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Homeopathy for Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness refers to a group of symptoms that can arise in a person from going at higher altitudes too quickly. It happens due to low levels of oxygen at high altitudes. It is also known by the name of mountain sickness.  This condition usually occurs at altitudes of 8,000 feet (ft) or higher. People who live at high altitudes are adapted to low oxygen saturation, but persons who travel to higher altitudes than their body is used to can develop altitude sickness. Climbing, hiking, driving at higher altitudes too rapidly or climbing at too high altitudes poses a risk of it because the body doesn’t get enough time then to adjust to the decreased oxygen levels. Homeopathy for altitude sickness can help manage symptoms, with homeopathic remedy Coca being the first-aid medicine, popularly known as ‘the mountaineer’s remedy.’ homeopathy for altitude sickness

Anyone can get it who hurry into ascending at high altitudes, without giving their body enough time to adjust to the changes in air pressure. The chances of it are increased if the climb is difficult and takes excessive energy compared to an easy climb needing less energy. Risk is increased in persons having a history of this complaint. The risk is lowered if a person ascends at high altitudes in a gradual manner. Mountain sickness can be acute or chronic. In acute type  symptoms are felt shortly after ascending quickly at high altitude. While in chronic type the symptoms develop after a person remains at higher altitude of more than 8200 feet for an extended time. The chronic mountain sickness is also known as Monge’s disease. 


The symptoms of this condition occur between 6 to 24 hours after reaching higher altitudes. The intensity of symptoms depends on various factors that include age of the person, weight of the person, general physical fitness levels, the speed at which a person climbed the higher altitude and how much time is spent by a person at  the high altitude. A person is said to have altitude sickness if he gets a headache and at least one other attending symptoms of altitude sickness at a height of 8000 ft. Other than headache the symptoms of this condition when in mild condition includes  dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue (tiredness, weakness), sleeplessness (insomnia), loss of appetite, general malaise, feeling sleepy, increased heart rate and shortness of breath on doing exertion. The symptoms  tend to get better in a day or two as the body adjusts itself to altitude change. But in severe cases serious symptoms may develop. These serious symptoms are severe headache, shortness of breath  even at rest, chest tightness, skin discolouration, cough, coughing of blood, loss of coordination, unsteady gait means problem in walking, confusion and decreased consciousness.

Classification of Altitude Sickness

It is classified into three types:

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) :

It is the  most common and the mildest form of altitude sickness. Its symptoms include dizziness, headache, nausea and muscle aches.

High – Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE):

This form occurs if AMS is not treated well in time and it persists. In this type fluid fills the brain leading to its swelling and hindering its normal functioning. This fluid leaks from blood vessels into the brain that occurs from low oxygen levels resulting in brain swelling. This type needs immediate treatment because it can cause death if not urgently treated. Its symptoms include intense drowsiness, confusion, disorientation, fever, trouble walking and hallucinations (a symptom in which a person sees or hears things not present actually in reality

High – Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE)

In this type excessive fluid builds up in the lungs and hinders its normal function. This type is also life threatening and if not treated immediately can cause death. The symptoms of this type are difficulty breathing even at rest, blueness of skin or lips (cyanosis), persistent intense cough, chest tightness / congestion, rattling or gurgling noises in lungs when breathing, confusion and  weakness.

Homeopathy for Altitude Sickness

There are some medicines in homeopathy that are beneficial for cases of altitude sickness. These can be considered in these cases of mild intensity. In cases where any of the symptoms are very severe /serious and are indicating HACE and HAPE it Is advisable to take immediate help from conventional treatment. Homeopathic medicines can help mild cases with symptoms including headache, exhaustion, dizziness, sleeplessness, palpitations, anxiety and mild difficult breathing. The first aid homeopathic medicine best fit for managing these symptoms is Coca also popularly known as “The mountaineer’s remedy’’. 

  1. Coca

This medicine is prepared from leaves of the plant Coca Erythroxylon that belongs to family linee. It is top listed medicine for cases of altitude sickness. It is the best homeopathic medicine for managing cases of mild to moderate intensity. The key features to use this medicine in these cases are headache, dizziness, sleeplessness, palpitations, anxiety, exhaustion and difficulty breathing. This medicine is helpful when any of these symptoms arise from ascending high altitudes. Its use is also recommended as a preventive for altitude sickness in persons having a history of this condition any time in the past.

  1. Calcarea Carb 

Calcarea Carb is another well indicated homeopathic medicine for cases of altitude sickness. It is mainly indicated for vertigo (a symptom in which a person feels as if he is moving or the surrounding objects are moving but actually they are not) when climbing high altitudes or going up a hill. For using it the vertigo can be felt on suddenly turning the head. The vertigo is attended with a sensation of falling. Along with vertigo, headache nausea and vomiting can be present too.   

  1. Carbo Veg 

Carbo Veg is the next valuable medicine for altitude sickness. One of the main actions of this medicine is centred around the complaints arising from lack of proper oxygenation of blood. In cases of mountain sickness it is beneficial for complaints of mild difficult breathing. This can be used only in mild cases and not severe ones. Persons needing it have quick, short breathing. This is attended with desire to take a deep breath. Breathing difficulty worsens from walking. They may desire to be fanned to get more air. Palpitation can be felt with the above symptoms. Another attending symptom that they may have is weakness and exhaustion.

  1. Gelsemium

It is a natural medicine prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. This medicine can help in managing the complaint of dizziness. Persons needing it feel Lightheadedness or vertigo. It worsens from sudden movement of head and also from walking. The head may feel heavy with it. Next it works well to manage excessive drowsiness or feeling sleepy. Lastly, it is an effective medicine for managing fatigue, tiredness, weakness. 

  1. Belladonna 

This medicine is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is a beneficial medicine to manage headaches. Persons who require it feel throbbing, pulsating pain in the head usually in the temples (sides) of the head. Congestion, fullness, heat in the head accompanies it. They may feel better in pain from applying pressure on the head.

  1. Conium

This medicine is well indicated to manage dizziness and vertigo with whirling sensation in the head. In cases needing it the vertigo is felt when turning the head or when rising from a seat or walking. Along with this a pressure sensation is also felt in the head.

  1. Arnica

It is prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana having the common name Leopard’s – bane or fallkraut. It belongs to the family composite. It is a very beneficial medicine for managing muscle aches. The main characteristic symptom for using it is sore bruised pains in the body. It feels as if the body is beaten. It helps to relieve the muscle pain and soreness very effectively.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

9 Homeopathic Remedies for Supportive Treatment of Erysipelas

Erysipelas is a bacterial skin infection of the upper layer of the skin. The bacteria causing it is mostly Group A Streptococcus bacterium. Another name for this condition is St. Anthony’s Fire because the rash occurring in it has a fiery appearance. Erysipelas is a skin disorder similar to cellulitis in which an infection occurs in the lower layers of the skin. Use of homeopathic remedies for erysipelas is recommended when the signs and symptoms are mild to moderate in intensity and no complications are present.


It occurs from entry of bacteria in the skin through some cuts or sores on the skin.  The bacteria commonly causing it is Group A Streptococcus bacteria. Cuts on the skin, insect bites or animal bites, ulcers on the skin and surgical incisions are some of the injuries that raises risk of developing this condition. Persons suffering from certain skin conditions like eczema (a condition characterised by red, inflamed, itchy skin), impetigo (contagious, superficial infection of the skin mainly affecting infants and children), athlete’s foot (fungal infection of feet), psoriasis (an autoimmune skin condition in which red, inflamed, itchy scaly patches, forms on the skin) that cause breaks in the skin also makes them prone to erysipelas.

Some other health conditions that increase chances of this infection includes diabetes, issues with blood circulation, improper working of the veins or the lymphatic vessels. Lastly alcoholism, obesity, weak immune system and use of injection of drugs like heroin are some factors raising its risk. 

Though it can affect people of any age but is common in infants and elderly people above the age of 60 years.

Signs and Symptoms 

Initially before the beginning of the skin rash there occur fever, chills, shivering, fatigue, feeling unwell, loss of appetite, vomiting and headache. It develops within 48hrs of infection.  Afterwards the skin gets affected. Swollen patches may occur on the skin. These look shiny and have raised edges. It feels warm, is painful and can also be tender to touch. In severe cases blisters (fluid-filled eruptions) or petechiae (pinpoint red or purple spots) appear on the affected skin area. The skin rash occurs mostly on the face and the legs. In the case of the face, the nose and cheeks are commonly involved. The lymph nodes can also get swollen and lymphedema may occur.


If not treated rightly and in proper time then there is risk of some complications. These includes abscess (pus collection), gangrene (tissue death from loss of blood supply), blood clots, bone infections, joint infection. Next ones are infection in the heart valves, spread of infection to the brain and blood poisoning if infection spreads to the bloodstream.

Homeopathic Remedies for Erysipelas

Homeopathy offers supportive help in managing this condition. Homeopathic medicines help relieve its signs and symptoms. These help to halt further progression of the condition and heal the skin rash. These boost the natural defence mechanism of the body to help fight with the infective agent that is causing it and exclude it from the body. Use of homeopathic medicine is recommended for this condition when the signs and symptoms are mild to moderate in intensity and no complications are present. In such cases, it is advised to use any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self medication. But in case of severe signs and symptoms or in the presence of any complication, it is strictly advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment.

1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

It is a prominently indicated medicine for erysipelas. Firstly, it is helpful when there is skin rash on the face and scalp. The face appears dark red and shiny. Yellow blisters are also present. The rash is itchy and also has a burning, tingling, stinging sensation. The face appears hot. There may be loss of appetite and fever with this. In cases needing it the rash may first appear on the left side of face and then on the right side. Swelling under eyes is present. Next, it is useful when the eruption appears on hands, feet, arms and legs. There may occur small patches of rash or the rash may extend widely where it is required. Swelling may also occur with this. The rash may be attended with itching, smarting, stinging burning sensation. Blisters may arise on inflamed skin having a red and swollen base. The blisters vary in size from pin head to a pea.

2. Belladonna – For Skin Rash with Swelling and Fever

It is a natural medicine prepared from the plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to the family Solanaceae. It is indicated in these cases when swelling occurs with skin rash. The affected skin appears bright red. It is covered with blisters. Fever is present with this. Mostly the skin rash appears on the face where it is needed. The face is red, hot and hard in such cases.

  1. Apis Mellifica – When it is Attended with Marked Swelling

It is an effective medicine for managing cases in which swelling accompanies the skin rash. Swelling is present with red stripes on skin. In cases requiring it, the red, hard swellings occur mostly on legs and sometimes on arms. The swelling may also be most marked under the eyes with erysipelas on one side of the face where it  is needed. Next it is suited for cases where the nose or ears are swollen, red. The skin involved is red with a bruised, sore feeling. Burning stinging pain is also a peculiar symptom present in skin rash.  Other than these it works well when the rash starts in the right cheek, and then goes across the nose and extends to the left cheek. This medicine is also valuable for cases  when rash begins at one eye and goes from right to left side.  The face is  intensely hot and red, puffy, shiny with this. It may also be sore to touch. Lastly it offers help where the complaint recurs again and again.

  1. Graphites – When Blisters Discharge Sticky Fluid

This medicine works well in these cases when there are blisters on skin that discharge sticky, glutinous fluid. It works best when erysipelas start from the forehead and thereafter spread to the scalp and neck. Apart from this it is also indicated when erysipelas begin in the face and then gradually spread over the whole body. 

  1. Sulphur – For Painful Erysipelas

Use of this medicine is recommended for managing painful erysipelas. For using it the pain can be with throbbing, pulsating, shooting or stinging type.  A chief characteristic symptom for using it is erysipelas beginning from the right ear and then spreading over the face. Another symptom that calls its use is erysipelas of the face mainly in eyelids, nose, and left sided ear. The erysipelas migrating from place to place also indicates its use. Next symptom where this medicine is indicated is erysipelas in the legs and feet. Its last indicating symptom is large and shining swelling of the fingers.

  1. Lachesis – When it Affects Left Side of Face

This medicine is prominent for managing cases in which rash occurs on the left side of the face. In cases needing it the rash can begin near to the left side of the nose and then extend up and down to the left side face. In some cases the eruption occurs beneath the left eye. This area appears red, swollen and is accompanied with itching. The lower lid is swollen with this. The rash on the face has burning and itching where it is required. Headache may be present along with above symptoms. Other than these Lachesis is indicated when the face is red bloated with heat and swelling that assume purplish hue. Next it is beneficial for cases in which the blisters contain dark coloured fluid. Apart from above open ulcers on the leg on the left side attended with erysipelas also indicates its use. Lastly it is well indicated medicine for managing erysipelas in old people.

  1. Pulsatilla – When it Affects Face, Thighs, Buttocks

It is prepared from a plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower or pasque flower. The family of this plant is ranunculaceae. It is used when erysipelas are present on thighs, buttocks and face. In case of face stinging, pricking pain is present. In such cases peeling of the skin also occurs. 

  1. Cantharis – For Erysipelas with Blisters

This medicine is significant to manage cases of erysipelas with blisters. The blisters are large in size where it is required. These may exude much watery matter. Burning sensation and pain is also there in them. Other than this it also works well in cases where skin inflammation is there followed by prickling. Another symptom for using it is inflammation of the dorsum of the nose that spread to both cheeks. This is followed by skin peeling.

  1. Thuja – For Facial Erysipelas with Swelling

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh twigs of a plant Thuja Occidentalis having the common name Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family coniferae. It is indicated for cases in which the face is affected. The face appears red and hot. The burning redness is prominent on the cheeks. The affected skin tends to peel off when washed.

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Improving Blood Circulation with Homeopathy

The circulatory system of our body carries blood, oxygen and nutrients to each and every part of the body. But in case the circulation is poor, the blood doesn’t reach properly to tissues depriving them of oxygen and nutrients required for normal functioning resulting in certain symptoms. Homeopathy for blood circulation offers a supportive help in these cases to improve blood circulation and give symptomatic relief along with conventional treatment. 

Homeopathy for blood circulation

Poor circulation commonly occurs in limbs like legs and arms. 


Poor circulation is not a disorder but arises from some of the health issues. 

It can arise from various causes. First among them is atherosclerosis. It arises when plaque  builds up in the artery arteries causing its hardness and narrowing of lumen. It leads to a decrease in blood flow. It can affect arteries of the heart, brain, legs and arms. Atherosclerosis can lead to peripheral artery disease (a circulatory problem in which blood flow to the limbs is decreased due to narrowing of the arteries).

Second reason is a clot in a blood vessel that can restrict blood flow to the organs. The clot may cause partial or complete blockage of blood flow. Blood clots can form in any of the body areas. If a blood clot forms in arms or legs then then it carries a chance to travel to vital organs like heart (causing heart attack), lungs and can also lead to stroke (death of brain cells from decreased or interrupted blood supply to a part of brain depriving it from getting oxygen and nutrients)

Third cause is diabetes mellitus. High blood sugar levels for a long time can lead to damage of blood vessels and plaque can build up in these vessels. 

Next reason is varicose veins (twisted, enlarged and engorged veins). This happens from weakening or damage of the valves of veins. It results in backward blood flow and blood pooling in the vein resulting in stretching and twisting of the veins. Any vein in the body may be affected with it but usually they occur on the back of the legs. 

Another cause is being overweight (it compresses blood supply through the whole body. Persons who are obese are at more risk of poor circulation if they remain in standing or sitting position for a prolonged period. It puts them at risk of varicose veins, high blood pressure). Lastly it can arise from raynaud’s disease In this disease there occurs narrowing of the small arteries in the hands and toes. Its symptoms usually occur when the sufferer is in a cold temperature or under excessive stress. 


Its main symptoms are numbness, tingling or pin needle sensation in the hands and feet. Next is coldness in the hands and feet. 

Another symptom is pain of throbbing or stinging nature in the limbs. Other than this there may occur cramps in the limbs (hands, feet, arms, legs). Skin colour changes may also occur. Due to low amount of arterial blood to body tissues the skin may look pale or blue, or purple

Next swelling and ulcers can occur in the lower limbs. Fatigue is also seen sometimes. Other than this symptoms depend on which part of the body has sluggish blood circulation. For example poor circulation to the brain can impact its functioning resulting in dizziness, memory loss, concentration issues, headache and fatigue. If circulation to heart is poor it may result in chest pain, breathing difficulty, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat. When circulation to Kidneys is reduced it may result in edema of hand, feet. Women may have irregular menstrual cycles and fertility issues if the blood supply to the female reproductive system is reduced. Men may face complaints of erectile dysfunction (inability to get or maintain an erection for sexual intercourse) in case of poor blood flow to the genitals. 

Homeopathy for Blood Circulation 

Homeopathic medicines are effective to relieve symptoms like numbness, tingling, coldness in limbs, cramps in  limbs, fatigue, concentration issues and manage varicose veins cases. The medicines for managing these cases are selected as per the symptoms of the patient in every individual case. Poor blood circulation can have serious complications related to vital organs like heart, lungs, brain. So it is advisable to take these medicines only when no serious complication is present. One should always take any homeopathic medicine for this condition under guidance of a homeopathic doctor. In critical cases it is strictly advised to take immediate help from conventional  mode of treatment.

  1. Carbo Veg 

It is one of the best homeopathic medicines having marked action on venous circulation. It is indicated when a person feels weak, exhausted. With this coldness in legs down the knees may be present. Numbness in the feet is yet another attending symptom. It is also a prominent medicine for managing cases where varicose veins or varicose ulcers are present. 

  1. Agaricus 

This medicine works well to manage complaints of icy coldness in the legs. It is attended with numbness where it is required. Next it is useful for paleness and numbness of the fingers with sensitivity to cold. It also helps in cases having cramps in the hands and feet. Agaricus is also one of the leading medicines for cases of Raynaud’s disease. 

  1. Calcarea Carb

Calcarea Carb is well indicated for sluggish blood circulation when there is marked coldness in the limbs. For using it the hands and feet feel cold, clammy.  Other than this it offers help for managing cramps in calves of the legs. Lastly it is indicated when there numbness of the feet mainly at night in bed.

  1. Pulsatilla 

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a top grade medicine to help cases where varicose veins are present in the legs. These may bleed too. There is pain in the legs with restlessness. The pain worsens from letting limbs hang down. Legs also feel heavy and weak. 

  1. Crataegus 

It is prepared from plant Crataegus Oxyacantha commonly known as hawthorn berries. It is a leading homeopathic medicine indicated for dissolving crustaceous and calcareous deposits in the arteries. Its use is recommended in tincture form. 

  1. Gelsemium 

It is again a natural medicine prepared from the bark of root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens having the common name yellow jasmine. It belongs to the family loganiaceae. Its first indication for use is numbness in the limbs. It is also indicated for managing weakness in these cases. Dizziness can also be managed with this medicine. Concentration difficulties are another characteristic feature for using it.  Its last indication is cramping in the muscles of the forearm. 

  1. Arsenic Album 

It is yet another beneficial medicine indicated for weak blood circulation. It offers help to manage tingling sensation in the fingers. Persons having numbness and weakness in the feet can also be helped with this medicine. They may also have cramps in the calf muscles of the legs. Arsenic Album is one of the top listed medicine for managing fatigue, weakness, exhaustion. Persons needing it feel exhausted from little exertion. A general anxiety and restlessness can attend to the above symptoms when it is required. 

  1. Silicea

Use of this medicine is most indicated for managing icy coldness of the feet. Coldness is worse mainly at night time in cases needing it. It may be accompanied with excessive sweating on the feet. The sweat smells bad. The legs may also feel cold. Persons needing it may also have numbness in the feet especially in the evening. Tingling in the soles of feet is another symptom that they may complain. Sometimes they also have cramps in the calves and soles. Lastly they may have a pricking sensation in both the arms.

  1. Rhus Tox

It is another valuable medicine indicated for cases of sluggish blood circulation. This medicine is prepared from fresh leaves of plant Rhus Toxicodendron. It belongs to family anacardiaceae. It offers best help in cases having tingling sensation in the feet. Next it is effective to manage cramping in the legs and feet. 

  1. Lachesis

This medicine is prominently indicated for managing varicose veins and varicose ulcers. In case of ulcers burning sensation can be there. These may also be sensitive to touch. Secondly it is used in cases of tingling in the toes. Numbness in the finger tips is yet another symptom where this medicine offers help. 

  1. Ferrum Met

This medicine is useful in cases presenting with coldness and numbness in the hands and feet. The coldness may be almost continuous. It is also significant to manage cramps in the legs, feet and toes. Apart from these varicose veins on the feet indicates its use. Another symptom for using it is easy fatigue from walking. 

  1. Sepia

This medicine offers help to manage icy cold feelings in the lower limbs. People who need it usually feel coldness in legs and feet mostly in the evening in bed. They may also have heaviness and bruised feeling in their limbs.  

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Menstrual Migraine – Homeopathy Can Help

Menstrual migraine is a term to describe migraine experienced by a woman every month any time between two days before beginning of the menses to 3 days after its onset. Migraine refers to a throbbing or pulsating headache that occurs mostly on one side of the head. It is usually attended with nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. Menstrual migraine is diagnosed when a woman gets such a headache for at least 2 out of 3 consecutive menstrual periods. Homeopathic Remedies for menstrual migraine gradually reduce the frequency and intensity of the headache in chronic cases.Homeopathic Remedies for Menstrual Migraine


Menstrual migraine occurs from hormonal changes. Drop in the female hormone estrogen that occurs just prior to a menstrual period triggers these headaches.

It doesn’t occur from low levels of oestrogen in a female but from drop in levels of oestrogen from one level to another. In some women taking birth control pills can trigger these migraine attacks. This is because during 3 weeks time from a given month women take pills that supply the body with hormones regularly. But when it’s time to take no pills during pill free / menses week the estrogen level drops right away at high speed leading to headache.

Next around a woman’s perimenopausal time there occur a series of drastic changes that can trigger this migraine. 

Though these headaches decrease in frequency during menopause but women on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) during menopause may also get frequent headaches. During pregnancy these headache may get better.


Its main symptom is one sided headache. It is usually felt as a throbbing type of pain. To this nausea and vomiting may accompany. Other than this sensitivity to light and sound may be experienced during headache. In some cases a set of symptoms called aura occurs before headache.

Symptoms of aura might include tingling or pins / needles like sensation in the face, arm or leg; bright spots, flashes of light or different shapes before the eyes, temporary vision loss ; Weakness / numbness in the face or one side of the body.

  1. Pure menstrual migraines –  these are experienced only around the periods and at no other times. 
  2. Menstruation-related migraines – these are the ones that occur around periods but also occur at other times too.

Homeopathic Remedies for Menstrual Migraine 

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to treat cases of menstrual migraine. They offer great help in managing the acute attacks to provide relief and are also beneficial to reduce its future recurrences in long term cases. The homeopathic medicines to treat it are of natural origin so they treat the condition in a very safe, gentle and natural way without any sort of side effects.

  1. Natrum Mur – Top Grade Medicine

It is a prominent medicine for treating headache before and during menses.  The headache feels as if thousands of hammers are knocking on the brain. With this there is nausea and vomiting. The face gets red. The eyes also feel heavy. Visual disturbance may be felt sometimes with headache. The pain worsens from motion and also from eye movement where it is needed. It feels better after sleep and pressing on the eyes. 

  1. Pulsatilla – For Headache Attended with Vomiting

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It works well in cases in which headache is accompanied with vomiting. Mostly it is helpful when a headache occurs two or three days before the menses. There is also dimness of vision. Headache is one sided and is pulsating type for using it. Watering from eyes on the side affected may sometimes be present. Menstrual flow may be scanty. There may be some relief in the headache by walking in the open air. It is also a great medicine when headache is felt at the appearance of the menses. Here pain is mostly felt at top of head and the pain is mostly pressing or throbbing in nature.

  1. Sepia – For Headache during Menstruation

This is another useful medicine for treating headache at menstrual time. In cases needing it the pain is stinging type in one side of the head. It is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The pain worsens in a room and feels better in the open air. It is also better by lying on the painful side of the head. The menses may be scanty and last for too short a duration in cases requiring it.

  1. Belladonna – For Throbbing Type of Headache

This medicine is prepared from a plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is a very beneficial medicine for managing a throbbing type of headache. With this there feels fullness sensation and heat in the head. Mostly the headache gets worse from light exposure and noise where it is indicated. It may also worsen from cold air exposure. Pressure on the head may relieve the pain.

  1. Glonoine – For Congestive, Throbbing, Bursting Headache

Glonoine is a very effective medicine for congestive throbbing and bursting headaches. Females needing it can feel the pain before, during or at the end of their periods. The eyes and face may be red with the pain. Sometimes pain is tearing in nature. Nausea occurs with pain. They may get relief in pain from sleep. 

  1. Lachesis – For Headache before and during Menses

Use of this medicine is considered when headache occurs before and during menses. When it occurs before menses it is felt as throbbing pain in the left temple. When it occurs during periods it is felt as beating in the head. Along with this burning sensation on the top of head is experienced. Dimness of vision or flickerings before the eyes is felt with headache. 

  1. Sanguinaria can – For Right Sided Headache

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh roots of plant  Sanguinaria canadensis having the common name Blood – root and Puccoon. It belongs to the family papaveraceae. It is a significant medicine when pain in the head occurs specifically on the right side. The headache begins from the back of the head and radiates to the front of the head and settles over the right eye. There occurs a sensation as if the head would burst or the eyes would be forced out of the head. The face gets red and hot during a headache. The menstrual blood is bright red with clots and has an offensive smell. It may be scanty. 

  1. Nux Vomica – When Menses are Preceded and Attended with Pressure in Head

This medicine is specifically indicated when menses are preceded and attended with pressure in the head. This is marked in front of head and top of head (vertex). Headache during menses that worsen from lying down is also indicative for using it. Females needing it also have cramping pains in the uterine region during menses. With this excessive nausea is felt.

  1. Graphites – For Headache over Eyes

Graphites is indicated when headache is felt over eyes during menses. The pain is severe. With this nausea and burping is there. The periods are scanty and blood flow is thin in females needing it.

  1. Lycopodium – For Headache and Abdominal Bloating before Periods

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss. It belongs to the family lycopodiaceae. It is well indicated for females who complain of headache and abdominal bloating before periods. They have gas in their abdomen. They also have nausea with this. Next they can have pain in the abdomen and tiredness. Mostly pain is felt in the temples (means sides of head).

  1. Carbo Veg – For Early, Profuse Periods with Headache

This medicine is indicated in cases in which the periods occur early and are copious attended with headache. The headache is violent. It is accompanied with nausea. Lastly great weakness occurs along with above symptoms.

  1. Kreosote – For Headache with Profuse Menses

This medicine is valuable for cases in which the headache occurs during menses and the menstrual flow is profuse. Clots may be present in the blood. Along with headache rushing sound in the ears may be present. In some cases the headache occurs before menses. Before menses  vomiting of mucus, abdominal bloating and pain around the navel may be present too.

  1. Ignatia – For Heaviness in Head along with Heat

This medicine is used when there is heaviness and heated sensation in the head. This may be present before or during periods. In some cases severe pressing pain in the forehead is experienced. Mostly sensitivity to light accompanies. Some other symptoms that may attend are ringing in the ears, cramping in the abdomen and excessive weakness in the whole body.

  1. Magnesia Carb – For Headache, Chilliness and Weakness during Menses

The chief feature for using this medicine is headache, chilliness and weakness during menses. The face appears pale with this. Sometimes spasmodic or pressing pain in the abdomen are present too. Other than above it is also indicated for pain in  the head at commencement of menses.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

13 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Neck Sprain 

A neck sprain refers to an overstretching or tearing of the ligaments (tough fibrous band of connective tissue that connects one bone to another in a joint) in the neck. These tend to occur when the ligaments of the neck are stretched beyond their limit of flexibility. Homeopathic Medicines for neck sprain help manage the pain, stiffness and other symptoms of the condition. 


It can arise from multiple reasons. Firstly, it can arise from maintaining improper posture for a long time like while sitting in front of a computer or television; and carrying heavy weights. Secondly it can happen if a person sleeps on a very high pillow.

13 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Neck Sprain Next, it tends to occur from sudden jerking of the neck to one side. It usually arises when an external impact leads to sudden neck movement beyond its normal possible range followed by forceful snapping back. This mostly tends to arise from a fall or a motor vehicle accident commonly named as whiplash injury (this result from a forceful and quick back and forth movement of the neck) or from taking a ride in an amusement park. Another cause is injuries that may occur during certain types of sports like boxing.


The symptoms of a neck sprain include pain and stiffness in the neck. The pain is usually felt with any sort of movement of the neck. There may also be decreased range of the neck movement. Pain in the shoulders, back of the head may also be present.
Other than this, numbness, tingling in the arms and the hands may be there. People with this may also experience dizziness, concentration difficulty, fatigue, difficulty sleeping and tinnitus (hearing noises in the ear without an actual external source of any sound).
There are some symptoms that may arise from an injury to the neck that indicate a serious problem (like damage to the spinal cord) that needs urgent medical help from conventional mode of treatment. Some of the serious symptoms include weakness of the arms or the legs, difficulty in walking, difficulty swallowing, breathing difficulty, loss of coordination, blurred vision and an inability to control the bladder or bowels.

Homeopathic Medicines for Neck Sprain 

Homeopathy carries a great scope to treat cases of neck sprain. These medicines are safe and very effective in such cases. These medicines are very beneficial to manage the pain, stiffness and other symptoms of this condition.
Along with this they help in healing the ligaments. It is advised to use homeopathic medicines only after complete case analysis and its diagnosis by a homeopathic physician. This is needed to rule out whether one can take homeopathic medicines in these cases or if there is an urgent need of help from the conventional system of medicines due to some serious issue.
Homeopathic medicines can be taken for mild to moderate cases of neck sprain where no serious symptom is present that indicate a critical issue. But in case of severe and persistent neck pain or completely torn ligament and where symptoms like weakness of arm or leg,  loss of coordination, difficulty in walking, difficult swallowing, breathing difficulty, blurred vision and an inability to control the bladder or bowel are present one should take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment. Homeopathy has a limitation in treating such sort of serious cases.

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicines for treating cases of neck strain. People who need it complain of  marked pain and stiffness in the neck. They also have pain in the shoulders with this. They have worsening of symptoms most of the time from rest and also from cold air exposure. They feel better by warm application on the neck. They may also get relief from massage over the neck. It tops the list of homeopathic medicines for treating cases of whiplash injuries.

  1. Bryonia – When Pain Gets Worse from Movement 

It is a natural medicine prepared from roots of a plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as wild Hops. It belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is very effective medicine for cases in which there is worsening of the neck pain from slightest movement. The pain also increases from touching the neck. Rest tends to give relief from the pain. There is also stiffness in the neck felt on moving the head. 

  1. Cimicifuga – For Neck Stiffness

It is prepared from the roots of a plant Cimicifuga Racemosa also known as black cohosh. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a very beneficial medicine when there is marked stiffness in the neck along with pain.  The neck is also sensitive to touch. Pressure and movement of the head increases the symptoms. Along with above symptoms the neck feels as if it is contracted. 

  1. Hypericum – For Excessive Neck Pain and Tenderness

This medicine is prepared from a plant called Hypericum perforatum having the common name ‘St. John’s Wort.’ It belongs to the family Hypericaceae. It works well in cases where neck pain and tenderness are intense. The neck and the arms are sensitive to touch. There is worsening of pain from even slight notions of the neck or arms. The pain from the neck may radiate to the shoulders. In some cases tingling, burning, numbness in the hands can accompany above symptoms. It is another prominently indicated medicine for whiplash injury like medicine Rhus Tox. 

  1. Guaiacum – When Neck Stiffness Extends Down the Back

This medicine is prepared from gum resin of Guaiacum officinale commonly known as Lignum sanctum which is a large tree growing in the West Indies. It belongs to family zygophyllaceae. It is well indicated when the neck stiffness radiates down the back.  The stiffness gets worse from motion. With this there is aching pain in the neck. Next soreness in the shoulders is present. 

  1. Paris Quadrifolia – For Numbness of Fingers with Neck Pain

It is prepared from a plant named One Berry. This plant belongs to the family trilliaceae. It is a very significant medicine for cases in which numbness in fingers is present along with neck pain. The pain from the neck may radiate down the fingers. In most cases needing stiffness and a sensation of weight / a heavy load on the neck is felt. There is an increase of the symptom intensity from exertion and relief is obtained from rest where it is required.

  1. Lachnanthes – For Extreme Neck Stiffness

Lachnanthes is prepared from a plant named Lachnanthes Tinctoria commonly known as spirit Weed. It belongs to family  haemodoraceae. As a remedy, it effectively treats a case of stiff neck. This medicine offers great help when the neck is extremely stiff. With this head is drawn to one side. The neck is also painful. The pain and stiffness may extend over the whole head  where this medicine is needed. The pain can get worse from turning your neck. It may also increase from bending head backward.

  1. Gelsemium – When Neck is Painful and Sensitive to Pressure

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of a plant Gelsemium Sempervirens having the common name yellow jasmine. The family of this plant is loganiaceae. This medicine is very useful to manage cases where the neck is painful and sensitive to pressure. The pain is bruised. People needing it also feel the lameness and stiffness of the neck.  

  1. Arnica – For Neck Pain from Injury

This medicine is prepared from plant Arnica Montana also known as Leopard’s bane. It belongs to family compositae. It is well indicated for cases in which neck pain follows injury. Persons requiring it feel a sore, bruised sensation in the neck. They also have tenderness in the neck region.  

  1. Kalmia – When Prickling and Tingling in Arms Accompany Neck Pain 

Kalmia is prepared from the fresh leaves of a plant named Kalmia Latifolia commonly known as mountain laurel. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. This medicine is beneficial for cases in which prickling and tingling in the arms is felt along with neck pain.  In most cases requiring it the pain from the neck goes down the arms and fingers. The pain in the neck may get worse at night time. Lastly the neck is tender to the touch.

  1. Causticum – When Pain in Back of Head Attends Neck Pain and Stiffness

Use of this medicine is considered in cases where a person complains of pain in the back of head with pain and stiffness in neck. For using it the pain is mostly dull or tearing in nature. The nape of the neck also feels tense. There is extreme difficulty in moving the head along with the above symptoms.  

  1. Magnesium Phos – For Sharp Neck Pain

It is used when there are sharp pains in the neck. The pain can also be  shooting, boring type. The neck feels stiff with this. It is also sore along with the above symptoms. 

  1. Silicea – For Neck Pain Attended with Headache

It is a very important medicine where a person experiences a headache along with neck pain. Along with this there is difficulty in turning the head due to pain. This is attended with stiffness in the neck. 

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Delirium – Homeopathic Medicines for Symptomatic Treatment  

Delirium refers to a sudden change in mental abilities of a person resulting in confusion, emotional disruption and reduced environment awareness. Homeopathic medicines for delirium are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity, as the use of these medicines helps reduce the intensity and frequency of the symptoms. Homeopathic Medicines for Delirium 

It can occur for various reasons. Generally, it tends to arise from certain factors that cause impairment in sending and receiving signals in the brain.

Some of the causes behind delirium includes inflammation of brain, drug toxicity, use of some medicines (like sleeping pills, certain medicines to treat high blood pressure, mood disorder medication, Parkinson’s disease drugs and some drugs for  treating  convulsions), alcohol intoxication,  alcohol withdrawal, emotional stress, pain, extreme sleep deprivation, low sodium or calcium levels. Next there are some medical conditions that can lead to it. These include pneumonia, urinary tract infections, heart attack and stroke. It can also result in case of an injury, surgical procedures done under anaesthesia, brain tumour, exposure to a toxin like  carbon monoxide, cyanide. Other causes are malnutrition, dehydration, fever and some acute infection. In some cases no cause is present behind it.


Its symptoms include confusion, problems in concentration, changes in sleep pattern, poor memory or memory loss and disorientation. Its next symptoms are mood changes, inability to think and speak clearly, slurred or rambling speech, trouble understanding, problem with reading and writing, hallucinations (sensory perceptions experienced in the absence of external stimulus), loss of muscle control. Some of the other symptoms are restlessness, agitation, withdrawn, lethargy, slowness of movement, moaning or making other sounds. Rest of the symptoms include fear, anxiety, depression, mood swings, irritability, anger.

Types of Delirium 

  1. Hyperactive delirium

In this case, the person is restless, agitated, aggressive, has quick mood changes, hallucinations and is uncooperative.

  1. Hypoactive delirium

In this type a person move slower than normal, is sluggish, drowsy, tired, inattentive, disorganized

  1. Mixed delirium

In this type a person has symptoms of both hyperactive and hypoactive types. There may be rapid shifting between hyperactive and hypoactive states.

  1. Delirium tremens

It is seen among people who are trying to stop alcohol drinking. They have a history of drinking excessive quantities of alcohol for many years altogether.

Homeopathic Medicines for Delirium 

Homeopathy offers help in managing the cases of delirium. These medicines are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity. With use of these medicines the intensity and frequency of the symptoms gradually reduces. In homeopathy the medicine which will suit a case of delirium is selected as per the symptom present in every individual case. In every case it is advised to take homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic physician. In cases of severe intensity or serious causes (like stroke) it is advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.   

  1. Belladonna – For Laughter and Restlessness

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae.This medicine is well indicated for delirium with fits of laughter and restlessness. This is attended with a tendency to bite and strike others. Confusion of mind is also there. Next symptom that may be there is excessive talking. Sometimes there are violent motions of arms and legs with this. Apart from above it is indicated for delirium with lethargy. Face is flushed and there is heat in the head along with the above symptoms. Another indicating symptom for using it is delirium with seeing frightful images or monsters before eyes. For using this medicine excessive weakness may follow delirium. Last indication to use it is screaming, loud weeping with delirium and anxiety.

  1. Stramonium – With Talking and Hallucinations

This medicine is prepared from a plant known as thorn – apple. This plant  belongs to family solanaceae. This medicine is best suited for persons having delirium with excessive talking and hallucinations. Their speech is unclear and they talk continually. They become joyful with laughter, making faces with staring eyes and clapping of hands. There is also confusion of mind. Next they act foolishly and behave like an intoxicated person. Sometimes they get furious and wild with a tendency to bite others. In some cases needing it the delirium of active form alternates with much fright. In fright they fear some imaginary monster which is approaching him. Along with the above symptoms there is great restlessness and sleeplessness. It is also important medicine for cases of delirium tremens with hallucinations. In such cases a person hears scolding voices.  Restlessness is also there in these cases. Praying with above symptoms can also be present. Intense anxiety may be there too. Trembling of the limbs, inability to differentiate objects at a short distance, unsteady and hasty motions are some other accompanying symptoms.

  1. Agaricus – With Mood Changes

This medicine is beneficial for cases in which sudden mood changes/shifts from happiness and sadness are present. 

Along with this, people needing it may have irrational or incoherent talking. They may be unable to recognize people in their relations. They may throw things away. They may also have headaches. It is prominently indicated for delirium associated with fever or pain. It is also suitable to treat cases of delirium tremens.

  1. Lachesis – For Drowsiness and Speech Issues

This medicine is very useful when there is drowsiness and slow difficult speech. Redness of face is marked with it. It is well indicated for delirium occurring from over exertion. The delirium is usually present at night time in cases needing it. Other than above it is beneficial for cases of delirium tremens. In these cases it is helpful when there is excessive talking with frequent jumping from one subject to another. These attacks mostly occur after sleep. In cases needing it sadness, irritability, moaning, loathing of life and suspiciousness are present.

  1. Hyoscyamus – With Marked Physical Restlessness

This medicine is prepared from plant Hyoscyamus niger commonly known as Henbane. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is considered in cases where marked physical restlessness is there. Person needing it moves from one place to another. Along with this he is constantly muttering or talking. The talk is incoherent. The face is red with a wild staring look. Sometimes the jerking of the limbs is there. Delirium from pain is highly indicative of its use.

6. Veratrum Album – For Delirium with Heavy Sleep

This medicine is prepared from root stocks of plant White Hellebore. This plant  belongs to the family melanthiaceae of liliaceae. It is a significant medicine for cases in which delirium is accompanied with heavy sleep. Persons who need it may have coldness of body and cold sweating, and tingling sensation in the body. Other than this sometimes they are also  restless and have cramps in the legs. They may talk foolishly and about religious subjects. It is also helpful to manage cases where  violent outbreaks are there. In such cases there is desire to strike those persons present around and desire to cut and tear everything. Lastly it is indicated for delirium and headache in case of meningitis.

7. Kali Bromatum – For Delirium with Delusions

It is a valuable medicine for cases in which delirium is accompanied  with delusions. Persons requiring it imagines that someone is following them, or someone will poison them. Next there may be loss of memory and difficulty in concentrating mind on any of the subjects. Its use is also recommended in cases of delirium tremens in the first stage with red eyes, flushed face and hard and quick pulse. 

  1. Opium – For Delirium with Frightful Vision before Eyes 

This is yet another useful medicine for these cases. It offers help when the delirium is attended with frightful visions before the eyes. Mostly there are visions of animals coming out of different parts of a room. The face has an expression of fright continually. With this there is a desire to run away. Excessive talking is also present with above symptoms. The person needing it is furious with redness of the face and rambling speech. It is also indicated for sleeplessness, burning heat in the body with anxiety, restlessness, agitation and delirium.

  1. Aconite – For Delirium with Childish Talk 

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as monkshood. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is well indicated for delirium with childish talk that does not make any sense. With this there is great heat in the body. Sometimes convulsions are present. Dullness and confusion of mind can be present. Next attending signs and symptoms are crying out, dilated pupils, staring looks and excessive sweat.

  1. Nux Moschata – For Delirium with Sleeplessness

This medicine is prepared from a plant Myristica fragrans commonly known as nutmeg that belongs to the family myristicaceae. Its use is considered in cases of delirium with sleeplessness. Its use is also done for delirium with loud improper talking and making of strange gestures. There may be an inclination to laugh at everything or sometimes mood changes are there from sadness to happiness. Memory loss can also be there. Its last indication is delirium tremens with slowness of senses and imaginary fancies.

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Effective Homeopathic Medicines For Hallucinations

Hallucinations are sensory perceptions experienced in the absence of external stimulus. For example a person with this can hear a voice which is not actually present or see an image which doesn’t exist in reality and is created only by his/her mind. Homeopathic medicines for hallucinations help to target the root cause behind it and manage the complaint quite well.

These can be related to any of the five senses. These can be  heard, smelled, seen, felt or tasted. These can be accompanied by aggressive behaviour, depression, anxiety and headache. 

TypesHomeopathic medicines for hallucinations

  1. Auditory Hallucinations

These are the most common type of hallucinations among all the types. In this a person hears sounds (like hissing, whistling etc) or voices, music which are not there in reality. Sometimes he may hear someone telling / commanding him to do certain things. The voices he hears may be familiar or can be unfamiliar. They may be heard in a friendly or aggressive tone. Perception of sound is termed elementary hallucinations while perception of the voices or music is known as complex hallucinations. 

  1. Visual Hallucinations

Persons having these types see things in the environment that are not actually present. For example, they may see a person, an animal, an object, light or colours which are not present in the environment and no other person can see as they don’t exist in reality. Seeing colours, geometric shapes, lights are termed as simple visual hallucinations while seeing life like images eg., persons, animals or objects are referred to as complex visual hallucinations 

  1. Olfactory hallucinations

In this type a person smells something which is not actually there. This type is also called phantosmia. For example he may smell a foul unpleasant odour, or some odour of something rotten, spoiled or burnt.

  1. Gustatory hallucinations

These are related to a sense of taste where a person feels a taste of something in the mouth that has not been eaten. Mostly there are unpleasant strange tastes in the mouth like metallic taste.

  1. Tactile hallucinations

In this a person feels something or someone has touched them or they may feel some movement in the body. Some examples of it are feeling as if bugs are crawling on the skin, someone has touched the body, or organs in the body are moving around. 

  1. General somatic sensation

In this a person feels as if his/her body is mutilated, disfigured, torn or some internal organs are removed from the body. There may also be a perception as if some animal has invaded the internal organ or his flesh is decomposing.


It can be caused by multiple reasons.

Firstly, it can arise from various psychological conditions among which the most common is schizophrenia (a psychological disorder in which reality is interpreted abnormally and the sufferer have hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking). Next such conditions include delirium (abrupt changes in the brain resulting in confused thinking, reduced awareness of the environment and emotional disruption) and dementia (A category of brain diseases which causes decreased ability to think and remember severe enough to affect daily functioning). 

Secondly, it can result from drinking excessive alcohol, taking drugs like cocaine and drugs that induce hallucinations (hallucinogens). Some of the examples of hallucinogens include LSD, dimethyltryptamine (DMT). 

It can also occur from taking medicines for some health  conditions. Some examples are certain medicines used for treating  epilepsy, depression, parkinson’s disease and psychosis.

Apart from above it can also arise from lack of sleep. Other than this it can be linked with seizures (fits), migraine, anxiety, depression, high fever, postpartum (means after child birth) mental health disorders, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, head injury, kidney/liver failure, brain cancer, vision problems, vision loss and hearing loss. 

Homeopathic Medicines For Hallucinations

Homeopathic medicines can be of great help in managing the cases of hallucinations. These medicines target the root cause behind it and manage the complaint quite well. The homeopathic medicines are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity. In such cases with help of these medicines the intensity and frequency of complaint gradually reduces but in cases of severe intensity it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment. There are no specific medicines in homeopathy for this complaint and the medicine needed for a case is selected as per the symptom present in every individual case. So it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic physician who can after detailed case analysis find the medicine that will best suit a given case. In no case self medication should be done.  

  1. Anacardium – For Auditory Hallucinations

It is a natural medicine prepared from a layer of nuts between the shell and kernel of plant Anacardium Orientale commonly known as marking Nut. It belongs to family anacardiaceae. It is a leading medicine for cases where auditory hallucinations are prominent. It is indicated when a person hears voices of persons far away. Sometimes he may hear voices of dead people or spirits. In some cases the voices may be specifically saying that he is going to die. Other than this it is indicated for hallucination as if a demon is sitting on one shoulder commanding him to do offensive things while on the other shoulder an angel is sitting that is commanding him to do good things. Along with above symptoms there may be excessive anger from slightest cause with tendency to use foul language. It is a top listed medicine for cases of schizophrenia with auditory hallucinations.

  1. Stramonium – For Visual As Well As Auditory Hallucinations

This medicine is prepared from a plant known as thorn – apple. This plant  belongs to family solanaceae. Firstly it is beneficial when there are visual hallucinations. Here it is indicated for persons who see animals (cats, rats and dogs), ghosts, horrifying images, black objects and strangers. These terrify, frighten them. They may also see people coming out of all corners of a room. Next it is well indicated where a person says he sees god and is communicating with god. Thirdly it is helpful for auditory hallucinations where a person hears voices and talks with  absent persons or spirits.  It is also useful when a person hears scolding voices and also when he hears music. Along with above symptoms there is sudden mood changes from joy to sadness. Uncontrollable anger may be also present. 

  1. Lachesis – For Hallucination Of Fire

This medicine is indicated for cases where a person has hallucination of fire mainly at night time. Persons needing it may have chronic depression. Here intense sadness and anxiety are present. Violent anger can also be there. Apart from above it is a leading medicine for cases of schizophrenia.

  1. Veratrum Album – For Visual Hallucinations

It is prepared from root stocks of plant White Hellebore that belongs to the family melanthiaceae of liliaceae. Persons requiring this sees many people crowding in a room. They carry conversation with them. There may be violent anger outburst with this attended with desire to strike others. Other than this it is considered in cases where a person sees god and communicates with god. 

  1. Cannabis Indica – Where A Person Hears Music

This medicine is beneficial for cases in which a person hears music. It is valuable when a person hears numberless bells ringing sweetly. Lastly it is indicated where a person feels that someone is calling him. Some of the attending symptoms include absent mindedness, poor concentration and uncontrollable laughter. 

  1. Belladonna – Where Person Sees Ghosts And Animals

This medicine is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. This medicine is of great help for hallucination in persons seeing ghosts and animals. They also see monsters, hideous faces and insects. In the case of animals they often see dogs, wolves and black animals. Its use is also done for persons who see fire. Restlessness, mania with biting, spitting on others,  striking, tearing things are some of the symptoms that can accompany.

  1. Thuja – For Hallucination Of Some Animal In Abdomen

It is prepared from fresh twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis having the common name Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family coniferae. It is specifically indicated for cases where hallucination as if there is some animal in the abdomen is marked. Person needing it feels movements in the abdomen as if something alive is lying in it. Other than this it also works well where a person has hallucination of some strange person present on his side. 

  1. Anhalonium Lewinii – For Visual Hallucinations

This medicine is prepared from plant mescal buttons of family cactaceae. It is also indicated for visual hallucinations. It is considered for persons who see monsters in front of them. They may also have sadness and dullness. Sudden mood changes can be there. They have loss of contact with the outside world. 

  1. Pulsatilla – For Olfactory Hallucinations

This is a medicine which is considered when a person have hallucinations of imaginary smells 

  1. Cina and Staphysagria – For Gustatory Hallucinations

Both these medicines are indicated for hallucinations of taste.

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Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Tooth Abscess

Tooth abscess also known as dental abscess is a collection of pus that can occur in different parts of a tooth due to a bacterial infection. Homeopathic remedies for tooth abscess help in draining of pus and speeding the recovery process along with symptomatic relief.


There are three common types as per its location on different regions of the tooth.

  1. Periapical Abscess – It refers to abscess that forms at the tip of the root of the tooth.
  2. Periodontal Abscess – it refers to an abscess that develops on the gums at the side of the root of the tooth. It carries a chance of spreading to the surrounding tissue and bone.
  3. Gingival Abscess – This type of abscess forms on the gums.

CausesHomeopathic Remedies For Tooth Abscess

It results from bacterial infection that enters teeth or gums.  

A periapical tooth abscess develops due to bacteria entering the  dental pulp (inner part of teeth that comprises nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue). The bacteria can enter through a dental cavity /tooth decay, an injury, crack in tooth or after dental work. 

Periodontal abscess results from gum disease (an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the teeth) or from an injury. 

Additionally, the gingival abscess forms when a foreign body like a  toothpick splinter, a bristle of toothbrush lodges in the gums.

Persons who don’t maintain proper dental hygiene are at risk of  it.

Taking a high sugar diet and dryness of mouth are also risk factors for tooth abscess.


A major symptom is throbbing pain in the tooth or in gums which can radiate to the jaw, ear or neck. It has a sudden onset and  becomes severe over time. A few other symptoms are tooth pain while chewing or biting, sensitivity to hot and cold temperature, redness and swelling in face or cheek. Other symptoms include swelling and redness of gums, bad breath, bad taste in mouth, discoloured teeth or loose teeth, tender lymph nodes under jaws or in neck and fever. When abscess ruptures the pain gets relieved and there is sudden filling of fluid in mouth which has a bad taste and foul smell.


If it is not properly treated in time then it can lead to serious life threatening issues. In such cases infection can spread to jaw, head, neck, brain or other body areas. Rarely sepsis where  infection spreads throughout the body can also result which is a life threatening condition. It is advisable to take urgent medical help if there occurs high fever, difficulty swallowing, swelling of face, severe headache, double vision, confusion, difficulty breathing or rapid heart rate as these are indicative of serious infection.

Homeopathic Remedies For Tooth Abscess

Homeopathic medicines prove highly useful in cases of tooth abscess. These medicines help in draining of pus and speeding the recovery process along with symptomatic relief. These medicines boost the body’s self healing mechanism to fight with the bacterial infection and aid a natural recovery. These medicines for treating tooth abscess are of natural origin and don’t have any side effects. The use of homeopathic medicines is recommended when the symptoms are of mild to moderate intensity. In case the symptoms are of severe intensity or there are some symptoms (Eg; high fever, difficulty swallowing, swelling of face, severe headache, double vision, confusion, difficulty breathing or rapid heart rate) that indicate a serious issue it is strictly advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment to prevent life threatening complications. Homeopathy has a limitation in treating these severe and serious cases.    

  1. Hecla Lava – Top Grade Medicine

This medicine has a marked action on teeth, jaws, jaw bone and is a leading homeopathic medicine for many dental issues including dental abscess. Its use is most prominently indicated in tooth abscess cases when abscess forms on the gums. This may be from decayed teeth. Toothache is present in cases needing it. The teeth are very sensitive to pressure. It is accompanied by swelling about the jaws.

  1. Silicea – For Abscess On Gums Or Root Of The Teeth

It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating suppurative conditions means where pus formation is there. It remains very effective for treating cases of abscess in various parts of the body including teeth. In cases needing it there is abscess on the gums or root of the teeth. The affected gum is sore, inflamed. It is also painful  with slight pressure. Next there is sensitivity to cold water and cold air. There is throbbing, stinging pain in teeth. Sometimes there are boring, tearing pains in teeth that spread over the whole cheek, and facial bones. It prevents sleeping. The teeth may be decayed with pain that gets worse at night time. Teeth may also be loose. The pus discharge is thin and has a very offensive smell. This medicine relieves the symptoms and helps in maturation of abscess and reduces excessive pus formation.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Sharp / Throbbing Pain In Teeth

Hepar Sulph is another highly valuable medicine for cases of tooth abscess.  It is most frequently indicated when there is a sharp or throbbing toothache. The pain tends to get worse from eating. Breath may be offensive with this. The gums are swollen. The gums are painful to touch. This medicine helps to hasten the process of pus discharge and recovery and give symptomatic relief.

  1. Myristica – Prominent Medicine For Abscess

This medicine is prepared from plant Myristica Sebifera. This plant belongs to the family myristicaceae. It is a general medicine for treating abscess formed in various parts of the body. It is very effective to speed up the recovery in abscess cases and often prevent the need of surgical intervention.

  1. Merc Sol – With Pulsating Toothache 

Merc Sol is a very helpful medicine when there is pulsating type of pain in teeth. People needing it complain of worsening of this pain mostly at night time. Along with this there is marked swelling of gums. A burning sensation in gums may be felt. Sometimes they feel tearing, shooting pain in  teeth that radiates to face and ears. This may be relieved by rubbing the cheek. There is excessive salivation with above symptoms. The breath is also very offensive where it is required. The teeth may be decayed and feel loose. It is also one of the best medicines for gum disease. 

  1. Pyrogenium – When It Is Attended With Horribly Offensive Breath

This medicine is well indicated for cases where tooth abscess is accompanied by horribly offensive smell from mouth. The smell is often described by a person as putrid and cadaverous.  With this there may be fetid taste in the mouth as if it is full of pus.

  1. Lycopodium – When Teeth Are Painful To Touch And Chewing

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum also known as club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. This medicine is considered when there is a toothache and teeth are painful to touch and chew. The pain may be relieved from taking warm drinks and also from warm applications. The tooth may be decayed. 

  1. Baryta Carb – For Abscess At Root Of Teeth

This medicine is prominent for cases of abscess that forms on the root of the teeth. In such cases jerking, throbbing toothache is present when this medicine is required. The pain may extend to the ear or temple of the head. The teeth may be decayed and hollow. When anything warm touches the teeth it may turn painful. The gums may be swollen and pale red with dark red margins. There is excessive saliva running out during sleep in addition to above signs and symptoms.

  1. Causticum – For Recurrent Abscess On Gums

This medicine is significant to treat cases where a tendency to have recurrent abscess on the gums is there. Persons who need it complain of pain in teeth that is worse from warmth and cold.  The pain may be throbbing or shooting in nature. With this they may feel teeth are loose. Dryness of the mouth is marked with above symptoms.

  1. Phosphorus – For Abscess On Gums From Decayed Teeth

This medicine is well indicated for abscess forming on the gums from decayed teeth. The gums are inflamed along with this. There is pain in the teeth. The pain is usually stinging, pricking or throbbing type for using this medicine. The pain is worse in the open air. It is also worse from chewing. In some cases there is tearing, shooting pain in the teeth that tend to  extend to face and head.

  1. Sulphur – For Abscess Of Gum With Oozing Of Pus And Blood

This medicine is indicated when there is abscess of pus and blood in the gums. The affected tooth is decayed. There is tearing pain in teeth and difficulty in opening the mouth. This is accompanied by great sensitiveness of teeth. Sometimes there is pulsating pain in teeth that get worse from heat. Other than above sometimes there is  drawing, stitching or boring pain in the teeth. The pain may radiate to the ear also.

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10 Effective Homeopathic Medicines For Blurred Vision

Blurred vision is a very common eyesight problem which means lack of sharp vision that causes difficulty to see clearly. It may occur in one or both the eyes. It may arise slowly gradually or all of sudden. Not all the cases are a reason for concern while others may need medical treatment sometimes urgent depending upon the cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines for blurred vision help in improving the vision as well as managing its attending symptoms like eye pain.

CausesHomeopathic Medicines For Blurred Vision

Firstly, it can arise from eye strain. The straining of eyes can result from using electronic devices (like mobile phone, computers) constantly for an extended period. Next it can arise from reading in dim light and driving for long hours without taking a break. 

It can also appear in case of nearsightedness (myopia – in which a person can see close objects clearly but the far away objects appear blurred to them), farsightedness (hyperopia – in this the sufferer can see distant objects clearly but the near objects are blurry to them), astigmatism (a vision problem arising from a defect in the shape of the cornea) and presbyopia (loss of your eyes ability to focus on close objects).

Its third reason is conjunctivitis (inflamed membrane covering the white of the eye) that can occur from viral or a bacterial infection. 

The fourth reason is keratitis (inflammation of the cornea). It can arise from an infection like from herpes virus or other infection. The risk of infection is raised from using contact lenses for a long time or using them without properly cleaning them. 

Another reason is iritis (inflammation of the coloured ring surrounding the pupil of the eye that controls the amount of light entering into the eye).

The sixth reason is uveitis (inflammation of middle layer of tissue in the eye wall)

A few other reasons include corneal abrasion (scratch on cornea), trauma / injury to eye, head injury, cataract (opacification of the eye lens), glaucoma (eye condition in which there occurs damage to optic nerve from abnormally high intraocular pressure).

Other than this, it can occur from age related macular (macula is an area near the center of the retina) degeneration  that results in a loss of central vision.

Dry eye syndrome (a condition arising from inadequate lubrication for the tears) is yet another reason behind it.

Blurred vision can also occur in case of diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure)

Apart from above, it can arise in case of migraine with aura, Ocular migraine (migraine involving visual disturbance), temporal arteritis (a condition arising from inflammation or damage of the temporal arteries) and optic neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve responsible for transmitting visual information from eyes to brain).

Lastly there are some very serious causes behind it that need immediate medical treatment. These include detachment of retina (in which there is tearing of retina from the back of the eye resulting in loss of its blood and nerve supply), stroke (sudden cut off the blood supply to a part of the brain) and  transient ischaemic attack (stroke lasting less than 24 hours).


Some other symptoms that can occur along with blurred vision includes eye pain, redness in eyes, sensitivity to light (photophobia), double vision (diplopia), spots floating before eyes (floaters), eye discharge, itchy eyes,  headache, nausea, difficulty in speech and one sided weakness. The attending symptoms depend upon the cause behind the blurred vision.

Homeopathic Medicines For Blurred Vision

There is a good scope in homeopathy to bring improvement in cases of blurred vision. Homeopathic medicines help in improving the vision as well as managing its attending symptoms like eye pain, redness in eyes, double vision (diplopia), spots floating before eyes, eye discharge, itchy eyes, headache, nausea. These medicines are helpful in cases of mild to moderate intensity arising from mild causes. While in case of severe cases and those arising from some serious cause behind it urgent help is advised from conventional mode of treatment.

It is strictly advised to use any homeopathic medicine for cases of blurred vision under the guidance of a homeopathic physician. This is because only a homeopathic physician can find the suitable medicine needed for a case after detail case study and in case he suspects the blurring of vision to be arising from serious cause then he can advise to take urgent help from conventional mode as homeopathy has limitations in treating such medical emergencies. Some of the indications that are serious and alarm to take urgent help from conventional mode are sudden blurry vision or when it is attended with dizziness, problem in walking, numbness / weakness in one side of body or the face, leg,  arm, on one side of the body, facial droop, difficulty speaking or a severe headache and eye injury.

  1. Natrum Mur – Top Grade Medicine For Blurred Vision

Natrum Mur is a leading medicine for managing blurred vision. Persons needing it have difficulty in seeing objects clearly. They also have frequent dimness of vision when reading and writing. Along with this they may also have complaints of double vision. Another symptom they have is seeing fiery, zigzag spots, streaks of light or black spots in front of the eye. They also have eye strain. Aching in eyes is also felt by them. In some cases needing it there may be redness of whites of eyes, watering from eyes, sensitivity to light, inflamed conjunctiva. Along with this there can be smarting, itching and burning in the eyes. It is also indicated for headaches accompanied with disturbed vision.

  1. Gelsemium – For Blurred Vision With Headache

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is a significant medicine to manage blurred vision along with headache. Sometimes there is double vision also. Pain above eyes is felt with this. Next there can be black specks before eyes. There is also difficulty in reading and writing from dim vision. Heated sensation in eyes may occur with this. Pain in eyes is yet another attending symptom.

  1. Phosphorus – For Dim Vision With Sensation Of Everything Covered With A Mist

This medicine is beneficial for cases in which there is dimness of vision with a sensation as if everything is covered with a mist. In such cases other symptoms that are present include double vision, and floating black spots before the eyes. It is an effective medicine for blurring of vision after reading. Lastly this medicine is well indicated to improve vision in cases of glaucoma. 

  1. Ruta – For Blurred Vision With Eye Pain And Burning In Eyes

It is prepared from plant Ruta Graveolens commonly known as garden rue. This plant belongs to family rutaceae. It is a prominent medicine for cases of blurred vision with pain and burning sensation in eyes. It is also leading medicine for blurred vision with straining of eyes. It is indicated for blurring of vision from reading for an extended period of time and straining eyes at fine work like sewing. Along with above symptoms there may be watering from the eyes.

  1. Physostigma – For Dim, Blurred Vision When Object Seems Mixed

This medicine is prepared from beans of plant Physostigma venenosum also called Calabar Bean.  This plant belongs to family leguminosae. It is indicated for those complaining of dim, blurred, hazy vision. To them the objects seem mixed together. They may also see black spots or flashes of light before eyes. Next they have pain in their eyes after using them. They also feel dull pain over the eyes and between the eyes. Sometimes they have double vision too.

  1. Euphrasia – To Manage Blurred Vision And Itchy Watery Eyes

This medicine is prepared from plant Euphrasia Officinalis commonly known as eyebright. This plant belongs to family scrophulariaceae. It is very effective to manage blurred vision and itchy, watery eyes. Persons who require it feel better in blurred vision by wiping the eyes. They mostly have dim vision in the evening time. They feel everything is covered in a mist. With this they may have eye pain that can be burning, cutting, stitching in nature. It is a great medicine for managing cases of conjunctivitis and iritis.

  1. Belladonna – For Blurred Vision, Eye Redness 

It is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. This medicine is useful to manage blurred vision and reduce eye redness. Along with this eye pain can be present. The pain can be aching, pressive or shooting type. Other symptoms that are there include dryness in eyes, a sensation of sand in the eyes and burning sensation in eyes. It also offers help to manage blurred vision along with headache (mostly throbbing type in the temporal region means sides or dimness of vision and eye discharge

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly named as wind flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a significant medicine for managing dimness of vision and eye discharge. There appears a fog or mist before eyes where it is required. Along with this bright streak before eyes may be felt. A feeling of pressure in the eye is another accompanying symptom. It is also indicated for conjunctivitis with  profuse watering or discharge from eyes (yellow, thick) especially during the day and dimness of vision. Burning, itching and sensation of sand in the eye may appear with this.

  1. Cyclamen – For Dim Vision Accompanied With Spots Before Eyes

It is a natural medicine prepared from the root of plant Cyclamen Europaeum commonly known as Sow – bread. This plant belongs to family primulaceae. This medicine is recommended when there is dimness of vision accompanied with spots or fiery sparks before eyes. There may also be flickering of different colours, glittering needles before the eyes. There is difficulty to differentiate objects clearly due to blurred vision. Headache is also present with this. 

  1. Lac Caninum – For Headache With Blurred Vision And Nausea, Vomiting

This medicine is well indicated when there is headache attended with blurred vision and nausea, vomiting. Next symptoms that can be there include coloured spots before the eyes, difficulty in reading. During reading or looking at objects closely there appears a film over the eyes. Pain in eyes is also felt when reading.

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Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Eye Strain 

Eye strain (also called asthenopia) is a common condition arising in some people from intense use of the eyes (like from using a computer for an extended period of time) that makes eyes tired. In this a group of symptoms occur that mainly includes eye pain, blurred vision, tired eyes and headache. The top-grade homeopathic medicines for eye strain are Ruta and Natrum Mur.

It can cause discomfort but is not usually serious and does not cause any permanent eye damage. It gets better after giving the eyes some rest. But sometimes it can point towards an eye condition linked with it that requires treatment.Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Eye Strain 


It tends to occur when there is tiredness of the eyes for any reason. This most of the time results from constant reading for an extended time period without any break in between; reading fine print; using computer, mobiles, tablets or watching television for a long time constantly; and  driving for long distances. Next reasons include remaining in either too dim or too bright an environment, trying to see in dark, dryness of eyes, exposure to bright light, uncorrected refractive error, stress and fatigue.

Among all the factors above, use of computers, mobiles, tablets for long periods of time remain the most common reason behind eye strain. The eye strain occurring from using these digital devices is referred to as computer vision syndrome. There is more eye strain when we use computer or mobile as compared to reading from a book. This is because when we use the computer or mobile eye blinking is decreased that causes dryness of the eyes. Next there are high chances in this case if we use these digital devices from wrong distance (too far or too close to eyes) ; from wrong angles required for eye focus; doesn’t maintain right posture when viewing a digital device and if the brightness is not properly adjusted.


Its signs and symptoms include tiredness of the eyes, soreness of the eyes, itchy eyes, burning sensation in the eyes, dryness in the eyes or watering from the eyes.  Next symptoms are headache, blurring of  vision, double vision, sensitivity to light, difficulty in concentrating and difficulty in keeping the eyes open. Other symptoms are neck, shoulder and back pain.

Homeopathic Medicines for Eye Strain

Persons experiencing eye strain can benefit from homeopathic treatment. These medicines help in managing the symptoms of eye strain. The homeopathic medicines are of natural origin that bring relief in its symptoms like tiredness of eyes, soreness of eyes, itchy eyes, burning sensation in eyes, dryness in eyes, watering from eyes, headache, blurring of vision, sensitivity to light. The homeopathic medicine for a case of eye strain is selected individually from a huge list of medicines based on the symptom picture. Among the various homeopathic medicines for managing eye strain, Ruta and Natrum Mur tops the list.

  1. Ruta – Top Grade Medicine for Eye Pain from Eye Strain

Ruta is a leading medicine to manage cases of eye strain. It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Ruta Graveolens having the common name Garden Rue. This plant belongs to family rutaceae. Persons needing it feel straining of eyes after too much reading or doing some fine work. They feel pain in and over eyes after this. They also have blurring of vision. Heated sensation or burning and watering of the eyes may be present.  Another attending symptom is a feeling of pressure deep in the eyes. 

  1. Natrum Mur – For Headache from Eye Strain

It is a very effective medicine for managing headache arising from eye strain. It may be attended with sensitivity to light.  The headache worsens from eye movement and reading. Persons who need it also feel drawing pain and stiffness in the muscles of the eyes when moving them. The eyes give out while reading and writing.  They also have itching in the eyes. Next they may complain of smarting and burning sensation in the eyes. Watering from eyes is also there. 

  1. Onosmodium – For Eye Pain, Headache 

This medicine is prepared from plant Onosmodium Virginianum also known as False Gromwell. This plant belongs to family boraginaceae. It is the next very helpful medicine for managing cases of eye strain. It helps when there is aching, feeling of tension, stiffness, strained sensation in the eyes as occurring from reading small print. Next it is a very effective medicine for managing headache which is associated with eye strain. Mostly pain is felt in the back of the head along with soreness and stiffness where it is required.

  1. Phosphorus – For Eye Pain and Blurred Vision

It is well indicated for cases presenting with eye pain and blurred vision from eye strain. The eye pain and blurring of vision arises after reading where this medicine is indicated. Sometimes there seem to be black spots before the eyes. The complaints get worse from looking at bright shining objects. With eye pain, stiffness may also be felt usually on moving the eyes. Sometimes a sensation of heat in the eyes is experienced along with above symptoms.

  1. Jaborandi – For Tiredness of Eyes and Burning in Eyes

This medicine is prepared from plant Pilocarpus pinnatifolius. This plant  belongs to family rutaceae. It works very well in cases of tiredness of the eyes and burning in the eyes from eye strain. There is tiredness of eyes from slightest use where this medicine is required. Along with this there occurs pain in the eyes from exerting vision in doing fine work. Apart from these headaches may appear upon using the eyes. With this smarting and pain is felt in the eyes.

  1. Gelsemium – For Sore, Aching Eyes

Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens having the common name yellow jasmine. The plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is very useful to manage sore, aching eyes in these cases. Eyes feel sore especially when moving them. Along with this heaviness of eyes, bruised feeling in the eyes and double vision (diplopia) may occur. 

  1. Phosphoric Acid – For Headache and Pressive Pain in Eyes 

Phosphoric Acid is indicated when there is headache and pressive pain in the eyes. Sensitivity to light may also be there. Next there may be watering from the eyes. Another attending symptom is pressure in the eyes with a sensation as if eyeballs are too large. 

  1. Arnica – For Sore, Bruised Feeling in Eyes

This medicine is prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana having the common name Leopard’s – bane or fallkraut. This plant belongs to family compositae. This is very beneficial medicine for cases having sore, bruised feeling in the eyes. People needing it also feel tiredness in the eyes and watering from the eyes. They may also have dull pain over the eyes. Another complaint that they have is burning sensation in the eyes. Lastly they may have a sensation of great weight and heaviness in the eyes. 

  1. Belladonna – For Dryness and Eye Pain 

This medicine is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is valuable to manage dryness and pain in the eyes. Persons who require it complain of aching, pressing, stinging or burning pain in the eyes. The pain gets worse from exposure to light. A heated sensation in the eyes accompanies above symptoms. Itching and smarting sensation can also be experienced in the eyes.

  1. Spigelia – For Pain in and around the Eyes

This medicine is prepared from plant Spigelia anthelmia having the common name Pink – root. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is valuable to manage pain in and around the eyes. The pain is aching, tensive, pressive, digging, boring type in cases needing it. The pain most times gets worse from turning the eyes. The pain may extend through the eyeball back into the head in some of the cases. Sometimes there is excessive watering from the eyes. Heat and burning sensation in the eyes may occur with above symptoms. 

  1. Pulsatilla – For Aching in Eyes after Using Them

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans also known as Pasque Flower and Wind flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is indicated when there is much aching sensation in the eyes after using them. Some other symptoms that can accompany it include pressing, tearing, burning pain in the eyes. Itching in eyes is yet another symptom that can arise in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Natrum Carb – For Managing Burning Pain in Eyes

This medicine is prominently indicated when there is burning pain in the eyes. This gets worse most times while reading and writing. Dryness in the eyes is felt with this. There may also be sensitivity to light. 

  1. Sulphur – For Itching in Eye and Pain

Use of this medicine is considered when there is itching in the eyes and pain in the eyes. On closing eyes flashes of light may be seen. Apart from this intense pain in head may be felt. 

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