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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Pain In Back Of Head

A very common complaint, headache can be felt in any part of the head but in some cases, it is specifically felt at the back of the head (i.e. the occiput region). Pain in the back of head can arise from various causes. First reason behind it is tension headache. This type of headache arises from the tightening of the muscles of the neck and scalp and pain is felt in the lower part of the head. This pain can extend to the neck and the eyes as well. It can be attended with stiffness in the shoulders and the upper back, and sensitivity to sound and light. Concentration can also become difficult with these complaints. Next cause can be occipital neuralgia. Pain starts in the neck and extends to the top of the head. It can be attended with other symptoms like eye pain, vision changes, stuffed nose, noises in the ear, numbness and tingling. Occipital neuralgia tends to arise from irritation of the occipital nerves, damaged pinched nerve, tensed muscles, whiplash injury, and degeneration of the discs in the cervical spine.

Another cause could be cervicogenic headache. Pain begins in the neck and radiates to the back of the head and the forehead. Along with this, other symptoms might appear that include neck stiffness, nausea, tenderness of the scalp, light or noise sensitivity, vision problems and pain in the shoulder or arm on the same side as that of the headache. This type of headache results from a problem in the structures of the cervical spine in the neck. Pain in the back of head can also arise from poor posture. Migraine headache can also be one of the reasons that causes one-sided headache often attended with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, noise and smell.

Another cause of pain in the back of the head is low pressure headache also known as intracranial hypotension. It arises due to low pressure of the spinal fluid in the brain. This results from leakage of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the brain and spinal cord from a tear in the dura mater. This causes pain in the back of head along with other symptoms such as stiffness of the neck, dizziness, double vision, blurred vision and hearing noises in the ear. It may next occur in case of exercise-induced headache. Such types of headache leads to pain during or soon after a physical activity. This can be attended with nausea, vomiting and light sensitivity.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very effective in managing complaint of pain in the back of head. Homeopathic medicines help to gradually reduce the intensity and frequency of the complaint. Homeopathic medicines target the root cause behind pain in the back of head to bring relief. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed individually for every case based on the characteristic symptoms.  So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for this complaint under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. Homeopathic medicines are advised for mild to moderate cases of pain in the back of head. In severe cases and cases where some serious cause is linked to the pain in the back of head, urgent help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For Pain In Back Of Head

1. Gelsemium – Top Recommended Medicine

Gelsemium is a top listed homeopathic medicine for managing pain in the back of head. In cases needing it, pain from back of the head may radiate to the shoulders. This can be attended with double vision. This medicine is also indicated when there is pain in the upper part of the neck and back of the head. The pain can be drawing, tearing or cramping type. The pain may further extend upwards and forwards from the back of head. There is relief in headache by applying pressure. Along with headache, the muscles of neck and shoulders feel sore. A characteristic attending feature is sensation of a band around the head.

2. Glonoine – For Pain From Back Of Head Extending To Entire Head

This medicine is highly recommended when pain begins in the back of the head and then spreads to the whole head. Along with headache, there is nausea and vomiting. Heated sensation is felt in the face. This medicine is also useful when pain starts in the forehead and sides of the head and afterwards goes to the top and back of the head. It is a throbbing kind of pain. The pain gets worse from noise and movement. There is relief by applying external pressure on the head.

3. Bryonia – For Pain In Back Of Head Radiating To Shoulders

This medicine can be considered for cases when pain in the back of head radiates to the shoulders. It gets worse when lying on the back. The pain may also extend to the neck. This medicine is also useful for managing pain in the forehead and back of the head. It gets worse from movement. Pain in the forehead may extend to back of head. The nature of pain here is stitching type. In cases needing it, headache gets better by tying up the head.

4. Sanguinaria Canadensis – For Pain From Back Of Head To Area Above Right Eye

This medicine is very important to manage cases where pain starts in the back of head, moves upward and then finally settles over the right eye. Pain is sharp, throbbing type. Vomiting can attend pain. Sounds and odors are unbearable during pain. The pain gets better after sleep.

5. Spigelia – For Pain From Back Of Head To Area Above Left Eye

This medicine is of great help to manage cases of pain that begins in the back of head, goes upwards and finally settles over the left eye. The pain gets worse from stooping. It is also worse from movement of eyes and from warmth. It is relieved from pressure and also from rest.

6. Cocculus Indicus – For Pain In Back Of Head And Neck

This medicine is well indicated for managing pain in the back of head and neck. A sensation of weight in the head is also felt. Heated sensation is also felt. There is inability to lie on the back of the head where this medicine is required. One feels nausea and there may be vomiting along with headache. There is worsening of pain from noise, bright light and talking.

7. Lac Caninum – For Pain In Back Of Head Extending To Forehead

This medicine is effective when pain starts in the back of head and then extends to the forehead. Headache can be accompanied by blurring of vision. Nausea and vomiting can also appear with headache. Headache may alternate on sides from right to left and vice versa. In cases requiring this medicine, headache gets worse from noise and also from talking.

8. Cimicifuga – For Pain In Back Of Head Radiating Down To Back Of Neck

This medicine is helpful when pain from the back of the head shoots down to the back of neck. In cases needing it, a very characteristic feature is that headache often occurs at the same time of the day. The headache worsens when one is indoors. There tends to be relief by going out in open air. Besides the above, this medicine can also be considered when pain starts over the eyes and then extends tos the back of head.

9. Picric Acid – For Pain In Back Of Head Extending Down The Spine

Picric Acid is firstly indicated for cases where pain starts in the back of the head and then extends down the spine. Secondly, it is indicated for pain in the neck and the back of head that extends to the eyes. The pain gets worse from the movement of eyes. It gets better from rest. Headache also gets relieved by binding the head tightly. Another characteristic feature of using this medicine is the worsening of pain from overuse of mind as in case of overstudy.



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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Thick, Sticky Discharge From Nose

Mucus is normally produced by mucus membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses (air-filled cavities in the bones of skull) daily without our being aware of it. This mucus is required in the body as it functions to trap germs, infectious particles, pollutants, and dust particles that enter from the nose to prevent their entry into the lungs. Mucus production tends to increase under certain health conditions and in some cases, the mucus is thick and sticky in nature. The first reason behind this is common cold. Common cold refers to a viral infection of nose and throat that usually results from infection with rhinoviruses but can also occur from other viruses like adenovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus. Initially, in the case of common cold, the nasal discharge is thin but in later stages, it tends to become thick and sticky. The next cause could be allergies in which the immune system overreacts to inhaled allergens. As a result, the nose produces mucus in excess to get rid of the allergens.

Due to excessive mucus production, the thick sticky mucus may accumulate in the nose. Another cause can be sinus inflammation and infection. In this condition, the sinuses swell up along with mucus build up in the sinuses and there is mucus discharge from the nose that can be thick and sticky. Fungal rhino sinusitis can also be a cause. It refers to a sinus infection which is caused by fungus usually from mold or yeast. Other causes that may result in thick, sticky nasal mucus include dry environment (breathing in dry air mainly in winters can result in thick, sticky nasal mucus) and dehydration (it changes the consistency of nasal mucus from thin to thick, rubbery, sticky type). Depending on the reason behind thick, sticky discharge it can be attended with some other signs and symptoms. These include sneezing, stopped nose, headache, fever, body aches, weakness, itchy, watery eyes, PND (post nasal discharge means dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat), sore throat, cough, loss of smell and taste.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very effective management for cases of thick, sticky nasal discharge. Homeopathic remedies work naturally to reduce these discharges. They give excellent results by treating the root cause behind it. Along with nasal discharge, other associated signs and symptoms like stopped nose, sneezing, headache, PND, cough also get well managed with these medicines. There are numerous homeopathic medicines to manage these cases. Among these, the most suitable medicine is selected individually for every case based on the characteristic symptoms after detailed case evaluation. It is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before using any of these medicines. Self – medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Thick, Sticky Discharge From Nose

1. Kali Bichrome – Top Recommended Medicine

Kali Bichrome is the topmost medicine when it comes to help the cases of thick, sticky mucus from the nose. In cases needing it, the nasal discharges are yellowish or greenish. The discharges are thick, lumpy and very sticky. They are stringy and ropy that can be pulled in the form of long threads from the nose. Along with this, post nasal discharge (PND) is also very prominently present. Along with discharges, a pain or pressure sensation is felt at the root of the nose. The nose feels blocked. Headache can accompany nasal blockage. Sneezing which gets worse in the morning can attend the above complaints. This medicine is of great help in cases of cold and sinusitis.

2. Hydrastis – For White Or Yellow Thick, Sticky Nasal Discharge

This medicine is effective for managing white or yellow colored thick, sticky nasal discharge. Along with this, there is marked headache in the frontal region. Sneezing can also be present. A sensation of fullness is felt over the eyes. Burning type of pain is present in the nose. The nose feels stuffed. There is a constant urge to blow the nose. The air feels cold in the nose. It is accompanied by PND i.e. dropping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat.

3. Kali Sulph – For Thick, Sticky Foul Smelling Yellow Nasal Discharge

Kali Sulph is a prominent medicine to manage thick, sticky yellow nasal discharge that has a very foul smell. Along with this, there is loss of smell and taste. Nose feels blocked. In some cases, thick yellow discharge alternates with watery nasal discharge.

4. Hepar Sulph – For Thin Nasal Discharge Followed By Thick, Foul Discharge

This medicine is well-indicated for cases where thin nasal discharge is followed by thick nasal discharge. The discharge has a foul smell. There is sneezing when one inhales cold air. There is also post nasal discharge. The air feels cold in the nose. The nostrils feels painful and also sensitive to touch. In some cases, crusts may form in the nose that bleed. Nose feels blocked in the morning. There is also loss of smell.

5. Silicea – For Foul Smelling Thick Nasal Discharge

Silicea is a very important medicine to manage foul smelling, thick nasal discharge. The discharge is greenish-yellow in most cases. With this, nasal blockage and loss of smell and taste are observed. The discharge is most marked in the morning. Along with this, headache can be felt. Itching is felt in the nose and sometimes there is excessive sneezing. There is a loss of appetite along with the above complaints. Inflammation of the frontal sinuses can be present. There may be long-term inflammation of the tonsils.

6. Thuja – For Thick Yellow Green Nasal Discharge

Thuja is the next useful medicine for managing cases of thick yellow green nasal discharge. It can be mixed with pus and blood in some of the cases. A pressure is felt at the root of the nose. There is pain in the teeth on blowing the nose. It is indicated for long term sinus infections. In some cases, ulceration in the nose is also noted. In some cases, bloody scabs can be present in the nostrils.

7. Graphites – For Nasal Blockage Along With Thick, Sticky Discharge

Graphites is an excellent medicine to manage a blocked nose along with thick sticky nasal discharge. The discharge has a very bad smell. It is yellow most of the time. Bad smell is felt in the nose like that of burnt hair. In some cases, mucus forms hard crusts in the nose. Nose is internally painful in addition to the above complaints.

8. Kali Iodatum – For Accumulation Of Thick, Sticky Mucus In Nose

This medicine is effective when there is accumulation of thick, sticky mucus in the nose. There is yellowish or greenish black discharge from the nose giving out a very foul smell. Burning sensation is felt in the nose. Excessive sneezing occurs. Tightness is felt at the root of the nose. There may be accompanying loss of smell as well.

9. Chamomilla – For Sticky Nasal Discharge With Loss Of Smell And Dry Cough

This medicine is of great use in cases of sticky nasal discharge with loss of smell and dry cough. The nose is blocked. There is irritation and crawling sensation in the nose. Dry heat is felt in the nose. There is excessive sensitivity to all the smells.



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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Mood Swings Before Periods

Mood swings refer to sudden and intense changes in mood. Many women tend to experience several symptoms few days before the onset of periods and mood swings can be one very common and important symptom. This occurs from hormonal fluctuations. The intensity of mood swings before periods varies from mild to severe in different cases. Mood swings before periods could majorly be a part of PMS i.e. premenstrual syndrome. PMS refers to a group of emotional and physical symptoms that are seen in females around a week before the periods. Mood swings is one among many such emotional symptoms like sadness, weeping spells, irritability, anger, anxiety, emotional outbursts, difficult concentration and social withdrawal. Physical symptoms in PMS includes bloating, acne (pimples) outbreaks, headache, diarrhoea, constipation, breast pain/ tenderness, weakness, body aches, backache, joint pain and decreased sexual drive. Hormonal changes that occur before the periods is the main reason that contribute to PMS. Besides, changes in the level of serotonin (a chemical in the brain that plays a crucial role in mood, sleep and some other functions in the body) can result in PMS symptoms. The above mentioned symptoms of PMS vary from one woman to the other.  Other than PMS, a condition named PMDD i.e. premenstrual dysphoric disorder could also lead to mood swings before periods. This condition is much like PMS but in PMDD the intensity of symptoms is severe. In some women who are already suffering from an emotional health condition like depression, BPD (bipolar disorder previously known as manic depression, refers to a mind-related condition in which there are severe mood swings between a phase of excitement and a phase of depression) and anxiety, there may occur worsening of its symptoms before periods. This is known as premenstrual exacerbation.

Homeopathic Management

The homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to manage mood swings in females before periods. Homeopathic medicines help to relax and calm the mind and bring great relief in mood swings. Along with mood swings, any attending symptoms are also well managed with these medicines like sadness, weeping spells, irritability, anger, anxiety and also physical symptoms like bloating, headache, diarrhea, constipation, and breast pain. Homeopathic medicines for managing this condition are made of natural substances, hence are very safe to use without any toxic side effects. Homeopathic prescription to manage mood swings varies from case to case based on the characteristic individual symptoms. So homeopathic medicines should be taken under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and self-medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines For Mood Swings Before Periods

1. Ignatia

Ignatia is a highly recommended medicine when there is a rapid change of mood before periods. Females needing it are happy and laughing that suddenly changes to sadness and weeping within a short interval. At one moment, they are laughing, joking and at the other moment, they become very sad. They may also get angry followed by sadness. They may show social withdrawal and suffer frequent weeping episodes. They have uncontrollable emotions. They are highly oversensitive and nervous in nature. They also have marked irritability of the mind and may feel frustrated. They may also suffer from anxiety and sleeplessness. They may have heaviness of the head, pain in the forehead, heated sensation in head, loss of appetite, cramps in the abdomen and weakness before menses.

2. Sepia

Sepia is a highly effective medicine for managing mood swings before periods. There is a tendency to get irritable and offended quite easily where this medicine is required. There may be anxiety with heat flashes over the face. An indifferent behavior towards the family is seen. Before periods, abdomen pain can be felt in many cases. This is attended with shivering all over the body. Vaginal discharges (leucorrhea) can also occur before menses. Irregularity of menses can be present in addition to the above complaints.

3. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is another important medicine to manage mood swings before menses. Females needing it tend to have alternate sadness and happiness. They also have frequent weeping spells without knowing any reason behind it. Besides, they suffer irritability, headache and nausea before the onset of periods. They may also have vaginal discharges and burning or cutting pain in the vagina prior to periods.

4. Pulsatilla

Pulsatilla is very beneficial when there are marked mood changes before menses. Females needing it are highly emotional and tend to laugh and cry very easily. They suffer great irritability and anxiety. They feel better when they are consoled by someone. Before menses, they also suffer spells of headache. It is attended with loose stool and vomiting. Before menses, they also feel pressure in the abdomen and the lower back. There is also a tendency of abdomen pain and yellow-colored vaginal discharges before the appearance of menses. In addition to these complaints, there is also a chilly feeling (means sensitivity to cold) before menses.

5. Lycopodium

The next medicine in the list to manage mood swings before periods is Lycopodium. Females requiring this medicine are very sensitive with a disposition to get irritable easily. They also get angry quite easily. They cannot bear even little opposition from others. They feel very sad before menses. They have marked bloating of the abdomen before the onset of menses. Abdomen pain could occur. The legs and feet feel very cold before menses. Swelling can be noted on the feet. There may be complaint of backache, headache, weeping spells and nausea before menses.

6. Lac Caninum

Lac Caninum is yet another helpful medicine for managing mood swings before periods. This medicine is indicated when there are alternate moods in females before periods. Besides, they may have restlessness, irritability, nervousness with easy startling and hopelessness. There may also appear fits of weeping. Besides these, sore throat, headache and swelling of breasts with sensitivity to the least touch are important complaints that may appear before menses.

7. Platina

Platina is another medicine that can be considered when there is an alternation between cheerful and depressed mood before the periods. There is relief in sadness in the open air. There is excessive weeping that gets worse when spoken to. There is also weeping and laughing alternately. Small matters may cause irritability.

8. Coffea Cruda

Coffea Cruda is indicated when there are mood swings between joy and unhappiness/ sadness before menses. There is also easy crying and laughing. Mental as well as physical exhaustion can be there. There may be sleeplessness in cases needing this medicine.

9. Crocus Sativus

This medicine is also recommended when there is sudden changeability of moods. There is laughter suddenly followed by tears. Cheerfulness alternates with sadness. There tends to be happiness followed by violent anger. Anger is soon followed by calmness and regret.

10. Nux Moschata

Nux Moschata is also a useful medicine to manage mood swings between laughing and crying. In cases requiring it, there is excessive drowsiness in general. There can also be headache with drowsiness before menses. Pain in the lower back is yet another complaint that may appear before menses. There can be irregularity of menses both with regard to time and quantity where this medicine is needed.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Itchy Throat

Itchy throat is quite harmless but can cause a great deal of discomfort to the sufferer. There are various causes behind itchy throat. It can arise from dry air, dryness of the throat, dehydration, environmental irritant exposure like cigarette smoke, air pollution, chemicals etc. and also from excessive intake of alcohol or caffeine.  In other cases, it tends to occur from some medical cause that needs to be treated to get relief. First among the medical causes is sore throat alongwith tonsillitis. This may happen from different infections including viral and bacterial among which viral infections are more common. Viral infections mainly include flu and cold. Bacterial infection mainly includes strep throat that occurs from an infection with bacterium group A streptococcus. Another common reason is allergies. Allergies including nasal allergy (allergic rhinitis) or food allergies, both can lead to itchy throat. Allergic rhinitis refers to an overreaction of the immune system towards an inhaled allergen like dust, animal dander, pollen. It may cause an itchy throat along with other symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, stuffed nose, and itchy, watery eyes. Food allergy refers to overreaction of the immune system from eating certain food products like dairy, peanuts, eggs, milk.

Another reason for itchy throat could be acid reflux (GERD – gastroesophageal reflux disease) in which there is backflow of stomach acid in the throat due to improper functioning of LES i.e. lower esophageal sphincter). Other reasons include sinus infections, allergies to cleaning products, PND i.e. post nasal discharge in which there is dropping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat. Besides above medical causes, itchy throat can arise from use of certain medicines for example ACE inhibitors used for high blood pressure. Itchy throat could be attended with other signs and symptoms depending on the reason behind it. These include runny nose, stuffed up nose, sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, headache, cough, painful/difficult swallowing, red rash on the skin, heartburn, gas, nausea, vomiting, loose stool, tiredness and fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy proves highly effective in managing cases of itchy throat. The homeopathic medicines target the root cause behind itchy throat to bring great results. These medicines boost the body’s self-restoring mechanism and bring self-recovery in the most natural and harmless way. They gradually reduce the intensity and frequency of itchy throat. Along with this, other associated symptoms like runny nose, stuffed nose, sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, headache, cough, painful / difficult swallowing also get managed well. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin so are entirely safe to use with zero side effects. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case depending on the symptom picture in every individual case. Hence, it is advised to get any case of itchy throat to be evaluated by a homeopathic physician and take homeopathic medicine under the guidance of homeopathic physician. Self-medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines  For Itchy throat

1.Wyethia – For Itchy Throat And Soft Palate

Wyethia is a leading medicine for managing itchy throat with itching most marked on the palate. There is dryness and heated sensation in the throat along with this complaint. A constant urge to swallow saliva is also present. There is a desire to constantly clear the throat. Uvula feels elongated. There is hoarseness in the voice as well. Dry cough is felt before the other above symptoms appear.

2. Conium – For Itchy Throat Leading To Cough

Conium is prominently indicated to manage cases where itching in the throat causes cough. There is almost constant cough in cases needing this medicine. Tingling sensation in the throat is also felt along with itching. Next there is a sensation of a lump in the throat. There is an urge to constantly swallow with this. A constricted sensation is felt in the throat.

3. Arundo – For Itching Of Palate And Nose

This medicine is highly recommended for managing itching of the palate and nose. This is attended by sneezing and runny nose. There is loss of smell. Burning sensation is felt on the palate. There is pain and burning in the throat while swallowing. Along with the above complaints, there is itching and burning in the eyes.

4. Sabadilla – Along With Sneezing, Runny Nose

This medicine is highly effective when there is violent sneezing and watery discharge from the nose along with an itchy throat. It is accompanied by pain in the frontal area of the head. Itching in the nose may be there. There is thick mucus in the throat along with itching. The tonsils are inflamed and swollen. There is a stitching type of pain in the throat while swallowing. There is pain even when swallowing the saliva. The throat and fauces feel dry. Another attending feature is a sensation of a lump in the throat or skin hanging loosely in the throat.

5. Bryonia – For Itching Along With Dryness In Throat

Bryonia works well in cases where dryness in the throat is well marked along with throat itching. The back of the throat feels very rough. A sensation of fullness and pressure is felt in the throat. There is pain in the throat. Stitching pain is felt in the throat on swallowing. Crawling sensation in the throat may be felt. It induces cough. This is followed by expectoratithe on of mucus.

6. Argentum Metallicum – Along With Thick, Sticky Mucus In Throat

Use of this medicine is indicated when there is itchy throat with thick, sticky mucus in the throat. This mucus is hawked in the morning. The mucus is greyish in color. There is a sore throat with difficulty in swallowing. Other than this pricking and tingling sensation is felt in the throat. The voice becomes hoarse in addition to the above complaints.

7. Apis Mellifica – Along With A Burning Sensation In Throat

This medicine is well indicated when itchy throat is attended with burning in the throat.  A stinging sensation in the throat is also marked. There is sticky mucus in the throat. It is attended with hawking and throat clearing in the morning. The throat is inflamed. The throat and tonsils on either side are red. The tonsils are enlarged and swollen as well. In some cases, ulcers are also present on the tonsils. Pain is also felt in the throat. There is also difficulty in swallowing food. The throat in some cases is dry with no feeling of thirst. Stitching or throbbing sensation in the throat can also be there sometimes along with the above complaints.

8. Cistus – With A Crawling Sensation In Throat

Cistus is well indicated to manage itching in the throat along with a crawling sensation. There is a sensation of coolness in the throat the entire day in cases needing this medicine. Dryness and heat are also felt in the throat. It gets worse after eating and sleeping. There is an urge to swallow saliva to improve throat dryness. A stitching pain can be felt in the throat. This leads to cough. Next there is a sensation of sand in the throat. Sometimes there is hawking of thick mucus from the throat especially in the morning. The mucus may have a bitter taste.



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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Morning Cough

Cough is referred to as a protective mechanism of the body to get rid of dust, mucus, and microbes (virus, bacteria) that have entered the airway. Cough can arise at any time of day or night and in some cases occurs specifically in the morning. Morning cough can occur from different reasons. First among these can be allergies (allergic rhinitis). Allergic rhinitis is an over-reaction of the body’s immune system to airborne allergens like dust mites, pollens, pet dander, etc. This can result in runny nose, blocked nose, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes and dry cough. When cough is associated with allergies to dust mites, the symptoms tend to get worse in the morning and at night. This is because the dust mites reside in the bedding. Another cause can be common cold. It refers to the infection of the nose and throat that results from viruses (there are around 200 or more types of respiratory viruses among which rhinoviruses is the most important one). Cough can be one of its symptoms along with runny nose, stuffed nose, sneezing and sore throat.

Another cause for morning cough is PND (post nasal discharge that refers to dripping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat that can trigger a cough). PND can be caused from various causes like cold, flu, sinus infection, allergies and acid reflux.

It may next occur in case of infections of the respiratory tract. The infection can either be in the upper respiratory tract or the lower respiratory tract. Some of the conditions occurring from respiratory infections include bronchitis, pneumonia, COVID -19.  Bronchitis is the infection of the bronchial tubes that carry air from the windpipe into the lungs. Pneumonia is an infection in the lungs. COVID – 19 results from infection with virus named SARS – CoV-2.

Other causes of morning cough include COPD and asthma. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease resulting in obstruction of airflow to the lungs. Two common conditions that are linked with COPD are chronic bronchitis (long term inflammation of bronchial tubes) and emphysema (damage of the alveoli at the end of bronchioles). Asthma is a respiratory disease in which there is difficulty in breathing, coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Asthma may also result from acid reflux/GERD i.e. gastro esophageal reflux disease in which there is backflow of stomach acid in the food pipe due to the improper functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Besides the above, the other reasons for morning cough are hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid that may cause morning cough from a feeling of something stuck in the throat beside other signs and symptoms), smoking and dry mouth.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are highly effective to manage cases of morning cough. Homeopathic medicines are medicines of natural origin that help in such cases with zero side effects. They treat the root cause of the cough and boost the body’s own restorative mechanism to get rid of the problem. There are numerous homeopathic medicines to manage morning cough and the prescription has to be selected for every individual based on the characteristic symptom presentation. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician after detailed case evaluation. One should avoid self–medication in every case. Homeopathy is advised only for mild to moderate cases occurring without any serious reasons. In case of cough with high fever, intense difficulty in breathing, excessive chest pain, drowsiness, fainting or in cases of cough occurring from serious causes like pneumonia, COVID – 19 one must take treatment from conventional mode as homeopathy has limitations in handling such serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Morning Cough

1. Kali Bichrome – For Managing Cough In Morning On Waking

Kali Bichrome is very effective for managing cough in the morning on waking up. It is attended with expectoration of white mucus. The mucus is very thick and sticky and can be drawn in strings. The mucus tends to stick in the throat and the mouth. A very important symptom along with cough is post nasal drip (PND) of a very thick, sticky and ropy mucus. Cough can be attended with difficulty in breathing. It gets better by lying down. Cough occurs from an irritation in the larynx. In some cases, the sputa expectorated is blood-stained as well. In cases needing it, the cough can increase after eating and also from deep respiration. This medicine is of great help in managing complaints linked with PND or sinus infections.

2. Pulsatilla – For Loose Cough In Morning With Profuse Expectoration

This medicine is beneficial for managing loose cough in the morning. Along with this, there is excessive expectoration of mucus. The mucus is thick, and can be yellow or green. It can have a bitter or salty taste. There is hoarseness of voice and soreness in the throat. Burning sensation or a constricted feeling is felt in the chest along with these complaints in some cases.

3. Coccus Cacti – For Cough In Morning Around 6 am Or 7 am

This medicine is indicated when there is coughing in the morning around 6 am or 7 am. In the beginning, there is dry cough. After some time, the mucus gets detached. The expectorated mucus is thick, sticky and white or whitish yellow. The mucus may have a salty taste. In some cases, vomiting also occurs. There may be headache along with cough where this medicine is required. Another characteristic feature of using this medicine is cough in the morning when a person rises up or while brushing teeth.

4. Iodum – To Manage Dry Cough In Morning

Iodum works well in cases of dry cough in the morning time. It arises from an irritation in the larynx (the voice box). Sometimes, there is a sensation of a feather-like thing in the throat that excites coughing. There may be sneezing too. Sometimes vomiting also occurs. Burning pain in the throat and stitching type of pain in the chest can also accompany it. There is also marked weakness along with coughing.

5. Natrum Mur – For Cough From Tickling Or Irritation In Throat

This medicine is very useful for cough occurring from tickling or irritation in the throat. It can be attended with mucus expectoration. The sputum expectorated is mostly yellow. Along with these complaints, there may be pain in the forehead. Runny nose and sneezing can be present in the morning along with cough where this medicine is required. Natrum Mur is a great medicine to help with complaints associated with allergies.

6. Ferrum Met – For Morning Cough With Blood Streaked Mucus Expectoration

Ferrum Met is prominently indicated when there is cough in the morning with blood-streaked mucus expectoration. In some cases, the mucus expectorated is green and frothy. The mucus may taste sour or sweet. There can be breathing difficulty as well. There is relief in cough by walking around slowly.

7. Phosphorus – For Cough With Mucus Expectoration

Phosphorus is an important medicine to help cases of cough with expectoration of mucus. Mucus can be transparent, white, thick yellow or blood-stained. However, in the evening, there is dry cough without any expectoration. The nose may be blocked in the morning in cases needing it.




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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

Repetitive strain injury (RSI) also known as repetitive stress injury or overuse syndrome refers to overstraining and damage to muscles, tendons, nerves over a period of time. It results from overuse and repetitive motions of a particular body part for a long time period. These are also known by other names including cumulative trauma disorders and repetitive motion disorders. These can arise from various kinds of repetitive activities for prolonged time periods like typing work, playing some sport like tennis, use of specific tools by construction workers, use of vibrating tools, knitting and playing some musical instrument like piano, violin etc. Not all people doing the above activities suffer from RSI but these activities make them prone to develop RSI over a period of time. RSI may also occur from lifting heavy weights, being in the same posture or wrong posture for long time periods. Besides the above, the risk of RSI enhances as a person gets aged. Women are more affected by it as compared to males. Smoking, drinking alcohol, diabetes, and being overweight are some of the factors that make a person prone to RSI. Though any of the body part can be affected in RSI, the commonly affected areas include wrist, hands, fingers, thumbs, elbows, shoulders, neck and forearm. RSI results in pain in the affected part that may be attended with stiffness and swelling. The part may be painful to touch as well. In some cases, numbness, tingling sensation, weakness of the affected part may also accompany. The intensity of symptoms in RSI vary from mild to severe.

Different types of RSI

There are many kinds of RSI, the most common being carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). It refers to compression of the median nerve leading to numbness, tingling and weakness in the hands and arms. Next is tendinitis (i.e. inflammation of the tendons that are fibrous tissue bands that connect muscle to bones) and bursitis (inflammation of the bursa which is a small fluid-filled sac located around a joint that reduces friction between joint structures on joint movement). Another common type is tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) that occurs from overuse of tendons and muscles of the elbow on the outer side. This causes pain on outer side of the elbow that may be attended with stiffness, swelling and lowering of the gripping power of hands. Other kinds of RSIs include cubital tunnel syndrome, golfer’s elbow, shin splints, trigger finger and De Quervain syndrome. These all are explained further.

Cubital tunnel syndrome arises from the irritation or compression of the ulnar nerve located inside of the elbow. It causes pain on the inside of the elbow that may be attended with numbness and tingling in fingers and difficulty in moving fingers. Golfer’s elbow ((medial epicondylitis) is a painful condition affecting the inner side of the elbow at the connecting point of tendons of the forearm muscle on the inner side. The  pain is on the inner side of the elbow that may extend to the forearm. It can be attended with tenderness on the elbow on the inner side accompanied by stiffness, numbness, tingling and weakness in arms or fingers. Shin splints cause pain on the inner side of the shinbone (tibia which is a bone in the leg) from repetitive stress on the tibia bone. Trigger finger is a condition that causes the finger to get stuck in the bent position. It mostly affects the ring finger and thumb, though any of the fingers can be involved. It occurs from irritation and swelling of the tendon sheath of the finger. De Quervain tendinitis is a condition that affects tendons of the wrist on the thumb side resulting from repetitive hand and wrist movement.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a natural and effective management for cases of repetitive strain injury. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances so do not have any side effects. These help in managing the symptoms of RSI by reducing inflammation in muscles and tendons that has resulted from overuse and over straining. They help to reduce pain, stiffness, swelling, tenderness and associated numbness, tingling sensation, weakness in these cases. The results vary depending on the duration and intensity of the complaint. Homeopathic medicines for treating RSI are selected based on individual symptoms in each case. Though it is safe to use homeopathic medicines, it is recommended to consult a homeopathic physician prior to taking any homeopathic medicine. Self-medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

1. Rhus Tox – Topmost medicine

Rhus Tox is a leading homeopathic medicine to help cases of repetitive strain injury. It is often the first choice of a homeopathic physician when it comes to deal with cases where there is inflammation and damage of muscles, tendons as a result of overstraining, overlifting and overuse of some particular body part. This medicine is very effective in managing pain in the affected part. The pain can be tearing, stitching, shooting type. The pain is attended with stiffness and tenderness in most of the cases. Pain gets worse at night. In general, the pain worsens from rest and gets better by movement. This medicine is highly valuable to manage cases of tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, bursitis and shin splints.

2. Ruta – To Treat Tendinitis

Ruta is another important medicine to manage cases of inflamed tendons from overstraining. In cases needing it, there is pain in the affected part of the bruised type attended with restlessness. Besides, there is weakness. This medicine is highly suitable to treat tendinitis, tennis elbow, bursitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

3. Arnica – For Managing Pain And Tenderness In Affected Part

This medicine is very beneficial for managing cases of overstraining or overexertion of body parts. The characteristic feature of using this medicine is soreness means pain on touching the affected part. There is pain in the affected parts as if beaten. For tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome cases, this medicine proves highly useful.

4. Bellis Perennis – To Manage Tennis Elbow And Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This medicine also gives great results when it comes to treat condition arising from overuse and repetitive straining of body part. It is especially the most helpful in managing tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome. In cases needing this medicine, there is pain in the elbow and a contracted feeling around the wrist as if an elastic band has been tied around the wrist. Besides the above, this medicine is also useful for managing back pain arising from over lifting and straining.

5. Causticum – To Manage Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Besides the above medicines, Causticum is another prominent medicine for managing carpal tunnel syndrome. This medicine is indicated for pain, numbness and weakness in fingers. Along with this, an important attending sign is atrophy (loss of muscle mass) of the muscles of hands.

6. Bryonia – For Managing Tennis Elbow

Bryonia is another prominent medicine for cases of tennis elbow other than Rhus Tox, Ruta and Arnica. It helps manage pain and swelling around the elbow. The pain increases with movement and gets better from rest.  In some cases, pain from the elbow may extend to the wrist.

7. Calcarea Carb – For Stiff Neck From Overstraining Or Overlifting

This medicine is of great help to manage stiffness of the neck arising from overstraining or overlifting objects. In cases needing it, headache may accompany neck stiffness. In some cases, pain in the back may occur from over-lifting objects.





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Top Homeopathic Remedies For Facial Redness And Flushing

Facial redness and flushing on the face can simply occur once in a while from becoming overheated; after exercise; during some intense emotion like anger, anxiety, stress; eating hot spicy food or drinking alcohol. Facial redness and flushing can be seen in cases of fever as well. However, when it happens often, it could be due to some associated medical condition that needs to be diagnosed and treated. First among these is acne rosacea. It is a skin condition in which the face turns red and flushed with enlarged blood vessels and acne (pimples) sometimes that can be pus-filled (pustules). Another reason can be eczema/ dermatitis on the face. It indicates inflamed skin with red, dry, itchy skin that may be attended with flaking or small fluid-filled bumps. In facial eczema, cheeks are the most commonly affected area. Another cause is lupus which is an autoimmune disease whereby the body’s healthy tissues and organs are attacked and inflamed, damaged by the immune cells of the body. It causes a butterfly-shaped rash on the face that spreads over the cheeks and the bridge of the nose. Besides, it may cause rash on any body area and other symptoms such as joint pains, fever, tiredness, headache, chest pain, dry eyes and memory loss. Further causes include erythema infectiosum, erysipelas and scarlet fever. Erythema infectiosum is also known as the fifth disease that occurs in childhood and causes a red-colored rash on the cheeks of the child. This results from infection with a virus named parvovirus B19.

Erysipelas is a skin infection affecting upper layers of the skin caused by a bacterial infection. Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection that may occur in few cases of strep throat (sore throat occurring from an infection with a bacterium named group A streptococcus). In this fever, a bright red rash appears on the body beginning from the face or neck and then spreads to other body parts. Besides the above, another cause is Cushing’s syndrome. In this syndrome, the hormone cortisol is produced in excessive amounts that may cause flushing of the skin in addition to other signs like weight gain, round/moon face, excessive fat around the neck, acne, and thin skin with a tendency to easy bruising. Facial flushing may also be seen in women during menopause (permanent cessation of menstrual cycle in females naturally between the age of 40 yrs to 50 yrs). Sometimes use of certain medicines can lead to redness of the face like medicines to treat high cholesterol and diabetes and chemotherapy drugs. Facial flushing can be attended with other signs and symptoms like heat, dryness, itching, swelling, pain on face depending on the reason linked to it.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to manage facial redness and flushing. These medicines focus on treating the underlying cause behind the health issue to bring great relief. With its use, besides redness, other attending symptoms also get managed like heat, swelling, dryness, itching and pain on the face. The homeopathic medicines are of natural origin that treat health issues without any side effects. These medicines are selected individually for every case based on the case presentation. So, one must use homeopathic medicine under the guidance of a homeopathic physician. Self-medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Facial Redness And Flushing

1. Belladonna – Top Recommended Medicine

Belladonna tops the list of homeopathic medicines when it comes to manage cases of facial redness and flushing. In cases needing it, along with redness and burning, heat sensation is also marked on the face. The face looks red and shiny. Restlessness can attend redness on the face along with heat. Swelling on the face may also be present. There may be sweating on the face along with the above features. This medicine is also indicated for redness on the face appearing in spots. Another indication is sudden redness on the tip of the nose attended with a burning sensation. In some cases, there is a pale face suddenly alternating with a red face. Belladonna is the next useful medicine for fever with a red, swollen face. This medicine is further helpful for flushed face during headache with buzzing noises in the ears, anxiety, nausea and vomiting. In cases of erysipelas, it can be used when the face is red with heat and the skin becomes hard.

2. Apis Mellifica – For Red, Swollen Face With Heat

This medicine is very effective for managing red, swollen face with heat. This can be attended with pain in the face. Burning and shooting type of pain is marked. A stinging sensation can also be felt on the face. There is an urge to wash the face with cold water. This medicine is of great help in erysipelas with redness and heat on the face. The red patches on the face are very painful to touch. It is attended with burning, stinging pains. Fullness in head, headache and restlessness may be the other accompanying symptoms.

3. Sanguinaria Canadensis – For Circumscribed Redness On Cheeks

This medicine is of great use in cases of redness on cheeks in circumscribed (well-defined) areas. This can be present on one or both cheeks. A burning sensation on the cheeks accompanies it. The face is painful to touch. Stiffness may be felt on the face. During fever in the afternoon with circumscribed redness of cheeks, this medicine is again highly useful.

4. Ferrum met – For Sudden Facial Flushing From Exertion, Slightest Emotions, Pain

This medicine is recommended when there is sudden redness on the face after exertion, from slightest emotions or from pain. At other times, the face looks pale. This medicine is prominently indicated for pain in the face from nerve involvement attended with fiery redness of the face. The redness can be at times present only in a single spot on the face. The pain in the face usually follows overheating or cold washing. The next indication to use this medicine is redness of the face with vertigo.

5. Capsicum – For Alternate Redness And Paleness Of Face

Capsicum is a beneficial medicine for cases in which there is alternate redness and paleness of the face. There is excessive heat sensation on the face. Pain may also be felt on the face. The pain worsens from touch. Worsening of pain may also occur in the evening. This medicine is next indicated for cases of scarlatina with excessively red face along with swollen cracked lips and blisters in the mouth.

6. Amylenum Nitrosum – For Facial Flushing During Menopause

Amylenum Nitrosum is a very important medicine for managing facial flushing during menopause. There is a rush of blood to the face along with heat. A dizzy feeling can attend it. Facial flushing happens from the slightest emotion. Heated sensation can be felt in the head as well along with heat on the face. There is excessive sweating along with the above complaints. A throbbing headache may appear with facial flushing in some cases.

7. Rhus Tox – For Dark Redness With Yellow fluid filled Eruptions

This medicine is suitable when the face turns dark red with yellow, fluid-filled eruptions. It is accompanied by burning and itching. A stinging or tingling sensation is also felt. The face is painful to touch. There may be swelling on the face.

8. Lycopodium – For Red Spots On Face With Swelling

This medicine can be considered when red spots appear on the face along with swelling. It can be covered with pus-filled eruptions i.e. pustules. Flushes of heat appear on the face with a burning sensation. A network of tiny blood vessels is seen on the face along with the above features.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Nausea After Eating

Nausea refers to a sick feeling with an urge to vomit. Nausea can happen any time and in some cases, it might happen particularly after eating. If it occurs once in a while, then it is not a reason for concern. But if it happens quite frequently or if it is persistent, then there may be some medical reason behind it that needs to be ruled out and treated to resolve the issue of nausea. There are a number of reasons that can lead to nausea after eating. First reason can be food poisoning. It is a food-borne illness that occurs from consumption of food that is contaminated with germs which results in nausea, vomiting, loose stool and stomach pain. Another reason can be food allergies (an overreaction of the immune system to eating some specific food) and food intolerance (difficulty in digesting certain foods). Other reasons include acid reflux (means backflow of stomach acid to the food pipe), gall bladder disease, stress, anxiety, overeating and also might occur during pregnancy. Another reason can be IBS i.e. irritable bowel syndrome which is a disorder of the large intestine (colon) that results in diarrhea, constipation or alterations between these two. Bloating, stomach cramps and nausea can attend to it. Pancreatitis (inflammation of pancreas) and the use of certain medicines for diabetes and anti–seizure medicines may be the other causes. Along with nausea, other symptoms may occur. These include vomiting, gas, bloating, abdomen pain, heartburn, appetite loss, loose stool, constipation, fever and weight loss.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for the cases of nausea after eating. Homeopathic medicines target the root cause behind the problem for great relief with zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s healing mechanism to overcome health issues naturally. With the use of these medicines the intensity and frequency of complaint decreases gradually. Side by side attending symptoms like gas, bloating, abdomen pain, vomiting, heartburn, appetite loss, loose stool and constipation can also be well managed with these medicines. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case of nausea after eating depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. It is advised to take homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self – medication. In case of any associated severe symptoms like blood in stool or vomit, confusion, dehydration due to loose stool or vomiting, kindly take help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Nausea After Eating

 1. Nux Vomica – For Nausea Soon After Eating

Nux Vomica is a very effective medicine for cases when there is nausea soon after eating any food. Besides, there is excessive salivation. Sour or bitter burping might attend nausea. Sometimes vomiting can occur, the vomit contains food particles, drink or sour mucus. In cases needing it, there may be constipation with an ineffectual urge to pass stool. Persons needing it have unsatisfactory stool. They pass scanty stool multiple times in a day but still feel as if some of the stool has remained inside and the bowels are not completely emptied. Only small quantity of stool passes at a time and a never-get-done feeling always remains prominent.

2. Arsenic Album – For Nausea About Two Hours After Eating

This medicine is useful when nausea occurs almost about two hours after eating. Vomiting also attends to it. Nausea and vomiting happen even after eating the lightest kind of food. Nausea and vomiting is accompanied with headache. Along with these, heartburn (burning in chest behind the breastbone means sternum) and burning in the stomach may be felt. Bitter taste is present in the mouth after eating or drinking. Loose stool can also occur after eating. It is attended with marked weakness.

3. Pulsatilla – For Nausea While Eating

This medicine is indicated when nausea is felt while eating. This can be accompanied by heartburn and sometimes vomiting. Abdomen pain can be present that gets better after vomiting. The person may burp a couple of times. Burps are loud and have smell and taste of the food that has been eaten. These can be bitter and sour sometimes. Vomiting may occur soon after eating. Fullness, heaviness and weight sensation can be felt in the stomach. Gas with bloating may occur after eating. Stomach pain extending to the back might also occur. In the morning, a bitter taste is felt in the mouth. Pulsatilla is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage gastric complaints arising after eating fatty or greasy food.

4. Cocculus Indicus – For Nausea With Vertigo After Eating Or Drinking

This medicine is highly recommended for nausea after eating or drinking attended with vertigo. The throat feels very dry. Nausea gets triggered by movement and sudden posture change in cases needing this medicine. Nausea and vomiting may also occur in the morning. Vomiting may contain mucus, water or food. Vomiting has sour or bitter taste and has foul smell. There may be headache along with vomiting. Abdominal distension is also well marked. Pain in the upper abdomen after eating may be felt along with the above complaints.

5. Ipecac – For Nausea, Vomiting And Urge For Stool After Eating

Ipecac is a very helpful medicine when there is nausea, vomiting and urge for passing stool after eating. Vomiting of the food occurs soon after eating. It is sour in taste. The stomach area is very sensitive to pressure. Abdomen is bloated and sometimes painful as well. A general weakness occurs along with the above complaints. There is passage of stool three to four times a day. Empty burping also occurs. There is excessive salivation too. A characteristic feature is that the tongue is absolutely clean in addition to the above symptoms. Sometimes in cases needing Ipecac, constant nausea is present which is not relieved even after vomiting.

6. Ferrum Met – For Nausea And Heat In Stomach After Eating

This medicine is of great use when there is nausea and heated burning sensation in the stomach after eating. Regurgitation of undigested food in the mouth might also occur. There is bitter or bad taste in the mouth. There is a feeling of fullness and bloating in the abdomen after eating even a little amount of the food.  Pressure is also felt in the stomach from the intake of the least amount of food or drink. The stomach pit is very sensitive to touch. Sometimes vertigo and headache can occur along with the above complaints. There may be passage of loose stool at night.

7. Carbo Veg – For Nausea With Fullness And Heaviness In Abdomen

Carbo Veg is a valuable medicine when there is nausea, fullness and heaviness in the abdomen after eating. Vomiting also attends. Excessive gas, bloating and abdomen pain from gas can be felt. These complaints occur from intake of even simple plain food. Headache may also get triggered. Offensive smelling burps may attend the above complaints.

8. Bryonia – For Nausea And Burping After Eating

Bryonia is an effective medicine for complaints of nausea and burping after eating. There is a sensation of weight in the stomach after eating. The stomach gets distended with gas after eating. Nausea can be felt in the morning on waking up. There may be constipation. There is passage of very dry, hard stool.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for One-sided Headache

Headache, a very common complaint, can occur in any part of the head, sometimes in the whole head and in some cases, it is experienced specifically on one side of the head. One-sided headache may have different causes. The most important reason behind one-sided headache is migraine. Migraine is a type of headache that results in pain on one side of the head that is usually throbbing or pulsating type. It is mostly attended with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound. In some cases of migraine, an aura may occur before the onset of the headache. Aura is a warning sign that a headache is about to come. The symptoms of aura might include blurred vision, flashes of light before eyes, tingling or prickling sensation in the arm, leg or face on one side. The next cause can be cluster headache. Cluster headache refers to one-sided pain in the head located in or around the eye on one side. In such cases, the pain occurs in clusters meaning the pain remains from weeks to months together followed by a period of remission lasting from months to years where no pain appears. The pain can extend to the face and neck and can be attended with swelling around the eye, eye redness, eye watering, runny nose / stuffy nose on the same side as that of pain in head and facial flushing or sweating. Temporal arteritis can be another reason. This type of condition occurs when there is inflammation of the temporal arteries that give blood supply to the head and brain. The next cause can be cervicogenic headache. This type of headache begins in the neck and goes to the eye and face on one side which usually results from an injury or arthritis of the neck. The pain can be attended with stiffness of the neck. The pain can also occur in the shoulders and arms. One-sided headache could also occur from sinus headaches. Inflamed and congested sinuses can result in one-sided headache.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective treatment for cases of one sided headache. Homeopathic medicines target the root cause behind the headache and help to overcome health issues naturally. These offer great relief in headache with zero side effects. These medicines gradually reduce the intensity and frequency of headache. Along with headache, these medicines also help in managing the attending symptoms like nausea, vomiting, light / sound sensitivity, nasal or eye symptoms, etc. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms of the headache. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician after detailed case evaluation and avoid self-medication. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity. In case of severe pain and pain occurring from serious issues, urgent help from the conventional mode of treatment should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For One-Sided Headache

1. Belladonna – For One Sided Headache Worse From Bright Light And Noise

This medicine is useful for managing one-sided headache that gets worse from bright light and noise. It worsens from the movement of the head and eyes. Pulsating or throbbing pain is marked in most cases. The pain may extend to the bones of nose or eyes where this medicine is required. A bursting sensation in half side of the head is felt. During headache, the face becomes excessively red. There is relief in headache by applying pressure on the head with the hands.

2. Iris Versicolor – For Headache With Gastric Complaints

It is an important medicine for managing cases of one-sided headache with gastric complaints. Nausea and vomiting occurs along with headache. One may suffer from vertigo. The pain is felt on the side of the head and over the eyes. The pain in the head occurs on alternate sides. This medicine is also recommended when headache is worse from mental exhaustion and cold air. The headache may be preceded with blurred vision.

3. Glonoine – For One-Sided Headache With Repeated Vomiting

This medicine can be considered when there is one-sided headache with repeated vomiting. Nausea is also prominent. After vomiting, the headache gets better. Before the onset of headache, dimness occurs before the eyes. Everything looks half dark and half light. Headache is attended with heat in the face.

4. Gelsemium – With Dimness Of Sight Or Double Vision

Gelsemium is a great choice of medicine for cases of headache with dim sight or double vision. Headache may be preceded by increased sensitivity to noise. Headache can be attended with vertigo and heaviness in the head. This medicine can also be used when there is worsening of the pain from mental exertion and heat of the sun. There is relief in headache by applying pressure. The neck and shoulders may feel sore.

5. Sanguinaria Can – For Pain In Back Of Head Extending To Right Eye

Sanguinaria Can is a highly suitable medicine for managing right-sided headache. The key feature to use this medicine is pain starting in the back of the head extending upwards to the top of head and finally settling over the right eye. It feels as if the head would burst or the eyes would come out. During headache, noise, light and odors are unbearable. Nausea and vomiting can attend headache. The eyes become red and sore. There is relief in pain by vomiting and taking adequate sleep. This medicine is also indicated for headache that worsens in the afternoon.

6. Lycopodium – For Right-Sided Headache Extending To Neck, Face

Lycopodium is indicated for pain on the right side of head that extends to neck and the face. It gets worse on rising and better when lying down. A unique feature is headache with excessive hunger, relieved by eating. Stitching type of pain is well marked on the right-sided temple of the head. This medicine is also indicated when there is worsening of pain from mental exertion. Relief in headache in open, cold air is also a prominent feature for using this medicine.

7. Spigelia – For Pain At Base Of Brain Settling Over Left Eye

Spigelia is a very effective medicine for managing left-sided headache. The characteristic feature indicating its use is pain at the base of the brain that spreads to the head and over the eye on left side. The nature of pain is throbbing, pulsating type. The pain is worse from loud noise, stooping and movement. Cold air, bright light and chewing also increases pain. There is relief in pain when lying down and by applying pressure on the head. This medicine is also indicated for pain above the left eye. This pain spreads to the face and neck. Pain can be followed by sweating.

8. Lachesis – For Left-Sided Headache With Tears From Eyes

This medicine is beneficial for left-sided headache attended with flow of tears from the eyes. The pain occurs in the side of the left portion of head extending to collar bone. The left side of head is also sore to the least touch. The pain is worse at night. There is relief in the pain from warm applications. Nausea may be felt along with headache.


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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Bloating With Constipation

Constipation refers to having infrequent bowel movement usually less than three times a week, passage of hard and dry stool, straining to pass the stool, discomfort/pain while passing stool and a sensation of incomplete emptying of bowels. Constipation can lead to many problems like anal fissures, piles and in some cases, bloating may occur due to constipation. Bloating refers to fullness and tightness in the abdomen resulting from formation of gas. When a person is unable to pass stool, then gas from the stomach gets obstructed and does not pass away resulting in bloating. The stool that remains in the large intestine (colon) for more time gives the bacteria additional time to ferment the matter in the colon contributing further to gas and bloating of abdomen. Along with bloating and constipation, other signs and symptoms such as abdomen pain, rumbling or noises in the abdomen, nausea, burping, anal pain or burning, blood or mucus in stool can attend.

Homeopathic management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for cases of bloating with constipation. Homeopathic medicines help to overcome constipation by regularising bowel movements and softening hard stool and also help in managing associated bloating. They also give relief in any associated symptoms like abdomen pain, rumbling or noises in the abdomen, nausea, burping, anal pain and burning, blood or mucus in stool if present.  Homeopathic medicines provide great relief in the above complaints in a very natural manner with zero side effects. With the use of these medicines, the intensity and frequency of the complaint decreases gradually. Homeopathic prescription for bloating and constipation varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. Hence, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. One must avoid self–medication in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Bloating With Constipation

1. Bryonia – For Bloating With Hard, Dry Stool

Bryonia is a prominently indicated medicine to manage bloating with hard and dry constipated stool. The stool passes in the form of a lump and look as if it is burnt. Stool always passes with excessive straining efforts. Burning at the anus is felt during passage of the stool. Rectal prolapse might occur with passage of stool. Abdomen is bloated. Bloating is most commonly felt especially after eating. Weight sensation like a heavy stone is also felt in the stomach. Bloating is also worse in the evening. Abdomen pain occurs along with bloating.  Burping of wind might also occur. Stomach feels empty along with bloated abdomen. Bloating gets better by passing gas. Before passing gas, cutting pain is felt in the abdomen. This pain is also worse when standing and walking. Stomach feels sore to touch. In cases needing it, headache also may occur with constipation. Nausea may be present. There is dryness of the mouth, tongue and lips along with gastric complaints. An increased thirst for water is also present along with the above complaints.

2. Alumina – With Absence Of Urge For Stool For Days Together

Alumina is a very beneficial medicine for cases of bloating and constipation with characteristic symptom of no urge to pass stool for days together means many days go without passing stool. Urge for stool occurs only when there is accumulation of excessive stool in the colon (i.e. large intestine). When the urge occurs, the stool is passed with intense straining efforts. Straining is needed for passing both hard as well as soft stool. Pain of cutting nature occurs in the anus when passing the stool. Bleeding may occur after passage of stool. Bloating of the abdomen may be attended with pain in abdomen due to accumulation of gas.

3. Lycopodium – For Constipation And Bloating After A Little Quantity Of Food

Lycopodium is a highly valuable medicine for managing constipation and bloating from eating even a little quantity of food. There is excessive accumulation of gas in the abdomen. Rumbling, croaking noises occur in the abdomen. Pain is also felt in the abdomen from gas. The gas pushes upward and downward towards the urinary bladder and rectum. Appetite is decreased. Thirst for water is increased. After eating there may occur back-up of the food in the mouth (i.e. regurgitation). The stool passed is dry, hard with constricted feeling in the anus. When passing stool, pain is felt in the rectum. In some cases, burning sensation at the anus occurs in addition to the above complaints.

4. Nux Vomica – For Bloating, Constipation With A Constant Urge For Stool

Nux vomica is a highly recommended medicine for managing bloating with constipation along with a constant desire to pass stool. In cases requiring this medicine, there is an urge to pass stool several times in a day. There is passage of scanty stool many times in a day but still an unsatisfactory feeling of the stool evacuation remains. It feels as if some of the stool remained back in the rectum and the bowels did not empty completely. A-never-get-done feeling is always there. The stool is hard that can be attended with rectal pain most of the times. Sometimes stool is blood streaked as well. There is distension of the abdomen from gas mainly after eating or drinking. There is relief from burping. Gas causes pressure towards the bladder and rectum.

5.  Graphites – For Hard, Distended Abdomen And Head Heaviness

This medicine is well indicated for cases of hard, distended abdomen, and heaviness in the head. Hardness is mostly felt in the lower part of the abdomen. Rumbling, croaking occur in the abdomen. There is inability to bear anything tight around the abdomen after eating. Abdominal heaviness is felt. Abdomen pain occurs soon after eating. At times vertigo is there. There is constipation with lumpy stool along with mucus. The stool is hard, very large and passed with much difficulty. Prolapse of the rectum might occur. Cuts (fissure) can be there at the anus from passage of hard stool. This is attended with sharp, cutting pain in the anus.

6. Magnesia Mur – For Bloating And Stool Covered With Mucus And Blood

Magnesia Mur works well when there is bloated abdomen and stool is covered with mucus and blood. The abdomen is sore and sensitive to touch. Cutting and pinching pain in the abdomen can be felt. The stool is hard but crumbles at the verge of the anus. The stool looks as if burnt. Passage of the stool is followed by burning at the anus.

7. Sepia – For Bloated Lower Abdomen With Loud Rumbling Noises

This medicine is helpful for bloated lower abdomen with loud rumbling noises. Abdomen gets distended even with little quantity of food. The stool is hard, scanty and insufficient. It may be covered with mucus and is passed with difficulty. Blood may pass with the stool. Shooting and tearing pain is felt in the rectum and anus. After passing stool, a sensation of weight at the anus is felt.

8. Nitric Acid – For Bloated Abdomen With Tenderness (Pain On Touching)

This medicine is indicated when there is bloating of abdomen along with tenderness (i.e. pain on touching) of abdomen. Hard, dry, difficult stool is passed irregularly. Cutting type of pain is felt in the rectum while passing stool and also before passing stool. Itching at the anus can also be there.



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