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Dulcamara: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Dulcamara is derived from the plant ‘woody nightshade’ also known as ‘bitter-sweet’ that belongs to family Solanaceae. It is prepared by potentization (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance) from fresh green stems and leaves of this plant gathered just before flowering. It is a magnificent medicine to manage nasal problems predominantly for managing stuffy nose and various skin complaints mainly urticarial and warts.

The ‘Dulcamara’ Constitution

This medicine is well suited to people having irritable and restless nature who are very sensitive to cold and damp weather conditions.  They are prone to get infected by cold easily from exposure to cold damp environment or weather. Persons who suffer from health complaints as a result of living or working in damp, cold environment are ideal subjects for using this medicine.

Drug Action

This medicine has vast action on different body parts among which it manifests its chief action on nose, skin and joints. Other than these, its action is also seen on face, throat, glands, mucous membranes, muscle tissues, gastric system, neck, back, and female genitals. The most peculiar action of this medicine is to treat complaints arising from cold and damp, rainy, wet weather and also when days are hot and nights are cold towards the end of summer.

Clinical Indications

Nasal stuffiness, colds, nasal allergy, urticaria, warts, herpes, skin eruptions, hard swollen glands, itching, cough, asthma, joint pain, facial pain, tinea capitis (fungal infection of scalp), diarrhea, back pain, neck stiffness.

 Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

 1. Nose (Stuffy Nose, Cold, Nasal Allergy)

It proves to be effective in managing numerous nasal problems. It is one of the best medicines for managing nasal stuffiness that causes trouble in breathing through nose. It is most helpful when the nasal blockage worsens in cold rainy weather / from exposure to cold air. Second main indication where it is beneficial is if one is suffering from cold with thick yellow nasal discharge. There can be bloody crusty nasal discharge too. It suits well new-borns suffering from cold. Hay fever or nasal allergy can also be well managed with this medicine. For using it, constant sneezing and watery nasal discharge that aggravates in open air is a guiding feature. Copious eye discharge can attend. Sensitivity to newly mown (trimmed) grass is an important feature that can be present in persons needing it.

Key Indicating Features

Stuffy nose from cold exposure and in cold rainy weather

Cold with thick yellow or bloody crusty nasal discharge

Hay fever with constant sneezing, watery nasal discharge worse in open air

2. Skin (Urticaria, Warts, Itching, Eruptions, Eczema)

Dulcamara has extensive action on skin where it helps to rectify a number of complaints. The most important skin issue where it helps is urticaria which refers to red, itchy bumps (wheals) on the skin from an allergic reaction. For this complaint, it is selected when urticaria worsens from exposure to cold. Red spots appear on the skin, mostly on the entire body that is accompanied by intense itching. A pricking needle-like sensation is also felt. This medicine also offers benefits in cases of warts (small, painless bumps on skin caused by human papillomavirus). Large and smooth textured warts mostly indicate its use. The main location of these warts is on palms of hands and face. Another striking feature to use it is skin itching that increases in cold, wet weather. There can occur skin eruptions that are thick, covered with scales or crusts, sometimes these bleed too when scratched. Skin eruptions around menses especially on face, hands and arms is another peculiar indication for using this remedy. It is useful for eczema cases when eruptions occur on face and limbs. There appear vesicles (fluid-filled skin eruptions) that itch and pus may develop in them. These can get covered with crusts too. It can also be given for managing cases of eczema in infants. Besides these, it can be used for ringworm of scalp and fungal infection of scalp (tinea capitis).

Key Indicating Features

Urticaria from cold exposure

Warts on palms of hands and fingers

Skin itching in cold, wet weather

Skin eruptions on face, hands, arms around menses

3. Limbs And Joints (Joint Pain, Warts, Exostosis, Muscle Pain)

Dulcamara has wide action on limbs and joints. It works well in case of joint pain after exposure to cold or being wet for a relatively long time. The affected part feels as if beaten. The pain worsens if kept still in one position and gets better by moving about. A unique feature that indicates the use of this remedy is joint pain alternating with skin eruptions. It can also be given for cold feet, limb swelling and warts. The feet are icy cold. Swelling of limbs and calf muscles is present. It helps when warts appear on fingers and palms of hands. Apart from these, Dulcamara is indicated for exostosis (extra bony growth on the top of existing bone). It is a prominent medicine to dissolve extra bony outgrowths in arm bones and the upper part of tibia bone present in leg. It can be given for muscle pain and stiffness, attended with soreness. It gets worse from cold exposure.

Key Indicating Features

Joint pain after exposure to cold or wet

Warts on fingers and palms of hands

Muscle pain, soreness and stiffness from cold exposure

4. Face (Facial Pain, Herpes, Warts, Twitchings)

With its action on face, Dulcamara can manage well facial pain, facial neuralgia, skin eruptions, herpes, warts and twitchings. In case of facial pain, it begins around the cheeks and then radiates to eyes, ears and jaw. Pain increase from even little exposure to cold. External warmth reduces pain. It can be given for warts and herpes on the face. Herpetic eruptions (cold sores) appear on lips or around the lips. Skin eruptions appear on the face, especially on the cheeks. The bumps are thick that may be covered with brown yellow crust. Its use is also recommended for lip twitching that occurs in cold air.

Key Indicating Features

Facial pain that worsens from exposure to cold

Herpes eruptions on lips or around the lips

Warts on face

Lip twitching in cold air

5. Throat And Cough (Tonsillitis, Cough, Asthma)

Use of this medicine is also recommended for certain throat issues and cough. The foremost symptom pointing towards its use is tonsillitis from change of weather. It is primarily indicated for cough that worsens in cold, wet weather, and winter. The cough may be dry or lose rattling type. Cough may occur from tickling in the back of the throat. Tough green expectoration comes out. Cough worsening from physical exertion is also an important symptom to use Dulcamara. This medicine is very useful to manage cough in elderly people and in infants. It also proves to be effective in treating asthma that gets worse during wet weather with loose rattling cough with excessive phlegm expectoration, and difficulty in breathing.

Key Indicating Features

Tonsillitis from change of weather

Cough worse in cold, wet weather, winters and from physical exertion

Asthma worsens during wet weather

6. Neck And Back (Lower Back Pain, Neck Pain)

Dulcamara is of great value to manage back and neck complaints. It is beneficial to manage lower back pain. It worsens in damp, cold weather. Heat is felt in the back. It is used for neck pain and stiffness. The stiffness extends to shoulders which increases after getting cold or wet.

Key Indicating Features

Lower back pain in damp, cold weather

Neck pain and stiffness after getting cold and wet

7. Gastric Complaints (Stomach Pain, Diarrhea)

When it comes to gastric issues, Dulcamara is beneficial to manage stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. It helps to alleviate cutting type of pain felt in the navel region. Green, slimy stool follows pain. Vomiting is of green, yellow slimy matter or white thick mucus. It is prescribed when diarrhea mainly occurs during damp cold weather. The stool is watery, green, slimy, sour smelling. It may have undigested food particles.

Key Indicating Symptoms

Cutting pain in navel region followed by green, slimy stool

Diarrhea in damp, cold weather

8. Female Problems (Genital Herpes, Skin Rash, Suppressed Menses)

This medicine is also known to be helpful in managing some female problems. Dulcamara can help to heal genital herpes. There are eruptions on vulva in cases needing it. These get worse in cold and damp surroundings. Another notable symptom to use it is skin rash that appears specifically before menses. Not only this, it can also be given for suppressed menses in cold and damp weather and when menses are delayed and of too short duration.

Key Indicating Features

Genital herpes when eruptions get worse in cold and damp weather

Skin rash before menses

Suppresses menses from cold and dampness


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold, damp, rainy weather, sudden temperature change, from getting chilled while heated, when days are hot and nights are cold, from taking cold drinks or ice creams and at night.

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in dry weather, by external warmth and moving about


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. One can repeat this medicine in low potencies frequently but in high potency, frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Cuprum Met, Ipecac, Kali Carb and Merc Sol

Followed well by Belladonna, Calcarea Carb, Lycopodium, Rhus Tox and Sepia


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Alumen Crudum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Alumen Crudum is derived from Potash alum. In the crude form, potash alum is inert. When its pure crystals undergo potentization process, its latent medicinal properties get aroused and get converted into a wonderful homeopathic medicine Alumen Crudum.  It is a very effective medicine for treating various rectal complaints among which constipation tops the list. Even the worst type of constipation cases with hard, dry stool are known to respond well to this remedy.

Potash alum

Potash alum

The ‘Alumen Crudum’ Constitution

It is mostly recommended for elderly persons and children having tendency of mucus build-up in the bronchi/ bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. Elderly people complaining of complaints related to urinary bladder may find this medicine highly suitable.

Drug Action

Alumen Crudum shows marvellous action on rectum and intestines primarily to treat constipation. Next it acts well on the tissues and glands that have been hardened. Besides these, its action is marked on gastric system, skin, throat, mouth, lungs and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Constipation, ulcers, piles, hemorrhages (bleeding), cancer, nausea, vomiting, colic, chilblains, eczema, throat disorders, hardened glands, bronchitis, cough, vaginismus, leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Rectal Complaints (Constipation, Rectal Ulcers, Piles, Bleeding And Cancer) 

Alumen Crudum acts magnificently on the rectum to settle down various complaints. Its most important indication for use is constipation. It is majorly indicated when the stool is very hard and dry that may be described as hard as stones. This characteristic symptom forms the main indication for using this remedy. The stool is passed with great difficulty with slight blood. It may pass as a large hard lump or in little pieces resembling sheep’s dung. Sometimes the first part of stool is hard followed by soft stool. Even after passing stool, a fullness sensation in the rectum is still felt. Pain and smarting (burning) sensation may occur after passing stool. Itching at the anus after passing stool is the next attending symptom. The persons needing it have no desire to pass stool for days together. It proves very effective if there are ulcers in the rectum. In such cases, its use is considered when there is passage of blood-stained, foul-smelling fluid from the rectum. Another complaint where it is utilized is piles that are painful and bleed too. Further, Alumen Crudum is valuable for managing itching at the anus in the evening. It is also recommended for treating diarrhea when stool is yellow, slimy, mixed with blood of foul odor accompanied by excessive weakness. It can be given for managing cases of intestinal bleeding as in case of typhoid fever when there is passage of blood in large quantity. If bleeding from anus occurs specifically after taking wine or whiskey, then Alumen can prove to be very beneficial. Besides,  it plays a role to manage cases of cancer of rectum when there are hard growths in the rectum with intense pain after stool.

Key Indicating Features

Constipation with very dry, hard stool like stones

Rectal ulcers with passage of bloody fluid from rectum having fetid smell

Painful and bleeding piles

Bleeding from anus specifically after taking wine or whiskey

2. Gastric Issues (Pain, Burning, Nausea, Vomiting)

Alumen can effectively deal with gastric issues. Firstly, it is useful for treating abdomen pain accompanied with heaviness and fullness in abdomen. The pain increases from walking, and gets relieved by applying pressure. This medicine also offers relief if there is burning sensation in stomach relieved by drinking cold water. It helps treat nausea and vomiting cases. Nausea mainly occurs in the morning before breakfast, along with weakness and  restlessness. There is vomiting that is of tough glairy mucus. Person may also vomit everything eaten.

Key indicating features

Abdomen pain which gets worse by walking and better by applying pressure

Stomach burning relieved by drinking cold water

Nausea in the morning before breakfast

Vomiting of tough glairy mucus or of everything eaten

3. Skin Issues (Ulcers, Dryness, Chilblains, Varicose Veins & Eczema)

It acts wonderfully on the skin. The most characteristic feature regarding its use is ulcers with a hard base. It can be used for skin hardening as well when it has resulted from long-term inflammation. For inflamed and hardened glands too it can be administered. Another use of it is for dry, rough skin with cracks from exposure to cold air. It can also be used for chilblains (red, swollen, itchy skin especially on toes and fingers due to cold weather and poor blood circulation), varicose veins (means enlarged, swollen, dilated and twisted veins) that bleed, and eczema of scrotum.

Key Indicating Features

Skin ulcers with a hard base

Hard skin from chronic inflammation

Hard, inflamed glands

Dry, rough, cracked skin due to cold air exposure

4. Throat Complaints (Sore Throat, Hard Tonsils)

It wonderfully helps manage sore throat. The symptoms for its use in case of a bad throat are redness, swelling and dryness in the throat. Swallowing is difficult. Scraping sensation in throat with cough is present. Sometimes there is a prickling sensation in the throat, accompanied by burning sensation and pain. It is also used when uvula is inflamed, enlarged, elongated, and relaxed. Another important reason for its use is if there are enlarged and hard tonsils due to frequent cold. Besides, a noteworthy feature guiding its use is spasm (involuntary muscle contraction) of esophagus with problem in swallowing liquids.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with redness, swelling and dryness, burning, scraping sensation in throat

Inflamed, enlarged, elongated, relaxed uvula

Enlarged and hard tonsils due to frequent cold

Spasm of esophagus with problem in swallowing liquids

5. Mouth (Dryness, Altered Taste)

It manages the complaint of dryness of the mouth, throat and tongue quite well, however, the person may not necessarily feel thirsty. It also helps in managing cases of bitter, sweet or sour taste in the mouth. It gives good results when there is a burning sensation on the tongue in the evening hours. Tongue is clean with a little slimy coating at the back part. It is also used in managing cases of cancer of tongue.

Key Indicating Features

Dryness of mouth, throat and tongue with no thirst

Burning sensation on the tongue in evenings

6. Lungs (Bronchitis, Cough)

This medicine is suitable for bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) cases with ropy sputum. It is helpful to elderly persons who expectorate excessive ropy phlegm in morning. Cough in elderly during the morning hours can also be treated well with it. Its use is also done for dry cough cases when it occurs in the evenings after lying down. Cough may be a result of tickling in the larynx. Its use is also recommended in case of coughing in the morning soon after waking up which becomes better after breakfast.

Key Indicating Features

Expectoration of ropy mucus in elderly in morning

Dry cough in the evening after lying down

Cough from tickling in larynx

Cough in the morning soon after waking, but relieved after breakfast

7. Women-Related Problems (Ovarian Complaints, Vaginal Complaints, Gonorrhoea)

This medicine can be used in treating some of the women-related problems. It is given in cases of ovarian complaints on left side with excessive pain accompanied with constipation. There is scanty and watery menses. It is valuable for treating vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) that is yellow coloured attended with weight loss. It can treat certain vaginal problems wonderfully. These includes ulcers in vagina, sensitive vagina, narrowing of vagina due to swelling. Next is vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when anything is trying to enter it) complaint. It gives good results in gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae) cases with yellow discharge. It is well suited to treat sore, inflamed nipples. Lastly, it can be used for management of uterine cancer and breast cancer.

Key Indicating Features

Left ovary complaints with excessive pain and constipation

Vaginal discharge of yellow colour attended with weight loss

Vaginal ulcers, vaginal swelling causing its narrowing

Gonorrhoea with yellow discharge

Sore, inflamed nipples


Worsening factors: complaints get worse during sleep and from cold except headache


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. The highest potencies have proved to be the most effective. The dose and repetition of this medicine is decided by the physician as per every individual case presentation.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Chamomilla, Ipecac, Nux Vomica and Sulphur

It can be compared with other homeopathic remedies including Alumina, Aloe Socotrina, Nitric Acid, Muriatic Acid, Nux Vomica, Opium, Ratanhia and Sulphur


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Arsenicum Iodatum: homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Arsenicum Iodatum is derived from iodide of arsenic. To prepare this medicine, iodide of arsenic undergoes potentization . It is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing the medicinal properties of a crude substance. This process converts the iodide of arsenic into a very important homeopathic medicine Arsenicum Iodatum. This medicine is highly recommended to treat cases of nasal allergy (allergic rhinitis) and psoriasis (skin condition with inflammatory patches covered with silvery-white scales).

The ‘Arsenicum Iodatum’ Constitution

This medicine is mainly recommended for those having allergies mainly allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and asthma.

Drug Action

Among the various organs, Arsenic Iodatum acts best on the nose. Its action on the nasal membranes helps manage the thin, burning, and excoriating nasal discharge. Another important action of this medicine is seen on the skin where it is of great help to manage skin inflammation and scaly eruptions. It also acts well on the lungs, throat, gastric system and breast.

Clinical Indications

Hay fever, cold, sneezing, psoriasis, ichthyosis, eczema, lichen planus, pimples, tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, cough, pharyngitis, goiter, diarrhea, leucorrhoea, breast tumor.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nasal Complaints (Hay Fever, Runny Nose, Cold, Sneezing)

This medicine acts on the nose to manage different issues. It is one of the major homeopathic medicines for managing cases of hay fever (also known as allergic rhinitis). Hay fever refers to an allergic condition arising from an allergic response to allergens such as dust mites and pollen resulting in symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose and itchy, watery and red eyes. The characteristic feature for using it in hay fever is thin watery irritating, burning nasal discharge that reddens the upper lip. The nasal membrane is sore. Those in need of it also report excessive sneezing. There is irritation or tingling in the nose with urge for constant sneezing. It’s also used in cases of long-term cold when the nasal discharge is thick, yellow and profuse. This may be sticky gluey like honey as well. There may occur post-nasal drip (dripping of mucus from back of the nose down in the throat). Burning sensation in the eyes may be present along with the above-mentioned symptoms.

 Key Indicating Features

Hay fever with thin watery irritating, burning nasal discharge causing redness of the upper lip.

Constant sneezing from irritation or tingling in the nose.

Cold with thick, yellow and profuse nasal discharge.

Burning sensation in the eyes.

2. Skin Problems (Psoriasis, Ichthyosis, Eczema, Pimples, Itching)

It addresses various skin-related issues effectively. To begin with, it has shown great clinical results in treating issues pertaining to dry scaly skin conditions. First among these is psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disorder in which one can see inflammatory patches on the skin covered with itchy, silvery-white scales. The main indication to use this medicine in psoriasis is dry, itchy and scaly skin when large scales fall off from the affected spots on the skin. It leaves raw surface underneath. Secondly, scaly skin condition where Arsenicum Iodatum seems to work well is ichthyosis. Ichthyosis also known as fish scale disease is an inherited skin condition characterized by rough, dry, scaly skin from the accumulation of dead skin cells on the skin surface in the form of thick dry scales. Other than scaly skin conditions, its role to manage eczema is noteworthy. Its use is recommended specifically for eczema under the beard. Those who need it may have watery oozing under the beard. It is accompanied by itching. Upon washing, the complaint of eczema under the beard gets worse. It also proves effective in cases of acne (pimples).

Here it works well when pimples are hard at the base with pus at the top. It can offer relief from itching on various body parts especially the back. Another important skin complaint where it proves beneficial is lichen planus (an inflammatory skin condition of auto-immune origin characterized by small flat-topped purple-coloured bumps on the skin). It is of great service to manage cases of venereal bubo (enlarged, swollen, tender lymph nodes in the groin area in case of sexually transmitted infections).

Key Indicating Features

Psoriasis with falling of large scales from skin


lichen planus

2. Lungs Issues (Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Bronchitis And Cough)

This medicine acts well on the lungs. Here it is used for managing tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis and cough. It is prominently used for the management of pulmonary tuberculosis (it refers to bacterial infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis) means tuberculosis of the lungs. It gives supportive help to manage symptoms along with the conventional mode of treatment in these cases. It is very effective in the initial stages of tuberculosis. In these cases, its use is suggested when there is hoarse coughing and excessive expectoration of pus, profuse night sweats, weakness and weight loss. Next it is helpful in the cases of pneumonia. Pneumonia refers to infection that inflames air sacs of the lungs. In pneumonia, it is administered when there is expectoration of mucus and pus, difficulty in breathing and sweating at night. In asthma, it is useful when there is wheezing while lying down. It is also used in cases of bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs). For cough, it works equally well for dry as well as wet cough. Coughing increases during night hours. It also worsens from exertion. When cough is wet, phlegm of mucus and pus is expectorated. In some cases, expectoration is yellow-green colored having foul odor.

Key Indicating Features

Management of tuberculosis of lungs with hoarse coughing, excessive pus expectoration, profuse night sweats, weakness and weight loss

Pneumonia with expectoration of mucus and pus, difficulty in breathing and sweating at night

Asthma with wheezing on lying down

Cough at night and from exertion

4. Throat (Inflamed Tonsils, Pharyngitis, Goiter)

Vis-a-vis throat, this medicine acts well in cases of inflamed, swollen, enlarged tonsils. It is also given in cases of follicular pharyngitis. People who need it have rawness and burning pain in the throat. In some cases, throat is dry. Sometimes there is hawking of thick mucus and clotted blood from the throat. Voice hoarseness may also be present. Lastly, it is indicated for goiter (swelling in front of the neck from enlarged thyroid gland) cases.

Key Indicating Features

Rawness and burning pain in throat

Hawking of thick mucus and clotted blood from throat

5. Gastric Problems (Pain, Diarrhoea, Splenomegaly Means Spleen Enlargement)

For gastric troubles, it is mainly administered for managing stomach pain which worsens on getting up from a sitting position and from sitting down also. Pain mainly manifests in the afternoons. There is also heartburn (burning in chest felt behind the breastbone means sternum). Its use is also suggested for abdomen pain which one is relieved after passing stool. The abdomen is hard and distended with gas. Excessive wind-breaking may happen. Its use is also recommended for diarrhea with copious watery stool. Urge for passing stool occurs in the morning upon beginning to move about. Diarrhea does not occur at night. Lastly, it can be given in cases with long-term enlargement of spleen.

Key Indicating Features

Stomach pain worse on rising from sitting

Abdomen pain relieved after stool

Enlargement of spleen

6. Women-related problems (Vaginal Discharges, Breast Lumps)

Women may find this medicine useful to manage vaginal discharge. It is used when the vaginal discharge is yellow, blood-stained, irritating and foul-smelling. With this, there is swelling of the labia. Next, it also acts well on the breast and proves effective to treat cases of lumps in the breast. The lumps are painful and sensitive to touch, nipples are retracted. This medicine can also be recommended for the management of cancer of the breast after ulceration has started.

Key Indicating Features

Vaginal discharge that is yellow, blood-stained, irritating having foul odor with swelling of the labia

Lumps in breast that are painful and sensitive to touch


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in dry, cold weather, windy, foggy weather, in room and from exertion

Relieving factors: Complaints get better after meal and also in open air


Its use can be in both low as well high potencies. In low potency, one may repeat it often but in high potency frequent repetition is not advisable.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album and Bryonia

It can be compared to homeopathic medicines Allium Cepa, Arsenic Album, Tuberculinum and Sanguinaria Nitricum


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for Bronchitis

Homeopathic Remedies For Bronchitis

Prolonged coughing, difficulty in breathing, mucus expectoration, pain in the chest, all these symptoms may indicate the initial stages of a respiratory disorder Bronchitis. This respiratory disease is characterized by the inflammation of bronchial tubes. Air passes from the trachea to the lungs through the bronchial tubes. The acute inflammation of bronchial tubes (Acute Bronchitis) usually follows an episode of cold or influenza caused by viral agents. The cold and influenza affect the upper respiratory system, including nose, sinuses, and larynx. In cases of maltreated or neglected cold or influenza, the infection travels in a downward direction and leads to inflammation of bronchial tubes, producing varying symptoms.

Homeopathic Treatment

Natural medicines serve as a very reliable and safe treatment to get rid of Bronchitis. They are free from any side effects and there is absolutely no chance of suppression of symptoms in the homeopathic treatment of Bronchitis. Remedies for Bronchitis are natural medicines that help in the easy exit of the mucus from the bronchi. As the mucus is effortlessly thrown out with the help of properly selected medicines, the cough, chest pain and difficulty in breathing also begin to subside and almost finish consequently.

Homeopathic Remedies for Bronchitis

1. Bryonia – For Dry Cough

Bryonia is the best medicine for managing dry cough. Persons needing it have cough due to irritation in the throat. While coughing, pain is felt in the chest and head.  The cough gets worse after eating or drinking. It also increases from movement and talking. Besides, sneezing and scratchy sensation is felt in the throat. Fever with chills can also accompany.

When and How to use Bryonia?

Bryonia should be considered in the early stages of Bronchitis when there is dry cough along with pain in the chest and head. This medicine is recommended in 30C potency. Bryonia 30C can be taken three to four times a day at a three-hour interval.

2. Spongia – For Dry Cough With Difficult Breathing

Spongia is another effective medicine for dry cough. This medicine can be used when dry cough is accompanied by difficult breathing. Cough is extremely dry, hard and continuous. Eating or drinking makes the cough better. Cough is attended with fatigue. One may feel pain and a heated sensation in the chest. At times, a feeling of fullness is felt in the chest.

When and How to use Spongia?

Use of Spongia should be considered when dry cough occurs along with difficulty in breathing in mild intensity. Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, it is best to start with low potencies like 30C. Spongia 30C can be taken two to three times a day as per intensity of the symptoms.

3. Antimonium Tart – For Bronchitis With Loose Rattling Cough

Antimonium Tart is natural remedy for Bronchitis with loose rattling cough. The bronchial tubes are overloaded with mucus and mucus is heard rattling in the chest on coughing. The mucus does not expel easily and if it does get coughed out, the quantity is meagre. Antimonium Tart is of great help in aiding the expectoration of the mucus present in bronchial tubes. Whistling in chest and a feeling of heaviness in the chest occurs along with the above symptoms.

When and How to use Antimonium Tart?

It is the first medicine to be prescribed when cough is loose and rattling sound is heard while breathing due to the excess mucus lodged in bronchial tubes. Whistling in the chest may occur. This medicine helps to relieve cough, aids expectoration and clears off the mucus from bronchial tubes. Antimonium tart can be taken once or twice a day in 30C potency.

4. Arsenic Album – For Cough, Breathing Difficulty And Wheezing In Chest

Arsenic Album is highly recommended for cases in which there occurs cough with difficulty in breathing and wheezing /whistling in the chest. In most cases needing it, the cough gets worse at night. The phlegm is frothy white or thick yellow, may be blood streaked in some cases. During cough, soreness is felt in the chest, which may also feel tight sometimes. Following an episode of cough, one feels very weak.

When and How to use Arsenic Album?

Arsenic Album can be used in cases presenting with cough, difficult breathing and wheezing in chest when the complaint is of mild intensity. It is usually given in 30C potency once or twice a day. Its higher potencies are also used in some cases for which homeopathic doctor’s advice is a must.

5. Ipecac – For Rattling Cough With Vomiting

Ipecac is another medicine for cough that is similar when Antimonium Tart is recommended. But Ipecac is considered when cough with rattling of mucus in bronchi is followed by vomiting. It is suggested when there is coughing with excessive mucus in bronchial tubes and constant coughing does not seem to expel the mucus from bronchial tubes. Ipecac helps in expelling the mucus out with the least effort. Slight blood can be noticed in the coughed out sputa. Shortness of breath and a constricted sensation in the chest may be present. Wheezing (breathing noisily), sneezing and cold may accompany the above symptoms.

When and How to use Ipecac?

Ipecac can be given in case of loose rattling cough with vomiting. It can also be used in cases of cough with excessive mucus in bronchial tubes but difficult expectoration. It can be used in varying potencies varying from 6C to 200C. Ipecac is generally used in 30C potency two to three times a day

6. Hepar Sulph – For Loose Cough With Yellow Sputum

It is a well indicated medicine for cases having loose cough with yellow sticky sputum. The expectorated phlegm is abundant. Cough gets worse from exposure to cold air or from drinking cold water. In some cases requiring it, blood stained mucus is expectorated. While coughing, burning in the throat and chest are felt. Sneezing may occur.

When and How to use Hepar Sulph?

This medicine is most helpful for cases of loose cough with yellow expectoration. It is mostly recommended in 30 C potency twice or thrice a day as per severity of the problem. Its higher potencies like 200C, 1M are also available but they should not be used without a doctor’s prescription.

7. Pulsatilla – For Cough With Thick Yellow Or Green Expectoration

Pulsatilla is an ideal herbal medicine for Bronchitis when cough is attended with thick yellow or green mucus expectoration. The sputa may have bitter, salty or a bad taste. Cough gets worse in the morning and also in a warm room, while it gets better in open air.

When and How to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla is the best choice of medicine for cough with thick yellow or green phlegm expectoration. Pulsatilla 30C once or twice a day gives good results.

Note: Use of the above medicines is recommended only in mild to moderate cases of bronchitis as per symptoms. After matching the symptoms, one may take these medicines for about one week if the condition improves. To continue these for more than one week, or if there is no visible sign of improvement, consult a homeopathic doctor. In severe cases like high fever, extreme difficulty in breathing, chest pain or pneumonia, it is strictly advised not to self-medicate with any of the above medicines, take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

Causes Of Bronchitis

 1. Acute Bronchitis: It commonly arises from viruses that cause common cold and flu (influenza). These viral infections are the cause behind 85-95 percent of all the acute bronchitis cases in adults.

Rarely, acute bronchitis can result from bacterial infections like chlamydia pneumoniae, mycoplasma pneumoniae, etc.

2. Chronic Bronchitis: The common reason for chronic bronchitis is cigarette smoking in about 90% of the cases. Passive smoking also increases the risk. Prolonged exposure to polluted air, dust or chemical fumes may also be one of the reasons. Repeated bouts of acute bronchitis also may turn into chronic bronchitis. Those having asthma or allergic tendency are also predisposed to chronic bronchitis.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Bronchitis?

1. Cough is the main symptom. Initially, the cough can be dry. Afterward, the cough becomes productive which means loose cough with production of mucus. The mucus can be clear, white, yellow, green, grey in colour. At times, mucus is even blood-stained though very rarely. Cough may last from one week to three weeks.

2. Difficulty in breathing

3. Fever and chills

4. Wheezing or whistling sound from chest on breathing and chest congestion/discomfort /tightness

5. Weakness, fatigue

6. In acute bronchitis, symptoms like runny nose, blocked nose, sore throat, headache and body aches may be present.

Types of Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis (chest cold): It generally lasts for one week to ten days, but the cough may linger for two to three weeks in some cases.

Chronic bronchitis:Bronchitis is termed chronic, when cough along with mucus lasts for minimum three months in a year with recurrence at least in two consecutive years.

Risk factors

Though anyone can get infected by bronchitis, infants (babies less than one year of age), young kids (under 5yrs) and elderly people are at the highest risk. Other risk factors include low immunity, cigarette smoking, excessive exposure to dust, chemical fumes, air pollutants and acid reflux (where stomach acid back-flows in upward direction to throat and causes irritation predisposing a person to develop bronchitis)


In some cases, pneumonia (inflamed air sacs that get filled with fluid) may occur as a complication. It can be life threatening and required immediate medical attention.


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What Is Silent Reflux? Top Homeopathic Medicines For Adults And Infants

What Is Silent Reflux?

It is a condition in which stomach acid flows back into the back of the throat, larynx and even nasal passages from the stomach. It is also known as LPR (laryngopharyngeal reflux). It can damage the throat and vocal cords. It is similar to GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) that also results from back-flow of stomach acid but the symptoms vary. Symptoms (like heartburn) do not occur always in LPR, that is why it is known as silent reflux.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is very effective in managing cases of silent reflux. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin that help in reducing acid reflux and its associated symptoms. Homeopathic medicines are recommended when the symptoms are mild to moderate in intensity. In severe cases having serious symptoms like difficulty in breathing, wheezing, feeding problems, failure to thrive (in children), it is strictly advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment. Silent reflux can have serious complications. So one should take homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician who can prescribe the best medicine according to the case after detailed case analysis, and in case of serious issues or emergency, conventional treatment is recommended.

Top Homeopathic Medicines To Manage Silent Reflux In Adults 

1. Natrum Phos – Top-grade medicine

It is one of the best medicines in homeopathy to manage acid reflux. The first indication for using it is sensation of a lump in the throat. Second symptom where this medicine helps is difficulty in swallowing. It is useful to manage dropping of mucus, usually yellow, from posterior nares. It gets worse at night awakening a person from sleep. Other than this, it is indicated to manage cough with clear, white phlegm dripping from the posterior nares. It is accompanied by much hawking (forceful clearing of throat to get rid of phlegm). Lastly, inflammation of throat can be there when this medicine is required.

2. Carbo Veg – For Managing Cough And Difficult Swallowing

It is a very prominent medicine for cases of acid reflux. The main indicating symptom to use it is sensation of something acrid and corroding in throat that incites cough. Another symptom is difficulty in swallowing food.  Other than this, rawness, burning and a biting feeling in the throat is felt. The throat feels dry. Lastly, there is tough mucus in the throat with the feeling of a lump.

3. Robinia – To Manage Acid Reflux

It is prepared from fresh bark of young twigs of the plant ‘Robinia pseudacacia’. This plant belongs to family Leguminosae. It is another well-indicated medicine that helps to manage acid reflux. Acidity gets worse at night, persons needing it have dry scratchy throat. The throat feels rough and sore.

4. Arum Triphyllum – For Hoarseness And Throat Clearing

It is useful for cases in which there is hoarseness and a need to clear the throat frequently. The person feels stinging and burning sensation in the throat. He/She may complain of difficult swallowing.

5. Causticum – For Managing Hoarseness

It is an important medicine to manage hoarseness of voice, which gets worse in the morning and evening. It is accompanied by scraping in the throat (lump-like-feeling). In some cases, it is attended with dry, tickling cough. Larynx may be be inflamed.

6. Kali Bichrome – To Manage Postnasal Drip

This medicine works well in cases where postnasal drip (PND) is marked. There is hawking of thick, tenacious, yellow mucus. Mucus is so viscid (thick and large) that it can be drawn out like a long thread. It is attended with cough. Other than this, dryness and burning are felt in the throat which gets worse in the morning.

7. Lycopodium – For Burning And Lump In Throat Sensation

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum, commonly known as ‘club moss’. This plant belongs to family Lycopodiaceae. It is indicated for sensation of a lump moving up and down the throat,especially in the left side of throat. Lycopodium is indicated for burning pain in throat. Sometimes there is sore throat and difficult swallowing also.

8. Belladonna – For Sore Throat And Cough

This medicine is a top-listed medicine for managing sore throat. It is prepared from the plant ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family Solanaceae. In cases needing it, the throat is red and inflamed. The throat is also dry, attended with burning sensation in the throat. A sensation of lump is felt in throat making swallowing difficult, especially liquids. It is well indicated for cases of cough. The cough is dry, short and tickles the throat which gets worse at night.

Homeopathic Medicine For Managing Its Symptoms In Children

1. Aethusa – To Manage Vomiting

This medicine is prepared from plant Aethusa Cynapium commonly called ‘fool’s parsley’. It belongs to family Umbelliferae. It is one of the most effective medicines to manage vomiting in children. The vomiting is of curdled milk or cheesy matter, sometimes white frothy matter is also expelled.

2. Ipecac – To Manage Vomiting And Cough

It is prepared from dried root of a plant Cephaelis Ipecacuanha. It belongs to family Rubiaceae. It is very beneficial in managing vomiting and cough. The vomiting can be of white, slimy mucus or watery fluid. If administering Ipecac for cough, the main indicating feature is cough accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

3. Belladonna – For Managing Sore Throat And Cough

It is helpful in managing sore throat and cough. The throat is inflamed, swollen and red where this medicine is required.  Besides, there is short and dry cough 24X7. Tickling sensation in throat accompanies it.

4. Cina – For Managing Cough

It is prepared from plant Cina Maritima. It belongs to family Composite. Firstly this medicine is indicated for sudden attack of spasmodic cough, which gets worse at night.  Next, it helps cases of hoarse gagging cough and also short hacking cough at night. There may be expectoration of whitish, slimy matter along with cough, .

5. Sambucus and Ammonium Carb – To Manage Nasal Congestion

These two homeopathic medicines are very useful to manage nasal congestion.

6. Kali Mur – To Manage Ear Infections

In cases needing it, the main symptom is ear discharge, usually white, along with pain in the ear .

What Are Its Symptoms?

Symptoms In Adults

There is a feeling of something being stuck in the throat, a need to clear throat frequently, difficulty in swallowing, hoarseness, coughing, postnasal drip (PND), bitter taste , sore throat, burning sensation in throat and difficulty in breathing. If left untreated, it can damage the vocal cords. Other complications include lung disorders, pneumonia (infection and inflammation of air sacs in lungs), laryngitis, and it can increase the risk of laryngeal cancer.

 Symptoms In Infants And Children

In infants and children, the symptoms include chronic coughing, breathing issues (like noisy breathing, wheezing, apnea, difficulty breathing), vomiting, nasal congestion, respiratory illness (bronchitis – inflamed bronchial tubes), feeding difficulties, asthma, sore throat, ear infections and failure to thrive (when baby isn’t growing and gaining weight according to age).

What Is The Reason Behind It?

After eating, the food goes down the food pipe and then into the stomach.

Normally, the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) which is a sphincter at the junction of lower end of food pipe and upper end of stomach prevents backflow of stomach contents. It only relaxes when food has to enter from the food pipe into the stomach. At all other times, it is closed to prevent backflow of stomach acid upwards. If the LES doesn’t work properly, it can result in a back-flow of stomach acid into food pipe.

Though anyone can suffer from silent reflux, some people are at a higher risk. People who are overweight, who consume alcohol/tobacco, malfunctioning of lower esophageal sphincter, delayed emptying of stomach can cause silent reflux, and pregnant women are also at risk.

The babies are at high risk because of underdeveloped or weak esophageal sphincters that become strong with age and overcome the complaint of acid reflux.


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Chenopodium Anthelminticum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic remedy Chenopodium Anthelminticum is derived from the plant Jerusalem Oak which belongs to family Chenopodiaceae. This plant undergoes potentization (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines that extracts and intensifies the medicinal properties of a crude substance). In this way, it gets converted into a very important medicine Chenopodium Anthelminticum. It is a top-grade medicine in homeopathy to treat ear-related problems mainly tinnitus (noises in ear) and Meniere’s disease (a triad of tinnitus, hearing loss and vertigo).

Drug Action

This remedy’s prominent sphere of action centers around the ears. Other than this, it has action on other organs too but in a very limited manner. These organs include throat, back, gastric system, urinary organs, respiratory system and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Tinnitus, Meniere’s disease, deafness, otitis media, vertigo, worms, tonsillitis, scapula pain, asthma, suppressed menses, leucorrhoea

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Ear Complaints (Tinnitus, Meniere’s Disease, Deafness, Otitis Media)

The most prominent and well-defined action of Chenopodium is seen on the ears. It has shown great clinical improvement in many ear-related complaints. The foremost ear complaint for which it is one of the best medicines is tinnitus. Hearing noises in the absence of any external source is called Tinnitus. Chenopodium Anthelminticum is very effective in treating cases of Tinnitus and majorly works well when person hears noises that are roaring, ringing or buzzing in nature. This medicine is also well indicated for cases of pulsatile tinnitus. In this type of tinnitus, the sufferer hears noises that beat in sync with the heart.

Secondly, this medicine is highly beneficial for managing Meniere’s Disease. This disease refers to an inner ear disorder which is characterized by a triad of symptoms including tinnitus, vertigo and fluctuating hearing loss. This may be accompanied by sensation of ear blockage). In cases needing it, vertigo attacks also occurs which happens all of sudden. Chenopodium Anthelminticum is indicated for cases of hearing loss. The characteristic symptom to use it is deafness to human voice but sensitivity to distant sounds. Hearing is better for high-pitched sounds where this medicine is required. This medicine is also helpful for cases of weakness of the auditory nerve (eighth pair of cranial nerve). Besides, it is of great use when conduction of sound to the inner ear is either deficient or absent. Lastly, it can be given in cases of chronic otitis media which is an inflammation or infection of the middle ear.

Key indicating features

Tinnitus with hearing noises that are roaring, ringing or buzzing in nature

Pulsatile tinnitus where the noises beats in sync with heart

Meniere’s disease (triad of tinnitus, vertigo and hearing loss)

2. Throat Issues (Enlarged Tonsils)

Chenopodium also acts well on the throat. Here it is primarily valuable to manage the enlargement of tonsils, especially chronic cases. The tonsils are inflamed and painful as well. Besides, caseous (cheese-like) deposits are present on the tonsils.

Key indicating features

Chronic enlargement of tonsils

Caseous deposits on tonsils

3. Back Problems (Shoulder Blade Pain)

Chenopodium can manage pain under the right shoulder blade (triangular bone that lies in the upper back one on either side). It is attended with giddiness and ringing noises. It is also indicated for pain in between the angle of right shoulder blade, and through chest.

Key indicating features

Pain under the right shoulder blade with giddiness and ringing in the ears

Pain in between angle of the right shoulder blade near spine, and through chest

4. Gastric Concerns (Regurgitation, Worms)

This medicine can be used for certain gastric concerns as well. It firstly includes constant regurgitation (back flow of gastric juice and sometimes undigested food from the stomach into the food pipe) of yellow frothy material. There may occur disagreeable burps and nausea. Other than this, it is an important medicine to get rid of worms, especially roundworms.

Key indicating features

Constant regurgitation of yellow frothy material

Worms especially roundworms

5. Urinary Problems (Kidney Pain, Yellow Foamy Urine)

Chenopodium is beneficial for managing some urinary issues. This medicine is indicated to manage dull pain in the kidney. Urine may be yellow, profuse and frothy. Yellow sediments may be present in the urine in cases needing it.

Key indicating features

Yellow profuse frothy urine or yellow sediments in the urine

6. Respiratory Complaints (Cough, Rattling)

Chenopodium proves effective in managing cough that occurs along with rattling of phlegm and expectoration. There is difficulty in breathing, yellow frothy matter from the stomach rises to the throat. Rattling is felt in the trachea as if a ball is rolling in it.

Key indicating features

Cough with rattling of phlegm

Rattling in trachea

7.  Female Problems (Suppressed Menses)

Lastly, its action is noted on female genitals. Here it is well indicated for the treatment of suppressed menses. The major guiding feature to use it is vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) instead of menses.

Key indicating features

Vaginal discharge in place of menses


Use of this medicine can be done in low or high potency, though 30C potency is mostly used. In low potency, it can be repeated frequently but in high potency, it should be used infrequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

It can be compared with some remedies including Chelidonium, China, Opium and Chininum Sulphuricum



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Homeopathic Treatment Of Throat Clearing, Best Medicines And Its Causes

Everyone tends to clear their throat once in a while. This may be in response to an irritant lodged in the throat, out of a habit, or from stress/anxiety. If there is a persistent need to clear the throat, it may be due to a medical reason (like post nasal drip, nasal allergies, etc) that needs to be treated.

Homeopathic Management

These medicines boost the body’s natural healing capacity to treat throat clearing. Along with throat clearing, it also alleviates complaints like postnasal drip, sore throat, hoarseness of voice, cough, runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion and heartburn. Every case of throat clearing is treated individually keeping in mind the cause and the attending symptoms.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Throat Clearing

1. Kali Bichrome – For Marked PND And Throat Clearing

This medicine is well indicated for cases having excessive PND – post nasal drip (dripping of mucus from the back of nose into the throat) and throat clearing. The mucus in PND is thick, tenacious and gelatinous that can be drawn out like a long thread. Sore throat and pain while swallowing can attend it. In some cases needing it, ulcers in the rear part of the throat can be present. They have elevated edges and are filled with thick white matter.

2. Argentum Nitricum – For Throat Clearing From Thick Mucus In Throat

It is a very effective medicine for cases needing clearing thick tenacious mucus from the throat. Along with this, there is hoarseness of voice. There can also be rawness and soreness which create an urge to clear the throat. A feeling that a splinter or stick is lodged in the throat may be felt while swallowing. Lastly, dryness and burning in the throat may occur.

3. Causticum – For Constant Desire To Clear The Throat

This medicine is indicated when there is a constant desire to clear the throat. Persons needing it may also have rawness and tickling sensation in the throat. It is attended with dry cough, sometimes burning sensation in the throat is felt. A person may also complain of lump-in-the-throat feeling. Other than the above, there can be hawking of mucus from the posterior nares. Inflammation of the larynx and hoarseness of voice can accompany the above symptoms.

4. Belladonna – With Sore Throat And Tonsillitis

This medicine is prepared from a plant commonly known as ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family Solanaceae. It is very beneficial, when there is throat clearing along with sore throat and tonsillitis. The throat and tonsils are inflamed, markedly red, shiny and painful where it is required. There is pain in the throat while swallowing. A lump-like sensation, dryness and heat in the throat, and difficulty in swallowing and cough may be the other accompanying symptoms.

5. Alumina – When Dry, Raw, Rough Throat Leads To Throat Clearing

This medicine works well in cases of dry, raw, rough throat. The voice turns husky. There may also occur a lump sensation in the throat. Thick mucus drops from the posterior nares. Coughing aggravates especially in the evening. The throat is red with stitching pain.

6. Natrum Phos – For Acid Reflux And Throat Clearing

Use of this medicine is recommended for acid reflux and throat clearing. Persons who need it have a lump sensation in the throat and dropping of thick, yellow mucus from the posterior nares, especially at night. The person is forced to wake up, sit and clear the throat half-asleep. There is inflammation in the throat. The tonsils are coated with a yellow and creamy mucus. The person also complains of heartburn and sour belching in addition to the above symptoms.

7. Sabadilla – For Throat Clearing, Sneezing, Runny Nose

It is a natural medicine prepared from seeds of plant Sabadilla Officinalis having common name Cebadilla. Its use is considered when there is throat clearing, sneezing and runny nose. Itching in the nose and stuffy nose can also be there. There can be excessive tough phlegm in the throat which causes pressure and burning sensation in the throat. Roughness with a constant desire to swallow or hawk is there. Lastly, there may be a feeling of skin hanging loosely in the throat or something lodged in the larynx.

8. Sulphur – For Roughness, Scraping In Throat Attended With Throat Clearing

It is a very useful medicine for persons having roughness attended with throat clearing. There is feeling of a lump in throat and there can be dryness in the throat. It may excite a cough. Sore throat along with excessive burning sensation is yet another symptom that can attend. Stitching or pressive type of pain in the throat may occur on swallowing.

What Are The Medical Reasons Behind It?

The first reason behind it is LPR – laryngopharyngeal reflux /silent reflux. The stomach acid flows back into the throat and larynx causing an uncomfortable sensation and frequent throat clearing. Some other symptoms that accompany it are a feeling of something stuck in the throat, postnasal drip, hoarseness of voice and difficulty in swallowing.

Second common cause for throat clearing is post nasal drip (PND) when mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat. It happens when there is excessive production and build-up of mucus in the para nasal sinuses, throat or nose. Some of the reasons behind PND are allergies, cold, flu, sinusitis, DNS (deviated nasal septum) and acid reflux. PND can be attended with some other symptoms like cough, scratchy throat, nausea and foul breath.

Third cause is nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis).  It refers to nasal inflammation and irritation triggered by allergic reaction to airborne allergens like pollen, dust mites and animal dander. Throat clearing can be one of its symptoms along with symptoms that include runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, nasal itching, scratchy throat, itchy watery eyes and cough.

Throat clearing may just be one of the tic disorders. Tics refers to uncontrollable repetitive twitches, certain movements or sounds that occur semi-voluntarily. Some other examples of tics apart from throat clearing are head jerking, frequent eye blinking, repeating a sound like grunting, shoulder shrugging, sniffing and facial grimacing.

Tourette’s syndrome may be another causes of  throat clearing. It refers to a neurological disorder in which there occurs involuntary motor tics (movement-based tics) and vocal tics (tics related to sound production). For Tourette’s syndrome to be diagnosed, there must be multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic for more than a year in a person.

Food allergies may be a cause of throat clearing in some cases. Some people may have itching, irritation or tickling in the throat after consuming certain food products that can lead to throat clearing. Some examples of such food products include rice, dairy products, etc.

Outgrowths like cysts, polyps and nodules on the vocal cord may also lead to throat clearing. Other than throat clearing, the other symptoms are feeling of something stuck in the throat, voice changes (like scratchy voice, hoarse voice), pain while speaking and difficult breathing.

Laryngitis, chronic inflammation of the larynx (voice box), can also cause throat clearing.

It may occur in case of tonsillitis which is inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsils are the two oval-shaped masses of lymphatic tissue present at the back of the throat, one on either side.

PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcus) is also one of the cause. In this syndrome, there occurs major changes in behaviour, personality and movement in children after suffering a bout of infection of Streptococcus Pyogenes bacteria. Obsessive compulsive disorder or tics mainly occur in this medical condition.

Zenker’s diverticulum is a rare cause behind throat clearing. In this condition, food travels from the food pipe to stomach via a pouch at the junction of the pharynx and the food pipe.

Rest of the causes include side effect of certain medications (e.g., blood pressure medications, inhaled steroids), throat injury, damage to the throat tissue due to tobacco use, pollution, voice strain, chemical exposure and excessive vomiting.

What Signs And Symptoms Can Attend It?

Apart from feeling of something stuck in the throat, other symptoms include postnasal drip, sore throat, hoarseness of voice, difficulty in swallowing, cough, scratchy throat, offensive breath, runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, noisy breathing, heartburn and tics.




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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Asthma

Homeopathic medicine for Asthma

Asthma is a respiratory disease that causes narrowing and swelling of airways and may be attended with the production of extra mucus. It results in breathing difficulty, chest tightness, wheezing on exhalation, and coughing.

Homeopathy is a safe science that offers effective, natural treatment for asthma. Initially, it helps in a significant reduction in symptoms of asthma like breathing difficulty, chest tightness and congestion, cough, wheezing, and chest pain. It aids symptomatic relief by reducing the inflammation and narrowing of the airways. With further treatment, the frequency of asthma episodes gradually gets reduced. Simultaneously, homeopathic medicines focus on treating the underlying cause of origin, that is an overactive immune system and chronic allergic tendencies. Here Homeopathy optimises the immune system and treats allergic tendencies to cure asthma from its origin. In severe acute asthma episodes, one can use inhalers and other recommended conventional medicines. In chronic cases, homeopathic treatment is the best alternative and it causes a reduction in dependency on corticosteroids and bronchodilators which is thought to be lifelong and primary treatment protocol in mainstream medicine.

Safe and side effect-free medicines

Homeopathy has a great advantage of being side effect-free thus ensuring 100% surety of being safe to treat asthma. Homeopathic medicines are safe because they are procured from natural substances and do not contain any harmful chemicals. No immediate or long-term adverse effects are noted from the use of homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathy treats the patient 

It is quite well known that ‘Homeopathy treats the patient and not the disease’. This means the medicines in homeopathy are selected as per the patient’s characteristic symptoms that appear at the mental and physical level, and not the disease symptoms. In other words, homeopathy treats as per individualization. Since no two persons are alike and have individual personalities, heredity and lifestyle, so the medicines differ from case to case. Homeopathic remedies selected as per individualization help eradicate asthma from its roots.

Offers cure rather than suppression of disease

There are no chances of suppression in homeopathy. We are quite familiar with the fact that if a condition is suppressed at any given time, then for the time being it becomes dormant and may express itself later on under certain favorable circumstances in a more harsh way. This suppression is completely avoided in the homeopathic treatment of asthma. Rather it follows an approach of cure by stimulating the self-healing system in the body using highly diluted natural medicines.

Non-habit forming

Homeopathic medicines are non-habit forming and do not create a lifelong dependency. One can easily stop their use, once the condition is treated to its maximum. The total treatment time for asthma in homeopathy varies from case to case as per various factors like the chronicity and intensity of complaint, and how quickly an individual responds to medicine.

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Asthma

The leading homeopathic medicines to treat asthma are Arsenic Album, Spongia Tosta, Antimonium Tartaricum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Blatta Orientalis, Hepar Sulph, Ipecac and Lobelia Inflata. 

1. Arsenic Album – Top-grade Medicine for Asthma

The symptoms indicative of use of Arsenic Album in asthma is shortness of breath that gets worse after coughing. The characteristic to use it is asthma that gets worse around 12 am-1 am. Other symptoms are wheezing and suffocative cough with frothy mucus. Another important guiding feature for using Arsenic Album is asthma which alternates with skin rash or eczema.

When to use Arsenic Album?

It is indicated for asthma with shortness of breath and suffocative attacks that get worse around midnight.

How to use Arsenic Album?

If the symptoms match, it can be administered in 30C potency, which can be repeated 2 times a day. If there is no improvement at all with low potency, then it is advisable to consult a homeopath before taking 200C or 1M potency.

2. Spongia Tosta – For Short, Panting Breathing  With Dry Cough

Spongia Tosta works well for asthma with short and tough respiration, and panting. Along with difficult respiration, whistling from the chest on inhalation is noted. The cough is attended with extreme dryness of all the air passages. The cough, in this case, is deep, dry, barking, hacking type. In most cases, warm drinks bring relief from coughing.

When to use Spongia Tosta?

Difficult breathing with dry suffocative cough and extreme dryness of all air passages calls for indication of this remedy.

How to use Spongia Tosta?

It is best to start in 30C potency and can be taken once or twice a day. It can also be taken in high  (200C) potency. But one should observe the symptoms before taking in high potency.

3. Antimonium Tartaricum – For Asthma With Shortness Of Breath And Rattling Cough

Antimonium Tartaricum is an excellent remedy for asthma with rapid, short and difficult breathing as if gasping for air. The suffocation worsens on lying down, with a need to sit up. The cough is loose, there is excessive rattling and the lungs feel full of mucus. Mucus from the lungs comes out with much difficulty. Sometimes there is dizziness present along with cough. It gets better by lying on the right side and worse from cold and damp weather.

When to use Antimonium Tart?

Its use can be considered when symptoms such as shortness of breath, suffocation with loose cough and excessive rattling of mucus is present.

How to Antimonium Tart?

It is used in 30C potency once or twice a day.

4. Natrum Sulphuricum – For Asthma In Damp Weather

Natrum Sulphuricum is the most helpful medicine for difficult breathing in damp weather. The cough with thick, ropy, green phlegm is present. Natrum Sulphuricum also works well in humid conditions and when asthma worsens around 4 am and 5 am. Natrum Sulphuricum is also among the top-grade remedies for treating asthma in children.

When to use Natrum Sulphuricum?

It is helpful for humid asthma (difficult breathing during damp weather). Cough is marked with thick, ropy and greenish discharges.

How to use Natrum Sulphuricum?

It is commonly used in biochemic form in ‘6X potency’ and is taken in tablet form. The frequency and number of tablets depend on the severity of symptoms.

Unless recommended, it can be taken 3-4 times a day.

5. Blatta Orientalis – For Asthma Triggered by Dust Exposure

Blatta Orientalis remedy is for asthma triggered by dust. Blatta Orientalis is prescribed for shortness of breath, suffocative cough with difficult respiration and yellow, pus-like mucus. It can also be given for asthma triggered in rainy weather.

When to use Blatta Orientalis?

It is the perfect remedy for asthmatic symptoms triggered after dust exposure. Cough is suffocative with labored breathing.

How to use Blatta Orientalis?

Mother tincture is best to start with, which can be taken 1-2 times a day. But can be taken in 30C and 200C if there are not many changes. Usually, 1M potency is not recommended, until prescribed by an experienced physician.

6. Hepar Sulphur – For Asthma In Cold Air

Hepar sulphur acts wonderfully in asthma attacks, difficult respiration, whistling, wheezing, and preventing sleep at night with copious mucus expectoration. Yellow or whitish dirty mucus can also be present. Ailments get worse by cold air or slight draught of air and get better from covering up and heat/warmth.

When to use Hepar sulphur?

It is prescribed for cases of asthma which gets worse by exposure to dry, cold air. Cough is loose with yellow or whitish dirty mucus.

How to use sulphur?

Potency and dosage depend on age, causative factors and symptoms of the patient. In the majority of cases, it can be administered in 30C potency 3-4 times in a day.

7. Ipecac – For Difficult Breathing And Cough Ending In Vomiting

Ipecac is used to treat repeated attacks of asthma with difficult shortness of breath and gasping for air. There is a wheezing cough with mucus which is not easy to expel, though the chest seems to be full with an inclination to vomit.

When to use Ipecac?

It assists cases of asthma where shortness of breath along with wheezing and cough ending in vomiting is marked.

How to use Ipecac?

Chiefly, it works well in low potency i.e. 30C; normally repetition of dosage is limited to once to twice a day. Higher potencies are not recommended until discussed with a physician.

8. Lobelia Inflata  – When asthma is triggered by exertion

This medicine is helpful for cases of worsening of asthma from exertion. There is difficulty in breathing with a constricted feeling in the middle of the chest and a lump in throat sensation where this medicine is required. With chest constriction, there is an urge for deep breathing. A characteristic feature that may be present is a prickling sensation on the entire body before an asthma attack.

When to use Lobelia Inflata?

Its use is well indicated when asthma gets triggered from exertion.

How to use Lobelia Inflata?

This medicine can be taken in 30C power once or twice daily.

What Are The Causes Of Asthma?

Allergies: Allergens such as pollen, animal dander, dust mites can raise risk of developing asthma.

Environmental factors: Exposure to substances like allergens, toxins, fumes can irritate the airways making the person prone to develop asthma.

Genetics: If there is a family history of asthma or allergic disease, the risk of developing asthma is more.

Previous infections: People may be more prone to  acquiring this ailment if they have had a history of severe viral infections in infancy, such as respiratory syncytial viral infection (RSV)

Hygiene hypothesis: According to this notion, babies whose immune systems aren’t exposed to enough microorganisms during their early months and years won’t have the capacity to fend off asthma and other allergy disorders.

What Triggers Asthma Attacks?

It refers to the substances that irritate the airway and can bring on an asthma attack. Common triggers include:

1. Airborne allergens, such as pollen, dust mite, pet dander or particles of cockroach waste

2. Respiratory infections, such as common cold

3. Physical activity, exercise

4. Cold air

5. Air pollutants and irritants, such as smoke

6. Certain medications like aspirin and beta blockers.

7. Anxiety and stress

8. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which stomach acids rise up into your throat

9. Cold and humid weather

What Are The Symptoms Of Asthma?

The symptoms of asthma vary from one individual to another. The person can have symptoms at certain times called infrequent asthma attacks or have symptoms all the time. The signs and symptoms of asthma include shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, cough, and wheezing (a whistling sound produced during breathing when airways are narrowed or blocked). Other features include chest pain, trouble in talking, difficulty in sleeping, and anxiety. In cough variant asthma the only symptom is persistent dry cough without any mucus expectoration. Wheezing and shortness of breath are absent in such cases. This type of asthma is common in children.

Pathophysiology Of Asthma

In asthma, there is chronic inflammation of airways (bronchi and bronchioles). Airways are the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. In asthmatic persons, these airways are highly sensitive and respond strongly to inhaled substances such as allergens. This leads to bronchospasms (constriction of muscles around the airways), resulting in the narrowing of airways.  As a result of the inflammation and bronchospasms, the airways get obstructed, leading to reduced airflow to the lungs.

Mucus production: During the attack, your body produces more mucus. This thick mucus clogs airways.

How to diagnose Asthma?

A doctor may suspect asthma from symptoms (like shortness of breath, difficult breathing, chest tightness, and cough) of the patient, checking the chest with a stethoscope to hear wheezing and a history of allergies in the patient or someone in the family. To diagnose it, the most important test recommended is spirometry. Spirometry is the best test to diagnose asthma and it measures the amount of air that is exhaled after a deep breath and at what speed and also the amount of air inhaled back in the lungs. In this test, the patient is asked to take a deep breath and then breathe out hard into a tube. This tube is attached to a machine named Spirometer that gives measurements of this test. The next test that may be advised is the peak flow meter test which evaluates how hard a person can breathe out with the use of a simple easy-to-use device. A low peak flow reading indicates that the lungs are not working well. Additionally, a chest X-ray is recommended to check for any problem like infection which may result in breathing difficulties or may trigger it.



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Sabadilla Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Sabadilla Officinalis is sourced from plant Cebadilla. It belongs to the family melanthaceae (of the liliaceae). The seeds of the plant Cebadilla are subjected to potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties). Following this process, homeopathic remedy Sabadilla Officinalis is obtained which is of great service to treat nasal allergies, colds and recurrent sneezing.

Drug Action

This medicine principally acts on the mucus membrane of nose. Its action is also felt on lachrymal glands, throat, gastric tract, anus, head, eyes, skin and nerves.

Clinical Indications

Nasal allergy, sneezing, cold, runny nose, sore throat, lachrymation, blue rings around eyes, headache, itchy scalp, worm infestation, stomach pain, cough, earache, noises in ear, dry skin.

 Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nose (Nasal Allergy, Sneezing, Runny Nose, Cold)

This medicine has an extensive action on the mucus membrane of nose. It treats complaints of nasal allergies, cold, influenza, runny nose, sneezing and nasal itching. It is one of the best homeopathic medicine for cases of nasal allergy also known as hay fever. It is a nasal condition in which cold-like symptoms occur, like runny nose, sneezing, itchy, watery eyes that happen from an over-reaction of immune cells to harmless substances like pollen, dust etc in a person having allergic tendency. Sabadilla is well indicated when there is runny nose, profuse watery nasal discharge along with sneezing. Tickling, tingling or itching in nose may be felt. Additionally, redness of eyes and watering from eyes may be there. At a given time, either of the two nostrils is blocked which causes difficulty in breathing. Snoring is experienced by the person. Next, frontal pain in head attends. Another peculiar indication for using this remedy is cold with runny nose/sneezing which get worse from strong odour like perfumes.

Key indicating features

Nasal allergy with runny nose, sneezing and nasal itching

Cold with frontal headache

Cold with runny nose/sneezing from strong odours

2. Throat (Sore Throat, Tonsillitis)

With its action on throat, it offers great help in managing cases of chronic sore throat. In most cases needing it, sore throat begins in the left side and then goes to the right side. The tonsils are swollen and inflamed. Pain in the throat is felt from empty swallowing. Cold air makes the complaint worse. Relief is noted by taking warm food or warm drinks. Stitching pain in throat is experienced while swallowing. There is feeling of a lump in the throat and person has constant desire to swallow it. Sometimes, a sensation of skin hanging loosely in throat is felt. Occasionally, it feels as if a morsel of food has got stuck in the throat leading to cough. The throat may feel dry or there can be tough phlegm in throat with need to hawk.

Key indicating features

Sore throat beginning on left side then going to the right side

Sore throat worse from cold air and better from warm drinks/food

3. Gastric Ailments (Worms, Stomach Pain)

Sabadilla is effective in dealing with gastric ailments. Firstly, it is used to treat worms, mostly tapeworms, pin worms and ascarides worms. It gives substantial relief in itching and crawling sensation felt in the anus due to worms.  It also helps in easing the burning sensation or pain felt in navel region. There may be changes in the bowel movement. The stool can be hard and scanty or there may occur diarrhea with loose, brown and frothy stool. Pinching pain around navel and loud rumbling can be felt before passing stool. There may be burning sensation in abdomen and rectum after passing stool.  Sometimes, blood passes with stool. There is excessive passage of gas. Other than these, Sabadilla is indicated to manage twisting/ turning type of pain in abdomen. Rest of the symptoms include bloating, cutting type of pain in the intestine, abdomen pain with a characteristic sensation of a ball moving in the abdomen, burning sensation in stomach and food pipe, and loss of appetite.

Key indicating features

Worm infestations include tapeworm, pin worms, ascarides worms

Itching, crawling sensation in the anus

Pain in navel region in cases of worms

4. Cough

This medicine has also shown clinical improvement in cases of cough. Sabadilla mostly helps in cases of dry cough that arises from roughness or scratchiness or scraping in throat. Coughing mostly worsens at night, as soon as a person lies down. In some cases, pain at the top of head (vertex) is felt along with cough. Sweating, vomiting and watering from eyes are other accompanying symptoms. Difficulty in breathing, burning sensation in chest and wheezing may also happen.  Sabadilla can also be given for cough that worsens from cold.

Key indicating features

Cough arising from roughness or scratchiness in throat

Cough worsening at night, as soon as one lies down and from cold

5. Ears (Earache, Noises In Ears)

This medicine also acts on ears where it is beneficial to manage cases of ear pain, noises in ears (tinnitus), itching in ears. Along with pain in the ear, there is pressure on the ear. Mostly stitching pain especially in left ear is felt. In case of tinnitus, a person hears humming or gurgling noises in ear. There can be difficulty in hearing too.

Key indicating features

Pain in ear with pressure sensation

Humming, gurgling noises in ears

6. Eyes (Redness Of Eyelids, Lachrymation, Blue Rings)

In case of eyes, Sabadilla can be given to manage redness of eyelids attended with burning sensation. Next, it can be used for excessive watering from eyes (lachrymation) while coughing, sneezing or walking in open air. It is also beneficial for cases of blue rings around the eyes.

Key indicating features

Redness and burning of eyelids

Lachrymation during sneezing, coughing and walking in open air

7. Head (Headache, Itchy Scalp)

Sabadilla is a useful medicine to manage headache. It is mainly preferred to manage headache that occurs with cold. The pain, in this case, is frequently experienced in frontal part of head.  There may be heaviness in the head usually in forehead and sides of head (temporal region) in case of nasal allergy. Next peculiar indication to use it is headache that follows excessive thinking or some intellectual thinking. The pain occurs on one side of the head or on alternating sides. It gets better by eating. Sabadilla can be given in cases of itching and burning on the scalp, crawling sensation can also be felt.

Key indicating symptoms

Headache in frontal part of head with cold

Headache from overthinking and intellectual work

8. Skin Complaints (Dry Skin, Crawling Sensation)

Last sphere of action of Sabadilla is skin where it is useful for dry skin. Burning sensation on skin can be present. It is also effective in managing crawling sensation like that of ants. Lastly, it works well in cases of thick, horny, deformed nails.

Key indicating features

Creeping, crawling sensation on skin

Thick, horny, deformed nails


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from cold air, cold drinks, strong odors, and mental exertion

Relieving factors: Complaints are better from warm food and drinks, heat, being wrapped up


This medicine works well in both low and high potencies. In low potency like 30C, one may take it frequently around two to three times a day. But in high potency like 200C, 1M frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Conium, Lachesis, Lycopodium and Pulsatilla

Followed well by Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Merc Sol, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Ipecacuanha – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Ipecacuanha is a homeopathic medicine derived from dried roots of plant Cephaelis Ipecacuanha. It belongs to rubiaceae family. The dried roots of this plant undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouse medicinal powers of a crude substance). As a result, we get homeopathic medicine Ipecacuanha which is of great clinical significance. It is a leading homeopathic medicine to treat certain respiratory problems and gastric issues mainly nausea and vomiting.

 The ‘Ipecacuanha’ Constitution

This medicine is known to be suitable to adults, obese children and physically weak individuals with a tendency to catch cold in warm humid weather. Next, it is recommended for person having a history of nose bleeding or blood loss from any other body part.

Drug Action

It has a wide action on respiratory system and gastric system. Apart from this, it has favourable action on head, nose and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Cough, asthma, pneumonia, hemoptysis, bronchitis, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, cholera, food poisoning, hematemesis, gastric headache, migraine, nose bleeding, cold, heavy periods, frequent menses, menstrual cramps, fever.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Respiratory complaints (cough, asthma, pneumonia, hemoptysis)

This medicine has a wide sphere of action on the respiratory system where it can treat numerous complaints. Firstly, it can give immense relief in cough. It is prominently indicated to manage spasmodic cough that ends in vomiting. The cough is paroxysmal which means it occurs in fits at regular intervals. The cough is loose, rattling cough with excessive mucus accumulation in bronchial tubes (which carry air from windpipe to the lungs). Chest feels full of phlegm and the mucus is expectorated with difficulty. Ipecacuanha is one of the best medicines administered to asthma patients for dry cough with wheezing, constriction in throat and chest, and difficult breathing. After cough, vomiting can occur. Person has shortness of breath, feels suffocated and rushes towards an open window and gasps for air. The face appears pale accompanied by sweating. Asthma worsens at the slightest movement. Ipecacuanha leads the chart of homeopathic medicines for treating asthma during damp weather or sudden weather change. Its use is recommended for cases of pneumonia (an infection that causes inflammation of air sacs of lungs). It is a wonderful medicine for managing suffocative cough in children where the child becomes stiff and face appears blue. Ipecacuanha can also manage bronchitis in children when there is spasmodic cough, accumulation of phlegm in chest, and feeling of suffocation. Besides, it is indicated for cases of hemoptysis (spitting of blood or bloody mucus from lungs). When it occurs with rattling cough or from slight exertion, Ipecac is very helpful.

Key indicating features

1. Spasmodic cough ending in vomiting

2. Asthma with dry cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, constriction in throat and chest

3. Asthma in damp weather or sudden weather change

4. Loose, rattling cough with excessive mucus accumulation in bronchi

2. Gastric issues (nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhoea)

With its action on the gastric system, Ipecac can effectively deal with various complaints, most importantly nausea and vomiting. It has shown good results when nausea is constant, not relieved by vomiting also. Its use is recommended when nausea arises from smell of food, from any kind of movement (jumping, walking, etc) or occurs with cough. The vomit may contain watery fluids, mucus, food or even blood. It is accompanied with bad breath and thirst.  Nausea and vomiting during menses is another striking feature for using this remedy. It is also suitable for managing vomiting in infants who are breastfeeding. Next noteworthy complaint for which Ipecac can be used is stomach cramps accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It can also be given when there is cutting/ drawing/ griping type pain around the navel. Stomach pain following by eating ice cream, sour fruit, and unripe fruits or drinking cold drinks is also managed well with this medicine. Additionally, stomach pain from gas with loose stool is also relieved with it. Ipecac is known to treat diarrhea. The stool is green, yellow, brown, slimy and frothy with extremely unpleasant smell and comes out with excessive gas. It may have mucus lumps or bloody mucus in it sometimes. It has tendency to check diarrhea that follows eating fats, pastries, sweets, etc. This medicine is also beneficial for treating cases of cholera (an infection of small intestine caused by bacteria vibrio cholera) and food poisoning.  A characteristic feature in cases needing it is an absolutely clean tongue with no coating.

Key indicating features

1. Constant nausea not relieved by vomiting

2. Vomiting of watery fluids, mucus, food or even blood (hematemesis)

3. Clean tongue with no coating

4. Stomach pain after ice cream or cold drinks, sour fruit, unripe fruits

3. Head (gastric headache, migraine)

Ipecacuanha also manifests action on head where it acts best to manage gastric headache and migraine. The salient feature for using it is one-sided headache attended with nausea and vomiting. There is throbbing pain in head with sensation of heat being produced. Sometimes there is stinging pain with heaviness of head. It has given remarkable results when there is pain in the back of the head (occiput) and the nape of neck that goes down to the shoulders. Lastly, headache along with nose bleeding is a notable feature.

Key indicating features

1. Gastric headache and migraine

2. One-sided headache attended with nausea and vomiting

3. Headache along with nose bleeding

4. Nose (nose bleeding, cold)

Ipecac can successfully help in case of nose bleeding (epistaxis) when blood is bright red. There may be bleeding from nose with cold, cough or pain in head where it is well indicated. Next, it works well when there is dry cold with blocked nose. Besides, there is heaviness in the head and loss of smell. Itching in nose and sneezing can attend too.

Key indicating features

1. Bright red bleeding from nose

2. Dry cold with nasal blockage, heaviness in the head and loss of smell

5. Female problems (heavy periods, frequent menses, menstrual cramps)

If we talk of female problems, this medicine is effective in helping women with heavy periods, frequent menses, and menstrual cramps. The bleeding is gushing and bright red. Nausea accompanies it with pressure across the uterus. There is also shivering and weakness.  Menses may occur every two weeks. Uterine pain is felt from left to right side. It can help to relieve menstrual cramps attended with constant nausea.

Key indicating features

1. Heavy menses with gushing, bright red bleeding

2. Heavy menses with nausea, shivering, weakness

3. Menstrual cramps attended with constant nausea

6. Fever

Ipecac can be administered for treating fever. The most important symptom to prescribe it here is fever with nausea and vomiting. There is chill alternating with heat. A chilling sensation goes up and down the back. Excessive weakness is felt. Dry heat occurs in evening time.

Key indicating features

1. Fever with nausea and vomiting


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse in warm damp weather, overeating, ice cream, fruits, in cold and winter

Relieving factors: Complaints are better from pressure, and in open air


This medicine works equally well in both low and high potency. The action of this medicine lasts for about 7 to 10 days. If taken in low potency, it can be repeated frequently. When consuming in high potency, its frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Antimonium Tart, Arnica, Arsenic Album, China, Ferrum Met, Laurocerasus and Sulphuric Acid

Followed well by: Antimonium Crudum, Antimonium Tart, Arsenic Album, Bryonia, Calcarea Carb, China, Nux Vomica, Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Tabacum, and Veratrum Album.

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