyes also become red.

2. Belladonna – With Eye Redness

Belladonna is a prominently indicated medicine for managing iritis. It is used when there is marked redness in the eye. Besides, pain is felt in the eye, especially when closing the eye and on eye movement. There is sensitivity to light. Sparks or flickering (shining with light) before eyes may be felt. There may be dimness of vision.

3. Merc Cor – For Iritis With Marked Eye Pain

This medicine is suitable to manage iritis with marked pain in the eye. The pain is mostly burning type. It is worse at night in most of the cases. Persons needing it may also have excessive sensitivity to light. There is also redness in the eye.

4. Rhus Tox – In Case Having Joint Inflammation Or Injury

Firstly, Rhus Tox is recommended for a person suffering from iritis who has joint inflammation as well.  Secondly, it is also indicated when iritis follows an eye injury. In cases needing it, there is pain in the eyes. The pain may be pressive or sharp in nature. Pain from the eye may shoot to the back of the head. It gets worse at night. Eyes become red and there may be light sensitivity. In some cases, inflammation may reach choroid layer of the eye leading to choroiditis.

5. Euphrasia – With Eye Watering And Dimness Of  Vision

This medicine is indicated when there is eye watering and dimness of vision in iritis cases. Besides, there is a constant aching in the eye. Darting type of pain occurs in eyes occasionally. Mild redness may be visible in the eyes. Euphrasia can also be considered when there is inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) along with iris inflammation after an injury. Here, pain is marked in the eyes which can be stitching type or burning in nature along with excessive eye watering.

6. Arnica – For Iritis After An Injury

Arnica is a suitable medicine for managing iritis that occurs due to an injury. It is useful when there is redness along with shooting or tearing type of pain in the eye. It is attended with excessive watering from the eyes. Sensitivity to light also occurs. The complaint is relieved by applying gentle pressure over the eye.

7. Apis Mellifica – To Manage Eye Pain And Light Sensitivity

This medicine is effective in managing pain in the eye and light sensitivity in cases of iritis. The pain can be aching, shooting, burning, stinging or pressive type. Pain can be felt in and around the eyes. Pain gets worse from eye movement. Pain may also occur in the forehead. Eyes are red. There may occur watering from the eyes that causes a burning sensation.

8. Argentum Nitricum – With Sore Eyes

This medicine is helpful in cases where the eye is sensitive to touch. There is pain and heat in the eyes. It gets worse from movement and touch. There is a sensation of fullness in the eye, along with dryness. This medicine is also recommended for managing inflammation of the cornea and iris, with pain emanating from top of the head to the eye.

9. Pulsatilla – For Burning Heat Sensation In Eye

Pulsatilla is a medicine beneficial for burning heat sensation in and around the eye. There is also sensitivity to light. It is attended with stitching pain in the eyes. Sometimes tearing or shooting pain is felt in the eye. Dimness of vision can be there. There may be excessive watering from the eyes in open air. Persons needing it may see fiery circles in front of the eyes.

What Causes Iritis?

1. An infection from a virus, bacteria or parasite. Some examples of infections include herpes zoster (a viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus characterized by painful rash/ blisters on the skin), fever blisters (it is caused by herpes simplex virus that leads to tiny blisters on the lips or around the mouth), tuberculosis (an infection of lungs caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis).

2. An injury to eye

3. Some form of arthritis (joint inflammation) may lead to iritis. It firstly includes ankylosing spondylitis (a type of arthritis beginning from sacroiliac joint and then moving up to involve the joints of the spine). The second kind of arthritis is reactive arthritis (it refers to joint inflammation that occurs after an infection in some other body part like genitals, urinary tract). Next is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (joint inflammation for more than six weeks in children aged 16 yrs or younger) and psoriatic arthritis (arthritis occurring in some persons suffering from psoriasis which is a skin condition with red spots covered with silvery white scales).

4. Any autoimmune disease in which body’s disease fighting cells known as immune cells start damaging body’s own healthy tissues by mistake. For example, sarcoidosis (disease in which small clumps of inflammatory cells grow in different body organs leading to its inflammation). Other examples are ulcerative colitis in which inflammation and ulcers occur in colon and rectum, multiple sclerosis (a disease that causes damage to myelin sheath of nerve cells) and psoriasis (skin disease with red spots on the skin covered with silvery white scales).

5. Use of certain medicines like cidofovir, rifabutin

6. Behcet’s disease, a disease that lead to inflammation of blood vessels all over the body

7. Weak immunity, genetic predisposition and tobacco smoking are some of the other risk factors.


If iritis is not rightly treated on time, some complications may arise that can cause vision loss. These includes glaucoma (an increased pressure in the eye that can lead to vision loss), cataract (clouding/opacity of lens in eye), swollen retina, irregular shape of pupil and calcium crystal build up on the cornea.


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What is Dermatographic Urticaria and how does Homeopathy treat it effectively

Dermatographic urticaria, also known as dermatographia or dermatographism, refers to a skin condition where scratching the skin causes a reaction leading to the appearance of raised, inflamed lines called welts on the skin. It is one of the most commonly occurring types of urticaria. Another name for this condition is ‘skin writing’. It causes an allergic kind of reaction on the skin with signs and symptoms including raised lines (pink, red, purple in color or same color as that of the skin) on the skin resembling writing or welts (raised bumps) on the skin along with redness, itching and swelling. It may also be warm to touch and burning sensation may be felt. The symptoms appear within minutes of a trigger factor and the duration of symptoms is around 30 minutes. In rare cases, the duration may extend to a few hours to one day or even more than that. The signs and symptoms get worse at night in most cases. This condition is not contagious (means does not spread from one person to another via direct skin to skin contact).

What Causes Dermatographic Urticaria?

The real reason behind it is unknown but it is thought to occur from the release of histamine from mast cells on the skin surface. Here though no antigen (a foreign substance that triggers an immune response by the production of antibodies) is present, histamine may cause wheals (raised bumps on the skin) and swelling. This may happen when the immune system by mistake recognizes scratching or pressure on the skin as an allergen and sets off an allergic response by sending histamine to the affected area to get rid of an allergen. Histamine causes dilatation of the blood vessels and leakage of the fluid into the skin from small blood vessels causing swelling on the skin.

Another theory is that an allergic reaction may happen when the membrane of the mast cells is very weak that tends to break easily from pressure and cause allergic type of reaction. Some of the triggers that can set off this kind of reaction include scratching of skin, rubbing of the skin as from tight clothing, pressure on the skin as from wrist watch/ belt/any jewelry item, vibration, stress, an infection, cold/heat exposure, exercise, air blowing on the skin causing movement of hair on skin, bathing with warm water and taking some sort of medicines like penicillin. Persons having dry skin, those suffering from or having a history of atopic dermatitis (a skin disease that cause inflammation, redness and itching on skin) or allergies, thyroid issues, or family history of this type of urticaria, are at risk. Teenagers (13 yrs to 19 yrs) and young adults are most likely to be affected by this skin condition. Usually, no complications are linked to it, but sores caused by it can get infected with bacteria or fungus sometimes.


Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy proves very effective in numerous skin complaints. One among these is dermatographic urticaria that can effectively be treated under the homeopathic mode of treatment using a very gentle approach. Homeopathic remedies moderate the overactive immune system (that gives exaggerated response to some of the triggers resulting in skin reactions) and bring relief in such cases. These medicines help in managing acute episodes of urticaria as well as function to overcome this type of urticaria naturally with zero side effects. These medicines gradually reduce the intensity and frequency of the episodes of this type of urticaria. Along with healing the welts, they also help to manage any associated symptoms like itching, burning, stinging and pain in welts. Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for every case of urticaria keeping into consideration the triggers like scratching, heat or cold exposure, exercise and attending symptoms like itching, burning. Though these medicines are safe to use, it is advised to take any medicine after getting your case completely evaluated by a homeopathic doctor and avoid self-medication.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Dermatographic Urticaria 

1. Rhus Tox – Top Medicine

Rhus Tox is the most prominent medicine for treating urticaria caused by scratching. In cases needing it, the bumps are dark red colored. Swelling may occur in the surrounding skin. Violent itching is felt in the bumps on the skin. Rubbing worsens the itching as well as the eruptions. This medicine is also indicated when cold triggers urticaria.

2. Natrum Mur – When Scratching, Heat Or Exercise Triggers Wheals

Natrum Mur is the next most effective medicine for dermatographic urticaria. This medicine is indicated when bumps appear on skin after scratching. Bumps may be quite large. Intense itching attends it. Besides, burning and stinging is also felt in the bumps. This medicine is also well-indicated when exercise or heat exposure triggers urticaria. Persons needing this medicine may also be suffering from dermatitis or may have a family history of this disease.

3. Zincum Met – When Scratching Or Rubbing Skin Triggers Complaint

This medicine is well indicated when wheals appear on the skin from scratching or rubbing the skin. Though wheals may occur on any body part, the commonly affected areas include thighs and hollow (back side) of knees. Itching and stinging sensation is felt in these eruptions.

4. Apis Mellifica – For Urticaria Triggered From Heat And Warm Weather

Apis Mellificais a highly suitable medicine when urticaria is triggered from heat and warm weather. Red wheals occur on the skin with intense burning and stinging. Itching is relieved when one is in open air. It gets worse at night. The wheals are painful to touch.

5. Urtica Urens – For Urticaria From Exercise

This medicine is beneficial when urticaria rash occurs from exercise. It is recommended for red- colored raised bumps. Itching and burning sensation is felt. Besides, stinging sensation and formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) is experienced on the bumps.

6. Dulcamara – For Urticaria Triggered From Warmth

Dulcamara is helpful medicine when urticaria is triggered from warmth. After exposure to warm atmosphere, welts appear on skin. It is attended with needle-like pricking sensation. There is marked itching and burning in it. Formication is experienced.

7. Sepia – When Cold Air Exposure Triggers Welts

Sepia is considered when urticaria triggers from exposure to cold air. The area affected usually includes face, neck and forearm. It is accompanied by itching and burning. Stitching pain is also felt in welts. The complaint gets better in a warm room.

8. Conium – For Welts After Exercise

This medicine proves helpful when welts occur after exercise. The welts are attended with itching as well as burning. Itching worsens from scratching. Welts may be painful as well.

9. Bryonia – When Prickling Occurs In Wheals

This medicine works well when prickling sensation (means sharp pins touching the skin) is felt in the wheals. The prickling is felt especially when skin is touched. Red-elevated bumps appear on the skin. Itching is also felt with an urge to scratch.


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What causes Pain, Swelling in Small Joints and its Homeopathic treatment

Joint pain and swelling can occur in any body joint including small joints. Small joints include joints of hands, fingers, feet, toes, wrist and ankle. Hand and feet joints include – MCP (metacarpophalangeal) joints, interphalangeal joints and MTP (metatarsophalangeal) joints. MCP joints are the ones where the the bones of hands meet the bones of fingers and thumbs also known as knuckles.  MTP joints are the ones that connect long bones of foot to toes. Interphalangeal joints refer to joints between bones of fingers (phalanges) that join them with each other. The main reason behind small joint pain and swelling is arthritis. Arthritis means inflammation of joints that causes pain, swelling, redness, heat and stiffness of a joint.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are highly effective in managing small joint pain and swelling. These medicines are 100 pc natural remedies that reduce joint inflammation, prevent further joint damage and relieve the symptoms like pain, swelling, stiffness. The homeopathic medicines are helpful in both – cases of recent origin as well as long term chronic cases. These medicines are free from any toxic side effects. Homeopathic medicines for treating joint pains are selected based on individual symptoms in each and every case. Though it is safe to use homeopathic medicines, it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician prior to taking any homeopathic medicine for treating joint pains.

Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Pain In Small Joints

1.Actaea Spicata – Top Recommended Medicine

Actaea Spicata is the leading homeopathic medicine to treat small joint pain and swelling. This medicine proves effective when joints of the fingers, wrists, ankles and toes are affected. Among all these joints, the most prominent involvement is of wrist joint. In cases needing it, the affected joints are painful, red and swollen. The pain is drawing or tearing in nature. The complaint increases from touch and movement of affected joint. Even a little tiredness causes swelling in these joints.

2. Caulophyllum – When Pain Shifts From One Joint To Other

Caulophyllum is most important medicine to deal with cases where pain keeps shifting amongst different small joints. The joints affected include that of hands, fingers, feet, toes, wrist and ankles. Along with pain, the joints show stiffness too. Pain keeps shifting from one joint to another quite rapidly every few minutes.

3. Antimonium Crudum – For Finger Joint Pain

Antimonium Crudum is one of the best medicines to manage inflammation of finger joints. In cases needing it, there occurs marked pain in the joints of fingers. A drawing type of pain is prominent in the finger joints. Swelling occurs in the finger joints along with pain.

4. Arnica – For Painful, Swollen Joints Of Feet And Toes

Arnica is a suitable medicine to manage pain and swelling in the joints of feet and toes. The pain gets worse in the evening. The joints are tender and painful to touch. Swelling develops in the feet after walking. Burning sensation is also felt in the feet. It is also a top medicine for joint pain due to an injury.

5. Rhus Tox – For Joint Pain In Hands, Fingers And Wrists

Rhus Tox is one of the prominent medicines for managing joint pains in hands, fingers and wrists. It is well indicated for pain in the finger joints with swelling. Pain gets worse in the evening. Tearing type of pain predominates. It is also suitable for pain in the hands, attended with stiffness in the morning. Swelling is also noticed on the hands. It is also useful for joint pain in the wrist attended with swelling. Pain gets worse after rest and from cold treatment.

6. Colchicum – For Small Joint Pain And Swelling From Gout

Colchicum is an important medicine to manage pain and swelling in small joints caused by gout. This medicine gives excellent results when pain is in the joints of hands or feet due to high uric acid levels. Besides, swelling, heat and stiffness in the joints are well-marked. Among the affected joints, it has the most prominent action on the big toe joint. The big toe is sore to touch and painful while making any movement. A person may scream from pain when affected joints are touched. The pain may shift from one joint to another. The pain mostly gets worse at night. This medicine is also recommended for management of cases in which finger joints get distorted due to joint damage.

7. Pulsatilla – For Pain And Swelling In Joints Of Hands And Wrist

Pulsatilla works well for painful swollen joints of the hands and wrist. The joints of hands are also red along with pain and swelling. Pain is of tearing or drawing in nature. Pain hinders hand movements. The wrist joint is painful, swollen and red. Pain disturbs sleep at night. The wrist is also painful, and stiff on movement.

8. Ledum Pal – For Ankle Pain And Swelling

Ledum Pal is a beneficial medicine for managing ankle joint pain and swelling. In cases needing it, the pain gets worse from walking. In the morning, pressure is felt in the ankles. The pain gets worse from warmth and better from cold applications over the ankle.

9. Lithium Carb – For Pain In Feet, Toes, Ankles And Fingers

Lithium Carb is another useful medicine for treating small joint pain including that of feet, toes, ankles and fingers. Pain is most marked on the right foot which gets worse at night. Ankle joint pain gets worse while walking. There is pain, swelling, redness of the finger joints with general puffiness around the affected limbs. Pain and swelling of the finger and toe joints get better by hot water application on these joints.

What Causes Pain In Small Joints?

1. Rheumatoid arthritis – The first most common type of arthritis that affects small joints is rheumatoid arthritis. It is an autoimmune disorder that results in painful, swollen and stiff joints. It affects the lining of the joints and initially involves small joints, especially finger joints on both the hands at the same time. As the condition progresses, the large joint may be affected as well. In later stages, joint deformity can occur and besides joints, other organs including eyes, skin, lungs and heart may be affected.

2. Osteoarthritis – This type of arthritis happens from degeneration of a joint due to wear and tear of cartilage at the ends of the bones. Cartilage is a cushion present at bone surface where bones connect to form a joint and allows smooth movement of bones in a joint. When cartilage is damaged, the ends of bones rub against each other leading to pain and stiffness in the joint. It can affect finger joints, wrist joint besides mainly affecting the knee joint.

3. Gout – It refers to joint inflammation resulting from accumulation of urate crystals in joints due to increased uric acid levels in the blood. It results in swollen, painful, red and warm joints mainly of the big toe.

4. Psoriatic Arthritis – It is a form of arthritis (joint inflammation) that tends to affect some people suffering from a skin condition called psoriasis which is an autoimmune skin disease with red spots on the skin covered with silvery white scales.

5. Injury to a joint can also result in joint pain and swelling


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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Weakness after Fever

Weakness, low energy level and tiredness after fever even after other symptoms of fever have already vanished are quite common. Fever is a temporary rise in the body temperature usually resulting from an infection (viral, or bacterial) that tends to go away in a few days. In a few days, general symptoms related to fever, like heat, chills, and sweating get over besides, other symptoms particular to an infection like vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps in case of stomach infection; and runny nose, cough, sore throat, blocked nose in case of cold/flu.

However, in some cases, weakness tends to linger on for a relatively longer time after subsiding of these symptoms. It may remain for two weeks and even more than that varying from case to case. Along with weakness, some other symptoms can attend like body aches (muscle/joint pain), headache, problems in concentration, and decreased appetite.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines can prove to be highly effective in overcoming weakness after fever along with taking good sleep, proper nutrition, and increased fluid intake. Homeopathic medicines act as great tonics that boost body’s self-healing mechanism to overcome a tired, exhausted feeling in a natural manner. Homeopathic medicines help to revitalize the body, when the body is drained out, in a very safe and effective manner with zero side effects. Along with weakness, they also help to manage attending symptoms like body aches, headache, decreased appetite, and concentration issues. Homeopathic medicines can be used for weakness after any sort of fever. Homeopathic medicines to overcome weakness are to be selected individually as per the characteristic symptoms present after complete analysis. Though homeopathic medicines are entirely safe to use, it is advised to use any medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician; self-medication needs to be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines For Weakness After Fever

1. Arsenic Album – Top Recommended Medicine

Though there are several medicines in homeopathy to deal with cases of weakness after fever, Arsenic Album tops the list among these. Persons needing it feel severe weakness and exhaustion. They feel weak constantly round the clock more so at night. Due to lack of strength, they feel like lying down all the time. The slightest exertion results in weakness. They may feel anxious and restless along with weakness. Arsenic Album act as an effective tonic to regain body strength that has been affected by fever.

2. Gelsemium – For Weakness Along With Sleepiness

Gelsemium is an effective medicine to deal with cases having weakness attended with excessive sleepiness. The persons requiring it have intense drowsiness with a desire to sleep all the time. Besides, there may be marked dizziness (a sensation as if a person is spinning or the world around him/her is spinning) as well. To help cases of weakness after viral infections especially flu, Gelsemium is listed among one of the most important homeopathic medicines. Here the most characteristic symptom to use this medicine is exhaustion attended with a heavy and tired feeling in the limbs. There is muscle pain too along with the above symptoms. Other than physical tiredness, the person may suffer from headache, exhaustion and dullness of the mind along with problem in concentration.

3. Kali Phos – For Weakness After Flu (Influenza)

This medicine is best indicated for weakness after flu (an infection of the nose, throat and lungs occurring from influenza virus, that causes fever, sore throat, body aches, headache and respiratory symptoms). When weakness persists after flu, Kali Phos proves as the best tonic to rejuvenate the entire body. Persons needing it feel extremely tired both physically and mentally. They feel drained out and even a small task seems big. They may also suffer sleeplessness and.

4. Phosphoric Acid – For Weakness and Weight Loss

It is another suitable medicine for managing cases of weakness remaining after fever. In cases needing it, weakness is attended with weight loss. The whole body feels drained out with low energy levels. The face looks sunken along with dark circles around the eyes. The eyelids feel droopy. The limbs feel heavy. Weakness may improve after a short sleep.

5. Psorinum – For Weakness After Prolonged Fever

This medicine is well-indicated for managing weakness after prolonged fever. There is tiredness constantly along with sleepiness. Weakness worsens from exertion. There is pain in the whole body along with a tired feeling. Besides, there is marked sensitivity to cold. The person looks pale. There is a tendency to sweat excessively at night. Besides the above symptoms, loss of appetite is also marked in some cases requiring it.

6. China Officinalis – To Manage Weakness Along With Cold Skin

This medicine is beneficial when a person feels exhausted along with coldness of the skin. Walking makes a person tired, the body may tremble while sitting down or while rising from the sitting posture. Excessive irritability attends this complaint. There is an aversion to do any sort of exertion. Loss of appetite, excessive sweating and sleeplessness may be present. Besides, there may be excessive bloating of abdomen along with gas.

7. Baptisia – To Manage Weakness With Trembling

This medicine proves helpful when there is excessive tiredness along with trembling in the body and desire to lie down all the time. Persons needing it feel too weak to move around. They feel incapable of doing any sort of physical or mental exertion. The weakness is most marked in arms and legs. With this, there is excessive pain in the muscles attended with soreness (pain occurring from touch). Bad smell from urine, stool, sweat and breath may emanate.

8. Carbo Veg – For Exhaustion With Fainting Spells

This medicine is indicated when there is intense exhaustion with frequent spells of fainting. Weakness is well-marked after walking a little. Due to weakness, even talking gets difficult. The body may feel cold along with weakness. Trembling in the body may also attend.

9. Rhus Tox – For Weakness Along With Body Aches

Rhus Tox is a useful medicine to manage weakness and body aches after fever. Persons needing it feel like sitting or lying down the whole day. They do not feel like rising in th morning and getting ready. They have body aches along with stiffness and soreness in the body. Lower limbs feel powerless.



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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a type of arthritis that may occur in people already suffering from psoriasis. Here ‘psoriatic’ refers to psoriasis which is an autoimmune skin disease where red spots form on the skin capped with silvery white scales/flakes and arthritis means inflammation of joints. It has been estimated that 30 per cent of people suffering from psoriasis have a tendency to get psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis develops out of an autoimmune activity characterized by damage to the joints by immune cells (defense cells that help fight any infection in the body) by mistake, along with excessive production of skin cells. As per recent research, high level of TNF (tumour necrosis factor) is noted in the joints and the skin area involved. Genetic and environmental (some viral or bacterial infection) factors contribute to an autoimmune response of the body which results in psoriatic arthritis. Those having psoriasis, or a family history of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis, are at high risk to suffer from psoriatic arthritis. People between 35- 55 age group are at risk though any group may get affected.

In most cases, psoriasis begins first followed after many years by joint inflammation while in some people, the opposite happens which means arthritis psoriasis occurs before a person gets affected by psoriasis.

Psoriatic arthritis leads to symptoms including painful, swollen joints along with redness, heat and tenderness (pain on touch). Stiffness (worse in the morning or after periods of inactivity / rest) also occurs in the joints. There is limited movement of joints. Joint inflammation can be sudden or gradual and one or multiple joints may get affected varying from case to case. The joint involvement can be unilateral (one-sided) or bilateral (both-sided). The joints usually affected are of the hands, feet, neck, wrist, ankle, lower back, knees and the sacroiliac joint (it is a joint between iliac crest of hip bone and sacrum which is a triangular bone at the bottom of spine). The fingers and toes can get swollen, this condition is called sausage digit or dactylitis. If left untreated, joints may get damaged permanently. Nails and eyes can also get infected in some cases. Pits may form on the nails along with crumbling of nails and their separation from the nail bed. Eye inflammation in the form of uveitis can occur. The symptoms may vanish for a brief time period. Several complications can arise that include permanent joint damage especially of hands and fingers, diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and heart complaints.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines offer a very natural, safe and effective treatment of psoriatic arthritis. Homeopathic medicines halt further progression of joint inflammation and relieve the symptoms. The homeopathic approach involves moderating the immune system and preventing further joint inflammation and damage. Homeopathic medicines effectively manage symptoms including pain, swelling and stiffness of joints. Homeopathic medicines for psoriatic arthritis are prescribed as per the presenting symptoms in every individual case. It is recommended that any case of psoriatic arthritis be evaluated by a homeopathic physician, self-medication be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines For Psoriatic Arthritis

1. Rhus Tox – Top Remedy

Rhus Tox is a top-recommended medicine to manage cases of psoriatic arthritis. With its action on joints, it helps to reduce joint pain and stiffness. It is indicated when the complaint increases at rest and when movement is initiated in the affected part. Relief sets in after continued motion and also from warm application over the affected joint. Along with above symptoms, heat and swelling are well-marked in joints. Rhus Tox is also highly recommended to manage cases of lower back pain.

2. Bryonia – For Pain In Joints, Neck And Lower Back

Bryonia is effective medicine for managing joint pain, neck pain or lower back pain. It is used when joint pain gets worse upon slight movement. It can be administered for any of the joints involved. Pain gets better after rest. Those who suffer from this pain have reddened joints, which are also swollen the area feels hot. Bryonia is equally effective for neck pain and lower back pain which gets worse upon movement and gets better with rest. In such cases, back pain gets worse due to standing, stooping and turning in bed besides other movements and walking. Along with pain stiffness in neck and lower back is also felt.

3. Actaea Spicata – For Small Joint Inflammation

This medicine is best suited for treating joint inflammation in small joints. It gives magnificent results if there is pain in small joints like in the hand, wrist, fingers, ankle and toes. The joints too are swollen. There is worsening of pain from movement and touch.

4. Guaiacum – For Neck Pain & Stiffness

This medicine works well in cases where neck joints are involved. There is marked pain in the neck. Pain may extend from the neck to the back of the head and shoulders. Also, stiffness is also felt in the neck especially on one side and may go down the back on that side.

5. Caulophyllum – For Shifting Small Joint Pains

This medicine is well indicated when there is shifting type of pains in small joints. For those who need it, there is involvement of joints of hands, feet, fingers, toes, ankles and wrist. The pain keeps shifting from one joint to another. It may sometimes shift from one joint to another every few minutes. The affected joints also become stiff. Along with pain, restlessness is felt at night.

6. Apis Mellifica – For Swollen, Painful Knee Joint

Apis Mellifica is beneficial when there is pain and swelling in the knee joint. Shooting and stinging pain is mostly felt in the knee. Burning sensation is also felt in the knee. The knee becomes sensitive and tender to touch.

7. Kali Carb – For Lower Back Pain

Besides Rhus Tox and Bryonia, it is another helpful medicine when lower back pain is present. It proves to be effective when pain gets worse due to standing or walking. It is also useful when pain gets worse in the early morning hours around 3 am. The pain from lower back may radiate down the hips. It feels as if the back is broken. Weakness in lower back and legs is also felt.

8. Aesculus – For Arthritis Affecting Sacroiliac Joint

Use of Aesculus is considered when there is hip pain and lower back pain from the inflamed sacroiliac joint. Stiffness is also felt. Walking and stooping increase the pain. The pain from hip can radiate down the thighs. There is a feeling as if the lower back would break along with a weak feeling in the back.

9. Arnica – For Sore, Tender (Pain On Touch) Joints

Arnica is a prominent medicine for cases where joints are sore and tender ( painful to touch). There can be pain in any joint of the body and also the back. Its use is also highly applicable when pain begins in the joints of the lower limbs followed by upper limbs joint pain.

10. Causticum – For Managing Cases With Joint Deformity

Causticum is indicated to manage advanced cases where joint deformity has occurred. Though, it cannot reverse the deformity, it can help in preventing further progression of complaint and providing relief from the symptoms. It is helpful in managing the pain and stiffness in the deformed joints. Those who need it usually have tearing type of joint pains that get better from warm applications.



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Top Homeopathic medicines for Inflammation and Pain

Inflammation refers to swelling, redness, pain and heat in the body part as a result of some infection or injury. Whenever any infectious agent such as bacteria, virus enters our body or there occurs an injury, our immune system gets activated. Inflammatory cells are released that begins to trap infectious agents and initiate healing process. It results in signs and symptoms of inflammation including pain, redness, swelling and heat in affected parts. Along with these symptoms there may occur fever, muscle pain, tiredness depending on cause behind inflammation. Besides infection and injury, inflammation may also occur from auto-immune process (in autoimmune process the infection fighting cells in body start to damage body’s own healthy tissue out of a misdirected response) resulting in auto-immune diseases. Other factors increase risk of inflammation includes drinking excessive alcohol, obesity, smoking, chronic stress and exposure to industrial chemicals. Inflammation can occur in any of the body part from head to toe. Some of the inflammation prone zones in the body are throat, tonsils, sinuses, eyes, ears, nose, joints, muscles, tendons, urinary tract, stomach, intestine, rectum, liver, skin.


1. Acute inflammation – This type of inflammation occurs suddenly for example as a result of injury or bacterial infection. It begins rapidly and could last from a few hours to a few days.

2. Chronic inflammation – It is a long-term inflammation that develops gradually over a period of several months to even years. For example, in case of arthritis (joint inflammation) chronic inflammation can be present.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is a great choice of safe and effective treatment option for inflammation and pain. Homeopathic remedies work naturally to reduce inflammation and manage pain, swelling, redness and heat. These give excellent clinical results in vast number of such cases. These firstly halt further progression of inflammation and decreases the inflammation already occurred. There is huge list of homeopathic medicines to manage inflammation. Among this list the most suitable medicine is selected as per every individual case based on body part involved and its characteristic symptoms. It is to be noted that homeopathy is recommended only for mild to moderate cases. It is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before using any of these medicines. Homeopathic physician will evaluate the case and prescribe the most suitable remedy. In case of severe intensity and also serious cause behind inflammation that needs immediate medical help like appendicitis (inflamed appendix), pneumonia (inflamed air sacs of lungs), encephalitis (brain inflammation), it is strictly advised to take quick help from the conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitation in treating such critical cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Inflammation

1. Belladonna – Top remedy

Belladonna is top recommended medicine to manage inflammation and pain. It works wonders in reducing inflammation in various body parts like throat, tonsils, ears, nose, sinuses, urinary bladder etc. In cases where it is needed there is marked redness, heat, pain and swelling in affected part. It is also a leading medicine to manage inflammatory fever which means fever that occurs as a result of inflammation.

2. Merc Sol – For Throat Inflammation (Sore Throat) And Tonsillitis

Besides Belladonna which is top medicine for managing sore throat and tonsillitis, Merc Sol is also prominently used medicine to manage this complaint. This medicine is used when there is bluish red swelling in throat, tonsils look dark red and ulcers may also be present on the tonsils and throat. There is pain in throat and tonsils, and pain may extend to ears especially when one swallows. Pain is usually stitching in nature. Salivation is increased along with above-mentioned complaints along with bad smell in the mouth.

3. Natrum Mur – For Inflammation of Lining Of Nose (Rhinitis)

Natrum Mur is a very suitable medicine to manage rhinitis. It is indicated for thin watery discharge from the nose. With this there is sneezing. Nasal blockage and loss of smell are other accompanying symptoms.

4. Kali Bichrome – For Inflamed Paranasal Sinuses (Sinusitis)

Kali Bichrome is a very effective medicine to manage sinus inflammation. The main symptom indicating its use is PND — post nasal discharge that indicates dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat. Next prominent indication for its use is thick, sticky, ropy mucus discharge from nose which is yellow or green in colour. With above-mentioned complaints there is headache in frontal region (forehead) of head and pain at the root of the nose. There occurs fetid smell in the nose.

5. Pulsatilla – For Ear Inflammation and Pain

Pulsatilla is a natural remedy to manage ear inflammation. It can manage inflammation of middle as well as inner ear really well. In cases requiring it there is ear pain especially marked at night. There is discharge from ear that is thick and yellow. It has a foul smell. Hearing becomes difficult.

6. Euphrasia – For Conjunctiva Inflammation (Conjunctivitis)

Euphrasia is best choice of medicine to deal with inflammation of conjunctiva (thin membrane lining eyelid and white of the eye). It is used when there is redness in the eye, excessive watering of the eye along with burning sensation in the eyes. Itching is also well-marked in the eyes. A sensation of dust in the eyes is also felt.

7. Rhus Tox – For Joints Inflammation and Pain

Rhus Tox is best choice of medicine to treat joint inflammation. It can be used for inflammation in any of the joints in the body. It helps reduce joint inflammation and managing pain, swelling and stiffness of joints magnificently. In cases where it is needed the joint pain get worse during the resting period and when the first movement begins. Pains get better after continued motion.

8. Bryonia – To Manage Inflamed Muscles

This medicine is very beneficial for managing muscle inflammation. This medicine is useful for reducing muscle inflammation in any part of the body. In cases where it is needed there is marked muscle pain that worsens on slightest movement.  It gets better by lying still and rest.

9. Ruta – For Tendon Inflammation (Tendonitis)

Tendons are band of strong fibrous tissue that connects muscles to bones. Ruta is a leading medicine to manage cases of tendinitis. It works well in managing inflamed tendons anywhere in the body. It is very suitable in cases where tendons get inflamed from overstraining or there is overuse of tendons like from repeated exercise or an injury. It helps to reduce tendon inflammation and its associated pain and soreness.

10. Arsenic Album – For Stomach Inflammation (Gastritis)

Arsenic Album is very useful in managing stomach inflammation. The key feature to use this medicine is burning pain in the stomach. It gets worse from eating slightest food or drinking any fluid. It worsens mainly due to drinking cold liquid, and gets better from drinking warm liquid.

11. Cantharis – For Inflammation Of Urinary Bladder (Cystitis) And (Urethra)

To manage inflammation of urinary bladder (cystitis) and (urethra), Cantharis is the top recommended medicine. It is indicated when there is burning or pain while passing the urine or before and after passing of the urine. There is a frequent urge to urinate from smallest quantity of urine in the bladder. The urine may be scanty. Sometimes it may come out in droplets.

12. Merc Cor – For Inflamed Large Intestine (Colitis) Or Rectum (Proctitis)

Merc Cor is an important medicine to manage inflammation of the large intestine and rectum. It is needed if there is mucus and blood with loose stool. Burning in the rectum while passing stool may be felt. There is a marked tenesmus (frequent ineffectual urge to pass stool even when bowels are completely empty). Every time a person goes to relieve himself, a scant stool is passed and there is a sensation of the bowels not being empty.

13. Apis Mellifica – For Skin Inflammation

Apis Mellifica is a beneficial medicine to deal with cases of skin inflammation. Those needing it have markedly red, sore and sensitive skin. Burning and heat in skin is felt. Stinging type of pains can be felt on the skin.

14. Chelidonium – For Liver Inflammation (Hepatitis)

Chelidonium is most valuable medicine to help cases of liver inflammation. Those who need it have liver pain that may radiate to the back. Liver may be enlarged and sore to touch. Jaundice can be present with dark stool and offensive urine.

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