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Trouble While Travelling? Homeopathy can Treat Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is a common condition where a person experiences the symptoms of nausea and vomiting while traveling by car, train, boat or airplane. Depending upon the means of transport, motion sickness may also be referred to as seasickness, car sickness or air sickness. While women and children are more prone to motion sickness, it can happen to anyone. Occasional motion sickness is not a cause of concern, but it can be a distressing condition for those who have to deal with it every time they travel. Homeopathic medicines for motion sickness help relieve symptoms like nausea and dizziness while traveling. A course of homeopathy can also help eliminate the problem completely. Cocculus Indicus, Petroleum and Tabacum are the top homeopathic remedies used to treat motion sickness.

Homeopathic Medicines for Motion Sickness

1. Cocculus Indicus: Top Medicine for Motion Sickness

Cocculus Indicus is a medicine prepared from a plant called Indian Cokle which belongs to the family Menispermaceae. Cocculus is a top grade homeopathic remedy for motion sickness. It is used to treat cases of car sickness, sea sickness, and air sickness. The patient feels nausea and vomiting from riding in cars, boats, trains or even when looking at a boat when it is in motion. The patient may even feel motion sickness after swinging. There is a sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Nausea with vertigo is present which starts from slightest motion. Nausea and vertigo can even lead to fainting or vomiting.

2. Petroleum: Homeopathic Remedy for Motion Sickness

Petroleum is a natural medicine for treating the symptoms of motion sickness. The person needing this medicine feels great discomfort and a sense of nausea and vomiting while traveling. There is an empty and weak sensation in the stomach. Nausea can start suddenly by riding in cars which often become so violent that it can make the patient breathless. There is a sense of vertigo and vomiting of bitter, green substances.

3. Tabacum Nicotiana: Effective Medicine for Motion Sickness with Severe Nausea

Tabacum Nicotiana is a medicine prepared from the plant Nicotiana Tabacum of the family Solanaceae. Tabacum can work wonders in treating the cases of motion sickness with severe nausea. The patient usually feels nausea which is continuous in and leads to vomiting. Vertigo is episodic, and begins suddenly, causing fainting. The patient gets a sinking feeling in the upper part of the abdomen. It can be helpful in treating the cases where the patient feels nausea and vomiting on the slightest motion. Vomiting is of sour fluid with excessive mucus that causes extreme distress.

4. Sepia Succus: Effective Remedy for Motion Sickness with Anxiety

Sepia is a remedy for motion sickness where there is anxiety. There are marked issues of nausea and vomiting while traveling in cars. The patient feels very anxious when attempting to strain the eyes during traveling. There is a lot of sensitivity and a feeling of emptiness felt at the pit of the stomach.

5. Ipecacuanha: Natural Remedy for Motion Sickness by Looking at Moving Objects

Ipecac is a medicine prepared from a plant named Uragoga Ipecacuanha of the family Rubiaceae. Ipecac is a homeopathic medicine used particularly in cases where the patient gets motion sickness by looking at moving objects. There is a sinking feeling in the stomach. The patient feels a loss of appetite along with nausea. Nausea gets worse from least motion and is not relieved even after vomiting.

6. Theridion: Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Motion Sickness with Headache

Theridion is a natural cure for motion sickness accompanied by a pain in the head. Nausea generally starts with pain in the head, by closing the eyes, looking steadily on an object or while traveling in a fast moving car. This is a prominent medicine to be prescribed in the cases of seasickness. Nausea occurs along with vertigo. The patient may end up vomiting out acrid water due to vertigo. The seasickness gets better upon closing the eyes.

7. Iris Versicolor: Natural Treatment for Motion Sickness with Acid Vomiting

Iris Versicolor is a medicine prepared from the plant Blue Flag of the family Iridaceae. Iris is best suited to people who have motion sickness with acid vomiting. The patient tends to get nausea and vomiting from riding in a car. He/She gets continuous nausea along with retching. Nausea and vomiting of thin, watery, acidic and sour food matter occur, producing a burning sensation in the mouth, throat, and stomach.

8. Magnesia Carbonica: Natural Cure for Motion Sickness with Empty Sensation in Stomach

Mag Carb. is a natural medicine for motion sickness along with a marked sensation of emptiness in the stomach. There is nausea followed by vomiting. The patient feels extremely weak, along with a feeling of nausea and vomiting which begins while riding in cars, along with vomiting of sour or bitter salty water.

9. Nux Moschata: Natural Medicine for Motion Sickness with Drowsiness

Nux Moschata is a remedy prepared from a plant named Myristica Officinalis of the family Myristicacee. It is a natural remedy for motion sickness along with drowsiness. The patient has nausea and waterbrash while riding in cars. There is a great inclination to fall asleep during nausea, and there may be a pressure at the pit of the stomach. Some people also experience dyspnea with a particular sensation of something crawling to the throat from the stomach.

10. Nux Vomica: Effective Natural Medicine for Motion Sickness Relieved by Vomiting

Nux Vomica is prepared from seeds of Strychnos Nux Vomica of the family Loganiacae. As a remedy, it is best suited for people who get motion sickness that gets better after vomiting. The patient experiences motion sickness from riding in cars or while traveling by sea. There may be excessive nausea and vomiting along with retching. The patient has a constant desire to vomit as he feels that nausea will get better by vomiting. Vomiting of undigested food occurs relieving the symptoms of motion sickness.

Symptoms of Motion Sickness

The hallmark symptoms of motion sickness are nausea and vomiting which generally begin with a sense of uneasiness and discomfort in the abdomen and chest. Some people may get dizzy when symptoms start to appear.

Many people take medicines before a few hours of traveling to avoid nausea and vomiting but as a result, one can experience side effects of medicines like drowsiness, dryness of mouth, blurring of vision and occasional disorientation.

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Homeopathic Remedies for Labyrinthitis

The labyrinth is a part of the inner ear that is involved in hearing and maintaining balance. An inflammation of this part of the inner ear is known as labyrinthitis. The primary reasons behind labyrinthitis include viral infections (like herpes, measles, mumps, and rubella) and bacterial infection of the middle ear.

labyrinthitis homeopathy

Labyrinthitis is an infection of the inner ear.

Labyrinthitis can be treated effectively with homeopathic medicines that aim to reduce inflammation and provide symptomatic management. Conium, Gelsemium, and Kali Mur are the top homeopathic remedies used to treat labyrinthitis.

Homeopathic Treatment of Labyrinthitis

Symptoms of labyrinthitis including dizziness, vertigo, balance issues, fullness in the ear, noises in the ear (tinnitus), nausea, vomiting, fluid discharge from ear and ear ache can all be treated effectively with homeopathy. The most common homeopathic medicines for the symptomatic management of labyrinthitis include Conium Maculatum, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Kali Mur, Chininum Sulph, Cocculus Indicus, Pulsatilla and Chamomilla.

Homeopathic Medicines for Labyrinthitis

Conium Maculatum – Homeopathic Medicine for Vertigo with Labyrinthitis

Conium Maculatum is an effective medicine for labyrinthitis with marked vertigo. In most cases where Conium Maculatum works effectively, vertigo gets worse when turning the head or when lying down. In some cases, turning in the bed or rising from a seat can also worsen vertigo. Along with vertigo, there may be a pressure in the head and stopped sensation in the ears.

Gelsemium Sempervirens – Homeopathic Remedy Dizziness and Balance Issues in Labyrinthitis

Gelsemium Sempervirens is a natural medicine for labyrinthitis when dizziness and balance issues are the main symptoms. Lightheadedness that gets worse from walking is majorly noted in people who need this medicine. There are balance issues, and the person staggers while walking. Along with this head, there may be a heaviness in the head along with a blurred vision.

Kali Mur – Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Fullness in Ears

Kali Mur is a natural cure for labyrinthitis that works well in cases where there is a feeling of fullness in the ears. Along with fullness, crackling noises in the ear may be present. There may be ear discharges.

Chininum Sulph – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Labyrinthitis with Marked Noises in Ear

Chininum Sulph is a natural remedy for labyrinthitis with marked noises in the ear (tinnitus). These noises in the ear may be roaring, ringing or buzzing in nature. There may be vertigo that gets worse upon stooping. Difficulty in hearing is another attending feature in most cases.

Cocculus Indicus – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Nausea and Vomiting in Labyrinthitis

Cocculus Indicus is a well-indicated remedy for labyrinthitis when nausea and vomiting appear prominently. The other prominent symptom accompanying nausea and vomiting is dizziness or vertigo. Vertigo is worse when sitting up. Roaring, ringing in the ear, loss of balance and hardness of hearing are rest symptoms that may attend.

Pulsatilla – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Ear Discharge in Labyrinthitis 

Pulsatilla offers natural treatment for labyrinthitis when there is the presence of an ear discharge along with other symptoms. The discharge in most cases is thick yellow or pus-like. Frequent ear infections are common in individuals needing this remedy. Other symptoms are vertigo with nausea, vertigo, especially when rising from the bed, hearing difficulty and humming noises in the ear. Pain in the ear, especially during the night, is another prominent symptom.

Chamomilla – Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Earache due to Labyrinthitis

Chamomilla is a natural medicine for labyrinthitis when an earache is present. A stitching type of pain is present in most cases. Warm pressure may offer relief. The ear feels sensitive to touch, and there may be roaring, ringing noises in the ear. There may also be a stopped feeling in the ears.

Symptoms of Labyrinthitis

The significant labyrinthitis symptoms include dizziness, vertigo, and problems with balance. Other symptoms of labyrinthitis include hearing loss, fullness in the ear, noises in the ear (tinnitus), nausea and vomiting. In some cases of labyrinthitis, a mild headache, fluid discharge from the ear, earache, and blurred vision may also be present.

Causes of Labyrinthitis

Some other causes, apart from infections, include underlying autoimmune disease, allergies, use of certain medicines (like aspirin, furosemide), injury to the head or ear, and any benign tumor of the inner ear. Smoking, intake of alcohol in large quantities and extreme stress are some other risk factors for labyrinthitis.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Treat your Stiff Neck With Natural Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathic medicine for stiff neckA stiff neck can be the result of an injury or strain on the muscles and ligaments of the neck. A neck strain is the result of damage to the tendons and muscles or the ligaments that connect the muscle to the bone. A neck sprain, on the other hand, occurs as a result of the tearing of ligaments. Homeopathic remedies for neck stiffness work by treating the root cause of the problem. The top homeopathic treatments for a stiff neck include Rhus Tox, Cimicifuga, and Arnica.

Neck injuries include sports injuries, repetitive strain injuries, brachial plexus injuries and more. Poor posture is also a major contributing factor towards neck pain.

Homeopathic Medicines for Stiff Neck

Rhus Tox – Natural Treatment for Neck Pain

Rhus Tox is a top listed homeopathic remedy for treating neck pain. It works very effectively to treat general neck stiffness and pain resulting from neck strain, overuse of neck muscle, wear and tear of structures of the neck, repetitive stress on neck muscles, muscles spasm in the neck, injuries to the neck (whiplash injury) and carrying heavy weights on shoulders. There might be marked stiffness in the neck along with a pain in the shoulders. Rhus Tox also helps in cases where a stiff neck results from sleeping wrong. People needing Rhus Tox may feel relief by moving the neck and feel discomfort while at rest. For them, warm applications or a gentle neck massage may help relieve the pain.

Cimicifuga Racemosa – Effective Natural Cure for a Stiff Neck

Cimicifuga Racemosa is prepared from the root of a plant named black cohosh. This plant belongs to natural order Ranunculaceae. Its use is highly suggested when marked stiffness attends neck pain. The neck feels tensed and contracted. The neck is also sore and sensitive to touch. Pressure tends to worsen the symptoms. The motion of the head aggravates the neck pain. These symptoms that tend to result from degeneration or wear and tear in the neck structures are treated well with Cimicifuga.

Arnica – Natural Medicine for Neck Pain from Injury

Arnica is prepared from a plant called ‘Leopard’s Bane.’ This plant belongs to the family Composite. It is highly suitable for neck pain that arises from an injury, fall, and blows or overstraining of the neck muscles. The neck feels sore and bruised and is highly sensitive to pressure. The cervical muscles are often weak in such cases. Arnica helps manage neck pain, soreness and aids recovery from neck injuries and neck strains.

Bryonia Alba – Homeopathic Remedy for Stiff Neck that Worsens from Movement

Homeopathic Medicine Bryonia Alba is prepared from tincture of roots of a plant called Wild Hops of the family Cucurbitaceae. In cases where neck pain or stiffness worsens with movement and touching the neck worsens the pain, this remedy works well to help alleviate pain.

Guaiacum – Homeopathic Medicine for Stiff Neck

Guaiacum offers great help in cases of a stiff neck. In a majority of the cases needing Guaiacum, stiffness from the nape of neck extends towards the shoulders and scapulae. In some cases, the stiffness may extend down to the lower back. Stiffness worsens from cold. Neck pain is present on both the left and right side and extends to the head.

Lachnanthes – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Wry Neck

Lachnanthes is a homeopathic remedy prepared from a plant named ‘Spirit Weed’ of the natural order Hemodoracae. As a remedy, it effectively treats a stiff neck. It also works well in cases where the neck gets drawn to one side- Wry Neck (also at times referred to as Torticollis). The pain and stiffness are felt from the neck and in the whole head, and bending the head backward worsens the pain.

Kalmia – Effective Natural Medicine for Neck Pain Extending Down the Arms

Homeopathic medicine Kalmia is prepared from the fresh leaves of a plant named ‘Mountain Laurel.’ This plant belongs to natural order Ericaceae. Kalmia is well indicated for neck pain that extends down the arms. The pain also extends to the fingers, particularly to the fourth and little finger. Sensations such as weakness, prickling, and tingling in the arms may be felt. The neck muscles feel sore and tender to the touch, and the pain worsens from neck movement. Neck pain worsening at night is also indicative of Kalmia.

Gelsemium – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Neck Pain with Headache

Gelsemium is a natural remedy prepared from the bark of the root of a plant called ‘Yellow Jasmine.’ The natural order of this plant is Loganiaceae. Gelsemium remains highly effective for cases of a stiff neck with a headache. Muscular pains in the neck are marked, and the neck and shoulders feel sore. The neck may be sensitive to pressure, and a contracted feeling is present. Some people also experience dizziness.

Paris Quadrifolia – Natural Treatment for Stiff Neck with Numbness of Fingers

Paris Quadrifolia is prepared from a plant called ‘One Berry.’ The natural order of this plant is Trilliaceae. Use of Paris Quadrifolia is highly recommended for neck pain attended with numbness of fingers. The neck feels painful, stiff and swollen, and the person feels as if there is a heavy load on the head. These symptoms extend across the shoulders and fingers. Exertion tends to worsen the complaints, while rest offers relief.

Hypericum – Homeopathic Medicine for Stiff Neck due to Whiplash Injury

Hypericum is a plant remedy prepared from a fresh plant called ‘St. John’s Wort.’ It belongs to family Hypericacea. Hypericum yields wonderful results in neck pain that results from whiplash injury. The key features that indicate its use are – intense pain in the neck with extreme tenderness. Neck and upper limbs are also sensitive to touch, and the slightest movement of arm or neck intensifies pain.

Causes of Stiff Neck

Stiff Neck due to Sports Injuries

During an intense physical activity, the muscles and ligaments in the back, neck, and shoulders can get strained or sprained. This is more likely in cases of jerky movements (as in tennis), if it is a new activity, or if the player stretches an arm too far. Sportspersons who are involved in contact sports like football are also vulnerable.

Stiff Neck due to Brachial Plexus Injury

The brachial plexus is a complex network of nerves responsible for sending signals from the spinal cord to the hand, arm, and shoulder. A brachial plexus injury occurs when these nerves get compressed, stretched, or torn apart. A minor injury of the brachial plexus can cause an electric-shock-like feeling in the arm, a burning sensation shooting down the arm or weakness and numbness. These sensations often begin near the shoulder and can aggravate neck pain.

Whiplash Injury Leading to a Stiff Neck

A whiplash injury occurs on the soft tissues of the neck. It can cause pain and stiffness in the neck as well as the shoulder and arm. Headaches following a whiplash injury are also common. Such an injury is usually noted in cases of high-impact road accidents or an impact that leads to a forceful, sudden movement of the neck and head. The severity of such an injury can vary from slight stiffness and tenderness to restricted movement or temporary loss of sensation.

Repetitive Strain Injury and Stiff Neck

Repetitive movements of muscles can lead to pain in the surrounding muscles, tendons, and nerves. This condition is known as a repetitive strain injury. These usually occur due to repeated movements performed on a regular basis like during exercise, lifting objects, improper support on the arm, sitting in one position for too long, overuse of a hand, etc. It is also commonly known as a work-related upper limb disorder. It can cause long-term damage to the muscles and tendons if not treated on time.
An RSI mostly affects the upper body parts like the wrists, hands, shoulder, elbows, forearms and the neck.
The main symptoms of an RSI include throbbing, pain, tenderness, and cramps.

Neck Spasm

When the muscles of the neck contract involuntarily, it leads to a neck spasm. Neck spasms can cause stiffness and pain in the neck.
Some of the most common causes of neck spasms are prolonged or repetitive movements of the neck, using a computer or laptop for an extended period, turning awkwardly while sleeping, putting excessive weight on one shoulder or balancing a phone without using hands.

A Stiff Neck as a Result of Poor Posture

Posture directly affects the working of the neck and spine muscles. The most common cause of a stiff neck is straining of the neck muscles. There is a thin muscle known as the levator scapula muscle (found at the back and side of the neck) that connects the top of the cervical spine to the upper part of the shoulder. Two cervical nerves – C3 and C4 control this muscle and it is responsible for a wide range of neck movements like tilting the head or rotating it from side to side.
A poor posture, like slouching or hunching, over a period of time impacts the cervical curve and pulls the spine out of alignment.

The most common postures that lead to a stiff neck include excessive use of handheld devices like mobiles, tablets, laptops and more, which make a person tilt the head forward. This strains the muscles connecting the head and the neck.
Using pillows that are too thin or too high can also lead to stiffness since the neck is in one position and not well-supported.

The Link Between Stress and a Stiff Neck 

Stress and anxiety lead to increased inflammation and tension in the muscles. The shoulder muscles tend to react to physical as well as emotional tension, leading to a strain on the neck. Stress causes the muscles to contract and tighten in an attempt to protect the body, and so a stiff neck often follows an episode of stress, fatigue or anxiety.
A general lack of rest and relaxation, consistently poor sleep, increased inflammation due to a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits like smoking and a poor diet can also contribute to the condition.

General Wear and Tear

With age, almost all joints and muscles tend to weaken. Similarly, the neck joint also begins to wear down with age. Cervical problems, osteoarthritis, and other degenerative conditions can cause stiffness in the neck.

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Homeopathic Remedies for Heavy Bleeding During Periods


Heavy-periods-homeopathyHeavy and excessive bleeding during periods is not normal and calls for medical intervention. In medical terminology, excessive bleeding during periods and prolonged periods continuing for more than a week are referred to as Menorrhagia. The cause can be as simple as a little exertion to pathological conditions like fibroid in uterus and hypothyroidism. Women of menopausal age experience heavy bleeding known as flooding. Excessive bleeding can also be a result of an inflammatory condition in the uterus. Made of natural substances, Homeopathic medicines can cure Menorrhagia with zero side effects. Homeopathic treatment offers complete recovery from heavy bleeding during periods in women.

Homeopathy can completely cure heavy bleeding during periods.

Homeopathic medicines are a very safe remedy for heavy bleeding during periods. Homeopathic treatment can completely cure women who experience heavy periods. To ensure that the woman suffering from heavy bleeding during periods gets the right Homeopathic treatment, there are a few key characteristics that are taken into account. The first thing to notice is the colour of the blood: whether it is bright red, pale, dark or black. It is also important to know about the fluidity of blood — whether the blood is fluid, clotted or both. The next characteristic to notice is whether the blood flow is oozing, gushing or has any other form. Whether there is any pain associated with bleeding is another important question to be kept in mind before recommending the Homeopathic medicine. Each woman experiencing heavy periods is also asked whether there are additional symptoms like nausea, vomiting, loose stool or headache. Attention should also be paid to finding out any underlying cause. The appropriate Homeopathic medicine is recommended after going through all these details. It may sound that a lot of questions are being asked, but remember, selecting the right Homeopathic medicine is important as it will do wonders to cure heavy and excessive bleeding during periods.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Heavy Bleeding During Periods

Sabina: Best Homeopathic Remedy for Heavy Bleeding during Periods

Sabina is the top Homeopathic medicine for controlling heavy bleeding during periods. This Homeopathic remedy is very beneficial when the bleeding during periods is both excessive and prolonged. A few women may also have an early appearance of periods before the expected date. The bleeding increases with the slightest motion. Regarding the character of blood for using Homeopathic medicine Sabina, it is partly fluid and partly clotted blood flow. The bleeding is accompanied by pain in the sacrum that radiates to pubes. Sabina is also a Homeopathic remedy of great help for women who have excessive bleeding during menopause.

Ferrum Metallicum: Homeopathic Medicine for Heavy Bleeding of Watery Character during Periods

Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Metallicum is useful in all those cases of heavy bleeding where excessive bleeding of very thin, even watery, form is experienced by women. Ferrum Metallicum is thus the ideal Homeopathic treatment for menstrual bleeding which is excessive and thin. The periods also continue for a long duration in addition to heaviness. Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Metallicum, or Ferrum Met as it is known, is also very beneficial for weak and anemic (lack of blood) women who suffer from heavy bleeding during periods.

China: Top Homeopathic Medicine for Weakness after Heavy Bleeding during Periods

Homeopathic medicine China is the best cure for women who experience weakness, even to a degree that they faint, after prolonged heavy menstrual bleeding. The bleeding is substantial and painful. Clots of dark blood may pass during bleeding. Homeopathic remedy China has twin benefits: it halts the long continuing heavy bleeding and also helps the women recover promptly from the weakness and exhaustion due to blood loss. For women who feel weak as a result of heavy bleeding during periods, Homeopathic medicine China never disappoints.

Borax: Homeopathic Medicine for Gripping Pain during Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Borax is a Homeopathic remedy of great help for women who experience intense pain in the womb and lower abdomen during menstrual bleeding. The pain from the abdomen may extend to the lower back. Profuse bleeding during periods and pain also result in nausea in a few women. Borax thus is the best Homeopathic medicine when women experience painful and excessive bleeding during periods along with nausea.

Belladonna: Homeopathic Remedy for Pain in Hips during Heavy Bleeding in Periods

Belladonna is the top Homeopathic cure for heavy bleeding during periods with pain in hips. The blood is mostly bright red in colour and flows abundantly. A few women complain that the blood feels hot too. Belladonna is also a Homeopathic remedy of great help for women who have a severe headache with excessive bleeding during periods.

Calcarea Carb: Homeopathic Medicine for Vertigo During Heavy Bleeding in Periods

Calcarea Carb is a highly beneficial Homeopathic remedy when vertigo accompanies heavy bleeding during periods. Calcarea Carb is recommended when the periods are excessive and the duration is prolonged. In patients of hypothyroidism with heavy periods, Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb is of great help. The woman may also have very cold feet with heavy bleeding. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb also proves its effectiveness in controlling excess bleeding due to tumours in uterus like in fibroid or polyp uterus.

Homeopathic Medicines Millifolium and Ipecac for Bright Red, Heavy Bleeding during Periods

Millifolium is a very helpful Homeopathic cure for halting heavy bleeding during periods when the blood is bright red in colour. The periods are excessive as well as prolonged. Homeopathic medicine Ipecac works well when bright red blood gushes out in excess from the womb. Nausea is a constant companion with heavy bleeding in women needing Ipecac.

Homeopathic Medicines Cyclamen, Crocus and Hamamelis for Dark Heavy Bleeding during Periods

Cyclamen, Crocus and Hamamelis are very helpful Homeopathic medicines for stopping heavy bleeding during periods when the blood gushing out is dark in colour or blackish.  Cyclamen is the best Homeopathic remedy when the blood is dark or black in colour and clotted. Crocus is the ideal Homeopathic medicine when the woman experiences heavy black bleeding and the blood forms long strings. Hamamelis is the best Homeopathic treatment when the bleeding is heavy and dark or black in colour in the fluid form.

Homeopathic Medicine Ferrum Met for Heavy Bleeding of Pale Watery Blood

Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Met is of great help for women who experience heavy bleeding of pale thin watery blood. The bleeding is both excessive as well as prolonged. Ferrum Met is the best Homeopathic cure for women with watery excessive hemorrhages during periods.

Homeopathic Medicine Sabina for Heavy Bleeding of Partly Fluid and Partly Clotted Blood

Sabina is the top Homeopathic medicine for women who have heavy menstrual bleeding of fluid and clotted blood in combination. Most women needing Sabina feel that the bleeding gets worse with the slightest motion. Sabina is a also a very effective Homeopathic remedy for controlling excessive bleeding in menopausal women.                                                             

Homeopathic Medicines Thalaspi and Trillium Pendulum for Heavy Bleeding in Fibroid Tumours of Uterus

Homeopathic medicine Thalaspi is the best hemorrhage controller in women who have very prolonged periods with heavy bleeding due to fibroid uterus. The blood also contains large clots. Severe colic in abdomen and backache may also show in addition to bleeding for using Thalaspi. The bleeding may continue up to two weeks. In contrast to Thalaspi, Homeopathic medicine Trillium is of great help when heavy bleeding from the fibroid is bright red in colour without any clots. The woman may also experience pain in the hips and back and the bleeding increases with the slightest motion.

Homeopathic Medicines Sabina, Ustilago, China and Trillium for Excessive Bleeding during Menopause

Sabina is a very effective Homeopathic cure for heavy bleeding during menopause when even the slightest motion worsens the condition. The blood is partly fluid and partly clotted. Homeopathic medicine Ustilago is the best remedy when dark clotted blood defines the heavy periods in menopause. The clots may even turn into strings. China is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when exhaustion and faintness occur due to heavy flooding during periods. Trillium is the best Homeopathic medicine when bright red bleeding occurs during menopause with pain in the back and hips.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Hot Flashes During Menopause – Homeopathy can Work Wonders

homeopathic medicines for hot flashes A hot flash is a sudden and intense feeling of heat that is felt on the upper parts of the body, like the face, chest, and neck. There is a sensation of heat which may be accompanied by redness of the face, night sweats, increased heartbeat and, sometimes, a tingling in the fingers. These symptoms are very commonly noted in menopausal and peri-menopausal females. However, other disorders (like diabetes mellitus) may also cause hot flashes. Homeopathic medicines for hot flashes includes medicines like Sepia, Amylenum Nitrosum, and Lachesis Muta.

Hot flashes usually occur in women between the age group of 40-55 years. Some females also experience these during their regular cycles. They tend to occur more during the night and tend to affect sleep.

An episode of a hot flash can last for between one to five minutes, or occur multiple time in an hour. In some cases, it occurs less frequently, (like a few times a week or month) while some experience it daily. These hot flashes can last for approximately six months to a year but can last longer in some women.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Hot flashes

Homeopathy has a natural solution for hot flashes. With the help of natural homeopathic medicines, hot flashes can be reduced to negligible levels, thereby improving the quality of life.

1. Sepia: For Hot Flashes with Weakness

Sepia is a medicine indicated for hot flashes in a female during the menopausal period. Sweat accompanies the episodes of hot flashes. Another fundamental indicative feature of Sepia is that there is marked weakness with a tendency to faint (along with the hot flashes). There is a lack of energy with a feeling of fatigue. It very helpful for all the ailments arising during climacteric/menopausal period and is suitable for individuals who are emotionally very sensitive and can become easily nervous.

Key Indications for Using Sepia:
– Weakness
– Fatigue
– Emotional Sensitivity

2. Amylenum Nitrosum: For Hot flashes with Excessive Sweat

Amylenum Nitrosum is a remedy for hot flashes where there is excessive perspiration. Its sphere of action is on the vasomotor nerves which affect the arteries and capillaries (causing their dilatation). Therefore, it is one of the top remedies for hot flashes. Hot flashes which are followed by an episode of drenching sweats is a marked feature of this remedy. One may also experience headaches along with the hot flashes. There is a prominent flushing of the face. Episodes of hot flashes are usually followed by a period of coldness and pallor (paleness). There can be a throbbing sensation in the whole body during the hot flashes. Also, helpful in cases where there is a history of heart complaints along with the hot flashes.

Key Indications for Using Amylenum:

– Excessive Perspiration
– Headaches
– Flushing of Face

3. Lachesis Muta: For Hot flashes at Menopause

Lachesis is a remedy indicated for menopausal ailments. It is well suited to females during or around the menopause phase. It is helpful for hot flashes which are accompanied by palpitation, headaches, and a feeling of fainting. One may also have hot perspiration along with the hot flashes. Hot flashes also felt at the vertex area (top of the head). The flashes usually occur on falling asleep or on waking up but are generally worse at night. There is an overall feeling of congestion in the head causing congestive headaches. The palpitations felt are worse in a warm room or during the morning hours after waking up. One cannot tolerate tight clothing, especially around the waist area. Well indicated in individuals who have associated high blood pressure with these menopausal ailments.

Key Indications for Using Lachesis:

– Menopausal Ailments
– Palpitations
– Aversion to tight clothing

Other Important Remedies

4. Sulphur: For Hot Flashes with Night Sweats

Sulphur is a remedy for frequent episodes of hot flashes. There is a sensation of heat in the entire body. Heat accompanies the hot flashes in the head, hands, and feet. One may also experience a sensation of emptiness in the stomach during an episode. Another indicative feature of sulphur is profuse sweats at night, especially at the neck and back of the head. One may also experience heat in only one side of the body.

5. Causticum: For Hot flashes with Reduced Sexual Desire

Causticum is a remedy indicated for hot flashes during menopause accompanied by heat along with sweat, especially during sleep. It is a well-indicated medicine for night sweats occurring typically around 4:00 am. A sensation of heat in the whole body is present, which is worse during the late evening or night hours (mostly during 6:00pm-8: 00 pm). There is a tendency to sweat easily on the slightest exertion. One is also vulnerable to develop anxiety, sadness, and weakness along with these complaints. Along with hot flashes, there can be reduced (or absence of) sexual desire.

6. Glonoine: For Hot Flashes that are Frequent and Sudden

Glonoine is also among the remedies for hot flashes during menopause. It is indicated in cases where there is a flushing of heat to the head. The hot flashes occur daily, and there are frequent episodes during a day. Sudden onset of hot flashes with pressure in the head, nausea, and vertigo are other symptoms. One feels as if there is a loss of senses, they feel dizzy and light headed. They find it difficult to go out alone. There may be associated swelling and numbness in the feet during menopause. Complaints are worse after sun exposure.

7. Sulphuric Acid: For Hot Flashes with Trembling

Sulphuric Acid is a indicated for hot flashes during climacteric (menopausal) period. With hot flashes, there is a feeling of tremors all over the body. There is marked weakness and debility during menopause. There is a lot of restlessness with a sense of wanting to do everything hurriedly. The symptoms of hot flashes get worse by the smell of coffee. There are palpitations without any anxiety or fear.

8. Calcarea Carbonicum: For Hot flashes with Profuse Sweating

Calcarea Carb is suited to obese women who experience hot flashes with profuse sweat. Sweat is mostly on the head and chest area during sleep. There is an overall tendency to sweat easily. There is a lot of sweating even from slight physical exertion. There is a tendency of developing loose and flabby muscles. There sensation of burning in the top of the head with much perspiration. The sweating of the head might be so intense that it wets the pillow. There may be sweating at night along with palpitations.

9. Sanguinaria Canadensis: For Hot flashes with a Flushed Face

Sanguinaria Canadensis is a medicine indicated for hot flashes accompanied with burning in the face and head. There is a feeling of fullness or congestion in the head. One may also experience severe pain in the head with nausea. The hot flashes are accompanied by a flushed red face and hot hands. The face turns hot and red as if from the congestion of blood. Chills, weakness and a feeling of sickness may follow. The menses become profuse and dense around the menopausal period. Along with the hot flashes, there may be a complaint of leucorrhoea during menopause.

10. Pulsatilla: For Hot Flashes followed by Chilliness

Pulsatilla is indicated for cases of hot flashes where the person experiences a spell of chilliness following a hot flash. Hot flashes are worse from the warmth of air or in a closed room. Profuse sweating on the face and scalp especially at night, flushes of heat with redness of the face, hot flashes with mood swings and depression during menopause are other associated symptoms. The person is very irritable and tends to weep. She may also be very sensitive and cry easily. Generally, the woman tends to overall feel better in the open air.

Causes of Hot Flashes

There is no specific cause given as to why hot flashes occur, but there are various theories which explain their occurrence. About 60-70% of all women experience it during their menopause. However, it is not mandatory that every female will have it during menopause. Given below are the various factors which are related to cause hot flashes:

A Drop in the Estrogen Levels

Before menopause, the hormone estrogen is present in the body in the form of Estradiol (released by the ovaries). During and after menopause there is a drop in the Estrogen levels. This decrease in the levels affects the hypothalamus (Thermostat of the body), which regulates the temperature of the body. Reduction in one’s ability to tolerate heat makes her more vulnerable to experience hot flashes.

An increase of Thyroid Hormone (Hyperthyroidism)

An increase in thyroid levels increases the metabolic rate of the body. This increase in metabolism leads to hot flashes and excessive sweating.

Anti-Depressants and Other Medications

Certain drugs like anti-depressants and anti-hypertensive medications also cause hot flashes in many cases. The onset of hot flashes is noted after the usage of either of the drugs. In these cases, substituting the medicine or reducing the dosage can help reduce the hot flashes.

Stress, Anxiety, and the Production of Adrenaline

During stress or anxiety, the body increases the production of adrenaline. This excess of adrenaline can cause hot flashes or a general increase in the body’s temperature. The body feels heated, and there can be associated with the symptoms of palpitations and increased sweating.

The factors that can trigger hot flashes during menopause include smoking, obesity, alcohol, exposure to hot temperature, wearing tight clothes, stress, anxiety and excessive intake of caffeine.

Tips to Manage Hot Flashes with Food

Plant Estrogen: Also known as phytoestrogens or dietary estrogen, these are natural sources of estrogen found in certain plants and legumes. They have a structure similar to Estradiol. Foods that contain Estrogen are Flaxseeds, apricots, oranges, peaches, carrots, peas, soya beans pinto beans, lentils, and olives.

Foods rich in magnesium and vitamin E seem to help in reducing the intensity and frequency of the hot flashes. They help in controlling the milder forms of hot flashes.

Apple Cider Vinegar seems to play more of a supportive role since frequent intake of apple cider vinegar can help reduce the intensity of hot flashes.

Avoiding caffeine and alcohol can help reduce hot flashes. These two are considered to be very significant triggering factors. Reducing their intake can lessen the hot flashes.

Quitting smoking can be of great help since it can improve the temperature regulation and metabolism of the body.

Exercise and meditation can help smoothly transition into menopause smoothly. These practices help calm down the mood swings, insomnia, and hot flashes.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Chronic Lyme Disease

Lyme disease, also known as ‘Lyme borreliosis’ is a tick-borne, infectious disease which is caused by a bacteria. It spreads from the bite from ticks infected by the bacterium. It is caused by the bacteria (of the type borrelia) known as Borrelia burgdoferi. The bacteria travel through the infected site to the central bloodstream and settle into various body tissues, causing different symptoms within the body. A person can also experience autoimmune activity triggered by this bacterium if Lyme disease is not treated correctly, and it can lead to chronic lifelong symptoms. Homeopathic treatment for Lyme disease helps moderate the immune system and helps reduce the severity of the symptoms caused by the bacteria.

Lyme Disease: Symptoms

Medically, Lyme disease in a person develops in three phases:

First Stage

Early Localized Infection – It occurs within three to 30 days after the bite of an infected tick that transmits the infection. In this stage the, the infection is limited to the area of tick bite on the skin, and it does not spread in the body.

Erythema Chronicum Migrans (EM): It refers to outwardly expanding rash which occurs at the site of the bite of a tick. The rash is red and painless. The rash appears like a bull’s eye which is characterized as the innermost portion which remains dark red and indurated (firmer and thicker), the outer portion remains red, and the area in between both portions is clear. 70 – 80 % of the infected people represent with EM in early infection. 20 – 30 % of people can have Lyme disease without the EM rash.
EM is the hallmark of Lyme disease.

Flu-like Symptoms: The rash is often accompanied by fever, malaise, headache, muscular soreness and swollen lymph nodes.

Second Stage

Early Disseminated Infection – After the onset of local infection, within a span of days to weeks, the bacteria (Borrelia) begin to travel through the bloodstream.
EM rash may start to develop at various other sites of the body (apart from the original tick bite site).

Borrelia lymphocytoma: It is a purple colored lump that develops on the earlobe, nipple or scrotum. This skin condition is found in Lyme disease sufferers of Europe but is absent in North American patients.

Neuroborreliosis: It refers to acute neurological issues that appear in approximately 10-15 % of untreated people. The symptoms include facial palsy (loss of muscle tone of one or both sides of the face), meningitis which can cause severe headaches, a stiffness of neck and sensitivity to light, inflammation of nerve roots of the spinal cord, mild encephalitis which can lead to disturbance in sleep, mood changes or memory loss.

The adverse impact of this disease is the disturbance of the electrical conduction system of the heart leading to an abnormality of heart rhythms such as Atrioventricular block (AV block).

Third Stage

Late disseminated infection – Also termed as chronic Lyme disease or post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS), t includes symptoms of Lyme disease as a result of the immune response of the affected tissues of the body towards borrelia bacteria. In this stage, the infection spreads entirely throughout the body.
Untreated or inadequately treated Lyme disease patients can develop chronic or severe symptoms after several months of onset of this disease. These symptoms involve many parts of the body including the brain, joints, eyes, nerves, and heart.

Late disseminated infection includes:

Fatigue: The hallmark of chronic Lyme disease is a feeling of tiredness. Muscle aches and constant severe headache often accompany the fatigue. The fatigue can linger for many years. The symptoms can mimic chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. (1)

Polyneuropathy: Patients experience shooting pains, numbness and tingling sensation in the hands and feet.

Lyme Encephalopathy: This includes neurologic symptoms. 5 % of untreated patients experience neurologic symptoms that involve insomnia (lack of sleep), cognitive difficulties, personality changes and a general feeling of being unwell, chronic fatigue and lethargy.

Chronic encephalomyelitis: It can be a progressive issue and affected person deal with:

  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Migraines
  • Brain fog
  • Issues in balancing
  • Weakness of legs
  • Bladder issues
  • Vertigo
  • Pain in back

Psychosis: A rare occurrence in untreated Lyme disease cases, it refers to an abnormal condition of mind in which a person has false beliefs and sees or hears things that others do not see.
The patient can also experience anxiety and panic attacks along with delusional behavior accompanied by derealisation or depersonalization syndrome (the person feels being detached from oneself or reality).

Acrodermatitis Chronic Atrophicans (ACA): ACA is a chronic skin condition and has been noticed in elderly people in Europe. ACA starts as a reddish-blue patch of discolored skin, mainly on the back of feet or hands. The lesion starts becoming thin and wrinkled over several weeks or months. If not treated properly, it can become hairless and dry.

Lyme Arthritis: Arthritis in Lyme disease mainly affects the knees. In some people, it can involve other joints like elbows, wrists, hips, ankles, and shoulders. There is swelling of the affected joint with pain which is mild to moderate in intensity. There are chances of formation of Baker’s cyst (fluid-filled cyst behind the knee) which can rupture. Joint erosions are also seen in some cases.

Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme Disease

Homeopathic medicines for Lyme disease are selected according to the most prominent symptoms of the disease. These medicines help moderate the immune system and offer a natural treatment for Lyme Disease. There are no side effects of homeopathic treatment and it is safe for use in people of all ages.
The most commonly indicated medicines for Lyme disease in the conventional system of treatment are antibiotics- oral or intravenous, which are often prescribed for several weeks. Side effects related to intravenous antibiotics include lowering of white blood cells and mild to severe diarrhea.
Although some patients may require corticosteroids, painkillers, NSAIDs, and muscle relaxants in acute cases, these medications do not work long-term.
In cases of chronic Lyme disease, continued use of these medicines can give rise to side effects like loss of appetite and digestion issues, lowering of blood pressure, mental symptoms such as poor memory and mental fogginess, body pain and numbness.

Homeopathic Medicines for Lyme Disease

Arsenicum Album – Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme Disease with Chronic Fatigue

The homeopathic medicine Arsenicum album is a metal-based remedy which is prepared from Arsenic. Arsenicum album is prepared by isolating arsenic from various metals, such as cobalt, nickel, and iron. Highly diluted arsenic preparations are used to make of Arsenicum album. It is a well-indicated remedy for weakness and body fatigue in Lyme disease. Characteristic of this remedy includes a marked weakness and extreme restlessness. It is also indicated in cases of Lyme disease when there are tearing pains in the limbs, which gets worse during the night and while the person is at rest after exertion. There is a sudden decrease in strength during the second stage of Lyme disease, which is well indicative of this remedy.

Key indications for using Arsenicum Album for Lyme Disease:

– Fatigue
– Extreme Restlessness
– Tearing Pains

Ledum Palustre – Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme Disease with Skin Rash

The homeopathic medicine Ledum palustre is prepared from Ledum, also known as marsh tea. Ledum or wild rosemary is a herb which is found in the marshlands all over the United States, Canada, and northern Europe. The fresh herb is dried and then powdered to prepare this remedy. Ledum belongs to the family Ericaceae.
Ledum is known for its antiseptic properties and is useful in preventing infections. Ledum palustre is a well-indicated remedy for insect stings, including tick bites. It is also indicated for a twitching sensation around skin rash. The area of the tick bite is cold to the touch.

Key indications for using Ledum Palustre for Lyme Disease:

– Tick Bite
-Twitching Sensation around the rash

Rhus Toxicodendron – Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme disease with Arthritis

The homeopathic medicine Rhus tox is prepared from poison ivy- a vine-like shrub. This shrub is found naturally all over North America and belongs to the Anacardiaceae family. The leaves and stalks of this shrub are collected at night to prepare Rhus Toxicodendron. Rhus tox has given tremendous results in arthritis, especially of knee joints in Lyme disease patients. There is stiffness and painful swelling of the knee joint which becomes better by warmth. It is also indicated for joint problems in the elbows and ankles in some instances of Lyme disease. A tingling sensation in feet and other places of the body is also treated with this remedy.

Key Indications for using Rhus Tox for Lyme Disease

– Knee Joint Arthritis
– Tingling Sensation

Belladonna – Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme disease with Constant Headache

The homeopathic medicine Belladonna is prepared from the Belladonna plant. Belladonna plant is also known by other names such as nightshade, devil’s cherry, and Atropa belladonna. It is a herbaceous plant, and it belongs to the Solanaceae family. Belladonna is a perennial plant and is found in Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia. The entire belladonna plant is used to prepare the belladonna medicine. Belladonna is a top graded medicine for migraine in patients of chronic Lyme disease. The headache is pulsating and throbbing in character. There is a feeling of extreme fullness in the head. Noise and light seem to worsen the headache of Lyme disease patients. Cold air, head bath with cold water acts as aggravating (increasing) factor for the migraine. Applying hard pressure on the head helps relieve the pain.

Kali Phosphoricum – Homeopathic medicine for Brain fog in chronic Lyme Disease

Kali phosphoricum is a well-indicated remedy for patients of Lyme disease where there is mental fatigue from overwork. There is dullness of mind, loss of memory, a lack of interest in talking and the person suffers from forgetfulness. The characteristic symptom of using this remedy is a low, nervous condition with sensitivity. The person is easily fatigued.

Aconitum Napellus – Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme Disease with Anxiety and Palpitations

The homeopathic medicine Aconitum napellus is prepared from the herb called aconite, also known as Monkshood. The aconite herb belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. The whole plant, leaving the root. is used to prepare Aconitum. This herb is indigenous to the region from the Himalayas to Europe. As a remedy, Aconite is recommended for Lyme disease patients when they suffer from anxiety as a result of chronic effects of this disease. Patients go into a state of mental and emotional shock and experience a fear of death. Panic attacks and shock, restlessness and inconsolable anxiety, tachycardia (heart rate that exceeds the normal resting rate) with palpitations, fainting palpitations with tingling in fingers and palpitations from motion and pulse are other symptoms that call for this remedy.

Conium – Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme Disease with Vertigo

The homeopathic medicine Conium is prepared from the hemlock plant. This plant is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant and belongs to the Apiaceae family. The plant originally belongs to Europe, particularly Britain, Africa and different regions of Asia. The leaves, roots and flowering stems of the hemlock plant are used to prepare Conium. The curative effects of Conium are seen in cases of Vertigo especially in Lyme disease (in the later stages of the disease).
Vertigo appears as a sensation where the person looking steadily at an object feels like the object is spinning.
Vertigo upon rising, or going down the stairs may be present, along with weakness and an inclination to sleep. There is numb feeling in the brain as if stupefied, which gets worse upon turning over in bed.

Thuja – Homeopathic Treatment for Delusions as a result of Lyme Disease

The homeopathic medicine Thuja is prepared by using the leaves and twigs of the thuja plant. Thuja tree belongs to the Cupressaceae family. Out of five, two species of Thuja trees are found in North America and the remaining three species are found growing in eastern regions of Asia. Thuja is a well-indicated remedy for delusions and has given good results in Lyme disease patients who have fixed ideas and delusions in later part of the disease. Delusions as if a strange person is by the side and delusions as if the body were fragile are present. There is dullness of mind with sadness. The person feels depressed, isolated and alone.

How to Distinguish Lyme Disease from Fibromyalgia?

Both fibromyalgia and Lyme disease can cause fatigue and pain, but there are many differences between them
The cause for fibromyalgia is not clear, but it is related to genetic factors, often triggered by stress (physical or emotional stress), and associated conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and Ankylosing spondylitis. Fibromyalgia gives rise to widespread pain and tender points, body fatigue, depression, headache, pain, and cramping in the lower abdominal region.

Lyme disease, on the other hand, is an infectious tick-borne disease caused by the bacteria of borrelia type. After the bite of the tick, the bacteria penetrate into the bloodstream and trigger symptoms inside the body. Symptoms of Lyme disease include a headache, chill, fever, swelling of lymph nodes and a rash called Erythema migrans. As the condition takes the chronic form, there are chances of developing arthritis, nerve involvement leading to numbness or tingling sensation, depression, anxiety, palpitations and short-term memory loss.

Although symptoms overlap between Fibromyalgia and Lyme disease, these diseases are distinguished by the presence of a rash which is a hallmark of Lyme disease (called Erythema Migrans). There is no such rash in fibromyalgia.

Chronic Lyme Disease: Causes and Transmission

The causative agent of Lyme disease is bacteria. The main type of bacteria causing Lyme disease in the United States are Borrelia burgdoferi and Borrelia mayonii. In Europe and Asia, Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii are the causative bacteria. The primary vector for transmitting the bacteria to humans in Lyme disease is an infected black-legged or deer tick. Ticks which are frequently found on deer carry the bacterium in their stomach and transmit it to humans when they bite. People working in grassy and heavily wooded areas are more prone to get Lyme disease.
Lyme disease is not contagious.

Ticks crawl over your clothes or body for many hours before they get attached to your skin. Ticks are usually found in the scalp, groin or armpits, but they can attach to any part of your body. It takes at least 36 to 48 hours for an infected tick to pass bacteria to the body once it is attached to the skin. Most ticks cause infection in the nymphal stage (immature form of ticks, before larval stage) since they are very small in this stage and feed for a longer duration of time before they are detected.

Lyme Disease: Risk Factors

Exposure to wooded or grassy areas: Deer ticks thrive in wooded areas of Midwest and the northeastern region of the United States. Children and Adults with outdoor occupation working in these areas are at a high risk of contracting Lyme disease.

Not removing ticks properly after exposure: For transmission of bacteria from an infected tick to the human body, the tick needs to be attached to the body for at least 36 to 48 hours. The chances of developing Lyme disease grow low if the tick is removed within two days of exposure.

Lyme Disease: Complications

Lyme disease can cause permanent damage to the joints, brain, nervous system and heart. Significant complications of Lyme disease include increased risk of developing an autoimmune form of arthritis, as a result of chronic Lyme disease (even after the treatment) which includes:
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Psoriatic Arthritis
Peripheral spondyloarthritis

Lyme Disease: Management

Prevention is the most important step when it comes to Lyme Disease. Some preventive measures include:

  • Use insect repellent and bug sprays.
  • Use tweezers to remove ticks even if your body is exposed to ticks.

Dealing with Lyme Disease:

Since in the later stages Lyme disease takes the autoimmune form, the best way to manage chronic Lyme disease is by boosting your immune system.

Sleep and Management of Emotional Stress:

Stress triggers inflammation and disturbs the hormonal balance of the body. One should get enough sleep (at least 6 to 8 hours per day) and avoid stress to improve body functioning.

Foods to Eat

Consume anti-inflammatory foods like vegetables, nuts, and seeds, and antioxidant-rich foods like green leafy vegetables and berries.
Foods rich in probiotics (like yogurt) help to reduce the progression of Lyme disease.

Supplements to improve cell functioning include:

Vitamin D3 – It helps to boost the immunity, and so supplements rich in vitamin D3 should be a part of the daily diet.

Omega -3 Fatty Acids – These fatty acids play an anti-inflammatory role and improve cognitive functions. Fish-oil supplements should be taken daily.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Medicine for Food Poisoning

What is Food Poisoning?

Food poisoning is a common foodborne illness. A person gets food poisoning as a result of consuming contaminated food or drinks. Anyone can get food poisoning, and it is estimated that about 600 million people around the world tend to fall ill from food poisoning every year. The most common symptoms of food poisoning include diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. In most cases, it is mild and short-lived that resolves quickly in a day or two. However, in some cases, severe symptoms may arise that need urgent immediate help. Homeopathic medicine for food poisoning helps control the symptoms of food poisoning and speed up the recovery process.

Homeopathy for Food Poisoning

Food poisoning can be effectively managed with homeopathic medicines. These medicines help in boosting the self-healing mechanism of the body and fight the infection. They help control the symptoms of food poisoning and speeding up the recovery process. Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is the first aid medicine used in food poisoning cases. It can be taken in 30 C potency three to four times a day, depending upon the severity of symptoms. It helps control symptoms including diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Homeopathic medicine for food poisoning helps control the symptoms of food poisoning and speeding up the recovery process.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Food Poisoning

Arsenic Album – First line of Treatment for Food Poisoning

Arsenic Album is a highly recommended homeopathic medicine for food poisoning, also known as the ‘homeopathic first aid’ for food poisoning. Food poisoning with diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting is indicative of using this medicine. Vomiting may contain clear water or thick glairy mucus. If the person eats anything, it is vomited out quickly. The stool is loose, foul smelling, and is attended with weakness. Burning pain in the abdomen may be present. Frequent thirst for water at short intervals is usually present.

Veratrum Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Food Poisoning with Copious Vomiting

Veratrum Album is a homeopathic medicine prepared from a plant named ‘white hellebore.’ It belongs to the family Liliaceae. Veratrum Album is a beneficial homeopathic medicine for food poisoning where there is copious vomiting. Even the smallest amount of water gets vomited, and excessive weakness follows the vomiting. Along with this, nausea and copious loose stool may be present. The body may feel cold, apart from the above symptoms.

Aloe – Homeopathic Medicine for Food Poisoning with Diarrhea

Aloe is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from plant Aloe Socotrina. The natural order of this plant is Liliaceae. It is indicated in cases of food poisoning with marked diarrhea. The stool is watery, and there is an urgent need to pass it. Rumbling and gurgling in the rectum is present, and a constant bearing down is felt in the rectum.

Colocynthis – Homeopathic Medicine for Food Poisoning with Abdomen Cramps

Colocynthis is a homeopathic medicine prepared from a plant called ‘bitter cucumber.’ It belongs to the plant family Cucurbitaceae. Colocynthis is considered for food poisoning when marked abdominal cramps are present. Apart from cramping, the medicine is also indicated when cutting, colicky pains in the abdomen are present. Bending double or pressing the stomach helps relieve the pain. The pain tends to worsen from slight eating or drinking. Along with this loose stool, vomiting and nausea are also present.

Other Important Homeopathic Medicines for Food Poisoning

China Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Food Poisoning with Diarrhea and Extreme Weakness

Homeopathic medicine China Officinalis is prepared from the Peruvian bark or the Cinchona tree that belongs to the natural order Rubiaceae. It is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for food poisoning with diarrhea and extreme weakness. The stool is watery, foul, and painless with marked exhaustion and debility. Excessive flatulence may be present, and the abdomen may be bloated. China is also a well-indicated medicine for food poisoning that occurs from the consumption of bad meat, unripe fruit, and bad water. It is also indicated for traveler’s diarrhea.

Nux Vomica – Homeopathic Medicine for Food Poisoning with Excessive Retching

Nux Vomica is a prominent homeopathic medicine for food poisoning with excessive retching (efforts to vomit). The person in such a case wants to vomit but cannot. A frequent ineffectual urge to pass the stool is present. The person may attempt to pass stool frequently but is only able to expel small quantities. Loud, rumbling, gurgling sounds in the abdomen may be present along with the above symptoms.

Ipecac – Homeopathic Medicine for Food Poisoning with Nausea and Vomiting

Homeopathic medicine Ipecac is prepared from the ipecac root, which belongs to the natural order Rubiaceae. Ipecac is used to treat food poisoning accompanied by intense nausea and vomiting. The nausea is present all the time. Vomiting appears, but it does not relieve nausea. Vomiting of watery fluids, green mucus, or blackish matter may be present. A frothy stool and pain around navel are often noted with the above symptoms.

Croton Tig – Homeopathic Medicine for Food Poisoning with Gushing Stool

Croton Tig is a significant homeopathic medicine for food poisoning. Its chief indicating features are copious, watery, and gushing stool. The urge to pass stool is constant, and stool is passed suddenly with great force in one gush. Colic before passing stool is also present.

Podophyllum Peltatum – Homeopathic Medicine for Food Poisoning with Profuse and Offensive Stool

Homeopathic medicine Podophyllum Peltatum is a plant-based medicine prepared from Mayapple (Podophyllum). The plant belongs to family Berberidaceae. The characteristic features to use this medicine are a profuse, offensive, yellowish or greenish stool. Fetid flatus, mucus in the stool, and vomiting of hot, frothy mucus may also be present.

Elaterium Officinarum – Homeopathic Medicine for Food Poisoning with Vomiting and Diarrhea

Elaterium Officinarum is a natural medicine prepared from a plant commonly named as the Squirting Cucumber. It belongs to the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Elaterium Officinarum is a valuable homeopathic medicine for food poisoning with violent vomiting and diarrhea. The stool is copious, watery, forceful, greenish, and frothy. Cutting pain in the abdomen may be present.

Zingiber Officinale – Homeopathic Medicine for Food Poisoning by Drinking Impure Water

Zingiber Officinale is prepared from the dried root of ginger, which belongs to the natural order Zingiberaceae. It is a prominently indicated homeopathic medicine for food poisoning contracted by drinking impure water. Diarrhea with excessive flatulence and colic, heaviness and rumbling in the stomach, and belching are the primary symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine. It is also suited for diarrhea that results from eating melons.

Food Poisoning: Causes

The main cause of food poisoning is the consumption of food or drinks that have been contaminated by infectious agents. The infectious agents can be bacterial, parasitic or viral. Among them, food poisoning from bacterial agents is the most common.

Bacterial Causes of Food Poisoning

Bacterial agents linked with food poisoning include Campylobacter jejuni, salmonella, E.coli, Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium botulinum, and listeria.

Campylobacter Jejuni

It is one of the most common bacteria that cause food poisoning. The incubation period is 3 to 5 days. It can be transmitted through consumption of undercooked meat and poultry or unpasteurized milk. Symptoms that arise as a result of poisoning by this bacteria include fever, severe abdominal pain, and diarrhea. The symptoms last less than a week.


Salmonella is another common bacteria that cause food poisoning. Its incubation period is 1 to 3 days. The infection may arise from consuming raw/undercooked meat, eggs, milk and other dairy products. The symptoms of its infection include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal cramps, fever. It lasts from 3 to 7 days, but in some cases, diarrhea may last up for to 10 to 14 days.

Escherichia coli (E.Coli)

E. Coli is a widespread cause of food poisoning and traveler’s diarrhea. It spreads through consumption of undercooked beef, unpasteurized milk, and contaminated water. The symptoms include diarrhea (it can be bloody), abdominal cramps, and vomiting. The incubation period of this bacteria is 1 to 8 days, and the infection usually gets better in a week.
E. Coli also carries a risk of a rare and serious complication known as the hemolytic uremic syndrome. Older people and children are at a higher risk of developing this complication.


The bacterium Shigella has an incubation period 1 to 2 days, and it spreads from consumption of food washed with contaminated water, drinking contaminated water, engulfing contaminated water while swimming, or via an infected person handling the food. The main symptoms of a Shigella infection include diarrhea with blood and mucus (dysentery), abdominal cramps, tenesmus, and fever. The infection usually lasts for a week, but it can take months for the bowel movements to normalize.
Shigella carries a risk of leading to complications like seizures, post infectious arthritis (reactive arthritis), and hemolytic uremic syndrome.

Staphylococcus Aureus

The symptoms of a Staphylococcus Aureus appear within 30 minutes to 6 hours after consuming contaminated food. Food poisoning from staphylococcal aureus may arise from eating contaminated, cream-filled pastries, sandwiches, cold salads, meat, milk, fish, cream sauces, and custard. Symptoms of the infection include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting. It is, and the person usually recovers within a day or two.

Clostridium Botulinum

Clostridium Botulinum causes a severe infection, the symptoms of which arise within 12 to 36 hours. The source of infection includes canned food, smoked, salted fish, and improperly processed canned, commercial food. The symptoms of the infection include facial weakness, difficulty breathing, blurred vision, double vision, drooping eyelids, difficulty with swallowing, difficult speech, nausea, vomiting, and paralysis.


Listeria causes a severe infection, and it may be present in ready-to-eat food like sandwiches, hot dogs, soft cheese, unpasteurized milk, and luncheon meats. The incubation period for Listeria can vary from a few days to several weeks. The symptoms include loose stool, fever, and body aches. The nervous system may also get infected, with symptoms like confusion, loss of balance, headache, stiff neck and convulsions. If the infection is contracted during pregnancy, it carries a risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, and life-threatening infection in the newborn.
Two deadly outbreaks of listeria infection had been reported to date in the USA.

Parasites Linked with Food Poisoning

The most common parasites linked with food poisoning include Toxoplasma, Giardia lamblia, and Entamoeba histolytica.


A Toxoplasma infection can occur due to consumption of poorly cooked food, contaminated meat, and from exposure to cat feces. Mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy is also noted in some cases. Flu-like symptoms including body aches, fever, weakness, headache, and swollen lymph nodes are typical of this infection. Mother to child transmission during pregnancy can cause stillbirth, miscarriage, and severe complications in the child, like seizures, eye infections, jaundice, and enlarged liver/spleen.

Giardia Lamblia

Giardia Lamblia has an incubation period of 1 to 2 weeks, and it is contracted through water and food contaminated by the excreta of humans or animals. Diarrhea, abdomen cramps, gas, bloating, weight loss, and low appetite are the most common symptoms of this infection. It is a mild infection, but the symptoms can linger on for 2 to 6 weeks.

Entamoeba Histolytica

Entamoeba Histolytica causes amoebiasis, which is a contagious disease. A person contracts it through the consumption of contaminated food or water, and the incubation period varies from a few weeks to months. The symptoms include loose stool, bloody stools (dysentery), severe abdominal cramps, appetite loss, and fatigue. The infection can spread to the liver, lungs, heart, and brain. It can lead to an abscess in internal organs, severe illness and may even cause death.

Virus Linked with Food Poisoning

Norovirus and Rotavirus are the two viruses that cause food poisoning.


Norovirus is a very contagious virus that causes diarrhea and vomiting. The incubation period for this virus varies between12 to 48 hours. Symptoms of infection include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. Complete recovery from the infection taken about 2 to 3 days.


Rotavirus commonly affects children who are less than five years of age. The symptoms of infection appear within one to two days. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, abdomen pain, stool containing pus/blood, black/tarry stool, and irritability. Children who contract the infection are at risk of developing dehydration.

Food Poisoning: Symptoms

The symptoms of food poisoning can appear within hours of eating contaminated food, or they may develop after a few days or weeks. The incubation period of the infectious agents varies, which decides when the symptoms will appear (following the consumption of contaminated food). The typical symptoms of food poisoning include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea (loose stool), abdominal cramps, mild fever, and weakness.

How Does Food Get Contaminated?

Food can become contaminated by any of the following means:

  • Washing fruits or vegetables with water contaminated by human sewage.
  • Not cooking food thoroughly.
  • Not heating the previously prepared food enough.
  • Improper storing of the food.
  • Contamination of meat and poultry during slaughter.
  • Handling of food by a person having an infectious disease without thorough washing of the hands.
  • Transfer of infectious agent to food from using kitchen tools like a knife, cutting board or any utensil that is already contaminated.

Common foods that can cause food poisoning include:

  • Raw or undercooked meat and poultry
  • Fish and shellfish
  • Unpasteurized milk
  • Ice cream
  • Leafy green like spinach, cabbage, and lettuce
  • Cheese
  • Deli meat
  • Fruits such as melons, berries
  • Raw sprouts

When to See a Doctor

In case of severe food poisoning, it is essential to get conventional treatment. The symptoms of acute food poisoning that need urgent medical attention include:

  • Blood in stool or vomiting
  • High fever (more than 101 F)
  • Severe dehydration
  • Loose stool lasting for more than three days
  • Blurred vision
  • Tingling in arms
  • Confusion

How to Prevent Food Poisoning – Safety Measures

With a bit of precaution, food poisoning can be prevented in most cases. Some of the measures that can be taken to minimize the risk of food poisoning include:


Wash hands before and after every meal or snack, since germs tend to survive in places like utensils, around the kitchen, cutlery or even your hands.
Rinse fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water before consuming them.


Cross-contamination is a very common cause of food poisoning. Foods like eggs, raw meat, seafood, etc. can spread germs too, even when handled with clean hands. Keeping such food items separate from ready-to-eat food items is essential.


Foods need to be cooked thoroughly to a safe temperature which ensures that all disease-causing pathogens have been eliminated. Raw foods and meats especially need to be adequately prepared.

Foods should be refrigerated below temperatures of 40 F since pathogens start growing within 2 hours in food left at room temperature. In summers, this process can begin in half an hour, and so food should ideally not be left outside.

When traveling in developing foreign countries, it is necessary to wash vegetables and fruits before consumption and to drink from sealed bottles only. Ice should be avoided.

Managing Food Poisoning

Food poisoning usually gets better without any treatment within 48 hours. Management involves being comfortable and preventing dehydration during recovery. Some measures that can be taken are:

  • Do not drink or eat anything for a few hours and allow the stomach to settle.
  • Keep taking small sips of water or suck on ice-chips to stay hydrated. Clear broth and non-caffeinated drinks can also be taken in small quantities.
  • Start by eating easy-to-digest, bland foods like rice and curd, plain crackers, toast, bananas, etc.
  • Avoid foods containing caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, dairy products, and fatty foods until complete recovery. Greasy, spicy, fried, and sugary foods are hard to digest and should be avoided.
  • Get adequate rest and keep physical activity to a minimum.

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First-Aid with Homeopathy- Have your Own Medicine Kit At Home

HOW many of us experience helplessness at minor or acute ailments when they strike us at odd hours and also in situations where medical help is not accessible? And wish that we knew about some safe medicines that would provide immediate relief. The safe healing powers of homeopathy have been proven time and again and today it is one of the most popular and effective forms of natural healthcare. Safety is one of the major plus points of homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines have a lot to help with acute and minor ailments.

The homeopathic first aid includes some common remedies that can help alleviate pain and other symptoms in case of an injury, disease, or infection. It also helps reduce the severity of a problem when taken correctly. With a little practice and experience, one can become familiar with the basic homeopathic first aid principles.
Given here are the most common problems and their homeopathic first aid solutions.

 Sore throat

Pain, dryness, itching, irritation, a scratchy feeling in the throat – all are part of a sore throat. If you suddenly experience any one of these symptoms, you may get quick help with the homeopathic medicine Belladonna. You may take 4 to 5 pills of Belladonna (potency) 30C three to four times a day, depending upon the severity.
It soothes the pain, irritation, scratchiness in the throat and helps with the fever that usually appears along with a sore throat. Once the symptoms subside, the dosage may be reduced to twice or once a day, gradually stopping the course entirely.


For quick relief from a cold, homeopathic first aid medicine Aconite works well. If you catch a sudden fluent Coryza ( inflammation of the mucous membrane) along with sneezing, you may take Aconite for immediate relief. It also helps when exposure to cold air brings on cough and cold. 4 to 5 pills of Aconite can be taken in 30 C (potency) at three-hour intervals during an acute cold to get prompt relief.
Another first aid homeopathic medicine for cold is Natrum Mur. It is very helpful in cases of allergic rhinitis/ hay fever coupled with Coryza, eye discharges, and excessive sneezing. Natrum Mur can be taken in 6 X biochemic formulation. Take Natrum Mur 6X ( 4 tablets) three to four times a day at a gap of three hours. Continue this medicine till complete recovery.

Croup Cough

For immediate relief from croup cough, homeopathic medicines Spongia Tosta and Hepar Sulph prove to be beneficial.
Spongia Tosta works well in cases of a dry, croupy, barking cough with a whistling-like sound.
Hepar Sulph is used in cases of a cough with chest congestion, rattling in chest, and wheezing. A cough that comes suddenly from exposure to a draught of cold air also calls for using Hepar Sulph.
Both these medicines can be taken in potencies of 30 C, three to four times a day depending upon the intensity of case.


To comfort an acute headache, homeopathic medicine Belladonna and Glonoine should be considered.
Congested headache, pulsating/throbbing headache, sinus headache, migraine headache all respond wonderfully to Belladonna.
Glonoine works best for sun-related headaches with throbbing in the head and marked head congestion.
Three to four doses of the above-indicated medicines at a three-hour gap interval work well for a headache. These can be continued until full recovery.

Acute Fever

Belladonna is a highly recommended homeopathic medicine for sudden acute fever. The indications for its use are sudden fever with red, hot flushed face and headache. Use this medicine in 30 C potency every two hours. If the fever does not reduce or come down in a day or so, then further investigations are required.

Body aches

Everyone now or then one suffers from body aches due to factors like overexertion, from prolonged traveling, after engaging in a sports activity, etc. For body aches, two homeopathic medicines work wonders to give immediate relief.
These medicines are Arnica Montana and Rhus Tox.
Arnica Montana is majorly used in general body aches when a sore, bruised sensation appears in the whole body.
Rhus Tox shows the best results in cases of joint pain, neck pain, back pain, or a muscle pull.
Initially, one can take 4 to 5 pills of any of these medicines, and repeat them two to four times a day, at a three-hourly interval depending upon the severity of your condition.

Abdomen cramps

Colocynthis is a homeopathic medicine that helps relieve abdominal cramps. The person needing Colocynthis may have cramps in the abdomen that get better by applying pressure or bending-over double.
A person may take Colocynthis 30 C twice or thrice a day at three-hour intervals to soothe the cramping. This medicine is known to provide immediate relief.
Another homeopathic medicine that is well-indicated for abdominal cramps is Magnesium Phos. Its use is applicable in cases where a person feels better by using warm applications on the area of the cramps.
4 tablets of Magnesium Phos can be taken in 6 X potency up to four times a day to help relieve abdominal cramps. It can also be considered during menstrual cramps.

Loose stool (Diarrhea)

First aid homeopathic medicines for cases of diarrhea or loose stools are Aloe Socotrina and Podophyllum Peltatum.
Aloe Socotrina can be used when there is a thin stool with a sudden urgency to pass it. It can be accompanied by a pressure in the rectum with a constant urge to pass stool.
Podophyllum Peltatum is indicated when there is yellowish greenish, watery, gushing stool that is very offensive.
You may use 4 to 5 pills of the selected homeopathic medicines for every three hours.

Food Poisoning

If you suddenly got a stomach upset as a result of a food poisoning, homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album should be taken without a second thought. The symptoms of loose stool, vomiting, fever appearing from food poisoning get quick relief from homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album. Veratrum Album is a powerful homeopathic medicine that helps treat cases of uncontrolled vomiting. 4 to 5 pills of any of these indicated homeopathic medicines can be taken in 30 C potency at three-hour intervals.


To get prompt relief from heartburn and acidity, homeopathic medicines Iris Versicolor and Robinia should be considered.
Use Iris Versicolor in case of a heartburn along with vomiting of sour, bitter fluid.
Take Robinia in case acidity or heartburn occurs during night time, upon lying down. These medicines are recommended in 30 C potency at intervals of three-hours (initially), followed by a gradual reduction in the dose.


Injuries most commonly include bruises (contusions), concussions, lacerations.
Bruises are blackish, bluish marks on the skin arising from breaking of tiny blood vessels under the skin from trauma. The skin is not broken in case of a bruise.
Contusions refer to a head injury where the brain is shaken inside the skull as a result of a blow to the head.
Lacerations are tears in the skin that results in an irregular wound.

The homeopathic medicines that should be present in a first aid kit for injuries include – Arnica Montana, Calendula Officinalis, and Hypericum Perforatum.
Arnica Montana is used as the first line of treatment in injury cases. It is indicated for injuries resulting from a fall, a blow and from a blunt instrument. It is most helpful in case of bruises, concussions, and contusions.
Calendula Officinalis is useful for injuries where lacerations (tears in the skin) appear.
Consider the use of Hypericum in case of fall on the back, tailbone injury, injury to spine and damage to nerves mainly in the fingers and toes. A punctured wound from a nail, pin, and needle penetrating the skin also indicates the use of Hypericum.
Use 4 to 5 pills of any of these three homeopathic medicines, at intervals of three-hours until complete healing has taken place.


Stretching, twisting or tearing of the ligaments in a joint is known as a sprain. The ligament is a tough, fibrous band that connects two bones together. The most common joint that tends to get sprained is the ankle joint.
The first aid homeopathic medicines for sprains are Arnica Montana and Ruta Graveolens.
Initially, after a sprain, three four doses of Arnica 30 C should be taken immediately. It helps in reducing the soreness, swelling, pain, tenderness at the site of sprain.
Following this, Arnica 30 C and Ruta 30 C should be taken alternately twice a day. Ruta will help heal the ligaments and Arnica will help reduce further swelling and pain at the site of the sprained joint. These medicines can be continued safely until complete recovery.


Immediately following a fracture, a few doses of homeopathic medicine Arnica 30 C should be taken. This will help soothe the pain and swelling at the site of the fracture.
Once the broken bone has been set in a cast, homeopathic medicine Symphytum Officinale should be started. This medicine can be continued for two to three times a day until complete recovery. It helps in prompt and healthy healing of the bone.

Acute UTI (Burning urination)

Cantharis Vesicatoria is an excellent homeopathic medicine for emergency use in case of a UTI (urinary tract infection). Painful, burning urination and difficulty in urination due to a UTI can be treated with this medicine. In an acute emergency, this medicine can be repeated 3 to 4 times a day in 30C potency (depending upon the severity of the condition).

Bee sting

The best homeopathic first aid prescription for a bee sting is Apis Mellifica. Use this medicine immediately following a bee sting in 30 C potency. It helps relieve the pain and swelling quickly. Three to four doses of this medicine three hourly for a day or two usually aid quick and complete recovery.

A word of caution: If a severe allergic reaction follows from a bee sting that majorly includes breathing difficulty, then urgent help from the conventional mode of treatment should be taken. An allergy indicates anaphylaxis which is a medical emergency. Homeopathy alone cannot fix this problem.


The appearance of weals (raised bumps) on the skin from an allergic reaction is known as urticaria. It is often accompanied by stinging, burning pains. If you are prone to get urticaria attacks, you should carry homeopathic medicine Apis Mellifica with you.
This medicine offers immediate help during an acute urticaria attack. It helps to heal the weals, reduce stinging and burning pains as well cut short the time of an urticaria attack. You may take 4 to pills of Apis Mellifica in case of urticaria at an interval of three hours and gradually reduce the dose as you recover.

A word of caution: It is to be noted that in case of urticaria where there is a difficulty in breathing, it may indicate towards an angioedema or anaphylaxis. It’s a medical emergency and homeopathic first aid alone does not work. Help from the conventional mode of treatment should be taken urgently in such cases.

Panic attacks

For panic attacks, homeopathic medicines Aconite and Arsenic Album work well. These medicines should be kept in the pocket of people who have anxiety issues.
Aconite needs be taken during panic attacks along with palpitations, and sudden fear of death.
Arsenic Album works well in cases where there is extreme restlessness along with the panic attacks. These homeopathic medicines help calm down the mental state of a person during a panic attack.
Using two to three doses of above-indicated medicines in 200 C potency at an hour’s interval usually brings relief in most of the cases.


In case of burns, homeopathic medicine Cantharis acts as an effective remedy. This medicine helps in relieving burning, pain and smarting in case of a burn. It also effectively heals the burns.
4 to 5 pills of this homeopathic medicine should be taken initially for few days. Once the condition improves, the dose can be reduced to once or twice a day. External application of this medicine along with internal administration is also recommended.


Euphrasia Officinalis is the homeopathic medicine recommended in cases of acute conjunctivitis. Using this medicine helps in reducing the redness, watering, burning, swelling, and a gritty sensation in the eyes.
Use 4 to 5 pills of this medicine in 30 C potency three times day until complete recovery.


The homeopathic medicine Plantago Major helps soothe a toothache. Pain in teeth that shoots to the face or ear is can be treated with this medicine. It can be taken in 30C potency at three-hour intervals until relief begins. Mother tincture of this homeopathic medicine can also be applied externally in case of a hollow tooth from decay/dental caries.

Dentition Ailments

Chamomilla is an effective homeopathic medicine used to treat dentition and teething problems. The indicative features to use this medicine are high irritability, screaming, desire to be carried constantly, inflamed gums, drooling of saliva, putting fingers in mouth, loose stool (diarrhea), one cheek being red and hot, and the other being pale and cold.
2 pills of this medicine can be taken three to four times a day at three-hour gaps until complete relief.

Nasal Blockage

Ammonium Carb is an effective homeopathic medicine that helps relieve a nasal blockage. Use 30 C of this medicine twice or thrice a day for relief.

Nausea, Vomiting

A highly recommended homeopathic medicine for immediate help in nausea, vomiting is Ipecac. Three to four doses of Ipecac 30 C usually relieves nausea and vomiting effectively.


Hamamelis is an anti-hemorrhagic (a substance that stops bleeding) that can be used in an emergency to control bleeding. This medicine is well indicated for controlling bleeding from piles, the nose, tooth etc. It also helps relieve the weakness associated with blood loss. Use this medicine in 30 C potency at two to three-hour gap until bleeding stops.


Belladonna, Chamomilla, and Pulsatilla are the top homeopathic medicines that help relieve an earache. Among them, Belladonna offers relief from an earache that arises as a result of an acute inflammation of the middle ear with throbbing, pulsating pain in the ears.
Chamomilla is indicated for violent earaches that make a person highly irritable.
Pulsatilla is beneficial when an earache is attended with thick discharge from the ear (out of an infection).
The most appropriate homeopathic medicine as per the case can be taken in 30 C potency, at three-hourly intervals to get quick relief.

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The wonder Of Homeopathic Medicine Arnica In Treating Injuries

Arnica Montana, commonly known as leopard’s bane, is a plant indigenous to Europe. It is mainly cultivated in North America. The word ‘Arnica’ has been derived from Latin meaning ‘Lambskin’, because of the wooly textured leaves. However, the word ‘Montana’ depicts mountains, i.e., where the plant grows. The drug Arnica Montana is prepared from the roots of its plant.
Back in those days, when it was not yet scientifically proven to have medicinal properties, the locals used to pop it into their mouth in cases of falls, injuries, and pains. Little was it known that this plant would have intrinsic medicinal properties that could replace a surgeon’s knife in some cases.

Arnica has been used in homeopathy to treat a variety of injuries, both fresh and old. It can be used to treat both the acute and chronic effects of injuries. These injuries leave a sore, bruised feeling all over the body. The patient feels restless and cannot find a comfortable spot to rest at. In the olden times, it was also used as a topical treatment.

Arnica has an important role to play in many conditions, but it is a renowned drug for its action on the injuries. It can be given for major as well as minor injuries, where the bleeding is concealed and the skin stays intact. Arnica is known to have antibiotic and muscle relaxing properties as well.
The efficacy of Arnica in healing injured tissues is testified from the fact that many surgeons around the world use this homeopathic medicine to promote healing and minimizing postoperative infections.

The ‘Arnica’ Constitution

Arnica tends to suit ‘Plethoric’ constitutions, meaning those who have an abounding quantity of blood, with a red face and lively expressions. Constitutionally, the patients are predisposed to congestions of the parts like the head and limbs.

Arnica: Drug Action

The chief action of arnica is on the blood and blood vessel particularly on the capillaries (small blood vessels). It is known to possess a quality of absorbing blood. It also has antibiotic properties, hence preventing septic conditions. On the muscles, it acts as a muscle relaxant and relieves the tension of the stressed parts.

The scope of Arnica in Treating Injuries

Arnica for Bruises

A bruise is a bluish black discoloration that forms under the skin, sometimes may look like a blood clot.
Arnica is an infallible remedy for such complaints. The bruises could be due to any reason, be it a mechanical trauma or due to weak capillaries. It has been clinically seen that sometimes people tend to have a random bruise here and other and the patient himself is not aware of any trauma at the site. Such bruises can arise as a result of extravasation(outflow) of blood from the small vessels owing to the weak capillary walls. This is how Arnica can do wonders in such cases; it affects the weak capillary walls and strengthens them and also causes constriction of the dilated small vessel, stopping the flow of blood. It can affect these vessels and increases their power to retain the blood. It is a wonderful remedy in the first stage of injury, where much bruising has been done and the pain is intense but diffused.
It can also be given for bruises that arise as a result of a blow to the stomach or other organs. Not to forget its impeccable role in treating ‘Black Eye’, i.e.the bluish black discoloration surrounding the eye which is generally because of a strong blow to the part.
The parts that are bruised are very sore; the soreness being much greater than the size of the bruise. The patient can barely afford to move or let alone touch the affected part. Arnica can help in dealing with the soreness and tenderness in such cases, along with healing the bruise.

Arnica Montana for Haemorrhages

Arnica has a wonderful capability of reabsorption of blood. It can be given for hematomas (collection of blood under superficial layers), for conditions where there is concealed bleeding, the blood has escaped out of the capillaries but the skin remains intact. Such conditions when there is no sufficient tone in the fibers of the vessel to hold the blood. The vessel walls then ooze out blood. These hemorrhages are a result of mechanical traumas, which are blunt without causing any open wounds. An important thing to note in cases of injuries where there has been bleeding is that Arnica should only be used once the bleeding has stopped (either by suturing or once the wound has gone through the stage of initial clot formation). It is a well-indicated remedy for cases of retinal hemorrhages and helps in the easy resolving of the condition. It can also be given in cases of epistaxis ( bleeding from the nose) especially after an episode of injury to the nasal area. Here, Arnica helps in vasoconstriction of the vessels and helps in stopping the bleeding.
It also very effectively dissolves the petechial hemorrhages (small pinpointed bleeding spots under the skin), owing again to the re-absorption capability of the medicine.

Arnica for Suppuration

Arnica has often proved to be beneficial for cases where the wounds have a tendency for pus formation that could be avoided with its use. It can be given in cases of pyaemia and septicaemia, as a result of a trauma. It often happens that after a blow or contusion, the patient gets restless, has a lame sore feeling all over the body, tosses and turns on lying down, cannot find a spot soft enough to make him feel relaxed. This could or could not be attended with fever. In such cases, Arnica has proven to be a great remedy. It can remove the bacterial infections in the background owing to its antibiotic properties, along with healing the concealed bleeding under the skin and other consequences of an injury. Many surgeons use Arnica in order to prevent postoperative infections in their patients.

Arnica for Sprains

A very common type of injury that almost everyone has faced one time or the other is a sprain due to a misstep. An injury of the ligaments is known as a sprain. It can be caused due to twisting of the foot in an undesired manner. It is a very common type of injury seen in sportsmen or in women who wear high heels. Such cases of sprains where even wearing the shoe could seem like a task can be marvelously healed with Arnica. Arnica relaxes the tension of the twisted ligament and helps in managing the pain, soreness and the lameness of the part affected. The black and blue appearance of the sprained part goes away in a surprisingly short time, and one can manipulate the part with much ease.

Arnica for Fractures

Arnica is especially given in fractures of the head or spine, with the compression of the brain. It very well manages those cases where the patient goes into a coma (unconscious state) after an accident, where there is head injury or the spinal cord may be involved. It can minimize the post-injury effects and works well for people who go into a coma following the injury. Its effective role in helping a patient come out of coma post the injury puts Arnica under the special category of treating head injuries.

Conditions that arise after a head injury (whether recent or remote), can be effectively treated with the remedy. For example, epilepsy following an injury to the head, loss of memory, speech problems following an injury etc. are also effectively cured with Arnica.

Fractures of the bone may call for the use of Arnica, both externally and internally, to relieve the swelling of the limb. Many times, people develop localized muscle twitching after a fracture, which is nothing but a reflex of the fracture. They feel significantly better with respect to the pain, swelling, and tenderness when treated with Arnica. Arnica helps in speeding the process of healing and preventing the infection and deterioration of the bone.

Arnica for Myalgia

A very common phenomenon that has been clinically seen is that once a disease has taken its course and resolved, it leaves a trail of unrelated complaints behind. For instance, after an episode of flu, patients complain of muscular pains all over. They cannot relate it to any other event but to the illness that they have suffered in the past. Such pains (though have no direct relation to the illness they have suffered from), cannot be ignored. This is where Arnica can prove to be beneficial. It is an underestimated remedy in such cases of myalgia (muscle pains), where the muscle pains have started as a consequence of a disease. It can also be given for cases where the muscles are sore and tender as a result of over-straining, be it at the gym or laborious working at a workplace.
It works brilliantly in myalgia of the intercostal muscles (muscles between the ribs) after exertion, where the person feels as if his ribs are bruised, and even breathing becomes difficult for him.

Other Clinical Conditions Treated with Arnica:

  • Concealed Injuries
  • Typhoid fevers
  • Gout
  • Black eye
  • Fractures
  • Sprains and Strains
  • Meningitis
  • Mechanical Otitis
  • Epistaxis
  • Myalgia
  • Haematuria
  • Hydrocele
  • Uterine Prolapse
  • Metrorrhagia
  • Boils
  • Septicemia
  • Appendicitis
  • Postpartum Haemorrhages
  • Bed Sores
  • Headache
  • Bronchitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Dysentery
  • Haematuria


Homeopathic medicine Arnica is recommended in the potency of 30C. In recent, fresh injuries it can be repeated frequently. In cases of remote injuries, it can be used in high potencies but with infrequent repetitions.
It can also be applied locally in the form of tincture, but not on abraded (broken) skin.
Caution: Although homeopathic medicine Arnica is a safe remedy to use, a homeopathic physician must be consulted prior to its use.

Arnica and Other Homeopathic Remedies

Arnica follows well after Aconite, Apis, Ham, Ipecacuanha and Veratrum album.

  • It is complementary to Aconite, Hypericum and Rhus tox.
  • It antidotes the effect of Camphor.
  • It is followed well by Acid sulph.

How to use Arnica

Mild-to-moderate injuries can be effectively treated at home using Arnica. It is also sold by the name of Arnica Montana. 30 c potency of Arnica can be taken internally 4- 5 times a day. Its use should be discontinued once the desirable relief has been achieved. In cases where the injury is severe and blood loss is uncontrollable, one should immediately contact the local hospital

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathy for Depression

What is depression?

Depression is a very common psychological health condition characterized by the persistence of severe sadness, unhappiness, low mood, lack of a feeling of well-being, and an aversion towards doing any work.
In some cases, the person suffering from depression may cut off from the society, and isolate themselves completely.
In severe cases, suicidal thoughts and attempts at suicide are also noted. Homeopathy for depression works at a subconscious level to remove the imprints of grief and sadness, and bring about recovery.
Depression is a common, but serious problem that is often dismissed as something temporary or situational. It is essential to talk about it and seek professional help if there is a doubt about a person being depressed. With the right therapies and homeopathic medicine for depression, it can be treated and managed, enabling the person to lead a healthy life.

Does Homeopathy work for depression?

Yes, homeopathy can help treat depression. The homeopathic system of medicine carries an excellent scope to treat depression in a very safe, gentle and effective manner. Made of natural substances, homeopathic remedies are deep acting medicines that work at the psychological level to bring about recovery from depression.
Another benefit of using homeopathy for depression is that none of the homeopathic remedies are habit-forming, or cause dependency. Once the problem is fixed, the person can gradually discontinue the medication, or take it sporadically as suggested by a homeopathic physician. Since conventional antidepressants affect different chemicals in the brain (like serotonin and dopamine), there are chances of drug-dependency. Unlike homeopathy, these medicines also tend to cause side effects like weight gain, nausea, loss of sexual desire, irritability, insomnia and more.

Causes of Depression

Depression is a multi-layered problem, and the exact reason for it not known. The strongest correlation to clinical depression is heredity and environmental factors. The leading causes that play a significant role in causing depression are:

  • a family history of depression
  • stressful events or abuse experienced during childhood
  • grief, like the death of a loved one, or a failed relationship
  • substance abuse (drugs, alcohol)
  • hormonal changes in women (during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menopause)
  • thyroid problems
  • Serious disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, arthritis, dementia also put a person at risk of developing depression.

Symptoms of Depression

One of the most important things is to look out for the classic signs and symptoms of depression. Timely treatment is the most effective way of treating depression once it has been diagnosed.

The common depressive symptoms include:

  • persistent sadness
  • low self-esteem
  • a sense of hopelessness
  • a feeling of being worthless
  • weeping
  • avoiding company of people
  • aversion to talking and socializing
  • loss of interest in hobbies
  • changes in appetite and weight
  • excessive sleeping or less sleeping
  • perpetual anxiety
  • restlessness
  • constant fatigue
  • sexual dysfunction
  • unexplained headaches or pains
  • difficulty in concentration
  • suicidal thoughts

What is the difference between stress and depression?

Everybody tends to get sad and feel low at some point, and that is a temporary phase that tends to come and go. But when sadness and feelings of hopelessness persist for a long time and start affecting one’s personal and professional life, then it is more than sorrow and stress.
The main difference between stress and depression is that the latter is a more severe and long-lasting condition that requires professional help. The symptoms of depression are much more intense than stress or sadness. It can cause powerful mood changes (extreme despair and sadness), exhaustion and an inability act. Stress, on the other hand, is short-lived, and once the factor causing stress is dealt with, the person tends to get better. Some people even do well under stress, when it acts as a motivating factor.

Homeopathy for Depression

Ignatia Amara – Homeopathic Remedy for Depression with Extreme Sadness

Ignatia Amara is an excellent homeopathic medicine for treating depression with extreme sadness and weeping. The person needing Ignatia shows an aversion to talking and meeting people. Sudden mood changes, sighing, hopelessness, brooding, irritability, heaviness of head, weak memory, mental dullness, sensitive mood, and palpitations are some symptoms that indicate the need for this homeopathic medicine for depression. Ignatia Amara is top grade homeopathy for depression developed after acute grief.

Natrum Mur – The Homeopathic Antidepressant

Natrum Mur is a homeopathic medicine used for treating chronic depression. The symptoms indicating the use of Natrum Mur include dwelling on past unpleasant memories, sadness, aversion to consolation, weeping, high sensitivity, despair about future, a reluctance to do work, sleeplessness, getting offended easily, and the fear of something terrible happening. Natrum Mur is the recommended homeopathy for depression that develops after the death of loved ones or broken relationships.

Aurum Met – Homeopathic Medicine for Depression with Suicidal Thoughts

Aurum Met is a homeopathic remedy for depression where the person suffers from predominating suicidal thoughts. Along with this, a constant sensation that life is a burden persists. People needing this medicine tend to look at the dark side of life, feel unhappy and wish to stop living. An oversensitive nature to contradiction is also present, along with symptoms like guilt, worthlessness, moroseness and changing moods.

Cimicifuga Racemosa – Homeopathy for Post Partum Depression

Cimicifuga Racemosa is an excellent homeopathic medicine used to treat postpartum depression. The symptoms that are indicative of this medicine include sadness, gloominess, fear of death, a specific sensation of having a black cloud over the present (mostly in women), a fear of going mad, talking excessively with frequent changes of subjects, and pain at the top of the head.

Kali Phos – Homeopathic Medicine for Depression and Insomnia

Kali Phos is considered to be top-grade homeopathy for depression and insomnia with symptoms like sleeplessness, gloominess, anxiety, worries, continual weeping, negative thinking, mental fatigue, dullness of mind, fear of death and sensitivity to light and noise.

Phosphoric Acid – Homeopathy for Depression with Weakness

Phosphoric Acid is a homeopathic medicine for depression where the person experiences excessive weakness, along with symptoms like an indifferent behavior to everything, slowness of mind, aversion to talking, a dread of the future, loss of weight and malnutrition.

Sepia Succus – Homeopathic Medicine for Depression during Menopause

Sepia for depression has been successfully used in clinical practice in cases where a woman experiences depression during menopause. The symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine include sadness, gloominess, unhappiness, indifferent behavior towards family and life, aversion towards family members, aversion to doing any mental or physical work, anxiety over trifles, and a sense of helplessness. There is also a tendency to weep that worsens upon consolation. Women needing this medicine may experience all of the above symptoms along with hot flushes and a bearing down sensation in the pelvis.

Homeopathy for Depression: Frequently Asked Questions

Are any investigations recommended in cases of depression?

Depression is a psychological complaint and is diagnosed after evaluating the symptoms. However, certain tests including thyroid profile and vitamin B12 are recommended in suspected cases of depression to rule hormonal problems or deficiencies.

Can any medicines lead to depression?

Yes, certain medicines can lead to depression. Examples of drugs that predispose a person to depression include steroids, blood pressure medicines, and sleeping pills.

What are the effects of depression?

Depression has many effects that include loss of appetite or overeating, loss of weight or gaining weight, sleeplessness, feeling fatigued and lethargic. Certain complications like the use of alcohol, drug dependency, developing anxiety disorders, panic disorders and in the most severe cases, suicidal tendencies may develop.

I am a male aged 25 years with a family history of depression; will I also develop the same?

Having a family history of depression is one of the risk factors that predispose a person towards the same. But it doesn’t mean that you will develop depression.

Can depression be cured forever with homeopathy?

The effectiveness of homeopathy in depression in a majority of the cases depends on the severity of the problem. Depression of mild to moderate intensity has better chances of being treated to a great extent with homeopathy. Homeopathy for depression helps reduce the severity and occurrence of depressive episodes while addressing the imprints of sadness from the subconscious mind.
In cases of severe depression, homeopathy can help manage the symptoms, but complete recovery is not expected in all the cases.

I have been taking antidepressants for ten years; can homeopathy help me stop that medicine?

Yes, homeopathy can help you gradually stop taking antidepressants, no matter how long you’ve been using them. However, it is a gradual process, and it is not advisable to stop the antidepressants all of sudden since that can cause withdrawal symptoms.
Initially, when you start with homeopathic medicines for your depression, you will have to continue taking the antidepressants side by side for some time. Once your body starts responding to the homeopathic medicines, a gradual decrease of the dose of the antidepressants is recommended until you can stop taking them entirely.

If I start homeopathic medicines for my depression, will I have to continue taking it for my lifetime?

No, you will not have to continue taking homeopathy for depression for a lifetime. Once satisfactory results with homeopathic medicines have been achieved, you may stop taking them.

For how long does a person need to take homeopathy for depression for complete recovery?

The exact time for complete recovery from depression with use of homeopathic medicines varies from case to case. Most cases of depression tend to show some improvement in the initial period of homeopathic treatment. The duration of depression and the intensity of its symptoms decide the time for which one has to continue taking homeopathic medicines for complete recovery. In addition to this, a person’s response to the homeopathic medication is also an important deciding factor.

Are there any supplements that can help to manage depression?

Yes, certain supplements can help manage depression. The most important ones among them include vitamin B12, vitamin D, and omega -3 fatty acids.

I have been suffering from depression from the last 4 years since the death of my mother. Can homeopathy help?

The loss of a loved one and long-standing grief that can translate into depressive symptoms. You may take homeopathic medicine Natrum Mur, a well-indicated remedy in homeopathy for depression that has become chronic.

I am a 48-year old female suffering from depression for two years. Which homeopathic medicine can help?

You are suffering from depression around your menopausal age. Sepia Succus is a well-indicated remedy in homeopathy for depression that develops during the menopausal age.

Managing Depression

Certain lifestyle measures can help manage depression. These include:

– Ensuring enough sleep
– Practicing meditation and yoga
– Doing regular exercise
– Discussing your concerns with friends and family members, who can understand you and provide support during depressive episodes
– Avoiding alcohol and recreational drugs
– Avoiding isolation and developing healthy social habits
– Keeping yourself busy
– Joining a depression support group
– Studying self-help books for positive inspiration

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