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Homeopathic Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Homeopathic Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

For a rheumatoid arthritis patient ,the quality of life can be severely affected by relentless pains, stiffness and fatigue. Even small activities like writing, opening a jar lid or simple walking inside the house can cause great pain and fatigue. If you thought, living with pain and fatigue for ever was the only option for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patient, then try homeopathy. The treatment for rheumatoid arthritis in homeopathy is very effective in early and moderate stages of the disease. Homeopathic medicines can control, relieve and even cure rheumatoid arthritis; Although in advanced stages, where the deformities have taken place in the joints, homeopathy may not be of much help.

Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by inflammation of the lining of the joints (synovium) causing pain swelling and eventually deformity. The main symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are pain in joints, swelling, and tenderness of the joints, stiffness of the affected joints, hard bumps like nodules under the skin in the affected joints, tiredness, fever, reduced appetite and weight loss. The small joints like wrist, hands, feet and ankle are affected first. Big joints like elbow knee, hip and jaw are affected later as the disease progresses.

Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by a misdirected immune response; also called as auto immune disorders. The immune system (defense system) is a complex organization of cells (antibodies) designed normally to “seek and destroy” invaders of the body, particularly infections. Patients with autoimmune diseases have antibodies in their blood that target their own body tissues, This means that in Rheumatoid Arthritis , body’s own defense cells ( antibodies, mainly white blood cells whose purpose is to fight bacteria’s and other microorganisms entering our body), start attacking the lining (synovium) of the joints. This causes inflammation in the synovium which over the period of time releases proteins. These proteins cause arthritic changes in the cartilage, bones, ligament and tendons of the joints.Although it is not completely understood, but researchers believe, that genetic and environmental factors are responsible for the triggering an attack of rheumatoid arthritis.

The reason why homeopathy is effective in treating early and not so advanced stages of rheumatoid arthritis, is the fact that homeopathy is very efficiency in treating and modifying auto immune disorders. Homeopathic medicines used for treating rheumatoid arthritis, gradually desensitize our immune system and are able to optimize this over reaction of the defense system ; Thus, controlling the further onslaught on joints. Homeopathic medicines also reduce the inflammation and fatigue in a very natural way and do not produce any kind of side effects. Anemia that occurs in RA is very effectively treated with homeopathic medicine Ferrum Metallicum. Homeopathic medicines that are used in treating RA are Colchicum , Rhus Tox , Caulophyllum , ledum pal and Carcinocin. The Scope of homoeopathic treatment in rheumatoid arthritis is very favorable. But the patient needs to understand that the homeopathic system is aiming to clear out the disease from the body and not trying merely to suppress or give temporary relief .Thus it could take a while before one experiences relief. The time for its treatment is dependent on various factors-The chronicity of the disease (the duration since the disease has been in the body), genetic propensity and the extent of damage.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 7 Homeopathic Remedies For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), as the name suggests, refers to a constant feeling of being tired physically and mentally, almost like the body’s vital systems are switched off or are working on a low battery. It is also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis. Recently, a new term has been introduced to denote this syndrome called Systemic Exertional Intolerance Disease (SEID). It is diagnosed when extreme tiredness remains for a minimum six months that decreases the ability to do daily routine activities and is unexplained by any underlying medical condition.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be very effectively treated with natural homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic medicines help the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients by increasing their body stamina and threshold for bearing fatigue against a particular level of exertion. They also help in energising the body’s immune system to come out of extreme physical or mental weakness and rejuvenate the person. Homeopathic medicines provide long term relief in CFS cases by working at a deep level to root out the cause. The regular use of homeopathic medicines for a recommended time period as suggested by a homeopath can help in reducing dependency on conventional medicines to a great extent.

Safe, Natural treatment

Homeopathy is a safe, natural healing system of medicine that treats CFS without any sort of unwanted harmful after effects. As homeopathic medicines are sourced from natural substances these are completely safe to use with zero side effects. These are capable of treating CFS in a very gentle, harmless way and help in recovering naturally.

Individualized treatment

Homeopathy follows the principle of individualisation when it comes to prescribing homeopathic medicine for any case including CFS. It means that homeopathy selects the most appropriate remedy by evaluating the characteristic key symptoms in every individual case rather than prescribing the same medicine in all persons having CFS. Such well-selected individualised medicines bring great recoveries in CFS cases.

Boosts self-healing mechanism of the body

Each one of us has a self-healing mechanism in the body to fight health issues and overpower them. Homeopathy works to boost this mechanism to deal with CFS and overcome it on its own naturally. In this way, initially the symptoms of CFS are relieved followed by gradual decrease in the intensity and frequency of recurrent episodes of symptoms till the time it goes away completely.

Top 7 Homeopathic Remedies For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The top seven medicines for chronic fatigue syndrome are Kali Phos, Arsenic Album, Coffea Cruda, Gelsemium, Rhus Tox, Belladonna and Ignatia.

1. Kali Phos – Top Remedy For CFS

Kali Phos leads the chart of homeopathic medicines for treating cases of CFS. It is recommended to manage multiple concerns in persons having this syndrome. To begin with, it is a marvellous medicine to manage fatigue. It can be given when even the slightest mental or physical exertion leads to extreme fatigue. Even a little work seems like a Herculean task. The person feels worn out with no energy at all. Secondly, it can be given to manage sleep issues. It is very effective in managing sleeplessness and restless sleep. Its use is indicated to manage weak memory, forgetfulness, and impaired memory. Forgetfulness is noticeable while speaking or writing. Lastly, it can be used for persons having a stressed mind, worries, sadness, and depression.

When to use Kali Phos?

Kali Phos can be used as a first remedy in CFS cases to manage tiredness, sleep issues, memory problems, and depressive feelings.

How to use Kali Phos?

Though Kali Phos can be used in different potencies, the best results have been witnessed from 6X potency that comes in tablet form. Kali Phos can be taken in 6X potency three to four times a day (4 tablets at a time makes one dose of this medicine for adults).

2. Arsenic Album – For Extreme Tiredness

Arsenic Album is highly effective to manage extreme tiredness. It suits those who feel like lying down all the time due to excessive fatigue. Even a little exertion leads to utmost lack of strength and weakness. Standing, walking and the slightest exertion result in fatigue. Such persons also hesitate to do anything due to fear of exertion because they anticipate exhaustion. Apart from disabling fatigue, Arsenic Album can also treat anxiety.

When to use Arsenic Album?

Arsenic Album is an ideal choice to manage extreme tiredness in cases of CFS from the slightest exertion with a desire to lie down all time

How to use Arsenic Album?

It is available in different potencies varying from low (like 30C) to high (like 200C, 1M). To begin with, it is advised to take this medicine in 30C potency once or twice a day. Kindly consult a homeopathic doctor to use its high potencies.

3. Coffea Cruda – For Sleep Issues

Coffea Cruda is a natural medicine to manage sleep issues. It is a top remedy to manage sleeplessness. Persons needing it have a lot of thoughts and ideas in mind at night that keep them awake. It is also indicated for restless sleep and frequent waking from sleep. Its use is also considered when a person can sleep only specifically till 3:00 am after which no sleep occurs.

When to use Coffea Cruda?

Coffea Cruda can be used in CFS cases to deal with issues of sleeplessness and restless sleep.

How to use Coffea Cruda?

This medicine works wonders in 30C potency. Coffea Cruda 30C can be taken two times a day.

4. Gelsemium – For Weakness, Dizziness, Muscle Pain, Poor Concentration

Gelsemium is a herbal medicine to manage weakness and dizziness. Persons needing Gelsemium have marked weakness and sleepiness throughout the day. Heaviness in the head may also be felt. Dizziness and vertigo are also marked. It gets worse when walking and from head movement. Muscle weakness and pain also show their impact on them. The muscle pain is mostly present in the neck, shoulders, back, hips and legs. The patient may also experience trembling and weakness in limbs. Besides the above indications, it is also useful when there is dullness of mind and poor concentration.

When to use Gelsemium?

This medicine proves effective for those having weakness, dizziness, muscle pain and concentration issues.

How to use Gelsemium?

Its use is usually recommended in 30C power that can be taken twice a day.

5. Rhus Tox – For Muscle Or Joint Pain

Rhus Tox is the most widely used homeopathic medicine for muscle or joint pain. It is usually the first choice of medicine of most physicians to manage muscle or joint pain. The key indication for its use is worsening of pains from rest and relief from movement. There may also occur relief in joint pain from massage or warm applications.

When to use Rhus Tox?

Rhus Tox can be given in cases having muscle or joint pains anywhere in the body that gets worse from movement and better from rest.

How to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine can be used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M. In the beginning, Rhus Tox 30C can be used two to three times a day. When pain decreases, its dosage can be reduced. Do not self-medicate with its high potencies like 200C, 1M.

6. Belladonna – To Manage Headaches

To treat headaches though there are numerous medicines in homeopathy, but Belladonna tops the list. It is the most commonly used medicine for headache. In most cases that need it, headache is throbbing, pulsating type. It may get worse from noise and light exposure. Binding the head tightly brings relief.

When to use Belladonna?

The use of Belladonna should be preferred in CFS cases to manage headache, especially when it gets worse from noise and light exposure.

How to use Belladonna?

It is usually used in 30C potency. This medicine can be taken in 30C potency two to three times a day as per the severity of the complaint.

7. Ignatia – For Managing Depression

Ignatia is a prominent natural homeopathic remedy to deal with depression in chronic fatigue syndrome. It is best suited when there is sadness along with weeping spells. Consolation worsens the complaint. Next, there may be a desire to remain alone and, aversion to meeting people and going out of the house. At times, there are mood swings.

When to use Ignatia?

This medicine can be given to persons who feel sad and depressed with frequent weeping episodes in cases of CFS.

How to use Ignatia?

This medicine can be taken in 30C potency once or twice a day.

What Are The Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

1. Fatigue: It is the main symptom. Fatigue is marked to such an extent that it hinders daily routine work and taking resting does not bring much relief. It gets worse from activity, either physical or mental.

2. Sleep issues: Sleeplessness or unrefreshing sleep

3. Pain: Pain may occur in muscles or joints. Headache can also occur

4. Poor memory, difficultythinking, indecisiveness, confusion or poor and difficult concentrating power

5. Sore throat

6. Depressed feelings and mood swings

7. Dizziness

8. Enlarged lymph nodes in neck or axillae (armpits)

What Are Causes/ Contributory Factors Behind It?

The exact cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is not clear, but various factors have been linked to it though not confirmed. These contributory factors include:

1. Viral infection (Epstein Barr virus, herpes simplex virus1 and 2, human herpes virus 6, measles virus, cytomegalovirus)

2. Dysfunction of immune system

3. Genetic predisposition toward Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

4. Hormonal imbalance: Imbalance of hormones produced by pituitary glands, adrenal glands is suspected

5. Stress: It may include either mental stress or physical stress as caused by some injury or surgery


Some complications of CFS include depression, anxiety, social isolation and restricted lifestyle.

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Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Wet Weather Allergies & Homeopathy

Wet weather is a much-awaited season but it brings with it its share of miseries too. Skin disorders, viral fever, respiratory problems and gastroenteritis are always on the rise during this weather. Most viral fever cases are reported during this weather. Fungal infections on the skin like ring worm and athletes foot are very common.

Some of the asthmatics experience an increase in their breathing problems. Cases of gastroenteritis (diarrhea, vomiting, etc) are usually very high in wet weather as compared to other seasons. All this is so due to the fact that the hot and moist environment during this period is favorable for micro-organisms to thrive. So, the best way is to have a small homeopathic kit to prevent and treat wet weather-related ailments.

Fungal infections on the skin are the most common of all and can be effectively treated with homeopathy. Too of the most common fungal infections during this time are athletes foot and ring worm. Athletes foot is a fungal infection that can affect usually the front part of the foot. Mostly it is between the toes and the underside of the front part of the foot. It is usually marked by red itchy patches and white flaky skin. It has nothing to do with the foot of an athlete; in reality, it can affect anybody.

This disease is more common in hot and moist weather and is more frequently seen in people who keep their feet enclosed in shoes or socks most of the time. It is caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes. It is slightly contagious and can spread through direct contact, towels, shoes, socks, etc. Not changing your sweaty socks frequently also contributes to this disorder. Homeopathic medicine Graphite can work wonders in treating athletes foot. Another medicine, Sanicula, is helpful if Graphite fails.

Ringworm is characterised by a raised brownish red patch which can occur anywhere around the body. They are usually marked with a ring around it. It does not have a ring-shaped worm inside it (as it is popularly believed). Ring worm is caused by the same fungi group. Tellurium and Sepia are very effective in treating this condition.

For some of the asthmatics, rains are not a welcome sign as their breathing problems tend to increase during this period. This is mainly due to an increase in moulds and fungi. This also leads to an increase in upper respiratory allergies. Natrum Sulph works very effectively in handling this problem. an added advantage with Natrum Sulph is that it can eradicate the problem forever by striking at its roots.

Influenzas, or viral fever as it is popularly called is much more on the rise during this weather. As a preventive, homeopathic medicine Influenzinum can give a great deal of protective cover from viral fevers. Rhus Tox is greatly indicated when fever starts after getting drenched in rain. Veratrum Album is preferred for gastroenteritis. Also, Arsenic Album is very helpful when the source of infection in gastroenteritis is water-borne.

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Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Wet Weather Allergies & Homeopathy

Wet weather is a much-awaited season but it brings with it its share of miseries too. Skin disorders, viral fever, respiratory problems and gastroenteritis are always on the rise during this weather. Most viral fever cases are reported during this weather. Fungal infections on the skin like ring worm and athletes foot are very common.

Some of the asthmatics experience an increase in their breathing problems. Cases of gastroenteritis (diarrhea, vomiting, etc) are usually very high in wet weather as compared to other seasons. All this is so due to the fact that the hot and moist environment during this period is favorable for micro-organisms to thrive. So, the best way is to have a small homeopathic kit to prevent and treat wet weather-related ailments.

Fungal infections on the skin are the most common of all and can be effectively treated with homeopathy. Too of the most common fungal infections during this time are athletes foot and ring worm. Athletes foot is a fungal infection that can affect usually the front part of the foot. Mostly it is between the toes and the underside of the front part of the foot. It is usually marked by red itchy patches and white flaky skin. It has nothing to do with the foot of an athlete; in reality, it can affect anybody.

This disease is more common in hot and moist weather and is more frequently seen in people who keep their feet enclosed in shoes or socks most of the time. It is caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes. It is slightly contagious and can spread through direct contact, towels, shoes, socks, etc. Not changing your sweaty socks frequently also contributes to this disorder. Homeopathic medicine Graphite can work wonders in treating athletes foot. Another medicine, Sanicula, is helpful if Graphite fails.

Ringworm is characterised by a raised brownish red patch which can occur anywhere around the body. They are usually marked with a ring around it. It does not have a ring-shaped worm inside it (as it is popularly believed). Ring worm is caused by the same fungi group. Tellurium and Sepia are very effective in treating this condition.

For some of the asthmatics, rains are not a welcome sign as their breathing problems tend to increase during this period. This is mainly due to an increase in moulds and fungi. This also leads to an increase in upper respiratory allergies. Natrum Sulph works very effectively in handling this problem. an added advantage with Natrum Sulph is that it can eradicate the problem forever by striking at its roots.

Influenzas, or viral fever as it is popularly called is much more on the rise during this weather. As a preventive, homeopathic medicine Influenzinum can give a great deal of protective cover from viral fevers. Rhus Tox is greatly indicated when fever starts after getting drenched in rain. Veratrum Album is preferred for gastroenteritis. Also, Arsenic Album is very helpful when the source of infection in gastroenteritis is water-borne.

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Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Disc Prolapse

What is disc bulge?

Disc or more appropriately intervertebral disc refers to the pad of fibro cartilage lying between vertebras. Vertebras are bone in the back stacked one above the other, 33 of them in all. Each intervertebral disc lies between two vertebrae or in other words, separates two vertebrae. There are 23 intervertebral discs in total. These cartilaginous pads act as shock absorbers whenever excessive stress or strain is put on the spine. An intervertebral disc has two parts – thick outer fibrous ring called annulus fibrosus and inner gel-like material called nucleous pulposus. Disc bulge refers to bulging out of the intact disc from its normal space. Although disc bulge can arise in any part of the spine, it is most common in the lumbar and cervical spine. A person may have single or multiple disc bulges at varying levels in the spine.

Can Homeopathy treat disc bulge?

Disc bulge can be treated with excellence under the Homeopathic mode of treatment. Mild to moderate cases of disc bulge have a good chance of complete recovery with Homeopathic medicines. In severe cases of disc bulge, symptomatic relief can be expected with Homeopathic medicines. In such cases, symptoms of back pain, tingling, numbness and weakness in limbs can all be managed successfully. Among the most well indicated Homeopathic medicines for disc bulge, the major ones are – Rhus Tox, Hypericum Perforatum, Colocynthis, Magnesium Phos and Paris Quadrifolia.

What causes disc bulge?

Various factors can cause a disc bulge. The first among them is age. With advancing age, the discs start to lose their elasticity and lubricating fluid and become brittle, making them bulge out. Injury to the spine can also cause a disc to bulge as also repetitive bending of the back. Lifting heavy weights is another major risk factor. Being overweight also puts a person at a higher risk of disc bulge.

How do I know I have cervical disc bulge?

The first visible symptom of a cervical disc bulge is pain in the neck. The pain may travel to the shoulders, arms and down to the hands and fingers. When a disc bulge pinches upon a nerve, it leads to numbness, tingling, formication in the upper limbs. Weakness of upper limbs may also be present.

What are the symptoms of lumbar disc bulge?

A person having lumbar disc bulge may not experience any symptom at all. Where symptoms do show up in lumbar disc bulge, the first among them would be pain in the lower back. The next symptom that is likely to arise from a lumbar disc bulge from nerve pinching is pain in the lower back that radiates down the lower limbs. The pain radiating from lower back to the lower limbs is termed as sciatica. Sciatica can be right or left sided. Numbness, tingling, weakness of the lower limbs are yet other accompanying symptoms.

What does disc bulge diagnosis involve?

Investigation to confirm disc bulge includes MRI of the back. It will reveal the exact location of the disc bulge and the nerves that are affected.

Does a disc bulge always cause pain?

No, it is not mandatory for all disc bulge cases to feel pain. Many persons have disc bulge without even knowing that they do as they never experience any symptoms.

Is disc bulge the same as disc herniation?

No, disc bulge and disc herniation are not the same. Disc bulge simply refers to bulging out of the intact disc from its normal space. In disc herniation, there is a crack in the outer fibrous layer of disc that makes the gel-like material inside the inter vertebral disc ooze out.

Which part of the spine is most likely to suffer a disc bulge?

Although disc bulge can arise in any part of spine, it is most common in the lumbar and cervical spine.

I have numbness, tingling in hands. Could it be due to cervical disc bulge?

Yes, cervical disc bulge can cause numbness and tingling in hands. These symptoms arise due to pinching of the nerve from disc bulge in the cervical region. However, similar symptoms may arise due to other medical conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and peripheral neuropathy as well. Further investigation would be required to confirm disc bulge.

I have had lower back pain for a few months. Should it be investigated for disc bulge?

Disc bulge is one of the major causes leading to lower back pain. However, it is not the only cause of lower back pain. It can arise due to several other reasons including degeneration of the disc, muscle sprain, muscle spasm in the back, osteoarthritis, spondylolisthesis and osteoporosis.

I have been advised surgery for lumbar disc bulge. Can it be avoided with Homeopathic medicines?

Yes, Homeopathic medicines offer great alternative to surgery in treating lumbar disc bulge. Mild, moderate disc bulge cases show complete recovery with Homeopathic medicines. Severe disc bulge cases, too, can be symptomatically managed with Homeopathic mode of treatment.

Can Homeopathic medicines completely cure disc bulge?

Yes, disc bulge can be cured with Homeopathic medicines. However, the results vary as per the severity and intensity of the case. Depending upon the severity of the case, either complete cure is possible or Homeopathic medicines can provide symptomatic relief from disc bulge.

FAQs – Homeopathic medicines for disc bulge

Which Homeopathic medicines are most effective in treating disc bulge?

Homeopathic medicines Rhus Tox, Paris Quadrifolia, Colocynthis and Magnesium Phos rate among the most effective for treating disc bulge.

Which Homeopathic medicine can I take for my neck pain from cervical disc bulge?

Neck pain from cervical disc bulge can be treated very efficiently with Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox.

My MRI shows disc bulge at C5-6 and C6-7 level, with pain in neck and numbness in the hands. Which Homeopathic medicine would you advise?

Paris Quadrifolia is the best choice of Homeopathic medicine for treating pain in the neck and numbness in hands from cervical disc bulge.

Which Homeopathic medicine is indicated for treating tingling in upper limbs in a cervical disc bulge case?

Kalmia Latifolia is the prominently indicated Homeopathic medicine for tingling in the upper limbs from cervical disc bulge.

I have had lower back pain for a few months and my MRI shows disc bulge at L4-L5 level. Can Homeopathic medicines help me?

Yes, Homeopathic medicines can treat your lower back pain from disc bulge at L4-L5 level. Rhus Tox and Aesculus Hippocastanum remain the most effective and reliable Homeopathic medicines for treating lower back pain from disc bulge.

Which Homeopathic medicine would you suggest for pain in lower back radiating down the right leg (sciatica) in a lumbar disc bulge case?

Among the wide range of Homeopathic medicines for treating right-sided sciatica from disc bulge, the most beneficial is Magnesium Phos.

Is there a Homeopathic medicine for treating lower back pain radiating down the left lower limb (left sided sciatica) from disc bulge?

Yes, Homeopathy offers a wide range of medicines to treat left-sided sciatica arising from disc bulge. The most significant among these is Homeopathic medicine Colocynthis.

In case of sciatica attended with numbness from disc bulge, which Homeopathic medicine will work?

The most appropriate Homeopathic medicine for treating sciatica attended with numbness from disc bulge is Gnaphalium Polycephalum.

Can Homeopathic medicines treat disc bulge resulting from injury?

Yes, Homeopathic medicines can significantly treat disc bulge arising from injury. In my clinical practice, Homeopathic medicines Hypericum Perforatum and Rhus Tox have shown great results in such cases.

I have developed disc bulge in the lumbar region from lifting heavy weight. Which Homeopathic medicine will help?

For your lumbar disc bulge arising from lifting heavy weight, Rhus Tox is the most suitable Homeopathic medicine.

Homeopathic Medicines for Disc Bulge

Rhus Tox – Top Homeopathic medicine for disc bulge in cervical or lumbar spine

Rhus Tox is one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for disc bulge cases. Rhus Tox offers great help in disc bulge in the cervical and lumbar region. The key symptom signalling use of Rhus Tox is severe pain in the neck or lower back as per the region of disc bulge. The person who needs Rhus Tox may feel relief in pain with pressure or from massage. Others may feel better with movement or while walking. Another indicative feature for using Rhus Tox is worsening of lower back pain while sitting and while at rest. Rhus Tox is also very useful for disc bulge arising from lifting heavy weights or from injury.

Paris Quadrifolia – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for cervical disc bulge with pain in neck and numbness in upper limbs

Paris Quadrifolia is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for treating cervical disc bulge. The chief guiding feature for selecting Paris Quadrifolia is pain in the neck and numbness in upper limbs. Numbness may be felt in the arms, hands or fingers. Pain in the neck may travel down the arms. Feeling of weight in the neck and across the shoulders is another attending feature.

Kalmia Latifolia – Wonderful Homeopathic medicine for cervical disc bulge with tingling sensation in upper limbs

For cervical disc bulge with tingling, pricking sensation in the arms or hands, Kalmia Latifolia is a most reliable and effective Homeopathic medicine. Weakness in the hands may also arise. Pain from neck travelling down the arms is a key symptom where Homeopathic medicine Kalmia Latifolia will show best results.

Aesculus Hippocastanum – Significant Homeopathic medicine for treating lower back pain from lumbar disc bulge

Aesculus Hippocastanum is a very significant Homeopathic medicine for treating lower back pain from disc bulge. The pain in lower back may radiate to hips. The person needing Aesculus Hippocastanum may feel the pain worsen from walking or stooping. Rising from a sitting position is also very difficult for persons requiring Aesculus Hippocastanum. There is the sensation as if the back might break.

Magnesium Phos – Well indicated Homeopathic medicine for lumbo sacral disc bulge with right-sided sciatica

Magnesium Phos is a prominently indicated Homeopathic medicine for lumbar sacral disc bulge, especially where accompanied by right-sided sciatica. The person needing Magnesium Phos feels pain in the lower back radiate down the hip, leg and down to the foot on the right side. The nature of this pain may be shooting, sharp, stitching or cutting type. The person needing Magnesium Phos may feel relief from applying pressure on the painful area.

Colocynthis – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for lumbar disc bulge with left-sided sciatica

Colocynthis is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for treating lumbar disc bulge where the main compliant is left-sided sciatica. The major symptom is pain in the lower back extending down the hip, leg and foot on the left side. The character of the pain may be cramping, shooting, lightening and shock-like or tearing in nature. Pressure and warm applications may relieve the pain. Lying on the left side may also provide relief.

Gnaphalium Polycephalum – Best Homeopathic medicine for treating lumbar disc bulge with sciatica and numbness in lower limbs

Gnaphalium Polycephalum is a very suitable Homeopathic medicine for disc bulge where sciatica, attended with numbness in lower limbs, is the chief symptom. Pain in the lower back radiates down the lower limbs along the course of the sciatic nerve. The person may feel better by flexing the thigh on abdomen.

Hypericum Perforatum and Rhus Tox – Homeopathic medicines for treating disc bulge from injury

For disc bulge resulting from injury, Homeopathic medicines Hypericum Perforatum and Rhus Tox come highly recommended. Hypericum Perforatum is given in case of violent, sharp pain in the lower back following injury. Walking and stooping is impossible and cause violent pain. It is also indicated for pain shooting up the spine and down the limbs. The person who needs Hypericum Perforatum may also have neck pain. The neck may be extremely sensitive to the touch from cervical disc bulge following injury. Movement of arms worsening neck pain is also a sign that Hypericum Perforatum is the choice of Homeopathic medicine. Hypericum Perforatum is also the medicine to use for tingling and burning in the limbs from a pinched nerve in the back. Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is indicated for disc bulge of both cervical as well as lumbar region. In case of cervical disc bulge, it is useful when neck pain gets better with heat or massage. In case of lumbar disc bulge, Rhus Tox is considered if the lower back pain gets better with movement or hard pressure.

Lifestyle measures can help better manage disc bulge

Some basic lifestyle measures, if adopted, will be of great help in managing the disc bulge complaint:

  • Avoiding lifting heavy weight
  • Avoid bending the spine; if need be, consider bending on the knees instead of waist
  • Exercise to strengthen the back and maintain flexibility
  • Avoid sitting for long hours and jumping
  • Lose that excess weight
  • Take proper sleep
  • Meditate, do calming exercise to keep stress away

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Sepia – The Wonder Drug for Females

Homeopathic remedy Sepia has a profound action on the nervous system and is primarily considered to be a female remedy (although it works for men too). It is prepared from the dried liquid contained in the ink bag of cuttlefish. With its large eyes and languid body, the cuttlefish is representative of the this constitution – sensitive, strong and endearing. This fish is found mainly in the Mediterranean sea.      Sepia

Majorly, it is used for treating female disorders including hormonal imbalance, menstrual irregularities, menopausal syndrome, hot flashes, depression, prolapse of uterus and PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).


To prepare this medicine, the dried liquid contained in the ink-bag of the cuttlefish is collected. It then undergoes the process of trituration to make it ready for homeopathic use.

The ‘Sepia’ Constitution

It is especially suited to people with physical features like dark hair, sallow complexion, and a slender built. They tend to have a mild and easy disposition and have exceedingly excitable, anxious personalities with sensitivity to all impressions. It is primarily a women’s remedy. There are two types of personalities associated with it.
It is suitable for women who are tall, slim and have a narrow pelvis and relaxed pelvic organs. This medicine in pregnancy is especially suited to women, and also during childbed (after delivery), during lactation, and during menopause.
It also suits well pot-bellied mothers, with a yellow saddle across the nose, who tend to have irritable nature. It is also called a washer woman’s remedy because it helps in treating complaints that are brought on or aggravated after laundry work. Such women tend to be sensitive to cold air and can faint easily upon getting wet or from exposure to extremes of heat or cold.

Clinical Indications

It has been used since ancient times for many ailments. Homeopathic physicians tend to use this medicine for treating freckles, leucorrhoea, gonorrhea, kidney stones, hair loss. After its proving in homeopathy, it is used in a wide range of medical ailments.
The medical ailments where this medicine is indicated include depression, menstrual irregularities, hormonal imbalance, menopausal syndrome, hot flashes, prolapse of uterus sterility/ infertility in females, dyspareunia, decreased libido, ovarian cyst, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), leucorrhoea, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), menstrual headache, dysmenorrhoea, PPD (postpartum depression ), genital herpes, vaginitis, facial hair, morning sickness, constipation, piles, varicose veins, bedwetting, urinary incontinence and kidney stones, UTI, ringworm, psoriasis, icthyosis, urticaria, freckles, acne, chloasma and hair fall.

The Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Conditions of the Mind

It is a very prominently indicated medicine for treating depression. In cases where it is indicated, the affected person feels excessive sadness and dejection with frequent attacks of weeping spells. There may be a great indifference towards everything, and the person may not have any desire to do any work. Indifference towards family members and friends is also markedly present.
It is a remedy very often prescribed to women who suffer from depression after childbirth and during the menopausal period. The affected female has a sad, morose, gloomy, melancholic, cross and highly irritable mood all the time. She breaks into weeping spells, feels helpless, and becomes totally indifferent. She loses all interest in life and living, and her family and friends once very dear to her. She tends to remain sad about her health and domestic affairs all the time, and dwell upon disagreeable events from her past. She dislikes the company of other people and desires loneliness.
The Sepia woman sits quietly, saying nothing. Consoling her can make things worse. She may have suicidal thoughts and tends to be nervous, sensitive and take offense easily. She is unable to tolerate any sort of criticism and frequently experiences attacks of anxiety with fear, with her face flushing with fear and heat. Anxiety and restlessness are highly marked during the night.
Her memory turns weak and she finds it difficult to comprehend things. Fatigue accompanies her mental troubles, with predominating physical and psychological exhaustion.

2. Female Disorders

As mentioned before, it is mainly a remedy for women. It is highly recommended for treating a number of uterine disorders in females.

3. Menstrual Irregularities

It is of great use in correcting menstrual irregularities and hormonal problems in women. Females needing this medicine have irregular periods that are early or late, but never on time. The periods also vary in flow, from scanty to profuse. It helps treat hormonal problems and regularises the menstrual cycle. Abdominal distress and pain in the back precede the periods. During periods, episodes of chilliness and fainting may occur.

4. Menstrual Complaints

It is a great remedy for treating menopausal complaints. The symptoms including hot flashes, sweats, mood swings, irritability, weakness, pulsating headaches during the menopausal period are managed wonderfully well with this remedy. Depression during menopause and after childbirth is also treated with this medicine. It also helps in treating hair fall during menopause.

5. Uterine Prolapse

It is also indicated in cases where there is a prolapse of the uterus, displacement of the uterus, and a retroverted uterus. A dragging, bearing down sensation in the pelvic region may be present. There is a downward pressure with a sensation as if the internal organs will come out through the vagina. It is accompanied by pain in the abdomen. The women must cross her limbs in order to prevent protrusion of the pelvic organs from the vagina.
These sensations are accompanied by a weakness in the back and the woman may give up while walking.

The use of this medicine is also considered in the case of sterility and infertility in females.

It helps in treating dyspareunia (painful intercourse in females), a low libido and an aversion to sex. The affected woman may find sexual intercourse intolerable. The sexual parts become tender to the touch, and the vagina feels very dry. The vagina is very dry. There may be bleeding after sexual intercourse.

6. Ovarian Cysts

It also helps in treating cysts in the ovaries. It is indicated when there is a pressure or a dull, heavy pain in the ovaries. There may be stinging or burning pains in the ovary.
It is also prominently indicated for PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). It treats PCOS by regularising the hormonal levels and treats conditions like the irregularity of periods, hair fall, acne, and facial hair.

7. Leucorrhoea

It is extensively used to treat leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge) and vaginitis.
In cases of leucorrhoea, the discharge is yellow, green, or milky and tends to smell foul or offensive. The discharge is excoriating (irritates the skin) in nature and can cause excessive itching in the vagina along with a burning sensation. Leucorrhoea becomes profuse after urination.
There is also associated pain the sacrum.

8. PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome)

It is used to treat PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and its associated symptoms like irritability, bloating, mood sensitivity, swollen/sensitive breast before periods and headache. It also helps treat headaches during periods.

In cases of dysmenorrhea, this remedy works very well. Uterine pains are very severe. Stitching, shooting, or lancinating pain in the uterus, and a bearing down sensation may be present. Nausea, vomiting and extreme weakness tend to be present along with painful periods. The flow of the period may be scanty, and the pain improves once a proper flow has been established.

It is used to treat PPD (postpartum depression) in females. The woman becomes emotionally shut down following childbirth and may develop an aversion to breastfeeding.

It further treats genital herpes in women in cases where vesicles appear on the genitals along with severe itching.

Some other concerns where this medicine is used include acne on the face that appears mainly before the menses, chloasma (facial pigmentation, brownish discoloration on face) and abnormal unnatural facial hair in women i.e. hirsutism.

9. During Pregnancy

It is indicated for certain health complaints that arise during pregnancy. It is an excellent remedy for morning sickness where there is vomiting of food, bile or milky fluid. Nausea becomes worse from the smell (and in some cases the mere thought) of food. It is also indicated for piles and constipation during pregnancy.
To lose weight gained during pregnancy, this medicine is often indicated. The development of varicose veins during pregnancy also indicate the need for this medicine.

10. Urinary Problems

It effectively treats major urinary troubles like bedwetting, urinary incontinence, kidney stones, and Urinary Tract Infections. In the case of bedwetting, it is indicated for bedwetting during the first part of sleep. Urinary incontinence (involuntary urination) from a cough, sneezing, and laughing is treated wonderfully with this medicine.  It is also highly beneficial for treating urinary incontinence in women.
The next indication for using this remedy is chronic cystitis (UTI). Here cutting, burning and smarting pain in the bladder during urination is marked. Constant pressure on the bladder is felt with an urgent inclination to pass urine. The urine is thick, foul-smelling and may be blood-stained.

11. Skin Ailments

It is used to treat chloasma or melasma (discoloration varying from light brown to dark brown color on the face). This pigmentation is marked on the nose and cheeks. It helps prevent the further spread of discoloration and lightens spots.

Next, it is used to treat ringworm infection, especially isolated spots. Recurrent ringworm infections, particularly in the spring season, are also indicative of its use.

Another skin complaint treated well with this remedy is psoriasis, in which red spots appear in large oval patches, covered with shining, white, adhesive scales.

It is well-indicated to treat icthyosis as well. Icthyosis is a genetically inherited skin disorder that is characterized by dry, flaky, scaly and thick skin that looks like that of a fish. The skin has an offensive odor.

It also helps treat excessive perspiration (hyperhidrosis) and offensive perspiration (bromidrosis).

In the case of small warts on hand and face, it is quite helpful.

Urticaria is the next skin complaint where this medicine works well. The key indication to use this remedy in urticaria are wheals with a burning, stitching-type itching that gets worse in the open air and better in a warm room.

It is indicated for common skin complaints like freckles, Mollusca, acne rosacea, and acne before periods in women.

It is also a remedy that works well to treat a fine, itchy rash that appears between the bends of the elbows and knees.

12. Gastric and Hepatic Troubles

It is used to treat the sinking, empty feeling in the pit of the stomach. The person may experience pressure in the stomach after eating a meal arise. Pain in the stomach after consuming simple food also indicates the need for this medicine.
It is also indicated for cramping, stitching or burning in the stomach.
For chronic hepatic troubles, where there is a sensation of fullness, pressure, sore pain and dull stitches in the liver region, this medicine is indicated.

13. Rectal Issues

The rectal complaints include constipation and piles. Constipation, where the stool is hard, large, or knotty, is treated well with this medicine. Pain in the rectum during and after stool may be felt. Tenesmus of the rectum may be marked. Excessive pain in the rectum is felt during passing stool, with burning and swelling in the anus.
It is also considered in cases of constipation where the person goes for days without any bowel movement. It is also used to treat constipation during pregnancy.
It works as a remedy for piles that tend to protrude with difficulty in passing urine.

14. Hair loss

It is highly effective to treat hair loss in females. Hair fall after childbirth and at menopause are strong indications for using this medicine.


It can be used in potency varying from 30 C to 1M. The potency and dosage vary from case to case. In case of low potency, it can be repeated often, while in high potencies its frequent repetition should not be made.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Complementary medicines are Nux Vomica and Natrum Mur.

Remedies that follow – Belladonna, Calc Carb, Graphites, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Sulphur and Rhus Tox.

Remedies that are incompatible/inimical are Bryonia Alba and Lachesis.

Antidoted by Aconite, Sulphur and Vegetable Acids.

More About the Sepia Woman

Quoting from one of the most classical descriptions by Margaret Tyler, the “sepia type” is not difficult to spot.

Picture her as a sallow, tired mother of a big family, on “washing day”. She is perspiring profusely, pouring under the arms. She cannot be shut in because of the heat and the stuffiness which make her feel faint. Her back aches badly. She wants to press it to support it. She feels she must sit down, or cross her legs, as her whole inside seems to be dragging down, and coming out of her. She simply must sit down to keep it in. The worry of the children is more than she can bear.

Her baby wants to be carried, and wails and screams. And when her six-year-old starts drumming with a spoon on a tin can, she can stand no more. She snatches the tin can and hurls it away, and smacks her small son which does not improve matters. He howls dismally, and she does not care. Oh! How she wants to run away and leave it all, and have a little peace! Her headaches.

The pain is left-sided today: last time it was on the right side, as she remembers. She is so nervous and jumpy. She has to hold on to the edge of the wash-tub to prevent herself from screaming. If she could only go away from everybody and everything, and lie alone, in the dark, and close her eyes! Her husband comes in. She has no smile to greet him. Nothing but dull indifference, weariness, and suffering. He must leave her alone. She has her work to do. If she could only lie down, she knows even 10 minutes’ sleep would make her a new woman! But there are the clothes to be ironed, cooking to be done, the stuffiness, the terrors of her restless children, with their noise and fidgeting.

Sleep is not for her. Her dull face has lost its contour, its bloom, and its pleasing lines. There are horrifying brown bands or blotches on the forehead, and saddlewise across the nose and cheekbones. She once was a bright and beautiful girl.

The description of the remedy is for the reader to identify with its sensitive characteristics. It helps the physician in selecting the true constitutional medicine. In no way does it endorse self-medication.

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First aid when cold starts

With the change in the weather, the chances of getting an exposure or a cold-related illness have increased considerably. One medicine that works wonders in saving you in the initial stages from any problem that arises out of an exposure to cold is Aconitum napelus, also commonly known as Aconite. Remember to have it in your pocket if you are trying to venture out on an extremely cold day. This medicine is effective only if it is used when the symptoms are just setting in. After the initial stages are over, it hardly gives any relief but is extremely effective in aborting nearly any kind of cold-related illness – common cold, headache, fever, runny nose, sneezing, etc. This can be taken as a preventive measure if you feel you’ve been exposed to a cold air and feel symptoms are bound to come sooner or later.

Take a few shots of aconite 30c and be rest assured that the attack is going to be aborted. If the first stage has just passed by and symptoms have been there for a while and signs of inflammation, heat and redness and swelling have already set in, Belladonna will work very effectively.

Runny nose: For colds with runny nose that starts off when one suddenly gets chilled or is exposed to cold air while being overheated, homoeopathic medicine Arsenic Album will help.

Sore throat: Sore throat in the winters and rattly cough that is very common is very well treated with Hepar Sulph. For throats and tonsils that, after an exposure, usually end up developing severe inflammation, Hepar Sulph is the best choice. Great pain while swallowing or even on touching the throat from outside is the key indication for Hepar Sulph to be prescribed. Coughs that come after an exposure which are of rattly nature and yield yellowish phlegm respond very well to Hepar Sulph.

Headaches: For people who develop headaches after a little bit of exposure, homoeopathic medicine Silicea will solve the problem immediately.

Body pain: For pains that may occur in joints and other parts of the body after an exposure to cold air, few doses of Rhus Tox can be of great help.

Chilblains: Low humidity levels and cold weather lead to the loss of moisture from the skin, resulting in a condition called “xerosis” or chapped skin. The skin becomes dry cracked and itchy. Homoeopathic medicine Petroleum is extremely effective in healing chapped skin and cuts in heels that arise in winters.

Chilblains occur due to an overexposure to cold. Some individuals develop it otherwise also in winter. They form due to the inflammation of the small blood vessels in fingers, toes, tip of ear, nose, etc. The skin gets red swollen and itchy and has a burning sensation which may even progress to form ulcers. Homoeopathic medicine Agaricus leads the table in treating chilblains very effectively.

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Homeopathy has been found to be very effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis mainly because it is an autoimmnue disorder – which basically means that the body’s own defences start eating up the joint tissue.

[Read more…]

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Cervical Spondylosis And Its Homeopathic Treatment

Neck Pain? It Could Be Cervical Spondylosis

Dr. Vikas Sharma

Neck pain is very common and most of us do experience this at some point in our lives. It can last from few days to weeks and is usually caused by straining or overuse of neck muscles. Such acute strains are usually due to incorrect postures on work with computers or while reading or driving. Acute conditions of neck get over within few days or weeks and usually require little or no medications. Pain that lasts more than few weeks need to be considered seriously, as it can be a sign of chronic neck pain also called as cervical spondylosis.

Cervical spondylosis results from chronic degeneration of the cervical spine (bones of the neck), As one ages, the intervertebral discs( cushions between the neck bones) lose their elasticity and become drier this causes them to become more brittle .Along with the degeneration of disks, bony out growths also form on the vertebrae which are called as osteophytes. These changes collectively lead to the compression of the nerve arising out of the spinal cord. This compression or irritation of the nerve leads to symptoms of pain, stiffness and numbness in the neck, arms and shoulder. The main symptoms in cervical spondylosis are pain in the neck( which may radiate to arm and shoulder) ,loss of sensation or numbness or abnormal sensation in the arms, hands or shoulders, Neck Stiffness , sensation of imbalance while walking, headache in the back part of the head extending from the back of the neck.

Neck injuries are one of the major causes of early cervical spondylosis. Aging is also one of the major contributors to the degeneration of cervical bones and discs. Men are more prone than women to suffer from it.

Homeopathy offers a very effective solution in controlling and treating the mild to moderate cases of cervical spondylosis. The amount of degenerative changes determines the time it would take for the case to respond to the homeopathic medicine. Early stages of cervical spondylosis respond very favorably and may take only few weeks for the patient to become better. Moderate levels of changes can take few weeks to few months to show appreciable results. Severe cases may or may not show any changes at all.

As homeopathy is primarily a ‘symptom dependant system of medicine’; the kind of symptoms depicted by the patient determines the choice of medicine. Pain and stiffness in the neck are very effectively treated with Rhus Tox, Lachnanthes, Guaiacum and Cimicifuga. Numbness and tingling sensation in the arms responds very well to Kalmia and Paris Quadrifolia. Sensations of imbalance or vertigo are well treated with Conium Maculatum. Degenerative changes and osteophytes respond to Acid Phos and Calcarea Flour respectively. Hypericum is often required to ease out the effects of injury to the nerve.

Please remember that prevention of cervical spondylosis lies in preventing repeated stress to the neck muscles. Repeated strain on muscles that support our cervical spine slowly leads to spondylytic changes; thus an ergonomic posture and an active life style is must in maintaining a healthy cervical spine and also in controlling further damage if already spondylytic changes have started.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Psoriasis: Its winter Aggravation and Homeopathy

Winters is not a good season for those who suffer from skin ailments, as some skin disorders tend to increase or get triggered during the cold weather. One such skin disorder is Psoriasis. Quite a few of the Patients who suffer from psoriasis have this tendency to develop flare-ups (increase in their symptoms) in winters.These winter flare-ups in psoriasis can range from mild to very severe. For some patients winter is the only time when they suffer from psoriasis, summers can be totally free from any attacks of psoriasis. Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for eradicating this tendency to develop psoriasis. Not only does it the winter flare-ups, it can very effectively cure psoriasis completely.

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder which can last for years together. Although there are many forms of psoriasis, the most common is the Plaque Psoriasis.In this form, Skin lesions are in patches which are red at the base and are covered by silvery scales. Shiny and Silvery scales are typical of psoriasis. This is usually accompanied by itching, soreness, and cracks. It varies in severity from small local patches to complete body coverage. Nails of fingers or toes are also affected.

Psoriasis occurs when immature skin cells from the lower layer of the skin surface move upwards even before they have matured. This leads to the profuse scaling of the skin. Under normal circumstances, the skin cells take about a month to mature, but in psoriasis, it takes just a few days for them to come up to the surface of the skin. Psoriasis has a strong genetic angle to it, about one-third of the cases have a family history of it. Psoriasis is an immune system driven disorder. The ‘t cells’ (one of our body’s defense cells) that are usually responsible for protecting our body against infections, by mistake, start an autoimmune process which leads to inflammation and the rapid production of immature skin cells.

Psoriasis, like much other skin disorder, tends to increase in winters. This is due to the fact that cold weather leads to dry skin. Also in winters, indoor heating arrangements can further rob the skin of the moisture leading to an increase in the symptoms of psoriasis. Hot and sunny climate help the skin to become better and moisturizing the skin can also help.

Homeopathy has an effective solution for psoriasis that aggravates during cold weather.T here are medicines in homeopathy that are there especially for treating winter flare-ups. Not only do they treat the ‘winter increase’ in psoriasis but also help in stopping the recurrence of psoriasis. Homeopathic medicines help in permanently eradicating the disorder from the body. This is possible because homeopathy works by optimizing the defense system of our body, and as Psoriasis is also a result of an overreaction of an immune response, homeopathy cures it by optimizing our defense system. The safety aspect also strengthens the case for homeopathic medicines to be used for treating psoriasis. While using them, the patient is not exposed to the risk of toxicity, as homeopathic medicines are highly diluted and side-effects are very uncommon.

Homeopathic Treatment of Psoriasis

Homeopathy is a natural, safe and effective science that treats skin complaints wonderfully well. Homeopathic medicines remain very successful in treating psoriasis by moderating the overactive immune system. Homeopathic medicines follow a curative approach in treating psoriasis and do not suppress it. In fact, by the time treatment ends, psoriasis is completely eradicated, in its full extent. Top grade Homeopathic medicines in this category are Arsenic Album, Arsenic Iodatum, Graphites, Petroleum and Sulphur. The ideal medicine is selected after an in-depth case study and analysis. Homeopathic medicines start by treating symptoms such as itching and burning in psoriatic lesions. The next step is stop further progression of the disease. In the last phase, Homeopathic medicines heal the psoriatic lesions. Homeopathic medicines have shown remarkable results in all kinds of psoriasis, including psoriatic arthritis.

 Homeopathic Medicines for Psoriasis

Arsenic Album – Effective Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis

Arsenic Album is one of the highly effective Homeopathic medicines for treating psoriasis. Indicative symptoms for use of Arsenic Album include rough patches of skin covered in scales. The patches may be brownish or blackish in colour. Roughness of the skin is very well marked. Burning sensation in eruptions may arise. The skin may be oversensitive. Swelling may also be present on the skin along with dry, patchy eruptions.

Sulphur – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis with marked itching

For psoriasis with intense itching in psoriatic lesions, Sulphur is an excellent choice of Homeopathic medicine. Though itching is present throughout the day, it gets worse in during the evening and at night. Another unique symptom to look out for while prescribing Sulphur is that the Itching worsens with warmth. Intense burning on the skin may also be felt. The skin is dry, unhealthy, dirty looking and covered in scales. Also, if psoriasis worsens in damp weather, Sulphur will work best. It is also a good choice of Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis cases that have been suppressed with external applications such as ointments.

Arsenic Iodatum – Wonderful Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis with exfoliation of abundant scales

A highly useful Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis with extreme exfoliation of abundant scales from the skin is Arsenic Iodatum. Beneath the scales, raw red skin is exposed. Dryness of skin with itching may also be present.

Petroleum – Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis set off during the winter

Petroleum is an appropriate choice of Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis that gets triggered during the winter. The skin is dry, hard, rough and very thick. Cracks on the skin may also be present. Bleeding from the cracked skin may be observed. The skin may look dirty. Petroleum is also one of the majorly indicated Homeopathic medicines for psoriasis of the hands and psoriasis arising in skin folds. The affected skin may be very sensitive to touch.

Graphites Naturalis – Top rated Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis of the scalp

Graphites Naturalis is one of the prominently indicated Homeopathic medicines for psoriasis of the scalp. It is useful where the scalp is covered in excessive scales. It is attended with intense itching. The scalp may emit foul odour and the hair may get matted together. Burning sensation on the scalp may arise in hot weather. The psoriatic lesions extend behind the ears. Graphites are also helpful in treating rawness in bends of skin as in the groin, armpits and behind the ears. Graphites also offer help in nail psoriasis. The symptoms for using this medicine in nail psoriasis are – deformed, crumbled, thick and painful nails.

Antimonium Crudum – Best Homeopathic medicine for nail psoriasis

Antimonium Crudum is a very useful Homeopathic medicine for treating nail psoriasis. The person needing Antimonium Crudum has brittle nails. In some cases, the nails grow out of shape. Nail discoloration is also observed. If there is pain under the skin of the nail, Antimonium Crudum is the ideal choice of Homeopathic medicine.

Rhus Tox – Homeopathic medicine for joint pains in psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis

Rhus Tox is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for joint pains arising in psoriasis cases. A person who needs prescribing Rhus Tox will have highly inflamed and painful joints. Joint stiffness will be marked. Warm applications on the affected joints bring relief. Movement, too, provides relief. On the other hand, exposure to cold air worsens joint pains.

Homeopathic Medicines for Psoriasis

Which Homeopathic medicines psoriasis would you rate as the best?

Among the majorly indicated Homeopathic medicines for psoriasis, Arsenic Album and Graphites are an excellent choice. Arsenic Album is very effective homeopathic medicine for psoriasis. Graphites  works wonders for treating skin as well as nail psoriasis.

 I have psoriasis with excessive itching, which Homeopathic medicine should I take?

Homeopathic medicine Sulphur remains highly successful in treating psoriasis attended with intense itching. Extreme burning may also arise in such cases. Do consult a Homeopathic practitioner before you take any medicine.

Please advise a Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis with abundant scale exfoliation?

Homeopathy offers a vast range of medicines for treating psoriasis with excessive scale exfoliation. However, in my clinical practice, Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Iodatum has shown the most wonderful recoveries in such cases. The exfoliation leaves behind a raw, red surface on the skin.

For psoriasis of the scalp, which Homeopathic medicine should I take?

The list is long, but I have found Homeopathic medicine Graphites Naturalis to be extremely useful in treating psoriasis of the scalp. A scalp covered in excessive scales, with itching and in some cases burning, will respond well to Graphites Naturalis.

What is the Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis of Nails?

Graphites Naturalis and Antimonium Crudum are well recognized Homeopathic medicines for nail psoriasis. A person with this condition has discolored, crumbling, brittle, painful nails.

In psoriasis that worsens in winters, which Homeopathic medicine would help?

Topmost on the list of most effective Homeopathic medicines for treating psoriasis cases that worsen during the winter is Petroleum. This Homeopathic medicine has amazing properties and will calm a flare-up and provide relief to the patient.

I have had psoriasis for a long time and now, my joints are inflamed and in pain. Please suggest a Homeopathic medicine.

Inflamed and painful joints in a person suffering from psoriasis refer to a condition called psoriatic arthritis. Homeopathy can definitely treat this condition. In my clinical practice, Rhus Tox has shown great results in cases of psoriatic arthritis. Highly inflamed, painful, swollen and stiff joints in psoriasis are all guiding symptoms for use of Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox.

 What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin disease characterized by well defined red patches covered in silvery white scales. Skin cells normally grow and are shed every 28 to 30 days. In psoriasis, the skin cells start to grow more rapidly, every 3 to 5 days. The skin cannot shed the excessive cells as quickly as they appear on its surface. The result is a build-up of cells on the skin referred to as plaque. The skin lesions in psoriasis may be attended with itching and burning, the intensity varying from case to case. Pain may be present along with itching and burning in psoriatic eruptions. Psoriasis is a disease that runs a remitting and relapsing course, that is to say that there is a phase when the psoriasis gets better, termed as the remitting phase, followed by an active phase, when the psoriasis flares up, termed as the relapsing phase.

How do I know I have psoriasis?

Psoriatic lesions have characteristic in appearance and are easily diagnosed. The presence of dry, red skin lesions with sharply defined borders covered in silvery white scales are well indicative of psoriasis. In case of nail psoriasis, the nails get discolored, deformed, brittle, crippled and may fall out. In a few cases of psoriasis, the joints may get inflamed and become painful. A few skin conditions like ringworm and eczema may look like psoriasis. However, the site of skin lesions, presence of possible triggers and positive family history of psoriasis support diagnosis. In rare cases, skin biopsy is required.

Why does psoriasis occur?

The clear cause of psoriasis is not yet known. However psoriasis is thought to be a disorder of autoimmune origin. Persons with psoriasis suffer an overactive immune system. The overactive immune cells, majorly T cells, cause skin inflammation and trigger the rapid skin cell growth. Psoriasis has a strong hereditary component. A person having a positive family history of psoriasis is at a high risk of suffering the condition.

How is psoriasis diagnosed?

Psoriasis can be easily diagnosed based on the presentation of the skin lesions. In rare cases, a skin biopsy is needed to rule out the type of psoriasis.

Is there only one kind of psoriasis?

No, psoriasis has various types. These are – plaque psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, inverse psoriasis, scalp psoriasis, nail psoriasis and pustular psoriasis. In plaque psoriasis, the skin gets covered in dry spots with a large number of silvery white scales. The major sites for plaque psoriasis are scalp, back, knees and elbows. Guttate psoriasis is characterised by the appearance of small, water droplet-like skin lesions covered in fine scales. Guttate psoriasis is often triggered after a bacterial infection, mainly strep throat infection. The lesions are mainly found on the legs, arms and trunk. Psoriasis lesions that appear in folds of skin – under the breasts, in groin area, armpits for example – are referred to as inverse psoriasis. The skin lesions in inverse psoriasis are in the form of smooth, red inflamed patches. In scalp psoriasis, red, inflamed, itchy lesions covered in thick white scales appear on the scalp. In nail psoriasis, psoriatic lesions arise in the nails, of the fingers or toes. The nail may get discolored, thickening of skin under the nail may arise, pitting on nails may be present and in extreme cases, the nail may crumble and fall out. In pustular psoriasis, pus-filled eruptions arise on the skin that is surrounded by redness and tenderness.

What are the factors that trigger psoriasis?

The various factors that can trigger psoriasis are stress, smoking, alcohol, caffeine, skin trauma and cold weather.

Apart from skin, what are the other sites for psoriasis lesions?

In addition to skin lesions, psoriasis may affect the nails and can lead to inflamed joints. Cases where joints get inflamed are referred to as psoriatic arthritis.

Is psoriasis contagious, can it spread from by touch or other means?

No, psoriasis is not a contagious disease and hence, does not spread from person-to-person contact.

Can stress cause psoriasis?

Stress and psoriasis are interlinked, but stress does not cause psoriasis. Stress plays an important role in triggering a flare-up of psoriasis.

I have had psoriasis for a long time. Now, my joints have started to hurt, why?

If you have had psoriasis for a long time and now your joints are in pain, then there is a good chance you have developed psoriatic arthritis. In approximately 30% of the psoriasis patients, joints may get inflamed and become painful. In psoriatic arthritis, the immune cells start to destroy and inflame the joints due to a misdirected immune response besides the usual rapid cell growth symptoms of the disease. Genetic and environmental factors play an important role in causing psoriatic arthritis.

Can ointments alone treat psoriasis?

Applying ointments may control symptoms like itching and burning in psoriatic lesions, but ointments merely suppress the skin complaint. They will not treat the condition. A curative approach in psoriasis will need to follow proper treatment that aims at moderating the immune system.

Is there a link between psoriasis and vitamin D?

Yes, there is a link between psoriasis and vitamin D. Improving vitamin D levels in psoriasis seems to decrease the severity of psoriasis condition. Vitamin D plays a role in decreasing excessive cell production, and therefore helps treat psoriasis.

rease the severity of psoriasis condition. Vitamin D plays a role in decreasing excessive cell production, and therefore helps treat psoriasis.

Will exposure to sunlight be of help to psoriasis patients?

Yes, evidence suggests that sun exposure helps heal psoriasis, though to a mild degree.

Lifestyle changes can help manage psoriasis better

  • Small changes in lifestyle can help manage psoriasis to a large extent. These measures include:
  • Use mild soap while bathing
  • Avoid bathing with warm water
  • For excessively dry skin, apply coconut oil
  • Quite smoking and alcohol
  • Some sun exposure may help psoriasis while excessive exposure will worsen symptoms
  • Stress management will reduce psoriasis flare-ups


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