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Phosphorus – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Phosphorus was discovered by an alchemist Brandt in 1673 and soon after by Kunkel. Kramer claimed to treat epilepsy and diarrhoea with it. Other cures that were listed with it at that time includes intermittent fevers, pneumonia of left lung and periodic headaches. Afterwards it was introduced in homeopathy by Dr. Hahnemann. This homeopathic medicine is prepared by trituration of red amorphous phosphorus. The process of trituration helps to extract the medicinal properties of red amorphous phosphorus. It is used for treating a large variety of disease conditions without any side effects like anxiety, fears, hair fall, dandruff, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, nose bleeding, gastritis, glaucoma, hoarse voice and excessive menstrual bleeding. Phosphorus - Homeopathic Medicine

The ‘Phosphorus’ Constitution

Phosphorus is especially suited to tall, slender, narrow – chested persons They have mostly fair skin, blonde or red hair, and delicate eyelashes. Nervousness and sensitiveness in nature is marked among them. It is also adapted to young people, who grow too rapidly and tend to stoop. Apart from above it also suits persons who have a tendency to bleed.

Drug Action

It has a marked action on mind, spinal cord and nerves.  Its second action is on mucous membranes where it helps to manage irritation, inflammation and degeneration. It also acts upon bones and aids slowing down of bone destruction, especially the lower jaw and tibia. Apart from above it has significant action on the blood and blood vessels and acts as a great anti-haemorrhagic medicine that helps stop bleeding. It helps to manage cases of bleeding from nose, gums. It is also useful to manage blood in urine, stool, vomiting, bloody sputa, blood spots on skin, and excessive menstrual bleeding in females.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Anxiety and Fear

It is a prime constituent of nervous matter thus has a deep action on mind and sensation. It helps treat issues of anxiety and fears quite effectively. It mainly helps persons having anxiety about future, anxiety about others and anxiety as if they are about to die. Anxiety appears mainly when they are alone. It is attended with restlessness, palpitation with much sweat on the  forehead. Along with above, the person may feel sad and fears that are mainly presented are fear of death especially in evening time, fear of being alone, fear of thunderstorms, fear of dark, of ghosts, fear as if something bad is about to happen.

2. Hair fall and Dandruff

It is known to be highly effective to treat cases of hair fall. People needing it have excessive hair fall in large bunches. Most times the hair fall is present on fore part of head, and above ears. It also works wonders to regrow hair in cases of hair loss that occurs in spots (alopecia areata). Apart from hair fall it is well indicated for treating premature greying of hair when roots of hair turns grey.

Next, it is very beneficial to treat dandruff. It is mainly used where dandruff is copious and white in colour. It is attended with much itching over the scalp.

3. Nasal problems

When it comes to nasal complaints, it helps treat cases of chronic cold, nasal bleeding (epistaxis) and bleeding polyps. In cases of cold it is used when there is alternations between fluent coryza and stopped nose. Along with this soreness of throat may attend. Loss of smell and taste may also be complained of. In case of nose bleeding it is indicated when episodes occur several times a day and are often quite profuse. Nasal polyps that bleed easily are also suggestive of its use.

4. Eye Complaints

It is a leading homeopathic medicine to treat many eye complaints.

First, it is useful in improving vision in glaucoma cases. Glaucoma is an eye disorder characterised by raised intraocular pressure and optic nerve damage. In this condition blurred vision, eye pain, severe headache, eye pain are experienced. If not treated in time it can eventually cause vision loss and blindness. In such cases, apart from improving vision it is also helpful to manage shooting, burning pain in eyes and sensitivity to light. Glaucoma after iridectomy (surgical removal of part of the iris) is also indicative of its use. Secondly Phosphorus is indicated for cataract cases. It is known to prevent further progression of cataract. In cases needing it there is presence of hard, white, convergent striae in lens with diffuse haziness. Apart from above, it is beneficial to treat floating spots before eyes (muscae volitantes). These spots mainly includes flashes of light, black points or sparks before eyes.

5. Gum Inflammation and Bleeding Gums

It is a very valuable medicine for treating oral (mouth) complaints. Mainly it is used when gums are inflamed (gingivitis) or  bleeding appears from gums. Along with inflammation, ulcers may be present on the gums. In many cases gums may be weak along with looseness of teeth. It is also recommended for gums bleeding that appears after tooth extraction.

6. Gastro intestinal (GIT) Troubles

When it comes to treat GIT complaints, this remedy mainly helps cases of gastritis and stomach ulcers. It works effectively to reduce the inflammation of the stomach and heal the ulcers. The symptoms that guides its use in such cases include burning in the stomach that worsens after eating. In some cases gnawing pain is felt in the stomach. Relief in burning may be obtained by taking cold drinks. Stomach appear greatly distended and may be painful to least pressure with above symptoms. In many cases heartburn attends the pain. Nausea and vomiting also appear with the pain.

Next, it is an excellent medicine to treat diarrhoea (loose stool). The stool is watery and profuse and passes like a gush of water. It may be yellowish, greenish, greyish or blackish coloured. Sometimes lumps of white mucus and blood passes in the stool. Undigested food also passes with stool on few occasions. Urgency to pass stool is marked with above and it may pass involuntarily also. In some cases, burning in anus and rectum may follow passage of stool. Person feels intense weakness with above symptoms.

Lastly, it is considered highly useful for protrusion of piles even on passing flatus and for bleeding from piles. It also helps to relieve pain in piles and burning, itching in the anus.

7. Respiratory Complaints

It is a leading homeopathic remedy to treat a number of respiratory complaints mainly including cough, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Dry cough arising from tickling in throat and from laughing, talking is indicative to use this remedy. Cough appearing from strong odours also points towards its use. Person needing it also complains of pain in head and chest while coughing. They sometimes expectorate reddish – brown phlegm. Few persons needing it also expectorate bright red bloody sputum.

Other than this cases of bronchitis are very well manageable with this medicine. In such cases it is used when there is cough with tearing pain under the sternum (breastbone). Cough is severe, hard and very exhausting (causing weakness). Along with this burning pain in the chest is felt. Sputum of yellowish mucus sometimes streaked with blood also arises. Breathing is quickened and oppressed along with above symptoms.

In addition to above, it is a significant medicine for pneumonia cases. It is specifically indicated for pneumonia of left lower lung. Here it is given when person has frequent cough, with frothy, brown, rust coloured or purulent (pus like) expectoration. With this, breathing difficulty is present. Sharp stitches in the lungs also accompany.  Weight and tightness along with heat in chest are rest of the attending symptoms.

8. Laryngitis and Hoarseness of Voice

It is a top grade medicine to reduce inflammation of larynx (voice box) and improve hoarseness of voice. Persons needing it mainly present with hoarseness of voice in morning hours. They have rough, husky voice with pain and rawness in larynx. They are also unable to speak a loud word. Hoarseness of voice arising in public speakers from prolonged speaking is also well managed by this remedy.

9. Females Troubles

It is a very important medicine to treat complaint of excessive menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) and inter menstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia) in females.

This medicine effectively manages the complaint of early and very profuse periods. The periods also last for a long time in females requiring it. The menstrual bleeding is bright red and there may be a shooting headache, pain in back, nausea, cold feet, hands and shivering during menses. There may be excessive weakness, blue circles around eyes, and anxiety after menses. Apart from above it is very beneficial medicine to treat metrorrhagia when bleeding appear very frequently in between periods and flow is very copious.

10. Liver Disorders

This is a well-indicated homeopathic remedy for managing liver disorders including hepatitis (inflammation of liver), enlargement of liver, fatty liver and cirrhosis (irreversible damage to the liver with death of liver cells). The symptoms to look for to use it here are aching or stitching pain in liver region, marked soreness and hardness over liver region.

11. Backache

It is useful to treat lower back pain when attended with intense heat in the back. Most cases needing it have worsening of pain when rising from stooping. There is also prominent dragging sensation and weakness in back with above features.


Use of Phosphorus is recommended in both low and high potency. Dose and repetition varies as per the disease condition, so should be taken as per physician’s recommendation.

Relationship To Other Remedies

Complementary medicines are Arsenic Album, Allium Cepa and Carbo Veg. These medicines can be used to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Inimical medicine is Causticum and should not be used before or after it.

Antidotes are Coffea Cruda, Mezereum, Nux Vomica and Terebinthina and can be used to neutralize the action of Phosphorus.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Bryonia Alba – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Bryonia alba is prepared from a plant White Bryony also known as Wild Hops, of the family cucurbitaceae, a herbaceous tendril-bearing vines. The part used to prepare homeopathic medicine is root of this plant procured before flowering. The fresh root of this plant is chopped and then potentized (a process by which homeopathic remedies are prepared). By potentization process the medicinal properties of this plant are extracted leaving behind any of its poisonous effects. Use of Bryonia is been used as medicine since ancient times for treating vertigo, gout, epilepsy and cough. In homeopathy it is used extensively to treat a large number of diseases. Some of the major complaints treated by it are constipation stomach pain, headache, dry mouth, joint pain, back pain and cough.     Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba

The ‘Bryonia’ Constitution

Bryonia is mainly suited to tall, thin people having gouty or rheumatic diathesis i.e. tendency to suffer from joint pains. Next it suits people who are prone to respiratory problems and gastric troubles including constipation and stomach pain.

Drug Action

It has marked action on the lining of joints, respiratory system, and the gastro intestinal tract. On all these parts it helps to reduce the inflammation. It also has a significant action on the mucous membranes and helps to improve its normal secretions, thereby making it valuable to treat dryness of mouth, dry lips, dry stool and dry cough.

Scope as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Headache and Migraine

It is a one of the most effective medicines to treat headache and migraine. People needing it mostly have a pain in the forehead and back of head (occiput). They feel a heaviness in the head and heat along with pain. Worsening of pain from motion, eye movement and stooping is usually noted. Relief is obtained from pressure. One can also use it for headache with constipation and vomiting.

2. Vertigo

This remedy offers great help in cases of vertigo. It is mainly used when vertigo appears on slightest motion, on rising and stooping. Here, the person feels as though all objects are revolving during vertigo. In few cases it feels as if the head is turning in a circle. Heaviness and pain in back of head attends vertigo in many cases.

3. Rheumatic Iritis

This is a significant medicine to manage cases of rheumatic iritis (inflammation of iris i.e. the coloured ring around the eye’s pupil that follows joint inflammation). In such cases the indicating feature to use this medicine is pain in back part of eye. The pain from eye extend to the back of head. The complaint tend to worsen at night and on motion.

4. Dry Mouth and Lips

This is a top-listed medicine to treat cases of dry mouth and dry lips. Here it is used when a person has marked dryness of mouth that gets momentarily better by drinking. They also complain of tongue sticking to roof of mouth (palate) from dryness. Along with mouth, the lips and tongue are also very dry, rough and cracked. There is bad odour from mouth with above symptoms.

5. Gastrointestinal (GIT) Complaints

When it comes to GIT troubles, Bryonia is well-indicated to treat constipation, stomach pain and nausea, vomiting

It gives remarkable results in cases of constipation. People needing this homeopathic medicine have obstinate constipation. They have dry, hard, large stool. It is dark dry as if burnt. They have to excessively strain to pass stool. Due to excessive straining sometimes rectum protrude with stool. They have unsatisfactory stool with sense of weight in the rectum. Along with above they also suffer from offensive flatus. Sometimes they get headache due to constipation.

Next, it is very beneficial to relieve stomach pains. Persons needing it have cutting, griping, shooting pain in stomach. Pain is most felt around the navel region and compels the person to bend double. They may have worsening of pain from motion. They also complain that colic is worse before passing stool. Other symptoms that they may experience are distension of abdomen and rumbling and gurgling in abdomen.

Apart from above, this remedy also helps cases of nausea and vomiting. Vomiting mainly appears soon after eating and is bitter or sour to taste. Hiccough and belching attend vomiting. Belching is bitter, sour or of food that has been eaten.

6. Liver Disorders

It is an important medicine to manage liver complaints including enlargement of liver and inflammation of liver. The symptoms include pain that is shooting, stinging, tensive or burning in nature. The pains tends to get worse from touch, on breathing and coughing. The liver region is also sensitive to pressure.

7. Neck Pain, Backache, Sciatica

This remedy is known to be a very effective medicine to treat neck pain. In such cases, stiffness is marked with pain. The pain increases from motion and from touch.

Apart from above, one can also take it for relieving pain in the lower back. It also help to ease stiffness in the lower back. It can also be taken when the back pain worsens from motion, turning in bed, stooping and standing. Persons needing it get relief in pain from lying down. Back pain arising from injuries are also well managed with this medicine.
Other than this, it is given for sciatica that refers to a pain that radiates from lower back through the hips down the leg along the path of the sciatic nerve. It is used in sciatica cases when pains from lower back extend down to thigh. It worsens by movement and relieved by lying on painful side.

8. Joint and Muscle Pain

This medicine leads the chart of homeopathic medicines to treat joint pains. Cases of joint pain from gout (high uric acid), arthritis (inflamed joints), injured joints and sprains are helped well with this remedy. To use this medicine, the symptoms to consider are sharp, stitching or tearing type pain in joint along with swelling, redness and heat. The joints are tender to touch too. They are also stiff.

In addition to above, it is also a top grade medicine to treat muscle pains and general body aches. Persons needing it have increase in pain  from slightest motion. Absolute rest or lying down helps them get relief.

9. Respiratory Troubles

If we talk about respiratory complaints, then this medicine is helpful for treatment of cough, pneumonia and pleurisy

In case of cough, it is highly recommended in persons having a dry, spasmodic cough (spasmodic means cough ending in vomiting). The cough seems to start from a particular spot in trachea and in some cases by tickling in throat. They frequently mention that their cough worsens after eating, drinking, from talking and at night. Some of them also have complaint of pain in head and chest with sensation as if they would burst during coughing. Sometimes they expectorate tough, hard, scanty sputa with difficulty. The sputa may yellow or brick – dust coloured. It is well-indicated to treat cases of bronchitis and asthmatic cough.

Secondly, it is an excellent medicine for treating pneumonia (infection that cause inflammation of the air sacs in the lungs). It is used in pneumonia with cough and difficult breathing. Along with it, the affected person has a tough, hard, yellow or brick dust coloured expectoration. Sputa may be bloody also. Constriction, oppression of chest and heat in chest are also experienced. Stitching and stabbing pains in chest are felt. Most times the pain worsens during motion, coughing and from deep breathing. High fever may attend above features.
Lastly it is given for pleurisy (a condition in which lining around the chest cavity and the lungs becomes inflamed). The key symptom to use this remedy here is a stitching pain in chest. The pain is worse during cough and breathing. Along with this frequent respiration and dry cough is present.

10. Mastitis (Inflammation of Breast)

It is a very suitable medicine to reduce inflammation of breast. Females needing this medicine have inflamed, painful breast. The pain is tensive, burning and tearing type. The breast feels stony hard and heavy. The breast may also be indurated with lumps in it.

11.  Fever

It is indicated for cases of fever with dry, burning heat and body aches. It is attended with desire to uncover. Along with this taste of mouth is bitter and there is increased thirst for water. It also works well in cases of fever with chill and cough. Next its use is also recommended for typhoid fevers with diarrhoea, dry lips and accumulation of frothy, soap-like saliva in mouth.


Bryonia can be used in from 30 to 1M potency. It can be repeated frequently two to three times a day in 30 potency while high potencies should not be taken frequently.

Relationship To Other Remedies

Complementary medicineS are Alumina and Rhus Tox. These medicines help to complete the effects of Bryonia when it has stopped acting further.

Antidotes are Aconite, Chamomilla and Nux Vomica. 

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Sulphur – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Sulphur is an element that occurs in nature as a brittle crystalline solid. The homeopathic medicine is prepared from brimstone. To obtain the medicine, “Flowers of Sulphur” are triturated (a process by which homeopathic medicines are prepared). Use of this remedy as a medicine dates back to many years. It is said by Dr. Hahnemann that Sulphur has been used to treat itching since 2000 years ago. As a homeopathic medicine, it is majorly used to treat skin complaints, hot flushes, early morning diarrhoea and piles.   homeopathic medicine Sulphur

The ‘Sulphur’ Constitution

It is a suitable medicine for people who are lean, are untidy and have stoop-shoulders, who walk and sit in a stooped position and do not like to stand for too long. It is suited to those with a greasy skin, matted hair, and who are prone to skin affections. People having complaints from suppressed eruptions and who are warm blooded having frequent hot flushes all over body can be treated with Sulphur.

Drug Action

This is a deep acting medicine and has marked action on almost all the organs of body out of which skin remains prominent.

It has a marked action on circulatory system and helps to relieve flushes of heat and treat piles wonderfully. Next, it helps check inflammatory conditions with marked redness, congestion and heat. It acts on the skin and helps to heal a number of skin lesions attended with itching and burning sensation. Use of Sulphur is also thought in cases where a well-indicated remedy fails to act.

Scope as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Skin Complaints

This remedy leads the chart of homeopathic remedies to treat a huge number of skin affections.

It offers great help to treat skin itching. Persons needing it have an intense burning on the skin along with itching. Most times the itching is  worse at night and from warmth of bed. They complain of sleeplessness from itching. They usually explain that itching is wandering in nature that shift from one place to another. Burning on the skin is also complained by them after scratching. Sometimes they have bleeding from skin after scratching. Affected skin areas also gets sore and painful from scratching. The skin is dry, rough and scaly along with above symptoms. Prickling sensation in the skin is also prominent. The common skin complaints that are treated effectively with Sulphur are scabies (contagious itchy skin condition caused by burrowing mites called Sarcoptes scabiei), eczema, urticaria (raised itchy bumps on skin from an allergic reaction), skin ulcers, boils (infections with pus filled lumps on skin), and pimples.

2. Headache

This is a useful medicine for treating periodical headaches that occur every week or every two weeks. Persons needing it feels throbbing all over head but especially on top of the head (vertex). Top of head is very sensitive to touch. Heat on the top of head is marked, and the forehead and eyes are tensed. There is rush of blood to head with heat. Tingling sensation may also appear on head and headache leads to weakness. They may specifically have increase in the pain from walking and going in open air. A roaring or humming sound in ears may be experienced by them along with headache.

3. For Itching and Burning in Eyes

Sulphur works very well to manage itching and burning in eyes. Person needing it also have sensation of sand in eyes. Other complaint that they have is watering from eyes. This gets more in open air. It is very suitable to treat inflammation, swelling and redness of eyes.

4. Rectal Complaints 

When it comes to treating complaints of the rectum, Sulphur offers major help in cases of constipation, diarrhoea, piles and anal itching. Use of tis remedy is considered in cases of constipation when stool is hard, dry and seems as if burnt. This is attended with frequent and ineffectual want to evacuate especially at night time. Stool is unsatisfactory with sensation as if some still remained in the rectum. Heaviness on the top of head is felt along with constipation. It is also a well-indicated medicine for prolapse of rectum, especially when passing a hard stool.

Next, it is very useful to correct complaint of early morning diarrhoea. In such cases urgency is marked and person has to rush immediately to pass stool without any wait. There is rumbling and rolling in the rectum and stool drives the person out of bed in a great hurry. Redness about the anus is marked.

Other indication to use this medicine is a complaint of piles. For using it the piles are large, swollen and painful. Persons requiring it have throbbing, shooting, stitching, smarting, burning pain in the piles both during and after stool. Soreness, itching, stinging and swelling in anus is also prominent. The person has a constant desire to scratch parts. Sometimes there is exudation of a viscid, slimy fluid from piles. They also have constipation and stool is hard that appear once in two to four days. Along with this they feel fullness in the rectum. violent bearing – down pains from small of back towards the anus are also felt. Other symptom experienced by them is pulsating pain in anus felt throughout the day. It is also indicated in bleeding piles when blood is dark in colour.

Apart from above one can use this medicine to relieve itching at anus which is intense and intolerable. It is most worse at the night time. Itching makes the person sleepless. Along with itching, a sore feeling of anus and burning are marked. Itching from piles and from worms is managed well with this medicine. It is helpful to treat worms including thread-worms, ascarides and taenia.

 5. Urinary Tract Infections

In cases requiring Sulphur for UTI, burning in the urethra during urination is main symptom. Along with this redness and inflammation of orifice of urethra is there. Stream of urine is also thin, weak. Sometimes urine stream is intermittent. In some cases urine passes slowly in drops. In addition to above symptoms, there is constant desire to urinate and  marked urgency to pass urine. Discharge of mucus or blood in urine may be there in some cases. Itching in urethra is yet another complaint. 

 6. For Male Complaints

This is a significant medicine to treat cases of weak erections. Males needing it have weak sexual power with coldness of penis. Weakness in back may be attending feature. They may also have complaint of quick discharge of semen during coition. Sometimes they have involuntary discharge of semen with burning in urethra.

Secondly, this is a beneficial medicine to relieve itching on male genitals. It also helps to reduce any associated burning and redness of parts. Any sort of eruptions also heal with its use. Offensive sweat on genitals may be felt along with above symptoms. It is also indicated to treat itching ulcers on male genitals. Such ulcers may be covered with crust with discharge of pus from underneath.

Next, it is indicated for treating chronic gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria, Neisseria gonorrhoeae). In these cases it helps to manage discharge of white or yellow mucus from urethra. It also helps to relieve associated shooting burning pains in urethra.

7. Female Disorders

This is a significant medicine to treat a number of female complaints. These mainly include vaginal discharges, itching in genitals, hot flushes and cracked nipples.

It is a very valuable medicine to treat chronic vaginal discharges in women. The females needing this medicine have very profuse, milky, yellow or greenish yellow vaginal discharge. The discharge tend to get worse at night time. It is excoriating in nature that lead to soreness, smarting and burning sensation in vagina. They have a desire to scratch parts till they bleed.
Secondly, it has a great scope to manage itching in female genitals. Females requiring this medicine also have burning in vagina along with itching. There may also be pimples on vulva with itching.

Next, it has proven to be highly effective medicine to treat hot flushes in women at their menopausal period. They mainly suffer from intense heat in head, hands and feet during their menopausal period.
Other than these, Sulphur is a magnificent medicine to heal cracked nipples. It also helps to ease associated stinging pain and burning in the  nipples. Women having bleeding from the nipples when nursing are also benefited with it.

8. Back Pain

In ancient times some countries used a bag filled with flowers of sulphur to relieve back pain. Such bag when applied heated to the back  promptly helped relieve the pain. In homeopathy its use is made in backache located in the lower back which is worse on stooping. It makes a person unable to walk erect as a result he have to walk bent over. In some cases pain in back is felt on rising from a seat or from heavy lifting. Back also feels stiff.


Sulphur is recommended in both low and high potencies. Since it is a deep acting medicine so should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicines are Arsenic Album, Nux Vomica Aloe and Psorinum. These medicines can be used after Sulphur  to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Antidotes are Camphor, Chamomilla, China, Nux Vomica and Sepia. These antidote medicine can be used to neutralize the action of Sulphur in case it has aggravated the problem due to high sensitivity towards it.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Belladonna – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

The remedy Belladonna is prepared from a plant called Deadly Nightshade of the natural order Solanaceae. It is prepared from whole plant when it is beginning to flower. This plant is native to Greece, Italy and Britain. Among the various therapeutic uses of this medicine, the most prominent ones are headaches, sore throat, tonsillitis, cough, earache, abdominal colic and fever.   Belladonna homeopathic medicine

The ‘Belladonna’ Constitution

This remedy is suitable to plethoric (having excess of blood) individuals disposed to inflammations with red, congested, hot face. It also suits people who are prone to glandular swellings. Next, it best adapts the people who suffer from complaints coming suddenly with violence and leaving as suddenly as they appear.

Drug Action

It has a marked action on the nervous system where it helps to treat active congestion, excitement, mania, delirium, delusions, twitching, convulsions and pain. It also has action on the vascular system where symptoms to use it are hot, red skin, flushed face and throbbing in the carotids.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy 

1. Mental Complaints 

This is an excellent medicine to deal with mind complaints among which fears, violent behaviour and mania stands prominent. Individuals needing it have majorly fear of animals, dogs, wolves, rats, fear of death, of ghosts and imaginary things. In such cases person wants to run away and hide due to fear. Next, its use is made in cases of violent behaviour and mania where disposition to bite and strike people around them is shown by the sufferer. Among them fits of laughter with gnashing of teeth and violent screaming is also shown. Their face gets hot, red with injected eyes and protruding, pupils with violent pulsation of carotids during violent attacks. The head also gets hot with wild staring pupils Along with this restlessness and jumping up and down is present.

2. For Meningitis

Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges (the protective membranes that covers the brain and spinal cord). This medicine helps reduce inflammation of meninges, particularly in the very first stage of meningitis. The children needing it have flushed face, hot head with dry heat in body. They also are drowsy with scanty urine and nausea. Peculiar symptom of boring head in pillow is prominent among them with above indications.

3. Headaches and Migraine

This is a leading medicine to treat headaches of various kinds including migraine, sinus headache, tension headache, congestive and blood pressure related headache. People needing this complain of throbbing, pulsating, congestive pain especially in the temporal region (side region) of head. They have intense, violent pain in the head with a sensation as if it would burst. Headache comes on suddenly, lasts indefinitely and ceases suddenly. They also feel fullness and heat in the head with sensation as if whole blood has rushed to head. Along with headache there is heat and redness of face, eyes with throbbing carotids. Occasionally nausea is complained of. Sometimes dizziness may also appear with above symptoms. This medicine is also prescribed for headache cases based on some particular modalities (worsening and relieving factors). The worsening factors of headache that guides its use are light, noise, cold air exposure, least jar, exertion, sun exposure, motion of head and eyes. The relieving factor for headache pointing its use include pressure and tight bandaging.

4. Vertigo

This medicine is highly useful to treat vertigo. People needing Belladonna feel as if everything is turning around in a circle. It seems as if there is rush of blood to head. Along with it they feel pulsations in the head, dimness of vision and nausea along with vertigo. It mainly helps in cases where vertigo gets worse from every movement of body. Other worsening factors for vertigo based on which it may be used are stooping, rising from stooping and turning in bed.

 5. Eye Complaints

This remedy has marked affinity to treat eye related troubles.


This medicine works well in cases of conjunctivitis, especially in the early stages. It works well to reduce the inflammation of conjunctiva. As the inflammation goes down, the redness and lachrymation of eyes also get controlled. Further to it the symptoms of eye itching, lachrymation, burning, smarting in the eyes and intolerance to light are also taken care of.

Pain in Eyes

It is useful for managing pain deep in eyes. In cases where it is indicated, movement of eyes and light exposure worsens the pain, and the pain may be pressive, shooting, stinging in nature. Pain from the eyes tends to spread to the head and heat in the eyes is also felt.


In cases of photophobia, this medicine works when the person needing it cannot tolerate light. This is accompanied with a pressing pain in the eyes and head and the person prefers to be in a dark room.

Diplopia (Double Vision)

This medicine works well when  the objects seems double to the sufferer and also if they seems crooked or seem to revolve. Pain in eyes with double vision may also be expressed, and pain is mainly explained to be as shooting, aching or stinging type. Other symptoms include sensitivity to light, dryness and heat in eyes.


Its use in cases of keratitis with congested eyes, heat and pain is noteworthy. Here pains are sharp, shooting in nature many times with intolerance to light (Photophobia)

Dry Eyes

It is beneficial for treating dry eyes where there is pain in the eyes, itching, redness and sand-like sensation, along with burning.

6. Ear Complaints

It offers major help in treating pain in ears that is sharp, shooting, boring stitching in nature. The pain in ear from various reasons like infections, inflammations, otitis media and otitis interna can be corrected with its use. Individuals in need of it most times have worsening of pain from chewing and from least noise. Along with it they may have roaring, ringing or humming noises in ear. They may be hard of hearing too.

7. For Mumps

In mumps, it is indicated when there is swelling of parotid gland, with  violent pains. The pain may be shooting, tearing or stitching type.

8. Throat Complaints

For Sore Throat and Tonsillitis

This is one of the best medicines to treat sore throat and tonsillitis. Here it offers most help in acute cases and can be considered a first-aid remedy. The persons needing it have marked pain in throat that gets worse on swallowing food and also on empty swallowing. If we look at their throat, it is red, shiny, sore, swollen and the tonsils are also bright red, enlarged, swollen, inflamed. It may be attended with heat and burning sensation in the throat. Other symptoms include a lump in the throat, constricted sensation in throat with dry and scraping sensation. Fever usually appears with above features.


In cases of laryngitis, this remedy works well when the symptoms are hoarseness of voice, feeble voice, rough voice, husky voice, dry cough with occasional spells of suffocation. Sometimes complete aphonia is there. Pain in larynx when talking also appears along with dryness in throat.


It is highly recommended to treat dry, short, rough, hollow, hacking cough. There is a tickling sensation in the throat along with coughing day and night. With cough the throat gets dry, raw, red, sore and inflamed. Sensation of foreign body inside throat is present, and cough may become worse upon talking. It also works well in case of spasmodic cough with vomiting and cough caused by dust in the air.

9. Abdominal Colic

It is very effective to treat abdominal pain that is shooting, cutting, pressing, gnawing, gripping, pinching, flatulent type. The pain starts from one place in abdomen and spreads over larger portion of it. Tenderness and burning in abdomen attends to it. Pains appears suddenly and there is worsening of pain when walking. It gets better by stooping forward. Children with bellyaches are greatly helped by this remedy when they lie on their belly for colic relief.

10. Urinary problems

When it comes to urinary complaints, its use is suggested in cases of retention of urine, urinary tract infections (UTI) and bedwetting. It works well in cases of urine retention where there is a difficulty in passing urine, passage of urine is in a weak stream or only in drops. It is highly helpful for post-partum retention of urine.

Its next major indications include urine infections, cystitis, UTI with stinging, burning pains along with frequent urine. Urine is scanty, passes in a feeble stream and sometimes is blood stained in addition to being painful.

It also serves as a chief medicine in cases of bed wetting. It works well both for bed wetting in day or night time during sleep. Restlessness during sleep is also marked where it is implied. Sometimes starting during sleep is present. In few cases, profuse sweating attends bed wetting.

11. Skin issues

It can be taken in case of marked redness of the skin with or without eruptions. Heat and dryness of skin presents along with redness. It also works well in cases of boils when used as soon as they appear with extreme redness and swelling.

12. Female Disorders

This is a valuable medicine for females to combat the complaint of dysmenorrhea (painful periods), uterine prolapse, profuse periods. Firstly, it is beneficial for treating menstrual cramps with bright red bleeding. Pain in back and from hip to hip is also there in case of painful periods. Secondly, its use in prolapse of uterus is remarkable. In such cases, bearing down pains as if everything would come out from vulva is a guiding feature. This sensation is most felt on lying down and in the morning, and is relieved by standing and sitting erect. Along with this fullness, and burning in uterus is also felt. Mostly menopausal women with prolapse of uterus are helped by this medicine. Lastly, it works well in cases where there is heavy, gushing, offensive bleeding during periods.

13. Fever

Among the various medicine used to treat fever, Belladonna leads the chart. The classic symptoms to use it in fever are marked heat in the body most marked in head and face plus dry, hot skin. There is prominent pain in head along with it. Thirst for water is completely absent during fever with above symptoms.


Belladonna can be used both in low and high potencies. Its frequent repetition is recommended in acute cases of illness. 

Relationship with Other Remedies

Complementary medicine is Calcarea Carb.

Inimical medicine is Acetic Acid.

Antidotes are Camphor, Coffea Cruda and Opium.

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Natrum Mur – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Natrum Mur is prepared from Common Salt (Sodium chloride, NaCl). With the process of trituration the hidden medicinal properties of common salt are raised and converted into a brilliant homeopathic medicine having a very wide sphere of action. It is one among the Schuessler’s twelve tissue remedies. As a homeopathic remedy, it is mainly used to treat depression, nasal allergies, migraine, headaches, skin complaints and female disorders.
natrum mur

The ‘Natrum Mur’ Constitution

Natrum Mur is suited to anaemic, chlorotic, thin and cachetic people. Tuberculous, scrofulous, and dropsical diathesis call for its use. It is also adapted to those who suffer from complaints arising consequent to loss of animal fluids. The Natrum Mur people are emaciated and lose flesh even while eating well. Along with emaciation, they suffer from great debility, nervous prostration, nervous irritability and also have great liability to catch a cold. Their skin is pale, waxy, and looks as if greased. They are reserved, introverted, nervous personalities and have a highly sensitive nature.

Drug Action

Natrum Mur is a deep-acting medicine with a wide sphere of action. Its action is mainly marked on mind, nose, head, eyes, scalp, female genitals and skin. It offers acts on the gastro-intestinal tract and stimulates digestion and secretion of gastric juice. It alsohas a marked action on nasal mucus membrane. As per Schussler,  salt is excreted through the mucus. So he says that this must be the remedy for all catarrhs. Further, it acts upon the sebaceous glands and treats oily skin, particularly face and scalp. Apart from the above, it also has major effect on blood and helps to increase RBC’s and treat anaemia.

Clinical Indications 

Natrum Mur has a wide range of uses, the major among them being depression, ailments from grief, nasal allergies, migraine headache, weak eyesight, hair fall, dandruff, menstrual irregularities, vaginal discharge, genital herpes, dyspareunia, eczema and urticaria.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. For Depression 

Grief, depression, melancholy, gloominess, sadness, weeping, anxiety, irritability are all the keywords pointing towards  the use of Natrum Mur.

This remedy possesses a great potential to treat cases of depression. People who need this experience sadness with much weeping that gets worse from consolation. They also prefer to be alone. Tendency to dwell on past unpleasant memories predominates. Aversion to work both mental and physical attends. They are hopeless about the future. Anxiety, irritability, restlessness, indifferent behaviour also accompanies. They tend to get easily offended too. Along with sadness, anxiety, palpitations and fluttering of heart is also there. Absent mindedness with difficulty of thinking also prevail among them. A thought that some misfortune is about to happen predominates. Sleeplessness that arises from depression is also treated well with this medicine, as are ailments arising from grief, disappointed love, suppressed emotions, anger, vexation, mortification, reserved displeasure and fright. Postpartum depression and premenstrual syndrome with depressed feeling also indicates the use of Natrum Mur.

2. Nasal Complaints 

Use of this remedy in colds has been considered since ancient times. In old school practice, it was used in solution as a douche or spray in cases of nasal catarrh. In homeopathy, it proves beneficial for people who have tendency to take a cold easily. The results shown by this medicine in cases of allergic rhinitis ‘hay fever’ are remarkable. Here sneezing, watery discharge from nose and eyes is present. Sometimes the nasal discharge is clear and white. The nose may be stuffy too with difficulty of breathing through nose. In some cases fluent coryza alternates with stoppage of nose. Burning and soreness in the nose may attend above. The patient may also have loss of smell and taste with catarrh.

3. For Migraine and Headache

It is a top-listed medicine to treat migraine headache. Sun headache from sunrise to sunset is a perfect indication, where the headache is intense with sensation as if it would burst. The head also feel congested from blood. Along with  a headache, disturbed vision and photophobia may accompany. Sometimes headache is preceded by zig-zag dazzling in eyes, like lightning. A very characteristic headache where a person feels as if thousand little hammers are knocking in brain is also a very peculiar indication. Other indication are headache from errors of refraction and eye strain and a headache during or before menstrual cycle in females.

4. For Eye Complaints

This remedy helps treat a number of eye complaints, primarily myopia (near sightedness) and weak eyesight. It is useful for treating cases of double vision (diplopia), floaters including black specks, streaks of light and sparks before eyes. It also works for treating incipient cataract and preserves the transparency of tissues of lens of eye.

5. For Scalp Complaints

The use of this remedy is highly recommended in scalp complaints including hair fall and dandruff. The hair fall is abundant. Even touching the scalp leads to hair fall. It is also indicated for dry hair, in cases of dandruff where the flakes are white in colour, and for humid eruptions on the scalp. The eruptions discharge gluey matter that results in matting of the hair and also loss of hair. Apart from the above, Natrum Mur is a significant remedy to treat itching over the scalp.

6. For Female Disorders

As a medicine, it has a very wide range of action over female genital organs, mainly for treating vaginal discharges (leucorrhea) in females. The leucorrhea discharge is very profuse, white or greenish and acrid in nature. The discharge causes itching and smarting pain in the vagina. Before discharge, colic and bearing-down sensation may appear. Leucorrhea is attended with excessive debility in most of the cases.

It is also a prominent remedy to regularise menstrual cycle. In addition to this, it is indicated for treating sterility in females.

It is also an excellent remedy for treating symptoms of sadness, anxiety and irritability that appears before menses. Suppressed menses especially from grief also calls for its use.

Women who have the complaint of painful sex (dyspareunia) and low sex drive are also benefited with this medicine. They mainly have attending dryness of vagina with above complaint. Burning and smarting pain in vagina also may be felt during intercourse.

Many post-partum complaints including prolonged, copious white lochia,  for complaint of hair fall from scalp & genitals and decreased lactation also call for the need of this medicine.

7. For Skin Complaints

It is frequently used to treat a number of skin conditions like fever blisters, urticaria, genital herpes, eczema, warts (on palms of hand) being the main ones. The remedy has also proven to be very helpful to treat eczema and is mainly useful for dry eczema where the skin is dry, raw, red and inflamed.

Next, its use is highly considered in cases of urticaria with large red blotches that cover the whole body. Marked itching and burning in blotches is there. Urticaria mainly follows violent exercise.

It also treats fever blisters/cold sores where the vesicles are filled with watery contents and they appear like pearls about the lips.

The remedy also yields good results in case of eruptions that appear in the bend of the limbs, around the borders of the hair and behind the ears. Apart from these, it is helpful for treating genital herpes (in both males and females), acne, comedones, sunburns, dry and chapped skin, hangnails, and warts specifically on the palms of hands.

8. For Anaemia

It is a significant homeopathic medicine to treat anaemia. PersonS needing it have pale look, with blue circles around the eyes. They suffer from great exhaustion arising from little exertion and seem emaciated.

9. For Rectal Complaints

When it comes to the rectum, this is a highly powerful medicine to treat constipation in cases where the stool is dry, hard,  and crumbling. It may also be like sheep dung. The stool is unsatisfactory and passes with much difficulty and many times with tearing and shooting in rectum and anus. Another notable complaint to make use of Natrum Mur is burning in the anus and rectum both during and after stool.


Natrum Mur is used in both low and high potencies. In acute complaints it can be used in low potency frequently while in chronic cases use of high potencies in infrequent doses is recommended.

Relation to Other Remedies

This remedy is a chronic of Ignatia in the mental sphere, while complementary medicines are Apis and Sepia.

It is followed well by Sepia and Thuja and the antidote medicines to it are Arsenic Album, Nux Vomica and Phosphorus.

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5 Homeopathic Remedies For Tinnitus That Can Work Wonders

Homeopathic Remedies For Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the condition where a person hears noises in the ear without the presence of any external sound. This condition can affect either one ear or both the ears. Affected people also mention symptoms like the ‘change of side (or ear)’ from where the sounds are coming, as well as the intensity, pitch, volume, and type of sound. In a few cases, symptoms like vertigo, difficulty in hearing, discharge from ear and fullness/heaviness in the ears are also present. Homeopathic medicines for tinnitus can help decrease the severity of the symptoms and also treat the condition on a long-term basis.
People dealing with tinnitus often develop other conditions like depression, anxiety, insomnia, stress and difficulty in concentrating as a result of hearing constant sounds. According to a report published in the journal Frontiers in Neurology (2014), ‘many patients have suggested that their distress is an inevitable consequence of the psychophysical characteristics of tinnitus.’

Different people hear different sounds when afflicted with tinnitus. Some common sounds associated with the condition are ringing, buzzing, hissing, roaring, and whistling.

Is There a Homeopathic cure for Tinnitus?

There are no conventional drugs available to cure tinnitus completely. In most cases, tinnitus may develop as a result of some other underlying issue. Certain drugs are used to reduce the complications or severity of tinnitus. Other methods involve suppressing the symptoms with the help of noise-masking contraptions. While they do provide a certain degree of relief from the symptoms of tinnitus, they rarely treat the problem. Often, discontinuation of these treatment options leads to worsening of the condition. Side-effects of drugs used in these cases can also be severe, and more often than not, a person has to try out different medicines to find the ones that suit them and cause less-severe side effects. Fixing the problem from the root cause is the surest way to manage and treat tinnitus.

A Natural Remedy For Tinnitus

Being an ancient, 200-year-old medical art, and science that was founded by German physician Samuel Hahnemann way back in the 1700s, the cures used in homeopathy are derived from nature and thus devoid of toxins. Naturally occurring substances are used to make the remedies, which work in harmony with the system. These also help restore the natural healing processes of the body.

It has No Side-Effects

Homeopathy for tinnitus does not cause any side effects because of their extremely diluted nature, and the fact that they are made of natural substances. Conventional drugs that contain tricyclic antidepressants are used only to manage severe tinnitus since the side-effects of these can be debilitating. Some side effects include blurred vision, heart problems, constipation, and dry mouth. Another commonly used drug called alprazolam helps reduce the symptoms of tinnitus, but it too comes with side effects like nausea and drowsiness. This drug also causes dependency and can be habit-forming.

Holistic Approach

Another advantage is that homeopathy aims to cure the problem from the root. Instead of suppressing the symptoms of a disorder, homeopathy takes into account all the associated symptoms and offers a comprehensive treatment approach. Noise-masking contraptions like noise-cancellation machines or solutions like hearing aids only suppress the symptoms and provide temporary relief. These are more like supplementary solutions and do not treat the main problem.

Individualized Cure

Individualisation is the key to homeopathy treatment. Every person is treated as a unique individual with their own set of symptoms rather than being classified into a category. This aspect of focussing on the individual symptoms is an important criterion in the case of tinnitus since tinnitus is a condition that develops due to a variety of reasons. To find the correct solution, it is necessary to know the exact cause of the problem. In some cases, tinnitus occurs due to a blockage or obstruction within the inner ear, while in others, it may be a side-effect of a drug. These two cases cannot be treated with one medicine. Individual treatment for every case is therefore necessary, and this is the very basis of homeopathy.

Similarly, different people hear different types of sounds as a result of tinnitus and require different medicines. For example, for drumming sounds inside the ears, Lachesis Muta is indicated, while for humming sounds, China Officinalis is used.

Simple and Effective

The fact that a homeopath individually selects every medicine prescribed to a patient makes homeopathy a simple yet effective course of treatment. A blanket approach of prescribing the same medicine for every patient clubbed under tinnitus is not followed. A single dose of the correct medicine can have a lasting effect for months or even years.

The first course of treatment for tinnitus involves identifying underlying causes and screening the treatable conditions. This includes measures like cleaning excessive earwax, changing medications or surgical intervention. With homeopathy, invasive treatments like surgery can be held off since there are different treatment options available to fix internal problems naturally.

A Safe Option

Natural remedies for tinnitus have given proven results in treating cases where the symptoms are mild to moderate. In case of a severe tinnitus problem, homeopathy can help reduce the severity and recurrence of the symptoms. Conventional treatments for tinnitus that involve the use of drugs or masking techniques may not be suitable across all ages. Children and adults alike are susceptible to side-effects from drugs, and this treatment option is rarely recommended for children. Homeopathy works in harmony with the body by restoring the natural healing processes. It can be used safely to treat tinnitus in people of all age groups.

Further, these remedies also help treat accompanying symptoms like vertigo, ear discharges, fullness/heaviness in the ears and conditions linked to Meniere’s disease. The duration of homeopathy treatments for tinnitus varies from person to person, although in most cases, gradual improvement over a given period has been noted. The chances of a relapse of the condition, once the treatment has been successfully administered, are next to none.

Homeopathic Remedies for Tinnitus

Remedies that are effective in treating tinnitus are  Kali Mur, Natrum Salicylicum, Chenopodium Anthelmenticum and Chininum Sulph. Chosen carefully on the merits of the indications they can be the perfect homeopathic relief for tinnitus

1. Kali Mur- Top Grade Natural Medicine for Tinnitus

Kali Mur is used to treat tinnitus where there is an excessive buildup or discharge of mucus in the nose or throat area. A history of long-standing ear discharges (otorrhea) is also indicative of this medicine. Popping and crackling noises in the ear are typical, and the latter sounds get worse upon swallowing. Deafness from ear catarrh is also possible.

2. Natrum Salicylicum- For Vertigo and Tinnitus

Natrum Salicylicum is used to treat tinnitus that develops as a result of Meniere’s disease, where a triad of symptoms including noises in the ear, hearing loss, and vertigo appears. The sounds are low in tone and almost constant. Vertigo gets worse on sitting up or rising from bed and lying down provides relief. This is an excellent medicine for vertigo and tinnitus

3. Chenopodium Anthelminticum – For Tinnitus with Sudden spells of Vertigo

is used to treat tinnitus where there are sudden spells of vertigo. The person may be able to hear high pitched sounds but be deaf to human sounds. The noises in the ear in these cases are mainly buzzing, ringing or roaring in nature. Tinnitus synchronous with heartbeats is another feature indicating the need for this medicine.

4. Graphites Naturalis- For Ear Tinnitus when Hissing and Buzzing sounds are present

is used to treat cases of somatic tinnitus, where the symptoms of tinnitus worsen when there is a movement of the head and jaw. The noises in the ear are mainly hissing, buzzing, whistling or roaring in nature. In some cases, cracking sounds in the ears are present. A feeling of ‘stuffed ear’ and dryness in the ears also indicates the need for this medicine.

5. Chininum Sulph- For Ringing In Ear

is used in cases of tinnitus where intense sounds of varies kinds of ringing, roaring, and buzzing are present. Vertigo and a decline in the hearing ability also indicate the need for this medicine. In some cases, a severe headache may be present. Chininum Sulph is also used as an effective homeopathic remedy for Meniere’s disease.

Remedies For Specific Noises

Tinnitus can cause a person to hear different sounds within the ear, and these sounds vary from case to case. Among the many sounds that a person hears inside the ear as a result of tinnitus, the most common ones include buzzing, roaring, whistling, hissing, humming, chirping, drumming, flapping, fluttering, machine-like, waterfall-like, ringing sounds and sounds of the wind. There are specific remedies that are used to treat these sounds.

Petroleum Oleum is used to treat tinnitus where there are ringing noises in ears. There is clear bell-like sound in the ear. Other symptoms include dryness, intense itching deep in the ear. People who cannot tolerate the sound of several people talking together, and elderly persons dealing with deafness are often treated with this medicine.

Formica Rufa is used to treat tinnitus where buzzing noises in the ear are present. Pain in the ear and hardness of hearing are also common. The pain may radiate to the temporal region of the head. In most cases, earache gets worse in the morning, and the ears may feel hot and be sensitive to touch.

Salicylicum Acidum is used to treat tinnitus where there are roaring sounds in the ear. The hearing may be diminished, and the person may experience episodes of vertigo. Nausea and a sensation of blood rushing to the brain may also be present.
This medicine is also used to treat Meniere’s disease, tinnitus due to influenza and cases where tinnitus occurs as a result of consuming the drug ‘aspirin.’

Manganum Aceticum is used to treat tinnitus where whistling noises are heard within the ear. Other symptoms include hardness of hearing that gets worse in damp weather, an obstructed sensation in the ears and shooting pain that gets worse upon speaking or laughing.

Silicea is used to treat tinnitus where there are hissing sounds inside the ear. Other symptoms include a blocked sensation in the ear, shooting pain, hardness of hearing, sensitivity to cold air and presence of discharges. These discharges can be purulent (pus-like), blood-stained and may have a fetid odor. A history of a perforated ear-drum is also present in some cases.

China Officinalis is used to treat tinnitus where there are humming noises in the ear. These are accompanied by a stitching/tearing pain in the ears that worsens with touch. There may be overall weakness, debility, and headache. This medicine is also used in cases where a ticking noise is heard inside the ears.

Bryonia Alba is used to treat tinnitus with chirping noises inside the ear. The ear may feel blocked, intolerance towards noises in the environment may be present along with spells of vertigo.
A deep, stitching or shooting pain that gets worse in the open air may be present. The ear is usually sensitive to touch. This medicine works well to treat cases of tinnitus where a person hears a particular sound, like the pouring of water over a dam.

Lachesis Muta is used to treat where there are drumming sounds in the ear. A decrease in hearing along with excessive dryness and hardness of the ear wax is present. The ear is sensitive towards the wind. The ear may feel stiff, and pain may develop towards the evening or night time.

Antimonium Tart is used to treat tinnitus where there are fluttering or flapping noises in the ear. A prominent warm sensation inside the ear, twitching and tearing pain in the ear during the evening is also present.

Hydrastis Canadensis is used to treat tinnitus where there is a machinery-like sound inside the ear. There may be a thick mucus discharge from the ear, and a sensation of fullness in the in the forehead may also be present.

Causticum is used to treat tinnitus where a re-echo of words is heard in the ear. Other symptoms include a pulsating, burning sensation in the ear, pressure in the head and ears, and a purulent, gluey/sticky ear discharge along with an excessive accumulation of the ear wax is also present in some cases.

Theridion Curassavicum is used to treat tinnitus where there are noises of a waterfall present in the ear. The person also experiences sensitivity along with pressure and fullness in the ears.

Pulsatilla Nigricans is used to treat tinnitus where there are sounds of the wind inside the ear. Difficulty in hearing in cold and damp weather, earache, and chronic ear infection with a thick yellowish-greenish colored discharge indicate the need for this medicine.

Managing Tinnitus

Prevention is the cure here – protecting the ear, staying away from loud sounds or using earplugs or noise cancellation earphones in noisy areas, assessing other risk factors that may contribute to the condition are some ways to prevent the symptoms of tinnitus from getting worse.

Causes and Risk Factors

Many conditions can give rise to tinnitus. Although prolonged exposure to loud sounds is the most common cause, other reasons for tinnitus include age-related hearing loss, Meniere’s disease, high blood pressure, head or neck injuries, build-up of excessive ear wax, ear infections, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems, emotional or chronic stress and excessive intake of alcohol. Tinnitus is also more common in males as compared to females.

Specific Conditions that lead to Tinnitus

There are certain conditions that are directly related to tinnitus. In some cases, tinnitus may be a direct result of an infection or injury within the inner ear. These conditions include:

  1. Obstruction in the ear canal, chronic infections within the ear and ear-related disorders like otosclerosis.
  2. Damage in the inner ear that changes the way in which the tiny hairs inside the ear respond to pressure from sound waves.
  3. Chronic sinus infections.
  4. Damage to the cranial nerve or the growth of a tumor.
  5. Degenerative disorders like cervical spondylosis that lead to compression of the arteries joined to the neck and ears.
  6. Conditions like Bell’s Palsy (a condition that causes weakening of facial muscles).

Risk Factors for Developing Tinnitus

Use of certain medications can also lead to tinnitus, like aspirin, quinine, certain antidepressants, anti-inflammatory medicines and some antibiotics. These drugs may be ‘ototoxic’ and cause damage to the inner ear.

Age may also be a leading cause of tinnitus – people aged 60 years or above are at high risk to develop this problem due to age-related degenerative changes in the cochlea.

Certain medical conditions that predispose a person towards tinnitus, like high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, anemia, nerve disorders, inflammation, cardiovascular disease, allergies, and circulatory issues. A history of ear-related disorders and chronic ear infections can also lead to tinnitus.

Lifestyle-Related Factors

Regarding lifestyle, it has been noted that people who smoke excessively are more likely to develop this problem since smoking affects the sensitive nerve cells inside the ear and also acts as a stimulant, which may worsen the noises inside the ear.
People with a history of excessive alcohol or drug abuse also tend to develop tinnitus as a result of neurological damage.
Malnutrition as a result of rapid weight-loss or improper diets can also give rise to this problem.
Exposure to noise pollution by continually being in an environment of loud noises, like a job or using earphones with a loud volume are some other risk factors.

1. Lifestyle and Tinnitus

Specific lifestyle-based changes can help manage tinnitus and prevent it from getting worse. Avoiding environments with loud noises, adopting measures to manage stress (as it can worsen the tinnitus), avoiding the intake of alcohol, caffeine, and smoking are some preventative steps.

2. Stress

Stress and inflammation are two lifestyle-related issues that tend to increase the risks of ear problems like hearing loss, ear infections, lowered immunity and vertigo. These are therefore linked to tinnitus and can act as contributing factors.
A sedentary lifestyle with little or no physical activity, poor diet, and lack of sufficient sleep can lower the immunity and increase susceptibility towards ear infections and nerve damage. Dealing with chronic stress and inflammation issues with the help of natural stress busters like exercise, consuming a clean, anti-inflammatory diet and meditation are some options.

3. Using Q-Tips

Aggressive use of Q-tips to clean the ears is another widespread cause of tinnitus. Earwax helps protect the ear by trapping dust and bacteria, so ideally it should not be cleaned up too frequently. In cases where tinnitus is already present, it is best to speak to a doctor about keeping the ears clean, and Q-tips should not be used at all.

4. Drugs and Medication

In some cases, conventional drugs like certain anti-depressants, antibiotics, recreational drugs and anti-inflammatory medications may contribute to the condition.
In such cases, switching to alternative treatment options often helps resolve the problem. A doctor can find out alternative treatment options or lower the dosage of these drugs to help manage tinnitus.

A holistic health practitioner can help a person transition into alternative medicine. Working with the body’s natural restorative processes to treat issues like tinnitus shows good long-term results.

5. Diet and Tinnitus

When it comes to diet, certain foods can directly affect the working of the inner ear and contribute to the symptoms of tinnitus. Factors that lead to high blood pressure can increase the severity of tinnitus; therefore an elimination diet is recommended to help narrow down the list of what foods are safe and which ones are not. Foods or preservatives that tend to increase blood pressure and thereby aggravate the symptoms of tinnitus include excessive salt, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, stimulants like coffee, tea, sodas and monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Foods that Help

Certain foods and supplements help increase blood circulation in the body, while others help reduce inflammation. Together, these foods can help manage the symptoms of tinnitus. A deficiency of essential minerals like zinc can also aggravate tinnitus.


Fruits like pineapples increase blood circulation in the body and help lower blood pressure due to the high levels of potassium. Other fruits that are rich in potassium include pears, bananas, and papayas.


Garlic helps increase the blood circulation and reduce inflammation and is known to reduce the reduce the build-up of plaque in arteries connected to the inner ear, which may lead to inhibited blood flow to the cochlea and aggravate tinnitus.
Research also shows that garlic helps reduce hearing loss caused by ototoxic medications. (Garlic-Supplemented Diet Attenuates Gentamicin-Induced Ototoxicity: An Experimental Study)


Zinc deficiency affects the overall health of a person, but its effects are far worse on people with hearing issues, particularly tinnitus. Consuming appropriate amounts of zinc through diet can help relieve the symptoms of tinnitus. Foods that contain high levels of zinc include seafood and spinach.

Tinnitus – Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I’ve been hearing noises in the ear from the past six months; do I need to conduct any investigations?
Yes, there are specific investigations recommended for tinnitus to find out the cause of the problem, like an audiometry test. In cases where a head tumor is suspected, a CT scan or MRI is required.

Q. I have tinnitus, will it predispose me to loss of hearing?
No, tinnitus does not necessarily point towards a loss of hearing. In some cases, these conditions co-exist, but one is not indicative of another. A person can have hearing loss with no tinnitus or may have tinnitus without any hearing loss.

Q. Can exposure to loud noise lead to tinnitus?
Yes, prolonged exposure to loud noises can lead to tinnitus. A tinnitus condition that follows a short-term loud noise exposure is usually short-lived and tends to resolve quickly. Exposure to loud noises, on the other hand, for a long duration of time may cause permanent damage to hair cells in the inner ear and lead to chronic tinnitus.

Q. Can my tinnitus be linked with TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder?
Yes, there are chances that the cause of tinnitus is a TMJ disorder. The primary symptoms of TMJ disorder include pain in the TMJ joint while talking, eating, or opening the mouth widely.

Q. I suffered a neck injury four months ago, followed by noises in my right ear. Is there a link between these two incidents?
Yes, these can be related. A neck injury can damage the inner ear or nerves linked to hearing and lead to tinnitus.

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Short Periods – 8 Effective Homeopathic Medicines

The normal duration of menstruation varies from woman to woman and can be anywhere between 3 to 7 days. Once in a while having a period that is shorter than normal is not a cause of concern. However, a decrease in the duration of a menstrual period for several months altogether in a female when compared to the usual pattern should be investigated. It is normal to have menstrual irregularities and change in the duration and flow of periods at puberty. This is because it takes time for the hormones to regularise a specific pattern for the first few years after menarche. It is also normal to face changes in menstrual flow and duration during the perimenopausal age. Homeopathic medicines for short periods or scanty periods help regularise the natural processes and treat the condition effectively.  homeopathic medicines for short periods

Apart from these, short periods may arise from several hormonal problems and other factors that need to be corrected and treated to solve this problem. They mainly include PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and thyroid dysfunction. Other factors that contribute to short periods include breastfeeding, low body weight, stress, excessive exercise, eating disorders, use of OCP’s (oral contraceptive pills) also make changes in duration/flow of the menstrual period. Certain medications like NSAID’s (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs), antidepressants and thyroid medications also tend to shorten menstrual flow. Premature ovarian failure and Asherman syndrome are rare conditions in which short periods appear.

Homeopathic Medicines for Short Periods

The complaint of short or scanty periods can be effectively treated with natural homeopathy medicines. The top grade medicines to treat cases of short periods are Pulsatilla, Sepia, Conium, Viburnum, and Lachesis. The most suitable medicine among them is selected as per every individual case based on the characteristic features. Homeopathy medicines work at treating the root cause which is leading to a short duration of menses. Once the root cause is corrected the duration of periods is improved.

1. Pulsatilla – Top Grade Medicine to Treat Short Periods

Pulsatilla is prepared from a plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known by the name of pasque flower or windflower. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is top-listed medicine for treating complaint of short periods. The flow of blood is also scanty in addition to being short. The flow is most prominent in the daytime only in cases needing Pulsatilla. The flow may be dark or blackish in color. Pain during periods with cramps abdomen and vomiting may attend. Chilliness may be present during periods. Before and after periods vaginal discharge may be prominent.

2. Sepia – For Scanty Periods that Last for One Day

Sepia is the next well-indicated medicine to treat short periods. It is useful in females in whom periods last only for one day. Menses may be irregular too appearing early or late but last for short duration only. Bearing down pain in the pelvis during periods is a characteristic attending feature. During periods sadness, headache, nausea, vomiting and great prostration are felt. Yellowish, thick, profuse leucorrhea appear before and after menses.

3. Conium – For Short and Late Periods

Conium is a beneficial medicine to treat cases where periods are short and appear late. Sometimes menses don’t appear for two to three months altogether in females needing Conium. When they appear they are short and may be clotted. Drawing pain in legs during menses may be felt. Violent itching in the vagina may appear after periods.

4. Viburnum – For Short Periods that Last only for Few Hours

Viburnum is prepared from fresh bark of a plant named Viburnum Opulus. This plant has many common names including High Cranberry Bush, Cramp Bark, and Water Elder. The natural order of this plant is Caprifoliaceae. Viburnum is prominently indicated medicine for cases of short periods where flow last only for a few hours. Menstrual flow is also scanty, thin and light-colored where Viburnum is required. During periods, nausea, cramping pain and great nervous restlessness is felt. Before periods severe bearing down pains in uterus and drawing in anterior muscles of thighs are present.

5. Lachesis – For Short and Scanty Periods

Lachesis is useful for treating short and scanty periods. The menstrual flow is dark, black, dirty looking and lumpy. They also have an offensive odor. During periods labor-like pressure from loins downwards is felt. Bruised feeling in hips and Soreness about the pelvic region is also prominent. A tendency to have late periods may be there in some cases.

6. Apis Mellifica – For Short Periods that Last for One to Two Days

Apis Mellifica is beneficial to treat short periods that last for one to two days only. Violent, cramp-like pain appear during periods. Flow is scanty of dark, bloody mucus. The menses are accompanied by great weakness. Ovarian pain of cutting, stinging nature is felt especially on the right side during periods. Frequent urination is another symptoms arising during periods in cases requiring Apis Mellifica. It is a high-grade medicine to treat menstrual complaints linked with cysts, tumors, inflammation of the ovary.

7. Euphrasia – For Short Periods where Flow Lasts for an Hour

Euphrasia Officinalis is a plant commonly known by the name of Eye-Bright of the natural order Scrophulariaceae. Euphrasia is helpful for cases of short periods where flow lasts only for one hour. Periods have a tendency to appear late in females, the flow is scanty and the menses are painful in addition to being short and scanty.

8. Thuja – For Early and Short Periods

Thuja is prepared from fresh green twigs of a plant Thuja Occidentalis having common name Arbor Vitae of the natural order Coniferae. Thuja is indicated to treat cases where periods are very short and appear too early. Before menses, pain in left ovary, heat in head, profuse sweating, headache, and labor-like abdominal pains are present. During and after menses tiredness arise. Sleeplessness also tends to appear after menses.

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9 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Delayed Periods

The menstrual cycle in a female can range from 21 to 35 days, varying from person to person. Periods are considered to be delayed or late when they don’t begin even after 5 or more days from the date they are expected (as per the usual duration of her menstrual cycle). In some cases, the periods may even get delayed by weeks or months altogether. It is normal for the periods to be irregular or delayed in the initial months or year when they first begin (menarche). Delayed periods are also normal in women in the menopausal age. In some cases, delayed periods may also indicate pregnancy. Homeopathic medicines for delayed periods aim at removing the cause that is causing hindrance/suppression of periods.                                                                  homeopathic medicines for delayed periods

Some other medical conditions that can cause periods to get delayed include hormonal imbalance, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), thyroid disorders, pituitary tumors, and several other diseases including diabetes, liver dysfunction, celiac disease. Other contributing factors include being overweight/underweight, extreme exercise, stress, use of oral contraceptive pills (they can bring changes in the normal menstrual cycle ) and some medications, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anticonvulsants.

Homeopathic Medicines for Delayed Periods

Homeopathy medicines are highly effective in treating cases of delayed periods. These are constitutional remedies that work at treating the root cause behind the condition to bring excellent results. The top grade medicines to treat delayed periods are Pulsatilla, Sepia, Natrum Mur, Conium and Senecio Aureus.

1. Pulsatilla – Top Grade Medicine for Delayed Periods

Pulsatilla is prepared from a plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known by the name of pasque flower or windflower. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla tops the list of medicines for treating delayed periods. Uterine pains may appear from suppressed periods. When periods appear they may be profuse or scanty. Blood may be thin/thick and be dark or black in color. Chilliness along with these features may be present. Pulsatilla is a very helpful medicine for treating delayed periods during puberty and in the case of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).

2. Sepia – For Delayed Periods from Hormonal Imbalance

Sepia is highly beneficial to treat delayed periods from hormonal imbalance. It helps to correct the hormonal imbalance and treat menstrual irregularities wonderfully. Females needing Sepia have delayed periods. The flow may also be scanty and dark colored. The periods are preceded by violent pains in the abdomen and backache. Bearing down sensation in the pelvis is also a prominent attending feature. Pressure, heaviness or pain in ovaries may also be felt. Profuse yellow-green vaginal discharge may be present. Along with the above symptoms, sadness and irritability are marked before periods.

3. Natrum Mur – For Delayed Periods in Young Girls

Natrum Mur is a prominent medicine for delayed periods in young girls. Heaviness in the abdomen may be present from delayed periods. When the periods arise the flow may be scanty or profuse. They are pale, thin, watery. Anemia and general debility are marked. During menses sadness, headache and palpitations may appear.

4. Conium – For Delayed, Scanty and Short Periods

Conium is suitable for cases where menses are late, scanty and last for a short duration. Menstrual flow is clotted. Weeping, restlessness and anxiety and pains in breasts may appear before periods. In some cases skin rash precedes periods. During periods pain in the hypogastric region, legs and sharp pain in the back may be felt. Inflammation, enlargement, and pain in the ovaries may be present where Conium is indicated.

5. Senecio Aureus – For Cases with Sensation as if Periods would Appear but they Don’t

Senecio aureus is prepared from a plant named Golden Ragwort or Squaw-weed of the natural order Compositae. Senecio Aureus is valuable medicine for treating delayed periods. Females needing Senecio have a sensation as if periods are about to come but they don’t. Other general symptoms including sleeplessness and loss of appetite. Pain in back and shoulders may also appear. It is also highly useful for suppressed periods in young girls.

6. Lachesis – For Late and Scanty Periods

Lachesis is a helpful medicine for treating late and scanty periods. In cases requiring Lachesis, menses appear late and are dark, lumpy, acrid, dirty looking and offensive. There attends menstrual colic with scanty flow. Lesser the flow is the more the pain is. The pain is most marked in the left ovary. Vertigo and headache from suppressed periods may be there in some cases.

7. Graphites – For Late Periods attended with Violent Colic

Graphites is useful to treat late periods when attended with violent colic. There is stitching, shooting, griping pain in the abdomen, pain in hips and back. Stitching or burning pain in the vagina may be felt. Headache and nausea may also appear. Hands and feet are cold. When menses appear the blood flow is pale, dark or black colored. In some cases, leucorrhea arises instead of a regular period. In such cases, vaginal discharge occurs in gushes during the day or at night.

8. Kali Carb – Where Periods get Delayed by Several Months

Kali Carb is a valuable medicine to treat cases where periods are delayed by several months. Backache attends suppressed periods. When the periods arise they are pale, scanty and attended with soreness about the genitals. The menstrual flow may have a pungent odor. Chilliness and cramping pain in the abdomen, headache, weight in small of the back, nausea, and vomiting may appear with menses. Itching of vulva and violent colicky pains may precede periods.

9. Silicea – For Late and Profuse Menses

Silicea is indicated for cases of late and profuse menses. Suppressed periods are attended with pain in the abdomen. Acrid vaginal discharges, pain in the forehead may arise before periods. When menses arise they are profuse, strong-smelling and may be acrid. They also last for longer than usual duration. Icy coldness over the whole body may attend. Silicea is also indicated when a vaginal discharge of white color appears instead of menses.

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Abortion Achalasia Cardia Acne
Acne Rosacea Acne Scars
Adenoids Adenomyosis ADHD – Abusiveness
ADHD Agnus Castus Allergic Rhinitis & Homeopathy
Allergic Bronchitis Allergy Allergy Dust
Allergy Egg Allergy Eye Allergy Food
Allergy Milk Allergy Peanut Allergy pet
Allergy Pollen Allergy Wet Weather Allergy Wheat
Alopecia Alzeihmer’s Amoebiasis
Anal Abscess Anal Fissures Anal Fistula
Anal Itching Anal Warts Anger Management
Ankle Pain Ankylosing Spondylitis Anorectal Stricture
Anosmia Anxiety Anxiety Disorder Kids
Anxiety Generalised Arnica Arthritis Knee
Asperger’s Syndrome Asthma Asthma in Kids
Ataxia Athlete’s Foot Atopic Dermatitis
Autism – Homeopathy Autism – Treatment Autism – Homeopathic Treatment
Autism – Causes Autism – Behavior Therapy Autism – Testimonials
Autism – Carconisin Autism – Early Signs Autism – Good Eye Contact
Autism – Diagnose Autism – 10 Steps Autism – High Functioning
Autism 13 steps AVN


Back Pain Bacterial Infections Balanitis
Balding Barber’s Itch Bed Sores
Bedwetting Bells’s Palsy Bleeding between Periods
Bleeding Gums Blepharitis Blepharospasm
Body Odor Body Pains Boils
Bone Pain Borderline Personality Disorder BPPV
Bronchiectasis Bronchitis Bruxism
Bullous Pemphigoid Bunion Burns
Burping Problems


Calcarea Phos Cancer Carbuncle
Carpal Tunnel Cataract Celiac
Cellulitis Cervical Spondylosis Cervicitis
Chalazion Chest Congestion Chickenpox
Chikungunya Chillblains Cholera
Chorea Claustrophobia Clear & Glowing Skin
Climacteric Blues Cluster Headaches Coccydania
Cold Sensitivity Colds Colic in Babies
Colorectal Polyps Computer Vision Syndrome Conjuctivitis
Constipation Corns Cough
Cough Dry Cough Smoker’s Cough Variant Asthma
Cradle Cap Crohn’s Disease Cubital Tunnel Syndrome


Dandruff Dark Circles Dementia
Dementia Senile Dengue Depression
Depression Post Partum Depression in Kids Depression in Teenagers
Depression Winter Developmental Delay Diabetes
Diaper Rash Diplopia Disc Prolapse
Diverticulitis Dr. S.P Sharma Drug Addiction
Dry Frizzy Hair Dupuytren’s Contracture Dysentery
Dyslexia Dyspareunia Dysphagia
Dyspnea Dysuria


E.Coli Ear Discharge Ear Infections
Ear Pain Eczema Elbow Pain
Emphysema Endometriosis Enlarged Prostate
Epididymitis Epilepsy Epistaxis
Erectile Dysfunction Esophageal Varices Eustachian Tube Blockage
Excessive Sweating Eye Floaters Eyes DRY
Eyes Itchy


Facial Pigmentation Fallopian Tube Blockage Fatigue
Fatigue Chronic Fatty Liver Fear of Crowd
Fears & Phobias Felon Fever
Fever Blisters Fibroadenoma Fibromyalgia
First Aid – Winters First Aid Kit Flatulence
Flu Folliculitis Folliculitis Scalp
Food Poisioning Foot Pain Fractures
Freckles Frequent Urination Frozen Shoulder
Fungal Infection


Gaining Weight Gall Stones Ganglion Cysts
Gangrene Gas Problem Gastritis
Gastroenteritis Gastroparesis Genital Herpes
Genital Warts GERD Giardiasis
Gingivitis Glaucoma Glossitis
Goiter Golfer’s Elbow Gonorrhea
Gout Grave’s Disease Grief
Guttate Psoriasis


H. Pylori Hahnemman Hair Falling
Halitosis Hand Foot Mouth Disease Hangover
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Hay Fever Head Injuries
Headaches Heamoglobin Hearing Loss
Heartburn Heat Rash Heavy Bleeding
Heel Pain Heel Spurs Hernia
Hernia Hiatus High BP High BP
High Cholesterol High Uric Acid Hip Pain
Hoarse Voice Holistic Concept Homeopathy Homeopathy
Homeopathy – Myths Hormone Imbalance Hot Flashes Menopause
Housemaid’s Knee HPV Hydrastis
Hydrocele Hyperkeratosis Hyperthyroidism


IBD IBS Icthyosis
Ignatia Amara Impetigo Indigestion
Infertility Ingrown Toenails Insomnia
Intertrigo Itching


Jaundice Jobs Jock Itch
Joint Pains Juevenile Rheumatoid Arthritis


Keloids Keratoconus Kerratitis
Kidney Pain Kidney Stones Knee Bursitis
Knee Injuries Knee Pain


Labyrinthitis Lack of Self Confidence Laryngitis
Leaky Gut Syndrome Leg Cramps Leg Pain
Leucoderma Leucorrhea Lichen Planus
Lipoma Liver Abscess Liver Cirrhosis
Liver Problems Loose Stools Loss of Appetite
Low Blood Pressure Low Sperm Lumbar Spondylosis
Lycopodium Lyme Disease


Malaria Mastitis Memory
Meniere’s Disease Meningitis Migraine
Mind and Homeopathy Moles Molluscum Contagiosum
Mood Swings Mood Swings Morning Sickness
Motion Sickness Multiple Sclerosis Mumps
Muscle Pain Muscle Weakness Myopia
Myopia – Progressive


Nail Fungus Nasal Allergy & Homeopathy Nasal Polyps
Nausea Neck Stiffness Nephrotic Syndrome
Nerve Pain Nightmares Numbness in Feet
Numbness in Hands and Fingers Nux Vomica Nystagmus


Obstructive Sleep Apnea OCD ODD
Onion & Coffee Oral Lichen Planus Orchitis
Osgood Schlatter Disease Osteoarthritis Osteophytes
Osteoporosis Ovarian Cysts Ovarian Pain
Overactive Bladder


Pain in Hands & Fingers Painful Menses Palpitations
Pancreatitis PANDAS Panic Attacks
Paralysis Parkinson’s PCOS
Peptic Ulcer Peripheral Neuropathy Pharyngitis
Phlegm Photodermatitis PID
Piles Pilonidal Cyst Pinched Nerve
Pinworms Piriformis Syndrome Plantar Fascitis
Plantar Warts PMS Pneumonia
Post herpetic neuralgia Post Nasal Drip Pregnancy Related Complaints
Premature Ejaculation Premature Grey Hair Proctitis
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Prostatitis Psoriasis
Pterygium Ptosis PTSD
Pulsatilla for Women Pyorrhea


Quackery Quinsy


Raynaud’s Disease Reactive Arthritis Rectal bleeding
Rectal Prolapse Recurrent Infections in Kids Recurrent Mouth Ulcers
Reflux in Babies Removing Scars Restless Legs
Retinal Migraine Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rhinorrhea Rhus Tox Ringworm
Rotator Cuff Injury Rotavirus


Sacroilitis Salpingitis Scabies
Scalp Psoriasis Scanty Periods Schizophrenia
Sciatica Scoliosis Scope of Homeopathy
Seborrheic Dermatitis Seborrheic Keratosis Sepia for Females
Shingles Shoulder Pain SIBO
Silicea Sinus Sjogren’s Syndrome
Skin Cracked Skin Dry Skin Rashes
Slow Digestion Sneezing Snoring
Social Phobia Sore Muscles Sore throat
Spasmodic Dysphonia Speech Delay Spine Nerve Compression
Sprain Sprained Ankle Squint
Stammering Stiff Back Stiff neck
Stomach and Digestion Problems Stomach Ulcers Stool – Blood
Stool – Mucus Stool Incontinence Strep Throat
Stress Stuffy Blocked Nose Styes
Summer Diarhhea Sunburn Sunstroke
Swollen Ankles Swollen Knee Syphilis
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


Teething Tennis Elbow Tension Headaches
Testosterone Thrombocytopenia Thrush
Thuja Tics Tinea Capitis
Tinea Versicolor Tinnitus TMJ
Tonsil Stones Tonsil Surgery Toothache
Tourette’s Syndrome Tremors Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigger Finger Typhoid


Ulcer’s Ulcerative Colitis Unwanted Facial Hair
Urethral Inflammation Urethral Stricture Urinary Problems
Urine – Incontinence Urine – Blood Urine – Burning
Urine – Pus Cells Urticaria Uterine Fibroids
Uterine Polyps Uterine Prolapse UTI


Vaginal Candidiasis Vaginal Dryness Vaginal Itching
Vaginitis Varicocele Varicose – Ulcers
Varicose – Veins Venous Insufficiency Vertigo and Dizziness
Viral Infections Vitiligo Vocal Cord Paralysis
Vocal Cord Nodules Vomiting


Warts Water Retention Watery Eyes
Weakness Weather Changes Weight Loss
Wheezing When Kids Dont Eat Worms
Wrist Pain Writer’s Cramp



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Best Homeopathic Medicines for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a long-term disorder characterized by widespread pain in the body, accompanied by general fatigue. There may be sleep issues, memory issues (brain fog) and depression. A person having fibromyalgia tends to have pain in specific areas of the body (known as tender points) that are extremely sensitive and painful. Even the slightest pressure on the tender points can cause pain. This unexplained pain that goes on for more than three months at a stretch is diagnosed as fibromyalgia. Research shows that the condition of fibromyalgia causes an amplification or intensification of the pain sensations in the brain. Fibromyalgia can be effectively treated with homeopathic medicines. The top three medicines for fibromyalgia are Rhus Tox, Arnica Montana and Kali Phos.                                                                                                                                homeopathic medicines for fibromyalgia

Why Use Homeopathy for Fibromyalgia?

The traditional treatment for fibromyalgia involves the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), anti-seizure drugs, pain relievers as well as antidepressants. As evident, these methods are palliative (only treat the pain) and mask the symptoms instead of addressing the root of the problem. Long-term use of these can cause severe side-effects like intestinal bleeding, strokes, skin allergies, the formation of cysts, weight gain, blurred vision, and cognitive issues. Homeopathy medicines offer a natural treatment for fibromyalgia and help alleviate the symptoms and treat the problem for long-term relief. They have no side effects and are made of natural substances that are safe for use.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Fibromyalgia

Rhus Tox, Arnica Montana, Kali Phos, Bryonia Alba, Magnesia Phos, Ruta Graveolens, Arsenic Album, Cimicifuga Racemosa, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Coffea Cruda, Ignatia Amara, Causticum and Acid Phos are the top remedies for fibromyalgia.

1. Rhus Tox – Effective Medicine for Fibromyalgia

Rhus Tox is a top listed medicine for treating fibromyalgia. It is indicated in cases where there is widespread pain in the body. The pain is present in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments and can be tearing, shooting, stitching in nature. It is seen to get worse with exertion and during the night. The sleep gets disturbed, and there is marked stiffness in the body. Back pain is very prominent, and it gets better with motion. Rhus Tox is also indicated for numbness and a prickling sensation in the limbs.

Key indications for using Rhus Tox for Fibromyalgia:

-Widespread pain in the body.
– Stiffness with body ache.
– Symptoms worsening from exertion.

2. Arnica Montana – For Bruising Pain

Arnica Montana is a natural medicine for fibromyalgia prepared from the Leopard’s Bane plant. It belongs to the family Composite. It is primarily used in cases of fibromyalgia where there are sore, bruised pains in the body. The body feels lame and sore as if beaten. It is sensitive to touch, and the person feels afraid to touch the painful parts. Fatigue, numbness, and tingling of limbs may be present. A history of injuries is usually present in people needing this medicine.

Key indications for using Arnica for Fibromyalgia:

– Sore, bruised pains.
– Fatigue with body aches.
– Numbness and tingling in limbs.

3. Kali Phos – For Fatigue and Sleep Issues

Kali Phos is a natural remedy for fibromyalgia used to treat marked fatigue and sleep issues in cases of fibromyalgia. There is an intense weakness, tiredness and whole system feels drained out. The affected person gets easily fatigued and has body aches. Exertion worsens the condition. Sleeplessness is another major issue that is treated well with this medicine. A prickling sensation in the hands and feet and fibromyalgia linked with stress are also indicative of this remedy.

Key indications for using Kali Phos for Fibromyalgia:

-Intense fatigue, weakness, and tiredness.
– Sleeplessness with body aches.
– Fibromyalgia linked with stress.

Other Important Medicines

4. Bryonia Alba – Where Pain Worsens from Motion

Bryonia Alba is a natural medicine prepared from the plant Wild Hops. The natural order of this plant is Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia Alba is a very beneficial medicine for fibromyalgia considered in cases where pains get worse from motion. Lying down and absolute rest offers relief in pains. The type of pain varies from sharp, stitching, bursting, sore to tearing in nature. Pressure causes pain on tender points founds on the lower back and knee. Stiffness also attends the pain.

5. Magnesia Phos – When Warmth Relieves Pain

Magnesia Phos is a well-indicated natural treatment for fibromyalgia where warmth relieves the pains. The pains in the body are mostly shifting in nature, changing from one place to other frequently. The character of the pain is mostly sharp and shooting. Light touch tends to worsen the pain, and there is a pain in the neck, lower back, and lower limbs. The pains also tend to radiate from the point of origin. Restlessness and extreme weakness are present, and cold tends to worsen the pains.

6. Ruta Graveolens – For Fibromyalgia with Restlessness

Ruta Graveolens is a remedy for fibromyalgia prepared from the fresh plant of Garden Rue of the family Rutaceae. Its use is indicated for pains in the body along with restlessness. Soreness of tendons and pains are of deep, sharp, drawing, tearing in nature are mainly present in the neck, shoulders, lower back, and knee.

7. Arsenic Album – For Marked Fatigue

Arsenic Album is a useful medicine for fibromyalgia with marked fatigue. The key indications for using this medicine include sudden weakness, excessive tiredness, exhaustion from slight exertion, burning pains in the body in areas like the back and limbs. Use of this medicine is also considered in cases of fibromyalgia when intense anxiety (particularly about health) and restlessness is present. All the complaints are seen to get worse during the night.

8. Cimicifuga Racemosa – For Pain in Neck and Lower Back

Cimicifuga Racemosa is indicated for fibromyalgia with marked pains in the muscles of the neck and the lower back. A feeling of stiffness and contraction in the neck is also present.
Dull, heavy aching in the lower back that is improved by rest, pains in muscles worsening from motion and excessive muscular soreness are other accompanying symptoms.

9. Gelsemium Sempervirens – For Aching Muscles

Gelsemium Sempervirens is prepared from the plant Yellow Jasmine. The natural order of this plant is Loganiaceae. Key indications for the use of this medicine include aching in muscles and tiredness, deep-seated pains that are worse in the back, hips, neck, and under the scapula. Exertions worsen the pain and headaches may also be present along with the above symptoms.

10. Coffea Cruda – For Sleep Issues

Coffea Cruda is a medicine used to treat sleep issues in fibromyalgia. The person needing this medicine has severe insomnia (sleeplessness). It is indicated in cases of restlessness and disturbed sleep. Hypersensitivity towards pain is another common feature.

11. Ignatia Amara – For Fibromyalgia with Depression

Ignatia Amara is a plant-based medicine prepared from the St.Ignatius bean of the Loganiaceae family. Ignatia is a natural medicine for fibromyalgia and depression. A history of some emotional shock like loss of a loved one, or any major grief or disappointment may be present in people needing this medicine. Symptoms of depression like sadness, weeping, desire to be alone are well marked along with mental and physical exhaustion.

12. Causticum – Natural Treatment for Fibromyalgia with Widespread Pains

Causticum is a medicine for treating fibromyalgia with widespread pains. Pain is prominent in the neck, lower back, buttocks, shoulders, shoulder blades, elbows, and knees. The pains are present constantly and can vary in intensity. There is tearing pain in the back of the neck along with stiffness. Pinching, cramping pain in the lumbar region and buttocks, pressure and pain over the shoulders which is worse on motion, pressing pain in the elbows, and marked pain in the hips during the night are present. There are tearing pains in the limbs that shift from one part to another.

13. Acid Phos – For Fibromyalgia with Brain Fog

Acid Phos is a natural medicine for fibromyalgia where a person suffers from extreme brain fog. The person needing this remedy finds it difficult to collect thoughts and may experience a random disassociation in thoughts along with mental weakness. The person may find it difficult to comprehend things or concentrate on a task. In most cases, a history of some grief or sorrow may be present. Issues of sleeplessness and extreme weakness may also be present with the above symptoms.

An Explanation of Fibromyalgia

No clear mechanism explains the cause of fibromyalgia. The most common theory suggests that people who have fibromyalgia are in fact, suffering from some problem with the pain reception. Such people develop an increased sensitivity towards pain. Their body’s tendency to feel pain is higher as compared to others. In other words, we can say that they have low threshold levels to tolerate any painful condition.
The most common factors responsible for this increased sensitivity to pain are serotonin, Substance P (a peptide) and nerve growth factors. In fibromyalgia, there is a low level of serotonin which plays a vital role in inhibiting pain signals. Further, there are high levels of Substance P and nerve growth factor present, which spread the pain signals. All these factors together lead to central sensitization of the brain, causing hypersensitivity to pain and chronic pain. So, the individual suffering with fibromyalgia will experience more pain to the same injury as compared to someone who does not have fibromyalgia.
Due to central sensitization, the patient tends to develop hypersensitivity to touch or to the things which generally do not cause pain. Their brain is in a constant state of high reactivity. That is why they also experience pains, even if touched gently. Because of central sensitization, the pain tends to get worse if the individual is going through some psychological or physical stress like anxiety, depression, injury/trauma or sleeplessness. This central sensitization can develop due to multiple factors in people with fibromyalgia, like after an injury/trauma or surgery, depression, insomnia, and some genetic factors.

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Pain is the primary symptom of fibromyalgia. The pain associated with fibromyalgia often is widespread and is described as a constant deep, dull ache. However sometimes throbbing, sharp, shooting, burning pains can also be present. The pain is present in the muscles, tendons, ligaments and around the joints. Exercise tends to worsen the pain. Numbness and tingling sensations and stiffness upon lying in the same position for too long are other symptoms.

A person with fibromyalgia has tender points, which are about nine pairs of specific points in the body which when pressed cause intense pain.
As per the guidelines of American College of Rheumatology guidelines, a person is said to have fibromyalgia when at least 11 of these 18 tender points are painful when a certain amount of pressure is applied on them. The tender points located around the back of the neck, front of the neck, hips, elbows, lower back, upper back knees, chest, and shoulders.

Fatigue (tiredness) is another major complaint in people who have fibromyalgia. Even after sleeping for long hours people with fibromyalgia feel tired and drained out. Some people describe this fatigue similar to that experienced during the flu. The person feels too tired to do simple, everyday things.

Most people with fibromyalgia have sleep issues. They may have difficulty falling asleep or maintaining sleep. Some may experience poor sleep quality in the form of light or easily disturbed sleep. Sleep disturbances arise due to a pain that wakes the person frequently at night. Sleep disturbance may also be linked with other sleep disorders, such as restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea that many people with fibromyalgia tend to have. Feeling unrefreshed and weak in the morning is also very common.

Fibro-fog and cognitive problems are other symptoms of fibromyalgia wherein a person has difficulty paying attention, focussing and concentrating on mental tasks. Remembering information, learning new things, and following conversations also becomes difficult.

Apart from the above, other symptoms and related conditions include headaches, depression, anxiety, tingling, prickling, numbness, burning sensation in hands, feet, arms, legs, pain in lower abdomen, painful periods in women, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Triggering Factors

Family History – A person with a family history of fibromyalgia is at risk to develop it.

Gender – Women are more at risk of developing fibromyalgia. According to NIAMS (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases), between 80 to 90 % diagnosed cases of fibromyalgia are women, and the female hormone estrogen has been linked to this.

Age – Fibromyalgia is usually diagnosed between the ages of 20 to 50 years.

Other Diseases – People with certain diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, are at an increased risk to develop fibromyalgia.

Sleep Disorders – People with sleep disorders including sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome tend to develop fibromyalgia.

Infections – Infections caused by certain viruses tend to trigger or worsen fibromyalgia. These viruses include the Epstein-Barr virus, influenza virus, and viruses that cause hepatitis B and C. Apart from this, Lyme disease caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi is also linked with fibromyalgia.

Trauma – Physical or mental trauma can trigger fibromyalgia. Physical injury mainly in the cervical spine is linked with fibromyalgia. Emotional trauma like a divorce or the death of a family member/ loved one is another trigger factor noted in cases of fibromyalgia.

Diagnosing Fibromyalgia

It is often difficult to diagnose fibromyalgia because of the lack of a specific investigation. Further, its symptoms (mainly pain) mimic many other conditions. A diagnosis for fibromyalgia is made when the patient experiences widespread pain in the tender points of the body for a minimum of three months for no specific reason.

Clinical Diagnosis for Fibromyalgia

There are no lab tests that can confirm a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Certain tests are done to rule out other conditions that have symptoms (mainly chronic pain) similar to fibromyalgia. These include a rheumatoid factor, anti-CCP ( anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide), ESR, CBC (complete blood count), and thyroid function test.

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