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Teucrium Marum Verum – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The homeopathic remedy Teucrium is derived from the plant Teucrium Marum Verum commonly known as cat-thyme from family labiatae. This entire fresh plant undergoes potentization (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines by which the medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused) by which it is converted into a very beneficial homeopathic medicine Teucrium. It is extensively used in homeopathy for treating nasal polyps.

The ‘Teucrium Marum Verum’ Constitution

Teucrium suits well when the use of excessive medicines has resulted in an over-sensitive condition as a result of which further remedies do not act. Though it works well among all age groups, it is most suitable for children and elderly persons.

Drug Action

The foremost action of this medicine is seen on the nasal mucus membrane and rectum. It also acts well on abdomen, stomach, throat, eyes, ears, limbs, male genitals and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Nasal polyps, atrophic rhinitis, cold, sneezing, loss of smell, threadworms, ascarides, anal itching, stomach pain, sore throat, tarsal tumours, vaginal polyps, uterine fibroids, ingrown toe nail, joint pain, earache, tinnitus, urethra inflammation.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nose (polyps, atrophic rhinitis, cold, sneezing)

Teucrium is primarily a homeopathic medicine of great importance to treat numerous nasal problems. It is a principal remedy for treating nasal polyps which are soft, non-cancerous growths developing on the lining of nasal passage or paranasal sinuses mostly from chronic inflammation. The characteristic symptom to use this medicine is blocking of the right or left nostril depending on whichever side the patient lies down (the right side nostril gets blocked if a person lies down on right side and vice-versa). Persons having a history of frequent cold attacks followed by growth of polyps can benefit from this medicine. The polyps may be pale red or greenish white. In some cases needing it, the polyps may be very large filling the nasal cavity completely. This causes difficulty in breathing through the nose and also causes snoring. Watery discharge and mucus may flow from the nose. On blowing out from the nose, pain may be felt and sometimes bleeding may occur too. There is a tendency of worsening of polyps in damp, wet weather. Teucrium also works well in cases where nasal blockage occurs despite the surgical removal of polyps.

It is a superb medicine to manage cases having loss of smell (anosmia). It has a well-known effect to manage atrophic rhinitis also known as ozaena (a chronic nasal condition characterized by atrophy, meaning shrinkage of nasal mucus lining and the underneath bone). Here the guiding features to use Teucrium are discharge of large, irregular, foul crusts or greenish scabs from nose. Foul breath is present. This medicine is effective in case of cold and sneezing. Crawling or tingling sensation in the nose along with watering of eyes is also felt. Cold is attended with blocking of nostrils. Besides a stuffy nose, pain in the forehead may be felt. Sometimes there occurs stinging pain in the upper part of the nasal cavity.

Key indicating features

1. Nasal polyps with blocking of nostril on the side a person lies down on

2. Atrophic rhinitis with discharge of large, foul-smelling crusts or greenish scabs from nose

3. Sneezing, cold with crawling/tingling in nose, blocked nose and watery eyes

2. Gastric system (Stomach pain, anal itching, worms, vomiting)

Though Teucrium acts on the nose, it can also treat certain gastric issues. Firstly, it is helpful in managing stomach pain which is cutting/drawing/ tearing type. The pain gets worse after drinking water or beer. Sometimes, a little pain is felt due to gas trapped in abdomen. When the gas escapes, it smells like rotten eggs. Next, it is a highly recommended medicine to manage anal itching, tingling and irritation. The constant itching may get worse in the evening and cause restlessness and sleeplessness at night which may be due to worms mainly threadworms. Teucrium is also prescribed for person with ascarides worms in the intestine. Crawling sensation is felt in rectum after passing stool. Besides these, Teucrium can be administered to stop vomits which are dark green in colour.

Key indicating features

1. Cutting/drawing/ tearing pain in stomach which increases after drinking water or beer

2. Anal itching, tingling and irritation

3. Worms – threadworms, ascarides

3. Throat (sore throat)

This medicine is recommended to manage throat pain. The pain is variable and can be tearing/ shooting/stinging or drawing type, and causes difficulty in swallowing. There is a desire for hawking (clearing the throat to cough out phlegm) frequently. Mucus has a moldy taste and gets expelled on hawking.

Key indicating features

1. Throat pain of tearing, shooting, stinging or drawing type

2. Hawking (expelling) of mucus having a moldy taste

4. Eyes (tarsal tumours; red, inflamed eyes and red puffy eyelids)

Regarding its action on eyes, Teucrium is mainly useful in treating tarsal tumours (nodes on eyelids). These are painless but attended with blurring of vision. Secondly, it is indicated for red, inflamed eyes. Excessive flow of tears from eyes especially in open air happens.  Lastly, it can be used for cases of red, puffy upper eyelids.

Key indicating features

1. Tarsal tumors

2. Red, puffy upper eyelids

5. Ears (earache, noises in ear, herpes)

Teucrium also has limited action on the ears. It can reduce tearing/shooting pain in the ear. It is also indicated for managing noises in ear (tinnitus) of ringing/ hissing type. Teucrium can effectively deal with dry herpes with scales of white colour on and behind the ears.

Key indicating features

1. Tearing/ shooting pain in ear

2. Ringing or hissing noises in ear

3. Herpes with white scales on and behind the ear

6. Limbs (ingrown toenails, joint pain)

It is a leading medicine for dealing with ingrown toenails in which the corner of the nail curves and grows into the surrounding skin, mainly on the thumb toe. There may be ulceration. Teucrium is beneficial in joint pain which aggravates in the evening and gets better by movement. The joints of arms, hands, fingers and toes are mainly affected. Finger joints have a tendency to bend over easily.  Burning sensation on finger tips may be felt.

Key indicating features

1. Ingrown toenail mainly of thumb toe with ulceration

2. Joint pain worse in evening and better from movement

7. Male problems (urethra inflammation, low libido)

In the case of males, this medicine is valuable to manage pain that extends from the abdomen into the spermatic cord and testes. The pain is drawing/ pressing type. Teucrium can be given for inflammation of urethra due to gonorrhoea (a bacterial infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). It is useful in managing burning pain in the forepart of urethra when not urinating. It also helps in cases of low libido.

Key indicating features

1. Abdomen pain extending to spermatic cord and testes

2. Inflamed urethra after gonorrhoea

3. Burning biting pain in forepart of urethra when not urinating

8. Female problems (vaginal polyps, uterine fibroids)

In females, Teucrium is of great value to treat cases of vaginal polyps. It is effective in treating smooth, pear-shaped and pedunculated (has a stalk and looks like a mushroom) polyps protruding beyond hymen. It is also indicated for managing cases of uterine fibroids which are non-cancerous tumours that can develop in or on uterus during child-bearing age of women.

Key indicating features

1. Smooth, pear-shaped, pedunculated (stalked, mushroom-like) vaginal polyps


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse depending on the right/ left nostril the polyp arises on and the person lies down on, sitting, warmth, wet weather

Relieving factors: Complaints are better from movement


Teucrium can be used in both low to high potencies. In low potency like 30C, it can be taken frequently but in high potencies (like 200C, 1M) frequent repetition is not recommended.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor

Followed well by China, Pulsatilla and Silicea

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Chamomilla – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications and Dosage

The medicine Chamomilla is derived from the plant Matricaria Chamomilla belonging to family Compositae. This plant when in early bloom undergoes potentization (process to prepare homeopathic medicines that arouses the medicinal powers of the crude substance) after which it gets converted into homeopathic medicine Chamomilla.

The ‘Chamomilla’ Constitution

This medicine is recommended for people who are sensitive and extremely emotional. This medicine suits children well, especially during dentition period (development and arrangement of teeth). It is also suitable for treating children suffering from various gastric issues. Other than this, it suits adults with joint problems.

Drug Action

It has an effect on the mind, head, ears, teeth, face, throat, stomach, rectum, female genitals and nerves.

Clinical Indications

Dentition problems, earache, anger issues, sore throat, stomach pain, diarrhea, wind colic, toothache, mumps, nerve pain, heavy periods, menstrual cramps, sleeplessness, and night terrors.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints vis-a-vis one’s Mental State (Irritability, Anger, Obstinacy)

It is a highly valuable medicine to manage many complaints related to the mind. It is pre-eminently a medicine to manage irritability and anger. It offers great help to manage intense irritability in children. A general desire of such a child is to be carried by an elder on the lap all the time. They are very cross and snappish, and ill–mannered. They dislike talking and become angry if someone speaks to them. They cannot answer politely. They tend to annoy those around them. Obstinacy, dissatisfaction and highly demanding nature is presented by them. They desire many things at a time, but when offered do not take them. Restlessness is marked in such children along with these symptoms. They are impatient and tend to do everything hastily and hurriedly.Intense irritability in children during dentition is a strong indication to use it. Other than the above-mentioned, this medicine is administered to people who have a bad temper and are prone to excessive anger.

Key indicating features

1. irritable, obstinate children with a constant desire to be carried in arms

2. irritability in children during dentition

3. restlessness in children

2. For Dentition Problems (Irritability, Diarrhea and red, tender Gums)

It is the first choice of medicine to treat a number of issues that children face during dentition period. First among them is managing irritability. The child becomes very obstinate and fussy during teething. He or she wishes to be carried in the arms all the time. Second complaint is tenderness and redness of gums. One cheek may be red and hot, while the other is pale and cold. Diarrhea during dentition is next highly guiding symptom to use it. There is yellowish, green, foul-smelling, loose stool accompanied by stomach pain. Fever during dentition is another major symptom.

Key indicating features

1. irritable, cranky children during teething with a desire to be carried in the arms all the time

2. diarrhea during teething

3.  red, tender gums

3. Teeth and Gums (toothache; red, swollen, tender gums)

It has proved to be beneficial for toothache and swollen gums. With its action on teeth, this remedy helps to manage intense toothache, which gets worse at night causing sleeplessness. The nature of pain varies, it can be the following type — stitching, drawing, throbbing or digging. At times, the pain can extend to the eye or the ear. It may get worse due to a cold gust of air in the room, warm drinks/food, or while talking. Toothache comes and goes in spurts. The cheek is swollen, red and hot along with tooth pain. Teeth may be sensitive to touch, increased salivation occurs. Chamomilla effectively manages swollen gums with burning sensation, and cases where gums are red and tender during dentition.

Key indicating features

1. toothache worse at night and with sleeplessness

2. toothache from warm food/drinks, while talking, exposure to cold draught of air

3. red, tender gums during teething

4. Throat Concerns (sore throat, mumps)

This medicine has marked action on throat. It settles many complaints like sore throat, inflamed tonsils, and throat. The throat appears dark red from the inside on clinical examination, there is a feeling of something being stuck in throat which causes hawking (clearing effort to cough out phlegm). The throat feels hot and there is difficulty in swallowing solid food. This medicine also helps to manage swelling of salivary glands __ parotid and submaxillary glands. Chamomilla exhibits powerful action in treating mumps (a viral infection of parotid glands).

Key indicating features

1. sore throat with dark redness

2. swelling of parotid and submaxillary glands

3. mumps

5. Ears (earache, ear Infection and Noise in ear)

Chamomilla can be given for ear pain. Those who need it mainly have stitching/ tearing or pressing pain. The pain can be intense which gets better after giving some heat treatment. The sensitivity to noise is also marked. There is swelling and heat in the ears. Ears get painful on touch. Next, it can be used for middle ear infection and inflammation (otitis media). Pain in the ear and fever are marked in such cases. Ears feels clogged. Lastly, it is suitable to manage roaring noises, rushing-water noises in the ears.

Key indicating features

1. intense ear pain – tearing/stitching or pressing type

2. otitis media (inflamation)

3. noises in the ear – roaring/ rushing-water noises

6. Face (facial Neuralgia, Twitching of Facial Muscles)

This medicine has shown clinical improvements in cases of nerve pain in face (facial neuralgia). The pain can be so intense that one could start screaming. The pain may be restricted to one side. The nature of pain varies. It can be drawing/pulsating or shooting type. There is marked burning sensation on the face, swelling on the face and cheeks can occur. Chamomilla can also be given for twitching of facial muscles and lips.

Key indicating features

1. facial nerve pain of intense nature

2. twitching of facial muscles and lips

7. Head (Headache, profuse Sweating on Scalp)

Chamomilla is useful to manage headache,  especially on one side which is mostly drawing or throbbing type. Another characteristic is headache worsens after drinking coffee. There is a tendency for excessive sweating on the scalp.

Key indicating features

1. headache worsens after drinking coffee

2. excessive sweating on forehead and scalp

8. Gastric issues (Stomach Pain, Diarrhea)

Chamomilla can be of great help to treat colic (stomach pain) in children which causes gripping pain in the umbilical region. Distension of abdomen may occur. Stomach pain may occur from gas accumulation (wind colic). Children who get stomach pain specifically during dentition can highly benefit from this medicine. It is one of the best medicines for managing diarrhea in children during dentition. Stool is watery, yellowish, greenish and slimy, with an offensive or foul smell. It is accompanied by stomach pain and the anus may be swollen.

Key indicating features

1. griping pain in the umbilical region

2. wind colic (stomach pain from gas)

3. diarrhea during dentition

9. Female Problems (Painful Menses, Heavy Periods, Vaginal Discharge)

This medicine can be helpful for women to manage complaints like menstrual pain, menorrhagia (heavy or prolonged bleeding during menses) and vaginal discharge. Menses are heavy with dark clots. There may be dark blood, occasionally bright red, which is foul-smelling. Limbs are cold during menses. It can be very effective for menstrual pain, where there is excessive pain with marked irritability of mind. It can also be given for vaginal discharges. The discharge is yellow, attended with a burning sensation in the vagina.

Key indicating features

1. heavy periods with dark, foul blood

2. painful menses with irritability

3. yellowish vaginal discharge with burning

10. Sleep Issues (Sleeplessness, Restless Sleep, Night Terrors)

It can prove to be a brilliant remedy for resolving various sleep issues: sleeplessness, restless sleep, night terrors, and snoring. In case of sleeplessness, it helps when a person is unable to sleep though one feels sleepy. One may keep awake till 2 am. A person is restless with tossing and turning in bed. Sleeplessness may be due to pain or heat in the body. Jerking during sleep may occur, while in persons having night terrors, this remedy may help when they are anxious and have frightful dreams, like a serious accident. Chamomilla helps children who wake several times at night from frightful dreams. They get startled suddenly during sleep and start crying. Talking in sleep is another striking symptom to use this medicine.

Key indicating features

1. sleeplessness which continues till wee hours

2. frightful dreams

3. talking in sleep


Worsening factors: Those needing it have general worsening of complaints caused by anger, heat; in the open air and at night.

Relieving factors: A general relief occurs in warm wet weather. Children may feel better from being carried in arms.


Chamomilla works well in both low and high potencies. The potency is selected individually for every case. In low potency like 30C, it can be repeated frequently. But when using in high potencies like 200C; 1M frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Alumina, Borax, China, Coffea, Colocynth, Nux Vomica and Valeriana

Followed well by Aconite, Arnica, Belladonna, Calcarea Carb, Merc Sol, Silicea and Sulphur

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Seven Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Sore Throat

A sore throat refers to constant pain, itching, and a scratchy feeling in the throat that causes difficulty in swallowing. The pain is a result of inflammation (swelling) somewhere in the throat. Inflammation at the back of the throat is known as pharyngitis, while inflammation of the tonsils present on the sides of the throat is known as tonsillitis.

The effectiveness of homeopathy is well-known in cases of sore throat. Homeopathic remedies are of great service in symptom management of sore throat, besides decreasing inflammation in the throat. It works successfully in bringing relief to symptoms like pain in the throat, itching, irritation in the throat, dryness, burning in the throat, hoarseness, and cough. The basic aim of homeopathic treatment for sore throat is strengthening the immunity of the body to fight the root cause and aid recovery.

Highly effective in treating acute, chronic and recurrent cases

Homeopathic medicines prove beneficial in both acute as well as chronic and recurrent cases of sore throat. In acute cases, it eases the symptoms and helps in shortening the recovery process resulting in prompt relief. In chronic cases, where a person has a tendency to get sore throat very often, there is no better option than homeopathy. Homeopathy helps to reduce the frequency and intensity of episodes of sore throat remarkably by boosting the self-healing system of the body to reduce the susceptibility to infections and other ailments (occurring from allergies, acid reflux) by treating the underlying cause. In conventional mode, antibiotics are prescribed frequently in cases of sore throat irrespective of the nature of infection, while antibiotics are only required in case of a bacterial infection. With regular use of homeopathy for the prescribed duration of treatment, the reliance on antibiotics is significantly reduced in sore throat cases.

Best choice due to its organic ingredients

Homeopathy is the topmost treatment option in cases of sore throat due to the use of natural, and side effects-free medicines. Homeopathy works well in persons of all age groups, especially in children who are more prone to suffer sore throat time and again. The efficacy of homeopathic treatment for sore throat is just incomparable, the highest advantage being the safest and most gentle mode of treatment.

Principle of personalized care

Homeopathic prescription varies from person to person. The selection of a homeopathic remedy is done after a detailed assessment of the characteristic symptoms in the individual. It would be no surprise if two persons suffering from sore throat are given different sets of medicines in homeopathy as it is based on one of the greatest fundamental homeopathic law of individualization which is the most important rule to be followed on the path to recovery.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Sore Throat

The top seven homeopathic medicines for the treatment of sore throat are Belladonna, Merc Sol, Hepar Sulph, Merc Iod Flavus, Merc Iod Ruber, Phytolacca and Tuberculinum.

1. Belladonna – Top-grade Medicine

The first medicine that comes to a homeopathic physician’s mind to treat a sore throat is Belladonna. It is the most prescribed medicine to treat sore throat. Those who need to be administered Belladonna have marked pain in the throat along with sore, bright red, and inflamed throat. There is shooting pain, especially when swallowing liquids, and the throat is dry. Tonsils are also inflamed, swollen, and red. Fever with intense heat may be present.

When to use Belladonna?

It is recommended as the first line of treatment in cases of sore throat with bright red and inflamed throat with marked pain.

How to use Belladonna?

It can be used in both low and high potencies among which the most preferred is 30C potency once to thrice a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

2. Merc Sol – For Stitching (sharp) Pain from Throat to Ear

It is a very effective medicine when a person has stitching pain in the throat going up to the ears on swallowing. Along with this rawness, smarting, and burning are felt in the throat. There is bluish-red swelling inside the throat. Inflammation ulcers can be present in the throat. Increased salivation is another characteristic feature when this medicine can be administered.  Some people tend to get sore throat during every weather change; such individuals can benefit tremendously by using this medicine.

When to use Merc Sol?

The key symptom for using this medicine is stitching pain in the throat that goes up to the ears while swallowing food or water.

How to use Merc Sol?

Merc Sol 30C can be taken once or twice a day.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Sharp Splinter-like Pricking Sensation in the Throat

It is a highly suitable medicine when there is a sensation of splinters (sharp objects penetrating the tissue) in the throat while swallowing solid food. The pain from the throat may extend up to the ears. On physical examination of the throat, enlarged red follicles may be seen.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

Hepar Sulph is indicated when the main complaint is a splinter-like pricking sensation in the throat.

How to use Hepar Sulph?

Use of Hepar Sulph 30C is advised one to three times a day.

4. Merc Iod Flavus – For Sore Throat and Pain on Right side of Throat

This medicine is specific to treat sore throat mostly on the right side. Its use is also considered when soreness in the throat begins on the right side, and then goes to the left. Persons needing it have a constant desire to swallow. A sticky mucus and lump is felt in the throat. Small ulcers can be present at the back of the throat.

When to use Merc Iod Flavus? 

This medicine can be used for sore throat on the right side or when a sore throat moves from the right side to the left.

How to use Merc Iod Flavus?

This medicine can be taken in 30C power once or twice a day.

5. Merc Iod Ruber – For Sore Throat and Pain on the Left Side of the Throat

It is particularly prescribed for sore throat pain on the left side. It is also administered when pain in the throat starts from the left side and gradually moves to the right. Apart from sore throat and cough, there is an urge to forcefully spit out the phlegm, and the sensation of a lump in the throat is felt.

When to use Merc Iod Ruber?

Consider its use for cases of left-sided sore throat and also when soreness in the throat moves from left to right.

How to use Merc Iod Ruber?

Merc Iod Ruber can be used one to two times a day.

6. Phytolacca – With Marked Pain and Heated Sensation in Throat

This medicine is prominently indicated for managing sore throat with pain and heated sensation in the throat. The throat looks red or bluish-red. Mainly the right side of the throat is more affected. The tonsil on the right side is also swollen and dark red. There is an inability to swallow anything hot.

When to use Phytolacca?

Opt for its use to manage sore throat with pain along with marked heated sensation in the throat, especially on the right side.

How to use Phytolacca?

It is advised to take Phytolacca 30C once or twice daily.

7. Tuberculinum – To combat the Tendency of Recurrent Sore Throat

This medicine is beneficial for cases of recurrent sore throat. Those needing this medicine get sore throat quite frequently. There is throat inflammation along with inflamed and enlarged tonsils. The throat is dry and painful. Tickling is felt in the throat that leads to coughing.

When to use Tuberculinum?

Its use is suggested in cases where there is a tendency to get a sore throat very often.

How to use Tuberculinum?

It is a deep-acting medicine that is usually given in 200C potency once or twice a month.

Note:  It is to be noted that homeopathic medicines can be used in most of the cases of sore throat independently but in cases of strep throat (bacterial infection) use of homeopathic medicine is recommended along with conventional treatment since strep throat can cause further complications.

What Causes Sore Throat?

Viral Infections

Out of all the cases of sore throat, around 90 – 95 per cent of the cases arise from a viral infection. The primary viral infections that lead to a sore throat are influenza (flu), common cold, measles, chicken pox, mumps, mononucleosis, and Covid-19

Bacterial Infections

Bacterial infections linked to a sore throat are more serious than viral infections. The most noteworthy is an infection caused by Group A streptococcus bacteria that can lead to strep throat and it needs quick medical diagnosis and treatment. It mostly affects children, but people of any age group can be affected. If left untreated it can lead to complications like rheumatic fever (an inflammatory disease involving joints, heart, skin, and brain), kidney inflammation (glomerulonephritis), peritonsillar abscess (collection of pus beside the tonsils), and mastoiditis (inner ear infection).


A person who has allergies is usually prone to developing a sore throat. The common allergens include dust, pollen, grass, molds, and pet dander (mainly from dogs and cats). PND (post nasal dripping) of mucus is the main cause of a sore throat that develops due to allergies. Mucus dripping from posterior nares (nostrils) into the throat tends to cause scratching, tickling, and irritation in the throat.


Dry air tends to decrease the moisture levels of the throat, leading to dryness, roughness, and itching in the throat. Breathing from the mouth also causes dryness leading to a sore throat.


Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) may also lead to a sore throat in some. In GERD, the stomach acid flows backward into the food pipe due to improper functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This may also cause a sore throat; its other main symptoms are heartburn, lump in the throat, regurgitation of sour liquid, and chest pain.

Voice overstraining

Talking loudly, yelling, and speaking for a long time without a break may also cause soreness in the throat.

Signs and Symptoms

Pain in the throat that worsens on swallowing food, drinks, or even saliva

Itching, irritation, and scratchy feeling in the throat

Difficulty in swallowing

Redness, swelling of throat and tonsils along with pain

White patches, pus, or ulcers on the tonsils

Hoarseness of voice


Dryness in the throat

Burning sensation in the throat


Nasal symptoms (like a runny nose, blocked nose, and sneezing)

Enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck that can be felt

Some general symptoms that accompany a sore throat are fever (with or without chills), weakness, headache, and body aches.

Who is At Risk of a Sore Throat?

Though sore throat may affect anyone some factors increase its risk:

Age:  Sore throats are more common in children and teenagers.

Weak immunity:  Those having weak immunity due to diabetes, stress, or poor diet may get sore throat more often than others.

Long-term sinusitis: People having sinusitis may have PND (post-nasal discharge) in which the mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat. It can irritate the throat and cause soreness.

Passive smoking/ Overexposure to smoke: Smoking as well as exposure to smoke both lead to irritation of the throat and enhance the chance to get a sore throat.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Drosera Rotundifolia – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Drosera Rotundifolia is a natural homeopathic medicine derived from plant round leaved sundew. It belongs to the family droseraceae. Drosera is prepared from this active fresh plant through a process of potentization (it is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance). It is a top grade medicine in homeopathy to manage cases of cough particularly dry, irritative cough.

The ‘Drosera Rotundifolia’ Constitution

This medicine prominently suits persons having a tendency to cough, mainly dry cough and those affected with tuberculosis. It is also suitable for children who mainly suffer from nocturnal cough (cough at night). 

Drug Action 

The utmost and most wide action of this medicine is seen on the respiratory tract and larynx. Other than this it also acts on other body parts though not as extensively as above mentioned areas. Such body parts where it has limited action includes throat, joints, limbs, skin, nose, face, neck and back.

Clinical Indications

Cough, asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, hoarseness of voice, haemorrhages (bleeding), measles, joint pain, bone pains, writer’s cramp, cold, nose bleeding, facial pain, back pain, neck pain.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Respiratory problems (cough, asthma, bronchitis)

Pre-eminently this medicine has the most prominent action on the respiratory system to deal with various problems related to it. Drosera is very effective for managing cases of cough. Majorly it helps out cases of dry, irritative cough. It is a deep, barking sort of cough. The cough occurs in fits at rapid intervals. The main characteristic is worsening of cough from talking, singing and laughing. It stands out as a dominant medicine for spasmodic cough in which cough ends up in vomiting. It is a top listed medicine to manage cough in children. The peculiar feature to use it here is coughing in children worsening at night as soon as the child lies down. Another specific indication is cough form constant tickling in the larynx, feels as if there is a feather in the larynx which is causing cough. 
It is also effective for cases of asthma where asthma worsens from talking. There is a contracted sensation in my throat from talking. There is difficult breathing and vomiting of tough mucus. Bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs) cases also respond well to this medicine. It is particularly an important medicine for managing bronchitis in elderly people. In such cases there is a cough worsening on lying down and at night with expectoration of yellow mucus. Another complaint where this medicine seems to be of help is chest pain when coughing or sneezing.  This medicine can be given for managing complaints of cough with blood spitting. Last indication to use it is cough with blood spitting or cough with vomiting in tuberculosis cases.

Key indicating features

Dry, irritative, deep barking type of cough
Cough in fits occurring at short intervals
Cough from talking, singing and laughing
Spasmodic cough when cough ends up in vomiting
Cough in children that worsens at night as soon as child lie down
Cough excited from tickling in the larynx
Asthma worsening from talking with contracted sensation in throat from talking
Bronchitis in elderly people
Cough with blood spitting

  1. Throat (sore throat, laryngitis)

This medicine also acts well on the throat. Cases of sore throat when there is redness, dryness, and roughness in the throat can be wonderfully managed with it. There is difficulty in swallowing solid food, person feels stinging pain when swallowing. There may occur yellow, greenish phlegm. It can successfully handle cases of Clergyman’s sore throat (Sore throat in those who overuse voices like public speakers). It is well indicated for laryngitis (inflammation of larynx or voice box) cases when there is a deep, hoarse voice. Sometimes the voice is cracking, husky, having no tone and the person has to put efforts to speak. A feather sensation in the larynx is prominent. Crawling and tickling can be felt in the larynx that excites coughing.

Key indicating features

Clergyman’s sore throat means sore throat in persons who overuse voice like as in public speakers
Laryngitis with deep, hoarse, cracking, husky or toneless voice
Feather sensation in larynx
Crawling and tickling in larynx that excites cough

  1. Limbs (joint pain, bone pains, muscle pain, writer’s cramp)

With its action on limbs it can be of great help to manage joint pains, bone pains, muscle pain and writer’s cramp. Its use is recommended for hip joint pain on the right side. It is a laming sort of pain that makes the sufferer limp when walking. Its use is  considered for ankle pain on the right side along with stiffness. The pain occurs when walking. There is stiffness in the joints of feet. 
It is beneficial for bone pain in the long bones, mainly for stitching type of pain. It worsens from motion and is somewhat relieved with rest. For muscles generally it is useful when there is stitching pain in muscles of upper and lower limb felt in every position.
Specifically, it is indicated for pain in muscles in the back of thigh, it is worse when stooping and also from pressure. Another indication is pain in the calf muscles of the right side when it is cutting stitching type, and occurs when sitting. Lastly it is valuable medicine for cases of writer’s cramp (a condition affecting fingers, hands, forearms in which there occurs involuntary contraction of muscles when doing activities with hands like writing, typing, instrument playing with hand and similar activities). There is contraction and rigidity of fingers when a person grasps anything when this medicine is required.

Key indicating features

Hip joint pain on right side causing limping when walking
Pain and stiffness in right sided ankle when walking
Pain in long bones
Stitching pain in muscles of upper and lower limb that is felt in every position
Writer’s cramp

  1. Skin (itching, measles and ulcers)

When it comes to skin, it helps manage complaints including itching, measles and ulcers. In cases needing it the itching occurs particularly while undressing. If scratched the skin peels off. Itching is accompanied with prickling, stinging and burning sensation. The itching is better from rubbing skin. There may occur sore painful eruptions as well. For ulcers it is selected when skin ulcers have burning, cutting pain, and pus or bleeding is present. This complaint is worse from the warmth of the bed and better from cold. This medicine is also considered for measles cases management. Lastly, it is an important medicine for treating black pores on the chin and nose.

Key indicating features

Itching while undressing, better from rubbing
Itching with prickling, stinging and burning sensation
Skin ulcers with burning, cutting pain, and pus or bleeding
Black pores on chin and nose

  1. Nose (cold, nasal bleeding)

By acting on the nose, Drosera offers benefits to manage cases of nasal bleeding. It is used when bleeding from the nose arises from blowing nose or from coughing. In some cases nose bleeding specifically occurs in evening time.  It is useful for a cold with a runny nose in the morning, accompanied with sneezing.

Key indicating features

Nose bleeding in evening
Nose bleeding from blowing nose and on coughing

  1. Face (pain, eruptions)

If we talk of face this medicine is well indicated to manage facial pain. To use this medicine the main feature is pain in the face that increases from touch and pressure. Prickling sensation and burning in cheeks may be felt. The face is red and hot. It also gives good results in case of pus filled (pustular) eruptions on the face, when stitching sensation is present in these. Touch worsens this complaint.

Key indicating features

Facial pain that worsens from touch and pressure
Pus filled (pustular) eruptions on face with stitching sensation 

  1. Neck and Back (pain)

Drosera is indicated to settle a few complaints related to neck and back. The first indication here to use it is pain and stiffness of neck which is worse from motion. Neck is painful to touch as well. Another indication is pain in the back specifically felt in the early morning. 

Key indicating features

Pain and stiffness of neck, worse from motion
Pain in back specifically in the early morning.


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from lying down, talking, singing, laughing, after midnight

Relieving factors: Complaints are better in open air, sitting up in bed, from pressure and being quiet

Drosera Rotundifolia Dosage

This medicine works equally well in both low and high potency. In low potency it can be repeated frequently but in high potency its frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphora

Followed well by: Calcarea Carb, Conium, Cina, Pulsatilla, Sulphur and Veratrum Album

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Supportive Homeopathic Treatment for Pulmonary Tuberculosis 

Pulmonary tuberculosis refers to an infection of the lungs caused by a bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is a contagious infection that spreads easily from an infected person to a healthy person. A person can get infected by breathing in air droplets exhaled from an infected person during coughing, sneezing or laughing. Homeopathic treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis offers supportive treatment and is recommended along with conventional treatment. 
Pulmonary tuberculosis

The chances of catching this infection is high in people who are exposed to persons having TB,  who live in crowded places and where hygiene is not properly maintained.

Not everyone who is exposed to this infection gets sick. In most persons, after entry of the germs in the body, the infection is kept under control and prevented from spreading by the immune system. Such people are said to have latent TB (means they don’t get any symptoms and are not contagious). But a person carrying this bacteria who does not develop symptoms still has latent TB (means the infection stays inactive for years). It may reactivate and develop into active TB in which the bacteria multiplies and leads to signs and symptoms of the infection. In the stage of active TB, a person is contagious. Risk of reactivation is high in persons having weak immune systems (as from diabetes, chronic steroid use, chemotherapy),  elderly people, infants, in those who smoke, people having some autoimmune disorder and persons with kidney disease.


Symptoms develop gradually. The main symptoms are cough lasting for a minimum three weeks duration, coughing up phlegm, coughing up blood,  chest pain and breathing difficulty. The general symptoms that are present with these includes fever, chills, night sweats, an unexplained weight loss, appetite loss, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. The symptoms are present in the active TB stage. There are s=no symptoms in the latent stage.  

If it is not treated correctly in time then it can cause permanent damage to lungs. It can also spread to other organs  (spine, brain, heart or liver) and cause its damage and even life threatening problems. 

Supportive Homeopathic Treatment for Pulmonary Tuberculosis 

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in case of tuberculosis along with conventional mode for managing its symptoms. Homeopathic medicines help to manage its signs and symptoms including cough, chest pain, mild breathing difficulty, fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss, appetite loss, fatigue and vomiting. These medicines work by boosting the body’s immune system to fight with the infection. These medicines are recommended only when the symptoms are of mild to moderate intensity and not in severe cases. The homeopathic medicine for symptom management of TB needs to be carefully selected depending on the symptoms of an individual. Tuberculosis is a serious disease and it can have life threatening complications. So it is strictly advised to use any homeopathic medicines under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor who can after detailed case study prescribe the best suitable medicine for a case. In no case self prescription should be done. It is also strictly noted that homeopathic medicines should be taken along with conventional treatment and in no case considered a substitute for conventional treatment given in Tuberculosis. 

  1. Tuberculinum – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for these cases. In cases needing it there is dry, hard, hacking cough. It is present throughout the day but gets worse during sleep. Profuse sweating is present with this. Next there is weight loss. Excessive exhaustion attends it. Tiredness is present all the time. 

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Initial Stage

This medicine is mostly helpful in the initial stage of tuberculosis. The symptoms indicating its use are cough, stitching pain in the chest and oppression of breathing. Cough is hoarse, loose and rattling. It is attended with thick yellow expectoration. It can be bloody also. Along with cough suffocative attacks can be present.

  1. Stannum Met – For Cough, Weakness, Weight Loss

This is a well indicated medicine for cases in which there is cough, weakness and weight loss. In cases needing it the cough is attended with copious, greenish, or yellowish coloured expectoration. It has an offensive taste.  Sometimes there is tough glairy mucus mixed with pus. In the morning the expectoration is easy but it is difficult in the evening and at night. Cough is very exhausting and continues day and night. Along with this fever is present. Shivering during the day occurs. Night sweats are also there. Difficulty in breathing may also be present. This is worse from motion. Marked prostration, tiredness are there that compels the person to stay in bed.  Weakness of limbs, pain in all limbs, weakness in chest, paleness, weight loss are there with above symptoms.

  1. Spongia – For Cough, Weakness and Breathing Difficulty

It is a suitable medicine when there is cough, weakness and breathing difficulty. Cough is dry, hacking type where it is required. It worsens from evening to midnight. It is also worse from cold air exposure and from talking. Eating or drinking relieves the cough. The breathing difficulty is worse  when lying down. Exhaustion attends it. It is felt after every exertion.

  1. Phosphorus – For Blood Stained Spit 

This medicine is prominently indicated for cases in which there is blood stained expectoration.  Along with this cough and soreness in the chest is present. Easy fatigue, weight loss is also there. Fever and night sweats attend above symptoms. Other than this it is also indicated for expectoration of pus which is salty to taste or copious yellow phlegm.

  1. Iodum – For Excessive Weight Loss 

This medicine is important for cases in which weight loss is excessive. With this there is almost continuous fever and profuse night sweats. Cough is present which is a short, irritating type. It is worse at night time. Cough is accompanied with tough, stringy and blood streaked expectoration. Pressure and heaviness on the chest occurs with above symptoms. Difficulty breathing from least exertion or talking may also be present. Debility and weakness are there in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Cough and Chest Constriction

It is valuable medicine for cases in which cough and chest constriction are present. For using it the cough is loose with rattling in the chest. Profuse sputum is expectorated with cough. It is  whitish – yellow coloured. It is pus-like and mostly occurs in the morning. The cough produces a headache in the frontal part of the head. With this there is oppression or constriction of the chest. It is relieved by drawing shoulders backward. Lastly there may be chest pain on inspiration. Along with above symptoms the chest may be painfully sensitive to touch.

  1. Drosera – For Cough and Chest Pain

This medicine is prepared from a plant named Drosera Rotundifolia commonly known as round – leaved sundew. This plant belongs to the family droseraceae. Use of this medicine is indicated when there is cough with chest pain. Cough is violent in cases that require this medicine. With cough there is spitting of blood and pus. Additionally, a foul pus-like taste is present in the mouth.

  1. Kali Carb – When there is Cough and Stitching Pain in Chest

It is an important medicine when there is a cough and stitching pain in the chest. Cough is exhausting where this medicine is required.  With cough there is profuse expectoration of whitish yellow pus or of green coloured scabs. Whistling and wheezing in the chest may also occur. Cough worsens from any exertion. Loss of appetite and weight loss attends these symptoms. In addition to this fever, sweating in the morning and night is present. Chills may be felt in the afternoon 

  1. Ferrum Met – With Cough, Weight Loss and Vomiting

This medicine is used when there is cough, weight loss and vomiting. Persons who need it also have pus like, greenish or blood streaked expectoration. The expectoration has a foul taste. They have  vomiting of ingesta. They have weight loss, excessive sweating, loss of appetite and great weakness. Next they feel constriction in the chest and have difficult respiration. Lastly they feel stitching pain in the chest that extends  into the shoulder blades.

  1. Sanguinaria Can – For Cough, Fever, Burning Sensation in Chest

It is prepared from a plant Sanguinaria canadensis commonly known as Blood root. It belongs to the papaveraceae family. Persons requiring it have a cough with fever. They usually have a fever around 2 pm or 4 pm. Their cheeks have a bright circumscribed flush during fever. The sputum is expectorated and breath has a bad smell. Burning sensation in the chest is also present. There may occur sharp chest pain and soreness of chest muscles. Breathing difficulty can also be present. 

  1. Silicea – When there is Cough, Vomiting and Night Sweat

This medicine is indicated when there is cough, vomiting and night sweat. Vomiting is usually of tenacious mucus, especially in the morning. There is difficulty breathing, chilliness, pus expectoration and sometimes blood spitting. With this pressing pain in the chest attends. Weakness in the chest also accompanies this.

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10 Effective Homeopathic Remedies For Croup

Croup which is also known as “Laryngotracheobronchitis” is an infection of the upper airway that occurs in younger children. It is usually caused by a virus that causes inflammation and swelling of the larynx (voice box), trachea (windpipe) and bronchial tubes (that carry air to and from the lungs). This swelling leads to cough and other signs and symptoms of this condition. There is also an obstruction of the airway, a typical barking cough, difficulty in breathing and hoarseness of voice. Homeopathic remedies for Croup are of natural origin and hence are very safe to use for children and have no side effects.

It is a very common condition. It mostly occurs in younger children. The age group most affected with this is from 6 months to 5 yrs of age. But in rare cases it can even occur in children up to 15 yrs of age. It affects boys more commonly than girls. 

TypesHomeopathic Remedies For Croup

  1. Viral Croup

It usually results from a viral infection. The most common virus that causes it is parainfluenza virus (types 1 and 2). This virus is responsible for causing infection in around 80 % of these cases.  Apart from this other viruses that can cause it includes adenovirus, influenza virus A & B, metapneumovirus and respiratory syncytial virus. A child may get this infection directly from breathing the air droplets infected with cough or sneeze by an infected child. Other than this it can also spread indirectly. In this case it can occur in a child after touching any object (like toys) / any other surface (which is contaminated with the virus from droplets of cough / sneeze of an infected child) and afterwards touching his / her nose, eyes or mouth without washing and cleaning them properly.  

  1. Bacterial Croup

Other than viruses, croup can also be caused by a bacterial infection which is rarer but more severe than the viral one. Most times initially viral infection occurs that causes croup and is followed by secondary bacterial infection in these cases. The bacteria involved includes Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis and Haemophilus influenzae.

  1. Spasmodic Croup

This type is believed  to arise from allergies like from pollens or from reflux (in which the stomach contents back flow in the food pipe). It occurs all of sudden mostly in the middle of night. Fever doesn’t occur commonly in this type.


It usually begins as a cold. Initially there occurs runny nose, sore throat and mild fever. If the inflammation and this condition progresses, then there occurs the next set of symptoms. It mainly includes barking coughs that sound like dog bark or a seal. The cough tends to get worse from crying, anxiety and agitation. Next symptoms are hoarseness of voice, noisy breathing or a high – pitched sound while breathing produced from obstructed air flow (stridor), labored breathing and difficulty in breathing. The symptoms of croup are often worse at night time. Mostly croups are mild and self limiting that lasts less than a week. One must seek immediate medical help if there occurs bluish or grayish skin around the nose, mouth or fingernails pointing towards cyanosis;  noisy / high – pitched breathing sounds during inhaling as well as exhaling; difficult breathing; has difficulty in swallowing; is anxious, listless,  delirious, agitated or restless.

Some of the uncommon complications include bacterial tracheitis (inflammation of trachea that is caused by a bacteria), pulmonary edema (accumulation of fluid in the tissue and air spaces of the lungs) and pneumonia ( an infection which causes inflammation of the air sacs in one or both lungs)

Homeopathic Remedies For Croup

Homeopathy carries a great scope to manage cases of croup. The homeopathic medicines for treating it are of natural origin and hence are very safe to use for children and have no side effects. These medicines aim to boost the self healing mechanism of the body that will help to fight with the infectious agent and aid natural recovery. These medicines reduce the inflammation, swelling present in the larynx, trachea, bronchial tubes and provide relief in the symptoms. These help to manage barking cough, hoarseness of voice, noisy breathing and difficult breathing when in mild to moderate intensity. But in cases where the symptoms are severe, breathing difficulty is very intense or there is bluish or grayish skin around the nose, mouth or fingernails due to cyanosis, in that case urgent help from conventional mode of treatment is advised. 

  1. Spongia – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine to treat cases of croup. The cases needing it present with dry, rough and barking coughs. It is a short and irritating type.  Cough is present day and night but may worsen at night time. Child needing it may wake up at night with a violent harsh cough and quick respiration. With the above symptoms, difficulty in breathing is there. Next attending feature is sharp whistling in the chest. Noisy breathing is also there. A sensation of roughness or burning may be felt in the larynx. Hoarseness of voice is present along with above symptoms. In these cases constriction in the larynx  during sleep may also be felt. Additionally there is fever with dry skin, red face and excessive thirst. There may be cold preceding the cough.

  1. Sambucus – When Fluent Coryza Is Followed By Cough

It is the next prominent medicine for treating cases of croup. It is prepared from fresh leaves and flowers of plant Sambucus Nigra commonly known as elder. This plant belongs to the family caprifoliaceae. It is indicated when fluent coryza is followed by cough. For using it the cough is dry, rough, hollow, deep, suffocative. The child needing it cries with every cough.  He also has whistling respiration with an open mouth. It worsens during rest, at midnight and from cold air. The child wakes suddenly at night and sits up from suffocation. There is also voice hoarseness with sticky mucus in the larynx.

  1. Drosera – For Deep, Hoarse, Barking Cough

This medicine is prepared from plant Drosera Rotundifolia commonly known as round leaved sundew. It belongs to the family droseraceae. It is well indicated for deep, hoarse, barking coughs. It is a dry, irritative type. The spells of cough follow each other quickly. Cough worsens from talking. In children requiring it the cough usually begins particularly at night soon the head touches the pillow. A tickling sensation or dryness in the larynx is also felt.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Loud, Barking Cough, Noisy Respiration

This medicine is well indicated for loud, barking cough and noisy respiration. Cough is also harsh, deep, rough and scraping. Some mucus rattling may attend the cough. Hoarseness of voice also appears. The hoarseness is almost continuous. At times there is loss of voice. Difficulty breathing also occurs. Fever is there along with above symptoms. A great sensitivity to cold air accompanies.  In most cases the symptoms worsens after midnight or towards morning. It is also indicated for attack of croups after influenza.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Croup With Hoarseness, Difficult Breathing

This medicine is recommended for hoarseness and difficult breathing in these cases. For using it hoarseness is present during the day. Difficult breathing is present at night. It is attended with suffocation. Larynx is inflamed and sensitive to pressure. Dry cough, short and hacking cough appears with above symptoms.

  1. Aconite – When Cough Awakens The Child From Sleep

This medicine is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as monkshood. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is beneficial when cough awakens the child from sleep. Cough is dry, short, barking, whistling and suffocating. It is also indicated for loud croaking coughs that worsens during expiration. The child grasps his throat during coughing. It worsens from exposure to cold air. Voice is husky. The larynx is inflamed, sensitive to touch.

  1. Antimonium Tart – For Rattling Cough And Difficulty In Breathing

This medicine offers great help when there is a rattling cough and difficulty in breathing. Cough occurs in attacks with hoarseness. Air is expelled with a barking sound. Breathing noise is sharp, rough, whistling type.

  1. Phosphorus – For Barking Cough Day And Night

Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is valuable to treat cases in which barking cough continues day and night. Cough is also dry, short, tickling, hacking or loose. Expectation may occur which is stringy in nature and has a salty taste. Continuous irritation may be felt in the larynx and trachea. There is also pain, roughness, dryness and burning in the larynx. Hoarseness of voice also occurs. Fever is present along with above symptoms.

  1. Bromium – For Rough, Barking, Suffocative Cough

This medicine is useful when there is rough, barking, suffocative cough. With this there is marked hoarseness. Larynx is painful with this.  There is much rattling in the larynx when coughing. Whistling, croupy sounds with breathing are present.

  1. Kali Bichrome – For Croupy Cough With Yellow Expectoration

This medicine is helpful for croupy cough with expectoration of yellow phlegm. It is stringy, tenacious in nature. Difficult breathing also attends. Another accompanying symptom is pain and soreness in the larynx.  Fever and a runny nose may be present with a cough. Most times the cough is worse in the morning time.


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Vaccine Side Effects – Homeopathy Can Help

Vaccines during childhood give protection to children against many serious diseases. For example DPT vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis); MMR vaccine protects against measles, mumps, rubella; OPV protects against polio; HiB vaccine protects against Haemophilus influenzae type B infection. Though vaccine use is safe but like many other medicines any of the vaccine can cause some side-effects though mild in most cases. This occurs from a natural response of the body while it is directed towards immunity building  against the disease for which vaccination is given. These side effects last from a few hours to one or two days after vaccination. Homeopathic remedies for vaccine side effects offer a very natural, effective, safe and gentle management of various ailments that arise after vaccination.Homeopathic remedies for vaccine side effects

Side Effects

Some of the side effects that can occur after inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV), DPT, Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine (HiB vaccine). They mostly appear within 24 hrs of vaccination. These include mild fever; pain, soreness, tenderness, swelling or redness at the site of the injection; loss of appetite; diarrhoea; vomiting; tiredness; sluggishness and irritability; fussiness; secondary blister elsewhere on the body.

Other than this side effects can occur 6 to 10 days after injection in case of MMR vaccine. These include mild fever, measles like rash, cough, runny nose, puffy eyes, swelling of salivary glands and loss of appetite.

Next vaccine is rotavirus vaccine that can sometimes lead to diarrhoea, abdominal pain, restlessness and irritability in children. 

Other side effects that can occur after vaccination include small, red lump at the injection site. In some vaccines temporary headache, muscle or joint pain, runny nose, nasal congestion, trouble sleeping or drowsiness and being sleepy than usual.

In case of high temperature rarely febrile seizures or fits can occur in young children. The chance of febrile seizure is high if a child has a history of such seizure earlier in his life or have a family history of seizures.

In any of the vaccinations there are very rare chances (even less than one in million) of severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. Swelling of face, hives, difficulty in breathing and even collapse can occur in severe allergic reactions. This tends to happen within minutes of taking the vaccination. This needs medical help right away without any delay.

Homeopathic Remedies for Vaccine Side Effects

Homeopathy offers a very natural, effective, safe and gentle management of various ailments that arise after vaccination. These medicines are helpful to manage complaints of fever, diarrhoea, stomach pain, skin complaints, sleeplessness, redness, inflammation and swelling of arm, weakness headache, excessive sleep , runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, muscle or joint pain. In case of seizures use of homeopathic medicine should be considered along with conventional treatment. It is to be noted that homeopathic medicines have their own limitations to treat cases of severe reaction – anaphylaxis ( some of its signs and symptoms are swelling of tongue, throat, trouble breathing, rapid heartbeat, sudden drop of blood pressure). In such cases one must take immediate medical help from conventional mode of treatment without delay as it is a life threatening condition.

  1. Thuja – Top Grade Medicine 

This medicine is prepared from fresh green twigs of plant Thuja occidentalis commonly named as Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family Coniferae. It is a leading medicine for managing numerous complaints arising after vaccination. Firstly it is indicated for diarrhoea after vaccination. It also helps in stomach pain in such cases. Secondly it is indicated for skin complaints, skin eruptions and skin growths that follow vaccination. Its third indication in these cases is seizures. Next it works effectively to manage sleeplessness that follows vaccination. Lastly it helps cases of weakness of legs that occur after re vaccination.

  1. Silicea – Another Significant Medicine

Silicea is another highly valuable medicine for managing many issues that follows vaccination. Here it is well indicated for managing redness, inflammation and swelling of the arm that can appear after vaccination. Next it helps to manage weakness and lack of stamina in such cases. Another main indication for its use is nausea and loose motion that appear after vaccination sometimes. Headache, excessive sleep from vaccination are also well managed with this medicine. Apart from above indication seizures and weight loss are the rest of complaints where this medicine is indicated. 

  1. Ledum Pal – For Swelling, Redness and Inflammation of Arm

This medicine is prepared from plant Ledum Palustre commonly known as  wild rosemary and also marsh cistus. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. It is a foremost medicine in homeopathy for puncture wounds as arising from needle prick. Here it is beneficial medicine to manage swelling, redness and inflammation of the arm after vaccination injection. This medicine is also considered as a preventive for side effects of vaccination.

  1. Belladonna – To Manage Fever after Vaccination 

This medicine is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is very effective to manage fever after vaccination. In cases needing it the heat stage is prominent. There is burning heat over the whole body but especially most prominent in the head and face. Body feels burning hot like fire. With this redness of face is also there. Anxiety and restlessness is present with the internal heat of the body. There is excessive thirst during the heat stage. The heat stage alternates with the chill stage. In this stage there is coldness of limbs with heat in head. Violent chill is felt in the back. Apart from above it can also be used for managing redness, inflammation and swelling of the arm appearing after vaccination injection.

  1. Podophyllum – To Manage Diarrhoea

This medicine is prepared from plant Podophyllum peltatum commonly known as May Apple. This plant belongs to the family berberidaceae. It is a well indicated medicine to manage diarrhoea. In cases requiring it the stool is watery, profuse and gushing. It can be yellowish or greenish in colour and has a very offensive smell. The stool can be frothy and have mucus in it sometimes. There is a sudden urge to pass stool. Fetid flatus is present with this. There is an urge for stool immediately after eating and drinking. Diarrhoea is usually painless where it is required. Intense nausea can be present before passing the stool. After passing stool, extreme weakness is felt by the person.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Managing Skin Rash

It is a prominent medicine for managing skin rash appearing after vaccination. Violent itching is present in the rash where it is required. The itching is worse from warmth of bed and is better in the open air. Stinging and burning is marked in the rash. Skin is also sensitive to the slightest touch along with above symptoms. 

  1. Sulphur – For Skin Eruptions Following Vaccination

It is a very beneficial medicine for skin eruptions that can occur after vaccination. The eruptions are pustular where it is required. These eruptions are most marked on the scalp, face, and legs. It is also indicated for scabby eruptions on scalp, arms and legs appearing after vaccination.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Runny Nose and Nasal Congestion

Arsenic Album is a very helpful medicine for managing runny nose and nasal congestion. In cases needing it there is profuse and watery discharge from the nose. It can lead to burning sensation, excoriation in the nostrils. In some cases stoppage of the nose and fluent runny nose alternate with each other that requires this medicine. Great weakness may attend the above symptoms.

    9. Drosera – To Manage Dry, Irritative Cough

This medicine is prepared from plant Drosera Rotundifolia having a common name round – leaved sundew. This plant belongs to family droseraceae. It is an effective medicine to manage dry irritative cough. Along with cough roughness, dryness and tickling sensation is felt in the fauces. People needing it mainly complain of cough getting worse from lying down in the evening and from warmth. 

  1. Antimonium Tart – For Loose Rattling Cough

This medicine offers great help in cases of loose cough with rattling of mucus in the chest. Cough is present day and night. Chest feels congested from mucus in the chest. Scanty, thick, phlegm is expectorated in these cases. Expectoration is difficult. 

  1. Rhus Tox – To Manage Joint Pain and Muscle Pain

Rhus Tox is a very effective medicine to manage joint pain and muscle pain. It brings great relief in this complaint. The pain may be worse at rest and better by motion where this medicine is required. In cases needing it, stiffness of joints may also be present. The stiffness tends to get better by warmth and also by massage.

  1. Cicuta – For Seizures after Vaccination

This medicine is prepared from the fresh root of plant Cicuta Virosa having the common name water hemlock. This plant belongs to the family umbelliferae. This medicine can be used along with conventional treatment for managing seizures after vaccination. In cases needing it the fits occur with frightful distortion of the limbs or whole body. Loss of consciousness and frothing at mouth may occur with this. High fever is present along with above symptoms. 

  1. Malandrium – For Dry, Rough Skin

Homeopathic medicine Malandrium is particularly indicated for managing cases where dryness, hardness and roughness of skin occurs after vaccination.

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Causticum – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Causticum is prepared from Potassium Hydrate by the potentization process, by which homeopathic medicines are prepared. By potentization the medicinal properties of potassium Hydrate are extracted. Causticum is widely used to treat urinary complaints, muscle weakness, skin warts, joint pains and paralysis.   Causticum - Homeopathic Medicine

The ‘Causticum’ Constitution

It is mainly suited to dark-haired people with sensitive skin. Next it is suitable to people suffering from joint pains, weak muscles, and urinary complaints.

Drug Action

This medicine has a marked action on the urinary system. In cases of urinary complaints, it helps to strengthen the bladder muscle and the urethral sphincter to treat involuntary urination and also retention of urine. Next, it acts on joints to reduce its inflammation and pain. Thirdly, it acts on muscles and manages complaint of muscle weakness and even loss of muscle function. Lastly its action on skin is wonderful where it is very beneficial to treat skin warts.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Eye Complaints

It is a very helpful medicine to treat eye complaints. Here, Firstly, it is indicated to treat ptosis, which is the drooping of upper eyelid over the eye. It strengthens the eyelid muscle to improve ptosis.

Other indication to use it is eye floaters ( spots that move or float before eyes). In such cases it helps when a person sees black points, sparks or flickering before eyes. The spots may be small or large. Sometimes they are round and other times they have uneven shape.

Lastly, in eye complaints, it is beneficial to treat twitching of eyelids.

2. Facial Paralysis, Bell’s Palsy

This is a top listed medicine to treat cases of Bell’s palsy. It is a condition in which facial muscles get weak or paralysed (loss of muscle function).  The mouth is drawn to one side along with drooling of saliva, and muscle twitches in the face may also be present. It works well especially in right sided facial paralysis cases. Here, whole side of right sided face from forehead to chin is affected.

3. Urinary Problems

This is a very beneficial medicine when it comes to treat urinary problems.

Here, it’s use is considered in cases of urinary incontinence (involuntary passage of urine). It offers relief in such cases by improving the weakness of bladder muscle and strengthening the urethral sphincter. It is known to give major help in cases of stress incontinence i.e. leaking of urine when pressure is exerted on the urinary bladder as while coughing, sneezing, laughing.

Secondly, it is valuable medicine to manage cases of retention of urine. It is primarily useful for treating this complaint  in elderly people and in females after childbirth.  Urinary retention from constriction of bladder neck and from bladder paralysis is manageable with this medicine.

Lastly, it is given in cases of bed wetting ( involuntary passage of urine during sleep)

4. Laryngitis, Hoarseness of Voice

This is a leading homeopathic medicine to treat cases of laryngitis (inflammation of larynx-the voice box). Persons who need it complain of hoarseness of voice. It is most worse in the morning and evening time. They also are unable to speak loud words. Along with this  dry, tickling cough may be present in them. They feel dryness and pain in the larynx. Apart from the above, it is well-indicated to treat hoarseness of voice in public speakers from over straining of voice.

5. Cough

It is of great help in cases of cough. Cough from tickling in the throat pit is mainly indicative to use it. Persons requiring have difficulty in expectorating phlegm. They may find relief in cough from drinking cold water. Along with cough, they may  also complain involuntary urine leakage upon coughing.

6. Rectal Complaints

When it comes to rectal complaints, it is indicated to treat piles,  (swollen veins in the anus or lower part of rectum), constipation and anal fistula.

In case of piles it works well to manage stitching, stinging, burning pain in the anus. Persons who need it mainly complain of pain on touching the anus or while walking, sitting. It also helps to ease itching felt at the anus from piles.

In constipation, it is used when the first part  of stool is hard followed by soft. Few times the stool is covered with mucus. There is frequent urge to pass stool and stool is passed with great difficulty. Sometimes it is followed by  pain and burning in rectum.

Lastly, it is used in anal fistula cases when there is pain and pulsations in the perineum

7. Skin Issues

This is a renowned homeopathic medicine to treat a number of skin complaints.

Here, it is a highly effective medicine to treat skin warts (hard, rough, thick growths on skin arising from infection by human papilloma virus.) It is considered in cases of warts which are large, jagged and have peduncles. They may also bleed easily. For using it the warts are mostly present on face, eyelids, fingertips.

Next, it is  of great service to treat cases of old burns. In such cases, it aids healing of old burns that are slow to heal. It also is indicated to treat cases where  already healed burns on skin reopen and become sore again.

Other than this, it is also a significant remedy to treat skin ulcers that are very sensitive with burning sensation. They also ooze pus that may be blood stained sometimes.

Apart from above indications, it is used to treat skin rash that arises between the skin folds (intertrigo). The skin folds include those behind ears, between thighs, under breast, between buttocks.

8. Upper Limb Complaints

In case of upper limb complaints, it works wonderfully to treat writer’s cramp. It refers to cramps in the muscles of the hand while writing or playing an instrument.

Next, it is a top listed medicine to treat cases of carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that arise from  pinched or compressed median nerve in the carpal tunnel passage located in the wrist. In such cases, it helps to relieve symptoms of tingling sensation or numbness in the fingers of the hand. It also helps in cases where sometimes weakness in the hand and atrophy of muscles of thumb are present.

9. Lower Limb Complaints

If we talk about complaints of lower limbs, then it is recommended for treating sciatica of left side attended with numbness. Sciatica is referred to as pain that radiates from lower back through the hips  down the leg along the path of the sciatic nerve.

It is also used in cased of cramps in the feet, toes and calf muscles of leg.

Next, one can also benefit from this medicine in cases of restless leg syndrome at night. Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a condition in which a person has an uncontrollable urge to move the legs to relieve discomforting sensations in the lower limbs.

10. Joint Pains

This is a wonderful medicine to treat joint pains and arthritis (joint inflammation.) It can be taken to relieve joint pain including those of shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankles. It also helps to manage joint stiffness. Additionally, it also offers excellent management of pain and stiffness in extreme cases of joint inflammation where deformity of joint has set in.

11. Muscle weakness and Paralysis

It is one of the most effective medicines to treat muscle weakness and even loss of muscle weakness (paralysis). It is well-indicated to treat weakness or loss of muscle function of face, urinary vocal cords, eyelids, tongue and limbs.

12. Ataxia

This is an excellent medicine to manage complaint of ataxia. Ataxia is a condition characterised by lack of muscle coordination that helps in voluntary movements. It results in problems with gait (manner of walking) like inability to maintain balance while walking, tendency to fall while walking. Additionally, there may be difficulty with speech (like slow speech, tremor while speaking), involuntary eye movement (nystagmus) and problem with swallowing. Here, this medicine can take care of gait  problems. It helps in treating complaint of unsteady walking and easy falling in persons with ataxia. Apart from it, this medicine helps manage speech and swallowing difficulties in ataxia.


It can be used from 30 C potency to 1 M potency. In acute complaints it can be taken once or twice a day in 30 C potency. In case of chronic complaints high potencies are recommended once or twice a week.

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicines are Petroselinum, Colocynth and Carbo Veg. These medicines can be used after Causticum to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Inimical medicine is Phosphorus, and should not be used with Causticum.

Antidotes are Asafoetida, Dulcamara and Nux Vomica. These antidote medicines can be used to neutralize its action.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Carbo Veg – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Carbo Veg is prepared from vegetable charcoal. Charcoal is a form of carbon and it is known for its medicinal properties since ages. Its use to treat digestive problems mainly gas and acidity, and skin ulcers is considered since ancient times. Its also known for its antiseptic effect. To prepare homeopathic medicine Carbo Veg, trituration of vegetable charcoal is done. Trituration is a process by which homeopathic medicines are prepared.  Carbo Veg is very helpful to treat gastric complaints, asthma, varicose veins, and weakness. Carbo Veg

The ‘Carbo Veg’ Constitution

It is especially suited to people having weak gastric system hence suffers easily from many gastric issues such as gas, acidity, heartburn, loose stool etc. Next it is suitable to thin people who suffer from weakness and lack of strength.

Drug Action

Carbo Veg acts on the gastro-intestinal system and helps to manage complaints including excessive gas, burping, loose stool, bloating in abdomen and colic. Next, it has great power to treat condition arising from poor venous circulation like haemorrhoids and varicose veins. Its action is also marked on blood vessels where it helps to control bleeding.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Nose Complaints

This medicine is very beneficial to treat nasal complaints including cold and nasal bleeding. In cases of cold it is used when there is watery discharge from nose with much sneezing. Along with this irritation, crawling sensation and tingling in the nose is felt. Sometimes nose also feels stopped up.

In cases of nose bleeding it is given when a person gets frequent episodes of copious bleeding from nose. They get bleeding almost everyday. Mostly they have nasal bleeding at night. The blood here is thin and blackish. Their face turns pale after the bleeding from blood loss.

2. Mouth (Oral Cavity) Complaints

One can also consider use of this medicine in complaints of the mouth. Among them it is first indicated to treat bleeding from gums. Person needing it suffers from gums infection along with bleeding. They mainly have bleeding form gums on cleaning teeth. Gums may also be painful in them. Apart from above one can use this medicine to treat bad breath from mouth (halitosis)

3. Hair fall

It is an excellent medicine to check complaint of hair fall. It is mainly given in persons who gets hair fall after some severe illness. They have intense hair fall with hair falling out in handfuls. Its use is also recommended to treat hair loss in females after childbirth. Persons needing it may have itchy scalp along with hair fall. They may also have sensitivity of scalp to pressure.

4. Laryngitis (Inflammation of Larynx)

It is a well-indicated medicine to treat laryngitis. Persons who need it mainly complain of hoarseness of voice. This is most felt in early morning or evening time. They also are unable to speak a loud word. Additionally they feel pain, tickling roughness and irritation in the larynx.

5. Gastrointestinal (GIT) Complaints

When it comes to gastrointestinal tract, this remedy remains one of the most effective remedies to treat many of the gastric issues. Firstly it is very beneficial for people who complain of excessive gas (flatulence) in stomach. They usually complain that even eating simplest kind of food causes gastric trouble in them. Along with gas the abdomen feels tense and bloated with sensation as if it would burst. They mostly find relief by burping. Some needing it may also suffer from burning in the stomach. It also helps to ease pain in stomach due to obstruction of gas.

Secondly, it effectively manages complaint of heartburn, Heartburn refers to the burning sensation in chest behind the sternum (i.e. breast bone) due to the back flow of stomach acid into the food pipe. The back flow of stomach acid in the food pipe is known as acid reflux or GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease), where Carbo Veg shows remarkable results.

Next comes the complaint of belchings (burping) where Carbo Veg offers great help. Here it is suited when the belchings are almost constant. They may be bitter or sour sometimes have offensive smell. Sometimes nausea and vomiting attends to it.

Apart from above mentioned problems it can also help treat diarrhoea (loose motion). 

Persons who need it in diarrhoea complain of watery stool sometimes with yellow mucus or blood. It also has highly offensive smell, and excessive flatus also passes with the stool. They also complain of burning in rectum after stool. Additionally they feel weak from loose stool. It is also recommended to treat cholera (an illness caused by a bacteria, Vibrio cholerae causing diarrhea, vomiting and leg cramps). It is indicated in cholera when the person having cholera is having excessive loose stool with dehydration and almost a stage of collapse. In such conditions it is a renowned medicine to bring recovery.

Other than this it is a valuable medicine to treat piles (swollen and inflamed veins around the anus or lower rectum). Here it is considered for treating protruding bluish piles. In such cases it also aids relief in burning, itching and stitching pain at anus.

6. Respiratory complaints

It is beneficial to treat respiratory complaints including cough, asthma and bronchitis.

If we talk about cough then it is used when cough is spasmodic i.e. which ends in vomiting. The person who require this usually have worsening of cough from eating or from talking. They may also feel increase in cough in open air. Along with cough rattling of mucus and burning in the chest is felt by them.  Apart from above one may also benefit from this medicine in case of cough that arise from reflux of stomach acid.

Next, its use is also considered in treatment of bronchitis and asthma in elderly people. Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchial tubes (the passage through which the air is carried to the lungs from trachea). Cough with thick, yellow, sticky phlegm are the symptoms indicating it use in bronchitis cases. Asthma is a condition in which the airways become narrow with swelling and extra production of mucus. It leads to cough, wheezing and difficulty in breathing. Carbo Veg works well to manage all these asthma symptoms in elderly people. It also take care of the asthma attacks that occurs during sleep.

7. Skin

If we talk about skin complaints, it is a very good medicine to treat chilblains ( painful, itchy skin condition mainly on toes and fingers, arising as a reaction to cold temperature).

Next, it can be given for ulcers on skin. Here offensive discharge and frequent bleeding from ulcers along with burning pains is characteristic to use it.

One can also find this medicine useful in purpura (purple-colored spots on the skin that arise from bursting of small blood vessels under skin)

Lastly, bedsores and gangrene of toes (death of body tissue from lack of blood supply and infection) are treated well with this medicine

8. Varicose Veins and Ulcers

It is a well-known medicine to improve the venous blood circulation and help treating varicose veins and varicose ulcers. Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted or engorged veins that arise from improper functioning of valves in the veins of the legs. While  varicose ulcers are the sores that develop on the leg most times on the inner side of leg just above the ankle from poor blood circulation. In varicose ulcers it is indicated when there is offensive pus discharge with bleeding from it.

9. To Control Bleeding

It is a very helpful anti-hemorrhagic medicine, i.e, that helps to control bleeding. The use of Carbo veg is recommended by the practitioner to control excessive bleeding from nose, from gums, from skin ulcers, during menstrual cycle in women and following surgical operations. Blood is usually dark where it is indicated. Along with helping with blood control, it also aids in recovering from weakness that appears from blood loss.

10. For Weakness

It is a top listed medicine to treat cases of weakness and lack of strength. Weakness from blood loss is also treated well with this medicine. Its use is also recommended for fainting spells and in case of collapse with cold body, cold breath and quickened respiration.


Carbo Veg can be used from potency 30 C to higher potencies including 200 C, 1M and 10 M. It can be taken two to three times a day in 30 potency. Use of high potencies should only be done under a physician’s advice.

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicines are kali Carb and Phosphorus. These medicines can be used to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Inimical medicines are Carbo Animalis and Kreosote, and should not be used after Carbo Veg. 

Antidotes are Camphor, Coffea and Arsenic Album. These antidotes medicine can be used to neutralise the action of Carbo Veg.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Hepar Sulph – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Hepar Sulph is prepared by trituration of sulphide of calcium obtained by burning the white interior of oyster shells with pure flowers of sulphur. As a homeopathic medicine, it is majorly used to treat cold, ear infections, sore throat, tonsillitis, cough, asthma and skin complaints with pus discharges.     Hepar Sulph Homeopathic Medicine

The ‘Hepar Sulph’ Constitution

It is suited to people who have low immunity with tendency to recurrent cold and throat infections. It is also suitable for people having unhealthy, sensitive skin prone to skin infections with pus discharges.

Drug Action

It has a marked action on eyes and nasal membranes where it helps to reduce its inflammation. Next, it has great action on throat where it helps to reduce its inflammation and relieve pain associated with it. When it comes to the respiratory system, it has strong affinity to treat cough, asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia. Lastly, it has deep effect on skin where it aids in healing eruptions and lumps with pus discharges.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Eye Complaints

It is a very beneficial medicine to treat many of the eye complaints. Firstly, it is indicated to treat blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid margins where eyelashes grow.) The persons needing it for blepharitis have red, inflamed, and swollen eyelids. The eyelids are also painful to touch. Throbbing and stinging pain is felt in the eyes. Along with this , the eyelids stick together especially during the morning. Photophobia (sensitivity to light), gritty sensation as from sand and burning in eyes are some other symptoms that can be experienced by them.

Secondly, its use is indicated for conjunctivitis (an inflammation of the conjunctiva i.e. the membrane lining the inner surface of the eyelid and covering the white of eye). Red, inflamed eyes along with purulent (pus) discharge are the classic symptoms that indicates its use here.

Lastly, it is a well indicated medicine to manage cases of corneal ulcer (ulcer on cornea I.e the transparent layer in front of the eye that covers the pupil and iris). Person needing it usually have red elevated ulcer at the margin of the cornea. Along with this, there is peculiar discharge of purulent (pus) matter from the ulcer. Few other symptoms that may be experienced by them includes pain in eyes, burning in the eyes and sensitivity to bright light. Here the pain is severe of a throbbing or stinging nature.

2. Nasal Complaints

When it comes to treating nasal complaints, Hepar Sulph is mainly used in cases of cold. It can be given in cold when there is thick yellow mucus discharge from the nose. Its use is also considered here when the nasal discharge is pus like sometimes tinged with blood. This discharge may also have a bad smell. Next, it works well to treat crusts and scabs in the nose. Pain in  the nostrils is also there along with the discharge or crust formation. At the same time blockage is felt in nose on going in the cold air. Sneezing is also present along with above symptoms. It is also given to treat loss of smell from chronic coryza.

Other than this, it is a top-listed medicine to treat sinusitis (inflammation of the lining membrane of any of the hollow areas I.e. sinuses present in the skull). In such cases, it helps reduce the inflammation in the sinus as well as the symptoms of it felt by the patient. Here it aids relief in the thick nasal discharge, nasal blockage and post nasal drip (i.e. dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat). Additionally, it also gives relief in the headache arising from sinusitis.

3. Ear Complaints

If we talk about ear complaints then this is an effective medicine to treat ear infections, ear discharges, noises in ears, eruptions in ear and itching in the ears.

For using it in cases of ear infection and discharges, the main features is discharge of blood-stained pus from the ears. The pus has a very offensive smell. The discharge is most times green coloured here. Along with this pain is felt in the ears.

Next, it can be of much help in cases of noises in ears (tinnitus). It mainly helps to manage cases where roaring noises are experienced by the person. Along with this, hardness of hearing may be complained of by the patient. 

Apart from the above, it can take care of pus filled eruptions (pustules) in the ears and itching in the ears.

4. Throat Complaints

This is a renowned medicine to treat a number of throat complaints. Here it is given for treating sore throat, throat infections and tonsillitis. In these cases it helps to reduce the inflammation of throat and tonsils. Persons who need it experience pain in throat especially on swallowing. The pain may extend to ears from throat in many cases. Most of the times the pain is stitching in nature. Another peculiar symptom felt by them is a sensation of plug of mucus in the throat.  Throat also feels rough and dry along with above symptoms. If we look at the throat then throat and tonsils appear red, swollen plus the tonsils are enlarged sometimes with pus points.

It works wonderfully in case of acute throat infection and tonsillitis as well as treating once tendency to have recurrent throat infections and tonsillitis. It is also one of the most effective medicines to treat cases of quinsy (collection of pus behind the tonsil).

5. Respiratory Problems

This medicine shows remarkable results in cases of respiratory troubles.

In respiratory troubles it is very valuable medicine to treat loose rattling cough. Along with cough, abundant yellow thick sputum is expectorated. Sometimes pus like blood stained bad smelling phlegm is expectorated. Person mainly feels that the cough gets worse from cold air exposure or from taking cold water.

It is also a very significant medicine to treat bronchitis especially in elderly people. Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial tubes i.e. the passage through which the air is carried to the lungs from trachea.

Other than this, this medicine is also highly recommended to treat asthma. One can take it in asthma when cough with thick expectoration and wheezing in the chest is present. Apart from this person who require it also complain of difficulty in breathing, tightness and pain in chest.

Another indication to use it is pneumonia i.e. inflammation of the alveoli (air sacs) of the lungs due to infection. One can be benefited from it when cough with purulent (pus) expectoration is present along with cough. Fever is present with these symptoms.

6. Skin Issues

This medicine effectively manages a number of skin complaints. Among them it is very effective to treat pimples. It mainly helps in pimples that have pus in it that may be sometime blood tinged. It also helps to ease pain in the pimples.

Next, it is a significant medicine to treat boils, abscess and carbuncles (skin infections with pus filled lumps on skin. A person needing it complain of pus discharge from these lumps. The pus may also have a bad smell. In these conditions it helps to clear the pus discharges, heal the lumps and bring excellent recovery. It also help to treat one’s tendency to get pus filled lumps on body frequently.

Further, it can be used in case of skin ulcers. In these cases it is a choice of medicine when there is stinging pain in the ulcers. Burning sensation also accompany. Additionally, there are pus discharge from the ulcers. The ulcers are also sensitive to touch.

it also gives excellent results in cases of fever blisters  (tiny  blisters that appear on the lips or around the mouth due to a viral infection). It is given in fever blisters when fever blisters around corners of mouth appear that are highly painful and sensitive to touch.

Lastly, it is very beneficial to treat cases of excessive sweating on skin. People who need it have sour fetid smelling sweat on body. It is attended with much weakness.


Hepar Sulph can be used from 30 to 1M. In low potencies it can be taken one to three times a day depending upon the severity of the condition. Higher potencies should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicine is Calendula. This medicine can be used after Hepar Sulph to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Antidotes are Acetic Acid, Arsenic Album and Chamomilla. These antidotes medicine can be used to neutralize its action.

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