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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Dry Throat

Dry throat is a very common problem that can arise simply from less fluid intake, dryness in air, cold winter months, or  it is a symptom of a medical health issue like allergic rhinitis, tonsillitis, strep throat, GERD, etc.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is highly effective in managing cases of dry throat. Homeopathic medicines bring gradual relief by targeting the root cause behind it. Along with dryness of throat, they also help to manage the attending signs and symptoms like sore, painful throat, inflamed tonsils, cough, voice hoarseness, and heartburn. The homeopathic prescription for dry throat cases varies depending on the attending symptoms and the cause behind it. So it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician before taking any homeopathic medicine. It is to be noted that when shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, high fever accompany throat dryness, one should take help from the conventional mode of treatment on urgent basis.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Dry Throat

1. Belladonna – For Throat Dryness And Sore, Inflamed Throat / Tonsils

This medicine is prepared from the plant ‘deadly nightshade’ of family Solanaceae. It is a very effective medicine for cases in which there is dryness, and inflammation of throat and tonsils. There is marked dryness on the roof of mouth and fauces (arched opening at the back of the mouth leading to pharynx). Burning and scraping sensation is felt in the throat and mouth. Swallowing may be difficult due to red, swollen tonsils with shooting, stinging type pain in the throat while swallowing. A lump in the throat sensation is also felt. Dry cough with tickling in the throat is yet another symptom. Fever may accompany the above-mentioned signs and symptoms.

2. Bryonia – For Excessive Roughness And Dryness Of Throat

It is prepared from root of the plant Bryonia Alba from family Cucurbitaceae. Use of this medicine is considered for cases in which there is excessive roughness, rawness and dryness of throat. There may be stitching pain in the throat while swallowing which causes irritation in the throat. Sometimes, there may be burning or crawling sensation in throat that induces cough.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Dry Throat And Tonsillitis

It is another medicine very helpful for relieving throat dryness and tonsillitis. There is usually stitching type of pain in the throat which extends to the ear. It worsens while  swallowing food. Smarting sensation and rawness is also felt in the throat. It appears as if a splinter or of a plug of mucus is stuck in the throat. The tonsils are red and swollen, studded  with enlarged reddish follicles or white pus points.

  4. Natrum Mur – For Dry Throat With Allergic Rhinitis

This medicine works well in cases of dry throat and allergic rhinitis. In cases requiring it, there is a feeling as of a plug in throat, rawness and burning pain in the throat. Besides, there is sneezing and watery discharge from the nose, some may complain of a blocked nose. Redness, itching and watering from eyes may be present. There may be cough with a tickling sensation in a dry sore spot in the throat.  Lastly, bitter or salty mucus is hawked from the throat.

5. Pulsatilla – For Dry Throat And Cold

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly called wind flower, from family Ranunculaceae. It is beneficial for cases in which a dry throat accompanies a cold.  A scraping sensation, rawness and scratching is felt in the throat, leading to cough in some cases. Dryness is mostly marked in the morning, when this medicine is required. Greenish yellow discharge comes out from the nose which gets worse indoors but better in open air. Nasal blockage and frequent sneezing can attend above symptoms.

6. Causticum – For Dry Throat And Voice Hoarseness

Causticum is an effective medicine when there is dryness of throat and hoarseness in voice. A constant desire to clear the throat occurs, there may be rawness and tickling in throat along with dry cough.

7. Drosera – For Throat Dryness And Cough

This natural medicine is prepared from plant Drosera Rotundifolia with common name ‘round leaved sundew’ from family Droseraceae. It is useful when the throat is dry along with dry, irritating cough. It may end in vomiting sometimes. There is stinging in throat while swallowing.

8. Phytolacca – When Burning In Throat Attends

It is prepared from plant Phytolacca decandra commonly known as ‘poke root’ or ‘red ink plant’ from family Phytolaccaceae. This medicine is recommended when the throat is dry, rough, sore and is accompanied by burning sensation. There is disposition to hawk frequently and clear the throat accompanied by cough sometimes. Swallowing is difficult along with the above symptoms. The tonsils are dark red, bluish, dark purple, congested and swollen. The breath is offensive.

9. Merc Sol – When Throat Is Constantly Dry

This medicine is indicated for constant dryness of throat. The tonsils are red, dark, enlarged and may have whitish spots or ulcers on them. It is attended with sharp pain. The pain may radiate to the ears. Swallowing is difficult along with bad odor from the mouth.

10. Robinia – For Dry Throat And Acid Reflux Symptoms

It is prepared from the fresh bark of young twigs of the plant Robinia Pseudacaciafrom family Leguminosae. It is an important medicine for managing throat dryness along with acid reflux. Persons needing it have dryness and scratching in throat. They have acid reflux symptoms like heartburn, sour belchings and vomiting of intensely sour fluid. The acidity symptoms are most marked at night on lying down.

What Causes Dry Throat?

The first medical issue that can lead to dryness in the throat is hay fever/allergic rhinitis. It is an auto-immune disease, in which the person’s immune system overreacts to allergens that are normally harmless to the people who are not suffering from allergy. Some of the common allergens are dust mites, pollen, grass, pet dander, mold,etc. Its symptoms are sneezing, runny nose or stuffed nose, itching in nose, eyes and cough. In case of nose blockage, the person breathes through the mouth that can lead to dryness in the throat.

Second is common cold, a viral infection of the nose and throat. Dryness, soreness and a scratchy sensation is felt in the throat. The other symptoms of common cold include runny nose, stuffy nose, cough, sneezing, bodyache and mild fever.

Next it can arise in case of flu (influenza), a respiratory illness caused by influenza virus. The symptoms in case of flu are quite similar to common cold but are severe than common cold. These includes stuffy nose, runny nose, dry throat, sore, scratchy throat, fever, chills, weakness, cough, and pain in head and muscles. It can have various complications including ear infection, sinus infection, pneumonia (inflamed air sacs in lungs) and bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes) and pharyngitis (inflamed throat).

Tonsillitis (Inflamation of tonsils, a mass of lymphoid tissue in the back of the throat one on either side) is yet another reason behind dry throat. Its signs and symptoms include sore throat, red swollen tonsils, dry throat, white spots on tonsils in some cases, fever, headache and bad breath.

Other than these, it can arise in case of strep throat, an infection of the throat caused by bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes. Its signs and symptoms are sore throat, dry throat, red, swollen, inflamed tonsils, white patches on the tonsils, fever, bodyache, swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

Another cause for dry, scratchy throat is mononucleosis caused by an infection by the Epstein Barr virus (EBV). Its signs and symptoms are swollen tonsils, dry, scratchy throat, tiredness, fever, headache, muscle weakness, swollen lymph nodes in neck and armpits. Acid reflux, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux), can also lead to it when the stomach acid back-flows into the food pipe from stomach. Its common symptoms include burning sensation in chest behind sternum (breast bone), problem in swallowing, lump in throat sensation, nausea, and vomiting.

Sleeping with an open mouth can also lead to dry throat. The saliva that helps moisten the mouth and throat is dried by the air that result in dryness in the mouth and throat. A person who keeps the mouth open during sleep may also have other signs and symptoms that include bad breath, snoring and weakness during the day.

Some other causes for dryness in throat are dehydration, tobacco use, voice strain, some medication side effects (like from use of antihistamines), pollution, coughing and vomiting.

What Signs And Symptoms Can Attend It?

Dryness of throat can be accompanied by other signs and symptoms depending on the cause behind it. These include sore, painful throat; enlarged, swollen, inflamed tonsils; white patches or pus on the tonsils; cough, voice hoarseness, heartburn, vomiting and difficulty while swallowing. Some general symptoms that can attend are fever, fatigue, bodyache and muscle weakness.


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5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Muscle Pain And Aches

Homeopathic Remedies for muscle pain and aches

Applying an ointment or spraying a pain reliever is the general tendency of almost everyone suffering from muscle pain, medically known as myalgia. However, it only provides temporary relief and the real cause of muscle pain is not addressed. Here’s where homeopathy can be of real help. The natural homeopathic remedies for muscle pain not only provide relief, but also strike at the root of the problem and cure muscle pain effectively. They are also completely safe with no side effects.

Homeopathic Medicines For Muscle Pain

The leading homeopathic medicines for managing muscle pain includes Rhus Tox, Bryonia, Arnica, Ruta, Magnesium Phos and Gelsemium.

1. Rhus Tox – Top-Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is at the top position when it comes to treating muscle pain. This medicine can be used to relieve muscle pain anywhere in the body. The key indication to use it is when muscle pain gets worse at rest but gets better with movement. It is the best medicine to help cases of muscle pain arising from overuse of a muscle, over-straining or over-stretching of muscle, like muscle pain from doing excessive exercise, pain in leg muscles from excessive running, pain in muscles of the arm from carrying heavy weights, neck pain from prolonged working on computers, back pain from heavy weight lifting or a sudden jerky movement and so on. Rhus Tox can be used for pain in any muscle of the body. It is a wonderful medicine for muscular pain, along with stiffness, particularly in the neck which aggravates towards the evening. Secondly, Rhus Tox is a very beneficial for muscle pain and stiffness in the lower back which gets worse on sitting and lying down, but moving about relieves it. It is a leading medicine to help cases of lower back pain due to straining of muscles from heavy weight lifting. This medicine also relieves pain in deltoid muscle (muscle covering shoulder and upper part of outer side of the upper arm) where stitching pain is felt in shoulders while lying down which gets better from movement.

When and How to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine can be used as the first line of treatment in case of muscle pain in any body part. This medicine gives great relief in muscle pain arising from whatsoever reason. Rhus Tox is most frequently used in 30C potency. Initially, it requires frequent repetition and can be taken three to four times a day. Once relief sets in, dose should be reduced. If using in 200C potency, do not take it more than once or twice a day.

2. Bryonia – For Muscle Pain On Movement

Bryonia is a natural medicine sourced from root of plant ‘wild hops’. It is a brilliant medicine for muscle pain treatment. The characteristic symptom to use this medicine is muscle pain which gets worse on movement and better by lying still. It is effective for neck muscle pain and pain in muscles of the lower back. Movement and stooping are not possible. Next Bryonia, is prominently indicated for pain and soreness of abdominal muscles from coughing. Lastly, it offers help for cases of pain in chest muscles.

When and How to use Bryonia?

Bryonia can be given in case of muscle pain during movement, while relief sets in from lying down. It gives excellent results in 30C potency. It can be taken two to three times a day as per the severity of the pain.

3. Arnica – For Sore Painful Muscles From An Injury Or Overexertion

Arnica is the most useful medicine when it comes to treat sore, painful muscles from an injury or overexertion. Muscle injury may occur from a traumatic fall or a blow against something hard. The affected muscle is very tender to touch along with pain. Besides, Arnica is also indicated for muscle pain in case of influenza (a viral infection affecting nose, throat and sometimes lungs).

When and How to use Arnica?

If you have suffered muscle pain from overexertion or an injury, Arnica is the best prescription for you. It is an infallible medicine in such cases bringing relief in pain, along with aiding healing of injured muscle. Take it in 30C potency three to four times a day at a three-hour gap. When pain starts receding, reduce the dose to twice followed by once a day.

4. Ruta – For Muscle Pain Due To Strain (Pulled Muscle)

Ruta is a magnificent medicine to deal with cases of muscle pain from strain, which is overstretching or tearing of the muscle. Muscle pull can occur from using muscle in the wrong way, overuse of muscle, or an accident. Persons needing it feel sore with aching bruised pain in the affected muscle area. This medicine helps in pain relief along with relaxation and healing of the over-stretched muscle.

When and How to use Ruta?

Ruta is most prominently indicated to manage muscle pain arising from overstretching or tearing. 30 C potency of Ruta is the right choice to start with that can be used three to four times a day.

 5. Magnesium Phos – For Muscle Pain From Cramps

Magnesium Phos is the top-listed medicine to relieve muscle cramps – sudden involuntary muscle contraction (tightness). It works well for pain occurring from cramps in any body muscle, especially calves (muscle in the back of lower leg) and feet. In cases needing it, a person complains of cramps from prolonged exertion at night also.

When and How to use Magnesium Phos?

This medicine is the perfect prescription for muscle pain due to cramps. The most frequently recommended potency of this medicine is 6X which comes in tablet form. Magnesium Phos 6X can be used three to four times a day as per intensity of the pain.

 6. Gelsemium – For Muscle Pain Along With Weakness And Heaviness

It is a herbal medicine prepared from root of the plant ‘yellow jasmine’. It is an important medicine to manage muscle pain attended with heaviness and weakness in the affected part. Mostly, it helps with muscle pain in the limbs (arms and legs). The affected muscle area is sore to touch apart from being weak and heavy. It is a highly valuable medicine to manage muscle pain that occurs in influenza cases along with fatigue.

When and How to use Gelsemium?

Use of Gelsemium is suggested when heaviness and weakness in affected area is marked along with muscle pain. Though it works well in both low and high potencies, it is better to begin with low potencies. Gelsemium 30C can be taken twice or thrice a day.

What Are The Causes Behind Muscle Pain?

Muscle pain can be localised in one muscle or a few muscles or generalized, involving muscles all over the body.

Muscle pain can arise from any of the following reasons:

1. Overstretching, overuse / overstraining muscles from excessive physical activity, muscle tension; muscle cramp is the main reason behind muscle pain.

2. Injury or trauma to muscle including strains

3. Certain medical conditions:

a). Fibromyalgia: It is a chronic long-term condition in which there is widespread musculoskeletal pain and tenderness along with other symptoms including fatigue, irregular sleep patterns, loss of concentration and mood swings.

b). Chronic fatigue Syndrome: In this syndrome, a person suffers from extreme fatigue/exhaustion along with unexplained muscle pain, memory issues, loss of concentration and improper sleep

c). Thyroid issues: Muscle pain can occur in both hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).

d). Certain Infections:  like flu (influenza), COVID – 19, Lyme disease

Flu: it is a contagious viral infection affecting nose, throat and lungs.

COVID – 19: It is a highly contagious viral infection caused by SARS – CoV -2 virus

Lyme disease: It is a bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Borrelia which is spread by ticks.

e). Autoimmune diseases (the diseases in which the body’s defence/immune cells start destroying the body’s healthy tissues out of a mistake). These include dermatomyositis and polymyositis.

Dermatomyositis is an inflammatory disease causing a skin rash and muscle inflammation.

Polymyositis is a muscle disease causing muscle inflammation leading to muscle weakness and pain.

f). Polymyalgia rheumatica: It is a chronic inflammatory condition leading to pain and stiffness in muscles, mainly hips and shoulders.

g). Compartment Syndrome: It arises from pressure build-up in a muscle compartment. It results in obstructed flow of oxygen, blood and nutrients to the muscles, nerves and blood vessels resulting in its damage.

4. Electrolyte imbalance: Low potassium or calcium

5. Certain medicines like statins, bisphosphonates, ACE inhibitors

Which muscles are commonly affected with pain?

The pain can involve any muscle of the body but the main muscles that ache are deltoid muscle (muscle covering shoulder and upper part of outer side of the upper arm), muscles of neck, muscles of lower back, calf muscles (muscles of back of leg) and thigh muscles.

What other signs and symptoms can attend muscle pain?

Muscle pain can be attended with stiffness and weakness of the muscle area involved, and sometimes can be attended with fever. In some cases, rashes can appear on the skin. At times, redness and swelling at the affected area is seen denoting infection.

Tips For Muscle Pain Management

1. Give the affected area proper rest

2. Apply ice pack (for 24 to 72 hrs) to relieve inflammation and pain. After about 3 days, apply heat

3. Massage may be helpful

4. Avoid weight lifting till the time muscle pain is completely gone

5. Take enough sleep and reduce stress

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7 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Fever

homeopathic remedies for fever

Feeling feverish is a seasonal reality, popping in a pill and hoping it improves your condition as you go about your business is a reality too. But here’s the catch: Over-the-counter pill might bring down the temperature, but the infection will still remain in the body. Here’s where the role of homeopathic medicines for fever comes into play, as these are made of natural substances, and offer a different course of medical approach: these natural medicines target the infection, so the root cause is eliminated.

Fever, also termed as pyrexia, is a temporary rise in body temperature above normal. The normal body temperature ranges from 97 F to 98.7 degree Fahrenheit.  Fever in itself is not a disease but is only an external signal that denotes an internal infection or inflammation in the body. Everybody’s normal body temperature varies between 97 and 99 degrees F. Fever is defined as a temperature of 100.4 degrees F or above.

For kids temperature higher than 100.4 degree F (measured rectally); 99.5 degree F (measured orally); or 99 degree F (measured under the arm) is considered fever.

Top Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Fever

1. Aconite – For Fever with Restlessness and Anxiety

Aconite is the perfect remedy for the first stage of inflammatory fever. It is a natural remedy of great help when the fever is accompanied by extreme restlessness and anxiety. The patient feels an increased thirst for cold water and the body aches are intolerable. The use of medicine Aconite should always be considered when the fever has risen after sudden exposure to cold winds. There is extreme chill in the body, and the patient desires to be covered up always.

When and How to take Aconite?

Fever is always accompanied by excessive thirst and intense restlessness. Fever is accompanied by chills and feels better by wrapping up. A general recommendation is to start with 30C potency which can be repeated 3-4 times in a day. A higher potency 200C can be taken twice in a day if the symptoms still persist. It is advisable to consult a homeopathic physician before taking it in 1M or higher potency.

2. Bryonia Alba – For Fever with Bodyache

Bryonia Alba is a natural medicine for patients in whom body aches predominate during fever along with chills. Body is cold to touch along with chills. Such a person wants to lie down still to get relief and slight motion worsens his or her condition. There is increased thirst. Symptoms get worse from warmth, movement and touch but one feels better by lying on the painful side.

When and How to take Bryonia Alba?

This medicine is indicated for cases where chills and body pain accompany fever. After carefully matching the symptoms, lower potency 30C can be taken and repeated 2-3 times in a day. 200C potency can be taken once in a day and repeated infrequently. 1M is a high potency and should be used cautiously;  it is important to consult a homeopathic practitioner before repeating this potency particularly.

3. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – For Fever With Bone Pain

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is one of the most efficient fever remedies in homeopathy. It is of great help to treat fever when the patient experiences severe bone pain. This remedy provides quick relief from pain. The main indication that can be given more importance while taking Eupatorium Perfoliatum for fever is that the character of fever is periodic (repeated at certain fixed intervals). The chill stage is accompanied by intense aching and bone pains. The patient shivers and shakes with agonising pain in the head and eyes. The character of pain is bruised and the patient feels as if beaten. Though it can be given for any kind of fever, it is a leading remedy for dengue fever and malaria.

How and When to take Eupatorium Perfoliatum?

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the ideal natural medicine when extreme pains accompany fever. This remedy is capable of managing fever in any age group. Eupatorium Perfoliatum can be used in 30C potency for mild cases of fever and other complaints such as great soreness and bone pain. It can be repeated as frequently as three to four times a day. 200C and 1M potency should be used only after careful matching of the disease symptoms with the symptoms of the patient.

4. Gelsemium For Fever With Weakness

Gelsemium has been considered an excellent remedy for treatment of Influenza for long. It is very beneficial in fever cases where the patients suffer from weakness, dizziness and even the tendency to faint. There is an absence of thirst in most cases. Though it is a prominent medicine for influenza, in some cases, it can be used in early stage of typhoid fever with great exhaustion, dizziness with the patient preferring to be covered.

When and How to take Gelsemium?

Gelsemium shows all the characteristics of viral influenza. There is body ache, myalgia (musclular pain), sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, dullness, weakness and headache. When these symptoms are prominent, Gelsemium  should be considered. It works well in all potencies but it is best to start with 30C, it can be repeated up to 3-4 times in a day. It can be taken twice in 200C potency. It is advisable to consult a homeopath before administration in 1M potency.

5. Rhus Tox For Fever with Extreme Bodyache

Rhus Tox is one of the top natural medicines for persons who have fever with extreme body aches, leading to restlessness. Such a person wants to remain in motion to get relief. Rhus Tox is also the natural medicine for fever as a result of getting wet in rain. During fever, there is shivering all over the body, tongue becomes dry with stretching pain in body, along with mental and physical weakness.

When and how to take Rhus tox?

Rhus tox is often indicated in fever with pain and great restlessness in the body. It has demonstrated good results in both low (30C) and high (200C and 1M) potencies. It can be frequently repeated 3-4 times in a day in 30C potency. Higher potencies are not to be repeated very often; it is advisable to wait. After taking 200C potency, it is advisable to wait and should be only repeated twice in a day. For 1M or higher potency, please consult your local experienced homeopath.

6. Belladona Homeopathic medicine for fever of inflammatory origin

Belladona is one of the first remedies to be thought of in those cases where there is fever with pain in throat, which is is also sore, red and inflamed . During fever, the head becomes hot, but the feet are cold. Internally it feels cold but externally there is very strong burning heat.

When and How to take Belladona?

Belladonna stands for cases of high fever with no thirst, and burning heat in the head but a cold feeling in the feet. Belladonna 30 & Belladona 200 are the most common potencies used for the treatment. 30C requires frequent repetition, and they should be given 2-3 times a day till the expected result is seen. 200C is a high potency, it is advised not to repeat frequently. 1M is a very high potency and should be used cautiously.

7. Arsenic Album For Fever With Marked Exhaustion

Arsenic album can be thought of in cases of typhoid and malaria fever. Periodicity is marked with body burning pains, weakness, restlessness, exhaustion and aggravation during night. The complaint gets worse by the slightest movement and feels better after applying heat. In the heat stage, there is an inclination to uncover, as there is dry heat with thirst. At the end of the fever stage, there is cold and clammy sweat. Sometimes along with fever, gastric symptoms also exist such as colic, nausea, loose stool with heaviness in stomach.

When and how to take Arsenic Album?

Arsenic is one of the best remedies for fever due to malaria or typhoid. There is great debility, restlessness and chill. It can be administered in 30C potency, which can be repeated 2 times a day. If there is no improvement at all with low potency dose, it is advisable to consult a good homeopath before taking 200C or 1M potency.

Types Of Fever

 Five main types of fever are:

Intermittent fever: The temperature is high but falls to normal (37.2 degree C or below) each day. This type of fever is seen in malaria.

Remittent fever: In this type of fever, body temperature fluctuates, though it falls, it never falls all the way back to normal. This type of fever is associated with infectious diseases such as infective endocarditis, rickettsiae infections, brucellosis, among others.

Continuous fever: It is also called sustained fever. The fever is prolonged with little or no change in temperature over the course of the day. Temperature remains above normal throughout the course of 24 hours and does not fluctuate more than 1 degree Celsius in 24 hours. This type of fever occurs in lobar pneumonia, typhoid (step –ladder pattern, a stepwise increase in temperature with a high plateau) and urinary tract infection.

Hectic Fever: In this fever type, there are wide swings in temperature. Intermittent or remittent fever is considered hectic with a temperature difference of at least 1.4 degree Celsius between the highest and the lowest temperature. This fever pattern is indicative of an abscess or pyogenic infection such as pyelonephritis.

Relapsing Fever: This is a type of intermittent fever that comes up again after days or weeks of normal temperatures. With animal bites and disease like malaria, this fever is common.

There is no specific medicine in homeopathy to bring down the temperature, but natural remedies target the infection instead. This is because the temperature is the only index through which the progress of the infection inside the body is reflected. The rise in body temperature is directly proportional to the extent of infection. An increase in temperature indicates a further spread of infection while a decrease in temperature shows that the infection is fading away. If the body temperature is abruptly brought down without halting the infection process, there is no way to find out what is going on inside the body and to what degree the infection is still present in the body. So, the end result is that the fever no doubt is gone, but its root cause — the infection, is still there. Natural medicines act by putting a check on the infection, preventing its further progress and the temperature thus is automatically brought down gradually as the infection declines. The remedies also make sure that no weakness or other residual effects of fever remain in the body. Homeopathy has a huge number of natural medicines to deal with fever cases.

Causes Of Fever

 Fever or a higher-than-normal body temperature could result from:

1. Infections: Viral or bacterial infections is the most common cause of fever. This includes colds, flu, gastroenteritis or infection in the ears, skin, throat or bladder.

2. Environmental factors: Heat strokes due to high ambient temperature or prolonged strenuous exercise and extreme sunburn can all raise the body temperature.

3. Inflammatory diseases: Rheumatoid arthritis, which causes the lining of your joints to become inflamed, is one example of an inflammatory condition (synovium); lupus and inflammatory bowel diseases can cause fever.

4. Hormonal disorders: This includes hyperthyroidism which can increase the body temperature.

5. Drugs: The side effects of some medicines, including those used to treat high blood pressure, seizures, and antibiotics can cause fever.

6. Cancer: A malignant (cancerous) growth can cause fever.

7. Several vaccinations

8. Alcohol withdrawal

9. Teething in babies

Symptoms Of Fever

Temperature higher than 100.4 F (38 C) in adults and children

When someone has fever, depending on what causes fever, they may also have the following symptoms:

A. Shivering and feeling cold when nobody else is feeling cold

1. Headache: Pain in the head often accompanies a fever.

2. Muscle aches: Having sharp or constant aches can be due to fever.

3. Rash: Red bumps may be noticed on the skin along with fever

4. Restlessness: One may feel restless while having fever.

5. Weakness or fatigue: One may feel decrease in muscle strength during fever.

6. Sweating

7. Low appetite: A variety of infections can cause fever along with lack of appetite.

8. Signs of dehydration

9. Increased sensitivity to pain

10. Lack of  energy and feeling sleepy

11. Difficulty in concentrating

B. If a baby has a fever, these symptoms are prominent:

1. Feel hot to the touch

2. Have flushed cheeks

3. Sweaty

Some children show frightening side effect of fever called febrile seizures. They most likely occur with a fever of at least 100.4 degree Farenheit (38 degree Celsius). In some cases, children may have seizure before developing a fever. These seizures happen in 2-4 % of children under age 5. These seizures are short lived and harmless, but in 2.5 % and 5 % of children, who have complex febrile seizure, develop epilepsy.

With high fever, there may also be irritability, confusion, delirium, and seizures.

Pathophysiology Of Fever

Specific body temperature is a balance of heat production and heat loss. Hypothalamus (a gland in the brain) also called as the body thermostat monitors this balance. Even in a healthy condition the body temperature varies, it can be lower in the morning and higher in the late afternoon and evening.

Fever is a response of our immune system to foreign invaders. These foreign invaders include viruses, bacteria, fungi, drugs or toxins. These foreign invaders are considered pyrogens (fever producing substances) which trigger the immune response of the body. Pyrogens signals the hypothalamus that sets the body temperature higher in order to help the body fight against the infection. This prompt complex process results in more heat production and restricts heat loss. The body produces heat when one shivers in fever.  Wrapping blanket around body in chilled state of fever is a way to retain body heat.


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Saving Your Child from a Tonsil Surgery with Natural Homeopathic Medicines

Inflammation of tonsils, on one side or both, is known as tonsillitis. Tonsils refer to oval-shaped masses of lymphoid tissues lying in the back of the throat, one on either side. Tonsils have a protective role and act as the first line of defense by trapping germs like bacteria and viruses that one may have inhaled or ingested, which enter the throat and cause an infection. Tonsils produce lymphocytes which kill the virus/bacteria entering the throat. In the process of fighting such infections again and again, the tonsils also become vulnerable to infection, and at some point, they also get infected and inflamed.

 Homeopathic medicines for tonsils

Homeopathy has proven to be very effective in cases of tonsillitis time and again. Homeopathy is a highly advanced science that takes the inside-out approach to all diseases, including tonsillitis, starting from the root cause and with time, curing the condition without the need for surgical intervention. Tonsillitis is treated wonderfully by homeopathy by following a two-step treatment process. In the first step, homeopathic medicines are given to treat the acute symptoms of tonsillitis. In the second step, homeopathy treats the chronic tendency toward recurrent tonsillitis. Homeopathic medicines improve the body’s immunity and make it strong enough to fight infection quickly.

Homeopathy works magnificently in acute/chronic tonsillitis

Homeopathic medicines work equally well in acute tonsillitis as well as in cases of chronic/recurrent tonsillitis. Opting for homeopathy at the very beginning of acute tonsillitis helps to soothe throat pain, reduces tonsil inflammation, and cuts short the recovery period of tonsillitis. Homeopathy aids natural recovery by boosting the body’s healing mechanism to fight infection-causing agents and getting rid of it naturally. In chronic recurrent cases, the primary aim of homeopathic medicines is to build a child’s immunity and prevent recurrent infections that lead to frequent tonsillitis. With the use of homeopathic medicines, the frequency and intensity of frequent tonsil inflammation decreases gradually.

Personalised homeopathic treatment

There are no particular medicines that can be used in every case of tonsillitis just based on its diagnosis. In every case, the suitable medicine is selected from numerous medicines for tonsillitis given in homeopathic therapeutics. The individual characteristic symptoms are given importance based on which the prescription is done in every case. So homeopathic medicine varies from one case to another. Also, the medicine varies for acute and chronic cases. So it is advised to always consult a homeopathic doctor for medicine prescriptions and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathy does not cause side effects

Homeopathy is a great choice to treat cases of tonsillitis as it does not lead to any harmful side effects. The medicines used to treat these cases are very natural and, hence, are very safe to use. These are highly diluted medicines that work wonderfully in persons of all age groups. As kids are more prone to tonsillitis, homeopathy is the safest treatment method as it works in a very gentle way to effect a cure. These are also easy to administer to children as they are given in the form of sweet pills. In conventional mode, mostly antibiotics are used in treating tonsillitis that do not treat the root cause and can have many side effects. Whereas the use of homeopathic medicines as prescribed by a doctor targets the root cause behind tonsillitis and its regular course helps to reduce the dependency on antibiotics to a great extent.

Homeopathy can help prevent surgical intervention

Homeopathy is a very great alternative to surgery in tonsillitis cases. With the regular course of homeopathy as guided by a homeopathic physician in many cases of mild to moderate tonsillitis, homeopathy has shown excellent results and helped avoid surgery.

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Tonsillitis

The 8 most prominently indicated medicines for tonsillitis treatment in homeopathy are Belladonna, Merc Sol, Hepar Sulph, Calcarea Carb, Psorinum, Merc Iodatus Ruber, Merc Iodatus Flavus and Streptococcinum.

1. Belladonna – For Acute Tonsillitis With Red Swollen Painful Tonsils

Belladonna is the top recommended medicine for treating acute tonsillitis. The key indication for its use is red, swollen enlarged tonsils with marked pain. The pain is worse while swallowing mainly liquids and the throat remains dry. Fever with intense heat in the body accompanies the above symptoms. Heat, constriction (tightening), and lump in the throat may also be felt.

When to use Belladonna?

For acute tonsillitis, it is an infallible medicine to be used when tonsils are red, and swollen with excessive throat pain.

How to use Belladonna?

One may take this medicine in 30C potency three to four times a day in the beginning at a minimum three-hour interval. When relief ensues, gradually reduce the dose to two times a day.

2. Merc Sol – For Pain In Tonsils Extending To Ears

Merc Sol is an extremely effective medicine for treating tonsillitis with pain in the tonsils extending to the ears especially when swallowing. The nature of pain is mainly stitching type. On examination of the throat, the tonsils look dark red and ulcers or white spots on the tonsils can be present. Excessive salivation is also observed. A foul odour from the mouth is present.

When to use Merc Sol?

Merc Sol is an ideal prescription for cases presenting with tonsil pain radiating to ear while swallowing along with increased salivation and foul breath.

How to use Merc Sol?

This medicine works wonders in 30C potency. Use of Merc Sol 30C should be limited to once or twice a day.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Infected Tonsils and Quinsy

Hepar Sulph proves very successful in treating infected tonsils with pus points on tonsils and Quinsy (also known as peritonsillar abscess in which pus accumulates behind the tonsils). The symptoms to look out for using it are stitching pain in the throat and pain from throat radiating to the ear. There is intense pain while talking or swallowing. Sensation of a lump or splinter (a sharp piece of glass or wood) stuck in the throat is felt. The person may hawk up yellow mucus.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

The use of Hepar Sulph is considered in cases where tonsils are infected with pus points on tonsils or pus collection behind tonsils (Quinsy).

How to use Hepar Sulph?

Though it can be used in various potencies, 30C is most preferred. Its use is recommended in mild to moderate cases. It is best to take this medicine for infected tonsils or Quinsy only after consulting a homeopath who can best judge if the condition is mild and controllable with homeopathic medicines or severe, requiring help from conventional mode. In severe cases with extremely enlarged tonsils (with excessive pus behind them) blocking the throat, drainage of pus urgent help should be taken from allopathic mode of treatment

4. Calcarea Carb – To Treat Recurrent Tonsillitis

Calcarea Carb is an excellent medicine for treating recurrent tonsillitis. After recovery from acute tonsillitis phase, this medicine can be used as an intercurrent remedy (treatment for some chronic disease that is hindering the cure of some other ailment) to treat the tendency to have recurrent tonsillitis. An indicative symptom for the use of Calcarea Carb is the tendency to catch cold frequently. Even slight exposure to cold air affects the throat and tonsils in cases needing this remedy.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

Calcarea Carb is mainly prescribed to treat the tendency to have recurrent tonsillitis. It will help to build immunity to fight throat infections naturally.

How to use Calcarea Carb?

It can be used in low (30C) as well high potencies (like 200C and 1M). The dose varies from case to case. Usually in 30C potency, it can be used once or twice a week. But high potencies are usually given on a weekly (once a week) basis or in some cases fortnightly (one dose every 15 days). It’s best to consult a homeopathic expert for righthe t potency selection and repetition of this medicine.

5. Psorinum – To Treat Tendency To Recurrent Infected Tonsillitis

Psorinum is very effective in boosting immunity to prevent recurrent infected tonsillitis (tonsillitis with pus points on tonsils) and Quinsy (pus accumulation behind tonsils). These medicines reduce susceptibility to recurrent throat infections. Those needing it have markedly swollen tonsils, pain with swallowing, and thick mucus in the throat. Along with this, there is foul-smelling salivation and hawking of cheesy mucus bits having a bad smell and taste. There is recurrent pus formation behind the tonsils.

When to use Psorinum?

It can be used in persons who suffer from infected tonsillitis repeatedly.

How to use Psorinum?

Psorinum is mainly used in 200C or even higher potencies like 1M. It is a slightly strong medicine, so it is used just once or twice a month usually. For correct potency and dose, kindly consult a homeopathic doctor.

6. Merc Iodatus Ruber – For Left-sided Tonsillitis

Merc Iodatus Ruber is a majorly indicated medicine for treating left-sided tonsillitis. Indications for its use are swollen tonsils with dark red fauces (area between the cavity of mouth and pharynx) on the left side, the sensation of a lump in the throat, and disposition to hawk.

When to use Merc Iodatus Ruber?

A person having left-sided tonsil inflammation can take this medicine.

How to use Merc Iodatus Ruber?

30C potency of this medicine twice a day is the right dose to begin with.

7. Merc Iodatus Flavus – For Right-sided Tonsillitis

Merc Iodatus Ruber is prominently indicated for tonsillitis of the right side. The guiding features pointing towards its use are swollen tonsils on the right side, sticky mucus in the throat and constant inclination to swallow. Other symptoms that may arise are the feeling of a lump in the throat with relief setting in by taking cold liquids.

When to use Merc Iodatus Flavus?

This medicine is specific for tonsillitis on the right side.

How to use Merc Iodatus Flavus?

The usual recommended dose is two times a day in 30C potency.

8. Streptococcinum – For Managing Strep Throat

Streptococcinum is a specific medicine for managing strep throat infections. The symptoms of using this medicine are enlarged, swollen tonsils, infected tonsils, and recurrent tonsillitis. The tonsils may get infected with purulent (pus) matter.

When to use Streptococcinum?

This medicine is specifically prescribed for managing cases of strep throat along with conventional mode of treatment. As strep throat has severe symptoms and may lead to serious complications, it is best to use this medicine only after consulting a homeopathic practitioner.

How to use Streptococcinum?

This medicine should not be self-prescribed. It is advised to consult a doctor for its prescription who after studying the case history thoroughly will recommend its potency and repetition.

Note The above medicines can be taken in mild to moderate cases of acute tonsillitis for about a week. If the condition does not improve, it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician to decide the further course of action. In case of a sore throat with a very high fever, extreme difficulty in swallowing, difficulty in breathing and speaking, extreme weakness, pus formation on/ behind tonsils or in case of strep throat, do not self-medicate and take urgent help from a doctor.

Causes Behind Tonsillitis

Viral infections: Tonsillitis mainly arises from viral infections, like  influenza virus, adenovirus (responsible for causing common cold and sore throat), rhinovirus (that commonly cause common cold), parainfluenza virus, enterovirus, Epstein – Barr virus.

Bacterial infection: Tonsillitis may also be the result of a bacterial infection. The most common bacteria that cause tonsillitis is Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Infection of tonsils with this bacteria is popularly called strep throat leads to inflammation and pain in the throat and tonsils. Strep throat is highly contagious and spreads quickly from one person to another through cough, touch, or sneeze. It is very common in school-going children and among teenagers. Major complications may arise in strep throat infection if not treated properly well in time. These include rheumatic fever (inflammatory condition affecting joints, heart nervous system and skin) and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation).

Bacteria other than this however can also cause tonsillitis, for example, staphylococcus aureus, chlamydia pneumonia, mycoplasma pneumonia,etc.

Signs And Symptoms Of Tonsillitis

The main signs and symptoms include red, swollen tonsils along with pain in the throat which is the first indicating feature of tonsillitis. The pain usually gets worse while swallowing. The pain may be one-sided or appear on both sides depending upon which tonsil is involved. The other symptoms that may attend are difficult swallowing, fever, bad/fetid breath, headache, scratchy voice, ear pain, and neck pain. White/yellow pus spots may also appear on the tonsils. The glands in the neck may be swollen and tender. In chronic cases, tonsil stones (debris collection on tonsils) may form. In young kids, excessive drooling of saliva, increased irritability/fussiness, vomiting, low appetite, and stomach pain can be observed.

Types Of Tonsillitis

Acute Tonsillitis: In this type, the symptoms remain for 3 to 4 days but in some cases may linger for 2 weeks.

Follicular tonsillitis

Follicular tonsillitis

Follicular tonsillitis: In some cases, acute tonsillitis may progress to follicular tonsillitis in which the crypts (tube-like invaginations from the surface epithelium of tonsils) get filled with debris and pus. It presents as yellow or white spots at the opening of the crypts on the tonsils which gives a follicular appearance. In the case of chronic follicular tonsillitis, the crypts get filled with infected cheesy matter. 

Chronic Tonsillitis: A person suffers from acute tonsillitis multiple times in a year for short periods

Recurrent Tonsillitis: The symptoms last for a longer time, more than two weeks.

Risk Factors

Though tonsillitis can affect anyone but certain factors increase the risk

1. Young age: Tonsillitis is more common among young children. Very young children are at high risk of tonsillitis from viral infection and those between 5 yrs to 15 yrs are prone to get tonsillitis from bacterial infections. However, tonsillitis can occur at any age though chances are less as compared to children. The reason is the immune function of tonsils declines after puberty which may be the reason for reduced chances of tonsillitis in adults.

2. Germ exposure: Excessive germ exposure in children puts them at risk of tonsillitis. Children remain in close contact with the same age group in school, parks, playways, etc which exposes them more to virthe us/bacteria that causes tonsillitis.

How Does Tonsillitis Spread?

Tonsillitis is very contagious and spreads from one person to another via direct contact. A person with tonsillitis can spread the infection spreading agents in the air as well as nearby objects every time he coughs or sneezes. Tonsillitis may also spread via direct inhalation of the air droplets carrying infection-causing agents or indirectly by touching these infected objects and then touching the nose/mouth with the same hands. One may also contract tonsillitis via kissing an infected person or sharing utensils of a person having tonsillitis.

Complications Of Tonsillitis

Complications associated with tonsillitis include

1. Middle ear infection

2. Difficulty in breathing

3. Obstructive sleep apnea: Breathing is disrupted during sleep

4. Peritonsillar abscess: The collection of pus behind the tonsils is referred to as peritonsillar abscess, also known as Quinsy. It is a rare, but very serious complication of tonsillitis. It can grow large and block the throat resulting in difficult breathing and swallowing. If not treated, the infection can spread to the neck, chest, or lungs.

5. Tonsillar cellulitis: Spread of infection deeply to nearby tissues

6. In tonsillitis with group A streptococcal bacteria i.e. strep throat infection, the serious complications include rheumatic fever and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis.


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Highly Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Follicular Tonsillitis 

Tonsils refer to masses of lymphoid tissues lying in the back of the throat, one on either side. Tonsils have a protective role and act as the first line of defense against the bacteria and virus that might get inhaled or ingested. Inflammation of tonsils, on one side or on both, is known as tonsillitis. Homeopathic medicines are highly effective for acute tonsillitis as well as for cases of recurrent tonsillitis. The primary aim of homeopathic medicines is to build a child’s immunity and prevent recurrent infections that lead to tonsillitis.

Homeopathic Treatment For Tonsillitis

Homeopathy is a highly advanced science that takes the inside-out approach to all disease, including tonsillitis, starting at the root cause and in time, curing the condition without the need for surgical intervention. Tonsillitis is treated most efficiently by homeopathy as it follows a two-step procedure to deal with tonsillitis. In the first step, homeopathic medicines are given to treat the acute symptoms of tonsillitis. In the second step, homeopathy targets the chronic tendency toward recurrent tonsillitis. Homeopathic  medicines improve the body’s immunity and make it strong enough to fight infection quickly.

In many cases of mild to moderate cases of tonsillitis, homeopathy has shown excellent results and helped avoid surgery.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Tonsillitis

The medicines prominently indicated for tonsillitis treatment in homeopathy are Belladonna, Merc Sol, Hepar Sulph, Calcarea Carb, Psorinum, Merc Iodatus Ruber, Merc Iodatus Flavus and Streptococcinum.

1. Belladonna – For Acute Tonsillitis With Red Swollen Painful Tonsils

Belladonna is the top recommended medicine for treating acute tonsillitis. The key indication for its use is red, swollen enlarged tonsils with marked pain. The pain is worse while swallowing mainly liquids and throat remains dry. Fever with intense heat in the body accompanies the above symptoms. Heat, constriction (tightening) and lump in the throat may also be felt.

When and How to use Belladonna?

For acute tonsillitis, it is an infallible medicine to be used when tonsils are red, swollen with excessive throat pain. Give it in the very beginning in such cases, it will soothe throat pain, reduce tonsil inflammation and cut short recovery period of tonsillitis. One may take this medicine in 30C potency three to four times a day in the beginning at minimum three-hour interval. When relief ensues, gradually reduce the dose to two times a day.

2. Merc Sol – For  Pain In Tonsils Extending To Ears

Merc Sol is an extremely effective medicine for treating tonsillitis with pain in tonsils extending to ears especially when swallowing. The nature of pain is mainly stitching type. On examination of the throat, the tonsils look dark red and ulcers or white spots on tonsils can be present. Excessive salivation is also observed. Foul odour from the mouth is present.

When and How to use Merc Sol?

Merc Sol is an ideal prescription for cases presenting with tonsil pain radiating to ear while swallowing along with increased salivation and foul breath. This medicine works wonders in 30C potency. Use of Merc Sol 30C should be limited to once or twice a day.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Infected Tonsils and Quins

Hepar Sulph proves very successful in treating infected tonsils with pus points on tonsils and quinsy (also known as peritonsillar abscess in which pus accumulates behind the tonsils). The symptoms to look out for using it are stitching pain in the throat and pain from throat radiating to the ear. There is intense pain while talking or swallowing. Sensation of a lump or splinter (a sharp piece of glass or wood) stuck in the throat is felt. The person may hawk up yellow mucus.

When and How to use Hepar Sulph?

Use of Hepar Sulph is considered in cases where tonsils are infected with pus points on tonsils or pus collection behind tonsils (quinsy). Though it can be used in various potencies, 30C is most preferred. Its use is recommended in mild cases only but in severe cases with extremely enlarged tonsils (with excessive pus behind them) blocking the throat, drainage of pus and administration of antibiotics may be required. So, urgent help should be taken from allopathic mode of treatment. It is best to take this medicine for infected tonsils or quinsy only after consulting a homeopath who can best judge if the condition is mild and controllable with homeopathic medicines or severe requiring help from conventional mode.

4. Calcarea Carb – To Treat Recurrent Tonsillitis

Calcarea Carb is an excellent medicine for treating recurrent tonsillitis. After recovery from acute tonsillitis phase, this medicine can be used as an intercurrent remedy (treatment for some chronic disease that is hindering cure of some other ailment) to treat tendency to have recurrent tonsillitis. An indicative symptom for use of Calcarea Carb is the tendency to catch cold frequently. Even slight exposure to cold air affects the throat and tonsils in cases needing this remedy.

When and How to take Calcarea Carb?

Calcarea Carb is mainly prescribed to treat tendency to have recurrent tonsillitis. It will help to build immunity to fight with throat infections naturally. It can be used in low (30C) as well high potencies (like 200C and 1M). The dose varies from case to case. Usually in 30C potency, it can be used once or twice a week. But high potencies are usually given on a weekly (once a week) basis or in some cases fortnightly (one dose every 15 days). Its best to consult a homeopathic expert for right potency selection and repetition of this medicine.

5. Psorinum – To Treat Tendency To Recurrent Infected Tonsillitis

Psorinum is very effective in boosting immunity to prevent recurrent infected tonsillitis (tonsillitis with pus points on tonsils) and quinsy (pus accumulation behind tonsils). These medicines reduce susceptibility to recurrent throat infections. Those needing it have markedly swollen tonsils, pain with swallowing, and thick mucus in the throat. Along with this, there is foul-smelling salivation and hawking of cheesy mucus bits having bad smell and taste. There is recurrent pus formation behind the tonsils.

When and How to use Psorinum?

It can be used in persons who suffer from infected tonsillitis repeatedly. Use of this medicine will build immunity to prevent recurrence of such infections. Psorinum is mainly used in 200C or even higher potencies like 1M. It is a slightly strong medicine, so it is used just once or twice a month usually. For correct potency and dose, kindly consult a homeopathic doctor.

6. Merc Iodatus Ruber – For Left-sided Tonsillitis

Merc Iodatus Ruber is a majorly indicated medicine for treating left-sided tonsillitis. Indications for its use are swollen tonsils with dark red fauces (area between cavity of mouth and pharynx) on the left side, sensation of lump in the throat and disposition to hawk.

When and How to use Merc Iodatus Ruber?

A person having left-sided tonsil inflammation can take this medicine. 30C potency of this medicine twice a day is the right dose to begin with.

7. Merc Iodatus Flavus – For Right-sided Tonsillitis

Merc Iodatus Ruber is prominently indicated for tonsillitis of right side. The guiding features pointing towards its use are swollen tonsil on the right side, sticky mucus in throat and constant inclination to swallow. Other symptoms that may arise are the feeling of a lump in the throat with relief setting in by taking cold liquids.

When and How to use Merc Iodatus Flavus?

This medicine is specific for tonsillitis on right side. The usual recommended dose is two times a day in 30C potency.

8. Streptococcinum – For Managing Strep Throat

Streptococcinum is a specific medicine for managing strep throat infection. The symptoms to use this medicine are enlarged, swollen tonsils, infected tonsils, and recurrent tonsillitis. The tonsils may get infected with purulent (pus) matter.

When and How to use Streptococcinum?

This medicine is specifically reserved for managing cases of strep throat along with conventional mode of treatment. As strep throat has severe symptoms and may lead to serious complications, it is best to use this medicine only after consulting a homeopathic practitioner. After studying the case history thoroughly, the doctor will recommend its potency and repetition.

Note The above medicines can be taken in mild to moderate cases of acute tonsillitis for about a week. If condition does not improve, it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician to decide the further course of action. In case of sore throat with very high fever, extreme difficulty in swallowing, difficulty in breathing and speaking, extreme weakness, pus formation on/ behind tonsils or in case of strep throat, do not self-medicate and take urgent help from doctor.

Causes Behind Tonsillitis

Viral infections: Tonsillitis mainly arises from viral infections, like  influenza virus, adenovirus (responsible for causing common cold and sore throat), rhinovirus (that commonly cause common cold), parainfluenza virus, enterovirus, Epstein – Barr virus.

Bacterial infection: Tonsillitis may also be the result of a bacterial infection. The most common bacteria that cause tonsillitis is Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Infection of tonsils with this bacteria is popularly called strep throat that leads to inflammation and pain in the throat and tonsils. Strep throat is highly contagious and spreads quickly from one person to another through cough, touch or sneeze. It is very common in school-going children and among teenagers. Major complications may arise in strep throat infection if not treated properly well in time. These include rheumatic fever (inflammatory condition affecting joints, heart nervous system and skin) and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation).

Bacteria other than this however can also cause tonsillitis, for example, staphylococcus aureus, chlamydia pneumonia, mycoplasma pneumonia,etc.

Risk Factors

Though tonsillitis can affect anyone but certain factors increase the risk

1. Young age: Tonsillitis is more common among young children. Very young children are at high risk of tonsillitis from viral infection and those between 5 yrs to 15 yrs are prone to get tonsillitis from bacterial infections. However, tonsillitis can occur at any age though chances are less as compared to children. The reason is the immune function of tonsils declines after puberty which may be the reason for reduced chances of tonsillitis in adults.

 2. Germ exposure: Excessive germ exposure in children puts them at risk of tonsillitis. Children remain in close contact with same age group kids in school, parks, playways, etc that exposes them more to virus/bacteria that causes tonsillitis.

 How Does Tonsillitis Spread?

Tonsillitis is very contagious and spreads from one person to another via direct contact. A person with tonsillitis can spread the infection spreading agents in the air as well as nearby objects every time he coughs or sneezes. Tonsillitis may also spread via direct inhalation of the air droplets carrying infection-causing agents or indirectly by touching these infected objects and then touching the nose/mouth with the same hands. One may also contract tonsillitis via kissing an infected person or sharing utensils of a person having tonsillitis.


Tonsils are oval-shaped lumps of lymphoid tissue lying at the back of the throat, one on either side. These act as a first line of defense mechanism of our body against an illness. Tonsils trap the germs (bacteria or viruses) that may enter throat via nose or mouth and cause an infection. Tonsils produce lymphocytes  which kill the virus/bacteria entering the throat. In the process of fighting such infections again and again, the tonsils also get vulnerable to get infected and at some point they actually get infected and inflamed.

Signs And Symptoms Of Tonsillitis

The main signs and symptoms include red, swollen tonsils along with pain in throat which is the first indicating feature of tonsillitis. The pain usually gets worse while swallowing. The pain may be one-sided or appear on both sides depending upon which tonsil is involved. The other symptoms that may attend are difficult swallowing, fever, bad/fetid breath, headache, scratchy voice, ear pain and neck pain. White/yellow pus spots may also appear on the tonsils. The glands in the neck may be swollen and tender. In chronic cases, tonsil stones (debris collection on tonsils) may form. In young kids excessive drooling of saliva, increased irritability/fussiness, vomiting, low appetite and stomach pain can be observed.

Types Of Tonsillitis

Acute Tonsillitis: In this type, the symptoms remain for 3 to 4 days but in some cases may linger for 2 weeks.

Chronic Tonsillitis: A person suffers from acute tonsillitis multiple times in a year for short periods of time

Recurrent Tonsillitis: The symptoms last for longer time, more than two weeks.

Complications Of Tonsillitis

Complications associated with tonsillitis include

1. Middle ear infection

2. Difficulty in breathing

3. Obstructive sleep apnea: Breathing is disrupted during sleep

4. Peritonsillar abscess: Collection of pus behind the tonsils is referred to as  peritonsillar abscess, also known as quinsy. It is a rare, but very serious complication of tonsillitis. It can grow large in size and block the throat resulting in difficult breathing and swallowing. If not treated, the infection can spread to neck, chest or lungs.

5. Tonsillar cellulitis: Spread of infection deeply to nearby tissues

6. In tonsillitis with group A streptococcal bacteria i.e. strep throat infection, the serious complications include rheumatic fever and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis.

Preventive Measures To Help Decrease Tonsillitis Risk

1. Maintain hygiene: Wash hands often, especially before you eat.

2. Sharing of utensils should be avoided.

3. Maintain distance from someone who has tonsillitis and stay back home if you are having tonsillitis to prevent its spread to others.

4. A person with tonsillitis should cover the nose when he/she sneezes to prevent spreading the infection

Home Remedies Along With Medicines

1. Take proper rest

2. Drink plenty of warm fluids

3. Adults can gargle with warm salt water

4. Eat soft food and avoid hard ones


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6 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Treating Common colds

Homeopathic Remedies for Cold

Common cold is a viral infection of the nose and throat that can be caused by different viruses, mostly rhinoviruses. On an average, adults may get three to four colds a year but young children may have even more.

Homeopathic medicines offer wonderful treatment for cases of cold. Natural homeopathic remedies for colds go to the root of the problem and ensure that the viral infection is rooted out of the body. They fight the infection-causing agent and give excellent relief in the symptoms of common cold including runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, coughpost-nasal drip (PND). Once you get a cold, the instant human reaction is to somehow get rid of it as soon as possible. Allopathic medicines over the counter may provide you with some instant relief from a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, headache and body ache for a short duration, but the viral infection does not leave your body. The cold, or the viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, recurs and that can be even more troublesome. Here is where homeopathic remedies can be of great help. They can cure it effectively by eradicating the virus from the body.

Homeopathy boosts self-healing mechanism

Every person has a self-healing mechanism in the body. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s own healing mechanism. They help to fight the infection causing cold and eliminate it from the body to aid natural cure in cases of cold. These medicines also cut short the recovery time and prevent complications.

Homeopathic medicines are entirely natural

Homeopathic medicines to treat cold are made from natural substances. They lack any type of chemicals or toxins, hence, are completely safe to use. They ensure natural recovery and do not cause any kind of side effects. These medicines suit persons of all age groups.

Homeopathy is a symptom based science

Homeopathic medicines for cold are selected as per the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. Further the potency, dosage and repetition vary according to the age of the person, type of medicine, duration and intensity of cold. So it is advised to take homeopathic medicine for cold as recommended by a homeopathic doctor for best results. Self-medication should not be done.

Homeopathy builds immunity against recurrent cold

There are different sets of medicines in homeopathy to treat acute cold and to treat the tendency to get recurrent colds. The treatment for acute cold needs to be taken for few days to a week’s time. On the other hand, the treatment period for chronic cold includes a few months depending on the individual case. Homeopathic medicines are constitutional remedies selected individually for every case as per the detailed symptom analysis. These medicines gradually build immunity to prevent recurrent catching of cold thus reducing the number of cold episodes per year. With its use dependency on conventional medicines like antibiotics, decongestant nasal drops/sprays, etc. is reduced to a great extent.

Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies For Common Cold

The top homeopathic medicines to treat common cold are Arsenic Album, Aconite, Natrum Mur, Hepar Sulph, Belladonna and Pulsatilla.

1. Arsenic Album – For Common Cold With Thin Watery Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Album is beneficial for curing common cold, especially when there is a thin watery discharge from the nose. Nose may feel stuffy inspite of the discharge which causes a burning sensation in the nose. Most of the time, it is accompanied by sneezing. Those needing it feel worse in cold air. Being in a warm room can provide some relief. Weakness can be marked along with the above complaints.

When to use Arsenic Album?

It is a highly recommended medicine for initial stages of common cold when there is thin, watery nasal discharge. Stuffed nose may attend it.

How to use Arsenic Album?

Though it can be used in various potencies, the most frequently used potency is 30C twice a day.

2. Aconite For Cold Due To Exposure To Cold Air

Aconite is a natural medicine sourced from plant ‘monkshood’. It is undoubtedly the best and most effective remedy when someone catches cold after sudden exposure to cold air, like from the air conditioner or in cold weather. The symptoms to use Aconite are scanty nasal discharge with a stuffy nose. Sneezing may also be experienced. The other accompanying symptoms are pain at the root of the nose, headache and fever.

When to use Aconite?

This medicine should be the first choice of medicine for anyone who catches cold from sudden exposure to cold air.

How to use Aconite?

The suggested dose of this medicine is usually Aconite 30C twice or thrice a day as per the intensity of symptoms.

3Natrum Mur – When Common Cold Starts With Sneezing

Common colds that begin with sneezing are apt to be treated wonderfully with this medicine. Along with sneezing, there is thin watery nasal discharge. It may be followed by stuffy nose which may also cause loss of smell.

When to use Natrum Mur?

It should be used as the first line of treatment when cold starts with sneezing as the first symptom followed by thin watery nasal discharge.

How to use Natrum Mur?

The most widely used potency of this medicine is 6X which can be taken three to four times a day at a gap of minimum three hours.

4Hepar Sulph – For Stuffy Nose

This medicine is the most effective to help out cases of stuffy nose. In cases where the nose feels stuffy and blocked, this medicine is known to promote secretions and ease the complaint. To be more specific, it is indicated for a stuffy nose from exposure to cold air which causes sneezing.  A very particular symptom that may attend is inhaled air that feels cold. It is also the best medicine for treating cold in winters.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

If you have a stuffy nose due to cold, this medicine is for you. It will kickstart the nasal discharge and bring relief. For treating winter colds too this medicine is the best indicated medicine.

How to use Hepar Sulph?

It is advised to take this medicine in 30C potency once or twice a day to get good results.

5Belladonna – When Sore Throat Is Marked With Nasal Symptoms

It is the most frequently prescribed medicine when pain in the throat  attends nasal symptoms. It is used when there is watery discharge from nostrils especially one-sided, with sneezing and ticking in the nose. Along with this, there is sore throat, painful swallowing, marked redness and swelling in the throat. There may also be bouts of cough and headache.

When to use Belladonna?

This medicine is best for cold that presents with nasal symptoms (like nasal secretions, sneezing) and sore throat with marked throat pain. Additionally, it is also a top choice for managing headache in colds.

How to use Belladonna?

Use this medicine in 30C potency two to three times a day for relief.

6. Pulsatilla – For Thick Yellow Green Nasal Discharge

This natural medicine derived from the plant ‘wind flower’ possesses magnificent healing properties in treating common cold. This medicine is best suited if you are in the late stage of common cold when the nasal discharge starts to change color to yellow-green and consistency from thin to thick.  Along with this, there may be nasal blockage and loss of smell.

When to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla can be used whenever a characteristic thick yellow or green nasal discharge is present.

How to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla 30C can be taken one or two times a day.

Note One may use this medicine for about a week’s time in the recommended dosage. Do not exceed self-medication for more than one week. In case symptoms do not get under control within a week’s time, consult a homeopathic expert for the next course of action. In case of any complications, like any lungs-related problem (eg. asthma, pneumonia), it is advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.

What Is The Cause Behind Common Cold?

Common cold can be caused by approximately 200 different strains of respiratory viruses. Among these viruses, rhinoviruses are the most common, followed by adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, etc. Once the virus enters the nose or throat, it attaches to the mucus lining and starts multiplying. Our body responds to this infection resulting in inflammation in the nose or throat and excess mucus production.

Are common cold and flu same?

Though the symptoms of both these conditions are quite similar, these are two different conditions. Both are caused by different viruses (common cold usually arises from rhinovirus infection and flu is caused by influenza virus) and symptoms of flu are more severe than common cold. Fever, chills and headache with nasal symptoms more commonly point towards flu than common cold.

How Does Common Cold Spread?

Common cold is very contagious spreading via direct contact from sick people to others. The common cold virus can enter the body through the nose, mouth or eyes.

Firstly, one tends to catch cold by inhaling virus-infected droplets in the air from coughs or sneezes of a sick person having common cold.

Secondly, it can spread through hand-to-hand contact with a person having common cold.

Thirdly, one can get an infection if he/ she touches a surface or shares an object (like utensils, towels) contaminated by viral droplets emanating from a sick person, and then touches the eyes, nose or mouth without properly washing hands.

What Are The Symptoms Of Common Cold?

The symptoms of common cold start to show up within 1-3 days after exposure to the virus that causes common cold. The symptoms include stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, sore throatcough. Some general symptoms like headache, low-grade fever, general fatigue, and body aches tend to accompany.  Loss of smell or taste, post-nasal drip (PND) can also be there. The nasal discharge is initially thin and clear which turns thick and yellow/green as the condition progresses. The symptoms of common cold can last from one week to 10 days’ time. The signs and symptoms vary from person to person.

Who Is At Risk Of Common Cold?

Though anyone can be affected with common cold, some factors increase the risk.

1. Age: Although cold can affect people of any age group, young children are the most at risk. This is because the immune system of children is gradually building up and is is still learning how to fight infections. The risk of catching infection increases if a child goes to a daycare facility.

2. Time of year: Though common cold can hit a person at any time of a year, the chances are higher in autumn, winter and rainy season.

3. Weak immune system: People having weak immunity due to some long-standing health issues are more prone to catch common cold frequently.

4. Environment: Being in crowded places like schools, shopping centres, malls, tourist places, etc seems to increase the risk of getting exposed to viruses and catching cold.

Are There Any Complications Of Common Cold?

In most cases, recovery from common cold occurs in a week’s time to 10 days without any complications. People having weak immunity might face some complications like ear infections or sinus infection. In some cases, the infection travels downwards and can lead to acute bronchitis (also called chest cold which refers to inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs), asthma (inflammatory airway disease that leads to difficult breathing, wheezing, chest tightness and cough) and pneumonia (inflammation of air sacs of lungs) that need to be treated by a doctor and self-medication should be strictly avoided.

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Sabadilla Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Sabadilla Officinalis is sourced from plant Cebadilla. It belongs to the family melanthaceae (of the liliaceae). The seeds of the plant Cebadilla are subjected to potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties). Following this process, homeopathic remedy Sabadilla Officinalis is obtained which is of great service to treat nasal allergies, colds and recurrent sneezing.

Drug Action

This medicine principally acts on the mucus membrane of nose. Its action is also felt on lachrymal glands, throat, gastric tract, anus, head, eyes, skin and nerves.

Clinical Indications

Nasal allergy, sneezing, cold, runny nose, sore throat, lachrymation, blue rings around eyes, headache, itchy scalp, worm infestation, stomach pain, cough, earache, noises in ear, dry skin.

 Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nose (Nasal Allergy, Sneezing, Runny Nose, Cold)

This medicine has an extensive action on the mucus membrane of nose. It treats complaints of nasal allergies, cold, influenza, runny nose, sneezing and nasal itching. It is one of the best homeopathic medicine for cases of nasal allergy also known as hay fever. It is a nasal condition in which cold-like symptoms occur, like runny nose, sneezing, itchy, watery eyes that happen from an over-reaction of immune cells to harmless substances like pollen, dust etc in a person having allergic tendency. Sabadilla is well indicated when there is runny nose, profuse watery nasal discharge along with sneezing. Tickling, tingling or itching in nose may be felt. Additionally, redness of eyes and watering from eyes may be there. At a given time, either of the two nostrils is blocked which causes difficulty in breathing. Snoring is experienced by the person. Next, frontal pain in head attends. Another peculiar indication for using this remedy is cold with runny nose/sneezing which get worse from strong odour like perfumes.

Key indicating features

Nasal allergy with runny nose, sneezing and nasal itching

Cold with frontal headache

Cold with runny nose/sneezing from strong odours

2. Throat (Sore Throat, Tonsillitis)

With its action on throat, it offers great help in managing cases of chronic sore throat. In most cases needing it, sore throat begins in the left side and then goes to the right side. The tonsils are swollen and inflamed. Pain in the throat is felt from empty swallowing. Cold air makes the complaint worse. Relief is noted by taking warm food or warm drinks. Stitching pain in throat is experienced while swallowing. There is feeling of a lump in the throat and person has constant desire to swallow it. Sometimes, a sensation of skin hanging loosely in throat is felt. Occasionally, it feels as if a morsel of food has got stuck in the throat leading to cough. The throat may feel dry or there can be tough phlegm in throat with need to hawk.

Key indicating features

Sore throat beginning on left side then going to the right side

Sore throat worse from cold air and better from warm drinks/food

3. Gastric Ailments (Worms, Stomach Pain)

Sabadilla is effective in dealing with gastric ailments. Firstly, it is used to treat worms, mostly tapeworms, pin worms and ascarides worms. It gives substantial relief in itching and crawling sensation felt in the anus due to worms.  It also helps in easing the burning sensation or pain felt in navel region. There may be changes in the bowel movement. The stool can be hard and scanty or there may occur diarrhea with loose, brown and frothy stool. Pinching pain around navel and loud rumbling can be felt before passing stool. There may be burning sensation in abdomen and rectum after passing stool.  Sometimes, blood passes with stool. There is excessive passage of gas. Other than these, Sabadilla is indicated to manage twisting/ turning type of pain in abdomen. Rest of the symptoms include bloating, cutting type of pain in the intestine, abdomen pain with a characteristic sensation of a ball moving in the abdomen, burning sensation in stomach and food pipe, and loss of appetite.

Key indicating features

Worm infestations include tapeworm, pin worms, ascarides worms

Itching, crawling sensation in the anus

Pain in navel region in cases of worms

4. Cough

This medicine has also shown clinical improvement in cases of cough. Sabadilla mostly helps in cases of dry cough that arises from roughness or scratchiness or scraping in throat. Coughing mostly worsens at night, as soon as a person lies down. In some cases, pain at the top of head (vertex) is felt along with cough. Sweating, vomiting and watering from eyes are other accompanying symptoms. Difficulty in breathing, burning sensation in chest and wheezing may also happen.  Sabadilla can also be given for cough that worsens from cold.

Key indicating features

Cough arising from roughness or scratchiness in throat

Cough worsening at night, as soon as one lies down and from cold

5. Ears (Earache, Noises In Ears)

This medicine also acts on ears where it is beneficial to manage cases of ear pain, noises in ears (tinnitus), itching in ears. Along with pain in the ear, there is pressure on the ear. Mostly stitching pain especially in left ear is felt. In case of tinnitus, a person hears humming or gurgling noises in ear. There can be difficulty in hearing too.

Key indicating features

Pain in ear with pressure sensation

Humming, gurgling noises in ears

6. Eyes (Redness Of Eyelids, Lachrymation, Blue Rings)

In case of eyes, Sabadilla can be given to manage redness of eyelids attended with burning sensation. Next, it can be used for excessive watering from eyes (lachrymation) while coughing, sneezing or walking in open air. It is also beneficial for cases of blue rings around the eyes.

Key indicating features

Redness and burning of eyelids

Lachrymation during sneezing, coughing and walking in open air

7. Head (Headache, Itchy Scalp)

Sabadilla is a useful medicine to manage headache. It is mainly preferred to manage headache that occurs with cold. The pain, in this case, is frequently experienced in frontal part of head.  There may be heaviness in the head usually in forehead and sides of head (temporal region) in case of nasal allergy. Next peculiar indication to use it is headache that follows excessive thinking or some intellectual thinking. The pain occurs on one side of the head or on alternating sides. It gets better by eating. Sabadilla can be given in cases of itching and burning on the scalp, crawling sensation can also be felt.

Key indicating symptoms

Headache in frontal part of head with cold

Headache from overthinking and intellectual work

8. Skin Complaints (Dry Skin, Crawling Sensation)

Last sphere of action of Sabadilla is skin where it is useful for dry skin. Burning sensation on skin can be present. It is also effective in managing crawling sensation like that of ants. Lastly, it works well in cases of thick, horny, deformed nails.

Key indicating features

Creeping, crawling sensation on skin

Thick, horny, deformed nails


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from cold air, cold drinks, strong odors, and mental exertion

Relieving factors: Complaints are better from warm food and drinks, heat, being wrapped up


This medicine works well in both low and high potencies. In low potency like 30C, one may take it frequently around two to three times a day. But in high potency like 200C, 1M frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Conium, Lachesis, Lycopodium and Pulsatilla

Followed well by Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Merc Sol, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla

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Top Seven Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Sore Throat

A sore throat refers to constant pain, itching, and a scratchy feeling in the throat that causes difficulty in swallowing. The pain is a result of inflammation (swelling) somewhere in the throat. Inflammation at the back of the throat is known as pharyngitis, while inflammation of the tonsils present on the sides of the throat is known as tonsillitis.

The effectiveness of homeopathy is well-known in cases of sore throat. Homeopathic remedies are of great service in symptom management of sore throat, besides decreasing inflammation in the throat. It works successfully in bringing relief to symptoms like pain in the throat, itching, irritation in the throat, dryness, burning in the throat, hoarseness, and cough. The basic aim of homeopathic treatment for sore throat is strengthening the immunity of the body to fight the root cause and aid recovery.

Highly effective in treating acute, chronic and recurrent cases

Homeopathic medicines prove beneficial in both acute as well as chronic and recurrent cases of sore throat. In acute cases, it eases the symptoms and helps in shortening the recovery process resulting in prompt relief. In chronic cases, where a person has a tendency to get sore throat very often, there is no better option than homeopathy. Homeopathy helps to reduce the frequency and intensity of episodes of sore throat remarkably by boosting the self-healing system of the body to reduce the susceptibility to infections and other ailments (occurring from allergies, acid reflux) by treating the underlying cause. In conventional mode, antibiotics are prescribed frequently in cases of sore throat irrespective of the nature of infection, while antibiotics are only required in case of a bacterial infection. With regular use of homeopathy for the prescribed duration of treatment, the reliance on antibiotics is significantly reduced in sore throat cases.

Best choice due to its organic ingredients

Homeopathy is the topmost treatment option in cases of sore throat due to the use of natural, and side effects-free medicines. Homeopathy works well in persons of all age groups, especially in children who are more prone to suffer sore throat time and again. The efficacy of homeopathic treatment for sore throat is just incomparable, the highest advantage being the safest and most gentle mode of treatment.

Principle of personalized care

Homeopathic prescription varies from person to person. The selection of a homeopathic remedy is done after a detailed assessment of the characteristic symptoms in the individual. It would be no surprise if two persons suffering from sore throat are given different sets of medicines in homeopathy as it is based on one of the greatest fundamental homeopathic law of individualization which is the most important rule to be followed on the path to recovery.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Sore Throat

The top seven homeopathic medicines for the treatment of sore throat are Belladonna, Merc Sol, Hepar Sulph, Merc Iod Flavus, Merc Iod Ruber, Phytolacca and Tuberculinum.

1. Belladonna – Top-grade Medicine

The first medicine that comes to a homeopathic physician’s mind to treat a sore throat is Belladonna. It is the most prescribed medicine to treat sore throat. Those who need to be administered Belladonna have marked pain in the throat along with sore, bright red, and inflamed throat. There is shooting pain, especially when swallowing liquids, and the throat is dry. Tonsils are also inflamed, swollen, and red. Fever with intense heat may be present.

When to use Belladonna?

It is recommended as the first line of treatment in cases of sore throat with bright red and inflamed throat with marked pain.

How to use Belladonna?

It can be used in both low and high potencies among which the most preferred is 30C potency once to thrice a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

2. Merc Sol – For Stitching (sharp) Pain from Throat to Ear

It is a very effective medicine when a person has stitching pain in the throat going up to the ears on swallowing. Along with this rawness, smarting, and burning are felt in the throat. There is bluish-red swelling inside the throat. Inflammation ulcers can be present in the throat. Increased salivation is another characteristic feature when this medicine can be administered.  Some people tend to get sore throat during every weather change; such individuals can benefit tremendously by using this medicine.

When to use Merc Sol?

The key symptom for using this medicine is stitching pain in the throat that goes up to the ears while swallowing food or water.

How to use Merc Sol?

Merc Sol 30C can be taken once or twice a day.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Sharp Splinter-like Pricking Sensation in the Throat

It is a highly suitable medicine when there is a sensation of splinters (sharp objects penetrating the tissue) in the throat while swallowing solid food. The pain from the throat may extend up to the ears. On physical examination of the throat, enlarged red follicles may be seen.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

Hepar Sulph is indicated when the main complaint is a splinter-like pricking sensation in the throat.

How to use Hepar Sulph?

Use of Hepar Sulph 30C is advised one to three times a day.

4. Merc Iod Flavus – For Sore Throat and Pain on Right side of Throat

This medicine is specific to treat sore throat mostly on the right side. Its use is also considered when soreness in the throat begins on the right side, and then goes to the left. Persons needing it have a constant desire to swallow. A sticky mucus and lump is felt in the throat. Small ulcers can be present at the back of the throat.

When to use Merc Iod Flavus? 

This medicine can be used for sore throat on the right side or when a sore throat moves from the right side to the left.

How to use Merc Iod Flavus?

This medicine can be taken in 30C power once or twice a day.

5. Merc Iod Ruber – For Sore Throat and Pain on the Left Side of the Throat

It is particularly prescribed for sore throat pain on the left side. It is also administered when pain in the throat starts from the left side and gradually moves to the right. Apart from sore throat and cough, there is an urge to forcefully spit out the phlegm, and the sensation of a lump in the throat is felt.

When to use Merc Iod Ruber?

Consider its use for cases of left-sided sore throat and also when soreness in the throat moves from left to right.

How to use Merc Iod Ruber?

Merc Iod Ruber can be used one to two times a day.

6. Phytolacca – With Marked Pain and Heated Sensation in Throat

This medicine is prominently indicated for managing sore throat with pain and heated sensation in the throat. The throat looks red or bluish-red. Mainly the right side of the throat is more affected. The tonsil on the right side is also swollen and dark red. There is an inability to swallow anything hot.

When to use Phytolacca?

Opt for its use to manage sore throat with pain along with marked heated sensation in the throat, especially on the right side.

How to use Phytolacca?

It is advised to take Phytolacca 30C once or twice daily.

7. Tuberculinum – To combat the Tendency of Recurrent Sore Throat

This medicine is beneficial for cases of recurrent sore throat. Those needing this medicine get sore throat quite frequently. There is throat inflammation along with inflamed and enlarged tonsils. The throat is dry and painful. Tickling is felt in the throat that leads to coughing.

When to use Tuberculinum?

Its use is suggested in cases where there is a tendency to get a sore throat very often.

How to use Tuberculinum?

It is a deep-acting medicine that is usually given in 200C potency once or twice a month.

Note:  It is to be noted that homeopathic medicines can be used in most of the cases of sore throat independently but in cases of strep throat (bacterial infection) use of homeopathic medicine is recommended along with conventional treatment since strep throat can cause further complications.

What Causes Sore Throat?

Viral Infections

Out of all the cases of sore throat, around 90 – 95 per cent of the cases arise from a viral infection. The primary viral infections that lead to a sore throat are influenza (flu), common cold, measles, chicken pox, mumps, mononucleosis, and Covid-19

Bacterial Infections

Bacterial infections linked to a sore throat are more serious than viral infections. The most noteworthy is an infection caused by Group A streptococcus bacteria that can lead to strep throat and it needs quick medical diagnosis and treatment. It mostly affects children, but people of any age group can be affected. If left untreated it can lead to complications like rheumatic fever (an inflammatory disease involving joints, heart, skin, and brain), kidney inflammation (glomerulonephritis), peritonsillar abscess (collection of pus beside the tonsils), and mastoiditis (inner ear infection).


A person who has allergies is usually prone to developing a sore throat. The common allergens include dust, pollen, grass, molds, and pet dander (mainly from dogs and cats). PND (post nasal dripping) of mucus is the main cause of a sore throat that develops due to allergies. Mucus dripping from posterior nares (nostrils) into the throat tends to cause scratching, tickling, and irritation in the throat.


Dry air tends to decrease the moisture levels of the throat, leading to dryness, roughness, and itching in the throat. Breathing from the mouth also causes dryness leading to a sore throat.


Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) may also lead to a sore throat in some. In GERD, the stomach acid flows backward into the food pipe due to improper functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This may also cause a sore throat; its other main symptoms are heartburn, lump in the throat, regurgitation of sour liquid, and chest pain.

Voice overstraining

Talking loudly, yelling, and speaking for a long time without a break may also cause soreness in the throat.

Signs and Symptoms

Pain in the throat that worsens on swallowing food, drinks, or even saliva

Itching, irritation, and scratchy feeling in the throat

Difficulty in swallowing

Redness, swelling of throat and tonsils along with pain

White patches, pus, or ulcers on the tonsils

Hoarseness of voice


Dryness in the throat

Burning sensation in the throat


Nasal symptoms (like a runny nose, blocked nose, and sneezing)

Enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck that can be felt

Some general symptoms that accompany a sore throat are fever (with or without chills), weakness, headache, and body aches.

Who is At Risk of a Sore Throat?

Though sore throat may affect anyone some factors increase its risk:

Age:  Sore throats are more common in children and teenagers.

Weak immunity:  Those having weak immunity due to diabetes, stress, or poor diet may get sore throat more often than others.

Long-term sinusitis: People having sinusitis may have PND (post-nasal discharge) in which the mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat. It can irritate the throat and cause soreness.

Passive smoking/ Overexposure to smoke: Smoking as well as exposure to smoke both lead to irritation of the throat and enhance the chance to get a sore throat.

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Transverse Myelitis – Supportive Treatment with Homeopathy

Transverse myelitis is a neurological condition arising from inflammation of both sides of the same section of the spinal cord. Due to the inflammation there usually occurs damage to the myelin sheath that covers the fibers of the nerve cells. Loss of myelin leads to interruption of the messages sent by nerves of the spinal cord all over the body. Homeopathy for Transverse Myelitis works well for symptomatic treatment when taken along with conventional treatment.
It may result in muscle weakness, pain, sensory issues, paralysis, dysfunction of bowel or bladder. It is a rare disease. Though it can occur at any age but mostly it develops in children of age group 10 yrs to 19 yrs and adults of age group 30 years – 39 years.

Transverse Myelitis



What exactly leads to this condition is still unknown. However there are various reasons linked with it. Firstly it can develop from autoimmune activity in which the immune cells attack and damage the body’s own healthy tissues. Second reason is certain types of infections that can be viral, bacterial or fungal. Some of the viruses linked with it include EBV (epstein barr virus), herpes viruses, zika, mumps, Cytomegalovirus, measles, rubella, HIV, influenza. Among bacteria the ones associated with it are tuberculosis, syphilis, lyme disease, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus. Parasites and fungal agents may rarely cause it. Third reason linked to it is multiple sclerosis (a disorder in which myelin sheath surrounding nerves in spinal cord and brain are destroyed from autoimmune activity). Other causes include spinal injuries,  vaccination side effects, sarcoidosis (a disease characterised by formation of tiny clumps of inflammatory cells various organs of the body leading to its inflammation). In some cases no cause is ruled out behind it. 


Its first symptom is pain in the lower back or neck. It may start all of sudden. The pain can radiate down the legs or arms. It may also radiate to the chest or abdomen. The symptoms of pain vary depending upon which part of your spinal cord is affected. Its next symptom is numbness or tingling, prickling sensation in legs, feet or toes or feeling of coldness or burning. There may be excessive sensitivity to clothing or to intense heat or cold. Third symptom that can arise is weakness or heaviness in the arms or legs. There may be stumbling or dragging one foot while walking. Last symptoms relate to bladder problems (like frequent urination, difficulty in urinating or urinary incontinence) and bowel problems like constipation, loss of bowel control. Its symptoms may develop in between a few hours to many weeks time. It mostly affects both sides of the body below the area of the spinal cord which is affected. In some cases however the symptoms may occur only on one side of the body. Some of its complications include paralysis of arms, legs; Sexual dysfunction in which a male sufferer faces difficulty to have erection or reach an orgasm and female sufferer may have difficulty reaching orgasm. It may also lead to permanent disability and depression or anxiety.

Homeopathy for Transverse Myelitis

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in such cases along with conventional treatment. The homeopathic medicines though can’t reverse the condition but can help in managing its symptoms in a safe and natural manner. Symptoms that can be managed with them include pain, numbness, prickling sensation, burning, muscle weakness and those related to bladder problems and bowel problems. The homeopathic medicine which will suit a particular case of myelitis depends on the symptom of the person in every case. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician and that too along with conventional mode of treatment at the same time for best results. 

  1. Rhus Tox – To Manage Pain in Neck or Lower Back

It is a very effective medicine for managing pain in the neck or lower back. In cases needing it for lower back pain, worsening is there from sitting or rest. Motion, exercise and pressure tend to give relief. With this there is sensation as if the back is broken from intense pain. Lower back is also sore. Next in case of neck pain the pain may radiate to shoulders. This gets worse from motion and from cold air exposure. Warm application on the neck gives relief. Massages over the neck also offer relief.

  1. Hypericum – For Pain, Numbness, Tingling , Burning

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant called Hypericum perforatum commonly known as ‘St. John’s Wort.’ It belongs to family Hypericaceae. It is well indicated when there is violent sharp pain in the back. Walking and stooping are difficult from this. Next it is indicated for neck pain. The neck is very sensitive to touch where it is required. In cases needing it symptoms including numbness, tingling, burning in the limbs may be present. It is one of the best medicines for managing cases of injury to the spine. 

  1. Zincum met – For Numbness in Limbs and Back Pain

It is a major medicine when there is numbness in limbs and back pain. 

The pain is most felt when walking. There is also a burning sensation in the spine. This is worse when sitting. General weakness is felt with above symptoms.

  1. Causticum – For Muscle Weakness

It is a leading medicine for managing muscle weakness. Other than this it is also valuable medicine for managing cases of paralysis. It is suitable for managing weakness of limbs and urinary bladder. Persons needing it have weakness and heaviness in the limbs. Arms feel weak and lame to them. Next they may have unsteadiness of forearm and hand muscles. They also have unsteady gait and easy falling. Electric shock like pain in legs may be present.  Lastly it is a top listed medicine for cases with loss of bladder control resulting in involuntary passage of urine.

  1. Phosphorus – For Marked Burning and Sensitivity of Spine

Phosphorus is a prominent medicine when there is marked burning and sensitivity of the spine. Along with this the back feels weak. Limbs weakness and numbness is also there. Leg weakness is felt with trembling of legs when beginning to walk. There occurs stumbling while walking. Pain in the back is also there. It is also well indicated  for managing constipation when stool is narrow, dry in these cases.

  1. Kali Phos – Another Medicine for Muscle Weakness 

It offers great help in cases of muscle weakness. Persons needing it complain of weakness in limbs. Pain in legs and back can be there. General weakness may also attend it. Lastly, it is well-indicated for managing the cases of paralysis.

  1. Colocynth – For Pain Radiating from Lower Back Down the Leg to Feet

This medicine is prepared from pulp of fruit of plant Citrullus colocynthis also known as cucumis colocynthis and bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is very useful when the pain from the lower back radiates down the leg to feet. For using it the pain is shooting lightning like in nature. It gets worse from slightest motion. Relief is obtained  from heat application.

  1. Picric Acid – For Numbness, Prickling and Muscle Weakness in Legs

It is a highly valuable medicine for cases having  numbness, prickling and muscle weakness in legs. Legs weakness is felt from even little walking where it is required. Heaviness in legs also occurs. In some cases a crawling sensation in the legs is present. Burning along the spine may attend to the above symptoms. Next symptom that may be present is an aching and dragging sensation in the lower back. This tends to worsen from motion.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Weakness and Burning Pains

It is a very beneficial medicine for managing weakness of limbs. There is also heaviness of limbs in cases requiring it. Next guiding symptom for using it is burning pains in limbs. Numbness in feet and tingling sensation in fingers are yet other symptoms indicating its use.

  1. Gelsemium – For Muscle Weakness

This medicine is prepared from the plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as Yellow Jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. For using it the weakness can be felt in arms or legs. With this numbness in arms may also be there. Next there may be problems with walking and unsteady gait. Lastly pain in the legs may be complained about. Its use is also indicated in case of incontinence of urine.

  1. Paris Quadrifolia – For Marked Neck Pain 

This medicine is prepared from a plant called One Berry. This plant belongs to the family trilliaceae. It is very helpful for managing neck pain. Persons needing it often complain of pain from the neck radiating down the fingers. They also feel a sensation of heavy load on the neck. A characteristic symptom attending it is numbness in the fingers. Exertion worsens the symptoms and rest gives relief in cases that require it.

  1. Merc Sol – For Managing Increased Frequency of Urine

Merc Sol is an important medicine to manage increased frequency of urine. The  frequency of urine is high both in day and night. Even there is an urge to pass urine  every hour. Urine stream is also weak. Some people needing it may have a burning sensation while passing urine. Urgency to pass urine  is also there.

  1. Nux Vomica – To Manage Constipation

Nux Vomica is a very beneficial medicine to manage constipation. It is indicated when there is ineffectual urging for stool but stool is  insufficient and unsatisfactory. People needing it pass scanty stools often in a day but don’t feel as if the bowels have emptied. They have a sense of incomplete bowel evacuation even after passing stool for multiple times. They may have abdominal pain.

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10 Effective Homeopathic Remedies For Croup

Croup which is also known as “Laryngotracheobronchitis” is an infection of the upper airway that occurs in younger children. It is usually caused by a virus that causes inflammation and swelling of the larynx (voice box), trachea (windpipe) and bronchial tubes (that carry air to and from the lungs). This swelling leads to cough and other signs and symptoms of this condition. There is also an obstruction of the airway, a typical barking cough, difficulty in breathing and hoarseness of voice. Homeopathic remedies for Croup are of natural origin and hence are very safe to use for children and have no side effects.

It is a very common condition. It mostly occurs in younger children. The age group most affected with this is from 6 months to 5 yrs of age. But in rare cases it can even occur in children up to 15 yrs of age. It affects boys more commonly than girls. 

TypesHomeopathic Remedies For Croup

  1. Viral Croup

It usually results from a viral infection. The most common virus that causes it is parainfluenza virus (types 1 and 2). This virus is responsible for causing infection in around 80 % of these cases.  Apart from this other viruses that can cause it includes adenovirus, influenza virus A & B, metapneumovirus and respiratory syncytial virus. A child may get this infection directly from breathing the air droplets infected with cough or sneeze by an infected child. Other than this it can also spread indirectly. In this case it can occur in a child after touching any object (like toys) / any other surface (which is contaminated with the virus from droplets of cough / sneeze of an infected child) and afterwards touching his / her nose, eyes or mouth without washing and cleaning them properly.  

  1. Bacterial Croup

Other than viruses, croup can also be caused by a bacterial infection which is rarer but more severe than the viral one. Most times initially viral infection occurs that causes croup and is followed by secondary bacterial infection in these cases. The bacteria involved includes Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis and Haemophilus influenzae.

  1. Spasmodic Croup

This type is believed  to arise from allergies like from pollens or from reflux (in which the stomach contents back flow in the food pipe). It occurs all of sudden mostly in the middle of night. Fever doesn’t occur commonly in this type.


It usually begins as a cold. Initially there occurs runny nose, sore throat and mild fever. If the inflammation and this condition progresses, then there occurs the next set of symptoms. It mainly includes barking coughs that sound like dog bark or a seal. The cough tends to get worse from crying, anxiety and agitation. Next symptoms are hoarseness of voice, noisy breathing or a high – pitched sound while breathing produced from obstructed air flow (stridor), labored breathing and difficulty in breathing. The symptoms of croup are often worse at night time. Mostly croups are mild and self limiting that lasts less than a week. One must seek immediate medical help if there occurs bluish or grayish skin around the nose, mouth or fingernails pointing towards cyanosis;  noisy / high – pitched breathing sounds during inhaling as well as exhaling; difficult breathing; has difficulty in swallowing; is anxious, listless,  delirious, agitated or restless.

Some of the uncommon complications include bacterial tracheitis (inflammation of trachea that is caused by a bacteria), pulmonary edema (accumulation of fluid in the tissue and air spaces of the lungs) and pneumonia ( an infection which causes inflammation of the air sacs in one or both lungs)

Homeopathic Remedies For Croup

Homeopathy carries a great scope to manage cases of croup. The homeopathic medicines for treating it are of natural origin and hence are very safe to use for children and have no side effects. These medicines aim to boost the self healing mechanism of the body that will help to fight with the infectious agent and aid natural recovery. These medicines reduce the inflammation, swelling present in the larynx, trachea, bronchial tubes and provide relief in the symptoms. These help to manage barking cough, hoarseness of voice, noisy breathing and difficult breathing when in mild to moderate intensity. But in cases where the symptoms are severe, breathing difficulty is very intense or there is bluish or grayish skin around the nose, mouth or fingernails due to cyanosis, in that case urgent help from conventional mode of treatment is advised. 

  1. Spongia – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine to treat cases of croup. The cases needing it present with dry, rough and barking coughs. It is a short and irritating type.  Cough is present day and night but may worsen at night time. Child needing it may wake up at night with a violent harsh cough and quick respiration. With the above symptoms, difficulty in breathing is there. Next attending feature is sharp whistling in the chest. Noisy breathing is also there. A sensation of roughness or burning may be felt in the larynx. Hoarseness of voice is present along with above symptoms. In these cases constriction in the larynx  during sleep may also be felt. Additionally there is fever with dry skin, red face and excessive thirst. There may be cold preceding the cough.

  1. Sambucus – When Fluent Coryza Is Followed By Cough

It is the next prominent medicine for treating cases of croup. It is prepared from fresh leaves and flowers of plant Sambucus Nigra commonly known as elder. This plant belongs to the family caprifoliaceae. It is indicated when fluent coryza is followed by cough. For using it the cough is dry, rough, hollow, deep, suffocative. The child needing it cries with every cough.  He also has whistling respiration with an open mouth. It worsens during rest, at midnight and from cold air. The child wakes suddenly at night and sits up from suffocation. There is also voice hoarseness with sticky mucus in the larynx.

  1. Drosera – For Deep, Hoarse, Barking Cough

This medicine is prepared from plant Drosera Rotundifolia commonly known as round leaved sundew. It belongs to the family droseraceae. It is well indicated for deep, hoarse, barking coughs. It is a dry, irritative type. The spells of cough follow each other quickly. Cough worsens from talking. In children requiring it the cough usually begins particularly at night soon the head touches the pillow. A tickling sensation or dryness in the larynx is also felt.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Loud, Barking Cough, Noisy Respiration

This medicine is well indicated for loud, barking cough and noisy respiration. Cough is also harsh, deep, rough and scraping. Some mucus rattling may attend the cough. Hoarseness of voice also appears. The hoarseness is almost continuous. At times there is loss of voice. Difficulty breathing also occurs. Fever is there along with above symptoms. A great sensitivity to cold air accompanies.  In most cases the symptoms worsens after midnight or towards morning. It is also indicated for attack of croups after influenza.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Croup With Hoarseness, Difficult Breathing

This medicine is recommended for hoarseness and difficult breathing in these cases. For using it hoarseness is present during the day. Difficult breathing is present at night. It is attended with suffocation. Larynx is inflamed and sensitive to pressure. Dry cough, short and hacking cough appears with above symptoms.

  1. Aconite – When Cough Awakens The Child From Sleep

This medicine is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as monkshood. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is beneficial when cough awakens the child from sleep. Cough is dry, short, barking, whistling and suffocating. It is also indicated for loud croaking coughs that worsens during expiration. The child grasps his throat during coughing. It worsens from exposure to cold air. Voice is husky. The larynx is inflamed, sensitive to touch.

  1. Antimonium Tart – For Rattling Cough And Difficulty In Breathing

This medicine offers great help when there is a rattling cough and difficulty in breathing. Cough occurs in attacks with hoarseness. Air is expelled with a barking sound. Breathing noise is sharp, rough, whistling type.

  1. Phosphorus – For Barking Cough Day And Night

Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is valuable to treat cases in which barking cough continues day and night. Cough is also dry, short, tickling, hacking or loose. Expectation may occur which is stringy in nature and has a salty taste. Continuous irritation may be felt in the larynx and trachea. There is also pain, roughness, dryness and burning in the larynx. Hoarseness of voice also occurs. Fever is present along with above symptoms.

  1. Bromium – For Rough, Barking, Suffocative Cough

This medicine is useful when there is rough, barking, suffocative cough. With this there is marked hoarseness. Larynx is painful with this.  There is much rattling in the larynx when coughing. Whistling, croupy sounds with breathing are present.

  1. Kali Bichrome – For Croupy Cough With Yellow Expectoration

This medicine is helpful for croupy cough with expectoration of yellow phlegm. It is stringy, tenacious in nature. Difficult breathing also attends. Another accompanying symptom is pain and soreness in the larynx.  Fever and a runny nose may be present with a cough. Most times the cough is worse in the morning time.


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