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Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Otosclerosis

Otosclerosis is a condition where a bone (called stapes, present in the middle ear) gets stuck in its place. The sound waves enter from the outer ear and from here pass to the ear canal followed by eardrum. This eardrum vibrates from sound waves. This vibration is then carried forward to three little bones present in the ear known as malleus, incus and stapes. The middle ear bones amplify sound vibrations and help to transmit sound from the middle ear to the inner ear. If the stapes bone gets fixed in its place then it hinders normal transmitting of the sound from middle ear to inner ear leading to hearing loss. It is one of the most common causes of hearing loss that arises among young adults. Homeopathic medicines for otosclerosis are highly effective to manage the associated symptoms and bring about recovery.

Homeopathic Medicines for Otosclerosis


The exact reason behind this condition is still not clearly known. But it is thought to arise when extra bony tissue grows around the bone stapes in the middle ear. This abnormal growth of bone decreases the movement of the stapes. It results in a decrease in the amount of sound that is passed to the cochlea in the inner ear. The abnormal bone grows slowly and eventually it gets fixed in its place.

Genetic and environmental factors are thought to play a role in its development. Persons having family history of otosclerosis are at high risk to suffer from the same condition. If we consider age then it mainly tends to affect people between the age of 10 to 40 years. Though both men and women can develop this condition but it has been found that women are at higher risk to get otosclerosis as compared to men. People who have suffered from measles at any time in the past are at risk. Measles can lead to development of this condition is evident from the detection of measles virus in stapes footplates in persons having otosclerosis found in various studies. It has also been found that a reduction in cases of otosclerosis has followed in the population who have been vaccinated against this viral infection supporting role of measles virus in otosclerosis.

People who have stress fractures to the bones in the middle ear or have / had some of the autoimmune disorder are at risk to suffer from this condition. It is also known that pregnancy can make this condition worse though it doesn’t cause it. A possibility of low levels of fluoride  with the development of otosclerosis is also related. It has been evidenced by the fact of reduction of the number of cases of otosclerosis in the UK after adding  fluoride in drinking water on a routine basis. Though this possibility is under controversy.


The major symptom that a person gets in this condition is hearing loss. Initially there arise difficulty in hearing low – pitched sounds or there is inability to hear a whisper. This tend to gets worse gradually with passing time. Many people having it often narrate that their hearing ability is somewhat better when they are in environment with lot of noise. Mainly conductive type of hearing loss occurs. In this sound  waves are able to reach the eardrum but are not carried properly from bones in the middle ear and hence to the inner ear. Sensorineural hearing loss can also occur but it usually appears late with the progression of the disease. The person having it may speak softly because this condition can make him hear his voice sound very loud. Next symptom that appears along with hearing loss is tinnitus (hearing noises in the ear in the absence of any external sound.) It arises from irritation of the nerve endings in the inner ear. It tend to worsen from exhaustion, fatigue, nervousness and in a quiet environment. The intensity of tinnitus doesn’t depend on the intensity or type of hearing loss. Other symptoms that can arise include dizziness / vertigo (a sensation where a person feels as if he is spinning or surrounding objects are moving) and issues with maintaining normal body balance. In this condition one or both of the ears can be affected.

Homeopathic Medicines for Otosclerosis

Homeopathic medicines offer much help to manage its symptoms that includes noises in ear (tinnitus), vertigo (spinning sensation and hearing difficulty. Some homeopathic medicines are also known to aid dissolving of the extra bony tissue growths appearing in stapes bone in these cases. These homeopathic medicines are of natural origin, so they manage complaints  in a very safe manner with zero side effects.   

  1. Calcarea Fluor – Top Listed Medicine 

In homeopathy Calcarea Fluor is well known for its general action to dissolve extra bony growths forming anywhere in the body which make it indicated to treat cases of otosclerosis. In these cases it is known to dissolve extra bony tissue that forms around the stapes bone and relieve its symptoms. The symptoms effectively managed by this medicine are hearing difficulty and tinnitus. When it comes to tinnitus it especially helps when ringing or roaring noises in the ear are marked. 

  1. Graphites – When Hearing is Better in Noisy Environment

Graphites is a significant medicine to treat this condition when a person has hearing difficulties but hears better when present in a noisy environment. Along with this they hear humming, ringing or hissing noises in the ear. Sometimes they also hear cracking sounds in the ear usually when eating. They also feel that the ears are stuffed up along with the above symptoms. 

  1. Chininum Sulph – For Managing Hearing Difficulty and Noises in Ear

Chininum Sulph is very beneficial to manage hearing difficulty and noises in the ear. People needing it complain of violent ringing noises in their ears. Sometimes they buzz in their ears also. Along with this they have hardness of hearing. Many times they may have complaints of headaches with above symptoms.

  1. Ferrum Picricum – To Manage Buzzing, Hissing Noises in Ear

Ferrum Picricum is a well indicated medicine which is given when noises in the ear are present. The noises are mainly buzzing or hissing in nature in cases requiring Ferrum Picricum. Along with this hearing is impaired. In such cases vertigo is also there with above complaints.

  1. Chenopodium – For Roaring, Buzzing Noises in Ear

This medicine is prepared from oil of the seeds of the plant  Chenopodium Anthelminticum. This plant belongs to family chenopodiaceae. It is very beneficial medicine for persons who complain of roaring, buzzing noises in the ear. Along with this they have hearing difficulty. They may also have sudden attacks of vertigo with above complaints. 

  1. Salicylic Acid –  For Managing Ringing Noises in Ear

Salicylic Acid is recommended to manage ringing noises in the ear. With this hearing is diminished. Vertigo with intense nausea accompanies this. 

  1. Silicea – For Noises in Ear and Hearing Loss

This medicine is considered where a person hears noises in the ears and has hearing loss. For using it the noises are usually hissing.  But they can also be roaring, ringing or like a loud pistol.

  1. Petroleum – To Manage Noises in Ear (Tinnitus)

Petroleum is also helpful to manage noises in ears in such cases. For using Petroleum the noises are highly variable. The noises may be roaring, ringing, humming, cracking or noise like that of wind or like rushing water when Petroleum is needed. Hearing difficulty is also marked with this.

  1. Gelsemium – To Manage Balance Issues

Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of a plant known as Gelsemium Sempervirens. This plant is commonly known by the name of yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It offers great help to manage complaints of loss of balance in these cases. Here person feels that they would fall from loss of balance while walking. They also have to attend complaints of dizziness. This is mostly felt when they do sudden head movement. Apart from this difficulty in hearing and tinnitus with rushing or roaring noises in the ears arise with above symptoms.

  1. Conium – For Managing Vertigo 

Homeopathic medicine Conium is prepared from a plant known as Conium Maculatum. The family of this plant is umbelliferae. Conium is a useful medicine for managing vertigo episodes. Persons needing it feels as if all the objects around them are spinning. They complain that vertigo most of the time arises when they turn the head. They wish to keep the head perfectly still to prevent this complaint of vertigo. They may also have vertigo on stooping and while walking with a tendency to fall down.

  1. Cocculus Indicus – For Vertigo Attended with Nausea and Vomiting

This medicine is prepared from seeds of the plant Cocculus Indicus having the common name Indian Cockle. This plant belongs to the family  menispermaceae. Its use is highly recommended to manage vertigo accompanied with nausea and vomiting. Along with this complaint there are noises in the ear particularly like from rushing water. Hardness of hearing is present along with this.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Medicines for Adrenal Fatigue 

The term adrenal fatigue was coined by a naturopath named James Wilson in 1998. This term refers to a few groups of symptoms that mainly includes weakness, tiredness (fatigue) all the time, body aches, sleep issues (difficulty getting sleep) and nervousness. Homeopathic medicines for adrenal fatigue are very effective to manage the associated symptoms.

Though the term adrenal fatigue is often given in health books, it is not considered as a real condition and isn’t recognised as a medical diagnosis. This is because the symptoms are very general and  can appear in many other conditions. But the ones who support adrenal fatigue agree that this condition exists and arise from chronic stress.Homeopathic medicines for adrenal fatigue


Some examples of other conditions that have adrenal fatigue like symptoms include anaemia (decrease in healthy red blood cells to supply oxygen to the body’s tissues. In this weakness appears along with some other symptoms like dizziness, headache, shortness of breath), hormonal disorders like hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid when the thyroid gland  doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones), depression (a mood disorder characterised by constant sadness and loss of interest in everything) and other mental illnesses and fibromyalgia (a long term disorder characterised by widespread pain in the body are experienced along with tiredness and general fatigue. With these sleep issues, depression and brain fog can also accompany.)

In addition to tiredness, body aches and sleep issues, other signs and symptoms include unexplained weight loss, hair loss, low blood pressure, craving for salt or sugar. 

Other symptoms that can appear are depressive mood, brain fog (refers to a temporary state where a person is unable to think clearly, is confused, forgetful and is unable to focus and concentrate on anything), lightheadedness, trouble with digestion and darkness of skin colour. 


The adrenal glands located on top of the kidneys produce hormones needed for normal functioning of the body. This gland produces cortisol which helps to cope with a stressful condition. Next it produces aldosterone that regulates sodium and potassium levels. Adrenal fatigue arises when the adrenal gland doesn’t produce enough of these hormones due to some reason. It is usually thought to arise from chronic stress when adrenal glands are overworked and get drained which make them unable to produce the hormones in an increased quantity needed in case of long standing stress. It is thought to arise in people who have long term mental or physical stress and after chronic illness like pneumonia (inflammation of alveoli means the air sacs of one or both the lungs due to infection) and bronchitis (inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes.)

Homeopathic Medicines for Adrenal Fatigue 

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to manage cases of adrenal fatigue symptomatically. Symptoms including weakness, body aches, sleep issues, depressive mood, hair loss, and lightheadedness can be managed well with homeopathic medicines. These homeopathic medicines used for symptomatic management are prepared from naturally occurring substances so they are free from any sort of side effects.

  1. Kali Phos – Top Grade Medicine 

Kali Phos is a top listed medicine which is mainly helpful in persons who suffer from much weakness. They complain of weakness both on mental and physical spheres. Weakness prevails among them all the time. Anxiety and nervousness is also complained about by them. Sadness, irritability and low mood are other symptoms appearing with the above. They may have a history of some chronic sort of stress, worries in their lives. They may also have a history of depression. Apart from above Kali Phos is also well indicated to manage sleep issues in case of adrenal fatigue. For sleep issues it works well for sleeplessness and restless sleep. 

  1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Weakness 

Arsenic Album is a very effective homeopathic medicine to manage weakness. Persons needing it feel intense weakness from doing even any sort of slightest exertion. They lack strength to do any kind of work. Restlessness is also marked in them. With this they may have weight loss. Chronic anxiety issues may be seen in most people needing Arsenic Album. 

  1. Gelsemium – To Manage Complaint of Lightheadedness 

Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is very useful for managing complaints of lightheadedness. Persons needing it feel dizzy, light headed most times while they are walking. They feel drowsy and dull the whole day along with this complaint. With this they also feel tired and weak. Due to this they wish to lie down all the time. They may have brain fog with these complaints. In case of brain fog they have problems to think clearly, have confusion of mind, and also have issues with concentration.

  1. Ignatia – For Managing Depressive Mood 

Homeopathic medicine Ignatia is prepared from plant Ignatia Amara. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is a promising medicine for managing depressive mood in these cases. It is given to persons who remain very sad, unhappy all the time. They also have frequent weeping spells along with sadness. They may show mood swings and remain very irritable. Hopelessness is also present in them. They  get indifferent and lose interest in everything. Along with the above they suffer from sleeplessness. 

  1. Natrum Mur – To Manage Long Term Depressive Mood 

Natrum Mur is another useful medicine to manage long term (chronic) depressive mood in adrenal fatigue cases. It is used when a person has intense sadness and desire to remain alone all the time. He may also have anxiety issues along with palpitations. With this he may suffer from weakness, tiredness. Craving for salt is also present. Apart from above there can be an additional problem of extreme hair loss. Lastly weight loss can be another concern with above complaints. 

  1. Coffea Cruda – To Manage Sleep Issues

Coffea Cruda is  very helpful  to manage sleep issues. Its use is suggested when a person remains sleepless due to constant thoughts in mind. He remains restless with tossing in the bed. Its use is also considered where a person wakes early from sleep and can’t fall asleep again. Lastly it is indicated when a person has disturbed sleep with frequent waking episodes from sleep. 

  1. Acid Phos – For Managing Weakness, Sadness 

Acid Phos is indicated for managing weakness and sadness in these cases. Both mental and physical weakness is present in cases requiring it. There may also be hair loss, weight loss with weakness. Dizziness is also there. With this sadness, weeping, and indifference to life is there. Aversion to do any sort of work is also there.

  1. Rhus Tox – To Relieve Body Aches

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine to relieve body aches in these cases. Most times body aches are worse at rest and better by walking in cases needing it. Along with body aches marked anxiety and restlessness is there. Along with this stiffness in the body can also attend.

  1. Arnica – For Sore Bruised Pain in Body

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant Arnica Montana commonly known as leopard’s bane and also fallkraut. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is a beneficial medicine for managing body aches in persons who feel sore bruised pain in the body. They feel pain in the body as if it is beaten. Limbs and back are very painful in them.   

  1. Bryonia – For Body Aches that Worsen from Motion

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very suitable medicine for cases where body aches are worse from slightest motion. There is relief in the pain from absolute rest. The pain is felt in various muscles, joints and back. Along with pain the limbs feel weak and heavy. 

  1. Magnesia Phos – When Body Aches are Better by Warm Applications

It is a valuable medicine for cases where body aches are better by warm applications. For using it the type of pain can be sharp, cutting, shooting or stitching in nature. It can be of severe intensity and unbearable. The pain may be a wandering type that tends to shift from one part of the body to another. In some cases the pain can also be better from pressure. Tiredness and exhausted feeling usually attends the above symptoms.

  1. Phosphorus – To Manage Hair Loss

Phosphorus is a prominently indicated medicine to manage hair fall in these cases. Hair fall is abundant and hair comes out in bunches where it is required. Itching over the scalp may attend to it. Sweating on the head can be present along with above indications.

  1. Fluoric Acid – For Hair Loss in Spots

This medicine is usually considered in cases to manage hair loss which is occurring in spots over a well defined area of scalp. Other than hair loss matting of the hair at the ends may be seen in cases needing it.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Growing Pains in Children

Growing pains refers to pain in the child’s leg which is most times aching or throbbing in nature, and may sometimes also be felt in the arms. The exact reason behind growing pains is not known yet. Growth doesn’t hurt and bone growth is not painful normally. They are thought to arise from muscle tiredness from overuse of the muscles during day time. Homeopathic remedies for growing pains are very beneficial to relieve pain in the legs, thighs, calf muscles, hollow of knee, head and abdomen.Homeopathic Remedies for Growing Pains

Overuse of leg muscles mostly tend to arise in the children from excessive running, jumping or playing games which proves to be harsh on the child’s muscles. Lower pain threshold level in some children is also linked with bringing on these pains. Here a child having a lower pain threshold feels more pain than other children normally feel after a certain limit of physical activity. Weak bones in some of the children having growing pains than other children of the same age group is another factor linked with it. Very rarely it can be linked to psychological issues like stress but usually it is not a cause behind these pains. A diagnosis for growing pains is made after ruling out all other causes of leg pain in children like arthritis, infection, knock knees etc.


Aching throbbing pain in the legs is a major symptom of this condition. The pain can be felt in front of the thighs, shin / tibia bone (front of lower leg), the calf muscle (muscle on the back part of lower leg) or behind the knees. In case of the pain behind the knee there is no swelling or redness present in case of growing pains which if present may be an indication of juvenile idiopathic arthritis JIA (it is the common type of arthritis that affects children under the age of 16 yrs). 

Most times the pain appears in both sides of the leg in these cases. Sometimes these pains can be present in the arms too and in this case also both arms are affected at the same time. Rarely some children can feel the pain in their abdomen. Sometimes they may also complain of pain in the head along with legs and arms. In case of growing pains the pains mainly start in late afternoon, evening or at night time. They usually tend to disappear in morning time. The intensity of pain varies from child to child from mild to severe. Sometimes the pains in this condition are of highly intense nature that can even wake up the child from sleep. Though these pains can be quite intense, sometimes they don’t indicate any  serious issue and also don’t cause any sort of damage to the muscles or bones of the child. The pain in this condition comes and goes and is not constant. Sometimes it is felt only for a few minutes while at other times it lasts a few hours. The pain is not there everyday – there are days with pain and days without pain. But in severe cases a child can experience pain every day. These pains do not cause limping, fever and in these cases the leg is not swollen or sore to touch. If these symptoms are present then child must be checked to rule out other reasons like an infection or an injury

Affected Age Groups

The age group affected by it is between 3 yrs to 12 yrs and the age of onset of this condition lies between 2 yrs to 5 yrs. They are slightly more common in girls as compared to boys. Usually these pain resolves by puberty age. But sometimes these may continue till teenage and  even to adulthood.

Homeopathic Remedies for Growing Pains  

Homeopathic medicines are very safe and effective to manage a number of health problems in children. Growing pains is one such complaint in them where homeopathy gives highly promising results. Homeopathic medicines which are used to manage this condition in children are prepared from naturally occurring substances. So they are very mild and safe to use and manage the condition without any sort of side effects.

  1. Calcarea Phos – Top Grade Homeopathic Medicine 

Calcarea Phos is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage growing pains. Children needing Calcarea Phos have aching in the legs. With this they also have restlessness in the legs. Legs also feel tired and weak. They may have pain in the thigh that extends down the leg especially on walking. Sometimes they feel intense pain in the hollow of the knee. Cramping pain in calf muscles is also felt by them. The limbs may feel cold along with pain. Pain in the arms is also complained about above in many children needing this medicine.

  1. Rhus Tox – When Pains Arise from Overuse of Muscles

Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is prepared from plant Rhus Toxicodendron. This plant belongs to family anacardiaceae. Rhus Tox is a very beneficial medicine to manage leg pain in children that follows over use of muscle. Overuse of muscles mainly arises in them from excessive running, jumping and excessive playing which put stress on their muscles. Rhus Tox is very useful to relieve the pain and also strengthen the leg muscles. Children who need it feel pain in their legs. They also feel pain in the calf muscles mostly when lying in the bed. Sometimes pain in arms is also complained about by them. All the pains get worse by rest. Walking may relieve the pains for a while. 

  1. Magnesium Phos – When Pain is Better by Pressure

Magnesium Phos is another very effective medicine for managing growing pains in children. It is used when children experience  pain in the thighs and legs. Sometimes the pain changes location and at one moment they have pain in legs, the next moment they feel pain in the thighs. They have worsening of pains most of the time at night hours. Applying pressure on the legs gives them relief. They also feel relief in the pain by warm applications. Apart from above they may sometimes have pain in the abdomen along with pain in legs. 

  1. Phosphoric Acid – To Manage Pain in Thighs and Arms

Phosphoric Acid effectively manages pain in the thighs and arms. The pain in thighs is worse when beginning to walk in cases needing this medicine. Going upstairs also worsens the pains. Weakness is also felt in the limbs along with pain. Sometimes burning sensation is felt in thighs especially when standing.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Pains in Back of Leg in Calf Muscles 

Use of Calcarea Carb is considered in these cases when pain appears in calf muscles in the back of the leg. Most of the time cramps are felt in the calf muscles at night time where it is required. Sometimes hard knots are felt in the calf muscles. The calf muscles are also sore to touch. It is also indicated for managing pain in the hollow of the knee in case of growing pains. 

  1. Belladonna – When Headache Appears Along with Leg Pain

Belladonna is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared  from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is used in such cases when children complain of headache along with leg pain. They feel pain in legs, thighs and arms. The limb feels weak and heavy sometimes. In a few cases, pain in the abdomen is also present. 

  1. Silicea – When Legs Feel Cold Along with Pain

Silicea is mainly given in growing pains when legs feel icy cold along with pain. For using Silicea pain is felt in the entire lower limb. Legs feel tired. Sometimes pain is also felt in the arms along with legs. Sweating on the feet is noted in most cases needing Silicea.

  1. Guaiacum – For Thigh Pain

This medicine is prepared from Gum resin of the plant Guaiacum officinale also known by the name of Lignum sanctum that belongs to family zygophyllaceae. It works well in cases presenting with thigh pain. In most cases needing it the pain begins in the middle of the thigh and that can extend to the knee. The thigh pain can be relieved by sitting where it is required. Other than this its use is also done in case of tearing, drawing pain in the legs. 

  1. Agaricus – For Pain in front of Lower Leg in Shin Bone

This medicine is well indicated for pain in front of the lower leg in shin bone. Mostly pain is dull, tearing or drawing type in shin bones. This is most worse when sitting. Burning sensation in tibia can also be felt along with pain. It is also useful for managing violent pain in the bend of the knee. Other than this it is helpful for tearing, stitching pain in the back of lower legs in the calf muscles. Heaviness and burning sensation may also be felt in the calves along with pain.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Turbinate Hypertrophy – Homeopathy Offers an Effective Treatment

Nasal turbinates also called the nasal conchae are small sausage shaped structures located within the nose which are made up of bone and covered with soft tissue called mucosa. They are three in number on either side. They are named as superior, middle and inferior turbinates. They warm, humidify the air that flows from nostrils to the lungs and also filter particles like dust from this air that we breathe in. When these nasal turbinates swell, enlarge and cause hindrance to air flow and breathing then it is referred to as turbinate hypertrophy. The turbinates, mainly the middle and inferior one mostly tend to get enlarged and block airflow. Homeopathic Treatment for turbinate hypertrophy helps treat the root cause (like nasal allergies, cold, sinus inflammation) to bring about natural recovery. Homeopathic Treatment for Turbinate Hypertrophy


The turbinates can swell and enlarge from various reasons. The first reason behind it is nasal allergies. 

Secondly, it can arise in people who have tendency to recurrent colds and those who suffer from sinusitis  (refers to inflammation of any of the 4 pairs of para nasal sinuses means the air spaces present in the skull). 

Other reasons that can lead to it include environmental irritants and upper respiratory tract infections. 

Lastly, certain medications and sometimes pregnancy also contribute to turbinate hypertrophy.


The main symptom of turbinate hypertrophy is nasal blockage and difficulty to breathe through the nose. Other symptoms of turbinate hypertrophy include snoring, altered sense of smell, nosebleeds (epistaxis), dry mouth when a person keeps mouth open to breathe because of inability to breathe through nose, slight facial pain, pressure in the forehead and runny nose.

Homeopathic Treatment for Turbinate Hypertrophy

Turbinate hypertrophy can be treated with homeopathic medicines in an excellent manner. These medicines help to reduce the swelling and enlargement of nasal turbinates. They help to manage the symptoms of turbinate hypertrophy in a very effective manner. Its symptoms including nasal blockage, snoring, altered sense of smell, nasal bleeding, pressure in the forehead and runny nose as well other nasal allergy symptoms are well managed with these medicines

  1. Sanguinarinum Nitricum – Top Grade Medicine for Turbinate Hypertrophy

Sanguinarinum Nitricum is a leading homeopathic medicine for treating turbinate hypertrophy. It helps to reduce the enlargement of turbinates and manage its symptoms effectively. Persons needing it have complaints of nasal blockage with difficulty in breathing. They have to breathe through the mouth due to nasal blockage. This leads to dryness of the mouth in them. Sometimes they also feel pressure at the root of the nose with above symptoms. Sneezing and burning sensation in the nose are other symptoms felt by them. Apart from above, watery discharge from the nose appears sometimes.

  1. Lemna Minor – To Manage Nasal Blockage

Homeopathic medicine Lemna Minor is prepared from fresh plants named as duckweed. This plant belongs to family lemnaceae or pistiaceae. It is beneficial to reduce swelling and enlargement of nasal turbinates. It effectively manages nasal blockage in cases of turbinate hypertrophy. It also helps to relieve nasal discharge and excessive sneezing when present in turbinate hypertrophy cases. Apart from above, it is useful to manage complaints of foul smell from nose or loss of smell.

  1. Kali Bichrome – For Managing Cases with History of Sinusitis

Homeopathic medicine Kali Bichrome is of great help in managing cases of turbinate hypertrophy in persons having a history of sinusitis. It is helpful when the nose is dry and feels stopped up all the time. Along with this loss of smell is complained. A pressure and pain is also felt at the root of the nose. Burning sensation and soreness is also there in the nose. Other symptoms that may attend above are frequent sneezing and tenderness in the nose.

  1. Nux Vomica – To Manage Snoring 

Nux Vomica is a wonderful homoeopathic medicine to manage snoring in cases of turbinate hypertrophy. With this nasal blockage especially at night time is marked. Sneezing and nasal discharge is also present in cases needing Nux Vomica. Soreness in nostrils and headache are some other symptoms. .

  1. Natrum Mur – For Managing Turbinate Hypertrophy with Runny Nose

Homeopathic medicine Natrum Mur is an excellent medicine for managing cases of turbinate hypertrophy in persons having runny nose. This tends to alternate with nasal blockage. With this they have intense sneezing. Sometimes they have loss of smell too. Pressure in the forehead and mild facial pain are the rest of the symptoms that they may have along with above symptoms. It is a wonderful homeopathic medicine to treat cases of turbinate hypertrophy in persons who have tendency to nasal allergies.

  1. Phosphorus – To Manage Nosebleeds (Epistaxis) 

Phosphorus is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine to manage bleeding from the nose (epistaxis) in turbinate hypertrophy cases. Persons needing it have swelling of turbinate bones. They have nasal bleeding where blood is bright red. They may have nasal bleeding many times in a day which is usually profuse. They may also feel a bad smell in the nose. They also have stoppage and fullness sensation in the nose along with above symptoms.

  1. Silicea – For Turbinate Hypertrophy with Pressure in Forehead

Silicea is a significant homeopathic medicine to treat cases of turbinate hypertrophy when pressure in the forehead is prominent. Along with this stoppage and dryness of the nose is there. Sometimes stoppage of nose alternates with fluent nasal discharge. Loss of smell is also there. Along with these symptoms nasal bleeding may arise occasionally. Drawing pain in the root of the nose may also be felt.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Turbinate Hypertrophy with Altered Sense of Smell

Calcarea Carb is a well indicated medicine for treating turbinate hypertrophy with altered sense of smell. The persons needing it have either loss of smell or offensive odour in their nose. Along with this they have a stoppage of the nose with difficulty in breathing. Sometimes pain in the forehead is felt.

  1. Pulsatilla – For Turbinate Hypertrophy with History of Chronic Cold

Homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla is prepared from a plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known by the name of wind flower or pasque flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is useful for turbinate hypertrophy in persons having a history of chronic cold mostly with thick yellow green discharge from the nose. It is helpful to manage loss of smell, pain or soreness in the nose. It also manages frontal headache and nasal blockage very well.

  1. Ammonium Carb – For Nasal Blockage at Night Time

It is a very beneficial medicine to manage nasal blockage at night time. Persons needing it have to breathe through the mouth due to stoppage of nose. Other symptoms that they may have along with above includes bleeding from nose, nasal discharge of burning character and a continuous urge to sneeze. 

  1. Arsenic Album – To Manage Symptoms of Nasal Allergies

Nasal allergies is the main reason behind turbinate hypertrophy. This medicine helps to manage nasal allergy symptoms in these cases. Here, it firstly helps to manage nasal discharges with frequent sneezing. The nasal discharge is usually watery where it is needed. It can cause a burning smarting sensation in the nostrils. Next, it also helps to relieve nasal blockage. Cases having alternate stoppage of nose and fluent coryza are also well managed with this medicine.

  1. Allium Cepa – For Fluent Nasal Discharges, Sneezing and Headache

Allium Cepa is prepared from a common red onion that belongs to the liliaceae family. It is a very effective medicine to manage fluent nasal discharges, sneezing and headache. Usually the nasal discharges burns and corrodes the nose and upper lip. People needing it mostly complain of violent sneezing in the morning soon after rising from bed. They also feel that the sneezing worsens in a warm room. They have attending complaints of stoppage of the nose and a tight feeling at the root of the nose.  They may also have crawling sensation in the nostrils or sometimes tingling, itching in the nostrils.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Nasal Stoppage in Cold Air

It is a very suitable medicine for managing cases that present with nasal stoppage from cold air exposure. Along with this runny or thick offensive discharge from the nose can be present. Sneezing also appears with it from cold air exposure.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

8 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Galactorrhea

Galactorrhea refers to flow of milky discharge from the nipples which is not related to normal milk secretion that appears with childbirth and breastfeeding. It is not a disease but can point towards some other health condition. Mostly it tends to occur in women between the ages group 20 to 35, but it can also appear in men, newborns and infants (babies less than 1 yr age) too. Homeopathic medicines for galactorrhea can help gradually reduce the milk flow in these cases.Homeopathic Medicines for Galactorrhea


Common causes of galactorrhea for both men and women include the following: 

Galactorrhea usually arises from excessive prolactin hormone. Prolactin is a milk hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Prolactin helps in regulating periods in non pregnant women; promoting breast growth during pregnancy and helps in lactation means production of milk for breast feeding. Excessive prolactin and galactorrhea  can occur from following reasons: 

Prolactinoma ( a benign means non – cancerous tumour that forms in the pituitary gland and leads to overproduction of the hormone prolactin.) 

In females the prolactinoma can cause galactorrhea in addition to other symptoms that includes irregular menstrual periods or absent periods; painful intercourse due to vaginal dryness, low sex drive, fertility issues, acne (pimples), excessive hair growth on the face and body.

In males, this tumour can cause low libido (low sex drive), erection issues, enlargement of breast (gynaecomastia), low sperm count, decrease in facial and body hair and galactorrhea though it is rare. 

Headaches, visual disturbance and low bone density can occur in both males and females from prolactinoma.

Side effects of certain medicines can lead to galactorrhea. This some antidepressant (eg, paroxetine), antipsychotics like risperidone and high blood pressure medicine (eg methyl dopa); using opioid medicines (like fentanyl.)

Underactive Thyroid (hypothyroidism)

Use of herbal supplements like fenugreek, fennel seeds; 

Some medical conditions including chronic kidney disease; some types of lung cancer, liver disorder like cirrhosis


Chest wall injuries / surgeries.

In some cases no cause can be ruled out behind galactorrhea, such cases are referred to as idiopathic galactorrhea (it may be arising from increased sensitivity of  breast tissue  to prolactin hormone in the blood. In case the sensitivity is high galactorrhea can occur even when prolactin level in blood lies within normal range.)

In women

In women other than above causes taking birth control pills (oral contraceptive pills) can be another cause for galactorrhea. This can arise from imbalance of hormones caused by these birth control pills. It can also happen from excessive breast stimulation during sexual activity or from self examining of breast at very small intervals and nipple manipulation.

In men

In men, it can arise from low  testosterone apart from above reasons. It remains the common reason behind galactorrhea in males. This also results in breast enlargement in males (gynaecomastia). When this is the cause they may also experience erectile dysfunction and decrease sexual desire in them.

In newborns

Galactorrhea can occur in newborns too. This tends to happen from increased oestrogen levels in the mother that can enter the placenta and get into the baby’s blood before birth. It can also lead to enlarged breast in babies and also milky nipple discharge.

Signs and Symptoms 

The main sign of galactorrhea is a discharge of white  milky fluid from the nipple. It can be constant or appears at some intervals and can be slight or heavy flow. In some cases it tends to come out itself and in others on pressing the nipple. Either one or both the breasts can be affected in this. Other associated symptoms that can arise include irregular menstrual cycle, headaches or vision problems.

Homeopathic Medicines for Galactorrhea

Homeopathy offers very natural and effective treatment for cases of galactorrhea. These medicines bring excellent results in these cases by working towards regulating the hormonal levels in the body which is the main reason behind galactorrhea. They also help in treating any associated menstrual irregularities when present in any case. These medicines being of natural origin are very safe to use among females of all age groups. 

1. Pulsatilla – Top grade medicine for galactorrhea cases

Pulsatilla is a natural medicine prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower and pasque flower. This entire fresh plant when in flower is used to prepare homeopathic medicine. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a top listed medicine for treating cases of galactorrhea. Its use is indicated when non pregnant females have milk in breast along with marked fullness of breast. The females needing it may also have menstrual irregularities along with this. The menses can occur too late or too early in them. The menstrual flow also varies from scanty to profuse. The menstrual blood can be thick, clotted or thin and can be black coloured. It is a top listed medicine to treat cases where milk like fluid starts to flow from the breasts of girls before puberty.

2. Asafoetida – For Galactorrhea with Congested Breast

This medicine is prepared from gum resin obtained by incision from the living root of Asafoetida plant. This plant belongs to the family umbelliferae. This is a very helpful medicine when there is milk secretion in a non pregnant woman. Along with this the breasts are congested and distended.

3. Merc Sol – For Milk Fluid Secretion during Menses

Merc Sol is a prominently indicated medicine for females who are full breast with milk during menses. They also have pain in the breast with this. Sometimes they have milk in the breast instead of menses. It is one of the leading medicines for galactorrhea in females during puberty. Apart from above it is also indicated for boys who complain of galactorrhea.

4. Cyclamen – When Milk Flow Occurs after Menses

Cyclamen is a natural medicine prepared from the root of plant Cyclamen Europaeum commonly known as sow – bread. This plant belongs to family primulaceae. The indicating feature to use it is milk in non pregnant females after menses. Along with this the breast is also swollen. In some cases the breast is painful, hard having a stitching sensation in it along with discharge of milky fluid. In some cases needing it menstrual irregularities may be present. This can be attended with headache, blindness or fiery spots before the eyes.

5. Borax – When Milk is Thick in Galactorrhea

It is the next well indicated medicine to treat cases of galactorrhea. Its use is suggested when the discharged milk is too thick. It is also very profuse. Females needing it may also have low sex drive. Apart from above infertility issues may also be present in females who require it.

6. Belladonna – For Heaviness and Hardness of Breast

Belladonna is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named Deadly Nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is also a beneficial medicine when the milk fills in the breasts of females who are not pregnant. The milk starts flowing out of the breast in copious amounts. Along with this, there is heaviness and hardness of breast. 

7. Lycopodium – Natural Medicine for Galactorrhea

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. It is another excellent medicine for cases of milk discharge from nipples in non lactating females. Additionally they may have tendency to have late periods. Another complaint that they may have is low libido ( decrease desire for sex). Lastly they can have dryness of vagina that lead to painful intercourse.

8. Phosphorus – For Amenorrhoea (absent periods)

The main indicating feature to use Phosphorus is absent periods with milk in breast of non pregnant women. Females who require it may also have tendency to late periods but with very copious flow. The menses may also last for long period of time in them.

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Valley Fever – How Homeopathic Remedies can Help

Valley fever, also called coccidioidomycosis, refers to a fungal infection caused by coccidioides fungus (coccidioides immitis or coccidioides posadasii). Homeopathic remedies for valley fever help effectively treat symptoms like fever, cough, chest pain, headache, joint pain, muscle ache, fatigue, chills, night sweat and skin rash. Homeopathic remedies for valley fever

This fungus is generally found in soil in the regions of southwestern United States (mainly California and Arizona) and parts of Mexico, Central and South America. When the soil is disrupted like by the wind, by farming then the spores from the fungus fly in the air. 

These tiny spores can be taken miles away by the wind. These fungi spores then can be inhaled by a person and enter lungs causing valley fever, also called acute coccidioidomycosis. It is a non-contagious disease that means it doesn’t spread from person to person.   

Homeopathic Remedies for Valley Fever

Homeopathy has a great scope to manage cases of valley fever. The homeopathic medicines help boost the body’s immunity to fight with fungal infection and bring natural recovery. Homeopathic medicines are most helpful for mild to moderate cases of valley fever. In severe and advanced stages with complications one must consult a pulmonologist (a physician who specializes in treating diseases of the respiratory system).

For Cough

Belladonna – For Dry Cough

Belladonna is prepared from plant deadly nightshade that belongs to family solanaceae. It is a wonderful medicine for managing dry cough. Persons needing it suffer from short, dry coughs with tickling in the throat. The cough continues day and night. While coughing, a stitching type of pain may be felt in the chest. Most of the time headaches are also experienced. In addition to this fever arises with burning heat in the body.

Drosera – For Dry, Irritative Cough

This medicine is prepared from a plant named Drosera Rotundifolia commonly known as round-leaved sundew. This plant belongs to the family Droseraceae. It is an excellent medicine to help manage dry, irritative, deep hoarse cough. There appears repeated attacks of such coughing rapidly one after the other in cases needing it. This makes breathing difficult. Cough most times is seen to worsen at night time on lying down. Sometimes coughing is followed by vomiting.

Spongia – For Dry Cough

Spongia is also well-indicated for coughs which are absolutely dry. The cough is dry, barking, deep resonating and is worse from inspiration. There may be relief from taking warm drinks. All the air passages feel extremely dry. Suffocation and difficulty in breathing may be felt with above symptoms.

Bryonia – For Chest Pain with Cough

Bryonia is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba having the common name white bryony and wild hops. This plant belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is a leading medicine to manage chest pain with cough. The chest pain is usually sharp, stitching in nature for using it. The pain is worsened from deep breathing and during coughing. Cough is mainly dry, hard. Another peculiar feature to use is blood streaked, brick / rust coloured sputum. Person may have a fever with predominating chills. Joint pains and muscle pains may also appear with above symptoms. Here they have worsening of pain from motion and relief from rest. Most times pains experienced by them are sharp, tearing in nature. Bryonia is also a top listed medicine to manage pneumonia. 

Phosphorus – For Bloody Sputum with Cough

Like Bryonia, Phosphorus is also helpful for cases where bloody sputum appears with cough. Cough is mainly dry with tickling in the throat. It is worse at night that disturbs sleep. Cough also tends to worsen in cold air. Sometimes there is purulent sputum (pus in sputum.) Stitches in chest, oppressed breathing, tightness and heated sensation in the chest are few other symptoms that may attend. This medicine is also indicated to manage pneumonia cases where lower left lung is specifically affected. 

Arsenic Album – For Cough with Shortness of Breath

It is a very effective medicine to manage cases where cough is attended with shortness of breath. The symptoms most times tend to worsen at night time. With these thick yellow green or frothy expectoration may be present. Chest tightness is also complained about. Marked anxiety and restlessness attend. Extreme exhaustion, weakness is present. Fever with chills and icy coldness of the body appears with above symptoms.

Antimonium Tart – For Loose, Rattling Cough

This medicine is very useful to manage cases where loose rattling cough is present. In these cases the lungs feel full of mucus with much rattling. But very little mucus is expectorated. The expectoration consists of thick, white mucus. Suffocation and shortness of breath may also attend. 

Pulsatilla – For Loose Cough with Yellow Green Expectoration

Pulsatilla is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower of ranunculaceae family. It offers much help for cases of loose cough with yellow green expectoration. It is copious, thick and lumpy.  Cough is worse in the morning. There is relief in coughing by going in the open air. 

For Fever

Aconite – With Alternate Coldness and Heat 

Aconite can be taken when a person feels alternate coldness and heat in the body. Cold stage is most marked among these. During a cold stage a person feels as if cold waves are passing through him especially in the back. This is followed by dry burning heat that extends from face or head along with excessive thirst for cold water. With above symptoms excessive restlessness is present.

Belladonna – With Dry Burning Heat 

Belladonna is considered in cases where a person feels dry burning heat in the body. It is intensely hot like fire. The head and face appear the most hot. The face is markedly red and flushed. Sweating may follow heat. Sweat most times appears only on the covered parts. Headache is also present.

Gelsemium – For Fever with Chills and Weakness

Gelsemium works well when there is fever with chills and weakness. Chills move up and down the back. Chills are so intense as to cause shaking. During fever dizziness, drowsiness also appears with weakness. Muscle aches and soreness is yet another attending feature.

Merc Sol – For Fever with Much Sweating

It is indicated for fever with excessive sweating day and night. Sometimes the sweat is offensive, sour. These complaints are attended with great weakness. Sometimes there is chilliness that is worse in the evening and night. Chillness may alternate with flushes of heat.

Silicea – Top Grade Medicine for Night Sweat

Silicea is highly beneficial medicine for managing night sweat. It appears soon after sleeping. The sweating is copious and is attended with weakness. The sweat smells foul. Persons needing it may also face complaints of chilliness and shivering.

For Weakness

Arsenic Album – For Extreme Weakness

Arsenic Album offers great help to manage intense weakness in these cases. Persons requiring it feel exhausted even from little exertion. The weakness gets worse at night time mostly. With this marked anxiety and restlessness also appears. Other attending features are coughing, difficulty breathing, and fever with chills.

Gelsemium – For Excessive Fatigue with Dullness and Drowsiness

This is a wonderful medicine to manage fatigue accompanied with dullness and drowsiness. There is extreme tiredness, malaise sometimes with dizziness. With this fever, chills, muscle aches and dull headaches are prominently present.

Carbo Veg – For Intense Weakness with Fainting

It is an excellent medicine to manage cases where a person is intensely weak, exhausted and faints easily from this. There is debility and weakness immediately following slightest exertion. With above symptoms there may be icy coldness of body 

For Headache

Belladonna – For Relieving Pulsating Headache 

It is an excellent medicine to bring relief in headache which is mainly throbbing, pulsating in nature. For using it the pain is most times present in the sides of the head. Head also feels congested with the sensation of rushing blood to head. Head may be sensitive to cold air. The pain tends to worsen from noise, jar and light. Relief may be felt by pressure. 

Gelsemium – For Relieving Dull Headache

It is a very helpful medicine to relieve dull headaches with flu like symptoms in these cases. The pain is usually present in the back portion of the head where it is needed.  Heaviness of eyelids may also appear. Along with headache muscle soreness in neck and shoulders is also present. With these fever with shaking chills and weakness also appears.

For Joint and Muscle Pains

Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine for Joint & Muscle Pain

Rhus Tox is highly beneficial for persons having joint pains. They may also have marked stiffness in joints with pain. The joints are also swollen and hot. There is worsening in pain at rest. They feel relief in pain from motion. Warm applications also help to give relief in pain. It is also suitable to manage muscle pain in a very effective manner. 

Arnica – For Painful Muscles

Arnica is prepared from plant Arnica Montana commonly called fallkraut. This plant is a member of family composite. It is significant medicine to manage muscle pain. There are mostly sore, bruised pains as if beaten. There is fear to touch the affected part from pain and soreness. 

Magnesium Phos – When Muscle Pains are Worse at Night

It works well when there is muscle pain which is worse at night time. There is relief from warm applications and also by pressure. Sometimes the pain is wandering in nature that shifts from one place to another. 

For Skin Rash

Apis Mellifica – For Skin Rash and Painful Eruptions

Apis Mellifica is helpful when there is red skin rash or painful eruptions. The pain is usually stinging, burning kind. The rash may be itchy too. Itching can worsen from warmth in bed. The skin may be also sensitive to touch.

Natrum Mur – For Skin Rash with Blisters

Natrum Mur is indicated for managing skin rash with blisters having watery content. Along with this there may be headaches and great weakness. Weakness is most worse in the morning. There is tiredness with sleepiness. 

For Managing Symptoms of Pneumonia

Bryonia – For Cough, Chest Pain , Bloody Sputum

It is a wonderful medicine when there is pneumonia with cough, chest pain and bloody sputum. The cough is dry where it is needed. The chest pain is sharp, stitching in nature that is worse from deep breathing and coughing. With this there is high fever.

Antimonium tart – For Excessive Mucus Rattling in Lungs

This medicine works in cases of pneumonia with excessive rattling of mucus in the chest.  There is difficult expectoration of white mucus. The breathing is much more difficult. With cough there appear intense  pains in the sides of the chest.

Hepar Sulph – With Purulent Expectoration like Pus

Hepar Sulph is indicated when there is copious pus-like, offensive sputum is expectorated. With this there is excessive cough, and slight fever. Decrease in appetite and weight loss appear with these symptoms.

Risk Factors 

Anyone can get this fungal infection and develop valley fever. But certain people are at most risk of this infection. These include people who live in areas where Coccidioides fungi are usually found or someone who has recently moved in such areas.
People who are in jobs like construction, agriculture, archaeology that exposes them to dust in such areas and also people who have weak immune systems or have diabetes are at risk too. Apart from this elderly people (mostly aged 60 years and above) and pregnant women are at risk.


Its symptoms are described as per the stage. First, the initial stage is acute coccidioidomycosis. If the infection does not resolve completely here then it becomes chronic coccidioidomycosis. If the infection travels from lungs to other body parts then it is disseminated coccidioidomycosis.

  1. Acute Coccidioidomycosis

This is the initial form. In many cases no symptoms arise. When they appear they are like the flu. The symptoms tend to appear one to three weeks after exposure. The symptoms vary in intensity from mild to severe and include fever, cough, chest pain, headache, fatigue, joint pain, muscle ache, chills, night sweat and skin rash. The skin rash usually appears on legs but may also appear on arms, chest, back. The skin rash may have red painful bumps, pimple-like eruptions or blisters.  

Usually  acute coccidioidomycosis is mild in most cases and symptoms subside in a few weeks. However in some cases the infection may turn severe and progress to chronic or disseminated coccidioidomycosis. The severity and recovery depends on general health or immunity of the person and the number of fungus spores inhaled.

A person who doesn’t develop any symptoms of valley fever comes to know that he has infection only when skin or blood test for this fungus comes to be positive or during a routine chest x – ray residual areas of this infection, nodules are visible.

  1. Chronic coccidioidomycosis

If the acute infection doesn’t improve entirely then it may develop into a chronic type of pneumonia  (inflamed air sacs in lungs from an infection). This mostly happens in people with weak immune systems. Its symptoms include low grade fever, unexplained weight loss, chest pain, cough, blood tinged sputum.

  1. Disseminated Coccidioidomycosis

It is rare though the most serious form of this infection. This type occurs on spread of infection from lungs to other body parts. These parts include skin, bones, heart, brain, liver, and meninges (three protective membranes that cover the brain and the spinal cord). Its signs and symptoms develop depending on the body part affected. The symptoms include nodules under the skin, ulcers on skin, painful and swollen joints (mainly knees or ankles), painful lesions in the spine or other bones and enlarged lymph nodes. It can also cause meningitis which is a severe fatal infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.


First is intense pneumonia. In many cases there is full recovery from pneumonia. But in some persons mainly those having weak immune system there may develop severe from of pneumonia with respiratory failure.
Second complication is rupture of the nodules of the lungs. In very few cases nodules develop in the lungs that resolve with time. In some cases they tend to rupture leading to difficulty to breath and chest pain.
Last  is disseminated disease. As explained above it is the most serious complication where this fungus spreads from lungs to other body parts that can turn fatal.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus, also known as water on the brain, refers to a condition in which there is too much build up of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the ventricles of the brain.  Homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus only play a supportive role in managing the symptoms and should be considered only with conventional treatment.Homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus

These ventricles are the cavities within the brain where lies the choroid plexus that produces CSF. This fluid flow through ventricles and eventually flows in spaces that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. It provides nutrients to brain and also act as shock absorber in case of any jolts and hit to the head. This fluid undergoes a cycle of constant production and reabsorption. When this fluid exceeds a normal amount then it increases the size of ventricles and puts pressure on the brain and can cause brain damage. Though it mostly occurs in infants, children and elderly people over 60 years of age, it can occur at any age including younger adults. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Hydrocephalus

They provide symptomatic management in such cases. There are numerous natural homeopathic medicines to manage this condition which are selected based on an individual’s symptoms. Some of these medicines are described below. None of these medicines should be used by self medication. One should opt for its use after consulting a homeopathic specialist who after taking case details doing its analysis can best judge the medicine required as per each individual case.

  1. Apis Mellifica – Top Grade Medicine 

It is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage acute cases of hydrocephalus. It is especially suited to manage hydrocephalus in children. It is prominently indicated for acute cases (of recent origin). The head appears large and the eyes are prominent in children who need it. Sometimes they have a squint in one or both the eyes. They appear very irritable and restless and may cry or scream suddenly. They are lethargic, have weakness and low energy levels. Their sleep is excessive and deep. They may have dullness in their heads and may bore their head in the pillow.  In few children, pain in the head especially the back part of the head is present. Heated sensation in the head is also noted. Nausea can attend above symptoms. They can scream sharply in sleep.  Another symptom that they may have is trembling and jerking of limbs. In some of them scanty urine or suppression of urine can accompany above symptoms. Seizures in hydrocephalus also indicate its use. It is also the best indicated medicine for hydrocephalus and meningitis.

  1. Calcarea Carb – When Head Appears to be Too Large 

Calcarea Carb is a well-indicated medicine for managing cases of hydrocephalus in which the head is too large. It mostly helps chronic cases (means present from long duration) of hydrocephalus. The children needing it may have delayed closing of fontanelles along with head enlargement. They usually have a tendency of excessive sweating over the head. They may have weight loss. They may also show delayed growth or delayed learning to talk and walk. 

  1. Cina – When Child is Very Irritable

Cina is prepared from plant Cina Maritima of family compositae. It is beneficial for children who are very irritable and cross. They may cry a lot and strike those around them. They are restless too. They also have a desire to be carried. With this they frequently turn their head from one side to another. They may cry in sleep. They may have an attending inflammation of the brain.

  1. Helleborous – When Child Rolls Head from Side to Side

This medicine is prepared from the root of plant Helleborus Niger commonly known as Black Hellebore, Christmas Rose or snow – rose. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. Its use is considered in cases where a child rolls head side to side frequently day and night. He also screams a lot. He may have trembling hands. His eyes have a vacant look and sometimes squinting eyes may be noted. Deep sleep is another symptom that is present. Next symptoms he has is impaired vision and speech difficulty. He may have inflamed meninges too with hydrocephalus.

  1. Ipecac – With Nausea and Vomiting

This medicine is prepared from the dried root of plant Cephaelis ipecacuanha that belongs to the family rubiaceae. It is a valuable medicine to manage cases in which a child has nausea and vomiting. The fontanelle may be open in them. Their faces look pale. The back of the head and neck may be  sore.

  1. Phosphorus – When Child is Dull and Sleepy

This medicine is well indicated for cases where a child is dull and very sleepy. He tends to sleep all the time, has marked weakness and low energy levels, and may also vomit a lot. 

  1. Digitalis – For Sudden, Sharp Cries 

Homeopathic medicine Digitalis is prepared from plant Digitalis purpurea which belongs to the family scrophulariaceae. It is indicated for children having sudden sharp cries. With this they have vomiting on eating anything. Their eyes are sunken, dim and pupils are dilated or have squint. Their head may fall backwards from weakness of neck muscles. Other symptoms that indicate its use are boring head into pillow, involuntary urination, scanty urination and loss of vision.

  1. Lycopodium – For Pain in Back of Head

Lycopodium is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. It works well in children having pain in the back of head especially in the upper part. It can be followed by unconsciousness. They also feel heaviness in the head. Other symptoms that they frequently have include sleepiness, speech problems and screaming out in sleep.

  1. Artemisia Vulgaris – With Presence of Seizures (fits)

It is prepared from the fresh root of the plant mugwort of family compositae. It is a helpful medicine when seizures are there in case of hydrocephalus. In cases requiring it the seizures occur frequently with bending of head backward or sideways. Unconsciousness can occur after seizure. Apart from this it is indicated when there is sharp, shooting pain or heaviness in head and confusion of mind. 

  1. Calcarea Phos – With Open Fontanelles

Calcarea  Phos is useful for both acute as well as chronic hydrocephalus cases where a child has open fontanelles. Along with hydrocephalus meningitis can be present. It is also indicated for cases of congenital hydrocephalus (present since birth).

  1. Kali Iodatum – With Squinting of Eyes

This medicine is beneficial when squinting of eyes is present along with other symptoms. These symptoms include crying, vomiting, trembling of limbs on the left side. Sometimes seizures are present. It is also indicated for blindness in these cases. 

  1. Merc Sol – For Decrease of Memory, Imagination, Reasoning Skills

This medicine is given when there is diminution of memory, imagination, reasoning skills. Along with this head is enlarged. Shrieking, heaviness of head, weakness, nausea and vomiting are present.  There may also be dullness and sleepiness with this. Seizures can also be there. Another symptom that can accompany is involuntary urination. Meninges can be inflamed too with fluid build up in the brain.

  1. Apocynum – With Loss of Eyesight

This medicine is indicated when there is loss of eyesight. With this forehead is projected and there is difficulty in thinking. Involuntary motion of one arm and leg often attends these symptoms.


Hydrocephalus results when there is an imbalance between amount of CSF produced and amount of CSF absorbed into the bloodstream. Firstly, it can happen if there is an obstruction in the normal flow of CSF within the ventricles or from ventricles to space surrounding the brain (Non-communicating/obstructive hydrocephalus.)
Secondly, It can arise if there is improper absorption of this fluid (Communicating/non-obstructive hydrocephalus.)
Thirdly, in very rare cases it can happen if CSF is produced at a higher speed than it is being absorbed.

Hydrocephalus can occur before a baby is born (means congenital) or can develop shortly after birth. Associated reasons include a birth defect called neural tube defect in which the spinal column doesn’t close properly and an opening remain in  it, aqueductal stenosis (in which the passage between the third and fourth ventricles of  brain is narrow that hinder drainage of CSF), certain Infections (like rubella and syphilis) in the uterus during pregnancy, bleeding in the brain ventricles during delivery or soon after it. The reasons in infants (babies less than one year) and among all other age groups include central nervous infections like meningitis, trauma / injury to the brain, bleeding in the brain, tumours of the brain or spinal cord. In some cases no reason can be found behind hydrocephalus.


The symptoms of hydrocephalus vary as per the age of the sufferer.

  1. Infants (child less than 1 year of age)

In infants the signs include a rapid increase in head size, bulging of fontanel (soft spot in the skull) on the top of head. The head may appear unusually large with this and the eyes are fixed downward (sometimes called sunsetting of eyes). With this the babies may be highly irritable, fussy, cranky and have poor appetite. Other symptoms that they may show are excessive sleepiness, vomiting, seizures / fits, decreased muscle tone and strength. Babies born with this condition (congenital hydrocephalus) can have permanent brain damage causing long-term complications like learning disabilities, vision problems, speech problems, memory problems, epilepsy and problems with physical coordination. 

  1. Toddlers and Older Children

The signs and symptoms that can appear in toddlers and older children are an unusually large head, eyes that are fixed  downward, changes in facial appearance, headache, blurred / double vision, squint of eyes. They may have high pitched cries, excessive sleepiness, low energy levels, irritability, seizures, lowered appetite, nausea or vomiting, muscle spasms. They may have poor coordination and have problems with walking, speech or other acquired skills till date, or may have loss of bladder control (urinary incontinence). A child may have delayed growth, have personality changes, difficulty concentrating, reduced performance in school.

  1. Young and Middle-aged Adults

The symptoms in these people are chronic headache, tiredness, loss of coordination, problem with walking, difficulty in concentration and  a drop in memory that affect performance at job, vision changes and bladder problems (including frequent urination or loss of bladder control.) 

  1. Older Adults (aged 60 years or above)

Symptoms in elderly include frequent urination or loss of bladder control, memory loss, problems with reasoning skills, poor coordination, balance issues, and problems with walking.

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Excessive Daytime Sleepiness – Homeopathic Medicines for Hypersomnia

Hypersomnia refers to a condition in which a person experiences excessive sleepiness during the day and struggles hard to stay awake during day time. It is also known as excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). Homeopathic medicines for hypersomnia help restore the normal sleep cycle of a person and also manage the attending symptoms like low energy levels, concentration difficulties, irritability, anxiety and restlessness. People having hypersomnia frequently face complaints of low concentration levels, lack of alertness, difficulty in thinking clearly and low energy levels during day time.Homeopathic medicines for Hypersomnia

Homeopathic Medicines for Hypersomnia

Homeopathic medicines offer great help in cases of hypersomnia. These medicines are of natural origin and are safe to use among people of any age group. They bring about excellent recovery in cases based on the intensity and duration of complaint. Given here are the top 10 homeopathic medicines that are well-indicated for treating hypersomnia cases. One should consult a homeopathic expert for case assessment and prescription and do not self prescribe them in any case.

  1. Nux Moschata

Nux Moschata is prepared from powdered seeds of a plant Myristica Fragrans (also called Myristica Officinalis), or Nutmeg. This plant belongs to the family Myristicaceae. It is a top listed medicine to treat cases of hypersomnia. It is indicated when there is great sleepiness and irresistible drowsiness. Person needing it feels sleepy as if he is intoxicated. Sometimes attacks of sleepiness are attended with vertigo. There may be a confusion of mind, impairment of memory, slowness of thinking and sluggish flow of ideas in the mind. Mood changes from laughing and crying and vice versa may also be present. Apart from above it is a prominently indicated medicine for cases of narcolepsy with overpowering sleep.  

  1. Gelsemium 

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as Yellow Jasmine of the family Loganiaceae. It is the next prominent medicine for cases of hypersomnia. People needing it are unusually sleepy and drowsy all the time. They have prolonged sleep cycles with difficult waking. They may sometimes wake with a headache. The characteristic features that attend it are marked dullness of mind and tiredness, weakness. They also have confusion of mind and difficulty in thinking. Putting attention and concentration to do any sort of work is difficult for them. Lastly they may have irritability where they don’t wish to speak, anxiety and also tend to get angry easily. 

  1. Phosphoric Acid

It is another significant medicine for cases where excessive sleepiness in daytime is present. There is a strong desire to sleep. With this there is dullness and slowness of mind. Confusion of mind with impaired memory accompanies it. The mind gets blank and there is inability to concentrate and focus mind in doing any task. Marked weakness is another main complaint appearing with the above.

  1. Arsenic Album

This medicine is effective for people who complain of constant drowsiness. They wake unrefreshed in the morning and always feel as if some more sleep is required. Along with this they suffer from intense tiredness and exhaustion and feel like lying down all the time. Extreme anxiety is another attending complaint that they usually have. Anxiety is mostly about little things, about health or about the future. They also are very restless along with the above symptoms.

  1. Agaricus 

This medicine is very helpful when there is excessive drowsiness and weariness during daytime. People requiring it have excessive desire to sleep in the day. They may even feel sleepy soon after getting up from sleep. Sleepiness is also marked while eating or after eating. Along with sleepiness, heaviness of the head is usually present. Tired feeling in the lower limbs is another complaint that attends. 

  1. Antimonium Crudum

Antimonium Crudum is beneficial for persons who have great sleepiness during the day. They usually have deep sleep at night but wake unrefreshed in the morning. Waking is hard for them in the morning and they feel very tired, weary at that time. They mostly have a strong desire to sleep in the morning and evening time. Intense irritability of mind appears with sleepiness. It is a well-indicated medicine for excessive drowsiness in elderly people. 

  1. Cannabis Indica

This medicine is significant for treating cases of excessive sleepiness. To use this medicine the main symptoms are great desire to lie down in daytime and poor concentration. Mind appears foggy and there is an inability to fix the mind and pay attention to anything. Anxiety may also accompany the above symptoms.

  1. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is useful medicine for cases where extreme sleepiness in the day is present with frequent yawning. The complaint is most worse in the afternoon. The person needing it feels unrefreshed in the morning. Weakness is excess and is most prominently felt in the morning in bed. There may be some sort of depression present where it is indicated. In this condition sadness, weeping spells, desire for loneliness, aversion to work, dullness and dwelling on the past disagreeable events are additional symptoms.

  1. Sepia 

It is used when there is difficulty waking in the morning and no desire to rise. The limbs feel weak at that time. There is sleepiness during the day and people fall asleep soon after sitting down. Sleep does not refresh and leaves the person tired with aching throughout the whole body. Weakness is there sometimes with fainting attacks. Weakness is present on both mental and physical level. Confusion of mind, poor memory are frequent attending symptoms. Irritability and tendency to get offended easily are there.

  1. Hydrogen 

This medicine is indicated when a person complains of sudden sleepiness. He feels very sleepy in morning time. He feels the need of frequent short naps during the day. With this excessive weakness and difficult concentration are present among them.


Hypersomnia can arise from poor sleep at night, conditions causing weakness and tiredness during day. Genetics play a role and a person having a family history of hypersomnia is at risk of developing the same. This condition affects men more than women.

A) In some cases no underlying medical condition is  present behind hypersomnia (primary hypersomnia).

Primary hypersomnia includes following:

1. Narcolepsy – chronic sleep disorder characterized by sudden, uncontrollable attacks of sleep  during day occurring any time regardless of the circumstance often at inconvenient times like while driving.

2. Idiopathic hypersomnia (where no cause is found behind hypersomnia)

3. Recurrent hypersomnia like Klein – Levin syndrome (rare sleep disorder with persistent episodes of hypersomnia, cognitive problems and mood changes).

B) In other cases it arises from some medical condition (secondary hypersomnia).

The medical conditions linked with secondary hypersomnia include following:

1. Sleep apnea (a sleep disorder in which a person experience momentary pauses in breathing several times during sleep)

2. Some neurological diseases. Some examples of these linked with secondary hypersomnia are as follows:

Parkinson’s Disease – a nervous system disorder with symptoms including rest tremor, slowed movement, rigid muscles, impaired posture and balance and changes in speech changes.

Epilepsy – a brain disorder that causes recurrent seizures which is sudden uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain that causes unusual behaviour, movements and sometimes loss of consciousness

Multiple Sclerosis – a disease in which there is damage to the myelin sheath of nerve cells in brain and spinal cord

3. Encephalitis – Inflammation of the brain

4. Psychological complaints including depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder ( a mental health condition characterised by extreme mood swings between depressed mood to abnormally elevated mood)
5. Chronic fatigue syndrome – a disorder characterized by extreme tiredness, weakness that doesnt improve with rest and  that can not be explained by any underlying medical condition
6. Restless Leg Syndrome – a disorder characterised by strong urge to move ones legs due to unpleasant sensation in the legs
7. Fibromyalgia – a disorder characterized by widespread body pain, tiredness, sleep issues and memory issues

8. Kidney Failure

9. Some autoimmune diseases like :

Lupus – In this body’s immune system attacks bodys own tissues and organs causing its Inflammation and it can affect joints, skin, kidneys, brain, heart and lungs.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – a chronic inflammatory disorder in which joint inflammation arise with pain, swelling and stiffness of joints.

10. Hypothyroidism – under active thyroid

11. Mononucleosis – an infection caused by Epstein Barr virus (EBV)

Apart from above the medical conditions, other possible causes linked with secondary hypersomnia are head injury, use of certain medicines (like tranquillisers, antihistamines, anticonvulsants, opioids, antipsychotics, melatonin), withdrawing use of some medicine, excessive alcohol use, excessive smoking and drug abuse.


The major symptoms of this condition are feeling tired constantly, excessive sleepiness during the day and taking frequent and long naps during day which are unrefreshing. People with this condition also have prolonged night time sleep. They have difficulty waking from sleep and feel confused disorientated on waking up. Rest of its symptoms include low energy levels, trouble concentrating, poor performance at work or in school, irritability, anxiety, restlessness, problems with memory, difficulty remembering, slowness of speech, slowness of thinking, trouble thinking clearly , headache and loss of appetite.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for High Prolactin

Prolactin is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland (also called the master gland) which is situated at the base of the brain. Prolactin is also known as lactogenic hormone or milk hormone. The prolactin levels are considered high when they exceed the normal levels in blood of non pregnant females, non breastfeeding females and males. The medical term for this rise of prolactin levels is  hyperprolactinemia. Homeopathic remedies for high prolactin focus on treating the root cause leading to high prolactin levels and regulating the hormone to bring it to a  normal range. Both men and women usually have small amounts of prolactin in their blood.   Homeopathic Remedies for High Prolactin

Prolactin plays a role in regulating periods in non-pregnant women. In women, prolactin levels normally increase during pregnancy and nursing. This helps in breast growth during pregnancy and production of milk after delivery for breast feeding the baby. Increase of prolactin is normal during pregnancy and breastfeeding but sometimes it can occur in non pregnant women or even in men due to other causes.

Homeopathic Remedies for High Prolactin 

Homoeopathic medicines carry a great scope to manage complaints that arise from high prolactin levels in males and females. These medicines focus to treat the root cause behind high prolactin levels to bring recovery in its complaint and also the prolactin levels in normal range. These medicines being of natural origin are perfectly safe to use, and have no side effects. These medicines can help both females and males having high prolactin levels.

For Irregular Periods and Amenorrhoea

  1. Sepia

It is a very effective medicine for cases of irregular periods. Symptoms to use this medicine are late periods, sometimes appearing at a gap of three to four months. They are also scanty. Before periods, pain in the abdomen and back may appear. During periods there may be chilliness and sometimes fainting. Sometimes there appears vaginal discharge (leucorrhea) in place of menses. A peculiar symptom that may be present is a bearing down sensation in the pelvis as if the womb would force itself out of vagina.

  1. Pulsatilla

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as Wind Flower. This plant belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. It is very beneficial for irregular periods and absence of periods. The menses are late and scanty where it is required. The menstrual flow also lasts for too short a time. The menstrual blood may be of a dark or blackish colour. During menses there may appear pain in abdomen and back, sometimes nausea and vomiting, headache and vision dimness. 

For Infertility

Cases of infertility can also be treated with homeopathic medicines. Among various medicines used in homeopathy to treat infertility the top grade medicines are Sepia, Natrum Mur, Borax, Conium and Calcarea Carb. The best suited medicine among them is selected after thorough case analysis. 

When Non Pregnant/Nursing Women have Milk Production (Galactorrhea)

  1. Asafoetida

It is prepared from gum resin obtained by incision of the living root of plant Narthex Asafoetida. This plant belongs to the family umbelliferae. It is well-indicated when there is milk production in non-pregnant females. With this the breast is congested, distended and swollen. 

  1. Cyclamen

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant Cyclamen Europaeum commonly known as sow-bread. This plant belongs to the family Primulaceae. It is useful for non-pregnant females who have discharge of milk from their breasts. Swelling in breasts and a hard, tensed sensation with pain may appear.  Stitches may be felt in the breast. Mostly there is breast swelling with milk secretion after menses.

  1. Pulsatilla

It is helpful when there is milk discharge from the breasts of girls before puberty. The breast gets fuller with production of milk which is thin white. The breasts are swollen with this. There is a pressing sensation and tension in the breast.

For Low Libido 

  1. Sepia

It is a top listed medicine when there is decrease desire for sex in females. There is irritability even on thoughts of sex. The vagina feels dry and there may be pain during intercourse.

  1. Lyssin

It is indicated when there is dislike for sexual intercourse following childbirth. Females needing it also have sensitive vaginas and complain of painful intercourse.

  1. Onosmodium

Onosmodium is prepared from plant Onosmodium virginianum having the common name False Gromwell. This plant belongs to the family Boraginaceae. Its use is considered when sexual desire is completely lost in females.

For Dry Vagina and Painful Intercourse

  1. Sepia

It is an excellent medicine for females who have a dry vagina and pain during intercourse. The sexual parts are also tender to touch, there is exhaustion after intercourse, and in some cases, bleeding. Sexual desire also tends to be low. 

  1. Natrum Mur

It is also a prominent medicine for complaints of vaginal dryness and painful intercourse in females. With this burning and smarting sensation in vagina may also be present. The vagina is sore.  

For Breast Pain / Tenderness

  1. Conium

Its use is mainly recommended when there is pain in the breast before and during periods. The pain worsens from least to jar and on walking. Stitches are felt in the breast. The breast feels swollen and sore.

  1. Lac Can

It is indicated when there is pain in the breast with soreness and sensitivity to least pressure. A dull, constant, aching pain is felt in the breast and also engorgement of breasts may also occur. 

For Hot Flashes

  1. Sepia

It gives wonderful results in cases of hot flashes. Females needing this experience sweating with hot flashes, weakness. There is also a tendency to faint.

  1. Lachesis

It is also highly useful in the cases of hot flashes. There is marked heat on the top of the head. With this there may be palpitations, headaches and fainting spells.

  1. Amylenum Nitrosum

It is considered when there are heat flashes in females which are followed by drenching sweats. Anxiety and palpitations are marked with this.

For Acne (Pimples)

  1. Hepar Sulph

It is best suited for acne that has pus in it. The acne is painful where it is required. The pain is like prickling pain. The acne may also bleed easily.

  1. Kali Bromatum

It is given in cases of acne that appear on face, shoulders and chest. The acne is itchy in these cases. They also leave scars on the skin. The acne gets worse before menses begin.

For Excessive Body and Facial Hair 

To manage this complaint the top listed medicines in homeopathy are Sepia, Oleum Jac and Thuja.

Homeopathic Remedies for High Prolactin Levels in Males 

For Low Libido 

  1. Agnus Castus

This medicine is prepared from ripe berries of the plant The Chaste Tree belonging to the family Verbenaceae. It is well-indicated when males have decreased or almost complete absence of sexual desire. With this they may also have weak or no erections.

  1. Nuphar Luteum

It is prepared from the fresh root of plant Yellow Pond Lily of family Nymphaeaceae.  It is very useful for males in whom sexual desire is completely absent.

  1. Yohimbinum

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the Yumbe Hoa tree of the family Rubiaceae. It is another prominent medicine that act as a great aphrodisiac to boost sex drive in males and treat sexual weakness.

For Erectile Dysfunction

  1. Agnus Castus

It is very effective when there are no erections and loss of sexual desire. The penis remains relaxed, flaccid and cold.

  1. Caladium

It is prepared from the plant Caladium seguinum also called Arum Seguinum. This plant belongs to family Araceae. It is used when sexual desire is present but there are no erections. The penis remains relaxed despite sexual desire.

  1. Lycopodium

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly called Club Moss of family Lycopodiaceae. Its use is considered when the erections are weak and not perfect. There is also the complaint of premature ejaculation in males.

For Low Sperm Count

To help such cases, the top grade medicines are X-ray, Radium Bromatum and Agnus Castus.


There are various causes for high prolactin levels.

  1. The most common cause for elevated prolactin levels is a benign (I.e. non cancerous) tumour in the pituitary gland known as a prolactinoma which secretes excessive prolactin. Prolactinomas are more common in women as compared to men. As per a study about 50 percent of hyperprolactinemia cases are caused by prolactinomas
  2. Second reason that can cause high levels of prolactin is diseases  (like infection, injury, tumour) of hypothalamus (small region of the brain located near the pituitary gland) 
  3. Next causes for it include hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid gland which does not produce enough thyroid hormone), low blood sugar levels, anorexia nervosa (an eating disorder in which a person has excessive weight loss and there is fear of gaining weight and becoming fat) chronic kidney failure, cushing’s disease (a condition characterised by excessive release of adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH by the pituitary gland) and cirrhosis of liver (scarring of liver)
  4. It can arise from use of certain medicines. These include antidepressants like clomipramine and desipramine, antipsychotics like haldol, risperdal, antihypertensives that control high blood pressure like Verelan, isoptin, acid H2 blockers like, birth control pills, opiate medicine used to relieve pain derived from opium.
  5. Excessive use of certain herbs like fenugreek, fennel seeds.
  6. Injuries or irritation of the chest wall (like from some surgical scar, shingles / herpes zoster). 
  7. Extreme stress or exercise.
  8. Sometimes no cause is found behind hyperprolactinemia.

Normal Range of Prolactin Levels

  1. The normal range of prolactin in women who are not pregnant is less than 25 ng/mL.
  2. The normal range of prolactin in women who are pregnant is between 34 – 386 ng/mL.
  3. The normal range of prolactin in men is between 2 – 18 ng/mL.


Some females may have no symptoms from high prolactin. While in others symptoms can appear that vary from one female to another. It can lead to irregular periods, missed periods / having no periods (amenorrhoea), infrequent periods and change in menstrual flow. 

There can be a stoppage of ovulation from high prolactin leading to infertility. Next it can cause milk production in women who are not pregnant or not nursing medically called as galactorrhea, low libido (reduced interest in having sex) and dryness of vagina that can cause painful intercourse. 

Other symptoms include breast pain / tenderness, hot flashes, acne (pimples) and excessive body hair and unnatural growth of facial hair.

In men the symptoms of hyperprolactinaemia are low libido (reduced desire for sex), erectile dysfunction (in this a man is unable to achieve or maintain erection required for sexual intercourse), enlargement of breast (gynaecomastia) and rarely breast milk production. Other complaints that appear in them include decreased muscle mass, lack of body and facial hair, and low sperm count or zero sperm count.

Headaches and eye problems in case of pituitary tumours can appear in both males and females in addition to above symptoms.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Mastoiditis

What is mastoiditis?

Infection of the mastoid bone of the skull located behind the ear is referred as mastoiditis. Mastoid bone is a part of temporal bone of skull and is spongy bone and not solid like other bones in the body. The mastoid bone has a honey comb like structure and is made of air sacs called mastoid cells. These mastoid air sacs function to protect the delicate ear structures.

What causes Mastoiditis ?

a) Middle ear infection

Infection in the middle ear that is untreated or improperly treated remains the most common reason for mastoiditis . Infection from middle ear can travel to the air sacs of mastoid bone, leading to infection and inflammation. In long run, it can cause damage and destroy the mastoid bone. The muco-peritoneum covering of mastoid air cells is continuous with epithelium of middle ear cavity. So this gives a pathway for the infection in middle ear cavity to spread to mastoid air cells.

Mastoiditis mostly occur in children but can occur in adults too. The main bacteria involved in acute mastoiditis are streptococcus pneumoniae, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pyogenes and hemophilus influenzae. While in chronic mastoiditis, the most common bacteria involved are pseudomans aeruginosa, enterobacteriaceae and staphylococcus aureus.

B) Cholesteatoma

Less common reason behind it is cholesteatoma (an abnormal collection of skin cells in the middle ear behind ear drum that mostly arise from repeated middle ear infections). This may prevent proper drainage of ear and favours bacterial multiplication and infection.

What are the symptoms of Mastoiditis 

The symptoms of mastoiditis resembles an ear infection.  It includes pus or fluid discharge from the ear, pain in or around the ear,  fever / chills and foul smell from ear. There also appear redness and swelling behind the ear. Tenderness may also be present behind the ear. Headache, hearing loss and ringing in ears are rest of its symptoms. The young children might pull their ears, cry or may have high irritability or mood changes as they are unable to express their symptoms.

What are its complications?

This condition needs to be diagnosed and treated quickly in order to prevent its complications some of which can be serious and life threatening if the infection spreads outside the mastoid bone to the brain or sometimes to the whole body. Its complications include inflammation of labyrinth of inner ear I.e labyrinthitis (it leads to hearing loss, ringing in ears, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, vertigo). Another complication includes facial paralysis-  if the infection spread to facial nerve .

Its serious complications arise when the infection spreads to the brain. Severe headaches and swelling behind the eyes (called papilledema) are main symptoms . The complication that appear from infection spreading to brain include blood clot in brain, brain abscess (a collection of pus in the brain tissue), epidural abscess (pus  collection  between the outer membrane covering the brain and spinal cord and the bones of the skull or spine) and meningitis (inflammation of the protective membranes covering your brain and spinal cord). Another potentially serious life threatening complication is sepsis arising when there is spread of the infection throughout the body.

Homeopathic treatment of Mastoiditis

Homeopathy has an excellent scope to treat cases of mastoiditis. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s defence mechanism to fight with an infectious agent causing mastoiditis and bring natural recovery. These helps to reduce the inflammation of mastoid bone and halts its further progress that can cause destruction of mastoid bone. Simultaneously these medicines effectively manages its symptoms like earache, ear discharges, tenderness and swelling behind ear, hearing difficulty and noises in ear (tinnitus). There are numerous medicines in homeopathy which are helpful to treat middle ear infections too which if taken well in time help to resolve it which is the main reason behind mastoiditis. Homeopathic medicines for mastoiditis are taken as per the individual’s prominent symptoms that vary from case to case. These medicines are natural medicines and can be taken by persons of any age group without any risk of side effects.

It is to be noted that in case of serious complication that has already occurred in mastoiditis cases from spread of infection to brain needs to be urgently treated under conventional mode of treatment as these can be life threatening in short time and homeopathy can not offer help in these cases.


Homeopathic Medicines for Mastoiditis

 Belladonna – for pain in ear

Belladonna is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is an effective medicine to reduce inflammation of mastoid bone and relieve pain in ear. Indications for its use are – ear pain that can be throbbing, tearing, stitching or shooting type. The ear is also hot and sensitive to touch. Other than this persons needing it may have hardness of hearing. They may also complain of noises in the ear that can be ringing, humming or roaring in nature.

Kali Mur – To treat middle ear infection

It is a top listed medicine to resolve middle ear infection well in time and reduce the chance of mastoiditis. To use this medicine the symptoms to look for include white discharge from ear, hearing difficulty and snapping or popping noises in ear.

Silicea – For ear infection / mastoiditis with pus discharge from ear

It is considered when there is pus discharge from ear either from infection in ear or mastoiditis. The discharge has an offensive smell. Along with this there is pain in mastoid bone behind the ear. Fever may also be present. Persons needing it also complain of boring or throbbing pain in ear. Additionally they may have hissing or ringing noises in ear and hearing loss. It is indicated for cases where the mastoid bone is inflamed as well as in cases where the decay of mastoid bone has started.

Pulsatilla – for ear infection / mastoiditis with yellow or yellowish green ear discharges

Pulsatilla is a natural medicine prepared from plant  Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as pasque flower and wind flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is another excellent medicine for ear infection and mastoiditis. Its use is indicated when there are yellow or yellowish green discharges from ear. The discharge is profuse and thick. With this there is pain and swelling behind the ear. The pain is usually sharp or shooting in nature. Sometimes pain in head appears along with ear pain. Apart from above roaring or humming noises in are may be present. High fever may attend above symptoms.

Capsicum – when there is pain and tenderness behind ear

This medicine is very useful when area behind ear is painful and it is highly sore and tender to touch. This area is also swollen. Discharges from ear appear with this. Burning and stinging sensation in ear sometimes accompany this.

Merc Sol – for ear pain worsening at night

Merc Sol is helpful medicine when a person experience ear pain at night time. The pain for using it can be drawing, tearing or shooting in nature. With this another characteristic feature is presence of thick yellow, green ear discharge having offensive smell or pus discharge and sometimes blood stained discharge from ear. Whistling or ringing noise in ears is another prominent feature appearing with this.

Hepar Sulph – When ear are painful and sensitive to touch

Use of Hepar Sulph is recommended when there is pain in ear and there is sensitivity to touch ear. Persons requiring it also have an offensive pus discharge from ear in addition to above. They also complain of roaring noises in ear and have problems with hearing.

Tellurium – for chronic  cases of Mastoiditis

Tellurium is very beneficial medicine for chronic cases of mastoiditis. The key feature to use it is constant pain in ear. The pain is mostly throbbing type and continues day and night where it is required. Another prominent symptom is thin, watery , yellowish discharge from ear. The discharge may be seen to continuously ooze from ear.  Sometimes with these symptoms hearing may be impaired and noises of buzzing, ringing nature in ear are present.

Ferrum Phos – when there is soreness and swelling behind ear

Ferrum Phos is a valuable medicine to manage cases in which soreness and swelling behind ear is marked. Throbbing earache attends it. There are ringing noises in ear and difficulty with hearing too with above complaints. Discharge of mucus and pus from ear also appears with these.

Aurum Met – for offensive ear discharge

This medicine is indicated when there is offensive discharge from ear that can be purulent I.e of pus. Along with discharge, burning and prickling in ear arises. Difficulty in hearing attends to this. Lastly there can be noises in ear of varying character like buzzing, roaring, humming or rushing type. The mastoid bone is inflamed or may also have even started to decay in cases where it is indicated.

Asafoetida – when pain in side of head is prominent

Asafoetida is beneficial when pain is in the side of head I.e. temporal region is marked with a pushing out sensation. Boring type of pain is also present behind the ear. Ear discharges having offensive smell . The discharge is mostly thin and contains pus. Hardness of hearing is another symptom that accompanies it.

Carbo Animalis – for sharp stitching pain and swelling behind ear

Carbo Animalis is used when a case present is  with sharp, stitching pain and swelling behind the ear. Person needing it also have buzzing noises in ear and discharge of pus from ear.

Phosphorus – When there is pain and marked noises in ear

This medicine is indicated when there is pain in ear and marked noises in ear. The pain for using it may be throbbing, tearing or shooting type. The shooting pain may also occur in head. When it comes to noises in ear they can be ringing, roaring or buzzing  nature. Yellow coloured fluid discharge from ear may be present too.



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