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Homeopathic Treatment for Viral Infections

Infections caused by the presence of a virus in the body are known as viral infections. One or more viruses cause these infections, and they are common in clinical practice. Although these infections can affect anyone, children and aged people are more susceptible due to weaker immune systems. Homeopathic treatment for viral infections helps resolve the condition by naturally strengthening the immune system, thereby enabling the body to fight infection.    homeopathic treatment for viral  infections
Some viral infections are self-limiting while others can lead to severe complications. These infections produce debilitating symptoms and affect the day-to-day life of the infected person.
The symptoms vary depending on the organs or systems affected by the virus. The most prominent symptoms include high fever and severe body pain with marked weakness. In addition to this, specific symptoms also occur.

How do Viral Infections Spread?

Viral infections are highly contagious and get transferred very quickly by direct or indirect contact. Viral infections of the skin like herpes and chickenpox spread by direct or indirect contact through infectious discharge. This discharge oozes from skin eruptions that are a common symptom of these diseases.

Viral infections of the respiratory system spread through exposure to nasal or respiratory discharges. Discharge is spread while coughing or sneezing, or by direct contact with items like contaminated handkerchief or utensils.

Viral infections can lead to gastroenteritis or hepatitis. Here the spread occurs by ingestion of contaminated food or water. Few viral infections spread by the bite of insects like mosquitoes or ticks. They include hemorrhagic fevers e.g. dengue, chikungunya, etc. There are the sexually transmitted viral infections like AIDS, Hepatitis B, etc. They spread by unprotected intercourse with infected partners. The spread can also occur via blood transfusion.

Symptoms of Viral Infections

The symptoms of a viral infection depend on the nature of the virus, age and health status of the patient, and the organ affected.
However, there are general symptoms present in all viral infections. These include high fever and rising and ebbing temperature accompanied by chilliness. The patient may complain of extreme weakness and fatigue. Marked pain in the head, body-ache, muscle-pain, and joint-pain is also noted.
Nausea and vomiting are some other symptoms associated with viral infections.

Fever is the most common symptom that is present in almost all viral infections. It is the reaction of body’s immune system against foreign bodies, like viruses. It is a worrisome symptom in children and quick-relief is often sought through drugs to lower fever.
Fever-lowering drugs suppress the fever temporarily, but infection inside the body persists.

Homeopathic Treatment for Viral Infections

Conventional drugs do not offer comprehensive treatments for viral infections. Certain viruses like Influenza, HIV, etc. have tendencies to mutate (change) very rapidly, thereby lowering the effectiveness of such medicines. Additionally, viruses quickly develop resistance to these drugs, making the development of preventive medicine somewhat challenging. Conventional medications therefore only provide supportive management and suppression of the symptoms.
Homeopathic treatment for viral infections helps ease the symptoms and also enables the body to heal naturally.

Homeopathy treatment for viral infections is steadily gaining popularity as a natural way to deal with viral infections. These medicines help reduce the frequency and intensity of acute symptoms like weakness, fever, body pain, etc. These help with quick recovery. In some cases, they reduce the chances of further complications. Homeopathy treatment for viral infections treats the symptoms not by suppressing them, but by strengthening the immune system. It activates the body’s natural restorative properties by producing symptoms similar to the ones experienced by the patients. This method helps settle underlying internal disturbances in the body. Homeopathy treatment for viral infections also minimizes the weakness and fatigue commonly encountered as an aftermath of the infection.

Viral infections are highly communicable and spread rapidly from one person to another. Homeopathy treatment for viral infections is also preventative and helps reduce the chances of contracting the infection.

1. Viral Infections that Affect the Skin

The most common viral infections of skin include Herpes simplex infection, warts and eruptive fevers like chickenpox, measles, rubella, etc.

Herpes Simplex

Herpes simplex is a viral infection that can occur in any part of the body. Most common sites include the mouth, face, genitals and anal region. It is of two types – Type 1 and Type 2.
Type-1 is oral herpes that mainly affects mouth and face. It spreads by direct contact with an infected person.
Type-2 is a sexually transmitted infection that affects the genital and anal region. Sores develop in the mouth, face, genital and anal area. General symptoms of fever, body pain are also present. In some cases, the infection may spread to eyes and lead to eye pain, discharge, and grittiness in the eyes.
Homeopathy treatment for viral infections like herpes simplex includes the use of medicines like Natrum Mur, Rhus Tox, and Petroleum.
Natrum Mur is indicated where eruptions develop on the skin during fever. They are filled with fluid and burst eventually, leaving behind a thin crust. They may present around the mouth, or on arms and thighs.
In cases where intolerable itching and burning accompany the herpes simplex infection,  medicine Rhus Tox is used. The patient has an urge to scratch, but scratching provides no relief. Eruptions may contain a yellow-watery fluid.
Petroleum is a medicine for herpes simplex accompanied by itching sores. The eruptions may change into ulcers and be present on the chest, neck, and knee.

Eruptive Fevers

Eruptive fevers, as the name indicates, are viral fevers in which general symptoms are present with characteristic rashes. Chickenpox, measles, and rubella are all eruptive fevers.


The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes chickenpox. It is a highly infectious disease that mostly affects children, but can also affect adults. It spreads through contact with an infected person via sneezing, coughing, saliva, and discharges from rashes.
The symptoms are mild in children and more pronounced in adults.
The symptoms of chickenpox include general symptoms of viral infections along with a typical rash. The rash erupts first on the trunk and face, where it is dense. It then spreads to the limbs.
These rashes are red-colored, itchy blisters filled with fluid with a crust on top.
Every new rash eruption comes with a rise in temperature. Homeopathy treatment for chickenpox includes medicines like Antim Crud and Antim Tart.
Antim crud is used when there is a formation of pustules accompanied by itching. There is soreness upon scratching. The eruptions may ooze out yellowish-green fluid. Eventually, thick crusts may develop and the patient may feel weak.
Antim Tart is another treatment for chickenpox with itching and red rashes. Painful vesicular eruptions may present on the whole body. They may fill up with pus and dry up, forming a brown crust. Fever often occurs with these eruptions.


Herpes zoster (shingles) is a common skin disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. In some cases, the virus is present in the nerves of the body in an inactive form. The virus becomes active and affects the nerves in case the immunity weakens. It leads to painful skin eruptions and is common in adults and old people. General symptoms accompany the development of rash over the length of the nerve. The rash develops in a small band or strip area. As the disease progresses, rashes change into fluid-filled blisters. Pain and itching are present, followed by the formation of a crust. Healing takes between 15-30 days, but the pain may persist for longer.
Treatment for viral infections like herpes zoster includes medicines like Ranunculus bulb, Mezereum, and Clematis. Ranunculus bulb is indicated when the blisters are of bluish –black color. They may fill with fluid and cause extreme burning and itching. Upon bursting, hard crust forms in place of the blister.
Mezereum is used in treatment for shingles with severe neuralgic pains accompanied by itching. It may get worse by touch in most cases. The blisters may burn and form brown scabs that heal slowly.
Clematis is a well-known treatment for long-standing cases of herpes zoster. The eruptions (in cases where this medicine is required) are red, coupled with intense itching that may get worse after washing.


Measles is another highly infectious disease caused by the rubeola virus. It affects children the most and spreads through contact with an infected person. Symptoms include general symptoms of viral infections and a typical reddish-brown rash. Sneezing, watery eyes, and cough may also be present. A characteristic feature is the presence of bluish –white spots in the oral mucosa (koplik spot).
Homeopathy treatment for measles includes medicines like Pulsatilla, Euphrasia, and Morbillinum. Pulsatilla and Euphrasia are given mostly in the catarrhal stage of measles. Severe coryza with redness of eyes and profuse lachrymation (flow of tears) may also be present.
Morbillinum is chiefly a preventive medicine for measles.


Viral warts occur due to infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV). These are harmless growths of the skin that commonly spread through direct contact with an infected person. Warts can occur at any age but are more common among school children. Warts are of various types; like plane warts (with a flat surface) as seen on face and hands, plantar warts on foot soles, filiform warts (with stalk) on the face, and mucosal warts in the mouth or around lips.
Homeopathy treatment for viral infections like warts includes medicines like Thuja, Nitric Acid and Causticum. Thuja is used to treat all types of warts. They are large and mostly appear on the back of their hands.
Warts accompanied by soreness and burning are treated with Causticum. Nitric acid helps in cases where there is pricking pain, bleeding after washing, and warts that are painful to touch. These usually appear on the upper lip.

2. Viral Infections that Affect the Respiratory System

Viral infections of the respiratory system include the common cold, sore throat, sinusitis, influenza, etc.

Common Cold

The common cold and sore throat are the most common viral infections, and every person usually experiences these at least once in a lifetime. These are highly contagious and spread from person to person through sneezing or coughing. Symptoms include a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, stuffy nose, pain in throat, body aches, and fever.
Homeopathy treatment for the common cold includes the use of medicines Allium cepa and Euphrasia. Allium cepa is used in cases where there are profuse acrid nasal discharges accompanied by sneezing. A headache may also be present, along with discharges from eyes. The cold usually appears after exposure to damp winds. Euphrasia is also used to treat the common cold where sneezing accompanies profuse nasal discharges. Irritating eye discharges may also be present.


Influenza is another viral infection of the respiratory system, also known as the flu. The causative virus is influenza virus A and B. Influenza virus is a constantly-changing strain and new strains appear every year. It usually affects young children and old people. People with low immunity, chronic heart or lung disease are more at risk of contracting this virus. It is self-limiting in a few cases while causing severe complications in others. Symptoms of influenza initially resemble the common cold. Fever with a chill, head pain, body pain, congestion of nose and throat, pain in the throat, weakness, running nose, sneezing, watery eyes, etc. are the typical symptoms. These develop suddenly and tend to last longer than the common cold. These symptoms are severe for 3-4 days, but the patient recovers after 7-10 days.
Homeopathy treatment for viral infections like the flu includes medicines like Aconite, Gelsemium, Oscillococcinum, and Influenzinum.
Aconite is indicated in cases where there has been an exposure to drafts of cold, dry winds. The symptoms appear suddenly and with high intensity. The nose becomes stuffy with scanty, watery nasal discharges. Fever may occur, along with restlessness.
Gelsemium treats influenza where dullness and drowsiness accompany typical symptoms, and the patient is prone to contract the virus with the change of weather. The after-effects of influenza remain for a long time. Weakness, along with thin, acrid, watery discharges from the nose, is present. Redness of eyes with watery discharges is also a common symptom.
Influenzinum is a medicine that reduces the intensity of these symptoms. It also prevents the spread of infections. Oscillococcinum is also used to treat and it helps in reducing the duration and severity of symptoms like fever, body pains, headache, etc.

3. Viral Infections that Affect the Gastrointestinal Tract


Rotavirus and Norovirus are the common causes of gastroenteritis (inflammation of stomach and intestines) in infants and young children. These are highly contagious and spread by eating or drinking contaminated food or water. Symptoms of infection include fever, nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea, pain in abdomen, weakness, body pain, etc. In some case, it is self-limiting, and the patient recovers within a few days. However, in other cases, it can cause severe dehydration. Arsenic Album and Nux vomica are the medicines used to treat viral infections of the gastrointestinal tract. Arsenic album is used in cases where diarrhea and vomiting are present with severe burning and restlessness. In most cases, the symptoms get worse after eating and drinking.
Nux vomica treats cases where constant nausea and vomiting are present, and the patient usually feels better after vomiting. Diarrhea, with a constant urge to pass stools is present, but only a small amount excretes at a given time.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is another highly infectious disease caused by the hepatitis A virus. It leads to inflammation of the liver. The virus spreads through contaminated food and water. Symptoms of hepatitis include nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen (usually on the right side), loss of appetite, yellowing of skin and eyes (jaundice), dark-colored urine and clay-colored stool.
Treatment for viral infections like hepatitis includes medicines Chelidonium and Phosphorous.
Both medicines cover all the symptoms of hepatitis. In cases where Chelidonium is used, most patients feel better after eating hot food. Phosphorous is used when all the other symptoms accompany a burning and a desire to eat cold food.

4. Sexually Transmitted Viral Infections

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) refers to the fatal, final stage of the HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) infection.
The immune system weakens as a result of this syndrome. HIV destroys CD 4 T- cells which are essential for a person’s immunity, thus making the patient more prone to common infections.
HIV is sexually transmitted by an infected person to healthy person through unprotected intercourse. It can also spread through sharing of contaminated needles or blood.
The virus also gets transmitted to a growing baby in the womb if the mother is infected. It can spread from an infected mother to her child during delivery or breastfeeding. Initial symptoms occur a few weeks after exposure and resemble a flu-like fever. Lymph glands swell up, but the patient may remain asymptomatic for months, or years before the symptoms become severe.
Treatment for AIDS can currently only delay the associated complications, but complete recovery is not yet possible. The virus is prone to rapid changes, which is why there is a lack of vaccines in the conventional system to prevent infection. These medicines help the body restore its natural healing properties. Homeopathy treatment for viral infections strengthens the body’s immune system. Some medicines used to manage the complications associated with AIDS include Crotalus horridus, Medorrhinum, and Merc Sol.

5. Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers

The most common viral hemorrhagic fever include Dengue and Chikungunya fever. The virus in both infections gets transmitted to a healthy person by the bite of an infectious mosquito. The symptoms of dengue include high temperature and severe body, joint, and muscle pain. Pain in the head and eyes is common, along with nausea, vomiting, and weakness. Rashes also appear on the skin. People with weak immunity or those experiencing a second attack by dengue virus are more likely to have hemorrhages, called dengue hemorrhagic fever. In some cases these are mild, but in other instances, massive hemorrhages may lead to shock. If not managed properly, death may occur.
In Chikungunya fever, all symptoms resemble a common viral illness, but with severe joint pains. Most patients make a full recovery, but joint pains may persist for a few weeks to months.
Homeopathy treatments for viral infections like dengue and chikungunya work on restoring the body’s natural healing systems. Medicines for hemorrhagic fevers include Eupatorium perfoliatum and Gelsemium.
Eupatorium perfoliatum is used to treat severe body and muscular pain.
Gelsemium treats cases of hemorrhagic fever where there is a severe headache. The patient may complain of weakness and dullness, and muscular pains accompany the illness.


Mumps is a highly infectious viral disease caused by the mump virus. It is mainly an infection of salivary glands (most commonly the parotid glands). Mumps spread through direct contact with an infected person via saliva and nasal discharges. Symptoms include painful swelling of the glands, in addition to general symptoms of a viral infection.
Belladonna and parotidinum are the medicines used to treat mumps. Belladonna is used in case the parotid gland is swollen and painful. The glands are very hot and sensitive to touch and may be accompanied by ear pain. Parotidinum is a prophylactic against mumps infection.

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Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Body Pains and Aches

Homeopathic Medicines for Body pains

Homeopathy Remedies are very effective in treating general body pains and aches. These body pains can be general body pains caused by exertion etc or caused by more specific reason like fevers or joint inflammation. As homeopathy is a more symptom-based system of medicine ( this means that symptoms are given more preference over pathological condition while choosing the right remedy ) the medicine set remains quite same for general as well as specific reasons for causing body pains. Homeopathic medicines for body pains are a natural substitute for painkillers. The best feature while using medicine for treating body pains is that they are totally side effect free and are made from naturally occurring plants and substances.

Homeopathic Medicines for Body Pains and Aches

Rhus Toxicodendron, Arnica Montana, Bryonia Alba, Magnesium Phosphorica, Ruta Graveolens, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Causticum, and Colchicum Autumnale are the top medicines for body pains and aches.

1. Rhus Toxicodendron

Rhus Toxicodendron is a natural medicine that occupies the highest rank in treating general body pains and aches. This medicine is prescribed for patients in whom the body aches are worse in resting position and are better by walking. The body pains are accompanied by anxiety and restlessness. The patient feels a need to constantly move to get relief. The body aches are worse on starting to walk after rest but as the patient walks by the aching goes on decreasing gradually. Marked stiffness always accompanies the body aches. This medicine is almost specific if the body pains start after getting wet in rain. Its use is highly recommended in those body pains that are a result of overstraining or overstretching of muscles.

 2. Arnica Montana

Arnica Montana is also an excellent medicine for body aches. This medicine is used where excessive sore bruised aching of body is present. The whole body feels sore as if beaten. The patient requiring arnica finds it difficult to lie down calmly in bed. The bed feels hard on which he lies, which makes him constantly changes. The whole body feels lame. Arnica can very effectively treat the soreness and body aches due to overexertion. This medicine has the great ability to reduce body aches which occur due to injuries either recent or old. Even the joint pains that result out of injury can be treated with this remedy.

3. Bryonia Alba

Bryonia Alba is yet another natural medicine used in homeopathy for treating the general body aches and pains. This medicine gives marvellous results when body pains result from either muscular or joint involvement. The prominent symptom guiding the use of this medicine is –  worsening of the body Pains on the slight motion. The body pains are better on absolute rest. Every part of the body is painful to touch. An increased thirst for large quantity of water is always present in patients requiring this medicine.

4. Magnesium Phosphorica

Magnesium Phosphorica is used for a wide range of body pains and aches. Main Indications for its use are  – severe body pains that are shooting, cutting or stitching in nature.; The severity of  pains are almost unbearable making the person mad. The pains are worse by cold air exposure. Warm application gives relief in body aches. Patient feels better by applying pressure to the parts of body.

5. Ruta Graveolens

This medicine is used for body aches where the whole body feels painful and bruised. The main indications for its use are – All those parts of body on which patient lies are tender.  Extreme weakness is always present with body pains. Patient has a great difficulty on rising from a chair. The lower limbs lack strength. Back pain is more prominent. Patient feels relief in backache by pressure.

6. Gelsemium Sempervirens

Gelsemium Sempervirens is a wonderful natural medicine for treating body aches that are accompanied by dullness and drowsiness.Other main indications for its use are – The whole body feels tired with excessive muscle weakness. Mostly used where pain is present in neck, back and lower limbs. The body pains are attended with weakness from slight exertion. This medicine can also help in relieving the neck and shoulder pain with headache.

7. Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Arnica Montana, Chamomilla and Rhus Toxicodendron – Natural Remedies for Body Pains and Aches during Fever

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the best natural medicine for treating body pains that occur during fever. This is mainly given where the severe and general bone pains predominate. This medicine gives quick relief in the body aches during fever like malaria or influenza. The patient feels as if the whole body is broken down. Arnica Montana is used for sore and bruised type of body aches in fever. Whole body feels lame. Patient feels worse on lying down. The bed feels hard on which the patient lies. Body aches are worse from touch. Chamomilla is an important medicine used for unbearable body aches in fever. Patients requiring Chamomilla are very sensitive to cold air. Such patient turns irritable or violent due to pains. Rhus Toxicodendron is used for body aches in fever that are better by walking and worse at rest.

8. Arnica Montana, Rhus Toxicodendron and Bryonia Alba for Treating Body Aches due to Exertion

The first medicine Arnica Montana is used where the person feels excessive soreness over whole body due to exertion. The body is very sensitive to touch. The bed on which person lies feels hard. Body aches are felt as if someone has beaten the body. The next two medicines Rhus Toxicodendron and Bryonia Alba are both natural remedies for the treatment of body aches due to exertion. The main indicating feature for selecting the medicine out of these two for body aches – Rhus Toxicodendron is prescribed when the body aches are better by walking and worse at rest whereas Bryonia Alba is given when the body aches are worse by walking and are better by absolute rest.

9. Remedies for Painful Joints

The medicines Causticum, Bryonia Alba and Colchicum Autumnale are natural joint pain remedies for the treatment of body aches due to acute inflammation of joints as in Rheumatoid arthritis. Causticum is mainly used where the joints are inflammed and very stiff leading to body aches. The aches are worse by slight exposure to cold air. Warm applications give relief to the patient. The second medicine Bryonia Alba is prescribed when the body aches occur due to swelling and intense pain in joints. The worsening of aches by slightest motion and relief by rest are strong indicating features for using this medicine. The last mentioned medicine Colchicum Autumnale is mainly given when the body aches are a  result of intensely swollen, stiffened and painful joints. Here the body aches are worse by slightest touch and at night time.                               

10. For Body Aches due to Muscle Soreness

The natural medicines for body pains due to excessive muscle pains are Rhus Toxicodendron and Magnesium Phosphorica. Rhus Toxicodendron is the best medicine for body aches due to muscle soreness. The muscle soreness can be the result from over-exertion, over-stretching, over-straining. The patient requiring Rhus Toxicodendron will complain of relief in the body aches by motion and worsening by rest. The second medicine Magnesium Phoshorica is well suited to persons who have body aches that are better by warm applications and by pressure

11. For Nerve Pain

Nerve pains can also lead to severe pain in the parts of the body eg sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia, peripheral neuropathy in feet etc. Hypericum, Mag Phos are natural pain remedies for conditions arising out of afflictions to Nerve.

12. For Joint Pains with Ulcerative Colitis

Joint pains can occur secondary to other disorders such as Ulcerative colitis. Rhus Tox is wonderful medicine for treating joint pains in ulcerative colitis. Read the detailed feature on medicines for ulcerative colitis.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

8 Homeopathic Remedies for Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer vision syndrome refers to a group of eye/vision complaints resulting from the use of a computer, tablet, and cell phone for an extended period of time. Computer vision syndrome does not only affect adults but can also affect children. Homeopathic remedies for computer vision syndrome help ease the symptoms and bring symptomatic relief. homeopathic remedies for computer vision syndrome

Some factors that increase the risk of computer vision syndrome are uncorrected vision problems (refractive error), pre-existing dry eyes, constant working on a computer without taking any breaks or giving rest to the eyes, poor posture while using a computer, poor lighting, screen glare and viewing computer from incorrect distance and angle. This condition is also known as Digital Eye Strain.

Homeopathic Remedies for Computer Vision Syndrome

Homeopathy medicines are highly beneficial to treat computer vision syndrome. These medicines help to manage the symptoms of computer vision syndrome and bring relief. Symptoms of computer vision syndrome including dry, red eyes, blurred vision, eye strain, tired eyes, irritation in eyes, burning in eyes, double vision, headaches, and neck pain can all be wonderfully managed with natural medicines. The top listed medicines that help manage the symptoms of computer vision syndrome include Ruta, Belladonna, Physostigma, Euphrasia, and Gelsemium.

1. Ruta – To Manage Eye Strain, Tired Eyes

Ruta is prepared from a plant Ruta Graveolens commonly known by the name of Rue of the natural order Rutaceae. Ruta is very helpful to manage complaint of eye strain and tired eyes in cases of computer vision syndrome. Aching is felt in the eyes along with eye strain. Objects seem dim with dullness/weakness of sight. Vision gets blurred. Irritation is felt in eyes with watering. Pressure is also felt deep in the eyes. Burning sensation in eyes is also experienced. Headaches are frequently experienced from eye strain in cases requiring Ruta.

2. Belladonna – For Dry, Red Eyes

Belladonna is prepared from a plant named Deadly Nightshade of the natural order Solanaceae. Belladonna is very beneficial to manage dry, red eyes in computer vision syndrome. The eyes are congested and dry. A feeling of sand being present in the eyes is felt. Pressive pain deep in the eyes may be felt that gets worse by movement and by light. Double vision may also be complained of. Heat and burning in the eyes may be felt. Sometimes itching and smarting in the eye is felt. Belladonna also helps to manage headaches in case of computer vision syndrome.

3. Physostigma – For Computer Vision Syndrome with Blurred Vision

Physostigma is prepared from the bean of a plant Physostigma venenosum commonly known by the name of Calabar Bean of the natural order Leguminosae. Physostigma works well in cases of computer vision syndrome with blurred vision. Objects in the line of vision seem mixed and double-vision may appear in some cases. Along with this, dull pain over the eyes is felt. The eyes feel weak and a drawing sensation in the eyes may be present. The eyes may also water excessively.

4. Euphrasia – For Computer Vision Syndrome with Irritation and Burning in Eyes

Euphrasia is prepared from a plant Euphrasia Officinalis having common name eyebright. The natural order of this plant is Scrophulariaceae. Euphrasia is very useful to manage irritation and burning in the eyes in cases of computer vision syndrome. Irritation and burning are attended with excessive watering from the eyes. Marked biting and smarting sensation are felt in the eyes. Sometimes a grittiness or sensation of sand is experienced in the eyes. Eyes feel dry and very itchy. Vision gets somewhat dim. Pressure and tension appear in the eyes.

5. Gelsemium – To Manage Double Vision

Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known by the name of Yellow Jasmine of the natural order Loganiaceae. Gelsemium is valuable to manage complaint of double vision in computer vision syndrome cases. The double vision is most felt when looking sideways. Dimness of sight attends. Along with this heaviness of the eyes is prominent. Eyes feel sore with aching pains. Redness of the eyes along with watering is also noted with the above symptoms.

6. Natrum Mur – For Headaches in Computer Vision Syndrome

Natrum Mur is significant medicine for treating headaches in computer vision syndrome. For using Natrum Mur the nature of pain in head varies from case to case. It may be beating and throbbing type. In some cases, it feels like little hammers knocking in the head while in some cases bursting sensation in the head is felt. Dull, heavy pain in the head may be there in a few cases. The forehead mostly feels tensed with the sensation of weight over it. Along with this strain and aching pain is felt in the eyes. Eyes also get red. Vision feels dim, and in some cases, double vision may also be present.

7. Rhus Tox – For Managing Neck Pain and Stiffness

Rhus Tox is an excellent medicine for managing neck pain in computer vision syndrome. In cases needing Rhus Tox, the neck feels very painful and stiff. The pain extends to shoulders from the neck. Pain is also felt between shoulder-blades and scapulae. The pain and stiffness get worse at rest while movement of the neck gives relief. Warmth also helps to relieve the pain.

8. Cimicifuga – For Neck Pain in Digital Eye Strain

Cimicifuga is prepared from the root of a plant named Cimicifuga racemosa commonly known by the name of Black Cohosh. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. Cimicifuga is also indicated for managing neck pain in computer vision syndrome. Neck also feel stiff and contracted along with pain where Cimicifuga is indicated. Pain is excessive that worsens from even moving the hands. The neck also feels sensitive to touch. Neck muscles also feel sore.

Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome

The symptoms of computer vision syndrome include dry, red eyes, blurred vision, eye strain, tired eyes, irritation in eyes, burning in eyes, double vision, headaches, neck pain, and shoulder pain.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

10 Homeopathic Medicines for Syphilis

homeopathic medicines for syphilis

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a bacterium named Treponema pallidum (T.pallidum). Syphilis transfers from one person to another by sexual activity (oral, anal, or vaginal). Rarely syphilis can spread through direct contact with the lesion (like during kissing).
Syphilis can also be passed from mother to child during pregnancy or delivery. Homeopathic medicines for syphilis help treat the problem in the initial stages.

People who are sexually active are at an increased risk of contracting syphilis. Having unprotected sex, having multiple sexual partners, having HIV are some risk factors for contracting syphilis infection. Initially, sores develop on genitals, rectum or mouth. After the initial infection, the bacteria can lie dormant in the body for decades and can become active again and damage other organs.

Homeopathic Medicines for Syphilis

There is a great scope to treat syphilis in homeopathy in the initial stages. The cases of primary and secondary syphilis are well managed with homeopathic medicines. Chancre (painless genital ulcer commonly form during the primary stage of syphilis) of primary syphilis and symptoms of secondary syphilis including rash, sore throat, fatigue, hair loss, a headache can be managed with homeopathic medicines. However, in tertiary syphilis homeopathy plays a supportive role and can be taken along with conventional treatment for symptom management. The top medicines for treating syphilis in initial stages are Merc Sol, Cinnabaris, Kali Iodatum, Merc Cor, and Syphilinum.

1. Merc Sol – For Chancres in Primary Syphilis

Merc Sol is well indicated to treat chancre in cases of primary syphilis. The chancre may be single or several small ones on the penis in cases needing Merc Sol. The chancres are soft or indurated and superficial or deep where Merc Sol is indicated. The chancres have a cheesy bottom and inverted red edges. The chancre may be painful and bleed easily. There may be secretion of pus or yellow fetid discharge from chancres. Inguinal region is painful while walking. There is a pain in inguinal glands on pressure.

2. Cinnabaris – For Red Swollen Chancre in Primary Syphilis

Cinnabaris is useful for cases of syphilis with red, swollen chancre. The edges of chancre are hard and elevated. The chancre is located in the middle of the penis in cases where Cinnabaris is indicated. The chancre is most times indurated.

3. Kali Iodatum – For Primary Syphilis with Deep Chancres

Kali Iodatum is helpful for syphilis with deep chancres. The edges of chancre are hard. Thin discharge may be present which has an offensive odour. There may be tendency to slow suppuration in the chancre. The glans penis is swollen.

4. Merc Cor – For Soft Chancre in Primary Syphilis

Merc Cor is indicated for chancre which is soft. The margins are dark red. The chancre is painful and it may bleed easily. There may be a discharge of thin pus from the chancre. The surrounding part of chancre is swollen with heat.

5. Syphilinum – For Secondary Syphilis with Prominent rash on Skin

Syphilinum is a beneficial medicine for secondary syphilis with a prominent rash on skin. The rash is prominent on the forehead, chin, front of chest and arms. An excess of fine scales peel off from it. In some cases copper – colored maculae from top of head to foot appears. Biting sensation in different body areas is felt at night. Along with this, there is fever with excessive headache. Body is extremely cold with desire to be covered. Appetite is lost. Sore throat, inflamed pharynx, and ulcers in the throat may also appear.

6. Nitric Acid – For Secondary Syphilis

Nitric Acid is indicated for secondary syphilis with skin eruptions having prickling and itching on the skin. It is also indicated for warts like growths on genitals and anus. The growths are large, jagged, and often pedunculated. There is prominent sticking and pricking in them. They are painful to touch. Sometimes they bleed on washing.

7. Phosphorus – For Managing Hair Fall in Syphilis

Phosphorus is a valuable medicine for managing complaint of hair fall in cases of syphilis. Hair fall is excessive in cases needing Phosphorus. The hair loss is general or in patches. The scalp is dry. A heated sensation is also felt in the scalp. Violent itching on the scalp may be present.

8. Thuja – For Warts like Growth in Genitals and Anus

Thuja is prepared from fresh green twigs of plant Thuja occidentalis commonly named as arborvitae. The natural order of this plant is Coniferae. Thuja is an excellent medicine to treat wart-like growths in syphilis cases. In males, these growths appear on glans, penis, perineum. They may be painful especially on walking. In females the growths may be there on labia, vulva, vagina. They may have stinging pains and may also bleed. Warts may be also present on the anus in males and females needing Thuja. These warts are painful and sensitive to touch.

9. Phytolacca – For Sore Throat in Syphilis

Phytolacca is prepared from a plant named Phytolacca decandra commonly known as poke – root or red ink plant. The natural order of this plant is Phytolaccaceae. Phytolacca is indicated for syphilis to manage sore throat. The throat is darkened, is painful, raw, rough and dry. Tonsils are bluish or dark purple in color. Swallowing is painful. Pain from the throat may extend to ears. There is marked burning and smarting felt in the throat. Scraping sensation and excoriation are felt in the throat. Ulcers tend to appear on tonsils. A disposition to hawk and clear throat is present. A sensation of a lump/plug in the throat is felt. Mucus discharge from posterior nares may be present. Apart from this pain in the limbs may be present. The pain is worse from motion.

10. Arsenic Album – For Fatigue in case of Syphilis

Arsenic Album is a wonderful medicine for managing fatigue in case of syphilis. The fatigue is very intense where Arsenic Album is indicated. There is tiredness, fatigue, lack of strength from very little exertion. Restlessness is marked with fatigue. Anxiety may also be prominently present especially at night time with above features.

Signs and Symptoms

Syphilis has three stages and the symptoms vary as per the ongoing stage.

Primary Syphilis

This is the first stage. In this a small, firm, and round sore / ulcer which is painless, and is known as chancre forms at the site from where bacteria entered the body (penis, vagina, anus or in some cases mouth). The chancre is usually one but in some cases, multiple chancres develop. The chancre tends to appear around three weeks after exposure. Chancres usually heal and disappear within 3 to 6 weeks.

Secondary Syphilis

This stage arises after healing of chancre. In this rash appears on the trunk that cover full body. The rash may be red or reddish brown in color. Along with this wart-like growths may appear in mouth, anal and genital region. Other symptoms that may appear are sore throat, muscle aches, fever, headaches, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, and patchy hair loss. These symptoms may disappear in a few weeks or they can return many times for a long period. If not treated in this stage then it passes into a latent stage where no symptoms appear. In some cases, the person never experiences symptoms again while in some disease may progress to the next tertiary stage.

Tertiary syphilis

Tertiary syphilis can occur many years (even 10 to 30 years ) after the onset of the infection, after the latent asymptomatic stage. In the late stages, the disease damage may occur to the brain, heart, blood vessels, nerves, eyes, liver, bones, and joints.

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Fever Blisters – Treat them with Homeopathy

Fever blisters also known as cold sores are small blisters that appear on the lips or around the mouth from a viral infection. They are highly contagious in nature and are majorly by the herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1). Homeopathic medicines for fever blisters help in healing the eruptions and managing the attending symptoms of burning, itching, and pain. Homeopathic medicines for fever blisters help aid natural recovery.

Homeopathic Medicines for Fever Blisters

The blisters spread by close direct contact with infected skin through kissing, or by sharing eating utensils, razors, lip balm, toothbrushes and towels of an infected person. After entering the body, this virus remains dormant and does not cause any symptoms immediately. But if a trigger activates the virus, like a low immune system, then fever blisters tend to develop. The number of outbreaks of fever blister may be just one without any recurrence or it may appear two to three times a year varying from person to person. The triggers that can reactivate the virus and cause blisters include stress, fatigue, depression, hormonal changes, prolonged sun exposure, and pregnancy.

Homeopathic Medicines for Fever Blisters

Homeopathy offers excellent treatment for fever blisters. It boosts the self-healing mechanism of the body to fight with the viral infection and ensure natural recovery in cases of fever blisters. The top grade medicines used to treat fever blisters include Natrum Mur, Rhus Tox, Apis Mellifica, Hepar Sulph and Nitric Acid. The medicine suitable to treat a given case of fever blisters is selected individually based upon the characteristic prominent symptom of the person.

1. Natrum Mur – Top Grade Medicine to treat Fever Blisters

Natrum Mur is a top grade medicine for treating fever blisters. In cases needing Natrum Mur small vesicles appear around the mouth. The blisters contain watery content and appear as pearls around the mouth. Tiny vesicles also appear on the upper lip. Smarting pain and burning may be there in the blisters. These vesicles rupture and get covered with a scab that leaves a red spot after falling off. Lips may be dry, sore and cracked. Swelling of upper lip may be present along with the above features.

2. Rhus Tox – For Blisters around the Mouth and on Chin

Rhus Tox is well indicated for fever blisters that appear around the mouth and on the chin. The blisters are present in clusters or group. They are filled with a watery substance. Sometimes yellow colored fluid is present in the vesicles. The margin of the vesicle is red. Vesicles are sore to touch. A biting sensation is present in the vesicles. Itching may be present in the vesicles with a desire to rub them with something rough.

3. Apis Mellifica – For Blisters with Stinging, Burning Pains

Apis Mellifica is wonderful medicine for fever blisters attended with stinging and burning pains. Vesicles are small and numerous where Apis Mellifica is needed. The vesicles may be covered with yellow crusts. Intense itching may also be felt in the vesicles.

4. Hepar Sulph – For Painful and Sensitive Fever Blisters

Hepar Sulph is next beneficial medicine for fever blisters. It is well indicated to treat fever blisters that are highly painful and sensitive to touch. A heated sensation is also felt in the corners of the mouth. In cases requiring Hepar Sulph, initially, a red spot with itching appears under the lower lip where blisters form afterward. Blisters are most times yellowish. Blisters may also form on chin where Hepar Sulph is indicated.

5. Nitric Acid – For Blisters on Lips with Stitching Pain

Nitric Acid is useful for fever blisters on lips with stitching pain. Stitching pain is like as from splinters. It is most felt when touching the lips. Lips may be swollen. The lip may be cracked and sore also.

6. Arsenic Album – For Blisters with Burning Sensation

Arsenic Album is useful for fever blisters with a prominent burning sensation. The blisters appear on the lips and around the mouth. The burning sensation is most worse at night time. Cold air exposure also worsens the burning.

7. Graphites – For Blisters Discharging Sticky Fluid

Graphites is indicated for fever blisters discharging sticky fluid. The fluid is transparent, watery in addition to being sticky and glutinous. The affected skin is also inflamed and swollen. The blisters can have violent itching and burning sometimes. Graphites is also indicated for fever blisters that are covered with scabs.

8. Merc Sol – For Blisters on Lips and Tongue/Gums

Merc Sol offers help in cases of fever blisters when vesicles form on lips and also on the tongue/gums. On the lips, the blisters may be covered with yellow crusts. The blisters on tongue and gums are attended with burning pain. In addition to above few symptoms that may be present for using Merc Sol includes painful gums, sore throat, and fever.

Signs and Symptoms of Fever Blisters

The main feature of the fever blisters is the appearance of tiny fluid-filled blisters on the lips or around the mouth. However, they may also develop on the nose, chin, cheeks and also on the tongue or gums in some cases. The blisters tend to appear in group or clusters. Before the formation of blisters itching, burning or tingling around the lips may be felt. The blisters lately tend to burst, ooze fluid and get covered with a crust. It usually takes around 2 to 4 weeks for the blisters to heal completely. In the case of outbreaks for first-time fever, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, and painful gums also tend to appear sometimes. Serious complications can arise from in cases of fever blisters. It can lead to meningitis/encephalitis if the infection spread to the brain and can cause visual problems if the infection spreads to the eyes.

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8 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Retinal Migraine

A retinal migraine is a rare form of migraine in which a person experiences repeated attacks of short-lived visual disturbances like diminished vision/blindness or flashing lights in one eye. The visual disturbances are attended with a headache or are followed by a headache. Homeopathic medicines for retinal migraine are made of natural origin and aid in natural recovery without any side effects.                            homeopathic medicines for retinal migraine

Homeopathic Medicines for Retinal Migraine

There is an excellent treatment for retinal migraine in homeopathy. With the use of homeopathy, the intensity and the frequency of episodes of retinal migraine attacks gradually starts to decrease. Medicines for retinal migraine are selected individually for every case based upon the prominent symptoms. The top remedies for retinal migraine are Natrum Mur, Gelsemium, Iris Versicolor, Kali Bichrome, Belladonna, Phosphorous, Cyclamen and Lac Defloratum.

1. Natrum Mur – Top Homeopathic Medicine for Retinal Migraine

Natrum Mur is a top listed medicine for treating retinal migraine. The person needing Natrum Mur suffer from episodes of blindness followed by a headache. They may also experience zig-zag dazzling, like lightning in eyes before the headache. Headache may be throbbing or hammering type and is marked in the forehead and top of the head. A burning sensation on the top of the head may be felt. Nausea and vomiting may also be present.

2. Gelsemium – When Blindness precedes a Headache

Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as Yellow Jasmine of the natural order Loganiaceae. Gelsemium is a well-indicated medicine for treating a retinal migraine when episodes of blindness precede the headache. Pain is most felt in the forehead and temples. Fullness in head appears and head feels as if enlarged in size. Heaviness in the head is also felt. Slight nausea, giddiness, and drowsiness appear with the headache. The pain tends to get better by shaking the head. Gelsemium is also indicated when dimness of vision comes with a headache. Worsening of headache from tobacco smoking may be present in cases requiring Gelsemium.

3. Iris Versicolor – For Blurring of Vision before a Headache

Iris Versicolor is prepared from the fresh root of a plant commonly known by the name of Blue Flag of the natural order Iridaceae. Iris Versicolor is beneficial for a blurring of vision prior to headache in cases of retinal migraine. Headache is throbbing or shooting in nature and mostly on the right side. Intense and constant nausea is a characteristic attending symptom to the headache. Sleeplessness from headache may also be present and exertion tends to aggravate the headache.

4. Kali bichrome – When Blurred Vision/blindness Appears before Headache

Kali bichrome is a prominently indicated medicine for retinal migraine when blurred vision or blindness appears before a headache. As the headache intensifies the vision becomes normal. During the headache, there is an aversion to light and noise along with a desire to lie down.

5. Belladonna – When Dimness of Vision Appears with Headache

Belladonna is prepared from a plant called Deadly Nightshade of the natural order Solanaceae. Belladonna is highly useful for retinal migraine when dimness of vision appear with a headache. Headache is majorly throbbing in nature and is marked in the temporal region. The face is red, flushed, congested during headache. Nausea and vomiting may accompany a headache. Light and noise make the headache worse. Pressure offers relief in headache.

6. Phosphorus – When Dimness of Vision Precedes Headache

Phosphorus is helpful for retinal migraine when dimness of vision precedes a headache. The pain in the head is mostly in the temple region and may be pulsating, shooting or boring type. Head and face feel congested and flashes of light before the eyes may also be noted in cases where Phosphorus is indicated.

7. Cyclamen – Where Flickering/flashes of Light before eyes Accompany Headache

Cyclamen is prepared from the root of a plant named Cyclamen Europaeum commonly known as Sow-bread of the natural order Primulaceae. Cyclamen works well in cases of retinal migraine where flickering/flashes of light before eyes arises with a headache. This is mostly experienced in the morning upon rising. Darting or boring pains in temples is felt. Headache with obscuration of vision is also indicative to use Cyclamen.

8. Lac Defloratum – When Blindness before/during Headache is relieved with a Tight Bandage

Lac Defloratum is helpful for retinal migraine with blindness before or attending a headache. The headache usually begins in the forehead and extends to the back of the head (occiput). It is mainly throbbing in nature. Nausea and vomiting may appear with a headache. The headache gets better by tying a tight bandage around the head.

Triggers for Retinal Migraines

Retinal migraines tend to appear from the constriction of blood vessels of eyes that reduces blood flow to eyes. When the blood vessel relax and blood flow resumes to normal then the visual symptoms disappear. Retinal migraines usually are not indicative of any serious problems within the eye and the chance of damage the retina from reduced blood flow is very rare. There are certain factors that tend to trigger retinal migraines. These include – smoking, tobacco use, stress, high blood pressure, use of birth control pills, exercise, dehydration, low sugar levels, too much caffeine, certain foods that contain nitrates and monosodium glutamate. Females are at more risk of retinal migraines as compared to males. People with a family history of retinal migraine and those having sickle cell disease, giant arteritis, lupus are also at risk to suffer from retinal migraines.

Symptoms of Retinal Migraines

The main symptom of a retinal migraine is a temporary change in the vision of one eye. This includes temporary loss of vision (blindness) in one eye, blurred vision, dim vision or twinkling/sparkling/flashes of lights. The visual symptoms tend to last from 10 minutes to 60 minutes. Next symptom is a headache that occurs during the phase of visual symptoms or after that. The headache typically affects one side of the head. Nausea often accompanies the headache. Headache may last from few hours to few days varying from case to case.

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Double Vision – 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Diplopia

Diplopia or double vision refers to the complaint of seeing two images of an object instead of one. The two images can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. It can occur in one eye (monocular diplopia) or both the eyes (binocular diplopia). Homeopathic medicines for diplopia are selected individually for every case taking into consideration the reasons and the attending features.   homeopathic medicines for diplopia

Diplopia can develop due to a number of reasons like keratoconus (cone-shaped cornea), corneal damage from infection/dryness), cataract, strokes, head injury, brain tumors, aneurysms, black eye (a bruise around eyes that results from a blunt blow to the area of the face around the eye or eyes), severe dryness of eyes as in Sjogren’s syndrome, squint, myasthenia gravis, Grave’s disease, (multiple sclerosis, Guillain-barre syndrome, diabetes), migraine headaches, astigmatism and pterygium. Alcohol or other recreational drugs can lead to temporary diplopia.

Homeopathic Medicines for Diplopia

Diplopia can be managed effectively with natural medicines. Before beginning homeopathy treatment for diplopia, an examination and evaluation by ophthalmologist and neurologist are essential. One must take the medicine from a homeopath after a complete case analysis and avoid self-prescription. The top remedies for diplopia are Gelsemium, Arnica, Zincum Met, Causticum, Natrum Mur, Phytolacca, Belladonna, Syphilinum, and Pulsatilla.

1. Gelsemium – For diplopia with Headache

Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. The natural order of this plant is Loganiaceae. Gelsemium is beneficial for diplopia when attended with a headache. Pain above eyes and across the forehead is felt. A band like sensation is felt around the head. Fullness in the head is marked. In cases needing Gelsemium, there is a double vision mostly when looking sideways. The eyeballs feel sore when moved and there maybe vertigo present. In a few cases, ptosis ( droopy eyelids) may be present. There is heaviness of eyes along with weak eyesight. This remedy is also indicated in cases of diplopia with astigmatism.

2. Arnica – For Diplopia in case of Eye Injury (Bruise)

Arnica is prepared from the root of plant Arnica Montana of the natural order Compositae. Arnica is helpful for cases of diplopia from eye injury (bruise around the eye). Double vision is accompanied by vertigo and this gets worse upon looking downwards. The eye feels painful, sore, red and swollen. Pain in the eye may be shooting and tearing in nature. The eyes also feel heavy with a sensation of great weight. There may also be a headache along with the above symptoms.

3. Zincum Met – For Diplopia with Squint

Zincum Met is a helpful medicine for diplopia with a squint. In cases requiring Zincum Met left eye is more affected with double vision as compared to the right eye. In addition to double vision, the objects may also appear elongated. Eyes may be weak with dim vision. Pain in the eyes may also be felt. Dryness in the eyes is another attending symptom.

4. Causticum – For Diplopia with Ptosis (Droopy Eyelids)

Causticum is useful for diplopia cases where ptosis (droopy eyelids) is present. Eyelids feel heavy. Diplopia may worse on looking sideways where Causticum is indicated. A pressing pain may be felt in the eyes. Dryness in eyes is present. Eyes may also be sensitive to light

5. Natrum Mur – For Diplopia with Weak Eyes

Natrum Mur is indicated for diplopia with weak eyes. There is eye strain, and the eyes get tired upon reading or writing. The vision may be blurred and the eye muscles get weak. The eyelids feel heavy along with a pain in the eyes.

6.Phytolacca – For Diplopia with Vertigo

Phytolacca is prepared from plant Phytolacca Decandra of the natural order Phytolaccaceae. Phytolacca is significant medicine for diplopia attended with vertigo. In many cases, a headache is also present. There is dimness of vision, sensitivity to light and dull pain in the eyes.

7. Belladonna – For Diplopia with Pain in Eyes

Belladonna is prepared from a plant named Deadly Nightshade of the natural order Solanaceae. Belladonna offers help in cases of diplopia with pain in the eyes. The objects may also feel crooked with double vision. The pain is felt deep in the eyes and maybe shooting, aching or stinging in nature. The eye pain gets worse by movement. There is a marked sensitivity to light and the eyes feel dry along with a burning sensation. There may be a pain in the forehead and temple region along with inflammation or ulcer of the cornea.

8. Syphilinum – For Vertical Diplopia

Syphilinum is well-indicated for managing vertical diplopia. One image of an object is seen lower than the other where Syphilinum is required. Pain in eyes may be present that is most worse at the night time. Other attending complaints that may be present includes droopy eyelids, strabismus.

9. Pulsatilla – For Horizontal Diplopia

Pulsatilla is prepared from a plant Pulsatilla named Pulsatilla Nigricans of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is a useful medicine for cases of horizontal diplopia. Oversensitivity to light, stitches in eyes, pressure in eyes and dryness of eyes are few attending symptoms to double vision in cases where Pulsatilla is indicated. Complaint of keratoconus may be present in some cases.

Symptoms of Diplopia

In many cases, diplopia occurs without any accompanying symptoms. While in other cases few symptoms can attend diplopia. These symptoms that can accompany diplopia include pain in eyes on movement, headache, droopy eyelids, nausea, pain in the temples or around the eyebrows, weakness in eyes, vertigo, eye strain and sensitivity to light or sounds.

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Recurrent Cold: A Natural Treatment with Homeopathy

A cold can arise from many viruses. There are more than hundreds of viruses that can cause cold. Recurrent cold is an indicator of a weak immune system. Once a person catches a viral infection resulting in cold, the body fights with that infection and becomes immune to the same virus again. But as there are many viruses that can cause a cold, it is not possible to build immunity towards all of them. Whenever a body fights with an infection, the immune system tends to get weak that makes one prone to suffer from another infection in a shorter time resulting in frequent/recurrent cold. Homeopathic medicines for recurrent cold help to build the body’s immunity to save a person from catching recurrent infections.     homeopathic medicines for recurrent cold

A person tends to catch a cold from another infected person through direct contact or by inhaling fluid droplets containing a cold virus. A person tends to get nasal congestion/stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, coughing, headache and mild fever in cold. Complications of cold include ear infection, sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Homeopathic Medicines for Recurrent Cold

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution from recurrent colds. Homeopathy to build immunity against frequent cold are selected as per the individual symptoms in every case. With the use of natural medicines, the intensity of symptoms reduces with every attack of cold and the frequency is also cut down gradually.

1. Arsenic Album – For Recurrent Cold with Watery Nasal Discharges

Arsenic Album is a top grade medicine to treat a recurrent cold. The cases requiring Arsenic Album presents with watery fluent nasal discharge. The discharge tends to be very acrid, excoriating and burning, smarting in nature. The discharge corrodes the nose and the upper lips. Along with this, frequent sneezing is present. Sometimes nasal stoppage alternates with fluent coryza. Loss of smell may also be present along with the above symptoms. In some cases, scabs form in the nostrils that bleed upon being torn. Arsenic Album helps to boost the immunity to prevent catching frequent colds.

2. Calcarea Carb – For Tendency to Catch Cold at Every Change of Weather

Calcarea Carb is a highly beneficial medicine for treating the tendency of catching a frequent cold at every change of weather. For using Calcarea Carb the nasal discharges may be clear like water or yellowish in color. This is attended with blockage of nose. The nose gets dry and blocked at night most times. This makes breathing through the nose difficult. An offensive smell in the nose may be present. The ear may also feel blocked with cold. Calcarea Carb is very suitable for kids who tend to suffer from frequent colds at the slightest change of weather. Enlarged adenoids with recurrent cold tendencies are also treated wonderfully with Calcarea Carb.

3. Natrum Mur – For Recurrent Coryza with White Nasal Discharges

Natrum Mur is useful for treating recurrent coryza with white nasal discharges. The coryza is fluent that alternates with stoppage of nose. Violent sneezing also appears with the above symptoms. Cough with tickling in the throat is also present.

4. Aconite – For Tendency of Recurrent Colds from Exposure to Cold Air

Aconite is prepared from the plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as Monkshood, of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Aconite is helpful to people who tend to catch a cold frequently from exposure to cold air. Following cold exposure, fluent nasal discharges appear. There is a flow of clear, hot water from the nose. This is accompanied by sneezing. Headache appears with coryza and a fever may develop. In some cases, the nose gets dry and stopped up.

5. Allium Cepa – For Recurrent Cold with Watery Nasal Discharge and Sneezing

Allium Cepa is a well-indicated medicine to treat a recurrent cold with watery nasal discharge and sneezing. The cases requiring Allium Cepa have profuse, acrid nasal discharges with constant sneezing. The discharges corrode the nose and upper lips. Crawling and tingling sensation is felt in nostrils. The root of the nose feels tight. Pain in the forehead may also be present.

6. Belladonna – For Recurrent Cold with Sore Throat

Belladonna is prepared from the plant Deadly Nightshade of the natural order Solanaceae. Belladonna is effective when sore throat attends every attack of cold. Mostly there is discharge from one nostril and stoppage of the other where Belladonna is indicated. Headache accompanies prominently. Sneezing with tickling in nostrils is marked. The throat is very much inflammed and swollen and painful. Swallowing becomes difficult and fever appears with cold and sore throat.

7. Dulcamara – For Recurrent Cold with Stuffy Nose

Dulcamara is prepared from fresh green stems and leaves of a plant named Woody Nightshade or Bitter-sweet of the natural order Solanaceae. Dulcamara is a significant remedy for treating a recurrent cold with a stuffy nose. There is a complete stoppage of the nose that prevents breathing through the nose. The coryza is renewed by exposure to cold air or in rainy weather when Dulcamara is indicated.

8. Pulsatilla – For Recurrent Cold with Thick Yellow Discharges

Pulsatilla is prepared from the plant Pulsatilla Nigricans of the common name Wind Flower of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is a well-indicated medicine for treating recurrent colds with thick yellow greenish nasal discharges. The discahrges may be offensive in nature. Along with this, pressure is felt at the root of the nose. Nose gets blocked in the evening and there may be a loss of smell. One-sided headache arises. A person who needs Pulsatilla feels better in the open air.

9. Kali Bichrome – For Recurrent Colds with Thick, Stringy Nasal Discharges

Kali Bichrome is a useful medicine to check for the tendency of a recurrent cold with thick, stringy, tenacious nasal discharges. The discharges prominently pass down the throat through posterior nares. The attending symptoms are a fetid or putrid smell from the nose, a feeling of stoppage in the nose, pain in the head and at the root of nose. A burning sensation is also felt in the nose. Kali Bichrome is also well indicated for treating the complaint of sinusitis with a tendency of recurrent cold.

10. Silicea – For Recurrent Colds with Sinusitis

Silicea is a medicine used to treat recurrent colds with the complaint of sinusitis. People needing Silicea have alternate fluent and dry coryza. In some cases the nose feels stopped, stuffed with hard, tough mucus. Sometimes offensive smelling discharges appear from the nose. An intense headache is present along with a loss of smell and taste.

11. Kali Mur – For Recurrent Cold with Frequent Ear Infection

Kali Mur is a suitable medicine for treating recurrent colds with frequent ear infections. In cases where Kali Mur is indicated, there appear white or yellow nasal discharges. The discharge is profuse and accompanied by sneezing. This is attended with frequent ear infection where ear discharges, earache, deafness, and noises in ear tend to appear.

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7 Homeopathic Medicines for Nystagmus that Work

Nystagmus is a condition characterized by uncontrollable involuntary movements of the eye. It may affect one or both the eyes. Nystagmus is also known by the name of dancing eyes. Homeopathic medicines for nystagmus are prepared from natural substances and cause no side effects. homeopathic medicines for nystagmus

Homeopathic Medicines for Nystagmus

Homeopathy offers a natural treatment for nystagmus. Homeopathic medicines can treat nystagmus very effectively and are very safe to use without any side effects. The type of nystagmus and the attending complaints of blurred vision, sensitivity to light, dizziness, and problems with balance are all considered while making a homeopathic prescription for nystagmus.

1.Physostigma – Top Grade Medicine for Nystagmus

Physostigma is a natural medicine for nystagmus that is prepared from the bean of a plant called Physostigma Venenosum or Calabar Bean, of the natural order Leguminosae. Physostigma is a top listed homeopathic medicine for treating nystagmus. Symptoms that indicate the need for Physostigma include dimness of vision or blurred vision, involuntary eye movements, sensitivity to light and a drawing sensation in the eyes.

2. Agaricus -Effective Medicine for Nystagmus

Agaricus offers a natural cure for nystagmus in cases where there is obscured vision and dizziness. Reading often becomes difficult for them, and the letters seem to move while reading. Sensitivity to light is also present, along with pain and soreness in the eyeballs. A heated sensation in the eyes and lachrymation (stinging tears) may also be present.

3. Cuprum Met – For Side to Side Movement of Eyes

Cuprum Met is a natural remedy for nystagmus with a side-to-side, pendulum-like movement of the eyes (horizontal nystagmus). The rotation of eyeballs is quick and rapid. Aching or pressing pain in the eyes may be present along with a bruised pain in the eyes.

4. Benzinum Nitricum – For Up and Down Eye Movements

Benzinum Nitricum offers a natural treatment for nystagmus where there are up and down eye movements (vertical nystagmus). The eye movement is constant and slow, and the vision may be distorted or blurred. Photophobia (fear of light) may also appear. A sensation of the eyeballs being enlarged may also be present.

5. Stramonium – For Nystagmus with Constantly Rolling Eyes

Stramonium is an effective homeopathic medicine prepared from the plant Thorn-Apple, of the natural order Solanaceae. Use of Stramonium is considered for cases of nystagmus where the person rolls eyes constantly. An attending complaint of strabismus (squint) is present in many cases, along with heaviness of the eyes. The vision becomes dim and the letters seem to move and get blurred while reading. Twitching of lids along with intense sensitivity to light may also be present.

6. Gelsemium – For Nystagmus with Dizziness and Balance Problems

Gelsemium is an effective remedy prepared from the bark of a root of a plant called Gelsemium Sempervirens of the natural order Loganiaceae. For using Gelsemium in treating nystagmus, the eyeballs move from side to side. Dizziness and problems with balance are prominent. Dimness of sight and double vision are accompanying symptoms.

7. Magnesia Phos – For Nystagmus and Srabismus (squinting)

Magnesia Phos is a natural medicine for squint accompanying the condition of nystagmus. Dullness of vision, headache, vertigo, and sensitivity to light is present. Spasm of eyelids along with watering from eyes (lachrymation) may be present.

Cause of Nystagmus

Nystagmus arises when the part of the brain and the inner ear that regulate eye movements don’t function properly. Nystagmus may either be present at birth (congenital nystagmus) or develop later in life (acquired nystagmus). Nystagmus can be related to many conditions that mainly include eye problems like strabismus, cataract, a family history of nystagmus, head injury, brain tumours, stroke, multiple sclerosis, inner ear problems like Meniere’s disease, albinism, certain medicines like lithium or anti-seizure medications (phenytoin), Vitamin B 12 or thiamine deficiencies, and alcohol or drug abuse. In many cases, there is no reason specific reason for nystagmus.

Signs and Symptoms

The primary symptom of nystagmus is a rapid, uncontrollable movement of the eye. The movements may be present in one or both the eyes. These movements can be from side to side (Horizontal nystagmus), up and down (vertical nystagmus), or in a circle (rotary or torsional nystagmus). The person may move and keep the head in certain positions that help in reducing eye movement and facilitate better focus. A person with nystagmus may have blurred vision and complain of difficulty seeing in dark, sensitivity to light, dizziness, and problems with balance. Tiredness and stress tend to worsen the symptoms of nystagmus.

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Premature Grey Hair? 6 Homeopathic Remedies that Work

Homeopathic Remedies for Grey Hair Hair, it is said, is everything. Well, that may be sort of far-fetched but early greying of hair can be very disturbing for people. Greying of hair before the age of 35 years is referred to as premature greying. It has seen an increase over the past several years, and the main reasons could be stress or anxiety, improper diet, overuse of shampoos and conditioners or, of course, it could be in your genes. There have been cases of children as young as 8-10 years of age reporting greying of hair. The premature greying of hair can be successfully treated with Homeopathic medicines. The Homeopathic remedies for premature greying of hair are made of natural substances and are free from any side effects. The Homeopathic medicines act in the most gentle and natural way to halt the process of greying of hair.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Premature Greying Of Hair

The top medicines for premature greying of hair are Phosphoric acid, Lycopodium, Natrum Mur, Phosphorous, Silicea, and Vinca Minor.

1. Phosphoric Acid: Best Remedy for Greying of hair from Grief

Phosphoric Acid is the top natural medicine for the treatment of premature greying of hair resulting from grief and depression. It can be accompanied by thinning or falling out of hair. The patient feels very hopeless, sad and becomes indifferent to all affairs of life. Extreme exhaustion and weakness are symptoms in all the persons requiring this Homeopathic medicine. The weakness is noted in both physical and mental planes. Phosphoric Acid helps both in making the patient come out of grief and restoring the pigmentation of hair that has been destroyed by the effects of grief.

2. Lycopodium: For Premature Greying in Spots

Lycopodium is an excellent remedy for halting the process of greying of hair when the de-pigmentation of hair occurs in spots. Lycopodium acts in the most natural and harmless manner to halt the greying of hair. The patient may show an increased craving for sweets and hot drinks. All the patients for whom Lycopodium can be of great help usually suffer from gastric troubles like constipation and gas in the abdomen.

3. Natrum Mur: For Greying of Hair of Anemic or Weak Persons

Natrum Mur is a natural medicine of great help for the treatment of grey hair mainly in weak and anemic (deficient blood) persons. This Homeopathic medicine helps to improve the general health of the patient and raise the immunity to combat the greying of hair. The persons who can greatly benefit from remedy Natrum Mur may also suffer from severe headaches, which get worse in the heat of sun. There may also be an unusual craving for salt in excess.

4. Phosphorus: For Greying Hair

Phosphorus is an excellent remedy for treating grey hair. This medicine acts wonderfully to prevent further greying of hair. The greying of hair may be accompanied by hair fall or dandruff. The scalp is itchy. Peculiar desires in eating like cold drinks, juice and ice creams standout for using this Homeopathic medicine.

5. Silicea: For Premature Greying with Improper Digestion

Silicea is a very beneficial natural medicine for treating grey hair when the digestive power, mainly absorption power of intestines, is improper and weak. Due to weak absorption, the nutrients from food are not properly absorbed and utilized. Deficiency in the nutrients leads to many troubles and greying of hair is one outcome of that. Silicea helps in improving the absorptive quality of intestines. As a result, the nutrients are available in proper amounts to maintain the natural color of hair. The persons requiring Silicea usually have increased sweating on scalp. The feet may also have sweat with bad odor. Sensitivity to cold air is an important feature confirming the use of this Homeopathic medicine for grey hair.

6. Vinca Minor: For Greying of Hair in Spots

Vinca Minor is a natural medicine of great help for halting the greying of hair. This medicine is the best remedy when the hair has fallen in spots and replaced by grey hair. Vinca Minor acts naturally in pigmenting such hair without any side effects. This medicine is also used for the treatment of eruptions on the scalp with discharges resulting in sticking of hair together.

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