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Top 8 homeopathic Medicines for Fever in Children

Children frequently experience fever. Fever in itself is not a disease but is a sign that there is some infection in the body that our body is fighting with. Fever is defined as temperature of 99 °F or more when measured underarm (armpit), 100 °F or more when taken orally (at the mouth), or 100.4 °F or more measured rectally. The signs and symptoms of fever might include body being warm to touch, chills, irritability, being less active, reduced appetite, body aches along with signs and symptoms specific to infection like pain in the throat in case of sore throat or tonsillitis; runny nose, sneezing in case of cold; diarrhea (loose stool), vomiting, stomach pain in case of stomach infection. In some cases of fever, a rash on the skin may be seen. Some children may get seizures (fits) along with fever (febrile seizures).

Fever in children can arise from several causes. Most of the cases of fever result from viral infections but bacterial infections can also be the cause. Fever can occur after administration of some vaccine. Some of the common illnesses in children where fever can occur includes sore throat, tonsillitis, strep throat, flu, cold, cough, URTI (upper respiratory tract infection), ear infections, UTI (urinary tract infection), stomach infections and eruptive fevers where rashes appear on the skin like in chicken pox and measles. Some of the serious causes of fever in children include pneumonia (an infection that causes inflammation of air sacs of the lungs), meningitis (an infection and inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord) and septicaemia (a serious infection resulting from bacteria in blood).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing fever in children. These medicines are entirely safe to use with zero side effects as they are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Homeopathic medicines boost child’s natural healing mechanism to fight infection and overcome frequent complaints of fever naturally. These medicines manage the symptoms of fever and the associated infection, reduce the temperature gradually to normal level and bring excellent results in such cases. The most suitable medicine has to be selected separately in every individual case after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptom presentation. It is advised to get every case evaluated by a doctor and take medicine under the supervision of a doctor. As the cause behind fever can also be a serious one, so self-medication should not be done in any case. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for cases of fever of mild to moderate intensity occurring without any serious cause. In severe cases and in fever occurring from serious causes like pneumonia, meningitis, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has limitation in handling such cases. Some of the signs that could indicate serious illness include lethargy, drowsiness when it becomes hard to wake up the child, extreme irritability, breathing difficulty, continuous crying, stiffness of the neck, seizure, bleeding under the skin, confusion, blue lips or nails, severe headache, rash not fading on pressing, persistent vomiting and signs of dehydration. In babies less than 3 months having temperature more than 100.4 °F, one should contact a doctor immediately.

Homeopathic Medicines For Fever In Children

1. Belladonna – Top Recommended Medicine With Excessive heat

Belladonna is the most prominently indicated medicine to manage fever in children. In children needing it, excessive heat is present in the whole body during fever. There is marked redness on the face. Excessive thirst is felt during heat stage. Heat stage is followed by the body becoming cold. The child is restless during fever. There is redness of the throat and tonsils. Tonsils are swollen and enlarged. Pain is felt in the throat which gets worse while swallowing, especially liquids. Dry cough may be present. Coughing worsens at night in most of the cases. Nausea may be felt. Everything tastes bitter. The child tends to cry frequently. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing fever in cases of sore throat, tonsillitis, cough.

2. Chamomilla – With Excessive Irritability

Chamomilla is an important medicine to manage cases of fever with intense irritability. The child needing it needs to be constantly carried in arms. Along with irritability, the child feel restless. He/she may have loose stool with pain. An increased thirst for water is noted. Vomiting may happen. There is sleeplessness along with fever. While in fever, there is redness on one cheek and paleness of the other cheek. It is one of the top recommended medicines for fever during dentition with intense irritability. It is also indicated for managing cold with fever in children.

3. Aconite – For Fever With Cold, Cough, Sore Throat

This medicine is indicated in case of fever with cold, cough, or sore throat. There is marked heat in the body and dry burning skin where this medicine is needed. There is desire to uncover the body during fever. There is redness on the face and increased thirst for water. During cold, there is fluent discharge from the nose and sneezing. Sometimes there is dry cold (means blocked nose without any discharge) accompanied with headache. The throat is inflamed and red. General anxiety and restlessness may be present.

4. Ferrum Phos – In Case Of Tonsillitis And Sore Throat

Ferrum Phos is another well-indicated medicine for fever with tonsillitis and sore throat. The tonsils are red, swollen and painful. In most cases, tonsils, mainly on the right side, are affected. Throat is usually dry. Bad smell occurs from the mouth. There is heat in the body with sweating on the hands. Thirst for water decreases. With fever, vomiting can be there. Besides these, Ferrum Phos is also indicated to manage fever that occurs with complaints of teething in babies.

5. Hepar Sulph – For Fever With chilliness In Sore throat

This medicine is recommended for fever along with chill spells in cases of sore throat. The throat is painful when swallowing saliva. Throat is red with the presence of enlarged red follicles on it. There is redness and swelling of tonsils. There is dry cough. There is no thirst for water. Sleeplessness is there.

6. Cina – With Loose Stool And Vomiting

Cina is a beneficial medicine when there is fever with loose stool and vomiting. Fever occurs at the same time every day when this medicine is required. Chills are felt over the entire body followed by a heated sensation. During chills, there is shivering and shaking of the body. A very characteristic feature is that the tongue is clean during fever. The children requiring this medicine are very irritable and want to be carried in arms all the time but carrying gives no relief to them.

7. Arsenic Album – With Weakness And Restlessness

This medicine is well suited when there is weakness and restlessness with fever. An important feature is that there is thirst for little quantity of water at short intervals. There may be heated sensation or chills during fever. There is a desire to be covered during fever. This medicine helps deal with different kinds of infections including cold, cough, sore throat, and stomach infections.

8. Silicea – With Marked Chilliness And Shivering

Silicea is of great use in cases where chills and shivering are well marked along with fever.  In most cases needing this medicine, fever occurs at night. This medicine is very effective for managing fever during teething with sensitive gums. Fever occurs towards the evening and night. There is heated sensation in the head. There is excessive bad-smelling sweat, especially on the head and feet.



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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines For Fever With Sore Throat

Sore throat refers to an irritation, scratchiness or pain in the throat that usually gets worse on swallowing in most cases. Sore throat can result due to various reasons. These may include infectious as well as non-infectious causes. Infectious cause mainly includes infections that can be viral or bacterial infections. Common viral infections include common cold and flu. Bacterial infections can also lead to sore throat like strep throat. Strep throat is a throat infection that is caused by streptococcus pyogenes bacteria. In such cases, white patches or pus pints appear on the tonsils. Strep throat needs immediate medical treatment because it carries a risk of complications if left untreated. These complications include abscess (pus collection) around the tonsils called quinsy or peritonsillar abscess, inflammation of the kidneys, joint pains, and damage to the heart valve.

Non-infectious causes include allergies, yelling, prolonged singing, GERD, irritation from chemicals or smoking. In cases of infection, fever may occur along with its other signs and symptoms that include pain in the throat, throat irritation, dryness, burning sensation in the throat, redness, and swelling in the throat. Other attending symptoms could include cough, voice hoarseness, runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, body aches, weakness, headache and loss of appetite. Sore throat is referred to as pharyngitis when swelling occurs in the throat, tonsillitis when swelling appears in the tonsils and laryngitis when there is swelling in the larynx i.e. voice box.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing fever with sore throat with the use of natural remedies. These medicines are entirely safe to use as they are prepared from naturally occurring substances. They have zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines help magnificently in managing this concern by boosting the body’s natural healing mechanism to fight with the infection and aid natural recovery. Along with fever, other associated symptoms like pain in the throat, irritation / dryness in the throat, body aches, runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing are also managed well wonderfully with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines are selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation. So one must take homeopathic medicines under supervision of a homeopath and avoid self-medication. Homeopathic medicines are recommended only for cases of mild to moderate fever. In case of high fever help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken. Also in cases of strep throat, help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken. Homeopathy can be taken along with conventional treatment in such cases but individual use of homeopathic medicines should be avoided in strep throat.

Homeopathic Medicines For Fever With Sore Throat

1. Belladonna – Top Grade Medicine

Belladonna is a top recommended medicine to manage fever along with sore throat. In cases needing it, there is intense burning heat over the entire body due to fever and is most marked on the face and the head. The face looks red. There is anxiety and restlessness. The heat stage is followed by a cold stage in most cases requiring Belladonna. The throat looks bright red and is very dry. The tonsils are also bright red. There is marked pain in the throat which gets worse on swallowing especially while consuming liquids as compared to solid food. Heated sensation is felt in the throat. Constriction is also felt in the throat. Dry, short and tickling cough can attend to it. Cough is worse at night. Belladonna is indicated for all types of sore throat cases including pharyngitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis.

2. Hepar Sulph – For Fever With Chills And Shivering

This medicine is indicated for fever with sore throat when chills are marked along with shivering. Chilliness is felt from the slightest draft of air with a desire to be covered. During chills, soreness is felt in all the limbs. Weakness is also marked. Chills alternate with the heat stage. In the heat stage, one feels headache and becomes increasingly thirsty. Dry heat occurs at night with sweating on the hands. There is redness inside the throat with enlarged red follicles on it. The tonsils are also red and swollen. There is pain in the throat on swallowing. Stitching type of pain occurs in the throat that tends to extend to the ears. A sensation of plug of mucus or a splinter (a small sharp piece of glass or wood broken form a large piece) is felt in the throat. Hawking of yellow mucus may attend. Loose cough with thick yellow mucus expectoration can be present in addition to the above complaints.

3. Ferrum Phos – For Initial Stage Of Fever

This medicine is highly suitable in initial stages of fever with sore throat. General heat is felt in the body with a little thirst. Heat is accompanied with sweating on the palm of hands. The cheeks are red. There is sore throat along with cold. There is dryness and redness of the pharynx, tonsils and the palate attended with pain. The tonsils are red, swollen and red mainly on the right side. Ulcers can be present in the throat. There is fetid breath along with the above complaints. Excessive mucus is also felt in the throat.

4. Aconite – When Cold Stage Of Fever Predominates

Aconite is of great help when the cold stage is predominant during all the stages of fever. Marked chilliness is felt with chills running down the back. Excessive restlessness is felt along with fever. Chilliness alternates with heat. Heated sensation is marked in the mouth, nose, eyelids, throat and palms. The face is red. There is excessive thirst during fever. The throat and tonsils look dark red. Burning and stinging pains are felt in the throat. At times, prickling sensation is felt in the throat. There is dryness in the throat with a feeling as if something is stuck in the throat. There is difficulty in swallowing. Voice becomes hoarse. There is pain in the throat while talking. The throat feels constricted leading to hawking and sometimes vomiting.

5. Merc Sol – With Alternate Heat And Shivering And Excessive Sweating

This medicine is useful when heat alternates with shivering and excessive sweating. The hands and feet are constantly cold. Weakness is present along with chilliness. There is profuse sweating that has an offensive smell. Excessive sweat does not relieve the suffering. On examining the throat, the tonsils look red, swollen and enlarged. Ulcers or whitish spots are visible on the tonsils. The uvula is enlarged and swollen. There is a feeling of something hanging in the throat. There is pain in the throat radiating to the ears while swallowing. There is excessive salivation in the mouth along with the above complaints. An offensive smell occurs from the mouth.

6. Arsenic Album – For Fever With Anxiety And Restlessness

Arsenic Album is an effective medicine to manage fever along with anxiety and restlessness. Internal chill is felt with external heat or vice versa where this medicine is required. Fever usually occurs at night. Intense exhaustion is felt along with fever. There is sore throat which is relieved from consuming warm drinks. Throat is painful with dryness and burning sensation. Cold can also be there. In such cases, watery discharge flows from the nose. Nose feels stuffed. Burning and itching are felt in the nose. Sneezing accompanies the above complaints.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Facial Numbness And Tingling

Numbness means loss of feeling or sensation on the skin, and tingling refers to a prickling feeling or sensation of sharp pointed objects pricking the skin. Numbness accompanied by  tingling sensation is medically referred to as paresthesia. Numbness and tingling on the face can arise from various reasons. The main reason behind it is damage, irritation, or compression of a nerve in the face. Nerve damage can happen from different causes such as an injury, deficiency of vitamins like vitamin B and niacin, some infections like shingles (an infection of the nerves caused by varicella zoster virus that cause fluid-filled tiny bumps on the skin attended with pain, itching, burning, numbness and tingling on the affected skin area), diabetes, etc. Nerve damage can also be caused by an autoimmune condition known as multiple sclerosis. In this condition, the immune cells damage the protective covering of the nerves out of a misdirected response. It can cause numbness and tingling on the face along with other symptoms such as numbness and weakness in the limbs, unsteady gait, blurred/double vision, vertigo, fatigue, slurred speech, lack of coordination, mood swings, and urinary bladder and bowel problems.

Nerve damage is also seen in cases of Bell’s palsy. Bell’s palsy is a condition that occurs from an inflamed nerve of the face resulting in sudden weakness of one-sided facial muscles causing drooping on one side of the face. Another reason behind facial numbness and tingling could be trigeminal neuralgia. It refers to severe one-sided facial pain along the course of the trigeminal nerve due to irritation, damage or compression of this nerve. It causes severe shooting or electric shock-like facial pain and it can be preceded by numbness or tingling on the face. Another cause can be migraine. Migraine refers to one-sided headache usually pulthe sating type that in most of cases is attended by nausea and vomiting. In some cases, headache is preceded by an aura phase in which numbness and tingling on one side of the face can appear. This type of migraine is known as hemiplegic migraine. Further, in some cases of epilepsy, numbness or tingling on the face may occur during a seizure (a fit). Facial numbness and tingling can also occur in cases of anxiety, or panic attack or can be a side effect of a medicine. Medicines for treating high blood pressure and fluoroquinolones may cause side effects. Lastly, facial numbness and tingling can also indicate a serious condition called stroke. A stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical help. Stroke refers to the interruption of oxygen supply (either due to blockage or bursting of a blood vessel) to the brain that results in death of brain cells and loss of brain function.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing numbness and tingling on the face. These medicines are highly suitable for persons of all age groups. These medicines aim to treat the underlying cause behind the health issue to bring great relief. Along with this, homeopathic medicines can also manage any associated symptoms such as pain, itching, fatigue, headache, vertigo etc. Homeopathic medicines are purely of natural origin that treat a problem without any side effects. These medicines are selected individually for every case based on the symptom. So it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician. Self-medication should not be done in any case. These medicines are recommended only for cases of mild to moderate intensity without any underlying serious cause. In case facial numbness and tingling are severe or occurring from serious causes like stroke, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has limitations to handle such serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Facial Numbness And Tingling

1. Zincum Met – Top Recommended Medicine

Zincum Met is a great medicine well indicated for managing various nervous complaints. It is a leading medicine to manage numbness and tingling sensation. It is also well indicated where nerve pain in the face is marked. In cases needing it, stitching pain on the face as from needles is felt, other than numbness and tingling. The nerve pain in the face gets worse from touch. There is a worsening of pain in the evening. Besides, this medicine is prominent for managing twitching sensation on the face. Twitching means brief spontaneous muscle contractions. Lastly, another nerves-related complaint where this medicine proves effective is formication on the face. Formication means sensation of insects crawling on or under the skin.

2. Agaricus – For Numbness On face With Cold Needle Pricking Sensation

This medicine works well in cases of numbness of the face. A sensation of cold needles running through nerves of the face is a very characteristic feature. Muscle contractions can also occur on the face. Needles pricking on the chin can also attend. Chin can be covered with fluid-filled tiny bumps. Next there can be tearing sort of pain on the face. Further itching, burning and redness on the cheeks can be present. This medicine is also indicated for cases of paralysis of facial muscles.

3. Causticum – For Numbness And Tingling With Burning Sensation

Causticum is yet another effective medicine for cases of numbness and tingling on the face. There is marked numbness on the side of the face as if the face is asleep in cases needing this medicine. Burning sensation is also felt on the face along with the above complaints. Sometimes itching occurs on the face. One-sided facial paralysis may be felt where this medicine is required. Tearing pain and twitching on the left side of the face can be felt along with the above complaints.

4. Hypericum – From Nerve Damage And Inflammation

Hypericum is very helpful when there occurs numbness, tingling, burning sensation from nerve inflammation and damage. Pain originating from the nerves on the face is felt too. Mainly right-sided facial pain occurs. A heated sensation is felt on the face. A tense feeling occurs on the cheeks.

5. Aconite – Along With Heaviness Feeling On Face

This medicine works well in cases of numbness, tingling on the face along with heaviness on the entire face. Nerve pain on the left side of the face is present. Restlessness is felt along with pain. The face is red and hot. Creeping sensation as well as muscle contractions are felt on the face.

6. Arsenic Album – For Tingling With Burning, Stinging

This medicine is indicated for tingling on the face along with burning, stinging sensation. It feels as if it is occurring from red hot needles. Tearing and needle-like pricking pains are felt on the face. Violent itching can also occur on the face. Fluid-filled eruptions may occur on the face along with itching and burning sensation.

7. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Tingling On Nose And Chin

This medicine is suitable to manage tingling sensation on the face, especially in the area of nose and chin. Heated sensation is felt on the face in cases needing it. Redness of cheeks occurs with this. Eruptions containing fluid may appear in clusters on the face.

8. Belladonna – With Facial Redness And Burning Heat

This medicine can be considered for cases of facial numbness and tingling when attended with facial redness along with burning heat. One feels restless. There may be contractions of facial muscles in addition to the above symptoms.





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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Cough From Dust Exposure

Cough is a protective mechanism of the body to help clear the airways of any mucus, dust, or infectious agents, like bacteria and viruses. Cough can arise from several reasons and one among these is dust. Cough from dust exposure can arise from an irritation of the airways or from an allergic (an overreaction of immune system to some allergen) response, here the allergen being dust. Dust may trigger asthmatic attacks in those already suffering from asthma. It could be attended with other symptoms including wheezing (whistling sound heard from the chest during breathing), difficulty in breathing and chest tightness. Irritation is felt in the throat. Due to dust exposure, nasal allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose and itching in the nose can occur. Eyes may be watery, itchy and red. Post-nasal drip, which means dripping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat, can also occur in a few cases. The attending symptoms vary from case to case. The intensity of symptoms also varies from mild to severe differing from case to case. In some cases, inhaling dust can lead to hypersensitivity pneumonitis (an allergic reaction to the particles present in the dust). It can be acute (short-lasting and severe), sub-acute (developing from exposure to dust at low level for an extended time period) or chronic (long-lasting). In chronic cases, permanent lung scarring can happen.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very natural and highly effective treatment for cases of cough occurring from dust exposure. The homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances so they do not have any side effects. Homeopathic remedies work by moderating the overactive immune system and bring good relief in such cases. These medicines help in managing recent as well as long term (chronic) cases of cough resulting from dust exposure naturally with zero side effects. These medicines gradually reduce the intensity of the cough. Along with managing cough, they also help to manage its other associated symptoms. Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for treating every case of cough from dust exposure keeping into consideration the individual characteristic symptoms. So, it is advised to take any medicine after getting your case completely evaluated by a homeopathic doctor. It is advised to avoid self-medication in any case. Homeopathy is recommended for mild to moderate cases. In severe cases, with breathing difficulty or chest tightness, deep chest pain or any other serious symptoms, it is advised to take immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in handling such serious and severe cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Cough From Dust Exposure

1. Drosera – For Dry Cough

Drosera is a very effective medicine for managing cases of dry cough caused by a tickling sensation in the throat. Besides, roughness and scraping sensation is felt in the throat. Cough attacks occur one after the other rapidly in cases needing this medicine. Cough is of the irritable kind, occurring in fits quickly one after the other. After coughing, marked weakness is felt. A breadcrumb sensation in the throat is felt. Sometimes, yellow expectoration arises along with coughing. Cough worsening at night while lying down is a very important characteristic symptom for its use. An increase in coughing when talking and laughing is yet another peculiar feature indicative of using this medicine. When coughing, stitching pain may be felt in the chest. Sometimes, vomiting occurs along with cough.

2. Arsenic Album – With Wheezing And Difficulty In Breathing

This medicine is highly recommended for cases of cough with wheezing and difficulty in breathing. Besides, there may occur oppression or constricted sensation in the chest. Anxiety and restlessness may attend cough. Expectoration of frothy or yellow mucus may occur in some cases. Suffocated feeling may also be there. There is a worsening of symptoms at midnight. Other allergy symptoms might attend besides the above complaints. These include sneezing, runny nose, itching in the nose and blocked feeling in the nose. Eye-watering and burning sensation may be felt in the eyes.

3. Belladonna – For Short, Dry, Tickling Cough

Belladonna is a beneficial medicine for managing short, dry and tickling cough. The cough increases at night and also during sleep. Constriction is felt in the larynx. In some cases, sensation of a foreign body in the larynx may be felt. Burning sensation is also felt in the larynx. During cough, pain is felt in the head and abdomen. The face gets very red during coughing episodes. At times, tearing type of pain is experienced in the chest.

4. Bromium – For Cough With Rattling Of Mucus

This medicine is prominently indicated for cases of cough along with the rattling sound of mucus. Burning pain behind the sternum (breastbone) is felt. One feels suffocated while coughing. Cough worsens from taking deep breaths. Cough triggers from a tickling or scraping sensation in the larynx. There appears thick, white, whitish yellow or yellow coloured expectoration with coughing. Excessive weakness accompanies coughing. Breathing difficulty can also be present. Whistling from the chest during inspiration (breathing in air) might appear. Soreness is felt in the chest while coughing. Headache and watering from the eyes can occur too.

5. Ipecac – With Breathing Difficulty And Constricted Feeling In Chest

Ipecac is a helpful medicine for cases of cough with breathing difficulty and a sensation of constriction/tightness in the chest. There is loose cough with rattling sound in the chest. The chest feels full of mucus. There is violent coughing that can be attended with nausea and vomiting. There is relief in coughing if one vomits. Suffocation may attend coughing.

6. Hepar Sulph – With Plug Sensation In Throat

This medicine is very suitable for cases of cough and a sensation of plug in the throat. Stitching sort of pain is felt in the throat. At times, there occurs feeling of a splinter (a small sharp piece of a glass or a wood that had been broken off from a larger piece) in the throat. Besides coughing, there is hawking of thick, yellow mucus. While coughing, there is pain in the upper part of the chest. The sufferer may have PND i.e. post nasal drip (dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat).

7. Coccus Cacti – With Clear Ropy Mucus Expectoration

Coccus cacti is useful to manage cough with clear ropy expectoration. The cough may end in vomiting in many of the cases needing this medicine. Cough is worse during exercise and also when lying down. There is relief in the cough when going in the cold air. It is also better from drinking cold drinks. Constriction is felt in the throat. Plug sensation in the throat can be there in some cases. A pressure is also felt in the chest. There may also occur stitching type of pain in the upper part of the chest.

8. Mephitis – With Suffocative Feeling When Inhaling

This medicine is of great use when cough is accompanied with a suffocating feeling while inhaling. There is watery discharge from the nose in cases requiring this medicine. Pain and soreness in the chest can also attend coughing. Rattling in the chest occurs along with coughing. Vomiting may occur after eating.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Mouth Breathing

While breathing, the air moves in and out of lungs usually through the nose. However, some persons may be breathing via the mouth which is known as mouth breathing. Mouth breathing occurs when a person is unable to breathe through the nose. It may happen at night while in some persons, it may be present during both, day and night.  Some of the signs and symptoms of mouth breathing are snoring at night, drooling of saliva from the mouth, wetting the pillow at night, bad smell from the mouth due to mouth dryness, feeling tired in the day, irritability in the morning on waking up, hoarseness of voice from dryness of mouth and disturbed/poor sleep. Dark circles may appear around the eyes. Due to mouth breathing, the jaw position can be affected which may result in pain in the jaw and teeth grinding. There may be tooth decay or gum swelling from long term mouth breathing in adults. Children having mouth breathing may also have dry lips along with cracks, enlarged tonsils, sleepiness in the day, irritability, crying spells at night time and concentration problems at school. Their growth may also be slow as compared to normal.

The main reason behind mouth breathing is blockage of the nose. Firstly, it may occur in cases of common cold. Common cold refers to viral infection of the nose and throat. Second cause can be nasal allergies also known as allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis refers to an over-reaction of the immune system to inhaled allergens like dust, pollen, etc that results in sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose and itchy, red, watery eyes. Another cause is sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses i.e. air-filled spaces in the skull). Next reason is nasal turbinate hypertrophy (means enlarged, swollen, turbinates which are the bony structures in the nose). Further causes are nasal polyps (non-cancerous painless growths on the lining of the nose or paranasal sinuses, DNS (deviated nasal septum – one sided displacement of the wall that divides the nasal cavity into two) and sleep apnea (momentary pauses in the breathing several times at night). Further causes are enlargement of tonsils and enlargement of adenoids.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers wonderful treatment for the cases of mouth breathing. Homeopathic medicines are 100% natural medicines that go to the root cause of the problem to give great relief in mouth breathing. With these medicines, there occurs gradual decrease in the complaint of mouth breathing. These medicines also offer help in attending symptoms including snoring, bad smell from mouth, mouth dryness, tiredness and hoarseness of voice. Homeopathic medicines for cases of mouth breathing are selected individually for every case as per the characteristic symptoms after detailed case evaluation. Hence, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicines after consulting a homeopathic doctor. In no case, self – medication should be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Mouth Breathing

1. Ammonium Carb – Leading Homeopathic Medicine

Ammonium Carb is the top ranking homeopathic medicine to manage cases of mouth breathing. Person needing this medicine suffer from marked nasal blockage at night. This results in mouth breathing. They wake up multiple times at night due to blockage of the nose. There may be runny nose for a long time. They may sneeze frequently. They have marked dryness of the mouth and throat along with above complaints. Sometimes they suffer nasal bleeding in the morning on washing the face.

2. Sambucus – With Marked Dryness Of Nose

Sambucus is of great use in cases of marked nasal dryness attended with nasal obstruction and mouth breathing. There is dryness of the mouth and throat as well. There is also snoring with a whistling sound. This medicine is well suited to children with dry, blocked nose and mouth breathing. They have trouble breathing from the nose and wake up at night frequently feeling suffocated.

3. Teucrium – In Nasal Polyps Cases

Teucrium is a highly recommended medicine for mouth breathing linked with nasal polyps. There is marked blockage of the nostrils where this medicine is required. The key feature for its use is blockage of the nose on the same side on which the person lies down at night. Along with this, there is mouth breathing. Snoring also occurs while sleeping. Discharge of mucus and water also occurs from the nose. In some cases, there is discharge of greenish coloured scabs from the nose. Tingling sensation occurs in the nose. Loss of smell can be there. At times stinging pain in the nostrils can be felt. Pain is felt in the forehead due to nasal stuffiness. Above complaints can be attended with foul breath from the mouth.

4. Lemna Minor – With Nasal Polyps Or Nasal Turbinate Hypertrophy

Lemna Minor is a highly effective medicine for managing cases of difficult breathing through the nose due to nasal polyps or turbinate hypertrophy. The nose feels obstructed with mouth breathing in cases needing this medicine. There is snoring at night and sneezing during the day. Thick and sticky discharge may emanate from the nose. The discharge can be yellow or white colored. Sometimes there occurs foul- smelling crusty discharge from the nose. Foul smell occurs from the nose as well as mouth. There is also post-nasal discharge (dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat) along with the above symptoms.

5. Lycopodium – With Thick Yellow Nasal Discharge

Lycopodium is indicated when there is blocked nose with mouth breathing along with thick yellow nasal discharge. The nose feels swollen. There is a sensation of dryness in the posterior nares. There may be pain in the forehead along with nasal discharge. Mouth and tongue is dry. There is foul smell in the mouth in the morning on waking up.

6. Nux Vomica – With Nasal Discharge In Day And Blocked Nose At Night

This medicine works well when there is mouth breathing along with nasal discharge in the day and blockage of nose at night. Marked snoring is present at night. There also occurs sneezing along with itching in the nostrils. Headache and excessive mucus in the throat are prominent. There is dryness of the mouth and foul breath in the morning.

7. Agraphis Nutans – In Cases Of Enlarged Adenoids

It is a highly beneficial medicine for cases of blocked nose and mouth breathing in cases of enlarged adenoids. The root of the nose is markedly blocked in cases needing this medicine. Enlargement of the tonsils can also be present. There is a tendency to catch cold easily from exposure to cold air. Difficulty in hearing can be present along with above complaints.

8. Kali Carb – For Mouth Breathing Along With Long Term Cold

Kali Carb is a well-indicated medicine for managing cases of mouth breathing along with long term cold. In cases needing it, there is alteration between nasal discharge and nasal blockage. There is thick, yellow green crusty discharge from the nose. The discharge has bad smell. Post nasal dripping is also present. Itching and burning are also marked in the nose. Voice may become hoarse. Mucus or a lump sensation is felt in the throat.


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8 Top Homeopathic Medicines For Cough With Throat Dryness

Cough with throat dryness can arise due to different reasons. First reason behind it could be hay fever/ nasal allergies like allergy from inhaled dust and pollen. Nasal allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to inhaled  allergens present in the environment. It can cause cough and throat dryness along with its main symptom of sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy eyes, watery eyes, and sore throat. Being in AC rooms may also trigger throat dryness and cough. Next reason for this includes viral infections like cold and flu. Cold is a viral infection that affects the nose and the throat. It may cause cough, throat dryness along with its other important symptoms including nasal discharge, stuffy nose, sneezing, body aches and mild fever. Flu is an illness resulting from infection due to influenza virus. In flu, cough and dry throat occur in addition to runny and stuffy nose, sore throat, fever, weakness and muscle aches. Cough and dry throat may also happen in cases of sore throat and tonsillitis.

Sore throat refers to an inflammation in any part of the throat. It leads to irritation and scratchy feeling in the throat, pain in the throat, redness, swelling in throat and difficulty in swallowing. Additionally, throat dryness and cough can occur in sore throat infection.

Tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the tonsils i.e. the lymphoid tissues located in the back of the throat, one on either side. Exposure to smoke or pollution may also trigger this complaint. Acid reflux can also cause throat dryness and cough. Acid reflux refers to back flow of the stomach acid upward in the food pipe and the mouth as a result of malfunction of the LES – lower esophageal sphincter. Acid reflux can cause dry throat and cough with its symptoms like heartburn (burning sensation in the middle of chest behind the breastbone), chest pain, lump in the throat feeling, hoarse voice, sore throat, regurgitation of food, difficulty in swallowing, nausea, vomiting, etc. Smoking, alcohol intake, caffeine can also cause throat dryness and cough.

Depending on the cause, other signs and symptoms may attend it including pain in the throat, inflamed tonsils, red swollen throat, burning sensation or a plug sensation in the throat, voice hoarseness, difficult swallowing, heartburn, expectoration, fatigue, body aches and fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in managing cough with throat dryness. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in these cases by working to treat the root cause behind it and overcome this complaint naturally and safely with zero side effects. Once the root cause is treated, relief follows in cough and throat dryness. Besides, any attending signs and symptoms (like pain in the throat, inflamed tonsils, expectoration, voice hoarseness, difficult swallowing, heartburn, fatigue, body aches) can also be well managed with these medicines. The most suitable medicine is selected after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every individual case and the cause behind cough and throat dryness is found out. So it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription. Self-medication is not recommended.

Homeopathic Medicines For Cough With Throat Dryness

1. Belladonna – Top Medicine

Belladonna is a highly effective medicine to manage cases of cough with throat dryness. The cough is dry. It occurs day and night. With cough, a tickling sensation is felt in the throat. Headache may occur along with cough. Face becomes red due to intense coughing. On examination, the throat is found to be red, inflamed. Redness and swelling of tonsils is also noted. Heated sensation is also felt in the throat. In some cases, the throat feels constricted. There is pain in the throat on swallowing liquids particularly. A lump sensation is felt in the throat that results in hawking. Fever can attend the above symptoms in some cases.

2. Drosera – With A Tickling Sensation In The Throat

This medicine is recommended when there is throat dryness with tickling sensation exciting cough. Rough sensation is felt in the throat. The attacks of cough occur after each other quickly. Along with cough yellow coloured expectoration can occur. A very characteristic feature for using this medicine is cough occurs at night time as soon as a person lies down. Sometimes vomiting occurs with cough. Sensation of a bread crumb in the throat can be felt. Besides above the cough may get triggered from laughing and talking.

3. Bryonia – When Cough Worsens After Eating Or Drinking

This medicine is well indicated when cough worsens after eating or drinking. This could be attended with vomiting of what has been eaten. On coughing, pain may occur in the abdomen and head. A feeling of scratching the throat is felt again and again. Roughness is felt at the back of the throat. A sensation of fullness or pressure is also felt in the throat. While swallowing, stitching pain is felt in the throat. In cases needing it, cough also worsens in a warm room. In the evening and night, no expectoration occurs while during the day,  yellow expectoration is there.

4. Conium – From A Dry Spot In Larynx (Voice Box)

Conium is a prominent medicine when there is cough with a dry spot in the larynx. The cough arises from itching and irritation in the throat. The cough gets worse at night and when lying down. Cough disturbs night’s sleep. During the day, no cough occurs. Repeated coughing leads to tiredness. Cough comes in the form of short attacks. Along with coughing, headache occurs. Talking worsens the cough. During coughing, vomiting of mucus occurs.

5. Spongia – For Absolutely Dry Cough

Spongia is a highly suitable medicine for an absolutely dry cough. There is dryness of the throat and all air passages, where this medicine is indicated. A burning sensation in the throat is also well marked. Plug sensation in the throat is also felt. The cough is worse in the evening. It gets worse by lying down. Cough gets relieved by sitting up and also from drinking warm drinks.

6. Pulsatilla – With Itchy, Scratchy Feeling In Throat

This medicine is important for cases in which cough arise from itching and scratching in the throat with dryness of the throat. The dryness in throat is worse in the morning. The cough gets worse after eating. The cough is loose during the day with expectoration and is dry at night time. The mucus expectorated is yellowish or greenish in color. The mucus is bitter in taste. Sometimes, there is vomiting of mucus or food. Hoarseness of voice is also felt. While coughing, pain in the head or back may be felt.

7. Sticta – For Cough In Evening And Night

Sticta is a useful medicine when there is dryness of throat along with cough mostly in the evening and at night. Due to coughing, lying down or sleeping is difficult. Dryness is marked in the soft palate. The soft palate feels dry like dried leather. It is attended with pain on swallowing. While coughing, pain is felt in the frontal area of the head. There may occur whitish expectoration.

8. Squilla – With Burning Sensation In Throat

This medicine can be used when there is cough with dryness and burning in the throat. Irritation is also felt in the throat. Irritation leads to a constant cough. Cough occurs day and night. At night, coughing is rattling type that disturbs sleep. Cough gets worse from cold drinks. It is also worse after exertion. Along with cough, excessive expectoration occurs. The expectoration is of whitish or reddish mucus. It has an offensive smell.



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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Unsatisfactory Stool

Unsatisfactory stool refers to a feeling as if the bowels have not emptied completely after defecation and some amount of the stool is still remaining in the rectum that needs to be passed. This apprehension may be accompanied with some other symptoms as well depending on the cause behind it. These include straining to pass stool, hard stool, loose stool sometimes, stomach pain/cramps, gas, bloated abdomen, rectal pain or anal bleeding. Unsatisfactory stool can arise due to various reasons. The first and the most important reason among these is long-term constipation. Constipation refers to infrequent bowel movements means passing less than three stools in a week or difficulty / straining in passing the stool, passing insufficient stool or unsatisfactory stool and a feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation.

Another cause can be IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It is a functional disorder of the large intestine in which changes occur  in the bowel habits, means constipation or diarrhea (loose stool) or alteration between these two; stomach cramps or bloating.

It can also occur sometimes in cases of IBD – Inflammatory Bowel Disease. IBD includes two disorders i.e. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. IBD is of autoimmune origin and leads to inflammation in any part of the gastrointestinal tract in cases of Crohn’s disease, while it results in inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine and / or rectum in cases of ulcerative colitis. It may also occur in cases of piles (swollen dilated veins around the anus or in the lower rectum).

Other reasons for unsatisfactory stool could be stress or anxiety. Another cause is pelvic floor dysfunction (a condition in which there is an inability to relax and coordinate the muscles in the pelvic floor for a bowel movement or to urinate). Further reasons might include infection in the colon and colorectal cancer.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy proves highly beneficial in managing cases of unsatisfactory stool. The homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the frequency and intensity of this complaint. These are 100 % natural medicines with zero side effects. They give excellent results in such cases by working on the root cause behind it. As the causes vary for unsatisfactory stool from case to case and homeopathic medicines are selected as per the characteristic symptoms of the individual, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the guidance of a homeopathic doctor and never self-medicate.

Homeopathic Medicines For Unsatisfactory Stool

1. Nux Vomica – Leading medicine

Nux vomica is a remedy of great clinical reputation when it comes to treat cases of unsatisfactory stool. There are numerous medicines in homeopathy to manage such cases but Nux Vomica is the most beneficial among these and is often the first choice of homeopathic physician to deal with such cases. The most important characteristic feature to use this medicine is constipation with unsatisfactory stool with a frequent ineffectual urge to pass stool. The persons who need this medicine go to pass stool several times in a day. They pass very little stool at a time and a feeling of unsatisfactory stool always remains. It always feels that some part of the stool still remains behind in the rectum. This feeling of unsatisfactory stool can be described as a never-get-done feeling. The stool can be hard and dry. The stool can be blood-streaked in some of the cases needing this medicine. After passing stool, a sharp pain can be felt in the rectum. Nux Vomica is also a top-grade medicine for managing piles along with constipation with ineffectual urge to pass stool.

2. Bryonia – For Dry, Hard, Unsatisfactory Stool

Bryonia is a well-indicated medicine to manage cases where stool is dry, hard and unsatisfactory. The stool is passed after much-straining efforts. The stool is large and very dry and looks like as if burnt. Burning pain is felt at the anus while passing stool. In some cases, prolapse of the rectum occurs with passing stool. There is severe constipation that is attended with headache in most of the cases requiring Bryonia.

3. Silicea – For Unsatisfactory Stool Passed After Much Straining

Use of this medicine is recommended when there is unsatisfactory stool and excessive straining. Due to intense and prolonged straining efforts, the abdomen muscles become sore (painful to touch). A very important symptom where this medicine is indicated is stool slips back in the rectum after coming on the tip of the anus. The stool is hard in cases needing Silicea. In the evening, a constant ineffectual urge to pass stool appears. While passing stool, stinging, burning sort of sensation is felt at the anus. Additionally, itching may also be felt at the anus after the passage of stool.

4. Opium – For Unsatisfactory Stool In Form Of Hard, Round Balls

Opium is a suitable medicine for managing cases of unsatisfactory stool and the stool passes in the form of hard, round balls. This may be attended with a sensation as if the rectum is closed. Pain is felt in the rectum. There is severe constipation in cases needing this medicine. Sometimes even the passage of gas becomes difficult.

5. Natrum Mur – With Dry, Hard Stool On Alternate Days

Natrum Mur is a well-indicated medicine when the stool passes on alternate days and is always unsatisfactory. The stool may lead to cuts on the anus. Burning or smarting pain can be felt in the rectum after passing stool. In some cases, tearing type of pain is felt in the rectum. Itching can also occur at the anus. Bleeding can also occur with the passage of the stool. Before passing stool, rumbling occurs in the abdomen and pressure is felt in the rectum.

6. Nitric Acid – With Sharp Splinter Like Pains In Rectum

This medicine is helpful when there is sharp splinter (a small sharp piece of glass or wood or any other material broken off from a larger piece) like pain in the rectum with unsatisfactory stool. There is an ineffectual urge to pass stool. Only a little stool passes at a time. It is attended with a sensation as if some stool still remains in the rectum that could not be expelled. The stool is hard, dry, and scanty and passed with difficulty. Before and on passing stool, a cutting type of pain may be felt in the rectum. After passing stool, burning and shooting type of pain is felt in the rectum.

7. Lycopodium – When First Part Of Stool Passes In Small Round Lumps

Lycopodium is an effective medicine when the first part of the stool passes in the form of small round lumps. The remaining part passed is soft and large. There is always a feeling as if some part of the stool remains behind in the rectum and the stool is insufficient. In some cases needing it, the stool slips back in the rectum when it is just about to pass from the anus. At times, blood passes with the stool. After passing constipated stool, there may occur prolapse of the rectum. Pain at the anus may be felt. The pain varies in nature and can be burning, stinging or pulsating type. Sometimes it is attended with itching at the anus.




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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Vertigo with Nausea and Vomiting

Vertigo is a condition in which a person feels as if he/she is moving or the objects in the surrounding area are moving or revolving. In some cases, it could be attended with nausea and vomiting. It can arise from various reasons. The causes may include anxiety, low blood sugar, BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) and certain inner ear disorders. BPPV is an inner ear disorder leading to episodes of dizziness triggered by changes in the position of head like looking up or down, turning sitting in bed, or turning in bed. Nausea, vomiting and loss of balance can attend it. Inner ear disorders firstly include Meniere’s disease characterized by a triad of symptoms including vertigo spells; tinnitus means hearing noises in the ear in the absence of an external source like ringing, buzzing, humming noises and hearing loss. Other inner ear disorders include labyrinthitis (inflammation of labyrinth of inner ear involved in hearing and maintaining balance. It mainly results from viral or bacterial infections) and vestibular neuritis (inner ear disorder arising from inflammation of vestibular nerve that sends signals from inner ear to the brain about balance).

Another cause can be motion sickness. It arises from disturbance in the inner ear from repeated motion of a vehicle like car, train, bus, aeroplane, or boat. This results in dizziness, nausea, vomiting though some other symptoms may occur. Another cause can be migraines (it refers to throbbing type of one-sided headache attended with nausea and vomiting along with sensitivity to light and noise). Next reason could be cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) in which there appear severe episodes of nausea and vomiting in the absence of an infection or any other medical condition. Other symptoms include dizziness, sensitivity to light, diarrhea, and abdomen pain.

Vertigo with nausea and vomiting can also occur in cases of gastroenteritis (infection of the intestines that mainly causes diarrhea and vomiting and might cause dizziness as well in some cases). Certain neurological issues like stroke (a medical emergency in which interrupted oxygen supply to brain occurs causing the death of brain cells. It occurs from a blood clot in brain or from ruptured blood vessel in brain. Brain tumour can also result in vertigo with nausea and vomiting. Use of certain medicines (like insulin for diabetes treatment), food poisoning caused by consumption of contaminated food, or inhaling some toxic substances are some of the other causes.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective for managing vertigo with nausea and vomiting. These medicines treat the underlying cause behind this complaint and bring magnificent results. Along with vertigo, nausea and vomiting, these medicines also manage any associated symptoms if present. These medicines are of natural origin that aid natural recovery with zero side effects. The homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self-medication. In case of vertigo, nausea and vomiting may occur from serious causes like stroke. Immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be sought as homeopathy has its limitation to handle serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines for Vertigo with Nausea and Vomiting

1. Cocculus Indicus – Top Medicine

Cocculus Indicus is the topmost medicine when it comes to manage vomiting with nausea, or vomiting alone. This medicine is the most effective for motion sickness (nausea, vomiting, dizziness in some persons triggered by travelling in vehicle like car, train, aeroplane, boat, bus). This medicine is also helpful when there is vertigo with nausea when one rises up from a lying position. It is attended with pressure in the forehead and redness, heat in face and heat in head. Lastly, this medicine suits well vertigo occurring from loss of sleep.

2. Conium

This medicine is highly recommended when vertigo is triggered by turning the head. Vertigo is also felt while walking. This can be attended with tendency to fall sideways. The sufferer sees black spots in front of the eyes. Pressure is experienced in the head. Vertigo can also trigger while rising up from a sitting or lying down position or from turning in bed.

3. Tabacum

Tabacum is of great use in cases of vomiting attended with nausea. Vertigo gets worse on opening eyes or from looking upwards. Vertigo gets worse indoors, it feels better in open air. Excessive sweating occurs along with vertigo. In cases needing it, vertigo may be followed by vomiting of food. Additionally, trembling and weakness occur. Vomiting relieves vertigo. Heaviness in head can also be present along with vertigo. This medicine is of specific help when vertigo, nausea occur from traveling by boat (sea sickness).

4. Chininum Sulph

It is an important medicine to manage cases where dizziness, nausea, vomiting are attended with noises in ears (tinnitus). The noises in ear can be ringing, buzzing or roaring type. There may be loss of hearing in some cases along with the above complaints. Sometimes throbbing type of headache can also be present.

5. Ferrum Met

Ferrum Met is a well-indicated medicine for vertigo with nausea and excessive weakness. It is also indicated for vertigo during headache. In cases needing it, vertigo is felt when rising suddenly and walking. While walking, a person feels dizzy as if drunk. Vertigo can also trigger from stooping. With vertigo, there is a tendency to fall forward. During vertigo, the face becomes very red. In some cases, ringing noises (tinnitus) can occur in ears.

6. Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica is a very useful medicine for vertigo that becomes worse when rising from a sitting position or from a bed. It seems as if the objects present around are moving or the room is revolving. It is attended with nausea and decreased vision. A heated sensation may be felt in the forehead. Vertigo may worsen after stooping or soon after eating. Along with vertigo, there is a tendency to fall. This medicine is also indicated when vertigo worsens from drinking tea, coffee or alcohol or tobacco use.

7. Bryonia

Bryonia is a beneficial medicine for vertigo and nausea that gets worse from the least movement. Turning the head and stooping also worsens it. During vertigo, it feels all the objects are revolving. During vertigo, there is pain in the back of head (occiput).

8. Theridion

This medicine is recommended for nausea and vomiting which gets worse from closing eyes and from noises. It also gets worse from the slightest movement and stooping. Cold sweating can attend it. Vertigo can also worsen on stooping.

9. Pulsatilla

This medicine is indicated when vertigo with nausea gets worse on stooping. One also suffers from vertigo on sitting and lying down. Rising from the bed in morning also becomes difficult. It gets better in open air. Walking relieves vertigo. Vertigo is attended with nausea and an inclination to vomit. This medicine is also suggested in cases of vertigo that occurs from indigestion.

10. Petroleum

Petroleum is a helpful medicine when vertigo with nausea and vomiting is attended with burping and pressure in the abdomen. Heat is felt in the face during vertigo. Vertigo gets worse on stooping and walking. There is a sensation as if one would fall forward due to vertigo. Vertigo also appears after eating a little food. There is relief in vertigo on lying down.




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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Throat Pain Extending to Ears

Throat pain is a very common problem and in many cases, pain from the throat can extend to the ears. The throat and ears are connected via the eustachian tube, so any problem in the throat might extend to ears as well. It can be attended with other signs and symptoms as well. These include throat pain when swallowing food, redness in the throat, swelling of tonsils, hoarse voice, dryness in the throat, white/pus spots on the tonsils, fullness in the ear, fluid discharge from ears, decreased hearing and popping noises in the ears. Some general symptoms that can attend include fever, feeling unwell and headache.

Throat pain extending to ears can arise from various causes. The first reason behind this complaint includes throat infections and tonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils). These conditions usually result from viral infections but can occur from bacterial or other infections as well.

Another reason behind it is pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx i.e. the back of the throat), commonly referred as sore throat. Another cause could be sinusitis. Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the air-filled cavities in the skull. It can cause throat pain extending to the ears along with other main symptoms like nasal discharge, headache, stuffed nose, PND – post nasal drip where mucus from the back of the nose falls down in the throat, facial swelling and pain. Another reason is allergies. This can lead to throat pain and ear pain in addition to its major symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy, watery eyes.

Other reason includes TMJ disorders (i.e. temporomandibular disorders that affect the joint that connects jaw to the skull) that usually cause jaw pain, facial pain, headache, cracking sound from the jaw but can also cause throat pain extending to the ears.

Acid reflux is yet another cause. It refers to the back flow of stomach acid from stomach to the food pipe. This cause heartburn means burning in the middle of chest behind the breast bone, sour or bitter burps, chest pain, sensation of lump in the throat. Additionally, in some cases it may cause throat pain extending to the ear. Lastly, a tooth infection may cause throat pain or ear pain along with its main symptoms.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing complaintscauses of throat pain extending to the ears. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances, hence are entirely safe to use in these cases with zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines bring excellent results in such cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. There are numerous medicines for treating this complaint in homeopathy and the most suitable medicine has to be selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptom presentation. So it is advised to get every case evaluated by a homeopathic doctor and take medicine under supervision of a doctor. Self-medication should not be done in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines for Throat Pain Extending to Ears

1. Merc Sol – Top Medicine

Merc Sol is the top recommended medicine to manage pain in the throat that extend to the ears. In cases needing it, pain gets worse when swallowing. Pain is usually stitching type in most the cases. The throat and tonsils are red and swollen. The tonsils are enlarged. A characteristic attending feature is ulcers on the tonsils and in the throat. Heated sensation is felt in the throat. A rough feeling is also felt in throat. An important accompanying feature is increased salivation in the mouth. Foul smell also comes from mouth.

2. Belladonna – With Intense Redness Of Throat And Tonsils

Belladonna is a highly effective medicine when there is marked redness of the throat and tonsils. The throat is swollen and looks shiny. The pain goes from thethroat to the ears. There is much difficulty in swallowing especially the liquids. Swallowing saliva is also painful. There is excessive dryness in the throat. The tonsils are enlarged. Fever attends above complaints. Cough spells can also attend.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Pain On Swallowing, Turning Head, Yawning, Coughing

Hepar Sulph is a useful medicine for managing throat pain extending to the ears on swallowing. The nature of pain can be stitching or shooting type. The pain also worsens when turning the head, yawning and on coughing. The tonsils are red, inflamed with pus points on it, in cases needing this medicine. An important feature that attends is a sensation of a lump or plug of mucus in the throat. In some cases, there is a feeling of splinter (a thin, small sharp piece of a wood, a glass or something else being broken from a larger piece) stuck in the throat. There may be difficulty in hearing.

4. Phytolacca – When Intense Heat / Burning In Throat Attends

Phytolacca can be considered when there is intense heat or burning sensation in throat along with throat pain radiating to the ears. In cases needing this medicine, the throat and tonsils appear dark red or bluish colored. The tonsils may be covered with greyish patches. The throat feels rough and dry. There is a disposition to hawk and clear the throat. Dryness of the throat is present thwhichat induces cough. A sensation of lump in the throat is also present. One is unable to swallow any hot liquid.

5. Lachesis – For Left-Sided Pain

Lachesis works well in cases of pain in the left side of throat extending to the ear. The pain worsens on swallowing. Swallowing liquids is more painful than solids. Swallowing saliva is also painful. The throat is also painful to touch and pressure externally. The throat and tonsils look purplish. There is a constant tickling in the throat. There is a feeling of bread crumb in the throat sticking in the throat. It feels better by hawking.

6. Lac Caninum – For RightRight-Sided Sided Pain

This medicine is suitable for right-sided throat pain extending to ear. The pain gets worse from swallowing which is almost impossible. The throat is painful to touch externally as well. Pearly white deposits may be seen inside the throat. On the tonsils, white ulcers are formed. There may also appear yellowish-white patches on the tonsils. There is marked dryness in the throat and the mouth. Tickling sensation is felt in the throat which causes cough.

7. Nitric Acid – With Intense Pain On Swallowing

This medicine is of great use when there is violent pain that extends from throat to ears on swallowing. Even swallowing a little amount of liquid causes pain. A pricking sort of sensation as from splinters is well marked in the throat. The tonsils are red and swollen. Small ulcers are present on the tonsils. In some cases, white patches occur on the tonsils.

8. Ignatia – With Pus In The Tonsils

This medicine is indicated when there are swollen tonsils with tiny openings filled with pus. Small ulcers may also develop on the tonsils. The throat is red and inflamed. Stitching pain extends from throat to the ears. It gets better on swallowing solids and worse during the act of swallowing. A crawling sensation occurs in throat. There is bad smell and taste in the mouth.



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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Impotency Due to Too Much Indulgence

Impotency, also called as erectile dysfunction, is a condition in which a man is either unable to get erections or maintain erections strong enough required to have sexual intercourse. Besides number of reasons linked with impotency (like diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure, HBP), low testosterone levels, stress, depression, anxiety), too much indulgence in sexual activity may also be one of the reasons. It tends to drain the body’s energy and may in some cases result in erection issues. Hence a healthy man may find himself unable to perform sexual activity. Besides this, it also affects a person mentally and physically. It may cause weakness of the mind and physical weakness. The sufferer may feel lethargic with loss of strength. The person may also get lower back pain, muscle strain, genital pain, soreness of the penis, memory weakness and feelings of guilt and anxiety.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is very effective in managing various sort of health concerns in males. One such concern where homeopathy proves very effective is sexual weakness or impotency from overindulgence. Homeopathic medicines are entirely safe to use with zero side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. These medicines boost the body’s strength to overcome impotency. The results vary in such cases from person to person. There are a number of medicines in homeopathy for such cases but none is specific. It means there is no fixed formula of homeopathic medicines that can be used right away without any further questions in each and every case of impotency. Rather, the most suitable medicine for any given case has to be selected individually after detailed case evaluation as per the characteristic symptoms. So, it is advised to get every case evaluated by a homeopathic doctor and take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopath. Self-medication should not be done in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Impotency Due To Too Much Indulgence

1. Avena Sativa – Top Recommended Medicine

Avena Sativa is one of the best homeopathic medicines to deal with cases of impotency from overindulgence. This medicine suits males who suffer from impotency after sexual over-activity. They may face involuntary semen discharge without erections sometimes. There is a decrease in desire for sex. There is a general weakness and weakness of mind along with decreased concentration in cases needing this medicine. Along with weakness, there may be sleeplessness. Avena Sativa will work as a tonic to rejuvenate body and improve sexual function and general stamina of the body.

2. Lycopodium – For Impotency And Premature Ejaculation

Lycopodium is another prominent medicine for cases of erectile dysfunction resulting from over-indulgence. In cases requiring this medicine, premature ejaculation (too quick emission of semen during coition) is an additional concern most of the time. Many males who need this medicine may face performance anxiety (negative thoughts in mind like fear, and worry about the ability to perform during sexual activity) as well. They have a strong desire for sexual activity but have weak and imperfect erections not sufficiently strong enough. Pain on the inner surface of the foreskin (prepuce) can attend above complaints. Lycopodium works to improve erectile power, treat premature ejaculation and relieve pain of the foreskin.

3. Agnus Castus – For Impotency With Loss Of Sexual Desire

Agnus Castus is an important medicine to help cases where there occur erection issues with markedly diminished or complete loss of sexual desire. The penis remains relaxed with no erections occurring at all even on sexual stimulation. In some cases, involuntary discharge of semen occurs when passing urine or stool. The semen is thin, watery in most of the cases.

4. China Officinalis – With Involuntary Semen Discharge

China Officinalis is another highly effective medicine to treat impotency occurring from sexual excesses. Males needing this medicine also have frequent involuntary semen discharges at night. It is accompanied by excessive weakness. They have an increased and almost constant urge for sexual activity. This medicine will help to improve erections and manage involuntary semen discharges.

5. Kali Phos – For Erectile Dysfunction and General Weakness

Kali Phos is a general tonic in homeopathy to improve overall weakness in general or weakness related to different body parts including male genitals. This medicine helps in increasing stamina and improving erection issues in cases of impotency from sexual excesses. Kali Phos helps to enhance energy levels to overcome erection issues. Males who need this medicine may have painful semen discharge at night. They tend to have weak or no erections during sexual excitement but at times may have involuntary erections in the absence of sexual stimulation. These erections occur usually in the morning. Apart from the above complaints, there is excessive weakness in general both mentally and physically. Kali Phos works wonderfully to increase energy levels in general as well as in sexual experience.

6. Phosphorus – For Impotency With Irresistible Desire For Coition

This medicine can be used when there is impotency and excessive irresistible desire for coition. Though desire is enhanced, the erections are absent. There might also occur involuntary semen discharges at night. This is accompanied by marked weakness, burning, and pain in lower back. Besides, it may be accompanied by headache.

7. Kali Bromatum – For Impotency With Sadness And Mind Weakness

This medicine is suited to manage various issues resulting from sexual excesses. Firstly, it is helpful for managing weak erections or absent erections. This is attended with sadness and weakness of mind. Another use of this medicine is to avoid loss of memory from sexual over-activity. Further, it is beneficial for improving numbness and tingling in the limbs from overindulgence in the sexual activity. In cases requiring this medicine, there is increased desire for sex with involuntary erections at night. This is accompanied with restlessness and backache. The  person may have dreams related to sex along with above complaints.

8. Staphysagria – For Erection Problems With Constant Sexual Thoughts

This medicine is suggested for males having erection issues from overindulgence along with constant thoughts about sexual subjects. There may be tendency of involuntary seminal discharges with weakness and restless, and disturbed sleep. Some other prominent symptoms along with the above-mentioned symptoms needing Staphysagria are memory weakness, back pain, weakness in the legs, hair fall issue, headache and even shrinking of testicles.

9. Graphites – With Increased Uncontrollable Sexual Desire

Graphites is a well-indicated medicine when there is an increased and uncontrollable sexual desire with sexual weakness and weak erections. Males needing it also have too early discharge of semen (premature ejaculation) during coition. There is involuntary semen discharge at night. This is accompanied with dreams related to sex which tend to awaken the sufferer from sleep.

10. Alumina – For Impotency But Involuntary Erections At Night

Alumina is helpful when there is impotency from overindulgence but involuntary painful erections occur at night in many cases. During sexual activity, erection does not occur but occurs involuntarily at night. There can occur involuntary discharge of semen while passing stool. The desire for sexual activity is increased but power for the act is reduced due to sexual excesses in the past.



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