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How To Get Rid Of Sour Belching With Homeopathy?

Belching, commonly called burping, refers to the act of air from the stomach getting released through the mouth. Belching may have no taste or they may be sour, bitter or metallic in taste. Belching is quite normal, we all face sour belching once in a while. It may simply be a result of overeating or dietary changes or consuming certain food products like spicy food, fried food, citrus fruits, caffeine, chocolate and alcohol. But recurrent sour belching may arise from some underlying gastric issue that needs to be diagnosed and treated to manage belching.

The most important gastric issue among others is GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease). It refers to a condition in which there occurs back-flow of stomach acids into the food pipe due to the weakening of lower esophageal sphincter (LES). It can cause sour burps along with other symptoms like heartburn (burning in the middle of chest behind the breastbone), sour taste in the mouth, chest pain, lump in the throat sensation, bloating, and bad breath.  Other reasons for sour belching may include hiatal hernia and H. pylori infection. Hiatus hernia is the protrusion of a portion of stomach into the chest cavity from one of the openings (esophageal hiatus) in the diaphragm. It may cause belching, heartburn, water brash, chest pain and difficulty in swallowing. H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) infection is a bacterial infection that tends to cause stomach infection and leads to gastritis (stomach inflammation) or stomach ulcers. The symptoms of this infection include burning in the stomach, frequent burps, nausea, bloating, loss of appetite and weight loss. Gallbladder problems like its inflammation or gallstones can also lead to acid reflux-like symptoms including that of sour belching. Another cause can be delayed gastric emptying (Gastroparesis) which refers to a condition in which stomach takes more than usual time to empty its contents. The use of certain medicines like NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and some blood pressure medicines can also cause sour burps. Sour belching can be attended with some other signs and symptoms depending on the cause behind it. These include heartburn, bloating, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen and bad smell from the mouth.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for cases of sour belching. Homeopathic medicines work by boosting the body’s natural healing mechanism to overcome health issues naturally. These medicines target the root cause behind burps to provide great relief with zero side effects. With the use of these medicines, the intensity and frequency of the complaint decrease gradually. Besides sour burps, any associated symptoms like heartburn, bloating, nausea, vomiting and pain in the abdomen are also dealt with quite effectively with these medicines. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case of sour belching depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. It is advised to take homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathic Medicines To Relieve Sour Belching

1. Natrum Phos – Top Recommended Medicine

Natrum Phos is the leading medicine to help cases of sour belching. Persons needing it suffer from acidity with sour burps. They may have a complaint of water brash (excessive saliva mixed with the stomach acid rising to the mouth) too. They may suffer from additional complaint of heartburn as well. There is gas in the abdomen. Nausea and vomiting are other problems that could be affecting a person. Vomiting contains sour fluid. It may be as sour as vinegar. There may be stomach pain. Ulcers are present in the stomach in some cases. Sometimes there is attending loss of appetite.

2. Robinia – With Sour Vomiting

This medicine is highly beneficial for cases of sour belching with sour vomiting. The vomit contains intensely sour fluid. It may contain food that has just been eaten. One feels nausea, accompanied by heaviness and pain in the stomach. Stomach is also distended, besides acidity and heartburn. Acidity gets worse at night on lying down which disturbs a good sleep. There is a constant sensation of fullness in the stomach. One may experience burning pain in the stomach.

3. Iris Versicolor – With Heartburn

Iris Versicolor is very effective when sour belching is attended with heartburn. Heartburn is a burning sensation felt in the middle of the chest behind the breastbone (sternum). Burning may also be felt in the mouth and stomach, besides nausea. It gets worse from any sort of irregularity in diet. Thin watery sour fluid is expectorated through vomiting. The sour fluid may scrape and damage the throat. Before vomiting, pain may be felt in the stomach. Along with these gastric symptoms, a person may suffer from headache.

4. Carbo Veg – For Sour Burps After Eating Or Drinking

This medicine is very helpful in managing sour burps that occur after eating or drinking. The burps smell bad. Belching can be quite frequent and almost constant. It is attended with excessive gas and bloating of the abdomen especially in its upper part. It causes a feeling as if the stomach would burst. The trapped gas may cause stomach pain. Heaviness and fullness is felt in the stomach. Burning also occurs in the stomach. Even the simplest food causes gastric complaint, where this medicine is required.

5. Nux Vomica – For Sour Burps Worse In Morning

This medicine is helpful when sour burps get worse in the morning. Heartburn is felt along with water brash. It gets worse before breakfast. One feels nausea after eating.  The vomit may contain sour mucus, food or any drink consumed or oily/greasy substance. Stomach feels distended and is sensitive to pressure. After eating, pressure is felt in the stomach with inability to bear tight clothing. One feels heat in the stomach. There is loss of appetite. This medicine is one of the best medicines to manage acidity and gastric issues that occur from taking coffee, spicy food and alcohol.

6. Lycopodium – With Excessive Gas In Abdomen

It works very well in cases of sour belching with excessive gas formation. Besides, bloating occurs immediately after eating even very little food. The gastric issues worsen from eating certain food like beans, cabbage, and food that cause excessive gas production. Besides, there is heartburn and water brash. Vomiting also occurs of sour substance. A constant pain is felt in the stomach. The pain can be burning, tearing or pressing type. Burning sensation may extend from the stomach up to the throat. After eating, there may occur a sensation as if everything eaten is rising up to the throat.

7. Sulphuric Acid – For Sour Offensive (Bad Smelling) Burps

This medicine is considered in cases of sour, bad smelling burps. Sour vomiting might occur especially after eating. There is heartburn and weakness is well marked along with the above symptoms. It proves very effective for sour burps that occur from excessive alcohol intake.

8. China – With Bloated Abdomen

This medicine is very useful for sour burps with bloated abdomen. The whole abdomen feels bloated in cases needing this medicine. It is due to the accumulation of excessive gas in the abdomen. Pain occurs in the stomach from trapped gas sometimes. A heated sensation is also felt in the abdomen. The stomach feels heavy even after eating a very small quantity of food. Gastric issues that occur after consuming milk or tea are best managed with this medicine.


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Increased Frequency of Urine in Elderly and its Homeopathic Remedies

Elderly people tend to suffer from different kinds of urinary problems, among which increased frequency to pass urine is quite common. Frequent urination may have a belittling effect on the sufferer. Those facing these problems may restrict them from engaging in social activities and traveling; they may feel anxious and frustrated. They may suffer irritation in the genitals and skin rashes may appear from frequent urination. Frequent urination can also lead to fluid loss (dehydration). The reasons behind the increased frequency of urine in the elderly could be multiple.

First among these is changes that occur in the urinary bladder as a result of aging. It mainly includes weakness of the bladder muscles that control urination process and reduced capacity of the bladder to hold as much urine as it used to previously due to stiffening of bladder tissue and its decreased stretchiness with age. The second cause could be an overactive bladder which is a condition in which a person has a sudden irresistible urge to pass urine along with frequent urination. It can next arise from dysfunction of bladder either from weak muscles of bladder or from defective nerve signals. In males, enlarged prostate (BPH – benign prostate enlargement) remains one of the main causes of frequent urination. UTI (urinary tract infection) also occurs commonly in the elderly that can cause frequent urination along with other symptoms including pain/burning while urinating, the urgency to urinate, lower abdomen pain, and offensive-smelling urine. Urine retention in the elderly can also be a cause in which the bladder does not empty completely at a time which causes frequent urge to urinate to empty the bladder of urine left behind.

In females, prolapse of the uterus/bladder in the vagina may cause frequent urination. The other causes include diabetes mellitus, stress, anxiety, sleep issues and use of certain medicines, like diuretics (medicines that increase quantity of urine) and medicines for treating high blood pressure. Depending on the cause, frequent urination can be attended with other symptoms including urgency to urinate, pain/burning while urinating, involuntary urine passage (urinary incontinence), weak urine stream, straining to urinate and lower abdomen pain. In the elderly, the frequency of urine may further increase at night medically termed nocturia. It tends to disturb night’s sleep and leads to tiredness, sleepiness, and mood changes during the day.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing the increased frequency of urination in the elderly along with the use of natural remedies. These medicines are entirely safe to use as they are prepared from naturally occurring substances having zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines help magnificently in managing this concern by working to fix the root cause behind it. Along with frequent urination, any associated symptoms like urgency to urinate, pain/burning while urinating, involuntary urine passage, weak urine stream and pain in the lower abdomen are also managed wonderfully with these medicines. Increased frequency of urine in the elderly could arise from many reasons so it is advised to consult a physician for the correct diagnosis and its treatment. Homeopathic medicines are selected for every individual separately after detailed case evaluation based on the symptom presentation that varies from case to case. So, one must take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopath and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Increased Frequency of Urine 

1. Baryta Carb – Top Remedy

Baryta Carb is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage cases of increased frequency of urine in the elderly. Urine passed is also profuse in cases needing it. There is irritation in the bladder mostly at night with an increased urge to urinate. Along with increased frequency, there is also an urgency to pass urine. Burning sensation while urinating may be present. After urination, dribbling (drop-by-drop passage) of urine may occur.

2. Sabal Serrulata – For Frequent Urine From Enlarged Prostate (BPH)

Sabal Serrulata is a highly suitable medicine to manage frequent urine from an enlarged prostate. This medicine is the most recommended for people who have a constant urge to urinate at night. There is always a feeling that the bladder is full. Pain is felt when the person begins to urinate. This medicine is also helpful to manage the dribbling of urine in case of prostate enlargement.

3. Lycopodium – For Increased Frequency At Night

Lycopodium is a well-indicated medicine for cases of frequent urination at night. The urine passed at night is quite profuse. To begin urine, straining may be required. Burning sensation is felt during urination and sometimes even after passing urine.

4. Merc Sol – For Frequent Urine Along With Marked Urgency

Merc Sol is recommended when there is an increased frequency to urinate with an urgency to pass urine. The persons needing it have a sudden urge to pass urine immediately. Frequency of urination is high both during day and night. There may be a desire to pass urine every hour or so in many cases. Burning during and after passing urine may be there. The bladder may be sore to touch.

5. Conium – For Difficulty In Beginning To Urinate

Conium is quite an effective medicine when there is frequent urination with difficulty in beginning to urinate. Another characteristic feature is an interrupted stream of urine, which means the urine starts and stops many times till the complete emptying of the bladder. Urine feels hot. Pressure is felt around the bladder.

6. Sepia – For Frequent Urine From Uterine Prolapse

Sepia is of great value to manage frequent urination in females due to uterine prolapse. Fullness sensation and pressure is felt in the lower abdomen. Cutting or burning pain is felt when urinating. A bearing down feeling is marked in the pelvis. Due to pressure on the bladder frequent urge to urinate is present. There is also sudden urgency to pass urine and if the urge to urinate is not immediately attended, urine passes involuntarily. Urine may have an offensive smell. Besides, it is an important medicine to help cases of involuntary urination while coughing or sneezing.

7. Cantharis – In Case Of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Cantharis suits best when frequent urge to urinate occurs in cases of urinary tract infection. In cases needing it, a person urinates frequently with pain/burning during, before or after urination. Even the slightest quantity of urine in the bladder causes an urge to pass urine. Urge to urinate is more while standing and walking, while it gets better better while sitting. Heaviness is felt in the bladder, which is sensitive to touch.

8. Causticum – With Involuntary Urine Passage

It is an important medicine for people suffering from frequent urination along with involuntary passage of urine at times. Though there is a frequent urge to pass urine, scanty urine is passed every time a person goes for urination. Pain and itching may be felt in the urethra while passing urine. It is also well indicated when urine passes involuntarily while coughing, sneezing or blowing the nose.

9. Phosphoric Acid – In Case Of Diabetes

This medicine is prominently indicated when frequent urination is related to diabetes. Persons needing it have a frequent urge to urinate, and the urination is profuse. The frequency increases at night. They have to wake up several times at night to pass urine. Excessive weakness can attend frequent urination.

10. Kreosote – With Foul Smelling Urine

Use of Kreosote may be considered when urine smells foul along with increased frequency. There is profuse urination during the day, besides increased frequency. There is also a need to rush to pass urine when the desire to urinate occurs. A sensation of lump pressing against the bladder attends the other complaints.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Hydrocele  

Hydrocele refers to the swelling in the scrotum that holds the testicles due to the collection of excessive fluid in the sheath (tunica vaginalis) surrounding a testicle. Hydrocele can be congenital i.e. a child may be born with hydrocele or it may develop later in life. The causes of hydrocele developing late in life are inflammation or injury within the scrotum.

 Homeopathy is a very safe, effective, and non-invasive alternative treatment option for cases of hydrocele. Hydrocele, which is considered a surgical condition in the conventional mode of treatment, can be treated magnificently with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines stop the further progression of this condition and help to reduce swelling in the scrotum by aiding fluid absorption collected in the sheath around the testicle. Along with swelling, they also help to relieve any associated symptoms such as pain or dragging sensation.

Homeopathic medicines for hydrocele are of natural origin, making them very gentle, safe, and harmless for use in children as well as adults. They treat hydrocele naturally and do not carry any toxic side effects. One may also easily discontinue homeopathic medicine on the advised homeopathic protocol after the desired outcome is obtained.

Homeopathic medicines for hydrocele are prescribed based on the principle of individualization in every case. Individualization means selecting medicines based on the characteristic key symptoms in every case. So, it is advised to always consult a homeopathic doctor to get the best results as self-medication might not help here. The prescription of the medicines, potency selection, dosage, and repetition vary from case to case as per many factors like the age of a person, duration of complaint, the severity of the issue, and amount of swelling. In adults, homeopathic medicines can be repeated frequently and high potencies can be used,  as the case demands. On the other hand, in children, low potencies with infrequent repetition are usually done.

Homeopathy, if started well in time, can help in curing many hydrocele cases and save a person from surgery. However, the results vary depending on the duration, intensity of complaint, age of the patient and individual’s response to homeopathic treatment.

homeopathic medicines for hydrocele

Top 7 Homeopathic  Medicines for Hydrocele

The top recommended homeopathic medicines for hydrocele include Rhododendron, Clematis, Arnica, Apis Mellifica, Abrotanum, Digitalis, and Iodum.

 1. Rhododendron – Top-Grade Medicine For Hydrocele

Rhododendron is a natural medicine prepared from fresh leaves of the plant ‘yellow snow rose’. It has shown great clinical improvements in cases of hydrocele. This medicine brings natural recovery, it works well in almost all cases of hydrocele, especially if arising from orchitis or epididymitis. Though rhododendron can be helpful for hydrocele on either side but is more prominently indicated for cases of left-sided hydrocele. In cases needing it, there is marked swelling of the scrotum. It may be hard and painful to touch.

When to use Rhododendron?

Rhododendron is a highly recommended medicine for left-sided hydrocele that mainly arises from the inflammation of the testes attended by pain on touching.

How to use Rhododendron?

Though it can be used in low and high potencies, it is usually preferred in 30C potency. Rhododendron 30C can be taken twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.


2. Clematis – For Right-Sided Hydrocele

Clematis is the next well-indicated medicine for hydrocele. It is also a natural remedy prepared from leaves and stems of the plant ‘virgin’s bower’. It is a highly suitable medicine for cases of right-sided hydrocele. Those needing it have a drawing pain in the testicle. The scrotum is swollen. At times the testicle may be painful to touch. It is also very helpful for cases of hydrocele arising from orchitis.

When to use Clematis?

This medicine is well indicated for cases of right-sided hydrocele with drawing pain in testicles.

How to use Clematis?

Clematis 30C can be used twice a day.

3. Arnica – For Hydrocele After An Injury

Sourced from a plant ‘leopard’s bane’, Arnica is a herbal medicine of great importance in treating hydrocele that follows an injury. It gives promising results in hydrocele cases occurring after an injury. In cases needing it, there is swelling of the scrotum attended with sore, bruised pain. This medicine along with healing injury helps to reduce swelling of the scrotum and manages any associated pain.

When to use Arnica?

Arnica should be considered as the first choice of medicine for cases of hydrocele that occurs after an injury.

How to use Arnica?

Arnica 30 C can be taken two times a day for good results.

4. Apis Mellifica – For Hydrocele With marked Swelling

Apis Mellifica is the next most effective medicine for managing hydrocele. It is beneficial when there is excessive swelling of the scrotum. This medicine helps to absorb fluid that is collected around the testicle. Inflammation of testicles may be present in cases needing it along with stinging pain.

When to use Apis Mellifica?

This medicine can be opted for in cases where there is intense swelling of the scrotum with stinging pain.

How to use Apis Mellifica?

Its use is preferred in 30C potency. Apis Mellifica can be taken twice a day in 30C potency.

5. Abrotanum – For Congenital Hydrocele

Abrotanum is the most wonderful medicine for hydrocele where the condition is present from birth. It is of natural origin prepared from leaves and stems of plant ‘southernwood’ and is entirely safe for use among children.

When to use Abrotanum?

Its use is particularly considered in newborn boys having hydrocele.

How to use Abrotanum?

It is advised to consult a homeopathic physician before using this medicine for the right potency and repetition that varies from case to case.

6. Digitalis – For Left Sided Hydrocele

Digitalis is also a natural remedy of plant origin for treating hydrocele. It is prepared from the leaves of a plant named ‘foxglove’ and is very helpful for left-sided hydrocele with marked swelling of the scrotum. The scrotum seems like a bladder filled with water. Bruised pain may accompany the condition in such cases which will respond well to Digitalis.

When to use Digitalis?

Digitalis is prominently indicated for left-sided hydrocele with bruised sort of pain.

How to use Digitalis?

Digitalis 30C twice a day is an ideal dose to start with.

7. Iodum – For Hydrocele With Pain

This medicine can be considered in cases of hydrocele with pain. An aching, pressing pain is felt in the testicles. This is worse after sexual intercourse. The testicles may feel hard as well along with the above complaints.

When to use Iodum?

Use of Iodum is suggested in cases of hydrocele with pain usually worse after sexual intercourse.

How to use Iodum?

Its use is advised in 30 C potency twice a day.

Note Any of the above homeopathic medicines can be taken for about one month. If no relief sets in, kindly consult a homeopathic physician for further case evaluation and a change in prescription.

Causes of Hydrocele

Though hydrocele can occur at any age but is most common in newborns and males over 40 years of age.

A). In Infants (Babies Less Than One Year Age)

During the development of a male baby, the testicles descend from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum shortly before birth. There is a natural sac (containing fluid) surrounding the testicles. This sac closes and fluid absorption occurs during the first year of the baby. But if this sac does not close, it results in hydrocele results which is termed communicating hydrocele. If the sac closes but some fluid remains behind around the testicle, it is termed non-communicating hydrocele.

B). In adults

Hydrocele may occur when the sac (tunica vaginalis) produces excessive fluid or when the fluid is not properly absorbed, it results in the build-up of fluid around the testicle.

Hydrocele may arise from:

1. Injury or inflammation of scrotum

2. Infection/inflammation of testicles (orchitis) or epididymis(epididymitis)

3. Sexually transmitted infections

4. Rare Inguinal hernia

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Hydrocele?

In most cases swelling in the scrotum is the only sign. It may be on one side or both sides. The swelling may be less in the morning and more in the evening.

Other than this, it may cause discomfort, a dragging sensation in the scrotum along with heaviness. In some cases, pain, and redness of the scrotum may also be present.

If there occurs sudden intense pain in the scrotum or swelling mainly after scrotal injury, immediate medical help should be taken. This could be due to blocked blood flow from twisted testicles (testicular torsion) that needs urgent treatment to prevent permanent damage to the testicle.

Types of Hydrocele

1. Communicating hydrocele: A natural sac (containing fluid) surrounds the testicles that close and fluid absorption occurs during the first year of the baby. If this sac does not close, it results in hydrocele which is termed communicating hydrocele. Communicating hydrocele is associated with inguinal hernia.

2. Non-communicating hydrocele: If this sac closes but some fluid remains behind around the testicle, it is termed non-communicating hydrocele.

3. Nuck’s hydrocele (also called Female hydrocele): It is a rare form of hydrocele occurring in female children when the complete obliteration of the canal of nuck (abnormal patent pouch of the peritoneum) fails to take place.

How to diagnose Hydrocele?

In cases suspected of hydrocele, the doctor conducts a physical examination to check swelling, pain and tenderness in scrotum. Then he will do a transillumination test. In this test a doctor will shine a strong light through the scrotum. In the case of hydrocele, the light will pass through the scrotum due to the fluid in it while in the case of some solid mass (tumor) the light will not pass. To confirm the diagnosis of hydrocele, an ultrasound of the scrotum is the most commonly recommended test.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. There is swelling in my scrotum, Is it hydrocele?

Swollen scrotum may occur from various causes. Hydrocele is one of the reasons among these, some other causes include varicocele, spermatocele, epididymitis, and hematocele. So kindly visit a doctor who will do a physical examination and conduct investigations to confirm the diagnosis.

2. Can hydrocele develop on both sides?

Usually, hydrocele develops on one side but there are also chances of getting hydrocele on both sides.

3. Should I avoid weightlifting if I suffer from hydrocele?

The problem of hydrocele may increase from lifting heavy weights, so it is better to avoid heavy weight lifting.

4. I have hydrocele, should I avoid going to the gym?

If you have hydrocele, try to avoid strenuous exercises that put pressure on the scrotum and cause discomfort.

5. Does hydrocele affect sperm count and male fertility?

No, hydrocele does not affect sperm count and male fertility.

6. Does hydrocele lead to erectile dysfunction?

Though hydrocele directly does not lead to erectile dysfunction, the psychological effects of a swollen scrotum, and when swelling is quite large, may hinder normal sexual activity.

7. Is hydrocele cancerous?

No, it is a non-cancerous (benign) condition arising from fluid build-up in tunica vaginalis sheath that surrounds a testicle.

8. Do all kinds of hydroceles require surgery?

No, in many cases hydrocele resolves on its own with time. But if the hydrocele is very large and is quite painful, then surgery might be required. It is best to consult a surgeon to decide on the surgery option in any case of hydrocele.

9. Does hydrocele recur after surgery?

Yes, there are chances of recurrence of hydrocele after surgery in about 5-10% of cases.

10. My baby aged 3 months has scrotal swelling due to hydrocele, does he require surgery?

In most cases of hydrocele below one year of age, there is about a 70% chance that hydrocele will resolve on its own around the age of one to two years. However, it is always recommended to visit a pediatrician to check if a baby needs surgery or not and rule out any other medical condition that might be causing scrotal swelling other than hydrocele.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Do You have a Weak Urine Stream? Try Homeopathy

A weak urine stream is a very common problem, especially in elderly people aged above 50 years. Though it can occur in both men and women, it occurs more commonly in males. A weak urine stream indicates that the bladder is not getting emptied properly. When a person has difficulty initiating or maintaining urine flow, it is medically termed which urinary hesitancy. Weak urine stream can arise due to various reasons, among which benign prostate enlargement (BPH) and urinary stricture (narrowing of urethra through which urine leaves the body) are the main causes. Weak urine stream can be attended with other symptoms as well depending on the cause behind it like dribbling after finishing urine, frequent urination, discomfort in the lower abdomen, sensation of incomplete emptying of bladder, and pain while urinating. If not diagnosed and treated well, the condition may worsen and lead to urinary retention (means complete inability to urinate). Urine retention that occurs all of a sudden is a serious health issue needing immediate medical help. 

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to manage cases of weak urinary stream. Homeopathic medicines aim to correct the underlying cause behind the thin urine stream to give great relief. These are natural remedies that treat this condition with zero side effects. Along with a weak urine stream, they also manage any associated symptoms present. These medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases where no associated complication is present. In case of acute urine retention, one should immediately take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in treating such critical cases.  Homeopathic prescription for weak urine stream varies from case to case based on the cause and characteristic individual symptoms, so one should take homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self–medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Weak Urine Stream

1. Clematis – Top Remedy For Weak Stream For Stricture

Clematis is a highly recommended medicine to deal with cases of weak urinary stream due to a urethral stricture. Persons who require this medicine have to strain to initiate urine flow. Urine passes in a thin stream and quite slowly. Urine may start and stop several times till complete urination. After finishing urination, dribbling (passing drop by drop) of urine occurs. There is a frequent desire to pass urine. Urine passed is scanty. Burning may sometimes be felt while urination.

2. Chimaphila – For Weak Stream From Enlarged Prostate

Chimaphila is an effective medicine for weak urine stream due to prostate enlargement. Those needing it have difficulty in starting urine flow, and urine stream is thin like a thread. They need to strain a lot to pass urine. They may need to stand with feet apart and bend forward and strain to empty the bladder. Burning sensation may be felt while passing urine. This medicine is also recommended for cases of difficult urination in cases of prostate enlargement.

3. Cantharis – For Thin Stream Due To Stricture, Urine Infections

This medicine is helpful to manage weak urine flow in case of urethral stricture as well as urinary tract infections. Pain or burning sensation while passing urine is prominent. Burning/ pain may be present before as well as after passing urine. The urge to pass urine is also quite frequent and sometimes almost constant. There is an urge to pass urine even if there is little quantity of urine in bladder.

4. Thuja – For Weak As Well As Split Stream Of Urine

Thuja works well in cases where urine stream is poor as well as split (which means the urine stream goes in two directions instead of one). There is increased frequency to urinate especially at night. The urge to pass urine can also be sudden. In some cases, urine dribbles and has foul smell.

5. Sarsaparilla – Along With Pain Towards End Of Urination

This medicine is useful for persons having weak stream of urine along with severe pain towards the end of urination. The urine passed is scanty. It may contain flakes or sandy particles. This medicine is also of great help for cases of kidney stones.

6. Merc Sol – With Frequent And Urgent Urination

Merc Sol is of great help in cases in which the urine stream is small and weak along with increased frequency and urgency. Only little urine passes at a time. There may be an urge to pass urine every hour. Burning in the urethra may occur especially in the beginning of urination. Sometimes, urine passes drop by drop and may contain mucus and blood. The bladder area may be painful to touch.

7. Alumina – For Frequent And Poor Urine Flow In Elderly

This medicine is highly beneficial for elderly people who suffer from frequent urination attended with poor urine flow. They also face difficulty in initiating urine. They need to strain to start urination. Little amount of urine is passed. One feels burning and smarting pain while urinating. There is always a feeling as if some drops of urine have remained back in the urethra that could not be passed out.

8. Hepar Sulph – With Feeling Of Incomplete Bladder Emptying

Hepar Sulph is suited to those having poor urine flow and a feeling as if the bladder has not been emptied completely. The urine stream does not start immediately when there is an urge to urinate, one has to wait for urine to start. After urinating, one feels that some urine has remained behind in the bladder. Burning or stitching pain may be felt in the bladder.

Causes Of Weak Urine Stream

1. Benign prostate enlargement (BPH) – It refers to the enlargement of prostate gland that surrounds the first part of urethra in males. When prostate enlarges, it puts pressure on the urethra thus blocking flow of the urine. It results in symptoms including frequent urge to urinate, straining to initiate urine, weak urine stream and dribbling after urination.

2. Urinary stricture – It refers to narrowing of urethra (a tube through which urine leaves the body). It is common in males as compared to females. It results when there occurs scar tissue in urethra following an injury to urethra, catheter use, recurrent urinary tract infections, some urinary tract surgery like done for stone removal or prostate surgery. The first complaint it causes is weak urinary stream. Other complaints arising from it includes split stream of urine, frequent and urgent need to urinate and interrupted urination.

3. Underactive bladder – A condition in which the bladder has reduced strength to contract and results in slow emptying of bladder. Its symptoms include poor urinary stream, needing to wait to start urine flow, straining to pass urine, interrupted urine stream, prolonged time to pass urine, decreased sensation of bladder fullness and a feeling as if the bladder has not emptied entirely.

4. Bladder outlet obstruction – It indicates blockage at the base of bladder. It causes symptoms like constant feeling of bladder fullness, abdominal pain, slow urine flow, frequent urine and straining to pass urine.

5. Kidney stones and any tumor blocking the urinary bladder or urethra

6. Nerve damage (for example from diabetes) and nervous system disorders like multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disease in which there is damage to the myelin sheath that protects the nerves) and Parkinson’s disease (a disorder of nervous system starting with hand tremors at rest followed by muscles stiffness, stooped posture, changes in speech, impaired balance and reduced arm swing).

7. Infections like prostatitis (inflammation of prostate gland that causes pain/burning when urinating, increased frequency and urgency to urinate, weak urine flow, pain in pelvic region, genitals or groins and painful ejaculation) and UTI (urinary tract infection that causespain/ burning with urination, increased frequency to urinate, strong smell from urine and in case of upper tract UTI fever, chills, pain in the upper back and sides and nausea and vomiting occurs.)

8. Use of certain medicines (for example nasal decongestants, anti-allergy medicines, some medicines used to treat cold and antidepressants) and psychological reasons.


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What causes Pelvic Pain in Women and its Homeopathic Remedies

Pelvic pain refers to pain in the lowest part of the abdomen that can arise from various reasons. It is a very common complaint in many women. It may arise from a problem in the reproductive organs, urinary organs or gastric organs. Besides, it can be a result of some medical issues related to muscles and ligaments in the pelvic floor. The pain may be acute that arises suddenly and remains for a brief period of time. In some cases, it may be chronic which remains for six months or more. The pain can be of varying types and intensity. The pain can be constant or it may come and go. Depending on the cause the pain may radiate to the lower back, thighs and hips.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to treat multiple health concerns in females including pelvic pain. Homeopathic medicines aim at the root cause behind pelvic pain to bring excellent results. Along with pelvic pain, any attending symptoms are also well managed with these medicines like abnormal vaginal discharge, heavy menstrual bleeding, painful intercourse, intermenstrual bleeding and painful urination. Homeopathic medicines for treating pelvic pain are made of natural substances, hence are very safe to use without any toxic side effects. Some of the causes behind pelvic pain can be quite serious like ectopic pregnancy, cancer, appendicitis so it is advised to always get your case evaluated by a doctor to find out the reason behind it and its appropriate timely treatment. Homeopathic prescription to treat pelvic pain varies from case to case based on the cause behind the pain and the characteristic symptoms in an individual. So any of these medicines should be taken under supervision of a homeopathic doctor and self-medication should be avoided.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Pelvic Pain In Women

1. Sepia – Top Remedy

Sepia is the topmost medicine to deal with cases of pelvic pain in females. In cases needing it, pelvic pain is well marked. The pain may go to the back and down the thighs. It can be attended with a constant bearing down (a dragging feeling as if pelvic organs will come out of vagina) sensation in the pelvic area. Pelvic discomfort is felt throughout the night. Besides, there is yellowish greenish vaginal discharge which has a very foul smell. Bloating in the abdomen may attend. In some cases, pain during intercourse can be an attending concern. At times, frequent urge to urinate may be felt. This medicine is well-indicated to treat different medical conditions including PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), uterine fibroids and painful menses.

2. Pulsatilla – For Pelvic Pain In Case Of PID

Pulsatilla is a natural remedy to relieve pelvic pain occurring in cases of PID. Females needing it feel cutting type of pain in the pelvis. Pelvic region is also very sensitive to touch. Pain may also be felt during intercourse. There is thick milky white vaginal discharge attended with burning, itching and stinging pain in vagina. Besides PID, this medicine is also indicated to manage pelvic pain during menses. Pain may radiate from the abdomen to the back. There may be a frequent ineffectual urge to pass stool.

3. Magnesia Phos – For Pelvic Pain During Menses

It is an ideal choice of medicine for managing pelvic pain during menses (dysmenorrhea). This medicine works wonders to manage lower abdomen pain which is of cramping, shooting type. One gets relief by putting a hot water bottle or heating pad over the lower abdomen. It also gets better by applying pressure on the lower abdomen.

4. Sabina – In Case Of Fibroids

Sabina is a highly suitable medicine to manage pelvic pain occurring from uterine fibroids. The characteristic symptom to use it is pain radiating from the sacrum (a bone made of five fused sacral vertebrae at the bottom of the spine) to the lower part of the abdomen in front of the pelvis i.e. pubes. Along with this, there is heavy uterine bleeding with dark clots. The blood is offensive. Bleeding may occur in between periods as well. Thick yellow foul-smelling vaginal discharge may accompany above complaints.

5. Colocynth – For Pain In Case Of Ovarian Cyst

Colocynth is a well indicated medicine to manage pain due to ovarian cyst. The pain is one sided and can be sharp, cramping or cutting type. It gets better by applying pressure or bending forward over the abdomen. Though pain can occur on any side of the lower abdomen, it is mostly present on the left side which becomes sore. The pain can be worse during or before menses.

6. Medorrhinum – For Pain During Ovulation

It is one of the best medicines to manage pain on one side of the pelvic area in ovarian region during ovulation. The affected side of the pelvis is also painful to touch. A heated sensation accompanies it. A feeling as if the ovary may be felt. In most cases, there is vaginal discharge that has a specific fishy odor. Medorrhinum is also an excellent medicine to manage PID cases.

7. Cantharis – From Urinary Complaints Like Infection, Bladder Inflammation

Cantharis is a prominent medicine to manage pelvic pain occurring from urine complaints including inflamed bladder or urinary infection. In most cases needing it, there is pain in the bladder region attended with painful, burning urination. Pain and burning may occur before, during or after urination. Pain gets worse from drinking even small quantity of water. Besides, there is frequent urination. The bladder region is sensitive to touch and feels heavy even on the slightest movement.

Causes Of Pelvic Pain In Women

1.PID (Pelvic inflammatory disease) – It refers to infection in the female’s genital organs (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tube) caused by sexually transmitted infections. It leads to vaginal discharge (leucorrhea), pain in the lower abdomen / pelvic region, painful intercourse, bleeding during intercourse, painful periods, bleeding between periods, fever with chills, painful urination.

2. Menstrual period pain and pain during PMS – There may be pelvic pain, mainly cramping pain. The pain may radiate to lower back or thighs. Nausea and vomiting can attend it. In some cases, pain may occur before periods start as a part of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) along with other symptoms like pain in breasts, bloating, irritability, mood swings and headache. These symptoms of PMS go away when menstrual bleeding starts.

3. Uterine fibroids – These are non-cancerous growths developing in the uterus. It may cause pain in pelvis, heavy periods, back pain, pain / bleeding during intercourse, bleeding between periods.

4. Endometriosis – It is a condition in which the tissue lining the inner surface of uterus starts to grow in some body parts other than uterus, like ovaries, fallopian tube, rectum, urinary bladder. Bleeding occurs from these parts during menses. It results in pelvic pain, pain on passing urine or stool, bleeding from rectum or bladder during menses, pain during intercourse, heavy periods and infertility.

5. Ovarian cysts – It refers to fluid-filled sacs in ovaries. It may lead to one-sided pain in pelvis.

6. Ovulation pain – This pain is felt in pelvic region on one side during ovulation i.e. when an egg is released from ovary.

7. Ectopic pregnancy – It happens when an embryo gets implanted and grows at a place other than the uterus, for example in the fallopian tube. In this medical condition, a woman experiences sharp crampy pain in the pelvis on one side. Besides bleeding from vagina, there may be nausea and dizziness.

8. Cancer in pelvic organs – Cancer of uterus, cervix, and ovaries can lead to pain in pelvis and lower abdomen. Along with this vaginal discharge and painful intercourse attends. Cancer of urinary tract may also cause pelvic pain.

9. Urinary issues – These include urinary tract infection (UTI), interstitial cystitis and kidney stones. UTI is quite common in females. It can involve any part of urinary system including urethra, bladder, ureter and kidneys though bladder infection is the most common. The symptoms of UTI are pain / burning with urination, increased frequency to pass urine, pelvic pain, strong smell from urine. In case of upper tract UTI fever, a person feels chills, pain in the upper back and sides, besides nausea and vomiting. Interstitial cystitis refers to inflammation of bladder without any reason known yet. This can lead to pelvic pain, pain when urinating, frequent urination and painful intercourse.

10. Gastric issues – Some gastric issues like constipation, appendicitis, etc can also cause pelvic pain.


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Top Homeopathic medicines for Inflammation and Pain

Inflammation refers to swelling, redness, pain and heat in the body part as a result of some infection or injury. Whenever any infectious agent such as bacteria, virus enters our body or there occurs an injury, our immune system gets activated. Inflammatory cells are released that begins to trap infectious agents and initiate healing process. It results in signs and symptoms of inflammation including pain, redness, swelling and heat in affected parts. Along with these symptoms there may occur fever, muscle pain, tiredness depending on cause behind inflammation. Besides infection and injury, inflammation may also occur from auto-immune process (in autoimmune process the infection fighting cells in body start to damage body’s own healthy tissue out of a misdirected response) resulting in auto-immune diseases. Other factors increase risk of inflammation includes drinking excessive alcohol, obesity, smoking, chronic stress and exposure to industrial chemicals. Inflammation can occur in any of the body part from head to toe. Some of the inflammation prone zones in the body are throat, tonsils, sinuses, eyes, ears, nose, joints, muscles, tendons, urinary tract, stomach, intestine, rectum, liver, skin.


1. Acute inflammation – This type of inflammation occurs suddenly for example as a result of injury or bacterial infection. It begins rapidly and could last from a few hours to a few days.

2. Chronic inflammation – It is a long-term inflammation that develops gradually over a period of several months to even years. For example, in case of arthritis (joint inflammation) chronic inflammation can be present.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is a great choice of safe and effective treatment option for inflammation and pain. Homeopathic remedies work naturally to reduce inflammation and manage pain, swelling, redness and heat. These give excellent clinical results in vast number of such cases. These firstly halt further progression of inflammation and decreases the inflammation already occurred. There is huge list of homeopathic medicines to manage inflammation. Among this list the most suitable medicine is selected as per every individual case based on body part involved and its characteristic symptoms. It is to be noted that homeopathy is recommended only for mild to moderate cases. It is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before using any of these medicines. Homeopathic physician will evaluate the case and prescribe the most suitable remedy. In case of severe intensity and also serious cause behind inflammation that needs immediate medical help like appendicitis (inflamed appendix), pneumonia (inflamed air sacs of lungs), encephalitis (brain inflammation), it is strictly advised to take quick help from the conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitation in treating such critical cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Inflammation

1. Belladonna – Top remedy

Belladonna is top recommended medicine to manage inflammation and pain. It works wonders in reducing inflammation in various body parts like throat, tonsils, ears, nose, sinuses, urinary bladder etc. In cases where it is needed there is marked redness, heat, pain and swelling in affected part. It is also a leading medicine to manage inflammatory fever which means fever that occurs as a result of inflammation.

2. Merc Sol – For Throat Inflammation (Sore Throat) And Tonsillitis

Besides Belladonna which is top medicine for managing sore throat and tonsillitis, Merc Sol is also prominently used medicine to manage this complaint. This medicine is used when there is bluish red swelling in throat, tonsils look dark red and ulcers may also be present on the tonsils and throat. There is pain in throat and tonsils, and pain may extend to ears especially when one swallows. Pain is usually stitching in nature. Salivation is increased along with above-mentioned complaints along with bad smell in the mouth.

3. Natrum Mur – For Inflammation of Lining Of Nose (Rhinitis)

Natrum Mur is a very suitable medicine to manage rhinitis. It is indicated for thin watery discharge from the nose. With this there is sneezing. Nasal blockage and loss of smell are other accompanying symptoms.

4. Kali Bichrome – For Inflamed Paranasal Sinuses (Sinusitis)

Kali Bichrome is a very effective medicine to manage sinus inflammation. The main symptom indicating its use is PND — post nasal discharge that indicates dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat. Next prominent indication for its use is thick, sticky, ropy mucus discharge from nose which is yellow or green in colour. With above-mentioned complaints there is headache in frontal region (forehead) of head and pain at the root of the nose. There occurs fetid smell in the nose.

5. Pulsatilla – For Ear Inflammation and Pain

Pulsatilla is a natural remedy to manage ear inflammation. It can manage inflammation of middle as well as inner ear really well. In cases requiring it there is ear pain especially marked at night. There is discharge from ear that is thick and yellow. It has a foul smell. Hearing becomes difficult.

6. Euphrasia – For Conjunctiva Inflammation (Conjunctivitis)

Euphrasia is best choice of medicine to deal with inflammation of conjunctiva (thin membrane lining eyelid and white of the eye). It is used when there is redness in the eye, excessive watering of the eye along with burning sensation in the eyes. Itching is also well-marked in the eyes. A sensation of dust in the eyes is also felt.

7. Rhus Tox – For Joints Inflammation and Pain

Rhus Tox is best choice of medicine to treat joint inflammation. It can be used for inflammation in any of the joints in the body. It helps reduce joint inflammation and managing pain, swelling and stiffness of joints magnificently. In cases where it is needed the joint pain get worse during the resting period and when the first movement begins. Pains get better after continued motion.

8. Bryonia – To Manage Inflamed Muscles

This medicine is very beneficial for managing muscle inflammation. This medicine is useful for reducing muscle inflammation in any part of the body. In cases where it is needed there is marked muscle pain that worsens on slightest movement.  It gets better by lying still and rest.

9. Ruta – For Tendon Inflammation (Tendonitis)

Tendons are band of strong fibrous tissue that connects muscles to bones. Ruta is a leading medicine to manage cases of tendinitis. It works well in managing inflamed tendons anywhere in the body. It is very suitable in cases where tendons get inflamed from overstraining or there is overuse of tendons like from repeated exercise or an injury. It helps to reduce tendon inflammation and its associated pain and soreness.

10. Arsenic Album – For Stomach Inflammation (Gastritis)

Arsenic Album is very useful in managing stomach inflammation. The key feature to use this medicine is burning pain in the stomach. It gets worse from eating slightest food or drinking any fluid. It worsens mainly due to drinking cold liquid, and gets better from drinking warm liquid.

11. Cantharis – For Inflammation Of Urinary Bladder (Cystitis) And (Urethra)

To manage inflammation of urinary bladder (cystitis) and (urethra), Cantharis is the top recommended medicine. It is indicated when there is burning or pain while passing the urine or before and after passing of the urine. There is a frequent urge to urinate from smallest quantity of urine in the bladder. The urine may be scanty. Sometimes it may come out in droplets.

12. Merc Cor – For Inflamed Large Intestine (Colitis) Or Rectum (Proctitis)

Merc Cor is an important medicine to manage inflammation of the large intestine and rectum. It is needed if there is mucus and blood with loose stool. Burning in the rectum while passing stool may be felt. There is a marked tenesmus (frequent ineffectual urge to pass stool even when bowels are completely empty). Every time a person goes to relieve himself, a scant stool is passed and there is a sensation of the bowels not being empty.

13. Apis Mellifica – For Skin Inflammation

Apis Mellifica is a beneficial medicine to deal with cases of skin inflammation. Those needing it have markedly red, sore and sensitive skin. Burning and heat in skin is felt. Stinging type of pains can be felt on the skin.

14. Chelidonium – For Liver Inflammation (Hepatitis)

Chelidonium is most valuable medicine to help cases of liver inflammation. Those who need it have liver pain that may radiate to the back. Liver may be enlarged and sore to touch. Jaundice can be present with dark stool and offensive urine.

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Top 9 Homeopathic medicines for UTI in women

Urine infection or Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) can trouble a lot of women. Though men also get urine infections, women are four times more at risk of acquiring UTI than men. Urine infection happens when bacteria gain entry into the urinary tract via urethra and start multiplying in the urinary bladder. The most common bacteria that tends to cause urine infection is Escherichia coli (E.coli). Urinary tract infection can occur in any part of urinary tract. When infection occurs in the urethra and the bladder, it is termed as lower urinary tract infection. Infection involving the ureters and the kidneys is referred to as upper urinary tract infection.

Why are women more at risk of urine infection? First among many reasons is that urethral opening in the females is very close to the anus. Due to this, bacteria around the anus easily travel to the urethra. Second is the urethra in women is short as compared to men. So the bacteria have to travel less distance to get into the bladder from the urethra. Next, use of diaphragms (for birth control) or spermicidal (contraceptive substances that destroy sperms) agents also increases risk. Sexual activity can also be the cause in young sexually active women. Some women are predisposed to frequent urine infection initially after marriage. This is termed honeymoon cystitis. Besides these women around menopause also are more predisposed to get urine infection. The reason is decrease in estrogen levels that leads to certain changes in the urinary tract that heightens UTI risk. The symptoms include pain/ burning sensation during urination, frequent urge to urinate, urgency to pass urine, pelvic pain, strong smell from urine and cloudy or bloody urine. In case of upper tract UTI symptoms include fever, chills, pain in the upper back and sides, nausea and vomiting.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to treat cases of urine infection in females. Homeopathic medicines help in fighting urine infection naturally by boosting the self-healing mechanism of the body. The symptoms of urine infection are well managed with these medicines. These medicines help to manage the symptoms. Homeopathic medicines for treating urine infection are made of natural substances, hence are very safe to use without any toxic side effects. Homeopathic prescription to treat urine infection varies from case to case based on the characteristic individual symptoms. Homeopathic medicines to treat urine infection should be taken under supervision of a homeopathic doctor and self-medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic medicines for UTI in women

1. Sepia – Top Remedy

Sepia is a top recommended medicine to manage urine infection in women. This medicine gives wonderful results in managing pain and the burning sensation occurring while passing urine. There is frequent urge to pass urine. A constant pressure on the bladder is felt. An urgency to pass urine is present with the need to rush to pass urine hurriedly without any delay. If desire to pass urine is not attended immediately, urine passes involuntarily. There is pelvic pain or bearing down in the pelvis and tension in the lower abdomen along with above symptoms. Urine may have an offensive smell. It can be dark in color and cloudy as well. Urine may be scanty and sometimes only few drops of urine pass.

2. Cantharis – For Marked Burning And Pain

This medicine is the next prominent medicine for treating urine infection in females. It is helpful when burning or pain is felt while passing urine as well as before and after passing urine. The urine passed may be scanty and at times in drops. In some cases, drops of blood may pass in the urine. There is a frequent urge to urinate. Even the smallest quantity of urine in the bladder leads to an urge to pass urine. The urge to pass urine increases while standing and walking and gets better on sitting. Heaviness is felt in the bladder.

3. Apis Mellifica – For Burning When Passing Last Drops Of Urine

This medicine works best when there is burning, especially on passing the last drops of urine. There is a frequent urge to urinate in cases needing it. There is an urge almost every half an hour to pass urine but only little urine is passed at a time. Stinging pain may also be felt on passing urine.

4. Staphysagria – For Urine Infection In Young Married Women

This medicine is highly recommended to treat urine infection in young married women. This condition is referred to as honeymoon cystitis. Females needing it feel burning when urinating. Urine frequency is increased and urine passes in thin stream or drop by drop. Urine is yellowish- red. The pressure persists in the bladder as if it didn’t get empty. There is a sensation as if a drop of urine is continuously rolling in the urethra. A needle-like stitching pain is also felt in the urethra.

5. Pulsatilla – For Burning During and After Urination

This medicine is very beneficial for managing burning during and after urination. Besides, frequent desire to urinate occurs as pressure builds up in the bladder. It seems as if the bladder is too full.  There is an urgency to pass urine and it is impossible to delay passing urine. Mucus sediments pass in the urine. It is also indicated for cutting and stinging pain during urination.

6. Merc Cor – For Intense Burning In Urethra

This medicine is suitable for cases when there is intense burning in the urethra. There is frequent urge to urinate. But inspite of passing urine several times, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Urine may pass in drops with pain. Urine is hot.  Blood may be present in the urine in some cases.

7. Sarsaparilla – For Burning When Passing Last Part Of Urine

This medicine is well indicated for managing burning felt when passing the last part of urine. Urine is scanty that passes in thin stream. Urine may contain pus and blood. The bladder may be tender to touch. There is frequent ineffectual urge to urinate with decreased urine secretion.

8. Lycopodium – For Frequent Urine And Bearing Down Pain Over Bladder

This medicine is helpful for managing frequent urination along with bearing down pain over the bladder region. The urine contains yellow or red sediments and has a foul odor. Pain gets worse on lying down mainly at night. Bladder feels heavy. Dull pressing pain in the bladder and abdomen may also be felt. In some cases stitching pain might occur. Urine is pale or dark colored. Itching in the urethra may be there.

9. Equisetum – For Pain After Voiding Urine

This medicine works well in cases where severe pain is felt immediately after urine is passed. Bladder region along with the lower abdomen can be tender to pressure. There is also dull pain in the bladder not relieved after urination. There is a constant desire to pass urine but only small amount of urine is passed every time.



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What Causes Weakness in Legs and its Homeopathic treatment

Sometimes we feel weak in the legs and we don’t know why. It may be in one leg or both, may arise suddenly or gradually over weeks. The reason may be mild like over-activity/overexertion of leg muscles. In some cases, it is linked to some underlying medical cause (like slip disc, peripheral neuropathy). But in some cases, weakness of legs may point to a serious health issue (especially in case of sudden leg weakness), for example brain stroke which is a medical emergency that needs immediate medical help. Depending on the cause behind leg weakness, some other symptoms may accompany that include pain in the legs, numbness or tingling sensation in the legs, difficulty in standing or walking, pain in the back that may radiate down the legs and inability to move legs (paralysis).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines have great scope in managing cases of leg weakness. Use of these medicines is recommended only in cases where leg weakness appears gradually and no serious cause is linked with leg weakness. Homeopathic medicines work naturally to manage leg weakness along with attending symptoms like pain, tingling, numbness in legs. These medicines are free from side effects. As leg weakness can arise due a serious ailment, it is advised to get every case of weakness in legs evaluated by a physician so that the condition can be diagnosed correctly followed by its proper treatment at the right time. Self – medication should be avoided in any case. In case of sudden onset of leg weakness and in case of serious causes like brain stroke, urgent medical help should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For Weakness In Legs

1. Gelsemium – Top Remedy

Gelsemium is a very effective medicine to manage leg weakness. In cases needing it, weakness is felt at the slightest exertion. Weakness can be attended with numbness and heaviness in the legs. There may be trembling in legs. Gelsemium is also indicated when all the limbs feel weak. Drawing or cramping pain may be felt while walking.

2. Causticum – For Pain In Legs

Causticum is a very beneficial medicine for leg weakness. Persons complain of drawing and tearing pain in the legs and thighs. One feels cramps in the calf muscles in the morning while still in bed. Legs may be sore to touch on the front side. Intolerable uneasiness or trembling may be felt in the limbs.

3. Alumina – To Manage Leg Weakness Along With Heaviness

It is another useful medicine for managing leg weakness. In cases needing it, legs feel very heavy besides feeling weak. A person may stagger (loss of balance) while walking. There may occur numbness and stiffness in the legs usually at night. Tearing pain may be felt in the legs when lying down or sitting mostly at night. Legs feel tired and exhausted when sitting.

4. Picric Acid – With Numbness Or Pricking Sensation In Legs

This medicine is indicated prominently when along with weakness in legs, there is numbness or pricking sensation as from needles. Crawling sensation in the legs may also attend. Excessive heaviness is felt in the legs especially after exertion. The legs may be as heavy as metal lead that are lifted from the floor with difficulty. The muscles may be sore to touch.

5. Phosphorus – With Missteps On Walking

Phosphorus is beneficial for weakness in the legs that leads to missteps (unsteady walk) while walking. Legs feel tired and heavy. Legs may feel cold along with sweating. Weakness and heaviness is worse when going upstairs. Drawing pains in the legs may occur along with the above complaints. There may be trembling of limbs on exertion. Tingling and formication (crawling sensation) may also be felt in limbs.

6. Argentum Nitricum – For Leg Weakness Along With Trembling

This medicine is helpful when weakness in the legs is attended with trembling. There is difficulty in standing and walking. Legs feel heavy as well. Legs feel as if made of wood. Legs become stiff and rigid. Pain is felt in calf muscles becoming troublesome at night.

7. Aesculus – For Weakness In Legs And Back

This medicine is well indicated when there is weakness in legs as well as back. Persons needing it have great problem in walking and they must lie down. There may be pain in legs and become sore while walking.

8. Conium – With Difficult Walking

Conium works well in case of weakness of legs with difficult walking. A dragging sensation and uneasiness is felt in the legs. Heaviness is also felt in limbs. In some cases, trembling of limbs may occur. Feet may get cold.

What Are The Causes Of Weakness In Legs?

1. Slip disc and Pinched nerve – It refers to a condition in which the gel-like substance in the intervertebral disc protrudes out through a tear in its outer shell. It is common in the lower back at L5 – S1 level. Slip disc in lower back may put pressure on the sciatic nerve that can lead to lower back pain extending down the leg (called sciatica), numbness, tingling sensation and muscle weakness in lower limbs. In mild cases, emergency help is not required. But if there is associated loss of bowel or bladder control, it points to serious issue where one should seek emergency medical help.

2. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) – In this medical condition, muscle pain is felt after about one or two days of physical exertion. Those who have done leg exercises may feel temporary weakness in their legs for few days.

3. Peripheral neuropathy – It refers to the damage to nerves other than that of brain and spinal cord (means peripheral nervous system). It may happen from an injury, diabetes, hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or an infection. It usually begins with numbness/tingling in hands and feet. Its other symptoms are weakness, burning sensation, pain and difficulty in walking.

4. Multiple sclerosis – It refers to an autoimmune disease that damages the myelin sheath that protects the nerves. It may show different type of symptoms including muscle weakness, difficulty in walking, muscle rigidity, tremors.

5. Spinal compression – Compression of nerves in spine occur for example from abnormal curvature in the spine (scoliosis), bone spurs (extra bony growths), tumour on spine or broken vertebra.

6. Myasthenia gravis – A disorder that leads to weakness in voluntary skeletal muscles. Its symptoms include drooping eyelids, muscle weakness in arms, legs, hands or feet, trouble speaking/swallowing, double vision.

7. Guillain–Barre Syndrome – An autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the nerves that cause weakness, tingling, numbness mostly starting in feet and legs. The symptoms eventually spread upwards. If not treated timely it can paralyze the whole body and prove life threatening.

8. ALS (amytrophic lateral sclerosis) – In this condition, the neurons controlling voluntary muscle movement get damaged and stop functioning causing muscle weakness and paralysis. It may cause weakness in legs or arms, muscle stiffness, difficulty in speech or swallowing, difficulty in walking and falling easily.

9. Cauda equina syndrome – In this syndrome there is compression of a bundle of nerves at the end of spinal cord. Its symptoms are numbness in the back of legs, hips, inner thighs, pain in back, sciatica, weakness of legs. It is a medical emergency and if medical help is not given promptly it can cause permanent weakness/paralysis of legs and loss of bladder/bowel control.

10. Beriberi – Deficiency of vitamin B1 can damage nerves, brain and heart. It can cause weakness, nerve pain, memory loss and heart failure.

11. Stroke – It is a medical emergency needing prompt medical help. It refers to interrupted oxygen supply (from blockage / bursting of blood vessel) to brain that causes death of brain cells and loss of brain function. Its symptoms happen suddenly and depend on the part of the brain affected. The symptoms include weakness in legs, numbness/weakness in arms or face, slurred speech, confusion, dizziness, visual disturbance, difficulty in walking and loss of balance.



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Frequent Urination from Enlarged Prostate causing trouble, try Homeopathy

Enlarged prostate causes many urinary problems and frequent urination is one of the most commonly occurring complaint from enlarged prostate. Prostate gland is a walnut size gland that surrounds the first part of urethra underneath the bladder in males. It secretes prostatic fluid and also functions to expel semen during ejaculation. The enlargement of prostate gland is very common in elderly males (between age of 50-60 yrs).

The enlarged prostate may push against the bladder and urethra and lead to an urge to pass urine even when the bladder is not full. In most cases, frequent urination occurs usually at night and the person has to rise several times at night to pass urine. Even after passing urine several times, there is a sensation of the bladder not being empty. Besides frequent urination, other complaints that can occur from enlarged prostate include urgency to urinate, straining to initiate urine, weak urine stream, interrupted urine, dribbling at the end of urine and burning/pain while urinating.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy has a very effective solution for many complaints associated with prostate enlargement including that of frequent urination. With use of homeopathic medicines, the increased frequency of urination is controlled wonderfully. Along with controlling frequent urination, they also help to manage other accompanying concerns. These medicines work in the most natural way to overcome prostate complaints. With zero side effects, they are very safe to use. The homeopathic prescription to manage frequent urine varies from case to case depending on symptoms. So it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of homeopathic physician and avoid self -medication.

Homeopathic medicines for treating frequent urination

1. Sabal Serrulata – Top Remedy

Sabal Serrulata is the topmost medicine to manage various complaints related to enlarged prostate including frequent urination. This medicine is recommended when urination is very frequent at night. There is almost a constant urge to urinate at night which disturbs the person’s sleep at night. There may be difficulty in passing urine. It can be accompanied with burning and smarting pain. It is painful when the flow of urine starts. Besides, Sabal Serrulata can also be used when there is dribbling of urine due to enlarged prostate. There may be dull pain in the prostate gland that extends to the abdomen in cases requiring this medicine.

2. Lycopodium – For Frequent Urine At Night

Lycopodium is yet another prominent medicine to manage frequent urine from prostate enlargement. Those needing it show increased frequency to urinate at night. Urine is passed in increased quantity at night while it is scanty during the day. Though there is increased desire to urinate, when the sufferer tries to urinate he has to wait for some time before urine passes. Straining efforts may be needed to initiate passage of urine. The urine passed is dark in color or have red sediments in it. During urination, burning pain may be felt in urethra. Sometimes burning pain is felt even after passing urine.

3. Thuja – For Frequent Urine Attended With Urgency To Urinate

Use of this medicine is suggested when a person indulges in frequent urination along with urgent need to pass urine. Frequency to pass urine increases in the evening and at night. In case of an immediate urge go pass urine, a person has to rush immediately to the toilet. The urinary stream is interrupted. It seems as if something is obstructing urine flow. The entire bladder does not get empty at one time. The sufferer has to go for urination multiple times (five or six) one after another to empty the bladder. During urination, a person may feel burning or stitching pain.

4. Baryta carb – For Immediate Urge To Urinate

Like Thuja, this medicine is also useful when there is frequent urination along with urgency to pass urine. The person is unable to retain urine once urge is felt. He needs to quickly pass urine. The urine passed is profuse in quantity. Bladder irritation is worse at night and much urine is passed at night. Burning is felt on urination. After urinating, there is renewed straining to pass urine along with dribbling of urine at times.

5. Apis Mellifica – When There Is Straining To Initiate Urine

This medicine is recommended when there is increased frequency to urinate along with straining efforts to initiate urine. Persons requiring it have to press a lot to begin urination. They have the urge to pass urine very often during day and also at night. The urge to urinate arises every half an hour. At night, they have to rise from sleep 10 to 12 times to urinate. Burning sensation when passing urine can be quite prominent and most specifically, it is most intense, while passing the last drops of urine.

6. Merc Sol – For Frequent Urination During Day And Night

Merc Sol is a well-indicated medicine when there is frequent urge for urination both during day and night. There may be an urge to urinate every hour. The urine passed can be either copious or scanty but the increased frequency of passing urine remains. The stream of urine may be very weak as well. There may be sudden urge to pass urine sometimes when the person has to hurry up immediately to pass urine. Burning sensation is marked which remains even after urination. Sometime itching is felt when passing urine.

7. Staphysagria – When Urine Is Scanty And Passes In Thin Stream

This medicine is indicated for managing frequent urination with scanty urine passed in thin stream. In some cases, urine passes drop by drop. After passing urine, a sensation of the bladder not being completely empty remains. A pressure is felt in the urinary bladder. A sensation as if a drop of urine is rolling constantly in the urethra persists. Burning sensation persists during and after passing urine.

8. Conium – For Interrupted Urine

Conium can be used in cases where the urine stream is interrupted along with frequent urination. There is difficulty in initiating urine as well. After urine initiates, it starts and stops several times till the entire urine passes. The urine may feel hot. Even after passing urine several times, an urge to pass urine occurs quite often. Sharp pressing pain or pressure on the bladder may be felt. After passing urine, cutting pain can be felt.

9. Chimaphila – For Frequent And Scanty Urine

This medicine can be considered when there is frequent urination along with scanty urine. There may be an urge to urinate every one or two hours. Straining may be required to pass urine. The sufferer may have to pass urine by standing with feet apart and bending forward. Pain is felt while urinating.

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How to deal with Back Pain During Menses through Homeopathic remedies

Back pain is a very common complaint that may occur during menses besides other complaints like abdomen cramps, bloating, headache and irritability. Around 40-50 pc females tend to suffer backache during their menstrual periods. It may be a mild discomfort that occurs normally as a part of periods or it could be linked to some medical problem like uterine fibroids, endometriosis or pelvic infection.

Most commonly, back pain occurs as a part of dysmenorrhea (uterine cramps during menses). Around 15 pc females who face pain during periods also tend to suffer back pain. Other symptoms may attend back pain depending on the cause behind it. These symptoms might include pain in pelvis (lower abdomen), heavy periods, irregular periods, nausea, vomiting, headache, loose stool (diarrhea), frequent urination, pain when passing stool, painful intercourse (dyspareunia), bleeding from rectum or bladder during menses and pain or bleeding during intercourse.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is very effective in managing multiple female health problems including back pain during menses. Homeopathic medicines help tremendously in reducing back pain during menses. After acutely managing back pain during one menstrual period, homeopathic medicines work gradually to overcome the tendency to have back pain every time during consecutive periods. For this solution, homeopathic treatment has be continued for a few months altogether. The duration of the treatment depends on the intensity of the pain. Homeopathic medicines are selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation based on the symptom presentation that varies from case to case. These medicines are entirely safe to use as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. They have zero side effects.

Homeopathic Medicines For Managing Back Pain During Periods

1. Bryonia – Top Remedy

Bryonia is the most prominently indicated medicine to manage back pain during menses. The characteristic feature to use this medicine is backache which gets worse from movement and walking. It feels as if the back is beaten. It gets better by lying down. Along with this, there may be excessive bleeding during menses with dark red blood. Pain may also be felt in the legs in some cases. Nausea may be another complaint of some women needing this medicine.

2. Sepia – For Pain From Back To Abdomen

This medicine is highly recommended when pain from the back goes to abdomen. The pain in the back may sometimes begin some days before menses start. A bearing down pain in the lower abdomen (pelvic area) or a shooting stitching pain can be felt. A feeling as if all the pelvic organs will come out of vagina may be experienced in many cases. The periods may be profuse (excessive bleeding). Yellow vaginal discharge may occur after menses along with pain in the lower back. It is a top recommended medicine for managing multiple health issues in women like hormonal problems, fibroids, pelvic infection in females.

3. Kali Carb – When Pain From Lower Back Goes Down To Hips

Kali Carb is a suitable medicine for lower back pain radiating down to the hips. Pain gets worse while standing or walking. There is a desire to lie down. A heavy weight is felt in the back. The back feels as if it is broken. Weakness in the lower back and legs can attend. Nausea and vomiting can occur as well. Pain in the lower abdomen and groins (crease between thighs and lower abdomen) can be felt. Abdominal distension may also be there.

4. Sabina – For pain from lower back to lower abdomen in front of pelvis (pubes)

It is a very useful medicine for managing pain radiating from lower back to lower abdomen in front of pelvis (pubes). It is a bearing down type of pain. The pain also extends down the thighs. The menstrual bleeding is partly fluid and partly clotted. The bleeding is bright red with large clots. It comes out in gushes. The bleeding worsens from movement. Warm application over the painful area may relieve pain. Headache, nausea and vomiting may occur sometimes. There is a tendency of delayed menses.

5. Pulsatilla – For Pain In Back, Lower Abdomen, Nausea And Vomiting

It is an effective medicine when pain is felt in the back and lower abdomen, attended with vomiting. There is marked heaviness in the back and abdomen. Pain in the thighs can accompany. Nausea and vomiting occur along with intense pain. There may also be a very frequent urge to pass stool.

6. Causticum – With Discharge Of Large Clots In Menstrual Blood

This medicine is indicated when there is back pain with passage of clots in menstrual blood. The clots are large. Menstrual blood is bright red. Pain in the back before menses as well as cramping pain in the lower abdomen is also felt. There is sadness before menses. Besides during menses, headache, weakness and loose stool occur.

7. Cimicifuga Racemosa – When Pain Gets Better By Taking Rest

Cimicifuga Racemosa is a prominent medicine when back pain during periods gets better by taking rest. The pain gets worse by movement. There is intense pain in the back as well as thighs and hips. Sharp pains are felt in the lower abdomen with doubling up (bending forward and downward at the waist) bringing relief. Bearing down pains may also be felt in the uterine region and lower back. Besides, heaviness is felt in the limbs. The menstrual flow is scanty and clotted. Sometimes pain from the lower back may extend to the entire body.

8. Calcarea Carb – For Back Pain And Abdomen Pain

This medicine can be used for back pain and abdomen pain during menses. Pain may be felt in the hips. Sometimes headache, nausea may be experienced. In some cases, anxiety and restlessness may appear.

9. Kalmia – For Pain In The Back, Thighs And Legs

This medicine can be used when there is pain in the back, thighs and legs during menses. The periods are regular but painful. Weakness is also felt in the back. Heat or burning sensation may be felt.

10. Ammonium Carb – With Weakness

This medicine is beneficial when back pain is accompanied with excessive weakness. The pain gets worse at rest. Walking tends to decrease pain. There is pain in the abdomen. Besides, a person feels sad and a chill is also felt in the body. The menstrual bleeding can be blackish and in clots.

Causes Of Back Pain During Menses

1. Dysmenorrhea: It refers to pelvic (lower abdomen) pain or cramps experienced during menses. The reason behind it is secretion of chemicals called prostaglandins that have hormones-like action. These prostaglandins cause contraction of uterus during menses to shed its lining. It can also lead to strong uterine contractions in some leading to pain in pelvis and also back pain. The pain besides lower abdomen and back may radiate down the legs. Nausea, vomiting, headache and loose stool (diarrhea) may also occur.

2. Uterine fibroids: These are non-cancerous growths that occur in uterus especially in women of child-bearing age. Its symptoms include heavy periods, prolonged periods, pelvic pain, back pain, frequent urge to urinate and pain when passing stool.

3. Endometriosis: It refers to a condition where endometrial tissue that normally lines the mucous membrane of uterus grows in places other than uterus for example in ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines, urinary bladder and rectum. This tissue tends to grow and thicken like uterine lining due to hormonal changes with every menstrual cycle and is shed along with uterine lining during periods every month. Its symptoms include painful periods, pelvic pain that may radiate to the back and legs, heavy bleeding during menses, painful intercourse (dyspareunia) and bleeding from rectum or bladder during menses, varying from case to case.

4. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): It is a hormonal problem occuring in women leading to complaints like irregular periods, heavy periods (it may cause back pain), suppressed menses, acne, excessive hair growth on face (on chin, upper lips), hair fall and weight gain.

5. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): An infection in the genitals of women, it can occur in ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. It may arise from sexually transmitted bacterial infections. The symptoms include vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, lower abdominal pain, back pain, pain or bleeding during intercourse. In some cases fever, nausea, vomiting may occur.

6. Cancer of uterus or cervix


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